OCR Interpretation

The Washington union. [volume] (City of Washington [D.C.]) 1857-1859, February 06, 1858, Image 14

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82006534/1858-02-06/ed-1/seq-14/

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, Arrive at Whitley IX II. next day by 4 p nij
1 Lease Whitley C 11. WeJu.-sduy at 1 a in;
Arrive at Jai ksboro'nest day by 4 p in.
Didi for two tripe a week a# tar U IlunUville inll
lUOStl From Concord, by Louisville, to Maryiville, 13 wilrt
ami back, ? a nuns a week.
Letve Concord daily, except Sunday, at 10 a m, or
on arrivni of mail from Kuoxvillc;
Arrive at M try* rule by 2 p in,
Leave Maryeville daily, except Sunday, at 3 p 3|
Arrive at Concord by 7 pa.
10087 Ft,an Concord, by Campbell's Station and Scuiboro'
Mill*, to Roberts* die. lb links and back, once a
' L?ave Concord Saturday at 7J a mi
Arrive at Roberiaville by 1 p m;
Leave Robertaville Saturday U II p m;
Arrive at Concord by F p m.
W088 From Philadelphia, by Wrightavilk, to Kingston, 18
tnilea and back, once a week.
Leavu Philadelphia Saturday at 1pm,
Arrive m Kingston by S p m:
l.eave Kingston Saturday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Philadelphia by 18 m.
Bids for twi< e-n-weck service are invited.
10OS9 From Phrladel|dna, by Mnrgantowa and Riverside,
| to CI.ota, 83 miles and back, three times a week.
Leave Pkiiade.pliia Tuesday, Thursday, and Suiur
i d >y at 7 a m; ?
' Arrive ?>t Chola by 3 p m;
Leave Chou Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at
' barn;
Arrive at PhdaJvlphia by 4 p in.
19091) From Sweet Water, by tiiwastce College, and Madmonville,
to Four Mile Branch, IS miles and back,
*MC timea a week to MadiaonviMe,and three unica
x a week residue.
Leave Sweet Water daily, except Sunday, at 1) p m;
Arrive at MadtsonviDeby 4 J p in;
Leave MadisenvtHn Jatly, except Sunday, at 7 a m;
? Arrive at B.wvet Water by 10 a m;
Leave Hs.'jisonville Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat?
unlay at I'd m;
| Arrive at Four Mile Branch by 3 p m;
Leave Pour Mile Branch Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday at 3 p m;
Arrive at Madisonville by 5 p m.
iOOOl From Talbott'a M ills, by Horner's Milla, Easley'i
. Ferry, and Brooka'a Store, to Rutledge, IS miles
and back, once a week.
[ Leave Talbou's Mills Thursday at 6 am;
Arrive at Rutledge by 13 m;
LeaVe Hull edge Thursday at 1 p m;
? A rive at Talbott's Mills by 7 p m.
Bids for two and also for three trips a week invited.
10093 From Rutledge, by Tampieo, Mill Spring, New
Market, and Flat (jap, to Dandridge,3S miles and
buck, twice a week.
Leave Rut ledge Tuesday and Friday at 11 a m;
. Arrive at Dandridge by 7 p m;
^ Leave Daadridge ft cdnovdsy and Saturday at 7 a
I *"1
Art e at Rutledge by 3 p in.
I Bids for aix trips a week between New Market and
Dandridge invited.
10093 From Rogersville, by Lee Valley, Sneedsville, Mullierry
Gap, Yellow Springs, and Powell's River,
to Taz-well,^l miles an 1 back, once a week.
Leave Rogersville Thursday at 5 a m;
, Arrive at Tazewell by b p ra;
Leave Tazowcll Friday at 5 a m;
Arrive at Rogersville uy 8 p m.
10094 From Rogersville, by Mill Bend, Van Hill, Laurel
Gap, Newmaiisville, Graysburg, and Ones, to
Kbcutown, 37 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Rogersville Saturday at 7 a m;
Arrive ut Rheatown bv 7 n m:
Leave Kheatown Friday at 7 a ip;
Arrivu at Rogsreville by 7 p m.
Bids for two nip* a week invited.
10095 From Relger9T1||ei i,y Yellow Store, Lyon's Store,
N'? Canton, Kingeport, and Kden'a Ridge, to
Blountsvilie, 43 miles end back, tbrce times a
Leave RogersvilleTuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
at 8 a in;
j Arrive at Blountsvilie by 8 p m;
Lenve Blountsvilie Monday, Wednesday, and r rt.
"dny at 8 a no;
Arrive at R igeraville by Bp ?.
Bids for two trips a Week only invited.
, 1"096 From Uoge?T''.',r, by St. Clair, to Bull's Gap, 15
miles BP-'.baek, six times a week
, Leav. It igereville daily, except Sunday, at 1 p m;
Arrive at Bull's Gup by 7 pm;
Leave Bull's Gap diily, except Sunday, at 6 a rn;
Arrive at Roger^ville oy I < in.
10007 From Rogeisville, by Alum Springs, War Gap,
and Wnueatvirg, Va., to Jonesville, 28 miles and
back, onto a weeki
Le ivti it >^ersville Monday at 7 a m;
Arrive at Joncsville oy 1 p m;
i i Leave Joneavtlle Tuesday at V a m;
Arrive at Ungcrsrille by 4 p m.
10098 From Kingsport, by ulovcr Bottom, Fall Branch,
5 Cherry O ore, Locust Mount, und Leesburg, to
Jonesboro', 2d mdes and buck, twice a week.
Leave Kii gsport Monday atvi Thursday at 7 a m;
\rrive at Jonesboro' by 4 p m;
Leave Jonrsboro' Tuesday and Friday at 7 u m;
Arrive at Kingston t by 4 p m.
lOOPti From Blountsvilie, by Gott's X Roads, Campbell's
Real, Fall Branch, Clear Creek, Laun l Gap, and
Romeo, to Bay Mount, 51 miles and back, once a
f week.
* Leave Blountsvilie Friday at 1 p m;
Arrive at Bay Mount next day by 5 p ni;
Leave Bay liount Thursday at 7 a m;
Arrive at Blountsvilie next day by 11 a m.
10100 Froip Blountsvilie to Bristol, 0 miles and back, six I
limea a week. J
Leave Blountsvilie daily, except Sunday, at 10 ,
a ui;
Arrive al Bristol by J p m;
Leave Bristol daily, except Sunday, at 6 p m; ,
Arrive at Blonniavilie by 7J p m.
10101 From Papcrville'to Bristol, 5 miles and back, twice !
s' a w??k.
Leave i'apervillc Tuesday and Saturday at 7 a m; !
Arrive at Bristol by !) a m;
Leave Bristol Tuesday and Saturday at 12 m;
Arrive at 1'jpef ville by 2 p m.
10102 From Bristol, by Taylorsville and Sugar Grove, to
Lenoir, N. C., 80 miles and back, once a week.
Loave Bristol Tuesday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Lt noir next day-by 8pm;
Leave Lenmr Thursday at 6 am;
Arrive at Bristol next day by 8 p uj.
i Bidders will state any intermediate offices.
Bids for more frequent service invited ; also to extend
route to end at Newton, N. C.
10103 From Taylorsville, by Ward's Forge, 8hady,
Mock's Mill, Va., Laurel, and Forks, to Abingdon,
28 miles and bark, once a week.
Leave Taylorsville Friday at 7 a m;
Arrive at Abingdon by 4 pm;
Leave Abingdon Saturday at 7 a m; \
Arrive at Taylorsville by 4 p m.
10104 From Taylorsville, by Baker's Gap and Sweet Water,
N. C., to 8ugar Grove, (N. C.,) 22 miles and ]
back, once a werlc.
Leave Taylorsville Monday at 11 p m;
Arrive atSugar Grove next day by 10 a m;
Leave Sugar Grove Monday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Taylorsville by 1pm.
10105 From Baker's Gap, by Cable's Valley and Butler, to j
Dagger's Fer.y, 17 miles anil back, once a week j
Leave Baker's Gap Tuesday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Duggers Ferry by 12 m;
Leave Duggm'a Ferry Tuesday at 1 p m;
Arrive at Baker's Gap by 8 p in.
10106 From Blizibethtown to Lady's Depot, 6 miles and
? back, six times a week.
uuiiovvkUH/wii una;, cxrxpi OUnUH)', III 1 p i
Arrive at Lacy'4 l^pot by 6 p m;
Leave Lacy'a Depot daily, except Huntley, on arri-'
val of the care from Bristol?aay at 7 p m;
f Arrive at Elizabethtown by 9 p m.
10107 From Elizabethtown, by Dogger's Ferry, Cobb'a
Creak, Pandora, Little Doe, Tavlorrville, Shane's j
X Roads, and North Fork, N. C, to Jefferson, 00 |
mile* and backi three timeea week.
I-cave Elizabethtown Monday, Wednesday, and Fri-1
day at 5 a ro;
i Arrive at J fferson by 9 p m;
Leave Jefferson Tuesday, Thursday, and .Saturday
at ,r. a m;
Arrive at Elizabethtown by 3 p m.
10108 From Johnson's Depot, by Cave Spring, Happy
Valley, Peoplegville, and Svrioglevilla. to Long !
mire, SO miles aud back, once a week, Cave Spring
to be supplied going and Happy Valley returning, j
Leave Johnson's Depot Wedncedny at 1 p m; !
Arrive at Longmiie by 8 p m;
Leave LoDgmire Wednesday at r> a in;
Arrive at Jobnenn's Depot by 1-2 in.
10109 From Joneeboro', by Boone Creek and Hilton, to
Blountsvillo, 2ft mile* and back, twice a week.
Leave Jonesboro' Monday and Thursday at ti a m,
Arrive at Blountavilleby 12 m;
i Leave Blountevllle Monday and Thursday at 1
f; p m;
Arrive et Jonosboro' by 8 p m.
Bids for three tripe a week Invited.
10110 From Joncsboro', by Buffalo ltidge, to Colt's X
Roads, 15 miles ami back, onee a week.
Leave Joneeboro' Monday at 9 a m;
Arrive at Oott's X Roads by 1 p m;
Leave Oott's X Roads Monday at kp m;
Arrive at Jonesboro' by fi p m.
( 10111 From Joncsboro', by Cox'a Store, to Longmiie, 13|
miles and bark, one* a week. I
l^ive Jomsboro' Mouday at 1 p
Arrive at Lnnpmire by 5 p ui;
Leave Loin/nine Monday at T a m;
Airiva at Jonerhoro bv ' 1 a to.
10112 From Greenville, br Camp Creek, Hone Creek,;
and Bioyleaville, to Khcatown, 24 miles and back,,
Onci' a w.ek.
Leave bretnvilln Thurv lay at 1 2 IS,
Arrive at Rbeaton by ti p tu; : 1'
l-eave Rbraiun WrdniaJsy ut 2 p in,
Arrive at Greenville next day by 10 a in.
10113 From Greenville, by Timber Kidjj^ Utile Cbucky,|
Warrenbburjr, ami Cruelty Bend, to HnMellv'.'iie, i
37 miles oftr.k. once a week.
I";;,? Ureenvi le Thursday at ti a m.
Arrive at Itnaaellville by 0 p mt 1'
Leave Kusrellvibe Friday at fl a inArrive
at Greenvi le by f, p rt?. ]
10J14 From Greenville, by Limestone Springs, Holly1
HroVs, ti . C . Warm Springe, Lapland, Marshall, j
and French iiroad, to Aahville, 62 milaa and back,
three times a week.
Leave Greenvilte Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
at 4 a m; i 1'
Arrive at Aahville by 9 p Hft; |
Leave Aithville Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday j
at 4 a mi
Arrive at Greenville by !) p in.
Bids tor six timeu-n-wer.k service invited.
10115 From Russftllville, by Spring Vale and We.rteiiaburg,
to Caney Branch, U5 mden arid back, once j 1'
a week.
Leave RuaseKvillo Monday at 8 a m;
Arrive at Canoy Brunch by 5 p m;
Leave Caney Branch Tuesday ut B u in;
Arrive ut Russellville by 5 p in.
Bids to commence at Warreneburg invited.
10116 From Russellvillc, by Moorcaburgh, (local,) Flat' 1'
Gap, (local,) and War Creek, to Snecdbville, |
30 miles uiid back, once ft week.
Leave R'liscllville Wednesday at 7 a m;
Arrive at Sneedsville'by 6 p ni;
Leave Sneedsvillo Thursday ut 7 a m;
Arrive nt Russellvillc by 6 p m. 11
10117 From Sycamore, by Howard's Quarters, to Snccdsville,
ild miles and back, once a week.
Leave Sycamore Thursday at 4 a m;
Arrive at Srieedsville by 10 a m;
Leave Sneedsville Thursday ut 12 m;
Arrive at Sycamore by 6 pm.
1011A From Bean's Station, by Hoe'a Ferry, Morristown,
Texannu, Snoddyvillc, and Loadvale, to Dandridge,
32 miles and buck, once a week.
f antia 11 ? ?7 I 1 I
Arrive at Dandridge by 6 p m;
Ixiuve Dandridtte Friday at 7 a m;
Arrive at Bean's Station by 6p m.
1(^119 From Dandridge, by Kansas and Nebraska, to ;
Morristown, 19 miles and back, once a week. !
Leave Dandiidge Friday at 1 pa;
Arrive at Morristown by 7pm;
Leave Morristown Friday at 6 a m;
Arrive At Dandiidge by 19 m.
Bids tor two tripe a week invited.
10120 From Sevierville, by VVulden's Creek, Wear's Cove, 11
and Tuckuleeche Cove, to Cade's Cove, 39 miles
and back, onee a week.
ESSvo Sevierville Wednesday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Cade's Cove by G p m;
Leave Cade's Cove Thursday at G a m;
Arrive at Sevierville by 0 p m.
10121 From Sevierville, by Cannon's Store and He^y.Bji(
X Iloads, to Strawberry Plains, 91) g (ln[j!
back, onee a week.
Leave SevierviU;at y B
Arrive atra wherry Plains by 12 m;
Leave Strawberry Plains Tuesday at 1 p m,
j Arrive atSevtrrville by 7 p m.
Bids for two and also for three trips a week invited.
.10122 From Sevierville, by Pigeon Forge, Clatlinsburgh, I
Ocona LuLy, N. 0., Qusllatown, Big Spring,I
Wcbstf r, East Lnportc, and Hamburgh, to Cash- j
cr's Va l y, 88 miles aiid baek, once a week. K
Lnnve Sevierville Wednesday at 7 a m;
Arrive ?t bather's Valley next Friday by 6 a in; j
Leave Cm-tier's Volley Friday at 7 am;
Arrive at Sevierville next Sunday by ti a m.
Bids for two trips a week invited.
1 10123 From Newport, by Welton's Springs, Haekletootb, j
Long Branch, and Houksville, to Sevierville, 3b!
mi es and back, oue.e a wr.ck.
Le tve Newport Thursday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Sevierville by G p in; I
Leave s'evierville Wtdne-day ut G a in;
Arrive at Newport by 0 p m.
j 10121 Front Trundle's X Iloads, by Ellejay, to Marysv ille, j
1G miles and buck, once a week.
Leive Truncle's X ltoads Saturday a. 1 p m;
Arrive at Msrvsvilln hv Gn m:
Leave Marysville Saturday at 7 a in;
Arrive 01 Trunole'e X It "ails by 12 ni.
| 10125 From Marysville, by Ch.lbowce, Citico, Bull Play, K
Be.llmwn, l'ehico Plaina, Julapa, Cook's Bridge,
ami Wctm-re, to Benton, 72nuke and back, once
a week.
Leave Marysville Friday at 0 a in;
Arrive at Benton next day by 0 p in;
Leave Benton Wednesday at 0 a m;
Arrive at Marynvillo next day by t; p ill.
Bids for two iri| s a week invited.
I(il2t"i From Marysville, by Clover Hill, Lloyd's Creek,
Uniiia, Morgan town, Itoekville, and Mount Harmony,
to Athens, 55 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Marysville Tuesday at 9 a m;
Arrive at Athens next day by 12 m;
Leave Alliens Wednesday at 3} p tr;
Arrive at Marysvi lo next day by 6 pm.
Bids for two irins a week invited.
10127 From Tellico Plains, by Coker Creek, to Murphy, Id
N. C., 35 miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Tellico Plains Monday and Tbu'sJoy at 7
a m;
Arrive at Murphy by 6 p iu;
Leave Murohy Tuesday and Friday ul 7 a m;
Arrive at Tellico Plains by 6 p m.
llidB for three trips a week invited. I *"
1012S From Athens, by Middle Creek, Hamilton's Crors
R^ads, and Shelton's .Store, to Mudisonvtlle, 20:
miles and back, once a week.
Leave Athens Saturday at 6a m;
Arrive at Muilisonville by 12 m; i
Leave Madia.mville Saturday at 1 p m; j
Arrive at Atheus by 8 p in.
10129 From Athens, by Oantrell's X Uoadsand Cogiiill, to,
Wetmore, 18 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Athens Saturday at 6 a in;
Arrive at Wetinore by 11 a mj
Leave Wetmore Saturday at 1 p m;
Arrive at Athens by 6 p m.
Bids for two trips a week invited. I'll
10130 From Charleston, by John \?h's and Stopy Point,
to Benton, 13 miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Charleston Wednesday and Saturday at 6
a rn;
Arrive at Benton by 9 a m;
Leave Benton Wednesday and Saturday at 10 a m;
Arrive at Charleston by 1pm.
Bids for three tiipa a week invited. 1?
10131 From C eavel.utd, by Chataly, Wansville, Benton,
Parksvills Hlgden'a Store, Brush Creek, and HiwasHee,
to C .p;er Mines, 44 miles and bark, three
times a week.
Leave (,'leavelund Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
at 6 a rn;
A rrive at (bppcr Mines next days by 5 am; 1"
Leave Copper Mines Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat
urday at C a in;
Arrive at Cleaveland next days by 5 a m.
10132 From Cleaveland, by Muskrat Springs, Maple Grove
Cohutta Springs, Ga., Hussler's Mills, and Mountain
Town, to Ellejay, 49 miles and back, once a
Leave Cleaveland Monday at 8 a m;
Arrive at Ellejay next day by 12 m;
l>e.ave Ellejay Tuesday at 1 p tn;
Arrive at Cleaveland next day by 5 p in.
lt.ds for two trips a week invited.
10133 From (,'leavelnnd, by Potter's Buinch, Limestone, .
Birch Wood, and Mouth of Hiwiisaee, to Smith's "
X Roads, 28 miles and back, twice a week.
Leave<Ileaveland This lay and Saturduy at 6a m,
Arrive at Smith's X Roads by 3 p an;
Leave Smith'* X Roads Monday and Friday at 7
It t11! I > |
Arrive at Cleaveland by 4 p m.
Ili.lo O.r thrw trlna invi??,l
10134 From Cloaveland, by Julian's (lap, Wm. Tucker's, |
Harrison, and Dearirg, to Chattanooga, 34 miles
and bnck, three times a week.
I."ate Cleaveland Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
at 8 n m;
Arrive at Chattanooga by Hpra, jyj
l,?ave Chattanooga Tuesday, Thursday, mid Saturday
at H a m;
Arrive at Cleav eland by R p tn.
|o 135 From Benton, by Ocoa, Cnnnsauga, Cohntta
Springs, (la . Upper King's Bridge, Kural Vale,
and nllmore, to L>alton,30 miles and back, once a |0|
Leave Benton Monday at 7 a in;
Arrive at Dalton by i p m;
l.e.ve Dalton Tuesday at 7 a m.
Arrive at Benton by 7 p TV.
Bids for two trips a week invited.
1013ft From Benton, by Springtown, To wee Fulls, Coke
Creek, Turtle Town, N. C., andl.anrel Valley, to
Persimmon Creek, 53 miles and bank, onoe a week.
Leave Benton Tuesday at 111 m;
Arrii e at Persimmon Creek next day by C p m; 101
l.tave Persimmon Crerk Monday at 0 n ui;
9 Arrive at Benton next day by II a m.
Bids for two trips a week invited,
lu 137 From Copper Mine*, by Davidson a Btorc, Bog
laud's Point, N.C., Periiinuiou Creek, uud Nottbi
to Murphy, Vf miles and back, three timea a weft
r. a ? Copper Mines' Tuesday, Thursday, and Sal
urdny at 7 a in;
Arrive at Murphy by 6 p m;
Leave Murphy Monday, Wednesday, and Frida
at T a m;
Arrive at Copper Mines by 6 p m
1138 From Mount Vernon, by Jala- M Sprill loWl
lb mi lea and bark( unceawwik.
Leave M<_ , trnort Thursday at lpm;
/irrTveat Springtowll by 7 p Ml;
Leave Sprmgtqwn Thursday at 6 A m;
Arrive at Mt. yirpoh Mr If m.
Bid*) far two trips a week invited.
Jl'j'i From Harrison', by Cczby, Double Branches, Wn
den's Bidgo, and Hlnacn'a, to Fillmore, 25 mill
and hack, once a week.
Leave Harrison Friday at 7# mi
Ariive at I illmore by 4 p m;
L ave Fillmore Thursday At B s m;
^r/iVe at Harrison by 5 p m.
Bids for two trips a week invited.
0140 From Washington, by mith's Cross Roads, Si
Greek, Hoddy, and Coaby, to Chatlanooga, i
miles and back, twice a week.
L ave Washington Monday and Thursday at t> a r
Arrive at Chatiatio g* by 8 p m;
F. ave Ch&ttaoooga Tuesday and Friday at 6 a in
Arrive at Washington by 8 p m.
J141 From Jasper, by Cheeksville, Coop's Creek, Mou
Airy, und Robertson's X Roads, to Pikeville, <
rnil-a and back, twice a we k
Leave Jaspe Thursday and Saturday at 1 p m;
Arrive at Pikeville next daye by 7 p m;
Leave Pikeville Wednesday and Friday at ft a in;
Arrive at Jasper next days by 12 m.
)142 From Jasper to Nicki jack, 7 miles and back, s
limes a week.
Leave Jasper dady, except Sunday, at 4 p m;
Ariive at iNickajick by bp m;
Leave Nickajack daily, except Sunday, at7 p m;
Arrive at Jasper by 8 pm.
>143 From Pikeville, by Smnb'a X Roads, Waahingto
Kelley'n Ferry, Good field, Decatur, and Pil
Ridge, to Aihcns, 49 miles and back, three lim
u week.
Leave Pikeville Tuee ay, Thuraday, and Saturde
at & a m;
Arrive at Athens by 8 pm;
Leave Athena Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
5 am;
Arrive at Pikeville by 8 p m,
M41 From Shelhyvilie, by CneanuiRidge, Norrie Cree
K.ryettr.ville, Goshen, and Meridianvii'e, A s.,
Hunisvnlc, Ala., 57 miles and hue1', three tim
a week.
Leave She.byville Monday, Wednesday, and Fi
day at 8 a m;
Arrive at Huntaville next day* by 10 a m;
Leave Htinieville Tuesday, ftuiradaf^ and Batu
day at 12 m;
Ar ive at Shelby villc next days by 3 p m.
Bids for six trips a week invited.
JI45 From Normundy to Roweiville, 4 miles and bee
twice a week.
Leave Norma*dy Thursday and Saturday at 1
a mi
A rive at Rowesvill* bv ip,
Leave Ro';.CIITiiie Thursday : nd Saturday^at 7 a n
orrlVc ut Normandy by 9 a m.
Ilib From Shelhyvilie; by Palmetto, Farmington,' ewi
Lurjj, Cor.hraribvillr, Cornersville, and Brie
Church, to Pi laski, 50 miles and back, thri
timei a week.
Leave Shelby ville Tuesday, '1 hursday, and l'ntu
day ut 10 a in;
Arrive at Pulnski by 10 p m;
Leave Pulaski Monday, WcdnosdTy, and Friday i
b a in)
Arrive at Shelhyvilie by fi p m.
Bids for fix trips a week invited.
)M7 From Shelby villc, by Flat Creek and f'oun'
Line, to Lynchburg, returning by Gill's Stor
Charily, and Flat Creek, to Shcibyville, equal I
ISij milee nrul back, t.vice a week
Leave Shelhyvilie Wcdnesd y and Saturday at
a m;
Arrive at Lynchl urg by 12m;
Leave Lynchburg Wednesday and Saturday at
p in;
Arrive at Shelhyvilie by 7 pm.
illH trom fanclbyvii e, by Richmordt Petersburg, an
Cane Creek, to Fayelteville, 30 miles arid bad
three times a week.
Leave Shell yville Mohday, Wednesday, and Fr
day at 0 a m;
Arrive at Fayelteville by C p m;
Leave Fayelteville Tuesday, Thursday, and Satu
day at S) a m;
A> nve at Shelby villa by 6 p m.
ill'J From Peiersburg. by Spring Place, New Hop
Belfast, Lo - istmrg, Farmington, Canev Sprin)
Chapel H'b, Hob's Ooinera, and Ripgs X Knad
to Jordan a Sto-e, 59 miles and back, twice
v.cek to Chapel Hill, and three times a week 1
Leave Petersburg Thursday and Saturday at o e n
Arrive at Chape Mill by 4 p m;
Ltavc Chapel Hill Wednesday and Friday at 1
a in;
Arrive at Petersburg by 8 pm:
Leave Cnspel Mill Tueeday, Thursday, and Satin
cay at 4 p m;
At rivc at Jordan's Store by 8 p m;
Lea e Jordan's Store Wednesday, Friday, end 8ut
day at <; am;
Arrive at Chapel Hill by 10 a m.
150 From Winchester to Deckerd, 3 miles and baci
s:\ times a week.
Le ave W incheatcr daily, except Sunday, at 11 n m
Arrive at Deckerd by U? a m;
Leave Deckerd daily, except Sunday, at 90 minute
P mi
rrive st Winchester by 50 minutes p m.
151 From Deckerd, by Hawkersville, to Pelham, 1
miles snd back, twice a week,
l^ave Deckerd Tuesday and Friday at 1 p m;
Arrive nt Pelham by 7 p m;
Leave Pelham Tuesday and Friday at 7 a in;
Arrive st Deckerd by 19 m.
I.r>9 From Fayetttville, by Camurco, Molino, end Rob
inson's Store, 10 Pleasant Plains, 95 milts an
bark, once a week.
l cnv* Fayetteville Friday at 8 a in;
Arrive at Plena ml Plains by 4 p m;
Leave Pleasant PlaiiiR Saturday at 7 a in;
Arrive at Fa,ettevil!o by 3 pm.
Bids to end route nt Bunker Hill invited.
153 From Fayetteville, by Viney Grove, Cyruston, Mill
villc, Bunker Hill, Bradehaw, and Lamartine, t
I'ula ki, 40 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Fayotlevillc Saturday at g a m;
A irive nt Pulaski by g p m;
Leave i'ulaski Fii lay at 0 am;
Arrive at Fayetteville by 5 p m.
Bids for two trips a week invited.
151 From Fayetteville, by Craig,.ead. Boon's Hill, Me
dium, and (las Factory, to Cornersville, 30 mile
and back, once a week.
Leave Fayetteville Friday at & a m;
Arrive nt Corn rsvitle by 12 m;
Leave Cornersville Friday at 1 p ni;
Arrive nt Fayetteville by 9 p m; '
155 From Fayetteville, by Cordova, Kinder hook, George'
Store, and Oiegon, to Salem, 98 miles and back
twice a week.
Leave Fayetteville Tuesday and Friday at 7 a m;
Arrive nt Sulem by 4 p m;
I.cave Salem Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a m;
Arrived Fayetteville by 4 p m.
15g From I'ulaski, by Vales Mills, Bodenham, Law
rvoceburg, and Hebron, to West Point, 3?t mile
and bark, once a week.
Leave Pulaski Monday at s a m;
Arrireat West Poini by 0 p m;
Leave West Point Tuesday at 0 v m;
Airive at Pulaski by 0 p m;
157 From I'ulnski, by Sugar Creek and Lexington, Ala.
to Rogersville, 49 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Pulaski Monday at 6 a m;
A rrive at Rogersville by 7 p m;
Leave ltogersville Tuesday at gam;
Arrive at I'ulaski by 7 p m.
158 From Mount Pleasant, by Hampshire, to Isom'
Store, II miles and back, three times a week.
Leave Mount PleasantTuesday, Thursday, and Sat
urdny nt 7 a m;
Arrive at Isnm's Store by 1) a m;
Leave horn's Storo Tuesday,Thursday, and Satur
day at 1 p m;
Arrive nt Mount Pleasant by t-} p m.
150 From Mount Pleasant, by Newburg, to Palestine
24 milfs and back, once a week.
l/eave Mount Pleasant Tuesday at 8? tn;
Awive at Palesttno by 3 pm;
Leave Palestine Mouday at 9 a in;
Arrive at Mount Pleasant by 4 p m.
Ifib From Columbia, by Hopewell, Lynnville, Pulaski
Midbridge, Elkton, Blowing Spring, Madison's >
Roads. Ala., and Brick School House, to Hunt*
rille, 75 miles and back, six times a week.
Leave Columbia daily, except Sunday, at 4pm;
Arrive at Huntsvllle next daya by 8 am;
Leave Hunuville daily, except Sunday, at 4 p m;
Arrive at Columbia rext days by 8 a m.
Bid? invited to run after leaving Elkten, via Athene
to Moore's Station, on the Memphis and Char I oh
ton Railroad, in lieu of Hiintsville, Ala.
Lfj 1 From Columbia, by Santa Fe, Cms* Bridges. Wil
liamhport, and Duck River, to Centreville, 3:
miiea ?nd back, three times a week.
Leave Columbia Monday, Wednesday, and Fridaj
?' 9 a m;
I, Arrive nt CV< treville by (, a u.,
E. I' ave Ou'.revilieTuesday, Thursday, mid Natur
fit 8 a in;
A rrirc at Columbia by u p ?
lultj* From C-ilurubia, by' Phuuuiit tfrov; iioorftevi
y and <iiwbt f [n I.??isburg, o?d back by I
.../, aiire. Crotk, and Linor, to Columbia, (<
I to 3n mi lea and back, twice a week,
j, Leave1 ColumbiaTuesday and Friday at 5 a m;
Airilc at Lew in burp by J2 10.
LeaVe Lewisbuig '1'ii.aday and Friday at 1 p in.
Arrive ut Columbia by 8 p m.
lulb'i From Spring Hill, by Vestall's Tan Yard and ?
ta Ft, to Williameport, ill) milea nod back, on<
il- Lea\.-. Spring Hill Monday uta in;
cm Arrive at Williainaport t>y 12 u?;
Leave VVilliainaport Monday at I put,
Arrive nt Spring Hill by 8 p m.
'10)64 From Urentwiod, by Owen a X Koada, Arr
ton, Pay to * villa, Pil ckney, and Betbeala
Hurt'* X lloade, 33 milea and beck, twice a w
Leave llreutwood Wednesday ar.d Saturday
ul am;
4 Arr e ut Hurt's X Roudaby f, p in;
Liana Hurt's X Roads Ttlisuay iin! Prulny
n; A m;
Arrive ut Brentwood by 6 P m;
Bids io extend route to end at Chopel Hill or Co
S| ring invited.
nt loltjfi Fiom Franklin,by L.elper'd Fork, Burton. LickCr
18 Toty'a Bend, (VntreVille, Pleasunl tile, Ilea
Ibvn, Linden, and Woods, to Perry ville, 104 m
and back, once a week.
Leave Frunklin Monday at 8 a in;
Arrive at Perryvillc next Wednesday by 5 p n
Leave Ferry ville Thursday at 6 a m;
i* Arrive nt Franklin next Saturday by 3 p in.
I01fi6 From Churlotte, by Barton's Creek, Me A lister'
Roads, Richardson's, and Pleasant Mound,
Clnrknville, 30 miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Charlotte Wednesday and Friday at 7 a
Arrive at Clarksville by 6 p mi
?, Leave Clarksville Tuesday and Thursday at 6 a
ne Arrive at Charlotte by 7 p m
10167 From Centreville, by Whitfield and Lobelville
Britt'H Landing, 37 miles and back, once a w<
iy Leave Centreville Thursday nt 7 a m;
Arrive at Brbt's Landing by 7 p m;
Lrnve Britt's Landing Friday at ta m;
al Arrive at Centreville by 7 p m.
10168 From Charlotte, by Bellsbutg and Shaw's St
to Springfield, 40 miles and back, once a weel
k> Leave Ch lrloito Sunday at 6 a nt;
to Arnve at Springfield by 7 pmi
es Leave Springfield Saturday at 6 am;
Arrive at Charlotte by 7 n m.
10169 From Clnrksville, by Dailcy's, Palmyra, Yel
Crerk Furnace, Sailor's Rest, banielsville,
White Ouk, to Wuverlcy, 55 miles and back, ti
r* h week to Sailor's Rest, and once a week reatd
Leave Clnrksville Wednesday at 1 p m;
Arrive ?t Wavcrley next day by 5 p **i;
Leuve Warcrley Friday at 7 am;
hj Arrive at Clarksville next day by II a m;
Leavj Clarksville Saturday at 1 pnt;
Arrive at Sudor's Rest by 7 p m;
Leuve Sailor's Rest Wednesday at 7 it n?j
Arrive at Clurksville by 11 am.
V. Illl-n ?V?~, r>l .^Uau.ll,. I... Thnmiiauille S,
more Mills, Matrow Bone, and White's Bend
8 Nashville, 4!) rniles and back, three times u t?<
* Leave Clurksville Tuesday, Thursday, and Sa
:e day at 3 a m;
Arrive at Nashville by 6 p in;
r" Leave Nashville Monday, Wednesday, and Fri>
at 3 a in;
At rive at Clatksvillc by 6 pm.
111 10171 From Clarkaville, by New Providence, Woodla
Indian Mound, Cumberland Iron Works, Do
Standing Hock, Mouth of Sandy, and Mt. Vi
to Paria, G4 mil?- and buck, three times a weel
>' I Leave Clarkaville Monday, Wednesday, and Fri
p> ' at 3 a m;
10 Arrive at Paris by 7 p m;
Leave Paria Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur
7 | nt 4 a m;
Arrive at Clarkaville by 8 p in.
! 10172 From Waverly, by Wcaw, Buffalo, LobolVillc, i
1 ; Bcurdatown, to Linden, 40 miles and back, on<
L"uve Waverly Friday ut 6* m;
ll' ; Arrive nt Linden by 6 p m;
*> | Leave Linden Saturday at 6 a nt;
Arrive at Waverly by ti p m.
'* | 10173 From Wavo.-ly by Hockport, Ciiaaevillc, and Fa
villc, t?? Lexington, 60 miles and liark, one
t"" Leave Waverly Friday at 1 p m;
Arrive nt Lexington next day by 7 p m;
Leave Lexington Thursday at 6 a m;
'? A rrive at Waverly next day by 12 in.
t, j 10174 F rom Wnverlr.y, by Hall's Creek and Magnolia
8> Dover, 10 miles and back, once a week.
a I Leave Wuverlcy Tuesday at 8 a mj
,c ; Arrive at Dover next day by 12 m;
Lea>e Dover Wednesday at 2 p m;
"i Arrive at Waverlcy next day by 3 p m.
10175 From Dover, by Iron Mountain, Great Wcsli
^ and Laura Furnace, Ky., to Golden Pond,
rnilea and buck, once a week
Leave l?ovcr Wednesday ut G a in;
r" Airive at (iolden Pond by a p tn;
Leave Golden Pond Thursday si (i n mj
Arrive at Dover by 8 p m.
10176 From Dover, by Big Rock and Lafayette, K3'.
Hopkiiisvillr, 35 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Dover Monday at 7 a ra;
[> Arrive at Hopkinsvil'e by 7 p m;
Leave Hopkmsvile Tuesday at 7 a m;
' Arrive at Dover by 7 p m.
10177 From Camden, by Adamaburg, Manlyville, Sui
* Hill, Paris, Mt HnlVoke, Como, Irvine's St
Dresden, Alma, Old Htckcry, Totten's Wells, 1
Ruluh, to Hickman, Ky., 80 miles and ba
* three tunes n week.
Leave Camden Monday, Wednesday, and Fri(
at 7 pm;
Arrive at Hickinun next days by 7 p ni;
Leave Iiickman Monday, Wednesday, und Frit
nt 5 am;
Arrive at Camden next days by 5 a m.
" 10178 From Cumden, by Cbaseviilc, Llnu, Coxburg, M
gnu's Creek, and Ilowcsville, to Decaturvillc,
tniles and back, once a week, Morgan's Creek
be supplied on the return trip, in lieu of Etna.
Leave Cumden Tuesday it 8 a tn;
Arrive at Deestjn villc by 8 pm;
Leave DccntinVillc Monday at (I a in;
Arrive at Ca lulen by (i p in.
0 101711 From Cirund Junction,"by Van Hurcn, B0I11
Toone Station, and Metion, to Jackson, 49 111
niuMvirk, daily.
Leave Grand Junctio daily at 5.55 p m;
Arrive at Jackson by 9 p m;
Leave Jackson daily at JI a in;
' Arrive at Grand Junction by 2 40 p m.
" 10180 From Huntingdon, by Terry, South Carroll, 1
.Spring Crctk, to Jackson, .'18 miles and tin
tliice times a wet k.
Leave Huntingdon Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat
day at 12 p tn (night;)
Arrive at Jackson next days by 10 a m;
Lrnvc Jackton Wednesday, Fiiday, and Saturd
8 at 10 p m;
* Arrive at Huntingdon next days by 10 a m.
Bids for sixtinics-a-wcck, and also for daily ferv
10181 From Huntingdon, by Clarksburg, Red Mound, L
ington, Middle Fork, Jack's Creek, and Ant
son's Store, to Purdy, 59 miles and back, twic
'' Leave Huntingdon Tuesday and Friday at 3 p m
Arrive at 1'urdy next days by 9 p m;
Leave Purdy Monday and Thursday nt 6 a m;
Arrive at Huntingdon next days by 11 n m.
Bids for three trips a week invited.
1018? Frmn Huntingdon, by IlicO, Caledonia, Flemin
' Chriaimasvillc, Pillowvillc, and Wington, to Dt
den, 45 miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Huntingdon Tuesday and Saturday nt6 a
Arrive at Dresden by 6 p ra;
Leave Dresden Monday and Friday at 6 a in;
Arrive at Huntingdon by G tint.
H 10183 From Huntingdon, by McLetnorcsville, Atwo
Shady Grove, W- terford, Tuekeraville, Trent
Gibson's Wells, Cumcy, Cagevillr, Chcrryvi
and Rusk, to Brownsville, 69 milts nnd bp
lliret times 11 wrt.k.
l^tave Huntingdon tjpnday, Wednesday, nnd 1
day at <> a m; ,
Arrive at Brownsville next days by 8 a m;
Leave Brownsville Sunday, Wednesday, and Frit
at 1 a m;
Ai rive at Huntingdon next days by 10 a tn.
101~4 From Paris, by Bairen Hill, Chance ford, No
Folk, Boydsville, Dukedom, Feliciana, Ky., W
ley, and Clinton, to Columbus, 63 miles and bn
j three tunes a week.
' Leave Pa'is Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Sniurt
at In in:
Arrive at Columbus by 8 p ir;
Leave Columbus Monday, Wednesday, and Frid
at 4 a m;
Arrive nt Paris by 8 pm.
,1 10189 From Paris, by New Boston and Cottage tlrove,
F.lrn Tree, W mi'en anil liark. twice a week.
Leave Parts Tuesday and Friday at si p m;
Arrive at, F,lm Tree try 9 pm;
> Lrnve Kim Tree Tuesday and Friday nt 6 a m,
Arrivo nt PnriH by I n m.
I IOInO From Prreden, by Hlaek Oak and Kim Tree
Boydsville, 90 miles nnd Imck, once n week.
Leave Florence Satin day at 6 * nit
Arrive at Waynesboro" by 8 p
10212 From Purdy. by StantoitTille, Hamburg, MonUoeUo,
Eastport, Miss., Waterloo, Ala .Gravelly Spring,
t0 *" Oakland. and Florence, to Tuacuntbia, 76 miltt
and b?ek, three limee a week.
Leprc Turdy Monday, Wednesday, and Friday tl
Arrive at Tuscumita by Vi pm;
Leave Tusruinbia Tuesday, Tbttraday, utul .SaimLUtl
dtf at 3 a m;;
nee Arrive at l'urdy by S p in.
1U31J From Bolivar, by MiJdlebunr, Mew Caatlc, Soniervtile,
Oakland, Hickory Withe, Ammonia, Morning
Sun, and Green Bottom, to Raleigh, 5'J miles
and back, three limes a week.
Leave Bolivar Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at
uff, ham;
ve, Arrive at Raleigh t>y 10 p
ck, Leave Raltiph I'-lcada^, Thursday, and Saturda t'
It p in,
Arrive ui Bob? m, ai uays Dy ,g m
T0214 Prom Bolivar, by Whiieville, Fayette Corner, and
Dancey villc, to Wealey, 28 rnilea and back, once
a week.
30 Leave Bolivar Thursday at 7 a in ,
Arrive ul Wesley by 4 p nl)
Leave Wealey Friday at 7 a in;
Arrive at Bolivar by -1 p ml'JI5
Froi i La Grange, by Mount Comfort, to Wolf
River, 15 miles uud back, once a week. ;
ipe Leave La Grange Thursday at ti a m;
or- Arrive at Wolf River by 10 a m;
ek. Leave Wolf River Thursday at 13 in,
Arrive at La Orange by 4 p m.
loilii From Somrrville, by Laurel Creek and Belmont, to
Slmron, 30 miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Somervillc Monday and Friday at 6 a in;
ion Arrive at Sharon by 12 m;
,'?g Leave Sharon Monday and Friuay at 1 p n. ,
Arrive at Somerville by dp n.
Bids for once-a-week service only invited.
10217 From Somerville, by Ranceyville, to Brownsville, 28
miles and back, six tunes a week.
|av Leave Somerville daily, except Sunday, at I p m;
Arrive at Brownsville by 7pm;
Leave Brownsville daily, except Sunday, at
to a m;
Arrive at Somerville by 12 m.
10218 From Somerville, by Whiteville and Clovorport, to
Mcdon, 31 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Somerville Saturday at 7 am;
Arrive at Medou by 6 p rn;
lUt Leave Medou Friday at 7 a m;
n's Arrive at Somerville by 6pm.
nd 1 o211* From Memphis, by Wells'Station, Jcsoaminei Sulphur
Well, (la!way, Sharon, and Weeley, to
Brownsville, 37 32-100 miles and back, daily.
Leave Memphis daily at 4 p m;
Arrive at Brownsville by 7 J pro;
Leave Brownsville daily at 8 a m;
Arrive ul Memphis by 11 a m.
nd 10220 From Ripley, by Dry Hill, Cottage Hill, and Double
I II.... I ... I >,,,.-.1,.. ... 'to ,l._ ?r..l I...L.
Leave Dresden .M uiilay ut 0 a ill.
day Arrive at Uoydsfilie by 11 air
Leave Boydsvil'e Monday at 1 p in
Arrive ui Dresden by T |. 111
ille, 1 <i)HV From Pre.-ci?n, by Middlcburg anil Mount Film
ier- 'l'roy. 3" mill > and l?r k, once a week.
|ual Leave Dre-den Tuksday at 8 a ni,
Arrive at Tr v l?y b p in
Leave Troy W dniHuajr ut 8 a in.
Arrive at Dresden by 6 p in.
10188 From Dreaden, by Dedharn, Mount I'roapccl, i
Audaluiis, to Yorkville, 32 milea and Btuk, o
Ian- a week.
re n Leave Drebdeu Thursday ul 7 a m
Arrive at Yorkville by 6 p in;
Leave Yorkville Friday at 7 a in;
Arrive at Dreaden by d p ni.
10183 From Dyersburg, by Miller's Chapel, Cheanut B1
Luni-tield, Cherryvil'e, Cagevrlle, Maaou'a tiro
rng- and Poplar Corner, to Jackson, 6.< milas and ha
, to twice a week.
cek Leave Dyersburg Tuesday and Friday at 1 p m;
at 7 Arrive at Juckeon next days hv 6 n m
^ *Ve . ?Monday and TfiuiarJay at 6 a in;
| Arrive at Dyersburg next days by 10a in
at 7 10190 From Dyersburg, by drove Mount, to Trenton,
miles and tiack, tw ice a week.
Leave Dyersburg Monday und Friday at fi a m
mey Arrive at Trenton by 3 p nr.
Leave Triton Tuesday and Saturday at dam
eek, Arrivj ut Dyersburg by 3 p nr.
rds- 10191 From Trenton, by Knterpriee, Bluff Spring, lit
tiles Hill I .'iviniu, Sjuth Carroll, Spain's, and Oak F
eat, to Lexington, 53 miles and back, once a we
Leave Trenton Thursday nt 6 a m;
i; Artive at Lexington next day by 10a m;
Leave Lexington Friday at I'd m;
Arrive at Trenton next day by 5 p m. .
's X 10J92 From Trenton, by Yorkvtlle, Chester, 'Mat;
to HrII, Troy, and Fremont, to Hickman, Ivy.,
miles and back, throe times a week,
mi Leave Trenton Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
12 p in;
. m; Arrive at Fiickmnu in 2a hours by 4 a m;
Leave Hickman Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturd
i, to at 12 p ni;
sek. Arrive at Trenton in 28 hours by 4 a m.
10193 From Trenton, by Miiloh and South Qtbson,
Jackson, 29 miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Trenton Tuesday and Friday at 7 a m;
Arrive at Jackson by 4 pm;
ore, Leave Jackson Monday und Thursday at 7 a in;
t. Arrive at Trenton by 4 pm.
10194 from Trenton, by Eaton, Friendship, Chest
Bluff, Lcasvillc, Woodville, Ripley, Golde
Ridge, and Cane Bottom, to Fulton, 70 miles a
back, once a week,
low Leave Trenton Wednesday at 0 a mi
and Arrive at Fulton next day by 0 p m;
vice. Leave Fulton Friday at ba m;
ue. Arrive at Trenton next day by 6 p m.
Bids invited to extend route to end at Randolph.
10195 From Trenton, by 'Antioch, Locust Grove, a
Winston, to Dresden, 30 miles and back, one
Leave Trenton Thursday at 7 d m)
At rive a! Dresden by 5 pnt;
Leave Dresden Wednesday at 7 a m;
Arrive ut Trenton by ,r? p m.
fca- Rids for two trips a week invited.
, to 10196 From Brownsville, by Carolina and Woodville,
sck. Dry llill, 22 miles and back, once a week,
tur- Leave Brownsville Thursday at I p nt;
Arrive at Dry llill by 8pm;
Leave Dry Hill Thursday at 5 a in;
day A rrivc at Brownsville by 12 in.
Bids to end at Woodville invited.
10197 From Denmark, by Copan. Brownsville, and D
wn, baniville, to Covington, 44 miles arid beck, th
ver, times a week to Brownsville, and twice a w<
eta, residue.
{. Leave Denmark Monday, Wednesday, and Frit
day at i p m;
Arrive at Brownsville by 74 p m;
Leave Brownsville Monday, Wednesday, and 1
day day at 8 a m;
Arrive at Denmark by 12 m;
Loave Brownsville Tuesday and Friday nt G
and ui;
? Arrive at Covington by 4 pm;
Leave Covington Wednesday und Saturday ai
a nt;
Arrive at Brownsville by 4 p m.
In 198 From Durhumvillr to Ripley, G miles and ba
twice a week.
rm- Leave Durbamviilc Tuesday nnd Friday at 12 m
e a Arrive at Ripley by 2pm;
Leave Ripley Tuesday aud Friday nt 8 a in;
Arrive at Durhamville by lilam.
In 199 From Jackson, by Denmark, Black Oak Gro
Fayette Corner, Championvillc, and Pierce,
Somerville, 47 miles nnd back, three tirnei
i, to week.
Leave Jackson Mondny, Wednesday, nnd Frid
nt 7 a m;
Arrive at Somerville by 7 p in;
LcaveSomeiville'i'ucsdsy, Thursday, aud Snturd
at llum;
?rn, Arrive nt Jackson by Id pin.
27 Bids for six trips a week as far as Denmark, h
once a week thence to Somerville, invited.
Io200 From Jaeksnn, by Mifflin, Jack's (.'reek, M
Creek, and Coffee Lauding, to Savannah,49 mi
aud buck, once a week.
Leave Jackson Friday at 8 a m;
, to Arrive nt Savannah next day by II a in;
Leave Suvnnnah Wednesday at I p in;
Arrive at Jackson next day by 1 p m.
Io201 Prom Jackson, by Mr. PinsOn and Miftlinj to Li
ington, 34 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Jackson Saturday at 7 a m;
tidy Arrive at Lexington by 6 p m;
ore, Leave Lexington Priday at 7 am;
Qtid Arrive at Jackson by 6 p in.
ic*i 10202 Prom Decaturvillc to Perryvillc, GA miles and bai
, twice a week
tty Leave Decaturville^ Tuesday and Priday at 1
Arrive at Perryvillc iiy 3 pm;
y Leave Perry ville Tuesday and Priday at 9 a m;
Arrive at Decaturville by 11 a m.
l<)2o3 Prom Decaturville to Scotts Hill, 10 miles and bin
^2 three times a week.
lo Leave Deraturvillc Monday, Wednesday, and F
day at 7 a m;
Arrive at Scotts Ilill by 10 a m;
Leave Scotts Hill Monday, Wednesday, and F
day at 12 it>;
Arrivent Decatur by 3 p m.
r#r 10204 Prom Perryvillc, by Brollies' Landing, Howcsv,
j|f(| Poplar Soring, Fuirnville, and Pleasant Flxchau
to Red Mound, 30 miles and back, once a week
Leave Perryvillc Priday at 8 a in;
Arrive at Red Mound by 5 p m;
Leave Red Mound Friday at 6 pm;
Arrive at Perryville next day by 4 p m.
ind 1<)205 F'rom Waynesboro', by Sorby, Smith's Fork, I
.e.k, glrside, Savannah, Adamsville, Purdy, and Qra
Hill, to Corinth, Miss., 66 miles and hack, til
ur- times a week.
Leave Waynesboro' Monday, Thursday, ami S
urday at 4 a m;
ny, Arrive at Corinth by 10 p m;
Leave Corinth Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday
2 a m;
ice, Arrive at Waynesboro' Iiy 8 p in.
10206 Fiom Purdy, by Rose Creek and Crwnesvillc,
ex- Bolivar, 29 miles and l>ack, three times a week
'or" Leave Purdy Monday, Thursday, and Saturday
e B 0 pm;
Arrive at Bolivar next days by 10 a id;
"> Leave Bolivar Monday, Thursday, and 8atun
at 12 m;
Arrive at Purdy by 8 p m.
I?i207 From Waynes, oro', by Whitaker's Bluff, to L
den, 28 miles and back, onro a week.
Leave Waynesboro' Saturday at 8 a m; *
RH" Arrive at Linden by G p m;
Leave Linden Friday at 8 am;
' Arrive at Waynesboro'by 6 p tn.
1(1208 From Clifton, by Cnrrollville, to Patriot, 10 mi
and bark, once n week.
10(j Leave Clifton Saturday at 8 a in;
on' Arrive at Patriot by 12 m;
He' Leave Patriot Saturday at I p m;
Arrive at Clifton by 5 p m.
10209 From Waynesboro', by Clifton,""Hermitage, I)?'
i*rj. lurville, Lexington, Juno, nnd Cotton (Jrove,
Jnrkson, 84 miles and back, three times a wrek
one of ihe weekly trips each way to supply Sha
l?y Hillsind Scott's Hill, omitting Decaturville.
Leave Waynesboro' Wednesday, Friday, nnd St
day a I 12 p m;
.1 Arrive at Jackson next days by 12 p m;
pH Leave Jaekson Tuesdav, Thursday, and Saturday
ek 12 pm;
' Arrive at Waynesboro' next days by 12 p in.
lay InJIO Froin Waynesboro', by Houston, Cravens Mi
nnd Lowryville, to Fatgle Mills, 38 miles a
back, once u wcrk.
av Leave Waynraboio' Tuesday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Kagle Mills by 6p m;
Lcnve Katjle Mills Wednesday at Gam;
|f) Arrive at Waynesboro' by G p m.
10311 From Waynesboro', by Factor's Fork, WestPoi
Wayland'S Springs, Florence, Westmnrelsndvi
Cyprrss Inn, Cromwel"* Mills, and Victory,
Waynesboro', r.jual to 4!l miles and back, onei
to Leave Waynesboro" Friday at G a nr.
Arrive at Florence by 8 pm;
(g ft "nugvo, w vjviovmg, uv iiiiivp oiiu "?vn , iwiu;
a week.
| Leave Ripley Tuesday aud Friday at 2 p ni;
Arrive at Dyeraburg next days by 12 m;
Leave Dyersburg Thursday and Saturday at 1 p m;
Arrive at Ripley next daju by 12 in.
10?9l From Raleigh, by Rig Greek and Delta, to Rant0
dolph, 2R miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Itali igh Wednesday and Friday nt 7 a in;
Arrive at Randolph by 3 pin;
Leave Randolph Tuesday and Thursday at 8 a m;
Arrive at lUleigh by 4 p in.
Rids to extend route to end at Fulton invited.
10222 From Dyersburg, by Miller's Chapel, Friendship,
ur? and Quincy, to Mason's Grove, 34 miles and liadk.
rec once n week.
;el( Leave Dyersburg Saturday at 0 a m;
Arrive ut Mason's Grove by ti p m;
Jay Leave Mason's Grove Friday at 6am;
Arrive at Dyersburg by t> p m.
10223 From Dycraburg to Booth's Point, 17 miles and hack,
,'ri_ once a week.
I .f 1 v. 1 Iviuulnirtr Monday at ft a in:
Arrive at Booth's Point by 12 m;
a Leave Booth's Point Monday at 1 p tu;
Arrive at Dyersliurg by 0 p nt.
10221 From Sharon, by Covington, Bloomington, PortcrtI,
g viltc, und Mi. Zion, to Kandoljih, 37 miles and
back, three times u week to Covington, and twice
u wetk residue.
c)( Leave Sharon Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at
5 p m;
! Arrive ut Covington by 9 p nt;
Leave Covington Monday, Wednosduy, and Friday
nt u a in;
Arrive at Sharon by 0 a m;
ve, Leave Covington Tuesday and Saturday at 5
tJ a
, a Arrive at Rnndolph by 12 in;
Leave Randolph Tuesday and Saturday nt 1 p m;
Uy Arrive at Covington by 9 p nt
Bids for six timcsa-week service as far es Covington
(Hxaniiue enrtjally the Jormt am! iti.itructions annexed.)
in(^ Hi 101 Front St. Louis, by Kirkwood, Barrett's Station,
j Clencoe, Allen ton, Pacific, Labaddie, South Point,
len Washington, Dundee, Milter's Landing, Berger.
1 lertuun, Chamois, Boas. Bonnet's, and Osage City,
to Jefferson City, 12b miles and back, daily, and
twice daily when the cars so run.
Leave St Louis daily at 8' a m;
Arrive at Jefferson City by 3 pm;
Leave Jefferson City daily at 1J p m;
:x* Arrive at St. Louis by 9 p m.
Bids to extend route to end at California, or at
Round Hill, invited,
in 102 From St Louis, by'Rock Bill, Desferes,-Manchester,
FJlisville, and Fox Creek, to Oakfield, a:U miles
nnd back, three times a week to Manchester, and
"k, once a week residue.
Leave St. Louis Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at
P 7 a in;
Arrive at Manchester by 11 a m;
Leave Manchester Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
ftt 7 a m;
Arrive at Ht Lou s by 11a in;
fit. Leave Manchester Saturday at 12 tn;
Arrive at Oakfield by t p in;
'ri- Leave Oakfield Saturday ftt 4 p m;
Arrive at Manchester by 8 p rn.
1040:? From St Louis, hy Normandy, Fiorisant, Bridgetoo,'
'ri- St. Charles, St. Peters, Nsvlor's Store, Flint Hill,
Warrenton, Camp Branch, High Hill, Danville,
Shamrock, and Shypost, to Mexico, 106 miles ami
He, back, daily.
gc) Leave St. Louis daily at 6 a m;
. ' Arrive at Mexico by 12 m;
Leave Mexico daily at 1 p m;
Arrive at St. Louis by 8 p ui.
' Bids for service (by schedule to be stated) by
the old stage road its far as Danville, ibem-e
?n. by the most direct route to Mexico, invited;
yC| aiso, to extend route from Mexico, via Paris,
.... Ac., to Shelbina. on the Hannibal and St. Joseph
10104 From St. Louis, by Oarondclet, Jeil'tiaou Barracks
Sulphur Springs, ller< ulaneum, Napton, Tyro, and
Hopewell Furnace, to Iron Mountain, 80 miles and
Bt back, daily.
Leave St. Louis daily n( 8 a m;
Arrive at Iron Mountain by I'd m;
to Leave Iron Mountain daily at 2 p m;
Arrive at St, Louis by 7 p m.
' , 10405 Fiom St. Louie, by SappinRton, Fenton^ddigb Uidgf,
" House's Spring, and Helew's Creek, to llillsboro',
42 miles and back, once a week.
. Leave St. Ixiuis Tuesday at 12 m
y Arrive at llillsboro'next day by pro:
Leave llillsboro' Monday at G a in;
Arrive at St. Louis next day by 11 a in.
,,n" Bids to commence route at Kirkwood, in lieu ot hi.
Louis, invited.
1040G Front St. Louis, by Central, Creve-Co ur, and Bellmonte,
to llouhommc, ;tl miles and back, pnee a
Leave St. Louis Monday at 0 a m;
lea Arrive at Uonhorome next day by 12 m:
Leave HonbcmnieTuesday at I pro:
Arrive at St. Louis next day by 7 p m.
10407 From St. Louis, by Cup au Grey, Clarksville, Loui*
iana, Hannibal, Marion City, Quincy, 111-Grange,
Mo., Canton, Tully, Alexandria, and \l area
saw, ill., to Keokuk, Iowa, 238 miles and back, si* Ka
to times a week, during searon of navigation.
I VI i j..ii? u.in.n. ui *, ? in: bB
J *-" 1,~u'" "?"Jl "1<T' wniwj,-. r -n_
dy Arun (it Keokuk in lit! hours by 5 a m; En
Leave Keokuk daily, except Tuesday, at 6r in FjE
,n" Arrive at St. Louis in 28 iiours by 10 a tn. IS
10108 I'rom St. Ixuiis, by ilillaboro', I'otosi, Celedoci* H
Iron Mountain, and (ireenville, to Poeshontse, H
Ark , 20<> miles and back, dHilv. |'|
l/eave St. Louis daily at 6 a tn; la
Arrive at Pocahontas on the fourth day thereafter by
He, Id p m; fW
"d I.eave Pocahontas dully at t> a n>: ||
Arrive at St Louis on the fourth day thereafter by If
10 pm. I j
ftids to omit Hillsboro', I'otosi. Caledonia, and Iro" IJ
Mountain, and rnn by St. (Jeiieviete and Fred- fj
eriektoa n, will bo considered. Ij
nt KM* to COWKHMt IIH VtlltttB UfllW I ?
||?' l!i?1ders to nmna all intermediate point* to 1" sol*" H
to pi""'- , ,, |
> n IO|0{) From .Irftere'n City, liy Clnynville, Enrrk", M* ?,;
rion, Naeliville, Providence, [Jorheport, Bonn'- ^
ville, Arrow Rork, Oleeeow, Cambridge, Bron*- I
wick, Dewitl, A4inmi. Hill'* Lnnline, W?T'r'y' -<

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