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Hla X° *>CAL ßno OF WONT ? C ' eTy - WESTERN NEWS Historical Library 7 ^JT With which is consolidated THE LIBBY TIMES and THE TROY TRIBUNE VOLUME XXXIII Libby, Lincoln Comity, Montana Thursday, June 2b. Ib; OO Number 4 Wheat Plan # Brings Cash To Farmers For Grower This Year Who Take Part in Adjustment Program, FIRST PAYMENT MADE IN SEPTEMBER (Editor's Note—Following is an arti- cle that explains more fully the plan by which it is hoped farmers will ceive a better price for their wheat, under the new Roosevelt legislation.) re BOZEMAN, June 28.—Cash benefits will be paid to Montana wheat farm ers this fall probably by September 15, under the plan with which the Agricultural Adjustment Administra tion has decided to make the farm act effective for wheat this year. Montana ranks fifth in wheat pro duction, the records of the U. S. de partment of agriculture show. In the five-year period, 1928-32, it produced on an average 45,167,000 bushels planted on the average, 4,536,600 The wheat adjustment program pro vides for payirtg cash benefits Ho farm ers on the basis of the percentage of their average wheat crop for the past three years, which is domestically con sumed as food, upon agreement of farmers to reduce their acreages. Pro cessing taxes are to be levied to pay the costs. and acres. Will Pay Cash Benefits. The plan will be to pay cash benefits each year on the allotments of each farmer for 1933, 1934, and 1935, pro vided the farmer agrees to reduce his planted acreage for the 1934 and 1935 crops by a percentage that will subse quently be determined by the secre tary of agriculture, but will not be more than 20 per cent of the average acreage planted by the farmer in the three years. Only an exceptionally bad season has reduced the prospective crop for this year, and the adjustment administra tion decided to put the plan in effect at once because of the existence of a car last ryover three times normal and be cause heavy surpluses might result from normal yields in 1934 on only an average" planted -acreage. Theyrexpect to pay two-thirds of the benefit this fall, and the remainder next spring af ter the planting season. M. L. Wilson, Montana Agricultural College professor in recent years, but who qualified as a true dirt fanner by homesteading in Nebraska when he was 21, is in charge of the wheat ad justment program and will actively di rect the preliminary organization which must take place before benefits can be gotten to the farmers. Mr. Wilson will work with George N. Peck and Charles J. Brand, administrators; and Chester C, Davis, director of production con trol. Approximately a million participating wheat farmers should be affected by the program. The administration wiU be thoroughly decentralized, with farmers organizing their own county committees to take charge of local de tails of administration. These county groups will be the key units in the whole scheme, and the farmers will choose their own men to handle the county program. Each county group will pay its own expenses, to be charged to each farmer according to his allotment The more economically the local unit is operated, the less it will cost the farmers in that county. Explains Plan. The average amount of wheat that famers have grown in the last three years will determine the basis of their allotments, Mr. Wilson says. The gov ernment has official records on state and county production. Averages for the crop years 1928 to 1932 will be com puted, and upon this average produc tion and acreage the allotment for each county will be made. After the allotment is made to each county, the county committee, chosen by fanners themselves at community meetings, will have each farmer list his wheat acreage and production for the last years. committee will taxe an average of this, and then allot to each farmer his proportionate share of the amount allotted to the county. Thus, the steps to be taken by the wheat farmer who wishes to partici pate in the plan are to join his local organization as soon as it is formed, turn in the figures on his production and acreage planted for the last three years, and agree to reduce his acre age by the desired amount, in no case more than 20 per cent of his three year average. In return, the farmer will receive an allotment which is the same pro portion to his average production as the total wheat domestically con sumed in this country for food is to the total wheat grown. This allot ment will be in bushels. On this al lotted number of bushels, he will re ceive a cash benefit from funds raised by a processing tax levied on tRe basis of the relationship between, present price and parity price of the pre-war period. It is estimated that about 30 cents per bushel will be paid, two thirds by September 15 and,, the re maining third in the spring of 1934. To obtain the benefit the farmer must plant his crop in the ordinary manner, but if it is hailed out, dried out, blown out, or otherwise destroyed by nature, he will receive his benefit just the Is Crop Insurance, The plan functions as crop insur ance up to the amount of the bene fit on the allotted number of bushels. same. The plan has absolutely nothing to JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB ENJOY PICNIC AND DANCING! The Junior Woman's club entertained their husbands and escorts with a pic nic supper and dancing at Linger Longer Beach Tuesday night. The evening startecU-yvith swimming, after which a delightful supper was served. A short business meeting was held and the following officers were in stalled by Mrs. Ned Joughin; President, Mias Inez Ratekin; vice president, Mrs. Vernon Bessey; secretary, Miss Laura Riley; treasurer, Miss Gerta Krause. The in-going and out-going presi dents were- ' ' the other officers with pansies. Mrs. Joughin was given a beautiful boquet of roses, The rest of the evening was spent in dancing and having a good time. Music was furnished by Miss Evelyn James, George Davis and Clarence Brown. roses and ShOYd, Axe And Bocket Most Be Carried in Forests Rale Applies on and After July 1 Camperg and Smokers Responsible for Fires. I 'Remember your shovel, axe and bucket," is the word going out to-day to everyone who intends to visit the national forests by car or pack train this summer. ''After July 1 the carrying of shovel, ax and bucket per car or pack train is required of all parties enter ing the national forests of Montana, northern Idaho, and eastern Washing ton," says Evan W. Kelley, regional forester at Missoula. "This requirement, which has been in effect for the past few years," he adds, "has been a definite factor in curtailing man-caused forest fires. In many cases persons traveling over for est roads have been able to put out fires which were yet small enough to be handled by quick action on the part of one or two persons equipped with these tools. Dirt is thrown on the flames with the shovel. Where water is available, a bucketful often turns the trick. The ax is handy for trim ming out brush and small trees in a Even if such a fire emergency arises, the tools are useful about camp, acowding to experienced.. mountain travelers. The shovel is, in fact, almost dispensible in making a safe place r the camp fire, and in putting it out properly before leaving. And both shovel and ax come in mighty handy in case a car gets off the road or into a soft spot So, "Remember your shovel, ax and water bucket beginning July 1," is the timely warning now being issued. never in for PUBLIC INVITED TO VACATION SCHOOL EXHIBIT The Catholic Vacation schoql which has been in session for the past month, will close Friday morning, June 30. On Thursday evening at 7 o'clock until 9 o'clock'all those interested invited to see the exhibit of the work done by the pupils. The exhibit will include project booklets on die Life of Christ, the Commandments and the Mass completed by the pupils of the high school and intermediate sections and Rosary booklets by the primary' divisions. There will also be an exhibit of re ligious pictures and objects carved of soap. Several pupils have been working a very unusual project. It is a "Crib" or miniature of the Christmas scene at Bethlehem. It consists of a rustic stable in which is placed a statute of Mary and Joseph in adoration before the Christ-Child, The whole is set in a back-ground of evergreens and arti ficial rocks among which is the glow of hidden colored lights. On Friday morning, prizes will be awarded to those whose work has been outstanding ( during the session. The first 'Holy Communion for the children will be held Sunday morning at the 8 o'clock mass. are on NOTICE OF CLOSING HOURS. Notice is hereby given that,^ accord ing to agreement signed by a majority of Libby merchants, Libby stores will close at 6 p. m. except on Saturdays and pay days when the closing hour will be 8 p. m., effective on and after July 10. (Signed) MERCHANTS' COMMITTEE. 4-5 STORES WILL REMAIN OPEN. Notice is hereby given that Libby stores will remain open on the n,jght of July 3 up to 8 o'clock p. m. MERCHANTS' COMMITTEE. do with the selling of wheat by a farmer or grain dealer. A farmer may sell his wheat when and to whom he pleases, or he need nbt sell it at all. It is entirely up to him. The plan is not a price-fixing measure. While the measure is designed to help the wheat farmer get a fair re turn for his crop, the consumer is not forgotten. The agricultural adjustment act gives the secretary of agriculture the power to enforce fair trade prac tices among food distributors, and, if the processing tax is found unduly burdensome, he is directed to lower it As a matter of economy and effi ciency, the administration will use the agricultural extension services in or ganizing farmers under the plan. Coun ty agenfs will take an active part in the organization work, and are in posi tion to give information on the wheat plan. I Mo, Ball Games, Races, Music Will Feature Libby's Celebration All Arrangements Complete for Day of Lively Entertainment. Chief Hoffman, general manager of the Fourth of July oelebratio™ states - «* • - ï * v . . The chief says that the committee m charge have been busy the past week lining up the various events and stunts for the entertainment, the ad- vertising is all out Ray Russell has put out some very fancy posters which are taking the eye of the people, and everything points to a big crowd and a big time. TO START EARLY AND END LATE 1 -, , , , Every da v sees more attractions be mg added to the list and present in di cations are that the day will not lack m something doing all the time, Plans call for the big parade to a« semble at the high school at 9:30 a. m. It will start promptly at 10 a. m. Sen ator Rowland will lead the parade on the customary white horse. Following will be the band, American Legion patrol, rodeo performers and horses,! floats, decorated, cars and the kids on their bicycles. That the parade will be : colorful goes without saying, on ac count of the prizes given for the best floats, cars and kids' bicks, there is going to be a lot of competition. The parade will end at the baa park at 11 o'clock, the judges' reviewing stand being on Mineral avenue. Immediately after the parade, Bill Kemp will take charge of the field events, which will consist of all kinds of foot races and stunts. Bill says that it will take about an hour and a half to put on his show, then there will be a breathing spell until 1:30 when the Commercial Club tangles with the Lions Club in a kitten ball game on the baseball diamond. The game is scheduled to go five inn ings, Boss Woods, who handles the Commercial men, and Leo Welch, who herds the Lions, both state that they have been working out every evening and that their teams are m good shape to give the people a run for their | It's to be fun to watch! money. these tired business men chase that ball and run those bases, The ball game should be over at 3:30 at which time Ferd Boothman and his ! gang of hard riding, fast roping cow ; boys will put on a three hour rodeo. \ There is going to be a lot of stuff j crowded into this three hour period. ! program calls for something doingI the time. Ferd says there will be I Vernon Bessey and his band will give an out door concert at the school house at 7:30, after which there will be a dance in« the opera house, with Andy Gompf and a six-piece orchestra furnishing the music. They will also play for a dance at the opera house! on the evening of the third. Ernie' Pierson and his gang will furnish mu- I sic for an old time dance at the Wood-i man hall on the evening of the Fourth, j Bill Baenen will have charge of the floor and do the calling. We all know ! how Bill can call, and when he pulls ! his coat you can just bet there will be 1 a hot time in the old town tonight. ! At 2 p. m the hasebe/i game between Libby and Eureka starts. This is going to be a real game, the purse is a good one and Jack Harris says that his boys are going out after that money. Word comes from the east end of the county that the purse is going back to Eurexa so we are sure to see some real bail and some hustling to grab the bacon. Eureka is coming down in force and will bring lots of good boosters with them. The all something doing all the time, that the people will get action and plenty. All in all it is going to be a good show. As we stated last week there isn't a dime in it for any of the pro moters. The business men that are back of the celebration are putting up the money so that the home town folks as well as the visitors will enjoy them selves at a very little cost. Let's take in this show. Paddy says that it will make the old Teel young and the young feel good Again I say "LETS GO." E. M. B, Montana Nay Receive Large Sum For Relief Governor Cooney Says $17,000,000 May Come to State From Federal Funds. Montana may receive as much as $17,000,000 in relief funds from the federal government. This Gov. Frank H. Cooney an nounced today while enroute from St. Paul to Helena on his return from Washington and conferences with the president and Relief Director Hopkins. In addition to the $7,000,000 allo cated to Montana for its highway pro gram as an aid to employment, the governor said the state may receive an additional $10,000,000 for water con servation and other kindred projects. If allocated, be said, the latter sum will be expended to the benefit of nearly every county in Montana. It was in behalf of the conservation projects, tentatively planned in prac tically every section of Montana, that Governor Cooney headed a state dele gation to the Washington conference. —Great Falls Tribune. REV. RALPH HAYES i APPOINTED RISHOP AT HELENA | made I On Monday announcement was __ that word from Rome was to the ef fect that the Rev. Ralph Hayes of Pittsburgh has been appointed Bishop at Helena, succeeding the late Bishop George Finnegan. Bishop Hayes has held the St. Cath- T££ e 'L paStora £ at . ^^gh since SS pïïfSSTTzszrsürz Rome and ordained ln 1909. Bishop Finnegan died in August 1932, Forest Worker Loses Out K, J. Boles was In Libby during the week coming in from being employed on bug control work in the forest He states he has been employed during the summer for the past eight years by the forest service and that this is the first summer he has found himself without employment. He attributes his misfortune to C. C. C. work. He states that heretofore, after coming off the control work, he had been employed helping in the surveying of roads trails. He was told recently that it would be Impossible to give him work in that line this summer as such work has to be done by the C. C. C. boys, — and More C. C. C. Workers Arrive. Another special train passed through Libby last Friday and left here signment of negro workers for the C. C. C. camp on Pipe creek. This brings this camp up to full force. Men from the train were also left at Rexford and for the camp on Pete creek. a con Takes Fourteen Innings to Decide Baseball Battle Troy Defeats Libby in Unusual Game —Cubs Lost in Close Contest at Bonners Ferry. T _ , . Last bunday was disastrous for Lib by ball teams. The town team and the girl's team both were defeated at Troy and the Libby Cubs also drew a de feat at Bonners Ferry. The game at Troy between the two town teams was a close one, however, and required 14 innings to decide the winner. It was 7 to 6 in Troy's favor up to the eighth Inning when the Trojans put three runners across home plate and it looked as though they had the game on ice. Libby was blanked in that inning and the score was 10 to 6 f° r the Trojans, But the, Libbyites are a fighting bunch and slammed Into the Trojans for four runs in the ninth, thus bringing the score to 10 to 10, Troy drawing a blank in the ninth, The tenth and eleventh innings were blanks for both teams, each team scored once in the twelfth and thir teenth innings, Libby drew another blank in the fourteenth while Troy pat a runner across, ending and win ? a î ne ; . . Fatt P ltched for Libby up to the eighth when Burpee was substituted after the Trojans had scored their three ru £? in that inning. score b V innings: Troy 2041000300011 1 13 Libby 2022000040011 0 12 , , . The girls teams of the two towns 0f>en * d t} ? e afternoon s sport, Troy winmn 8 ®y a score of 12 to 11. . n UBBY CUBS LOSE FIRST GAME OF SEASON Lih. Although playing good ball, the by Cubs lost their first game of season to Bonners Ferry last Sunday at Bonners, by the close score of 7 to 6, The Cubs held their own very well with the Bonners outfit, except in the second inning when Bonners bunched their hits to score six runs. Peterson was the outstanding Cub, getting three hits, driving in two runs and two Bon H A more. ners' shortstop, played a nice fast game. The score; Cubs P. Baker, 3b .... AB R .5 0 Phillips, rf . 3 0 Rowland, lb . ...5 1 Rusher, 2b .... Peterson, ss . Martin, if . Botchek, cf .... Baumgart, c .1 0 Paolucci, p Cormier, c ... Wolz, p . Ludvikson, rf W. Baker, cf .1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 4 1 .4 2 .2 1 . 2 0 1 1 3 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 o 1 0 3 1 2 0 1 0 X 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 Total ... Bonners Ferry Welsh. If . Oriatt, 2b.5 Campbell, 3b Johnson, lb .... Lenhart, c . Hoaglund, rf . Crouch, ss Bishop, cf . Corbett, p _ Smith, cf . 34 6 9 8 2 0 5 X 31 1 2 1 0 5 0 2 0 .5 1 1 4 X 1 2 0 .4 1 X 2 ...4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 2 0 4 X Total 40' 7 14 6 Summary—3b hits, Rusher; 2b hits, Peterson, Oviatt, Johnson, Lenhart; base on balls, off Corbett 2, off Pao lucci 0, off Wolz 0; struck out, by Corbett, 11; by Paoluuci, 1; by Wolz, 9. H H $; Cubs 40000100 1—6 9 2 Bonners 0 6000 100 x—7 14 2. HILLYARD INDEPENDENTS WILL PLAY PICKED LIBBY-TROY MEN What promises to be one of the fast j est baseball games of the _ dated for Monday, July 3, on the Libby I diamond. At that time the Hillyard I Independents will tangle with the Kootenai All Stars, and the tangling promises to be a thorough one. The i All Stars will be composed of picked | f la y ers f [ on ? the Troy and Libby teams, which promises a rather fast I a S8tegation, while it is understood the Independents have not yet lost a game this season. The independents also dated for a game at LingeriLonger Beach on the Fourth. A return game will be played in Hillyard later in the season is are season. Visitor Here Passes. Mrs. Eva Santer of Omaha, Neb., who had been visiting here with her niece, Mrs. Ira Tester and family, died at the Tester home this morning at 3 o'clock. Mr. Santer is expected to ar- rive tomorrow night to accompany the body to the home for burial. Pay Taxes Now And Keep Property From Being Sold County Treasurer Bessey Tells How Taxpayers May Save Money. The annual tax sale of delinquent property will be held in the office of the county treasurer on July 19, at 10 a. m, "There is still an opportunity," says County Treasurer Vernon Bessey, "for those whose taxes are delinquent for the year 1932 to redeem their Puberty and pay delinquent taxes that the property will not be included in the tax sale to be held on that day." "Those wishing to pay delinquent taxes for the year 1932," continued Mr, Bessey, "should include penalty, or 5 per cent of the amount of the taxes, and interest at two-thirds of 1 per cent for each month. Take the fol lowing as an example of the* manner a delinquent tax should be figured: Delinquent taxes second "half so 1932 $ 6.75 j ( i Penalty at 5 per cent Interest to August 1 (2 months, 1.33 per cent) . . .. .34 .09 Total « 7 is * ' ° Mr. Bessey states that in cases where th? firat half is also delinquent the interest for eight months two-thirds of 1 per cent brings the rate of in terest to be added, in addition to the 5 per cent penalty, to 5.33 per cent . Every day many persons are tak advantage of the opportunity to P a V tneir 1932 delinquent taxes before tbe tax sale, states the county treas uteri and thereby they save them «elves additional expense. He also says that at the same time they help to re duce the expense of operating the county treasurer's office, for the rea 500 that property redeemed after the tax «ale requires about five times the amount of clerical work that it takes to clear property before the sale is held. MISS AGATHER MARRIED LAST THURSDAY IN KALISPELL - Kalispell Monitor; An event of much social interest for the last few weeks will take place Thursday evening when! Miss Margaret Agather will become the bride of Everit L. Sliter, The wed ding will be at 8 o'clock at the Trinity Lutheran church. ^iss Agather, daughter of Mrs. Al f°ns Agather, has spent virtually her entire life in Kalispell and has an un limited circle of friends here as well as throughout the state. She is a grad ua t® °f the University of Montana and has taught in the high school at Chi nook for the last two years. Mr. Sliter has also made his home here for a number of years, having been em-1 thb-Lployed by the Mountain States Power' company. At the present he is manager of the Norman-Smith store at Somers. * Out of Town Guests Following is a list of the out-of town guests who are here to attend the wedding: Miss Vedi» Sliter of Los Angeles, Miss Hertha Ziegler of Hel ena, Mr. and Mrs. George Neils and family of Libby, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neils and family of Libby, Miss Verona Agather and the Misses Gertrude and Thresa McStravick of White Sulphur Springs. Pre-Nuptial Dinner. Mrs. Agather was hostess Wednes day evening at 6:30 o'clock at a pre nuptial dinner given at her home in honor of her daughter and her fi ance. Those attending were members of the immediate Agather and Sliter families and a house guest at the Agather home. The party included: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schoknecht and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Neils and family, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Neils and family, Alfons Agather, Everit Sliter and the Misses Hertha Ziegler, Verona Agather, Veda Sliter, gnd Margaret Agather. Mrs. Bolyard Is Hostess. Mrs. H. C. Bolyard was hostess to the members of the Entre Nous Bridge club at her home Tuesday night. Mrs. James Christie was winner of high score honors and Mrs. Bolyard cap tured the consolation. Mrs. George Winchester, visiting in the city from Oakland, Calif., was a guest. Highway Engineers Visit Libby. A. C. Clark of Missoula, senior high way engineer of the bureau of public roads in Montana, was in Libby Satur day. He was accompanied by two other engineers whose names it was not pos sible to learn. They spent a few hours here during the day. Explains Lav That Benefits HomeOwners Will Make Loans to Sava Homes From Fore- closure. GIVEN 15 TEARS IN WHICH TO PAT Home owners thorughout the nation who are having difficulty to pay for their homes and who are threatened with the loss of them through fore closure of mortgage will be interested in the new legislation that is aim-d to relieve them of this burden. The recent congress enacted legis lation establishing the Federal Hbtte Loan Bank and it is from this cor poration the troubled home secure a long time loan. Mayor Elmer Switzer of Libby is in receipt of a pamphlet sent to him by Congressman Roy E. Ayers that ex plains the plan of the new corpora ti o n . Undoubtedly a number of people in. Lincoln county will be interested in the workings of the law. Planned to Save Homes. The Federal Home Loan Bank wan created for the purpose of saving the homes of home owners where they are unable to secure money to pay mortgages otherwise and where the mortgage is threatening foreclosure. The corporation has $200,000,000 of capital subscribed by the government and it has authority to issue $2,000, 000,000 in bonds running 18 years with 4 per cent interest. Managers will be appointed in each state and to secure a loan one makes application to his state manager. If the man w^ose home is mortgaged can, induce the holder of the mortgage to take bonds in payment of the mort gage, then the Home Loan Bank will loan him the required money, up to 80 per cent of the valuation of the home. The bank will also furnish money to owner can taxes that may be in. arrears. It will then take a new mort gage from the home owner, running 15 years, with payments either month }y. Quarterly, semiannually or annual ly, with interest at 5 per cent. The owner will then have a long-term loan with small payments, If the mortgage holder refuses to take the bonds and if the mortgage and deliquent taxes (if any) do not exceed 40 per cent of the value of the home, then the government will loan to the home owner in cash so much, | as is necessary up to 40 per cent to ! take up the mortgage and then take a i mortgage from the home owner at 15 years, payable as | with interest at 6 per cent. | Will Also Pay Taxes, If there is no mortgage against j home but the home owner is in danger • of losing his home by tax sale because of delinquent taxes, the government will loan money to pay the taxes an j amortize that for 15 years just as i ) the other cases. The borrower may have an exten ! * on ^ree years on the principal i he keeps interest paid, and the bank | ex te nd the payment of both prin cl P al and interest in cases of inability P a ^' bu t the total extensions dur in « , the 15-year period must not ex three years, Citizens should keep in mind that °ur people owe more than $20,000,000, 000 on their homes and that no large Percentage of this indebtedness can be liquidated by the instrumentalities at our command. It is hoped that all mortgage lenders will continue to loan ( none y 1° the Y er Y k® 3 * °t their abil ll y and that a11 persons owing money on mortgages on their homes will con tmue to carr y on the best they can without making efforts to refinance. A big enough job exists in mortgages that " ave matured and cannot be ro newed and in mortgages so seriously in default that home owners are about to lose tk eir homes. If good citizens wbo are able to do so will carry on there is a possibility of relief for those wbo are unable to make their payments bemuse of unemployment or other un foreseen difficulties. in the other case. in if LUMBER SHIPMENTS INCREASE RAPIDLY SPOKANE.—Lumber shipments out of the Inland Empire from Washing ton and Idaho mills totaled more than 2000 cars the first 15 days of June. This is the largest volume shipped during any half month in more than 18 months and is better than 50 per cent of normal. The largest demand proportionately is coming from the New England states. Entertain For Visitor. Mrs. Frank Pival and Mrs. P. J. Shea were hostess Wednesday after noon to a few ladies at a pleasant social affair given to honor Mrs. J. N. Nass, of Glasgow, who was visit ing in the city. The ladies were en tertained at the Pival home, sixteen being present. The afternoon was spent socially, with dainty refreshments served at its close. Flower Thieves Again Busy. Flower thieves are again at their nefarious work. The beautiful peonies in the A. N. Richard and Fr. McRory yards were stripped of all blossoms last night and more or less <damage done. Ted Berry and Ward Shanahan spent Tuesday driving into the northern part of the county putting up posters for Libby's Fourth of July celebration. They visited Rexford, Eureka, Fortine and Trego.