Newspaper Page Text
J>R0PO3ALB FOR L1VK OAK. Ni?? Dwaktukkt, bureau of Cooalruclioo, Equipment, (he , June If, 1856 SKAljn PKolTIPAiif for delivering 26,ouO cubm loot ?f pronbeu ou* live ouk Umber In wt of Uio navyiarde ?i hittery, Charier loan, llrimklyu, Philadelphia, llneport, anil Warnugloii. aoill bo received at Uiu liuraan until S o'clock, the UUi day of duly, 1668. The prop-auto mnal be endoraert fnr Lmm "air, tlial Ibry may bo -h'tingillahed from other buaioaaa Uillrra. The lArt may be lor one or all the yard*, but must be lor the whole quantity at any yanl, ami, ?? required by law, mtut be accompanied by a guarantee, the form of which la herewith given The 24,000 ruble fret lu be dellvared In each >ar.l aid be In Hub fol Iowiiik proportion*, via- 6,000 cubic tecl aiding 18 and 16 luchoa. 10,000 cubic uldlng 14 and 16 lucboe; and 10,000 cubic feet aiding V aud 10 tucbea, la about equal qnantou** if each aiding. The umber aiding from 16 aud 16 Inched may be In length tram 18 to 26 (bet, and aneh of I he 18 loch aa te tit fur keehe-a inccea tuuy be lunger; the 12 and 14 Inch tuutier in length Trout 17 to 20 feel, end a large pro portion of all the furegolng uiuy be atralgbl; uf the 8 anil 10 inch Umber file irnffth may be front 10 to 14 feet, and three krurtha of the quantity to have a natural and fair cur v e of frvui 12 to SO inchea or more la the length given, and una half the uuinher of there piece* to have from thr to the minimum crook All to be aided atraighland fair, and have a (Wee of nut lea* than the aiding -inc. The timber must lie cnt from ,?ea grown withiu 60 irnbia of the aea, to be delivered In the yard at Uie n?k aud eipenao of the contractor, aubject to the usual lu apectian, aud to tbo entire approval of the bureau. One half the qiianuty muat lie dellvared on or befure the day of beptomber, 1868, aud tbo runiduo ou or before llw Aral day of February, 1868. The deportment will awaril the contract In each cane to the lowcet Milder, reserving the right to decUnc luukiug any contract Mr a par chime and delivery at any navy-yard If It shall lliuu deem It uuncrcd car j wi uinaut auui?tv<JU?i vu ua- |<uiiiiu otrrriw. Sureties to the full estimated amount vrlf! Iks required lo sign the routruci, and, ua additional and collateral Motility, 16 (Mr o?U. will In* withheld on the amount of each delivery until the contract in aim ploted. And the remaining 85 i>er cent, of each bill, whoa approved lu triplicate by the commandant of the yard, will be paid by the navy fig em at the point of delivery within thirty daya after its presentation to him. It will ho stipulated in the contract that if default bo made by the parties of the drat part in delivering all or any of the timber named of the quality and at the Uroo and place provided, then and in that case the contractor and his sureties will forfeit and pay to the United states a sum of money not exceeding twice the total amount therein agreed u|m?u u* the aum to be paid in case of the actual delivery of the whole, which may bo recovered from timo to time according to the act of Congress in that case provided, approved March 3, 1843. JferM of Offer. I, , of , in tho >*talo of , hereby agree to furnish m4 <U liver in the United HUtcs navy yard at , twenty live thousand cubic feet of promiscuous livo-nak timber, iu conformity with the advertisement of the Bureau of Construction of the dale of Juno, 1858, for tho sum of ? , viz. fi,000 cubic foot sided 1ft and 18 inches, at ??-per foot. $ 10,000 do do 12 and 14 inches, do do.... 10,000 do do 9 aud 10 inches, do do.,.. 35,000 do do Total value. Hhould my offer be accepted, I request to be addressed at ?, aud the coutract forwarded to tlui navy agent at ?, or to me at , for signature and certificate. July f 1850. U. JVwi of Guarantee. AVe, the undersigned, , of , In tho State of ???, hereby guaranty tout, in ense the foregoing bid be accepted, ???will, witblu ten days after the receipt of the contract at the post office ' named, or navy agency do&lguAtt'd, execute the contract lor tho same, with good .tud sufficient sureties; in case said ? shall full to on tor into coutract as aforesaid, we guaranty to make good tho difference between the offer of tho sold and that which may be accepted. C 1). ,1858. E. F. Witness, G H. 1 hereby certify that tbo above-named C D and E F are known to me as man of property, and able to-make good then guarantee. , 1858. To l>o sign (I by the United States district Judge, United States district attorney, collector, or navy ugeiit. Juuo 1ft?lnwlw [No. 012. J Notice Iter the Reotora'lon of Certain La-di to Market iu the -state of Michigan. THE graut of land made by the net of Congress, approve.! June 3, 1859, to the State of Michigan, to aid in (lie couHtructiou of certain Railroads therein mentioned, having been no far adjusted an to authorize the release from withdrawal of tho inula horeinufier deacribad, notice it hereby given that all the vacant offered lands which ho outside of six mites on each side or the "Grand Kaplda and Indiana," the "Flint and I'orre Marquette," and the "Detroit and Milwaukno" Railroads, situat d in the undermentioned townships, which bavo not been selected in virtue af Haid grant, or any other grunt nutde by Congress, or legally claimed by pre-emption, and which were sntgect to private entry at the date of withdrawal, will bo restored to private eutry on the dnys and at the pianos hereinufter specified, at the ordinary minimum of fl r5 per acre. At the Utnd (llilco at Io.xia on Monday, the sixteenth day of August ' next, viz: North of the base line ami west of the prlnripal meridian. Townships 4, 5, fl, 10, 11,12, 13, 14,16,17,18,19, and 20, of range di eleven. Township* 4, 5, fl, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.13, 14,15, 17, 18, 19, ami 20, of range twelve. Townships 4, 5, fl, 7, 9,10, 11,12,13, 14,15, Ifl, 18, 19, ami 20, of range thirteen. Towushipe 4, 5, fl, 7, 0,10, 11,12,13, 14, 15, lfl, 18, 19, and 20, of " range fourteen. Townships 4, 5, 0, 7, 9, 10,15, lfl, 17, 10, and 20, of range fifteen. Towu.iin,,' 4, 5, 8, 7, 8, 0, 10, 15, lfl, 17, 19, and 20, of rango six$ teen. Townships 8, 'J, 10,15, 16. 17,19 and 20, of rango seventoen. Townshipr 10,15, ifl, 17, 18, 19, and 20, of range eighteen. Township 15, of rango nineteen. At tho Land Olllce at Traverse City on Monday, the sixteenth day oj A ugust next, viz: North of the txise line and tvest of the principal, meridian. Townships 21, 22, 23, 24,25,26, 27. 28, 30, 34, and 35, of range thirloen. Townships 21, 22, 23, 24,25. 26, 27, and 28, of rango twelve. Townships 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 20, 27. and 28, of rango eleven. Townships 21, 22, 23, 24, 2 26, and 27, of range ton. Township? 20, 27, '.'8, 3u, 31, and 82, of range nine. Townships 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32, of range eight. Township 32, of rango seven. Given under my liand, at the city of Washington, this eighth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight. THUS. A. llKNURHKB, Commissioner of tho General I .and Oftlco. June 10?wtds [No. 606.] Sales of Public Loads. IN pursuance of tlio provisions of the 3d section of the act entitled "An act to authorize the President of the United htilted to crtusii to bo surveyed the tract of In ml hi the Territory of Minnot'ot i belonging to tho half breeds or mixed bloods ol' the iKicotali or Sioux nation of Indians, and for other purfH>8os,M approved July 17, 1854, U lft hereby declared that public shIoh will be held, as made Known in tho notlco of postponement, dated February 20, 1858, at tho ?1 undermentioned land offices in tho fc'UU? of Minnesota, at the periods * hereinafter designated, to wit: At the land oflloe at Hilvdhwon, commencing on tho sixth day of September next, for tho disposal of the vacant public lands situated within tho following named townships and fractional townships in the late reserve for the half broods or tnixed bloods of the Dacota h or Sioux nation of Indkm*, viz: I By order of the President; THOfl. A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner or the lleneral land Office. NOTlfT TO rRK EMITION CLAIMANT!!. Every person entitle"! to tho right of pre eioptlon to any of the ahoye-dcscrlbed luniU.'uuUer the provisions of the not of Ovhgresa ap proved May I?, lttfcH, is required to establish the same to the satiefiS lion of the regrder slid reuelver ol the proper laud office, and make payment therefor as soon an practicable nfter Seeing this notice, and 1 bolero the day ap|xitiitod for the eommenoeinuot of Uto public xalc of the lands embracing ,the tract claimed ; otherwise anch claim will be Arretted. Till St. A. llENUKKKM, Commlasloiier of Lbo Oei.eral land (lifter May ? lawtds (IntnlAPtar.) , rpo tub hklrs of 8iml EL BOYLE, J \ iii ;. Kerr, WIRbira Kerr, and Kitafbctii Arbucklo, all formerly of nrsMas < mnty, Virginia : You ere hereby untitled tliat there la a fund tinder the control of Uto circuit court of Powhatan county, Virginia, in which yon, or sotoe of you. aro interoeted; and yon ure required tty an order of the court mode on th* asth day of April, l*bS, to come forward trMl proof of lieirsntp, en I of your right to receive tho said fund, or ynttr proper shares ih?t of B V. ORAVEP, June 10?lawtw Oonersl Recorder of Powhatan Circuit ttrnrt. [No. 615.] Notice Tor the Restoration of certain lands to Market in the Ntate of Florida. THE grant of land made by act of Congress, approrod May 17, 1H58, to the Utah- uf Florida, hi uid hi tlio con ?n action uf certain railroad* therein mentioned, having been an fur adjusted as to authorize the release from withdrawal of the lands lien .nailer dcaerilied, notice it hereby gioen that all lliu vacant ijTerwi lauds herol'fore withdrawn from sale or euiry which lie outside of ix miles ou each side of the "Alabama and Florida," the " I'onaaraila and Georgia," the "Florida, Atlantic, and Oulf Central," aud the "Florida" railroads, situated In the uudi rioonthmed lanships, which have not beeu aelected la virtue of said gram, or any other grant made by Congress, or legally claimed by i>re -etnptnsi, and uhith were tuljed hi priiate entry at the date of withdra wal, will l>e restored to private eutry on the days and at the placet hereinafter sperllled. at the ordinary minimum of 81 2.'> |*r acre, or at the prices to which the)' may lisve graduated st the date of withdrawal. At the laud oibce at Tcixctutexa ou Mouday, the utxth day of Bepteiuher next, vlx: North if the bate tine and rate <f the principal meridian. Townships 2 and S, of range* 1, 2, 3, 4, and 3. Township 2, of ranges A, 7, 8, ?, aud 10. Townships l and 2, of range# It, 12,13, 14, atnl 15 Township 1, of rauge 18. Xouih if Uw bate line and nut of the principal meriiHan. Townships 2 and 3, of range 1, TV>w minis, 1, 2, and 3. of ranees 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 7, and 8. TowDshipu 1 and 2, of range 9. Townships 1, 2, and 8, of range 10. Townships 2 und 3, of range 11. Township 1, of ranges 18 and 14. Tintnships 1 and '2, of ranges 15 aud 18. Township lt of range 17. North iff Ihf base line and west if the principal meridian. Townships 2 and 8, of range 1. Township 3, of ranges 2, 3, and 4. Townships 4, ft, and 6, of range 7. Townships 1, 2, 4, ft, and 8, of ranges 8 and 9. Townships 1, 2, 3, ft, and 8, of ranges 10 and 11. Townships 1, 2, 4, ft, and 8, of ranges 12, 13, 14, 15, and 10. Township 1, 3, 5, and 8, of range 17. Townships 1, 2, 4, aud ft, of ranges 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,and 23. Townships 1,4, aud 5, of range 24. Towu-hips 8, 4, and ft, of ranges 28 and 27. Townships 1, 3, 4, and ft, of range 28. Townships 3. 4, and 6, of rango 29. Townships 3 aud 4, of range 30. Townshipa 3, 4, mid 6, of range 32. Tow nships 4 and 6, of range 33. South of the base line, and west of the principal meridian. Town ihip 1, of ranges 18, 14, 1ft, 18, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. and 2ft. Township 1 and 2, of ranges 26 and 27. At Uio hind ?!lh;o al N' on Monday, the sixth day of Pep. ti mber next, viz: South of thi base line and east of the principal meridian. Townships 2 and 3, of range 11. Townships 2, 8. 4, 13, and 14, of range 12. Towuahtps 1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, and 14, of rango 13. Townships, 1, 4,5, 10. 11, 12, and 13, of range 14. Townfthips 1, 2, 4, 6,9, 10,11, and 12, of range 16. 'iowushipH 1, 2, 4, ft, 8, 9, 10, und 11, cf range 16. Townships 1, 2, 4, ft; 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, of range 17. Townships 1, 2, 4, ft, 8, 7, 8, 0, and 10, of range 18. Townships 1, 2, 4, ft, 0, 7, 8, aud 9, of rungc 19. Townships 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8, of range 20. Townships 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8, of range 21. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the 1st day of July, 1808. JOS. 8. WILSON, July 4?law6w Acting Commissioner of the General LandOfllce. [No, G02.] By the President of the United States. IN punnianco of law, I, J anion Buclutuan, President of the United Slates of Atrierica, do horcby declare und make .nown tluit public sales will be held at tho undermentioned laud offlees in the Tkhiutury of Nkroahka, at the periods hereinafter design itod, to wit: At the land office at Hkownkviij.*, commencing on Monday, the girth day of Scjttanber next, for the disposal of the public lands within the follow ing named township*, via: North of the baic line and east qf the sixth principal meridian. That part of township one outside of the Sac and Fox, aud Half Breed, Nemnhn reservation, of range 17. Nwtk of the bate line and wed of the fifth principal meridian. The unlocated tracts In fractional township one hundred aud eleven, f>f raugc ten. The unseated tracU iu fractional township one hundred and eleven, of rango eleven. The unlocAtod tracts in fractional townships ouc hundred and eleven and one hundred and twelve, of range twelve. The unlocated tracts In township one hundred and cloven, and frae tional townships one hundred and twelvo and one hundred and thirteen, of range thirteen. The unlocated tracts In township on? hundred and cloven, and in that part of township on? hundred and twelve, and fractional town v tthip one hundred and thirteen, within the above-mentioned reserve, id range fourteen. The unlocated tracts In that part of townships one hundred and eloven and one hundred and twelve, within tho above mentioned re serve, of range fifteen. At the land office at Karirauit, commencing on the thirtieth day of August next, for tho disposal of tho public lands situated within the following*named townships and fractional townships in the late re H?rvo for tho half-breeds of mixed bloods of tho Daeotah or Sioux na*U.? .kfln/tUna wl?. iVurtA af the bate line and mat nf the fifth jtrincijuil meridian. Tlic unlocated tracts In tbat p?rt of fractional township one hundred and ton, within the above-mentioned reserve, of range nine. The unlocated tructa in that pert of townships one hundred mid eight and one hundred end nine, and fractional townehlp one hundred met ten, within the above mentioned reserve, of range ten. The unlocated tracts In that ]>nrt of townehlp one hundred arid eight within the above-mentioned reserve, and in townships one bundrud and nine and one hundred and ten, of range eleven. The unlocnteil tracts In that part of townships one hundred and eight and one hundred and nine, within the above-mentioned reserve, nnd In township one hundred and ten, of range tw.'lvo. The unlocated tracts tn that part of towunbipa one buudred and nine and one hundred and ten, within the above mentioned reserve, of rangeIhuteen. The itnlocuted tract* In that pnrt of township one hundred and ten, within the above mentioned r?serve, nf range fourtoen. Tlie unlocated tracts In that part of township ono hundred nnd ten, I within the above-mentioned reserve, of range llfloeu. The offering > iho above lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and ulli proceed In'the order In which tliov are advertised, ur.tll Iho whole rhall hnve been offered, and the sales thus closed; hot no sale shall ho kept open longer Hum two weeks, and no private entry of any of the Ir.nds will be admitted nntil after the expiration ol the two weeks Glvcjt under my hand, at the city of Washington this twenty seventh day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and Ul'ty elaht. New Booketore, S8J I'enn*} Ivanl* nirentie, Auj ? between t?th and 101U etreetj. | |M?" ui "? "MV-JIUO .71 uw ouv uim rw, and Half Breed, Neuialia reservation, aud fractional townships 6 and 0 <if rungo Id. That part of township one outside of the Sac aud Fox reservation: town hip 2, the parts of townships 3, 4, aud 6 outside of tho liaif Breed, Nemaha reservation; ami fractional township 6, of range 16. That jtart of township one outside of Uio Sac and Fox reservation; town-hips 2, 3, and 4- that part of township 6 outside of the Half Brood, Noma ha reservation, ami township 0, of range 14. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 6. of range 13. Township* 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, and 6, of range 12. Townships 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, and 6, of range 11. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 6, of raogo 10. Townships 1> 2, 3, 4, 6, and 6, of raugc 9. At the land ofllco at Nkukaska Crnr, commencing on Monday, the tilth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands within the following-named townships, viz: North of the bate line and etui of the. titlh principal meridian. Fractional townships 7 and 8, of range 16. Township 7, and fractional townships 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, of range 14. Townships T, 8, 0,10,11, and 12, and fractional township 13, of range 13. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, nnd fractional townships 12 and 13, of range 12. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional township 12, of range 11. Township*? 7, 8, 0, 10, and It, and fractional townships 12, 13, aud 14, of range 10. Townships 7, 8, and 13, and fractional townships 14,15, aud 16, of range 9. At the land ofllco nt Omatia Citt, commencing on Monday, the firth day of September next, for the dlsposul of the public lauds w ithin the following named townships, viz: North of the bate. line, and east of the sixth principal meridian. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, and 10, of range 14. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, 10, and 17, of range 13. Fractional township* >2 and 13, townships 14. 15, and 16, and fractional townships 17, 18, 19 and 20, of range 12 Fractional township 12, townships 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, and fractional townships 19 and 20, of range 11. Fractional townships 12, 13, aud J4, and townships 15, 16, 17,18, 19. and 20, of range 10. Fractional townships 14, 15, ami 16, and townships 17, 18,19, and 20, of range 9. lands appropriated bylaw for the use of schools, military, and other purposes will bo excluded from the sales. The ottering of the above lands will bo commenced on the days appointed, and will proceod in the order In which they aw advertised, until the whole Fhall have been offered, and the ha)os thus closed; hut no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, aud no private entry of any of the lands will bo admitted until after the explrutiou of the two weeks. (liven under my hand, at the city of Washington, this thirtieth ?ln y of M il cli, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight. J A MRS BUCHANAN. By the President THOS. A. Hkmmuckh, Commissioner of the General Land Ofllco. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANT*. Every person entitled to the right of pre eruption to any of the lands within the townships and ports of townships above enumerated U required to establish the gftttto to tho satisfaction of the register and receiver of the proper land ofllco, and make payment therefor at toon as praeticatfle after teeing this notice, and before the day ap|koinU?d for I be commencement of tho public sale of the lands embracing tho tract cluiiuod, otherwise such claim will beforfeltod. THOS. A. HENDRICKS, Ap lawtda Commissioner of the General land Ofllco. (fatal, and Star.] 1^1 TAW IIOI SI:, J'.ALTIMOHK. -The KUTAW JLli HOUSE having been thoroughly renewed, altered, and clorot'n inUli..,l iwuui.^liwf ..It ft.'.. trwiS/.i-t. ..9 steam, rah, baths, billiard saloon, etc., in uuw ready t<? accommodato i the public in a stylo unsurpassed by any first-class hotel in tho coun try. Tho ?special at ton Hon of gentlemen travelling with ladies and fain j tlto* Ik callc ! to tho superior arrangement* of tlilf house. It# spa clous and lofty apartmenU, arranged in full and convenient milts of j parlor#, chambers, etc., present most attractlvo and desirable accommodations The pumptuousneas and excellence of it# table, tho superiority ?fit# wines and liquors and general appointments shall continue of the highest grade. It is centrally situated, for cither business or pleasure travellers, in a most elevated and healthful location, at tho corner of Baltimore imd ICutaw street*, a few squares from the Baltimore and Ohio and Washington railroad stations. Coaches and porters attend upon all the trains and steamers for the conveyance of guests ami their baggage. No pains will lie spared to make the KUTAW the elegant and comrortablo homo of its guests. tmm. ticntiemen's ordinary 00 per day. Indies' do .j 2 50 11 Way 28?law4w ?JOHN CARROLL, Proprietor. gTATE OF GEORGIA, ELBERT COUNTY. In tho superior court of said oouuty, March term, 1858. Present his Honor .fames Thomas, Judge of said court. Whereas sundry V>il h have been tiled in this court by legatees on dor the will of Win. S. Durch, deceased, against John. C. Burcb, executor of said will, for pa> incut o| tlo ir respective legacies, and claim mg that the legacy In-aid will Sarah Kcxoe should be paid to the parties entitled thereto In tho event of her death, leaving no child or children. It is ordered that said Sarah Koso?, or her children, or her or their !? | al repre ent itix es appeal in till < >"'i t it ?,r fore the Man li term, 1S59, to claim said legacy, as, In default of sal t appearance, said legacy will then be directed to be paid to the parties now before the court. And it Is further ordered that a copy of this order be published once a mouth for nine months, the publication to be before the month of March 1889, in the IbUowing newspapers, to wit The Constitutional itint, published in Xugustft. <.corgiu; I'niou, published in Wash Ington, in the District of Columbia; The Ijouisvtlle Journal, published in J/mlavUle, Kentucky , and some ncw?i>aiH>r published in Cincinnati, oldo. A true extract from the minutes of tho superior court of Elbert county, (ieorgla, at March term, A. 1). 1858, this 17th April, 1858. April 27?lam 9 m MU8E8 E. MILLS, Clerk. MOW TO LAY OUT A GARDEN.?Intended as a general guidn In choo log, forming, or improving an e*tatn Trom a quarter acre to a hundred am-, in extent, with reference lo iMgli tho dntngn an<l execution ; by Edward Kemp, liindirepn garlienor. 1 vol., L/mdon Illustrated. A Manuel of rholovrnphln Manipulation, lr> ntlng of (he practice of tho art ami Ita vartou* appllcntlona to nature ; by bale Price. 1 rol., I on,l,,n Kpl copal Succession In England, from the record* and chronicles of the Church , by.Wm. .Huhlis, Vi, ar of Novi - h" .. 1 vol., Oxford Uf' ?nd Time* of Frederick Pertbe*. 1 vol. Doctor Antonio ; a tale by Uie author of I/ircnm) Renoni. Ti l* day received and for *nl. by FRAN RUN I HILT, [No. 617 ] 1 Sale* of Public lunula in the Territory of Kansas. ? p TN imraimiH-e of law, it it hereby declared Utat 'm 1 public rain.-. will bv huW, m> uutdo know u iu Uio out leu of jki-i u poueim-nt dated May 27, 1858, at the undermentioned land offices hi the Turrit- >ry o(Kan*i<o?, i?? wit ^ At th? land office at Ijmjumkton, commencing on Monday, the ftmt * day of November next, for the dtr?|>ot4Ml of the public lands w ithin the *j follow lug township* and part* of townships, vis : (fitulk </ the. banc fine and tad qf tk* rijdh pnnrijial mnduin The j?art#i of townnhk))* 17 and 18 outside (?f the Indian reservation, ** and towuahlpw 19, 20, 21, and 22, of range 22. ?' That part of tow ushlp 17 outside of the Indian reservation and to n*hi|Mt 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, of range 21. Bcctious 19, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34 of township 12 ; sections 3 to d 10, inclunive ; 15, auJ 17 to 22, inclusive , aud 27 to 34, iucluHive, of town whip 13 ; section* 3 to 10, inclusive, 16, ami 17 to 22, iuelusivo; 4,1 and 27 to 84, inclusive, of fiwuithip 14; stctious 3 to 10, inclusive; lb, aud 17 to22, inclusive; 27 to 30, Incluslvet and the lots 1,1,1, ^ and 4, of o oilous 81, 32, and 33, of tow us hip 16, the W )? and the u' lot* 3 and 0, of aecttou 2; lots 1, 2, aud 3, of section 3; lot* 1 and 2, ** of 10; th<> W.){, and the lots 2 and 8, of 11; the W and the lota 2 and 3, Of 14; lots 1 aud 2, of 16; lota 1 and 2, of 22, the W k, and the lots 2 and 3, of 23; the W and the lot* 2 and 3, of 20 lots 1 au?l 2, of 27; lot* 1 and 2, of 34. the W 3?. and the lot* 2 and 3, of k( 35, of township 1ft; and township.** 18, 1?, 2o, 21, and 22, of range 20. Fractional townnhlp 11; township* 13, 18, and 14; the parti of __ township* 16, 1ft, and 17 outside of the ludiau reservation, aud town shin* 18,19, 20, 21, anil 22, of range 19. rractio at township 11; towu*lupa 12, 13, arid 14; the part* of township* 15, 16,17,18, and 19 outside uf the ludiau reservation, , and township* 20, 21, and 22, of range 18. f At tite land utiiee at Ijwumitux. cownisacins on Mondav Um ?f \ tccnlk day of November next, for the disposal of the public kinds 4|j within tho following towtuddp* uud parts of townships, vU: South of the base line and east of the sixth principal meridian. Fractional township 11; townships 12, 13, and 14; tho parts of ^ townships 13 aud 19 outside of tho Indian recurvation; and townships u< 20. 21, and 22, of rang* 17. o? Fractional township 11; townships 12, 13, and 14; tho parts of township* 16 and 19 outside of tho Indian reservation; and town- ^ chips 20, 21, and 22, of lauge 16. d: The ports of fractional township 11 and of township 12 out/ddo of tho Indian reservation; towuslups 13 and 14 ; the parts of townships ar 15 atnl 19 outside of the Indian reservation, end township* 20, 21, 111 and 22, of range 15. The parts of township 12 outside of the Indian reservation; towuships 13 and 14; tho parts of'township* 15 and 19 outside of tho In dian reservation; and townships 29, 21, and 22, of range 14. Ul At the land office at Kiokapoo, commencing ou Monday, the ftrsl day of November next, for the disposal of tho public lauds within tho *J' following townships and parts of iowiitihi|tH, vlx: 3i m SouUi if the base line and cast of the tixth princijml mcridi m. Township 3, of range 23. Townships 2, 3, 4, and 7, of range 22. hi Townships 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, and the parts outside of tho Indian rosorvuUon, ol township 7, of range 21. ? Bectious 9, 10,11, 18, 14, 15,17,and 20 to 35, Inclusive, of towustup C 2; townships 3, 4, 6, and 6, and tho parts outside of tho Indian resor- ^ vation, of township 7, of range 20. Hoc ions 19, 20, 21, and 28 to 36, inclusivo, of township 2; town gj ships 3, 4, 5, and 6; and sections 1, 2> 3, 4, 5, 11, an l 12, of township 7, of range 10. g Sections 6, F, 8, 0, 10, 13,14,16, and if to 35, Inclusive, of township 2; townships 3, 4, and 4; and the parts of township* 6 and 7 outside of the Imiiau reservation, of range 18. g^ Sections 29 to 35, inclusive, of towuship 1; township 2; the parts of townships 3, 4, and 5 outside of the Indian reservation; arid seclions 1, 2, 3,10, 11,12, 13, 14, 1ft, 22, 23, and 24, of towiuhtp 6, of range 17. * Sections 17 to ?6, inclusive, of township 1; towuship 2; and tho ' gj parts of township 3 outside of the Indian reservation, of range 16. tactions 4 to 35, inclusive, of township 1; to win hip 2; tho parts of __ townships 8, 4, and 5 outside of the Indian reservation; sections 4 to 9, inclusive, 17 to 21, inclusive; had 28 to 33, inclusive, of township i 6; sections 4 to 9, inelusivo; and 17 to 21, inclusive, of township 7, of ~?rauge 15. r\' Townships 1, 2, 8, 4, ft, and 6, and the parts of township 7 outside of tlie Indian reservation, of range 14. ^ At the laud office at Kjuturoo, commencing on Monday, the 19th th dnjr of November next, for the disposal of the public lands wlthlu the followleg townships and parts of townships, vis: l'' South if th- bast line and east <f the sixth principal meridian. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, uud the purls of township 7 outside ftr of tho Indian reservation, of range 13. hi Townships 1,2, 3, 4, and ft, of range 12. t>< Towushi|M 1, 2, 3.4, and 6, of range Hi of Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, and ft, and the parts of townships 7, 8, 9, and . 10 outsiJo of the luaiau reservation, or range 10. Townships 1,2, 3, 4, ft, 7, 8, 9, and 10, of range 9. lyuid* appropriated by law for the use of schools, military and ? other pur/unus, will be excluded from the sales. . The olio ring of the above lands will be commenced on the days ajv I pointed, and will proceed in the order in which they are advertised J until the whole shall have been offered and the sales thus closed; but uo sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private on Icy of any of the lauds will bo admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. (liven under my hand, at tho city of Washington, this 21st day of July, 1868. By order of tho President: TU0& A. 11KNPRICKS, Commissioner of tho General I/uid Office. ? NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. 1 F.very por?on rnUtiod to the right of pre-emption to any of the latiil.. BI | within tho township* and |?irts of townships ubovc enumerated Is rr quired to o.-Uiblish ilia same to tho satisfaction of Ilia register and re ! In culver of the proper land office, and make payment therefor iu ixm as j T practicable after tiring Ikit notice, and before tho <ln> appdnled far tho commencement <>f tlio public ?alo of the hu>d? embracing the tract claimed; otherwise such claim will l>e forfeited. THUS. A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of the General land Office. *" July 24?lawl3w [lul.AbUj] |( [No. 616.] Tn Sales of Public Lands in the State of Louisiana* ut IN UJllSUANCIO of law, it is hereby tloolared ' thai public snlen will be held, ax made known in the notice of imHiponement, dated May 27th, 1858, at the undermentioned laud ofItcc in the State of Louisiana, to wit: At the land office at Monroe, commencing on Monthly, the 20th day of H?|.temher next, for Ultt dienusal of tho public l.uida, heretofore uil offered, in tliu following townships and parte of townships, viz: v" North of the Itue fine and east of the princijiai meridian. Sections 2, 4. and 0; t^e NE ,'4 and tlio N>i of NW of 8; the N -j x ol 10; the N Jt, the N >4 of BE Ai.und the N X <>r W}\ at ' I 12, of InmiMy eighteen; sections 2, 4, 0, 8, 10, 12, 14, IS. 20, 22. 24, 28. 28, 30, 32, 34, aud 30, of township ninteeen; sections 1 to 26, In- I l"< elusive ; and sections 28, 30, 32, 34, and 38, of township twenty; and tounhip twenty one, of range eight. Sections 2, 4, 0, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24, 20, 28, 30, 32, 34. and 30, of township nineteen; serln-us 1 to 30, inclusive; and sections 32, ' 34, anil 38, ol town.,hip twenty; und townships twenty one, twenty t- o, and twenty three, of range nine. Sections 2, 4 , 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24, 20, 28, 30, 32, 34, anil S 38, of township nineteen; sections 1 to 30, inclusive; and unctions 32, A 34,35, and 30, of tfssenskip t enly; and townships twenty one, twenty two, and turn''j three, of range ten. Jlwnships twenty, twenty one, anil twenty two, of range elenen. At the land office at Monroe, commencing on Monday, tho 27lli day * of September next, for tbo disposal ef the vacant lands in the eren ?., numbered tectums, w ithin tlio undermentioned townships, which re- j main to the L'niled States, within six miles on each side of the " Vicks m, biirg,Shroveporl, and Texas railroad," subject, as required by law, to , a minimum of two dollars and fifty cents pee acre, ri*: North if the base, line awl east if the principal meridian. 1 Townships 17 and 18, of range 8. j Townships 18, 17, and 18, ofrangos 9,10, 11, aud 12. ( Townships 15, 10, and 17, of ranges 13 and 14. Townships 15 and 18, of range 15. * ' The offering of tho above lands will be commenced on the days ap -w pointed, an I will procoed In the order In which tboy are advertised, 1 until the whole shall have been tillered, and the sales thus closed; but no sale sli*ll ho kept open longer than two weeks, and no private ' j entry of any of the lands will he admitted uutil after the expiration of "" the two weeks. lends appropriated by law for the use of schools, mllllary and ' other purpaoes, will be excluded from the sales. *?ivou uuuvr my uann, at uio vuy 01 watmingron, mis nixieomn any l of July, A. l>. 1868. 1' By order of tlio Proaideut: TllOfl. A. HENDRICKS, n,? Comrutefdoner of the General liind Ofllee. rio NOTICE TO rRE-KMl'TlON CLAIMANTS. *' Every person entitled to the right of pro empUon to any of the lands within the townships and |>arts of townships above mentioned is required to oBtahltoh the fame to the satisfaction of the register and "It receiver, and make payment therefor as noon as practicable after seeing thtn notice, tmd befbf* th<< day appointed for tho commflum> ment of the public sale ot tho lands embracing tho tract chiiinod; ma otherwise such claim will bo forfeited. ?ui TIIOR. A. HENDRICKS, Ira Commissioner of tho General I^and Office. 1 July 18?lnwl3\v [IntolAStnr] [No. 607.] Notice of the postponement of the pnbltc sales fl of the lands in the parishes of Madison and Carroll, in the State or L'tnisiana, ordered to he held by proclamation No. r>98. NOTICB is hereby given that tho public, sales of r| the vac tut public lands within tho parishes of Madison and Jl Carroll, In the Idato of louisiana, ordered hv proclamation No. 508, ' dated March 0, 1858, to bo held at tho land office at Monroe, in the Va j State of Louisiana, on the 14th and 28th of June next, have been post ' | poited, by order of tho President, to tho 20th and 27th of September ih'II, priur iu wuicn nawa mo naie? win again no advcrUieil accord- ' 1 Ing to law. THOfl. A. HKNTW1CKB, cm Oommtadonmr of the Uaneral load office. I May 30?law?w [TutAStar] ' [No. oil.| T Notice of the Removal of the Land Ofllce from " the Inland of Mackinac to Traverae City, in , the Ntnte of Michigan. wll IN ACCORDANCE with the provimons of the act ' of Onigrosii, ciittUtd "An net authorizing change* in ilir location I oi land o?o?*a," approved March 3d, 18f>3, it h horebjr declared and I ni.nie known . that tlie nilire for Uie fwli) o( the public lands at Mnrki fj ; n.M . in tbi Htate od Michigan, will ha removed to " TYavcrae City" ^ ! > fijt i'jii'/u a imi'iVkI as mvic/uvJi/o after Ihn 1*t nf Jnlv novf T?u furtficr notice na to the praln llm? of removal will be leeuod by ? Iho ri'irixtor and receiver for the laml dtatrtct. -? Oircu under my hand al the city of Waahinglon, Ihle ecvenlh iley I of June, A. It 1858. Jtly order of the Prontdent: THOfl. A. nKKPRICKR, Jnno I wD> Oimrol loner of the Oenrral land Office. HH. ULLLKT, Counsellor at Jaw, lias removed ~ hie nlbce to bin raeideoce In franklin Row, corner of K and J Thirteenth (treeta lie will continue In devote hie attention principal- f J ly to Caere in the United .-tntce SupremeT>nirt. Kb Oct 88?dtf ; fTIHE CIVIL LAW or SPAIN AND MKMCO. I 1 Arranged on the principle* ?>f tho modern codoa, witU |?ntr* J| uii'i r"Tcr. n?Mv Preceded by a historical Introduction to tho HfmuhOi lol< and iMcxlrnn law, and Inibodvini* in an appendix amno ol' tie moat ( Important arts of tho Mexican (Ymgrtea. By (Ju-dAtua Prhmldt. 1 vol., 8vo, Price $42, horntoforo $6. July KRANCK TAYI.OR. < aNITKD STAT? I'ATKNT OFFICE, Wmhnim, July *0, 18ig. <>.* TIIK PETffTON at ttiil.w B TyMr Muiuwrliumiu, raying (or lb* iiMMua ui * |?l.ui gruuluU U> buu uu ibv 1Mb uf mmary, 1H5, !<>r uu iuiprm<'m< ul m "nUuinrulion prtw-*," f'T Lives >uuid from the ?x juration (if mud patent, which lakes plaoo on its UHh day ol January, ibtyj It t? ordered thai tho ?aj<l iwtitkui be k?rd at the Talent titles on [outlay , tike 47th *4 Dw?fubw next, at 12 o'clock, m., ami all per xu are uotittod to appear aud *hvw cause, if any they hat a, why i|.i jH'UlJeti ouglit not to l>e granted. Terixui* opposing the oxtetiNtun are required to Ale tu tho Talent iUc* lhe*r ul<p>cu< >ue, apt* uiliy aut forth Is wnui.g, at l<wu twenty ?ys bolofe tho day of hearing, all testimony fllod by either party U> u used at tlioaaid hearing inuat he lukun and Iran -tit it lad in accord liue with tho rule* ut tho olUco, which wUl ho fumndiod ou upplioa on. The lehUmosy in the oaae will be cloned on the 7Ui of Doeeanber; ejKjatt.uiM, yuol other papera relied uf*m aa IceUmouy, inual bo Sled i tho frftlce on or before the morning of that day; the argument*, If a v, within ten day a thereafter. Ordered, also, that this notice be published In the Union, Waahlng >u, JJ. 0., and Tost, Benton, ouce a week, for three week*, the Ant f auid publication* to be at leant duty days bctore the 27ili ol Dveomer next, the day of heuj lug. JOS. HOI.T, Comuiiaau'usr of Talents. r. F. ICditorn Of the above iwutor* will couv and iuwjI H.air ill* to Uis l'atuul Office, Willi u pupur containing this uollce. July 21?law3w United Slates Patent Office,v Wuahiugtou, July W, 1860. 3N the petition of Frederick E. 8ickletj, of New Yurk? graying fur the extension of a patent granted to him i ih< l'Jili of October, 1344, for an improvement In "opanltif and osing valves of steam ougiuoM,'1 tor seven year* from the expiration ' said patent, which takes place ou lUo 1 Wtli day of October, 1858? ll u ordered that tJie said petition be hoard at the Patoul Office ou on<tay,Uie 4lh of October next, at 12 o'clock, in.; and ail ]Htr?on? are ititUxi to appear and show cause, If any they have, why said pehUou lght not to ne grunted Persons opposing the extension are retired to Ale in the Patent Iflco their objections, specially set forth in writing, at least iwonly i) H before the day of hearing ; nil testimony filed by either party to ' 9 used at the said hearing must be taken and transmitted in accord- 1 tee with the rules of the office, which will bo furnished ou appliesou. ' The testimony in the ease will bectoaed on the 20th oi be'iU'inher; spositions, and other papers relied ui*?u as testimony, must 1 tiled in the office ou or before the morning of tliut day ; the argil 1 cnts, if any, withiu U?u days thereafter. J Ordered, also, tbut tliLs notice be published in the Union, Washgton, i?. C., and Atlas, New York, once a week for three weeks-? the ! st publication to be at least sixty days before the 4th of October ' ?xt, the day of bearing. JOS. HOLT, Commissioner of Polenta. P. S. ?Editors of the above paper* will please copy, and send their lis to the Putout Office, with a paper ooulahiiug lilt* notice. July lO?lawew ACARCE BOOKS.?Cecilia; or, Memoirea of an J Hcire**, l.y Madame D'Arbluy, & vols. 92 75 Onmtlio; or, A Picture of Youth, hy Madame D'Arblay, 5 vol*. ! 75 Letter* of Madame de Sovlguo m Engllah, 9 vuta. In 5. ), cull'. (1 Mollere'* Work*, In EngUali, fl vol*. 90 60 I.-iter* ul l'uuy, the Ounuul, by Wlllliuii Molmuth, orq., 3 vol* ,8vu. I 26 Kmtvelle lli'lotee, by llnuMMa, In EnglUli, 4 vol*., 93 26 Til i Unulon Stage, ucollection of play*, 4 vol*., 8vo. 9'* Monli-*quicu * spirit of law* in, 2 vol*., 8vo., 93 28 liurlami.qul'* Principle* of Nuturul Law, In 2 vol*., 8vo. 1 76 FHANUC TA Y l> IK. Jul, 13 A ("YFIjOI'EDI A OF COMMERCE AND COMm MbltllAI. NAVIGATION. billed by J. Smith llomans, Cor. spending Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of swr York, anil kktltor of "The Hunker*' MagnMnu anil by J. Smith man*, Jr , H. S , author of "An Historical uinl Statistical Account of c Foreign Commerce of the United Staler." Royal Octavo, pp. 2,0011, ) mi>#iu ctmimnB, Birougiy noma iu Muslin, ?o ; lu strong Sheep 1 :> ting, $0 75 ; in Jlall Call extra, $8 ; copies in Half Calf, in two j dume*, $8 75. * This w ork Is a compendium of cmmncrtinl know lodge, including 1 tteles upon the trndo of every important maritime country uud city 1 tho world ; copious and reliable statistics upon the staple produc 1 s of every climate ; Essays uptm comhterci&l suldect* ; K)nep*i<9 * the la\va regulating commerce ; and, generally, Information and c itisties upon every important commercial subject. i For sale by TAYLOR k MAURY, ? July 16?3t 334 Pennsylvania avenue. ' pi IE VIRGINIA SPRINGS. By Dr. John J. MoorL man. 1 vol., with map Mid plates, pi. * The Virginia Mineral Spring*, with remarks on their oac. By Win. 5 irke, M. I>. 1 vol.. with a map. $1 25. 1 Fauquier Sulphur springs. By a Visitor. 25 cents. U A Trip to the Virginia Spring** In 1835. By a Luly. 25 cents. A life at tlie White Sulphur Springs. By Mary J. Wiudle. 75 cents. ? Bell on Baths and Watery Regimen. 1 vol. $2 50. ^ Also, Maps, Guide Books, Ace., of every description. 3 July 17 FRANCE TAYLOR. 1 , L ITIXDOSTAN, its Landscapes, Palaces, Temples, } ,~X. Tombs, &e., 2 volumes 4to, bound In 1, Turkey moroooo, 2 Ira gilt, and beautifully illustrated, London. $15. r China, its Scenery, Architecture, ami Social Habits, 4 volumes 4to; 2, Turkey morocco ' illustrated, London; $20. I llbgarth's Works in a series of 150 steel engravings, 2 volumes, } irkoy morocco, London, $15. f History of Scotland, 2 volume?, half Turkey morocoo, bcanlifully S iistrated, London, $15. S History of tho War with Russia, 3 volumes, with steel engravings > d maps, London, $15. ~ o Hiatory and Description of tiro World's Fair in 1851, illustrated by ft autful steel engravings, 3 volumes 4to, IxnWlou, $22. Lancaiihire, its History, legends, and Manufactures, 2 volumes 4to, 1 rkcy morocco, with illustrations, London, $20. 2 Royal Gallery of Engravings, engraved on steel by the firat artists tl tho day, 1 volume 4to, $10. a France, its laiuiUtcapoti, Antiquities, Architecture, &c., 4 volumes V 2, 4to, l'urkey morocco, London, $20. F Westmoreland, Cumberland, Durham, and Northumberland, their 2 ke and Mountain Scenery, 2 volumes 4to, I/mdon, $25. tl Constantinople and its En v I reus, 1 volume 4to, London, $15. tl Hihtory of Ireland from the earliest period to the present fnic, 3 u lumes, illustrated, London, $15. o July .0 FRANCE TAYLOR. tl "VISRAELI'S NOVELS, in now covers, now " J ready, price 38 ceuU each. The Young Duke?a moral tale, >ugh gay. Tancrcd, or tho New Cruaado. Venitia. Alroy. luion o licavon. Price 50 cents each. u lleuriotta Twmplo?A Love Story. Vivian Grey. For sale at TAYLOR k MAURY'S, July 20 [StateH&Star] 334 Penn. avonue. JTEHUIIR'S LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF ? Rome, 3 vols., 8vo., Ixradon. $5 50 oi Mehuhr's Lectures on Ancient History , 3 vols., 8vo. $5 50 IS falbuhr'a History of Rome, 3 vote., Nvo. $7 lv Loudon's Encyclopedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture, 0| ol. 8vo., IiOndon, with more than 2,000 engraving*. $10 j . I I >. III. u wards of 1,200 engraving. 18 3 I.union's Kncyclopwlbi of (i.iriK'nimi, 1 vol., 8vo., I/mtlon, with iny liuudroil engravings. SclHon's Table Talk, 1 vol., limn, ton.lon. CI 26 Inhn Aubrey's Miscellanies, 1 vol., 12mo. $1 , flora Ploughman's Vision ami Cre?d,8 vols. $2 BO Mother's Providences In EngtaMI, 1 vol. Cl 25 frauds Queries Enchiridion, vol. 12mo., Iioudon. 60 cants Shopman's llomor'a Illnd, 2 vols., London. ?3 ' Juno 29 FRAN'CK TAYUJR. " JTTEDDING PRESENTS.?To our already very J'| f \ large stock of new ami elegant Jewelry, watcher. silver ainU 3 to.1 ware, wo liavo Just added a choice assortment of new goods talilo for wudding preaeuts. g, M. W. G.U.T k ni!0., Jewellers, ^ Inly 15 324 Ponn. avenue (, .TAX UPON THE SEA or, A IHptory of Man- t I.E. time Adventure, Exploration, aiitl Discovery, from the Kuril , Ages to llio Present Time, comprising n ilclatloil account of He irkuhle Voyages, Ancient a? well as Hottern, by Franck fi. Good h, author of "Onort of Najioloon." 1 vol. Price C3. D Mlxpali, Prayer, ami Friendship, by 1.. C. lanitals, A. M. I vol. Price n 25. For aalc by M.ANCHARD fc MOHPN, a August 4 Corner of 11th street ami Penn. avo. TAN UPON THE SEA; or, A History of Mari- ? fJL timo Advontnrea, Exploration, ami Discovery from the Karli tl Ago# to the Pro.sent Tiinu, comprising a detailed aocount of Ru N irk.iblo Voyago<i, Ancirnt n* well as Modern-^ by Frank B. Goodrich T Lhor of 44 TlioUourt of Naixdoou," etc., etc., with numerous illa?- ai tli'UH. $3. Ol iltzpnh, Prayer, and Friendship. Price $1 '25. m lust received and fbr sale at TAYLOR k MAURY'R, \ugust 4 334 Pennsylvania avenue. i<\ two MILLIONS; Ly Wilfam Altai Bnttar, tn- ? thor of "Notlilng to Wear," |ii loo 50 cents, for aalc by B1.AM Jl.VRB * MOIIUN, Aug 1 Corner of 11th ami I'enn. avenue. *j ?' 1?? 1,1 " tl TWO MI!.LIONS?A Poem ; by William A. But- 11 ler, author of 44Nothing to Woar," 50 cent*. ftl [aifo and Adventure** of Major Roger Sherman I*orter ; by FholCg n Trusedale, 1 volume illustrated, $1 26. i>r. Thorn??A Novel j by Anthony Trollop?, 1 volume, $1. 11 fhe Family Aquarium ; by H. I). Butler, 1 volume, illustrated, 50 in. '' Menstiration and Practical (teomrtry ; by Cliaa. H. Ha-well, 75 tl it*. King Rich ird the 9econd, Abbott'* H?ri< a of Histories, 60 centR. "! \ug 1 FRANCE TAVIAiR. JJ TMLLIAM THE CONQUEROR A historical ro- 'i f\ mnuee -by Gen. Sir Charts Napier; edited by limit. General ri William Napier; 1 vol., laondon, 1858. $1 25. R'MMFsK TIME IN THKtWKTUV;by Robert Ari< Wlllmoit; 1 vol., ti th beautiful wood engravingsiLoudon, 1858. S3. It lugttft 7 FRANCE TAYLOR. " LST KKI'KIVLD SLND FOR BALK AT TATUOH h k MAl'RY M, 3?M I>nt?*ylvnnU avenue, Pr<4. Donald Md/cod'* ul course on Elocution, delivered before Uio Col logo of Professional /' irhera. Price 25 cent*. [Rut4>* and Star] Aug 7 ^ >i:i >FKSS( Mi DONALD M.LKODS DIS< 'OLKSL m on Elocnlioii, delivered before the Wwtorn lAterury lnatitoto and cl [lege of I*ro("wsionftl Teacher*. Prire 25 centa. l-,? u u l.k at OKI ??l lag 7 S3U I'onn. Kreiiie, Ixtiwooii &ili ami loth ntm?U. U; _ , , ? 81 "UST DECEIVED PROFESSOR MeLEODS AD- [, (front to the Ooll^go of ftoffedftftmJil Toacliof*, on th*? iittldj of wiftkm. HI.ANCHAKl) k UOHUN, tK A tutu* I 7 OoriHMr lllli m. anil l'oiin. hvcduo. J4l |01IN'fl 8T \ KDARD LTBR \RT ; ftOIWfl CT KB ) *to*1 do; TVihn'a fllnwtnifod do; Bnlm'i KMmIHNi do; Hahn'a l*hh *\ tgioal do; Bolui'it Knrh'-dmdicitl do; Holm's Itritinb Clftiorie do. omplrt* a?t* of the above* library norm* nlw.iya kept on twm<! at 1'HIT.I"* Now BMnbro, SM lv>nn*ylvama uvomio, T Aug 7 Wbtro Catalogues maybe had on L^plteat- .n. 3( [No. 614.] By the President of the Unltnl 8tate?. |(| TN imrn linnets of law, T, JAMEiS BUCHANAN, Pros '? Kimi of tlw UtlN HUi?t of America, do lierohr <lrrlar<- wH V miiu known itini public rubs. will bo hold at the uuderuienhooud laud wltlom In the Mute of I alltornia, at the period! horoluafhur doa- 'a imitated, to wit : At tin land <flt<? at II. nam ut, oumuu-d.'wf ou Monday, ho seventh 1 * day of kubruary next, Ihr tho dbi|xioal of Uxi public lands altuat. d In "" th. f .!!..-a u.jf tow &.I.I1* and |kUla uf, via *" .Vor'A oj Ike bate lime and aut >/ the Humhuldt meridiem. tlo Hwihoim 1 to 30 uiclnalre; Ihe V ??, and tbe fra. tl.ais of the Bf, Id noutbof Eel river of -ecuon SI : tho N I, if 32 III.- N X .< 83, the tie NW '4 of 84, and iho NIC X ol 8'i, of PoiouAtj. Iioo. Tlie N X "I < "" tlou 1: MOUatia J and 3. tlio k. j, . f the Vt l?, Iho NW .If of N'K >4 , an lhaK X of UK / and tin NW of SK ^ of ?.*-U..u 4; thn K i;; the 13 NIl of vw l4 and the e X of NW of auction #. aeetlon 10; tbe i VW '4 of 11; the ? of IS; cbo H X id 14; Motion 16; tho Ml-; '4, tlio ?" KK of Vh >11.1 it... SI. i. .J vu.' . .an l i ..r vi .a >0. E y9 of NW *u<t the E H of HE \ iff ?< < Uon 20: section* 21 to 28 of Inclusive, the E J, oTJOff l4 , the NW ?4' of St \, the R H of HK , 30 and the 8 % ef HW *4 of 29 the 8K V of SK the W ?i of HE ^ the E >, of HW *4, and Ui* 8W A4 of HW J4, of 80 tuid sections 31 lo t?o 35 infinitive, ol township fuc. Sections 1 to 30 inclusive, the NK J* , 33 ant Um N >- of NW '4 of Miction 32, the F the NW If, and the 4 NK *4' HW *4 of 33; and Bectiona 34 and 35, of town-skip six, of rang< Nil otot. \ Hectioua i and T, the NK ,?4 of 3 ; the W >* of 4; section 6; Urn N if 1?, of 6; the fSW '4 of 7 ; the K l? of 8 ; section 9; the 8 Si of U>; section 11 olu to It inclusive; the NW ^ of 20; the NE ?4 of 21; -?diooj? 2*2 U> 27 tioi inclusive, scrUous 30; the NK -4 of 31; the 8W of 3*4; the HE U of -3, 33; nnd ?? < tains 34 and 35, of Utwnskip two. Sections 1, 2, and 8; the thi NIC ?4 of 4; the 8W ?4 of 7; the NE If of 10; 11, 12, ami 18, 1 the NE ?4 .2 14; hcottons 17, 18, 10, and 20; the N >4 of 21; the 8W ? W of 2*1; the HE ?4 of 23. section* 24, 2-s 20, and 27, iho 8 i* of 2ft, uud ?* sections 20 Lo 36 inclusive, of township three, of range three. {,tu North (/the tout line ami toes/ of the 1/umboUi ma idiaa. fa* Sootioiui 1 and 2; k*? 1, 2, and 3, of eectloti 8, sections 8 and 0; Iho th* W .Si, and lot 1, of section 10; sections 11,12, 13, 14, and 15; the NK Si <?f 17; HtHitioua 21 to 28 Inclusive; iho NK , the NK Si oif NW ; and lota 1, 2, and 4 of section 35, of taunuhip two. Hie NW ^ of MO * tiou 8; section# 4, 5, 8, 7, 8, and 0; the HW '4 of 15; sections 17 to 22, Inclusive; the HW '4 of 28; and suctions 25 lo 35, iuclustve,of town .Kip three. Fractional Unmiskii* four, Jim, six, sixteen. and $t:ccnt*:en. Fruc ^ ' lionni scotlous 5 and 8; the HW i4 of 15; fractional section 17; the N \ H'v of 21; seel ion 22; the HE 14 of 28; sections Sb> and 27; fractional section l,aj 32; and aodthMHI 33, 34, and 36, of toumship ciyhlcm, of rang* of*. ' * The E 4$, the NW hi, the K J, of HW and the NW ^ of HW >4 , of section 1; the NK of NK '4 of 2; the N'K J4 , and the NE '4 of ftnt 4E hi of 12; the8 of NK *4, the Kg \+, th?^ K of HW i4, and the *'? 3W U of HW >4 of McUon 13, the 8 >. U NW hi, tho HW U, Uiu W *vc of 8K '4', and tho HE U of SK }+, of aocU<>n 14; fractional sect ions H,><1 23, 24, 25, id, and 27, and sections 31 and 85, of township three ; and IFai-tiouiU fcnenWti/* four and sixteen, of ranjc hen. aJl^ North of the Uui41 Urn and west of the Mount DiaUo meridian. 3 Tho HW Si of section 3 ; section 4; tho K )i of ft ; tho NK K or 8, ^ the N }3 of U; and tile NW '4 of 10, of township forty three. The SW *4 of section 14; tho 8 H of If); the K % of 21; section 22; the N ?B' i>f 23; Sfvtion 24; the NW ^ Of 27; the K H of 28; the HE Si ??l 32; ot | unl section 33 of township forty four, of range three . Sections 1,2, 7 , I, and 4; the NK Si ?f 5; the K Si 1?> soctlous 11,12, and 13; and ^ iho NK of 14, of township forty-three. The W of section 4; #ection# ft, 6, 7, nnd 8; the W of0; sectioii# 17, 18, 1?, 20. dnd 21; the j!u. iW Si of 23; the W 'i of 27; sections 28, 2V, and 30, Ibe N Si 31; ^ , ho N Sit and the HE W of 32; sections 33 and 34 , and the HW .'4' ot ^ ^ 15, of toumship forty four. The HW <4' of section 4; portions 5, 8, 7, .,7 Mid 8; the W St ^tions 17, 18, 1U, and 20; the W ^ of 21; the ll!(}' W >4 of 28; sections 29, 30, 81, ami 32; and the W S-s vf 33; of town thip forty-fine, ol* range four. 7 The NE '4 of section 1; the 8W hi of section 3; tlioNW '4 and the i }i; of Section 4; scctiouH 5 to 10, Inclusive: the HW '4 cfll; the HE l4 cjUf >fl2; and sections 13 to 35, inclusive, of t rumship forty-three, toum a|1(j ihip* forty four and forty Jive. The NW Si of section 8; si'Ctums 4 to j ?, inalusive; tho HW l{ of Hoclion 10; tho H i, of 12; section 13; the tj|0 5 Si of 14; sections 15 and 17 to 35, inclusive, of townblilj) forty six, tj|0 ?r range /lie. \y The 8W ?4 ofseotiowfi; section 7; the 6W ?4 of 17; section 18; the X V% of 19; tho HW '4 of 29; soctions 30, 31, and 32, of township wtice. dccuouh i, y, ana a; cue r.. ;a *?i *; sections w 10 ro, incm- ^ live; the NR \ of 14: tho 8K U 17; the HE '4 <?f 23; section 24; of'.j ind the NE >4 of 25, of township forty tux*, flection* 1, 2, and 3; the 0f i i >? of 4; sections 2, 10, and 11; the N Nj of 12: tlie 8 >4 of 18; B9C- -p ions 14 and 15; (ho tSK '4 of 17: the SK *4 of 19; sections 20 to 29, (jie nelusive; the E 1% of SO; (he NE % of 32; and section* 33, 34, Mid jj ( 15, of toumekip forty three Hefcttont I to 5. luclusite; the E ^ and (>j , ho SW >4 of 0; section* 7 to 29, Inclusive) iho NK *4 of 30; the SK 71 4 of 81; and ycctiond 32, 33, 31, and 35 of township forty four. flee. p ions 1 to 4, Inclusive ; the S X of 5; the S >4 of (J; and section* 7 to r 15, inclusive, of Unrnship forty-five. Tho NE '4 Ofaoothm 1; the HE J4 f. >f 12; Section 13; the HK ki ?H 14; pactions 23. 24, 25, and 26; tlio HE p, 4 of 34 ; and *octl?fci 33, of township forty six. Tho 8 *4 of section 6; 75 ho E of 7; the SW ,?4 of 8; the \J ?$ of 17; the E ?? of 18; tho NK 4 of 19; tho N)4 ftd't tlio SK *4 of 20; the SW '4 of 21; sections 25, ^ :t?, and 27; the N of 28, the NE >4 of 29; ami sections 31 aud 35, ";,y ?f township forty tt.t*m, ot range six. tho flection* 1, 2, 3, 4, and 9 to 15 Inclusive ; the HE *4 of 17; bocUo? 19 ; 0 27 inclusive ; the NE ,?4 of 28 ; tho NE *4 of 31 ; and auction 35 of nonship twdoe. TU.S 8 >, of m otion 2 ; tho SE '4 of section 3 ; fi aclona! sections 5, 0, ami 7 ; tho W *4 of section 8 ; the SK ?4 of section m,'| 1; section* 10 and 11 : the SW 14 of 12 ; the W 14 of 14 ; section 15 ; J' ractlonal sections 17,18, 20, and 21 ; tho W of section 22 ; Iho W ~ ; of 26 ; section 27; and fractional sections '28,33, 34, and 35 of nvnship thirteen. Fractional sections 31 and 32, of township fourteen. rJl "ownshi)* tiv- nty right awl twenty flint. The K of section 1 ; sec i??ng 10 to 15 inclusive ; and section 19 to 35, Inclusive, of township *01 kirty. Tlio 81 *4 of section 3 ; the NK >4 of 10 ; the fl 14 of 11 ; tlio 1 of 12 ; the N >4 of 13 ; and the NE '4 of 14, of township forty our. Tho 8 J>4 of section 12 ; section* 13. 24, aud 2"> ; the SK *4 of . 0 ; the NE '4 of 34 ; and the NW *4 of 35, of township forty fay, of ange seven. m Tho K H of section 11; tho SW .14 of 12; tlio W X of 13; the N >4, . he HE '4, tho NE >4 of SW ?4, and lots 1 aud 2 of section 14; the E J* 4 of 23; scoUopB 24 and 25; and the NE '4 of 26, of township tivrlre. y1 Pactional sections 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 and 13, of township thirteen. The jl W ,'4 of section 6; and the NW '4 of section 7, of township forty. Tlio J," K '4 of section 8; the K >4, and tho SW !4 of 17; I ho S V% of i8; tho f )i of 19: aud the NW U ?d 20, of township forty-three. Tim NK *4 f section 31: tho N JJ Of 32; ami the N\Yr ?4 of 33, of township forty f\: mr, of range t ight. Section 2; the NK '4 of 3; the SE *4 of 1(>; section 11; the SW V4 of 2; the W % of 13; the NE \ of 14; the K *4 of 24; and Ulc E of u,? 5, of township forty-one. Hcctlotit 2, 3, 4, ami 5; the NE 34 4,f 8; sec- n! , on* 8, 9, 10 and 11; the SW ?4 of 14; the W y% of 13; mictions 14 "fx ml 15; the K )i Of 17; the NK >4 of 20; sectioiiH 21, 22, and 23; the 0 Cj t % of 24; the NW ,'4 of 25; sections 26 and 27; tho N of 28; the l 11 1 ol 34; and section 85, of township fortytwo. Tlio N )t of section 4* * ; the W lj, aud tlio eK '4 of scution 13; section 14; the 8 y'4 of 15; . / 10 NW 14 of 17; the fig of ls: tho fi of 19; tic- E of 21. nee ons 22, 23, and 24; the W >4 <?f 25; sections 2C, 27, ami 28 ; the S 'a ': f 29; the K \ of 30; the K % of 31; and section-t, 32, 33, 34, and 35, ' f township forty thret. Hie 8W >4 4f hoc lion 26; the t>W *4 of 27; ''' . 10 % ?d"28; the K >4 of 29; the 6 of 30; the NW '4 of 31; the K ' 4 of 32, tlio N ft of 33; the W of 34; and the SK ,'4 of 35, of towniip forty four, of range nine. 9 r The NE *4 of section 35, of township forty-fortr, of range, ten. At tho Intel otlico ut Maktnvillr, comnieuciux 011 Monday tho aevnth day of February next, for tho disixisal of the public lands sltua " sd in the following townships and parts of townships, viz. .}?u. Nt/rth of the Ixut linr, and east of the Mount IHalAo meridian. ran? The 8W U of SW \ of section 1; the SW *4 of NE >4, tho W >4 of 1 u E 14, tlieSE l4 of SK 14, and the W % of set'Uun 2; auctions 3, 4, 5, .ami7; the NW '4 ?f 8; the \'K '4 of U; sections 10 ami 11, the 33 , E !4 of NW J4, tlio W j, of NW '4, the SW ?4, tho SW \ of SE '4, 4 5 r*octi(?n 12; sections 13,14, 15, 18, ami 19; the SW \ of 20; the jy j,' E }.i of 22; HCH'tions 23, 24, 26, and 26; tlio W >4 29; Hectloua 30 rut 31; the NW of 82; and ttio NE of 35, of tuwnxhijrforty scrcn, y 7t r rdnge. ,nte. Sections 1 to 12, incliudvd; Iho NE of 18; the NW '4 of 14; see- to ons 15 and 17 to 22, inclusive; the SW *4 of 20; and sections 27 to *?, Inclusive, of tow nahip forty six, of range two. Unnnships seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of range, three. ?tcd Township seventeen, of range, four, aectiona 1 to 18 inclusive; town- ' ldp? eleven ami twelve aud fractional townships thirteen and fbur- He }< ?, and township fifteen, of rangefi*r. Hectioiifl 1 t<? 18, Inclusive, of tonmship L a; townships eleven, luylty, nd thirteen; the E *a of section ft; sections 0, 7, H, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, ,m<? 0, 31, and 32; nmt the SW ,V4 of 33, of township 15, of rangeUt. \\V Fractional, township rip Id; tce.Uon 1 to 18, inclusive, ol' township ,,f y -a; townships elnvn nn?l twelve; 1, 2, and 3: the E l4, and u' SW '4 ofacetron 4; the HW }A ol 7; the 8E '4 of 8; met ion* W to seotl 5 inclusive, of township thirteen, of range seven sco?n Fractional township right; tnwmldp nine; the NE '? of section 2; So action 3 to , inclusive; the NW of 10; Heotionx 17 to 21, inclu #octi vo; HecUdh 28 to 32< inclusive? ami the NW of 33, of tnumship y\y nplMl tlio NW *1 of ?et (ion 6; hccUMis 0 ami 7; the SW x4 of 8; hoc n?j j on* 17 to 20, inclusive; the SW of 21; the SW }.x of 27; hoc Ion ft to 34, iuclutfivo; and tlio SW l4 of 36 of township 13, of range eight town North of th> Ikuc Una awl ioed of the Mount Ditoto meridian. ' " y Of 4: Township twenty four; section* l to 12, inclusive; the NK of 13; of 11 ic NW '4 of 14; Mention* 16, unci 17 to 22, iliclufcivc; the S l, of 23; 10 8 )x of 24; and Mention* 25 to 35, inclusive, of towuahip twenty 1*2, 1 tie; ntid townships forty six Mid forty seven of range tme. 21; n Sections 1 and 2; the K % of Nil '4, tboNW *4 of NR.W, the E % of N }j K >4, and tlio SW >4 of SE ?4 of sixiioQ 3, Uio W of NW '4 , and don10 W }x of SW '4 ot section 4; the E of section 5 ; the NE of 8, 7?/ ?e W ofNW '.i, the SK *4 of NW >f, Atxl tlio S I, of section!); of 10 ic NE l4 , and the ri |4 of Mention 10; SMiiOQS 11, 12, 13, and 14; tlio ?ectt' of 16; and INtiow 23, 24, 25, 26, and 85, of townshipforty six. 'In' f he SE i4 of Motion 23; th ? S of 24; suction* 25 and 28; the K 1,, ^'E 1 tut the NW '4 of 27; the NE V of i *ho K \ of NK , the NW '4 ?!*? ; f NK >4, the K of SE l4, and Ilia SW *4 ol>E l4 of section 34; and end 1 etion 35, of township forty term, of range two. rang Tn\vn*hipn twenty two, tus nty three, aud to* nty-four; tho fractions of 70 i*tm*hip hvenly ?eren, want of the Sacramento river; eccttona 1 ami 2; ?f r<\ actional HO'tinu* 3, 4, and 5; Mention* 6 and 7; fractional section* 8 Tie rui 10; section* 11, 12, 13, and 14; the fraction** ol section 15, on ?f re loody T*Und; section 18; the fraction* of section 23, caul of the Sac- To imento river; hccIIou* 24, 25, and 28, tbo fraction* of sections 27, 7b S, an<i 33, east of the Huviauiohto river.; section 34; and the fraction* T,* rauction 35, north of the Sacratuonto river, of township twenty nine; To. ic g(?otlon* and part* of section* east of the Sacramento river, and 7b M |M*rt* of section* 33 aud 84 on Rinchcria Island, of township thirty; 'Ih nd township thirty-ore, of range three. 7b Townsiiijw twenty tun, tun nly three, twenty four, and twenty floe; 7b Mition* 1, 2, and 3; the NK of 4; aectlOUa 10 to 15, Inrlmlro: wc- 73 oil* 23to 2/ inclusive; the 85: ?4 of section 28; and unction 31 to 86 To ichistvc, of township tweHty tim; the HE of section 12: ncctiona lo 1, 14. and 16; section* 22 to 27 inclusive; the SE \ of 33, and mcc otliei on* 34 and 36 of Urwnship twenty seven; the SE t4 <?f Sti lton 1; the M*;et E V of section 8; section* W to 15 IncliUlVe; and section* 17 ami 18 'ho ? i toumthip twenty vinr; srcii'Hm 1, 2, and 8; and the fraction* of *oc- Nr onu4,0,40, 11, unit 12, uorUi ol the Sacrainonto rlvor, <rt township bo ol (lection* 3 to 10 inclusive; section* 16 and 17; the IVact'on* of prom ictioii* 18 and 10, east of Sacramento rlrer; moAMhi* 20 to 20 lucln to tit ve; thefraetionfl of gectron* 80, 32, and 83, east of tho Sacramento dad vor; and nection* 34 and 36 of township thirty <me, of range four. the j TowiiNldps tuse.nty two, twenty threr, twenty four, and twenty five; nor. Tli 00a 1,2, 3, 4, and 6; the N>: >4 of 0; sections 8 to 15 laetmifd; see point una 21 to 2ft inclusive; the HE ?, of section 32; and section * 33 34, the 1 n<l 36 or tmmtMp twentp-stM; in.' ?W Of flection 17; flections 18, **lr !?, and 20; the HW l4 of 21, the b\V \A of 26- and flections 26 to 8"? any icluyivo of township twenty srrvn; the fraction?* of toctiona 2ft, 26, wool ml 27, north of the Hocritmento river, of township thirty4tvo, of range <?i re. June Hoctioiw 1 to 5, inclusive; 8 to 15, inclusive; 17 and 20 to 29, incln vo ; and 32 to 35, inclusive, of township twenty one; sections 1 to 5, B) iclufllve ; 8 to 15, InelnMve; 17 and ftO to 20, (notaHvi; and 32 to 35, iOltlfllr*, of township twenty two; sections 1 to 5, inchi-drr; of 8 to 16, Illusive ; 17 and 20 to 20, inclusive ; and 32 to 36, inclusive, of itnontajp tnrnty three; section* I to 4, inclusive?; 0 to 15, inclusive; 21 to 5, Inclusive; and 33, 34. and 35, of toionship tovnty/our; nocUoitfl 1 ? 4. inclusive; 9 to 15. ineln*lve; 21 to 23, inclusive; and 83, 34, and . v !>, of tmrnnhip hoenty fine. The NW of sootioa 3, aeotioiui 4, 5, 6, J,M' , and 8 ; tlio W ol 9; sections 17, 18, 19, and 20; the W ), of 21: lo W of 28; sections 29, 30, an I 31; tai4 the NW \A of 32. or rt( vmship twenty nine; twnxhip thirty; the SW '4 of flection S7; see,- J1*'" ons 28 end 29; the K of 80; tno I) % of 31; McthHM 82 and 33; .'V nd the W of 34, of township thirty one, of range six. At the land (Mitre at Ha* F*a*<WO0, oowimflWtng on Monday, the mudli day of February next, for tin* disposal <?f the public lands, Ju tun ted in the following; townships and part* of townships, via. ^ South qf the base line ami east tf the Mount PiaUo nerhlian. y Poctkxui 1 to 4, inclusive; the NIC '4 of 5-sections 9 to 16, inclusive; 1. 1 to 28, tnoin*Wo; the KK v4 of section 31; and eciloti* 33, 34. and am i of tnnmshtp twenty three, of range ten. Ji Township tveti'y (htu ?/ ronjj, $lrvm. Tr*tm*k*p hnmtp aevm ; n-nUmut 1 lo 15, inclusive, the NK ^ of If; 43 N\V >4 i< 19; 11u? NK >4 of 21 mm'Uuuk 22 to 27, tuoluMive, tbe hK of 33; <1 Hr?;tiucui 34 ami 35, of township twenty eight, of rftMye feMft. The 8W l4' uf MHtiou 17, ItM 8 % of 1H. aooUon# 12 tool 20 the 8 of 21, the MV of 22. the 8W ?* ot 20, MMtffcMU 27 to 34. ukIu .r; and the W *t ol eucUuti 99, of towns*tp twenty ac\\.-n; township ?*iity-eight{ ? * Uou 1 to 6, tuoi wove; the N'K *4 uf 0; luvtiona 9 to 16, Bltvivo the ST. U of 17;the NK If of 22, ae&hm* 23, 24, ami 26, A tho NK V of section 26 * ( kmmtktp twenty ?me, of rar%/r aw&eM. Ibtunihi)* twenty eight awi twenty ntne; the W ^ ?4 eeclKin 3, ftccnit 4 1MM 4; the NK *4 oI 6, the NK XH of 6, nuctlou 0, the W ^ of i; the 8E K* <j4 13; the 8W t4 of 14, portion 16, the E of 22; ore. tut 23 , 24 5.5 and 26; the K uml lite 8W ? of 27; the 8 >, of 29, i* N of 33; and wwihui* 34 and 35 uf township tknty; iux IUmhi 1 d 2, the NX V ?f 9; the Nfc '4 uf 11, eectkui 12, and the NX '4 of . of township tkuty vne of rnngr, seti ntern. taction* 6 au?l7; the 8 ?; of 8; section* 17 to 21, holuitw; RW ?4 of L-IIDU 22, theHW *4 of 26; section 27 to 36, uiohwtre, of township pnty tight; Ummakip twenty mw; uotuotia 1 to 16, lo? UnOve; the N t4 17 ; the K >o of 19, eevUona 22 to 27, iBclueive; the SW '4 ufeecttun ; eet-Uon 31; the 8 of section 32 , the 8 t; f?r 33 and wort long 34 >1 'Ah (?r /;uin,iin fhirtu: north >11* 1 to ?* Inclusive: the NK of mm'. n 22, tho NW of KouUtKi no, tho HK Af of oootiou 31; ?ud tteciloa* , 31, and 3) <>( Otwnship* thirty mse, of range eigklo ti T'u nehii* thirty and thirty </nt; mi tiou* 1 to 12, Hlcliudvo; and tho I ?4 of 13, of township thi-ty ttoo, of range nineteen. rUo SW '4 of acotlon 7; the H and tho NW ^ at 17; acctloM 18, , and 20, the HW & of 31; the 8W Vi of 27; aoc-lion* 23 to 34, In ittivc; olid SW J3 of 35, oifoi< thirty. Dnvnship thirty one; *ecii* I to IX, iiiclu iw . tho NW of ltf the NK l4 of 21; hoc t ion* 22, 24, and 25 ; the N of 20; mid the N W *4' of 27, of fo?o??A?j> r<y tu*>, of twenty. I'bo HE ?4 of Beclfon 17;theSW of 18; him lion* 10 and 20; tint of 21; IhobW ?4 of 27; Motion* 28 to 34, Includve; and Uio 8 ^ So, of township thirty one; and Umm'hip thirty two, of range twenty 5. II Um land offlco at PrtMiKTOv. commencing<h? Monday, the aeventh f of 1'obruarjr neyt, for the di*p<*ml of the public lands situated iu 1 following li'Wiwjiliw and parts of totyftaidp*, viz: North of the bate line an i east of the Mount JHublo meridian. kvtiouM'i to ia?|||ive; Uw K u, tho K >4 of NW *4I and th* K >, iW of get; liou 6; tho K ljJ, the NK l4' erf NW '4 of 7; aoctbm.H 8 to ^ ? InrhniUe; HOCtion 17; the K ,^,u4 tho SK V? of SW *4 of 18; tho /, tho NK *4 erf NW '4 , and the 4W I4 of IV; aectfon* 20 to 24. Inclii0; Hoetioiia 27, 28, and 20; the E >4 of NK the NW t* of SK '4 , NK *4 of NW ?it the 8E hi, the E hi ** HW Ki, and tho HW of SW '4 of vecUou 30; and section* 31 to 34, lucluMve, of Uwmship f auctions 1 tod. imtluMvc; the N >4 of 7; the fc !*, the NW , 1 the E of SW l4 of 8; Meoiiutt* V to 16, inclusive; tho K >4 of the HE V? of NK , tile K A4 trfSE '4, and the bW'4 of SK >4 of tiou IP; Uie E *4, the SW 34, and the S *a of NW '4 of section 20; Hons 21 to 20. ffinliHv*; the K \, and Uio E f.; ot SW 14 of unction the K Si. the K 1, of NW >4 , and the K >4 of HW '4 of aoctloii 31; I section* 32, i)o, 34, and 35, of O/uniship seven, of range Jlvt. TemxA ij) seiW, of range tit. ' i\rum*h:j) fir, of rangi xe?<~ri. "rumthijH one, tutu, tkiec, fmir, and foe; tho N % of seotlon 1; tion 2 h> 11, icioiu.fiv^o; motion 14 U> 23, incluaivo; aud seet 20 to 35, Inclusive, ut townrkip six ; tho NW fraction, south of (ho uinnes rivor, of tho NK '4', and the fraction* of tho NW > x, south ho ainno river, of 8ectifni 2; tho fractions of section* 8, 4, 6, 3, and 1011th of the OOrtumues river; soctioni< 8. it, and 10; tho 8W >4 of 14; tloii.H if> and 17, to 36, Inohisivc, of towiuhip seven, of range, eight. ^ ^icnithlps one and tnh>; the NW of section 2; sect ions 3 to 10, * ItMdve; the SW U of 11; wvctfoim 14, 15, and 17 to 23, inclusive; tho i i 24; and taction* 20 to 35, Inclusive, of townxhi)' three; tootlon* i ?'J, Inolutlre; and 17 to 21, liMllualve; the SW .14 of 22; tho W H of ? section* 28 to 33, inclusive, and Ihe W M of 34, of township four; -j NW ?4 of flection 3; acctions 4 to 2, inclusive, and 17 to 21, in dvo; mitt 28 to ."i3, Incluilfl, of toumship /Um, of rarigr nine. I bwnship one; Uio NW l4 f?i Hccliou 2; mfotions 3 to 10, inclusive; | SW ?4 oi ll;U?OSW ',4 01 1*; i?, iD.mia ji, in tivo, of UnvtJhip two; the SW l4 of section 19; flections 29, 30, 81, W 82; and the HVr I4 of nection 33; of township throe, of range ten. JL lu? W ?; of section Ave ; pactions 8. 7, 8, and 17 to 20, inclusive; ^ SW \A of 21; nod seoAoos 28 to 83, iuoluvN, of township om; ' ti SW ?4 of flection 19; the SW *4 of 29; sections 30 and 31 ; ami the )g of 32, of hnenskip two, of range eleven. Month of the base line and east of the Mount Diablo meridian. octioiitt 1 to 15, inclusive; flection 17; the NE >4 of 18; the NK t4 I; Hcctioiis 22 to 26, Inoluslvo ; the NK <4' of 27; and bocUda 35, town kip four, of range sir. lie S }{ ofMCtkm 7; the 8 S4 of 8; the 8 Si of 9; the 8 % of NE '4, SK \, the S Si of NW ?4, uud tlie S\V *4 of flection 10; hoc I ions 0 35 inclusive; of'township one uud toumshipt tioo, three, and four, ting" seven. township*r ottr, two, threr, and four, of range, eight. townships one. two, three, four, and Jive, ot range nine. :> ivwship* one, Ium>, three, four, and Jive, of range ten. 1 towttshfps onet too, three, four, t\u<\ Jive, Of range eleven. >i mvnsklps tun, throe., four, and fee, ot range htmoe. ;<j nvnships two, three, four, uud foe, of range thirteen. t the land office at Vwaija, commencing on Monday, the seventh ,c of February next, for the disposal of the public land* situated in | following townships and purl* of township*, viz; j South of the base line and east of the Mount IHahlo meridian. j nvnship thirteen, and fractional townships fourteen aud fifteen, of J ge sixteen. ? factional township thirteen ; township fourteen; and fractional ' whip fifteen of range *rvevteen. twnships thirteen,fourteen, and fifteen, an<l fractional township six j , of range eights; n. j nvnshiju thirt est, fourteen, fifteen, aud sixteen, and fractional ( iship seventeen, of range nineteen. * ? iw us hips thirteen, fourteen, fiftr-vn, and six teen, aud fractional udlip seventeen, of range twenty. HrnstltfM thirteen,fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen ; fractional town a' iIftwltiin and eighteen ; township nineteen; aud frational town ' 1 twenty, of range twenty one. nunships thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen and { then ; and f ractional township tmniy, ol range twenty-two. j lotions 4 h> 10, inclusive ; the SW of 11; aud section 14 to 35, us\va, of township thirteen ; flections 2 to 11, ittclikdve , 13 to 23 ' lsivo ; the 8 of 25 ; and flections 26 to 35 inclusive, of township 2 teen ; townships fifteen him! sixteen, and fractional townships fev 4 tti, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of raiif/c twenty three. ;| ctiotu 19 mid 30, the N Si and the BW '4 of 31; the N>? ; 2; and sect on 33 of township thirteen; the 8 Si of flection section 17 to 21, inclusive; the N Si and the SW Si of flection 22; K Si ol' 24; seot'on 25; the W j* of 27; flection* 28 to 33 Inclusive; the W Si of flection 34 of township fourteen ; townships fifteen and J en, and fractional tuwnrhij*s seventeen, eight an, nineteen, and twenty, tinge twenty four. I ic SW >4 of flection 18; the NW *4 ot 19; the 8W *4 of 30 ; tho W ml the SK H of 31; and the SW Si <12 of tt*umxhip fourteen ; the , ot section 5; sections 6 and 7; the W *, and the SK '4 of 8; scc* 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21; the W Si of*29; flections 30, 81, 82, and \ ind the W of .'14 of township fifteen; section* 4 to ten, inclusive; 1 S % of 11; U10 W Si of the SE "i4 of 12; tin- N % of 13; ilie N 1, | I; the N Si U 01 15i flecliotw 17 to 21, iuoluaive, and 28 to i ucIuilv c ot toicnsh ip itxtom; fractional taumsMpt seventeen, eighteen, tech, and twenty, of rang* twenty-five. | ictlou 31; and the 8 % of pectWm 32, of township sixteen; the 8 Si action 1; tho SE of 2; tho SW S4 of 8; wection.i 4 to 11, inclusive; NW V of Moctiou 12; thoS }z of 13; anu aectlooa 14 to35, inclusive, twnshlp seventeen ; fractional town*hip eighteen ; the NW *4 of vec1; flecti inH 2 to 11, inclusive; theSW \ of 13; and flections 14 to ^ uclu*dve, of town*hip nineteen, and fractional toumehip twenty, of y twenty six. # 5 ction 17; tho SE '4 of 18; the W of 19; the 8W *4 of 29; tho W i nil the HK \ of 30; the E %, the NW the K % of SW ?4, and | NW >4 ot BW Sh ?f floctlfl? 81; flection 32; and the 8 Si of fleound ^ )l" township seveninm ; the W Si of nociion 2; fractional soctioiifl 3, t v 0, 7, 8, and 9; flection 10; the N Si Of 11; tho W U of 16; sect 011s > 21, Inclusive; the NW '4 of 22; the W Si of 29; sect ion 30; tho x4 of 31; and the NK of 32, of township eighteen; flections ft, f'3 and 8; tho HW >4 of 9; the ?W Si ?f 13; the 8 S* <>f 14; gt'Ctk>u* 15 ^ 17 t<> 23, iuoluflive; tho W Si 1 f 24; the W Si 01 25; and sections 20 ?, inclusive, of township twenty, of range tw nty seven. M tho laud office at 1/.* Avokjj(i, commcnclug an Monday, tho srv- 31 day of Folrruary next, for the dMpOftfk! of tho public Inuds Hitu- C ill the following t^wnflnipa an.I pirtfl of h>wi?Hlii|ia, viz: ;M fortt if the. base line and watt of (he Man Bernardino meridian. $* ctlona 1 and 2: the SE '4' of 3; sections 10 to 16, Inclusive; the NE ^ f section 21; trie N Si of 22; the N Si ?f 23; aud section 24, of JH ship eight, of range eighteen. MlM ctiuua 1 to 20, iaciitflive: the N Si of 21; tbo N Si of NF. Si, tho ''M *4, and tho W Sm SW '4 of sm tion 22; I tie NK '4 and the S Si ^ W of section 23; the N *4 of 24 ; and tho NE \i of aodion 29, of nip rwfn* i me rv s, m section iv: mu a ;t oi ji; uio r> , in jz; <*14 13, 14, 13, and 19 to 35, inclusive, of towmhip nine, of range * teen. rlions 1 to 25, iuctuflvo; OTWt the NK 14 of 26, to township eight ; J one 1 to ft, inclusive; the K \f, K >. of NW %, md tin- K )i of vj *4 of Motion 0; no;! auction* 7 to 35, inclusive, if Utwnship nine ; <:4| S H of tovtiou 13, tlao SK '4 of. 23: metiou* 24, 25, and 20; the SK f r 27; Uw KF. '4 of 32; the 8 % of 33; uud not lions 34 and 35 of ! *6fj> led, of range tiff ten. i, cffcvu* 1 and 2 t ?ir* N ,l| of 3: Iho NK ?4 nnd th? N % of NW '4 J ; th? N of NK ^4 'Mni Uio INW >4 of 6, tho NK ?,4 of 0; the K , I; section 12; the N ,'4 of 13; and the NK }4 of 14, 01 Utwnship J ; t< nan skip ri(jJd,noilion* 1 to 9, Inclusive ; th? N *4 of 10; flections 11, 3, and 14: the S . or 15; s? tl-?n* 17, 13, 19, and 20; ilia 8 *4 ?4 ind sot lions 22 to 35 of township nine; the N }g of aoctiOD 13; the of 14; the N of 16; tho N % of 17; tho N of 18;and*co- ; lu to 35, Inclusive, of tounuhip ten, of rang* fifteen. wnshijn t ight awl ninr; sections 1 nod 2; til? K }$ of 3; th? E \ ; auction* 11 to 1ft, inclusive; tho H <4 17; tho HE '4 of 18; and una 19 to 35, Inclusive, of township Un; auctions 1 to 6, in< lusivt; ^ N" )% and the 8E '.4 of 7; auctions 8 to 15, Inclusive; wciion 17; the . 4 of 18; tho NW ?4 of 20: the K } % of 21; Sections 2'2 to 26, iuclu, tin' E and the NW *4 of 27; the NK \ of 28; the K >? of 34; HHdhm 3ft. of township eleven; and fractional township twelve, 01 e J0U1 *vn. , umxhips fight, ninr. ten, and eleven, nndfractional township tvxtre, 1 Itifff thi/tfi n. cnxhip.i eight, nine, Un. and eleven, and fractional township Intel re, I Mffe twelve.. '3 lonshijnt seven, eight., nine, and ten, of range eleven. unships wtm, rigid, and nine, of range U n. Ji unships seim, eight, nnd nine, of ranf/e nine. I tonxhtf* sixy MMN| eight, uud nine, of ran{je eight. { wuehip* sis, *wn, eight, nnd nine, of range seven } wtiships sir, seven, eight, and nine, of range six. , $ tmishipn eight, nine, and t*n, of range fhe. i unship* eight, nine, and tan, of range jour. J lonslups eiitht, nine, ten, and eleven, of range three, > unuhijtt tit or, ten, and eleven, of range (too. i nde ai?pr.?i?. iatotl by law for tho use of nrhooU, military, and J r purposes, or ibfMe cover<"l by coi.llrnied private land claim** \ her with the swamp and ovcrflowod lands, will ho excluded from a lea. ;ij i " mineral leiwh." or tracts contAlfdn# mineral deposits, arc b? | lb red ul the public sales, stich niitieral Utide belli# hereby?* ?ly exo?*pted and rxohnlod from ?alo or other dlsjioaal, pwraimnt u reqmrcineuU of tho Act of Congress approved March 3.1863, enti" An act to provide for the survey of the |niblk: h?ds in California, (ranting of pre emotion right* ih. reiu, uud for other pnrpoi?*." 10 off rlng ot tlw? jibovo UikIm will be o<?nnienred on tho days sp- J Led, and prociHrd in tho ordor in which thry are ad\ertlsed until ahnl? shall have boon offered, and the hhIoh thus closed ; hMl no ' thalf he kept oprn IfOtgerfhan two weeks, and n?? private ontry of of the lands will Ik* admin. <! nmil ?\,..r ?i,n ,.>i,ir.,.t tlm Lwo vrn under nay f, at the clly of Wneklrgton, this ItOlh day of 9 , Anno Ilnmlr.l one thousand oi^lil hundred and tlftyolght M JAMrM WJUUfMN 3 ' Uir President : A Jon. 8. Wll-lix, H Acting Oomtnlanlonor of the General I And Office. J notice to preemption ciawantb. f pry porw>a cp titled to the right of pro emplion Id any "f <| R within tho towm-hipa and parti of tounahlp-i above oumnCTated qnirod to imuI)Io.|i Ilia mm to thu sntldocton of llio rogMof /J> Ivor of llio proper laud ullloe, and matte. jwifwritf therefor at 'ii raiUrnU* afLe.r >( ing (Air notice, and hef'TO tin; day appointed for \ ommoni omorrt of thn pnldlc :v?le of the* Innda embracing the lra< I tB nod ; otherwlao auch claim will bo IbrlWutd. : $ J(*t. 8. WILSON, Jj Acting Commit-ioner of tlto Ccuoral land Offlco. i]K ily 3-Uaflw [IiiifcSUr] W IIE lUGHT OF DETENTION, VISIT, AND | 8 Arch, examined on legal principle* and .nithorWco By Blclt- 1 8. Onyo, Counsellor aliaw, WaalilngtOO. Pamphlet 2.'i cento ily I KllANt K TAYLOR J.