Newspaper Page Text
STATISTICS Of Tim PUBLIC JASDS. tuimmuqfttu (UMIM<| of laml tokwk Will mart Ut the Sloctm u gnmttfur rwlrawb up to Judo Ml, 1U7. atatou Acraa Duluirflan UUaoU 2.6*4,063 r*|<i.uiliri 'J*, 1460. Miuuoori 1,616,436 Jul.. 10, 1*32 F?U. II, 1 Arltanauu 1,406 .1)7 tYbruary V 1662 Mfc'bltfAU J,UV?,UOU . June 1, Wlaouuai* .... 11 ,022,800 I...... Jutiv li?66 k>?> 3.464.00(1 May 16. 166o louHUIlU .1,102 600 Junr 3, and Ally 11, 1 Mlaatauip) 1 660,400 Au*i ?l 11, I860. Alabama 1,616,3*0. { 'ibnt'l^WI Florida 1,114,400 Muv IT, 18..H M.uuuauU 4,410,000 Marrh 3, 1MT. TuUl 34,347,434 Btaltmtnl ikvmtmp tkt yoarUUy of taamy land ujprvml la tkt ? Statu of lo MMk JutK, 1*67. MUlua. Am <JbM Jfc.tu lu.ilaaa 1,260.0a lllu. ... 1 .100 14 Haaowl 3.416.M Alabama 2,6V Mlaulaalp|.l . 2.834.71 J uiaiana 7 mil 66 Mi<iil(uo 6,4*6,23 .. 6,920,02 Florida 10,301. ?? Wla.onalB 1,660,71 Total 40,133,66 t. tuoaie of untoM and unu/o""/" 'andr in nick of the Stain TVrrU.'i let, inclwJinv jur.rycd and wnrurtvyrd. njf'r/rd and to* ni, oh the 30(6 June, 1660 HtuM? and Tarrtluru-a Arreu. Kuiut.or of .{ Irr *<h Hot Ohio 43,663.34 2 In.lluuu 30.307 41 2 illluou 6ll.MB.06 3,1 HUMOII .01 ? Alabama 9,?M,S#7 74 691 Mi-slaslppi 6.619,; 34)4 LouWaaa 6,938.373.83 37]# Michigan 10.068 298.08 02,8 Arkansas 16,009,542.84 974 Florida 18,007,072.75 1129 Iowa (1,237,681.03 38'9 Wisconsin 15 222.649.60 95 1 California 113,682,430.00 710,6 Minnesota 82,502,808.33 616 8 tlregou Territory 118,813,241.31 J48,t Washington " 7(1,444,065.23 477)7 Now Mil no " 166,210,804.00 (170 0 I'Ul. 134.243.733 00 809.U Nebraska " 208.884.747.00 1,293,8 Kadsaa " 78,381.058.00 477 2 Indlau ' 42,802,800.00 208.0 Total 1,107.297,572.74 8,92031 THE WESTERN TERRITORIES. A (Olu|Kr>UfC elatemcutof (111 .(I'M of I he present States with of the territory destined to l?o erected Into Stales exhibits the 11 MUD| fact Uiat the area of tlie laUer In square miles exceeds |hj the former The superficial area of the Tcrrtloriee, orfalilxeil am organised, is net down aa follows ; Square mile. Square u Kansas 'territory '... 138,000 New Mexico Territory. 211 Miiineaota (hi 141,000 Nebraska do 52# Oregon 1I1J .227,000 Mcsillu do .... 7# Washington do 113,000 Indian do 187 rub do ;?7,ooo Square miles 1,807 To these Dacotah is to be added, of the extent of which we I Seen no estimate The superficial area of the present States Is as follows ; Square miles. Square it Maine 30.000 Delaware ; New Ilaiupffoire 9,200 Maryland I Massachusetts 7,800 Virginia 8] llhodo Island ......... 1,300 North Carolina 41 Connecticut 4,074 South Carolina . 21 Vermont JO,211 Cisirgia 61 New York 4*,0*5 Alabama fit New Jersey d,82t> Florida bl Pennsylvania 40,003 latuiejana 4l Ohio 39,984 Arkansas .... 5; Indiana 33,809 Mississippi 8; Illinois . 65,406 Missouri 4; Wisoonsta 63,924 Tennessee . 4< Michigan 68,243 Kentucky 3; Iowa 60,914 Tessa. 23; California .. 188.000 022,190 831 82! 1,48 It Is seen that tbefiroa of Kansas I nineteen thousand square 1 greater Ulan (hat of all New England, New York, and New Jel and Uiat the area of Nebraska is ninety-fire thousand miles gri thau that of all the rionslaeetadding .-tales except California. Or ia nearly equal in extent U> all New Euglund, New York, Trie vanla, Ohio, and Indiana It is posaible that New Mexico and Mi will be embraced In ono territorial organisation by Congress at present seuslot! containing 288,000 square inilaa- . exceeding all England, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indians, and Illinois. W 1 m.n.ri evened* in extent all New England and New York. fpABi v if" JTU IRITIS'G Til A SKATS OP G0\ KIIS MLS T} * tathe^u^the mixtion of state officers the several status. Scat of governptmtce. incut. 'lime or holding .bvlio ' ...Augusta ad Monday in September. Now Hampshire Concord ,. .1W Tuesday in March. Now liaiupam. w - u,., ... l?t Tuueday lu Scpto-mbo ::tt. 1^,&**.m*?KUod. .aland { & j M U"d"r 'n Apr"' Connecticut Hartford 1st Monday In April NcTvoriT ...Albany To. after l?t Mon. in Nov. nIw JoTocv Trenton To after lot, lu Nov Pennsylvania ".'. Harrlsburg ... 2d Tuesday in October. i onnsyiva Uuver . 2<1 Tuoadojr lu November AliludJOlH l't Wednesday lu Novcu SZZS? piclunond ,,,.dth Thursday lu May. 1st Thursday in August. North Carolina Raleigh ' . j y , getober. South Carolina?... .Columbia ? Oeorgta Millcdgevllle lat... ?? Florida Tallahaaaon. lat Monday in 16w??Alabama Montgomery.... 1st Monday In August. Mississippi lackaon let Monday in October. lsniistaua Haton Rouge. 1st Monday in November. 2'exaa Austin . . let Monday in August. Arkansas little Ki ck let Monday in August. Tennessee Nashville 1st Thursday in August. Kentucky Frankfort 1st Monday tu August. Ohio Columbus 2d Tuesday in October. Indiana Indianapolis 2d Tuesday In October. Illinois Springfield.. Tu. after let Moil. In Nov Missouri Jefferson CH.v.. . 1st M'Stduy in August Michigan 'lansing Tu. alter 1st Mon. In Nov. Ilea Moiues City. 1st Monduy iu October. Wiaconsiu Madison Tu. aller 1st Hon. In Nov. California Sacramento... Tu. alter 1st Mon. lu Sept ooversors or the several states ami TERR ivor with their salaries, terms of office, and expiration of their respective terms Gov'r, Tur States. flovernors. Salary, termyr'B. expi Maine MM. Morrill Ml..'>00 .. .1. Jan New Hampshire Win. Hailo 1,000 l....Jtinc Vermont Rjltnd FUtrlirr 1,000 .1 ...Oct. Massachusetts Nathanl. P. Banks 3,500 1 Jen. Klitele lelanil Kllsha Dyer 1.000 I May Connecticut Alexander 11. Hoi ley 1,100 1 M.iv New York John A. King. 4,000 2. Jan. New Jersey Win. A. Newell 1,800* .3. .Inn. Pennsylvania Win. F. Packer 3,600 . 3 Jan. Delaware Peter F. Causey 1,3331, 4... Jan Marylaud Thomas II Hicks 3,#?0f .4 . . .Jan. Virginia Henry A. Wise 8.000 3. Jan. North Carolina. .Thomas Bragg. S.OOOf 2 Jmi. South Carolina... ,R. F. W. Alston . . 3,500 .2... ller. tleorgla Joseph E. Brown. . . 3.000 2 . Nov. Florida Mailieon S Perry 1,500 4 On*. Alahania Andrew II. Moore . . 2,300 .2 [tec. Mississippi Wm. Mi Willis.. 4,000 2 Jan. louislnoa K. C. Wicklillr,, 4,000 4 ...Jan. Texas 11 C Runnel^ 3,ooo j |y>, Arkansas FJias N. Conwny 1,800 4. . . Nov. Tennessee Isham 0. Harris. . 3,0001....2. (let. Kentucky Charles S. Morehead, 2,600 .4 Sept. Ohio Salmon P. Chase 1,800 . 2... Jan. Michigan Kinsley S Bingham . 1,000 . 2. . Jan. Indiana Ashbcl P. Willard 1,3001 4. Jan. : Illinois Win. H. Blsseli 1,600 ... .4 Inn. Missouri Hubert M Stewart 2,600f .. .4. . .. Nov. Iowa R P. lowe 1,000 .4 Jan. Wiseenain Alsa. W. Handall . 1,250 ...2 Uee. California John B. Weller 0.000 . . . 2 .Ian Minnesota Samuel Meilary 2.600 .. 4 Mar.: Oregon Tarrttory. Oeorge L. Curry 3,(810 4 Aug N Mexico Ter'y Abraham Bencher . 3,000 . 4 J l ull Territory. Alfred Cnmmlcgs 2,600 4. July WaahtngtnaTer'y Fayette McMulleo . 3,0(HI 4 June Kansas Territory J. W. Denver a.. 2,600 4. July : Nebraska Tar'y. Wm. A. Rtchnrdsmi 2,500 4 Jut: Now - In all the States except South Carullna the governor Is v for by the people; and If no one has a majority id all ihe votes in Slates in which xucha majority is required, the legislature elects In . Hire of governor one of the candidates voted for by the people *And fees. f With the use of a furnished lions NEW HlMORorS IIMOK Thu K. N. Peppor Paper*, (illu*tru(ed,) ] volume bourn '** $1. Kxtract ln?ni couteuta; ItkqfraphUul ; Oml ou a Weelha in S pert*; Conflict; Alcgaitor utxl Wortor 8ti?ik Astronomy--* in re. Soliloquy; AH rev* to a Herd onto the fen*; Pome, A iioad hi ?;rfk slaiv, A Lytoll (M of Ivwya Clarke; To the Aiu?el a* fc? i Haoah Uauo, ?e nolig ov the lleviii* (with imiutlog,) Wu the CI T? air Kklipa, A Urate Kpik; Terkle; *n averij |khuo (tor iotqj A ?oa4 to the Comock, &o., kr.t k<:., Ac. lire numerous laughter provoking verac* of tht* well kuown inoroue end a parking Anerinn writer, which, mo widely coj f(.?v4. bo itfton eonvulnod the reader, are here r?-ilWt<wl n, i^wJc r. and make more attractive vntan ihan turn boon leaned In n; vearn Jual received at i'HIIJ"b New Ibmtutnrc, Oct 2 332 I'Minnylvania v., between #(h ami lotli >1 XT EW .11 VKN1LK BOOE0 Mm auil Charlie, or A Week '* Holiday at Rydale Rectory; f i.'i centa. I/wing the Way, Jerry V Parker ; 50 c?DU. Til.' Mirage of Ufa , price M rente tbr Tortutie 'bell uanfe i'prtre* Walter Hinnlng.the Adapted Hon; or lllnetrallona of the la Prayer, hy A K A. K., author id Tree lleroleaa , lb cent* *anii> Tliorii. or lb* Hoo*? In the Pantry ; prlre 30 rent* The I ua of I he hep RaTenceefl, by Jehu N NorWm, A. M., |>rK fuliW IV??le Melville, or Prayer Book Inatriieliona ; T5 C*B?a. The little Kpnu-opaltap. by M. A. C , #9 rent* ?..r aale by HjINCHaRD 4 MOWN (jtt j Comer of lllh atraet and Pen* a I VAIL ARRAWGEMTXTa AT WASmMITOS TOST I orncx. mUr | I 1 '' Ftaltun ?Ij New York, J rj hu?luU, Ac., and llufltii" ?\. .. .. I r 1 v ,.i *. >4 a u? w.?l 7 . y tu ^ daily; and the mail lu b? ??itt from till* i40o?, to and by tbuau placu*, will be closed, a*. lien, l.-j'Tt <?t 2 ami II o'clock, p. m., Unity 11 The ^'iiilum Mali will bo cloned hait-aft* i dally *l b}t and 0 ? clock p. ut.. and v til b< rtciwsi u u? i lu-.-'iv. luuy, 6 11 ' o iltx k u Ui., Mil.I n, p. Ui uta The Ah uu.i l^int. Mo.i .,i |i ii. aud lin ureal V\?>|.ru * Mui! cfvt.-e at g, p. m , daily. Tbi- BMtl likUM U<xili of i'hila ?e)pbla i 4,1 un- U) urrn. linn- iu Uiitc ta lubimc! with the traiu lor iWUUuot? . > Aug which brings the Groat Mail, to arrive her? by 6}?, u in. No Kaat i u Uiitl u? n?. uod at this utileo >u Sunday in*.'.!!!, aud no J-oUsm L" Mail u nviu on Suuday morning i In. Mail ii Noi folk and place* in V irgiiu? i* cJommI at 1 , - pi -uu.1.1 v ami in lu ' - on eel .. ilh from luitimoi. M<l by 12, ui ll icjuI ! The Mail front Georgetown, I) 0., ia received twice Uaiiy, by k, a tu , au?l 6. p. m., *ud it la <h>scd for that place at the ?aiue bourn. ? j 1 he Mail iroui iiockv ille, Jtc., M>1., U received dally by 6, p.m., and it U clu ed h?i Ihoo? place* ut it, p. m. ft ?"'{ Annapolla Mail cloaca at '1 aud 9, p. ui., dally ' * Tht Mall from liroekviiio, Ac., Md., ii received daily, except Sun ' iV'I" j day, by 6, p. ui., aud clue cm for UiOdu place* by it, p. to ., daily. The Odeavillc, Md Mail oka.?* Monday, Waduoaday, aud triday, P !l! "ft at P. p to . and receu cd Tuesday rbu!h.u?> and Saturday at 3, p. m 11 , ,K ! Up|H r Maribofti', A.i., Md., roomed by 4, p. m , daily, and it* 2 41 ' ut w I' m 14 u4 Port Tnbucqu,* A? , Mil., received Thursday , and Holer ' y P- m <4kaciil Sunday, Tuesday, aud Thuraday at P, p. in A j WarrotttOO, Middle burg, dec , \a.t received daily by tt, p. ui 10 Cftuaod at U, p. in 0 1 tacaiburg. &c , Va., received by aud <*lu.e<l at 9, p. in , Monday. 4 ft| j WcdXidfty, and Friday. " u and Tke jKarUtge ou uewspaper*, and tbat ou all |?uuted matter u<l i'JJi-i <tr<-?ed t?. any foreign coouti > i- icquued t?? la (mid tn advance tj The office io open from H o'cUk k a. ui , lu S?u o'clock, p. ru , daily except Sunduv ; and on that day ll It opeu from 8 to 10 a. m., and r Iruai tis lu . p in ' I'ufl TuW.'o daily ; other places on (lie route as above. 1(8 1 #a j RAILS Of TOSTA(iA'.?DOMESTIC AND fOKELQN. ? M 83 y M RATIS OK DOMESTIC Pt?-TA(;K IMtrrt, for ettch half ounce, under 3,tM)0 milea, prepaid, S conta; over 3,000 mile*, prepaid, 10 OCUte. Ail letter* mud be prepaid b> ri aUiuprt, or #uc4oaed in tttamp envolofK1*, or tkey will not be for U wuided. tl TtawUnt JS'euyjimpers, J'eriodualf, Circulars, dfc., to any part of the Clilted State*, not weighing over ?1 ounce*, 1 cent, and I cent fot each additional ounce, prepayment required. ? Hooks, prepaid, not v. oigliing over 4 pound-, 1 cent per ounce for 23 any distance ui the 1'nittid Sttttog under 3,000 rrulo*, and'4 ceuta an ryt ounce over 3,000 tuile*, prepay incut required. All fractious over the *1 ounce being counted a* an additional ounce. 1^1 Xewspuptrs and l'iro*iivaI* not exceeding 1 ounce in weight, a i when quarterly in advance and circulated in the Plate where pub h 0j i ltobed?fhilly,perquarler, 22>?;>lx tinted per week, 15)>a', tri weekly, si i ? ^ ; semi weekly. 6*?; weekly, 3?i; semi monthly, 1J^; monthly, %. u Newspapers uud periodicals w hen weighing 1>? ounce, double the above ratos. o Small Newspaper*, published monthly, or ofletier, and pamphlets that uot *'wntdiiliig biore thuu 10 octavo pages, In packages of 8 ounces or t over, }'t cent pur ouuoe. it?of Weekly Newspapers, within the county where published,/r?r. / | ? Quarterly payments, in advuuer, may be made cither whore pub- ^ UU lishud or received. aloa KATES OF LLTTKK POSTAL E TO FOKLltlN COUNTIUKS. p ),000 To England,Ireland, and Scotland, (California, Oregon, and Waahingl,000 ton excepted,) *24 cents oz. From California, Oregon, or Wash- ^ 1,000 iugtou, 2V cents ox. , .000 To France and Algeria, by French matin, 15 centa ?4' oi., 30 cents 1 3. oz. . To Herman States, by Prussian cloned mall, 30 centa oz. ,000 1>" by French matt. '21 cents oz., 42 cents }, oz. ^ IX) by Bremen mull, (except Bremen, Frankfort, Luxemburg, Wurlemburg, Holland, and the Neth- ~ or lamia,) 15 cents Ka oz. IX) by Hamburg mail, except Hamburg, Frankfort. _ lik-s. Luxemburg, Wurtemburg, Holland, and the 1 J,120 Netherlaiida,) 15 cents oz. V >,674 I To Bremen, by Bremen mall, 10 cents ^ oz. p 1,352 | To Hamburg, by Hamburg mail, 10 cents X? ?z. a >,000 : To Frankfort and Wurtemburg, by Bremen or Hamburg mall, 22 ? 1,500 | cents yt oz. b *,000 To Luxemburg, by Bremen or Hamburg mail, 25 cents >s oz. b ),722 | To Holland and the Netherlands, by French mail, 21 cents >4 oz., 42 e 1,786 1 cents y% oz. p >.421 To Austria and its States, by Prussian closed mull, 30 cents og. p 2,198 Do do by Bremen or Hamburg mail, 15 centa % o*. r,380 Do do by French mail, 27 cents \ oz., 64 cents 11 .,156 & oz. n iylUM Jo Ku?ia, by Prttsslau doflod mall, 37 cents oz. r,680 Ik) by Bremen or Hamburg mail, 29 cents )% oz. r,321 ' To Prussja, by Prussian closed mail, 30 cents )t oz. j Ik> by Brefpcu or Hamburg mail, 15 cents oz. I Do bv French mall 21 cents b* oz . 42 cents \L oz. J,82t? : To s?riliiiii?ii irtatca, l>y ITuwtUn el-wii iimjl, ;|| ri-mn k in. q l,l?0 j IV. by Krom b mail, JJ cwul? t4 o?., 4i i-.,;ula a 01 IV. bjr Uri uioD or Hmi.btirg mail, :u? ceuu i, o?. I,Din To lamibartly, by l'ru*i.bin i lo-ml mail, all i:. uu 1, Jir /Hit ! I nike i by Kroocb mail, 27 ooubi ,l? or, 64 o-uU J, m. IK. by Unma n or Hamburg n.all, lb oant ), 02. I Oei i *1"'' I'armauud M'.deuu, by Trin-alan closed mall,i-uubt 1, 01. > ' , Do do by Kruucli mall, 27 c. ubs .4 or. 64 cenU : ? ?' uilla ! 4'(> ^3" ^reilicn or Hurnb rg mall, 25 cento >a ox. t| tin- To PApal fHate* and Tuscany, by Pruaaian cloned mail, 26 cent* Jfoz. e Xi>w i Do do by French m*U, 27 cento \ oz., 64 cento ash ' 2- 01 Do do by Bremen or Hamburg mail, 28 conto >, OK. fit tl>0 Two Sicilies, by Pruaaian closed moil, 30 cento H Ot.?j repaid. iX.D Ptj by French mail, 30 cents ?.t oz., 00 cento H oz. Of Do by JJremen or Hamburg mail, 22 cents ?? ox.? jtHtjtiid. | To SiMiln, by French mail. '21 oooto ^ oy.. cento ox.?ptrjHtiit. Do by British mail, via Houthauipton, 74 fiuufii oz. prepaid. T?? Portugal, by French mail, 21 cent* \ oz. ,42 oeut? H "* pnjnjdDo by Britlah mail, via Southampton, 63 ceuu >? us.?jm*paidL To Demerit, by Pr. Baton cloaed mail, 36 cents oz. r- Do t*y jUpe/jjon or Hamburg mail, 25 cento >? oz. Do by Freudi tuajl, cento oz., 64 cents }m 07.. To Sweden, by Pruaaiau closed mail, 42 pouts % ex. C po by Bremen or Hamburg mail, 33 cento }j 0 by French mail, 33 edits (rL 1 Ob cents e; 04. 0 To jfrrvnjr, by prusaion oUmmkI mail, 46 cento % ox. |j J>o by Dfon?"?i op )|.tinburg mall, 38 oento >a oz. ji 1*> by French n4), 00 pent* op.. 6rt cents y% oz. g To West India Dtouds, /ui?i Briijsh j except | uIm, Turfc'? Island, Car t 1"er- tliagcna, Honduras, Han Juan, (N'unragua,) Kmi.t Bartlm, Venegu ti ! ela, and St. TUowm, 84 0??ts f9 <>x. when distance rrom maiiiug { ollh c Is under 2,500 milea, aud 4-1 cento oz. whou dUtance | cued* 2,uWJ tune*?pnepoiu. To Canada, New Brunswick, Cape Breton, Prince KdWftrd'* Inland, J? Nova ficutiH, and New FwiudLind, 10 cent* % oz. when dlstaium U 11 1 rrti W? 3.000 mikv from Hue of croaiitflf, and 15 cents oz. If 1 **?'* , , ? , I " **ti uud fa+itUtiKj ^ow CSranada, and Mexico, 10 cents }4 oz. j. I To Asp... - *c*?, MX o%*>; '(4 *,?p0 miles, ami 20 cents If dihtuuee j. i when disUiux ?-*vtuj y j exceeds 2,T?00 mile*?f* . * ^oaoda, I# #0W# ?j W-~ IfriKlid. ^ I To Bogota and Buenaventura, Now -w#p*u. | l'o ICcuador. Bolivia, and Chili, 34 cents *a ox.~ ! To Peru, 22 cents J, oz.?prepaid. To Weat Indies, British, (except Turks' Island,) 10 cents oz. if distance dues not exceed 2,500 mile , and 20 (cuts yt oz if distance exceeds 2,500 miles -prpjMiid. To Sandwich Islands, Now South Wales, and China, by mail to San KrancihCO, thence hy private ship, 10 cent* ot.?yrrjxiid. Notk. In all cases where the word prepaid is not added, the prepayment of the postage is optional with iho sender. 1 IKS, THE ' it] 1 REIGNING SOVEREIGN* OF EUROPE JUl.F 1, (.1 ,?37- , reit. ! 185# Hate of uc- ?l IK58 Name. State, Hale of birth. ronton l< 1858 iV.-ar I Sweden aud Norway July 4, 1708 Mar. 8,1814 !. 1858 Alexnuder II Roaalu April 29, 1818 Mar, 'J, 1855 1858 Fraderir. VII ItoBtnatk <8 1. 6,1808 Jan. 20, 1M8 1858 Victoria I ... .Ureal Britain May 24,1810 Jne20, 1837 ? 1859 William III Holland or Nelkeriuudnleb. 10, 1817 Mar.17,1849 1860 Leopold I Belgium I)er. 18,1790 July 21, 1831 1 1861 Fred. Win. IV . .Prumla Oct. 15,1795 June 7,1840 I 1859 JohnSaxony Hoc. 12,1801 Aug. 9, 1854 5; 1862 lloorge V Hanover May 27, 1819 Nov.18, 1851 p 1860 Fred. Fraud! MeckloubuigJVhwer.Feb. 28, 1823 Mar. 7, 1842 ri 1859 lli-orge Mecklenburg MreHtl Aug. 12,1779 Nov 6,1816 u 1858 N? Oldenburg July 8,1827 Feb.27,1853 1859 William Rruuawk-k . April 25. 1806 Apr. 25,1831 ,, 1861 Adnlphn* Na-xaa Inly 24,1817 Aug 20, 1839 (>l 1849 One Alexander Kium Weim. Klsenacli Juno 24, 1818 July 8, 1853 ,, 1860 Eruextll Haxe Coburg liotha .. Juno 21, 1818 Jan. 20, 1844 u I860 Bernard Maxe Melnlngon.. 18a 17, 18(8) Ikv 24, 180.3 ? 1859 F.mrwt Saxe Altonlinrg Sept. 16, 1626 Aug. 3,187,3 ,, 1860 lempold Anhait Ib'fwau.. Oct. 1, 1794. Aug. 9,1817 w 187.9 Alexaud?r . . Anlialt lleriihurg . Mar. 2,1805 Mar.24,1834 ,, 1859 (lunlher S. liwai-r.luirg RhiIoM Not 6,179.3 \pi 28,1807 1860 (lumber Pchtrarxburg ftonder'n Sept. 24, 1801 Aug. 19,1835 u 1869 Henry XX Br tun, KMor Line June 29, 1794 Oct. .31, ISM 1861 Henry 1JCV11 Reuaa, Younger Une .Oct. 20, 1789 J'no 19, 1854 1861 le-i(m,l?l 1 .ippe Sept. 1,1821 Jan. 1,1851 p 1860 Ueorga Uppo Rcliaoatburg Bee. 20,1784 Feb 13, 1787 tt 1860 1,'oorgu Vlotor Wuldock Jan 14,1831 May 16, 1845 ?| 1867 Krtlliu n,l H.w Horn burg April 26, 1783 Sept. 8, 1848 R 1860 Frederic* lloden Sept. 9,1826 Apr. 24,1862 r,i 1861 Frederic Win Ileum Caawrl . Aug. 20, 1802 Nov 20,1847 _ 1857 LouUIII... 1 learn Darmetaiil . Juno 9,1806 J'ne 16, 1848 "1 1861 Abiya . I Jchtciuleiu . May 26,1796 Apr 20, 18.36 1861 William J .... Wurteiuburg Sept. 27, 1781 181 :i0, 1816 1861 Maximilian II Bavaria Nov. 28, 1811 Mar 21,1848 1860 Fran. Joaepli 1 Auetria Aug. 18,1830 Hvc 2.1848 1861 Napoleon III Frame April 20, 1808 ra-e 2,1852 u IsabellaII Spain ?Mrt 10, 1830 Hep 29,1833 ?t l>l*A Piwtro Vf ??or?MKal Spt.10, 1837 Nov.l.r?, 1863 _ tJ,? Vict. Kman 11 KarUtftfci. Mar. 14, 1820 Mar 23, 1849 l. 1 th? Leopold II. Tu-CHiiy. Oct. a, 1797 J'M 18, 1S34 Robert PtflM July 9, 1848 Mar 27,18.%4 ?. Francl* V ...Modem*and Ma?a June 1,1810 .l*n 71, iRtA J run IX St He "I III.'( Inn. 1, May 1.1 17(12 .1 lip 1?, IHlfl in IVrdlnaod II Two Skltta* Jmi. 12, 1H10 Nov. 8, IH30 U Othe I. tlmeoo ..Mm 1, 181M May 7, 1832 < 1 Id Alnlul M.'.Iji.I Turkey April *1, 1823 July J, duo ror, (11it. Manori' Monaco Ike 8, 181M J'ue 20, I KM'. "J "The (irntirt Ihikn of Ri.i.'h, 1?uh, bom August la, 182-t, In ' ' . .....I. .1.-1.i|. Iiy 1 .-..ii ..I In 111ll> {one f Mln Ihther, rerdltiaad, hoAhand of lha late Queen, watt regent unul September l?,l?jO 11 l?>.) tl 11 4?i, RATKSOF C1IARC.KS tVli HACKNKT CARRIAGES, M CARS, tft. a| 'any ^ u * [Krtra<i f ram an <ui qf Ou Corporation, tvpjwaerd AInrrk 20, 1882 ] I). Sir 12. Ami 6a U rnatial, That from anil aflnr the pannage of llila ' act, the I.ill 1.wing rata* uf faro ur Itargvn ror (6a.. onvryam ' of par* ' " irka I aona frmn uMpiaca U>another In tlM cKyof Washington, In hackney w oarrtagea, calia. or other vehicle", carrying panncngorn for pay or hire, between daybroalt ami eight o'clock p 111 , ahull not bo iracail J" I 0.1 Hint In Inaay, for mi h any every pass. tiger, fur a .balance not ' , over one anil a half mile, twenty live centa lor any dlstunm over *' *d'? ...... ami II hall mile, ami not exceeding three mil?, Ally cent* fro I weiarf, lo caao any hackney taiTlage,cab, or other vehicle, eliall In ] detained fur a longer period than live mlnnlan, the driver liter not a M ?b?ll be allowed for the whole hack, cab, or other rthlcle, the nnm of taralve and a half conta for every Alteon minute* no detained . antl ' for all conveyance* or other detcuOowa later than 8 o'clock p. TO , ! the owner or driver of hackney . arrtagoa,. aha,or other volunteer may demand and receive gt Iho rule of Afty per oanlum on Ihe ft.1 .going hi * > aha r I .a, la add.tlou thereto TRAVELLERS' DIRECTORY. 17410M WAHHINGTOM DIRECT TO ALL PARI "? MR VW.M XR TRWU*! aSU V/KIHWK : | u ! iork and pH|i ii.\ii iv ?ar, win rut akran4m:mknts. Two IbrtMigh t a ins are now run daily, ei< vpt Suinliy. from Ww ifium tor itic. Wwl, m? follow : 1st. Mail lriun start* at 7.46, a. tit. ibuuduy ci< spto.i,) couue. ig clUMly at W uahtiigtoa Junction, for CuiubrrUnd and Puntmout A1 The Cincinnati Br iamhc, and Chicago iuprnw < otinm vioct I oat foslmigion ui 8 4tl, in , ruat hiug Uat um-n at V lit, p. m.. an ,u u?l couum-tiuy directly wltti ei|>r?*?9 train for die, Cairo, aud il OUtllWC*t iiiul lot M LtMila, HiUinAI, 6c. To view the gi+ud luutuywui atco^i) of I' i rui<l til day light U: illii r the 7 45, a in , or 9 441, p. u? , tram (n>ui Washington, aud ver at t'uiuOoi UuU or Ptodmoul. For hrfcof?|tir| and allaUtioue ou Ike NorIhwoaUiru Vuguna ru ike tile J.40, p. 1U , train For Marietta and Cincinnati Kail road UI Through ticket* and baggage checks to all ?|tmrlari, aud eve. ther possible hoilitjr, will be found upon thus route Way paoaeugvis lor the luaiu alcut of the Baltimore aud Ohio K* /.?J will leave Washington a* follow a . For all pututa between Wasbiagtou Juuction and Piodtuout take tl .45, a. to., traiu. for all station* between lied in out and Wheeliug, taki- tbe 3.4 .in., train. To conied witli tin? Frederick train, tak* the 8.40, p. n ruin. FOK RAI.TlMoKF. AND THE KA8T: li'.ive Washington for Baltimore at tt 10 aud 7 46, a m , a ad 3 ud 4.3a, p. m. on Bu inlay at9.4b, p wt , only. Leave- Baltimore at 4.30 aud 8 50, a. ui., and 3.30 aud 6.30, p. l in Siu.lay at 4.30, a. ui ., only. The 7.40 aud 4.35 trail!* ouly will atop at way stations aud for A upolhi touutM-tkoua. 11i?* 7.45, a in., aud 3.40, p. ui , are the chief ouikcUug train* f i<; Went, aud the 8.10, 7.45, and 3.40 train* for the Earn For further iafortiuUiiui inquire at the Baltimore and Ohio Radio, ickel Office, of TlfOS. H. I'ARSONS, Agent, Waahinghm W P. HMITtf, Oat 8 Master of Truuajmrtaliun, Baltimore. ijjjj EW ARRANQEM ENT. ItKAT 801ITJU WESTERN KOl'TE via OKANtiK AND AUOLANDK KAllitOAD. roin WASHINGTON CITY to Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabaiu Mutviaaippi, J-oulauum, Arkansas, audT?-xaa. Through Ticket* can be obtained at the groat Southwestern Km i?.td Office, corner of lYutisylvuila avenue an.I Sixth street. Wasluu wt, ou board of the Htouiu Ferry Boat George Page, or at the Office io Orange and Alexandria Kudroud, at Alaxandrui. To Richmond, Danville, Lynchburg, Bristol, Kjioxville, Dallou, Atlanta,Chattanooga, Nashville, Hunt* villo. Gruud Junction. Mi'tiiphif?. Montgomery, and New Or lea U. By a Direct Route and Continuous Railway Connexion.* to M< uiphi Affording greater Kx|>ediUou aud Comfort, and being over 'J00 uul Uorter than by any other route. The steam ferry boat George I'ago leaves the fo.?t of Seventh ntrc 16 v4 o'clock,a. ui., for Alexaudria, whore passengcrt take the car* f Jchuiotid, Charlotte*ville, Staunton, White Sulphur Spring*, Wiai lock, Ac., aud at 714, p. m., for Richmoud and all ik>1uU SoutilWcn inking sure aud clone connexion.* to Memphis. Baggage wagoiih uud oninibuset' leuve the ottlco, Tu. aveuue, at 'clock, a. m , aud 7, p. pi. JAMKS A. KVANd, Agent, June 18?tf Washington. ^UM M EII A RIIA N G K M E N T .?The Bteam. j UBQKUK H/UK will ruu a, IhUowb Ixiavc Aluxaudriu ui 4, 8, 10, 1U o'clock, ?. ui.; U, 4, iuuI # o'cloc licuvu Washington at 0, 0, 11 o'clock, a. m.; 1, 3, 6, and 7 o'cloc . m. The THOMAS COLLYKR, when on the route, will run a' oppoel ours. Fare 13 ?,eut8. Whaley'n omnibuses concocting with the Page and Collyer, w uive the GapttoJ, and corner of 12th street and Pennsylvania aveuu tie sauio time the bouts leave Alexandria. Julie 8?ood?tf - RICHARD WALLACH, Prwldtlf. Notice to travelleiis.?new arrangj MKNT, WITH GREATLY IMPROVED aCHEDULE.?FROM WASI S'GToN DIRECT TO ill PARTS OF THE SOUTH AND SOUTH WES IA l*OTOMAC STEAMERS AND RICHMOND AND POTOMAC RAl KJAD LINE.?Two fast daily Hues from Washington for the Sou ud South west. Routs leave their bertha, foot of Olb street, at Oj . in., and 7)i,p. ui. Passengers by the morning boat can obtain a fii icukfasl ?ui board and enjoy a pleasant sail of 3?g hours down tl oautiful Potomac, passing in full view of Mouut Vernon. Uy tl veiling boat they insure a good supper mu?l a rout of four hours oinforuble berths or statu rooms, uud arrive in Kicbmoud in time ninnt t with all the train* for the South and Southwest. 'l'hu great southern mail Is conveyed over this route, It beingtiles shorter and 100 miles less railroading tbau by any other roul taking certain connexions to KKUKKICKHIK HO, Ru IIMO.VD, am) I'JCIKKSiUHU, VlKUI.MA ; WlLDOX M WILMI NOTOS, N. C.; CIIAKLBHTOX, S. C.; Ararat!, GA. ; MONTOOMSI and Moiuijc, Ala., imkcct to New Okuuxs and au. moi'tukh.n cm AJU> TOWNS. Also, connect at Knhtnoud with the Danville, Southside, Virgin) Vimewrice, uud East Tennessee railrouds 1 OR THE SOUTHWEST TO Itinville, Bristol, Da Ron, battaqoogg, l|iintsv||le, Memphis, yuchburg, Knntvilla, Atlanta, lashvllle, Orund .bmction. Montgomery, aud New Orleans. For through tickets and further information or the route, inquire bo southern ticket ofltae, No. 372 Puiuwylvaaiu uvoime, one do ust of Drowns' Hotel, or on board the boat.-, foot of tllh street, GEO. E. MATTlNLY, August 17?ly Ticket Agent. LEONARD SCOTT A CO.'S Reprint of Ihe British Reviews and J Hark axxxi's Magazine. [SCOTT ,V CO., New York, continue to public J? tbc tullowlai; trailing liritl.-b peiUHltculs, *t* : 1. THE MINIKIN QUART E1U.Y, (rmuwvitivr.) > THE EIUNMROII REVIEW, (wbig.) ft THE SOUTH Itnrnsll REVIEW, (Crci'Clmrcli,) 4. THE WKS+WINHTEK REVIEW, (Hbeiwl.) 5. BI.ACKWOOD-S ElllMU RQH W.piAZINK, (lory.) Tli.m- periodic aU ably rt'jir t'.-xii t tbu Ibrei- frrat iHibtuul purlkui Irvat HrtUIn?wbig,lory, anil nullml?but poMira forum only 01 \ilur?* of ttiHr i barBCU*r An organ. of tbo mwl profound wrili' ifve stood, unrivalled in the world of letter*, being considered ludl w:iirf^lv Jo tjie r und the nrol'cssioual man, while to the Intel eit reader ?Vt every cVp** ti)*X furnjah a more correct and satirfa i>ry record of the current literature of the nay thrMUgtpmt the wor huu can he possibly obtained from *by ?M*?f ?oufpf}. KmY CDP11&*. Tbo receipt of atlyajwjp *lp?eU from the British publisher* gives a itlonal value to tbeje reprints, inasmuch a* th?y can now lie plan it thu hands of subscribers about as ?oon a? the original editions. TKIOW. "or all four of the Reviews. ... $H ( 'or Blackwood's Muganuo 3 ( 'or Blackwood and one Review 6 i 'or Black wood and two Reviews. 7 I 'or Blackwood and three Reviews W < tif Blackwood riud the four Reviews .10 t T4YM* ? MAURY, Booksellers, Amenta (or WMbJngtOO, \o. U'H IVun. a veuuo. Jan 8 ? ? ??? ? ^?C3 PICTURES. STERK08CO* . * ? o "MoH Wonderful and Beautyu_. 1X7 E have now on hand one of the largest an W moat varied assortments of OTKRJEfJfHJOPIC PICTURE oflerc i this city, on glusi or paper, plain and colored, consisting of view r the principal places of the United States. We have, also, in great variety, KllloU'a celebrated groups of pai >rund domestic scenes, weddings, christening*, pte-hhi, ice., ice.. We also utter a line collection ol'stereoscopic instruments, of vurloi > la-, mauoflu-tiir<?d to our ow u order. These Instrument* and pi ire- form the prettiest and most interacting present that can be v red to old or young. TAVUiK 4 MAURV. Booksellers, 334 Pennsylvania avenue, agents for Washington o! the America u-rooscopic Company. Jan 30 DA. CARDWKLI,, Koitl Kntatc ami <icner: Commission Broker, ha* taken the office, up stair*, in N< JO Pennsylvania avenue, whore he projKMea to attend to selling an uytng real estate Anywhere in the Union, renting out and collect in ?fita,and procuring house* on rent or lease, or any buxin?*HN ?pp6 tilling to reul estate, with unexceptional legal aid. The settlement of claima of any description on the executive d< art incuts and bureaus id government and Coo gnus, and metuhei r Congress ; especially claims id* the distant and aitjaeent n?w*pap< reus for subseriptions and advertising, his experleuco being such i > enable him to furnish the necessary forms and Instructions to pu es having such, as well us attending to having Advertisements ii rtod in any or all of thepnpiri in the District of Columbia oral-' here, on application by letter or otherwise to him ; thus saving tl vpenso of a trip t*? the city, ami prompt returns made Also, thu negotiation of loans on good security, and all d?vcrl| oos of business which may properly t>e classed under the head of micral commission brokerage. Rxntiuuu . Hon. Win. A. Harris, (formerly of Missouri.) Dr. A. 1 Harnett, Col. Jm. (J. Barret, mayor ; Richard Walinch, <vq., ai ic proprhdorn of tle> newpjwper pre** generally of Washlugfo iohhth. j. k O. D. Dovon|?ort and Hon. S Cfctkle, Richmond, Va ?v. Win. H. Plumor, Alleghany City, Va.; Cot. a. T. Burnley, Fran rt, Ky., ami Jfolin d Sargent, esq., New York city. Dae 1 dtf II f M. 'I'. IM)V K .V CO. arc now prepared to ex VV ?'?y orders with which they may be favored io tl lumhing, Has, or Steam fitting bullies* (Store on 9th street, a few doom north of fennsyloania avenue,) hero may be found a complete asaortmeut of c hand alters, and oil tx, steam, and water fixture*. Jan 4 q. o. i.amar a m. *orr. j. i. itrrn LAMAR, MOTT, a AUTRY, Attonieyii-at-Lfii Holly Springs, Mi**., will practice In the 1 figh Court of Krru id Appeal* at JackntHi ; the Federal Court at Pontotoc ; the Courts i? 7tli Judicial District of MiiMironppi , and will attend to the c? Hon of CUitna throughout North Mi*ru*slppi. Sept 18 dtl [TNITKD STATES PATENT OFFICE, LJ WAmmrtex, February 12, 1859. ON THE PETITION' of IhlMrd M. Hoe, of New York, N. Y., pru ig for the extension of a patent granted to him on the 1*1 Mn Mh, for an improvement in "Printing Presses," ft?r seven years fr?i le expiration of feeki patent, which take* placo ou the 1st of Ifn 159? It l-i ordered that the said petition he hoard at tlio Paptni Office < onday, April 18, at 12 o'clock, m.; and all persons ar.* notified iipear and show oimw, If any they have, why Mild petition ought ri ? be granted. Persons opposing the ex tension are required to file in the Intent ( ce their objections, specially wt forth in writing, at leant twenty da fore the day of hearing ; all lestlnnmy Bled by either party to I <ed at the said heariug must lie taken and transmitted in n< cardan ith the rule* of the >?M\c.?\ which will I" furnished on npplkalim) The tcstimouy iu the oaac will b? cloned on the 4th of April nei jpoqtUotM, and other paipera relied %?pon a* testimony, must lie fll i the office on or hofbro the morning of that day, the arguments, ny, within ten days thereafter. Ordered, also, that this sutiw t?? published in the 1'uioti, Waehtn ?, D C., ?ud Day Book, New York, one? a week for threw mi'r< v? week*, the Ant of said publication* to be at leant sixty days b re the I Nth of April next, the day of hearing. joftsra holt, OMmlNloBcr of Patent P. PI Editors of the above papers will plouso ropf, and send tinII* to the Patent Office, with a paper containing thia noti?c Feb 18 Iaw3w [No. fc*!? j tly th? Hrtildtut uf tUr Uuileil kUtn. ?U I N uursuMico ol law, I, JiuitM liui Imiian, I'rt.aitioul 1 the I unci .-t^Uw ul .uuui iu, do hereby declare ami taakc I ' . known that public i-alu* will be held at the undermentioned Und of X iu the St a rit oar MiXAswora ut (he period hor- mailer designated, all<1 Wo wd Al the laud oltico til C'.vauujii-o^. coiWiu ncing ??u Monday, thesis- j lutVt to illii day of May DeXt, tor the dr. jmk-uI of the public Und*, he > effort A * HiKiJfcfnl, iu the following tow UHhijw and pari* of townships, viz: : ' "J* U* Morth if the tm*e line (mJ wed of the fourth pintcipal mu rid inn. ! 1 TowLulupn 40 aud 41, ot range 10. a e low Urhi|M 37, 40, and 41, (if range 21 j r* u St* Uouis 1 to Id, iucIumvu; MVli..o? 20 to 28, inclusive; **rtfc*t 30, . 32, 34, and 36, uf township 33, Uwuahips 34, 30, 30, 37, 41, iuui 42, ** Of range St. M, ?M*-nou* 2, 4, 0, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24 20, 28, and 34, of tow n i }* nhip 32, aechuu* 1 and 2, the K l4 ut kccUuu 3; Miction* 4, 6, 8, 10, i ry i 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 21, 30. 20, 30, 32, and 34, ol iowu?hi|> 33; Section* A . | 1 U' 30, iuohnlw; acctlou 32; the S )i ol hoc tin u 83 ; section 34 and ' <*?d ' ; 36, of township 84, tiwu.ihi[i' .?a, 30, 87, 38, and 3V, ot range 23 i mk? , Section 2, the fc *, uud the NW ,l4 of ?ccliou 4; Iht KK '4 of ru- | man J* turn 10, section 12, the K >? of the NK l4 uf aectiou 14; the NK *4 of rtauJ the NK \ ol aeclion 24, <* lowuchip 32. socUoas 2. 4, tt. 8, 10, 12, ! (Jirul 14, 18 , 20 , 22 , 24 , 20 28,30,32. aud 34, of towiodup 33 aectluu? ami 1, 2, 3, and 4 ; the W ' 4 of sect Ww 6, tectums > aud 8; the W >a ot 3ubj M-etion ?; Section* 10, 11, 12, 18, and 14; the VV *4' of Section 16; so trn^. ttoil* 18, 20, and 22; the N >? of Section 28: ?*. tiou? 24. 20, 28. 30. 32, and 34, of tow loihip 84; town Uip 36, except the W of section I * 40 31 townebipH 30, 37. 88. 39, 40, 41. 42, and 48, of range 24 I T? Soctiou* 2 iuid 4; the NE the N 'a of the NW and the N j '|V II. of the SE l4 of liectioM 0; tin* NE *4 ol 8; hmUbuk 10, 12, and 14 the K la , the E )u vl the NW '4, the N W \ of the NW ?4 , and j u the E of the BW 1.4' of Hivtion 22 Kecthw 24: and section 20, except the SW '4 of the HW (?f towu>h p Itl eectlw t. 4, 0.8, 10, 12, 14. | A ur 1H, 20 , 22. 24, 20 28, 30, 32. and 34, ol lowuhInn 34 -oct?ou? 1 to 16, tfmi Inclusive; the N *4 of section 17; aectums 18, 20 22, 23, mid 84; the ! '<>re ,?d N S "1 sed Uoii 26 : aeetiona 86, 28. 80. 32, und 34, id t..w ushtp 86; I low udiipn 80, 30, 40, olid 41, uf rang.- 26. | i ? Sections 2, 4 tf, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18. 20 . 22 24, and 20, the N the T( I N )n of the SB *4, and theN v, of the SW ot soctlou 28; the NK *.4, the E ^ofthoNW li> and the NW >4 ot the NW of section J ! 30, of towiwhlp 84; sections 1 to 0, inclusive; sections 8 aud 10; the N ft | i. <jf worth* 11; aecUons 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24, 20,28, 30,32, and 34, yK ol town-hip 36; towoshlpe 30 and 41, of range 28. T, Section* 2, 4, 0, 8, 10, 12, and 14; section 18, except the SW 14 of the SW l4 ; the N >B . the N )4 the SW '4 , aud Uic N of the BE l4 ft l*' ol HcclMrti 20; section* 22 und 24 . the N l/M of the NE l4 (Wucclkm 20, ^ (] oftawnahlp 34: ?ortlou- 1, 2. 4, 6. 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24, 20,28, ,?u, o-. aamt , ot urwu^mp ao; mdihkb i *<? ,w, inclusive; p?loa ex; the NK \ of -?' uTkm .'K?; section* M ami 35, ?>C towu*hlp .'Jti, township , , ?< *T,orr-,.27. Lamls appropriated by law ftw the u.-? of ?cl*>ols, Indian, military, rjtll uud other purposes, will be excluded from the Hale-. j?, The offering of the above lands will be commenced on the day tq\y appointed, and w ill proceed ill the order in whieh they are advertised, yj , until the v> bole shall have Ihmoi offered, and the Mile- thus dosed; but ikm Co the Hale shall not be kept open longer than tuo uwA*, and ho private ^ entry of any of th? lauds will be admitted until after the expiration |OVii !l of the two weeks. tlJ,j j Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this 7th day of -jj January, Anuo IkuiiIiiI out? thousand eight hundred and liftvnine. \( ; J A MKS BUCHANAN*. l0 tt I By the President: jj' TW?. A HaafWUC**, Commissioner of the General I/Uiid Office. 1^'? _ NOTICE TO PRE KMPTfON CLAIMANTS. pj'', j,- F.vbry person entitled to the right of pre eu?ption to any of tlio : , lands within the townships and fractional tow nships above mentioned and . ' Is required to establish the mtuio to the satisfaction of the register and u* l' * rooohror of the proper laud office, ami make payment then for as toon \ . 1 as practicable, after teeing (hi* notice, and before the day <ip|K>inted tor gay ' the commencement of the public sale of the lands embracing the tract \M.rti claimed ; otherw ise such claim w ill be forfeited. lw p lo THOrt. A, HENDRICKS, ,jj Com mist- inner of (bo General laud Offleo. ic, ; Not*. -Under the regulations of the department, as heretofore tu ft and now existing, no payment can he made for advertising proela- Mu,r IttatIons except to such publishers as are ijtecially authorized to pub viz: ? ltsh by the Commissioner of the General Land Oltli r, g_ Jan III?InwLJvv [IuWkfcStar] ^ T, "VTEW YORK HERALD, DAILY TIMES, TRI- ? U- 1^1 bunc, News, Philadelphia Press, Philadelphia ledger, Ac., re- I ft th reived on evening of day of publication. Single copies lor sule, or J ai delivered at tho residences of sulvscribcr* same evening. ! liW I New York ledger, Mercury, Weekly Plug of our Union, Gleaxott's I ***( 'ie IJuc-ofBattle-Ship. 1 Jullou's Pictorial, Wavorley Magazine, Homo 1 'JC Journal, and all other Philadelphia, New York, and Boston weekly Nlz* ifl papers received and for sale, or delivered promptly to subscriber.^. jy t? Everything iu the cheap publication line received as boou a* published. I>. J. BISHOP A CO., ^ B 210 Peun. avenue, under Willarda' Hotel, and *-? j NVi\ 25- dtf -LIS IVnn. awuue, near -P.. . in d. ' JJ Law and Land Agency, Washington. si,V ?* YOUNG lr N1LES. ,""1 I 7 | M. m "DtCHARD M. YOUNG, former (/ommisaioiier of i " ' , I lj tlie tienoral l.m.l "iflcr, mill HAMI'Kl. V. NII.KS, l.itc .?! llic | l' * Vir^tbla Scrip, BrvotuUuoar,, aittl Vir ul 18IS Motility liuid Bureau, I *'''1 I lu the samo department, having entered Into u copartnership, will ! hereafter give their joint attention to such business as maybe eonfl j MV 1 ded to their mau ?geiuont under tlie above Arm. They will devote lIK'ir IMll Ulimt ' U) IV HI" ||I ir-i:i Ill 1IUIII1 uiiiiiiv, | ! It)r HSpririK' Court ?( the |uil"i| SUOoa, Hi" Court Iif Claim*, uuil nil I Liu uxi 1'iiiivn 4**|iar[iiitfntJl ni tti? pnerMKUf. s". *1 iiffliv Nil. 410 IViiUHylvanU ?mnun. *" or ivp H .warn ''' ( ??? M, ; npfiXAS LAND AGENCY. ! ll,c* ? X McCAKTY k BROWN, Austin, Texaa, j aV General Land and Meal KdaJLe Agent*, j ^ Will locate land, pay taxes, buy and soil laud <mi ootnmksion, ami at- \v ? 1 tend to everything pertaining to a general laud ageucy. Kel'erenccs |jou i given. and Upon the receipt of $1, wo will Coward to any add roan within the \\v i IT. H., itosbtge paid, tin* late t and best map (just issued) Ot tin* Hlati-n; jo. also, a now work (ju.-t of 400 pagca reading matter, contain- 21, i tug annual statist c? or Uio .state, the progreHH and improvement* iu *ect ' agriculture, commerce, and manufacture*, the increase oC | (ovulation, 15. wealth, ami rrvauue, and staUatica oC all the counties, railroads, rlv- & i or?, improvements, Ac., Ac., Ac. Oct 20? wtf 19, nc "1 ' ' * 1 1 a?i j [No. 027.1 Notice of the discontinuance of the "Platte" , mii and "Chariton" District., the office, for which , ?#, ? are at Plattshurg and Milan, M ssouri, and 1 [(j the suspension of entries of laud therein. i NOTICE is hereby given that, in pursuance of , Uiv luw, and |n view of the fact that tba un>old lands iu thi> j h> t (j t'taV c'r und "Charikm diet riots," in Missouri, are reduced below one hundred thou-ond acres in o.teli district, |lui Secretary of the Interior ! r'W litis directed the dkcoiitinu&iico of raid districts, und that the lauds ttu-u heretofore atihjecf to sale and entry ut the uttoes at l'i.,viTemm? and requ Milan ho immediately wItftdrawu, and made again subject to sale and viz: X) entry at ItoONlviLLK, in said Hate,/com and after the Slat dafqf March y )0 rf.iV. prior h> which tune no applies I lou* will bo received at the di.s DO oontlnned ollico-i, or outrios permitted, except in amntrnma ingcxint- T? DO iey pre emption claim*. T< Do I All persons entitled to patkxh at either of the others at PiJtrrsRt Rcj ft DO or Milan are requested to call for the same on or before the .list day 14. i of March next, as after that date they will be traiuuuiUcd to Boone- Tti j vilk for delivery. Latent* are deittrredfree of charge. Tt ' Uiven under my baud, at tlie city of Washington, this twenty-first Tt - ' day of December, A. P. 1MB. Tt THOfi. A HKHPWCKB, T. Commissioner id tlie General Lund Ofllce. Tt Pec 2S?lawdw flut.ABtar] I ...... At ' ' ^. _ .... . * 4 u ~""*T 1 HMXJEH YARD.?The subscriber would uuoi ,1 TVTfcx - " *k-wtouliouvl bulkier* to LI.) -u|M'rior *li>tV via: m 1 JN rosiKMWully o?i. .... * "" ?i*th sawt ?n<l onus, iwn- j in himlwrju.t rwi-ivol *t Lis wL*i. .... ' "m?Uu?*, r. M-Uiig ofwlilteaud yolliur ptue lwBrils, i>Uuk, Jot-ui,. I -j\ I kitti, k<\ Almi, hemlmik bonnln, tx?t, Md ???utltiig. is Carrtmgi' uuil raWm l iimkcrH ?ra UivU<'J t<> rxauilnn tits i-lmloo va j i? i- rioly ??T ash, hickory, maple, poplar, onus wooa, merry, <*?. i -jm I The above stock oi lumber has beeu ^elected with great care, and ! '[ < will lie sold on reasonable terms. i 2b, ' HEF1HTR.V MoCLUKK, 1M, . n Lev 22 3m Oth street ami Caual of'tl i? tkmJ . TTNITED STATUS PATENT OFFICE, j?/' 41 WiillxaTUN, February 10, 1860, | ' ^ ill ' ON THE PETITION of II. II. Goodyear, administrator of Nelson j the ,jr Goodyear, deceased, of New York, praying' for the extension of a f ami r! patent granted to the said Nelson Goodyear on the 13th of May, NK 1845, for an improvement In ''Manufacture of India Rubber Cloth," ( towi 0. for hoven yours from the expiration of nuid patent, which takes *s\v place on the 13th tiny of May, 18W? I N \ .r It is ordered that the said jxitltiou bo heard at the Patent OtTice on ! the m Monday, the 25th of April next, at 12 o'clock, in . and ull per- . the r. nous are noiiliud to appear and show cause, II any they have, why not i). aaUl petition ought not to bo granted. ' S< r.. Persons op|K>slng the extension are required to Hie in the Patent Of- ? 30, >o I bee their objections, Rjn <rially sot forth in writing, at leu>i twenty 20, ( days before the day of hearing. All testimony Uled by either j*arty , frac j,. to be used at the said bearing must be taken ami transmitted in ac- , rain u , cordauce with the rules of the otfie.e, which will be furnished on ap- ! ? | pi leal Ion. j of* The testimony in the cau? will bo oloMd on the 11th of April * ' and uj definition#, and other papers relied upon as testimony, nrnrst be Ulod NW ,i j in the office on or before the morning of that day; the arguments, | 24, t ! j If any, within ten days thereafter. j ?4t g' Ordered, also, that this notice he published in the Union, Wash tow ingtou, D. C., and Day Book, New York, once a week for throe ; T _ weeks, the first of aaid publications to be at least sixty day# before the J R ?, 25th Ipril next, the day of bearing. the ^ J<*<KPH HOI.T, i t.oc Commissioner of Patent*. | ?4) P. ft.?Editors of the above papers will copy, and send their I \ > | bills to the Patent Ottlco, with a paper containing thin notica. j * ,e | Fob 11?lawnw the - | T TN1TJBP 8TATBH PATENT OFFICE, j v J Washington, February 3, 1859. 34,' V ,?V 1W in. linoV P?.^l? t lLuloHhnra of V..u V?rl nmvilui 28, ri? j for the nxtoMtObof a iiatlRlt granted to lilnoutho 7th of May, 1B46, of I for an improvement in " atovog," for aoven yean from tlw ex >1- j pi ration of laid paliM, wbirb Ukei plaeo on the 7tl? day of May, '* 1 r ihH- ' ? j It U ordered that the aahi petition l>e hee-rd at Ihc Patiat office on N W Monday, the INtii of April next,at 11 oVloeA, m.; wipj fiU poreon* are 431 notified to appear and xhow canoe, if any they LmsMj agid jfCtltiou might not to he granted. . j Person* oppoidng the extension are required to file in4^0ftntept )'{. i' Office their Kpecially set forth in writing, at lead t^w r\ly \jjrJ ! days belbre the day of hearing , nil testimony A led by either pnrtj (o uned ?t the ' aid hearing inuist Imi taken nml I rmoonlttod in accord *hlj aui-e with the rule* of the office, which will he furiiMbcd on appltca- * ti, ! ! Si" <ft The lee ti amy in the cane will bo dotted on the 4th of April; i V'"# 1 , de|?o*Hiow*, and oilier paper* relied vpin t?? te?tim?uy, inwM dd, ^ j he died in the office on or bofltr* the mornitiK of Mint day ; the argu *? * i umidM, If nay, wlthiu ten day? thereafter H,Mvl I Ordwtxl, ;?l v?, that thin notice he published In the Union, Waah- J H* tngton, I). C, and Jtny Ho<?k,N. Y.,?mre* week for throe week* 4? : the flr*t ut said jaehKcalhmn U? be at tea -t Mxtjr dnyn before tin* IMth ; .. . I of April next, the day of earing. JflfflWA Htfl/T, 1 ^ QplliiikifXir of Paiehte. ' if j P. IS. KdWorH of the aixM-n paper* will please copy, and send their -j j hill.- to the Patent Office, with a pa pet containing ibis notice. tow g- fee 4?lawitw , UlW n j } 4 ! /U>NyUJ*ST OK MKXIOO * tu-u history of tl*? , \_J compieat of Mexico, in which la.- ('aaa*' deniunvafceJU * lb# pop P#4* j afar hi-torleii* of that war are fully vindicated. Hy Robert j^^der-op I Wtlaoh, ?ouo?. Ilor irt taw author of *' Mexico and Ih 1\>S' iir Price $*2 ?& Ju-t pnhhahed itnd Tor "ule in Washington el TAYIOW A MAt HY .-* Hookvfore, the I K?b ! No S34 Pans. avenue, ncftf Wh ?lrwl ' re?| [No. (ii# ] | Hy the 1'reaideut of tttc United Maids' pumumice of l?w, I, JAMK.S IH'CIIANAN, j Pn?ldout Of the limed Slatnt of Aiiieriia, d?? hereby de< !ai? I rrukf kuowu Uwl pubiw Bah* will bo held wt the uud??uioaitkuiioU , I ofhoag lu the SUiU of Wiwc-jssuiM, At Uir perioda horetnafUr dc?ig k1, to wit l the land ??fttee at t+nrvic>B I'utjrr. onmin?uotng ?u Muaday, lb* j ti*nlk day y Ap*ii mud, Wt llie dia|??sai of the public Und? Udfti j r? nin th red, nlluaied iu the following to*n*hi|W and port* of ' LUlbipe VivIwrtl of the batt ine ami nut <f Uu fourth pridcxpai me- idian. wa*hi|? 28, ad 30, of rtu^c 2. wft?h>|? 3.1 and 34, <4 innge 5. ?wimldpM 315 and 34, uf ratine 4. 'wu?lii|to 33 and 34, uf range 7. >*n~ht]> 33 and 34, of tango H. I the land uilhu at Pour, cuiuiucuciug on Monday, tU* tec iUi y if May mud, t?T the disl*?Aul of the VKUt latule 1U the ret ft 4a?t.i sections, within Uie uiulcrin.-utioued towu&hij^, which re ' it to tlie tfciltod Stale* u-nhtti sis mitettm ?wA iwlr <*f the rail I t4frotu >l.?'li.-??u or Columbu*, by way of Portage City . to the Si a river or lake, bet wee u township? twenty live aud Unity oue j froiu theucv to the WPWt end of lake Superior t and to bay held| *h4, U n^|?irfi by law , to a luiuuuuiu of taut dtdlart a,Hi ffty j i ftrr acre, vtf. ioriM afth* Ixi* tine- and east cf the fourth principal wutitHan iwuahip* 13, Id, 17, and 1 Ht of range 2. >wn>dh|M 13, 16. uud 17. uf mage* 3 and 4 ?wHaiti pa 16 and 16, uf range ft. twu.dup 16, uf range 6. i the laud ollii o at Kau Ci-ajka, ootuiiu-iu iug ou Mouday, the . ijh 'h day uf April nud, for the di.sp??nal uf the public lauda herulo j uaoflt rcd, nituulod iu the following town, hip* and }>arU of towu j \orih *f the barn- time and exut of the fourth princtjjal Meridian twnahlpa 26. 27, -i -W, Mtnl 30, of range 1. firfl of the bate line and of the fourth principal merit! inn iwnshliM 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36. 36. 37, 38, 30. and 40, id range 1 iwiitftilp* HO. 31, 32, 83 , 34 , 36, 36 37, 38, 30, and 40. of rauge 2 >wn lops 30 31, 32, 33, 34. 36, 36, 3, . aud iu ! uu:v >wu,hip< *10, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 36, aud 37. of range 4 iwiiriiilp* 31, 37, 38, 30, and 40, o( range 6. uUou* 2, 4, 0, 8, 10 12, 13, 14, 18, and 20, to 36, Incluiivc, oT axhip 38 deClioiiw 2.4. 6. 8. 10, 12, 14. 18.20. 22,24 26 28 :M>, 32, Mid 36, of towludiip 30. (he h ^ uf ??cth*l 24; the 8 ol the NK HE l4 <4 .i^Ctiou 3*2: ami section* 34 and 36, of township 40, of jo 9. >vru4Wt?a 33 ami 36; section* 1, 2. 3,4, 0, ami 8; the K ami >4 <4 section 9; section* 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ami 16, Ihu HE ^ i?f >ecilUU* 18 and 20, to 30, indiukvc; the E '? and the HW \ of sec 31 section* 32, 33 34, 35, ami 30, ol tow a l?lp 37 WM'litim 2 4, , 10, It, 14, 18, 20, *42, 24, 26, 3d, 28, 30. 33, M, 35, and 'Mi, ?h u>hip 38; Ui? <S l4 uf Mi-lion 2; sections 10, 12, and 14 ; the HE l4, the H ,'u id the HW ,?4 of Heel ion 18, sections 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 3u, 34, and 36, of township 39, of range 10. imttshlpe 33 and 34; the 88 of section 1; sections 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 13 14, is 20. and 22 the K ami tin- S\V <4 ot M-cism section* 24, 25, and 26; the HE '4 of 27; section* 28,30,32, 35. and 36, of township 36; sections, 2, 4, 6, 8. 10, 12, 14, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 . 34. and 36. of township 37, sections 2 4; the E and the K }'t of the 3W ?4 ol section 8; section* 10, and 14, the E ). of the HE >4 of 18; section* 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 34, und 36, of township 38; the 8 >4 of the NE '4, the HE '4, the S l, of the HW ?4 of vot'tNHi 24; auction 26. except the N -4 tie NW,l4; section* 34 ami 36, of township 39. of range 11. t the laud oflke at Eat Claim?, commencing on Monday, the sexmd May next, for the disposal of the vacant laud* in the tvn num /sections, within tho uudorutcutiuiicd township*, which renuiu ?e United Elates u.ithin six mile* t-n each side of the railroad "frotu won or Columbus, by way of l'ottage City to the Ht. Croix river or , between townships twenty live und thirty one, and from thence it.- west ?ml of lake Huperior; und to liaylleld;" subject, a* reed by law, to a minimum of hao dollars and fifty cents per acre, Yortl? of the base line and wed of the fourth principal meridian. ?wuship 26, of range* u, 6, 7, aud 8. jwnsbips 25 and 40, of range 9. >wu.->hip* 25, 39, aud 40 of lunge 10. nv us hips 25, 38, 39, and 40, of range 11. / t the land < filer at Hi'twoJt, commencing on Monday, the eUh'eentk if Ajiril next, for the disposal of the public lauds heretofore lined, situated in tho following township.- and part* of townships, irrth of the base line and west of the fourth principal meridian. elioiM 2 und 4; the E l4 and the HW '4 of section 8; sections 10, and 14,- the E ol the NE ,l4 , and tlie HE >4 of 18; sections 20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, aud 36, of township 36, the E ^ of the HE f section 2; sections 12 aud 14; the E and the E ol tile HW '4 ctiou 22; sections 24 ami 26; the SE\? of the NE*4 . llieH1; of tin* i. und the NE l4 ol the HE'4 ot section 28; sections 34 ami 36, < 1 . n-ship 37; the K >* of seoUon 36, ol township 38, of range 12. sctiou 36. except the NW ?4 of the NW , of township 36, the W f section 6, of township 38; sections 4, 6, 8, 18, 20, and :>o, of it*hip39; the W \ of the NW ig, and the W }9 id' the SW ?4. of ion 2; s clams 4, 6, and 8; tho NE \ , the W of the HE '4 , and W la of section 10; suction* 18 and 20; the W ?? of S't tloii 22; | Iou* 28, 30, and 32; aud (lie \V }9 ui section 34, of tow nship 40. j Ling e 13. le \V ol the NW "4 of unction 6, of township 36; sections 4,6, ft, 18, the NR l4 and the Wot 20, aud section 30, ol township '17 . I W*U* 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1*4, 14, 18, 20, and 22; the W % of the HW \ i the NW '4 of section 26; .sections 28, 30, and 32; the NE l4 aim j W *, of the HE \ . uud ttie W of section 34, of township 68; |nu? '4, 4, 0, 8, 10, 14. 14. 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, | and 36, of township 39; sections 2,4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14. and 18; | W l, ot MM-Uon 19, sccUou * *20,22, 24, 26, 28, 30,. 32, 34, and >f township 40, or range 14 ctiotis 2, 4, 6, 8, uud 10, the W of tho NE >4,th?- NW , aud W ){oftltuHW ?4 ol section 12; seclion* 14, 18, 20, and 22; the # of section 26; section* 28,-30, 32, and 34, ol township 36; sec i *2, 4. 6, H, 10. 12, 14, 18 . 20. 2*2, *24 . 26 . 28 , 30 . 32 , 34. 36, o! towuship 37; sectimiH 2, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, aud 14; the 4 of 17; section 18; the W ?. ot 19; sections 20, *22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 34, and 36, ot township 38; sections 2 to 12. imdiutve; 14 t?? ion 33; hu'Uuiiri 34 and .'10, of township 39; township 40, ol raugc | otiimx 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, and 14; the IV }a of 17; ftectiuliH 18, 20, 22, 24, 20, 28, mid 30; (in* N 'a, the SW l4, ami the W % of ! SK *4 of section ill; sections 32, 04, ami 00, oi township 00; Heci 2 to 10, Inclusive; the W oi flection U; flections 12 and 14, to i uclUslVe; flections 24, 20, 28, 20, 30, 31, and 32; the W ** of km 33; uml sections 34 ami 30, ol tdWUahip 37; townships 38, and 40, of range 10. miisiliipri 30, 37, 38, 39, and 40, tvf range 17. 1 I the land otlicc at Ihimo.N, commencing on Monday, the stxomi if May next, for tho disposal of tile vacant lands iu toe evennum f sociiuus, within the undermentioned lowuxhlp*, which remain he I'ntlod States, within six miles an each siJc of tho railroad in Madison or Columbia*, by way ol l'ortage City, hi the St. Croix r or lake, between township* twenty-live unl thirty-one, and from I co to tho west end tf I/iko Superior, and to Uayhuld;" subj ;ct, ivs lired by law, to a minimum of It do doll ars and ffty cents jvr acre, iorth qf the Laic line and uvst of the fourth principal mcruli in. iwnshipH 20, 30, 37, 38, 39, and 40. of range 12. lAinhipa 2.), 2b, 27, 33, 34, 3a, 30. 37, 38, 39, nltd 40, of range 13. >WUdhp , 24, 2a, 20, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, Ha. 30, 37, una 38,oi range ivriuhiiw 99, 27, 28, 0?, 21, 82, 33, 31, 35, and 3tl, nf rang.' 15. Wii*hi|M 20, 27, 2b, 29, 31, 32, 33, und 34, of raugo 10. iwn.ship* 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33, of range 17. >wu*hi|M 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32, of range 18. iwnslnjM 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31, of range 19. nvtiflhips 26. 27, 28, 29, uiul 30, of range 20. t the land ollice at Si ckuior Citv, commencing on Monday, the secday of May next, for the dispo.-ui of tho public lauds heretofore lered, situated in the following town-hips and parts of lowushlpfl, forth of the Ixxse line and tvest of the fourth principal meridian. ov us hips 41, 42, 43, and 45, of ruugc 1. ***"abip? 41, 42, 43, and 44, of range 2. " "* 42. 43. uud 44, of range 3. lW"1 -i *,*?>>?. a. u, ik, 20, 22, 21, u". (Uij 311. >4 u.vll'lill' 4?i lr.M-u<m?l 4, #, >1 -id 'nlid 32 41ft oh.:""'* 31 nud 3d, <rf towiuliip Is, u?- s '1'sr ' I til VK. I unit il, i? K >, '4 On' SW i. of Mdwu Ml.ltw i,3/? - .Kdiuu 3: Z * J,V |l?? ?fi \ , Il?- SK '4 , ud !.l tin' SW I, Df ^tt.on 30, acdtlnn 32, and t)..u 34, ldKdu'l2<0fl,'and M,1>l loirwWp 47: tin' K ),u< Itiu XK , d''d K ' ol lb* 4? '* of a?n|u? 2; .le- Uon ?K> K'.nftl-n Uu K <>< lie f* ?f k?C|I?>i Wl "dCiiuu Mi W- 7, \ Me. 1 Mild ill" K'j of A# ."IC Ol Kui llnl) 29, aUd .opUni. ?d, 01 n^iil|> 44; llicy I, id til" Nh ',i M"' 11'- 'a.'"''1 s 'J1 I 1,1 linn an, .d luwualllli 44: f'ldlnua f, 4, H, 10, ?"d 12; Ilia lln-N Idlln-SK '?,U.u N ?f ??# ? ?H? Hi'/H ?f L'W ? of section 14; secilous 18 uhd 201 - ? flr the ffl1. , X I ul rlli'NlV and 11.,-SW of Am. NW ?? Ml I <?>< " ?; Hcrimn 3D #| (nnn?til|> 51, ?l laliit" 5. j ,t i 1,1 u 13 14. IS. '20. 22, 23 , 24,25,89, 47, M, i :t2. a4tW, n'ud 36,*VI41; 2,4. ? ?, 10. 18, uail 30, oi township SO; Inn tKWU MVtyWfl 22 4U<1 24; Motion 26 Lioiutl mo tion* 28,32, and 04 j MOlton 56, of low n*ljip 5), ? t ;? 6. wt-lioiiK 2 and 4; Uio SK of tfe* NK l4, And th?> K y4 of the 8R >4 SOUOU 4; mrlion* 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26. 28, 80, 82, 84, 36, of Uhviuiiip4|; imstious 12 ami 14, ux?opl the NW of th?ol emili, section 22, owrjtl tbu W '4 of tlw* NW '4 ; oectioiH 26, nod 28, the K ?t, the SK ?4 of tb? NW ?4 , the K ?, oi (lie SW and IhcsW '4 of lh?- SW \4 or .section 32; hivtiojtjw 34 oiul 36, of nrfUip 42, of inn^o 7. h? K J., tlw K of tbe NW >4, and l)?SW of hoc lion 24; the ? of lue NK '4, the SK l4, and the K of the sW of section 26; SK *4 of lh*? NK '4, and the K ,'a ol the SK *4 offtoatfcMi .'14; hoc 1 38, ol townrfbtp 41; tlio N >4 of the NK ?4, uie SW !4 of the NK and the W <4 section 6, of township 43; Ibo NW *4 of ttw; NK tha NW l4, tin? N ?? of the SW '4, and the SW *4 ol the SW \ net ion 2; potions 4, 6, and 8; tins S 1t of the NK l;4, the SW i4 of NK l|, tlwNW l4 of the SK 4^, and Ibo W /4 ol HtM'Uoii 10 ,.Miction section 20, except tins SK '4 of the SK '4 , section 80, and the of tb? NW ?4 of 32, of township 44; Mictions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 1,8, 2ft, and 2*J: tho W of sesitiot' 84; sections 26, 28,240, 82, nod of fhwusj^p j$f acytjop* 2, 4, 8, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24. 26 30, 82, 34, a??if / U * ! *? * ectiom- '2,4,6, 8, ttyeN 1' of the NK I4, the 8W *4 tf llic I ?4 , III.' NVV ?4 . the N '4 or the SVC ''" i.u-1 L * ; ' ' tlm l?I 12; the W % oft lit* NIC *4 . the NW ?4) au'V iftV*W '??? uf &{, tiV.' nf section 14; see*Ions IK aud 20; tho N ,l4, the rlW aw ift\? 4 ??l tho SK >4 ??f o*ohon 22: sections 28, iM 32, * township ?... lions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 2, 14. 18,20, 02,24 , fti, 28, HO, 32, ?U, ami of township 44; secthm*,!, 4, 6, *, 10. 12, 14, 18. 20, 22, 24. 26, 80, 32, 34, ami 36. of township 4o, herttton* 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, K, 10, 11, J4, 15, IK, 20, 22, 23, 24 , 26, 27, 28, ?l, 32, 84, mU<! 30, ol town l> jk: fious 1, 2, 3, 4,6, h, unci 0 U* 15, im hi ive; hocMohk Ik, rihtl 22 .to 2?. .^fjiwive, .->ch thaw 30, 32, 34, 85, an I 46, of tow u j> 47, Ami wwni-htfj 42 except section 31. or range 9 'lie N *? of Ilk* NW ?4 */f t:ie N *4 of section 4; section .f towmhip 41; Ml km 2. 4. ?; V 10 JV |4 18 20. 22, 24, 20, 30, 52, ?f#*i'34 Uu> NW '4 -#f Hi? h'fc '4, Wrd the Na. ' j4 ecllon of towushjp $0i"$jwfKfa* 2 Utid 4; the !?',!? tkfmK,W?ii ??, ' section* . 0, 12, If 13, A, M W,P), 30, 32, 34, ami .>1, uf lown*ti%> 43, ? lions 2 ami 4; lio* K H. the p, M fty* NW *4, ami the K >a <m the | \ of section 6; mtK*u? lo, 12 and 14. fL/K ly'uf.the S? u (M K *? ol the 4|5 ?4 of >e?41oti 18', soHkms TO, 22, TO, TO, and the K % of 4fce rftC \ of *?t||<>i? 80: aocttaNhi Ti'i, 30 of nsht|? 44, im tfcfM 2, 4, 6, 8. 10. 12, 14. IK. 20, 22, 24, TO, Bit, :?0, 34, and 36, ot towiJHhip 45, acctioua 2, 4, 0, Hf 10, 12, 14. 1H, 20, 24. 26, 23. 30,3$ 34, ami 86, of town-hip 46, ?> range 10. tic K ?* the nk ami rfi?? K ?? of the y 01 section iaf nf uship 42; tho T. *?loi smsfMi 24 ami the K <4 Of g$Qthm 80, ol twltiip 43, tin* K ff of the NK ftivt the K '* <it the <*f* ? ^ aecth u a?Mt tho k >, ot 24 14 1 '\aoship 45, *-0^, 2^ the K 1. ?4( ami the K ?; ofttieMv nf xirtlon 4, ihv *: ?. the Nvv 1 the IT ^ ofthekW '4 of-eetmn If) nwhI** Jg the K if I lie K of the KW l4 of sertam 14; the K H. the N V \ ?n.| It U ?4 fhu MW 4 of ?et Mm 24. ?4 lowimhtp 47; veottoTi* 2, 4 6 n J2. and 14 iii ft ;| :?f ife? tmn 18, ae< iunik 2t), 2 J 24 26 ttmt j), 1C |'rtfi#rtWb?|%i#l ?-!!..ns .1 Mu, ht u>aL?hti 48 ,g ' ,<s ^ . ?. . ' Tlx K ^uuki nk. iwitmmi 31, kUo l^u( it* j?? u Uihi I 2, wl lowunhlp 48 of range 12 IWlUoa* , 4, M, <Mm1 10; tbw W Utc W M of Ut? Nik Mt a#td tin W ft ofiht SK V*, of eqrtloti 12, ftrrttotM 14, 18 20 aim! 3 t)?. W ol thr N't ^ , Mfed Um> W ,rf lit* ISJL W and Ihm W <, ut U4M) -'4 section- 26 26, 3Q, 82, and 84 lift* W t, of U? SW . Had the W l, Offbe SW ol wecthai UO, <*f umu&htp 41; WKtt?>u.t 2 4 fl, g. Mud 10; the W tg uf NOi'rtt 12 fOClkM* 14. 18 20 aud 22. thr W ^ ! . t vi 24 I. I'.-.*') 28 3u 12 ; .1 tit* W i, ?lf 11*4- N . U?>- W }m <4 thr >K *4 . *ud lh> W 4# uf *rt twu Mi, ol km a- hip 42 .>? tiaQ# 2 4,6. 8, and 10 thr W 't ol wiuw 12 ecifton* 14. 18, 20 and 22. iU? W *g ot -xlMMi 24 26. 26, 30 82. and 34. tfc. W H of 80 of towushli# 43 MMljiMtp 2. 4, 6. 8. aud 10 fx W *4 ? ( thr SW 4 of (tectum 12 *ectk?u* 14, In 20 22 24 . 20 28. 30, 82, and 34, the W ta of Om* M. '4, and the W >% ol *. ctn>u .'10 .f township 44 teoiMM *2 4 6, 8 and 10; tlx- V t4, lh?? SW l4, *u l the W %i ol thr tUt of reoh u 14. W?Un*to 16, 20, and 22, thr W t, uf Ui Mil ^, thr W <rf the S4I! l4, and the W section 26; auction < 26, 30, 32, aimI 84, uf kmusbip 48; Mtiufta 6, I, 16. 20, au<l 22, Nte S1V '4 of miction 24, tedious 26 28, 30 32, and 84 the W *4 of, tkui 36, et kmutdup 40, of raugr 18. Sections 2 and 4 to 10. inclusive, Net turn* 1J, 14, 17, 18, 10, aiuI 20; tlx SW \ ot teoUoB 21 22, 24 26 26, 20, 30, 31, 31. 34 ?u t 30, <8 losua)ii|i 41, srr'Uou* 2. 4, 8, 6, 7 , o*0 8, the Ira<ii-Mt uf 9, vnMtuf thr St. IVoi* r\rtr Mr< Uo?ui 10, 12 14, 17. 18, lt? 26 tbr W % <4 .w* Uuu 21, ^nUuOf 22, 24 20 2H, 1?, 30 31 32. 33, 34, AU?i 36. Of towtkehlp 42; WlM 2. 4, 3. 6, 7. JUt?i 8 thr W ol eecuoo 0. mlioiM 10, 12, 14, 17, 16 16 aiiO 20 thf W \ o4 *,-> (toai 21; ?rcti??x 22, 24, 26. 28, 20, 36. 31 aoU 32 th? W ?, of be. lutn 88; s?t*ih>iut M ?u?t 30. <4 kmnahi|* 43; iwlaou* 2, 4, 8, 6. 7. 6, 10, 12 14 17 18. it#. aud 80, thr W *4 U .^'ttuii 21 Jvot???06 2i 24, 2x 28, 80. 30, 31 Mud 32 thr W S of MrrOlMilS; ?mkm- 34 Mild 30. of U'wushtp44, ??hUous 2, 4, 6, 7, 6, 1(1, 12, 14, 17, 18. 16,20, 22 24, 26 28, 86, 34> 31, 81. 34 aud 86 <jf k?vux*bi|? 43 a?M*tloii42, 4 0, 8. 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24 . 20 , 28, aud 30. the W '4 <6 >.*, tM'U 31 WftiMii 32 34. and 30, ??f Umn-hi|? 40 er<lioB 6 the \V l4 of MTtu>u 8; ateHitiiu 16, 20, 28, 30, 88, and 34, of Kiwunkiti 48, uf rnu^r 14 TowoshifM 41, 42, 43, 44, *ud 46. m raone 10. At thr Ltud nhcr >u Si ra^ooM ("mr. cumuieerteg on M?huU> . iknix ttntfA<6ry</ May ttrxl, tor thr duiMhul uf the vtu ant lAiuh* u? lhrrt>rn nuuiOrtr-U iums. withti the iiudrriuriitiourd hmn^hiiit wtiirb rriuaiu the I'uiuhI Stairs, wutno ri* mil** oh r*uK of the railroad 4 from Ihuli-ou *?r Coluuiho*. by way of Pi*rlMfe ilty , t?? thr St. Oui\ rtvrror lakr. iM-ittwn kmiishiix tMcnty Ave uud lliut> >?ur. mii?1 ifofii IhrWSi U? Um wrsl oud of IaIi* S?j|M?rior, aud l?? lit) 6ehl subjtH'l, x* required Uy Uvt, to a Ittintmoii) ot /*?U itolia/H art I fifty c*nt* f*r?r/v, vi/ Xortk itf thr 6uw line and it*M (ff theJaurth fn'tn. ipal me.roiiun. 1\H*cifthi(i9 40 ?ud 30. of reiiy.o 4 IVqmebiiMt 47. 48, 4s rni. and 51. of range 5. Towncbtpib 47, 48 46. and IS), ??t rungo 0 Towurhl|? 41 and 42 of range 7. fhwtuihtpi* 41, 42, 43, 44, and 4i, ol range 8 Toan^hipe 41, 43, Mud 44, of range 6. Tow!irild|M 41, 42, 43. 44. and 46 ol rrtugr 10. rownnlii|is 41, 42. 43, 44. 4i, 46. 47, uiol 48, of raiigr II. Towitshi|w 41. 42, 43, 44 45. 40, 47. 48. and 46, id rmtges 11 and 13. TowUrtlilfW 47, 48, and 40, of ratigr 14. At the InndoOhv mi mummu, cutnuiencOlg on Monday tha eighth nth (Ui0 ttf April ji-rt, for thr disjAimtl ol thr public lunda hrrrlotore iju otfrrcd, situatiMl lu the ndl?mtug hmitshipa and part<? of lowuships, viz : owiif. .7 i??. >inr ???<" m'w rwn i// i e juunn jjrtiv menanxr? ToWDthtfM 127, 28 29, find 30 ; section 2 ; the W ofuectlOB 3 ; section* 4 to 10. iiichuitvc ; section# 12 ami 14 : section Li, except the NK l4, ami lite K '4 of the SK ; #ect?ou- 17 to 22, inclusive ; *c? tioiiw 24 and 26 to 34. h? lu->ive. the W >? of section 35, and *ediou flu of township 31; section 2; the W l? of section 3; -ectioun 4 to 10, tn olinnve; sections 12 unit 14 ; the \Y y4 of section 15 . sectiona 17 to 22, inclusive; sections 24 and 2t>; the W l4 of section 27; sections 28 to 31 iuchtsive; midsection 36. of township 32, of range 12. Sections 2 to 10, iuolusive; suctions 12 und 14 to 24, inclusive; sections 26 to 30, inclusive, of township 27; sections 2. 4. 6, 8, 10, 12.14. 18, 20. 22. 24. 20, 28. W, 32, 34, and 30. of ton uship 31; sect urns 2, 4, 0. 8, 10, 12, 14, 18. 20, 22, 24, 20, 28, 30, 32, 34. and Jfl, of town *ldp 32, of range 13. HeoUons 2 . 4 , 0 . 8, 10. 12, 14, 18 , 20 . 22 . 24 . 26, 28. 30, 32, 34. and 36, of towu-hip 27 . sections 6 und 18; tt?e W k4 of 20; Si-ctioiif 30 and 32, of township 31; the W l,4 of the NK 'H, the W )4 of the SK und the W }4 of section 6 ; the W x4 of the NK '4 , the W 1i' of the SK. 4, aud tlic W of seetioii 18; the \V l4 of tho NK '4', the W xm ot the SK K , and the W x.4 of section 30, of township 32, oi range 14. Section 6 ; the W ot section 8; section 18; the W t 'i of section 20; section 30; the W x4, and the W x4 of the SK of section 32,of to wu ship 27, of range 15. Section.* 2 and 4; the N Ja and the SK ^ of section 8; sections 10, 12. 14, 22. 24, und 26; the E >a of section 23; sections iU and 36 of township 31; section* 2 uud 4 ; the K ,'a ofseciiou 6; sections 8, 10,12, and 14 ; the N K *4 and I lie R of the SK x4 of section 18; sections 20. 22, 24, 26, and 28. the K of the NK }4 and the K *4 of the SK '4 of sta tion 30; section* 32, 34. and 36. of tow nship 32; sections 2 and 4, the K }4, tin* NW '4. and tin; K ?a of tho SW of section 6. hoc lions 8 10 12, and 14; the K tj tike K of the NW \ . and the E )'t of the SW \ ofseotiou 18, M-n 'Wirf 20, 22 , 24 , 26, and 28; the E S sue t?ou 30; so turns 32. 34, u id 36. of tow nship 33, of range 16. Svti.nn 2, 4, 8, 10. 12, 14. 24), 22, 24, 26. and 28; the K the K *, of III.' NW , and the K J, of the SW of section 32; sections 34 and 36, of township 29; sections 2, 4, 6, 8. 10, 12, 14. 18, 20,22, 24, 26, and 28; the K , and the K fg of the NW *4, of s ction 30. sections 32, 34, ami 36. of low u? hip 30; section; 1 uud 2; the K of toH'lion 3; .-i-ciion.s 4, 0, 8, 10, It, 12, 13, und 14; the K }4 of Section 15. section* 18. 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34. 35, and 36, of township 33, of range 17. S,. tioiH I. 2, 4. 6 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 20. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30. 32, 34, 35, and 36, of township 28; sections 1. 2. 4. 0, 8, 1U, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18. 20, 22, 23, 24. 25, 26, 28, 30. 32, 34. 35. and 36, ot township 2'?; sections 1, 2. 3. 4. 6, 8. 10. 11. 12, 13. 14, 15, 18, 20. 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. 27, 28. 30, 82. 34. 36. uml 36. of township 30; townships 31, 32. 33, 34, 36, 36, and 37, of ruitge IH Townships 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, and 37, of range 19. At the land ollhv at Mknamu,, commencing on Monday, the txond day of May next., for the dbqK>sal of the vacant lands in the even-num hered sections, within the undermentioned townships, w hich remain to the Uultod Static, within sir mil** on tmeh *ulr of the railroad "iron* 1 Koud dn lfief on l?uke Wuinchago, northerly to the State line," mlt? Jeet, as required by law. tn a minimum of two <U>Hart and Jlfty cents $ 2? -r acre, viz : North of th hise li te and rut of th- fourth principal meridian. Townships 31 and 32, of range 14. Townships 17. 18, 10, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, and 33 of range 15. Tow ii-tnps 15, 16. 17, 18, Hi 20. 21, 22, 23. 24, 25, 26, 27, 31. 32, and 33, Of range 16. Townships 15, 16. 17, 18. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. 26. 27. 28, I 29. ami 30. of range 17. Townships 15, 10, 20, 21, 22, und 23, of range 18. At the land ?Hire at I*a Cuossr, commencing on Monday, the tijh- I;'; ftrnJh dtiy of Aywil ncjrd, for the disposal ol tiie \ acant lands in the I evenmiwbtrcd sections, wilhiti the undermentioned townships, which I remain to the United States, within six milts on mch si<lt of the rail I road "from Muiisau or t'olumhas. by way of Uort i'go City . to the St. I Croix river or lake, between town-hips twenty live und thirty one, mid I from thence to the we-d eud of Like Superior, and to May field;" sub | u.i r? ?|uiica oy uaw , 10 u iiniiininin ui new tioitart an f J\Jiy CcW Imsj'acre, viz: North, of the bate litis and eatt of the fourth prim ipal meridian. Townships 16, 17, 18, and 16, of range 1. Township 14. of range* 3 and 4. Township* 13 aud 14, of range ft. Townships 12, 13, aud 14, of range# 0 and 7. Township# 10, 11, 12, 13, aud 14. of raug< 8. North 'J the bate tine ami ivc*t of the fourth principal meridian. Township# 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. of range 1. Townships 17, 18, 10, 20, 21, ami 22, of range 2. Township* 19, 20, 21, 24, 23, and 24. of range* 3. Township* 20. 2), 22, 23. lUut *24. of range 4. Townships 22, 23. and 24, of range 6. Towtoshtp.-: 23 aud 24. of ranges li, 7. S. 9, 10, and 11. Tovrn'hips 23, 24, 2ft, and 26, .4 range 12. Tow nships 21 and 25, of range 13. Township 24. of range 14. Lands appropriated liy law fur the uso of schools, Indian, military, and other purposes, together with lieu Us\vaiup and overflowed'1 lands, will he excluded from the sale-. The tracts along the linos of tin- r ilroods will bo sold, subject to the right of way granted by the act of 1th August, 1852, lor said railroads, and the particular tracts cut by the routes will bo sold us containing |J the quantities respectively shown on the oflleial p! ts without deduc l| The offering of the above lauds will be commenced oil the day a ap- td pointed, and will proceed in the order tu which they are advertised 1| until the whole shall have boon ottered aud the sales thus olu-Od; but f ^ no sale shall he kepi open longer than two weeks, and no private en II try of any of the above lands will be admitted until after the etptm || I iou of the two weeks. \ > under my hand, at tlio city ol Washiugion this twenty u*irtu M (la) of IkHiJiiWr, Auimi Jknimni one thousand right hundred and litt> fig lit. . JaMKS IHTflANAN f By the President: TgO*. A. liKN|lM|? 'Hi4, I Oaonui^Hmer of llic General La&d Offltx*. I NOTICE TO PKK-fcmiON CLAIMANTS. | Kycyy iHifsuu Di)(|tlu(i to the right of pre emption to any ol' (belaud* M within the town^Iiip- ami part* <?| town-hip* ul>ovo etiuim'ratud hi re B quired p> r>uthtM) lh? watue to tin- malefaction of th> register and r? V cc|vor of tho jiro|H-i land nll)re,.uid moAv fxtym+n/ then far (u toon ui s i\fbr *trt?H WW* <i-/n k, mi'l h.-lure the day appointed for I the fonuiii'iijflprnf of t|j?? |juhi?<- s;?la ttf the land* embra. iug the | if Hi'I fl-PhP'* oOpTWi e .-wrla will he (hrfbitod. > TIKV A HFNDKU'KS CuoiitlMka^r <?f tho General Uml o?oc. Dec rw U*l3v (Int. A Star* Not* Coder the regulation* ol the dci*rtm*?t, a i heretofore and a pnw e\i*tmg, mi | ay me nt can In made |? ?r adverting ppielaindloM 9 ?\0*pi ui xin h pnh Inborn o* nr*> <ip?W?*Dy ai'thutixnl to publish hy ?!? g OtHyont-firmer uf the CouenJ l?unu IHIiee WILLIAM T. UOV fC Al CO., Oih tfr/fi, it /fir lb*#* mrth of /Wf)*y/wfflMf irfunr, ?JFO Imivr to aunonneo to the citizen* of V\ iftli S It ingU>n that they are now prepare to oHectrte any orders | which they may he favored with in tho |j rLl'MBING, CAB, AND ttRAV FITTING tmuioc**- The r**|*-ctive brum lieu will he under the auper vision ol , skilful wurkincn from the Ninth, where practical erporkNMt ha* 19 made them familiar with all the- modern improvement*. In kct, IS they have *|iarod neither troubl* uor exjxuice to procure the very j J| ffo invite attention to our stock of CJIAMDBUKR9 and other JB DxlllfMk j|| X. B. Strict fttUotton, promptness hi the execution of order*, and g fair price* indm e ua to hope tor a share of public patronage. |jj Dm lb -if ? Deafness \sp mvm woisjjs in jfijt d FAR*, NKRVOCd HF.AD AND MIND CGMPLAIVIV *Av BW* 9 oKuritiH asc ? ri H8 -Xfrfttah and Foreign Infirmary for tho rV euro of Ixutflii'?#, Hiwd and Mind Corn plaint*, iW rspuug Garden*, H Charing Gross, Ixmdon, England <>>nHiihti?K aurgrou, Chabiw M? nR* m FnnKi i Skixxhm, oh<|. H* gbrter*Ht pur*uant to act of PUrUanient ^ ' KB retary, J*?x Powku., A nexv ?lt*< ovory, b? lng a po*lllve iwth?d IB of tn.'ll cure, affording inatant and magical r?*ltof to Mifllbrer* w!n? in*y E9 luvo boeu do?t ftu" 44) or AO year#, by mean* of a ootupouud in alicat. ?l 11 \ a|M?r upplhsl to the external year. When the vapm U paadngont, ? h U held by the tm?orcr for one minute to the ear affected aUn'n- [S ytMui.. J.,y jntlant , u Ih? provtotwly wiw deaf, U ??iwible?t to hmr cwT n 0oaHd otmvtytr . ' few utgbU' u*?> iii a himiUr way a ill j ? ynmrbittov to warn tht m<>-? IIWrt*r?tv? ? ?*. J <U ''.usai n*d nol^ I? 4b* knarf It ii? a Ht->j? t<? amniripboa *u4 oxorbMfcim Oaa.. bnlo -o?< jjB 'extremely 4o*f by <uieaiMi <>f tl?f? ana ptrmaafittly onro ?? any tin tout part of tbf wcu Ui, without pain. Thousand* Jp*vo beu# jfl 40 LarftH'l bfiajriMg^-atul I'or^Tor rmniad ftofti the ^ ? tlio nioj/H 'n- JJiWU'tllSud prato-mler* <i Uir pr^wd'lay. M llor-nitif arid pflratr tAvtimoinahr ap<|' rairfpp &t*ft fyu^i m<*t eiiy |9 ootii phy?Man* aid Mirppon* \u fcn^lnml. lu wb?*? pr&otyN) ?I? ?1 i! ' Tb Ijroii ourotl, at pi many huudr?*4.s )f }>rhfct? ru| <), ? caa twj **?* or nlWtwl tft. Any gnftrv*?r oi\ tha cufit4pont, or r<M jjj . "**f,r Uie four quartoru of lb*- globe, eau uowtbr oure<l, * ? i.T m,J 4 #A tbaua, with pocnuary pr**< ri|<t<>o?. M Ifcto d.-wary ran i* Mut tiiauwaiffi. iH<>y*r?*u?*?a, *IV . that will mi.!* thou p?iu. f ' , llw f,ml <* Uto uumum ??f ?ira which mast o+ **nt to lb* am 5 1'' , +*q , 32 Spring Uaj-<teM, (baring Ccom, 9 korUim! H ran l*> ??nu ?mh#?r by baokT a .Irnfi pa y a bio in ICnK^n*1- '4' or not** of the <v.m?tr? *?*l<*ntf io mr* fhron ?>wa of ??...*! ?m-t ! J rap' (l ifrw rs AOit ooMkm to thu brad, ?10 10a. Jo* 14 >11/ .