Newspaper Page Text
PROSPECTUS Fbr jntUiihiny a Monthly I'trxalvnl in Wathmgtun, D. Q, call*! THE NATIONAL RECORDER or JtSLKOUCH ASl) JVUTICAl. INTXLUGfcNCE, Bt L- i>. Joiiiteox THE "National Recorder" will contain sixteen octavo pages, wHb ? slngla or double cover, for one duller a year Keudea lbs miaccllancoic reading found In periodicals of Una kind, i i It olli be mainly derated to the IbUuulug objevUi i , lira*, to give infortunium of ell ?I1 that uiev be done In the leguia Ore and execumc departments of Ibc general government relating to > the interests of religion. In the legislative department H will t-mbrace the spirit of all that may duoe In Ooogresn on this subject, including the luirvtce of chaplains la the Hotue and Semite, with brief eketchee of the sermons that : may be delivered before lougreas i. In the ssecutlv* department It will embrace all that relates to the I ehtplaio service in the ar < y and navy, at mililary posts, and la cam w iwigns. at military aod naval schools, in sea going vessel , and re i beivlug ships in uavy yards, hospitals, and sailors aod eoWkrs1 homes or aayliisn... Hy the facilities for obtaining information at the { rle(?rttnenl? tn Washington, ami by corresponded a with chaplains, ws shall be able In produce much that b interesting to the public i < n? seeood object will bs to colleet statistical information, and to publish, under the heed of each Mate and Territory, all that relates to | the general interests of religion Tins will cm brace the number uf all \ ~ olBcUtty r cogotsed clergy men employed a* priori, or otherwise, the ' . twinbtf of church cdlth-* * aud church uiciabers, together with tho 1 V iittmh?r added onnmally U> e ><;h dbtlnct church organizaiioiJ We ,, aba-1 enter ui?od such a plan of correspondence a* will tuable Us io j reach this Inform iUou with wore than approximate accuracy, together ' with many other fact* and ?taU'bC? relating to religious matters which never enter mto tho 'Schedule*" of the United ?Utc* census. v* The thif<l object will he to not ce all that U new audi interesting in I literature &ud science, not otrtiUing to bee tow special attention upon ' the series of lociores anuiuUiy delivered awl the scientific develop j|{ toeute made known at the AtnithHomau lu-t.tution; al?o, at the Coa-t Harvey (Mice, the National Observatory, aud or the "Scientific Arts" , '' ?t Ok Prtmt Office We ?hail furatehjuotkea of literary conveutions > and teachers' associaUouj, and ah-o of such bva/k* and periodicals as ? are Intended to promote popular education kj< It will be readily seen that the whole practical value of the objects r proposed io this work >lee In their complete accocupluhim-ut. To ef? feet this wc shall need the kindly co operation of three clause* o? 5 men?editors, clergymen, and the respected heads of all the instilu- j I twns ef science and learning In the Uuited Stateb -for each of whom I " we have a distinct proposition. The Oral number of the "Recorder 'will bo dated January, 1869; . but as It will contain, among other things, an important memorial to Congress, which should first be placed tu the hands of every clergy ! ^ mau of every soct (for this periodical will be neith?r sectarian nor political io lla character) at aa earlier date, wo intend to ioaue tho first 'f number oarly iu December next. Wo therefore respectfully propoac to til clergymeu who will send us. with their address, one dollar, that we will scud th?*m the "Recorder" two years, or two numbers for one year, or tho tlr.-t number only to all who will enclose four litter riampi To the editors id* all periodicals and newspaper* (excepting those which arc only political uud secular) who will give tin* prospectus J ?>ne Insertion, and send us the number containing it, we propose to ! advertise the nauic and locality of their piper on our cover through j|J one year To tho presidents or principal* of all literary Institutions who Kubscribe for the Recorder we will insert the name and place of their institutions, as proposed ho editor* Address "National Recorder," Washington, D. C. Oct li?tr Rich schemes for November, isse.? GKKGOKY k MAl'RY, Uuu?m. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. Tu u? drawn under ttin tfuponntwulpntc ol Cominluionern appointed by tlie Governor. 37,WO!?LoMory for tho Beneflt of tlio STATE OF DELAWARE C'lnw 2-47, for 1858 To bu drawn at WILMINGTON. DEL , on datur day, NOVEMBER ?, 1848 75 number Lotterjr ? II Drawn Ballots. HICI ICflAMX. 1 priie of $37,400 i 1 prize of . $2,502 1 do 15,000 I 20 prize* uf . . . 1,000 1 do 10,000 | 20 do 500 1 do 7,500 i 20 do 40O 1 do 5.000 | 20 do 3u>J 1 do ... 4,000 j 192 do 2U0 Jte., fcu., ?> Ticket* $10?halves $5 -quarters $2 60. nernarti?n* ri?u uu mvn .. .... ftorvuw)?-l/Ecucll. Paris. 1868 30omM Karr?Encore Ion Pcrnim**. Pari*. 1868 30 cents. Ullmch?De? Secrels 6u 18 able Purls. 1858. 30 ci'DU Reybarvt?R^mnn? Pari*. 1*68. 80 cento. <*4 26 FRANC* TAYI/W y^ONCHOLOWY OF THE \ N1TED STATES. \_y The OMnpicM trrMofll of Thuoiae tAiy, <? Ibc Pnnrholagy uf the t uif.-d .dt.tee K'llto'l by W. <J Blrn >y. Bnayttftally tltmtratld by oohtrod plater lfalf ealf. III AH Introduction to Kiit.>m?:ogy: or. Element* of the V.tnr.l llt-tory of lrt*e?-y* by Win Klrhy nnd Wm H|?n<y Suvontb 1jikIi.Ii wli Hon. (Mrcnlli llwiu? !,) wltli an apmn.llj, ?| 7& A Ntttuii of Mimnjpr.phtr Manlpu in in. trentinj of lh? l'riui.<v of the Art; nad 1U VACtnun apple atlon to .Nature, iiy lake Prtc* 12 The tttnry of a B "ildor, or I. win n?* from the Vote Uxik of ? In hi Onntnfli' tllHetnrted. |l The Aquarium , no rnyritToy of the Wonder* or the peep Saw. By r II thxie, I*. R. 9. Miqrlli. noil/ llhtnralcd. IN .so Cyclnpanlla of the lliy-lffl Sole By J. r. NVImtt, f.t n. W Cy..|o|w II* ofthe Natural: cieno *: By Win. Ibilril, MP , r 1. A , Brllleh Mnaeiim 13 f>0 Be -entty pMhluhcd and ft r lale b; IT, tNKT.IN I'ltllJ'. Selomlfl ftenkael er, 333 IViiniylraMa nrenue, Qct 23 hrtneiB 9th and 10th itroeti certincates ol packages 01 za wnoie tickets *140 Do do 25 half do 70 Do do 25 quarter do 35 *36,000 ?Lottery for tho Benefit of (lie STATE OF DELAWARE, flaw 253, for 1858. Tobe drawn at WILMINGTON, DEI.., oil Saturday, ! NOVEMBER 13, 1858. 78 No. lottery?14 Drawn Ballots. <tru;.*nn> wniufi.. 1 grand pritt of *36.000 i 10 prizes of (1.500 i 1 do 12,000 10 do 1,000 1 do 6,000 50 do 200 1 do 4,412 250 do 150; 10 prizes of. 2,000 | Ac., tic.., Ac. j Tickets *10? halves *5?quarters *2 50. Certificates of packages of 26 whole tickets *135 00 : Do do 26 lialf do 67 50 i Do do 26 quarter do 33 75 *35,000 I?Lottery for the Benefit of the STATE OF DELAWARE, i Class 250, Tor 1858. To bo drawn at WILMINGTON, Del., on Satur- 1 day, NOVEMBER 20,1853. 75 No. I/utcry.?13 Drawn Ballots. OKANP DCH1CHK. ; 1 splendid prise ef *35,000 1 priao of *3,000 1 do 10.000 1 do 2,5C0 1 do . 16,600 1 do 1,552 | 1 do 7,500 50 prizes of 1,000 I 1 do .... 5,000 228 do . 150 Ac., Ac., Ac. Tickets *10?halves *6?quarters *2 50. Certificates of packages of 25 whole tickets *140 Do do 25 half do 70 ^ Do do 25 quarter do 35 50.000!?Inttcry for the Benefit of tho STATE OF DELAWARE, j Class 8, for 1*58. To bo drawn at WILMINGTON, DEL., on Bator day, NOVEMBER 27, 1858. 78 No Ijotlery?14 Drawn Ballots, xiovmtacrr aca-tut. 1 grand prize of *50.000 1 1 p.ize of *5,500 1 do 20,000 j 1 do 4,834 1 do 15,000 | 5 prizes of.. 2,000 1 do 10,000 | 100 do 600 1 do 7,500 1251 do 300 1 do 6,500 | Ac. Ac. Ac. Tickets *15?halves *7 50?quarters (3 75?eighth* *1 87)4. Certificates of packages of 26 wbols tickets *180 00 Do do 26 half do 1)0 00 Do do 26 quarter do 45 00 Do do 20 eighth do . 22 50 Orders for tickets and shares and certificates of packages in tlis above splendid lotteries will receive the most prompt attention,and an account of each drawing will be sent Immediately after it la over to all who order from me Address P. J BUCKEY, Agent, Oct 17 Wilmington, Delaware. Milch cows and dairy farming, comprising tho breed.-, breeding, and muungcinent in health uml uuca e ol dairy and other utocic; the "election oi much cow*, with a full explanation of Uuoiiun'* method, tlic culture of forage plants, and thu production of milk, butter, and cheese; Imbodylng tlic moat recent I proyeroooU, and adapted to farming In too United State* and British provincee; with a treatise on tbo dairy husbandry of Holland, to which 1* nddod Ilorkfall's system of dairy management. By Charles L. Fltut. Liberally Illustrated. Price, (1 25 Free by mail, $1 50. For sale by FRANKLIN' PHH.P, Oct 24 Bookseller, 332 l'enn. av., bet. 9tb and lOtli at* BLONDE AND BRUNETTE; or, The Gothamite Arrady. Price 75 cents. Just published, and for ?alo nl IHILP'S Bookstore, i Oct 21 332 l'enn av., between 9th nud 10th ?t*. CHAKLEH KINGSLF.Y'ri NEW BOOK.?Sir Walter Raleigh. and other papers ; by Charles Kiugaley, author of " Anayos Leigh,"' fly pails," Ax\, Ac. 1 vol. 12mo. fl '.'5. A Journay Doe North, Notes of u Keaidctico in Rum^Iu ; by <>eorgc Aflgttsttts Sal?. 1 vol. 16mo. $1. Since ' fitHhtn/' we have had nothing to oospore with thh brll- < Hast book of Russian travel in point of Interest and sparkling style The readers of Dickens's " Household Words" will recognise the hand tluit is eo often employed In iu pagesThe Talisman, being the October Issue of tbo Illustrated Household . 1 Wsverley Novels ; in portable size, ltfmo form. Just published, and for sale at I'lill.P'S J New Bookstore, 332 Pmnsyttanla avenue. Otl 22 between fib aud 10th street?. I ' NEW WORK. By the author of " Beatrice Ceil- i e?"?Isabella Orftlat. By Gnerraol. 1 vol. *1 25; ;*wt paid, 1 $1 to. Vernon drove; or, Heart* tR t.ioy Arc?a Novel. 1 vol. $1, |msl I paid, SI 20. Longfellow* Now Room. 1 v '. 75 ccut*; |io*l |iald, 99 cent*. < The Truo and the Beautiful; In Nature, Art, Moral*, and Religion 1 Helected from the Work* of John K-iaklu, A. M 1 vol, cklh, $1 25; I poet paid, SI 50. Monde and Brunette: or, Th* Gnthamit* 75 rent*: poet ; I pSfdy gl Bow to l*ay ont a Garden: Intended a* a General Guide in Choosing, 1 fbnniog, of Improving an E-ute, with Reference to both Design ami Execution By Edward Kemp, landscape gardener. 1 vol , cloth gilt, $2; *ent bv mull free, S'i 25 I For win by TAYIAJK A MAURY. Bookseller* and Stationer",No 334 l'enn. *v., , Qui 22 near 9th street. SOULIB?LK C0N8EILLK D'ETAT. Paris. 1858. SO cent* HonHe la I Jon or Pari*. 1353 30 rent* Houlie?I*) Magnitlaeur Part* 1*38. 30 cent*. Soolle?Un Malheur Coaiplrf l*arl*. 1858. AO rein* IRulwl fkmnai lis In flu f*nr*?I Part*. 18*8 Monk. STATISTICS OF THE PVBLK LANDKM MM* mat* of Ik* junntuia of land whuh will murt lo tkt Stnlet wni. l/ranttJor ratlnmdt up lo June MO, 1807 .Stales Acre* IlaU uI law llltnou 2.595,053 September 20, I860 Missouri 1.815,485 June 10. 1852, Keb. 9, 165 Arkansas 1,465.587 February 9. 18*3. Michigan 8,098.000 June 2, 1888 Wbouuaio 1.022,800 ... JuneS,1*68 Iowa 3 466.000 May It, 1868 | IjHMUit 1,102,680 June 3, and Aug. 11, 18t Mississippi >60,400 August 11, I860 1913 390 I Way 17, June J, ainl As, Alabama 1,913 J9U 1 11, 1*48. March 3, 1887 Murida 1 *14,400 Ma) 17, I860 Miuneaota 4.418,000 March3, 1887 Total 24,247,336 XttMrmcnl ikowtng the ytunriTy qf tu amp land afproird fc the Wren Star** up* J*Mk June. 1867. Mates. Acre*. '**>. 28,880 1 In.lUim 1,280,987.1 Illinois.. 1,389,140/ Missouri 8,018,966 1 Alabama 2.598 ! MbslMippi 2 *34,796 1 lambtana 7,601,638 4 Wiohlgau 6,405.232.4 Arkansas > .v... 6,920.024 I Horida 10,396,982.4 WlaUOUslU 1,'150,712 1 Tbtal 40,133,864 5 EMtmate of untold and unapprupruiltd Intuit i- rack tf tk* BUtUt an lirriloriet, iiu-ludmg turtcyed atul v tuurvcycd. off trod and wu/ffci ml laiuJt, on Ike 30th June. 1856 ; Mate* ami Territories. Acres. Number of quai ter section*. Olilo 43,553.34 272 Indiana 36,307 4 1 227 lihuota 511.6*2 85 3.198 Missouri 13,365,319 *1 63,533 Alabama 9,459.367 74 59,121 Mi.?*usip|n 5,619,390 69 34,496 lamlsiaua 6.937 373 83 37.083 Michigan 10.058 298 00 62,852 Arkansas 16,609.642 84 97.560 rbirtila .... 18.067.072 75 112.919 Whcou iu lo.22.',549.50 05,141 Cultforula 113,68'j,436.0<) 710,515 Minnesota Territory 82,502,608.33 515,641 Oregon " 118,913.24131 743 298 Washington " 76,444 054.26 477.T75 Mew Mexico * . 156,210 8b4 bo 0 Oft 067 I tali ? 164 243,73$ (70 839.023 Nebraska " 206.984,747 00 1.293,655 Kaunas ?< 76,361,058 00 477,256 India* " 42,892,800 00 268,080 T??t*l .. 1,107,297,672.74 6,920,607 the Wester# territories. A co**pafnlitrc bUin niciUor the area of the protect States w ith the W IDs territory destined to be orected into States exhibits the iulei exting fact that the area of the latter in square mile* exceeds that t the former The superficial area of the Territories, organised ami uu organised, is aet down as follow* Square miles. | Square milei Kansas Territory. 136 000 New Mexico Territory . 210,00 Minnesota do 141,000 ! Nebraska do .526.00 Mf.gon do 227,000 ! Mi * ilia do ... 78,00 Wi-biugUm do . 113,100 ; Indian do 187,00 Utah do ...187,000 J Square mile* 1,807,00 To these Dacotah Is to be added, of the evtent ef whb.h We bav seen no estimate Tlie aiiperiiciH'. ares of the present Slate* \a as follows . Square miles. ! Square miles Maine . . 30.000 i Delaware . . . 2,12' New Hampshire .... 9,200 ! Marviand.. . 9,67 Massachiisett* . 7,800 J Virginia . 61,35 Khtnle Hand 1,600 i North Oar oil na 45,00' Connecticut . . 4,674 | South Carolina . . 24,50' Vermont . . 10,211 j Georgia . .... 88,00 New York 46.085' Alabama 50,72: New Jersey.... . 8,320 i Florida. ... 58,78i Penmylvania 46.000 j Louisiana 46.43 Ohio 39,964 ' Arkansas 62,19 Indiana 33,809 Mississippi 67,38' Hjinot* . 5.5.405 Missouri. 47,15' V.Vcooblu 63,924 Tennessee 45.6CM Michigan. 66,243 Kentucky. 37,6& Iowa 50,914 j Texas 237.32 California 188,000 622,190 I 838,82' 622,194 1,461,01' It is Been that the area of Kansas is ninetoon thousand square mile: greater than thut of all New England, New York, and New Jersey and that the area of Nebraska is ninety-five thousand mile? greutc tliau that of all the non slavcholdiug otatos except California Oregoi is nearly equal in extent to all New England, New York, Pennsyl vatiia, Ohio, and Indiana. It Is possible that New Mexico and Mesilli will be embraced in ouo territorial organisation hv Owgresa at tin prevent session, containing 288,000 square miles?exceeding all Nek England. New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and llliuow. Wash ington exceeds in extent all New England and New York. table exhibiting the seats of hovers vest, as i the times of the election of state officers 01 the several states. Heat of govern States. moot. Time of holding elections. Maine ... . ... Augusta 2d Monday in September. Now Hampshire Concord 3d Tuesday iu March. Vermont Moutpclier 1st Tuesday in September. Massachusetts. Boston Tu. after 1st Mou. iu Nov. fthodo Island J ProVhlcuce j 1st Wednesday In April. Connecticut Hartford 1st Monday in April. New ^ ork Albany... Tu. alter 1st Mon. in Nov. Now Jersey Treutou ... Tu afl? r 1st Mod. in Nov. Pennsylvania Harrtxburg 2d Tuesday in October. Delaware Dover 2d Tuesday in November. Maryland Annapolis 1st Wednesday iu November Virginia Richmond 4th Thursday iu May. North Carolina Kaleigh 1st Thursday in August. Mouth Caroliuu Columbia 2d Monday iu October. Hcorgia Millodgovlllc. ... 1st Monday in October. Florida Tallahassee 1st Monday in October. Alabama ... .Montgomery. . 1st Monday in August. Mississippi Jackson li*t Monday in October. l^Miisiuna . .Baton Kouge. .. 1st Monday in November. Texas Austin 1st Monday In August. Arkansas .little R ck 1st Monday In August. Tennessee Nashville 1st Thursday in August. Kentucky Frankfort 1st Monday in August. Ohio Columbus 2d inesday m October. Indiana Indi?uo|H>IU . . 2d Tuesday in October. lllinoii Bp ring lie Id.. . . Tu. after 1st Mod. in Nov. Missouri Jefferson City. 1st Monday in August. Michigan lan-ing Tu. alter 1st Mon. iu Nov. I wa Dch Moines City. 1st Monday in October. WiaxiiulD Madison.. Tu. after 1st Mon. in Nov. California Sacramento Tu. after l?t 3iou. in eopt. governors of the several states and territories EAl'IRATION OF TUElll Rmi^TTlYE TERMS* (Sov'r, Term Slat oh. Governor*. Salury. UrmyrM. nptm. Maine LoiU. Morrill $1,500 l....Jan. 1851 Sow lUmiwhiro Win. Iluile 1,000 ... .1.... Juro 1851 Vermont. RyUnd Fletcher 1,000 .1 ...Oct. 1851 Massachusetts Nathan 1. 1\ Banks. .. j/iOO .. l. Jan. 1851 Rhode Island Klisha Oyer..... .... 1,000 1. May 1851 Connecticut Alexander II. Hoi ley 1,100 .1. ..May 1851 Now York John A. King 4,000 ....2. .Jan. 1851 New Jersey Wm. A. Newell .. 1,800* 3.... Jan. 186< Pennsylvania. Win. F. Backer 3,000 ...3 Jan. 180! Delaware .. . Peter K. Causey . . . 1,333*1 .4....Jan. 1851 Mary laud .... Thomas H Hicks . 3,000f .4.. Jan. 1803 Virginia Henry A. Wise 5,000 .. 3.. 18G< North Carolina. .Tbom is Bragg... .'i.OOOf 2 Jan. 1851 South Carolina ... R. F. W. Alston 3,500 ..2... Dec. 1851 Georgia Joseph E. Brown . 3,000 2 . Nov. 1851 Florida. . ...Madison S. Berry 1,500 4 Met. 1801 Alabama Andrew B. Moore. 2,600 ... .2 Doc. 1851 MU-lsslppl Wm. McWUlio 4.000 .2 Jan. 18tK l/misiaiia R. C. WinklifT 4,000 4 Jan. 186( r? xas . H. (1. Runnels 3,000 2 Dec. 1851 Arkansas Ehaw N. Conway . 1,800 . 4 Nov. IS6< roiioouco Ishuni <1. Harris . . 3,000 ....2 Oct. 1851 Kentucky Charles S. Morchcad. 2.500 .4 .Sept. 1851 Jlllo Salmon F. tlmse 1,800 2 Jan. 18G( Michigan HUnsley S. Ring ham 1.000 2 .Jan. 1851 Indiana AshbH 1'. Willard ... 1.500f 4 Jan. 180] I Wm II. Bis-el I 1,500 J Jan. 1801 Missouri Robert M Stewart. 2,500f 4 Nov. 186t low a.. R I'. I>owe . 1,000 4 Jan. 186< W!-<onsin.. . Alex.W Randall . 1,250 .2 ..Dec. 1851 rtlf.'ornta .. Johu B. Woller .2 .Jan. 186C mv-.ii Territory George L.Oorry non 1 Aeg 1663 Minue-ota Ter y Samuel Medary 2.500 4 ..Mar. 180] SV Mexico T. r'y Abraham R- ia bcr 8,000 4 18?1 L'tah Territory. Alfred Cumnilngs 2,500 4 July 188] WashingtonTcr'y Fayette Me Mullen 3,000 4 .. J.ino 1801 Kansas Territory .J. W. Deuver . 2,500 I July 18<H Nebraska Tcr'y Wm. A. Richardson 2,500 1 June 180] Not*.?In all the States except South Carolina the governor Is voteil lor by the people; ami If no one has a nuGorHy of ull the votes in tli? Sn os iii which such a majority is re<piii#l the legislature elects to tin nlllro of governor one of the Candida es voted for by the people. * *And fees. fWlth the use of a furnished house. \ NKW HUMOROUS BOOK. i u?(.i $1. Extract from contents; Biographical; 0*d on a Weelharer In 2 pnit-'; Conflict: Afognitor and Wortcr tfuaik; Astronomy?a foe Ium Soliloquy; Adrea* t<? a Herd onto the fen*; l\>me; A Iioad to tht Cir* 'a shilv: A I-ytoll (Heme of I/wrn Clarke; To the Aingnl a* U gout Hutuih (jane; Fre nolig ov the Hevln* (with painting;) On the Clam To .in Eklip*; A Urate Kplk; Terklw; PMe~u avert) pome (for length;] A aoad to th? Oomeck, 4o , Aw., Ac , Ac. I he numerous laughter-provoking verso* of this well known hu in. otiN and Hparkltug American writer, which, so widely copied line often convulsed the reader, are here collected in l*>ok form mid make a work attractive volume than baa boon nsucd in utan) yours. Just received at PHILP'S New Hookstorr, o,-t * 382 Pennsylvania av., between 9th and 10th ate. \TK\V JUVENILE BOOKS. 1 Mia and Cbarlte, or A Week1- Holiday at Rydala R.i lory, prto f?0 .Mils I/wing the tVnv. Jerry M. Parker ; GO cent". The Mimcp ??f Ute : price 30 cent*. Thr Tortoiwehell Gfflih ; price 30 renin. Walter Binning. the Adopted Bon; or IlltntrnUon, of the lord'i I'r.yrr. by A. B. A K, author of True l|erni?m 2* cente. Nanny Thorn, or thr Honae in the Pautry ; prtce 30 rente. The I 'fc "f lltihop Kirrnrron. by John V. Norton. A M.; price 3. or it * IV-mIc Melville, or Prayer Book In?lrnrUnn? 76 rrati The Main Fpinmpnllnn. by M A. C . #2 cent* For Ml* by Bl ANCHAftn A MOUTH. Oct 2 Corner of 1 Uh atreet ?nd Penn nv MAIL ARRANGEMENTS AT WASHINGTON POST OFFICE. tr The Great Bacterii Ma. from Baltimore, Vblladelpbla New York, Ifcavuia, fee., uiil Buffalo. Ik arrives ml 6't, m ui and 7M,P- nt . dally ; end llic mill to be aeut from Lhu office. la aad b) those place*, ?iU bo closed, am heietidors el I end V o'clock, p. n.. dally The Southern Mail will be dissd hervafu-r dally at it, and '> ! o'clock, p in , au<l will b?- received, aa hercluforc, dally, by 6'* ? clock, a. m , uu! J, p. m I 1 be Second Eastern Mail eleass at V, p m , and the Ureal Westers Mail do e* at 3, p. m. dally. The mall train* north of Philadelphia ar>- to ernvu there Is tune tu connect with the train lor holtim-rc, 6 ah, u brii'pa the local Mall, In arm* tuna byo'tla. in :?? tai-l | em Mall la received ai thl* uSlc* on Sunday uigbt, and no Eaalarn Midi le sent on Sunday morula* The Mail for Norfolk and adjaiant place* In Vlrgtula Is closed at 2. i p. os., esurpi Sunday , and I* reCelsed sit urtna a *sek, mill * malt ! from Baliunor*. Md, by 12, m 1 Tbc Mail from'.eor*etoaii. I> b, Is received taloe daily, by I, a in , and 6, |i. to., aud 11 is tinned fur that place at the aamr hour*. The Midi from Hock villa, kc., Md la received dally by d, p. .. aud it I* closed lot the** places at 9, p 111 J Anuapoll* Mall close* at 2 and 9. p m , dally * The Mall from Brook vlll*, kc. Md . Is received dally, except Sun " day, by &, p. m and tloecv. fur Ihueo places by 9, p m , dally. ' Tbc Orleavllle, Md . Mall closes Monday, Wednesday, and IrKlay, '! at 9, p. ui., and received Tuesday .Thursday , and Hat ur day at 2, p ui Upper Marlboro*, kc., Md., received by d, p. m , dally, aud la I i loacd at 9, p. m Port Tolmrco.e kc . Md , received Tuesday, Thursday, and Kalur * day by ?, p. m ; cloaed Sunday, Tuee-tay, and Thursday at 9, p m ' Warreutou, Middleburj, k* , Va., received dally by 9, p to . cheed ai 9, p. m Im-shor*, kc , Va., received by aud closed at 9; p. m . Monday , Wednesday, aud Ifrhlay d The puetage on newspapers, ami lluu oil all prtcled toallrr ad> r- dreased t? any foreigncounlry, la required to be paid in advance Tbc office U open from 1 o'clock, a hi .tu 9)* o'clock, p. in., dally, except Sunday , and on that day It is open from 9 to 10. a m . aud from 9t^ to 7tf, p. m a K>rt Tobacco daily ; -itbrr places on tbu route as above. RATES OF POSTAGE ?DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. Rt l tS lit ISIVIPOsTAflF LHtcrt, for each half ounce, under 3,000 mile*, prepaid, 3 cents; ov.-r 3,000 miles, prepaid, 10 cents. All letter* muni b?- by stamps, or enclosed iu stamp envelope*, or they will not be tor wauled. i ' Transient AVtmpaprrx, f'criodtcalt, ttnufari, rfc.. to any part of (be Vetted States, uoi weighing oVcr 8 ounces, 1 ccut, and 1 eeut for each additional ou&gi. prepayment required. hoiin, prepaid, not writhing over 4 |>001,1 dn, 1 cent per ounce for jj any distance in tho United 8taie* under 3,000 mil**, nod 2 cent* an ounce over 3.000 milt*, prepayment required. All fraction* over the ounce being counted an an additional ounce. XruipujHrs ami Vrruiiiealt not exceeding 1}, ounce in weight, . when paid quarterly in advance and circulated in the State w here publipbed?Dully, per quarter, 22m;*Ix times per week, 19>i, tri-weekly, 9 >4 ; semi-weekly, 0)4? weekly, 3)4; eemi mouthly, 1)^, monthly, Newspaper and periodicals when weighujg l>j ounce, double the abovo rate4. Small Newspapers. published monthly, or oftener. and pamphlets lt not containing more than 1(5 octavo pages, in packages of 8 ounces or over, % cent per ounce. ,f Weekly Newspapers, within thu county where published ,/W*. t. Quarterly payments, in advance, rosy be mado either where published or received. RATES OF LETTER POSTAGE TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES, b To England,Irelaud, and Scotland, {California, Oregon, and Washing- g, 9 ton excepted,) 24 cents oz. V ruin California, Oregon, or Wash b iugton, 29 cents ^ ox. b To Franco aud Algeria, by French malls, 13 cents \ oz30 cents o >? <>* To German State*, by Rntasian closed rani!, 30 ccuts 4 o4. p b IS) by French math 21 cent* 4 ot., 42 cents ot. ? IX) by Bretnen mail, (except Bremen, Frankfort, I.ux ? emburg, Wurteinburg, Holland, and the Neth erl.'ioda,) 13 cents >4 os. g< Do by Hamburg mail. except Hamburg, Frankfort, Luxemburg, Wurtemburg. Holland, and ihe si b Netherlands.) 15 cents )f ox. * To Bremen, by Bremen mail, 10 cents )* oz. * ' To Hamburg, by Hamburg mail, 10 cents )>' or. b To Frankfort and Wurteinburg, by Bremen or Hamburg mail, 22 " Cents J,' of.. J To Luxemburg, by Bremen or Hamburg mail, 25 conts or. n' 1 To Holland and tho Netherlands, by French matl, 21 cunt* >4 oz., 42 8 cents )4 ok. " * To Austria and its States, by Prussian closed mall, 30 cents % ?z Do do by Bremen or Hamburg mail, 15 cent' *,'0*. Do do by French mail, 27 cents ?4 nr., 64 cents % ox. ? To Russia, by ITiissiau closed mail, 37 ccuts % ox. ** ^ Do by Bremen or Hamburg mall, 29 cents oz * To Prussia, by I'russiau closed mail. 30cunts yB oz. aI Do by Bremon or Hamburg mull, 15 cents >4 oz. Do by French mail, 21 cents W ox., 42 cents >g oz. 1 R1 J To Sardinian States, by Prutudsu closed mail, 38 cents >t oz. 5 Do by French mull, 21 cents >4 oz., 42 cents k oz. I _ Do by Bremen or Hamburg mail, 30 cent# oz. : " ^ To LorabarJy, by Prussian closud mail, 33 cents >, oz.?preftiid. j H Do by French mall, 27 cents \ oz., 54 cents % oz. I i Do by Bremen or Homburg mall, 16 ?M*ntH >t oz. I r To Parma ami Modena, by Prussian closed mail, 33 cent* o*. j Do do by French mail, 27 cents V oz , 64 cents ! h ?? i j po do by Bremen or Ifamb rg mall, 25 Cents at. e J To PhjsiI States and Tuscany, by Prtutffcui closed mail, 85 cents oz. / j t)o do by French mail, 77 cents ^oz., 54 cento S ozDo do by Bremen or Hamburg mall, 28 conto % oz. m To the Two Sictllos, by Prussian closed mail. 30 cunts oz.?prepaid. ) Do by French mail, 30 cents \ ox , 60 couts ,f* oz. t Do by Bremen or Hamburg moll, 22 oertt* os.? prepaid. To Spain, by French mail, 21 cents \ cz., 42 cents oa.?prepaid. Ik> by British mail, tinHoutnainptou, 73 rents y4 oz ?prepaid. To Portugal, by French mail, 21 cents ?H oz. ,42 cents oz. -prepaid. Do by British mail, e?? Southampton, 63 ccnti )*' oz.?pre- ^ jxiid. j To Denmark, by Pr asian closed mail, 35 cents \ or. ^ Do by Bremen or Hamburg mail, 26 cents oz. Do by French mail, 27 cents ?4 oz., 54 cents % oz. w j To Bweden, by Prussian closed mail, 42 cents t* oz. Do by Bremen or Hamburg mall, 33 cents oz. j y( IK) by French inai , 33 cents \ o*., 66 cents >4 o*. j To Norway, by Prusaian clo-ed mail, 46 cento oz. | Do by Bremen or Hamburg mad, 38 cents X oz. Do by French mail, 33 cents ?4' oz.. 66 cents % oz. To West India Han la, (not Bnti-h.) except Cyb*, Turk's Island, Carthagena, Hondin .w, Fan Juan, (Nicaragua.) Santa Martha, Venein. elu, and St. Thomas, 34 cents ^ oz. when distance from mulling office to under 2,500 miles, and 44 cents oz. when distance cx- ly coeds 2,500 mih*??prepaid. fo Canada, New Brunswick, Caps Breton, Prince Edward's Island, Nova Scotia, and New Foundland, 10 cents y% oz. when distauce to not over 3,000 miles from line of crossing, uud 15 cents oz. il distance excoeds 3,000 milt's. PTo A-pin wall and Panama, New Granada, and Mexico, 10 cents X oz. when distance duos not exceed 2,500 miles, and 20 cents if distance w exceeds 2,500 miles?prepaid. To IV'gotu and Buenaventura, New Granada, 18 cents >j oz.?prepaid. To Ecuador. Bolivia, and Chili, 34 cents oz.--prepaid. To Porn, 22 cento j; oz.?pre/taid. To West Indies, British, (except Turks' Island,) 10 cento oz. if distance does uot exceed 2,500 mite . and 20 cents ^ oz if distauce exceeds 2,600 miles?prepaiil. To Sandwich Islands, Now South Walt*, and Cliina, by mail to San Francisco, thence by privuteship, 10 cents oz.?prepaid. atl Not*.?lu all cases where the word prepaiil is not added, the pre rj payment of the |M>stftgo la optional with the sender. REIQN1KQ SO VERE1QNS OF EUROPE?JULY 1, 1857. Mate of ac- *" Name. State. Dale of l)lrth. cue* Ion. jp, Oscar I Sweden and Norway. July 4,179#. Mar 8,1844 Alexander II.. Russia April 20, 1818 Mar 12,1885 j(] Frederic VII Donmark Oct. 8,1808 Jan. 20, 1848 Victoria I (treat lift lain . May 24. 1810 J'tic 120, 1837 u, William III Holland or Netherlands Feb. IV, 1817 Mar. 17.1840 ISHipold I Belgium . lice. 18,1700 July 21, 18.11 Fred. Win. IV 1'russla Oct. 15, 170a June 7, 1840 John. Saxony . lire. 12,1801 Aug. 0.187)4 (Jeorgu V Hanover May 27,1810 Nov.18, 1851 Fred. Francis Mcckloiibiirg S< liwer.. Feb. 28,18211 Mar. 7,1842 Ocorgc ... MecklenburgSircllla Aug. 12, 1770 Nov 8, 1816 IVtor. Oldenburg July *,1827 Feb.27,1851 William .Brunswlrk . ... April 25. 18011 Apr. 25,1831 Adolphus Nassau July 24.1817 Aug 20, 18710 < lis. Alexander Soxu Welm.-Ebtunacb June 24,1818 July 8,1853 ErneMfl Saxc-Coburg (tothn . June 21, 1818 Jan. 20, 1844 ! Bernard Saxe Mcloingou.. Hoc. 17,1800 . Dee,24,1803 ' Ernest Saxe Alt nburg Sept. 16. 1826 Aug. 3, 1S53 Issopobl ... Anlwlt Ikasau Oct 1, 1704. . Aug. 0, 1817 I Alexander . Anbalt Hcruburg . Mar. 2,1807) liar.24,1831 Ountbor .Rchwarxburg Kudolst. .Nov. 6.1793 Apr . 28,1807 (lumber S-bwarrburg Sinder'n Sept. 24, 1801 . Aug. 19,1835 Henry XX Keusn. Klder Uue June 29, 1794 Oct. 81,1836 Henry FX VII Rctiaa, Younger Uue. Oct. 20, 1780 J'ue 19, 1854 laopold . IJppc Sept. 1,1821 Jan. 1,1841 (loorge IJ|)|H. Sehaumhurg . Doe, 20,1784 Fob.13, 1787 (iovrge Victor Wablcck . . ... Jan. 14,1831 May 16. 1845 Ferdinand House Homburg April 26, 1783 Sept. 8, 1848 Frederic Baden Sept. 9,1826 Apr . 24,1652 r Frederic Win. . Ih^aoCaahel Aug. 20.1802 Nov.20,1847 I 1/niisUI... HoH^n-I):irinflUdt Juno 8. 1806. .J'ne 10, 1848 I Aloys 1 JchtensUrtu May 28,1798 Apr 20, 1830 L William 1 Wurteinburg 27, 1781 Oct. 30, 1810 m, imillan D Mavarta Kov. tlf 1H1. Mar.SI, 1848 1 Iran. Joseph I Austria. . Aug. 18, 1830 iWc. 2,1848 1 Napolonn II! Franc April 20, I How Iter. 2, 1X62 I II Spain. IX I III 1 K.-.O S?*|? 211. IV3 . IVdro Vf lXirlugal. Sept. U, 1M7 Nov .1.1, 1HM . Vu;t. Kmunll. Sardinia Mnr. U. 1X20 Nar.tS, 1MV In Ix-0|x>M II.. Ttarany .. Itet. 3,1797 J ne IX. 1X24 Robert farm* . July V. Ikjk Mar.2T,lM4 [> Fraaota V. Modcna and M'H.a. Jane 1,1X10 Ju.Sl, 1H( llus IX Stale, nf the aiurch May 13. 1702 J'uc 16, 1X46 it, Ferdinand II Two Siclllr* Jan. 12, 1X10 N..t X, lX.ln I Mho I ilreere ..June 1,1X13 May 7,1X32 m Abilul Meiljld Turkey . tprll 33, 1X23 July 2,1X39 ' Cbw. Muntir. Monaco I tec. X, 1X1X J'nr 20,1X36 1 The Urand IXike of Bnden, lamia. born Augtitt 1.1, 1X24, b under i giiardtan.hlp by rnxin of Ineuiiily. i t Ilia lather, Ferdinand, htlxband nf (be lute Quern, ?aa regeut an I til September 16,1X33 J 1 rli . RATES OF CHARGES FOR HACKNEY CARRIAGES, ! CARS, If. Tj J? \f-. rtract from an art. of the Corporation, appror+ri Starch 1842 ] j,^ M<. 12. Ami be it enaefnt, Th?t from ami after tlw |*?sage of fids net, tli" following rnte> of faro or ? barge* for the conveyance of per , Ni * sotut from one place to nn<dh?r in the city <*T Washington, in hackney rtfrlaiM^ UttN. or oibrr rehiclvf, currying p*e*"nger? for pay or hire, between daybreak and right o'clock p. m., ?l?sll not be exceed i Jc ed -that Is U?say, for each any every pmnuipr, for a di-twitce not | orsr one iiiol -i hair mile, twenty flv cent# f??r any dUtance over Tl i one and a half mile, ami not cx< coding three mile*, fifty cent-* l*n> Ki t*oW, In case any hackney carriage, cab, or otlu r vehicle, aball he j Ml detained for a longer |?erlod than live minutes, lbs driver thereof I Tl ) shall be allowed fur the whole Itark, uah, or other vehicle, tin* sum : He of twelve aiid-n hrtlf cents ft* every fifteen minutes no detained ; and Ki . for all conveyances or oth"r detrntitms Inter than 8 o clock p. m., ; Jti the orner or driver of hackney carriages ca8?.er other vehicles, may W damand and rer- lvc at the rateot aft- per centuin on the foregoing Hi charges, ia addition thereto ' J. OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF WASHINGTON. 0 Hrrrrt HtfuUr- WiltUm Mor; .a Curpuratfm AUomrf inline M Cartkle Taz Cterk? Wiltuiu J looct.o. Hook keeper Kdwin J. Ktopfir Jf<-uen|ir> -William ?1 UM:ke. ' 'allmctvr?Jarnw K lUlttay Clerks?htttbcn ('leery uxl William I WilliamSurveyors William Kiirrrth ittatauu or tn* aoutf> of Ktim ?"< WW I* H. C IteVia. J B. H ttmllh, owt S"??' W&rd-lH R K Hone, .Union K- Iniiiu*?iB, ?<) Third Ward- fir W Q. falmtr, Jurw|>h Bf)U. ntq t'-urlK Want?Dr W V Joliueloii, (ramia Moiiua, aaq th/th iTanrf?Dr. (i. McCi>y, J. 1* Inijle, en.), Sirtk MU.W IW V U tt'-i-l. 1..K.. n U....O Seventh Ward?I?r J & Morgan, llt-ury A. Claris, u#i AnmuKiRw n? rumm muon 10 tub room First Ward?Devi-1 O. KklgeJf. Second Word? Andrew W Hughes. Thtrd Ward?Valentin* HartMiu^b fourth Ward? James N. < itlLull, jFifth Ward- J. B. Gardiner. Sixth Ward James LI. (PI hmnelt. Serenth Ward?D. B. Clarke. rmrtycMsa to tub room IW Ward?Philip C. luvii, M I) Seermd Irani?J. W H J^vejoy, M DThird Ward?Oaorgn M. l)ak, II DH>urth Want- J U Toner, M II. F*fth Hard?J. ||. (irnnra, M- p. SiutK Ward?J M Roberts, M. D. Seventh Ward J E. Willett, It I) Commissioner of Utai'h?Charted F. Force, II D. Bli AMD or AM>KH MKX. First Ward?Geo W. kiggs and Win. T. Dora, (president,) Scowl IFacd?Thonuu Miller and Thorn** J. Fisher Third Ward?Thomas ihiuobo and Joseph F. Rrowu. Pturik Warxl?Win. W Mooro and Franci-t M?hun M/tA Ward Edmund Hurry and C. W. C. iHiuulngtofi. Sixth Word?Robert Clarke and Auron W Miller. Seventh Ward? John I.. Smith and l>ter M. IVariMm. Secretary to thr Hoard -Erasmus J. Mlddleton. Messenger Jucob Kl tuber. oomm:rncn? or rii* hoakd or aij>krmkx. On Finance? Meters. Rig#*, Browfi, and Smith. Improvements?Messrs. T Milter, Moore, and Pearson. J'oliet?Messrs. Mohan, Barry, and Smith. CtaiHii Messrs Barry, Brown, ami Pearson. Schools? Jit -sr.s. Dohuho, llunjiiDgton. aud Clark Ft re Depb rtoieiit- -Meat?rs. Fl?bur, Harrr; ahd A W. Miller Electb/ns?Messrs- Moore, Fuller, and Clark. Ihrainagt, Sewerage, and Distribution of Water?Messrs. Brotfn, T. illar. and Pearson. On Unfinished Bnsintu?Merers. A. W. Miller, Ihiniiingion, and mith. Joint urn Mimosa. ? On the Asylum?Messrs. Moofo, Donoho, and W. Miller. Health of the dtp?Messrs. T Miller, Mohan, and Clark. Canal Messrs. Brown and PNmkib. Wharves- -Messrs. Dotioho aud Smith Enrolled Dills?Mr. Moore. Accounts of Htgister?Mr. Barry. Money Transactions of the Corporation?Mr. Rigg* Eligibility tjf Assessors?Messrs. A. W. Miller, Fisher, and Smith. To Oornnt and Destroy Dae. Bills?Mr Fisher. To Attend to the Interests of the Corporation before Congress?Messrs. u lining ton, Kiggs. aud Clark. BOJtKD or OOMMO.N 001X01Firsl Ward?'Charles Abort, (president,) John B. Turton. and nathey S. Parker. Second iranl-Wlli. Or me, Grafton Powell, and Charles 8. Jones. Third ICani?Win G. Palm t, Lambert Tree, and Christopher 8. 'flare. fourth Bard -Stephen P. Oaatteraao, Elijah F/lmomtuo, and Wm. itWIIIlB. Fifth Word?William A. Mulloy, Win. F. Wallace, and T. van Iks ick SLcth Ward -George A. Bohrer, Franklin 8. Ober, aud John II. Rus?ll. Seventh Ward -Thotnas K. Uoyd, Charles Wilson, and Thomas ilatead. Secretary?William A. Kennedy. Messenger- William Q. Locke. IOMM1TTK1SB Of THE BOARD ?T OOMkUX CODHIl. On Ways and Means?Messrs. Jones, Turton, Tree, (Mathmill, Van eswkk,Ober, and Lloyd. (Hi lmDrtotf inents?Mortars. Turton. Van Retvick. Orme. O'llare. uhun, Rum* ell, and Lloyd. On Claims?Messrs. PoWoll, Mohun. and Wilson. On VnJinished Business?Mc?w?. Palmer nhd Xllletcad. On Election*?>le#Mfc. Wallace, ober, and Wilson. On Fotice- Memra. Mulloy, IP Hare, Park or, Powell, Cm tie man, ubrer, und Lloyd. Canals?Messrs. Gwtlcman, Orme, Ober, Van Re*wick, Parker, id Mi Intend. Schools-* Me.-srs. Tree, Turton, Powell, Mohun, Wallace, Bobrer. id IJoyd. lire Department? Mcssrj. Parker, Edmoiwtoo, aod IB la toad. Dratna(ff. d?;.?Messrs. Palmer, Or mo, Turton, Mohun, Mulloy, ussoll, und Wilson. Corporation before Omgm??Messrs. Jones, Mohun, IJoyd, and Tree. Joint Committees. - Washington Canal?Me.-srs. Ca.-tie man and an Reswiclc. On Money Transactions with Corporation -Mr. Jones. Asylum?Messrs. Turton. Jones Wallace, and Mllstead. Count and Destroy Due BiHe-*-Mr. Kdmoiwton, HegUUr of Accounts? Mr. l*>br*r. Wharves MoKhrs. Ortne, Ckailehian, and Russell. Health of Btr City?Slessra. l'altntr, Parker, tVlboti, and Mulloy. Enrolled Bills- Mr. Tree. Eligibility of Attestors?Messrs. Wallace, O'Harc, Parker, and Ld0 us ton. GcmMiSMoxnui or iMraovnuom. A\rst District?Joseph K. Raw ling*. Second District?11. B. Owens. Third District?Stephen Coster. Iburth District?Samuel 8. Taylor. boa no or TarsitM or tiib itblic school*. First District?William II. Randolph, (president,) Roger B. Ironside, id A. B. Stoughton. Second District?Erasmus M. CUapin, Jumei Laurensou, and ttcln II H. Miller. Third District?John I) Brandt, William F. Price, and Francis 8. 'nl*b. Fourth District?J. E. Wlllett, Fre'erltk Wbyte, and Samuel orke Atl/je. Secretary to the Hoard?Robert Rick efts. Trevsurev?Valentine linrbawgh. OFFICERS OK TItK ASYLUM, ETC. defendant of the. Asylum -John R. Queen. Physician to the Asylum?Dr. W. H. Berry. Commissioners of the Asylum George W. Fmcrson. George Matting , and LMtutrd Harbaugh. Secretary to the Commixtvjnrr*?John H. Noyce. Commissioner of the Eastern Section cf the Canal?Charles C. Edolln. Commissioner of the Western Section of the Canal?William WiJe. Commissioners <f the West Burial Ground?Joseph Borrows, Thos. , Morgan; August Miller, sex urn. Ctnnmirsloner* of the East Burial Ground?John . Brandt, George j Oyster; John U'Nealc, sexton. Inspector of Fioitr and Salad Fro visions?Jos. Lyons. Guager and Inspector- dorian Hit z. Scaler of Wrights and Measures }\train Kir.hey. Inspector of Fire Apparatus John W. Martin. INSPECTORS AND MKA&t KKK*. Inspectors and Measwers of Lumber?Peter Gallant. Wm. Douglas, .mucl R. Beyer, Thomas w. Burcli, and 8. F. Gates. Measurer* if Grain, Bran, dr.?John Wilson for tbo llrst district id J. Z. Williams for the second district. 1 Food and Coal Measurer*?Joseph Z. Williams, Bain. C. Mick urn. chard Wimeatl, John Cumberland, and Wm. P. Brury. CLERKS AMI IXOJMIHalO.VKHS Of MARKETS. fieri: of Centre Market?John Waters; Joseph Lyons, assistant. Clerk of Eastern Market?-Michael Conner. Clerk of Western Market?William Walker. Clerk of Northern Market?George 1). Spencor. Commissioners of the Centre. Market?William Orme, Hudson Taylor, id Buckucr Ray lias. Commissioners of the Western Market?William H. Walker and Wil- j iri Brovfn. Commissioners rf the Northern Market?James T. Devlne and Thoo re Bheckella. Commissioners of the Eastern Market?G. W. Johnson and Francis nkins. AS9EWOKS. I\rtt I Yard -William Higgles. Smmd Ward -John T. Stewart. Third IKard?Zephuninh Jonca. Pmrth Ward?William DouglasFifth Ward?(Wo. F Small wood. Sixth Ward?Edward Wayeun. S>n*nth Word^-Jotm 11. Hrd. ?vrunixnmwarm or sweei*. Fit?t Ward Thomas J. Joow. Swrvt Ward -Ttiomas RobWnr. Third Ward Charka Keller. /v.iirth IKaiti-Cbirlea Kellnr. Fifth Want -John T. Ne*l<\ Sixth Ward?James R. Wood. Vi iwniffc Ur?nl H. O. Wbitemore. AQAYKXUKH*. Firtt HVt,d, Id !>Utrict?Win. Barr. Firtt Ward, '2d tHrtrict?I*uic\ Unkins Ward, Id IHdrid -Roger Adatntmn. Sarrmd Ward, 'id Pudrui- -Michael Stabl. Third Ward, 1 nt IHdrtd?JohnSrhue. Third Ward, 'hi IHotrirt? John Mack. I'">1 rth Ward, 1-/ Idfirirt?Franklln Hutcbim. Fourth Ward, '2d IHttfirt?Ernst Loetttcr, Fifth IFanJ?Win. T. IbuMord. Sinth Ward?James Curtain. Scrmth Wanl ?George N. Adama. I1MJCK MAOIHTRATTH. Fir ft lfirtrirt Samuel Prury. Sfourth, and Sixth IHdrict* unitnl?Tho*. J. Williams. Third CHdrict John I). Clark, oMro on Twelfth street, a few door* >low P. Fifth District William ThompKiW, office on Ninth street, betwoob and F. hi rents. S' trnlh JJidrict?Thmnas C. Ponn, ofltce on Louisiana avenue, nenr ink of Washington. Kightii Ih'dri't Patrick MrKonna, office corner of Pennsylvania aveio and Fourth street east. jXinth /HMrirt James Cull, office near Navy Yard. Tfiith IHstrut Iktniel Rowland, on tlio Inland. (iuanl tfon.? Tbom.?n C.'Donn roues PKI?AnrMK!?rT. Ckirf of Fotica?John H. (Joddard. Licutcnamtt if Police Noble J. Thome*, Edward \!? Henry. Police (Jffitcr* Hrnt Ward?Jotui Htcltormoft, Wm Paw , Wtn. P. Scrn. und .lames F. Edwarns. Second ward?Wm. H. Fanulug. Joseph Williamson, Cborloa (3. klo f, Il4 J UKM 04MNU Third ward?James H. Suit, Patrick dorm ley, Wm. I.. Ross, and cob F King Fourth ward?R T. Watson, II. W. Haskell. Henry Ycalman, and tuklin Zimmerman. Fifth ward II. C. .Harrover, C. W. Arnold, Jacob Ash. Henry #-ih. and Reuben Collins at the Railroad Depot. Sixth ward -Francis S Kdolert and Juincs s. Smith. Seventh ward?John M lJoyd, James A. PIM, K. N. Chipfcy, and tskih Rett roll. Special Potter Office* Panic! Wlialcn, Robert H Harrison, Joint M. mrntnn, Jathc* Holt, John Khlwcll, John \Y (Wmb*, Thomas J vlly, Joaeph H. Norwood. lVrtni4 Murphy, FrwliTirk Slut Iter, lebael Fitzgerald, Martin MeNmnara. Thorn** Young, John F. Carter, tomiw J, Kdmonxton, litWfflliOv Mnlflttr. John ti. Stafford, Juttich Thonxa* Stone. Thomas Htillon, William <>. NVulc. Benjamin niU, Wm. Rabbit!, Philip ftutrlilnaon, Jam e* It. (late*, William ilinaon. It. II. ftcgjfj .-i, Prtcr KrulT, Alfred ll^nnlng, John Rnriw, m I,. Ilattou, Joseph Ttu ket, John Jay, Richard Kvana. John T. adlcy, l'ator tJoortyenr. (leafy* II Morgan, John Brewer*. John lacy, Alexander Hume The Organisation of the. Kaerutts# Oenarttnentr of the Gavcrniuenl Ot the I'nUfd State*: nan ocrjjmuurr. Tb* whole machinery employed la eoodnet the bnma*** trumg not four Ikrlii relation* ? uh all the |?.*ir? at Ibe world to far mot* rap!" than m generally . areteed The Dumber employed in Ike Department at Stale m ibe I uited Main b only krente i. a* follow* Oar Secretary of dute i Hon Inwia Cam.) one Autaiaut Secretary oI Sale, (Hon John Appleton ) one chief deft. taelv* deft*, one Iran* laior, and one librarian. Lftptamatic Ajramdk?Tbia branch of the rtau Depart meal on* charge of all cerrr?(.onden<e between the department ami oOier di?e lb" I hitoil SIX. * a hr, .a, I m?l IK. ... .r K.r. lf |?>? ari accredited lo tbta government. in n ?ii Uipkrfnattr Juilructtona not from the department, and < <?matQu><-?uoQs to w?mfiii*iK?neft Ofider trmtki of boaiidtriMi, Ac., are prepared, copied, and recorded, ttd ail <t like character received ar? registered and fkied, tfeuf content? being Aral entered in an analytic table of Ifide*. Consular Branch?This branch has charge of lha coffaCp^foWoea, Ac., between the department and the cixmuls and commercial ageotJ of tii# United Stales In it Instructions to iIknm uAcera, and answers to their de?|?ati hes and to letters froth other persons asking for couxular agency, or relating to consular affairs, are prepared and recorded. The Disbarring Agent. Hr has charge of all oorrcupr-odence and other matters connected with accounts relating to any fund wrfh the disbursement ?f which the department is charged The Translator.?His duties are to furu^h such translation* *J the detriment may require. He a No records the coin missions of consuls and rice consuls, when not tu English, upon which exequatur* are Issued. Clerk of Appointments and Ctjmmmiuns He makes out and records commissions, letters of appointment, aud nomination* to the Senatemakes out and records exequaturs, aud records, when m English, the eom missions on which they are issued. Has cliarge of the library. CUrk of the Bolls and Arthirm. He takes charge of the rolls, or enrolled acts and rpsoluikma of Uougress, as they arc received at llie de [tartmcnt from the frWdtfii; prepares the authenticated co|S?s thereof which are called for ; prepare* for, dlid superintends their pul?li? alum, and that of treaties, 111 the new simpers and iu boot form; attends to llieir distribution throughout tlio United .States, and thai hf fttl db*bmcnts aud publication* in regard to wh?ch this duty is assigned to tiifi department; writing and answering all letters connected therewith. Uas charge of all ludiau treaties, and butane** relating thereto. CUrk cf Authentic at ions and OapgrighU.?He has ?harge of the seals of the United Stales and of the department, and preitares and attaches certificates to pajieni presented for authentication; receives and accounts for the fees. Has charge of publications trammilled to the department under the laws relating to copyrights; records and indexes their titles; records all letter* fiom tho department, other Uian the diplomatic aud consular. CUrk of Pardons and Passports?He prepares ltd records pardons and remission-*; and rtabteri and Ale* the jM'tuioiis aud papers ??u it bleb toej are founded. Makes out and record* passports; keeps a ddtly register of all letters. other than diplomatic and consular, repel ved, and of the dispodilloti itifSdb of them; prepares letter* relating to this business. xttokmy onnaui'i own. Hon. Jeremiah 8. Black, Attorney General of the United State*; A B. Mci'aiuioiit, esq., chief clerk. The ordinary business of this office ip?y be cla-Mtt* d under the following head?: 1. Official opinions on the current business of the government, a* called fbr by the President, by any head of detriment, or by the 80Uoitor of the Treasury. 2 Ex'a mi nation of the titles of all land purchased a* tho sltea of arsenals, custom hmi#o*, light houses, and all other public works of tho United .State*. 3. Applications for pardons in all cases of conviction in the court* of the United .State*. 4. Applications for api>ointmeot in all the judicial business of the government. 6. "Hie conduct aud argument of all suits in the Supreme Court of the United States in which the government is concerned 6. The supervision of all other suits arising in any of the depart ments when referred by tho hood thereof to tho Attorney General To these ordinary heads of the business of the office are added at the present time the following, vis: rffst. Tlib <Iffecfk?n of all appeals on land claim* in California .Second. The codification fttisikn 6f the law* of tho iJtatrict o? Columbia. IMTSfUOR [?K1 ARTMK.NT. Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Hon. Jacob Thompaoh, of the State of Uiwi^lppi. It* clerical force consist* of one chief !ar clerk*; and to it? unpertiidun and management are com milled the following iiranrlii'f- o( the public ihtvIcc : 1st. The I'uJtlir IaihiI*. The chief ?>f this bur cab is called the Com raissioncr of the General Land Office, llio Land Bureau hi charged with the survey, management, and laki of the public domain, ?hd issuing of titles tlierefor, whether derived from conllrniutions of grants made by former governments by Miles, donations, of grants for schools, military bounties, or public improvements, and Ukewisc the reviahui of Virginia Inilllary Inmnty land claims, and the issuing of scrip in lieu thereof. Tin Laid Office, also, audits its own nccuunts. The preaent Commissioner is Hon. T. A. Hendricks, of Indiana, its prinj cipal officers an-a recorder, chief clerk, principal clerk of surveys, besides a draughtsman, assistant draughtsman, and some 150 clerks of various grades. 2d. /'ouiouj.-Tbe pieaent bead of this bureau is George C. Whiting, of Virginia. Tito commissioner is charged with the examination and adjudication of all claims arising under the various and numerous law.- passed by Congress granting bounty land or i?onsionH fur the military or naval service# in the revolutionary ami subsequent wars in which the United States liavc been engaged. He lias one chief clerk, (S. Cole, esq.,) and a permanent corps consisting of some ninety other clerky 3d. Indiam.?Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Char lee E. Mix, of Georgetown, I). C. He is provided with a chief cl.'rk and ubout fifteen other subordinate clerk*. 4th. rmmt (Jtjficf.?To fids bureau I* Committed the cxceution and {tcrfortnancc of nil "acts and things touching and respecting the granting and Issuing of patents fbr new and useful discoveries, inventions, and improvements;" the Collection of statistics relating to agriculture; the collection and distribution of seeds plants, and cuttings It has a chief clerk?who U by law the acting Commissioner of Patents in the ubsence of the Com in urn ion or?twelve principal, afld twelve a* sis Unit examiners of |taienh*, some dozen subordinate permanent clerks, besides a considerable number of temporary employees. Hon. .loicpb llolt is the Commissioner, and Samuel T. Shugert, esq., Chief ! < k i k Beside* these four prim ipul branches of this new executive department, the organic act of 1H49 transferred to it from the Treasury liepartim nt the supervision of the account# of the Uuilod States marshals and attorneys, and the clerks of the United States courts, the manage menl of the lead and other mines of the United States, and the ailiiirs < of the penitentiary of the United state* in the District of Colu in bin, and ! from the State Department the duty of taking and returning the censuses of the United Suites, and of supervising and directing the acta of j Ibe Commissioner of Public Buildings. The hospital for the insane of the army and navy and of the Pistrici of Columbia is also under the ' management of this department; In addition to which, by Iawb re ' rentlv passed, the Secretary of the Interior U charged w ith the couI itruction of the three wagon roads leading to the Pocitlc coast. Tlic department requite# an additional building lor iU accommoda lion, and the erection ??f one has been repeatedly recommended during | ilia la*t few years for that purpose. At present the Pension Office is provided with room* in what is known as "Winder a Building," while tho other brunches of the department, including the Secretary's office, ore all crowded Into the Pub-nt Office building, the whole of which will be required at all early day for the use of the Patent Office, for which it was originally intruded. trjcahv kv MTARTMIUrr. The Treasury Department consist* of the offices of the Secretary of tb# Treasury, two comptrollers, commissioner of tho customs, six aulitors, treasurer, register, solicitor, light house board, and coast sur ; . TUc following I# a brief Indication of the duties of then* several offices, and of the force employed therein, respectively: 5Wr<fan/'# Office.?Hon. Howell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury, Hon. Philip Clayton, AfsbU&t Secretary; 011c engineer in charge; one architect. and three draughtsmen tcmjiorarily employ til, and twenty three clerks. Tlie Secretary of the Treasury is charged with the gen oral supervision of tho fiscal transactions of the government, and of the execution of the laws concerning; the commerce and navigation of the Hinted States. He superintend* the survey of the coast, the light house e?tM bib h incut, the tnanue hospital* of the United States, and the construction of certain public building* for custom-house* and other pur pueos. Pirtl Comptroller'# Office.?Hon. William Medill, Comptroller, and fifteen clerk*. He prescribes tho mode of keeping and rendering uc counts for the civil and diplomatic service, as well as the public lands, aud revise* and certifies the balance* arising thereon. Second Comptroller'* Office.?J M. Cutis. esq., Oomptroller, and seventeen clerks He prescribes the mode of kec|>ing and r?n lor ing the account* of the army, navy, and ludlnti departments of the public service, and revise* and certifies tho balances arising thereon. Office of C<'mmi*$\<mer of the Ctuioms. ?-Samuel Ingham, esq. Commissioner, and eleven clerks. He prescribe* the mode of keeping and rendering the accounts of the custom* revenue and disbursements, and lor the building and repairing custom bouses, \*c., and revises aud ceiliflt1* tho balances arising thereon. F\rtt Auditor'a Office ?'Thomas L. Smith, esq., First Auditor, and niuetocn clerks. He receive* niui adjust* the accounts of the custom* revenue and disbursements, appropriations and expenditures mi uc Tount of the civil list an I under private act* of Congress, aud reports ibe balance* to the Commissioner of tho Customs and the First Comptroller, respectively fc?r their decision thereon. Second Auditor'* (fftce.?Ttmnisi J. P. Fuller, Second Auditor, and twenty one clerks. He receives Mid adjusts all account* relating to the pay, clothing, aud recruiting of the army, as well a? armories, arsenals, and ordnanco, and all uccoont* relating to the Indian department, and reports the balances to the Second Comptroller ii?r his decision thereon. Third Auditor'i Office?Robert J. Atkinson, esq., Third Auditor, and seventy-eight clerks. He receives and adjusts all accounts for subsistence of tlie army, fortiOeatUma, Military Academy, military roads, and tho Quartermaster's department, w* woil a* for pension*, claim* arising from military services previous to lfilfl, and Ibr horse* and other property lost in the military service, under various acta of Congress, and report* tlie balance* to the Second Com pi roller for his decision thereon. Cnurth Auditor'* Off,re ? Anroti O Hurt/Wi o?n Fourth tn.lifnr f.n.l sixteen clerks. He receives end adjust* nil account# for the service of llir Navy Department end reports the balances to the gccnud Comptroller l??r his decision thereon. Fifth A wl iter's Office.?Murray McCoflnel. esq., Fifth Auditor, and six clerks. Ho receive* nnil adjust* all account* for diplomatic and similar services performed under the direetlm of the State Depart ment, and report* the bftiucM to lite First Comptroller for his decision thereon. Sixth Atulitor'n Office.?Dr. Thomas M. Tate, auditor of the? Trees ury for the Post Office Department, and one hundred and fourteen clerks. Ho receives and adjusts ail accounts arising from the service of the Post Office Department. Ill-* decisions are final, unless an appeal be taken in twelve months to the First Comptroller. lie superintends the collection of nil debts due the Poet Office Department, and all penal tie* and forfeitures imposed on laMtmasters and mail con tractors for failing to do their duty ; he directs suit* and legal proceed lugs, civil and criminal, and take* all such measure* a* may be authorised by law to enforce the prompt payment of money* due to the department; instructing United State* attorneys, marshal*, and clerk* in ?U matter* relating thereto ; and receives return* from each term of the United Suites court* of the condition and progro-m of such suit* and lego! proceedings ; ho* charge of ail lands and other properly assigned to the United States in payrtl'ent of debt* due the Pu si Othco liepartmeut, and ha* |*>wer to aeli and difljKXtc of Urn nam* for the benefit of the United Sun * Treatturer't Qffaf.?Jbraacl Casey, esq.. Treasurer, and thirteen dorks He receive* and keeps the moneys of the United state in In* own office, and that of the depositories created by Uie act of the nth <?f August, 1R4G, and pay* ont the same u|h?u warrant* drawn by the Secretary of Urn Treasury, countersigned by the First Comptroller, and upon warrant* drawn by the Postmaster General, and countersigned by the 5*i*th Auditor, ami recorded by the Register. He also holds public mtmeys advanced by warrant to disbursing officer*, and |*y* out the earn* upon their checks. Register's Office.?Flnley Bigger, esq. Register, and twenty nine clerks lie keeps the accounts '?f public rccef]** ami expenditure*; receivea the returns and makes out the official M.itomcnt oi unmcree i ami navigation of the United ?t iter and re- ? i\ es from the Kir; t Comptroller and Ovtimlwiaoer of Customs all n, count* and vouchers dfetded by hem, and 1* eharged by law with their safe keeping. ! Untlcr-t < I' < In: vvf -two*. n.d mi 1 fir luperlutruo* til rtr* MM enemweoM by lb* lalapd hhlri , 1 - ariMUf i* <k? Pall Ofha /bpurtMrnf.y am* tuiMnia tba'ln I ff. luanbula. MM Mill m *11 inutUn ntntti, m I , ibaut and tbatr rouMa Ha IM)MI ?> ?? tnMM cacb tarm ?IW I I'nilr 1 SIMM court#, lima tuf Uw and ,* in, (, tUjlm l? flull-r 1" llll<l? al*l "tbrr IT'tl fll aMIM li t|, |, (Mate* la payment <it itrfna. lanp fbnar m pmymm yj<4<i I due Urn I'm* Ofk* Htport?tai.) an) baa (a/werlo mU lad Atapau ,J J Uir MUM fur Ui? lx.ur.ut uf tire CulHd Stair? l-fkt Hoaat Huar* H- n llotrell OnM), Orrrrtary of tho Trtau, aaafcu\ praafclrnt Cio W It rbulrra-fc. I'mtad Htatio aary. th*, man. Major A H Hn? maa, ror|? ?f aaclnaeri., laurd (Maim ito,,' > a DaMad SWaa army, l*raf. A If. Bncba, Say*' mlr adroit rf {' ??.t Hurray: Prof Jrarpt, Henry, aacrrtary of i>MUi aonlaa frmiiHom rrmuuander ft. ? *'?<*, Mam ' UHuiuatidt-r Tlmroton A JroMina, VoHod Mala nary, awi ii|,ui, Ifrt ft Krankltu raitnd Htrlea army aormtarm; and Mr* rViti ! . I'OlUll.i u.l > I-anil* "t ItK'.l ' "u . . I.<k, veeaels, bnoya, MM toaaoaa, ( for auppke* of oil, be LnUai Suatea Coo* bunny?Prufcaaar A l> Ha, h-, U. 0 , laprru I ... I ,,,| , ... I. .1 - ?!.M a?l a.- ?-.|.r t'aja fPltHrai K Paltnvr corf* ("prurapbfcal onauiara, I omyj un.t I-A I It. L m. I -A t-- An,., aiwuiii. ft ctiarjt* of tli? Coaat ."urrty u?tc A w Ituir II. ihi. f elori C. B. (blow, lu , barf c of arubttrM. ! Pf(*r??T A 0 IWtrtnu, L'rnled (Mali* uary, oompuMr of lou, : tudra I AiaMtaut Cbaa A ftrhoM. la cbarfe of nutnpuuan ittruten. I AwnLuit L. V. Pourlale*, lb tharge of IKlal dltrutnn U.-ot, J c. 11,11., I'l ... 1 -ul* an.,., Ill uarga 'aaik| ft I ruMin. I.. I.I , *, hi lull. .I Hal. a aimy. id cbat?? -I . <,:ii| ?,{ , atoa S?fmi?l Htm, diaburatnf nfont. i a1.-, iiuf?|0.t Joacpb aaiwa, Mitotan! to nifunotcndrm if wrtgbti aad uwuia rrw imi nviiMifT H'.n Aaron V. Broun, Pu?trn/vtaf tMnarut. Tb?, ao-i ", '1'-' III' i'l uf III,' I ,r-l I Hi,. Ii |. . Ill, >' 01 I- VI.' I by I ' " * ' - * -* " 1 il ^ w I ? ; MJtaou aim laws 10 um iiMiauwir umn ? - - - ? .... . - 'nveukMttly arranged .uid prepared ft>r 1st* u-i fl ' Tif t i ri* bureau* as folkfW? 1 h ' Am*i fl 1 ' v I !'.? .( tli ?-''l *. ! !.' ?< ' .!: ? ? fl t I i fl ? < f 11 f t I V- f f. i I. ? 1 I ! i i * I . ' > V .1 - I I- -I--'; 1 I f IhP I hie? I| I.; - " < H ltl Ki J I'M ?t > ?- ?n? II j Genor ' It lor It/ 'I 111) ? Office If n 1 ..: , I S 14 which relate 1. at and di of tt MM* nf p* H ;mm 'lit .? . .i: r4 " nu*t?-r? B 1 and route and local agent*, a.-, also, the givfng of Joslruetliiin * ? pom B tf ' furm-hod Willi marking ?Mid raliio Uin>j * B tWeb Uelwyrt K ^ < l> uik and uumiery for tr.<- Me of fth* department uM wnfc I . agem < - established f??r B ( ttottsaiaier* with blank a. To thin bureau if Wtew toe aligned the s?| fl 1 ' ' . i iii Ji!j? , ?'??) ' Be teretgn 4i 1 fl J ternatfonal postal arrangement. fl CtrJmtt (tfflcr. tfilUan fl PwkIwi. r*q , Secmid Ai^taoi lm?? I ' : ami enty ? lurks t> .. of)l<. ig tin b?> B ness of arranging iNtt tnaft service of I!w t'nlted 9lttte<, and pla* incthe fl I . <:>r;.'i!,lf is - ' ' .i I.? fir liiijr b rupa ... thefn jueucy of trlpn. jwhIp ol?rmvcyauo ,and turn B I pATturi and art vah all the r?o(rt the pouree of Uie mail Iwtwern B r.t ectlOl of tin-. otiuir v . lln plots r?? mall il?\Tto !: j H the r< , for ih? jtov?-r i.nnnt of the tloifif^Or. .mall serv u ? v\ i!,- fl j United State*. ft the idrertiieuHiQUi fbr liiil jwopoaah, re celves tin ... I (alea Charge * the annual and opcHliaiJ mailfet fl ting*, and the adjustment aftd etecntfon r?f the cotitractH. Jdl ain>ltra Uoet ft r the < t ibllihmt ut rr iHi rartiort (ft rttO rfrnjewnt". ?n.i n> B i | u1111m i<t of iitiitl in, h- i \ h<?nhl k eent t" tht- o(li<o. All ! obimH Hboukl b submitted l?? it fot wrtlct not under fl cooinat aa tbi recogniUon of aaid aerrk U nfal $& tf ohCaimNl ibrou|lt H , the Contract Oftko aa a neeeesary authority for proper credits ?t the Auditor's Office. Kroiu tins ollb-e all po?lmattef* at the ends of roMtea mx-lve Hie sUtemonl of malt arrangement* prescribed tor tbo H ! respective routes. It reports wwkly to th** Auditor all contracts eis> H ! cutcd. and all orders afl'cs.'tiug uccouutx for tfliwl tr?uj|i0rtat40n; pre- H parm the .-tatbtical exhibits of the mail service, and the rcjwrt.i i?f U* H .'/mil b-nrngs. giving a atatonieut id" each bid; also, of tt>ocoefracts B ffhldc>. the no# service origuian-d, the curtailments orddrcd, wal ths B j additional planted within the year. B Pittance Ofirr,?John Mafrori. (?q,, Third Assistant rostmnster (Ire- fl ; erml, and twenty-one clerks. To fbf* olUcc are assigned tl?o shjmt- B I vUkm and management of tlia flAourlal buaffteeii of the department, B , not devolvi 1 by law mpeo Dm Imlltof dMhiaadKif weoonts rith tlx ; draft ofDcos and oil;ce detMwitarkM of th" ttepairfiweivf, the issuing oi B warrants and drafts in payment of tmianceH rpperfed by fht1 Aoditir B to be duo to nutil contrariora other (>er?on9, the sapervMv?(4 fl 'ho accounts of ufljees under orderif *'> depr/Ate their qnarb rly Iwl B auces a( <bf *uimle?l and the a?pertnle?dciic6 of the recdiiwe B by postmasters of their quarterly rotorna of postages. Jt luto lw.v B of the dead letter otfkd, 4?f the issuing of |H>s?age staiups ?jhI stampHl B eriveIojM[?s for the pre pnymehC t*f postage, and of thfl accounts ton B i nected therevrftli. B To the Tliird Assistant Postmaster Genera* all postmasters sbouM fl ! direct their quarterly returns of ptttego; tixa^ til dnlt offlcM, ttctr B letters reporDng quarterly the net proceeds of tlmir 'dteos;an?l th'*?s B at depositing offieua, tlielr wrtifleatea of de|v?.site; to htw should also B j he directed the weekly and monthly returns of the depoflif/ttbs of tier B department, o* well aa all application-? and receipt>? for |K>stag^stamp* B ! and sUmipetj cuvclcqfen, and for dead tetters. B Inspgii i(/n (tfiirf.?Bonj. Jf. CVrneiitK, e??q., chief clerk, and seventeffiT B j clerks. To this office ie iu*^igne*i the duty of reoefv ami examining the H j registers of the arrivals ami departures of the mails, cortifteates of the I service of route agents, and reports of mail failure.-*; of noting the da H liitqtieiicius of contriicti>rs. nud preparing casta Uiercon ft?r the action ' of the. Postmaster General; furnishing blanks for mail registers,m<) re porta of mail failure.-*; providing and xendiug out mail-bag* an I H j mail locks and keys, nnd doing ail other things which (tray ho aecet H eary to secure a faithful and exact |Kirformance ??f all mail f^sAnut" H All oases of mail depredation, of violation of law by priVMsex preaaea, or by the forging or illegal use of postage slami*, are tinder j the supervision of this oflb.e, ami should bo reported to It. All?oinmuiiications respecting lost money, letters, mall depredx] ^B tions, or other violation* of law, or malt-locks and keys, should b? di. reeled " Chief Clerk, I\>sl Ofllce nepartment." KB All registers of the arrivals and departures of the mails, certificate ^B j of the service of route agents, reports of mall failures, upi>lKi?tl<f? ^B for blank registers, and reports of failures, and all ccifiplmnlM agalriM j . ontract??r.j for irregular or Imiwrfkt service, should In? directed " In ^B [ spectlon Gflice, l\>st Office Department." |9 ka vt pkrartmkxt. | b The Navy Department consists of the Navy Department proper, be ^b ! ing the office of the Secretary and of live bureaus attached thereto, v1i ^B I Bureau of Navy-yards and Docks, Bureau of Construction, l-^uipmeot. |B ! and Repair. Bureau of Provlakms and Clothing. Bureau of Ordnance ad ^B j Hydrography, and the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. |b j The following is a statement of the duties of each of these offlcee ill IB | of tlio force employed therein: ib j Secrdary's OpJcv. -Hon. Isaac Toueey, Secretary of tho Navy: Oharlw H I W. Webih, esq,., chief clerk, and eleven clerks. The Secretary of tte H v?r-? i,.?c i i>mrir<> iM-nprtlUna u.'itfi the naval establish B i rrient, mul the execution of all laws rotating thereto u intrusted to him, H | under Ui? general direction oi the rroglilcnl <?t tb? United States, who, H | by tbo constitution, u commander lu chief of the army and nary H 1 All instructions to oottianaiHlors of squadrons mid commander* ^B vesacls, all order* "i ers. commissions of officers both in thu H i navy and marine corjw, appointments of commissioned and warm! H j officers, orders for the enlistment and discharge of seamen, cnund* H j from tbo Secretary'* office. All the duties of tbo different bureaus sf ^B : performed under the authority of the Secrotarv, and their order* a* ^B I considered a? emanating from him. The general superintendence H the marine carp* forma, also, a part of the duties of the Secretary, a^ IB ! all the orders of the commandant of that corps should be approved ty ^B | liiin. H J Bureau of Xavy Var<h Docks.?Commodore Joseph Smith, chief ^B l of the bureau, four clerks, one civil engineer, and one draughtsman ^B | Ali the navy yards, docks and wharves, buildings and rnadnucry Id |H , nav) yards, and every thing immediately connected with tbew, (9 j under the superintendence of this burr an. It is also charged with d* ^B j management of the Naval Asylum. [ Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repair John LenthaH,flty?^B clilef of the bureau, eight clerk*, and one draughtsman. The officeot ^B | tbo engineer in-chief of tlio navy, Samuel Archbuld, esq., is attachedw ^B j this bureau, who is assisted by three assistant engineers. This bolts* ^B has charge of the building and repairs of nil vessels of war. purchaw ^B ! of mate rial*, and the providing of alt vessels with their equipment, ^B 1 as sails, anchors, water tanks, Ac The cngtucor-iu chief superintrndi ^B i tho construction of all marine alcana engines for the navy, and, wffi ^B ] the approval of the Secretary, decides upon plans for their cuUrw-^B tion. j Bureau of Provisions and Clothing?H. Bridge, purser United j navy, chief of bureau, arid four clerks. All provisions for the u*f j the navy, and clothing, together with the making of contracts for hir BH i niching the same, come under the charge of this bureau. |B I Bureau of Ordnance and ftydrof/raf/hy.?, Duncan Ingrabna^B i chief of bureau, fmir clerks, and one draughtsman. This bureau | charge of all ordnance and ordnance stores, tbo manufacture or p'^^H cba of cannon guns, powder, ahot, shell*, fte , and the equipm ? I of vessels of-war, with everything connected therewith. It tbo rf"^^B : vides them with maps, charts, chronometers, barometers, gether with such book* as are furnished ship* of war. "The I u States Naval Observatory and IlydfogrAphlcal Office" at Wa^lnnf"*^^B and the Naval Academy at Annapolis, arc also under tbe gmaralo^^B jHftlitWidenre of the ciiief of this bureau. |fl Bureau of Medicine. and Surgery;?Dr. William Whelan, surgeon ted states navy, chief of bureau; one passed as?ijtant surgeon States navy, and two clerks: Everything relating to mrfiiciw*."'**^^B mot Ileal stores, treatment of sick and wounded, and mari;igein hospitals, comes within the AUpcrintciidenre of this bureau. ||S WAR nrrAKtRx.vr, fJH Hon. J. R Floyd, Secretary of War ; W. R. Prinkard, chief novon subordinate i lflrkrt, tvfo messenger*, and rour wrnicnmcu. - mm allowing burofttn am nt(nohA?l to ttin department: nH <y?mman<(infj GeneraVt Ojfict. Tlii* nfficc, at the head ef Unuti'DADl (icuoral iH'tHt, is nt New York. bS Adjutant General A OJfice - Col. Samuel Onojxe, Adjutant Oe# Af*:?i~u?Hty - Brevet Major K. I>. Townneiid, HrcvetOipl atl<t llrrvcH 0^4. J. I'. Carwelie. Judge Atlvocato, Brr\*4 K. lice; nine clerk* ami one messenger. In this olirlt e are tho nxxirdu which refer t?? the personnel of the nfrnjr, th' P**' U ta hero *\ hvr? all military commission* arc made out. Quart-rmartrr Genera Vs Offirt. Brevet Major Central T. ? quarterin<\*trr general. A.^HUum?Colonel C. Tlmmtw, GapM? Miller, and Brevet Major J llelger; eleven clerk* ami <*W l*6yv%a*t*r General'* Ofhcr.?Ool. B. F. |?arned, |viyne?-n,r i^11 Major T.J. Leslie, UUttrid paymaster; eight clerks and one wCor 9 ! oral; oanurttuil, Captain >1. It. L. Simpson; si* oierki e?d tHW W -.1 | Surpmn Gmeral't of&cf.?Ben. Thomas Lawwm, aurfeoor0' Midst ants, f.?r. R. C Wood ami fnr. <;. K Wood; three clerk*. Engineer ()t)icr General Joseph f? Tottcn, a htcf engi*,,,,r. j Captain H. C. Wright; liveclerks ami one. raeHseBgcr. Tofxiptaphnal HurravCo!. J. .1 Ahert, eolonel of the corp* ( , MHiaut, (Captain J. <' Wuodrufl . lour clerks and one m?- -enger. j Ordnan<r /invent.?-Col. II. R. Craig, eoloneI of ordnance, Capl. Wm. May nan her; eight clerk* ahd one in* wog'T. jS telegraph offices. fl House' Printing Telegraph. Natl (.ml lf?*t I. rot rait" J t '?. "in1 d M.r north ?M IViitisylvaiiiu avenue TV" ^ liiltiniort . Philadelphia, and inteiiiesliut" point-, ei?un, M r : York with the Eastern line to .?t. John*, and 111" We t. ru lit'" Or limn*. M ign. ti. Telegraph, Mnthnwl Hotel, corner ??l ^'hrth ? J1 IViiinylv.ini* iT?n# Til Now Yark, c mini- Unit ? vtriirio Ka? i.n.i w..?i P Hnuthi'rn Tolrtfrapb, National llnM. To Now Orli-nn*. i'" J* ilnn. KJrlitniniit, Anyu ii, ami Xnhllo, itml inii-foo-'w1 |o lnl |fl W?tom |H *' H potnln, conaootinc with nil tho W. loin knit North*m>torn lint" I