Newspaper Page Text
' ?quaie 3H0 taken up and retold; which til referred to tb<' committee on drainage. On motion, the l?oard adjourned. Common Council.?A Kpecial meeting of the Common Council wee held laot night at the City Hall. The Prfxioknt laid before the Iroftrd a communication from the Mayor enclosing a .tntemeut of the corporation of Washington with tlie I Unit of Washington for the past week ; which was reff-rred to tlie committee of ways and ) I iheauH 1 The I'aeaiuKNT b1h?> laid before the board a letter from i ,] the Mayor, transmitting the folluwiug communication I fioui Mr. IVallach : B Htar Orncm, Washington, July J, 1958. j To the Mayor yf Washington City: jEnclohod licruwilh ple&*e Had tu account for the lUtiutge g- no to ony pranlMi by * mob on iht atw el uo the nfgbt?.?! i,l? first k i.miday of u>t Riooth, ** per measttrajnsnl ot Mr. Wm. <, Deal#, to $10 6$. W1U you please t<> send down the proper per B sou to repair the ?*!<! datnHgo wt tho expense of tlie corporation V If tA please let me kuum tbe fa<i, iiirtt I may bare It repaired, eed i!. l< ft to tbe corporation fbr retmbarsetodntot tbe cost thereof m' Respectfully, yours, Ac., w | w. i), wallach jA WntMnoi, Jane 8, 1858. A. ri coqwadwol (fubliiHe In nvtlti i window* M Ike Mat (Iffloc Building, to IV. I). lV:illai:h, Or. 'atm Tu 14 light* of sub, rogliziug. 11 by 11 Indian, at 44 mnts *6 1 S H To 5 11 by 14 40 unit* 2 00 To - 10 by 12 " 26 oouU . 60 To 3 li?!l: i | f. i . M T( unit 160 m 10 i? n luwniueiou clmrjml, 81. IfcUf to mib 60 B 10 66 M M-OfUi-lbj tV. c; 1)1 M K On motion of Mr. Wuun, It was referred to the committee of claims. tin motion of Mr. Wallace, u jqlnt resolution was adopted fixing tbo time of adjournment for Monday week at 4 .o'eloek. Mr. Waixack then moved that the board adjourn ; pending which, Mr. Lloyd asked that the motion he withdrawn to cnu1 hie. him to move that a committee of three be ap|>ointed ''k to wait upon the mayor for the purpoao of ascertaining M Uin reason* for calling the meeting. y. Mr Ohmk thought such action unnecessary. The gentleman understood the reasons, as it whm well known tliut the mayor wits compelled to call both boards together in order that the Board of Aldermen might take into consideration She police nominations. Mr. Liorn said tliey knew nothing of the mayor's reasons, except what common rumor stated. They had been called together, and it became them to ascertain for what purposes; consequently, he submitted his motion. Mr. Wallace acknowledged the propriety of the motion, hut could not see the necessity of it. The gentleman was well aware the gentleman from the third ward | Mr. Okme] had stated the facts. The object was to legalnk ize the call of tho upper board. All the business the RV mayor had with thcui had already been communicated, b i and he insisted upon.his motion. j1 Mr. Obmk hoped tire gentleman would withdraw his B motion for a moment. Mr. W.uxaoi did bo. Mr. On.nn then stated thnt a bill would shortly be sent down from the upper board which it was necessary for them to pass this evening. It was a bill to borrow $20,000 to carry on the alms-house. The mayor could not make the payments now due, unless authority to borrow the money was given to him. i Mr. Lloyd asked consent to introduce a bill for rcfer; cnce. The Vrwudest Btated the <jucstion to be on the motion that the board adjourn. Mr. Lloyd said it had been withdrawn, aud if the gentleman had desired the motion to remain pending, he should hove received a promise from Mr. Orine to renew it before withdrawing it. lire PawiuK-vr concurred in the statement, and the bill to authorise the hiking up and relaying of the pavements 011 both sides of Maryland avenue, between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets, was read by its title, and referred to the committee on improvements. Mr. Lioyd then submittal] his motion for the appointment of a committee ; pending which, A communication was received from the mayor slating that he had convened the two boards this evoning, in order that they might consider the nomination made by him of Noble J. Thomas for lieutenant of the police ; which was laid on the table: Mr. Lloyd inquired whether it would be in order to move that tin; isjard adjourn and proccod to the room of the Hoard of Aldeimea for the purpi>so of taking into consideration the nomination of Noble J. Thomas. Tire 1'rksihknt replied that it would not be in order, as the CominoA Council had nothing to do with nominations. The board then adjourned. t CRIMINAL COURT. ?TRIAL OF THE BROTHERS I DEVLIN FOR MURDER. Friday, July 'I.?The court met at the usual hour, and, the prisoners having been brought in, the trial was resumed. The petit jurors who were not engaged on the present panel were dismissed until next Tuesday morning at ten o'clock, as it is expected that this trial will occupy the remainder of the present week, and next Monday will bo a national holiday. The prosecution continued the introduction of rebutting evidence by culling? f Jons II. Goudahd (chief of police) sworn.- Remembers the trial at the magistrate's office after the homicide ; Smith was there as the principal witness ; he seemed to be soiier, but somewhat excited on account of the killing of his friend; he came twice ; the lirst time he was in great haste, for officers to arrest some one for that offence ; that was some forty minutes before John Devlin was brought to the office ; after the prisoner was brought there, witness examined Smith on the suhiurt. Mr. Bradley called for the defence? William Kiit sworn.?Smith end Berry were at . witness's house on the day of the homicide, at about 3 > o'clock in the afternoon ; they were drinking freely that ' afternoon at witness's house. Could not may that they were drunk : tlicy wore pretty lively, i Dr. J. W. SrerriMUH sworn.?Saw Berry in Washington Home time during last nmnmer ; he and witness and two others gut a carriage to go to the navy-yard, and when they got to Mr. Devlin's house, Berry requested them to stop while lie went in. They did so, and Berry got out aud went into the house for a few minutes and then returned. This was alrout twelve or thirteen months ago to the best of witness's recollection. A. K, L. Kress recalled for the prosecution.?Did not consider Sniitli drunk on the. day of the homicide ; could smell his breath, aud knew that lie had been drinking. Mrs. Fannt Bf.hhv recalled.?Witness is familiar with the. hand writing of John Devlin ; identities several letters now shown to her to be in his hand-writing. Prvn-cawtintd. Has seen the letters lie (ore ; gave them to Mr. Ferguson, lier father-in-law; thinks she would know her brother's hand-writing wherever she saw it; lie generally signed his name " Joint S. Devlin, jr.," spelling the word "John" in full ; ho sometimes signed it hi other ways, as "J. S. Devlin," and "J. S. A. Devlin." ^ Mr. Br uu.kt here showed witness several other papers, which she considered to be in her brother's hand-writing. Examination in ehi'f rttnmel.?Witness came in tho possession of tliese letters because tlicy were directed to her husband, and she had had them over since. Mr. Of 1.0 then read some of the letters to show tiro good feeling existing between John Devlin arid the deciwsed. 'llio last one was dated April 21, 185t>. Another was read, bearing dab; October 20, 1854; others were written in 1855. Hern the prosecution closed their evidence. . Mr. ItAlei.UTK then stated that tins defence had closed t.lieir evidence also ; and he hiul now a proposition to inakc, which, if it was agreed to by iho other side, would | end the case. lie proposed to ofler a set of instruction* to the jury, and nsl tlieir adoption hy tlie court, and let the counsel on the other ?idc prepare a set of instructions also ; then let the court grant such as it should deem proper, and let the case go to the jnry without argument. Mr. On.o agreed to that proposition. the following arc the instructions prayed for by the defence : 1. If, from the whole evidence aforesaid, the jury believe that one of the prisoners at the bar did, with malice aforethought, inflict upon the person of the said Thos n. Horry, in his lifetime, the wound* whereof he afterwards died, hut urc iu reasonable doubt ?s to which of the prisoners so inflicted the said wounds, their verdict i must I*- "Not guilty" as to both, unless, from the ! evidence aforesaid, they further Iwlbre that at the time ' the "aid wounds wrrr so inflicted the prisoners acted together hy pre-concert, and with the intent to kill the 1 w?td Ihoruss it. Berry, or to dohiro great lx>dily harm. 2. If. from the evidence aforesaid, the Jury believe that ! the wounds whereof -the said Thonins B. Berry died were inflicted by .lohn H. Devlin, one of the prisoners, hut at ul a lime when his mind wan so diseased as to ho unable to j mdci land tlx tine nature of tic acta which h? then \ to distinguish between right and wrong with I reference to said acts, their verdict must he "Jfot guilty" | 1 an to him, and alao "Not guilty" as to James P. Devlin, ! the other prisoner, unless they farther) believe frour the evidence aforesaid that the suid .lames, with malice aforethought, caused the aforesaid John 8. Devlin to lull let the said wounds as afnnwahi 3. If the Jury ladlevo from the evidence that James Devlin (one of the defendants) committed tho homicide charged in the indictment, and that at the time thereof he had reasonable ground to believe Iris life was in dan get, or that the deceased would do iiiur grievous and severe bodily hurm, then they ought to acquit said defendsjit, although In fact the snid deceased did not intend to I take life or inflict severe bodily harm. i 4. ii, from the evidence aforesaid, the jury believe ; that for Heveral years prior to and at the time of the death of the said Berry, bu had been prohibited by.the i lawful owner, possessor, and occu|Minta of the premises wherein lie met his death from entering the same ; and that he had repeatedly entered the same with threats of violence and against the will of said owners and occupants, ind did so enter on the said day of his deatii ; that the said owner and occupant Was a Widow and tlte prisoners her two sous, and that she hud no protector except her sons ; and that, being ordered off by the mother of the prisoners, the bald Berry refused to quit tiro said premises, then the prisoners, in obcdleriee to the wish of their said mother and as her agents, had the right to expel the said Berry from the said premises, and to use nil needful force for his expulsion; and if, by reason of his resistance to their efforts to expel him and to prevent great bodily hurm to themselves, it became necessary for their own protection to kill ldm, they were not hound to retreat as in ordinary cuses, and the killing 1m excusable, and the prisoners must be Acquitted. The following are the instructions prayed for by the United states : 1. If the jury believe from tho whole evidence that James Devlin gave to the deceased a fatal wound or wounds with i\ deadly weapon, and John Devlin was present aiding and abetting, and that tho defendants committed said homicide under auy provocation, howsoever great, yet if the jury shall further believe that there was sufficient time for the passion induced by said provocation to subside and for reason to interpose, such homicide is murder. 2. IThis is precisely like the above except that tho names of the nrisonem are trans nosed. 1 3. If the jury believe from the evidence that the dereused wus it married man at the time he pretended to enter into u marriage contract with the Muter of the defendants, such a fact is no legal justification or excuse for an assiilt upon the deceased, either with or without u deadly weapon. 4. If the jury believe from the whole evidence that either of the. defendants, under color of lighting upon equal terms, used from the lieginning of the contest with the deceased it deadly weapon, without the knowledge of the deceased, and killed the deceased witli such weapon, or if the jury believe that at the beginning of said contest either of said defendants was prepared witli a deadly weapon, so as to have the power of using it in the course of the combat, and did use it accordingly, and witli itkilled the deceased, then such defendant is guilty of murder. 5. if the jury lielieve from tho evidence that the deceased, at or about the time of the homicide, was committing a trespass against the properly of Mrs. Devlin, hut not against the dwelling-house, then such trespass is not,in law a sufficient provocation to warrant the owner or anybody else in using a deadly weapon, or in aiding and abetting such uso; nnd if a deadly weapon, under such circumstances, bo used, nnd the trespasser be killed by it, such otienco is murder, although the jury shall further believe that such killing was actually necessary to prevent tho trespass. 6. If the jury believe from tho whole evidence that the defendants intended to kill the decease!, or to do him some great bodily harm, which intention maybe inferred from tho weapon made use of, or from any other circumstance in proof, then such homicide is murder, notwithstanding the jury may believe that, at the time of the killing, the defendants had received a slight provocation. 7. If, from the evidence, the jury shall find that a sudden quarrel arose between the deceased and the prisoners?ntul that, on nn assault first committed by the deceased, blows passed between them ; and that, in the course of tire contest, after becoming lieuted therein, one of the Devlins, under the influence of such passion, killed tho deceased by stabs inflicted witli a knife: and that, tho other Devlin wan present, aiding and abetting in the commission of the killing, or acting in concert with his brother committing the killing??uch killing amounts to manslaughter, unless the jury shall further find that the party who inflicted the stabs gave them in self-defence, after retreating as far as ho could with safety to himself, and that, at the time of giving the stabs, he labored under a well-founded apprehension of great bodily harm. 8. If, from tiro evidence, the jury- shall find that one of the prisoners inflicted the stalm whereof the deceased, Thomas B. Berry," died, and that the other was aiding, abetting, and assisting thereat, it is immaterial which gave the blows, and both arc responsible; but if the jury shall further find that John Devlin, one of the pitsoners, gave the stabs, and at the time of giving the same was insane, still James Devlin, if he was present aiding and assisting, is responsible. it. To relievo the prisoner, John Devlin, froin the consequences of his nets in connexion with the homicide, of Thomas B. Berry, on the ground of insanity, the evidence must establish to the minds of the jury, beyond all reasonable doubt, that he was insane at the time of the commission thereof, and that the insanity was such as to deprive the prisoner of the use of reason as applied to the acts in question, and the knowledge that he was doing wrong in committing them. 10. If the jury believo from the whole evidence that a sudden quarrel arose between (he deceased and the prisoners, and that blows passed between them without any intention to kill or injure each other materially; and that, in the course of the scuffle, after the parties became heated by the contest, James Devlin killed the deceased with a deadly weapon, and that John Devlin was present aiding and abetting in such killing, or via verm, and that the deceased waB unarmed, then the said defendants are guilty of manslaughter. The above instructions were ably argued by the several counsel; and, subsequently, Mr. Bkadijcv, for the defence, prnyed for aii additional instruction, of which the reporter was unable to obtain a copy. Upon tho conclusion of the arguments, the lists of instructions were submitted to his honor, and tho court then adjourned. Tub Fourth or July at Gborgktown Commr.?We are indebted to Messrs. N. S. Hill, J. F. Mclaughlin, and P. A. Madnn, committee of invitation, for a Inrautifully-executed card inviting us to attend the celebration to be given by the l'hilodemic Hociety of Georgetown College ?n Monday, July tho 5tb, in honor of tho natal day of American independence. The students of this eminently-popular institution never fail to do becoming honors to the various national holidays which carry us back to tho glorious days of our revolutionary struggle, and which it is so proper should ever be kept sacred and fresh in tho memory and hearts of the rising generation. In the selection of Charles B. Kenny, of the graduating class, as orator, the president and faculty of the college, M wellas the time-honored l'bilodemic, hare given the public tho utmost assurance that tho celebration of the 1th of July at that venerable institution will not fall bo hind the very best that have gone liefore it. The reader, Beverly C. Kennedy, of Louisiana, is a young tnnii of brilliant endowments, Imbued with tho true spirit of southern chivalry, anil every inch nn American. Pennsylvania and Louisiana will ho well represented in the orators, while tbo (da! and general appointments of the celebration will signalise the patriotism of the institution, and illustrate its l'hihxiemic motto: "Flequcntut lihtrMi dtviiicta," The Contracts for St.vtiont.rt.?The yearly contests for the contracts to supply the different departments of the government with stationery are participated in by all the booksellers and stationers of the city, and it not un- > frequently hapi<ens that one firm will secure the contracts of several of them. 'Phn awards for the year ending June 30, 1859, have lieen made as follows ; State Department- W. K. Ilnilv. Treasury Department Franklin Philp. interior, ww, ??i navy iw.partment* Klancharri * Mohan. The contract for supplying ihr Post Office Department in made only once In four your*, ami Is at present held by Plane hard h Mohun. It will expire in .Innc next. The Attorney General's office is supplied by private ur rangement. Kxvovai.. Wc learn that the office of the navy agent in this city lias ltfen removed from the corner of F nnd Fifteenth struts to No. 2fi0, on the north side of F street. l>etwoen Thirteenth and Fourteenth street*. Thk Bui Teams, The trig turtle cm Heveuth stw?et : still continues to attract attention. Yesterday he exe| cuted a rather serious prank, no leM than biting off a man's finger ! When we saw him last, he hiul succeeded in getting Into a tub*,by means of which, during the blistering heat, lie managed to keep one-half of his huge carcass comfortable. The portion exposed actually seemed to perspire, which is another proof of the intensity of the present " spell " of weather. In our opinion, if en end is not shortly put to his miserable existence he die a natural death. " La IVis Ton." -Nearly every person in the city has visited the newspaper depot Of Mr. AdaurSoa, on Kevenlh street, opposite the post office building, and we feci quite confident no one ever received from him any but the most polite attention. Mr. A damson has an eye to pleasing the ladies, and for this purpose keeps all the most popular and fashionable magaxincs. We have received a copy of "Lc lion Ton" for July, which seems especially designed to please them. Its fushlon plates arc very accurate, and tire descriptions are complete. A Shock mo Traokdv !?Yesterday afternoon a fine looking cow fell down, overcome with the heat, on the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and 4\ stteet. This was the sigunl for action on the part of several butchers, who immediately put an end to her existence by mean* of , that formidable instrument known its the " butcher's knife." Had they left her alone a few moments longer, undoubtedly she would have died a natural death. If the purpose of these men is to sell the Iteef, we hojie the police will not lose (tight of it. The Excvmuoji to Ghaito.n.?To-morrow will be the last opportunity afforded to our citizens to join the Fourth of July excursion to Grafton, a most beautiful retreat on the Ualtimore and Ohio railroad. We understand that a large number of gentlemen havo signified their intention of availing themselves of it. Tub Sunday Union fouod every Sunduy morning at Brown's and the National Hotel. 77ic Sumfoy Union is the paper to advertise in. ALEXANDRIA. A short time ago, or at least since the "heated term" commenced, a company of 1 'fton vimnit ' were spending a short season with one of the city "bonlfacea," when the subject of hot weather came up, as it always does at tit is season, for discussion. The landlord said that his thermometer was up to 92? in the shade. This was doubted by some, and the "machine" was brought in. Before an examination took place, however, the landlord was called away for a moment, when a fun-loving gentleman present slipped a lump of ice around the bulb. Ou the return of "mine host," a bet was offered of julips round that the thermometer would not show a range above 50 or 60 degrees, which was readily taken, and an examination made, which resulted in showing a range of but 39 (IdtrroAa Tim lint wiiu nsifrl itrtil Mn? ilritilcti tmliiluul of ter which the trick was discovered. Marriage License*.?'There were eight marriage licoubch granted by the clerk of the county court of this county during the month of June. Dividends.?'Hie Hank of the Old Dominion has declared a semi-annual dividend of four per cent. At it meeting of the president and directors of the Alexandria Witter Company, a scnii-annnal dividend of three per cent, wus declared, payftble to tho stockholders at the office of the treasurer on and after the 5th Inst. MARINE. Ajutmo. SttNimnr Diamond Htnto, Keimin, Baltimore, to Wheal &Bro. A num. Srlioonor B. h 8. Small, DrUco. Baltimore, by Mooter. Bubouutr Kleiner, Towntend, Baltimore, by Mrwter. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. Browns' Hotel. I)r k Mr* Blackis, Nashville, Ten# Ml** Mead k daughter, lYnfksyi'n PtTK Greena, MllledgeTllla, tla W II Donegan, Hunt'ville, Altt J R Mmp.ion, New York W A Horn, New York Mrs 1.1. Taylor fc sorv., Louisiana J R Elliott, Sun Antonia,"Toxa* W K Woody, Baltimore A Rodham A lady, Now York M M Kdnoy, Philadelphia Mi is G H Rodham, do rt h Snow, do J Hull, Ieekport, N J T rtlrnpklnaon A lady, Indiana rt IV Hanson, Baltimore Mis* K rtuow, do A W Card, do Miss rt M Snow, do FF Rotten, J R Mead, lady A dAiightor, Fenn- Win Steptore, Hanson Tcr gylvnnla Kirk wood House. J MtMidaugh, Portsmouth, Va 8 N Brandy, New York J D Force & Soil, titttrgla J N* McGriiftn & lady, reuiifyra S lVr?ey, Newfoundland A J Pucfjr, Boston 8 K Bricks, Mr FarnilriKton, I/mdon B C P CowjHjr, Portsmouth, Va W W Dobbins, MarynTtUe, Cfcl National Hotel. Baron Wettornledl A servant, Hive- .11. Snyder, Baltimore don A Norway G W Gnilllin, do Rnv A F N Rolfo, Murylend .1 W Clark A lady. Now York I, C Bishop, Diet Colombia T T Giles, Richmond, Va I) MuOlauglilin, Philadelphia W B Myers, do H MoKoe, Ronton N Gear, Ohio Y Wilson A lady, New York II I) Means, Baltimore K J Riuehart, Maryland Mr. Tempplla, V rt N Mist C B Carr, Virginia Miguel A Ob ud A family, New F Stanly, U rt N Mexico United States Hotel. R W Armslead. St iouis .lolin Cross. Wheeling, Va J Armstrong, Ohio R B Stephenson. Parkerebnrg, Va J S Carter, Indiana Jesse II Haw, I'lst Columbia Win Baldwin, Virginia J W Stevens, Kentucky By A. GREEN, Auctioneer. PAA ZARAS BRUSSELS CARI'ET AT AUC Hon.?Oa Huh (Saturday) morning, tha 3d instant, l *hall sell in front of my auction room, corner of 7th ami 1) streets, at 10 o'clock, a. in., n largo lot of assorted pattern* of Brussels carj>et, cut in pieces of assorted length*, offering a fine opportunity lor person* wishing to purchase shambcr or parlor carpet* at low price*. Tor ma cash. A. ORF.KN, July 8?It ApetUmoor. Rank of Mutrwoijm, Washington, July 1, 1858. rpHIS BANK will not bo opened for buaincBs on JL Monday, the 5th t*f July, as the 4th, falling this ) ear on Sunday, will he celebrated on the 6th It is therefore requested that notes payable on the 5th he attend* d to on Saturday, the 3d of July. The Hoard of Trustees will moot ou Tuesday, the (ith of July, to act upon paper offered for discount. July 2?3tif WASHINGTON BRANCH BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. EXCURSION' TO OKA ETON OS THE FOURTH JULY. Wit!) ft flew to oflhr an opportunity to all who may desire to pans over a portWii of the Baltimore ami Ohio Railroad, Excursion Tickets will he issued at this office to Orafton, for either of the tr.tiu* of Saturday ami Sunday, to return by those of Monday and Tuesday. Orafton i* situated nt the Junction of the Baltimore and Ohio and Northwestern Roadf, 300 mile* from Washington, and,beyond the inaln point* of attraction along it* line. Dy taking the train from Washington at 5.15 a. m., on Kilurday morning, an opportunity will be afforded to view the whole line by <Uy light. Fare for round trip NINE poiXAM. THOMAS H. PARSONS*, July 2?St Agent. rriHE RIGHT OF DETENTION, VISIT. AND A. Search, examined on leg;*l principles and autliorith's. By Kichard S. Coxe, Counsellor at law, Washington. Pamphlet. 25 cents. July 1 rRAKCX TAYLOR. RED SULPHUR SPRINGS -Hoxiol wwitt, VmOINIA.?These celebrated Mineral Springs arc now open for the rc*OMi?tlon of visitors. It Is now well known that no me tlcfnal agent* that have been tried havu had such signal succe** m 'the waters of the Rod Hulphur Springs in the speedy cure of meat cases of pulmo nary consumption, bronchial affections, chronic diarrhma, dyspepsia, and dincaacs of the brain VWtom via Richmond and I.ynchburg should leave the Virginia and Tennessee railroad at Newborn lisped. They will then havo hut thirty eight miles of stagings over a good road Via Orange and Ah x andria and Virginia Central railroad, there is now about petctjfy talfee of staging. Invall la wniiM amore bettor mini, awl Hotter race ami attention, by coming fArlv, an wn ar? iwually vory much orowdoit through ilio month of AiagQat. f S- CAMTB1DJ, k IX). May 30?dlmo "TjWTRA WIDE BLACK BKREUE8 for BIhfwIb, 1 J Manila*. I alitor", Ac Black Gronadlno Hcrogo TllnrV Twtatwl Silka With all ot hi'r klmla of It rat clung Mourning liwnl> ooailatllly on hanil. Ml plocog wide and luirrnw boat Block'1 h Crape*. Mow mi|iplion from th* North anil Kant ilully. thin price only, marked in plain flgurpa; honoo no pu return or la overcharged. A vlnlt to our natahllglimont incur* no obligation to pnrclrano. I'KRKY A BROTHER, " Central Stoma," wart building, J it do 23- lOtdlf ipygglM Citntri uterfcot I [No. 614.} j By the President of the United Statei. IN pursuance of law, I, JAMES BUCHANAN, I'resWfni ?f th-I'uitrU Huu-.i of America, do hereby declare ami I make known that public sale* will be held at the undermentioned land ottliri In the State of California, at tbe periods bartdonfter dee jgnaieri, to w it : At the land office at Hcmsqidt, cotni?ti*nclu| (ID Monday, the seventh day of February next, for (he dUjw>M?l of the public lands situated in the lolkmuig itiwbrhi|Mi and )*rU iff tovrfc*bi|w, vlt. i Jtfprtk oj the bate line amI cad <\f the HutnMdt yneriduin. 1 to 30 inclusive; tho N *u<i fractions of the S aoutlaufKol river of section 31; the N id 83, the V 1, of 33; the N'W \ ?>f 31, and the NK X ?f 35. uttawiuhip two. The N >4 of se< tlofi It MCtloni.l and 3; the E ?4 of the NE t*, the SW \ of NIC *4, the K of 8E '4. and the 8W \ of SK of section 4; tho E^; the St ,*% of NW '4, and the IT ^ of HW't of section 9; section 10; tho NW tf of 11; tho b of 13; tho H >? of If ; section 15; the .VE >4, the AC ^ of NE '4, and the riF. Jg ot dW ^ uf 17; tho K H ?r NK '4. the E *4 of NW .'4, and the E of HE >4 of nnut'iou 20; sections '21 to *23 inclusive, the E W of NE *4, the NW" I4 of NE '4, the K V, of HE t4', nnd the tt >f of rtW ^ of 29; the SK 14 of 08 >4, the W ^ Of BE >4, tho & of dW ^4, and the dW *4 of dW l4. of 30, and Motions 31 to 33 Inclusive, of toujmhipjliv. Section * 1 to 30 Inclusive; the NK ?4 , nnd the N of NW ^ of section 32; tho K the NW , and tho NK *4 of 8w >t of 38 ; and sections 34 and 36, of iotenship fix, of range one. Sections I and 2-tho NK >4 of 3; tho W of 4 ; wee don 5; the N >i of 8; the 3W t4 of 7; the K *4 of 8; section V, the H >4 of 10; section 11 to 19 inclusive; the NW of 20; tho NE V of 21; sections 22 to 27 iucluaivM' Kortlrwm All* rh?. VW r t*r *ii <> .. sW 1/ iha ?V l ,?f 33; and sections 34 and 36, of township two. Section* 1, *2, aud 3; tho N'K K of 4; t*i? SW '4' of 7; the NK >4 of 10; Motions 11,12, and tf; the iNE of 11; section* 17, 13, 19, aud 20, tho N fa of 21; the SW >4 of 22, tho SK >4 of 23; sectiou* 24, 2', 20, and '27; lho 8 >a of 28; and section* 29 to 36 inclusive, of township three, of range three. JVvrih of the bate fine am I west (f the Ilumlxfh&L meridian. Section* 1 and 2; lots 1, 2, and 3, of *ectior?3; Mooiions 8 and 9; tho W I*, aud lot 1, of section 10; sections 11,1'2, 13, 14, and 16; tho NK 1% of 17; sections 21 tg 28 iijclusive; the JS'E >4', tho NX }A of NW )x; and tots I, 2, aud 4 of section 35, of township <u*>. The NW '4 of section 3: sections 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, and 9; tho 8W >4 of 16; sections 17 to 22, inclusive, tho SW \ of 28; and sections 25 to 35, inclusive,of township three, fractional loumthi/tg four, fee. tiw, siritm, and seventeen. Fractional sections 5 and 8 ; tho SW 14 of 15; fractional section 17; the Nr }m of 21; section 22; the HE of 23; mictions 2(5 aud 27; fractional section 32; ititd sections 33, 34, and 35, of township eigfttem, of rangeone. The K fj, the NW ^, the K y, of SW .'4, and tho NW of SW \ , or section 1; the NE *4 of NE *4 of 2; the NK and tin* N'K ,'4 ??f SK '4 ??f 12; tho 8 ?a' of NK *4 , tho SB >1, tho E of SW ?4, and tho SW <4 SW '4 of section 13; the 8 *, of NW >4, the SW \t the W ^4 of SK't , and IheSK *4 ??f 8R ?4, of section 14; fractional sections 23, 24, 25, ?9, and 27, and sections 34 and 35, of township three; aud fractional township four and sixteen, of range two. *T ..iL it. - I / J i*.- U <4 rw .M-f-.. TlivSW of Miction 3; auction 4; tho E of 5; the NE W of 8, tho X tj of 9; and tho NW \ of 10, of tmvnship forty -three. The SW K of section 14; tb?? H oi 15; tin) K \ 'x of 21; section 22; tho N % of 23; section 24; the NW U ?f 27; tho K )? of 28; the HE ,t4 of 32; ad J aeoti??u 33 ?>f township forty four, of range three . Sections 1, 2, 3, iiml 4; the NE }A of 6; the K of 10; Ht-clionu 11, 12, aixl 13; and tho NE of 14. of township forty three. Tho W >a of soction 4; sec tiooH 5, 6, 7, una 8; tho W 1 x of 0; section* 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21; tho SW >4 ft 22; tho W of 27; auctions 28. 29, and 30, the N y% of 31; the A lai and the HE oi 32; sections 33 and., 34; and the SW ol 35, W township forty four. The SW '4 of auction 4; Motions ft, 6, 7, and 8; tho W % of 9; sections 17, 18, 19, and 20; tho W )A of 2l;1he W % of 28, sect tons 29, 30, 31, and 82; and the W Y% of 33; of towtithip forty Jlor, of range four. The NE J4 of section 1; the 6W \ of auction 3; the NW and the 8 of section 4; section* r> to 10, lucloaive; the SW of 11; the SE }A or 12; and sections 13 to 35, inclusive, of township forty three, town shift* forty four and forty five. Tfco NW *4 of aectton 3; auctions 4 to 9, Inclusive; the SW 't of section 10 ; the S l4 of 12; section 13; the S of 14; auctions 1ft and 17 to 33, inclusive, of township forty-six, o(range fire. The SW of aortinn fl, Mention t ; the Sff oT 17; section 18; (h* W 3a of 19; the BW of 29; ructions 30, 31; nud 32, of township twelet. Sections 1, 2, nud 3; the F. J# of 4; sections 9 to 18, inclusive; tho NE \ of 14; tbfc SE 'L of 17; the ftE '4 of 23; ruction 24; and the NE *4 of 2 A, of township forty two. Section* 1, 2, and 3; the E or 4; auctions 9, 10, and 11, tho N U of 12, the 8 )a of 13; sections 14 and 1ft; the HE of 17; the HE .'4 of 19; auctions 20 to 29, Inclusive; tho E .1u of 30; the NE-.'L of 32; and sections 33, 34, and 35, of township forty-three- Sections 1 to 6, inclusive; tho E ?'4 and the SW '4 of 0; auctions 7 to 29, inclusive; tho NfE of 30; the 8E M of 31: end sections 32, 33, 84; and 3ft of towwhip forty four. Sections 1 to 4, inclusive ; the S >4 of'ft; the S >4 of 0; and sections 7 to 35, Inclusive, of township forty fi'ye. The NE J4' of section 1; the BE \ of 12; section 13; the HE '4 oi 14; sections 23, 24, 25, and 20; the HE 4 of 34; and section 3ft, of township forty sir. The 8 of section 0; the E > ? or 7; the SW of 8; the W % of 17; tho E of 18; the NE >4 of 19; the N 'X and tho 8E \ of 20; the SW of 21; aectious 2ft, 20, and 27; the N )% of 28; the NE \? of 29; and sections 34 and 3ft, of township fortyseven, of range, sir.. Section* 1,8, n, 4, and 9 to 15 inclusive ; theSE '4' of 17; sections 19 to 27 inclualvo ; the NE }.[ of 28 ; tho NE '4 of 34 ; and section 3ft of township twelve. TJie S !4 of section 2 ; the HE >4 of section 3 ; fractional sections 6, 8, and 7 ; tho W of section 8 ; tho 8K of section 9 ; sections 10 and 11; the SW Ni ?*f 1*2 ; the W *4' of 14 ; section 1ft ; fractional section* 17, 18, 20, and 21 ; the W of section 22 ; tho W of 20 ; section 27 ; and fractional sections 28. 33, 34, and 35 of township thirteen. Fractional auctions ?1 and 32, of township fourteen. Town*hipi twenty eight ami twenty-nine. Tho E }'4 of suction 1 ; see tioni 10 to 1ft inclusive ; and section 19 to 3ft, inclusive, of township thirty. Tho 8K of sectlou 3 ; the NE % of 10 ; the S ?, of 11 : the S \4 of 12,; the N of 13; and tho NE of 14, of township forty four. Tha 8 K^f section 12 ; sections 13, 24, and 25 ; the HE *4 of 26 ; tho NE M of 31 ; and the NW *4 of 3ft, of town *hip/orty fir, of Teniae seven. The E }j of section 11: tho BW of 12; the W y% or 13; tho N ?4', the HE .'i, the NE )t of SW and lot* 1 and 9 of section 14; the E of 23; suctions 24 and 2ft; and the NE }\ of 26, of township twelve. Fractional sections 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 and 13, of township thirteen. The SW of section 6; and the NW >4 of section 7, of township forty. Tho HK ,'4 of section 8; the E }?, and tho SW JL <?f 17; the S of 18; the N }i of 19; and the NW 'u of 20. of toivpthipforty three. Tho NK df section 31; tho N of 32; and the NW :4 ol 33, Cf tVH'tirhfp fortyf'MH\ Of runyr right. Suction 2; the NE \ of 3; the HE *4 of 10; section 11: the liW I4 of 12; (lie W >; of 13; the. NE M of 14; the E .V, of 24; and th" E }i of 25, Of township forty-one. Hectloii9 2, 3, 4, and ft; the NE \i of 6; 80Ctlont 8, 9, 10 and 11: the 8W ?/ of 12: the W of 13; sections 14 and 13; the K )i of 17, tile \'E }? of 2U; section* 5ll, H, And 23; the W Y ot 24; the NW }A of 25; sectiou,* 28 and 27; the N of 28; the K of 34; aud section 35, of township forty-two. The N % of section 2; the W and the HE \ of section 13; section 14; tho S ^ of 15; tt?? NW }x of 17; the HE )i of 18; the E K of 19; tho E H of 21; sections *22, 23. and 24; the W }& of 23; aeciions 2b, 27, and 28; the 8 u<29; the E of 30; the K ?a of 31; and section*, 32, 33, 34, and 3ft, or township forty three. The SW \x of section 25; tho SW ^ of 27; the S ? 4 of 28; the S }; of 23: tUe S ,?.j of 30; tho NW }t of 31; the E of 32, the N }l of 33; the W of 31; and tlie BE >4 of 3ft, oftouaiship forty four, 01' range nine. The NE >4 of suction 3ft, of township forty four, of range ten. At the land oillco at Makykvillk, commencing ou Monday tho seventh day of February next, for tho disposal of the public laud* situated in the fbUOWhitf township* arid ptrt* of tbwnsiiip*, vit. Nvrth of the base line, and east of the Mount Diablo meridian. Tho SW of SW V| of section 1; tho SW '4 of NK ,l4', tho W J; of QE *4, tlioSE of HE '4, and the W *f of section 2; suction* 3, 4, ft, 6, and 7; the NW of 8; the NE *4 of 9; sections 10 and 1J; the SE ?4 of NW tho W >; of NW ^.tho SW '4', tlio SW ?4 of SE of section 12; sections 13,14, 16, 18, and 19; the SW of 20; the NE ?4 of 22; sections 23, 24, 25, and 26; the W ?, of 29; sections 30 and 31; tho NW '4 of 32; and tho NE '4 of 36, of township forty-seven, of range one. Sections 1 to 12, inclusive; tho NE '( of 13; the NW \ of 14; *ectious 15 aud 17 to 22, iuclosivo; tho 8W of 26; and sections 27 to 35, inclusive, Of township forty^sUi, of range, twit. Ibwnshipt ser"ntcen, eighteen, nineteen, atid twenty, of range thrrf. Tnanship seventeen, or range /our, tractions 1 to 18 inclusive; townships eleven and twelve aud fractional townships thirteen and fourteen, and township fifteen ^ of range Jtt?e. Sections 1 to 18, Inclusive, of township ten; township* eleven, t> valve,, and thirteen; tho 10 % of section ft; sections 6, 7. 8, 17, 18,19, 20, 29, 30, 81. and 82; and tho 8W ?4 of 33, of township 15, of'range si s. Fractional, township eight; section 1 to 18. Inclusive} of toicttshtp ten; townships eleven ami twelve; sections 1, is. And 3; the E and the SW \ of Section <; thU rfW ol 7; the HK of 8; section* 9 to 35 inclusive, ol township thlrtoon, of range.seveii Fractional township eight; township nine; the NE ?, of sectloi\ 2; soot ion 3 to 9, inclusive; tho NW '4 of 10; sections 17 to 21, lnclttniro, section 28 to 32, Inclusive; and tho N'W of 83, of township tioelve; the NW "4 of Bcctiou 6; sections 6 and 7; tho BAV }A of 8; hoc tions 17 to 20, inclusive; the S\V \ of 21; tho SW \ of 27; section 28 to 34, inclusive; n.nd the SW of 35 of township 13, of range, right. Xorth of the bate line ami weft of the. Mount Diablo meridian. Township twenty four; sections 1 to 12. inclusive; the NE lx of 13; tho NW >4 of 14; sections 15. and 17 to 22, inclusive; the H ?j of 23, the 8 V% of 24; and sections 25 to 35, inclusive, of totvnuhip twenty five; and townships/or/?/-*?x and forty w+n of rang*' one. 8?CHons 1 and 2; the E *4 of NE '4. tho NAV \ Of NE ,\i, the E ii of HE ,'4, and the SW ?4 of SB '4 of section 3; the W >4 of N'W ?t, and tho W of HAV \ of section 4 ; the K *4 of section 5; the ME \ of 8, tho AV *a of NW V tho HE yt of NW 'lt and the S *4 of section?; the NK }(, and the S 14 or section 10; auctions 11, 12,13. and 14; the N *4 of 15; and actions 23, 24, 25, 20, and 35, of township forty six. The SE '.4 of section 23; the S of 24; sections 25 mid 20; the E and the NW ?t vf 27; the NE !4 of 28; the K >4 of NE , the NAV of NE the K ,'i of HP* and the SAV '4 of HE of section 34; and section 35, of townsh ip forty-seven, of range, tivo. Townships twenty two, twenty--three t and twenty four; tho fractions of foHHptkip twenty wen, west of the HlicnuncDto ri\ur; sections 1 and 2; fractional sections 3, 4, and ft; sections (1 and 7; fractional sections 8 and 10; sections 11,12,13. and 14; the fractious ot section 1ft, 011 Bloody Island; section 18; the fractions of section 23, east of the Sac raniento river; sections 24, 2ft, and 26, tho fractions of sections 27, 28, and 33, east of the Sacramento river; section 34; and the fractions of section 3ft, north of the Sacramento river, of township twenty-nine; the sections aud parts (?f sections eu^t of tho Sacramento river, und the parts of section* 33 and 34 on Rsnchcria Island, of township thirty; and township thirty one, of range three. Townships twenty two, twenty three, tvwtfy fonr, and twenty-jive; aectlona 1, 2, and 3; the NK *4 of 4; sections 10 to 16, inclusive; sec turn* 18to 2? Inoltunre; tbi HE \ or section 88; and section 81 i<> 35 Inclusive, of township twenty six; tho SK ,V of section 12; unctions 13, 14, and 1ft: sections 22 to 27 inclusive; tho SE of 33, and sections 34 and 35 of township twenty-seven; the SE *.4 of section 1; the SK '4 of section 8; sections 9 to 15 inclusive; and sections 17 and 18 of township twenty-nine; sections 1, 2, and 3; and the fractions of sections 4,9,10, 11, and 12, north of the Hacramento river, of township thirty; sections 3 to 10 inclusive; sections 15 and 17; tho fractions of sections 18 and 19, east of .Sacramento river; sections 20 to 29 inclu aim; the fractions of sections 30, 32, and 33, ea?t of the Sacramento river; and sections 34 and 35 of township thirty (me, of mu^c four. Township* twenty two, twenty three, twentyf*mr, and twenty jive; sec tions 1,2, 3, 4, and 5; tho NK V ?f sections 8 to 15 IucIumv*; sec lions 21 to 28 inclusive; the SE '4 of section 32; and sections 33. 34: and 35 <if township twntysi c-t tho 8W \ of lection 17; sectiun* 18, Iff, and 20; tlie 8W of 21; IhoSW-^' of 25; ami aiwtionH 20 to 35 Indwivo of towH*hip twenty Kvrn; the fraction* of ?ectftoBs 25, 20, audi 27, north of tho ijMrinnnto T\verto( townnhipthirty tico, of ran$f Portion* l to 5, Inclusive; 8 to 45. tnrlualve; 17 and 20 to 29, inclu ?rf ; and 32 to 35, Inclnaivo, of township twenty one; avctlonx 1 to 5. cluidro ; 8 to 1.5, Inolnairt*: 17 and 20 to 22, inclusive; and 32 to 35, inclnaive, of township twrn'y two; auctions 1 to 5, inclusive; of 8 to 15, in chuivc ; 17 and 20 to 20, inclusive ; and 32 to 85, inclusive, of town ship twenty-throe; sections 1 to 4, inchwivn; ft to 15, inclusive; 21 to 28, tacltHdre; ami 33. 34, and 35, of t'nenxhip ttnentyfour; Htctiolll 1 to 4, inclusive; 0 to 15. inclmdvo; 21 to 28, Inclusive, and 38, 34, and 34, of {otc>w|i/i ttrrpfy-jfor. The NW ^ of auction 3; aectlonf 4, 5. 0, 7, and 8 ; the W J2 of 9; toot loon 17.18, IP, and 20, the W J<, of "21; the W >? of 28; feeotlonH 2?, 30, and 31; and the N\V 'i of 32, of fmnnship tiirnty nine; (<n>m*hip thirty; tho BW \ of section 27; hoc tk?tiM 28 and 20; the K of 30: the K of 81; sections 32 and 33; and the W )? of 34, of townfhip thirty one, of mnp* rir. At8t* UihI Offiro it Kav Faajwiwxi, commencing on Monday, the seventh day of February next, for tho disposal of the pa I die lands-, situated in the Miowing towiWiipa and part* of townahlpa, vit: Sooth nf Dn'Uxst Urn nivi cnet of the Mount XHMo mteWint?. Paction* 1 to i} inclusive; th? NTS of i: sections ft to 15, inclusive; 21 to 28. inclusive; lb* SF \ of section 82; and Mellon* 38, 34, and 35 of township twn*tyihrrrtnf ronfy ten m JUunuUp twtniy thru: +J range eL n IbtrnnKip twenty *?*#i kfOtHAa I to 15, Inclusive; the NE xi of If; ] the XW ?4 ?/ If; til e NE ^ of 21; aedttoh* *2 to 27, Inclusive; the 8K *4 ot 33; tfd aQfUMM 34 and 35, of township tun n*y-fight, of range fiftC'H a The HW '4' of ae< tion 17; tbt 8 )i of II: sections tf and 20: tno 8 lj of 21; 11 to 8W '4 of 22; tho SW ?4 of 20; ft#0tu?l9 27 to II, Ineln sire; *ift<I tho W J, of Motion 35, of tmwhip tnxnty iawj towniki* twenty eight i auction 1 to ?, Inclusive; the XK of 0; section* 8 to 15, Inclusive; the NE t| <?f 17;the NE of 22; MctiOQH 23, 24, wot 25. mm! the Nl if of section 20 Of tmftomp h'W?/Vmns, of range mten. Tinunshipn twenty right <*#?</ fwvn/y nine; fhu W )? of wee t ion 3; wee tioua 4 end 5; the NE ^ of (I; the NE ,U of 8; section 0; the W '4 of 10: the HE li of 13, ttse SWT ?4 of 14; aectton 13; tiw ? of 29: MClions 23, 24, 25 and 26: the E >, and the SW ?4 of 27; Um- 8 of 28; the N ?- of 33; and sections 34 and 35 of fawn*hip thirty; wet lions 1 and 2; tuo XE of 8; the NE '4 of 11, action 12; and tho NE h of 13, of Unvn*hip thirty owe, of range semitcm. flection* o and J; the 8 *; of 6act tiou* 17 to 21. Innlindve; HW of section 22: tho 8W '4 of 20; secUooa 27 to' 35, inclusive, of (ottmthip twenty eight; townxhip twtHty nine; sections 1 to la, Inclusive; the S >4 of 17; the N ?*' of 18; sections 22 to 27, inclusive; the HW J4 of section 30; section 31; IhoH >, of section 32 ; the S of 33; and sections 84 and 35, of (owtuhip thirty; sections 1 to 28, Inclusive; the NE '4 of sec tiou 29; thoNVT l4 of section 30; the HE of section 31; and section* 33, 34, and 35 of Own* kips thirty one , of range eighteen. Ttnmskipe thirty ami thirty one; hcctionrf 1 to 12, inclusive; and the NE l4 of 13, of Unvmhipthirty, of range nineteen. The SW ?4 of"section 7;the ? S and the NW ?4 el 17: section* 18, 19, &ii<t 20; the JjW "4 of 21: the HW >4 of 27; soctious 28 to 34, ill elusive; and 8W >4 of 35, of lowtuhip thirty. Township thirty-tike; her Mo 110 1 to 18, inclusive; the NW \ of 10; the NE J4 of 21; 0tactions 22, 23, 24, and 26; the N \ of 28; and the NW .!* of 27, of township thirty two, of range twenty. The SF. \ of section 17. the SW *4 of 18; factions 19 am! 20; the W ?; or 21; tbeSW ?4 of 27; section* 28 to34, inclusive; and the 8 }x of 36, of township thirty one, and township thirty-two, of range twentyAt the laud oflioo at drociTu.1, commencing uti Muuduy, the seventh thty of February next, for the dnpoda) of the public lands situated In tin- follow ing townshi|H and parts of towimhip*, viz: North of the hate line an I firt of the Afrrunt Diablo meridian. tactions 1 to 5, inclusive; the K %, tih# E of NW ?4, and the E of?W li of auction 6; the K **'. the NK l4 of NW y of 7; sections 8 to 15, iucluhlve; kclUoii 17; the K >*, and tile HE *4 of 8W }A of 18; the K )a, the NK 1y of NW '4, and the SW j4 of 19; sections 20 to 24. luclu dive; auction* 27, tfS, and 29; the E of NE >4, the NW of NK \, the NK \ of NW '4, the SK *4', the E !, of SW ?4, and the 8W ?4 of aW )1 of taction 30; and a?*-tioua 31 to 31, luclttaive, of township six; section* 1 to 6, inclusive} the N y% of 7; the K >*, the NW j*, and the E \4 offlW '4 of 8; tMlfani 9 hi 16, Inclusive; the E ?>l 17; the HE }1 of NR h, the K of HE *4, and the HW ?4 of HE >4 of itMiioo iu. the E >4, the SW '4 , and the S }j of NW \ of section 20; section* 21 to29, inclusive: ilia K,Ja, ?U<1 tlie K of SW ?4 of section 30' the E yt, the E of NW ly, and the R ln of 8W ,?4 of section 31; and aectioiiH 32, 33, 34, und 35, of toumnhip leten, of range Jlec. Tavrwhip feven, of range tit. " ' Tmmship itj, of ra nge amen. Tiiwiwhiji* one, two, three, four, and Jive; tho N of section 1; section 2 to 11, inclusive; section 14 to 23, inclusive; and *<?< tion 20 to 35, Inclusive, of towniMp fix ; the NW fraction, south of the Coinmne* river, of the NK >4, and the fraction* of the NW t4, south of tho aumo river, of aection 2; the frr.cUona of auction* 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, south of the Cosmnno* river; sections 8, P. and 10; the SW ?4 of 14; sections 15 and 17, to 35, inclusive, of township seven, of range eight. Jhwnthipt one and tiro; the NW '4 of section 2; section* 3 u> 10, inclusive; the hW ?4 ol 11; avc.Uons 14, 15, and 17 to 23, Imitative; tho 8 *, of 24; and section* 25 to 35, inclusive, of township three ; sections 4 to 9, inclusive; and 17 to 21, Inclusive; the 8W }.K of 22; the W >a of 27 ; sections 28 to 33, inclusive, and the W ), of 34, of township four; the NW '4 of section 3; sections 4 to 9, inclusive, and 17 to 21, In elusive; and 28 to 33, inclusive, of Ujwnthij Jive, of range nine. Township one; tho NW U 01 Hcctlou 2; sections 3 to 10, inclusive; the HW '4 of 11; tho HW ?4 of 13; sections 14, 15, and 17, to 35, in elusive, of toumtJlip tutof tho 8W y of section 19; section* 29, 30, 31, and 32; and the HW ?4 of section 33; of towmhip three, of range ten. The W of section Ave ; sections 0, 7, 8, and 17 to 20, incluaivo; the HW *4 of 21; and sections 28 to 33, inclusive, of township one; the SW U of section 19 ; the SW li of 29; sections 30 and 31 ; and the W \t of 32, of township tioo, of range eleven. South of the base line ami east of the Mount Diablo meridian. flection* 1 to 15, Inclusive; section 17; the NK '4 of 18; tho NE 'n of 21; sections 22 to 2fl, inclusive ; tho NK .'14 of 27; and section 35, of township four, of range *U. The S Vx of section 7; tho H y, of 8; the 8 ja' of 9; tlicg of NE tho SK *4, tho S of N'W '4, and tho HW y of section 10; sections 11 to 35 inclusive; of township one and townships two, three, and four, of range seven. Tbumhip* one, two, three, and four, of range f.igJd. v Ttrwnships one, two, three, four, and Jive, of range nine. Townships (me. two, three, four, nndfire, of range ten. Township* onfj (too, three, four, and Jive, of range, eleven. Township* tuns, three, four, and Jive, of range twelve. Township* two, throe, four, and foe, of range thirteen. At tho land ofllco at Vwwm, commencing on Monday, tho seventh day of February next, for the disposal of tho public binds situated In the following township!* ana pan* of township*, viz: South of the base line and east of the. Mount Diablo meridian. Township thirteen, and fractional townships fourteen and fifteen, of range, fifteen, fractional township thirteen; township fourteen; and fractional township fifteen of range seventeen. Tmonshipi thirteen, fourteen, awl fifteen, and fractional township six teen, of range eighteen. Townships thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, ami sixteen, and fractional township seventeen, of range nineteen. Townships thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen, and fractional township tercrlfren. of range twenty. Township* thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and tirtscn ; fractional tnvmships seventeen and eighteen ; touMsh-'p nineteen; and fractional totvn shift twenty, of range twenty one. Township* thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen anil nineteen ; and fractional township twenty, of range twenty-two. HocUOdh 4 to 10, inclusive ; the SW \x of 11 ; and section 14 to 35, Inclusive, of township thirteen ; section* 2 to 11, iac)u*ive, 13 to 23 inclusive ; the S }x of 25 ; and sections 20 t-rt 35 inclusive, of township fourteen ; township*fifteen and sixteen, mid fractional townships frv enteen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of range, twenty-three. Section* 19 and 30; tho X % and the SW }\ of 31; tho X'4 of 02; and section 33 of township thirteen; the S yz of section 15; section 17 to 21, Inclusive; tho N y, and the SW >4 of section 22; the E ),i of 24; section 25; tho W }i of 27; sections 28 to 33 inclusive; and the W )i of .section 34 of town snip fourteen I township* fifteen and six'ecH, find fraccio Vfi1 townships seventeen, eight fen, nineteen, and twenty, of rang* tiH-ntyfour, The SW U <>* aaMlon JJj the NW hi of 19; the SW V of 30; tfitf "W }x and the 8E '4 ?f 31: and the SW of 32 of town/hipfourteen; the W \'x of section 5; .section* 0 and 7; the W U allrt the SK of 8; neetion* 17,18,19, 21), and 21; tho W >4 of 20; Pactions 30, 01, 32, and Sit; and thC w of 34 Of township fifteen ? sections 4 to ten, iuclmMve; tho S J. of 11; the W y% of the SK U of 12; tho N of 18; tho N % of 14; tho N y% and SW X of 15; svctlqns 17 to 21, luCluutvo, ami 28 to 35, Inclusive of township sixteen; fractional townships seventeen, eighteen, ninr'ren, and twenty, ol range twenty fire. Section ill; ami tho 8 V* of section 32, of township sixteen ; the S yx of section 1; the SE ^ of 2; tho SW U 3;sections 4 to 11, inclusive; the NTW ?4 of section 12; tlieS ># of 13; and NCC*S>na 1J to 35, inclusive, of township sejynteen; fractional township eighteen ; (ii0 .*TW of section 1; sections 2 to 11, inclusive; the SW ,'i of 13; and Becttoli* 14 to 85, Inclusive; of township nineteen, and fractional township twenty, of range twenty-six. Section 17; the SE >i of IS; the W }{ of IP; the ?W of 29; the W It and the SE '4 of 30; the E the NW the r. ctf SW >?, and the NW ,'4 of SW y of secttou 31; section 32; and the S ^ of second 33, of township seventeen ; the W y of section 2; fractional Hcctiona 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, ami 9; section 10; the N of 11; tho W of 15; s?< t'ona 17 to 21, inclusive; the NW *t' of 22; tiic W }x of 29; uectiou 30; tlie NW .>4 of 31; and the NE ' ; of 32, of township eighteen ; sections 5, 0, 7. and 8: tho 8W # oft; the 8W of 13; Uie 8 % of 14: secOotts LA uud 17 to 28,iticluaive; the W yx of 24; tho W ) % ol 25; ami sections 20 to 35, Inclusive, of township twenty, of range twenty seven. At the hind oilico at hw Ajuibijm, commencing en Monday, the seventh day of February next, for the disposal of the public lands situated in the following townships uud parte Ot toWnchljr*f vix: North of the base line and west of the San Bernardino meridian. Sections 1 and 2; tho SE ,'4 of 3; sections 10 to 15, inclusive; the NE of section 21; tho N }'x of 22; the N )'x of 23; and section 24, of townshifi 'ight, of range eighteen. Section* 1 to 20, inclusive; tho S of 21; tho N of NE *4, the NtV !i, ami tho W of SW *4 of section 22; tho NE '4' and the S of NW lx of section 23; ttte N )x of 24; and the NE ,'4 hi section 29, of Uwmthip eight; tho S yx of section 10; the S }'9 of 11; tho 8 )t of 12; Suctions 13, 14, 15, and 19 to 35j inclusive, of township nine, of range seventeen. Sections I to 25, Inclusive; and tlio NE '4 of 20, to township eight; RpctioriH 1 to 5, Inclusive; tho E jf, tho E }9 of NW ??, nud tho E of SW ,' i of section 6; ami aoctions 7 to 35, inclusivo, of township nine ; tho 8 of section 13, the SE 't of 23; sectiouH 24, 25, and 20; tho SK ii of 27; tho SE ?4 of 32; tho S ^ of 33; and Neclions 34 and 35 of township ten, of range sixteen. SectioiiK 1 and 2: the N }x of 3; tho NE V, And tho N y of NW *4 of 4; the N of NE and the NW ,'4 of 5; tho NE '4 ot 0; tho K j, ofll;eoclion 12; tho N J4 of 13; and tl\e NE '4 of 14, of township *t ?vn; fotr*n!Af/?d^A/;sectiCliM 1 to 9, tnclu-ive; the N of 10;sections 11, 12, 13, and 14; the S ; t of 15; section* 17, 18, 19, ami 20; tho S % of 21; and aectionH 22 to 35 of township nine ; tho N hi of section 13 ; the N yx of 14; the N of 15; the N of 17; the N % of IS; and hoc Hons 19 to 35,1 Delusive, of township ten, ol' range fifteen. Tnr.nships eight and nine; soctuuia 1 and 2; tho K yM of 3; the E *3 of 10; sectiofi* 11 to 15, inclusive; the S ', of 17; the SE \t of 18; and sections 10 to 35, Inclunive, of toumship kn; Hections 1 to 0, incluHivc; the N )x and the SE of 7; scctioipi H to 15, luclusive; Kection 17; the NE ?4 of 18; the NW V, of 20: tho K of 21; section.* 22 to 20, iuclu sm <v iii? is ,*fl arm um in u *4 tu z/; uio r. di ; tho r; }i or 34; and section 05, of township el cm; and fractional township twelve, ol ranpe fourteen. v Townshipt right, nine, ten, and eleven, nmlfractional township Uvehv, of range thirteen. T/wnihipeight., nine, ten, and eleven, and fractional townehip twelve, of range twelve. Townfhii* erven, right, nine, and ten, of range efctr/L Dntnuhif* *rv<n, right, and nine, of range ten. Tmomhip* ret* n, eight, add nine, ot raflgt. nine. Townthipt sir, eight, and nine, of rattge right. Townships sir, term, eight, and nine, of range. term. Township* tit, tetvn, eight, and nine, of range ?iz. Tmtnthiji* tight,nine, awl ten, of range. Jim. Townships eight., nine awl ten, of rangeftmr. Tmmitkiptt eight, nine, ten and ele^ti, ol range three Tottmxhipt nine, ten, and elrrr n, of range two. I/intiM appropriated by law for tho tiae of school*, military, and other purposes, or those covered by ?onlirmed private land claim#, together with the swamp and overflowed lands, will bo excluded from the sales. No 11 mineral lawh,'1 or tracts containing mineral deposits, are to bo ottered at tho public sales, such mineral lands being hereby expressly excopted and excluded from sale or other disposal, pursuant to tho requirement* of the Act of Congress approved March 3,1853fent.l tied "An act to provide for the survey of the public land* in California, the granting of pre-emption rights therein, and for other purposes." The offering of the above lands will be roinmenrcd 011 the days appointed, and proceed in the order in which they are advertised until (be whole shall have been ottered, and the Hales tlma closed ; but no sale nhall he h jti npm longer than two lotekx, and no private entry of any of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given nmW my hanl, at the ctty of Washington, thia 30th day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and nftv eight. JAMKtf HtCIUNAN. By the TVostdeht : Jun. H. WuaoN, Acting Commissioner of the General l and Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION (T-AIMANTb I Every person untitled to the right of preemption to any of the j lands within the townships and part* of townships above enumerated j . Is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the rrgi-ter and ' i receiver of tho proper land ofitce, and make pag>nent therefor a* soon I I a* practicable after teting I hi* notice. and before the day ?p]H?itit*d for i [ the COtnmori' emeBt of the public sole of the lands embracing the tract ! I claimed ; otherwise such claim will be forfeited. JOH H. WTTJHjJf, jin-tug * nmmw"i"nT 01 iri" IJIIMI Office. | July 3?lawOw [IntAiWnr] WANTK!).?A competent person to keep h Jtar on a BUwmtxwt. Wuge* gorxi. N'ouo n-vvl apply nlio^ro 1 not fully capable. A*i<lrc*?e E. F. It., fct oflkn of Wn*hin3tt?n rm??n. J Jnly 3- if?*?? VIRGINIA FEMALE INSTITUTE, j! 8TADNT0N, VI. " I Rnr R. H. PHILLIPS, A. M., Principal Rev. J. C. WHEAT, A M , Vice Prtodi* L Assisted by a fall corps of Profrssom tod Teachers. j fFIRUBTEES: Rt. Rev. W. Meade, D. I).; Rf. Rev. I J. Johns, I). D., Rev J A. lactone, Col. y H Hnilth Lr. 1 T. || rt Win Kinney,T J Mirhie, IV Power*, B Crawl i d 13 VISITORS. '1 Rev E. 0. McGutre, D. 0., Hon. R. C. I. Moncurt, Iter W. Pparrow, V. D., Prof John B Minor, Hon W. C. Hives, A. T. Caperton, Esq., Hon. W. Mallard Preston. Win M. Blackford. P?q , Hon. George \V Summers, lmrtil W. Barlou, P?q , lion. A. M 11 Htuart, Taic well Taylor, lf| Hon. Joliu Letcher, Dr. I leant', Hon George W. Thompson, Wm. H. Kowle, Esq. The buildings. erected for the pur|>nees of a Female C?lltgtalo In stltutc, are commodious and elegant, iu a situation of great beauty and healtbrultiess, remote from the temptations incident to cities, and surrounded by refined society. Its organisation Is Southern, and it* patronage embraces tun ditlereut section* of the Southern portion of the oonftttlerecy. TtieO' it session will commence on tho JVth of September. Uosrtl and English tuition per annual session |200 , music, Ian ghuges, drawing, Ac , extra. Grculars, with full iiilorinatloa, sent upon a|ipliestlou to the Principal, Rev R II. 1'IlllJ Jl'K, Julie 111?eod'Jm* Staunton, Va WISCONSIN AND MINNESOTA COMMISSION, INTKI l-U.h.Wi: AND GENERAL LAND AGENCY. -OKORlilr. FARNAM. Ufltoo ou Main Mfvil, next door to tho {tanking Hcamhi ?f Culo^uiuuer, A Co., 1a Out do, WUcou?iit. 1 uni prepared to buy, veil, or gi*? iui>?rmalum ultli regard Ui !. furnu. farming, or plue lands; to locnto government lauds, either , with land warrant* or iQOMy, 1b Wlacousin or Minndtota; to attoBd t<? ' the selling or leading of land*, Iota, dwelling-lK*jse>, or other |?rop. ? erty on commission; to.make collections, pay Uxe?, examine till**, oollect rente, Ac., Ac. 1'arfiiMilftr attention irl vim to IiQANlXG MONEY, wlitcb 1 tfinranty \ to loan <*i real worth thro* liuiea th? amount of money Uiafioit, am! socuro to th<< owner from ten to twelvo per cent, interest paiA an iiuiiUy. Security on real efctato in WUoouain ami Minnesota is mwo Kocure than in Now York, ft)r ibo reason that l*n<tn tiro advancing from 25 to 100 per cent, every year. Itftcrest legul, in Wisconsin, a# high as 12 pei cent . and in iuouMota there la no uaury low. i AH business and totters of inquiry promptly atteuded to, and ro- J turns rmnittrd, by mail or express, u> au> pari ?>i the country. Feb 17?dm GEO. FAR NAM. Ho refers to the followlug gentlemen: lion. C. 0. Washburue, M C, Mineral Point. Wis.; Gov. Alex. W. Randal, Madison, Wis.; lieut. Gov. K. 1). Campbell, La Crosse, Wis.: Hon. S. I). Hasting*, (SUto treasurer ) Treni|n caii, Wis.; Hou. Tneo. kodolf, (receiver V. 8. land otttcu,) la Crosse, Wis.; Hon. D. D. Cameron, In Crosse, Wis., Judge Lord, do. do.; Hon. Goo. Gall, (Judge tttli Judicial circuit,) Giitavilta, WU. PI UK f-i > I >A VVA'I'KK. .SVI.VKHTKir.S SODA FOUNTAINS, corner of 6th and II streets, from which tho purest j! drnnghls of the genuine Carlxmnted 8o<la Water, drawn from atom* fountains, (Icy cold,) may be quailed in copious dellcloumieaa, are now in active operation, Illustrating, by a daily -increasing patronage, tho Just appreciation of He superior medicinal properties, and its more ,$ agreeable and palatable qualities, to tho insipid, common, hurtAU car bouic acid gas, generated in copper fountains,^'(ychqd smln water,) ami under that assumed cognomen, dispensed to a mo tiding and un. suspecting puldie. || 8mem.- IMarkberry, Cream, Claret, Capaicuin, Ginger, Hock, hem. on, Madeira, Nectar, Orange, Orgeat, Fear, Pino Apple, Port, Rose, * Raspberry, Sarsaparilla, Strawberry, Sherbert, Sassafras, Hhorry, and * Vanilla. ' Also, Strawberry! Lemon, and Sarsaparilla Moad. Something dilter j out from anything sold in tho District, May 1?uudiim WM. K. IUCNKT. ^ JOHN L. OAMFHkU. HENRY A CAMPBELL, jBurners, LAND, COIJJECTINO, ANI) INSURANCE AGENTS', Sioux City, Iowa, * Enter lands with laud warrant* or cash, or on time, *n?l Ioau money at western rates, pay taxes, and fnrnlih abstract to titlei. Hop 2A?dJkswly Rsxx or Mnmoroin, Washington, Juno 17, 1868. , I^lIE StockholtloiH arc hereby notified that a (jew. oral election will lie held ftl the banking house, In this city, on ! Tuesday, the Alh day or July next ensuing, for nine trustees of this ' Hank, to servo for the year then next ensuing. ! Tho ,rolls will ho Opened at 10 o'clock, a. m., and cloao at 12 o'clock, meridian RD. SMITH, Cashier. i Juno 18?3tawt30thJunclhniidt7thJulyir v 1 UR THANKS AND OUR BlLLfl.-^-The former I we present to tfio vast and increasing number who purchase of 1 ua lor rash, and othora who pay promptly when calloil on. It will be I our constant aim to grow In their confidence. I The latter (If not called for ai our desk) we will present In a few I days to all indebted to us. w e bnve stated so often and clearly that ( all our hills must be promptly paid In cash when presented or ihey | would ho discontinued, that we deem it requisite only to say that we adhere to tills rulo: " It U onr determined purpose to makeour trade as near a cash bull- ( ness as possible without disturbing tho pleasant relations which hava existed iietwoen many of our customers and ourselves for a long series of years" .1 I'FTTtHY k BR0TI7FR, "Central Stores," west building, June 22?lOtdl' opposite Centre Market. TYvi.' nffi'wn nvi'inpn ittitritiuc is ,n II w of "extra glossy" wide am! nnrrow Mack Pllks. h jl Alan, In Inrgo lou of moat choice quality Mourning Sllka of nnw and aaloct (tylcs. > Wo name also a largo line of white, flgurcil, and dotted Swiia Muslffis,-remarkably chcay. 20 pieces colored l inens for gentleman's elilrts and children V wear. With a largo stock of Fancy and tttaplo l>ry Goods, specisllj snd generally. ' One price only, marked in plain figures, ami no deviation. ' A visit to our ostabllshmeul incurs no obligation to purchase. Good articles, low prices, and fair dealing may be rollod on lu all oas s. PKHI1Y A- IlROTllER, , " Central Stores," wo-t building, Juno 22?lOtdlf opposite Conlrn Market. / "^RUlf OF THE LOOM".?The Agent has sent 1 us 200 plerea 4-4 Bleached Shirting Cotlon, branded "Fruit ? of tho I.oom," nnd represented as being the very best floods at 12), cents per yard for gentlemen's and boys' shirts that are ^reduced. 000 pieces other .superior shilling cottons and linens, mturvof which are made to our orders. 20 cartons gent's and boys' stitched linen sldrt bosoms. One price only, marked iu plain figures, and uo abatement. No new accounts oimned. All old hills inmd bo settled promptly by cash. A visit to our establishment incurs no obligation to purchase. PERKY k UROTHFJt, " Central Btorec," west building, June JP -lQtif opposite Centre Market. For white linen coath, pants, and VESTS.?large lots of ull the best and moat-approved I'abrici. I WKh ft vast stock of select cloths, cusslnicres, and Testings. > J; Cravats, uflder-eUftts, gloves, suspenders, Jialfhooe, handker- p chiefs, (silk slid linen.) umbrellas, Ate. Ill Due price only, ami no deviation ; consequently, no person li over- f fl charged. ';l Good articles, low prices, and fair dealing may bu rolled on In all Wc expect the cash for every hill dua us on the 1st proximo. Tho I credits on which wu bay arc shortened, and wo ar# nunipellod to H shorten tho time on which wc sell. [ I l'ERRY k HROTHEK, "Central stores," west building. Ill June ss Hlbllf npptigtto Centre Market * rl BRADY'S GALLERY, 352 Penney!vania avenne, >1 Serenth Btroet.bver 8wa?ny. Rlttenhoture, Font, k Co.'a m| Hanking House.?Mr. lMUDV bogs rexpcctfaUy to inform tho puWlo ,H that, in consequehce of tho very liberal patronage ho baa received i, since opening his Photographic Gallery ut Washington, he will, con- jjl trary to his original intention, keep it open during tho summer ; An efficient ror|n e? arista will ho constantly in attendance to exe- I cute photographs nr?d nulirotypw in the best jmesiblo manner. i I Jlricrs ranging from one dollar ujoranl*. | H The collection of portrait* of distinguished men at (hie gnTIery I# the (/I largest in the world, and is <nmn for public inspection every day (>un- -V H days excepted) from 7, a. in., to 7, p. in. , I July 1 COd3mos qkmi-ANNUAL NOTICE.?We are now having all . I ji^ unsettled accounts made oft" our hooks, (?a is customary at (Mi |fl season,) and wo hereby notify those of our customers having auch with u-t that they ran obtain them at our desk until the 27th instant, jfl when those not. called for'will he rendered with t view to wttlemant on the 1st of July. HUTCHINSON k MUXRO- ( uno 22?t^St&oodflt J^Star)^ II The magnetic telegraph company.? l| Tho annual meeting of the stockholders of the Magnetic Tele- N 1H graph Onmpany will he held at tho office of the company In Phi lade I- I phio. on Thursday, tho 8th day of July, at 12 o'clock, in., of'aaid day, >H for the election of officers of said company for the ensuing year, and j I for tho transaction of such other business us may he presented to tho |H stockholders. JONKI'H MAII.KR, June 24- 3124July 1A8 Secretary. jl SALK OF VEGETABLE STANDS.?All person* Urftirouft of obtaining stands in Dm different market* j throughout thfl city ore hereby notified that they will be sold to the i highest bidder, (aa per act to regulate markets, Ate.,) conunenciug ' with? Centre Market, Saturday, July 3d. Eastern Market, Monday, July 5th. < Northern Market, Wedmmday, July 7lh. v f Won torn Market. Friday, July flth. NT. B.?-persons now holding stand* In the (Voire, Kaalern, North cm, and Western Markcta can retain tliem by paying the appmi*e< inont price of said stands. ' By order of the Mayor. June 33?2awtfu!yW A CARD.?<liir patrons are hereby notified tliut all ope*1 account* npon our ledger are made oil up to tbo 26th in itaut, and will be respectively presented preparatory to rettlcm< lit an the let of July, oh has been our uniform praction; and we neod only say here that wo oipcr.t every account ao presented to meet with a cheerful and prompt response June 27?eodiwif HOOK, BROTHER k CO Binding establishment.?! have fitted up th? Urge moms In JarkMWi Hull for a Blndory, and h?'c on hand a quantity of tho first quality of material, to oxn-uto all Hndi of binding, whl?b I am roady to do altli do?|>atrli, noaln..*, and du rability C. IMS HAM W*smr?m)K, Jnno 21,1S5* J?ii> 2 codiw rTKK IIKIRS OF SAMUEL BOYLE, JAMES Keh", William Kerr, and Elizabeth A r buckle, all formerly of l'owhatan county, Virginia : , You ore Hereby nottll?d I lore h a I'in.l under the rnoW of Ihe circuit court of county, Virginia, In which you, or com# ot you, are Inierortod; and you arc required by an order of therourt made on the 2>Hh day of April, W, to coma forward wUh proof of heirship, and of your right to receive the aald fund, or your proper aharea tharaof R. r. URAVWl, Juno 10?lawlw Heueral Recorder of Towhatan Circuit Court,