Newspaper Page Text
[No. 617.] Males of Public Lands In the Territory of Kansas. I N purniuiice of law, it id hereby declared that public sales will beheld, tm made km wn in the nolle* of post pouetoiiut dated May 27, 1858, si the undermentioned land offices In the Territory ofKausna, to Hit : At I tin land office At Lauouem*, comineucuig on Monday, the .SrW day of Nnvciiti nr mm, for the dl pnenJ of tint public Untie within the following luivuaUipe uud | tart < of luwinthlps, vis 3'outA u/thr i .l/e line and ccut of ttu tid/h principal meridian The parte of lownelilpa ir and IS ouhsl.le of tlie Indian ruaeivuliou, ami umnslnp* IS, an. 31. uutl 33, til runyo 33 That purl of lowiulds 17 olilaido of the Indian ruaorvaliou, and to ij.hips 18, 19, 30, a, ami 33, of range 21. Sovtloaa 19, 27, 30, 31, 32. 33. and 34 of town-hip 12 ; sections 3 to 10, inclusive ; 10, iud 17 to 22, lucltislve , ami 27 to 34, Inclusive, of township 13 ; act lit on* 3 to 10, kuciusivs; 15, ami 17 to 22, liicliislvu; i,ml 27 t'> 34, Inclusive, of towuabtp 14; sections 3 to 10, Inclusive. 15, anil 17 to22, inclusive, 27 In 30, inclusive; and the lots 1, 2. 3, ami 4, of section* 31, 32, and 33, of tow nship 15; the W 1,, and the loti 3 and d, of section 2; lots 1, 2, and 3, of section 8; loll J and 2, of 10 Hie W 'i, ami the Itiu 2 and 3, of 11; the W 4a, and the lots 2 and 3, of 14, Iota 1 and 2, of 15; lots I and 2, of 22; the W ',, and the hat 2 uinl 3, oi 23; tile W U. ami tint lota 2 and 3, of 2d, lota 1 unci 2, of 27; lot 1 and 2, of 34, tli> W Jfr, und the 1??tn 2 and 3, of 36, of lowushlp 16, and township* 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, of range 20 fraotiona) Lowushlp 11; town.ship4 12, 13, and 14, the parte of town, dtps 15,10, mid 17 outride of the Indian reservation, and town ships 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, of rungo 19. Fractio nl township 11, townships 12, 13. and 14, the parts of lowushlpn 15, 16,17,18, and IV outatdo of the Iudian reservation, and townships 20 21, and 22, of rungo 18. At the land oAoe at ljc<x>Mm>nr, commencing on M<?iiday, tho ff le*iUh day of November neat, for the dhpoial bf tho public lauds within the follow tug town-hip and parln of townships, viz: South of the base line and east of the sixth principal meridian. Fiaetional township 11, townships 12, 13, and 14; the parts of townships 15 and 19 outside of tho Indtau reservation ; and townships 20 21, ami 22, of range 17. Fractional township 11; townships 12, 13, and 14; the parte of townships 15 and 19 outside of the Indian reservation; and town ftlilu* 20, 21. and 22, of iange 16 The parts of fractional township 11 and of township 12 outside of the Indian reservation; township.* 13 and 14. the parts of townships 15 and 19 wihiilo of the Italian reservation; and township.* 20, 21, \ and 22, of range 15. 'i Tito parts of township 12 outside of tlio ludlan reservation; townships 13 and 14 . the parts of townships 15 and 19 outside of tho In iliau reservation; and townships 20, 21, and 22, o| range 14. At the laud ollico at KioaAroo, coinuieuclug on Monday, tho first y day ol November licit, for the disj>osal of the public lands within (he !"; tiillowing townships and part* of townships, viz: South of the base line and ea*t of the sixth juiiu.ipal meridian. Township 3, of rango 23. Townships 2. 3, 4, and 7, of range 22. Towuships 2, 3. 4, 6, and 6, and the parts outride of tho IudiuO re * i vatiou, of township 7. of range 21. hivhoiu 9. 10,11, 18, 14, 15, 17, and 20 to 35, Inclusive, of township 2; townshipi 3. 4, 5, and 0, uud the part.* outside of the Indian reservation, of towu.slnp 7, of rang.-x 20. Hoc. ions 10, 20, 21, and 28 to 35, iuclusivo, of township 2; townships 3. 4, 5, and 0; and sections 1, 2, 3. 4, 6, 11, uud 12, of township 7, of range 10. I - Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, uud 17 to 35, inclusive, cf town Bbip 2; township* 3, 4, und 6; and (lie parts of townships 0 and 7 outside of the ludfcui reservation, of range 18. Sections 29 to 35, inclusive, of township 1, township 2; the parts of townships 8, 4, and 6 outside of tho Indian reservation; and nee lions 1,2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, and 24, of towu?hip tl, of range 17. Sections 17 to 86, inclusive, of township 1; township 2; and the parts of tow nship 3 outside of tho Indian reservation, oi range 16. Sections 4 to 36, inclusive, of township 1; township 2; the parts of townships 3, 4. and 5 outside of tho liuliau reservation; sections 4 to 9, inclubive, 17 to 21, inclusive; and 28 to 33, Inclusive, of township 6; sections 4 to 9. inclusive ; und 17 to 21, luclusive, of township 7, of rnuge 15. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 6. aud the parts of township 7 outside of the Indian reservation, of rang? 14 < At the land oltic? at Kickapoo, commencing on Monday, tho 19th day of November next, for tho disposal of the public lauds within tho following townships and parts of township*, viz: South if the. base line and rant of the sixth principal meridian. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and tl, and tho parts of township 7 out-i do S of tho Indian reservation, of range 13. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, of range 12. lawn'mips i, a, auu u, tn rimgu .? > Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, anil 5, ami tho parU of townships 7, 8, 9, an J 10 mit-mle of the Imtiaii recurvation, of range 10. Townshl|>s 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, ami 10, of range 9. IaioIj appropriated by taw r. r the use of schools, military and | othrr jmr/Xif c ', w ill bo excluded from the sales. Tile olli-rlug of the above lands will bo ronnnouceil on the days up pointed, and will proceed In tin- order in which thov are advoi tlso-1 until the w hole shall havo boon offered and the sales thus closed; but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private ontry of any of lie lands wilt bo admitted ttuiU after the expiration of the two weeks Given under my band, at tha city of Washington, this 21st day of July, 1858. llv order of the President: THUS A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of tho General land OlDco. Nl I TICK TO PRE KMITION CLAIMANTS, livery lierson ontitlod to tho right of pre emption to any of tho lauds W itlun the townships and parts of townships ubovo enumerated U required to establish the same pi tho satisfaction of tho register and receiver of tho proper laod office, and make payment therefor as soon as jirarticalile after seeing thit notice, and livloru tho day ap|K>lntod for !' the connnencement of the public sals of tho lands embracing the ; tract claluiod; otherwise such claim will ho forfeited. TUCKS. A. HENPRICKH, 1 Commissioner of tlio Getiorul Land Office, i July 24?luwl3w [Int.AStar] [No. 616.] Sales of Public Lands in the State or Louisiana* IN PURSUANCE of law, it in hereby declared tliut public ?alerf will be hold, a* made known in the notice <,f ' postponement, dated .May 27th, 1868, ut tho undei moutionud land of i!co iu tlio Stito of IsOui-^iaiiH, to wit: At the laud office at Monroe, commencing on Mouday, the 20th day of September ncxtk lor the disposal of tlio public lands, heretofore un offered, io tlio tallowing townships and parts of townships, viz: North (>f the Itase. line and edit of the principal meridian. Sections 2, 4, and 6; the NK >i and the of NW % of 8; the N of 10; the N %, the N }n of HK , and the N % of SW.^ of i2, of township eighteen; sections 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24, ' 20, 28, 80, 32, 34, and 30, of township ninleten; sections 1 to 26, inclusive ; and sections 28, 30, 32, 34, uud 36, of township I aunty; and township twcnty-ont?, of range eight. .Sections 2 , 4 , 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24 , 26, 28 , 30 , 32, 34, and 36, of township nineteen; sections 1 to 30, inclusive; and sections 32, v 34, ami 30, of township twenty; and townships twenty one, tuenty ho, itld twenty-three, of ranQe nine. | Sections 2. 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24, 20, 28, 30, 32, 34, and 36, of township nineteen; sections 1 to 30, Inclusive; and sections 32, ' 34, 33, and 30, oi township t enty; and townships twenty one, twenty two, and twenty-three, of range ten Jbivik.'htps twenty, twenty-one, and twenty two, of range eleven. At tin* laud offico at Monroe, commencing on Mouday, the 27th day of September next, for the dUpoaal of the vacant lands In the evennamhered sections, within tho undermentioned towoHblpH, which romain to the United States, within sir. miles on each side of tho ?? Ticks burg, Shreveport, and Texas railroad," .subject, as required by law, to u minimum of two dollars and fifty cents per acre, ris: North of the base line and east qf the principal meridian. Townships 17 and 18, of rang* 8. 'j'uwni<lil]*4 to, i/, aim in, <m ranges w, iu, 11, aim iz. i Townships 16, 16, and 17, of ranges 13 ami 14. Townships 15 and 16, of ranga 15. The offering of the above lands will bo commenced on tbo days appointed, an I will proceed in the order in which they nro advertised, until the whole hhall have been offered, and the Hales thus closed; but no salo ?h*Il be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will bo admitted uutll after the expiration of the two weeks. lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, military and 4jthe.r fwrptMes, will bo excluded from tbo sales. (11 von under my hand, at the City of Washington, this sixteenth day of July, A. D. 1858 By order of tho President: THOS. A HENDRICKS, Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTICK TO IHE-EM1TTOK CLAIMANTS. Every person entltlod to the right of pro emption to any of tho lauds within tho townships and parts of townships above mentioned is required to estaWisli the same to tho satisfaction of the register and receiver, and make payment the refer a? eoou as practicable after seeing thta notice, and before the day appointed for the commence ment of tho public sale ot tho lands embracing the truct claimed, otherwise such claim will bo forfeited. THOS. A HENDRICKS, Commissioner of tho General Laud Office July 18?lawlffw [iqMfcStar] [No. 007.] Notice of the postponement of. the public sales of the lands in the parishes of Madison and Carroll, in the State of Louisiana, ordered to be held by proclamation No. 6iw. "JVrOTK'B is hereby given that ihe public Hales of t|j,> vacant public, laiuta within tho parishes of Madison and Carroll in tho State of Ix>ui?iana, ordered by proclamation No. 5f8, dated March 9, 1868, to bo hold ut tho land office at Mouroc, in the State of Louisiana, on tho 14th and 28th of June next, have boon pout potted, by order of (fee President, to tho 20th and 97th of September . m'Xt, prior w wiim-ii <uwa i?? ?. wv . .. ,?v,?u a ion to In* . ' T1I0S A HENDRICKS, CommlMlouer of tlie (taueral louil Olflcr. UirW-Ii?4o (IntASur) |\o. Ilij Notice of tlie Removal of the Land Office from the Island of Mackinac to Traverse City, In the State of Michigan. TN ACCORDANCE with the provisions of the aci | of Congress, entitled "An act authorizing changes in tho location kmnd aflfoa," approved March 3d, 1843. It i< hereby declared and *nad4f Jttiown .that the office for the sale til the public lands at Mark! iiac, in tje State of Michigan, will bo removed to " Traverse City" a* CM rariy a pc** practicatie after the 1st of July i?eu. | Further uotlu? ** to l'>0 precise time of removal will l>o Issued by tho rogi dcr ami rfs;?l*#4r for the land district. iJiven under my hanJ Ilia city of Washington, thla seventh ?laj *4 June, A. 1> 18ft* By ardmr of the President; THOfl. A RKNIiRlCKH, f June 8 w6w Couaal id?*?** ?f the General laud Office. KlI. LILLET, Counsellor at Lsw, lias remover ? bts U) bin i-?l'lcnre In Frank lui Hnv, Co. Jter of K am I TUirternth strata lie will continue Ui devote hi* uUeuUoo pDndpel ly In cam'# ID tbe United State* Supreme (Joart Oct u? -dtr ffMDC CIVIL LAW OK SPAIN AND MEXICO jV Ar?#og?'<t on tho principle# of tlio modern rode#, with n?U' ] * *n<l rpfor?orm# Preceded hy a historical Introdix fion to the Spaniel And Mexican law. and imbodying iu an Appendix anno of the mo* 4m?iOf tant aou ol 4h? Mexican Coofrt#*. By t.nptavna Schmidt fOt 9ro Price tf, barUnforo $* JTialy FIUNCK TAYLOR. ; [No. 615 ] ! Notice for the Restoration of certain lands to Market in the State of Florida. rpiIK jrrant of land made by act of Congress, apJL proved May 17, 1856, U> (lie State of Florida, to di<l in tho cooti uctiou of certain railroads therein mentioned, having been no far adjusted *5 t0 authorize tho release from withdrawal of tho lands hereinafter described, notice is hereby given that all the vacant offered lands heretofore withdrawn from sale or entry which lie outside of f ix miles on each ride of the "Alabama and Fmridg," the "i'em.?< olit and Georgia," the "Florida, Atlantic, and Gulf Ceutrul," and the Florida'' railroads, altuatt-d in the underuioulloticd townships. which have not beeu selected in virtue of said grant, or any other grant luade by Congress, or legally claimed by pro eruption, and which were tub jut to yrn.uU entry at the daU of withdrawal, will he restored to private entry ou the days and at the places hereinafter specified, at the ordinary minimum t?f f 1 25 per acre, or at the prices to whiob they may have graduated at the date of withdrawal. At the land oiiico ui Vaujuiammck ou Monday, the sixth day of &p teiuher next, viz: North (f the bate line and ast cf the principal mervttim. Townships 2 and 3, of ranges 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Township 2, of ranges 6, 7, 8, U, and 10. Townships 1 and 2, of ranges 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Towuship I, of raiigo 16. &/ulh of the lose line and eatI of the principal meridwu. Townships 2 and 3, of range 1. Townships 1, 2. sad 8, of ranges 2, 8, 4. 6, 6, 7, and 8. Townships 1 and 2, of range 9. Townships 1, 2, and 8, of range 10. Townships 2 and 3, of range 11. Township 1, of ranges 13 and 14. Townships 1 and 2, of ranges 13 and 16. Iowuship 1, of range 17. North uf the Ixtse line and west of the princijHtl meridian. Townships 2 aixl 3, of range 1. Township 8, of rouges 2, 8, ami 4. Tow us hips 4, 6, anil 0, of ruUgo 7. 'inn nsliipK 1, 2, 4, 6, anil 6, ti ranges 8 and 9 Townships 1, 2, 3, f>, and 0, (if ranges 10 and 11. Townships 2, 4, 0, and 6, ol ranges 12, 13, 14, 15, aud 10. Townships 1, 3, 5, and 0, of rungo 17. Towuahip* 1, 2, 4, and 5, of ranges 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23. Tuwnsld|H 1, 4, and 6, of range 24. Township* 3, 4. uud 5, of range* 20 and 27. Townships 1, 8, 4, and 5, of range 28. Tow u till 11>? 3. 4, aud 5, of range 20. Township* 3 aud 4, of range 3l>. Township* 3, 4, aud 5, of rauge 32. Townships 4 and 5, of rauge 33. South uf the bate line and uvxt of the jirincijml meridian. Township 1, of ranges 13, 14, 15, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21,22,23, 24, and 25. Township 1 and 2, of rauge* 20 and 27. At the land office at N|Wxa.\svillk on Monday, the alxtb day of Sepi inber next, viz: South (f the base line aiul east of the principal meridian. Townships 2 and 3, of range 11. Towuflthlp* 2, 3, 4. 13, and 14, of range 12. TownshljM 1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, and 14, of rango 13. Townships, 1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, and 13, of range 14. Townships 1, 2. 4, 5,9, 10, 11, and 12, of rango 15. Townships 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11, cf range 10 Townships 1, 2, 4. f>; 0, 7, 8, 9, and 10, of range 17. Townships 1, 2, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, and 10, of range 18. Townships 1,2, 4. 5, 0, 7, 8. and 9, of rango 19. Townships 1, 2, 6, 0, 7, and 8, of range 20. Townships 1, 2, 4, 5, aud 0, of range 21. (ilven under# iiiv hand, ut the city of Washington, the 1st day of July, 1858. JOB. a. WILSON, July 4 lawCw Acting Commissioner of the Ceimral Innd Office. (No. 602.] lly the President of the United States. TN pursuance of law. 1, James liachaiuui, President JL (>f the I'nlted Btntes of America, do hereby declare and make Known that public sales will bo held at the undermentioned land offices in the Tkkritory or Nkiiilask.a, at the periods hereinafter designated , to wit: At the land office at Buow^viuJt, commencing on Monday, tho sixth cUiy uf Septemlvr next, for the dlsj>osal of the pitbite lands within the following named townships, viz: North of the base line and east of the. sixth principal meridian. Tlint part of township one outside of the Hao and Fox, and Half Breed, Nemaha reservation, of rango 17. The parts of township.^ 1, 2, 3, ami 4 oiiL ldo of tho Roc and Fox, and Half Breed, Nomaliu reservation, and fractional tow ishipd 5 aud 6, of rango 10. That part of township one outside of tho Sac and Fox rose r vat Ion: town-hip 2, tho part* of town ships 3, 4, xihI 5 outside of the Half Brood, Nemaha reservation; and fractional township 0, of range 15. 11. .* .w.ri ..f AM* ..ntsMn or Hit- ftio mirl IA?* r<>Ri*rvntion tovvnship* 2, 3, and 4 ; that part, of township 5 outsido of the Half Breed, Nemaha reservation, amrtownKldp 6, of range 14. Township 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, of range 13. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 0, of range 1'2. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, of range 11. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 0, of ruugo 10. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 6, of range 9. Ai the land office at Xkbkask.* City, commencing on Monday, tlio sixth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands within the lollowing-named townaiilpa, viz: North of the bar> line ami east of the sixth principal meridian. Fractional townships 7 and 8, ol range 15. Township 7, and fractional townships 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, of rango 14. Townships 7, 8, 9,10, 11, and 12, and fractional township 13, of rango 13. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional townships 12 and 13, of range 12. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional township 12, of range 11. . Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, aud fractional townships 12, 13, and 14, of range 10. Townships 7, 8, and 13, and fractional townships 14, 15, and 10, of raugo 9. At tho land ?>ifico at Omaua City, commencing on Monday, tho sixth 1 day of September next} for tho di>;j>osal of tho public lauds within tho | following named townships, viz: j North of the fas* line and east of the sixth principal meridian. Fractional townships 13,14, 15, and 10, of range 14. I Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, 18, and 17, of range 13. Fractional .townships 12 and 13, townships 14, 15, and 16, and frac ! tional townships 17, 18, 19 and 20, of rango 12. i Fractional township 12, towuships 13, 14, 15, 10, 17, and 18, and fractional townships 19 and 20, of range 11. I Fractional townships 12, 13, and 14, and townships 15, 10, 17, 18, I 19, and 20, of range 10. I Fractional townsh'pa 14, 15, and 10, and townships 17,18, 19, and 20, of range 9. * Lands appropriated by law for tho use of schools, military, aud other purposes will be excluded from the sales. The offering of tho above lands will bo commenced on the days appointed, and will proeeod in tho order in which they are advortlsed, until tho whole shall have been offered, and tho sales thus closed; but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private enI try of any of tho lands will he admitted until alter the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at tho city of Washington, this thirtieth day of March, anuo Domiui one thousaud eight hundred and fifty eight. JAMES BUCHANAN. By the President: Thoh. A. Hknwucks, Commlssaiouir of tho General Iiiud Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre omption to any of tho lands within the townships and parts of towushipa above enumerated is required to establish tho same to tho satisfaction of tho register and receiver of the proper land office, and make payment therefor as soon as practical>ie after seeing this notice, ami before tho day appointed for the commencement of the public, sale of the lands embracing tho tract claimed, otherwise such claim will btu orfeltod. THUS A HENDRICKS, Ap 3.?lawtds Commissioner of the General Lend Office. [Intnl. nnd Star ] T?UTAW HOUSE, BALTIMORE.?The EDTAW JCi HOUSE haviug been thoroughly roncuvod, altered, and elo guntly return Ishod, possessing all ll'fl modern Improvements of steam, gas, baths, hilllard saloon, etc., is now ready to accommodate the public in a style unsurpassed J>y any flrst-cUnis hotel in the country. The especial attention of gentlemen travelling with ladles and families is called to the superior arrangement* of this house. Its spacious and lofty apartments, arranged in full and convenient suits of parlor*, chambers, etc., present most attractive and desirable accommodations. The sumptuouanes" nnd excellence of its table, the superiority of its wines and liquors and general appointments shall continue of the highest grade. It is centrally situated, for either business or pleasure travellers, in a most elevated and healthful location, at the corner of linlilmoro an I Eutftvv streets, a few squares from the Baltimore and Ohio and Washington railroad stations. Coaches and porters attend upon nil the trains and steumers for the conveyance of guests and their baggage. No pains will bo sparod to inake the KUTAW the elegant and com for table home of its guests. TEll MS. Gentlemen'a ordinary . .$2 00 per day. ladies' do 2 &0 11 May '28 law4w JOHN CARROLL, Proprietor. V^TATK OF OEOliUIA, EI.BERT COUNTY. Ill the superior court of said county, March torm, 1858. Present his Honor James Thomas, judge of said court. Whereas sundry bil s have been filed in this court by legatees un dor tho will of Win. H. Bureh, deceased, against John C. Burch, executor of said will, for payment of their respective legacies, nnd claiming that the legacy in mid will Sarah Kesoo should bo paid to tho parties entitled thereto iu the event of her death, leaving no child or children. i It is ordered that said ftirnh Kegee, or her children, or bei tr their , legal representative*, appear In Oil# court at or before the March term, I WOW, to claim said legacy, a#. In default of said appearance, said legacy will then bo directed to be paid to tho purlieu now before the ; court. , And It I# further ordered that a copy of thUi order be published ouce I a mouth for nine months, the publication to bo before tho month of March, 185?, in t lie* R?l lowing newspapers, to wit: Tito Constitutionalj glial, published in Augusta, Georgia; The JUnion, published in Wash jugton, in the District of Columbia; The I/mirivlII?? Journal, published r pi JxmiHvillc, Kentucky; and Home nowspupof published in Cincinnati, Ohio, r A true extract from lb? tujuutes of the superior court of Klbert county. Georgia, at ilarcb term, A- 1808, this 17th April, 1858. April '27?lainttm H<X*pf*R. IflLXH, Ctork. HOW TO LAY OUT A GARDEN. -InUndcd q* a gonoral guldo In choo lug, forming. or Improving an nauto 1 fr.un a quarter nor* to a hundred acrea in oxtnnt, with rnferflnce In , l>otli llm dealgn and execution j by Edward Kotnp, landaeapn par donor 1 vol., l/indon - llluatraiod A Manual of Mlfltngrapbla Manipulation. tr< allng of llm priu.llro M thl> *." *nd It* varlou- n|>,>li< atioin io nature , by Ink Price I vol., l/aidoll. E|>l copal Hwwtdgpjpb In England, from llm reoorda and rlirtmlcle*of a (he Church ; l>_\ Wiu e^Ublm, Vicar or Nuvexlmok 1 vol., Oxford 1 IJfo aod Tlm?i of fi-4erw? I'-rlhea. 1vol. t lax-tor Aolouin ; a 1*1. by Hit1 aoiUyr pf loioim < Renonl. T la day 1 r.t rlrrd and lor aalu Ov aUANKI.IV III1IJ1, Vew Dookatore. .132 IVnbaylvnnla avenue, Aug 8 between 0lh and )0tb ?lr.'C|a i to him. It will bo stipulated in tho contract that if dofuult ho made by tho < parties of the Arst part in delivering *11 or any of tho timber named of the quality and at tho tiuie and place provided, than utid in that 1 cage the contractor and his aurdUeH will forfeit and pay to the United i stales a sum of money not exceeding twice tho total amount therein agreed upon as the sum to ho paid in case of the actual delivery of the I whole, which may ho recovered from time to time according to tho act of Oongnm in that cage provided, approved March 3, 1843. f}jrm of Offer. y, 1 of , in the State of hereby agree to furnish and deliver in tho United States navy yard at , I twenty Avt> thousand cubic foot of promiscuous livo-oak timber, In . coufhrinity with tho advertisement of the Bureau of Construction of tho date of - ? June, 1868, for tho sum of ; .via; 6,000 cubic foot Hided 16 and 18 iuehoa, at -per foot $ 10,000 do do l'J and 14 I lichee, do do.... 10,000 do do 0 and 10 luchoe, do do.... 25,000 do do Total value. Should my offer bo uccoplod, I ropiest to bo addressed at ?, and the contract forwarded to the navy agent at , or to mo ;it , tor slgtukturo and cortiAcute. July , 1858. A B. Form oj Guarantee. We, tho undersigned, , of in the Slate or , hereby guaranty that, In caao the foregoing bid be accepted, ? will, within tou days after the receipt of the contract ut the post office named, or navy agency designated, execute the contract for tho came, with good anil suttlcient sureties; iu cane Bald shall faii to en ter into contract as aforesaid, we guaranty to make good tho dtlfor once between tho oiler of the said and that which may bo accepted. C I). , 1858. K. F. Witness, G II. I hereby certify that the above -named C D and K F are known to j mo as mon of property, and able to inako good tholr guarantee. , 1868. To be signed by tho United States district judge, United Slates dis I triet attorney, collector, or navy agent. June 15?lft w4w I [No. G12.] j Notice Tor the Restoration of Certain Lands to Market in the 8tate of Michigan. f IMIE f^rant of land made by tho act of Congress, JL approved Juno 8,1856, to tho State of Michigan, to aid in the construction of certain Railroads therein mentioned, having boon so tor adjusted as to authorise the release from withdrawal of the lands hereinafter doacribcd, notice is hereby pitvn that all the vacant offered ' lands which lie outside of ?is milet on each side of tho >(Grumt Kapids .1 In.l lonn H LMI..I ??.,! t?,. U I.. >> t l?A ? ? 1 t.'l C, lit an.I Milwaukee" Railroads, situat-d in the undermentioned township, which have not boon selected in virtuo or Haiti grant, or any other grunt made by Congress, or legally claimed by preemption, and which were subject to private entry at the date of withdrawal, \\ til be ro Btordd to private entry on the days and ait the placed hereinafter specified, nt the ordinary minimum of $1 26 per acre. At the .[And Olttco at Ionia on Monday, the sixteenth day of August nod \ i/. : North of the l*ue line and west of the principal meridian. Townships 4, 6, 6, 10, II, 12, 13,14, 16, 17, 18, 10, and 20, of range eleven. 1 Towuslilps 4, 5, 6, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 10, alid 20, of range twelve. Townships4, 6, 6, 7, 0, 10, 11,12, 13, 14, 16, 10, 18, 19, and 20, or , range thirteen. Townships 4, 5, 0, 7, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, Id, 18, 10, aud 20, of range fourteen. 1 Townships 4, 5, 8, 7, 0, 10, 15,16, 17, 10, and 20, of range fifteen. Townships 4, 5, 6, 7, H, 0, 10, 16, 16, 17, 10, and 20, of raugo six 1 teen. Townships 8. 0. 10, 15, 16, 17,10 and 20, of range seventeen. Townships 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 10, and 20, of range eighteen. Township 15, of rango nineteen. At the liiud Olhco at Tuavkksk City ou Monday, the sixteenth day of , August next, vix: Notih of the base line and u:est of the principal meridian. Townships 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 36, 27. 28, 30, 34, and 35, of range thirteen Township* 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 20, 27, and 28, of range twelve. Township* 21. 22. 23, 24, 25, 20, 27. aud 28, of range eleven. Town ships 21, 22, 23, 24, 2 \ 26, am! 27, of range ton. Townships 20, 27, V8, 30, 31, aud 32, of range nine. Townships 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, aud 32, of range eight. Township 82, of rango seven. Given under my hand, nt tlio city of Washington, this eighth day of Juno, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight. ' Titos, a. HKNPRICXS, 1 Commissioner of the General Laud Oflico. June 10 - w Ids [No. 606.] Sales of Public Lands. I N. pursuance of the provisions of the 3d section of the act entitled "An act to authorise the President of the United Suites to cuuso to be surveyed the tract of land iu the Territory of 1 Minnesota belonging to the half-breeds or mixed bloods of the Dncotah or Sioux nation of India us, and for other purpose*," approved July 17, i 1854, it is hereby declared thut public sales will bo hold, as made known in tho notice of postponement, dated February 20, 1858, at the i undermentioned laud olllees in tho Stuto of Miunesotn, at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit: At tho land oflico at IburmnuiON, commencing on tho sixth day of September next, for tho disposal of tho vacant public lands situated within thu following-named townships and fractional townships in tho late reserve for tho half breeds or mixed-bloods of tho Dacotah or Sioux nation of Indians, vix: North of the bate line and west of the Jlfth principal meridian. T??. iti.WaUvl iru O in fru. lW,..Ml tnivn..l?ii. ono hundred and eleven of range ten. I The unlocated tracts in fractional township one hundred and eleven, < of ruogo cloven. Tho unlocated tracts in fractional townships one hundred and eleven and one hundred and twelve, of rango twrlvo. The unlocated tracts in township one bond red and eleven, and frac tional townships one bumlrod ami twelve and one hundred and thir teen, of range thirteen. < Tho unlocated tracts in township ono hundred and eleven, and In } that part of township one hundred and twelve, ami fractional town , ship one hundred and thirteen, within tho abovo mentioned reserve, of rango fourteen. < Tho unlocated tracts In that part of township* one hundrod and eleven and oue hundred and twelve, within tho above-meullotMHi ro nerve, of range fifteen. At the laud office at Kakihaci.t, commencing on the thirtieth day of Augiint next, for tho disposal of tho puhllc lands Mitualod within the following named townships and fractional townships in tho late re , nerve for tho half hi cods or mixed bloods of tho IfesoUli or Sioux na i tion of Indinus, viz: i North of the biise. liar and wait of the fifth princxftal meridian. 1 The unlocated tracts in thut part of frarttouul township ono hundred and ten, within tho above mentioned reserve, of range nine. Tho unlocated traids in that part of township* one hundred and eight and one hundred and iiiue, and fractional township one hundred and ten, within tho above-mentioned reserve, of range ten. 1 The unlocated tracts In that part of township one hundred and eight within the above mentioned reserve, and in townships one hundred and nine and ono hundred and ten, of range el* von. The unlocated tracts in that part of townships ono hundrod and eight and one hundred aud nine, within the above mentioned reserve, | aiftl In township one hundred and leu, of range twelve. The unlocated tracts In tlml part of township one hundred and nine am! one hundred and leu, within the above-mentioned reserve, of range thirteen. The unlocated tracts in that part of township one hundred and ten, within the above mentioned reserve, of range fourteen. The unlocated tracts in that part of township one hundred and tcu, 1 within tho above-mentioned reserve, of rnuge fifteen. The offering <>f the above lands will bo commenced on the days appointed, and will proceed in the order in which they aro advertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and the salos thus closed; but D isale ahull be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of auy of tha lands will bo admitted until after Die expiration of the two weeks. Given uuder my hand, at the city of Washington this twenty eev ! enth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight. By order of the President: THOS A HEX MUCKS, Commissioner of tho General land Office. NOTICE TO rUE EMITION CLAIMANTS. ! Every ]?erson entitled to the right of pre emptlon to any of the i above doM-ribed lands, under the provisions of the art of Oougres* ?p i proved May 19, 1868, la required to establish tho same to the satisfa*' t^ou of tho register and receiver of the proper land office, and make 1 payment therefor as soon as practicable after spring this notice, and j ' before the day appointed for the commencement Of the pobflc sale of 1 | ityo lands ombracing the tract claimed , otherwise such claifn will be I i.mi. d tWi<? V IIENPKHTCS, Commissioner of the General IaiwI Office. I May itf fawpiff |inwu?pr.j rpo TIIE 11KIIW OF SAMITJjr, flOYLE, J4ME|3 1 Kerr, William Kerr, ami KllsuWtlt Arhunklo, nil formerly of ftmhatan roonty, Virginia You art hereby notified thai there to a fund underIho cnnifpl of the circuit roUrl of Powhatan county, Virginia, In which yoo, or tome of you, are IntrroMed, and you lire required by an order of the court made on the fifth day of April, lHf>M, In conn forward with proof of hvirahip. and of your right to recti the said fund, or y??ur proper hare* thereof R. I? fJHAVFS, June 10? law 4 w ttanaral Reorder of Powhatan Circuit Court. pnorosALS fob live oak. N'avt DafaatMLVr, Bureau of CBWtroeUuo, Ki|ul|>mcut, kr Juue 14, 1*5*. bkJU El> PBOJWAIB for tielieeria# iu.000 cubic (bet of prmnUcu . Ilk live oak limber lu each of the navjr-jterda at Kltlery, ( barb utowu. Brooklyn, PhiU<lel|>bia, liuejiort, and WarrlugU.u. taill be received .1 ibi. hnr.iku until ^ o'clock lb** 14lh dav of J 111 V ISAM Til#' proposal* mist bo ?ndorasd l'rvpt>?al* fur Lire Quit, that they may Uo distinguished from othsr l?usin**? toilers. The offers may he fur "Ue 01 iill the yards, but must bo fur the whole quantity at any yard, and, am required by law, must bo accompanied by a guarantee, the form of width is herewith givun. 'lbe 25,000 mble fost U> l>? dellvorsd lu each yard will b* tn tb? Ifal lowing proportions, via: 5,000 ruble foot siding 18 mod IB mch?* 10,000 cubic foot siding 14 alui 12 iuchos; and 10,000 cable foot siding 0 and 10 inch en, In about equal quantities of each aiding. Tho timber siding from IB and 18 inch us may be in length from IB to 25 leot, and such of th? 18 inch as is fit for keelson pieies may bo lougor; th? 12 and 14 loch timber In length from 17 U> 20 feet, and a larg* proportion of all tbe foregoing may be straight. of the U and 10 inch timber tbe length may bo from 10 to 14 foot, and three (hurt)is <H tho quantity to have a uulurai and fair curve of front 12 to 30 tm-.hus or more in the length given, and one half the number of those pieces to have from the moan to the maximum crook. All to bo sided straight and fair, unci itav? a face of not 1?** tlian the siding six?. Th? limber must bo cut from trees grown wit bin 30 miles of the sea, to bo dolly cn*l in tho yard at the nek and expense of the contractor, subject to ths usual lu spsctlon, and to the entire approval of tho bureau. On? hull the quantity must bo dollv?rod ou or ln<ore tho first ?lay of September, 1858, and the residue on or before tho first day of Kehru ary, 1852. The department will award the contract In each case to tho lowost bidder, reserving the right to decline making any coutract for a pur chuae and delivery at any navy-yard 11 It shall thou deem It uuuecen nary or disadvantagcou* to Die public service Sureties to the full estimated amount will b? required to sign tho contract, aud, as additional and collateral security, IB per esnt. will bo withheld ou the amouut of uacli delivery until tho contract is com pleted. And the lemuiuing 85 per cout. of each bill, when approved iu triplicate by the coimnaudaiil of the yard, will be paid by tbe nuvy agent at the point of delivery within thirty days after its presentation UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WxSHlNUrOK, July 20, 1808 OS THE mmuN of FUk* U. Tyler, of SpriBgfWkl, IfcuoachuaetU, praying for the exteualon of a patent granted to him on the 16th of January, 1845. fbr an Improvement In ,4hUwhii cotton presm-a," for Movon years from the expiration of said patent, which takoa place on the 16th day of January, 1859? It la ordered that the *&ld petition be hoard at the lhrtent OlHce on Monday, the 27th of Doccinln r next, at 12 o'clock, in. and all per sou* aro untitled to appearand show cause, If any they have, why said petition ought not to ho granted. 1'ersous optHMing tho extension are required to fllo in tho Patent Otttce their objections, specially net forth lu writing, at least twenty day* before the day of hearing; all tustimony illed by either party to be used at tho said hearing uiuhI be taken and transmitted in accord ance with tho rules of tho offico, which will bo furnished on gpplica Item. iuo vuaumony m llie case will Declared Oil the 7th Of December; depositions, ami other paper* rolled upon &* testimony, must be lUeil ku tho office oil or before tho niumiug of that day; tlie urgumouUi, If any, withiu loo ?lays thereafter. Ordered, alao, that this notice bo published In the Union, Washing ion, l? C., and lost, R<>?tou, once a week for lhi?e weeks, the itrst of Mid publicuti ?ns to be at leant sixty duy? before the 37tli of Decern her next, the day of hearing. JOS. HOLT, Commissioner of Patent*. P. 9.? Editors of the above papers will please copy, and send their bills to the Patent Office, with a paper containiug this notice. July 31? law3w United Nlat?i Patent Office, Washington, July 9, 1858. OK the petition of Frederick E. fiicklee, of New York, praying for the extension of a putt*ul granted to him on the lvHh of October, 1844, for an Improvement in "opening and closing vuIvob of slouiu engines," for stvon yours from tho expiration of Hald patent, which tukos place on the. 19th day of October, 185811 is ordered that the said petition be heard at the l'aumt Office on Monday, the 4th of October next, at 13 o'clock, m.; and all persons aro notified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why aaid petition might not to he granted. I'm sons opposing tho extension aro required to Qlc in the Patent Office their objections, specially set forth in writing, at least twenty iluya before the day of hearing ; uil testimony tiled by either party to be used at the said hearing must be taken and transmitted in accordance witli the rules of the ofUco, which will be furnished on application. Tho testimony in the case will be closed on the 20lh of September; depositions, slid other papers relied upon as testimony, must be tiled In the office on or before the niorniug of that day ; the urgu meats, if any, within ten days thereafter. Ordered, also, llwt this notice be published In the Union, Washington,]). and Atlas, New York, ouce a week for three weeks the tlrst publication to be at least sixty days before tho 4lh of October next, the day of hearing. JOS. HOLT, Cotmuisenmcr of Patents. P. S.?Editors of tho above papers will please copy, ami send their bills to tho Patent Office, with a pupor containing Ibis notice. July 10?lawUw SCARCE BOOKS.?Cecilia; or, Memoiroti of an Heiress, by Madame D'Arblay, 6 vols.* $2 75 Camilla; or, A Picture of Youth, by Madame li'Arblay, 5 vols. 12 75 Letters of Madame do Sevlguo iu English, 9 vols, in 5. \ calf. $11. Molioro's Works, In English, 6 vols. $6 50 Letters of Pliny, the Consul, by William Molmotb, esq., 2 vols .8vo. $2 25 Nuuvel'o Holoiso, by Rousseau, in English, 4 vols., $:i 25 The lioudon Stage, a collection of plays, 4 vols., 8vo. $9 Montesquieu s Spirit of laws in English, 2 vols., 8vo,, (3 25 Hurlaiuaqui's Principles of Natural law; in English, 2 vols., 8vo. $1 75 FRANCE TAYLOR. July 13 A CYCLOPEDIA Olf COMMERCE AND COMmercial NAVIGATION. Edited by J Smith Iloinans, Cor responding Secretary of tho C'liamber of Commerce ??f tlio City of New York, and Editor of "The Hunkers' Mngnxino ; " and by J. Smith Humans, Jr., R. S., author of "An Historical itud Statistical Account of the Foreign Commercoof the Unltud States." Royal Octavo, pp. 2,000, doublo columns, strongly bound in Muslin, ; In strong Sheep binding, $d 75 ; in Hall Calf extra, $8 ; coplee til Half Calf, in two 'nun work is a compendium of commercial knowledge, including \r tides upon U?? trade of every Important maritime country and city in the world ; copious and reliable statistics upon the staple procluc Uous of every climate ; Essays upon commercial subjects j synopsis of tho laws regulating commerce ; and, generally, information and statistics upon every importuut commercial subject. For sale by TAYLOR A MAURY, July 10 -3t 334 Pennsylvania avenuo. rr\ HE VI HO IN IA HI'KINGS. By Dr. John J. MoorJL man. 1 vol., with map aud plates. $1. Tho Virginia Mineral Springs, with remarks ou their uso. Ry Win. Rurke, M. 1). 1 vol., with a map. $1 2ft. Fampilor Sulphur Springs. Ry a Visitor. 2ft cents. A Trip to the Virginia Springs in 1835. Ry a Lady. 25 cents, life at tho White Sulphur Springs. Ry Mary J. Windlo. 75 cents. Roll on Ruths and Watery Regimen. 1 vol. $'J 50. Also, Maps, Guide Rooks, Ac., of every description. July 17 FRANCE TAYLOR. HINDOSTAN, i(h hundscapuH, Palaces, Temples, Tombs, Ac., 2 volumes 4lo, bound In 1, Turkey morocco, l'\11 a gilt, and beautifully illustrated, Linden, $15. China, its Scenery, Architecture, and Social Habits, 4 volumes 4to, In 2, Turkey morocco, illustrated, London, $20. Hogarth's Works in a scries of 150 stool ?igravlugs, 2 volumes, Turkey morocco, Lmdon, $15. History of Scotland, 2 volumes, half Turkey morocco, beautifully illustrated, London, $15. History of the War with Russia, 3 volumes, with steel engravings mid maps, Lnwlon, $15. History and Description of tho World's Fair in 1831, Illustrated by beaut fill sleol engravings, 3 volumes 4to, London, $22. Lancashire, its History, legends, aud Manufactures, 2 volumes 4to, Turkey morocco, with Illustrations, 1/mdon, $20. Royal Gallery of Engravings, engraved on steel by the first artists of the day, 1 volume 4to, $10. France, Its Landscapes, Antiquities, Architecture, Ac., 4 volumes in 2, 4to, Turkey morocco, Lmdon, $20. Westmoreland, Cumberland, Durham, and Northumberland, their Like and Mountain Scenery, '2 volume* 4to, Lindon, $25. Constantinople and its Environs, 1 volume 4to, London, $15. , History of In-laud from the earliest period to the present time, 3 l volumes, illustrated, London, $15. July .0 FRANCE TAYLOR. ! D'ISRAELI'S NOVELS, in new covers, now ready, price 38 cents each. The Young Duke?a moral talc, hough gay. Tancred, or the New Crusade. Volutin. Alroy. Juion j n Heaven. Price 50 cents each. Henrietta Tumplo?A Love Story. Vivian Grey. For sale at TAYLOR A MAURY'S, July 20 [States AS tar] 334 Peun. avenuo. Niebuhr's lectures on the history of Rome, 3 vols., 8vo., London. $5 50 Niebuhr's J.ectures on Ancient History, 3 vols., 8vo. $5 50 Nelbuhr's History of Rome, 3 vols., 8vo. $7 Loudon's Encyclopedia of Pottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture, I vol. 8vo., Lmdon, with more than 2,000 engraving*. $10 Loudon's Encyclopedia of Agriculture, 1 vol., 8vo., L-ndou, with ipwards of 1/200 engraving*. $8 Loudon'* F.ncyck>podia or Gardening, 1 vol., 8vo., Ijoudon, with ! many hundred engraving*. $s Seidell'sTable Talk, 1 vol., 12mo, Ixmdon. $1 26 John Aubrey'* Miscellanies, 1 vol.,12mo. il Here Ploughman1* Vision and CYood,2 vols. $2 50 Mather's Providences in England, 1 vol. $1 25 Francis Quartos Enchlrldtou, vol. 12mo., tondon. 00 cents Chapman's Humor's Iliad, 2 vols., London. $3 June 20 FRANCE TAYLOR. WEDDING PRESENTS.- To our already very largo stock of new and elegant jewelry, watches, silver ami Mated ware, wo have just added a choice assortment of new goods tollable lor wedding presents M. W. GAI/r k BRO., Jewellers, July 15 324 Punn. avenue MAN 1 TON TJIK 8KA; or, A History of Maritime Adventure, Exploration, and Discovery, from tho Earliest Ages to the Present Time, comprising a detailed account of Itonarks Mo Voyages, Ancient as well uk Modern, by Framk B. Good rich, author ofil Court of Napoleon." 1 vol. Price $3. Ali/.|Mih, Prayer, and Friendship, by L. C. Loomto, A. M. I vol. Price H 25. For sale by ItLAWHAUD k MOfUJN, August 4 Corner of 11th street and Penn. avo. MAN UPON TllK SKA ; or, A llintory of JMaritime Ad ventures, Exploration, and Discovery from the Earli 'ft Ages to Uie Present Time, comprising a detailed account of Ho markalde Voyages, Ancient an well an Modern, by Frank 11. Goodrich, ' uithor of u TlieCourt of Napoleon," etc., etc., with numerous illus nations. $3. Mixpah, Prayer, and Friendship. Price $1 25. J art received and for sale at TAYLOR k MAURY'S, August 4 334 Pennsylvania avenue. rpwo MILLIONS; by William Allon JL thor of "Nothing to Womr," prlco 60 con In. For iuiIo by HLANCIlARP k MOIII7N, Aug 1 Corner of lltli and Peau. avenue. rpwo MILLIONS?A Poem; by William A. Hut1 ler, author of "Nothing to Wear," 6h cent*, life and Adventure* of Major Roger Sherman fortor ; by Pheleg Van Trusedalo, 1 volume illiiHtrntod, $1 26. Dr. Thorite? A Novel ; by Anthony Trollop 1 volume, $1. The Family Aquarium ; by II. I). Butler, 1 volume, illustrated, 60 renin. Mensuration and Practical Geometry ; by (1mu. II. Haawoll, 76 PC IIt-R. King Richard the Second, Abbott's series of Histories, 60 renta. Aug 1 KHANI'K TAYtXW TTTILLIAII THE CONQUEROR A hiitorfetl n>VV niuncn?liy G?n. 8ir rii.rl'Ti Napier; nliiml l>y IJoul (Icneral Mr WUIium Niiplm , 1 vol., l/inrtoli. IK6N || J,'>. SUMMER TIME IS THE COUNTRY ;by Rnbrrl Arl* WlllmoU; 1 vol., with boaollfiil wood engravings, 1 .Union, 1858. *.1. Align.i 7 KKANTK TAYTjOR Tl'ST ItKCElVEU ANP FOR SALK AT TAYLOR & MAURY'S, 334 Puun.syIvaniu avenue, Prof. Donald McLood's Discourse on Klecution. delivered b?fore the College of Professional Teachers. Price 26 cents. [States mid Star] Aug 7?31 I >KUI K?SOK DON A Li) M< LKODTS DISCOUHHE J on Klooutlon, doltvcruil bofitrc tb<? Wontorn Utorary IxwiiiuU) ami iTnlfgr' of Profess imial Twicher* Prlco 2ft coot* For wilo ?t I'Hlli'T N'?w llo?>lc*U>ret Aug 7 332 P?un. avenue, UMWrnm ttih au<l IlHIi atroot*. JUST REUKIVKI) I'ROFKSSOR McLEODS \ I' IroHi* to tho (Vrllogfi of Profoaaionnl Teacher*, on the study of BHv-iiUoo. ltpaxniard k MfUlUN, An^tist 7 r<>rn??r lltli at. end IVno. avenun. I JOHN'S pTANIIARP t-JHBAKV ; UOIJNy (J.A^ J | ?jonl do, liolin e Illioitralnd <lo . tVilm'a Soitiitilk ito, IMin'i fin Moglcal Jst iidll)' R^clartwilatJ do, Bohtrj Hhit-h fla-sio do. (!nni|d''U' MM <f |b? nixno )Jbr?r) 'itIhi. til**}'* kofil on Imud ?t fTJll.r'rt New Hnnk.tnrO, 4hi l'iuiih> Jysiu* nveulic, Aug 7 Where Oulalojruee m?)' bo bad ou apjiUrnUmi [No. 611.] By the President of the United Slates. TN uurnuaucoof law, I, JAMES BUCHANAN, Prun JL Mont of U?e United States of America. do hereby deolkro and make known Uuti public ?ah? Mill U? bold at the undcrruuullonod land olhcca in the State of California, at the )>crioda hereinafter doe iguated, to wit : At tho land olttce at HuxftotDT, commencing on Moudny,tho seventh day of February next, for tho dtapoeal of the public lamia situated In tbe following U>wu*?hip* and port* uf townships, vU : Aorih of the boat lint ami coat of the Humboldt meridian. Section* l to SO inclusive; I he N W, and the fractions of tho S , aouth of Eel river of section 31; the N K% of 32, the NT > of 88; tho NW .Si of 34, and the NK of 36, of tuwiukip twit. Tho N of se< Hon 1; section* 2 and 3; the E >* of the NK ?4, the NW \ uTNK ?4, tho E v, of ,SE t4, ami tho ifW ^ of M? V4 of woctiou 4; tbe K>?; tho NC '4 of NW and tho F % of J^W'4 of aoction 9 sec lion 10; the *W '4 ofU, the rf >^ofl3! 8 Ki l)tu> ^Uou 16; tho #E **, tho 4 " *> """ "r' 4 ? DT' a ?' , " a " **? %t wv K S% of N W >4, aud Um E ^ of HE l* of section 20; section* 21 to 28 inclusive; the E >; of Nfe: '4, the NW ^ of NK '4, the E >; of HE )*, aud the H of 8\V t4 of 29; tbe SK ?4 of 8E Si, the W Si Of EE >4, the E Si of HW ?-4, and tho HW Si of HW ,1^, of 30, aud ecUon* 31 to 81 lucliiKin, of f(/uttilfp)be. Sectkma i to 30 Incltiriive; tbe NK >4, and tho N Si of NW ?4 of section 82; tbe E Sj, the NW ^,ninl the NE 44 i?f HW '4 of 33; and section* 34 ami 35, of toumshijt six, of ratige Modi 1 and 2 ; the lfE W of 3; the W of 4; uecOOB 5; the N Si ore; thoSW 'A of 7; the E ?; of 8; suction 0; the K % of 10; flection 11 to 10 inclusive; the NW of 20; the NK l4 of 21; tooUuni 22 to 27 lucludvo; sections 30; tlio NE \* of 31; tho SW Si of 32; tlie HE '4 of 33; and section* 34 ami 35, ol township two. fetation* 1, 2, aud 3; tbo NK >4 of 4; the SW ^ of 7 ; tboNK ?4 of 10; section* 11, 12, ami 13; the NK \ of 14; ac tion* 17, 18, 10, ami 20 the N Si of 21; the HW ?4 of 22 ; tbe HE ?4 of 23; hi* Men* 24, 2 ?, 20, and 27; tho 8 h, of 28; and sectlou* 20 to 35 Inclusive, of township three, of range three. North of the I nutt lit Mr and west of the Humboldt meridian. Section* 1 and 2; lot* 1, 2, and 8, of sectinu 3 ; *ectionii 8 aud 0; tho W >B, ami lot 1, of Hoc.liou 10; section* 11, 12, 13, 14, and 16; the NK *4 of 17; ?ccUoii* 21 to 28 Inclusive; tbe NIC >4, the NK >4 of NW *4; and lot* 1, 2, and 4 of section 35, of township tun> The NW xi ol section 3; section* 4, 6, 0, 7, 8, and 0; the SW I4 of 15; him tious 17 to 22, inclusive; tbe SW *4 of 23; and sections 25 to 36, Inclusive,of lostunship three, IT'actional townships fourtAoef tisty sixtoen, Mid sooenteon. Krae tional section* 5 and 8* the SW '4 of 15; fractional section 17; tho N % of 21; section 22; the HE '4 of 23, sections 28 and 27; fractional section 32; ami ncctioiiH 33, 34, and 35, of township eighteen, of range on*. The K >i, tho NW '4, lho fe: Sh of SW >4, and the NW '4 of HW *4 , of section 1; the NE l4 of NK '4 of 2; tho NE '4 , and tho NK '4 of HE ?4 of 12; the H Si of NK 4 , tin* HE ?4, the K Si of HW *4, and the SW Si of HW St of section 13: the 8 ?? of NW , tho SW '.A, the W Si of HE Si, aud the SK \ of HK l4( of section 14; fractional section* 1 23, 24, 25, Id, ami 27, mid section* 84 aud 35, of towns/up three; and 1 fractional townships four and sixteen, of ranye two. North of the ban: line and west of the Mount OidtAo meridian. Tho SW >4 of section 3; HecUoti 4; tho E jl, of 5 ; the NE \ of 8; tho N }j of 2; and the NW t4 of 10, of township forty-throe. Tho HW Si of soction 14; tho S Si of 15; tho K Si ?f SKI; section 22; the N of 23; section 24; tho NW Si of 27; the K Si 78; the HE ?4 of 32; and section 33 of township forty four, of range three Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4; tho NE >4' of 5; the K Si of 1W; sections 11, 12, and 13; and tho NK ,?4 of 14, of toyttsthip forty-thru?. The W S% ?f section 4; *ec Hons 5, 0 7, ami 8; the W 'j, of U; section* 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21; the HW '4 of 22; tho W Si of 27; sectiou* 28, 29, and 30, the N ?; of 81; tho N li, and the SK t4 of 32; sections 33 and 34; and tho HW l4 ol 35, of township forty four. The HW '4 of section 4; section* 5, 6, 7, und 8 the W 14 of 9: motion4 17. 18. 1?J. find 20. the W SC of 21: the W of 28; wstioiis 29, 80, 31, and 32; ami the W of 33; of louvt ship forty-Jive, of range. /our. The NK >4 of Boction 1; the ?W '4 ofuccUou 3; the NW 14 ami the 8 t, of section 4; sections 6 to 10, Inclusive; the bW \ of 11; the SK '4 of 12; and suctions 13 to 36, inclmivo, of tnomhip forty-three., town skip* forty fmr ami forty Jlve. The NW '4 of section 3; auctions 4 to 9, inclusive; the 8W '4 of auction 10 ; the S >4 of 12; section 13; the 8 >4 of 14; sections 13 ami 17 to 35, inclusive, of township forty slot, of range Jive.. The SW *4 of section ti; section 7; the SW >4 of 17; section 18; the, W of 19; the 8W l4 of 29; sections 30,31, ami 32, of township ttoelee. Sections 1, 2, and 3; the E Ja of 4; sections 9 to 13, Inclusive; the NE *4 of 14; tho 8k *4 of 17; the HE I* of 23; section 24; and the NE l4 of 25, of township forty two.. Section., 1, 2, and 3; the E .!4 4; sections 9, 10, and 11; the N 34 of 12; the 8 *4 of 13; sections 14 and 15; the SE '4 of 17: the SE *4 of 19; soctiuus 20 to 29, inclusive; Lite K of 30; tho NE J4 of 32; and sections ' 3. 31, and 35, of town*hip forty three. Sections 1 to 5, Inclusive; the E *4 and the SW of 6; sections 7 to 29, inclusive: the NE t4 of 30; the SE >4*of 31; and sections 32, 33, 31; and 85 of to um* kip forty four. HecI tious 1 to 4, inclusive : the S }4 ??r 5; the S >4 of 0; and sections 7 to 35, inclusive, of township forty-fins. The NK ,*4' of section 1; the HE 14 of 12; section 13; the SE >4 of 14 ; sections 23> 24, 25, and 20, the HE '4 of 31; ami section 35, of towmhip forty sir. The 8 }i of section 6: the E of 7; the SW '4 of 8, the W % of 17; the K % of 18; the NK l,4' of 19; the N>4 and the SE '4 of 20; the SW of 21; sections 25, 2d, and 27; the N of 2S; the NE >4 of 29; and sections 34 and 35, of township forty re tvu, ol* range six. Sections f, 2, 3, 4, and 9 to 15 inclusive ; theSE '4 of 17; (Suctions 19 to 27 inclusive ; the NE of 28 ; tho NE >4 ol 34 ; and section 33 of" tou>n*hip tioelee. Th? 8 'g of section 2 ; the SE '4 of section 3 ; fractional sections 6, 6, and 7 ; the W h4 of aoctlon 8 ; the SE *4 of section 9 ; auctions 10 and 11; the SW t4 of 12 ; the W >4 of 14 ; section 16 ; fractional sections 17, 18, 20, ami 21 ; the W of section 22 ; the W 14 of 20 ; auction 27 ; am! fractional sections 28, 33, 34, and 35 of towmhip IhlrUtcii. Fractional sections 31 and 32, ol towmhip fourteen. 'l\nvnships twenty-right and twenty nine. The E '4 of section I ; auctions 10 U> 15 inclusive ; and section 19 to 35, inclusive, of towmhip ' tklHv Hie SB M of lection 3 . tin- N8 '4 < ' 10 ; tbe B % or u . tbo ! S }? of 12 ; the N of 13 ; and the NE 14 of 14, of town*kip forty four. The 8 >4 of section 12 ; sections 13, 24, and 25 ; the HE >4 of 26 ; the NE )4 of 34 ; aud tlio NW of 33, of townshipforty-J'oh:, of range seven. The E y of section 11; the SW >4 of 12; the W 14 of 13; tlio N ?g, the SE ?4 , the NE s4 ot'SW *4, and lot-; 1 aud 2 of avction 14; the E V, of 23; sections 24 and 25; and the NE ,'4 of 20, of towmhip twelve. Fractional sections 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 and 13, ol'towmhip thirteen. The SW '4 of section 6, and tlio NW .'4 of section 7, of township forty. The SE t4 of section 8; the E >4, ami the SW t4 ?>f 17; the S >4 ol' 18; tho j N >4 of 19; and the NW !4 of 20, of township forty three. The NE *4 of section 31; the N >4 of 32; ami the NW *4 of 33, of township foHy four, of range, eight. Section 2; the NK >4 3; tho SE 14 of 10; section 11; the 8W ,'4 of j 12; the W >? of 13; tlie NE *4 of 14; tho E 1.4 of 24j and tlio E Vj of I 25, or township forty-one. Sections 2, 3, 4, ami 0; the NE '4 of 6; sections 8, 9, 10 and 11; the SW '4 of 12; the W *a of 13; auctions 14 and 16; the E >s of 17; tlie NE '4 of 20; sections 21, 22, aud 23: the W Vx of 24; tlie NW ?4 of 25; sections 20 and 27; the N of 28; the E ,'4 a,,<l section 35, of towmhip forty two. The N *4 of section 2; tlio W >4, and tlio HE t4 of section 13; section 14; the S }v of 15; the NW V of 17; the SE 'u 18; the E >4 of 19; the E ,'a of 21; see Hons 22, 23, aud 24; tho W >4 of 26; sections 20, 27, and 28 . tho 8 >4 of 29; tho K >4 ?f 60; tho E }a of 31; and sections, 32, 33, 84, and 35, of towmhip forty-three. Tlie SW *4 of section 25; tho SW '4 of 27; tlio S ?? of 28; tho 8 \L of 29; the S >4 of 30; the NW *4 of 31; the E I 14 of 32, the N of 33; U?o W >4 fthd tlie 8E ,'4 of 33, oftoum! shipforty four, ol rang* nine. The NE of section 35, of township forty four, of range ten. [ At the land office at Mahvmvii.i.h, ctnuinencln^ on Monday tho sevontli day of February next, for the disiKwal of the public lands situaI ted in the following townships and paru of township, vlf. North of the t*a$e line, and east of the Mount Diablo meridian. Tho SW *4 of SW '4 of section 1; the SW '4 of NE *4, the W X of SE '4') the SE 14 8E *4, ami the W 14 section 2; sections 3, 4. 5, 0, and 7; tho NW ?4 of 8; tho NE *4 of 9; sections 10 and 11, tho SE >4 of NW the W 'i of NW >4, tho SW ?4, tho SW ?4 or SR >4, ofieotUm 12: atctloiMi 13, id. 16, iv<, and 19; tb?8W 14 ? ! 20; tlio NK V, of 22; sections 23. 24, 25, and 26; the W *4 of 29; sections 30 and 31; tlie NW >4 of 82; ipid tlio NE '4' of 35, of knvmhip forty seven, of range one. Boctlnu* 1 to 12, inclusivo; tho NE '4 of 13; tho NW 'a ?f 14; hoc lions 15 and 17 to 22, inclusive; the 8W 'a of 20; and soetioris 37 to 35, inclusive, of towusliip forty-six, of range two. lUvmhips seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of range three. Township Hcrcntocn, of range four, fiectiong 1 to 18 inclusive; townships eleven aud twelve and fractional townships thirteen and four Sections 1 to 1*1, Inclusive, of township tin; township* deem, twelve, ami thirteen} the E *? of scptlon 5; HoctionM 6, 7, H, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30, 31, and 32; nnd the 8W "4 of 33, of township 13, of range six. Fractional, toumship tight; aecUon 1 to 18, hushisivo, of township ten; townshlpc eleven ami tavdee; Kuotioua 1, 2, and 3; the E ami the 8W '4 of section 4; the SW *4 ol 7; the SE 'g, of 8; sections 9 to 35 inclusive, of township thirteen, of range, seven Fractional township eight; township ultit'; tiic NK of section 2; auction 8 to 9, inclusive; tho NW '4 of 10; sections 17 U)21,iticlu alvo; gpctjoti 28 to 32, inclusive; and the NW '4 of 33, of township twelir; tho NW la of section 5; sections 0 und 7; the SW '4 of 8: sec tions 17 to 20, Inclthdvo; the SW ^ of 21; the 8W ?4 of 27; sec ion 28 to 34, inclusive; and the SW ?4 of 35 of township 13, of range eight. North of the. has* line and iwd of the Mount Diablo meridian. Township twenty four; sections 1 In 12, iucluHive; the NE '4 of 13, the NW \ of 14; auctions 15, uud 17 to 22, inclusive; the H of 23; the S )-4 of 24; ami sections 25 to 35, inclusive, of towuship twenty five; ami U>wnHhi|w forty-six and forty seven of rainy one. Sections 1 and 2; tho E }jt of NE l4. the NW of NE ?4 , the E )4 of BE I4, and the SW ofSK '4 of section 3; the W ^ of NW >4, and tho W Si of SW ?4' of section 4 ; the E of section 0; tho NE K of 8, tlie W % ol'NW '4, the SE t4 of NW and the S )2 of section9; the NE L, and the H of section 10; sections 11, 12, 13, and 14; tho N yn ol 15; and sections 23, 24, 25, 20, und 35, of township forty six. 'liie 8E of section 23. Hi 8 <>i 24; sections 25 and 26; tho K and the NW ?4' of 27; tlie NE ,?'i ofiH; tlie E ? of NE '4 , the NW ?4 of NE ,?4, the E >; of SE ?4, and tli* SW i4 ofSK ^ of section 34, and section 35, of township forly-teven, of range two. Townships Iwmtytux), twiUy three, auu twenty four; tho fractions of township twenty seven, west of t|ie Sncpimonto river; scrims 1 and 2; fractional sections 3, 4, ami 5; sections 0 ami 7; fractional sections 8 and 10; sections 11, 12, 13, and 14; tlie fractions o( section 15, on Woody Island; section 18 ; the fractions of section 23, east of the Sac ramcnto river; Boctions 24, 25, and 20, the fraction* of sections 27, 28, and 33, east of the Sacramento river; aectiou 34; and the 1'rRrtions of section 33, north of the Sacramento river, of tom\ship twentynine.; tho sections ami part* of sections eic-l of the Sacramento river, ami tlie parts of sections 33 And iW on Ham hcriu Inland, of township thirty; and township thirty one, of range three. Townships twenty two, twentythree., twenty four, and twenty Jive; I sections 1, 2, ami 3; the NK '4 of 4; section* 10 to 15, inclusive; see j tioiis 23 to 2/ incluslvo; tlie SE '4 of section 28; and section 31 to 36 inclusive, of township twenty six; the SE '4 of section 12; flections I 13, 14, and 15; sections 22 to 27 inclusive: the SE >4 of 33, and sec fions 34 and 35 of township twentyseven; the SE '4 of section 1; tile SE |( of section 8; sections 9 to 1? inclusive; and sections 17 and 18 of township twenty nine; seciious 1, 2, and 3, and the fractions of sec 1 tiooH 4.0,10, 11, and 12, north of the Sacramento river, (if township \ thirty; seciiotm 3 to 10 inclusive; sections 15 and 17; tho fractions of j sections 18 and 19, castor Sacramento river; sections 20 to 29 inclusive; the fractious of tccUons 30, 32, and 33, east of the Sacramento river; and sections 34 and 35 of lowruh<p thirty tote, of range four. Townships twenty-two, twenty three, twenty four, Ami twenty fine; sec j tious L, 2, 3, 4, and 5, U10 NE 14 of 0; sections 8 to 15 inclusive; hoc ! lions 21 to 28 inclusive; theSK '4 of eccU*?o32; and sections 33, 34, j and 35 of township twenty-six: the SW of section 17; sections 18, i 19, and 20; the SW \ of 21; the SW \ ot 26 and sectfom 26 to 35 inclusive of township twenty seven; the fractions of auctions 25, 26, ' and 27, north of tie- Sacramento r\vert of townshipthi>1y two, m range I fi*e j Sections 1 to 5, Inclusive: 6 to 15, iiirlnslvo; 17 and 20 to 29, i dnI sive ; and 32 lo 35. inclusive, of toumship twenty-one; taction* 1 to 6. , Inclusive ; 8 to 15 im-hmivc; 17 and 20 to 29, inclusive; and 32 to 35, j inclusive, of township twenty two; sections 1 to 5, Inclusive, ol H to >5, In nn?iv? ; n una 20 to 29, iuclUKivc ; and Si to 88, fiiftHMve, of town *kip twrnty thn*: xeotlonn I to 4. inehlHtv*; o to ift, inclusive; 21 to 28, ittrlUHlvo; and 83, 84, and 35, of toumxhip twenijfjbur; MMHiona 1 to 4, InolttMtv#; 9 to 1ft, IncMve; 21 to 28, lnchwtve; ami 39, 34, inH 35, of t>rwn*hip twrnty fax. The NW '* ol flNNktloa 3; portion* 4, ft, H, 7, lid H ; tho W ), of 9; *octiom 17, 18, 19, ftmi 20; th? W l. of 21; the W of 28;.portion* 29. 80, an I ill; and tho NW '4 of 32, of timmikip totxnlynin?.; Unmithip thirty; tho HW '4 of (taction 27, w-c tkniM 28 and 29; tho 1C of 30, tho K of 31; MOUvQl 32 ami 38; and tho W >4 of 34, of townshipthirty-o#Hf, of ranj/? iir. Utho ! jiml (Wo rtt San Fhanxuwo coinmetM:m? on Ifotulay, ill* h. \*nth <ki* of ft?hmarjriioxupwf? Mif dipptwul *1 ;tiH? ^ouu. hunt*, ft ill intcl Iir Vim fdliotvink .U>wii:?hl|*i afcltl |Mtl*te of ftfewb#hi|Mi{ Vit: Smith of th* ha?f lin*- antl rasi of tti.? Mount /tuiMo msrultgn. Section** 1 to 4, InrltiKlvo; tho NIC ;4 of ft; boo don a 9 to 1ft Inclusive; 21 til all , inhltotVc tho HR \ of portion 32, and *rrth>us h8, 34, and 3ft of tuxnty t h r#f of rg nyc left. H TWiMAif iueniydkrt* nf range eleven. T>n< n*ktp to.* uly ; *<?'<>"?>* 1 to IV lu. iu-i; .1; the \k u# lit* SW ,4 ..r 13 lUc NK ?4 ol '21 .? . vmm 22 to 27 tncltjMv, \^of^33 , and aocliona 34 ami 36, of fotefuhtj* toeufy right uf ru^, !' ' > ?v 4 i>( . tMtii 1 11??; '4 ?f IS Hi linn . j , l4 ol -21 the SW ol 22 the SW V -?f 2d nations uml the W of nocci'Ui 35 ??l Unvtuhip tutitiy .o-.v ? tweiit) -v'V. acciloti 1 to ft, tuoluaW*; tho NK >4 of 6 atHiiiouii I to u inclusive. the NK '4 of 17 the NK of 22. jfcUouu 23, 24,and j. ami the NK v4 of Kertion 20 of touiujUp twenty mn*, <?f ron^r M'Nccm" J'wiuhtpM in + iUy i iyhl and tuatfy nine; the W J, of xcvltou 3 ttouii 4 aud 5: the NK >4 of 6; the NK *4 of 8; Motion 9; t)t?* W > 10: the NK l4 of 13; the 8W of 14 ; #coti??ii 16; the K >4 of 22 tuxiH 23, 24 26 MMl 26; the K % ami the'HW V ?f 27 , the ? ^ ^ the N *4 <?i :t3;und mhjUuim 34 and 36 of UnmuKip thirty; eectione 1 and 2 the NK \ of 3 the NK ?4 of 11, ocliou 12 ami the N>; . tlf 13 o( town*hip thirty one, of rang* at* i HtoMI. Section* tl and 7; the S t, of 8, aectfcuM 17 to 21, Ittclutdvo; SW > ,/ Hectioii 22 UicHW 1* ??f 26; motion* 27 to 36, Uichuivn, of bmnehim to^nty right; townehip turnty n?m; eeetmna 1 to 15, inoluthre; th? # , of 17; the S ^ of 18: *< <*. tlona 22 to 27, tacloaltra; the SW ^ ofa^,' noctlon 91; U10H <?f *< < tion 32 . tin- S ?, of 33. i? ; ami 3 ">. of fnvn/thip thirtyi netUoiw 1 t?? 28. iltchndvc; tin M; ^ ul tlou 20; the N'W '4 of tfCOliou 30; the SK >4 of mcdou 31; ami aoctHa^ 33, 34, and 35 of Lmmshipt thirty tme , ol range eights* 1. Townahipt thirty and thirty ttur; 8e< tiona 1 to 12, iuclualvu; and NK \ *?l 13, of township thirtyfn*>. of range nineteen. \ rtie N\V of tMHiiioii 7 the 8 '4 and ilia IfW '4 ot 17 mn t un lit 19, and 20, the SW ^ or 21; the HW Yi ol 27; hih!Uo?u 28 to 34, |u' . hwlvt au : SW \k olof taurruhip thirty lhmuMp thirty ,M' M is 1 itt' I , iv. tin. \ W ]4 of 19, the N> of.'l , etvttotiM ? 23, 24. ami Xo the N \ ol 2d; uiid tlio N\V of 27, of Uu.mll' thirty tiou, ??l -ange Lfxnty. * i he KK of ?4N U< n It the g W ?4 i.r |8 Ml Uom 19 and J* t\ W of 21; thfSW *4' t?f 27; Mctioiia 2s to34, Inoluaive; ami U?e s L of 36, '>r t 'Wtuh.p thi tj t/n< , and towtuhip Uni fy two, 1lwoj.U one I At the land offloe at Stooktox, commeuclng ou llomlay, tha aevyniii i ;Uty of'February next, for the dia|>o8ul *>( lint publio luu.i.i hilu?M m fl Ull llllll'nillg H)WU?lll|n nil l pin U3 "I **?n "^"'1'"I Aforth of the base tine an I oast of the Mount I Hal Jo meridian. Sections 1 to 5, Inclusive; tho K >4, tho K xa of NW \ , an?J il?o K ?>f8W '4 of section ft, tho E , the NE *4 of NW *?f 7 . auctions 16, inclusive; section 17; tli** K nitd the SK t4 <?f SW v4 of jm_ E ?4, the NE l4 of NW >^,ami tbo fcW ?4 of IV; sections 20 to 24, Iticlu Hive; nocUous J7, 28, and 20; tho B ft of N'K ?4, the NW i4 or NK tho NE l4 of NW 'i, tho NE L4, the K * , of SW *4, andthsSW 4 of SW '4 of section 30, arid hccUou* 31 to 34, inclusive, oftmnukip sue; section* 1 to 6, inclusive; tho N of 7; tho K , tho NW ^ and the K of SW t4 of 8; sections 9 to 15, inclusive; tho K \ uf 17; the NK '4 of NK '4, the K % ofSK '4, and the SW?4 of NK i4 ,.f section 19; the K the SW '4, and the 8 ,!a of NW *4 of m-cllon Ji); HooiloQi 21 to 20, Inclusive; the E>?,and tho K of SW v4 of section 30; the K %, the K ofNW '4 , aud the K of NW *4 <?l section 31; and section* 32, 33, 34, and 35, of township seven, of range f re. 1\nunskip Mnen, of ratujt nix. Township six, of range scorn. 7'<wtuhij* one, two, three, four, and fre; the N of section I, 1 section 2 to II, inclusive; section 14 to 23, iuolusivo; aud sec- ' lion 2fl to 35, Inclusive, of township six ; tho NW fraction, huuUi of the 1 Co?u union river, of tho NE J4, and the fractious of the NW *t) south 9 of tho same rlvor, of soctioii 2; the fractions of sections 3, 4, 6, 6, and J 7, south of thdtJosuinnoa rlvor; section* 8, 9, and 10; the SW *4 ot U section* 16 and 17, to 35, Inclusive, of township seven. of ratuje -iySt. i Tmmships one and fi??; the NW \ of aw iion 2; sections 3 to 10, \ Inclusive; the SW *4 ot 11; sections 14, 15, and 17 to 23. inclusive; tho I S ^ of 24; and sections 26 to 35, Inclusive, of toumship three; secUous ; 4 to IS, inclusive, and 17 to 21, inclusive; the SW 4 of 22; the W % of I 27; section* 28 to 33, iucluslvc. and the W \ of 114, of township /our; ] the NW ?4 of section 3; sections 4 to 9, inclusive, and 17 to 21, m elusive; ami 28 to 33, inclusive, of township fine, of range nine. Township our; the NW '4 ui section 2; Suctions 3 to 10, inclusive, * the bW yx of ll;theSW ?4 of 13; sections 14, 15, and 17, to 36, in | elusive, of Unvnship two; the SW '4 of section 19; hoclions 29, 30,81 \ und 32; and the SW i4 of section 33; of township three, of range tm. ^ Tho W >a of section five ; suctions ft, 7. 8, ainl 17 to 20, inclusive; | the SW '4 of 21; und sections 28 to 33, inclusive, of township the SW *4 of section 10; tho 8W '4 of 29; section* 30 ami 31 ; and the | W of 32, of te/wnskip two, of range eleiwi. South of the base line and east of the Mount Diablo meridian. \ Soetious l to 15, inclusive; section 17; the NE *4 of IK; tho NK ^ J of 21; aectiims 22 to 20, inclusive ; the NK '4 of 27; and section 3&, of town hip four, of range six. The S l4 ofsoetlun 7 ; tlie S ^ of 8; the S of U; the S t4 of NE '4| ' the SK '4, the S of NW '4,und the SW \ of section 10; sectiuuj <m ll to 35 inclusive; oi township one and townships two, three, and four, I Of range seven. TiumshifH one, tio, , three, and four, ot range eight. T/i'tishiju one, two, thn< four, and Jitv, oi range nine. | TownjihijsM one. two, three, four, and v^iv, of range, ten. I Township* one, tun, three, four, and fee, of range eleven. ^ Township* two, three, four, and f i>ef id' range twelve. ! 'Ibwnshijm two, throe, four, aud fve, of range thirteen. At the land office at VimIij t, oouuuoncin^ on MoiiUnr, the sovcntli 1 day of February next, for the disposal of the public lauds situated iu tho following towuBhip* and parts of townships, viz: /; Smith of the base. line and east of the Mount Diablo meridian. 'l\twnship thirteen, and fractional township* fourteen and fifteen, of range sixteen. J'*eartUmal township thirteen; township fourteen; and fractional township) fifteen of range seventeen. ; Vnottshiju thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen, and fractional township sixteen, of ranpe eighteen. ? l\muiship* thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen, aud fractional township seventeen, of ranpe nineteen. ? Township* thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen, and fractional township seventeen, of range tweiUij. Townships thirteen,fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen ; fractional town shigr teoenksm and eiyh t<rn; toumship nineteen; and frwtional linen ' ih ip twenty, of range twenty -one. 'J\nt>n*hijt* thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen and nineteen; and fractional township twenty, o! range, twenty two. | tBdotton* l to 10, incluaive , tho s\v ?4 ot 11 ; awl section u to 311, inclusive, of township thirteen; sections 2 to 11, Inclusive, 13 to '23 inclusive ; the H hi of 25 ; nud sections 20 to 35 inclusive, of township fourteen ; townships fifteen 'Olid sixteen, and fractional townships w* ' cntecri, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of range twenty three. Sections 1U and 00; tbo N hi and tho BW l4 of 31; tho N.b of 32; and seet.ou 33 of township thirteen; tho S hi of section 15; section 17 to 21, incln?ive; the N ^ and tho .BW *4 of Moot ion 22; tho K .'a of 24; Motion 25; the W hi of 27; flections 28 to 33 inclusive; and tbo W hi of section 34 of township fourteen ; township* fifteen and sir'ecu, tinti f raclitmal townships seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of range twenty four. I Tile SW % til section 18; tho NW ^ ot It); tho BW ^ of 30; tho W 1 \.j uud tho BE hi of 31; uitd the SW l4 of 32 of township fourteen ; tho W ta of section 6; flection* 0 uud 7; the W hit tdid lite BE ?4 of 3; sue I tions 17, 18, 10, 20, and 21; tho W tj of 20; Heclionu 30, 31, 32, and 33; and the W ** of .*14 of township fifteen; see: ions 4 to ten, inclusive; the B I# of 11; the W J-a of the BE t4 of 12; the N I* of 13; tho N H of 14; the N hi and BW |4 of 15; Bociiona 17 to 21, inclusive, and 28 lo , 35, inclusive of township sixteen; fraetional townships seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, ot range, twenty five. Suction 31; and the S hu of scctiou 32, of township sixteen; tbo S % of section I; tho SIC hi ?f 2; tho BW hi of 3; sections 4 to 11, inclusive; tho NW hi ?>f section 12; thoS hi of 13; and sections 14 to 35, inclusive, of township seventeen; fractional township eighteen ; the NW hi of section 1; sections 2 to 11, inclusive; the BW '4 of 13; and scctioiie 14 to 35. inclusive, of (oumship nineteen, und fractional township twenty, of range twenty six. Section 17; the SE hi of 18; the W hi Of 10; the SW hi of 29; the W hi and the 8K '4 of 30; the E hi, the NW hi, the E hi of BW hi, and tho NW 1<4 of BW V of section 31; section 32; uud the 8 hi of hocomI | 33, of township seventeen ; the W hi ?f section 2; fraetumal secttoui 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, uud 9; section 10; the N hi of 11; the W hi of 15; scct'Oiia [ 17 to 21, inclusive; the NW '4 of 22; tho W hi ?f 29; section 30; tho NW hi of 31; mill tho NE hi of 32, of township eighteen ; flections 5, ] fl, 7, and 8; the BW hi of 9; the BW hi of 18; the S |i of 14; section* li ; and 17 to 23, Utclmdve; the W }i of 24; the W hi ?l 25; and sections 28 ( to 35, inclusive, of township twenty, of range twenty seven, : At the lupd office at los A,V ?*!*<, commencing an Monday, tho spy- ? entii day of February next, for the di -posal of the public lauds situated in the following townships aud parts of townships, viz: t North of (he base line and west of the San Hernardino meridian. Sections 1 and 2; tho SE hi ?f 3; sections 10 to 15, inclusive; the NE xi of section 21; tho N hi ?f 22; the N >? of 23; aud scctiou 24, of j tptcnthip right, of range eighteen. $ Sections 1 to 29, inclusive; the N hi ?f 21; tho N hi of NE >4, the fj NW ?4, and the W hi 9f BW ,'4 of section 22; the NE *4 and the S hi } of NW "4 of section 23, the N hi of 24; aud tlie NE \ of section 29, of j tmcitifrip eight; the S of section 10: tho S hi l,l 11; tba H hi ?f 1 Sections 18, 14, lty, and lb to 85, inclusive, of township nine, of ranyt sevMileen. i Sections 1 to 25. inclusive; and the NE of 20, to township v'ffhl i .sections 1 to 5, inclusive; the E ,'j, tho E of NW hi, and the E hi t BW F of section ti and Mections 7 to 85 luelnulen ?.? Iho S fji of auction 13, the BK V of 23; sections 24, 20, and 20; tboBK | of 27; the HP V of 32; <ht* S ya of 33; and sections 34 and 35(4 Unvtiship tm, of rang* sixttrn. Sections 1 and 2; the X '.j of 3; tho^NK '4 and th? X of NW ^ of 4; t!??* X \ of NK K and tlio NW */of 5; Mm NK \ of 0; Mw K ?, of 11; flection 12; flieX of 13. and tho NK v. of 14, of t/nofuhip ti' i > ft;knonshipt .sections l to n, inclusive: tlio N n of i(/; 11, 12, 13, and 14; too S of 15; Hertlons 17, 19, 19,'und 20; 11m 8 ?* 21; and auctions 22 to 35 of (mtnuhip nine; the N of accUbo IS; tho X % of 14 ; tlio N % of lf?; tlio N of 17; the N of IB; aud Ht-c tioiirt 10 to 35, inclusive, of towmhip 0?w, of range fiftrert. j Townships fight and nine; sections 1 and 2; the K W of 3; tlio F. S of 10; sections ) 1 to 15, luchldve; the H ^ of 17; tho HE \ <>fJ8; aw* auctions 19 to 35, inclusive, of township ten; sections 1 to ti, inclusive, the X yi and t|m KK of 7; flections 8 to 15, inclusive; flection 17; the NIC or IB; the NW S, or 20: th.? K of 21; section* 22 U> 29, Uidislvo; the K H and the NW of 27; the NE ^ of 28; the K 1, of 34, and flection 35, of township eleven; and fractional tuumship turhe, ^ range fourteen. UnuHsUiim eight, nine, ten, ?uid electa, and fractional township hvlv, of rangr thirteen. \ Townships eight, nine, ten, and eleven, and fractional township Indst, of rangr tn*lveToumnhip* xmvn, t ight, nine, ami frn, of range eleivn. j Transships seven, eight, aud nine, of range ten. | Toiowthif** *a*n, eight, and nine, of range nine. Townshi/w sir, xervn. right, and nine, of range right. '] Township* biir, seven, tight, and nine, of range seven j Townships six, seven, right, atui nine, of range six. Tmtsfhijts eight. ninr, at* I ten, Of range Jive.. ; Tbwnshipt eight, ninr, and ten, of range four. : Toansships eight, nine, ten, and eleven, of range three. I Township* nine, ten, and eleven, of range twr>. I ami* appropriated by law for the umc of schools, military, tW" oilier purposes, or thane covered by continued privntu laud claim*, ! together with tho swamp and overflowed lamia, will bo excluded fro"* the sales. * No 41 mineral lands," or tracts containing mineral deposits, ff l,) f he offered at the public sales, such mineral lands being hereby | prossly excepted and excluded from Hale or oilier disposal, purss*1' j t<? the requirement* of the Act of Cong re** approved March 3,1853, v>'d * tied 44An act to provide for the survey of the public lands In C*Uit?>rid?. the granting of pre cuipt*on right therein, ami for other pur The offering of the nbovo lan?ls will he commenced on the days F' pointed,and proceed In lit? order in which th?y are ndvertUsd eat tho whole shall have boon ottered, and the galea thus olox? 1 . hut ?" sale shall I* kepi of*.n longrr than two weeks, and no private entry 0 any of the lauds will be admlitod until after the expiration >.f the t*? weeks. til van under my hi in I, at tlio city of Washington, thin 80th d#y 01 Jnno, Auuo I Humid one thousand eight hundred and riftv eight. JAUM lJLXll ?NAN Ily the TTosldcnl : tj Jo?. 8. Wujroir, Acting Cuuimisriionor of tl?e (ieueral Uud Office. i NOTICK TO THE KMPTIOX CI.A1VANW. Kvory jwrson entitled to th.> ri?io ,.r a?? n? anv of lbj!_l lands ? ilii: lowiwliip* U1M1 ik'tru I?r Uiw 1IHI|||W kIhivb onnmew""] la ri'nulrud to Mtat.lUli ihc aom. u. the aalWr.ulloa uf Uu> ragwtfr a"" rw. ivar of the proper Inml olBec, ami milk' M'ffor <u *** nm frnrlitxtlitafUr itriny Ml niitir', nml l.rfore t)> < day um"''"'"1 onmm. iiennout of tlm pul.llo sal.- of the Inml* embracing ?! ? u,lt claimed , otherwise claim w III bo forfeited JIW X. WUflOX, Arlini! Coninee-inner "I n.c Olieral I-?nal1 rtllco )"ly .1 ia*4? , iiiLAj^iiir. rrili: RIGHT OF DISTENTION, VISIT, AM' J Hcarch, examined ??n Icjfnt iirmapNw -,o<l ><olt>oritJ?fl R|, r' a* 8. Ooxe. CoutweUor ..l Uw, Wa*hin?t..n PanlphM ?*?? J"<7 J ITU.VCK TMTUK ?? * ki