Newspaper Page Text
OLEAKED MUM THE MAILS. Th? Slavs Tirana.?'11ms New York Journal of Uoinmerots states that u gentleman who left Hag Harbor on the 20th ha* communicated the following particulars ; " Last Saturday morning, ut 9 o'clock, eight Portuguese men came ashore opjswite (lould's, on Montauk Point, L. L, and hired Mr. Qould to take them to Hag Harbor, 'i'lrey had a huge amount of money, all ol which was in doubloons anil half doubloons. They at first refused to answer any questions ; and, between Saturday night and Sunday morning, seven of thcru left Sag Harbor One, beiug silk, wut left behind, lie died yesterday <Monday) morning, at about 2 o'clock. A short time before his doath he confessed to have belonged to a slaver brig which had just landed a cargo of slaves in Cuba. A brig | was seen from Long island, early oil Saturday morning, so close in shore that it was supposed she was inside the bar. Tbe boat in which they came ashore was Identified as having been built at btonlngton, and she had thu builder's name on her." A telegraphic despatch from Boston states that the * -*? ?* "1 ***"* * I?VKe\ haa IwN?n fiirthfr roue Of uie cnpmun oi iuc m?*?v? ? postponed until iSaturday. Judge Story decided that litis class of uc-os could bo trial in any district of the United State*, but Judge Sprague decided that they niu?t Us tried In the district to which find carried. OEatio* on Quit*am.?We see by the Seacoost Democrat, of the 8th, that General D. 0. Glenu has been invited, and has twxeepted, to deliver an oration on the peerless Quitman, on the fourth Monday of next November, ftt Mississippi city. From the known ability of Gen. Glenn, a rare and beautiful production is to be expected on the occasion. The balloon that carried off Mr. Thurston, tho mronaut, on Thursday, came down four hours afterwards near Baptist creek, Canada West. Mr. Thurston was seen upon it a short time before it was secured, and he probably fell off when over the marshes uear Isdto St. Clair. A search is bciug made for his remains. The affair has caused giuat excitement throughout the country. A correspondent of the Siccle, Paris newspuper, gives un amusing account of a dinner of Bibliomaniacs, at which he says ho was present recently in Ixindon, where the conversation turned only on rare editions, ami ho saw a tattered Shakspeare that cost fit00, a Cicero emancipated from a glass case in which he was kept, to he handed round in a tray at dessert, and tur old dusty lUble was received with loud burns! Iu France the astonishment at tho American manifestations of rejoicing over the completion of the Atlantic cable continues to augment us the manifestations increase. One editor declares that the Americans were so wild with joy that their flrewoiks did not come up to their point of enthusiasm, uud so they set the City Hall on tire, and then went home satisfied that they had done pro|>er honor to the occasion ! A correspondent of the True Delta, writing from Port Hudson, states that ho has travelled over the most of Felieiiuiu and has not found a plantation where tho cotton lias not been destroyed by the army worm. They bad eaten into the cotton bolls, and now they have webbed themselves into the potato loaves, lie does not believe that more than hall' crops will he made. A man in Memphis, Tennessee, was arraigned a few days dace, before tho recorder, for carrying Concealed weapons. The man proved they were not concealed, as lie had worn them outside of liis clothes, and the recorder then liued him for disorderly conduct, iu appearing on Ibe streets with weapons exposed about his person. Moss auoiiT the Late Duel.?The investigation before the justices of Henrico county still continues, hut nothing of a satisfactory character has been elicited. No less than three persons have been held for contempt in not answering certain questions, in connexion therewith, propouuded to them by the court. On the 1st of October next a night train will be placed on the New Orleans, Jackson, and Great Northern railroad for the purpose of conveying the great eastern mail from Goodman, Miss , to New Orleans. This will give them the mail twelve hours curlier than at present. MARRIED, h> 9. !'?ill's Chiircli, Clrecuboro', Alabama, <111 the morning of the 1,1 in., 1.. hv Hi I. He v. llr 11 it wis WW II. RODMAN, l-ki ul Wa*h. thgtoB, N. C., to Mia* CAMILLA GROOM, daughter Of tho late Wiunr J. Canon. ASHINpTON TilEATKE. LtidHCOd Kl'XKKL Ai Co. La*t night but two of the ?ng.igetneut of MR. and MRS. W. J. FLORENCE. Firat appearance of the Sparkliug Comodioune, MRS. C. W. TAYLEURE. Tuirsday Ermxo, September 23, Will be preaented a new farce by 'Doeaticka,'' termed HOW TO GET OUT OF IT. , lAuiilgan Mr. W.J. Florence. Henrietta V Mrs. C. W. Tayleuro. Grace Mia. W. J. Florence. Aaauming several charm:tors, with sougs aud dances. kates of adm&bion. To Drcs- Circle 50 cenU. To Orchestra Chairs $1 00 Iktors open at quarter past 7 o'clock. Performances commence at 20 minutes to 8, p. in. Sep 23?It [Star&StaterJ qdd fellows' hall. The original aud celebrated troupe of VIRGINIA SKRKNADERS, Ojnjistiug of 8 star artists, will perform for on? week, commencing Wcunksoay Evening, September 22. For part?culara see Large and small bills. Doors open at 7, to comtucuce at 8 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. Sel>t 23 GEORGE L. WALI^CE. Medical, law, scientific- and miscelinneous book* of every kind, supplied In Washington city by TAYhOK & MAURY, at tho lowest prices that they can be purchased" for in the United States. Sep 23?3t Bookstore,Penn. avenuo, near 9th street. Medical look agency in Washington city.?for the sale of Medical Text Book*, and all medical work* pubu-hed in the United Stated, at Philadelphia price*. A largo collection constantly on hand at TAYLOR & MAURY'S Bookstore, 334 Penn. uv., near 9th at. Among them will be found the latent edition* of? Wood k lU.-h.t'H IT S IU.i.u>iw..(orir Wood's Practice, liruiU'd Modem Sorcery; Fowne's Chemistry for Students; Gregory's Outlines of Chemistry; Horner's IAssector?Wilson's Dissector; Moretou's Anatomy; DungUsou'a Therapeutics; And all the works recommended by the Faculty to bo mod at the uicdi<:<l lectures lu ihte city. Sep 22 T OST SCRIP.?Notice is lieroby given that in tlio JL_J month of May,D. 1817, the following described revolutionary bounty-land scrip whs lost In the United States mail between 1? watlly, lu Uio State ot JoWfa, and Fort Dodge, In tho same Statu, to wit: Noe. 5,412, 5,413. and 5,414, each for 49J* acres, and dated on tho 231 iibj ot A ' a D. 1411, Mid each tssa to Mary I faaiy, under the act of Congress of August Slat, A. 1>. 1852, founded upon Virginia exchange military warriuit No. 284 for 444 acre.-', and Issued for tiit* services of Francis Moss, nu armorer In the Virginia State uavy in this war of the. revolution. Kach of w hich are assigned in blank, end are the property of tho ui derstgned. A caveat has been entered in the General lamd Office to prevent the i*nuing of a patent on an entry made with said scrip, or any part thereof, as wc intend to apply for duplicate* of the same, unload they iir. iM'.iinl br!i>i i >m li u| ; .1; I- ?;i COOK, SAJUiKNT, k DOWNEY. Iowa <Ttt, Iowa, Sept. 4, 1868. Sk-pi l&-lawdw* [No. 622.] Notice of the Postponement of the Public Mules in Kansas which were ordered to he held by Proclauiution No. <117. NOTICE is hereby given that the public sales of the vacaut public lands within tho Territory of Kauhah which wore ordered by prut lama lion No. 61 7. dated July 21, 1858, to be held at tho land offices at Dvotnptoii And Klckapoo, lo tho Territory of h:u.' ;i-<. ?ui the (:. -i ;111.t tifUvnlli <i iv - of n'o\ ch.Irt ucxt, afc hWtby postponed, by order of tho President, until July, 1859, prior to which ] ' '.' ??li? . u ill .ikmiii ;td\t>rtl^cd lUTiil ill; ; 1" : i\\ JOS. H. WII50N, Acting Commissioner of Uk* Goncral land Office. Sep 18?lawrflw (IniASUr ) fV/* r.o 1 l I-'? ' - J Notice of the DUronttnuance of the h?nil Offices .t Mineral Point, In the State of Wlm on in. NOTICE in hereby given that., in pnrsnance of law, iinrt In vU-w of the fact that the unsold land In the* Mix* Kj?l hn.1T 1 n*?THitT U reduced below one hundred thouwuid acr**?, the Nicreinry of the Interior has directed tl\* discontinuance of naJd district and that the unsold hind therein ii made *object to sale and entry at la C*oww in said State i a ml it remaining unsold and unappropriated by law, nnd subject to entry at tbo olUoe now discontinued, will cease to be subject h? entry ut said other, frotn the date of the r?*< eipt of ntrtloe to that effect by the register and reoetver thereof, atul tbo land ottrori at la Cmv^n will give public not we of the day on which tliey will bo prof tared to i. . i . aj?pli( alums lor oiitr -i ?i-\ ' i . i . ?-Hit o Given under roy hind, at the city of Washington, this llfloonth lav '>! S ptmnl.-t T I I ]V s JG8 P. WII50V, N' C-'lhiMls. ?. : 1 a' i it III <*!":. .* 8ep Iff -lawCw [IuthSlur ) L _J CITY INTELLIGENCE. Til* Ai^xakdkia Cabal ComvaKT held a meeting cm Tuesday, at the council cluunber, in Alexandria, Benjamin i Barton, eaq., in the chair. The president of the com! pany Rubmltted a report enclosing a atatcrueut of the i engineer aa to the condition oi the Potomac aqueduct. 1 he engineer tliiulta that, with a aiuall sum judioiouely ; expended, the hud of the aqueduct may he maintained in working order lor five yean. 11. M Smith, State proxy, offered the following rosolutiou, which was adopted : R**Jvt*/, That the stockholders feel great pleasure in tlic assurances contained in the Ieporta oi the board and | the eugiueer of the aafe and aulwtautial condition of the aqueduct over the river at Oeorgetown for a iminber of | years to conic ; and hereby declare it to be their acttled |>olicy to maintain that structure in a substantial form, ?nu instruct the directory to take the must efficient and timely measures in their power to every coming necessity, however distant, and |mu ticularly the renewal of the aqueduct when it Khali be needed. After the transaction of soinc other business the meeting adjourned. Th* Watku l'lrss have now been laid throughout the whole of i'enuayl van hi uvea ue, m?l the trenches Luivo beeii refilled and the pavement pnt down to a considetable extent. The most difficult place was at the crossing of the 'liber, near 2d street west, where the pijies have been conducted over the top of the culvert iu a curve, the masonry having first been excavated at the sides as much as was necessary. The traces of this work will remain for several mouths yet, and the avenue has been greatly disfigured in the operation. We hare eveu heard some of our most prominent citizens remark ttuit every two or three mouths it is cut up for some purpose or other. They have no doubt but it is done for the progress of Wusiiiugtou ; but yet it is very distasteful to tbe eyes of tbe visitor and very inconvenient to tbe residents. Kor weeks (mst there has been a great trench through the avenue. It seemed to us us if they were about to lay a subterranean telegraph between the White House and the Capitol. We hope tho work will shortly ho completed, and that the avenue will again resume its pristine condition, whereat all our citizens will greatly rejoice. Washington Thzathi?Reader, liavs you seen the performances of Mr. and Mrs. Florence? If you have not, be Buro and improve the present opportuuiiy, for their engagement closes on Saturday night. Mr. F., last night, as Faddy 0' lUtferty, kept tho house in a continual roar ; no one can look at his mirthful face und listen to his rich jokes without yielding to the irresistible contagion. And Mrs. Florence, by her Protean transformations and the wonderful versatility with which she adapts herself to each character, is winning new laurels. To-night the new farce by the celebrated "Doesticks," " How to get out of it?" is announced ; and Mrs. C. W. Taylcure, a sprightly comedienne, will appear for the first time before a Washington audience. Of course, there will be a crowded house. Tub Virginia Sku una ours commenced their series of entertainments last night at Odd Fellows' Hall. This company comprises some of tbo best talent in the country, in the Ethiopian concert line, among them being John W. Landis and Paul Eerger, who are no strangers to a Washington audience. Myers, tlio violinist, is an artist of no mean abilities. If you wish to drive awuy dull cure, or to pass an hour or two pleasantly, pay this company of star performers a visit. Wherever they havo travelled, the newspapers have been enthusiastic in their praise ; and they will no doubt have crowded houses during their brief stay among us. Dcst.?Yesterday was a most uncomfortable day for promenade , on account of tho blinding and suffocating clouds of dust with whicti the utmosphcre was continually filled. There are two questions in connection with this subject tlmt have never been satisfactorily answered : where dor-s all the deist come from ? and where does it ull go to f We presume, from present appearances, a portion of it finds its way to the bottom of the canal. Tiro wind iR a groat leveler, and, like another levelcr, It is constantly bringing "dust to dust." Masonic Visitatiosb.-^TTic following visitations will be mado to tho various lodges of Masons in tho District by tho Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, within the current and coining month. To New Jerusalem Lodge, No. 9, Sept. 23; National, No. 12, Sept. 28; Lebanon, No. 7, Oct. 1; Washington Naval, No. 4, Oct. 2; B. B. French, No. 15, Oct. 4; St. John's, No. 11, Oct. 8; Dawson, No. 1G, Oct. 11; Hiram, No. 10, Oct. 15; Federal, No. 1, Oct. 19, and to Washington Centennial, No. 14, Oct. 21. I. O. O. F.?The M. W. Grand Patriarch of the Grand Encampment of the District of Columbia lias notifiod the subordinates that the visitations of the grand body will take phu'o as follows : To Columbia Encampment, No. 1, on tha second Wednesday in October ; Mageneuu, No. 4, on the fourth Friday In October ; Itidgely, No. 5, on the fourth Wednesday in October ; Mount Nebo, No. 6, on the first Wednesday in October. Dangerous Counterfeits.?Within a few days a number of counterfeits have been placed in circulation of a cliaractor likely to deceive a great many persons. Of these a five on the Northwestern Hank of Virginia is the most dangerous. The light-hand vignette has the word five engraved in an irregulur circle, while in the genuiue it is placed in a regular line. Those of $10 an; not so well executed, and a little care only is requisite to detect them. The Georgetown Cxtt Guarus have decided to lay aside their old uniform and to adopt a new one consisting of black coat and pants and glazed cap. This company is making laudable exertion to fill up its ranks with the right sort of material for good soldiers ; and wc wish it success. Pun us.? Among the patents issued for the week ending the 21st instant is one to our fcllow-citizcn, Foster Hensliaw, for an improvement in pumps. Wherever Mr. Menshaw's iron pumps have been used, wo bolievo they have given satisfaction. FOlt rent.? A largo and first-class dwelling, ? all all the modern Improvement*, with n throe story brick building, fur rout either forrdi<h*d or unramulied, having commodious stabling, carriage house, a rvanta* roam, fee It Is situated ?u bouts Una aVcuo*, near City lisII. the most central ami eligible pucltlon iu the city. Fur terms apply hi or address T. J. Fisher, esq, ut J. C. Mctluire A On's auctiou alore, Washington city, I>. C. Pep 22- <-od2w New goods and fashions.?dpv all & BRO , Merchant Tailor*, have the pleasure of Announcing to their frien In and customer* that they aire now in receipt of their FALL AND WINTKR GOOH8 of the latfut styles and designs, with the fall and winter fuahionfl They arc prepared to have ail garments inado to order in their usual style of elegance and fashion. Heptil 3tiw3wif DUTALL k BIU). t>0ardixg and day school for young JLF LAHHB?French and English, Washington, D. C. ITtodpal- Donald Mac I .cod, A. M. University, Qlaagow. Tlie next academic term will l>egin on tho second Monday ot September, and end on the 30th <tuv of June fhliowinir For thorough litarirjr an<l urieotific culton>, nocbl ftlraotAp^, pound oliiuiiiDUry m*trucii< u, ouit the tflliiency and pucccm oi tho Frtwh department, It is unflur|?a?Rcd. The highest claw will be rompmid of first fdhtort of last year, and others who may ho equally prepared to take the moat elevated course lu aciebcc and literature. For further information nee clrcu Jar*. July 3 I'AuSWWedkSat BRILLfAlVT ?A9 I 0 COMfOMlMG COOK hTOVR. I j 1.1 Urn only perfect U*i Oonauming Cook t'u.vo iu ulo i,,.trk?-t; It ! ?p.-ak* for luelf; 11 twtuiroa uo pulling. A call u aolletlnd U) etam I mm II Id operation every day al my Stove Depot, So. 267, aoutbcaat ! corner of reunaylvaliht avenue and 11th alreet. ghT" Voce genuine but Ukk* tliat have my name cant on the hearth JAMfcX 8KJKVIX0, Hep 5?eolm Se 267 ' nth aide Pena. avotiuc AVAI.UADLK ARTICLE.?Duplicating Impresalon Paper, tor embroidering. alao, tor copying plana, picture*. draw Inge, Jtr , on cloth, wood, atone, or paper Price 24 renu pi r paekel. Koraaleal TAYLOR k MAl'RYfl, Sep 17 St d34 IVnnaylvaaia avenue ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. Drowns9 Hotel. A M 1YU, W i&couam Mum Ma Lurch* > k Servant, New . W C ktauiniu. Alexandria, V* OrtauS Htoiy C Buuuar, Kichui'Mxl, V? AO Koitland, Uatumore L M lUrper, lUrUville, Tvafi C C J?? W*ou, Oiu? irinati, 0 M 8 lfeiioe A lady. ? CUy, N C Jftn>*? I? Virginia Mm* M klMiiur, Vtrgtou W J Bead, M*J>Uod j O 1 hi 1 rich*, CJ 8 0S Wio 0 lb own. New York M lironlierg, K??r York K J Comtek MisMtcoppl , Oumr T T Hunter, l' 8K K N BUk, lluuut Vernon Win I. lfirwt, rhthi TI, Crawford A lady, Jefferson i W 1) it vdt- A lady, 8t LouU City, U> W Mclaughlin, do J V JeU, WoatmoreUmt 00, Mo Miii liaruuui, Baltimore lha? Hthhor k 4 iadiea, HilUburo, Mr . Y Haruum, M LnuU O MugrutUtr Maury, VI giui* Jnuob Trimble, do C I) Yai.coy k Wdy, New Orloawi J H Orvvo, Washington county M irk wood House. J Sol dor, Philadelphia M 1> Potto*, Cincinnati, 0 0 B Ia?ckwood, huActij Mus (uuillolii, Lexington, Ky .S Willi run sou, Nbw York H 11 Dwvlf, Norfolk;. V? John K Martin, iikihmond, Va 0 K hrtut, Philadelphia J V Merrick, Philadelphia 1' J lb-duo, Baltimore d N Hall, Connecticut I) k Withers, Mobile, AU W C Aum-rrill, Philadelphia J ? lhx A Udy, Newark, N J John C Marthel, New York J C Peters, Lancaster, Pa b; J C Tucker, do Coo William* k lady, Arkaiua* John A White, Philadelphia 11 Alien, New York W L lhrnt, do J A Blackburn, do National Hotel. i R J MrKlnley, Washington, D C Hod James A Pearoe, Maryland i J &tuith, Georgia lJanl MoCluse, Indiana i U^u lillcpogc A son, King Wil- ETufb?, Now Hampshire ham, Va 8 Sunk, do J C Long, Philadelphia F J Lord, do J Smith & lady, Boston O H laughery, do J J Jones, I/tttWl:iiia G II Fogg, do Mrs Kate B Jones, do E A Walker, U 8 N Col J S Ki idler, Manchester, N" II M \V Chap hi, II irtford, Copn Mrs J C Flanders, do A E Brown, Philadelphia Master Flanders, do C S Bradley, Rhode Island Judge P E Bronchus, St Louis W B Mdtou, Alabama U H Bryan, Chuaapoako City, Bel John II Hall, Now York C A Bryan, do XVm Bryan, Annapolis, Md W D Clarke, Maryland James is Waters, Baltimore Wiu Worthingtou, do United States Hotel. Samuel W Ayers A lady, l?udoun, J W Kurigh, Georgia Va J E French, Rochester, N Y John M Rood, Philadelphia Sniul Holxheiin, Now York J Edwin Young, Rockvdie, Md W (J Webb, Baltimore Albert Husband, Baltimore Hill CSiuyth, do T 8 Husband, do O Butt, jr, Virginia H R Smawr a lady, Missouri Mr* C 11 Covol S L Smith, Lancaster, Pa A W Deahl, Alexandria, Va Houry Buaey, Rockvdle, Ml Hum Martin, Virginia W Rovr man, Maryland Bainl Xott, Massachusetts Books fbom lqnpon. Alison's History of Europe. Id vols., I2uio.; $12. Atlas to Alison's History of Europe, containing 108 maps and a concise vtsutbaiury of udlitary olid murine terms. By Alex. Keith John ston ; $&. Works of Thomas Hobbes of Ma mosbury ; by Sir William Moles worth. 10 vols.; $10. Hume and Smollett's History of England. 10 vols,, 6vo.; $17 5u. Mitford's llutory of Greece ; edited by Lord Redesdale. 8 vok., $vo.; $13. Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. 11 vols., 8vo.; $18. Nicbuhr's Lectures on Ancient History. 3 vols,, 8vo.; $5 50. Niebahr's Lectures on the History of Rome. 3 vols , 8vo.; $5 60. National Atlas of Geucral Geography, containing 41 folio maps with a copious index. By Alex. Keith Johnston, geographer in ordinary to to the Queen. 1 vol., large folio ; $24. Sept 1$ FRANCE TAYI/IR. a vniMri vm IHH' nv PAt*TnV A legend* and Lyric*. By Anne Adelaide Proctor, (daughter of lUo poet, Barry Cornwall.) 1 vol., 12rno. Price 75 cent*. The Household Hook of Poetry, collected and edited by Charles A. Dana; half-bound Morocco. Price $3 50. American Kloquence; a Collection <?i Speeches and Addresses by tho most eminent Orator* of America. By frank Moore. 2 vol*. Price 5 Vestiges of the Spirit; History of Man. By 8. F. Bunlap. Price $3 50. From New York to Delhi, by way of Rto de Janeiro, Australia, and China. By Robert B- Muituru,jr. Price $1 25. Rational Cosmology; or, The Eternal Principle* and the Necessary Law* of the Universe. By Laur< ns P. llickok, D. D. Price Si 75. Just received, and for sol* at TAYLOR h MAURY'S, Sep 17 334 Penu. uveuue. AMERICAN ELOQUENCE; A Collection ofiipecch?h huiI AdJr<wses by til-.' must emitieut Orators of AmorU*?willi biographical akotcbus and IllusUauvo iiotca. lly Frank Monro. 2 vols. Price 15. Vestiges of the Spirit; History of Man. By 8. F. Dunlap. 1 vol. Price *f! 50. Hallonal Cosmology; or, Tlio Eternal Principles and tlie Noceaamry 8 of the Uuiver.o. By Kuiruoa F. Illckok, D. II. For sale by BLANCH ARB & MOM UN', Sep 17 Corner of lllb slrcel and Perm, areuue. THE LAYING OF THE TELEGRAPHIC CABLE; with all iU incidents and auccdotes. By John Mulluiy. Co cents. Electron; or, the Pranks of the Modern Tuck; a Telegrap lo Epic for the Times. By Wm. C. Richard*. CO cent*. largends and Lyrics; a Book of Verses. By Adelaide Anno Proctor. 75 cents. Rational Cosmology; or, the Eternal Principles and Necessary Laws of tho Universe. By loiurens P. Illckok, I). M. $1 75. Vestiges of the Spirit; History of Man. By 8. F. Dmilup. $3 50. New York to Delhi. By Robert J. Minium, Jr. 1 vol., with map. $1 25. Household Book of Poetry. By Charles A. Dana. $3 50. American Eloquence; a Collection of Speeches and Addresses by tho most eminent Orators of America. By Frank Moore. 2 vols., 8 yo., illustrated with 14 stool engraving*. *5. p 17 FRANCE TAYI/1R. THE LAYING OF THE TELEGRAPHIC CABLE ; witii all its Incidents and anecdotes, impressive or diverting, as well as fresh and reliable biographical sketches of Messrs. Field, Everett, and Captain Hudson. By John Mullaly, historian of tho expedition. Price 50 cents. Eioctron; or the Pranks of tho Modern Puck ; a Telegraphic Epic for the Times. By William C. Richards. Price 50 cent*. For sale by BLAKCTIARD k MOHUN, Sep 17 Corner 11th street and Penn. avenue. 1THE LAYING OF THE TELEGRAPHIC t'ABLE.?An authentic history of the laying of the telegraphic cable, with all its incidents and anecdotes, impressive or diverting. By Jolin Mullaly, official historian of tho rnemoruble expeditions, abundantly Illustrated with jiortraits, maps, views, group*, ami representations of tho machinery employed. 1 vol. Price, aeut by mail free, till cents. For sole at FRANKVJN PHILIPS Now Bookstore, 332 Pmm. avottue, gep 17 between 0tli and lOtli streets. FROM NEW YORK TO DELHI, by way of Rio de Janeiro, Aunlralia, auil Clima. By Hubert JJ. Minium, Jr. 1 vol. I'rloc $1 'JJ. legends and Lyrics; a Book of Veres. By Adelaide Anno I'roclor, (daughter of " llarry Cornwall.") 1 vol. I'rlce 76 ocnu. For tutlu by BLANCH AKI) A 5IOHU.V, Sol> 17 Corner lltb street and Bonn, uvoiiue. riAHE BUNDLE OF STICKS; or, Lovo and Hato. 1 By Mary Klizabeth Kirby. bO cent*. Magileleu and Raphael, or, the Wonder of Vision. A story for cbil dreu. Translated from the German: illustrated. 25 cwiU. Crabbe's Poetical Works. Now edition: illustrated. $1 20. The Rifleman. By Capt. Rafter. 38 ccnU. Courtship and Matrimony. By Hubert Morris. $1 25. Just published, und for Bale at PHILPW New Bookstore, 332 Penn. uv., Sep 16 Between tftli and 10th strccto. WITTSTEIN'S PRACTICAL I'RARMACEUTIcal Chomlsttry. Translated from the German by Stephen Darby. Londou. SI 87. Galloway's Manual of Qualitative Analysis. London. $1 25. An Introduction to Practical Organic Chemistry. London. 75 cento. The Chemical IMrectory and Pharmaceutist's Compendium. I/>ndon. $1 75. Outline* of Inorganic Chemistry. London. SI 60. Normandy's Introduction to Rove's Chemical Analysis, Inndon $2 75. Pafnell's Chemical Analysis; qualitative and quantitative. Loudon. $2 76. Towuo's Rudiinontory CheuiUtry. I/sxion. 37 cents. The Chembt and Druggist's Guide to Trode. 25 cents. Traite do Cblmio Organiquc. Par Jd. Charles Gerhardt. l*arto. 1 vol. $2 75 (nitres sur la Cblmie. Par II. Justus IJsbkg. Paris. SI 25. Plaltucr and Musprnlt on Uiu l'?? of the Blowpipe. Ixitrfon. *4 26. Kcrzclutoon on the Blowpipe. Translated by J D. Whitney. $1 50. Sheerer and Blanford on the Blow pipe. IjoiiJou. $1 50. Parrlsh's Practical Pharmary. S2 75. Graham's F.lsinenU of Inorganic Chemistry. S4. Abel and Bl<?x Imm's Hand Book *>f Cbemlairy. S3 25. Aud many other works on the same and kindred *uhjr< ta. *Vp 16 FRANCK TAYLOR. L1EPZIG EDITIONS OF THE CLASSIC, comprising the following, at the annexed prices, vis: Uctfu'i Works. 10 vols. S3 15. Uvl's Works. 6 vols. $1 03. Xenophon's Works. 6 vols. SI 12. llnmer's Works. 4 vols 76 cents. Virgil's Works. 1 vol. 38 cents. | C?PAar's Works. 1 vol. 38 cents. | Kallnst. 1 vol. 13 cento. For sale by BLANCIIARD k MOHUN, Sep 16 Corner of 11th st. and Penn aveuur. j TJEADY THIS DAY.?Courtship and Matrimony ; I wIIII otner - Kru-mw iron) ecenm utui expet lent ex In social liir By fctwt Hw |H. nog, editor of tho Pennsylvania liHjulrer. OunpWo In oop n*'1 volume, neatly hound in cloth, for tl , or In two volumes, paper oovor, for fl. Tho work la enthelHeheil with * inagiiiAvenl llltrnoxe of the antlior. 1 taken from life. It will also prove to be one of the newt salable (in ks ever published, aa it U one of llio une-l tnton-nting books (hat lot* over panned tbroofh the pre** | " rbi.11* in ovary re*poet a family book ?one Intended for every 'ley reading?inih obu ll no faintly should lie without, mini which ran i not be a familiar Inniam uf any family without inspiring more or leee j good fi-ellng and scnsiblo reflection into the heart* of ell who look into It." TATLOR k MAlTtyU, ] Sep l.V 3t W I'enn avenue. : | ??... I rpiIK PRACTICAL NATURALISTS' GUIDI, con- 1 1 lalntng instruction* fi?r colli* ting, preparing, ami preserving: ftpwrtmcnii of all department* of toologjr. Intended f??r Um) iiso of *uni??ni*. AhmicoiH, mk! irar?dWr*. By Jamfw n. ifcvta, as-dxtatit con?crvalor U? llio Natural IliPtory Mawim, Kdtnburgli I'rlce 60 coM*. A fovr coplt w imi>ortwl by < TAYIjU* k MAVKY, 8*p 16 St Bookwllorti, 334 Pt*m?. AV> near 1Mb At ' <L.ah?. . ji.jffl,., ^i,.:, J&mi. ... - "- - - ? ' SEW PLHLK'ATIONB. I I1XX)MB3 LKTIERB TO YUt'NU I'EOFLE.blN1 J gl* and married. | vol. Pr*? 91. lufir good tense, sound juivtaM, and ^'eitUl burner, commend th?*ui to *11. pleasantly told and oouched tn rwh language that it cauuot Call to win lU way to the beat la of the young. The subject* KeatOd hoar ujxu nil lh" rvlnti'TUi of life ; nut the moral tour w hich ch*rc.cter?z-"i every page, the oornentoaai which hi breathed tnto every lu?e, and lite gruuine love of the good, the true, and the beautiful, which* iui halo ov**f the whole work. uutiiot tail to leave Uiuir tmpreaa oil the imud of the reader."?JJtiffalo Outtrier. for sal# by BI.A.SOIARh k MOHI'.V, Hep 23. Corner of ilih ilfeet and Peon ?v?nue. AMU NEB-A NOVEL HY TI1E AUTHOR OF "IDA J, vol. priuu tl US. r or, A Hun lred Vour* Ago?a tnle of tlu AaicrlcoO coinwen B) Ojuwad TilUuy. 1 vol. l rk*j >1. lluuiUHt'i Omitioi complete iu S vol*. KimlU!. oditlou Price $S5tJ. ?<? aale by IU AN< H AI01 A MuHl'N, Hep '?? Corner of 11th etrecl aini I'eun eveuue. LEW 18*8 AMERICAN 8P0BT8MAM. 83. Hawker on Shooting. $2 Ik. Voung Sportsman'* Manual. 92 62. I*wL'a Htuu to SpQfUaueo. #1 25. The Cuu and Dog. I?adou. 87 cents. Mouohoofe'a BriUah Kural bp rta. Luviou $2. Frauok Foroeier'a complete manual for youug t?ix>riaiiien. $1 60. The S|K>rtamH!i iu France. 2 vole. Ixmdon. $1 50, J* Chaaae a Tir en France. PaiU. 87 ueuU AJiuauach Manuel du Chasstour. JH&. 15 cent*. Pink* and Mayhuw on the Dug. 91 25. Hutch mean on pug Breaking. Loudon. $2 02. VouaU on the ftig. 91 25 May hew on the Management of Doge. London. 62 eeotrf. Li Chaseo a Lourro en France. Parte. 87 cent*. Hep a FKANCK TAYLOR. I >LIOX0tJR VritlC WORKS. ? i'iUn ui n M.tuuU JL Phonography. The Reporter'** Manual?a complete exposition of the reporlLg style of phonography; by A. J. Graham. The Phonographic Reader; by fienn Pitman. The History of .Short ILuul; en led and emuavod bv Rmm Pitman. TUo Marluer'a Book. Tlio Teacher?a treatise on the beet method of imiiartlng a knowledge ??f phuoOgraphy; by tfeun Pitman tor Hate by BLANCH A RD At MOIIUN, Bvp 22 Corner of 11th street and Penn. avenue. qtephkns'3 new miiaculwu.u7work0 Thu day is received the Book of Farm Implements and ila ctunee. By James Slight and R. Scott Burn, engineer*. Edited by ilenry htophens, F. it. 8. K., author of the "Book of tl?? Farm," fcc., complete iu one handsome volume, royal 8vo., embellished with forty phitua, beautifully eugraved ou steel; by Uzars. llalf morocco. Gilt buck. $10 GO. British Catalogue of Books. Completion of Index to the British Catalogue of Book*. Published in Groat Britain during the yeure 183/ to 1867, inclusive. Compiled by gamiMon Low. 1 vol. #royal 8v<>. Half morocco. $8 50 ThU important and valuable work, Ibo product of tnauy years' untiriug iudu try and devotion to the pursuit, wiU be found of the greatest use to the trade, librarians, and ull jkersoos mteresi.?d in literature, as it displays iu one volume all the publications of the last twenty years. Arruugod in one alphabet, and classified according to subjects. A separate supplement comprise* full and comprehensive list* of the publications of learned societies, printing clubs, and other lit entry associations, and the contents of valines collections, series o 1 "libraries," kc. FKAXKfJN 1'IIILP, Bookseller and Stationer, Sep 22 832 Fran, avenue, between mil and 10th street. ciiiaksi'k a k e'3 complete works, new and elegant edition.?Edited by Richard Graut White, ibis day published: vols. II, III, IV, V; containing the Comedies. To be comprised iu 12 vols., |>ost 8vo. Price $1 50 per vol. LlTTlit, BROWN, k CO., Sept 21?3tifeoJ 112 Washington street, Boston. mile seat of government of the uni1 ted Stales.?A Review of the Discussions in Congress and elsewhere ou the site and plans of the fbderal city; with a sketch of iu present position and prospects; also remarks on monumental structures an J the Smithsonian institution, liy Joseph U. Varuum, jr. Price 28 cents. For sale by BLANCH ARB k MOHUN, Sept 21 Corner of 11th street and l'enu. a v. riMIK Vll.LAUK MU3K0M ; or, ilow we Catlu-r 1 Profit with Pleasure. By the Rev. CJ. T. Houue. Loudon. 19 cents. liar|*er's Magazine for October. This day received and for ?a!o at PHILIPS New Bookstore, 332 Peon, avenue, Rep 10 between 9th and 10th streets. Vnotukr hatch of new books at by Cbarlon A. Dana. >3 60. American Eloquence; a Collection of Speeches and Ad'tresses by the nuwt eminent Orators of America, with Biographical Sketches aud Illustrative Notoa. By Frank illustrated with fourteen portraits eogiired on steel. 2 vols. $5. From New York to Delhi, by wiy of Rio do Janeiro, Australia, and China. By Robert B. Minium, jr. $1 25. Rational Cosmology; or.Tbo Eternal Principles and tho Necessary Law* of the Universe. By Laurens P. Hickok, I). I>., Union College. 9I 75. Electron; or, The Pranks of tho MoJeru Puck; a Telegraphic Epic for tho Tunes. By Win. C. Richards. 50 cents. Vestige* of tho 8i?irtt; HMory of Man. By 0. F. Dunlap, member of the American Oriental Society, New llavou. $3 50. The laying of the Telegraphic Cable, with all its Incidents and An ecdote.s. By John Mullaiy, oillcial historian of the memorable expo ditiotis, abundantly illustrated, an authentic History for Urn People. 50 cents; free by mail, OH cents. i'or aaU? at PUMP'S Now Bookstore, 332 i'can. avenue, between 9th and 10th streets. Sep 17?tf A CARD.? Edwanl Rolan, .Merchant Tailor, .sign of the golden fleece, corner of 14th at root and Peunsylvani? avenue,opposite Willards' Hotel, roapectlfttfly Invites the gentlemen ol this city and its vicinity to his splendid assortment of goods for the Tall and winter trade, which be will sell cheap. His stock coasUta ol all tho newest and most fashionable styles of French, English, Herman, fiud American cloths, Murk, blue, addled, golden olive, invisible green, mulberry, and other shades. Pantaloons?block and fancy doeskin, with side bonds. Vesting*?velvets, silks, and cashmere, rich and beautiful for ball and party. Overcoatings?Moscow and Eaca beavers, pilot, Cos ton, and Napoloon Trtoord. Also, a superb assortment of gents' furnishing goods of every description. Bept 19?dlin* E~N<JL1S11 KKl'RINTrf OF OLD NOVELS? Valerius, by Lockhart. 87 cents. Reginald Dal ton By 1/rckluirt. $1. Adam Blair and Matthew Wald. By Ixckhnrt $1. ' Sir Andrew Wyllc. By John Gait. $1. Gait's Annals of the Parhlt and Ayrshire Legatees. $1. Tho Entail. Ily John Gait. 91. Trials of Margaret IJinbwiy. By Wilson. 87 cents. Cyril Thornton. $1. The Hunch beck. By Victor Hugo. London. 02 cents. ConsUelO. By (icorgo Saud. 1 vol. 75 cents. Countess of Kudoletudt. By George Sand. 1 vol. 60 eta. The Queen's Necklace. By Dumas. 50 cento. Tho Two Dianas. By Dumas. 60 cents. Sopt 19 FRANCE TAYLOR. rruiE LAKGEST PLAIN PHOTOGRAPH EVER I made?Three figures, life size, ou one sheet, seven by five feet, are now on exhibition at Brady's Gallery, 352 Pennsylvania avenue. Sept 21 WANTED.?An agent to transact the business and toko charge of the City Offico of the Mount Olivet Come tery on the liladeusbiirg Turnpike. Good reference* will l?e r?|Qiral and security by bond. A liberal salary will be given. Applications in writing will be received at St. Patrick's Church until the 2d of next nv>nth. Aug. 24?dtf WE A EE'S 8ER1ES OK Ul) I) EM EN'TAItY WORKS. Complete sets at the various important Bcieiititlu and other works included in the above series always kept on baud at FRANKLIN PlIJU"g Bookstore, 332 Penn. uveuiio, Sep 19 between Utli and 10th streets. L. Q. C. LAMAR. C. II. MOTT. J. !.. AtTttV. IAMAK, MOTT & AUTKY, AUorney**at-Law, J Holly Springs, Miss., will practice in the High Court of Krrora km.I Appeal* utJackson ; the Federal Court at Pontotoc ; the <'onrid of the 7th Judicial District of Mississippi ; and will attend to the collection of CIuiiiia throughout North MLnusMippi. Sept IB?dtf / 11JEESE, i i. il. Ac. J 00 boxes Goshen Cheese 1,500 lbs. ODdflail 2,000 lb?. I lake do 100 boxes Healed Herrings 100 barrels Pickled do 40 do No. 3 Mackerel 150 boxes Pearl Starch 110 dozen Brooms 0t> do Buckets. Just received and for sale by Sept 21?Olifcod MURRAY k SHOOS. fTIEAS, COFFEE, 8GGAK, &c. 1 110 packages fresh Tea 176 bags Rio Coffee 25 bagt Toasted do 7i boxes fresh Ground do 25 hhds Sugar CO barrels Keflncd do 125 boxes Adamantlue Candles 20 do 12's do do, for hot li 500 gallons refined Whale Oil Just received, and for sale by Sept 21 - 6tifend MURRAY k BEMME3 LIQUOK, AC. 2 half pipes old Brandy 1 pipe Holland Gin 25 one eighth casks Hrsndy 1 puncheon Scotch Whl?*key 1 do Irish do 30 bankets Champagne With a large atock of Willed, Cordials, and domestic IJquors,In store, su*1 for an I# by Sept 21~fltifeod MURRAY k REM MB* Real estate and general agency.? HFN'RY A. IlAKRON, having token a room and frtflce at No. public. lie ?an 1* round ?t UU <4Doe train 10, a. in., in 2, p. in. Ho refer* to Judge Win. ?. Puroell, of Uw orphaiiR' eonrt; Daniel Itiu lilb', CUltoB A; Mngruder, anil lfcuijainm V. Smith, |aw, Washington, On, Kppa I h union, of Rrlnce William co., Va.; Ji?o K Iliilij*, ejwj.. War ronton, V.i.; tieorgn KlUbagfi, o?q , l*ort Royal, Va. ; and linn Win. Smilli, at tho Honau of Representative*. Sep l??o?xl2w I.Mr \\j STUDKKT8 inaj l- anpplied ? ith *11 1? 1 XI*' Ileal I took* need ill the College* ot Washington aud Bcorgetowii, at Philadelphia price*, by KHAHKMN ruirr, S?t*?ft!fer, Brp 22 332 Penn. nr., between M ?nd loth at*. EDUCATION. H~ OAliI M.N i. \ M> 11A V BCIIOOL HIH YOt'MO l.\LUV?KKKNdl AMI) K-WJrtJ, ai)9 F street, Washington. FiUkdpsI? 1K)NAU> MAt'lJLtHJ, A. UuiTenlljr at GUrgow. The aaai academic term will begin on (he aecoud Monday of ?op i lumber and end on the 5oth of June luliewiug. For thorough literary and acleullfic culture, sound elementary iu | alrucUou, tin.' Uhunuus and muoccss of ike AYwacA department, and fur social advantages, U b unsur panned. Every cla**, the primary a* well as the senior, mjpy* the |* raouul supervision of the 1'uiatarAi, who is assisted by three nulu* of ability, experience, and Uie highest education. ! So atimol out of l'uru pt?**e*iH?t a purer standard at ip>od French, or better corrective of boil French, m conversation and writing, ur greater (gciUlie* lor u< quiring that language. U is strengthened by tho accession of l'rof. Auursiai. MUSIC OS THE PUM), TUK GlTi'AU, AND THE I1AK!' might by the ladles of the fhmily, offering superior advautag-e U> day scholar* a* well as boarders The highest dam*, composed of first seniors of last term, will take the range of literature and science for which they are prepared, and will roceir? at tho end of the yoar diplomas or suitable testimonials. For further information see circulars. Sep 1?difiw [bUirfcStaUra.] IAFAYETTE INSTITUTE, PENNSYLVANIA AVJ ENUE, ABOVE 17TU STREET.?The undersigned, late president of Wilmington Female College, Delaware, assisted by Mis4 MaRIAD HAI^TKAi), late preceptress of the aauiu lnstituUoti/and Miss MAllY WILLIAM**, Late acdaf preceptress of the Genoese KemUnuy. New York, will ojhia a school for young ladies at Nus. 1MI and 101 Pennsylvania avenue ou Monday*, September d. la tho arrangements and furnishing of the school rooms, In tho general scholastic regulations, uud iu the methods of Instruction and gov orunicnl, it is believed the Institute will ho fouud creditable to the city aud w orthy of the confidence of jus cltixoiia. The course of study 1* that generally pursued at our highest female institutions. Young ladies satisfactorily putting tlietr examinations In the entire course w ill be entitled to u diploma. To insure to each atuueui iit.m moiviauai attention ana personal uuTrai requeue w ? succu^ful study, each department will roc.ive but tweuly fbur pupils. A very limited number ^ill be received as member* of the family. X.UmOfif.. .lYimary department, $10 ; Junior, $12 50 ; aenior, $15 por quarter. Address through the city peat office until tho 25tli ; afterwards pioobe call at tut; institute. L. C. IAXW1S, A. M Reference la made lo the following gentlemen, whose daughters or wards lmvo boea under my Instruction and caro : Hon. Thomas 11. llicks, governor of Maryland, llou. Peter K. Causey, governor of Delaware. Rev. Bishop Levi Hcott, D. I)., Wilmington, Delaware, lion. Geo. W. Spark*. mayor city of Wilmington. Dr. II. F. Askew, jM?r.iiua>>UT city of Wilmington Rev Dr. Hamilton, Haiti more. J. W. Welts,esq., Department Interior, Washington. K Zimmerman, esq., Alexandria, Virgiula. Aaguat 150?oolin rpiiE FRENCH LANGUAGE.?The facilities afJL f'T.J.'U at Lin: VKMAU; EXOUWI AN'K rKK\Cil OULLWJUTE INaTlTUTK for a thorough and practical knowledge of tho French Language are not surpassed wr equalled by any other institution in tho city. The corps of French teacher* will bo Increased tlio coining year, which will commence on the titli of September, and more of the studies will bo pursued and taught, through t!ie medium of the French, than heretofore, as a largo majority of the pupils now ajicak the language willi fluency. The advantages uflarJed by the soirees alone will enable any one who hi* a uderably good reading kuowl edge of the language tOHjMjak It Ihioutiy 111 the course of the winter. Circulars and catalogues can be obtained at ail the book uud music store , and at the Institute, No. 182IsU< ;. : by'* Bow. 1 lilt AM ODRfrON, Principal. M'MK CAROLINE ROIJiX CORSON, Aug 21 Vice Principal. MISS BROOKE'S ENGLISH AND FRENCH Hoarding and Day School, Seven Buildings, No. 128 Pennsylvania avenue, Washington, D. C. Tho duties of this establishment will be rosuuitnl on Monday, RcjAeiuber 13, 1858. Circulars to bo obtained of the Principal, and ul the bookstores. July 31?3tuwtfTuesTliuraA?at ST. JOHN'S SEMINARY, No. 408, 15th street, between II and I streets, Washington, I). 0. Dr. L. J. Draper, |>rin cipul. Tlds School will open on tho first Monday In September next. For 1 further particulars Inquire of the Principal at the school-room after the first of September, or of Rev. E. Q. S. Wuldruu, St. Matthew's Church. Aug. 24 Alnwick female seminary, by m. a. Tyson and Sisters, for boarding pupils, situated on the Baltimore 1 uud Washington Railroad, 16 miles from Washington city. iUO UUIIOS ?>l litis iiisiiiuiiOD, wuicu nua ueen finuiHiii u ii?r nguiuru years, will bo rosmned on Um> 15th of September. Circular* majr be iia<i by application to the Seminary, or at Dr. Tyson'a, corner of I and 1 10th street*, Washington. Letters directed to laurel Factory postOfflcc will bo promptly at tended to. Aug. 24?lm ACADBMY OF THE VISITATION, Washington tlty, 1>. C., X. W. corner of <* and Tenth streets. Toe Ex- rofaNM or'this Institution will be resumed on the first Holiday of September. TERMS FOR TLITlO.V, PER QUARTER. First and second classes .$12 00 Third clou* 10 00 Fourth class. 8 00 Fifth and sixth classes C 00 Ink. {tens, copy-booka,he 1 00 Extra charges for tho French, Bpanish, Italian, Latin, and German languages: also for ftluslc on the piano, harp,guitar, organ, and for Vocal Music, Drawing, Pointing, he. Aug 20?eo2w Mrs. kingsford's seminary fory'oung LADIES, No. 415 Eatreet, Washington, I). C.?The exercises of this school will be resumed October 1, 1868. Circulars, including terms, Itc., Ac., will be furnished on application to the Above address. July 13?3awtt>tl r CARPETING, FLOOR OIL-CLOTH, RUGS, MATtings, Druggets, Curtain MaterUfis, and Ifouso-furnishing Dry Goods, such as 1 Velvet tapestry carpeting*, new designs Tapoatry Brussels do in great variety New styles Brussels do super quality Extra heavy 3-ply do very rich Extra-super ingrain do new patterns Very heavy all-wool Dutch carpMlfl Twilled Venitian carpeting for bulls and steps Velvet and Brussels do do do Full shoots extra heavy and very rich floor oil cloths, cut to fit any sis? or shape room, hull, or passage Mosaic, velvet, and tufted rugs and mats Curoa mid Cuutori mattings 12-4, 14-4, 10-4 drugget crumb cloths English druggets, all widths, by the yard Wry richly-embroidered lace curtains ttitin iainos, brocatels, and reps for curtains White, buff, blue, and green shade liucus Stair rods, curtain fixtures, lie. Having attended HADAN k CO. *8 great Carpet Auction, which took plain? In New York on the 4th and 5th inut., we are now prepared to offer greater inducements than can be afforded under ordinary circumstances. Purchasers arc respectfully invited to an examination of our lock. HOOE BRO. & 00. Aug 18?dif WANTED.?A number of good stonecutters are wanted to cut stone for tho Cotiowingo Bridge,llarford county, Maryland, to whom liberal wages wiil be paid. Aug 28?dim HA1JLJ9 k BLACKS. riK) I.ET OR LEASE.-?That lirat-cliiss boardingJL bouse situated on tbe corner of lAmUianu avenue and 8tli street, ao long and favorably known iu tin? occupancy of Miss Janney. The location.!* unequalled, and the house commodious and well arranged, it contains about thirty flvo rooms, with a large dining-room, and in supplied with gas and water. Any repairs required for its complete nerv-i w ill be matte. roaoMioo given on tlie 1st day of October. Apply No. 378 on E street, north side, between 10th and 1 lilt streets, or to Jamos Towlua, No. 400 II street, between 8th aud 0th fetroets, or on the premiss, Tlic furniture, if deaired, might bo obtained with the bouse, If appH m! for promptly. Also, that SPACI0U3 HOUSE AND STORE on the south side of Ponn.-yivania avenue, between 9th and 10th street*, in tho occupancy of Mr. John McDevitl. The store is largo, fronting on Pennsylvania avenue, and running through to C street. Its couti guity to tho Cent re Market renders it u very desirable stand. FoesngAioii on the 1st day of December. Also, a FURNISHED HOUSE, containing two parlors, dining room, and five chambers, pleasantly located, in a very central posltiou. Will not bo routed for a shorter period than a year. Apply No. 378 on K street,north side, between 10thand iltb streets. Aug 31?d'2w flhUd.J ORGAN RU1LDER.?Tho subscriber will build, tune, or repair organs on nbort uouee, and on the most rcasou abie terms. Second Land organs on hand. A call is invite*). J. T BAKBER, Sen 1l?2w* No. 48W Tenth street. District Court or the rutted .states for tlio District of Columbia. Tim (Tutted Slites of America, 1 jlHInnt;, rt. fifteen Boxes of MeJoe Wine mot Tea Basket* of lltmm|>aj:iie Wine, renpomleots. BE IT remeniberetl that Philip Barton Key, est}., United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, bath vx In Oiled a lioel in the District court of tho wild District, alleging thai on the 13th day of November, in tho year 1857, fifteen boxes of M? due wine and ton banket* of Champagne wine wore imported into the United State#, to wit: Into (koTgHnwB, a jK>rt in tho District of Co luvnbfat, in a certain vessel or schooner, called the A. V. Hedell, whereof one K. II. Ryder, whs master; that the said fifteen boxes of Uvdoc wiuo and ten baskets of Champagne wine wore not deticribod or included iu the waafeff-st or mbIDmU of the cargo of the said vessel or schooner us required by law; by which means the same has become forfeited to the United Mates, and seized by the collector of the port of Georgetown, All persons having any right, title, or interest In or to the said fifteen boxes of Medoc wine and ten baskets of (-hampagtic wine are cited and aUmoui-died to bo and appear at the court house, in the City null. In the city <?f Washington, on the first Monday iu Decern ber next, to near anil abide by and perform all such judicial acts a- : are by law required to be done iu the premises. Twt JOHN A. SMITH, Sop lfi? MtexSun Cleric. j , WANTED?A Physician or Lawyer, with a cash j capital of from |M0 to fl,OUf, to become part propictor of | an e*tahll*h**l weekly pajter, Rural Southerner. Thl? is a rare opportunity to embark In a lucrative business; jo eounexion w!U? their pro- I fession in a flourish In; county town, while, at the name, he can moat thoroughly ostublleh himself in his profession. Apply to RICHARD EDWARDS. J llox 10'j;7, Baltimore. " A copy of the paper will 1* sent to any person wishing to sue It. , K June H d 1H0ICK I SGH \ V INGS \T PHILIPS V 8< let ( Hon of remarkably fine KugrAvtngs, plain and colored, Crayon ' kJt.1.11^ I'l.aliS.rHi.i i 1-1-' Joat LuporWd by FKAVK1JX TUlIP, I U<><>k*?ller nnU ii^al^iior, j 1 Septal 332 Pcnn. ar., bet. (ktii aud loib stj. I AUCTION SALES. 1 ftty J AS- C. McGUlKK A Co, iuctiouecrv. I EXTENSIVE SALE OF COSTLY FANCY GOODS, I |j Jtaelry. clock*, v*4Mm?, parian vIuua figure*, pcrf <???< y, I u?<mry, culicry, tupartur pUle gUjM uuku, JU> -On r.i?i?Uy fl lug, iubcr "in, ?i 10 o'clock. *l ih? Kwicy ??n fl IVuinyl.uUin aveuuo, fee I wtxui rieOuiid end 1 '>utl iliivU, ho i?lwvi eril, H <1 PkrUn flktilM, Utrra ooUa, and ciun* figure* of virtoua ilcacrii UOtM I Jewelry, rutle?ry, enrobe, i?ru?h*H H Papier mar hi* ami roeewood writing detks an<l work txue* Perfumery and mmp of efttry deM-ripik>n i fl PorWm?miwl?*, ]*Kket books, cabas , H Opera glaum *, tolcscp*^, ataliotwry ^ H Silver pencil ca*?v , BerMti Ifvti figure* I H^^wuwl upright iuiMrforU- 1 f ookiug gUnoC.-* Slid }Nftit.tiU|Tit To;^b?r with a Urge quMiuiy uf fancy goods. k Also, a number of vurjr superior glua* ease*, aoiuo of a hi- h Coal I loo each. leu** . $20 an I uudvr, cash ; over tb.?t *utu a credit of una, twd, throe, and lour looiiUi*, with lutcrc&t, MUi-fucUirtJy endorsed. Step 23--d J. C MiXjIIRE A CO., Auctions* . By J AS. C. MoBUIHK Jt CO.* Auctteacen. TTNRESERVED SALE OK THREE SMALL ANJ> t valuable squareh of ground.?On Tncadiy idteriKKii, October t,6ti? at ft o'clock, at the auction rooms, we thai' 'I to the highest bi?l <l*ra the following very valuable real estate in Vu Uuiglon: i ?quare No. dt?7, Irontiug ruepecilvefy ou Ve? icm avenue, north S street, and Twelfth street west, aud cou laming 30,700 *qu?iu feet. Square No. 334, fronting ou Vermont uveuue, north T *tro*t, and Eleventh ktreat west, and continuing 11,428 aquure feet. Tb?vr two square* are luiudsomely located in the uorthern pait of ibe Beooud ward, which i* rapidly improving in the! direction. Also, square No. 627, fronting respectively on Now Jersey av< u??, North K street, and first street w?*t, lit the immediate vicinity of tl? Railroad ltopot, and contain* 8,260 square feet of ground. Titles porfect. Terms : One fourth cohli; the residue In six, twelve, and eighteen months, with interest secured by a deed in trust on the premises. ! J AS. . Mclil'IKK *00., Hept 22?cod Auctioneer*. BY J A S. C. McGUIRB Ac CO. Four excellent wokk-hoxibhb at pubLIC AVCTION On Thursday inorning, September 23d, at ten o'clock, lu front of the Auctuui Rooms, wo shall sell witluiut reserve four Superior Match Od Work horses, via: Two One Bay florae*, 6 to 8 year*old Two excellent Roan Horses. live yearn old. i Also? One Buggy Wagon, with double harne** One excellent Four seated small family Carriage. The hordes are gentle and kind, aud work well iu harne^fc. Terms. Ono-hAlrcaah. the residue in 60 aud 00 days Tor saUbfopto- i rily endorsed notes bearing hi tercet. '* Septal?d JAB. C- McGCIRE & CO., Auetloueerd By J AS. C. McGUIUE A CO.* Auctioneer*. TI1GIILY VALUABLE PROPERTY AT THE n corner of Third rtnel wu.1 and Uas#achuii?Ua avenue at IHjWio auction.?Un Thursday aluritoon, i-epu-iuber 23d, at 6>? o'clock, on tin1 premise*, we shall a.til that valuable property, aituat'-d at tiio wiruor ol Third street went aud MawuchuacUti uveuue, being lot No. ' 22, iu Edward Dyer's subdivision of square No. 661, fronting 60 j feet on TUird street wost and running bacit 121 fuel on Mast&ichuaeU i ? < avenue to a 20 feet alloy, with the improvements, consisting of a one story frame store-house, with a goo4 collar attached, and a two-story frame dwelling house. This is one of the most eligible and well-located lota in that Section of tho city, und offers unsurpassed advantage for a busiuujs stand. , Tonus: One fifth cash; the reslduo in hix, twelve, eighteen, and twenty four months, with iuterest, secured by a deed In trust on the property. JAS. C. McGUIUE Ira)., > Sept 10?d Auctioneers. By JAS. c. MrGUIRE Sl CO., Auctioneers Ci OVEHNMENT SALE OF SUNDRIES.?On Mob K day morning, Foptembor 27th, at 10 o'clock, at the Washington Aqueduct Office, near the Market house, Georgetown, D. C.. we shall sell, by order of Captain Meigs, engineer In charge of the Water ( Works, a lot of sundries, comprising? ; A large quantity of blankets, comforts, bedticks, shoots, and 1 bolsters, alj of wlileh have been washed aud oru in good order ? l/?t of crockery, tin ware cooking utensils Do rice, pork, salt, mustard, tea, beam 1 Do rope, wrought and cast Iron Sledge, striking, drilling, aud concrete hammers ' Hemp guys, blocks and falls, rock chains Wheelbarrows, crowbars, drills (irindstones, work-benchc?s, tables , leather belting, of various sines | Picks, shovels, augers, saws, mattocks, ko , < Together with a large quantity of damaged wheelbarrows, carts, lumber, Iron. .\n?i oW tools, Terms cash In specie. ' JAS. C. McGUffiE k CO., Sept 19?d Auctioneers. i By JAS. C. MeGUlIlK Ac Co., Auctioneers. Extensive sale of excellent furnj- ture and Household Effects.?On Wednesday and Thursday, ^iptembcr 29th aud 30th, commencing each day at 10 o'clock, wo shall sell, at the residence of Miss Jauney, corner of Kth street ami > Pennsylvania avenue, all the furniture aud effects, comprising? Superior rosewood round-corner seven octave piano forte, by Stelnway A Bens. Mow York Rosewood marble-top centre and sofa tables :v Suite of rosewood parlor furniture, finished in satin brocatallo : J Handsome walnut whatnot, fancy chairs Brocatelle and chintz curtains, shades GUI frame pier gloss, slab and bracket Walnut aud mahogany sofas, divans j Easy chairs, walnut twirlor tliaira 8qpoH0r priog'IMt Jolliers, vase.; I*j Bruaael.s, throe-ply,, and Ingrain carpets Floor oilcloth, matting, rugs KxtvUhioc, dining, ami breakfast tables . Walnut arm dining chairs, sideboards Mahogany secretory and book case <' ; Fifuch china dinner, tea, ami doaaert ware, glass wars i Silver-plated cat>tor*, table cutlery Six large covered dishes, chuffing dishes v| Superior ri lliterator, dining room chairs '{ Mahogany and walnut dresaiug, and piuiu bureaus Walnut mid mahogany bedsteads Wardrobes, wushstunds, toilot sets \ 17 superior feather beds, bolsters, and pillows ; 12 line curled hair maUreuses, husk mattresses | Comforts, hi mkcts, spreads Chamber uhios, chairs, dressing stands Looking-glasses. gas fixtures Franklin alr-tlgfci, and coal stove* i Largs sad saperlor cooking : cue Together with a general assortment of household and kitchen f effects. Terms : $30 and under, cash - over that sum a credit of 60 and 00 i days for satisfactorily endorsed notes bearing interest. Sept 18?U JAS. C. McGUIKK A 00., Auctioneers. By JAS. c. McGUIRE ?fc Co., Auctioneers. Handsome furniture and housexeepiug effects at public auction.?On Thursday morning, Septem l>cr 23, at 10 o'clock, at the residence of Dr. Binney, President of Columbia College, on College Hill, wo shall sell all his furniture and - \ effects, comprising? Superior rosewood piano forte, by "LuokbardV Suite of liaudsome walnut carved parlor furniture in salfti damask, comprising two French sofas, two arm chairs, and f Fix parlor chairs, all with linen covers Marhio-top centre table, walnut whatnot > Br oca telle covered fancy chairs, gilt shades Superior and nearly-new velvet parlor carpets Gilt girandoles, superior carccl lamp \ Car i tables, work tables, hat tree Oilcloth, Brussels stair carpel Excellent wool chamber carpet# throughout Suite or solid walnut oarvod chamber furniture, very superior Handsome oak cotiago set, w ith marble* Suite o' tTcum-colored oottago furniture, with double bedstead Two suites of collage furniture with two uiuglo bedstead* to each Feather beds, bolster#, and pillows Blankets, comforts, spreads Toilet Hi'l-S look in;/ irlastRefl. tthndnn Mahogany dining tables Ann dining chairs Gold band dinner, tea, and coffee acta Silver plated ten and ooIT'eo service (.las* ware, table cutlery Cooking stove and kitchen nteustls Wboelbvrov, hay cutter, spades, rakoa, kci. Terms ; AH ?umn of Mid under *:)0, cash; over that amount a credit of 60 aud UO day a for Mtei bearing interest and satisfactorily en Horsed. J. C. Met it; IRK A Ob, -I Sept 18? U Auctioneers. By J. C. McGlIIIiE dt CO., Auctioneer*. rrUlUSTEE'S SALE OF TWO VALUBLE LOTS 1 on Pennsylvania avenue, between liUli and 20th streets west.? (hi Tuesday aftornoou, September 14, at 5>* o'clock,on tho premises,by virtue of a deed o( tru^t, dated August 22, 1857, ami recorded in I iber J. ' A- S., No. 141, folios No. 334, ?U aeq,, tho subscriber will null the fol lowing de-cribed property, vi*: All that part of lot No. 5, in equuro No 118, froniing 15 b et on IVunnylvauiu avenue, beginning at a point on the said avenue which is the BOuthWfWt corner of I he lot ronveyod ' by Samuel flarknonn to J. 8. Higdan and J. K Rhodet, then with tho i line of said avenno towards the southwest corner of said lot numbered live a distance or fifteen foot, thence leaving said avenue at j" right angles and running to lot No. 6, and with ihe same to the northwest corner of said J. S. Higdan and J. R. Rhodes' let, and from thoncc to the place of beginning. y Also. ail that part of lot numbered Ave, in the same square, which I iR bounded easterly by a lot conveyed by Uriah Forrest to Botijauifei > Coomb**, on the north by lot No. (I, in said square, on the west by the Brick House on the line of the premises hereby granted ; and on tho south by Pennsylvania avenue, fronting on natd avenue fifteen (bet ft>ur inches between the sahl b<h k building and (he lot couvored by said Forest to Benjamin Cootnbos, and between tho line of naid fivfiiuo *ii<l Ivt numbered ?tx, * tUatanco of alxty eight fe.1 Hglit I Inrhr*. 1 Terms ef ?a!?: One.fburlh cash; the residue in 6, 12, and IS tnobtlu?, I willt int. rwl. seen re I by ft deed uf trust on the premium. I All conveyancing at the Cikt of the purchaser TH<R J IT-TIBI, Trustee. J. c Mouun? fctyy , Aug ST???wMLl Auctioneer* BS^-TIip above Halo is postponed in consoquenrn if the rain until Tuesday afternoon, be| ietnlier 2K, ISA*, umr hour ml Plane. TWntt J USUI R. Tiu?te? JAS. V. MttJUIM, *0?., flap IT?eokU* Aui '^ooeerv NOTK'K.?To all whom it may concern : The creditor* of I'airo A S'-nrre *re rftqneatel tq -meet on Friday, the :4th in?Unt. nt 5. p tn , in ti><* Union Aa*domy, ronuT of 14th Mrrat 'ill N>w York nvfnw Hi uio-m of t'?" utmost lmj*?rtJU?cc will !* ubmiUod to thorn, ami a full ait-ndftivf* H m?qn?wrt4d. Bv order of the committee of ^uveHtlgalion. S*?p 22OF INTF.UKnl' TO PATIENTS AND TEACHr cr* -Oieu;> e IhhiI hooti and sbiUuoery. All the h<?rk< used n p,e public eh ? li aie! private seadftnloa In the Di-trh t of Colum lU .iu<l turroiu.iiiuj ( ..uuuy. for sale at N.m Yart prto*. M ftwuaWty TAYLOR k UACRV f?p ' ?{ Hookftore, n??r 9th ?ti ~oU. "