Newspaper Page Text
~ ~ /J*- 3 . "THE WASHINGTON UNT6N. ^1T s* W aia, *, . 1 Hubllibed byCOKMELIl'S WLADE1.L, (y^gT 1^ ]| |T II <V ^ W I ^ s^fj^ j^/ ^4^*9" ^ ^Hft IB ? ?! ! Notic# to Hob.crlb.r.. 9 1 I ,111- JIII HI XI ID. n I II (rl S (111 3 twr^ war: v* j\ I I II If Sl^l8ill8ili?i'I l~l II I IB I I ^ J bio to III* collector Tu .uUcribri. by mull, at f< ,< ^ I^^W' A^^*W'" ft/J ft I ? ft /ft ft' ft ft ft ft * '& ft ft. aI .11 I II II lo mi Uu. r. by twul ?,,l i at tbc i i?b of it,. aaUcnbr-m, ?ud not 9 untim, ?1 for l? month. (IfllMr. <4 ibc goveruimi.t, nut pay m - ' V If ^ v !M S^T SL' . A ^L.' ^Ly J^L ? llw of U,. lit. . u. 9 , ..lfiiiic#, ?ill be charge.I t* pur annum. f JW ?n^>T A ^9^ ^9 9 r ratsh ok ahvkstmn? 9 -rilK WJfWVKKKU INiO.Af, will b. poblUl.rd aiary . 1 auuar. 1 da. an an w 9 W?.lr?'i"!?> and ."bnurclay, at *4 per annum Ibr ouu copy; tin r.. 1 -"" -? - -? ? . __ ... . _ . 4 . , * ' !" J *>"??*' - tnoinhr (00 9 lkro. C,O,I .Ub? -LIBERTY, THE UNION, AND THE CONSTITUTION n ~ | 1 ,fc? *?-*? a uu | i >io ?IHooihe!.*.*,'. ^ .11 oo I 'III* HKKKM I MOV . wry UrF |?p.r Ini -- . . ' *'" '"" ""' '"> 1 ' ? > -' llo uo ?Njiaiiim, Will bo publU..! .i?ry Suiur.Uy u.oiniiig, at tbo Ibl E,*llt ,ln>'? or l.>. oml?- aaquar., longer advancement* in ciaa I l???* ? ' *" " l'* *-|? r annum three. |... I. r ; II v. \'l)l \ IV v(| 1t|7 \ I ' 4 ull f m/it/wt nnn.r a a tiif la I v a Tr . .. proportion, ami all payable m mIvwi...- a i v>, ii., ,n,,?i in fl ?A loo if... ?li, ,W,UJ Mtb o?4?dd,ru ? U,i' A1'* ^ U Aoll I ^1 (jf 1 ON ( ii\, S \ L 11 DA ^ DFr( ' R M H P R 1 I Vi ^? TUH 11DK TJ tw'.-ortb,"" ?,,! u-rt.?. tol ;.7S -u, |,r.I, r,? A ,1 ' i'ljV ! > I I ( I , ! I -f J.0c)0? ll\U (, K \ rS '1 "! ' 'Ar oi" ? a w.-.b in II,. ???????????__' c?nu por ixjuaro for eatb lowirtloo. Hpocial aotlcra cbaigtxl dowbU il ? 1 . i. o foregoing raws. 9 TRAVELLERS' DIRECTORY. IAKOM WASHINGTON DIM KIT TO ALL l'ARTS f uK thk; ww, tjuuthwot, and nodthwi-kp.?baijji Two through t uitia are now run dully, except riuuday, from Wash I, !.?r l'l" , ilH lolloWH bt. Mail ruin start* at 7.4J), u. in., (Sunday excepted,) connect iUK c Jowly at Washington Junction, for Cumborland aud IV'dmout. j i Hid (iu< lunnU St. ImSi, mud Chk*go Kxprern ('oimec tkm leave* Washington ut 3 40, p. m., reaching Ctuciunali at 0.30, p. ui.,uoxtday, Nl4,i, , ti ig ii ?iotl> w itli exprem train forLouUvUW,Oitn>}t9dtbn gouiliwutft, and for Si. bail*, Kali "as, Ac. To view Ute grand mountain eoeamry of lUu road iu daylight take eitli ortr at Cumberland or Piedmont. for Ptfki r*l ud all at on the Xortl w* itor n . irginl *d Uk'- the 9.40 , p. ui., traiu. k'or Marietta and Cincinnati Raid oad take lltn MUM. Through tickets and baggage t-Uodk* to all ipiartora, aud every other possible facility, will be found upon tliia route. Wrt) " Baltimoro and Oitio Hull j road will 1"UV<- Washington ae folk;*? For all pouiui iMJiwicu 7.45, a m., train. Fur ..Jl stations between Piedmont and Wheeling, Uk* p. iu . train. To cuuuuGtwUh the Frederick train, take tho trainFOR HAl.TIUORK AND TUK EAST: I fav'u Waahlugtow for ilaltiiDore at ti 10 and 7.40, u. w., and 3.40 ^ tiijii 4.35,p. m. On Sunday at 3.40, p. in , only. I/IW llfillUMwro at 4.30 and 3.SO, a. IU., and 8 30 and & 30, p. IH On Hull'l ?s it 4 30, a III , ..111} rtw 7.45 and 4.35 trains only will atop at way aUtlooa and l'ur An cotinetilorw. ?i< 7 15 a (t, , i?d . 10 i' m tro tbo i i el nn< ting traiu foi tho W*it, and til. 0 10, 7 45, uiid 3 40 trains fur the Kind. Kurfurtkiw-r intUruwr.hMi Inquire at the lutiimoro andOhio Railroad nrkat Office, ol'THOS H PARSONS, Agent, Washington. W I'. SMITH, 0, t 8 Muster of Transportation, Ikiltlmoro. VTBU A.RRANQEMBN1 OKKAT 8l>(JTHWESTERN ROUTE via ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. From WASHINGTON CITY lb Virgin!#, Tennemefi, Georgia, \ '.aimms, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkausus, and Texas. Through rickets oui bb obtained at tbb gfwt Sohtl wo torn Rfldl roadOffl cornet ofpflbuyhnbiii tvetiua and Ritth itrwt, Washing U?u, ou board of the Steam Ferry Rout Georgo Pago, or at tho Office of tho Orange and Alblibdhfi'lUlljon4, ftt Ahucatidt In. To Richmond, Danville, Lynchburg, Hrlstol, Knoxvlllo, Da) ton, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville, Huntfivillo, Grand June tlon, Momphh, Montgomery, and Now Orleans. By a Direct Route and Continu-m* Rullwuy Connexions lo Memphis Aiiordlng greater Expedition ami Oumfort, uud being over 200 miles shorter than by any other route. The a team ferry boat George Page leaven tho foot of Seventh street ?0D4 o'clock,a. in., for Alexandria, where putmengerh take thocursfor llichiiiontl, CharloltuHville, Slaunion, White Sulphur Springe, Woodstock, Ac., and at 7\', p. in., for Richmond and all polute Southwent, making sure and close connexions to Memphis. Baggage wagons and oinnibuaor leave tho office, Pa. avenue, at tt o'clock, a. iu ., aud 7, p. i't. JAMES A. EVANS, Agent, June 18?tf Washington. ClUM M K II A IIII A NIi K M li N T. -Tho steamer GEORGE l'AGE will run as follows: Immivu Alexandria at 4, H, 10, 12 o'clock, a. in.; 2, 4, and 0 *'clock, l?. in. Iajuvo Washington at 6, 0, 11 o'clock, a. tli.; 1, 3, 5, and 7 o'clock, The THOMAS COLLY Kit, when ou the route, will run a* opposite hours Fare iJ cents. 'Abuloy'x umtlibUlM CORMCtiO| with tho Page and CoPyor, will tii.' Capitol, mm! corner h IStb treet isd PvomyiviBte Avenue, ho sumo time the boats leave Alexandria. June H?ood - tf HitHARD WALLACH, President. Notice to travellers.?nkvv akrangeilKN'T, WITH greatly lml'rovkdschf.dl'lk. from wash istifoy mulct to all parts ok the south and southwest, VIA POTOMAC STKAMFKS AND RICHMOND AND POTOMAC RAII ROAD 1JNE.?Two fust daily linen from Washington lor the Sunt 1a ami Southwest. Boat* loavo their bertha, foot of tith street, ut 6 ^, a m., and 7%, p. m. Passengersby tho morning boat can obtain a Line breakfaat on board and enjoy a pleasant sail of 3 J J hours down the beautiful Potomac, passing in lull view of Mount Vernon. Jly the evening boat they insure a good supper and a rost of four hours iu ruinfor table berths or state km.ins, and arrive iu Richmond iu time to connect with all ten; trains for thu South and Southwest. The groat southern mail in conveyed over this route, it being 44 miles shorter and 100 tulles leas railroading thuu by any other route, making certain connexions to kmkitihiciuuiuiui, ibctimoxd, and lvKTiiwnrRO, Virginia ; Wwjh>.v axi> WlI-MlMiTON, N. C. ; (TlAKUffiro.V, S. C. ; At ULhTA, (iA. ; MoNTOONKMT asd Mobile, Ala., dinner to naw orleans and all houthkkn cruui and towns. Also, connect at Richmond with tho Danville, Souilrsido, Virginia, Tennessee, and Last Tennessee, railroads for thk south wk8t to Hanvillo, Bristol, Ikilton, Chattanooga, HunUvillo, Memphis, Lynchburg, Kuoxville, Atlanta, Nashville, Grand Junction, Montgomery, and New Orleans. F?r through tickets and further information of tho route, Inquire at the southern ticket office, No. 372 Pennsylvania avenue, <mu door east of Browns' Hotel, or ou board the boats, foot of 0th afreet. GEO. E. MATTl.NLY, August 17?ly Ticket Agent. new york advertisements. 8. C. Herring A Co.-a I'atent Champion Safea. flMIE subscribers, grateful for past favors, and JL fludlug that a discriminating public were bestowing their patronuge to that extsnt that moro wurerooiua were necessary to exhibit all their stock, have enlarged their depot, by opening an extensive ware and salesroom on Broadway, at No. 251, corner of Murray street, opposite the City Hall. This enlargement of wurebouso room, with the recent extensive enlargement of their factory, will enable tho subscribers to keep on hand at all times a larger stock of tire and burglarproof safes than any other establishment iu the world. Particular attention will bo had to constructing huXoh for private famines to match with other furniture, for the security of plate and Jewelry. AIJ30? Will keep on hand and make to order all kinds of money chontfl, vault iloorb,aud bauk vaults. Hall's patent powdor-proor locks fbr bank* or store doors ; Jones's patent permutation bank lock ; and Crygler'e pat tut letter lock, without key. 8 C. HERDING k Co., Noa. 135, 137, and 139 Water street, and No 251 Broadway, corner Murray St., New York. F COYLK & CO., Agents Washington, D. C. B W KNOWF.ES, Agent May 26?-ly Richmond, Virginia. duncan, sherman, sl co., Banker f, CORN KB l'IN'K ANI) NA8HAU (STREETS, NEW YORK, ISSUE circular notes and credits for travellers, available in a'l tho principal cities of the world. Also, mcrcantilo credits, for uko In Europe, China, Ac. May 28?6ino+ THC NAONKTK" TELKUKA I'll COMPANf. MOUSE l.INES. RATES REDUCED. Offices: Cor. 6th st. and Penn. av.; U. 8 Capitol; opposite Treasury Building. TITIT1I six wires and improved huBinesa facilities f f thh company are enabled to ruduco their charges, viz: Tea words. Kach ad'l word ^ulnngtou to Baltimore 20 cent* 1 cent. Philadelphia. 30 ?* 3 cents. New York f>0 u ... ft ,4 (A <Mr responding reduction between intcrmediato points.) Iho Magnetic Company Invito busluem for all points In the United tatt?s anil Canada. Their lines connect with the Eastern and Canada ut New York, antl with the Western lines at I Will more. Tip Magnetic Coin|.any is the oldest telegraph company In tho Ur.l iHrttateg, atid altmr have tho light to use tho Mora* iuvoutlon upon we route of their linen Tin- public may rely upon the prompt and accurate transmlaalon of deejinti:lu*a dc|MMlUed at the following olflcas, viz: N'?w York. 43 Wall ativot; Astor Hooiw, at main entrance; New iUvea Hopot, 27ih street. I'liiUch iphia, 302 ( heanut street; Ulrurd Hotu*?& Baltimore, Hun Irou Building. lk*U>n, Mi rrluuts' Exchange. I'orilauil, 20 Exchange street, tuichitaii, uudor Burnet Ifou.-u*. New Orleans, under St. Charles Hotel. V"v 3 -tf J. KKNIUU., Clenl Hupt. VirASlIINCTON INSURANCE COMPANY. Y Capital $2UU,Q00 I stock nouwns {Jablk. ^ The ouly company in Washington haying aucli a clause In jta char r lunhljugM, fQcrebaudtie, furniture, Ac., taken ot iho loweaf. Bv>ide? iho h< tual capital of tlie company, Uto Individual llublllty ' 1ot tlm ?h.*rtor renders tho private fortune of each atocktWlder , H*?W fur toanca. Coriu*| qf I'f.un*} lfania uvenuo and nfli afreety,n V. Bayly, HenJ< kvall, Krancls Mohun, JtUMt K. H.iltduy, Hudson Taylor, Win. Ormo, *??nu*l Bacon, Joocpll Bryan, M W. t.alt U ? No charge mado for policies. JANUC. MdiUIRF, President. mfto* I). Hahhok, Secretary. Juno 27 ly ' y n*4?? 0 < II. MUTT. , J I A1 I UN r AM A It. MOTl', k AUTHY, Attorney?-ttt-Law, IJ lli.ll)' Hprititf-i, Ui-. , will prn. iii i> In Hip Hljtli Oitirt if Ki for. Ap|w*lH at Jackann ; th? tvipriil Cnurt at IVnUNor ; tha Court* of I1' Jii'l; i .l |i|*trl. | of Mia.i?ai|>,.t; ami w|ll ?|l*nit Ifca coV '' of Ci.iiu,;. iliroiijlioul North iiltalialppl. Ho IB?dlf GREAT NATIONAL WORK. BANCROFTS HISTORY Of THK VMTKh STATUS, piiujaiiwi BY LITTLE, BHOWIX, X CO, 112 Witahuiylon tired, Hotlun. A HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, from tliu Hlitrovury ut lh? Auiartew OalloNl By Hon U?orgo Uaiwrolt With |xirtrulu, 10*11.-1, tfh*. Vol. I to VI], Svo., cloth, now r?*dy. \ i il.l Ml-! VII I, almi butted M yoliuoo I of tlio AmerieM Revolution. or which it nfininomrr, tho hutory, coocludiug with *u accouut of the buttle of Uunkt-r Hill. VIII l ut. \"III u#IH ioiiu?,r *hurtlv. tinil tin* reuuilullur V'tllHIlr-t li.-t Hoori ** prepared tor lh? pro?t. The unequalled facilities po*so**od by Mr. liancrc ft In tho preparu tion <?f throe volumes, and ttin muny yeurn of flkbor and research which Itc bus bestowed upon them, together with tho admirable uud attrm h\uUvl" in which lliey are written, have caused this great work uflMnivtu.->ally regarded, both in Europe and America, a* tho thiacountry vet produced, aud a.s a standard and at; thorljp^^ ff 1-Among tho Jnstoriuns who liuva attained a high and deserved rep nlaiion in tho United Htalc* within tue lust tow yours, wo uro Inclined to yield ihoFUrst place to Uoorgu litucrotl. lit4 experience iu politi cut and diplomatic life, no less thau his rare and generous culture, and bis singular union of the highest mental faculties, enable us to predict with <:onlidonci* that bU work will be reckoned among the genuine master pieces ot historical genius." Wert miiuier " This noble theme bus been treated with u beauty and a power by one whom I need not mime iu this presoueo, (tin* historian of the 'United Slates';) which, without impairing their authenticity , ha\ o con ertcd the severe | urges of oqf history into a uiuguiiicont Odyssey ot ualioual adveuture."?fe'tv/eft'* Let. km * ot? the Uixoovery i/ Aimuua. 44 The further this work proceeds the more do wo feel that it must take Its place as uu essentially satisfactory history of the United States." London JLlUenitum. a From tho copious extracts which wo have given from this vohime I ( VII) it will be Botm that in respect of composition it is a model of | vigorous condensation. If it does not display the sweet aud careless How of the I'ulhor of history, its terse brevity rivals tlie compression of Tburydldes or Tacitus. On this account it will bo welcome to tho earnest student, who wishes for amplitude of fact* with aparingnoss of pliruso, while its abundant illustrations of tho'heart of Naturo* fully sustain the position of the w ork a* a popular favorite." AVw York Tribune. Wo must |siy to tlie volume (VII) as a whole the tribute of uustinted and exalted praise."?Norih American H&iew. " Mr. naiicroft's work improves as it advance*. Wo are plousod to flial that the same candid aud temperate tour is COUtiUUed in the inore diltieult part of the narrative on which he has now entered. Enough of fooling the author throws into lils pages to sustain interest ; never enough to give ollcnco." - London Literary Gauite. 44 It Is ah much a matter of course with us to expect every tiling that Ih learned, brilliant, und instructive in a new book by Bancroft us to expect a dazxliug light and u fertilising from tlio sun, und utiu surprlsca us as little as the other."?A. Y. Sixiting I'uU Nov 18 Stood Oillce Superintendent ol the Public Printing, Washixutox, Oct. 4, 1858. IPROPOSALS FOR FDRNIS1IINO TH.K PAPER FOH TDK PUBLIC riUN'lTN'tJ.?In pursuance of tho provision* of tho "ad to provide lor executing the public, printing," Ate., up proved August 20, 1862, Healed proposal* will bo received at tins olllce, hi tlie Capitol, uuiil the tlrst Monday (0th day) of December next, at 12 o'clock, M., for furnishing the paper that may he roipiircd for the puld'c printing for the year ending on tlie 1st day of December, 1850. Tho subjoined list r-peeilles, as nearly as can lie UM'ortnlncd, the quantity .quality, und description of each kind of pupor that will bo required : Claim 1. 10,000 rciim& flue printing paper, unca tendered, to in ensure 24 by 38 inches, and to weigh forty Ave pounds to the ream of 480 sheets. Ci.ans 2. 0,000 retting line printing paper, calendered, to measure 24 by 28 inches, aud to weigh tidy six pounds to tho roam of 480 sheets. clam* 8. i 300 roams wuporllne printing paper, hard-?i*e?l nnd calendered, i to measure 24 by 32 Inches, and 10 weigh forty-eight pounds to thu roam of 480 sheets. Clash 4. 1,000 roams suporfluo map paper, sixed and calendered, of each ilzos us may bo required, correspond lug in weight with paper measuring 19 by 24 Inches, and weighing twenty pounds per ream of 4bitl sheets. clash 5 200 ruumx superOne plate piper, (ca'endored or unculendvrod, a*i muy bo required,) 19 by 24 Inches, and of such weight per ream a* may be required. The Ubre ol the paper of ouch of tho above e la shim to be of liuoL and cotton, freo from alt aduderaliou with mineral or other sub stuures, of a lair whiteness, und put up in quires of twenty-Tout sheets each, and In bundles of two reams each ; curb renin to contain 480 perfect sheet*. Uniformity In color, thickness, und weigh! will he require A ; and no bundle (ex< luslvo of wrappers) varying j over or under live per cent, from the standard weight will bo received I and the gross weight will In all coses he required. Mixing of various j thicknesses in the sumo bundle to make up tho weight will be con sidereal u violation of tho contract. class 6. No. 1. 1,500 roams quurto post w riting puper. 2' 2,000 reuros Hat cap do 3. 6oo reams demy do 4. 2 000 reams folio (iost do 6. duo reauta medium do 0. 50 reams royal do 7. 50 reams super royal do 8. 50 roams Imperial do 9. 100 reams colored medium, (assorted colors.) Class 7. No. 1. 5,000 roams writing paper, 19 by 26 inches, to weigh twenty eight pounds per ream. 2. 1,500 reams writing paper, 19 by 26 inches, to weigh twenty three pounds per roam. A. 3,100 roams writing paper, 18 by 25 inches, to welglj twenty-six pounds. 4. 100 roams writing paper, 18 by 23*, to weigt twenty four pounds per roatn. 5. 340 reams writing paper, 18 by 19 Inches, to welgl twenty-two |K>uudn per ream. 0. 400 roams writing paper, 12 by 18 inches, to weigt uvolvo pounds per ream. All the papers designated iu clauses Oond 7 must contain 480 pei feci about* to tho ream ami no >lout?idc" quires; they are to ho made of thi best materia Is, free from ndultoratiou, ami finished in tho best manner Tho pupors iu class 0 are to be white or blue, of tho regular stand aid sizes of tho respective kinds, and of such weight* as may bo required by thisofllce ; those iu flask 7 arc to bo white, ami of the sizes and weights specified iu tlio schedule. Tho right is reserved of ordering a greater or less quantity of each und every kind contracted for in all tho classes, to ho furnished al such times and in such quantities m* tho public service may require. Bach class will bo considered separately, and be subject to u sepu rat ? contract ; but bidders may cfler for one or more of the classos in tho satno proposal. No proposals will bo considered unions accompanied by the guaranty that tho bidder or bidders, if his or their proposal shall be accepted, will enter into au obligation with good and anfllctont suro lies to furnish tno articles proposed. Blank forms for proposals will he furnished at this office, and uono will be taken into courideration unions substantially agreeing therewith. All the paper in ihe several classes mast ho delivered *t mict place or places as may be designated In Washington city, In good order, free of all and every extra charge or expense, and subjoct to the iur<|??-?mm, u'uui, vtvigui, muu imcwiuk uich? v/. .?wu..?. and bo In ull respects sutIrfactory. rf.nnplo?? of all the paper required may bo seen ut thin ofKeo, oi will be Heat to pursous applying fur tbem. The projK*aU will bo opened in tbo manner required by law 4<ou the first Tuesday utter the llrst Monday In December" next, (7th J and the contract w ill be uwarded to the lowest bidder. Propatuta will bo uddre**od to "Gbo. W. DewiUN, Huperlntondeut of tbo Public Printing, Capitol of the United States," und ondorseii "Proposals for supplying paper." Oct 6?ootd C1ARPBTIN0, FLOOR OIL CLOTH, RUGS, MAT J tings, Druggets, Curtuiu Materials, uud Housefurnishing Dr> Goods, such a*-? Velvet tapestry carpotiuga, now designs Tape,try Brunei* do in grout variety Now stylos Brussels do super quality Extra-heavy 3 ply do very rich Extra super Ingrain do now patterns Very heavy all wool I?utch carpeting* Twilled Veuilian carpeting for halls au<t steps Velvet and Brussels do do do lull sheet* extra hoary and vory rich floor oil cloths, cut to I) any sizo or shape room, hall,or passage Mosaic, velvet, und tufted rugs and mats Cocou and C'untoii mailings 12-4, 14-4, 1ft-4 drugget crumb cloths English drugget*, all widths, by the yard Very richly embroidered lace curtains Kitm laities, brocutels, und rcjw for curtains White, butt, blue, and green shade linens Stair rods, curtain Qstores, &? .. Having attended I1ABAN A CD.*8 great Carpet Auction, which teok place in New York on the 4tl? ami f?tli Inst., wo are now prepared t< otlei greater inducement* than can bo afforded under ordinary cireum standi. Purchasers are rc?i*ctfutly Invited to ?n examination of out stock. HOOK BKO. & 00. Aug 18?dif milB MUTUAL LIFE INS! RANCE COMPANY | OF NEW YOKK. Net assets February 1, 1858, $4,ftH5;908 #5. Secured In Btati bonds atid mortgages of lirst class. Fredericks. Winston, pVeyldcnt. Isaac Abbott, secretary. A V. P Harriett, M. I>., examining physician, 405 Ninth street. Pamphlets and further information may be obtained m iho ofllce o| CHARUCS OK SF.I.DKX, Agent, .tunc 11 ?I<?i.. * i 10? > < i < . ftlNl fjpo DIPLOM \ ! IND T0PR18TS. Th- adyei English, Kronel?, Spanish, ami Julian language*, la well rd Ufatod *pt|vn, 4'i.l of good nifiraU, j.s apqualnjed with maritime afUnp \\a* I" #11 a merchant ahd shipowner lor Hoveral year.*, \vIsiioh particularly t<? full IIju attention of American dlplomata and tourhta, hound to the European or South American continent, wh? may need an interpro tor, couriftr, and confidential travailing dark, lie ran furnish the moat unexceptionable references for ?|iialtflration from many d tat In gillahed person* of tho highest atandlng in Washington and Alabama. Add roan A. <?., Box No. IH. Mobile, Ala., or care of tho Hon B. I itipalrh k, U. H. H. Sep tM>- -dSm ni: \ \N Fatten, DKNTTFF OSc# and FMI dome removed l<> tb? Wlttard Hotel ?i)ii*r?, tip posit* Hi* pew ?nd of tho Treasury, nnd pear Ihu forner of IVnnajrlvairtu nvemie and 1Mb street Oct 7?amd* H OILERS FOR THE U. S. RTBAM FRIGATE I IU5C JACINTO, ATTHK U. 8. NAVY YAKIi, NOOU.YM. SAJY IfrntAitihilyt. Bvukau or CoMtTUvcmtM, Kttiumiirr, axu Rwaik, November y, 1H6H. J 8KAIJCD PBOPOSmONH will be rocvired by Ibis Ihirou u until Uic 8th of December next lor two tubular boilere lor tliu United i&aU** Htcum frigate San Jacinto, to be (delivered ?u the wharf, under the sheer*, or Oft bo,* id I lie vessel u! thu nuvy yard, Brooklyn, Mh Ibu Nuvy Department may direct. The boiler* to bo made of the beet cluneal biooiu boiler plate* : tube siiovtt to bo one half () and nloe^Utewitlii (9-16) inch ; wab-i . bottom* aud neb p H nitron-eiitetuilUh (7 10) nud shell* three eighth* (ft) of uu Inch iu thlckuivw*. Ail tbo extern*) parts to bo doublo revittod, nud caulked on both I Hides, where It < au bo got Mt to do wo ; no screw hUtyi to he used iu U?e | log*, water bottom*, or steam chwmiuys. The crown nud (tide* of Sbt'U* to be etilloued by T Iron, from which I tho bract* am to lead. Tho bollur* will be about twenty-one (21) feet threu (2) lnohe* froul. by uboutton (10) six (0) inch** doop, and about *lvxv.u (11) foot threo (1!) inches high ; to bo furnished with the necoafury rnuu and band bolu plates. furnace Quo and dnmpcr -Jooi> lu^s for grutu boarurs and for securing boiler* to tho ship ; and U* be t- sted when Uulsbed uf a bydro -tulie proasuro of titty (50) pounds poimuuru lucb. Tbo tube* to bo furuUbud by the Department and to bo sot by the contractor, tbo Department being responsible for all lube* couduiuncd from their dafocts, and tbo contractor fur ull condomued from bad workmanship. Tbo price to bo pur pound lluished, Ims the weight of ibo tube*. Cost Iron will only bo used for furnaco door* and mounting*, wau | bole, and man and huud bole covers and stay thimbles. Tho whole to bo done In tho best man nor, and to bo sal^Mt to the inspection and approval uf such persons as the Dopai tiwaut may ap puiut, who will have the right to reject any part of the work ui any stage <d* pi eg rots*. Drawing* of the bottom will bo turn shod (to manufacturing stub bailments who Intend bidding) on application to tho bureau of Con slruclioii, &c. Pay wont* will bo made for one third their estimated amount whon tho boilers am half completed, the routaludor whon they have been tooled satisfactorily uud delivered. bidders will bo particular In stating tho price and the time within which they projK>?e to comp ote and deliver tbo work. Tho proposition* must be endorsed ''Proposition* for Boiler*," that they may lie distinguished from olhur business letter*. The oiler, as required by law, must bo accompanied by a written guarantee of tbo follow lug form : fbrni of Ojjtv. I, , of In the State of .hereby agree to furuish and deliver for the steamer Hun Jacinto two tubular boilers, in conformity with the advertisement of the bureau of Cli-d ruction, Ac., of tbo 8th of November, 1808, at the rate of - coin* per pound. Should my offer ha accepted,! request to bo addressed at , i and the contract sent to tint Nuvv Agent at ? ,or to ' for signature and certittcatu. J Kite. (Signature) A 11 /b/w of OuarantM. The undersigned, ? , of ?.?? , in tbo St a to o, _?} auit of ? ?in tho Stan* <tf?? , hereby guaranty that in case of the foregoing bid of ft>r tbo tubular lmiler* therein named he accepted, he or they will, within toll day* after the receipt of the contract at the |x>u ottlco named, or navy agent deHiguatod, execute the contract for tho name with good and sufficient sureties ; anil in case Hind ? -? shall fail to eiitor into contract as aforesaid, wo guaranty to make good the difference bolween tho otter of tho said and that which may bo accepted. (Signatures of tbo two guarantors.) Data. C D K V 1 Witnoaa. 1 hereby certify that the abovo named are known to mou<* 111011 of property, mid ul>lo to make good lliulr guarantee. Dak t; 11 To bo feigned by tho U. S. district Judge, U. S. district attorney, collector or wavy agent. Nov 10? law4w RICH SCIIKMKS l'Oli DKCHMHKR, lHf.H WOOD, EDDY, A Co , Muuageru, successors to GREGORY Ac AlAlRY, Wilmington, Delaware. To be drawn under the superintendence of sworn commissioners appointed by the governor. $35,000!?Lottery for tho Benefit of the STATE OF DELAWARE, ClafeHb, for 1858 To be drawn at WI1JX1NGT0N, DEL , on Saturday, DECEMBER 4, 1858. 78 No. liOttory?13 Drawn Bullots. I KICH SCUSMK. 1 prise of $35,000 ! 1 prize of. $3,2$7 I do lb,000 30 prizes of 1,100 , 1 do 10,000 | bO do $00 , 1 do 7.500 ! 200 do 300 1 do 4,000 I Ice., Ac , Ac. 1 Tickets $10?-halves $6- -quarters $2 50. Certificates of packaged of 20 whole tickets $150 00 Ik> do 20 half do 75 CO Do do 20 quarter do 37 50 I $3b,b001?Lottery for the Boneflt of tho STATE OF DELAWARE, ' Close 20, for 1808. To bo drawn at WILMINGTON, DEI. , on SutuikjiMXHmm 11 1 M 75 number Lottery.?12 Drawn Ballots. HflJiNDtD SGttKMH. ' 1 grand prize of $30,000 1 grand prise of. $4,000 .11 do 12,500 1 do 3,000 I 1 do 7,000 1 do 2,142 I do 0.000 60 prises of 1,000 I do 0,000 00 do 000 1 do . . ,t 4,500 111 d* $00' Ac., Ac., Ac. Tickets $10?halve# $5?quarters $2 60. Certificates of pxekages of 20 whole tickets $140 Do do 25 half do 70 Do do 25 quarter do 35 $35,000 !?lottery for the Benefit or the STATE OF DELAWARE. Clans 32, for 1808. To bu drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, DECEMBER 18, lf58. 78 No. Lottery?14 drawn ballots. ORAM) hCJIUR K. 1 splendid prize of $35,000 I 10 prize-i of.. $1,200 i ?!<> 1: 40 (!.. i 000 1 do 6,000 I 60 do 200 1 do 3,800 250 do 1,0 10 prizos of 1,600 | Ac., Ax., Ac. Tickets $10?t>"iv?i $6?quarters $2 60. I * Do * do -0 Imir do .....! .."57 60 Do do 20 quarter do 33 70 $60,336 !~lottery lor the bouellt of the STATE OF DELAWARE, 1 Class 44, for 1S6H. To bo drawn ut WILMINGTON, DEL., ou duturduy, DECEMBER 25, 185$. 75 No. iMlory?12 drawn ballots. , MAONiriCKNT STUBS li 1 grand prlza of. ..... $50,336 I 4 prizes of $fi.0C0 > 1 do 30,000 | 4 do 4,0(0 ? 1 do 20,000 1 6 do 2,600 1 do 15,000 200 lowost 3-Xo. prizes 600 I Gprizoeof 10,000 | Ac., Ac., Ac. 1 Tickets $10?halves $7 60?quarters $3 75 -oiglitbs $1 87 Certificates of packages of 25 whole ticket1) $200 Do do 26 half do 100 Do do 25 quarter do 60 1 Do do 26 eight lis do 26 Orders for tickets and share.) and certificates of packages In the abovo splendid lotlorion will receive the most prompt attention, and aii account of each drawing will bo sent immediately after it in ovor to i all who order from me. ' Address, P. J. BUCKKY, Agent, Nov 13 Wilmington, Delaware. rIAXo AND Ml SIC CARD. TO EVERYBODY 1 Liuvo enlarged, improved, remodelled, und beautified my old and long established i'iuuo-Forte, Melodeou, aud ' MC31C STORE, And beg respectfully tosuy . I shall always keep on baud the Largest, oust varied, and rMllable stock in this city, of I LANOS, MKLODLO.VS, AND HARPS, from tbe oldest aud best manufacturers of the country, and solicit you, when you wish to buy, hire, exchange, remove, puck, tuuo, or repair u Piano, to give me n call. Always ou band j Music Guitars, Accordooun, Violins, 1-1 u tea, itii nj<?.s, Tuuiborinos, Firings, I Piano Covers, stools, Ac.. 4p; All kinds of musical instruments repaired or taken in part payment ! for new. Pianos, Melodoons, and Harp), for rent, (new aud old,) at I from 50 centH to $5 per month, or for snlo at from *3 to $lu payable in monthly iontalmeiits. 1'ianos and other instrument'* rented by the day, week, month,or year. Music, sunt by mail to any. part of the world /?*?* q/ futliifff. Music neatly bound. * Kuinonibor the right nsino and number. JOHN F ELI.IS, No. 300 Ponn. avenue, between 9th und loth strocts, Nov 10 d2w 4 doors from hank of L. Johnson A Co. INTENSION OF THE "NEW 1IOOK STORE."? jj FHANKiAN PH1LP respectfully inforlus his friend) and the public that oxtenslvo alterations and Improvement* In the construe tion of the store are now completed. In addition to a large and re ccntly selected stock of first cluss stationery, American and Kuro|*aii b(H>ks, lie has established a tine art gallery, (at the rear of the store.) where will be found the latest novelties In art, uiul all the convr , ntence* of a public reading room, the leading European Journals be lug regularly received. K. Phllp having correspondents In moat of the Koropenn cltie* Is prepared to execute foreign orders on most advanfagumH terms, sud, [ from long experience In Kngland mid America, feels mtifldcnt in the Hatlbiuctory ?locution of all orders Intrusted to hi* care. FRANK I .LN rilll.P, Tlooksellor and Stationer, Aug $ -1! 132 Peun. av., t>ct*oon 9th and 10th street*. i / 1 EOgGf! W. hii a i?i 11.i i?, tUonq it Law, du i IT "staloa" BmlilinJI, <<>rii<r ofTtli ami D atrwi*, Waakluul.iti, 1m!., will prarl|(M li| all tli? rnnrta nf tins I>i?lrl<t, Including tlm Coiiu i or Claim* ,11ml In thn adjoining rnuntlna Id Virginia Cop l??3in K II. GILLVT, Counsellor at Law, has removed bl? offlcc lo lila rmildnnra lu Kr.mklin Hour, corner of K arrt TUirloi'iuh strvcts. Ilo will lamlinuo lo ilomte hla attention priori,ally to ciues lu tba United Status Suproiuc Court. Oct U- <IU I WDAL1 J LIFK OF .n i l RRSON, complete I A m tbrro largo ocu. o volume). >7 Mi Nov 18 FRANCS TAY1.0R PROSPECTUS For yuUithmy a Monthly t'erwdunl in Waihinylon, 1). C., called THE NATIONAL RECORDER or RBJUIOU* AMD POLITICAL INTEUJtJfcNCE, By L. I). Johnson. fTlHE "National Recorder" will contain Hixtecu 1 quarto pages, with a single or double cover, fur duo dollar a year Ikvndes the iai?^lluiWMUi rending found In |>eiiodicala of tine kind. It will bo mainly devoted to the following objects: First, to give information of all ail that may bo done in the legislative and executive de|mrtmeut9 of the general government relating to the interests of religion. In the legislative department it will embrace the spirit of all that iu4y done lu Congress on this subjoct, including the service of chap tenia in the House and Senate, with brief sketches of tbo sermons that may be delivered before Congress. In the executive department it will embrace all that relates te tbu chaplain service in the ariny and navy, at military poets, aud in cam j'ttigns, at military aud naval schools, iu sea going vessel , and re cstving ships in navy-yards, UospttiU, and sailors' aud soldiers* homes or asylums. By the facilities for obtaining inibriustion at the departments iu Washington, and by e.orryajxmdeueo with ehuplains, | we hUiiii ue aoio w proiuco niucu mm is intorcHung unuu pouuw TU?* second object will be to collect statistical information, unci lo publish, under the head of each .State ami 1 m , .?il itiat i eluh t the general interests of religion. This will embrace iho number of all offlciahy r- cogulaed clergymen employed as pu?k>n>, or otherwise, the | uumbor of cbiach edifices and church luoiubars, togotUor with thu number added annually to o.*ch distinct church organization Wo shall outer upon uuotl u plan of correspondence as will enuble m to | reach tlii? information with more than approximate accuracy, log*-ther , 1 with many other facts and statistics relating to religious matter* which I never enter into the "schedules" of tho rnited States census. The third object will he to notice all that is now nud interoi-ting in literature and science, not omitting to ho*tow special attention upon the series of lectures uuuuully delivorod and the scientific develop men is made known ut tho Smithsonian Institution; ul.-?o, ul the C'?ao<t Survey Office, tho National Observatory, and of the -'Scientific Arts" at the I'ah'ul < Mlico. We shall furnish notices of literary conventions mid teachers' associations, and also of such books and periodicals as are intended to promote popular oducation. It will bo readily seen that the whole practical value of the objects proposed in this work lies in their complete accomplishment. To effort this wo shall need the kindly co operation of three classes of men editors, clergymen, aud thu respected heads of all the institutions of science and luarnitig in the United status for each of whom we have a distinct proposition. The first number of the "Recorder" will bo dated January, 1859; hut us It will onntuln, among other things, an important momorial to Congress, which should first be placed in the hands of every clorg) man of every sect (for this periodical will he neittwr sectarian nor political lit its character) at an earlier date, we intend to issue the first number early In December next. We therefore respectfully propose to all clergymen who will Bend us, with their address, one dollar, that wo will send them the "Recorder" two years, or two numbers for one year, or tho first number only to air who will enclose four biter damps. To the editors of all periodicals aid newspapers (excepting thoao which are ouly political ami secular) who will give this prospectus one insertion, and send us tho number containing It, wo propose to advertise the name and locality of their paper on our cover through otto year. To the presidents or principals of all lit.. .n y institutions who subscribe for tho Recorder wo will iusert the numo and place of thoir Institution*, as proposed to editors. Address "National Recorder," Washington, I). C. Oct 31?tf T>R0P0SAL8 FOR SHAFTS. U. S. Capitol Extension and Wakhixoto.n Aqueduct Office, Washington, September 30th, 1858. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at this office until tho f urth day of December next, at noon, for furnl thing, on tho grounds of tho Extension of the Capitol, one hundred Shaft? fur tho columns of the extorior porticos of that building. The dimeuaioiiH are as follows : One hundred shafts, including tho upper torus of tho huso : each I shaft to be twenty-five foot two and one-eighth inches in he ght from | the bottom of aul i torus to tho top of tho upper astragal. I Tho diameter of tho torus or bottom piece of shaft to bo threo feet seven and five-eighths inches ; the diameter of tho shuft above tho base to bo three feet, and at tho neck below the capital two feet six atid-ono uigblh inches ; and tho diameter of the upper astragal to bo two feet eleven and-so van-eighths iuches. These are the nett diuieu Sions of tlio work w hen finished. All the blocks to bo grabbled round to ditnonsiona, and to bo free from all defects which would make blemishes in the finished columns. Tho above shafts to be of white American marble, similar iu color, grain, and composition to that used in the exterior of tho Capitol Ex wl.lfli hour I \l-wuurlnm..tl4 j Every proposal should bo accompanied with u block at least one cubic foot in tdze, ns u specimen of the marble offered. This speci ! mm will be subuuUedto proper chemical and mechanical te*W before being accepted for tin? work. Tho propoxate should state the tiino within which the marble will j bo delivered, and should bo accompanied by a written guarantee, uiguod by one or more responsible persons, to the effect that ho or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if Ins or their bids be accepted, enter Into an obligation within ton days, with good and sulll ioiit Hceui ilies, for the completiou of the work undertaken ; Hnid guarantee to be accompanied by tho certificate of the lrnited States District Judge, United States District Attorney, Navy Agent, or some o A3 nor i>f the general government or individual known to the Engineer or l)epurtmout of War, that tin* guarantors are able to make good their guarantee. t The United Statue reserve* the right to reject any or all bidH not ! deemed udvantageoua,and to make other arrangements for procuring j the marble. l'roj>ojiulH >%ill ho roccivoil foi furntehing thn nbafbi either in single block* or iu blocks of not less than four h ot in length, and tlio number of shifts offered iu nnglo blinks or in pieces, respectively, whould be stated. Proposals will be o|>oncd in ibis oflloc at noon of the 4th Dccomber next, Iu the presence of bidders who may choose, to bo present. Uv order of the Secretary of War: M. C. MEIGS, f'upt. of Engineers, In charge or U. S. Capitol Extension. FORM OF A GUARANTEE. To Cait. U. C. Mkiob, U. S. Engineer*. j Wo tho undersigned^ residents of , In the State of f hereby, jointly and *ovorally, covenant with the j United States, and guaranty, it) case the foregoing hid of | ho ucc -plod, ihat he or they w ill, within ten days after the acceptance of tho smd bid, execute the contract for the name, with good and butllcient sureties, to perform the work or furnish the articles proposed, in conformity to tin? terms of tho advertisement under which it was made. And in case the said ? shall fail to enter into contract an u(bre*uid, wo guaranty to make good tho difference he iweta the otler by the .-aid ? ami the next IowohI bidder. A II C I) I liorcby certify that to the. host of my knowledge and Tioliof the above named guarantors are good and mittlcieut. Oct l?eodtd K F Proposals for the Cleaning of Avenues, Streets, Alleys, and Gutters, the liemoval of Garbage, A C. Matron'* Omen, Washington, November 19, 18&8. 13liOr<)HAli5 will bo received at this office until Tucmiay, tho 7th of December next, ut 12 o'clock, tu., for clean I ing and keeping clean tho avenues, streets, alleys,gutterK, Bowers, and inals, unit tho nprouding of dHlnfcctuuts or deodorlsero (tbo disinfect ants to bo furnished 1 >y tho corporation) in tbodistricts hereinafter do signaled, for one your ouding ou tho 31st of December, 1S5V. Proposals will he received for each district separately, and will state tho price, uud but one price for each district. It is required thut tbo proposals Hhull contain ci separate bid for the removal of the solid and fluid offals iu said district* from the 1st of July to Uie 81st of December, 1869, inclusive, under audi regulations oa may be established by (tie Commissioner of Health ; tho oil' 1 to be removed dully from tbo 1st. of July to the 80th ol November, aud three ticnw a week during December. There will be seven districts, each ward constituting a district. The Mayor reserves the right to award one or moro district* to a bidder Persons Intending to bid are requested to cull at tho ofllco of the (Vimmiiiuioncr of Health at the City Hull, where th y can obtain all necessary information Nov 23- 2.iw JAMESG. BKRRET, Mayor. [No. 626. ] Notice for restoring certain lands to market In the State of Wlncontln. NOTICE \h hereby given that the land office at Menunha, in the Htate of Wisconsin, will, ou rind after the 10th j day of January next, be open to the sub*, ut private entry uud location, of all vacant public lauds embraced in the loll??w-big townships, ' which were subject to entry and location prior to withdrawal, being lands which bad been withdrawn as probably fulling within tho pre scribed limits of selection of the railroad grant to Wisconsin by act of Congress approved June 3, I860, but since ascertained not to bo with in^uiid limits, vis : North of the lint ami taut of ihr fourth principal meridian. Townships lft, 10, 17, 18, ID, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 26, 20, 27, 28, 22, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 34, 30, 37, and 3H, of range 20. ii - qmw mj ban 1 at the Cfen<q*al 1 in t ifll . i| it <H | Washington, November 17, 1868. TH08. A HENDRICKS, Nov 18 lw6w [Int.&SUf] Commissioner. i Vn IPM 1 I*? I Notice for it Morion certain l-nnil* to iprket ill the .State of Alaliaina. "VTOTICK ia hereby given that tlio land ofiice at KU-.i ai tho Hafe Alabama, will, and alter the 20lh day 01 |T< *1111m i nt'st, bo <?|HNn to the palo at prhnte entry and location of 4II v?< Aiit paNif land* embraced In tho fld lowing totvnnhip*, which . . , ' - i?v , 1 1.1 entry and location prior to withdrawal, being lamia *tn< H had huoii withdrawn n.i probably falling within the prescribed hunt* of mdes thai oi tho railroad grant to Alabama, by act of Con t i approved, March lbt>7, hut .-luce ascertained not to bo within smd llrnitu, viz: Xotift of the hme Unr ami r&tf of ihf 9t. .Vi^sViit mervhan. Township 7, of ranges 22, 24, 20, 26, 27, 2?, 22, and 30. Towumhip R. of ranges 2.3, 24, 2o, 26, 27, 28, 22, aud 1)0. Townabipd), of range 24. tJlvcn under my hand, at the tJwiioral lauid OlMceat tho city Of Wk-IiIujiIihi,Ustuhnr it), Ih:.'THOS A HKS'DRICKH, UDaiiniutoMr. Ont 22 Uwflw [loti'lASUrl A VAN 1 iMl' ' i risi iii i' 1111 rwkl I-- ill-' city and'reHumod hn practice. ()|M>nirlna room* and r^nlonrn 407 F atreet, Oth and 7th atreeta, 4 door* from Post Ofllcc. Oct 14?dtf TIIKfcHJ?BAT RKPIJBIJC"MONTHLY. Tu TUK PCBXJC, THK Ik Mil AMI PKRHIDICAI. TKaIiK. A Nil Till PUBM. WK have the honor to announce that we shall Issue, on or about ibe 1st of Ikx-eiubor u? xl, so an (o bo in season to command tbe early attention of the public aud the perkxli cui trade, dm tliet number of a new Ulu-.lruloti Magazine, to bo called THE 14 ilBEAT REPUBLIC' MONTHLY It is Intended to inako tbin Magazine superior ill every respect to uuythiug ovor before Issued in ibis country. The general scope of its character can best be understood by its tiutuo. It win. uk TMORot CUULY NATIONAL -Uf NO S WK H?iHONAI. ON NKCTAIUAN, Mid WHOLLY IMI'KHbOILkL. It will otfer to the writers and tbiukcrs ot this Union a common lleld, wbere they can meet ou the highest ground of ewtcmporory literature. It will aim to gather about it every variety of intellect. The rauga of articles will be a wide ?nic. covering, among other grounds, Kssays, Sketches, Humorous Tales. Stories, Historical Inci douts, Kuvloim, Critique*, Biogruphie*, BcloultUo Articles, TruveU, la bie Talk. Drains, Lm id outs, Politics, hWIDI, Ballads, Stanzas, Sonnets, Music, Correspondence, Go snip. Ac., Ac., The Magazine will be profluoly ill nitrated in the bight t Mly lo of ongruviug. The literary department will prMOUtgrraUtr variety, combined with , more thorough excellence, it Is believed, than ever before offered to the mei ican public in a ?inglu periodical. The following author* and |M>pu'at' write re are included in the li-^t of contributor* engaged G?o 1) I'reiituri Goo W IVck Phebo Care) ('baric* Swain K H Stoddard Madame Im Vert Ft/. Green Hulleck John It Thompson Mury Ft. rrewt (lias J lugeraoll Fred'k SCoueu* Mary K Stebbimi, (Mrn Oroste* A Hrowiisou A J ibsjuiur Hcw*tl) Gou Goo P Morris MiJ J 11 Eaton, U S A Elizabeth Oaken Smith Nathaniel Peering Izavt Reuben Anna G lioitu, (Mis* lloo Obas Gwyar.o Tha* Ihinn English l.yuch) Win Gllrnore Si runes Duncau Kennedy Louisa F McCord Park Ronjamlii Rev Now ell A Prince Maria J Mcintosh Hon AU>'t Pike. Ark Hoary B Hirst Alice It Haven Abbe Adrian ltouqiielle Henry Ward 1'ettit I'amolu S Viuing Hun K T Con rati Thorn** HackelUr Mary A Rico Ituv Ralph H"> t II J Hrent, (Stirrup) Ada M Kennici tt Seba Smith, (Jack F VV Hunt, M L> Elizabeth K Churchill Itovvniug) Edmund Flagg Clara iv>!y J T lleadley Fayetto liuid Ah bie W Crocker Jnhu (} Haxe Hannah F Gonld Nellie Burchlitdd Lieut vt F Maury Haraii Helen Whitman Ann K l'? rter Edward rt Gould Caroline M Kirkland Lucy N Godfrey Chaa F llriggt E'lxaboth F Ellet IavinU S Goodwin c P Cranch Jane Kriuinu l?ockc Jane G Au*tm. Win H C Hohiner Alice Carey In addition to the foregoing brilliant array of American author*, there ure u large number of flntt-clas* writers engaged (aiuong them to me ol the moot distinguished of the day) who are compelled, from pre existing engagement*, or other causes, to withhold their names for the present, but who will, nevertheless, contribute frequently to our i*4ge*. We would also announce that we shall add to our list of contributors the names of other distinguished umbers as soon at sat isfactory arrangement* can be completed. En h n mher w ill contain an origiuul piece of mtnic, com|K>.icd ex pre.ssly lor this work. Of the superior excellence of thu Magazine in every re*poct, and of the cortdnty of its permanent success, very littlu more need be n*ld Tho terms and general condition* of the Magazine will bo us follow*: tuiuoi. VoLl'MKrt.?There will be two volumes a )oar, of about 7' 0 royal octavo pages each, commencing in January and July, and ending ill Juno pud iteceinhcr, respectively, making six numbers lo each volume, and twelve numbers to each year Subscriptions may coin meiicu ut any time. Price*- Single copies $0 25 Subscription, 1 copy one year, sent by mull 3 00 Clubs, 2 copies one year ... 5 00 ? a ?( " r oo . " 4 44 44 9 00 ?? S t? << 10 00 And all additional copies, m*er fur. at the rait <f $'2 each, \f *mt to the tana club. Clubx may be Jot mat at different post offices. All huLicriptions mud be jwid in advance. Pkkmum St wu'imoxi*?Entitling tlio subscriber to tho Magazine for 0110 your, and to th ir choice of either of our two grout steel engraving*, out it led "THE LAST SUPPER,0 AND "THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING," Four Do!1ium. The engraving will be sent on rollers by mail, prepaid Aguxts and caNVASSJtHfl can make liberal aud satisfactory arrange meats ii|H>n uppUcatou, stating the territory required. All pojtiu titers ami clergymen are authorized to receive subscriptions, which they inuy forward to us, giving name uud address of subscriber, and deducting 25 percent, for their trouble. Postage ani> Pomt Oftick Rsuvlatioxh.- The rate of po.tugc will not exceed three cents for each number, to be paid in all cases at th# cftleo where it U received. Caxaduv SinseRJjn.iUi will reaiit thirty six cunts elu ii, In addition to subscription, to prepay postage to the line. All cenitnunlculious, to be entitled to answer, must eoutain return statu |>s. Subscribers must in all cases write names, town, county. and State in full, u.-^ legibly a* possible. There is little risk Iri sending money by mail, large sums should bo remitted by dealt, if possible, or registered letter. OAKBU1TH A: CO., Publishers of the "Great Republic" Monthly, 112 and 114 William street, New York. N. II.?Tito " Great Republic" Month'y is fur sale l?y all the newsdealers und hook agents throughout the United States uud Cunada. Nov 7?luw4w HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES. rpiIK Bubacriber deiires to call public attention to 1 his extensive assortment ??f HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, which in now rendered complete in ovcry department, consisting iu jNirt of? CABINET FURNITURE. a very exUnitflvc collectlou, embracing almost every conceivable variety necessary to furnish tlio parlor, chamber, and diuiug room, from tlio most expensive to the cheapest kinds. FRENCH CHINA. Gold-bund, plain, white, and richly decorated dinner, dessert, and I tea sets A largo assortment of vases Dinner and toa wuro iu detached pieces Rich cups uud saucers, with and without mottoes Pitchers, perfume bottles, card receivers With a lurge variety of fancy articles, appropriate to decorate the etagore, parlor table, and toilot. IRON-STONE CHINA. Dinner, tea, and toilet gets Also, iu detached pieces, a large slock of the latest shape*. GLASSWARE American, French, uud Bohemian, such us-? Decanters, flagons, goblets champagnes Clarets, hooka, sherries, Madeira*, Burgundies Liqueurs, tumblers, Uuger bowls,celeries Wator bottles, float bowls, dishes, salts, pitchors. Re. TABLE CUTLERY. Also, hrory-bandied knives only CUrvers and forks, steal*, Ac. BLOCK TIN GOODS. Such an chafing-dishes, from 10 to 24 Inche? Collco and tea urns, police |?ob>, tea pots, cottbe biggins, Ac. PLATED GOODS. Such as collco and tea urns, tea acts Spoons and forks, cantors, covered dishes Pitchers. cuk? and fruit baskets, waiters, See. JAPANNED GOODS. Such aw waiters, tea trays, and la sets Plate warmers, slop Jars, foot tubs, water cans, Ac. MISCKIJLYNKOrS. Solar lamim, girandoles, wood waro Kepderw and iron*, brushes, shovels und tongs Oial hods, Htep-laadors, door mats, rattan goods Wade irons, willow ware. Britannia w.?ro Broused iron goods, cooking requisite* of every description Together with u Urge assortment of at tides of utility and ornament not deemed necessary to partlctilarkee. Houwukoepers will find It decidedly to their Interest to examine my stock and prices. They will not only dud u large assortment from which to make selections, but I pledge myself to sell us cheap as the same description of goods can be purchased in any of the Eastern cities. Goods delivered to any pa t of the city or Georgetown froo of charge. Having recently Imported direct from Europe an extensive assort metit of French and iron sUmo china, 1 am prepared to oiler strong inducement* to the trade. Oct 28 law Ww 0. W. BOVEIJCR, Iron Hull. rpilK THIRD \NNDAL EXHIBITION OF THE WASHINGTON AltT A SS< HI ATI ON will he open to the public on Monday, the 3d day of January next, In their new and spacious gallery on Pennsylvania avenue, between 10th ami lltli streets, and will continue from six to eight weeks. Works exhibited by the association consist of paintings, sculpture, drawings, architectural designs, and engravings. The gallery will be open tor their reception from the bth to the nOth of I)? eemher, and to a later period for works intended for the exhibition which might be unavoidably delayed tn shipment or tram l>ortation. The expenses of transportation and return will he borne by the association on all works forwarded by its own agent*, or by those to whom circulars are addressed, and the tWHH-iaiinn will hold itself respomlblo for any damage sustained by works while on exhibition. On the sale of works exhibited or delimited in the gallery a com* m IS don of 10 |>cr cent, will be charged A description suitable for insertion in the catalogue should lw> attached to each work forwarded, together with its price, if for sale ; the name of possessor mid the name and address of the artist. The same should also he communicated by mull on the shipment of the works. By order of the board of management : HORATIO HToNF., President. Wamdxotox, 1). C., Nov. <1, 18?>8. Nov 7?lawtf New juveniles foii 1859. The VbililV Own Ill-turn imd Vimw Honk; fi lejted ami nrrniifari frwOi Ihn Imwi unllioritirs, by a "OruiUfniUcr." Illuatmtcil with IM raffravinx" 76 <:put-< 1 lie Kami-, with (..Inr. il nntrravniif- $1 Knvoritn Knlry l\il'- fur Mile Knlky Willi . villi) rimravin?'. Clolti 60 ?" ? IllnaliuiKM HootolioM Ptorlo* for JJttki K'olka; Iiclny ? nillortlon ?>f l...|ninr Kiilrv Tiloi hc.iuilfnlly Illustrai. .1 tl At TAYIon \ MAURY'S I Sov 27 SiU I'oun. avenuo. MKWaCTOR or THE CENSOR, A Monthly Review of the Political Pre ,4HE Jt'HT AMD HUH >OJ. HpO APPROACH that moat autfUHt tribunal, The ' JL I'ubilc, before which the moat kingly pride must ??u" ul an auxouH awe, or more nobly coulees ?u humble reverence, \* aver an occ;.aloii of deep concern. Hut when tho purpose Is out of ruuion htraiice, iUid the motive OIIU of di op earnestnoes, the very o of lilt former must impair ooulldeuce In the Utter, ami thus Increase i the oiultarruasiueut. j In our common country there tire among men more or tats con j ti ; a th ita politi i nunwn>u clu?* who feel a distant* loi tiu^.* , insincerities of action and oppression in purllstm contest ao indulged > by custom and so transparent by use that (be most honorable are ^ tempted to employ iliem; who arc deterred front active support of sound principles of government by a dislike of the prc\ailing mourn*; a w ho Und their sentiments but feebly rellucled by the popular proas and who apprehend as a consequence a serious demoralisation of p<? ; * litlcul principles and private virtue. It is for such that this public* . lion in proposed ,U The general neglect of u duty, however high, authorizes tho most | unassuming to attempt thu performance of it. That a publication of t this character is needed, the public baa probably us little doubt an tbo | projector. Whether he shall be capnblu of supplying tha want, ho uo ] bettor th ai the puttie at iliU stage of the experiment could dolor It is acknowledged with regret that u political maga&hi" of ' lerod to the public as an exemplar of absolute candor would be ' novelty in what is called politicH. But It nt not perceived upon what 1 principle disinterested men could condemn the project or long suitor j, it to be idugulw. The following opinion* are hold upon general oou V' ones 1<>U : ij,, Thai the "policy" of parties and i>oliUcians Is not according to tho i principles of right and wrong ; that the great press of the country, \ almost exclusively political, maintains iho system by action and by : ,? acquiescence ; that the pursuit of office is the paramount evil of the day ; thai there is in the public miud a dangerous complication of 3 established political axioms; that In eorne instances won of ucfcnow I lodged depravity have been conutcnaneed by the men and press of r; their political party Hut tli < uuuti y abounds with wiM and vtriu ous men whoso ohsvurity is a public loss, who would bo called by tbo ' people to their xorvlce 11 there wax any practicable method of select ing them ; that every attempt to this cud in the nature of orgsulxod I reform parties bus fjiled ami must continue to full through the .-tamo causes that produce the evil," kc. ; The follow ing convictionw, among others, have been adopted for advocacy, with abilities yet untried, but with an artless and reao lute candor which It Is hoped will not altogether disappoint con 11 deuce : The virtuo of the people is the only source of order. Public opinion is still Imolonuit of hypocrisy and duplicity in general, but tolcratct* ' them measurably in j>olltics. The evils above, If uucheckod, will : surely extend this induig uce, until a general degradation of pubho j aontlment will endanger our iiiMUtulions, political and social. That ; | these evils exist U chiefly becuuse the principles of morality arc ays- * "j temalicully ignored In practical political questions, as irrelevant, and these likew iae ignored hi questions of morals. The main object will bo to demonstrate by current example* that in every instance they j are one question ; that sound politics ih practical morality ; that, under popular government*, political action Is u moral obligation ; that a so ; parution of morals and politics must tend to corrupt private virtuo and subvert public order ; that those who set forth publio scrvico In 'c?; a party as grouud for reward should be treated us persons who put a ,j pi ice on their virtues utul who hold proilt to bo tho proper condition 1 of duty ; that men believed to be seeking ofRco should ho jealously excluded therefrom ; that politicians should not bo excused for any ;| motives that they cannot justify in public confession ; that "political" secrets and confidences arc treason against tho people ; that tho ! political press bus tho powor of reforming the foregoing evils; that editors arc gcnerully candid and just In ceniinon matters of fact ami p; opinion ; that it is their general practice to make politics an exception ; 1but if thoy continue it they are justly chargeable with the consequent jij deterioration of public morals. it These views will be supported by reasoning nololy upon admitted facts and principles, und by selecting?-chiefly from the newspapers? aft without any element of personal disparagement of epeehil coudem- I nation, appropriate examples, each roproaonfutive or a class and j Instance*, wttli acvcre simplicity, tlio plain rules of justice and com- ;8 niou sense. MS Our pollUcul faith oooslsl* of tboao urcHt doctrines usunllj' incorpo |H ruled by tlie democrats lu their party platforms, wUich as Catholic i.;! principles t hull comnmnd our support us shull such other doctrlue* 1 us the progress of inunkind may develop. ' It Is propo oil to Issue the Urol number on ?he aruulng Now Year's day. Pamphlet form Throe dollars n year. Newspaper* through out tlio country arc expected to exchange, uud are requested to pub hsh this announcement. Address J M. HINCKLEY, ' Nov 23?Jlf* Washington, IV. C. > rpilfc] ONLY ARTICLE UNRIVALLED IN MAR_JL * kot, with Immense) Home and European Detuaud. 1 The reuson why, is that by nature's own pi'ocqss u restores the natural color |H*rtnHU<,ratIy after the hair becomes fray; supplies the ' natural fluids, uud thus makott it grow on buhl heads, removes all ' dandruff, itchtug, and heat from the scalp, quiets and touoa up the l j uorvos, and thus cures all nervous hoaducho, uud may hu relied upon to cure all diseases of the sculp and hair; it will Mop and koop it from j;j falling off; makes it ?oCl, glossy, healthy, and beautiful, and, If used by the young two or three times a week, it will never fall or bocoxno fi gray; the a, reader, road the follow lug and judge for yourselves ; ; New Youk, Jun. 8, 1858. tj klBssxs. 0. J. Wood & Go. Gentlemen: Having heard u good deal > about Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, and my hair being quit? ; gray, 1 made up my liund to lay aside the prejudicos which 1, in com I until with a great many persons, bad agutmd all mumier of patent medt< iiies, Mini a short time ago [commenced using your article to <1 IH' It for myself. -k I lie i - ult hiiH been so very satisfactory that 1 am very glad 1 did bo, -> and in justice to you, as well as for the encouragement of others who y may be as gray uv 1 was, but who having my prejudice without m> vl reason* lor soltiug it aside, are unwilling to give your Kcstorative a ^ trial till they have further proof, and the host proof being ocular tie- if J nmnsiiation, I write you this letter, which you may show to any y such, and also direct them to me for further proof, who am in and out V; of the N. Y. Wire Hailing establishment every day. My hair is now its natural color, and much improved in appearance every way, being glosslor and thicker, and much more healtk%r looking. I am yours, respectfully, HENRY JKXK1NR # Corner Columbia and Carroll sts., Brooklyn. , Uvixoffrotr, Ala., Fob. 14, 1888. \\] Prof. Wood?Dear Sir : Your Hair Restorative has done much good ? in this part of tbo country. My huir bus been slightly diminishing " for several years, caused, 1 suppose, from u slight burn when I was quite an infant. I have been using your Huir Kestorntivo for six _ weeks and I find that 1 have a tine bead of hair now growing, after having u.-icnl all other remedies known U) 110effect. 1 tlilnk It the most value ; hie remedy now extant, and advise all who are utllieted that way to u?o your remedy. ? You can publish this U* you thiuk proper. Yours, ic. 8. W. MIDDLKTON. ; ririLAD*Lrmi, 8?pt. 0, 1857. '.-i 1'icor. Wood?Dear Sir : Your Hair Restorative is proving itself beneficial to me. The front, and also the buck part of my head al- * most lost its covering?was in fact bald. ! have used but two half* , pint bottles of your Restorative, and now the top of my head is well studded with a promising crop of young hair, and the front Is also i receiving its benefit. I have triod other preparations without any J benefit whatever. I think, from my own personal reccommendatiou, ' I can induce many others to try It. Yours, respectfully, D R THOMAS, M. D. ' No. 404 Vine street. The Restoratives la put up iu bottles of three sixes, viz : Urge, me- ^ dium, And small; the small holds hull a pint, and retails for ouo dollar per bottle, the medium holds at least twenty per cent more iu pro|>ortlon than the small, retails for two dollars |*>r bottle ; tho largo holds a quail, 40 per cent, more in proj?ortion, and retails for $3 a bottle. O. J. WOOD k CO.. Proprietors, 31*2 Broadway, New York, (in the great New York Wire Hailing Establishment,) and 114 Market street, J 8t Louis, Mo. -t; And sold by nil good Druggist* and Fancy Goods Dealers. Nov 18?(tSm Collector's Oflloe. City Hall, Nov.-ral)?r 19, 1888 NOTICE is hereby given to all persons who have not paid their Takes for the present year, and to all who are in hi rears l'??r previous years, (including gas taxes,) that at the expire lion of sixty days from this date nil property on which taxes of any description may rw main unpaid will he advertUed and sold for the luxe-*, a? the law eujoins. Tlio o who do not wish to be put to the heavy expense attendant on the advertisement and sale are requested to pay iu season. J AS. F. HAIJDAY, Nov 21?lawtJanlfi Collector. (^TATE OF GEORGIA, ELBERT COUNTY. In the superior court of paid county, March term, 1858. Present his Honor James Thomas, Judge of said court. WliereaB sundry bil s have been filed in this court by ltptHl ub 1 dor the will of Wni. H. Burch, deceased, against John C. Burch, oxt ; cuter of mid will, fbr payment of their respective legacies, and claim- I lug that the legacy ill Mild will Sarah Keaoo should be paid to tlio parties entitled thereto in tho event of her death, leaving no child or children. U ih ordered that mid Sarah Ktfsoe, or her children, or her or their legal representatives, appear In this court at or before the March term, IH50, to claim said legacy, as, in default of said appearance, gaid legacy will then bo dhcoled to bo paid to tlio parties now before the court. And it In further ordered that a copy of this order he published once a month (br nine months, the publication to be before tho month of March, 18&U, in the following newspapers, to wit: The Constitutional alist, published in Augusta, Georgia; The Uoion, puhUslkod in Washington, In the District of Columbia; The I/misvillo Journal, published in Louisville, Kentucky ; and soino newspaper published In Cincinnati, Ohio. A true extra1-! from the minutes of tlie superior court of FJbcrt county, Georgia, ftt March term, A. I). 1868, this 17th April, 1858. April 27? lamfim MORES B. MILIA, Clork ! rnKXAS LAND AGENCY. I 1 M rAIlTY A I1ROWX, AtteUn. Tex**, I.awl awl Krai f.ttatr \f?nt>, Will locate IaikI, |iuy taxes, buy and cell Uu.1 on communion. r.tid at land Ui everything pertaining to u general land agenc y Reference* given ! tile receipt of ?I, wo will toward I" any wldro/M within tho II. |K?t.v*e paid, the l?ie I ami best map (JnM i?*ued) of the Slat I a ho, a new work (yft-1 united) of 400 page- reading mailer, contain iiiK Hiinual staled c* of the Mate, the progress and Improvement* in ! agriculture, commeroo, mid manufactures, the lurrenM of population. ! wealth, nod revenue, and atatlstten Of all the couutien, railroada, rlv' j .... -^p.u ii ipj inij^!, I i iP~ 'iiao- wir r,AYl\T(i CARI>S in ficai variety and at alt price* Kor sale ?t VRANK1IX Pinif'H New II.. ...Mnrr, aau l'#nn. avenue. Oct M between 9th nod 10th ?tract*.