Newspaper Page Text
n 1 1 CONGRESSIONAL. MJ I liltt>-A iftlt C 'UgrCH'-eitctmA RohIuh ^ WEDNESDAY, JAS'UAKY 6, lssa ? i n-? * i?f . Uu NKN ATE. Mr tl.AY ptcwnUd Itw mAcntuln ut Mm Uiiii Jai Cm?M'T, jf., elected u aenator of the United Stales to till tl.e vacancy occaal.mrd by the death <0 Mr Kvan? 'lire oaJir required having lieeu administered, Mi. Cut l" m>i took bi* neat. ! )" A raeksagc was rnrelwd from the i'rexulant of |hc ; to limlcd HtaUt., tittiiAiniUiug a ?%' ol a letter from tlie ) tK uihiiatn ul the United HUtM iu China, and of the dwra and tabulation ?hi. U accompanied it tor such rcviaion i u> art C'ongreAn tuny deem egpadieat ; ?liick wan read and | ? lei. reed to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered j to be printed 1'hi V It 'K PRESIDENT luid Inioae. the Senate a com i luuulcaliou froiu the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting, ' J" in compliance with law, a late men t of the contract* lu which have been nr.vie uuilur the cognisance ot the llu : ... .{ V-_i_ I II. L-.I.II... V.J. I*.a 1 wm rood and ordered to be printed 111 Also, from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting j cu a tepoit of the Commissioner of Italian Altairs, loads in compliance with ii nwulutiut of the 23d ot Dweutbfi, ui 1S4I, iailing for a statement showing the amount yet remaining due to claimants and unprovided for under *1' treaty with the Wngue Itivci Indian., of Oregon of 1M53, us uM.crU.lutM.1 h| commissioners upi*Anlt-d for that pur pose; which? On motion hy Mr. bKHASTlAN, w referred to the Committee on Finance. Aleo, from the Court of Claims, transmitting the jwpers of Frederick Vinvent, executor of the estate of J.nxxe and Mallot, mi called for hy resolution of the Senate jt> ??eoi.i'no.\K or a orATH. tii Mr IVEU80N presented ies<lutiu?w of the legislature of tie; State of Georgia in favor of the U|>|s)intnient ot u ?i commissioner to obtain information as to the extent of 8e' tlie Southern Pine licit, and what will he the prohahle ' ' time of iU duration under the preseut rate of depiettou, ut the quantity of pine timber annually ?hip|>ed. and to what countries, together with any and all mutters of in " It-real connected with the subject. Also, in favor of the establishment of a national at- !tt mory within that State. Also, in favor of the euuctincnt of a law to refund " the various sums advanced hy tliat State in tlie pruseeu- 11 tiou of Indian wars and tlie lust war with Great Britain I" Also, in favor of certain mail routes ; all of which, on motion of Mr lrmtsoir, were rwlcred to appropriate " committees ami ordered to be printed. or in MtatoHiAut, rra. cj( Ilia following memorials and petitions were presentsd tii and appropriately referred : lit lie Af r W.A Hi ?R - F rfttti fitixdhfl nf nfini'ifAiAwn vpcv <-n numerously signed, urging upon Congress that the Me- Or trupolitun Railroad Company may be authorized to eou- ar struct the rood froui Uworgetown into and through the er city of Washington. to Also, from eitiwns of Washington, numerously signed, v< asking Unit the name company may be authorized to con- cu struct their road along Pennsylvania avenue to the Uaiti- in more railroad depot. hi By Mr. DOOLITTLK : From A. G. Miller, urging the he importance of a law to uuthoriau the district courts of au the United States to appoint commissioners ly Also, from. William Henry Lirislwrne, formerly of the sta State of South Carolina, urging the enactment of a law in by which all negroes horn in the United States, and not pr convicted of crime, may become citizens of the United la States. By Mr. MASON : From William Gaston Pearson, ask sli ing indemnity for injui ies to a certain mill and water w rights done by the execution of a law of Congress for wi supplying the public buildings with water. - w: Also, from numerous widowsjwd soldiers of the war in of 1812 and Indian wars, asking to he allowed a pen re ion. til By Mr. B110WN ; A resolution of the Board of Com- ea iiios Council of the corporation of Georgetown, in favor or of the erection of a permanent bridge over the l'otctmic tli upon the piers of the aqueduct above that city. fri Also, from citizens of Washington residing iu tire je. southern portion of the Fitch ward, nsking certain iui- th | provemcutsto be marie in New .lersey avenue. tr By Mr. MAULORY : From tbe Chamber of Commerce sa of Apalaebicula, Florida, asking the improvement of the in harbor at that place. m By Mr. SEBASTIAN : Three memorials from citizens ne of Fayetteville land district, in Arkansas, asking the re- Iu moval of the land oflice from tiiat place to Huntsville. By Mr. BHOUKRICK : F'rom Wm. Itichmnnd, a soldier in in the war of Mexico, asking a pension. Tl By Mr. JOHNSON, of Arkansas : Several memorials ni for the establisiiiuent of mail routes iu that State. he BKi'ours laori ooMHirrusH. ['J bl Mr. GI1KEN, from tliu Committee on tire Judiciary, to j);l which was referred a resolution of the Senate instructing to that committee to inquire into the expediency of author- th izing the marshal of the western district of Arkansus to ni employ assistants and guards iu serving process in the UL Indian country, asked to be discharged from the further ca I, consideration of tiie same ; which wus agreed to. th Mr DAVI8, from the Committee on Military Affairs, th to which was referred the memorial of Fannie AVhitc, Wl widow of a military atorckeejier, asked to he disciiarged m from its further consideration, and that it be referred to ^ the Committee on Pensions ; which was agreed to. w, iirr-on tiuxs. re Mr. J0NK8 submitted the following resolution ; which '* ir... i.r,iit..u an Wl MftuUvrd, That fifty Ihou.vOid co|>iu? of I he tddres.^efl liollvorod ye* m tevflajr hi the ukl Senate chamber, with the prayer* of tlie chaplain, <nu the (wwloQ of tli?? retiring of the member* of ilm body there ov frou, be printed for the iwe at the Heiuito. fa On motion by Mr. FOOT, it was f'v lit1 Jiesdiewd, Ttuii the remarks of the vkte President, on leaving the old chamber of the .Sottale, he npreud at length uu the journal. 1 '* Mr. SEBASTIAN submitted a resolution, which was fcu considered and agreed to, directing the Committee on ! the Tost, Office and Post Roads to inquire into the expo jU] dtancy of creating numerous new post routes in the State "y1 of Arkansas. RMffurrion SU UMITTK n. Mr. WILSON submitted the following resolution : RmJivd, That a.committee of fire ha appointed tehujnlre whether M/ spy irivd otiher, cleric, or other person In the employ t*i the govern . DKMitm 4b) department of eery lee, has booh, *inee the 4th of March, IW, required P> p? hi tribal* u portion of hi* salary, pay, ?r coin pen th i nation, iu any maimer, to ?I offer the o*p? nse.s of. or to he in any way i<> usodtn Miiy election during thai perfoil ; or whether any kucIi ofO gy rer, cleifc, or other person has during that period Iwcu removed fr'mi eftb.-i* because o| any roftiFAl or <nni*Mon to comply with any rt* (Huh require u tent , end that said committee report the ?act* elicited by said inquiry, and also what Icgi datum In wcQ.?*arf to prevent til. employment, directly or Indirectly, of m ?n -y to carry* or Influent-* elerMmn; and Uut sold counatUre he authorized to send lor persons and paper* and to examine wHnwe* under oath Objection having boon mule to its consideration, it M lies over until to-morrow, uudcr tbo rule. a* A. I'ttlVlLKOKd or Tilt FlaxUl. Mr. IVKKSON Kwbmtltrd the following resolution, and to asked its present cousidciatiou : to JUiitlivd, That the order <4 the Senate of the 2.11 tilt??.?, In relation P*-1 to the aditiHniou ??f per-on* on the door ..i the hu nato, he -o amended CO a* to udinit headn .?t depai iinuiitH, tlu PrcahU'Ut'.-i private secretary. n|, governors ?f state." for the lime being, foreign mini, tor*, cjt-tcuaiora, and Judges of the Supreme NH. ^ r Mr. CHANDLER inored to amend the resolution by adding "the mayors of the dti,? of Washington and H)| (ieorgutowu." j ^ On thin motion a brief debate mw, in which Messrs. . IfKHSON, TOOMBS, BROWN; ami other* participated. I At Xhgtlt, ohInrilidn by MrVMASON, flic resofiltUAi wits 1 ] rfefcifrad' to thtf ('bnindtufc on the Library. 4fi, KEN- | . ' NjfDY lidped t\uU it v)bn|d lAiVliM'fuiMitV cxti-nde<l, so [ n" s?to fDclmle the ex Jtc^tetdric* of the Various elterWitive ' IP1 ' f > |u? uiu? iMuoun i.ij ' ile ITW (mowing I?II1K won- introduced, by their ti ! tie*, and appropii&tely referred : j , lty Mr TOLK : A j iinl resolution explanatory fjf an act to amend at) act entitled "An set ?ii|>pli mental to an art providing for the OroaecutioH Of the dinting war l?e- q,. tweeu tki United States and Mexico, and for other pur- 00 Ipoaei." ' Hy Mr FOOT : A Joint resolution aattorixinc: the H?>< ' , letary Of the Treasury to convey a poition of the govern s-i meat lot on which the fTnltod Slates custom-house in Rutland, Vermont, alaud*, in exchange for other land (ip adjoining said lot. I o Hy Mr. TRUMBULL A hill to provkl. for the *.lc ( f the military reservation of Fort Armstrong, known an Rock. Inland, in the stale ot llllnob I, By Mr. J0NK3 : A bill for the lelief ol' the ettiMO* of *0* s nf. v.'wh/ !, V \ AflBOAf -I.AV minnr Mr SKWAltD called up the revolution submitted by Lhim eo ue days ago in the following wouls H" Tl.o On- .'..innnin-r . .. tl.e lu li. i.rr in jtilr whilhri an) MJ pr(.\... a.-is l?? .r?irr..?Ml hi way ?f an.,.|i.lrit< nt t.. oioti g \ o:;.]iri*?ino thereof ' W Wbk'h i?dd ntuhiOoii having iiccn oh). tied uu d 11k hi, be dceircd to anUtitute tuiothn would l? Liafactory to tin mutlut tliat objected to iU oott leiatiou wltclt ought,illy ollaiutl Kttvitml Tiut tie* (WimoiUm on lUe Jtulit mry iiMjuirt tlirtlHT fell) MtaHk la exte*a< M?. KUfta t? b* M*4a *w the f?|>|'t iktu * i X irk. an ?Uv o it .nl*). Which ?iu> afiieod to. UmltlTI tux or TUB tfOVKMKMBKT kit STL'ALT remarked Ihttt iu reference to the renolu.11 which wue uudct ooiiaideialioit wheu Ute Heiiute lul imied t uetenlay * (lirectiinj the <'oiiiaiiHer on finance make oeruiit iui|Ulrica with a view to reduce the ex udllurei oi the govci iiim.ul, he Itn.l |>rc|mred an alio nil cut which he uadcintood to lie aatUfti< tory to tlie move t the luaolutiuit .mi aluo to the chairman of the fuuiittee on l' lHarm and he bodied the aubicct would be Leu Uj. and dk>|to*cd of. lie duelled to add to the re I til ion a (ttovieo ' 'that iu cane wild coiomittec ntiall not able fully to comply with thin ivaolutioii dot inn the eacnl Maioo of ('oti^iune, the duty ahull tie extended the uext and miW |uent aesakma. for the dtuixKc ol uro mature and i-omplete action." Mr. SKWAItil thought this would be rrgiudrd IW a ilisict intimation that tin- Senate did not o a|iect them to uiplcte tho duty thl aruluu, and it would Im Miue ougli at the vini of the session, if wv tiiul that tlivy are lahle to <lo it, to extend the time The hour having arrived for the consideration of the evinl order, the mthjet't was |>ot>lpoucd until to morrow. Mr. UlliUii l' gave uutiiw that ho should to morrow oruing eojI up the hill in reference to the enlargement the public grounds, as it was a subject of great iui ir lance. Tin pacific iailboad mix The Senate rvauuied the consideration of tho Pacific ilioail hill. Mr. bhil.KK presented hi* views on thu goneral sub L't of railroad Conruiuuicatioo with the Pacific, arid o various proposition* which were now pending before 0 Senate, There ucoinud to lie but little diversity of >iniou aa to the main object io view. All, or nearly all, eui anxious for the construction of a railroad to the icific i but dilVcretiCcs arise us to the proper mentis of coiuplisbing the deairod cod, the extent und character the aid which Congress may rightfully extend to such work, and as to its proper location. Fur himself, ho lould not be tenacious on minor points. lie wished to cure u cliunnol of communication between our Altan States and our Pacific possessions, not no much witlr view to develop the wcuith and commerce of tiro couny, as to afford tho means to imiinbiiti our riglits und ob ct our citizens in tliose remote regions. The whereHints of the rmuI was a mere secondary consideration, e cared not whether it was u few degrees fortius north further south, so that the cud was accomplished of aking a great uationat highwuy, open to all, and sutttuut to answer the pur|KMc? of tiie govcrnnient, and for >e commerce and trade that would pass over it. He be>ved that only one roud was necessary, and that the instruction of that one would require till the aid that ingress would be willing to extend ; und while he was ixious that that one should he a fair agent of the gov umeul und of the army uud navy, lie was stiil willing colic 'do to those who might undertake the work a >ry liberal discretion us to its locution. No one would attend that it should he forced where nature did not tend it to lie. It should lie ou the best location ; and 1 was willing to leave the decision of that question to i determined by the results of scientific investigation, id by those business considerations winch might properinfluence such a question. Those who were to conruct, own, and manage the roud would he the most teres ted as to its proper locution ; and, as was approiately said by Mr. Itentou, "they will look before they up, and if-they do not they will not leap long." Mr. B remarked that he preferred a central route, uud tould lie gratified if upon full examination a route souichat central should prove to ipj the heat route ; hut he as for a road, no mutter how far south or iiow far north, iti.i.i flic li..>t?u ..f u., ??i..,.i,?a 1...1 1:1*1.. lportuuce to the question of the several tcriniui of this aid ; the main stem through the mountain region ii c great desideratum. An for the connexions on the stern side, it wan not very material whether St. lamia points north or south of that city should he selected ; o real terminus would be where the main stem emerges >m the mountain range. He could see no reason for iloiuty or contiict among the friends of this measure on to question of the eastern terminus. When the conny east of the mountains should lie filled tip by civili.tion, it would lie checkered all over with railroads leudg in every direction, in reference, however, to the ountain divisions of the road the utmost care would lie scessary in the selection of a route that should not bo ible to obstruction from snows. Mr. '">. proceeded to advert to the progress of railroads this country, ami their influence upon its growth, lirty years ago railroads, were unltiiowii iu this country ; >w about thiity thousand miles are in operation. The mefits which they confer, in aiding the diffusion of iu 1 rmntion and general intelligence, are almost incalculue. Such an undertaking us a railroad to the Pacific, issing over hundreds of miles of uninhabited country, is o vast to be accomplished by private enterprise, and icrefore requires government aid. Ordinarily settlaents proceed according to the settled laws of Nature, id railroads are not needed until agriculture has made insiderablc progress ; but there are special reasons why ie road should iicre precede the pioneer. It is essential to ie defence and protection of our Pacific possessions, as nil as affording the means of gaining the greatest comcrciul prize which has been staked iu modern tintus, and the most effectual agency iu developing the material ealtb of that vast region through which it will pass. He ferret! to the defenceless condition of California in case of war with a strong nuvul power. The first sixty days [>uld in all probability see her cut off from any Intercourse ith the Atlantic Stutes, and would find us without the cane of suudiug an army to Iter rescue through our vn limits. Thus she might he left to struggle and to It alone At. llie present time it would require four or e months to gmul an army overland ; and, if the euierncy should aviso iu the inclement wanna of the year, lief could not be extended at all. The estimated cost the railroad is a mere bagatelle compared with the na null and other considerations involved. Befoie Mr. B concluded hi* remarks a message was mounced from the House of Representatives, and be elded the floor. # (MM. gt'ITMAS. A message was received from the House of Ilepresenti\es, announcing the death of General Jons A. Quitin, late a member of that body from the State of Misisippi, and communicating the proceedings of tin: House ercon. Appropriate eulogies were delivered liy Messrs. JIAVLS, Iliihbfl, WARD, and HOUSTON ; when the customary solutions were adopted, and The Senate adjourned House OF RWtKSBNTATIVHfl. Mr. McRAH. of Mississippi, announced the death, at a residence, in Mississippi, on the 17th day of July last, hall-past Ave o'clock iu the evening, of Hon. Joiin Quitman, a member of the present Congress, aged ty-nine. He faithfully sketched his life from boyhood manhood, In the forum and on the field, and alluded the love and reverence paid to him, not only by the oplc of Mississippi, hut liy the people of the whole nil try. Gen. Quitman (he said) was a great and good an, mid, touched liy his noble hearing and the manly ares of his person, it might well la' said of him that ery god seemed to have set his seal upon him for the ore nerfoet Milium of his own divinit v As n stwIcMiiijin ch wan tliu purity uf Iris character that if nn empire i d ln*?n oft'urtil to Mm ho wonld have apnrned it for the iortipi? of lihi coimtrf. In otmcluijioii, !^r. hfcllAk of i ll the following ri'SolutiiMin : iifuilo-'l, TUut thU House hu-t he.irct wlUi fedting* of rogr?*t > ricflfh, lUBK'e lb* ? 'four??"f<*nt W tWe lent Neesmn tf tiwgrr**; ori | > ntli of Jul* lk*<, ?il the ty?rt Jon* A. ^iitmaV ,'w rt?ein1?er bf Mid tiWf* K pn-sontntWe* frorh tin* Kute of Mlfi*|n*lppl ' " ' * Lesovd, Th?t |n ^h?'Jhnlefyl 'Uv^Y*^' < puntrv lu?9 i aciiifc 'ii f'iiiljH'iil for hp. |>ul)lit' nm! j>riV ii'?' vlrfi'i**, u *<>tiljer of ihlffotvl uhivst'ry of dfotfuoler, <> *Mtf<'*ravG of the puro*| patriot- , ?, ami thai iiiri 'iwMth t*; il? |ih?re'l by the whole people of th? uitry. I U'solw l. Thai (a* a toatimony of raepoet ft>r the memory of tin* <! j uunl) Hie member-* and offimir* of the* Mouxo wefor the ti-.uaI hatl^e > | iiKHirofcig for thirty d?y?. md, That the prooee.lhijr"' in relation to tho tloath Of J?>h* a. , it*m* be ommnctmleti to the faintly Of the ilen-ancd by the , lrW. Krml*nf. Thit (an a farther hi trk of raiyw* J for the memory of the , thi* II* ma* do now adjourn itfirr*ii, She* tire i'lerk communicate Ulcus resolution* to lh? , Modhih. 1VONUAM of South Carolina, WKIOHT of Ten- j awe, THOMl'SoN of New York, MOOKK of jtluhama, ! JRT18 of Iowa, arid HOW1K of Maryland, aim. delir ed feeling and appropriate eulogies 1'ln r? nhitiona were then adopted, and !'o nM urned. , . .a '* i ???_> Niwwiyi Whrtrmi lSTMk* men anil politician* af t to think slightly of journallam a? a profewdon, ami joruiialistK an n ciaa* Yet these are the pertain who ok to editors for aupprnt in their troublea, aima, and ihitiori#, and are often made htm! unmade by the pen aw many leading men in thia country and abroad have en writer* for the preaett'.. j1 I . < ? I h a ?, ? t t . , - ' X -AX 1 i ? f i-XKAA 1 A XI V NEWH HY I'KIjE^IKAPIV. Knur l>ayi UIrr frwtn Europe--ArrIi *1 of the ollh Auirriran. Hauvax, Jan 5.?The steamship North Auiei icon, from Liver (loot ou the J2d ult., houurl to kjuehoc, put In hem to-day leaking considerably, having atuuk a ruck off C.tpe llaoe, besides Ix-ltttr short of coal 'I'ht- Africa arrived out ut Liverpool uu the ltftli, and the llrvarla arrivud at tduuou>tuwu uu the 20th, with hrt machinery d hub led. 1 iiie President's message to <'oiigierw Or. ii|no<t tto- .,t- I leiitiou of the presa of England and Kraut*. Htg Culmii, Mexican, and central American propositions were getter- 1 ally uitjKtlatahle. 'I'ht- appeal ot Moiitalt-uibert had been heard before the ) linperi 1 t'ourt. 'liie period of hi* in prison (Mat w.?? re- j duced to three mouths, but the tine was confirmed by 1 that court. The Portuguese minister had beeu recoiled fioiu I Krauce. , It is slated a contract lias beett signed between | lliu r renrli innilu.i tKpuuu.ui anu a 111 in ul MuraeUlcs to supply Gua.lalujie and Mm tiuiquc with 20,000 fur Air leans In foui years, linii that alotlhu ton Inula liave ! been made with other houses It I* also stated tluit the French Foreign Office Inn ! hoard with some surprise. Mr. Buchanan'a recommendation ' , for the puichase of Cuba, France having previously untitled the American minuter of it* determination, In conjunc ! tiou with England, not to tolerate the cession of Cuba to ' the United Ktates, even with the consent of Spain. Detachment* of French troops having advanced tow- i aril* the Swiss Territory, Switzerland leu demanded ex plainitionii, and gioat indignation was felt among the ( SwUs people [second despatch. ) The forward compartment of the North Atuciican is full of water. The City of Manchester left Liverpool foi j New York on the sumo day that the North American , sailed. The lutter hiings tlie United State* mail ; the City of Manchester only u ship mail. The frigate Wabash was at Malta on the 24th of Novum her. 'The President'* message was printed in full in the English [sipern 1l variously commented upon, aud generally unfavorably. 't he London Times is unusually severe in it* criticism*. The Times uuuoimc a a uew ooMii telegraphic enter prine for laying a cable from Land's Mud to Halifax ou an entirely uew plan, The lillibuster excitoineut in Ireland was dying out. - tun ii auk nts. Livuupooi., Tuesday, Dec. 22.?Cotton?sales for three day* 22,001) hale*, including 2,000 to speculators and 2,000 to exporters, closing quiet at a decline of (according to *ome circular*! 1-Did., others say the market cloned easier, hut pi ice* unchanged ; Orleans middling, 7d.; uplands do., <i I'll6d. The Mancheiiter market closed firmer, and with an advancing tendency. BreailstHll's generally cloned dull and quiet. Wheat was firm at hut quotations. Provisions were dull. Consols (Jti? u Slli|. llieharilson, Speuoe, & Co. riport flour dull. Slock inferior and unsalable. Wheat quiet but firm - -Southern white, 6s. 6il. a 7*. Corn dull. Provision* dull, heavy. Sugar quiet. Bice dull. Itosin steady at 4s. 3d. a 4*. 4d. 'ilio London money market was generally unchanged. American securities were quiet. Ke-Klection of Si-nutor Douglas. hruufouaiai, (111.,) Jan. A. Senator Douglas was this a teruoon re-elected to the United .States Senate by the . following vote. Douglas - 54 Uucolii - - ? D! i Douglas's majority R Hodges (Doin.) was elected yesterday in the Ctli congressional district. Outrages tu Ka sas. St. Loci*, Jan. 5,?Another despatch from Kansas city say* that a gang of "Juyhawks," under Brown, entered Bate* county, Missouri, stole four horses from Jesse 1 Jackson, and burned his house. It i* stated on good an ' thority that Gov. Medary lias ordered four companies of I lim^uuiu i-u tunt regiuu, mm u?u? iiiwj uiumcu juui ^uin- { ponies of militia to be raised in I .inn and ltonibon counties. The officers for these companies liave already been ' commissioned. Gov. M. Ims also tclegiuphed to the ' Secretary of War to send arms and ammunition from St. ' I/ouis, which has been done. i Keliable persons from the vicinity of Fort Scott repre | sent that tlie wliole country is divided into Jayhawks and anti-Jayliawks, bands formed to commit all sorts of crimes. Kansas Legislature. 1 St. Loris, Jan. 5.?A despatch from Kansas city c says that a quorum of both bouses of the Kansas legislo- t tuie met at Lawrence ou the 3d, and passed a resolution 1 to meet and organise at Lecompton on the next day. fl 'l'hey also held u caucus for the purpose of fixing a place ^ to hold a session, neatly all being agreed to adjourn from Leoompton to some other point in the Territory. 1 Markets. i Nkw Yokk, Jan. 6?p. m.?Cotton closed dull and ? unchanged, with sales of 300 bales. Flour closed quiet f sales of 7,500 barrels ; State, $1 25 a $4 50; Ohio, r $5 35 a $5 55 ; southern, Ft 80 a $5 40. Wheat is firm- sales of 1(1,001) bushels ; mixed Wisconsin, $1 lti. Corn is quiet?mixed, (unsound,) 771 cents ; sound 1 mixed, 7!) cents. Pork is firm?old mess, $17 25. Lard is firmer at 11 j| a 1 U cents. Whiskey is firm at 25 cts. Sugar firm and higher for Orleans?New Orleans, 7 a 7j 'I cents. Stocks are steady. A MAGNIFICENT WORK.?Miles Siamlish, (il- 1 liiritrtiled.) Willi expre*H pcrmiiMtoii and approbation of the 1 author. A volume of photograph*, from original drawing* by John \ W. Khnhtger, 111 uttr alive of the Courudiip of Mile* Standish, by Henry ^ W. Longfellow. There will be eight or ton large photograph*, of the . iuo t ex'piwilo character, executed by Mr. hradv, the eminent phu tog raphe r, whom* name alone will attest ihr nop riori'y ??f the pic- ' turod. The*? photograph* will be pawled upon heavy plate paper, 1 with int' r ioctlug croam colored leaven, containing the descriptive t text. The whole to bo bound In largo ?piarto m-txairc Turkey lurocco cover*, with bevelled and gilt edge*, uiMkiug altogether a vol ume entirely Ailed with original phonograph* a m igmllcent enter 1 prlxc never be Cure attempted lu Ibid cquufty price $t'?. 1 or *alo u\ TAVUm k MAURY'S .Ian ti ^l'?ok*u?i'e, a;jI l'.'iin. a v' n .ie. OIKdK l)M HKtiASTOPOL : Journal den (In?rafcimtu * {^5 du i>:tr le Uouerui Ni?l; \ vol., WUI? hug*1 folio utUin. w Purl#, 1858 Cmir# d'A^trottomle, a I'uaw1 don ottolers do l.i Karlui Imperials I vol. PaiKl8i8 , Oudo <le JuaUve Milluire pour l'arw?>ti do iner, (aotorhallou du Min Intro d?? la Murine.) lvol. Puh, 1858. C Triple r, Code do Justice MiliUire pour Purmed do mer. 1 vol. | Pari*, 1868. Puncher, Oodo do Justice MiliUire |>our rarmec dt* lorn*. Purls, ) 1858 l [>?rrot nur 1* Service a bord doj Uuttimoota do lu Flutto. Paris, 1858 C Drcret *ur la RtvIco later tour do la Flotte Pari#, 1858. ^ Deo ret *ur lo. guoiiatiou du Personnel do It F.otte 1 vol Paris, 1858. r (Joograplii TMiy-eitfuo do la mor, par M F M mry, liout, U. H. navy. 1 vol. ot ultaa. Pari1, 1858. Roy; lei ColonUm Franeai/ies eu 1858. 1 vol. Purls, 1858. C Jun 6 HUNyK TAYLOR. lyjus. FA NNJ K EM I I. I. I'OKMF, I v?l Me ( loi-tur^ and Addresses bv the late Rov. F W Robertson. 1 a vol. *1 Willie \y Inkle'# Nursery .Song* oi Scotland. Lvol. 75 i-cnU. 8 Skrdoho'- by Do/; bring the uniform edition of Dickens'* Work* u piriblDhMf Ivy Tu knor 8r(V, $1 f?0. Aurtto iifflelr.ifotVi; flcknW'u odiUph of tiro Wuyorly Novels. t !?Jr4> ' ?' ,l* piUlp, Tan 0 8iH ami 10*1^ ?V?. OLFFAIA) HOHKS, BIWAM) HOURS. HI'FFA- ? JO I? Holm* ! n?e Huh#oribor# Uuvo nwi ved from St. 1/uiU u s large lot of superior DutThlo Robo*, *hh*h they are wiling very cheap p Jan A?d J AS C. Mi <; II UK A 00. ** 1 c rilHK KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE, di- ' 1 reeled by it Ixmrd <?f vbdttic appended by the Pluto, U ubilor tbr *apurtnt?MtaiM* ?f CM. K W M"K<;AV, it <11 <d feign t.?he<J graduate C >1 HV4 Point, and a pr;o tienl en#tn?*r, aided by un itblo ficulty. ? The cootm of xtudy h Unit taught lu Hit' best college*, hut more ox ' IouImI Ib Malhematio. Mechanic, Machine*, fVmstlflCtloti, AghcuUu- p ral fhemiatry, and Mining tiooiogy; al o, in Kngli-h literature, Heu?rie?l Reading*, md Motiflri bitfttiffM, io0fm|wnhi by dolly and >l regulated exarch t. Hrliualtf ?f Ar? tdtooture, Engineering, Omnneroe, Medicine, and Law , Admit of Merlin# xtndie* to ? oil time, mean* and object of prod monal Jtihni, both bHbr^ and after gradnatinr | I'bt. charge $J0? JMT b ilf ' .v?r| . ,,.,v .,'L advance. [j^ Addrea- the Pufiei lniendvmf.n; Wtftule, Kranjcliu dpi in#- . Xy.,' ' i p. I>TDUty, " '.1*11 4 lin"l<wkw PicriJoiUoftln' iVwril. Musical ani? intellect! al enterta'n , MBIT. ! J WW M A riA-. (A blind bwly.A wiU d*nl?er original pro*e poem, entitled > f Ulf, m> omp?ani.?l by piece* ut I be i i <\|irH*?\IA* INXTITUTK. t-lilA vent**, JAM'IKY 4. Itoota open at 7 HOWKncnefeng tk IftV.iwIl ? I.VjIL' U lb roni-t; to bo bad >t% Tuvlor A Maury 'A (Mrdfuti^ P* un At lunula uvofeUO, bfelwcen IHh (Mid Unit a uecta aUr> at ibe c?Oqi .Jan 4 l . i . a - | 1 ? I V/i * V ' i * lV/il' CITY INTELLIGENCE. AliUKFUtUtAI. 1* >A HI > the Advisory 1 i->?n> 1 ol AgiiuuUtire of tim i'alanl UlUit tuai y< oi< I'lm morning ut o'doi k 'l li' following additional iiol< tf?Ua> ui>|>raiud and look > I licit ttcultt : M.uwni !ni . its, iVumal J Field ; New York, Joint 1 how man ; IHstrkt of Uplombut, Ann n li l'nlutcr, Dr. j On J lot , Mjh> land, Joint Merrjrnuin, Joint Con tic ; North 'vruniin, ii. k. Ilurgwyn ; Tcutieitaee, John Mm, tew?n, ' Major Hoi matt ; Miswntri, J. W Barrett ; Kaiinui, lloo j M J. I'arrott, llubt. 8 Steven* ; Nebraska, Dr. 11. P , lUukiti, 0. D. Richardson ; Dacotnh, W. W Kingsbury. The counuittce* frout tke several goograpbicwl divU The following gentlemen were appointed u o?unlttoe lo wait ujHJU tiie Secretary ol tin: inter ior and the ('olu mis ( tumor of I'aUute, un<! loam from them when they would be pleased to receive the board in a body : Ums. Mcckling, of Texas ; Go wen, of Pennsylvania ; tVunlagton, ol Illinois; MoKee,of California ; and field, ?l Massachusetts. (Subsequently the conimltlee reported that the alrove ! jlhoialn wuru ready to receive the board at that time. The bounl accordingly proceeded to the room of lion. Jacob Thompson, to whom they were individually presented hy Hon. Marshal P. Wilder, the president of the board. After the presentation, tire president of the hoard ad- i dressed the Secretary u> follows I . Mr. Secretary : This hoard take great pleasure in call- ; ing upon you tills morning to say that we are working men, and shall endeavor to perform our duties to the i best of our abilities, and we trust to your satisfaction. I To which tin- Secretary res ponder 1 ns follows : Gentlemen : You are here with my consent and with my ' decided approbation. It is because 1 have regarded you as practical ineu that 1 have desired to see you here. It is practical information lluit the country needs ; and ' whatever practical information we can obtain hy a collision of minds and the comparison of opinions urnst he advantageous to that great interest upon which this country depends for its prosperity itud happiness. The board then proceeded to the room of Hon. Joseph Holt, the Commissioner of Patents, and were presented t > him in like manner. ' The president of tiro hoard said : I bir, I taku groat pleasure in introducing to you the different incmbcis of this hoard. Wo are engaged in the : performance of our duty, and hope that our labors when completed will be acceptable to tliis department. The Commissioner responded as follows : I am -liuppy to meet you here, gentlemen. The department trusts that much ruliublo information will be [ the result of your delilierutions. It is upon that, aud that ulone, that the success of this experiment depends. i iiu imii'ii 111 nuivii juii ?iu cugageu may ix! exposed ID misapprehension, tiiid of course to much criticism upon the |??i'i of some portions of the country, Hut still 1 am . L'ertuin tliat if thin experiment succeeds, tho future will be mi ever-brightening one tor our nntionnl agricultural , interests. Wo linmt, therefore, rely upon your patience i and earnest co-operation in furnishing us with reliable 1 practicable information in reference to the agricultural , processes and products of the States you represent, placing it in such form as will enable us to hubody it in the forthcoming Agricultural Ucport of this office, aud thus give it to every homestead, anil its just iutiuouce to every field and gardun in the land. It is such information that we confidently expect at your hands. 'Hie board then returned to their session room anil returned business. 1 Severn! papers written by members of the board were J then read. < It was ordered that all papers read to flie board lie re- 1 erred to the Agricultural Division of the l'atent Office. 1 Adjourned until this morningut 10 o'clock. t Watkh.?An interesting lecture was deliverer! last night at the Smithsonian Institution by Thomas Clem- 11 ion, esi|., on the subject of water. The lccture-room was s illed with an appreciative audience, who listened through>ut tho evening with wrapt attention. Mr. Clean son explained the composition of water, its various and ini- j port ant uses, and the necessary part which it sustains to ;lie earth, the air, and the existence of mankind. Withput water (said be) there would be no life, no air. no u igiit nothing. Place humidity and heat in the earth c 11 as to prevent its escape, deepen the soil, arid poverty ind wretchedness would at least be removed far into the uture. lu oisler to sliow its benelicial effects upon the ' * in man system, he referred to the establishment of water :ures and stated that, in this eniintrv wtinn hi> mm li?>! >eon taken Hiek and his life despaired of by the physicians, . le had curled him to one of these establishments, where, I ifter conforming to the prescribed rules, ho was cured in * hree weeks. ' the time he airiv? d at the health-givng institution, ho iiuahlo to walk, but at the orid of hree weeks he went with a fishing party, walking tive niies to the scene of the sport, and live miles back: Sev:ral of the experiments were very Bucoeesful ; others-were allures. It was provoking to be told to expect certain esults, and then fail of their realization on account of Icriuigcrucut of machiucry or the wortlilessness of tho naterial, _ _ 4 Miss Avokix .Ionwis winning fresh laurels at tlio South. ? ['lie Sac Orbmu Crtmxnt of Thursday, December 30, says: ( This brilliant young actress lias been captivating rlie Kgyptians," having recently closed an engagement at 0 'lisp's tiaiety in Meinpliis, during which the house could lly accommodate the crowds wlio thronged to see her, vlio is certainly one of tlie greatest dramatic stars that iver rose ami shone in America. New as she was upon f lie boards, she proved her right to sucli commendation ust season when she won it from tlip M'UicB of New Or- 0 cans and the whole country. In Memphis she appeared ^ >n iter complimentary benelit night lor the lirst time iu <>< Sergeant Talfourd's great play "Ion," and the press was 11 oud iu its commendation of her performance. Miss " Vvonia will commence an engagement at the St. Ohar|es J, >n Monday night, and the many whum she charmed last ? -ear will doubtless gladly avail themselves of tho ophrunity of undergoing the saute delicious experience this " eaaoi). To-Nmiiit, it wiu. bk hhnkmmbm>, Mr. Stephen Massett vill open a second budget of anecdote, song, story, and hit-chat ut tho Mclodeon. His first entertainment is oudly praised by all who heard it, and tit-hits of it were <i entcrday retold by theia ail over the metropolis. Never irtfors have we been favored wltli a performer whose style h ovored so wide a latitude, comprising the springs and u lio comic, prose and poetry, pathet|o Up|h gad sketchy j a omance. livery oue shen^d go. aipi hear hint, and they j " an then MV tt\gt t^ej haVC listened to the ubiqiiitmiK ; ' vi h.'.j. -/ ?>. ... . ,r,, v . Tiik Smithsonian Mi'ski m should l>4 viBited without de- I ?y by all who have not examined Its inlerestiiyg, rayo, j t'r nd curious anitrnb. I'rofeaaqf Uanr^ in ut present en | '1 ;aged with the olassiiicatioiy of the extensive collection a corals mule by the United Status exploring cxpedl ion. e ? Krkk IIbamku IUkiu The library and reading-room ' ,( if the United States Agricultural Society, No. 356 iVmi ' ylvania avenue, (upstairs ) is well supplied with newi-pu e crs and periodicaU, and is open to the public, tree of : u barge. It is in Todd'8 building, west of Brown's Hotel i, Oonokrt. It will lie seen by on advertisement that a onoert will be given this evening at Odd Fellows' Itall j y Professor Myers, accompanied by performers on the ''' UftO and the violin The programme Is a varied p^c, nd we doubt not tbat there will be iy (gll attendance. Tiuvyimt. ,w tho '-Fairy Star'' is attracting crowds ' u tho Theatre, and there bos Ik* en a decided improve rent i i the performance of the stock companv s!pvti live had the benefit of Mr. BourclcfyuU'a exp<ii louee. T l,1" 'ibsnks to Mnj'of no longer infest ' is ftveiiwi, althvugb ,v.ey occasionally venture down ^ycn'V. street to the oruamrtital literary at\<l eaiyrly estab ishments at the east end of tyliyngular enclosure , tya.vfflf \ sumon. We learn Oral the steamer George ; oljlyer v.ill make her last trip of tho season to Mount (erty?i on Friday next. AHUIVALS AT THE HOI ELS. Drown*' llotel. I T/ W* Uiukumi W <i XiklUurt , 1U<) Un 1 Wui K liter Into, Iwljr k i<iU?tjU.i H li.rrtoyu.n Ktiiinitue Nr? Vurk Vi?? lUriw.^u.n, <bi H'.u J?nie> Cbr.-hiu, Mr* **f ir't, Vjo .-tor-*"". V ?r un -i.i South Caimlm- Johu f. I*- * i?u k ui*mI> IHiilwifl i Win J I.yiiham It lady phla KCufrey, Nt?w York Mt-w J On fin, do I H Coflfci, KmmIoh, 111 UU kll? HmiUi, do 4 J VUk New York 0 W GHmoff, OImo luo W Hunt. Virginia Una Vuerl***, I'8N 1 H Uritllii tUi rlnbarg, Pa ? F Whitoikf, U ly * .MM, N York ! iaaar PimmI,(Hoctunaii Jim S.iuiJi*i> 4 ?u?', I UnaMpkta H A BUki-ly, t'tmufn M.?u W I. Ik* wart. P*?u->ii iui* I K Bui tow , St Jujojiii, |io Tho* Hairy, Mai > ki/ ti L Young, Wi?uiu Taqfl 0 H-?iy, !?? iS A Newman, do Si la* William-, AUImmo* I<m Butler, Mi.-muri TImm Phillip* 4 la l> do Win (J Tucker, Haieiu B B Young, do Ik irk wood House. i apt kliiKwburg. t' S A I. Scboolll. M, Trim. Robert Muuuinu IMMDk I* Bfrpilr. New Ynfk Y Fuller itiur 11 s*.i??l?y, BaltUuore K J Ijiiuiuau, Philadelphia 1. luck.) , do M Aronger. ,NVw York W W Mag raw 4 lady, Iud.-pou 1 lion W Ibily, Pimiii ylvanU ence, Mo I J Hadin, Nrbmnka Mi - L i' Mag raw, do loo Shatlcruon, loin - vilUr MQCralu, Pewuay I vainu il ui H lYaige, North UaioUna W .1 Mvull A lady, l' S N JNiuou'U, Balluuore lb J 11 11 u.l, Alabama NalloiiHl Hotel. L. Tbixu.^Jr, DC W BUHu|^ IllUburg, Pa K Coalcrf, Kansas J Skinner, Now Hax-u. Conn 14 I. Mclkmald. Connecticut J Irene**, New York Jbiu H Campbell, New York Win ii Van, Philadelphia J B Bu.^hught, do Gov Dorter, Faiioaylvaula Boa Win Smith, Virginia M B Kteldm,. LowIsn ill#, Kv .'li?n .1 M Dixon. England John White, do Lion Win A Howard, Michigan D H .-ni ml lord. Muryluud Juo Worry man, Maryland L J Hi ingle, do (!*>* 1, Yauoey, Virginia Jan luck, Indiana M Phonic*, Now York Suml l'erry, Kentucky Bw II t/'utlmrali. Minnesota J Hammond, Pennsylvania II K Dorgwyii, North Carolina Juo It II >pkin-, Now York 1 Stewart, Muryluud Juo WlUlaiu* it lady, Portland, Me Mi >.< Bay, do Juo liuhilnuxou, Troy . N V uieo II V.mgboi! D I' King, lady, At daughter, Brook K M Witoon, Minnesota lyu, S Y I II WofemaO, Baltiinou Geo 1' Martin, \irgini* i Duvul), Mu> laud J S llustiu, Haillrnora Jol Gelling*. do A tviwurd*, Michigan r WllUan, New York KG Stone, Maryland Sri Leigh, South Carohua Juo l'owell, do W I. Boa man Wui U Adair, Baltimore (Juited Ntnteii Hotel. B Boan?r, Baltimore II A Williams i McclorryVnuayIvaula Mr Lincoln, Tcaa* W 11 Boyle, do Win G Brown, New York I C MerrtU, Patter-ion, N Y Sim Y It Brown, do 9?fO L Werer, Virginia (' P Smith, Virginia KTaylurt, do LT Jewell, Maine i P Ikwthrlght, New York K E l>e Brtlcy, Virgiuia M Speory, Virginia Ju* W Kit Id A lady, Kentucky Sam I HGrto*, Philadelphia Mia Jatnersori, C.ilu oruiu It 11 1' KohllMou, Virginia II iiurel, Virginia Willavtl*' Hotel. > B Lipftkcr, New York Lieut Maliory, U 8 S Dr Baker At lady, do O M Randall, Maryluud [top! K Colston, do T Bar bury, do Lk*o W Brings, do 1J laming, Amsterdam Uou J 11 iltirikiu, do Jaa A Woodward, Balllmore Jno C Bryine, do L Gettlngs, do SI K Trutile, do P A Clntlboaru, Philadelphia SI K Tr utile, do > Era ley, do A Murray, do Win Lippmouth, do Jim Kennedy At lady, do L Cooper, do I A Murpln y, do B 11 Graty, do II Hons, lady A servant, do 11 W Walls, do Major E S Sibley, 08 A Mis* Watts, do Jiyl CbiM, do Mrs Walla, do Muj 11 ii Slhley. do Mi^s J Walls, do Win K Smith, do H D Owen, do If KJoncn, Virginia Win Newel, do AUCTION SACKS. 11/ J.C.Mc .UlREi CO., Auctioneers. IMPORTANT SALE OF FIRST-CLASS ORIGINAL Pal iliug.s and Drawings.?I'KAXKUN PHX1JP lut.s the pleasure of muouticing to Hie lovers of art that he has received from a woll[iioWQ collector a conslguiuoni of ilrrttobWH Paintings and water color irawings, which it h his intention to submit to public auction without Merv* on Tuesday, the IHlh day of January lint., at 7 o'clock, p. in., it hie Kiue Art Gallery, Pennsylvania avenue, between hth and 10th streets. The works comprise specimens by J. 11. Pyne, Rriggs, R. A., Parte, iownoHM, Is-wl-, T. Dauby, A. H. A., 11. 11. Willis, Muiler. J. Wilson, p. Fued, Bran white, Maguire, Pother, F. P. Poole, a. K. A., and Ken ictU McUery. h'rtnch School. Clmset, Tournemtno, I'aget, Brouhart, Coignnrd, Achllle, Z., Pert*leux, I/is Droubyn, Tos-ion, lielle, and laufanl de Metz. With two thio old (laliery Paintings by Amber, representing tho lieges of (Ltoud. The Water-Qfltir Drawings. L. Haghe, JatMUixi, J. Turner, George Frlpp, Philp, T. Richardson, tavldsoti, Ucutloy, Halt, PaaraOA, 1L B. Willis, Ford, I to w hothani, euklus, and Burbidgc. A guarantee of its authenticity will be given on demand with every rork sold, and the attention of connoisseur* Is jiartK-ularly requested. The puiutiugs mid drawing will be ou view at the Gallery of the udcr?igued <?n and after Monday next, the loth instant, where cat a >gue.? may be obtained, and will be forwarded free by mail ou appltKt ion FH AX KLIN PHI LI', Bookseller, No. 332 Farm, avenue, between 9th and 10th streets. Terms: $50 and under, cash ; over that sum, a credit of 60 and 0 days, for notes satisfactorily undorvml, ben ring inUq\vL J. C. MctfClliK k Co., Jan 0?eo&ds Auctioneers. By J A8, V. McGUIRB CO., Auctloattri. UNRESERVED sale of three new and Superior Rosewood S-ven-ootavo Piano Fortq*.?On Monday fteruoon, January 10, at 4 o'clock, at the unction rooms, we shall sell ithout reserve? Two new and olegant rosewood sevon octave piano fortes by Gaels k < One sm.ill rosewood -octave piano forte by Loud Ono second-hand piano forte. Torim: One third cash; the residue in two and four mouths, for otes satisfactorily endorsed, bearing lute rest. J. C Met;FIKK k (X)., Jon 6?d Auctioneers. By.I AN. C. NrGUIKG A CO., Auctioneer*. ITERY VALUABLE CORNER LOT NEAR THE \ Western M&rkot iV>r sale at auction.?Gp Tuesday afternoon, unitary 11, at fbur o'clock, on the premise;, we shall aell ports of it* No's. 10 and 17, in square No. 106, froutlug 45 feet on 19th street (Mt and 81 IVet ou north K street. This Ih u very valuable lot for a business location, being a corner it and fronting on the Market-House Building. Term- One-third cash; the residue In 6 and 12 months* with Inter- j st, secured by a deed in trust on the premises, J.C. McGURK & CO., Jan 6?il Auctioneers By J AS, V, MoGUIKB Ac CO , Auctioneers. IMtUSTKH'S BALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY.? On Wwlnosday afternoon. January 12, at 4 'ciock, on me premised, oy virtue oi a dotal m trust to the .sub j briber, tinted 1'ebroary 19,1853, and duly recorded ?n Ubor J. A. S., 1 o. 60, folios 8, 9, and 10, one of the laud rocunte for WajhUlgton unity, to tho JdMriot of CohdYlWa, t hall noil the wont purl of lot umlrered live, (fyA \\x yqngru No, 378, fronting *3 foot 5?:1 inches on o^th D .tpwt, between 91U and 10th streets west, running back 187 Kit 1Q>, int'lirH to a $0-feet alley; together with the improvements, ' mslstpig uf a substantial brtok building, ho I table for the coach- < inking bwdqe. ^ i Terms ; Otto third Gosh ; the residue In 6, 12, and 16 months, with itofost, .-ocurod by a deed in trust on the premises. '/ki'HAMah .ioxsb, Trustee. .IAS. C. McUHBE k CO., Dor 29 d Auctioneers. lly .IAS. MrlHIIBi A. AiifUuueem. IUUJSTEli'S SALE OK VALUAHLK HEAL K9TATE. lly virtue of a deed of \{tv?tx V ?riqg date on the 25th ay of October, A. 1). 1850, am\ t^tly recorded in liber J. A. 8,, No i)4, (olios 241, &e., one of the. land records for Washington County, I) 1 . we will sell ut lutVAic auction on Thursday, January 13th, 185y, at ulVdVV>\ h.Wtf vfelcy-k, p m , in front of the premises, a pert of lots qiqlicred two und three, In .square nuinbercd five hundred and ill en, in the city Of Wn hingt'W, D. C.; the said part of said lot having i front U 42 loot on north K .-Lied, and a depth of 96 feet and II | uhe-. The above property is very desirable, being In an ihUd^vod part of , je city, and being sufticiently Inrgt for twq guftd building lots. Terms of sale: One third in cn?h l\l\y (tydtatrg of which must be , ?id down at tin4 time of sul$, uqd iU<* ^enyuiuUvr in throe equal pay leula in six, twolyo, aud eighteen tnooih* alter the day ?>f sale, with ifcroiiV, *4d secured by a deed of trust Ui the Hntisfae.tion of the trusto. 'IJ'ertri of sale ie lie 00tt\p!icd with fn tive days, otherwise the ustoo reserves the right Vi foseUat the ri?k and cost of tho first puria*er. All couvfyqnv^hg at th<? coet of the purchaser. WM. H WAHI), Tmtee. JA& C. Mc OUlKK * CO., Jtoc 19 (1 Auctioneers. C| A DA ME MENAUKR 1>K I'AKIS. F STREET, J t JL No 403,two doors from 7th street, dress maker and milliner. ] igtnn that Alio h'jut 0{M?up(ft nt th? above ronidoiico a dress making J id millinery establishment, which lor elegance, refined t&Mte, and to latest Importations of Parisian styles, ban never boon equalled In j 'oshiugtou. Careful attention given to the making of bull dre se?, | ad -d reined, aud the gewerul decoration.- of u lady's evening to\lcV I idies' under-clothes made up in style and neatness. lnl'mits*' ?e.lw>s, j ith everything connected with Utia department, tn*\e{u?ly prepared. ; The bonnet department will consist entirely J the late t ImportA na (per every t. uner) from Put s m Whatever order* M nlu^ . \j, liatf,.| may receive will be promptly \ id carefully e^ (F??i workwomen wanted. Doc 24?dlmil* ! l-lWK INSURANCE. itrrisii cmmmXul ' mmhianck cuhtaxy or utttnoN vVI> SVK YORK KtinUtiM 1 ?2U. upHai ami ai? uunilalkma $5,500,000 ; lnlms paid in 38 years . 4,5041,000 apilnl inv? ?uvl Ua I'niled Stales. under New York law 100,O0Q j Phr U- M'-xandor, hurt., chairman, l/mriotl P.ben. Pernio, e ?| . managing director, Ixitldofl. j i <l*o M Knevttt esq . Oft Wall street, Vow York ? ?* cr in the : 'nltod States. I I MmMmI at WMhtngton, I* '' **? > ,4M SWnth ptreet. '<* Mtwrt nrtMiratinn, *r"?' ?" . ?Pfly t<> XMBfH M HH'I K-IH* Dec ai?duir "8r''*rW IW?V WSk>u4*>a. \k\v york amvkrtiskmrn ! rnw ?. II. MiHONiLJJ .v to., UM4 Kuwu M. To U??l?r? in ArtlHt'lnl blotter*. Oiliich . Cenlhti-i, K?m y (ioodi, A< J john c hhndehson, smyth, * CO. H\ \ ), n iu.M. il llit-li .-..licitkioihki to lilt- luflh U43 BROADW AY uad are ready to exblM Uw*lr ^myioa trf PitKM'tf FLOWKRH which cxc-rtl m variety any tiuporutmn yei i Iin.if, u timbering bit ujik huwumho errYUMt, the Imfvi pari uimtc to our ? fa> i n km in part*. and pattern* < ouftnoti. 1 W? have alfo iriait itaciurcd an < xt'umirf variety o? Amkhii ' fi.i??i:io?, uud in hit* ru-j we have < ery OOOCelvaWe quality, nlyla, ami jm lev ul Ui ittiUactured goods, ?ui<l the material* for mamiluttiirer * Our monk ot oantkm and Man vnot i Im)i>xtki> Fufasn lerpo and ; ... .. ? i-. in- I i In- w .tilt' " III' 11 .nl- ' i U?v?> purohaaeU ami oonv?-? U <1 tfce entire bttMdUqpi. N<>. ft Broad* la. tut ? |.rcfiaitii- 1 \HI II It 1A l> 1LOWER8, J limit?!' the vuiuitttft'uiuiil of our M> L. V WWHi FEATHERS, under lb* mauagemcul vl R Bits'H FACE IICCHBS, etc., etc., under the management ofKDWAltP JACKilON', of the late firm of Jackftuti k March ' Oar |>nrj o o beiug the d?vel"pment of thu nhove branch?- of HiUia Tkai?k to their fiiUe>t extant, we have Imported material and brought ] ovei French Akmwv- of FurLduu reputation, with a stuff of ua-ii.iiwal-l, which, with the well know n efficiency of the manu>p ii?o?n, Is a gun ran tin- that tin: product* of oui ttt. t"? y w ill urpft** la prrflh ti?? auy gtKxI- heretofore mad. iti America. " The aalet department ii confined to 343 BROADWAY, *od 11 ander tho followlog management TI10 French Flower Department, J B SMITH Ostrli h and Fancy Feather*, H. CVIUHTUV. French Material*, r hai.K He il Dit'ssfs, Ornament*, etc , ] O WHJTTKM((? j Amerlrnn Ut purtiuriit In ITuwcn, Hlirh<l, A Fawy Huuda, uuii?*r ili?- UMiM^uiucHi of our Mr. t. I). lloWKIX PrriK-li l>< |tiirliii*'i*l. No. IOI Itur ilr lllchllru. Pari*, . 1 il v|, Mr. J KKN'S I l?V SMITH k S l.k MKW TFJI, f .i- i t.-.l l?y Mi i l? DAMS A. Mi \\ M'lDM, J The lMI'ORTlNTS. In thin leading depHftmeut of our buttiM**. wo purchase and in mufnrttire the Choicest dowlgus In tin? French market, and receive by every steamer the li*t myle appearing Our sales are strictly coufiluMi to the whdlmhaijc lit ftfid wo re-puctfully Invite morchantH to examine our fotxl*? j. c. henderson, smyth, ft co., No. 349 Broadway, H?w Fork. .} jno. c. henderson ft co., No. 5 Hroailn ay. henderson, smyth, ft co., No. tow Kit* da HtckUcu, Parti. Jun 4 -U3Hl \ NEW YORK WIRE RAlLiNii CO. j Ttio most eUumdve f ORNAMENTAL IKON MANDFACn 'UHEltS 1 111 ilio I NITMi KTATftj Tli.'lr work ruibrivot* all kinds of ; IRON RAILING, iron VERANDAHS, iron gates, 1 wire hailing, WIRE FENCES, i IRON FURNITURE, iron bedsteads. ! iron work for stores and houses, iron castings, Ac., Ac. ; Also, the exclusive manufacturers of the celebrated -j 5 Composite Iron Railing. A catalogue containing several hundred design* of IronWork mailed ; i to any part of the United States on receipt of four three-cent postage i stamps. s hutchinson a whkeh8ham, 312 Broadway, New York. i Dec 0 il3rn & ..... L STRAW HATS AT WHOLE8AL8. MAY HER & RAYEXHILL, Importers, Mamifnc i hirers. ami Wholesale Scalers in Straw Halt* of every descrtp- f lion, No. 180 Broadway, Now York. | i The undersigned respoot fully onll tbo attention of buyer* to iho above card, and udd thai they have taken the More, 180 Broadway, : ! formerly oooujUed by the lute Urm of A. l.KLANi) At CO., awl having ? purchased their factory and machinery, for the purpose of continuing j the businoflH ho long conducted by thorn, respectfully soltcit ft coiitinn anco of Hie old custom. |.WM..C. KAVEMIU.h, ot the late firm of A. l.KI.AVh A; CO., who ; luul long boon their buyer, manufacturer, and general manager, will ' -> have charge of the H.une with us; having secured a'l the employees ot the Late th in , vr? fbol ooolldotit when we state that our Mock fbr iho ensuing swTson'u trade will Ih? fully equal In any hi point ot variety of stylo*, and Vital tlie reputation an long established by the late Arm fbr their superior finish, ** well as thnir succenalul introduction of loading fashions, will he fully sustained by uf?. . JOHN IIAYHH3K, S. 11AVKNHILL. ^ Dec 9?lm W . I .). BAUMGAKTEN, f JS'o. 297 C Struct, fat tercet? 0//? and 10 th SlrtH*. | t^NGRAVRR and designer in general, inanafur- ' JQi tut or and inventor of the new, improved peal prosper, watch | , case engraver, wootl engraver, mu.sicjpufn lter, stencil cutler, cupper ? j plate engraver, and lithographer, la prepared to execute ongravin** I on any metal?on gold, silver, brass, copper, stool, Jfcc., in an good a workman.-hip manner as by an)' other establishment in the United ' States. The subscriber feels confident that all orders entrusted t?> - \ him will give perfect satisfaction, or uncharges made. i SKA1. I'I'.KMStX. I OKHCTAI, HAND AND BIjOCK SEAL-J, WATCH CASE KNtiKAVER, i WOOD KMJRAVEH, ; MUSIC i'UNCHKB, j stench, cotter, jj CnTKK IT.ATE KNHRAVKK, k J.,ii 6?lyd AC , M, fcC. , SIGN OF THE GOLD EAGLE.?Engravings?A ; splendid lot of which is for sale at Wagner's, I'onnMylvania j avenue, opposite Kirk wood House. Framed or other wise. : Also, all kind of gilt picture frames. Dec &?If 'j PUBLIC MEETING.?NEW GAS LIGHT !?All f portions desirous of enjoying iho luxury of a !?riUui&t ga?-hght \ (portable or stationary, for country or city) ure invited to an exliihi j lion to night, ami every night this week, at 363 9th nM, opposite '. j Northern Liberties Market, between 0 and tt o'clock. ladies, come II. JOHNHOX, B? IX c w*~ d I v. Sol.- proprietor fur tho District. A CARD.?We beg to announce to tlioge of our customers who hf*vo account* on our Inioks that they have, ro \ upectlvely, been made up to the '27th instant, and w ill he presented luring the promt week for payment, which wu respectfully ask and ; confidently hope will ho promptly responded to. dec sy?2wif hook, ma, * co. john b. iiall, j Editor of (hr Enanxville (Ittd.) Daily Enquirer, , *< OFFERS that establinhmwit for ?ule. Evansville has a population of about 18,<H>0 inhabitants, and the Koqmrsr 3 is the only d aily democratic paper la the first district of Indiana, w hich Ktve* a democratic majority of over live tbouaaad. It is hu ? I'xrollent opening for eoine umbitviui politician. Dec 28- lwil"' i KIMMELL This nice and oommodiouB Imusv has Ju*t b?nm comph tod , and w ill he open for tho reception of guo?t?? on th?* 2dd Uut. Thin houso will abound equal iu ovcrv r?|*ict to auy house in Uils or any other city. The bar will bo supplied with the host of liquors At all times. 1 havo V' engafMl Mr. M V. Campbell to assist atul superintend tho house. Ho is well knm? to tho travelling < omruunity The Kimmell Houdo is -iHmPmI *?n tlstreet, hi t wi i'ii 4 S' '*h<l 6tt* streets, in the Immediate vicinity oft ho National liotcl,uud near tho railroad depot. \. F. KIMMELL, Proprietor, Nov 10 1\* K. Y. CAMPHKLL, Puporintendeni a lmanac1i du monde illustre,poor 18s9 Almanach do l'lTnivem, pour 185t). 15 cent*. j AI manor h Comiquo, pour 1854#. 15 cents. * Almanach Propheliquc, pour 1 H.'.w. 15 coats. w Almanac 11 Aatrologiquo, pour 1851). 15 cents. Almanach |K?ur Hire, pour 1850 15 renin. Ahimtmch Mort'(ilfOffttc, pour 1859. 15 cents. Almatinch Polk-hi nolle, pour 1850. 15 rents t Imported from I'mis hy FHAXCK TAYLOR. $ Jau 4 f WM. T. 1K)YK & CO. arc now prepared to execute any orders with which thny may ho favored in tho i Plumbing, Oam, or Strain fitting hu iness. ^ ^ {{Store on VIA utre-'t, ajtw aoon nonn of Fenntj/lwtnia anvnwc,) , Wb?r? may Imi found * cotnpleto n.?orUoent ?f (bandolier*, ami tber {an, WVj water lixturw. Jan 4 /lllllKCir.S NIAGARA AND IIAKKKK'8 "II, COR*).' lu on >qu?QOf "< thfe ; n? nnfavrrrnbh weather the abovr map t|| i? w.mum - ill 1* on \ i* \% (or or *< U [ Klget L (tn exhibition in ihe now building of Me-nrr Slbtoy * Ouy, Wnnayf ^ ^Mj^aavoiwia, two door* west r>l" Mmuth. MpOntro A Co.'m. Adnvunion fr* 1% casta. t Ihmra of exhibition from 10 lo 6, and 7 to 9, p. m., (If ftno > Jan 4 "DINNER PARTIS** I\1VnKK PARTIES will be i'Mriimlieti to fnmilit'g IJ at $.1, ft, ami $6 ]H;r head; of. If the > proffer, a flr?t cla** s \ i id h rook ran ??nt i<> their mddcuoe to ptvp*r? dinner for them 4 #t the moderate rharpo ot $4 for hi* aeivleea. |j TbM* wbtlrtajj u> avoid tlm trouble of marketing can have die host i Liu* market - ?. ui to their house* m coat priori ^ tfei?s ?f more tR*h?*e will be HO^.t t<? any part of thocity for tbnao | who wty (b-oro it V gtftMrmKy tti forni?h a tatter dinner than any ' ?! ?' ;d " ; i ij. <>i v.per cent | C. UAlTlfcR, 262 Pbnn a v., Iha 16?2nttOtf \e.-tk I. t -I; -. I f