Newspaper Page Text
HANKING IN TENNESSEE. ( Uie NaaiirlU* I/'Iimh ( H> |>l WI.J A respectable miwlier of intel^getit democrats, frum furious portions of the South, uaw-in lilcd at the Capitol oil \ cstorijay lor ilia pufou* of coo?akjog unci comparing vie vie oil (tie subjict of euirerto^. Tl?h hftetiug ?u pi I nun) in ile character, ami only intended mm u .vumilla tlou of frien.U Willi view to the general liariiioiiy ?yf tliv jiarty. l>r Nannie! Mom.-, of Hick loan, acted a? Chairman of tic meeting, and II I. I'lai borne, of Davidson, ss uncii Jury, "o w. ro highly gratified with the good f-scllng Mid spirit of conciliation which per varied the greet body of the meeting, and esjioeially with the well time! end humorous remarks of our old blend from Hawkins. After e full and fair comixtrisoii of views, the following report was adopted n* iiutiodyiiig the sense of a majority of the meeting. It la moderate and conuer vativc in torie, and we doubt not will incut the general acquiescence of our party throughout the State : THq coipuiitteg agreed ^to the following propositions for UlO UllOpUWII III HI- ~ 1. That It would be unwise policy to rochaTter any of tlio exUtirig banks. 2. That such refornis should be made hi our currency during Hie existence of the present lunks as will insure a sound circulating medium, oonvertible at oil times into gold and silver. 3. That the several 1 sinks as their respective charters shall expire should go out of existence, and such steps should be taken, consistently with the public, interest, as will secure tire liquidation of the Batik of Tennessee at the expiration of its clrarter. 8. A. SMITH, ANDREW JOHNSON, A. O. 1'. NICHOIJSUN, KDWIN A. KKKRIK, JOHN K. HOWARD, Committee. The Indlana|K)llH Sentinel says that " a distinguished statesman of one of tlio southwestern States, who had received a copy of Mr. Hendricks's speech lately published in that paper, writes : " I liavo read with much pleasure Mr. Hendricks's speech lately published in the Sentinel. If our frieuds rvuld ail follow his example, in the mode of discussing the questions involved in the canvass in the North and Northwest, we would hear no moro of democratic dissensions. Mr. H. is a fnvorite with me. 1 admiro his candor, his independence, bis soundness, and his integrity." i^yASHlNOTON TIIBATRE. I/iwms Kunket k Oo. Msuagor C. W. Taylouro. Siage Manager J. M. IStweuu. Vlrit ?|i|S'*r?ncii ut Itio celebrated ami charming young comedienne MI.-W MXGtiIK MITCUKIJ., Who u engaged but Air sit nlgbU. Mo*iiai Ktkhixu, Oclulwr 4, Tlir celebrated romantic drama (written fur the great Celeste) tunned SAT.IN IN PARIS; Or, THE MVHTKIUOl'H STRANGER. Tbo -01. 7 ' Mlsa Maggie Mitchell. Assuming Ave distinct characters. Ms'lelalno Mrs. Proctor. M'dms lie lAicoval Mrs. Muzzy. Hesinolle' Mr. Hauler. Croquet Mr. I)*w?.>n. The chuto ninl diver ling farce of THE MAID WITH THE MILKIS'O PAIL. Mllly (with songs) Miss Maggie Mitchell. 1/ird Philander Mr. Landau. AT HOLYDAY 8TRLKT THEATRE, HAI TI KOBE, Miskspesro's exquisite play of the "TEMPEST," most superbly gotten tip, is attracting crowded audiences nightly. Oct 3 11 [RtartotlatesJ Boarding and day school FOR YOUS,f' ' \ DIE*?FRENCH AST) ENUIJSH, 309 1 n el, W aNliiugton. Principal--DONALD Jb KOD, A. M , University of Glasgow. The noit academic term will begin on the second Monday of September and end on the 30th of Juno fallowing. For thorough literary and h< ieutifl . culture, aound elomontary in rtructlon, the efficiency aud success of the French department and for social advantages, It is vaflWfMMMML Every class, the primary an well a* the aonlnr, enjoys the personal supervision ot the Principal, who is assisted by three ladies of ability, experience, and the highest education. No school out of Paris possesses a purer standard of good Fronrh, or better corrective of ImvI French, in oonvureatlon and writing, or greater facilities for acquiring that lauguage. It is strengthened by iha accession of Prof. AutXANOas. MUSIC ON THE PIANO, THE Gl/ITAR, AND THE HARP taught by tho ladies of the family, offering superior advantages to duy scholars as well as hoarders. The highest class, composed of first seniors of last term, will take the range of literature and science for which they aro prepared, and will receive at tho end of tb* year diplomat or suiutblo testimonials. For further information sou circulars. Oct 3?diOw (Startoitatcs] GI'ACIOUS HOUSE, with Extensive Grounds, for LJ Sale or Relit.?Tlio rceddonco of Ulo late Major Howie, on 14tli street west, Ixtwaeu C and 1) streets south. For particulars apply on the premise*. Oct 3?Stood* New book and stationery store?Tho uudersiflriuHl ha* just returned from tho groat trade salos in New York and Philadelphia with a largo and varied assortment of European and American publication*, bought very low, and will bo1 sold cheaper than any other house in Washington. Also, a complete Mfiirtmcnl of ClimloI aivl Common School Book*, and Writing Huper, lVn?, Ink, and ororyitilug In Mia Stationery uue. Ennry (Jonrlii, Tablo and lluak OrnnmouU, fc<\, Juvenile I'icluro It ok* of *11 eoru. A great variety of Stamtnrd nod otlior German Hooka. TrinlAd and Blank Hooka, bound and rulod, to order, In t',.o boat ranuner, at roducwl prleea. All tho labial I'urlodlcali and Newspaper* supplied to auheorlberi promptly by HENRY WANBOBO, Clioap Hook and Stationery Store, No. 277 noutb ride I'enn. avenue, Oct 3?2w , between 10th and 11th at*. Nbw jewelry, watches, silver ware, Ac.?M. W. GALT A BRO. bavt Just opened their Fall supply ?s new auii elegant Jewelry, LudioaJ ami GmUlomeiCs superior Gold Watches, Silver Ware, Ac. Also, a beautiful assortment of Fans, Hair Pin*, Shell Combs, and Fancy Hand OruamonU. M. W. OAI.T A TOO., Jeweller*, Oct 1 ?Si 314 Poun. aro., botweou 9tl> and 10th sts. r'lXMM1*LOirATS-AND TOURISTS!?The adver1 tiser, a middle aged man, who is conversant with and speaks the English, French, Spanish, and Italian languages, in well educated, active, and of good morals, U uoqu&tuted with maritime affairs, has been a merchant and shipowner for several years, wisho.* particularly P> call the attention of American diplomats and tourlts, bound to tho European or South American continent, who may teed an interpreter, courier, nod coukdnbnl travelling clerk. Ho can furuish tho most unoxceptiouable references for qualification from many distinguished {rontons of ilio highest standing in Washington and Alabama. Address A. (3., Box No. 18, Mobile. Ala., or caro of the Hon. B. FiUpntiick, U. 8. S. Sop 90?dim Another hatch of new books at PHI LP'S.?The Household Book of Poetry, collected and edit d by i baric* A. liana. $ J 50. American Eloquence; a Collection of Bpoechofl and Addresses by tho most eminent Orators of America, with Biographical SkoU hes and Illustrative Notes. By Frank Moore, illu.struted with fourteen portraits engraved on srooi. 2 vols. $5. From Now York to Belhi, by way of Rio do Janeiro, Australia, and China. By Robert B. Mintuni, jr. $1 25. Rational Cosmology; or,Tlio Eternal Principles and tho Necessary laws of the Universe. By liturens P. Hickok, D. 1)., Union College. *1 75. Electron, or, The Pranks of the Modern Puck; a Telegraphic Epic for the Times. By Win. 0. Richards. 60 cents. VoHtiges of tho Bplrit; History of Man. By 8. F. Dunlap, member of Jho Amerkaa Oriental Hociety, Now Haven. 93 50. 1n? laying (f the Telegraphic Cable, with ail its Incidents and Anecdotes. By Jfthn Mntialy, otlicial historian of tho memorable expeditions, abundantly Illustrated; an authentic History for the People. 60 cents; free by mail, 09 cent*. For sale at PfiltP'8 New Bookstore, 332 Pcnn. avenue, between 9th and 10th streets. ?ep 17?If A CARD.?Edward Dolan, Merchant Tailor, sign of tho golden fleece, corner of 14th street and Pennsylvania amutio, opposite Willanls* Hotel, reaper tifully Invites the gentlemen of thin city ami its vicinity to his splendid assortment of goods for the fall and winter trade, which ho will sell cheap. His stock const*is of ail the uowHot and most ftpdiiODabfo styles of French, English, tier antoraan ciotiw, black. blue, eddied, guided olive, Uirlalblo green, mulberry, and other aliadaa. PanMleana?black and fancy docekin, with able bamle. Vraituga velvet*, silk*, and caahmere, r'.cli and beautiful for ball and parly. Hvwcuotlnga?Moaeow and Baca boarera, pllol, Caalon, and Napoleon Trloord. Alan, a inp< rb aaaortmoot of gonU' furnishing gooda of every dp. vripuoa. Sept 1??dim* "YyASHIN(JTON INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital $200,000 ! MOOC1IOU>KM INDIVIDUALLY IJAH1.F. The only eompan* In Wnnhlngton baring niich a clanso In Ita charlar. Rlakaon Imlldlng*. merchandlaa, furnitura, Ae.., taken al lha lowoat rata*. Boaldaa the actual capital of tlio company, the Individual liability elauae of Lite < barter render* the private forlnno of CO' h stockholder liable fnt loaaea. (?Qe--Corner ofPvnnaylvanla avenue and Truth etreet. mtarrcan: Wm. f. llayly, BonJ. Heall, rranela Mohun, Jama* t. Holiday, lludton Taylor, Wn Orme, Htinuel Hacon, Jnaeph Bryan, M. W. (ML N. B.?No charge made for policies. J AMI* C. UcGLHUC, Prarldent, ilaarro* |i. Hasans, Secretary. Juno '17?ly T> H. 01LLET, Counsellor at Law, has removed JLV? bla oflWw to hte rmidonce IB Franklin Itovr, corner uf K ?t.< Ti.iriwith Mrtru. Ho will onnimuo to devote hit attention principally naan in the United Ski tea Supreme Court. UctM-dtf CITY INTELLIGENCE. MMKI'INU OF TltK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. The l/olnmbinn 1'etufhtm' Aitaociatkiii hold their regit lar monthly meeting at Olc Suilthaorilan IruUUitloi ^eeterdaf ulorrtlilg. Dr. it. L. txxinlin rn)iH?t?<l i>or 1 million to ihow and explain an Instrument inverftor | by Mr. Gordon, of London. It wan a kind of pro tractor used in aurveyiitg and architecture. Hi aakod the Association to appoint a committee to re ; port uporl tho Instrument. 1'rofewtor Z. Richard irieiitloued a similar luatrdnicnt *Uieh Had Just beei |iatente<l by p. friend of Illy, and hoped the cohhrilt ! tee would be atlt>i<V**d <- .court linort TV 1/m.r.l objected to any competition or comparison ot the iiutru meats befbfe the committee. The subject was |ioatpoaet until after the oousidoratlou of the regular order. 1'rof Mucleod then made some remark* on the beet mode o teaching elocution In schools, and obeerred that then trefe four requisites to cofrefct, harmonious, and forcibb elocution, namely : let, vocal (tower of utterance ; 2d, th< ?I?-uker should unduratand and feel the exact degree o sentiment ire desire* to express ; 3d, he imwt be exclu sivoly oocupicd with the subjoct-matter expressed, ant not with mure sounds and motions ; and 4th, lie mils 1 have a cultivated taste, so as to avoid extravagance. Prof MacLeod gave some examples of reading, to illustrate hli j remark*. Mr. Wight followed with some appropriate I remarks on the same subject, and read several passage* from Campbell and other standard authors. Prof, llichardi also expressed his views, which struck us as eminently practical. lie remarked that a good reader would, it the first place, enunciate and articulato every lettei which ought to be hoard distinctly, and he would pro nounce every word accurately and with such force iti will enable all iris bearers to bear him with ease. Kec ondly, ire would re ul with such a modulation of voice emphasis, and gosturo as would make the hearer attune only to the sentiment of wliat, was read ; or, in othe: words, so as to turn the attention of tho hearer to thi mutter rather than to tho manner of reading. Such i reader or speaker is not likely to he praised or condemnet as such ; while tho si>enker who may exhibit remarkabli precision of tone and gesture may bo cAlled au orator Distinctness of articulation depends upon a proper ut tornnce of tiie vowels and consonants of a lau guage. Vowels constitute the music of oratory and tho modulation of the voice depends upon thi vowel sounds, which can bo given on every degre of tho musical scale. Consonants are required V give (V peculiar character to tho word, and to caabli tbo hearer to (listinguisli it from othcra, oh well as to d is tinguish every part of the word itself. To mako goo< readers wo must begin witii the child?begin with bin as tie begins to utter the first elementary sounds, tb first letter and the first word. At that time tho voio should bo cultivated rather than at any other period o his life. The child, at tho very first, should learn ti give tho proper utterance to all tho clcmontary sounds Ho should also l>o taught to give the proper uiodulatioi to tiie voice at the very earliest part of his education and this, as a matter of course, will bo most easily don by making him understand what ho reads. There is ai excellent Scripture direction upon that subject, which i found in the eighth chapter and eighth verso of Nelie miah : " So they read iu tho book, in tho law of God distinctly, and gavo tho sense, and caused them to un dcrstaud the reading." Prof. It. remarked that lie die not know of nny better direction than that in 'any of ou book's on oratory. Ho then spoko of the difficulty o breaking up bad habits, and the importance that thi child should commence right, and read several passage in further illustration of his remarks. I Vrcd n>?i tho first hour of tbi no-' '.,K b-J icvotccl I til-' ::V . .joci , r: nwtuced that -hi; 'his wbj.ct?h Is jKMHt! TsvunU .?>! ope* the subject *. g " and a; ' y K< ? w c > f{. also stated that no iuu .en oor.ii.uj c-ilivu fron Mr. Barnard, who was well known ns a friend of eunca tion, and who informed him that ho was about to comi to this city, and iiad consented to deliver a public lecturi upon any educational topic that might be suggested. H< would probably lie here in tho course of two or thro woeks, und duo notice would bo given of the locturo. On motion by Dr. I/>omis, a resolution was ndoptei that hereafter, ut quarter before twelve, tire discussion o literary subjects shall terminate for tho purpose of con sideriug such business as may bo presented. On motion by Mr. Wight, a resolution was adopted to the appointment of a committee of three to examine th< protracting instrument of Mr. Gordon, exhibited to thi association by Dr. Loomis, and also any similar instru ment that may tic brought to their notice ; and that thi committee prepare and present to Mr. Gordon their opin ion, as the opinion of tho association, on the absolute o relative merits of this instrument, provided that this ar rungement be satisfactory to Mr. Gordon. The Chairman stated that ho would appoint the com inittco at some future time, not. being prejmred to an nounce it now. The association then adjourned until the first Satur uay in novemutsr. xuunu rawungs are quite lnioreHiiug and are largely attended not only by tho teachers of oui public schools, but by others who feci an interest in tin cause of education. Tiro discussions are conducted in i friendly spirit, and the information elicited cannot but lx of great benefit to all present; whilo the examples anc Illustrations in elocution give variety and add a rest tc the exercises. Cm OsmNAKCM.? During tho past woek tho Mnyoi has affixed his official signature to acts of tho following nature : An act regulating tho solo of poisons, which prohibih any druggist or other person to sell or give away, except upon the prescription of a physician, or the ]>ersona] application of a responsible white person of full age, any articlo of tnedicino belonging to tho class of {rolsons ; and in all cases whore such articles are sold under the above resttictions tho word "poison" Bhall be marked thereon, and also a death's head and crosslwncs, except in ease* of physicians' proscriptions, and the druggist shall kce(i in a register the name, age, sex, and residence of the person obtaining the poison, the name and quantity of the article sold or given away, with the day and date of tho sale, and the purpose for which said poison was required. The penalty for a violation of the above provisions Is not less than ten nor more than twenty dollars. Joint resolution for the appointment of a committee to inquire into tho guhjoet of establishing a house of correction or refuge. Act making appropriations for the removal of offal, sloiw, Ac. Act increasing the rates of license on taverns, so as to charge two hundred dollars for taverns where thero are more t.lmo one hundred and less than two hundred rooms, and three hundred dollars for those containing two hundred rooms or upwards. Act extending the water-pipes from the north woat cor nor of E street north and Fourteenth street west to tho southeast corner of D street north and Fourteenth street west. Act appropriating two thousand dollars to continue tho improvement on H street north, from North Capitol street to Boundary street. Act to trim and grade Connecticut avenue and N street, north, at their intersection with Fourteenth street west. Act making an appropriation of one hundred dollars to fit up a room for tho assessors. Act making an appropriation of three hundred dollars to supply a deficiency in the contingent fund of the Roanl of Aldcrinon, caused hy tho repairs to the Aldermen's chamber. Acts for the relief of the monitors of tho Northern Liberties Fire Company, and for the relief of Poter Kmrlck, Charles R. Queen, .Samuel Stateup, and Richard II. (Mult. Tn Alarm o? Fibr yesterday About one o'clock wag | occasioned by the burniuir of a chlmnev In the First I ward. Tin W ami inctom Tumat** -For the pMt ?ock Mtn 1 Coombs ban cuntend<?l for the approbation of our oitUeiu, mid no meagre share of it Inw been her rewutl. Almost unknown iu tkc city, and almost untried, with but the 1 experience afforded by her lirief engagement in New York, [ she encountered difficulties which surely might have apj pallet it stouter heart than hem. But, full of her high . purpose, arid codactoufl of her brilliant natural abilities, she entered upon her engagement certain of suteesa If she could but gain the attention of the public. Every onfc b knows how difficult it is to obtain an audience for a new 1 t coutestant for histrionic honors, and a hen it is recollect j bd that Miss Ooooiba was announced to make her dtbut as s Constance, in the ''Love Chase," it will readily be ad- | uiittod tliat her Jiffiuulties were ratlier increased than di- j j . .........V .. ?M? ?u?j jn;? 1VIm?uw u?oi, wo IIUUU riiwir i than true declare that they were moot agreeably disap( |>olnted. It is true that she has faults, but they are mere | u faults of style, and can easily be overcome by constant j application. It is rather by the trutb/ulncai with which j 0 she represents the puasions tliat she succeeds than by a f close attention to the minute appliances of her art, whioh J add so much to t{ie general effect. Having acquitted her- I 1 self well in the i ntimation of the public, Bhe was oncour- , ( aged to higher effort, and appeared successively as Julia in the "Hunchback," lady Gay Spanker in "Uoadon Ast surance," lady Teazle in tho "School for Scombri," and \ Liianca in the "Italian Wife," with increasing confidence, ; ( and with a visible improvement In her style and reading : hat was highly gratifying to her new-made friends and admirers. Should she return to Washington and again tread the Irourds of our b\jou of a theatre, she may he sure r of a worm welcome and a packed house to pay oourt to her gathering honors. To-inorrow evening tho admirers of sprightly acting may be fully gratified by Miss Maggie Mitchell, a beautiful and sparkling young comedienne, whoso witchery and j joyous alttuulon of style have won many triumphs tirroughout the Union. Miss Mitchell resembles in style Miss 3 folly Marshall, though possessing perhaps more refirtok merit and finish than that able actress, together witli j the superior advantages of youth and great personal , charms. Miss Mitchell, or "Our Miiggio," her familiar ntul>riqucl with tiro press of tho South anil West, possesses rare versatility, sings with taste and effect, anil dances with the grace and dash of a finished artiste. Her intro.1.1,..flr.,,1 n* ill Wi In - - Il.r ........ nil.. .1 J " "** * V4.1U11I., u termed " Satan in 1'aiis"?one of tho great Celeste's faB vorito and most effectIvo plays?and the chaste farco of B " The Maid with tire Milking Pail." 0 Potomac Watu.?At the last session of Congress an 1 act was passed giving the Commissioner of Public 4 Buildings and Grounds the entire control of all streets and avenues which were improved, in whole or in part, e by the general government. This, of course, leaves tho I pavements in charge of the mayor. Within tho lost few ( days that officer lias been applied to by Bevoral cltiisens for permission to tAke up the pavemonts so that they can ^ lay pipes to briug the water to their residences. Iu every instanco these applications have beon refused on tho B ground that there is lack of authority, inasmuch as there k has been no express legislation on tho purt of Congress, g and tho rights of tbc city have not been clearly defined. Such permission, in our opinion, could only bo regarded as great discourtesy, and, looking at the question in an' other light, if this work should bo commenced now, I would not the introduction of the water itself bo greatly retarded ? In view of tho great interests at stake, wo aro glad to learn that positive orders have bceu issued to tho B police to require, in every instance whero the pavements s are being taken up, an exhibition of tho authority upon which the work is done, and we feel confident that these p orders will bo Strictly enforced. At the recent municipal election, when the question 1 .Vf'i"; to whether or not Up > would hike the necessary u -"inures to reap the bt ie- i ! fits within their reach, ?umr perfect ItidiflnsuM war 1 j j plainly manifest in tji* smailiMts of Dui vote which was ! 1 polled. TheChMtgf that ha* i pines in their feolugs 1 | since then is highly, ? ,i. p,.. } diction that when tho question is again submltted'to thorn for their action, we will have an expression of opin? ion tliat cannot be mistaken. 3 ? t j ad Iron.?The Alexandria Gazette mentions tlie arrival at that port, via the canal, of about six hundred tons of iron, rail, from the Mount Bavogo Iron Works, near Cumberland, Maryland, for the Orange and Alexandria railroad. We are highly gratified (says the Gazette) that our railroad companies are beginniug to look to the furnaces of our own, instead of those of foreign countries, for their supply of rails. The fact that railroad iron manufactured in our own country has a toughness and durability not found in the imported article, should commend it everywhere to railroad companies. The cheapness of the imported article has doubtless operated to induce its purchase from abroad, but whether to tho advantage of the purchasers may well bo questioned. We trust that tho time is near at hand when all the manufacturing and industrial interests of our country will receive that aid from the general government -of which they are in such need, and which ' would at once plocs them in a position to cope with foreign manufacturers. I*>t this aid be granted, and tire homo demand will be supplied from our own labor at such prices?all things considered?as the consumer can J well afford to pay. ' A mm it at Robukrt.?Ou Friday night la?t, about elovcn o'clock, a young man was attacked by two negroes near the corner of E and Thirteenth streets, who attempted r to seize his watch-chain. Being possessed of great activi> ty and strcnth, lie proved more than a match for his as, sttilants, one of whom turned and llod, whilo tho other ' was secured and placed in tho hands of the watchman. * These black fellows have their haunt? in and about th# liquor stores and other tenements between the ruins of tiie old National Theatre and tho corner of Thirteenth ' street. Do our police officers ever look in that locality to 1 soe what is going on f It has been termed the "Five Points" of Washington. i Skoond Pbrsbttrrian Ohiiroii.?Itev. Moses D. llogue, D. D., of the Old School Presbyterian church, Richmond, i Virginia, has accepted the invitation of tho Second Presbyterian church in this city, on New York avenue, to become their lias tor. We learn that in taking this position, it is with tho vinw of ultimately taking charge of the metropolitan church, which D to be built on E street, opposite llcv. Mr. Samson's church. Tier. Mr. Eckard will occupy the pulpit to-day, as heretofore. Georuwtown Coll tin.?ltov. Mr. Early, of Baltimore, is named am the successor of Rev. B. A. Mug 11 ire in the presidency of the col lego Wo hope that his administration of the duties of that office may ho as successful and , satisfactory as that of his predecessor. Thi Obstkuotioki.?Wo are glad to see that the police are carrying out in good earnest the ordinance of tho corporation In respect to stalls, Ac., on the public reserve- I tions. Last evening the book stand opposite tho Centro Market was completely demolished by the officers. ] Anothwi Rkmotal.?Tlic mayor was compelled yester- ' ! day, in the perforrtianoo of his duty, to remove Mr. Thos. 8utton, one of the auxiliary guard, upon the chargo < j of intoxication. This rule is imperative, and no viola- j ! tion of it will bo permitted to pass unpunished. Reunions.?Tho congregation of tho church of the , Ascension, Rev. Dr. Pinkney, rector, have miulo arrange- 1 i incuts to occupy old Trinity church building, on Fifth ' i street, until tho repairs on their own edifice arc com- j ? plcted. j ( New Hook Hroaa.?Henry Wanborg-has just opened a i * new book and stationery store at No. 277 Pennsylvania ' t avonue, between Tenlh and Eleventh streets, south side, j ( lie bos got a good assortment nfl>ook? tioth KnstWh and Oeiinan, nn<l also a variety of fancy good*, and offers liix . ' j stock at low prices. Give hiin a call. Ax An*,-Yesterday afternoon, considerable diatur bauco wan rroaUxl in the tear of Browns Hotel, by a [>*r tjr of United Status marines wb<> bad Iwvome Intoxicated. Tiui police, however, soon interfered for tbe restoration of order, and the marine* were arretted, and, after a bearing before Justice Di nn, sent to jail, where they will have ample time to repent of their disorderly conduct. It may be, however, that that la but a foretaste of the pun hhineut lit store for them. Si '-'-tU i-UJ! J- - ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. Browns' Hotel. J V faker ft larty, Oeorfta Wra H Jones, lady, ft J children. M 1. lieu* wrla lit, M Inula, Mo MoMte, Ala < Tbo# Ward, W?etrwni Mua J Hofcaoa, Worth (JaroUna r li. dark, Now Orleans Mabl A llariiaun ft lad/, Alaliaiua fl J CiirtW, Tlrflnia Joo H Van lew, lad} , child, ft Mh? Tafiof, iMiUmoro tervtiil, Rtchinund CW Joseph Alston, Charleston, tiC Tbos 1 Minus, Nsw Ortaaoa A Wilkinson, lyiM A Darby A lady, Kua#*UvlU*, My (Visa V lagay, Now Orleans Ju I* Ilainerou, Susfamruto, CsJ (1 W UvCny k My, N ChroUna / g Lnwte, do 4 Mr* Webb, do Dr Andrews, 0*org1* Klrkwood Houie C PifX* Maryland J P Durftiy MUMmr* J <: 1>?wA.rd, New York W M HuU, Unorgut W H llillda, do Jotiu V Cabok, Philadelphia M llociaUbsrgur, Pennsylvania John M Meage, Tanneassc C K Btake, Maryland Win A Ibrrk, Jr, Missouri C J Hudson, Mi??aehusntU II B dalboue, V 8 N I, N U? *11, Now York Mr* U M Lewi*, My, * child ' J Thornton, Virginia National Hotel. \V Brady, Philadelphia Clus* L Culnmau, YJcksborg, Mis* W lApelt-y, Maryland Mro Mitchell, Now York T K Primyn, do Mm* Maggie MKohell, do ,1 II Kobinauu, Ueorgct Reuben Hog load A lady, PetcrsJamas T Tludlo, South Carolina hurl, V* H ii I >u u can, do Miss Mary K Rag laud, do Tiloo M Hart, do Mies Ida Raguuid, do KSlaw, Now York Miss RoMHaglaad, do iiou K H Hart, do Mia* Hotly Peru, do Chas MiugurlH'nnrr, Alabama J Lugair, child, A servant, Cbrld(ion I. Paddock, lllinol* ton John Burroughs, Maryland Mian Maria Logalr, Charleston I. little, Troy, NY P V Ibsulel, Jr, Klobinoud, Va Judge Bronchus, Missouri M A (Kara, lady, k aorvant, New J .1 Wool A lady, England Jersey "* lr United States Hotel. ij Hoaloy Smith, South Carolina H B Williams, Ballnuoru J W litmus, Virginia W I. Pickett, Virginia H Whiting, do John a Kangley, Now York J P WllHama, Illinois W V Clarke, do Tho* A Monday, do John Johnaon, Mississippi Win A b-uoir, Louisiana A H Cols, Virginia Joseph R Fisher, Philadelphia James CTaylor, 0 A A R R Jamos J Chancellor, Hal Imoro W II Lilly, Now Orleans II Helton, do O A Brand, do Kdm Uriah, Vlrgtna SALE OF VALUABLE COTTON PLANTATIONS AN1> BIJIODEIl BTtlCK I?I will soil on accommodating terms several vulutihlo cotton plantations in Dallas and Perry counties, Alshama, all of which arc now lo a high slate of cultivation. Also, aonie small tracts of from two hundred and fifty to fbur hum dred acros each, isirtlons of every tract In cultivation. Possession will he given to Ibc purchasers on tho lit of January next. These lands are all sltuatod near Uio "Solma and Mississippi Rivers railroad," and arc equal In fertility to any land In the world. Also, several Improved and unltnprovud town lots and small tracts of land in aud adjoining Seliua, Including several handsomely lin proved and conveniently-situated private residences, with large lots attached to them. Tho'-race traok" tract adjoining Solma, of70acrca, will be laid off into two, and one half, and flve-acro lots, each lot fronting upon a broad street. Tlds will enable purchasers to purchase, for residences or gardens, largo or small lots, as they may desire. 1 will also soil sixty or aeveuty head of thorough bred racing stock, of tho best .blood, ainoug which are several flne stallions, brood inarus, miles, and colls ; also, Uiecelubratcd stallion "Brown Dick tho best race horse In tile South. The above stock will be exhibited for sale at the races at Montgom cry, Ala., In Novomhcr next. Persons wishing to |uirchaso will find It to tholr Interest pi come aud sec Immediately. Any debts or liabilities of tho late Col. Thornton B. Uoldsby will be received In payment Ihr Iho purchase of any of tho above properly. tieorgo Uoldsby, esq., will show this property lo all who may dc ciru kj purvuaae. For information refer lo Minsrs. Byrd k Morgan, of Solum, tad to Motor! Brook* & (iarrott, of Marlon. If till* properly shall not bo sooner disponed of at private nolo, it will, together with a largo amount of other personal properly, ho <old at miction to the highett bidder in tho clly of Solina, on the tint day of January next. BEN. EDWARDS GREY, Trustee, lie. Ski * a Ala., Sept. 17, 1858. Sop 78 ?'am HE-MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OK MEW YORK. *> M .a. *, 1858 95. Secured In Stata rxMilU am! mof ;ag?g of (trtt >-|>w. Kfodortea S. VOmitor. praaVteio i>*?- Ahtww, iteere'jtry. A. Y. I', tjarru-tt, M. l> , pxam.ulng pby-.louw, ASS Nmlh vtrcet. liMMth-l i'l <> and fti Utai',.on may ob'.e.ucst ,Bo olliris of UiAJ.I>'-'' HE RfXl'FV, Agrtx, j'alii# SKF-'aWBH* - Ko. 401 Bertmih atcv.1 CARPETING, FLOOfl OIL ULUT11, 111, lull,. tings, Druggets, C'urtuUi Maleriult, and House furnishing Dry <liK>dg,?ueli a<t? Velvet tape*try carpeting*, new detlgn* Tapestry Brussels do lu great variety New style* Brussels do super quality Extra-heavy 3-ply do very rich Extra bii|ht ingrain do new pattern* Very heavy all-wool Dutch carpeliug* Twilled Vciiithtn carpeting for liall* and step* Velvet and Brussels do do do Full sheets extra hoavy and very rich floor oil-cloth*, cut to lit any elxo or ahape room, liall, or passage Mosaic, velvet, and tuflod rug* and mats Cocoa and Canton mattings 13-4,14-4, 19-4 drugget crumb cloth* English druggets, alt widths, by the.yard Very richly-embroidered laco curtain* Satin lalnes, brocatel*, and reps for curtain* White, buff, blue, and green shade linen* Stair rods, curtain fixture*, he. Having attondad HADAN h 00.'8 great Carpet Auction, which took place in New York on the 4th and 5lli Inst., wo aro now prepared to odor greater Inducement* than can he afforded under ordinary circumstance*. rurchMer* aro rovpoctfully invited to an examination of our stock. HOOK BRO. h CO. Aug 18?dif rpullTLES! X TURTIBJ11 TORTUS 11! AT LLOYD'S AT LLOYD'S AT LLOYD'S National rxnbw'xaxt, Natioxal i'.hhtai-BAirr, N'atioxai Rkstacxaxt, Southeast corner of 7lh and E stroet* * Served up In Soup and Steak* every day at 11 o'clock, a. m. M^-Ordcrs from fnmiUc* promptly attended to.- g4 h^-Real Uvc Oeecn Turtles alwsy* on hand. %4t July 18 eotf A special card.?i beg to inform the public llmt 1 shall still continue Itio piano, music, anil musical Instrument business the same as usual at Coomb's Mel...Iron Hall, (IIrcclly opposito my olJ store. In a few woeks I hope to open at tny old place with a large, line, now store, whore, with increased facilities and fresh euorgies.I hope to merit a continuation of their favors. llanos for sale,rent, exchange, Ice., as usual. JOHN F. EIJJS, No. 309 I'eno. avenue, between Dili and 10th streets. Bopt 24?d Extension of the "new rook store."? KHANKIJN PIIII.P respectfully Informs his friends and the public that extensive alterations and Improvements in the construotiisi of the store sro now completed. In addition to a Urge and re cootly-selcclod stis'k of Ant-class stationery, American and F.uropean hooka, ho lias established a tine art gallery, (at the rear of the store,) where will be round the latest novelties In art, and all tho 'ouvontoncos ofa public reading room, the leading European Journals be Ing regularly recelrod. F. I'hllp having correspondent* In most of tho European cltlos is pre|atred to execute foreign ordors on most ndvantageous terms, and, from lung exiwrtence In Knglaud and Amerlr^ feels contldent in tho satisfactory elocution of all orders Intrusted to his care. FRANKLIN cniLP, nooksoller and PliiUoner, Aug g?It 032 I'enn. ar., between 9th and IOth street*. 17V)R RENT?On Lufayottn or I'roHidont'h Square * the dwelling known as (be Club Mouse. In also, situation, and convenience this is one of tho most desirable residences In Ibis city. Apply to Opt JOHN RODGFJW, Pop SO?dtf No. 260 O street, corner of lTth. CHOK E ENGRAVINGS AT I'HILP'S.?A eoleclion of ronmrkubly Hno Engraving*, plain ami colored, Crayon Studio*, Photographs, kc. Just imported by KRaNRLIN rnn*I\ Ilookaollor and Stationer, <kl 1 332 I'ann. av*., bet. 9th and 10th atroet*. WANTED.?Aii ugent to transact the busineRH snd lake charge of Hie City Office of the Mount Olivet feme lery on tho Dladenahurg Turivpiko. Good reference* will ho required and aecnrlty by bond A liberal alary will be given. AppNoatlona in writing will be received at 8t. ['atrtck'* Church until the 2<t of next month. Aug. 24?dtf U Q. C. I.AM A R. o. n. MOTT. J. L. AOIKT. LAMAR, MOT! & AUTRY. Attorneys-at-Law, Molly Springs, Miss., will praclioe In the High Court of Errors ind Appeals st Jackson ; the Federal Court at Pontotoc ; the Oourt* of he 7th Judicial District cf Mississippi ; and will attend to tho roleotlon of Claims thronghoot North Mississippi. Peps 18-.dtf ro NATIVES OF THE NORTHERN AND EA8Tern States, who annually call on lis fur " white Shaker flannel," shite sud grey " Shaker net and lamb's-wool half hose," and " Sha rer flannel elurts and drawers," trill llnd onr it. ck full and ample in tilths above fabrics ; with a vast and comprehensive slock of all itber 11 ret class Atunrioan and European fabrics, adapted for general md family wants. Our northern snd eastern correspondents Mud ns new supplies Islly. One price only, marked in plain flgures ; hence no purchaser Is deteived, A vlstttoour establishment from strangers and residents solicited ; t incurs no obligation to purchase. We are is.1 ope log any new accounts ; all bill* presented monthly or payment In cash. Mood articles, low prices, anil lair dealing may be relied on In all waoa. PERKY k BROTHER, IIC.KIMI Ul/,r... < u ..I l,,i,l,lt?ir S*l> 28? lOUf ~ oppoat*~Centrc'iurk'oi. I NEW PUBLICATIONS. ANEW EDITION.-The I\>Iitic?l Text-Book, or Kucytlopedla, ouutaiulug uvemlilun u-sSMaary fur III" rvfm umm of tUu poltll i,uv Mil (lon-amen uf tli- t'iilti.1 Htnle*. IMtt-al by M W. Clunky. laieUauatw uf Uio Uuum uf kcpreaottUiM'iM. t I rge volume. Price (3. JlUt received, and for ?aln nl TAYLOR k MAIHYK, Oct 3 334 ISiiiu arouuc HOUSEHOLD EDITION OF THE WAVSRLY NoveM.?"The TalUtaaa." 2 \ulutnee, cloth 31 60. Juuraey Hue Norlli 31. Hr Waller Kaleigk. $1 24 1* aud Around Staluboul; by Mr. Kdinitnd Hornby IX 24. JuM received at laVIOK k MAURYU, (hd S~3t 334 Paua avenue SUNDAY LIST OF NEW BOOKS AT FHILr'8.? Hit hard Uraut White'* edition or "TV Wurka at William tjnuk* IKiare," 12 rota., 4 vol*, publlahed fl 43 per voiumu Tbo K. N. Pepper Paper*; Illustrated ff Korea! life lu Norway and Sweden; by Rev. Henry Nawlaml. 40 cent*. law and iaaryora; by Archer Puiaoa. 26 cent*. Cleveland'* Compendium of American literature 21 T6. KRANK1JN PHILPfl N*w Booketore, Oat I 332 I'eun. nr., bet. Vih and lotb at*. Medical students may u ?uppij?d with ?n the Medical Hoot* useil In tb* College* or Waahington and tieoigotown, *1 Philadelphia price*, by FRANKLIN PHII.P, Bee*-oiler, 332 Penti av., between nth and 13th street*, Oct 3 Where Catalogue* can be bad on application NEW JUVENILE BOOKS. - Mln aud Charlie, er A Wook'a Holiday at My dale Rectory; price 40 cent* losing the Way, Jerry M. Parker ; 40 cent*. Tlie Mirage of life prloe 30 nenta. in- rortoise-sheii tomb ; price uuoaul*. Walter Binning, the Adopted Am; or llluslralioua ?f I he Ixird'a Prayer, by A. H. A. K., author uf True lltwutam ; VIA cwll. Nanny Thorn, or the lluuto In tliu Pantry , price 30 coutt. Tlie Life of Bishop Itavoncroft, by John N. Norton, A. M. ; prico 30 oeuU. Bessie Melville, or Pmyer Book Instructions; TAceuU. The Utile Episcopalian, by M. A. C.; 02 cento. For sale by 111 ANCIURI) A Mini UN. Oct t Corner of 11th street and Peiw. av. ? LA.MARTINE?Jleloiso ot Abehtrd, I vol. Paris; 1A oenta. lauuurttuc- Gutenberg, luventeur da ITmprimerie, 1 vol. INtrl* , IS genu. Mouselgrat l/> Cld Gampoador, 1 vol. Pari* ; IS conn. Conjuration do Cinq Marl, 1 vol. Paris ; 1A cents. Asaualuat du Marcrhal il'Aucre, 1 vol. Paris; 1A coule. Keguard lx> Joueur, 1 vol. Pari* ; 15 cents. In 1/egorde du Hienheureuz, Charles lo Bon, 1 vol. I"arla ; 15 cents. U'a Arlequinadea do Kloriau, 1 vol. I'arla ; 15 oonts. Histoiro do Iljouder do Pecheor, 1 vol. Parle ; 15 conte. Saint Felix?Avoulures de Caghostro, 1 vol. Paris 30 coots. laraarilne-^Grar.lolla, 1 vol I'arla ; 30 cents. Ismartlno?Chrlstopho Oolomb, 1 vol. Paris ; 30 cents. lamnrtino?Fennlon, 1 vol. Paris ; 30 cents. Corue?lo Cardinal Kloholiou, 1 vol. Paria ; 30 cents. Corno?lo Cardinal Ma sarin, 1 vol. Paris ; 80 cents. Oct a FRANCS TAYUiR. A MIRACLE OF CHEAPNESS.?The Three-Levy Bihln ; elegantly bound In arabesque gilt edges. English edition. For sale at HHIU"H New Bisikatore, Oct. 2 333 Pennaylvnulu avenue, between kilt and 10th ats. Anew humorous book. The K. N. Pepper Pa|>era, (Illuatratod,) 1 volume bound In cloth fl. Extract from contents; Biographical; Oad on a Weelbnror, In 2 parts; Conflict: Alegaltor and Worter Hiiaik, Astronomy?a lecture; .Soliloquy; Adroaa to a Herd onto the fena; Pome; A noad to the Urek Mlalv; A I.ytell Geste of lsiwrys Clarke; To tho AiDgel aa u gone Hanah (Jane; Fre nolig ov the Hevlna (with painting;) On the Clam; To an Ekllpe; A Grate Kpik; Terkle; Pete?an arerlj |k>iuo (for length;) A noad to the Oomeck, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac. The numer ous laughter-provoking verses of this well known humorous and sparkling American writer, which, ao widely copied, liavo ao often convulsed the reader, aro here collected in book form, and make a more attractive volume than lias been issued in many yeara. Just received at PHIIJ"8 Now Bookstore, Out 2 332 Ponnsylvania av., between 6th and 10th sis. BESSIE MELVILLE; or Prayer Book instructions carried out Into Lifo. Anequol to "The Utile Episcopalinu,'' by M. A. C. Tho Revival System and tho The Paraclete ; a aeries of articles from the Church Journal. For salo by BLANCHARI) A 1IOUUN, Oct 1 Corner of 11th streol ami I'enu. avcaue. BOHN'S STANDARD LIBRARY. Dobti'i Classical <1o Uohn's Antiquarian do Holm's llluatralcd do Holm's Hcioutlllc do Bohn'a Philological do Bohn's Ecclesiastical _ do Bohn's British Claaalc do Oimnlcte sola of the above IJbrarv Series nlwars Kent on hand at PBILP'S New" Bookstore, '3i IV .i.ej vnr.fs aronua, between ?th and lwi. I I QTffPXlENS'a NEW *f?we* YR?K?**?vWf. | i. lT*) >.?m day '? *)K?'ivtxl IU' b-.<A f twin Imptelut'.: V 'olflMl.~Py-^ii<iiin Ji'ti'u. ' ' Krnry Stephen*, F. It. S K., author ?, - . . V. Complete in one handsome volume, royal 8vo.; embulll-hed wiui .... .. plntos, beautifully ongraved ou stool, by lJair*. iuflf morocco, gilt back, $10 50 Uritiitli Cntuloguo of llooks. Cumpletlon of Index to the British Catalogue of Hooks. Published In (iroal Britain during the years 1837 to 1857, Inclusive. Comptlod by Sampson I5>?r. 1 volume,royal 8vo. Half morocco, $8 50. Tills im|sirlant and vatuablo work, the product of many years' untiring Industry and devotion to the pursuit, will lie fonud of tlio greatosl use to the trade, librarians, and all persons Interested In literature, as It displays in one volume all tho piiblloattuna of the last twenty years. Arranged In one alphabet, and claaalllod according to subjects, A separate supplement comprises full and comprehensive lists of the publications or learned societies, printing clubs, and other lite rary associations, nnd the contents of various collections, series of " libraries," &c FRAXKIJN PHILP, Bookseller and Stationer, Bop 30 * 331 Pcnn. nv., bet. 8th and 10th etrocts. L 9 AMOUR COM ME IL EST. Par Aranne HouhFsye. 1 vol. Paris, 1858. 30 cents. La Penelope Nurntardc. Par Alphonse Karr. 1 vol. Paris, 1858. 30 cents. Un Malheur Complet. Par Fred. Soullo. 1 vol. I'aris, 1858. 30 cents. Oentea et Nouvellea. Par Emtio I/mvcatro. 1vol. Paris, 1858. 80 cents. Blancht-Acttr. Par Paul Feval. 1 vol. Paris, 1858, 30 cents. IA 1'lau do Chagrin. Par Balzac. 1vol. Paris, 1858. 30 cents. Mademoiselle Rosallnde. Par Saint Felix. 1 vol. I'aris, 1858. 30 cents. Helene. Far Mine. Chas. Rcybaud. 1vol. Paris, 1858. SO cents, log Iktmntos de I.'Indo. I'ar Mery. 1 vol. Paris, 1858. 30 cents. Conies do* Montagnos. Par Alfred Michiel*. 1vol. I'aris, 1858. 30 conte. 1a Rose Blanche Par Isiuls Knanlt. 1 vol. Paris, 1658. 80 cents. Monsieur Cnpldon. Par Ch. Monselet. 1 vol. Perls, 1858. 30 cents. FRANCK i AYUJIt. Bep 30 J>R0P08ALS FOR SHAFTS. u. 8. capirot knmox and waiwnwto* Aqitoift oftics, Washington, September 80th, 1868. SEA1.KD PR0P06AJS will l>? received at this office until the f urth day or Deoembsr next, at noon, for furnishing, on the groutldi of tht Extension or tho Capitol, one hundred Shaft# for tho columns of tho exterior porticos of that building. Tito dimensions aro *? follows : One hundred shaft#, including the oppor torus of tho base : each hart to bo tvronty-Avo font two and ono-eighth inches in ho:ghl from tho bottom of said torus to the top of tho upper astragal. The diameter of the torus or bottom piece of shnftto bo three foot noven and llvo-eighthx inches ; tho diameter of tho shaft abovo tho base to be throe foot, and at tho nock bolow tho capital two foot six and one-eighth inches ; and tho diameter of tho upper astragal to be two foot c.Iovim-aTid'fiRvoii-ciuliLhfi inches. Those aro tho nett dimcn sinns uf tlio work when finished. AH the blocks to be ecsbblnd round to dimensions, and to be froc from all dcfeoti which would mako blemishes In the finished column* Tbo above shaft* to bo of w bite American marble, similar In color, grain, and compotdlion to ibat lined In the exterior of the CMpttol Fix tension. which comer from near l.eo, llaarachusett*. very proposal should bo accompanied with a block al least one cubic fbot In else, as a specimen of ihe marble offered. This spool men will be submitted to proper chemical and mechanical tests before being accepted for llio work. The proposal* should slate the time within which tho marble will be delivered, and should be accompanied by a written guarantee, algned by ouo or more rnaponslble persons, to ths effect that he or tliey undertake that Ihe bidder or bidders will, If hla or their bids bo aeeeptod, enter Into so obligation within ten days, with good and auffl cienl securities, for the completion of tha work undertaken ; said guarantee to be accompanied by the certificate of tbe fulled State* District Judge, United HI*tea District Atlnrney, Navy Agent, er some officer of tho genersl government or Individual known to tha engineer or Department of War, that the guarantors are able to mako good their guarantee. The United .States resarve* the right to reject any or all bid* net deemed advantageous, and to maka other arrangement* for procuring the marble. lYoposals will be received for furnishing the shafts either In single blocks or in blocks of not leas than fbur feet In length, and ths number of shaft* offered in single blocks or In pieces, respectively, should be slated. Proposal* will be opened In this offlo* si noon of tbe 4th December next, In the presenoo of bidders who may r.hooss to be present. By order of the Secretary of War: M. C. MEIGS. Oept . of Engineers, In rharga of U. 8. Capitol Extension. FORM Of A GUARANTEE To Csrr. M. C. Msros, U. fi. Engineers. Ws the undersigned, residents of , ths Nets of ?>? . hereby, totally sod severally, covenant with the United Nates, snd guaranty, til ease the foregoing bid of- .. he accepted, ilint he or they will, within ten days after the acceptance of ihe said lild, execute the contract for the same. with good and sufficient sureties, to perform the work or furnish the articles propo* ed, In oonformlty to the terms of the advertisement under which It | >u m?d? Ami In cam the nld thall (All to color Into contract IU> afbreaaM, ?f guaranty to make good the difference between the offer by the Mid ? ?nd tho next I oweet bidder. A H C ? I hereby certify that In the beet of my knowledge and belief the above named guarantor* are goad and ?nfflclent. (Ait 1 aodtd * K V BAY 0Y8TEH8 arc nerved up at C. Haulier'a Saloon daily. Oct 1?1 wood AUCTION SALES. V Hjf .1 AS. C. MvOUlKK A. Co., Auctioneers. rEXCELLENT PVRNITl HE AM) HOUSEHOLD J tllwU ul public aw i.. ii. (Mi M?u<t.iy i,i..ruing, lib, at 10 u chub, el ilm r?'?iU?ntr ol Mr* Kllm lake, on ISiunaJ Iviuu avuuw, lutuwH M and 3d tlrmla, w? (hall anil all ;hc fumrturo and oirocti cumprfcrtugTliroe nnUtugiiur and aalnat Kreuch *u:?* Mahogany ruaOcra, arm and parlor ctie.m Walnut and mahogany cratra and akin Utile* (lilt rrame WXrrora limngaa, oaaa-art* cSairs ItemlTtag, mite*, and hbrary *0*irs Kiteoalua dnuay lalitaa, kM rack llrnaatng and plain bureaud, oafdwBaa Ueilalaada, maUrcaara, bolatofd, and piHawa Waebataada, lid let aeu loofetaggtaoaa ii *u far la, LUukaW, <|U1IU . . j , liainaak on rial Da, trmduw ahada* Parlor and chamber carpela, oilcloth Cooking aad other ptnvaa T? ;ethcr wiUi a feoeral aaaortuaat of kitchen raquutw Taima : B36 aud under, oaeh ; oyer Ibat auin, a cradil id 1,2. S, and 4 moiilba, Air uotra aatii-fn. loi ily ondoraad, Imarlnk iuli nd. i. C. McUt'lftK It OK., Bap ??d Auctioneer* By J. V. cSUIRR*OO.l AuctioM?r>. Handsome family carriage, pair of bay carriage hornaa, haruana, Ac ?On fiieaday foaming. IMubar 5th, at 11 o'ciMk, la Inmi of tbe auottao hmmim, wo shall null for acoount of a part) about to leave fur EuropeA hanilaome roomy ftnntiy carriage, with ea'eche top Pair at excellent bay carriage horses HtlTar-moautad harness, covers, robe, canehiuan's coat, whip, jack, Ac., Ac. Terms: One third cash, the residue In two and four months, with iutereat, satisfactorily endorsed. J AH. C. Mctil IIUC. A to., Sep M -d A uctt. steers. By J AH. O. MvOUIRB At CO., Auctioneers. ttnreserved hale of three small and lj vailtahle aqusroa (8 ground ?On Tuesday afterioeai, October 'uu, at A <> clock, at tliu niuhou rooms, we sluill sell to the highest bidders the following wry valuable real estuie In WiwhlrifUm Hquara No. 30T. fronting rospectirnly on Vermont avenue, north 8 atroal. aad Twelfth Hired west, and vaiUlntug 30,700 square root. Square No .334, fronting 011 Vermont avenue, north Tstreet, and Kiev ruth street west, and cuutaliiing 11,428 square ft-el Theae two aquarisi are handsomely located in Hie northern part of the Second ward, which u ra|iUtI) improving in lliat direction Also, square No. 027, fronting respectively no New Jersey a veuve. North E street, and hirst street west, in Mm immediate viohdty of'be Hallrond Ilepot, and contains 8 286 aquare feet of ground, nin perfect. Terms : <>ue-fourth eaah , the reafduo la all, twelve, and ahthtcin months, with interest secured by n deed in trust on the prpmlm-d; J AS. C. NeOinKK A 00., Sept 22?eod Auctioneers [No. 616.] 8ale? of Public IsAndd In tbe State of LouiaiaitaIn pursuance of law, it is hereby declared that public salsa will be held, as made known III the notion of IKjstponemont, daled May '27lh, 1858, ut tlic undermentioned land at dco in the HUta of Louisiana, to wit: At the land nlhoc ut Monroe, eommanclng on Monday, the 20th day ofHeptomber next, for the dls|swal of llie public lands, heretofore ?? offered, in the following Uiwnahipa and porta of tuwnahlps, Tlx North iff the bate line and eat iff the principal meridian Suctions 2, 4, and 6; the NE J* and the N)4 of NW \ of 8: the N x of 10; the N H, the N % of HE If, and the N u of dWlg of 12, of towwhip eighteen; sections 2, 4, 8, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, and 86, of townjAiyi nininms; accliuua 1 to 26, Inclusive ; itud socuous 28, 30, 82, 84, and SO, of toumtkip twenty, and townehip twenty-owe, of range eight. Huctiona 2, 4, 6, 8,10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22,24, 20, 28, 30, 32, 34, and 36, of township nineteen; soctions 1 to 30, inoluslvc; and sections 82, 34, aud 30, of towmkip twenty; and toumnhipe twenty-one, twenty lea, and twentp three, of range nine. Sections 2, 4 , 0, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18,20,22, 24,26, 28, 30, 32, 34, aud 36, uf townehip nineteen; sections 1 to 30, inclusive; and sections 32. 34, 35, and 36, of totumkip I sixty; and townships twenty-one, (awity two, and twcnty-IAmr, of range ten. Ibwn&ipt twenty, twenty-one, and twenty-two, of range eleven At the land office at Monroe, commencing on Monday, the 27th day ofHe|itomber next, for tho disposal of the vacant Ismls in llio even numbered sections, within thu undermentioned townships, which re main to the United States, within *im mitre ou each side of tho "Vicks burg, HhrevciKirt, and Texan railroad," subject, an required bylaw, It a minimum of two dollars and fffty cents per acre, vie; North of the bate line and eaet iff the principal meridian. Townships 17 uud 18, ofrangu 8. Townships 10, 17, and 18, of range* B. 10,11, and 12. Towmdilps 15, 16, and 17, of ranges 18 und 14. Townships 16 anil 16, of range 15. The offering of Iho above lands will bo commenced on tho day* ap puintod, an I will proceed lu the order in which they ore advertised, uulil thu whole shall have been oll'crud, and the sulos thus closed, but no sale shall be kept opon longer limn two weeks, and no private entry of any of tho lands will bo admitted until oftor the expiration Oi tha two weeks. In lids appropriated by law for the use or schools, military and other imrjmee, will be excluded from the sales. (liven under my hand, at tho City of Washington, tblx sixteenth day of July, A. 1). 1858. By order of tbe President: THOe. A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of the (Icueral laud office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. y person entitlod to the right ol pre-emption to any of tho ilriiu ibr fowuainpa ur.d part", er toe:. *ii[>? ?b.?i dvaMMMHl r? ' J I I r, , 1 fod l rah .; ti.! in . t? .at ??-.Mil ? . ? llient of 1 ' r :.'! t 1 lie; . i otherwisi -i .. will p. ,'.?c , i TTO*\ A. ff*3Cr?K?*,. -?r i ?>' 11 i July 18?lawlSw [lnle18rsur| Splendid schemes for october, 1858.? URBfiORY A MAURY, Manager*, Wilmington, Delaware To J ?,I?- *w? ...vux?ix.tan.lan<vi uf PAmmluinntiri nnnollitiifl bv ? ' the governor. (34,500!?lottery Ibr the Henolll of the tfTATE OF DELAWARE, Clnas 214, fl.r 1858. To bo drawn at WUJIINUTON, DFX., on Sulur day, OCTOBER 2, 18(8. 75 No. Lottery?13 Drawn Ballots.? tut* sainre. 1 price of (30,600 1 price of (3,602 I 1 do 16,000 20 prices of 1,000 1 do 10,000 20 do . 600 1 do 7,500 20 do <00 1 do 6,000 (0 do 800 1 do 4,000 100 do 200 lie., fee., Ac. TlokoU (10?halves (6?quarter! (2 60. Certiorates of packages of 26 whole tickets (140 Do do (6 half do 70 Do do 25 quarter do 36 (37,5001?Lottery Ibr the !>oncflt of the STATE OF DELAWARE, Class 224, fbr 1858. To be drawn at WIIJIINOTON, DEL., on Saturday, OCTOBER 0, 1868. 78 No. lottery.?12 Drawn Ballots.-Hsn.wvnn> eCHsmt. 1 grand prise of (37,500 1 grand prise of (3.600 1 do 16,000 1 do 2.780 1 do 12,500 100 prices of 600 1 . do 10,000 113 do (00 1 do 7,600 Ac., Ac., Ac. Tickets(10?halves ((--quarters (2 50. Certificates of packages of 26 whole tickets (150 00 Ilo do 20 half do 75 00 Do do 26 quarter do . 37 50 ' (35,000 !?Lottery for the Benefit of the STATE OK D1XAWARF, Class 230, for 1868. To bo drawn at WILMINGTON. Del., on Suturday, OCTOBER 16, 1858 12 drawn numbers out of 76.?nassn snisns. 1 splendid prise of . (35,000 I 4 prises of (3,000 1 do 15,000 4 do 3,448 1 do 11,628 | 100 do 600 2 prisos of 7,600 I 104 do 250 { 3 do 5,000 I Ao., Ac., Ac. Ticket* 51U naivo* ? ?qwnrwra ?? Certlfleate* of package* of 25 whole tickets #140 Ho do 25 half do i 70 I)o do 25 qui! tar do 35 550,080!,?Ixdtery for the beneflt of the STATE Of DELAWARE, CI has R, fhr 1858 To bo drawn at WILMINGTON, DEI., an Satardhy, OCTOMB 25, 1858 78 N6. Lottery?13 drawn ballots.?M/tomntanrt muni 1 grand prlao of ....... 560,080 1 grand prize of .65,000 I do 20,000 1 do 5,000 1 do 16,000 25 prison of 1,750 I do 10,000 50 do 1.000 1 do 7,500 204 do 000 Ac, Ac, Ac. Ticket* flk halrra 67 50?quarter* 58 76?eighth* 61 87)*. i Cortiflcnie* of package! of 20 whole UckcU 6200 Do do 2d hair do 100 Do do 20 qnarter do 50 Do do 20 eighth do 25 654,000 1?Lottery for the Ilooeflt of the ffTATE <>V DELAWARE. Claaa 241, Ihr 1858. To ho drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, OCWIIER SO, 1858. 76 No. Lottery?12 drawn bnllota.?mnguairr mm 1 prtao of.-., 634.000 1 20 prtnen of 1,000 1 do 12,500 I 20 do 500 1 do 5,188 | 157 lowentSNo. prtona 300 20 prize* of 3,000 | Ac., Ac., Ac. Ticket* 610?halve* 65- quarter* 62 50. OrtlOoate* of nackaee* of 21 who)* ticket* 6140 Do do 15 half do 70 Do do 3ft quarter do 3ft Order* for ticket* and xharaa and oartMcxtoe of package* la the above xptendld lotterte* will raoelra the moat prompt attention. and an amount of earl) drawing will ba aant immediately alter It la over to ail who order from ma. Addreaa, T. J. BUCKET, Agent, Sep 13 Wilmington, Delaware XjX)R RENT.?A large and first-claaa dwelling, A? with all the modern Improvement*, with a three-atory brick building, for rent rlthor furuiahed or unfnroiabed, baring cwnmwUnaa rtabllng, oarriuge huiiae, eervanta' It I* eltuated on Irwla lana avenue, near CMy Hall, the meet central and eligible poeiUoa In the city, For term* apply to or addreva T. I- Khbar, esq , at Ji C. Mi Guire hOo.'a auction atore. Washington ell), I>. C. Sop 23?eod'iw ? BRILLIANT OAS S)C?7 AdOl COXUfMISfl COIIK ItrilVK &\J I le the only perfect Ha* Conenmlng Cook Stove In the market. It apeak* for luetf, It roqutraa ao pulBng. A oall 1* milriled to oxam Ine it in operation every duy at my Stovo liepot, No. 2t7, nouthonet corner of Pennxylrautx avonor and llth xtreet. gag- None genuine bat tboxo Ihxl hxve my nmit" rnil on the henrtb JAMKS SKIRVfNO, ? Sep ft?oolm No. 297 south ride I'uiio. *y?nue.