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wont. HELENA, historical Library | * ~ WESTERN NEWS' 1 ORICAL SOOlt i j MONTANA. Helena With which is consolidated THE LIBBY TIMES and THE TROY TRIBUNE VOLUME XXXIII Libby, Lincoln County, Montana. Thursday, June 22, 1933 Number 3 Mine Work Not Necessary For One Year Congress Cancels Require ment for Relief of Claim Owners, REQUIRED NOTICE MUST BE FILED BUTTE, June 17 (Special) —For the second year, mining claims be held without assessment work, cording to the provisions of a bill re mently passed by congress and signed by President Roosevelt, it T\aa been an nounced by Vice President A. E. Adami, professor of mining at Montana School of Mines. Under the provisions of the bill min ing claim owners who were exempt from payment of federal income taxes for the calendar year of 1932 may hold their claims by filing in the office of where the location notice or certificate is recorded a notice of intention to keep the claim. This law thus exempts persons from assessment work lor me fiscal year from July 1, 1932, to July 1, 1933, Unless further legislation is passed by the national congress the assessment work mùst ' be resumed next year. may ac passed last year and signed by President Hoover, and also to a bill passed dur ing the World War. The act, as passed by congress pro vides in part as follows; "That the provision of section 2324 of the revised statutes of the United States he suspended as to all mining claims in the United States, includ ing Alaska, during the year beginning at 12 o'clock meridian July 1, 1932, and ending at 12 o'clock merdian July 1, 1933. "That the provisions of this act shall not apply in the case of any claimant not entitled to exemption from the payment of a federal income tax for ' the taxable year 1932. "That every claimant of any such mining claim, in order to obtain the benefits of this act, shall file, or cause to be filed, in the office where the lo cation notice or certificate is recorded, on or before 12 o'clock meridian July 1, 1933 a notice of his desire to hold said claim." Such a notice might be of the form suggested by Walter W. Bradley, state mineralogist of California, as follows; NOTICE OF DESIRE OF TO HOLD THE MIN ING CLAIM FOR THE ASSESSMENT YEAR, 1932-1933. Notice is hereby given by the un that he is dersigned..*. the claimant of the . ing Claim situated in. .. Mining District, County of of Montana and that he desires to hold said mining claim during the assess ment year 1932-1933 under the pro visions of the Act of Congress entitled, "An Act providing for the suspension of annual assessment work on mining claims held by location in the United States and Alaska." Approved May 18, 1933. .rein state That the location notice or certifi cate of said mining claim is recorded in the office of the county clerk- and recorder of said county, (that being the proper office of record), And notice is hereby further given by said claimant that he, said claim ant was entitled to exemption from the payment of a federal income tax for the taxable year 1932." * Dated this .1933. day of Claimant. * If several claimants join in giving this notice it should appear therein that each of them was entitled to said exemption. Gold From Midas Mine Totals $11,290 Operations For Short Periods Bring in Neat Sum—Output Will Be Increased to Plant Capacity. The Midas mine south of Libby has recently received $11,290 from ship ments of concentrates t 0 smelters. This announcement was made during the past week by Jay P. Graves, presi dent, in Spokane The mill at the mine was operated at a third capacity during two peri ods. During the first, period $5500 worth of gold was taken and in the second period $5790 in gold was the result. "The mill and the crew having been new, the best results were not ob tained but the conditions are protnis ing," Graves said. "The earnings were beyond our expectations. "The current assays show higher values than had come from the mine in several stopes opened above the tunnel level. Some of the assays ex ceed four ounces in gold to the ton. Our expectation of the heads was $12.50. "The appearance of the mine is good for the progress made and its future looks promising. We expect to increase the milli capacity ng gradually to 75 ton», the of the plant." TRUCK NEARLY GOES ..... . . Wright, with its driver, nearly went into the swollen waters of the Koo tenai river Monday night, near Grambauer ranch. The truck was tax ing a load of baled straw to the C. C, C. camp on Pipe creek but the driver missed directions and got onto |he river road, leading past the Gram bauer ranch. Flood waters had washed the highway until .it crumbled under the truck, letting one side into the water. Fortunately, it didn't go all the way, and forest service workers were able to pull it out onto drv land, with I no one hurt. INTO KOOTENAI RIVER Burglar Gets One Year la Penitentiary Steals Saddle, Bridle and Other Articles Prom Border Patrol— Divorce Granted. Leon Chelson was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary at Deer Lodge, by Judge J. E. Rockwood in district court Monday. Chelson pleaded guilty to a charge of burg lary. Some time ago he stole a saddle, bridle, chaps and other articles from one of the border patrol at Eureka. Edna K. Dedrick was granted a di vorce from Wm. A. Dedrick, the plaintiff alleging extreme cruelty. She was given the custody of a minor child. Dedrick agreed to pay $15 month for the child's The a month for the child's support. The case was not contested. Wm. Herbert was attorney for the plaintiff. The estate of W. H. English de ceased, of Troy, was closed; M. D. Rowland attorney. Judge Rockwqod will be in Libby on June 30 to hold court. __ [This is a department for the dis . ... , However, what appears m this department does not necessar III r ^ e f ct 4he Vlews of thls W"-: me Editor.j | j m«,*.«. w r -,, M , Editor Western Nows, Libby, Mont [ Dear Sir; As you probably know, all i of the temporary forest service em- j ployees who in former years worked I on trail and road and similar proj-1 ects, are this year either without any work after the last of this month or else are only offered a chance to join The Forum cussion of pertinent topics by anyone! who so desires. . It is open to every one and any suitable subject may be considered. Libby, Mont,, June 19, 1933. I the C. C. C. at one dollar a day. Even the forest employees whose work will not be done by the C. C. C. are affected. The pre-season and fall work which fills in his full season's work is now cut short. In fact, every forest service employee is a loser. This means a smaller forest payroll and consequently affects the entire section. t ! j ■ n In normal and in all preceding years, the forest service has been a source of income for all sections in which they are located. We workers spent the greater part of our wages locally, The forest service itself bought hun dreds of dollars of locally purchased supplies. The loss of any part of their work will be felt. Now, instead of the forest service, we have the army C. C. C. What do they bring to the community? That remains to be seen, but we can sec that work which the forest service would normally do over a period of years, paying decent wages and prob ably a source of local income, now be ing done in a few years. The C. C. C. hires very few local or sectional workers in proportion to their numbers. They pay practically nothing and buy no supplies locally. The regular forest work with a nor mal season's employment was, in ef fect, merely a matter of relief. If one managed carefully, he could exist through the winter. But what will the locals who join the C. C. C. have when it is over? True, we need forest conservation and the people need the work, The two facts are indisputable, but do we want an "army" (and it is an "army") of C. C. C. dollar a day men in our for ests when right home we have thousands of skillful woodsmen who would jump at the chance to work at a decent wage? We have a fprest service which could handle this work, pay decent wages and provide a source of local income. If they must have an army, place the C. C. C. recruits in regularly established barracks and give them some sort of training that would be of benefit to them. This is not a matter that is affect ing just us forest employees. It should concern every public spirited citizen in these forest sections. If we who live in these forest areas do not protest this encroachment of these eastern C. C. C. recruits into work which should belong to us who live here, then each year will see an additional influx of them diverting a source of local employment to the east. Sincerely yours, A LIBBY FOREST WORKER. Life Guard at Swimming Pool. Bradley Phillips has been secured to act as life guard at the mill swimming pool from 1 to 6 p. m., every day ex cept Sunday. „ ZT - ; IT - ; , . r - and ^to rs ' " aRe . r . Heils and Mr, and Mrs. George Neils motored to Kalispell this morning. _ Explains Plans I __ ■ (j /y JÉ — ^ the;§^||| n r M 11 | | f| U ! R V* iVvUUvlllM ! O j mu mg g . A /VA WW I UT Jk I 111 | K JU| * » w w Processing Tax of 30 Cents a Bushel Will Be Levied. \ FARMERS CONTRACT TO CUT PLANTINGS BOZEMAN, June 19.—Plans for re ducing wheat acreage through allot ments to farmers to apply to the com ing fall and spring plantings and for collecting a processing tax on wheat products to supply funds for benefit payments to farmers were announced in the press June 17. According to the news stories, Sec retary Wallace has announced that a processing tax of approximately 30 cents per bushel will be levied soon after July 1 of this year. Two-thirds of the fund so raised will be used to pay bonuses to farmers this fall when they sign contracts to reduce acreage. It is expected that these bonus pay ments will be largely completed by September 15. The bonus payments are regarded as an insurance feature which will be particularly valuable to farmers whose crops have been destroyed or dam aged. The June 17 statement clears up much speculation as to what form the wheat program would take under the farm adjustment bill enacted May 10. The allotment plan, developed by Montana's M. L. Wilson and who now is one of the administrators of the wheat program, supported by the processing tax is the heart of the pro posal by which the necessary acreage reductions will be achieved. . , . , j T S W t0 red ^, acreage (amount to be determined after the The total acreage for the nation and allotments to states and counties will be based upon average production for the past five years. Allotments to farmers will be based upon averag e for the past three years. The work ot arriving at individual allotments will be accomplished through volunteer county and community committees and through the cooperative action of farmers, Farmers will be expected to sign outcome of present international con ferences are known, Farmers will receive benefit pay ments upon that portion of their al loted production which is necessary domestic consumption. The bene fit payments are intended to bring the purchasing power of a bushel of wheat to a parity with what it was during the five-year period before the war. No curtailment of the present wheat crop is contemplated because adverse I conditions have already greatly re duced potential production for this season. The acreage reduction proposal is considered Pessary because of the! _i- t l t • ,, . /■ nnnr nvi r mte1 . jit- >«•.,, y KrüfoKt ?* i m i . rprlnifin nf to ion rl' S v by m t h n V n t' £ and [j* Z T °£ lÄafnl ■ j G, , , , . „ , I The? plan for wheat follows closely, ^e suggestions of wheat growers and fan R organization representatives at conferences held recently at Washing ton - Miss Inez Ratekin, county librarian, reports that she has a constant call for magazines for farmers and others. To supply this demand she is asking all who have old magazines in their homes to please call her, she will list their names, and on a stated day, probably next Saturday, will have a truck call for them. Please phone Miss Ratekm at once if you have magazines to donate._They MAGAZINES WANTED. T Kootenai River Highest in Years; Crest SeemsTo Have Been Reached The Kootenai river at Libby is drop ping after reaching the highest mark since 1916. The crest here was 15.58 feet on Sunday and this morning had dropped about 3Vz feet from the high mark. It is still going down, al though the weather is hot today and may cause a slight upturn. Last night at 5 o'clock the reading showed 12.5 feet, last night at 9 o'clock 12.4 feet, this morning at 8:30 it was 12.1 feet. The middle of last week* this region was struck by a hot wave. Over the weekend it cooled somewhat and now the mercury js going up again. Last Wednesday it was 99, Thursday 100, Friday 96. It dropped into the 80's over the weekend, yesterday it was 93 degrees. Desperate Fight at Bonners. Bonners Ferry is putting up a des perate and discouraging fight to save the town and fann lands from being flooded. Up to Tuesday night dikes protecting several drainage districts had broken and had flooded 8,783 acres . Desperate efforts are being made to save the city and other lands J not yet inundated. BIG BASEBALL GAME FOR LIBBY BELIEF FUND The Libby Junior Woman's club is sponsoring a baseball game between two Libby teams, the proceeds of which will go for worthy local relief. A picked team from the Libby Cubs and Bill's Gang will play the town team on next Wednesday evening, June 28, P- m. The ball boys have donated their services for the good of the cause, Vernon Bessey announces the band will be there in force, and the Junior Wotaen will sell ice cream on the grounds. Admission for adults will be 25 cents, but children will be free. Turn 1 out and help a worthy cause. Game to be called at 6:30 Urges Care With Fire While Within Forest Areas Danger Is Always Present In Spite of Wet Spring—24 Fires Set Last Year. MISSOULA, Jmre 19.—Although the spring of 1933 has been unusually wet in Montana and northern Idaho, sev eral days of intensely hot, rainless weather would dry out the woods to the danger point, is the opinion of forest service officials of Region One, which includes Montana and northern Idaho. "For this reason we are not relax ing our efforts to make clear to the public the grave danger to our for ests from carelessness with fire in the woods during the summit months," said Evan W. Kelley, regional forester at Missoula. "Put out yqur campfire, and think twice before you toss away a match or cigarette, even though the woods may be wet at the time. This practice tends to form a good habit which will not be forgotten later when real danger exists." A new regulation by the secretary of agriculture makes it an offense punishable by jail sentence, fine, or both to throw a burning cigarette, cigar 1 , match, pipe heel or firecracker I on national forest land, say forest of j ficial „ when the wooda bccomc d !, im ited to camps and places of human habitation. "Last season smokers and campers set 241 fires in this region, burning 4.200 acres, and causing a loss of $77, 000," says Major Kcllev. "These fires were not set maliciously; they were ftrgpl* the, results of carelessness. And fortunately it is a small minority of thoughtless persons whom the forest service must educate in proper care with their cigarettes, pipe hods matches and campfires " j Visit Kalispeil Lodges. T p a i r i arf ,u Q i '„j oftheLadies' Âf.vtttv „f tbe Patriarchs Militant will moto/to dav to Kalknell attend meetings tbe Fhthe-id^Tanton and FnrtroJ! T nirtv wilf be M R Karn^fandf j PatrfarcSrCheva liers, and Ladies Mary Peterson, Jen I nie Breeden, M'nnie Karnes, Emma ; Driear, Edna Olarich, May Barrett, Mildred Hamel, Lura Dell Gotnpf and Margaret Kemp. Guests at Welch Home vjrucai» m nomc Mrs- Archie Patterson and daugh 4cr ' ^fary Catherine, and Mrs. Don a * d Buckingham arrived from Kalis pel1 Sunday and are * uests ° f Mr - and Mrs ' L ' S ' Welch ' They were drive " over from Kalispell by Ward Buck mgham and small son. Ward Jr., who returned home the same day, - j | Lodge Officers Visit North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Rowland left Saturday for Fargo, N. D., to attend the grand lodge meetings of the Ma sonic and Easitom Star orders of that state, M,r. and Mrs. Rowland being the ranking officers of the two orders in the state of Montana, Mr. and Mrs, James Hance of Dor 1 othy, Minn., parents of Mrs. Louis I Gamache, and Mrs. Gamache's cousin, the Rev. Fr. La Plante, of Boumnaies, Ill., arrived here Sunday and have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gamache. leave today to drive to Seattle. Eastern Relatives Here. From 1,000 to 1,200 men are at work, and some are working from 24 to 30 hours without a stop. Men, women and children are exerting every ef fort in the battle. The state has sent in a steam shovel from road work and a fleet of trucks has been kept busy working night and day hauling earth to weak spots in the dikes. The steam shovel operator worked 76 hours with out a stop. All ttavel has been kept from the main street to clear the way for trucks. A train was stopped and 200 men "riding the rails" agreed to join in the battle and went to work. Reports are that some Of the crop fhat has been flooded is under 20 feet of water. Worst Seems Over. A telephone message from Bonners at 10:30 this morning said that no new breaks tad occurred and that the river was dropping there; had gone down more than two feet from the high mark. However, the dikes have been so softened by the water that there will be danger of breaks for some time. Libby Is Planning Big Celebration on July 4tl? LIBBY'S NEW GOLF COURSE OPENS SUNDAY Announcemerfc is made elsewhere in this issue of the . opening on next Su/Jay of Libby's new and first golf course. As stated in these columns some weeks ago, the course is being opened by Glenn Frisbie and Jack Jef ferson, and it is located on the É. N. Alley ranch north of the city. Mr. Frisbie states that six of the nine holes are now completed and they have decided to open the course t 0 the public. The three additional holes will be completed possible. To introduce the venture to the public. Mr. Frisbie states that no charge to players will be made on the opening day, next Sunday. as soon as Osteopathic Physician Locates Here. Dr. J. W. Church, formerly of Hel ena, arrived in Libby Monday and will take up the practice of his pro fession here. His office will be the log building opposite the C. Sc H. Seryice Station. He will be joined here c what later by Mrs. Church, who is maining in Helena for a few weeks. Dr. Church is a graduate of the American School of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Mo,, and has practiced his profession 20 years. some re Sunday Game Was Close And Interesting Battle Libby Wins Over Troy but Only After Close Contest—Score 9 to 6. One of the most interesting ball games played on the Libby diamond this year, was that of last Sunday be tween the Libby and Troy teams. Lib by finally won with a 9-6 score but it was a battle all the way. The game started in an unusual manner when the first man up to bat —McNeil, of Troy—smashed out a homo run. That was starting things off with a vengeance. In the second inning, the tied, 2 and 2. In the third, Troy took the lead by scoring two more; score, 4 ' 2 ' TRe fourdl inning was a blank on 1,0411 sides and then in the fifth '"T* Jack Rowland of H^by t0 4 score was came t0 H'u r f scue ,? 4 hls count ry by slam ln ? horsehide nearly to the hospi ta ' bringing in two runners—Thomp 0 and Patt ~ in additi ™ to bis own ^ ***• 5 * 4 ' in LJbb * 1, I Tr ° v was drawing blanks in the ! f outR > fifth, sixth and seventh inn i [ ngs - , dut in dle ei f?bth K. Hubbard batted out a home run and Murphy also scored in that frame. In the enth inning Libby had put four nets across the home plate, and that ended the scoring for both teams. The line-un follows: sev run Libby—Patt, p; Allen, c; Rowland, lb; Ried, 2b; Thompson, 3b; Bur^ie, ss; Baker, Diessner, If; W. Wolz, rçf: Mortenson, rf. Troy—Lindsay and Walcott, p; Kid der, c; Morrison, lb; C. Hubbard, 2b; K. Hubbard, 3b; Murphy, ss; Thornton, If; McNiel, cf; Weidner, rf. Score by innings: Libby . 0209 3 040 x—9 Troy .1 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 0—6 LIBBY COMMERCIAL CLUB AP POINTS STANDING COMMITTEES The board of directors of the Libby Commercial club announces appoint ment of the following standing com mittees: Highway—A. M. Hoffman, A. N. Richard, E. W. Oylear. M. D. RowWid. Membership— W. H. Kemp, Wm. Curtis, Don Hargreaves, Publicity—L S. Welch, C. D. Rowe, Paul Curtis. Mining— H, C. Bolyard, H. E Brink, Jop Kujawa. Civic Improvements and Play Grounds— W. E. Dexter, Mrs. S. N. Plummer. Ted Berry. Agriculture—E. J. Barkee, John Mc Lellan, James Blackford, Jr. Fish and Game— E. M. Boyes, M. K. Kedzie, Dr. V. A. Hannigan. Merchants, Charities and Donations —Carlton Joughin, Harold Miller, J. A. Davidson. Entertainment— W. G. Seims, Dr. C. B. Boyle, Jack Swarens. Advisory— W. F. Neils, R. R. Veldman. Treasurer— R. W. Smithberger. The first named in above list is the chairman in each instance. The year's program, beginning next fall, has been made out as follows: September, mining meeting: Octo ber, drive for membership with out side sneaker present: November, farm ers'; December, father and sons; Jan uary, merchants; February, old timers; March, civic improvement; April, joint meeting; May, get together; June, an nual picnic. Kienitz, Walter Business Improving. E W. Oylear and Joe Sheffield mot ored to Spokane Monday on a busi ness visit to the city. Returning home they report that business conditions in the city are improving at a great rate, that delivery of autos cannot be guar anteed short of 30 days, and that there is a decided upturn in business in all , lines, with great optimism. * Parade, Ball Games, Kaces, Rodeo, Dancing, Band Concert. USUAL PRIZES FOR CONTESTANTS At a meeting held in the dty hall Tuesday evening, a committee con sisting of A. M. Hoffman, Ferd Booth man and Jack Harris were named tea have charge of a celebration in Lib by on July 2. These three men will name committees to manage the var ious events. Bill Kemp has been placed us chaw of the races, and Senator Pad dy Rowland will be grand marshall of the parade. While the plans for the day's enter tainment have not been fully worked out. Chief Hoffman, who is the general manager, states that it is their inten tion to start the day off with an early morning sunrise salute of forty guns. By the time the salute has been fired the entire valley for miles around will know that it is July 4th and that Lib by is going to celebrate. The parade will form at ten a. m. and will consist of the band, rodeo per formers, decorated cars, floats and kids on bicycles. There will be prizes given for the best floats, and the best decorated kid's bicycle. After the pa rade Bill Kemp will put on the kids* races, three legged race, potato and sack races and lots of other stuff that will be fun for old and young alike. Starting at 1;30 p. m. the Libby base ball team will clash with Eureka. No doubt this will be the game of the season, as both teams are out to win, and you are bound to see some real baseball. Immediately after the ball game, Ferd Boothman -will put on his end of the entertainment which is a three hour rodeo. Ferd put on a good show last year and states that this one will be better. There will be tion all the time, bucking broncs, wild steers, fancy roping, are only a few of the stunts. Al Baumgart will do his regular Bally Ho stuff. Plans have been made for the Lions Club and Libby Commercial Club to play a game of kitten ball on the local field at 7 p. m. A. A. (Boss) Wood will be in charge of the Libby team, and Leo Welch will herd the Lions. This is going to be a barrel of fun. After the game, Vem Bessey and his band will give an open air concert. There will be a dance in Kienitz hall on the evening of the third as well as the fourth. ac Lloyd Burpee will have charge of a tennis tournament and those wishing to enter should get in touch with him. J. T. Brindley, fast winning fame in his favorite sport, will supervise a horseshoe pitching contest. It is hoped that the Libby people will arrange to take in this celebra tion. The men behind the movement are giving freely of their time. There isn't going to be a dime of profit in it for anyone. Every cent is being put into the various events to make them worthwhile. A complete program will be pub lished and bills posted just as the committee can get things lined up. ( Chief Hoffman says "No joke; we're going to have a celebration and a good one." as soon Forest Camp Is Established On Pipe Creek Company of Negroes From New York Begins Work on Road—More Coming Sunday. A special train passed through Lib by Sunday evening and left here 25 men for the C. C. C. camp on Pipe jcreek. They were all negroes from New York City and with them several white officers from the U. S. army. The officers are; Captain Robert E. DeMerritt, of the 62d coast artillery anti-air craft serv ice, from Fort Totten, N. Y. Staff Sargeant Selwyn W. Owings, 61st service squadron air corps. Corporal J. E Carlin, 99th observa tion squadron, air corps. were tion squadron, air corps. Corpal Harold Lee, 5th coast artil lery. Private Denzil J, Haskins, Co. H, 16th infantry. Another consignment of 175 negroes will arrive next Sunday for the Pipe creek camp. Twenty-five Libby boys are also being assigned to that work. The camp on Pipe creek is at the Turner ranger station, about 20 miles from Libby. Their work will chiefly be extension of the Pipe creek road to connect with one on the south fork of the Yaak river. The special train through Sunday also carried "a number of men for the Pete creek camp in the Yaak district. The full quota of men for the Rex ford camp also arrived during the past week. Girlhood Friends Visit, Mrs. Lee Northup and daughter. Miss Beth, of Wenatchee, Wash., stopped in Libby Tuesday evening while on their way home from their old home in North Dakota. Mrs. Northup and Mrs. Sam Ratekin girlhood friends and enjoyed a fine visit. are