Newspaper Page Text
NEWS !iY 'II LWJHAl'i i. I In V a (hi Wanderer. . , - , - 11 I1'' I I 111' Kopohll, >111 Ul lllU lll> < I 111 li; a th?' 11 a I'i'li-ni : -111 v \ l?il"l the Alum,,. tin;. ?,u, Ualialil t"w| . tin distil, t at tuilicy, alic-slcd ihicu men ill! Satutday, believed traintmplicalinl in tli.' atluii. named .)nan lit li>-gcst<- .S A Hruwn, mill Miguel Aguiuvi, (or Huguet,/ hulling from j Sew Orleans. Attorney (jaiiahl refused to allow them I,,11, u the charge oil which they were arretted waa piracy, ami they were cuuaequuiilly sent to jail. Hotk Attorney lianahl ami the United State* maialml are lining every exertion to obtain evidence in the ante Tb?y had aeut to Mrtinawick to elicit information for the examination which will probably take place on Thuraday. Ttiey also despatched a steam-tug to Bruuswick to tow the Wanderer to Kavaunah ; but the ubipuiuater on board retUatd to give ber up It i? leported that tin < ollivtoi utD.uicn Bluti-s that the Wamieri-1 bcur* no ti e re of having bad sluvrs on board. The IU-piihlic.iii any h it is rumoied (lint the- Afrieaua were landed on .lekyl Inland, ami that a ateainer left Savannah and took on board 150, ami conveyed them j>ast Savannah to the river plantations, where they weie scattered through the country 't he cargo ia auppoaed to have consisted of 5f>0 negroes. The Wandurer hails from St. Helena, but is without regular papera, there baviug been no consul there ; hut she has informal papers from the uatlvo olliciala, without seal*. Oiciltiul Mail Affairi. fir. Luim, l<<u. 13. Hit) rush for passive from San Franciaco by the overland mail was very great. There ?,;re at leuu>t a hundred applicant*, The question of piefervucc H, decided l>y casting lot* a hundred dollar* premium being offered for real*. A messenger, with the President's message, was met near Fayetteville, Arkansas, twelve hours ahead of time. Mr llutti'ifield contemplate* hanging the semi weekly to a tri weekly mail to and Lom tho Pacific Latter feom Cuba. ia\ asnan, Dec. 13 Tho hi. unship Isabel, from Havana on the 10th, arrived off Tyboc this uiorulng. Her general news i? unimportant. Sugar remained firm. No. 12 is quoted at 9} a 9|. The stock at Havana and Mutar.ras inuounts to 40,000 boxes. There was nothing doing in new molasses. Governor Aiedarv. Sr. Louu, Dee- 13.?Hon. Samuel Medary has arrived In this city, on his way to Kansas to enter iqsjn Ids duties as governor of that Territory. Financial. Nsw York, Dee. 13 ? Stocks are lower generally?Chicago and ltock Island, 6J} ; Illinois Central shares, 72 } ; Michigan Southern 20J ; Now York Central, 83} ; Heading, .701 ; Milwaukie and Mississippi, 13 ; Missouri O'e, 88}. Market!. New York, Dec. 13.?Cotton is heavy--sale! of 2,000 hales. Flour Is firm sales of 8,000 bhls. ; State, $1 '25 uf4 50; Ohio, $5 25 a $5 50; southern, $5 a $5 40. Wheat is very dull?southern red, $1 a 91 12} ; white, $1 20 a $1 40. Corn is heavy- sales of 19,000 bushels ; mixed, 70 a 77 cents ; new white, 72 cents ; old yellow, 85 a 80 cents. 1'ork is heavy old mess, 917 60 a $17 65; new, 918 ; prime, 911 a 914 25. Lard is quiet at 11} s 111. Whiskey is steady at 25} cents. Sugar i* unchanged. Coffee is quiet at 10} a 11} cents. Molasses Is higher -advanced 1 cont 35 a 36 cent*. Spirits of turpentine is firm at 48 a 48} cent*. Kosin is quiet st $1 50, delivered. Kice is firm at 3 a 3} cents, GLEANED FROM THE MAILS. The Iiidiaua legislature lius a hill before it which makes tlie issuing of shiuplasters a penitentiary offence. The first railway in Turkey ?the lino being 70 mile* long?between Smyrna and Aiden, has been partially opened. A Linking firm in Indiana has Issued 925,000 of nroruisaory notes, bused upon live stock?10,000 head of nog*, *nd 1,200 he;ul of cattle, deposited in their own pens. Hie longest straight stretch of road in the South is on the Wilmington, Charlotte, and Rutherford Railroad, where, for 75 miles, tho lino is perfectly straight. An instalment of the Canadian silver and hronised coin ha* been received. The circulation of the present copper pence anil half-pence will bo superseded by the new bronze oust*. Lord Clyde's share of flic prize money paid to the military serving in India is said to exceed ?80,000. The amount paid to subordinates i* correspondingly gnat. Tho leaf of an alburn on which Lord llyrou hail written four lines of poetry was recently sold to a Russian nobleman at Venice, Italy, for $1,600. What do you think of that, scribblers ? The superintendent of gas iit Alexandria, Virginia, in having all the meters in that city tilled with alcohol, to prevent their freezing during the winter. 'This precaution will prevent much inconvenience. The Chinese coast furnishes the climate of New England at the North, and of Cuba at the South. The nine new ports opened range from Kiung-chnn in latitude 20 deg., to Nin-chwing in the Munchu provinces, in latitude 41 deg. Without a dissent!ug voice, the house of representatives of Georgia has passed a liill repealing all laws which authorise lotteries in that State, and prescribing certain penalties for nil schemes and sale of tickets after the 1st of June, 1860. There is a large hog in New Brunswick which is to be "guessed for" on Christmas day. The hog is to be weighed alive, and the person guessing the uearest to its weight gets the hog. The cost of "a guess" $1. We guess tbey won't all get it. DIED. lu this city, on Saturday, lliu lltli Inst , JOHN' Fi ORKN'Tll'S COX, <A'I , aged 76 year*. Funeral on Tuesday, ai 2 o'clock, p. in., from .Vo. 466 Thirteenth utreot, n?Btr Pennfylvanli avenue, to which hi* frlmnbi are invited without further notice. At noun, on IfaHlajr, the ltd) iMt, ifier > iMiafttl Ulneet of h ffcw 1 month*, EMMA, wife of l)r. W. Hmookk Jon&s. Hot funeral will hike place at U o'clock p. m., on Wednesday noxt, (1Mb ln*k) from the residence of her hu.sbuiul. corner of 9th aud O tfi'cta. The frleuda of the family are respectfully invited to at U'Qd. OFFICIAL. Hki'aktment of State. < Wvyiix<m>x, December 11, lH:i& I luiorrotuoD has luvn MfiUfM ut thU deptftRtoM frCB T? 'I Tuu^tall. esq., th*? United States consul ut Cadiz; of tho death of Peter i mi ii..- i niiiM'l St tii- on thi* li?l ut August last. , iv. 12?stir .. 1 tear* 'air and Kkstival.?The l^itUen of the Firnt ! liUtrian Chun h will hoM A Ml MKl FMttvti 1a tlut room 1.11? i > oc ' " pieU by \Wmr$. Unit a* a Jewelry Mom, No. di-l I'enn-} IvhijIa uve commencing Monday evening, December '20, and clotting on i .!.; ii, 24th. ih< proceeds will be devoted to the liquldA v it'll of a dobt t near red for repairing the church edifice. I lvc??dtf C ^yASlUNUTON TMEATBK. W. Htiinrl. ( S. |l t ; tin,.. Third night of MR BARRY 8ULUVAN, Wum0 ,ui ,.|(. , p (..tha\6 tn.-f a d.-^i 00 IkVtfi OUpfeT Up.I llu will till. I riTF.-???AV> KVRSIN'O. I)E( KMI1KR 14, inf.*, r 'lr?y lilt rautorly Imprriuiiatum In lire R?v. Mr. Mooro'a lr?s?ly of the GAMKSTKR. J'w'r Mr HARRY St I.I J VAN * "" R-verly ...... .... . Mir. Alice Grey. I Concluding with tho musical afterpiece entitled A LOAN OF A I.OVKR. Wm JwtpMat Manser*. f M. J M HauMin ul'l>,Tt.'tl by a rant of unparalleled excellence, etnhraciii;' nil the i tl members of tho d MATCIII.mi RTIH.K COMPANY. 1 < 4lct ,.t M?U?rott'? tAoro, from 9, ?. m, until 5, p in .- u \i wsrov imrsB \r vmiMK.m.y riu: Eimrrr house, h SoKr rorner of V mm Fmiriumth itfWla, !" ^T ^ ' Washington, D C. - (l t CITY INTELLIGENCE. Cm (JoOWUe. HoHltl u) ALirrilUlt ?.V couiuiunicuti Ml mu idceivi'd from the Mayor transmitting Uio rrjiorl of the commlssioncr* of the Washnmloti Asylum. Mr. Mouua, oil leave, presented * resolution grunting tint tem|M>rary one of a |Hirt of the Norther u Liberties Kngine Mouse fur Irenevoiuiit purposes Mr. tiiimi, froui lite police couimittee, reported a 1>lll iu lieu oi that [mined in the lower board, uppioprietiug seven thousand dollars for the construction of n market house un square liiti in the Seventh ward ; which, after nuiue deUitu, wua laiii upou tile table. Mr Kuim offered a substitute authorising tlie Mayor to iuiitc ]>ro|Mw>aU fur furnishing a site fur the new market: passed. Au act irour the lower board to preveut the carrying of arms on Suiuiay was [Kissed with au auieuduient. Also, a bill for the lelief of John M IJoyd, a police officer wounded iu the discharge of his duty, was [Missed. Also, a hill to supply deficiency iu the appropriation for grading O street south, between Kour-and a half and Water streets, was passed. Mr. Moons, from the committee on tlie asylum, reported a hill making au appropriation to furnish the new Washington Asylum ; [Missed. Also, a bill for the relief of Mis. Mary Childs, late matron of the asylum : passed. A bill for the relief of Thou. (J. Kurd was taken up and passed. A bill from the lower board, appropriating $500 to compensate Walter 1). Duvidge aud Walter Imjuox for legal servicea in tlie case of Weiglitui&n vt. The Corporation, was passed. lUmtrd of Common Cbunci/. ? Mr. WI lao.N, from the claims committee, reported a bill for tlie relief of James Mailer : passed. Mr. Mi i.utY, from the police committee, reported back a joint reitoliitioii granting the ukc of the went end of Judiciary Square to the Metro|iolitau Mechanics' institute for exhibition purpurea, provided the conaent of two- third* ol the holders of pro|>?rty fronting theieon be first obtained; and, further, that the institute maintuin a suitable police to guard the building . passed. Also, a joint resolution requesting the council committees to urge Congress to grade Virginia avenue, to light the streets running through the Mall with gas, and to remove know accumulating thereon ; which wux also I uisscd. Mr. Palmer, from the committee on drainage, reported a hill making an appropriation for a reservoir on Mixaouri avenue : [Hissed. Mr. TLUTON reported a )>ili appropriating $800 for rupaiis ill square 374 ; wliich wax passed. Alao, a bill to supply a deficiency in the appropriation made to grade New York avenue : passed. Alao, a bill to supply a deficiency in the appropriation tor grading fitli street west : [kissed. Also, a bill making an appropriation for taking up and relaying the pavement of Oth atreet north, between 23d and 24th streets west ; paused. A bill from the upper board in relation to the licensing of auctioneers was passed. And, after Home further business, the board adjourned. Exhibition or Paintinhs.?Lovers of the fine arts will bo rejoiced to learn that?through the good office* of Mr. Franklin Philp?two tine paiutingx are to be on exhibition at tlic room beneath the new hull of the Washington Art Association during Christinas week. The Urtat Fallot Niagara, is the well-knownchef-'doctwr* ot F. E. Church, distinguished among American laudscape painters. It has been described ils au exact representation of this national wonder, covering a canvas some eight feet ill length nud four in width. The view is from the Canadian side, some distance above Table Rock, and takes in the entire sweep of the Horse-Shoe Fail to the corner of float Island, including also the Rapids, the "Three Sisters," and the Canada shore, until visual runge is lost in distant white-caps, fiually giving place to a smoother surface of water. The mighty torrent, as it leaps and foams, rushing onward, growing wilder and fiercer, until bonding down ami plunging over the awful cataract into a yawning abyss, seems as a reality. Here we behold this wild Hood breaking into transparent foam, and then maintaining its more compnct form in sluggish, deep, dark green, whilst from the chasm far below rises a gauzy mini, which ascends and consolidates into beautiful cloud*, hinged with purple mid golden tinU from a netting nun. Arching all these is the volar bow with its exquisitely-delicate prismatic colors. II Carta, or the Race-course at Home, by Barber, is another noteil American picture, and we are confident that while the two are on exhibition here they will be visited by crowds. Every one who has any pretensions to artistic taste will go and see them. Theatrical.?Mr. ltarry Sullivan has made a favorable impression upon the Washington play goers, and we are pleased to see that?despite the inclement weather? he has good houses. His declamatory powers exhibit careful traiuiug, aud his interpretation shows close study of the characters which lie represents. Mr. Sullivan is uiKi uestionably the best actor now on the American stage, and we advise our readers not to miss hearing him during his brief visit here. 1'krsonal.?Hon. John Letcher, M. C., the democratic candidate for governor of Virginia, is at Browns' Hotel; Hon. Sum Houston, of Texus, Hon. J. H. Jcwett, of Kentucky, and Hon. T. King, of Georgia, are at Willards' ; Hon. W. H. Diitnnick is at the ivirkwood House ; Gen. Brian and Admiral Kermuu, of Mexico, and Dr. Itiinoy (who accompunied the liberated Africuus on the Niagara) arc at the Nalioual. Rain again yesterday, and everybody who was not absolutely compelled to be out of doors remained at home. Storekeepers arranged their displays of holiday goods, and children, kopt from school, wondered what Kiiss Kringlo would reward their good behavior with. Let us hope for sunshine and dry walking. Tint vxity Latest music out is the "i'otomoc Light Infantry Quickstep," composed by G. F. I.awrciice, and dedicated to that gallant officer, C'apt. J. M. H. Hollingsworth. Ellis lias it for sale ; also a new ballad : "Dost tliou think I could forget thee." Note-worthy pieces, liotli of them. A W t miNUTON Book.?One of our Metroi>olitun authors (Mr. George Wood,, who wrote " I'etcr Kchlemihl in America) has written a new work called "Future Life, ar Scenes in Another World." It Is favorably noticed by the New Vork critics. Arrived Below. The brigantiue Ephraim Williams. from I)!x Island, with stone for the Treasury Department, ! mehored of (Juantico Creek yesterday. She had n long ' ind tempestuous passage. A steam-tug will lie sent lown to her. Gov minor or South Carolina.?The legislature of tooth Carolina, on Saturday, chose W. H. Gist governor >f that Stato, over J. H. Irhy, his princqial competitor. Jr. K. W. Gibbs was elected State printer. Mrs. Julia JIranch, we arc requested to state, will loliver a piquant lecture in this city in a few weeks. Shillisotos, the right-hand man of Kris* Kringle, has irovided a fine assortment of story books, games, and >thcr Christinas gifts. Till Furmitubi at the Mansion House is from McGreg>r & Co.'s house-furnishing store. Sal* or Paintimus,? the advertisement of the ale of paintings on the 20th. Wo shall allude to thcin leroafter. Lunenburg C. H,Y*, December 0, lft&ft. 1>HM children of Susan Aikin, who was a daughter of Richard Oniftoti the older, deccaacd, late of thin county, are 1 n-reby noil tod that thoro in about $700 In my band*, a? receiver of . tie c4rcuit court, boiny their |M?rtion of the procoeris of the sale of the I mvor as tide lately held by Nrnjuy tYafton, widow of the eaid Richard r.ifton, deceased. Doc 11?litvrJur T W. WfNV. | Lunenburg C. II., Vs , December 6, !$&?. 11HK children of Judith Farley and of Sally Farley, docoiHtvl, are hereby notified that there hoe been paid into my j iir'ds, iia receiver of the circuit ami county court* of thin county > and iv<4tcd aocfltdiiiff to law their portion of Ibe estate of Joeephux rat ton, deceased, late of thtu county. Itoll -la* 4w T. W WINN | ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. Browns9 llotcl. I, Rubin ton, PidUdcljiUU L ti Itrowu, U?iy It ulultl, South ; J Win W JUf, du Ctrvilttl i J D I Ward, do 8 (J J lUdf, lUUuuoro I A Dupre, IxMiisuu* 0 llwuiiey, do W T NicboDou, North Carotin* J 11 0>*ui*r, do | Juo Hi *nnun, Yirjftnu Jim W Rice, do Hon Juo Letchfr, do J H Mr mil, do R Moodey, New York C Moore, Sua. n DUud N Y j J f fJo*re, du Jo* R S Yrohut, Marlon, C If, 8 C J W Sedgwick A Udy, do Win Lk.ll, Kiatnrky H airy Hawk*, do Henry PiuhugU, Clmrl?<-town, Y* I J Ciholnu, do C BCklMitl, Chicago, til XI P Kobin*oti, ?lo J A Wilson, htt-iburg ! 8 11 K iudvur, do L llolb.ook, Jr# Virginia J T Webb, Cincinnati, O W W 11 ?y?, Mar >Und J M VVillUiinoii. Muiuphu TIium H Payah, Slaiuilou J T Clmdeetar, Alabama C Klddfu, iUitttuoro lieu H WiUoii, (Jtdo Kirk wood House. Alfred Maddux, lUiuiuoro HftAry Spingn k holy, Boalou Wiu Schley, do Juo A XI am lorn, Alexandria O R Wheal, New York W (. Mosdey, Maine <? Cow on, do Hain't H Sulkiii, Virginia 1) Dodge, do H W Cohiu, do J 8 IJbtey, do Juo W Deal k 1a.ty, do SY It Arrointmilh, do llou W H Dituinlck, Pennsylvania Sam l P Horklioeu, do XI XI Diinmtck, do K M IX-nuH, do H S Molt, do J W Kdiouiula, daughter k uieoe, W J M.. Una, do do JuoAlhu- do i? r. .?! * run v * *? mi k' , m4uucu l/uubcjl Stepheu VYiUuu, Mnldlotowu K II Tracy, Mew York VY M Htortnghaiu, Illinois C Kuhlor, do II Jeffrey, Philadelphia M I) Udtaiio, Virginia Maaoii KUaley k lady, do 1) W Wallace, do National Hotel. W H l'rear, Montgomery Ja? A lams, Ireland K N HcLierr, jr. Philadelphia Out* H True, North Carolina SiHti 1 do Kuguiio Maaaou, New Oi leans JJhoj'ti SvepjMtcher, do A P Miller, 1/iut aster, O F. A IHckoraou, Now York J A Pago, Udy it ton, Vermont I) K Michel, do Mr? Clarke, uo A N Smith, do J li DodedUh k lady, do k h Broadiuau, do Kob't Duucjui, New York riiue Haiiiey, do AM Me Kinney, do H W Hhonnakor, Cincinnati, 0 Juo I) Kohhina, do F T Wauou, 8C lamia J O Wuat k Udy, do Hk'lt Ik) Freielie, ir, ClariiMlOil, Mr Hot wood, cape Island M C Paul Harwood, do A C Norton, Virginia Mr liria-oe, Maryland J H Dalmoy, do Uen Frlaa, Mexico F Armstrong, USA Adinirai Yermati, do Juo A CaneolW, Maryland Ja-i Cooper, Philadelphia S T Mai tin, 11 till more \V I) Bull, do W C Jo wait k sou, San FraooUco, (loo H Martin, Uo Cui Geo K Kiddle, Delaware T Jones, California Sidney W Howe, Boston 11 Jones, tlo A W II irk ley, Camden, N J 1) Jones, do C "W Con ray, l1 8N Simon Severs, laincaater, Ta C Masse/, Portland lion A (i Fuller Silas Ford, Newark, N J Elijah Reynolds, Port Deposit (Jutted State* Hotel. A H*tu, Stnr York II It Cham pay nr, lUltiinorn A K Arolioy, do I) M duowden, do S II WUuer, Cincinnati, O Tnos Olyan, Delaware Albert Brooke, Prince George'a co, tl W Surtcn, Virginia Md Ja* V. JoncH, do Walter JViwle, do Mra F Juarltn, do Jno W McCliutock, Mary laud J C Waddle, do It Cullon, do G It Hutchins, do i A Oabouru, do C L Hoye, do lieo \V It iduy, Illcbmoud. Va V K Young, ltock villa, Md Jno W Cowley, do Ceo Sinclair, Nebraska J 11 Campbell, Illinois J Robert-', Bath Wlllaids' Hotel. Jam II Boa-id, New York J T Crowell, New Jersey Maru'l J Webator, do II Upper man, Poniin/lvanka H H Forria, do H E Reynold*, St iaiuia Win Merrifleld, do Jno Mullian, USA A Moore, do F S Buar k lady, Reading, Pa Job Ihonipsou, do Gen Houston, Texas Mr St John, do lion J H Jewett k Udy, Kentucky J Maey, jr, k lady, do W A Rust, Bostou lion T H King, Ccorgia Kob't Hull, Baltimore Jules Clieguot NEW PUBLICATIONS. FROLIC MASTER FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD. THE Sociable; or, One Thousand and One Home Amusemauts, containing Acting Proverbs, Dramatic Charade., Acting CUuriidiM, or Drawing room Pantomime*, Musical Uurieaquev, Tableaux VIvattU, Parlor Game*, Gam * of Action, Forfeit*, Science in Sport ami Parlor Magic, ami a choice collection of curioua inenUl mud mechanical puixloa, Ac., illustrated with nearly 300 cugraviiig* and diagrams. The whole being a fund of never ending entertainment By tho author of "The Magictou'a Own Book." Nearly 400 page?, 12mo. Price, cloth, gilt-aide stamp, $1. For tab at TAYLOK k MAURY'S iK'c 14 Bookstore, 334 Pinn. avenue. OUKTSHIP OF MII.KS STAN DISH, illiislrated.?To he published by December 20th a volume of photo graphs, from original drawings by John W. Khningar, illustrative ol the "Cuuruhip of Miles Stundiidi." There will be eight or ten large photographs, executed by Mr. llrady, photographer. These photographs will be pasted on heavy plate paper, with Interiootiug cream colorcd leaves containing the descriptive text. The wholo to be bound in largo quarto massive Turkey morocco covers, with bevollod and gilt edges. Price $0. Subscriptions received by F1UNCK TAYLOR, Where specimens of the photograph* can be seen. Ore 14 rnilE HANKS OF NEW YORK, their Dealers, | tlie Clearing-house, and the Panic of 1867, with a fluaitcial chart by J. 8. Gibbons, with thirty illustrations by Merrick. 1 vol. Price $1 25. For sale at FRANKLIN PHlLP'fl New Bookstore, 332 l'eun. avenue, Dec 14 between tfth aud 10th su. STEHEOriCOPKH AND VIEWS, a fine assortment. Writing desks, papier macho, ebony inlaid, rosewood, and mahogany at nstuniihiugiy low prices No plus Ultra desks, papetries, aud portfolio* ladies' cabas, bags, card case*, and port monaies, with a largs variety of articles suitable for gill* at tho approaching holidays, at the bookstore of Wll. BALLANTYNK, Dec 14?3t 498 7th street, above Odd Fellows' Mali. I AW IJOOKSTTN PRESS AND PREPARING J fur publication, by Utile, Ilrown & Co., law and foreign look idler*, ll'J Washington street, Boston. AMERICAN RAILWAY CASUS, Vol. IU. (sue* Relating to the Law of Rnllroa^*.' Ry Chauuery Smith and 8. W. Bate*, caii*., counaelloni at law; vol. 3. ArpLKTO.V ON LIEN. A Practical Troutiao on tho Liw of Lion. Ity lioo. John A|>i>l?tou, of tho iiupremo court ol Maine; 1 vol. 8vo. BANKHVITOY AND INSOLVENCY. A TreaUro oil tin* law of Bankruptcy anrt Insolvency, lly a mem her of tho Boston liar; 1 vol. Svo. BISHOP ON CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. Coninioiilarlca on Criminal Procedure , or, tho law of Pleading, Evidence, and Practice in Criminal Cases. By Joal 1'. Bishop, oeq In two vols. Svo. This work will cover all the ground of tho criminal law not occupied by the work entitled "Commentaries on the Criminal law." CfRIIKS' ADMIRALTY CASUS. A Aoloction of leading Cases ou Admiralty law, with Notes; by Hon. B. R. Cuitis, IJ..IL; Svo Ci;.?HIXti\s REPORTS, VOL. XII. Keirtirts of Cases Argued and Ik-term ned In tho Supreme Judieial Courtof llassaohuaetle. By llou. Luther 8. Cushlug: vol XII. 8vo. 0RAY'S REPORTS, VOL. VI. Report* of Casea Argued ami lieieriiuued in the Supreme Judicial Court ol Massa. buselts. By lioracu Cray, Jr., e*p; 8vo. HI LI JAM) ON TORTS. A Treatise on Torts, being a comprehensive summary of Iho law rotating to wrougs committed upon real uud |*eraoiwil property, upon the person, character, and all absolute and relative rights; including disseisin of lauds, trespasses to real and personal estate, Blander, malicious prosecution, negligence, and, in general, nil acta or omissions whic h are made Iho subject of actions of tort. By Hilliurd, esq.: 2 vols. Uvo. This work will present u comprehensive view of the whole nubject to which it relates in all its various branches; substantially corresponding in plan to the most approved elementally trenticoa upon contracts on the one baud, and crimes cm the other; and lilting a hitherto entirely unoccupied place iu English aud American jurisprudence. LAXGDE1J, ON CORPORATIONS. A Treatise on the Lew of CorporationM, civil and eleemosynary, municipal and private, including the rights and obligations of the members thereof, and of third purlieu in relation to them. By C. C. | laingdell, esq . of the Now York bar; \ vol. 8vo. PORING on arbitration. Arbitration at Common I aw, in equity, and under the statutes of the States of the United States By Hon. El ward G. l?rlng; I vol. M vo. i airing on husband and wife . The Principles and Kales of iaw Regulating the Property Of Husband aud Wife, and Civil AollOUJ Therefor. By Hon. Edward G. Ix?r ing; 8 vo PARSONS ON MARITIME LAW. IN rums. A Treatise on Maratlme law, including therein the law of shipping, ! the law of insurance, and the law and practice of admiralty. By Hon. Theophtlim Parsons, M?D.,dan?? professor of law in Harvard Unlvar* i slty, author of Treatises on Contracts, Elements of Mercantile latw, i Ac.; 1 vols. 8vo.' parsons on promissory note*. IN rilW.l RATION. A Treatise on the Law of Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. ! By Hon. Theophilux Parsons, LL. 1), Dane Professor of I aw in Harvard ; L'utversltjr ; 1 vol. 8vo. UPON EXECUTORY AND ADMINISTRATORS. | A Practical Treatise upon the l*w ol Executors and Administrator*, I unbracing the Probata of Wills, Devices, Legacies, the Distribution of Kxt lie* among Creditor* and Hi irs, the soUlettidU of Adininistraliou Accounts, iho Powers and Duties of Probata Court*, Ac. By Isaac F. j Rod Meld, ijl. D., Chief Justice of Vermont; 8vo. r1mdk island reports, Vol. V. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined In the Supremo Court of Rhode Island. By Hon. Samuel Ames, Chief Justice aud Reporter ; vol. II. beinu vol. V of of U_ I. Reudris Hv o_ thomax on wins. OoinmoHtariM on Will*. By Hon. Benjamin F. TUoniaa ; J vol*., | *? > 1)M IS?31 O HtHTS MADE TO OHDEH Stevens is prepared >3 mslM fc> or*?r, and warrant Inflt, "Yolc? n?ek Slnrt*'* of flno S??IUv. XTKVEffl, I Bar. A?lrn Saleroom, Brown*' HoVi. j Toll) of Kvam*kij?t. lu y our number uf tin- 15th maUnl, you *> A c or respondeat oak* on our ?-i*atuu of the prcpurali otia adv?rii-?i by Mrc. h. A. Alhm, In onr p*pn " but, ut the uw of which, ojuujpt the ??'/ylobaUaiuuin/' you prof*''* U> have hail no ft pr,.U4*. As 1 luve tried a lahr ui|vr^MtM vfclt those artwlow, 11 luty In* of aouio Uiv to other* lor mo to communicate the ruauli. My age l* One year ago, my hair wo vary gray, ami 1 a? | b. ca gradually foiling, unlit^ on tho crown, it hua become quite thin About the Ut ??f March, of tho prtueui |Mf, I cot&Blilic?d uaing Mm. S. A. Alloa'* " Restorer.," Xu. I, according to the direction.*, and have I ctmiiani'd to apply u alight dreaihig of the earn* oioo in three or four waohn. cu retiring to bod. My hair U now altnoot n ?iore<l to iU original color, and tMo hue appear* to be permanent. I a>n satisfied that the prrparatwa u nothing like a dye, operates upon the secrr HotM. My bair ceases to lali, which i? certainly au advantage to uuw who wtm in danger of becoming bald. The " Zylobulaainum" I have found the best and moat agreeable hair druatdtig of anything which 1 have aver used for that purpose. KKV. M TilACHKR, Pitcher Chenan*. Co . X 1 R*V. W. B TUoiinklom, Presout, Lancashire, Eng and. -"Your Hair Restorer 1.4 a perfect marvel. Alter having used it foe Mix weeks, in/ eMrrmely gray hair was restored to its natural color not lb# wig like appearance produced by dyes?but to it* own natural color ; which satlsQe* my mind that U ii uot a dye. I The abooe ctergman is well known throughout Great Britain, and to many in the. United States.) PiuoiDftMi J. H. hUnm, IX- I)., (Union University,) MitrJ'rcesboro Venn Maoam : " I would slate that hocus time last spring. I found my maje lAUiKi orr; I concluded to purchase a Imitle of your 'Hair He iterative,' Icc , and give it a trial. I commenced using it, hut very ir regularly, but notwithstanding tbU Irregularity, I fouud that It* luAu Slice was dlstlncly visible, rus riLUM on* ov hack cmamko, and my locks, w hich tiefore wore quite ukat, wkhk ciia.voii to uutnt." Kkv. Mn* K. 0. Aximcs, fmauy years Missionary to Ifaytl.] War tinsburg, X. Y. In cou?vqueucu of hor long residence in afbroineu Uoacd Island, hnr hair and ?oalp was in a very unhealthy condition After trying various articles without success, and eventually using Mr*. 8. A. Alloa's, she writes to the "Auiericau Baptist 44l have derived inoch heueAt from the use of Mrs. K. A. Allen's World's Hsir Restorer and Zy iobalsamuiu ; t have tried various other remedies for my hair, but never auy thing that so materially and permanent I y hen eQlsd uiv as have those of Mr*. 8. A Allen." Us v. C A. Uveas**, Trsas. Am. liihle Uuion, editor Bible Union g latterly, X. Y. City. ?"I very cheerfully add my testimony to that of numerous other friends. I have found the Zylobulsatuuin superior to anything 1 have ever used for the hair, and would fully coinuieud it to all." Hsv. II. V. IbsiBt, Kditor "(liihle to lioliue**," Boston, Mass.? Mrs. 8. A. Alleu's World's Hair Restorer, found among our other advurtUcmcuU, we iusert from actual experiment. That It promotes the growth of the hair where baldness had commenced, wo have the evidence of our own eyes. We can testify to its effects." Rmv. R. II. Pollock) Ed. 44 Presbyterian Witness," Obi., O.?44 It Is our settled policy to advertise nothing till we know it Is what it pur ports to be. Having op|>ortiinity, and becoming satisfied of the merits of Mr*. 8. A. Alleu's World's Hair Restorer and ZylobaUumuui, would be pleaded,'' lie. lUv. K. R. Faimxiis, D. P., Cor. Bsc. Aui. and For'n Ch'n Union, X. Y. C'h!y.~" Mrs. 8. A. Alleu's World's Hair Restorer and Zytubal ft*tmun have been u*od iu my family with bcnollci&l clfec.ts,and I take nlfasure in commeudiug them to such as have occasion to use such preparations." Rky. A. WmxSK, Ed. Ch'n Era, Boston, Mass.?-*11 Havlug used numerous specifics to Utile purpose, I diucardod ull, believing them to b* of no value 80 I regarded your World's Hair Restorer and Zylo balsa to um, yet personal frioud* prevailed on me to use it. I have done so lor several months past with good effect end entire satisfaction. lUv. Da mi si. T. Wqoo, XuUilHowa Orange co.,X. F.?>4>ly hair ha* greatly thickened upon my head, aud put on a very lively, healthy appearance. Tho same is true of my daughter; her hair hwl become thin, arut came out constantly, until we thought the head uxtutd ite almost bare; her ru.u/' has hanasomely thickened uj>, and has a healthy appearance." Rev. 3. B. Moki.iv, Willuxmstoum, Maw. ?114 The effect of Mrs. 3. A. Allen's preparation* has been to cheiige tlio 'Crowu of Dlory' belong iti# to old men to tho original hue of youth/' Riv. VVm. Forth.'*, Stanwich, Ct.?" Mrs. S. A. Allen'* World'* Hair Restorer and Zy lobahamum ban met my mo* t sanguine expectation*.'' Rev. J. A. H. Coi.vii L, 0?r. Sec. B'd 1>I'b K. I). Ch., N. Y.? ? Mr* 3. A. Alien'* World'* Hair Restorer and ZylobaUuiuum, 1 am happy to aay, prevented tin* fulling uir of the hair, and restored it from being gray to its original color.*' Rkv. J. Ws?rr, No. 0 WasKington Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.?" 1 thankfully acknowledge the uho of Mrs. 3. A. Allen'* preparation* In curing my baldness ami grayneu Wo might add name after name'of equal standing a* the foregoing from all i?art* of the U. S., and even some from Europe, such a* Rev. W. B., Prescot, England; Rev. Jaxks McFahlaxk, Esopua, X. V.; Key. B. liKicr, Newmarket, III.; Rev. C. M. Ki.i.nck, Lewiatown, Pa.; Rev. J. F. Dkihwolo, Washington, N. II.; Rav. J. P. Ttsrix, Cluirle* u?n, S. C.; Rev. W*. Cutler, Ed. Mother'* Mag., N. Y.; Rev. Jamu* Horr, Orange, N. J. ; Rev. Jaeks 1'. Rtoxk, Greensboro, Vt.; Rev. K. Kvaxh, Do'hl.O.; Ren. Wm. R. Duwxh, Howard, N. Y.; R**. Deo. M. Si-ratt, Agt. Ponn. Bap. Pub. Hoc , Iajwlsburg, I'mon Count) , Pa.; R?*v. Dax'l T. Wood, Middleman, N. Y.; Rev. Jos. McKjoc, N. Y. City; Hen . B. C. Smith, Pratcburg, N. Y.; Rev. Axon I1laxc;ukd, Meridan, X. H.; Rev. I). Mohkis, Cr??a River, N. Y., Ac.,&.c. Every reader muHt know one or more of the above. These are the ouly preparation* exported iu any quantity to Europe Wo also woujkl call attention to tho fact that we have always avoided .ill? JmrluUiniPiu. Our preparation* ar^ the hlghc.t prie d, but ill.' In-caiiM- thi'V last longer, and dO BIN good, thl expense, in the r/id, le*s than other*. Wo aspire to have the beet, not tue lowest priced. One bottle of Restorer will lust nearlya year. $1 60 per bottle. Balsam, 371, cent* per bottle. Address all letter* for information, Ac., to ''Mr*. 8. A. Allen'* World'* Hair Restorer Depot, No. 355 Broome Street, New York." Tho Genuine l?a* ''J/n S. A. Allen," signed In Red Ink to outnldo wrapper*, and in Black Ink to direction.* pasted on bottle*. Uoatorer bottles are of dark purple ghue*, with tho words, "Mrs. S. A. Allen's M'orld'i Hair Restorer, 455 Broome Streetx New York," blown on them, j The balsam bottle* arc of green glass, with "Mrs. 3. A. Allen's World's ! Hair Balsam, 365 Broome. Street, New York," blown ou them. Circu- | lira around bottle* copyrighted. None other i* genuine. Signing the name by other* is forgery, and will bo prosecuted by us a* a criminal I offence. | Some dealers try to tell other preparations insteatl of these, on which j they make moreprojit; insist on these. Sold by uearly every drug and fancy good* dealer. Oct ad?3awI)AW12w ILLUSTRATED BOOKS.?Hogarth's Works; 2vols. 4th Ioudoti Like and Mountain Scenery of Durham, Northumberland, West morelaud, and Cumberland ; 2 vol*. 4to, Loudon. France, It* IyimlseiiM) Scnory, Antiquities, & *.., 2. vol*. 5tO I?ondon. Constantinople and its Environs; 1 vol. 4to J/mdon. History of tho War with Russia; 3 vol*., map* and plan*. Loudon. History of Iroluttd; 3 vol*.,Londou. China, II* slccucry, Architecture, Social Habit*, 6:0., 2 vol*. 4lo, London. llindoston, lis Landscapes, Palaces, Temple* and Tombs; 1 vol. 4to, London. Lancashire,it* History, lA?geud*?, and Manufactures; 2 voir 4to, I.on don History of Scotland. 3 > !*., Iondon. Tho above are finely bound in Turkey morocco. Dec 12 FRANCE TAYI/)R. NEW HOOKS.?Lays of a Lifetime?the Record of Oil? Departed. ObrDtinaa Holidays at Cedar Drove, by the uuthor ol 44 Enstor Hull days at Easier Drove." The Jewel* of the l/ird and the Lord of tho Jewels. The Heroes of the last I/Htre a Poem. H1.AXCHAHD It MOHL'N, IViokotlleri, Dk 11 Corner of Nan. ay. mid lltli ntreet. FOR SALE AND RENT. rpO LET?Tlio three-story brick house, No. 423 ^ Fifth street, between K and K. Haw bath-room and gas. Kent, |4'25. Inquire ou the pfttnbt?. Nov 30?If IjlOR RENT.?A large auti first-class dwelling, with uli the modern improvements, with n three-story back building, for rent, either furnished or unfurnished, having commodious k tabling, carriage-house, servants' room, &c. It is situated on Louisiana avenuo, near the City Hull the most central aud eligible position in the city. For terms apply to or address T. J. FJSHKR, , at J. C. MeCulre & Oo.'i Auction Store, Washington, I), C, Nov 20 dtf TO I.ET?With or Without Furniture?the Earfjc and Klcguut Ma aion aud Ground*, cornor of O and 'ilit ?Uoeta, just vocstted by Sir William fi Ouseloy . The bouse Contains all modern |Rt|VOVHimmll, is in excellent order. 1 can be mcou from 0 till 3 dally; alto three offices ii|h?ii the premises. Apply to Win. M. Caldwell, corner of C and 21st streets, or to N. Call mi, F street, near Treasury Department. Nov 11?SntiTueH*Thundf SIGN OF THE GOLD EAGLE.?KngmvingR A splendid lot of which iR for sale at Wagner's, V55 Pennsylvania avenuo. opposite Kirk wood House. Framed or otherwise. 4l?<?, nil kind of gilt picture frames. Dec 6?tf GELLING OFF ! BBLUNG OFF! I BUUW, SHOE*, AND RUBBERS, of every description, for ladles, Misses, Youths, and Children, at the LADIKX' KIIOK HTOBK, Xo. 16 1'enn. arvnur, Mttwa Hth and 9th drrrti. Ladiro, w? manufacture all our own goods, thereby poMufuIng the unoipialod securing th<*tn at first coat, which, of course, result# to the benefit of the purchaser. Our gaiters, in point of fit, beauty, and utility, have an acknowledged sttp^rcorlljrover all others, and our double sole morocco and kid boots and button gaitvr*, Arc., tin., for w inter wear, have only to be examine I to secure a purchaser. Also, long rubber boots fur ladies and misses. AU Belling off at astonUhing low prt<-*a. T. CLARK. Nov 20?dtKuht* /COLUMBIAN COLLKGK SCHOLARSHIP FOR V_/' ?akv?A aclu.lamlilp lu Um Columbian Oulli'KO, fnr tlui whuln Arm or four jroara, will bo aolit f..r a IHtlo more than half price to ! auy person wleblMg " puroham ouo. Tlio achnlarrhlp |>ay fi.r room I rent aiut tulllun, wlilr.h la $70 \? r I will roll for illuj citdli m i il ..I ... - ...II. aiin .... ...... Artdr^MC'ATAljNK, TIt J Wachiiuiton P O D C Dec #?dtl AUCTION SALES. . By JAN. C. MrUUIKK A CO., Aut'Uouerrn. / 1 HO IC E OOLLKOTION OF VAUAHLK OIL \_J I'AIMlNii* run saIA AT AKTlOM IN TliK tJUtlltlTHlN K>MiM IHf lilt WAMflNmTtIN ART AMWM1ATION .hi Monday ?v? iiui*. Lht rmbrr -Ulli n 7 V," I l'.'k la llu* exhibit:.?u ruoui uf llie Waal'la a to* Art A^kkuiuhi, t?i> doom ml uf (be wulton room* < ahall mill the iuimI cb<* e MI<1 . aluable oolWclioii uf P* until KM ever nUuratl at auetuiu iu liii-t rit> , briiiit aubki u prim ipaily by Sunly. MacUtuU. aatl Iauuuii uf tbu plae. Vt? name In part.TrHpprjm Winn ur Ih-pulitU Alt' A ; Autiiluu ui Iba It". It, Mo'lutaiUM ; I'lK' Ijtat ol In* Hut ' ; Mount HimmI Oriptu . UHlaur litrl ; Truppor. on Mm t'rairiu ; Itucki Mitblina ; Wuod Or ok. -a sue no lu Mar, lauil, ami iiiau, other beautiful a |Mte Una ua of art. UitaloRutM a ll! Im> ready, ami tbu pillion;;* on [roe exhib.tluu three tlaya prav I..UM to tlia aalr. Tbu rxbibiUou room of Uw eaauuiaOon (wbieh baa br.'H aooaratl fur tbia aalr) la Uaiul.uMuelj furuiahe.t end iuxk unaf rtuhlo in every . aotl a lUit to L'Xa.uilnt* thib <-ttll...-finn otll wa.M ruuuv lha. lover of art. Term* : <60 and motor, cmIi ; over that turn, A credit of 60 aud VO da>* tor approved eudoracd uolos bounug tutorial. J.C McCClKK h CO., Dec 12 eod [rttar] Auctioneers. By JAN. V. MoGUIRE A CO., Auctiouerri. IWUSTEE'S SALE OF FURNITURE AND HoCHEHOl.D EFFKCIW.?(in Tuesday morning, December 14, at 10 o'clock, at No. 603 Twelfth street, between Mouth B and C streets, (Island,) wo shall Bell all the Furniture aud Effects, compria lug? Mahogany hair spring aofa, rocker, aud parlor chairs Marble top centre and sofa tables Cane aud wood seat chairs, lounge Carpet, oil cloth, mulling lie.Ulead, bureaus, wasbatands Feather beds, bolsters and pillows Mai tresses, blankets and comforts Looking glasses, cluck, toilet seta China, glass, and crockery ware Cooking aud other stores, kitchen utensils, Ac. Terms: $25 and under, cash . over that sum, a credit for sixty and ninety days, for sat sfactorlly endorsed notes, bearing Interest. By order of the trustee. /AH. C. MiXlCIRK k CO., Dec 12d Auctioneers By WALL Al BARNARD, Auctioneers ClALK BY CATALOGUE OF A lARGE AND O ELKUANT STOCK OK RICH |KD C.ENT1NK FCKS AT Pt'ltfJC HAlJL?On Wedmtsday morning, 15th inai.,at 10o'clock, wc will sell ut the spacious at<ure, \*o. 300 lVniMylvauUt avenue, south side, between 0th and 10th streets, the largest, richest, and haod-mm.wt stock ' i of genuine furs ever offered in this city, being tbo stock in part of one of the northern manufacturer*. These furs wore made expressly fbr the best oity retail trade, are warranted perfect and true tu name, aud are made iu the latest and bo .i st| let* The stocks ooaprltM Ladles', Gentlemen's, and Children's Furs, in seta and single pieces, of Hudson hay and mink sable, royal ermine, stone aud mountain mat tm, fitch, French sable, and other kinds in use. Also, A large ami handsome assortment of Ctontlomen's Furs,asfur coats, mulltes, cops, gloves, collars, A?c. Also, A large stock of magnificent carriage and sleigh robes of the richest and rarest kinds, as genet, wolf, boar, buffalo, fox, coon, An:., Ate., All of which will be sold without reserve. The goods will be open for ius|?ectlou on Tuesday, and the catalogues ready. Ttirnw cadi. WAT I lURVlBn Thx 12?ts Auctioneers. By J AS ml. McOUIRfi Al Co., Auctioneer*. Q PL EN 01 I) PARLOR SUITES, SUPERIOR Curled Hair MaitrussoH, Window Shades, (lilt Coruice, Ac., 4tc., at Public Auction.?On Thursday morning, December Id, at 10o'clock, at tlie establishment of (?eo. T BmaUwood, No. 008 7th street, uoar Odd Follows' Hall, wo shall close alt his extensive stock of superior furniture, Ac., comprising? 14 eJcgaul curved walnut and mahogany parlor suites, of newest stylos and superior workmanship, llnished In best quality French brocotellc, morocco, and green plush, Bilk damask, reps, and hair-cloth, ranging in value from $00 to $ 200 15 spring-neat rocking chain*, of various styles 5 leather-covered sleepy-hollow chairs 20 cabriole chain*, finished in enamoUod clotty Spring-seat lounges, of various patterns Mahogany nofas, rockers, arm arid parlor chairs Rosewood ami marbl* top tables Handsome walnut what not#, hat trees 8 superior curled hair mattresses (lilt aud painted window shades, cornice Together w ith a large assortment of house-furnishing goods. Terms : $30 and under, cash; over that sum, a credit ol two, three, and four months, for satisfactorily endorsed notes, homing interest. The attention of housekeepers ami persons furnishing, la called to this sale, which will bo made without reserve. ,Mb. a MccmK k co., Dec 12?d Auctioneers By J AS. C. McuUIRK A CO., Auctioneers. PEREMPTORY SALE OF SPLENDID SILVER- ' llated Ware.?On Friday afternoon.. December 17, at 3,1, o'clock, in the exhibition room of the Washington Art Association, two doors west of the auction rooms, we shall sell without reserve, a J large Invoice of silver-plated ware just received from a celebrated manufactory In Philadelphia, consisting of? ( Bountifully chased, tinted ami engraved tea sets Coffee urns, tea kettles, ieo pitchers, J Butler dishe*, vegetable dishes, water pitchers Champagne coolers, waiters, goblets Cups, mugs, salt stand#, castors, spoons, forks j Cuke and card baskets, Ac., Ac. j All of which will bo sold without an/ reserve whatever. P. 8.?Catalogue! ready on the morning of salo. Terms: $25 and under, flMh; over that sum, a credit of 60 and 00 days, fi?r satisfactorily endorsed notes, hearing Interest. J. C. McCJUJRK k Ct>., Dec 12?d [Star] m Auctioneers. 1 Ity J. C. Mc-GUIRE A Co., Auctioneer!. "(EXCELLENT FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD J I J KFFHCra.?(in Wednesday morning, December 15th, at 10 * o'clock, at the residence of iiaron Qerolt, Prussian minister, on (J street, between 14th and 15th streets, we shall sell the furniture and J hou?hold tflbed, oomprtdi| - ) Suite of walnut carved and crimson plush-covered parlor fur j nltiire, comprising large French sofa, two arm and six j parlor chairs Satin damask covered arm and fancy chairs Rosewood marble top centre tables Indies' walnut writing desk, Cured lamps 2 Suite of fdur crimson damask window curtains, lace curtains, cornice, &c. j Handsome engravings, mantel ornaments Mahogany centre and card tables Brussels parlor, hall, and stair carpets Hall chairs, bat tree, oilcloth ' Three-ply and ingrain carpets, rugs Marble-top sideboard, extension table China, glass, and crockery ware I Mahogany French bedsteads, wardrobes ? Dressing bureaus, wAsbfttauds superior u aiucr oeua, doihuth, aua pillows Curtail hnir and busk mattrewpoB Superior mahogany bookcase Carved book shelves,Iron safe Cam-?eat choirs, lounge Radiator, Franklin, and other stoves, ko. Terms: $80 ami under, cash; over that sum, a credit of 60 and 90 days, for satisfactorily endorsed notes bearing kite rest. t l\ S ? The house Is lor rent. (, J AS. C. MeGlIRE A CO., a Dec 10?d Auctioneers. \\ Bf JAM. C. McGUlHK A, Co, Auctioneers. t rpilUSTEE'S BALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES- ti 1 TATE.?By virtue of a dood of trust, hearing date on the 25th 11 day of October, A D. lMftd, and duly recorded In liber J. A. 8., No. ? 104, 'olios 941, An., one of the land records for Washington county, D. o C., we will sell at public auction on Thursday, January 13th, 1859, at half-past four o'clock, p. m., in front of tbo premises, a part of lot# numbered two and three, in square numbered tivo hundred and fifteen, in the city of Washington, I>. C.; the said part of said lot having -J a front of 42 feet on north K streot, uud a depth of 96 feet and 11 a inches. ? The above property is very desirable, being in an improved part of 91 the city, and being sufficiently large for two good building lots. c Terms of sale: one third in cash; fifty dollars of which must be paid down at the tupe of sale, and the remainder in three equal pay ments in six, twelve, and eighteen months after the day of Mule, with interest, and secured by a deed of trust to the satisfaction of the trns too. Terms of sale to be complied with in Ave days, otherwise tbo K trustee reserves the right to resell at the risk and cost of tlio first purchaser. All couveyancing ut the cost of the purchaser. wm. II VaRI), Trimt.-a. " jas. c. mcurirk ai ca, Deo 10?<1 ? Auctioneers. ASSESSORS' NOTICE. HHIIE voters of the several Wards will please take JL notlco that the assessors will attend at the placws designated below from 10 o'clock, a. m., to 8 o'clock, p. m., every day, except 4i Sundays and Christmas day, from the 15th lo the .list of this mouth, d* inclusive, for the purpose of revising and correcting the poll lists: m First Ward?William Rigglos, north side 11 Street, three doors east of 19Ui street. al Second Ward- George T. 8U>wart, corner of 12th and H streets. T Third Ward?Zephaniah Jones, 1,, between 9th and 10th streets. Fourth Walrd?William Douglass, basement of the City Hall. Fiftli Ward?George T. Small wood, 6th, between A and li. treots. ?* Sixth Ward - -E>1 ward Way son, corner t?f 7th and I street*. Shvithlli Wawl?.?11il>ii II .... r? *n. 1 o.?- -a ui twc ii- -disi NEW YORK HERALD, DAILY TIMES, Till- ^ bane, News, Philadelphia Pre**, Philadelphia Ledger, 4cc., re oolvod on evening of day of publication. Single copies Air sale, or delivered at the residence* of eulwcriblm same evening. New York l/wlger, Mercery, Weekly King of our Union, Gtaa?on'? a' Uue-of Battle ship, Ilailou'H Pictorial, Waver ley Maga/Jue, Homo Journal, and all other Philadelphia. New York, and ltoaton weekly 01 napem received and for sale, or delivered promptly to subscribers, ru Everything in tiio cheap publication line received as *oou as pub- \l Uabed. 0. J. BISHOP * CO., 216 Penn. avenue, under Wi!larda' Hotel, anil of Nov 25?dtf 43H Penn. avenue, near street. re , . . in' -i' M? NOTICE.?The undui'Bigned roapectfully informs his friends, the public generally, and strangers visiting the city that lie has in more a general assortment of nors, nwm, cjaitkiis, suppers, i ^ all of thf> be<t material and workmanship, gotten up in the best stylo, |>, and autuhlo for tho NcnflOfi's woar, for" Vaduw, gentlemen, ailssea, ' ?>f boys, youths, and cUlUlron'a wear. HARMON BURNS, 40H Peon. av., bwtwreeh 4>^ and 8th trouU , Due 4 -wif a low doors oast of tlio National Hotel. 1 CHEAP STATIONERY.?Good \119m1eaj8 enyeU J opeaat 80 centa pvr 1,q0o a ojywi ayjirrlac uuulUy hi 81 fio " l?r 1,000 Excellent CVimmcrc*! Nolo P?iH>r, m 81 25 per ream. IrUrr, yap, iMt llfll Papar, very low (Dank Hook* of all kiodt, at price* which cannot fall to mill. Marian Ihr lkn#, a very lull uwcrtmnit. 2 Koraalchy WM BAI.I.ANTYNE, Wet 12?3t 488 Seventh Mreet, abova (kid tallowt Hall it ? NKW YORK ADVKRTISKMKNTS. ;:! W . II. MilMIt II. I) ?V I (Ml HMMU HI. flH NEW VORK WIRE KAILINC CO. s TllO lUUDl xtnualva J ORNAMENTAL IRON MAN0FACTORKilR j lo tb? UNITED BTAT&i. ^ 9 Their work embrace* alt Inula of ? 1 IRON RAILING, || IRON VERANDAHS, f 1 IRON GATES, ] WIRE RAILING, ,'J WIRE FENCES, f:| IRON FURNITURE, .1 IRON HEDi V m it\Kjcs ?vunA ruit BTUKJtvS AMI UUl'.-Mif*, IKON CABTINU8, Ac., Ac. Also, (lit oiclu?ive nuumfactumr* of ilia colabratixi Composite Iron Railing. A catalogue containing several hundred d*rtgu* of Iron Work mallet to any |?art of the United Stale* on receipt of Tour Ihim cart poUg* stum j i w HUTCHINSON a WKK EKSIIAM, 312 Broadway, Hew York. Ik. dam STRAW 11 AT.N AT WHOXJBSAXJL AgAYHKU &i itAVENIlILL, Importer#, Manufac1 f 1 turers, and WholoMlo Dealers in Straw lists of every descriplion, No 1 ho Broadway, New York w The undersigned reflpeettatyy cult the uttention of buyers to t ho above card, and add that they have taken the store, 180 Broadway, ? ! formerly occupied by the late ilrrn of A. UPLAND St C'O., and having purchased their factory and machinery, for the purpose of continuing the buaino?e ho long conducted by them, respectfully solicit a continuance of tin; old custom. WM. C. HAVEN'lIll.L, of the late firm of A. liXAND k CO., who bad long been their buyer, manufacturer, and gcueral manager, will ' have charge of the same with us; having 8tHhra*?? tt:l the employee* j of the lab' firm. we feel confident when we state that our stock for the ! ensuing season'a trii4e will bo fully equal to any in potot nf vartftfy of ' ' stylos, and that tho rrpdfctlon 8A long ostabhubed by tlio late llrm for their superior finish, an well as their succosaftil introduction of leading ? fashions, will be hilly sustained by us. ' ^ JOHN MAYHKK, S KAVKNHll.l.. !? I too 9?1 m Plait of the Ladies9 Union Benevolent Society to relieve the Poor of Washington. 11HE FOLLOWING PLiN, adopted at a meeting ? held November 10, 1857, is republished, with tlio name* of the H treasurer, collectors, and distributor* aimolnted in nui*m?nnee of ita proy i n n 'i ho pi,in pii'|m> >e.s 7.9 1. Tliut eoch or tho seven wards of (ho city bo divided Into four 3 disti lets, uiul that for each of these districts at leant one gciitlcmau bo a ap|H?iiili 1 to collect moua-i for the rcilof of the poor, and one lady to 1 )'] II order their distribution. The agency of these persons to bo confined | to th? Ir own particular districts. . : fi 2. That the fund* contributed to this object bo all paid by tho col- r fl lector* iuto the hands of a pursou apiMiiuted to act on treasuror of tho , I ladies' Benevolent Society, upon whom *hall devolve the duty of ex S aminlng and pining all bills against the Society, and who shall bo al 3 lowed a reasonable compensation for tiU acrvicoa. mm 3. Tliat tho ollectors take front tho treasurer receipt* for all tho .9 moneys they may put iuto husband*, which receipt* they Nhallgivcto n the auditing committee who um\ be ftppOtfttod t?y this Society to ? v k'^9 amine the treasurer'* account. 9 4. That tho distributor- in each ward he directed to draw their | orders, so fur as possible, upon the suino parson or persona, that the , $| number of acoounts being limited tho duties of the treasurer may be y the more easily porfoi nied. 9 5. That applications for assistance b? made only to tho distributor wlih n whose district tho applicant reside* , and that distributors be \ c-S directed to vlait applicants, its far as po*sibu,at their homes, that 9 they tnuy learn with certainty the nature ami extent of their wants. i ?j ?. Tint It shall ho an especial duty of the collectors and dHtrlhu- v 5S tors in each district to aid In obuiniug oui)doyiuofa for tho (Ksatituto |n who are in used of it. fl 7. That all persons having claims against the society present thorn ^ I to the treasurer fir payment on tin llrst day of each month, reiulin^ > I with their bills the orders they have received from distributors ; and la that, as soon as practicable thereafter, the treasurer r< port to n joint "A 9 mooting of the collectors and distributors tho extent of his disbuise l&jfl incuts and the state oi the treasury. } 9 8. Thut a gentioman bo appointed to Art us treasurer of tho society * |1 for one your, begiuning with December, 1857. ^ 9. Tinti three gentlcmeu be appointed an auditing coinrn'dteo to ex- i. amine tlie treasurer's accounts at the beginning of every month, and \ report the result of such examination to tho joint meeting of collector* _ ami distributors. ' 10. That tho oollectors and distributors iu each ward pursue such 7 . a plana*, upon consultation, they may deem most expedient for tho 7j collection and distribution of cast-oil clothing, bedding, kc., in thut K particular ward. [> 11. That citizen* generally, and especially the policeinon of the | city, be requested to co-operate with this society, by reporting to the ?j ttstribators cases of suffering and destitution which may come to their knowledge. J 12. 1 hat this plan, with tho names, districts, and residences of tho mllvctnr* and distributors, he published in (ho Intelligencer, Pnlob. *tur, and 8tat?s, of this city, and that a* many copies of it he printed [ |b 'or general circulation as the president and treasurer of the society j deem expedient. XV Managers of the IAl lies' Vnion Benevolent Society. Kr*. K II. Mills, Rev. Mrs. J. 11. Harold, || iter. Mrs. Win. MclJiln, Mrs. T. F. Darkness, llrs. M. A. G?x. Rev. Mrs. Mason Xuhfo, Urs. Or. Noble Young, Mrs. Do 8elding, ffif drs. P. I). Garl?y, Mrs. William H. Winter, drs. Kuoch Tucker, Mrs. S. W. Houston, Irs. Colurnbii* Monroe, Mrs. J. C. (1. Konuedy, diss Mary Scott, Mrs. Bolivar Knox, irs. Stephen P. Ilill, Mrs. G. W. Samsou, 7 diss Kitty Hinith, Mrs. Cupt. Wondfeul), . Irs. G. W. Talnott, Mrs. T. U. Waller, ffl Irs. W.lliiuu Bell, Mrs. Brawuer, Ir*. Da del Katclilfn, Rev. Mrs. Gilliss. 1 hTATKMKNT OF TRKAHCIIKR, NOV. 29, 1858. V "he Jits' Union Benevolent Society in account with. W m Bat hint yne9 f -; Treasurer. I ly cfifth received as follows : .Mi From collector J , $100 44 Kn?m churches ... . t . 25$ 31 $fei From ^dividual* 934 37 1 -it From ftcUlcmout of an old account 77 09 fjjy 1,309 04 | 'o cosh paid as follows : ; Wood, giooorioa, he . %v. 1,117 80 \ii Printing blanks ,, 6 00 -"-if Old debts not tied 140 70 HI1 Clothing, ahoea* and other expense* 100 00 ( | 1,309 04 ' f The ladies of tl?c Union Benevolent Society tender their grateful /j hankft to Mr. Win. UaUuiityno for bin efficient and gratuitous services ?|i ' :>r the past yoar as their treasurer. Ho has kindly consented to act gain for them, and will recoive HiibBcriptlons and donations from g'S hose benevolent persons who may feel Interested iu the destitute of J'.! ur city, at his roligiouB bookstore, on Seventh, between D and E treefe*. jS>i Hut a Binall amount has been deposited w ith Mr. llallyntine, and "V.' twre are many desolate widows and children who ought to be re- ;$p oved. NWI we auy more to a generous and humane public. As V ;-j f?ou as sufficient money* arc oollectod, the ladies will be duly notified f their reai?t*ctlve routes. Dec 12?l\v f j KLEG ANT DRESS SILKS, MOUS8BLINE8, | SHAWl^, CLOAKS, VKLVEIB, Ate.?Wo would call the special ! ? Mention of members of Congress and strangers visiting the city to ' ur Assortment of the above-named goods, as we have Just received rani onto of tlio most elogant dress goods we have offered this season, gjl| on.-isting of the following desi ruble goods, viz : jjlj FJcgnat brown, tan, mode, and black silk robos, two volant*. 11m Rich silk robes, velvet voSauts. jjlfl Rich double Jupe, velvet skirts. OB Rich colored ground silk robes iu ail tho most dc.sirabi? colors, ran- vfl In* from $20 to $26 > - r| Hlack ground colored llonnco silk robes, ranging from to $26. j$ji 30 pieces elegant rich dark silks in dross patterns, assorted colors, $j&|| ) a'lAB, stripes, and Bayadere stylos. gjjj| 10 pieces elegant black Bayadere silks by tho yard. 100 pieces medium price silks, ranging from 7.6 cents to $1 50 per ^ ard, and comprising, in all probability, th? cheapest and moot At active stock of colored silk goods to be found In uuy retail establishlent south of New York. KVF.SIN'O DKESS S1I.KH AST) OTIIKR IJGHT C.KiliH J*,<| We have also Just opened the largest assortment of plain and fancy t coning silks that we have over purchased, comprising almost every T eslrftble article in general uso for evening dresses hi tho assort < lent will be found the following very choice articles, viz i,jlS 50 very beautiful light silk robooJn piuk and white, blue and whtte, *; ! ; II white, all pink, all blue, corn color and white, and lavender color. ho mbove goods are in d Robes a'tyillle, robinj t'hM, $ volant* and 2 M?ianN. P'.'l 3 splcudtd lUyudero rcdtfH, with body end trimming to maltVi, fn | >rn color aimI white, and pink and white. ,v>: 2 elegant embroidered three flounced Bilk robes, one pink and on* ;;i J luc, s;?,id to luue cost $l0u to import. rajj| 2 embroidered robes aguide do., same style and colors. ,, if 50 Cireuodino robe-i of various qualities in light colors, suitable for 'ppj rcnlng dresses, In two jupoa and two and three volant*, making iti f:i.' \ . kuv iai(K* n* HHAin ui "gilt evening nmifl wo cvnr fHTffreU lor Nftlo. g ]1 erLKMim IJUHT HILKS BY tiik YAHD. ^ lYo have also just opened 30 pieces elegant Urucad* 11a) adore aotl i Ism stripe silks, In pink, blun, corn color, and while. 15 pieces plain Poult dc boles, lit pink, blue, white, corn color, lav lim, ami olterry color, ranging from 87', ceuts In$1 50 par yard, id comprising ant It au oa.nn Imant on cannot bo found elaewbore In to lH-lrlcl. <hir lowest cash price la market! lu plain figures on ovsry article wo fur lor sale, from which vie. atnke no deviation ; and wo hope our ipulallou Is a sufficient guaranty thai no article will tie mlsrepre nted. W. M SIICWTER ft <W? No. 88, opposite Centre Market, I'pn 7?lOtdlf Iwt. 7th and Mh street*. y, ~~l GORGE W. IU?Alil'IKLI), Attornpy-wt-ldiw, thn Jf "ittales" Building, corner of 7th and 1> atreeta, Washington, 0., will practice In nU 'he courts of the Dtslrti-t, Including the Court I Claims .and in tlio adjoining countlw Is Virginia Pen 83 - 3m j? <4. c ijiMsa. c. ii norr. ).i. irm. if [ AMAK, MOTf, A AUTRY, AttorwyMt-Uw, I J Holly Springs, than , will practice in the Hfgh Court of Krrorw Id Appeal* at Jackson , the Perioral Court at Pontotoc , the Courts of e 7th Judicial Wntrlrt of Mtsslsslnpi , and will attend to the col lion of Claims throughout North Mississippi. Ho 18~dtf j1 A \ AM UAMP, DKNTIST, hits returned to tli? |L V* ami rcaumed hia practice. .'1. opprm'inp n?im? ami rcaldcnc# 407 F atreel, Mam Ml and 7ita .ft recta, t d? ora from Foat Office. Oct 14?dtl