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Annual Statement of Ilia County Clerk for Year Ending June30,1933 TO THE HONOURABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LINCOLN COUNTY, MONTANA GENTLEMEN: Pursuant to the requirements of Section 4814 and amendments thereto of the Political Code of the State of Montana, I herewith submit my annual finan cial statement of the County of Lincoln, State of Montana, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933. In the importance of the relation to economy in the administration of this departmental office covering its activitiees the past fiscal year, it is gratifying to that the expenditures have been well confined within the appropriation. Such accomplishment is credited to the co-operation and the enthusiasm of my co workers in the office. I acknowledge with full appreciation the loyal support and faithful co-operation which has been extended to me at all times by all County officials and employes, who have been invaluable to me in making a success of this department. me Respectfully submitted, WALTER L. WOLZ, County Clerk and Recorder, Lincoln County, Montana SUMMARY OF RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES RESOURCES Current Assets: Cash . . Petty Cash . Stores . Tools and Machinery Land Acquired by Tax Deed 27,890.28 300.00 65.42 60,047.56 6,001.40 $ 130,678.99 Total Current Assets Fixed Assets: 97204.28 53.818.47 484389.29 208,689.22 4,842.94 Lands and Buildings Furniture and Fixtures New Roads .-,. Bridges Ferries . . $ 849,54420 t 980,223.19 Total Fixed Assets LIABILITIES Current Liabilities: Warrants Outstanding Undistributed Personal Taxes Due T St A A-C Tax Deed 16,639.51 3221.92 4.171.24 $ 24232.67 Total Current Liabilities Fixed liabilities ; Bonds Outstanding Total Fixed Liabilities . 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Reserves: , Reserve for Uncollectable and Erroneous Taxes: Balance at Begin ning of present Fiscal Year . Balance at End of Year . Reserves for Depreciation; Balance at Beginning of Present Fiscal Year $ 304,596.49 Add: Credited During Year 942.40 9 42.40 2621109 330,907.58 Balance at End of Year 330,907.58 Total Liabilities and Reserves . Revenue Accmumulations (Surplus): — ^— Balance at Beginning of Yeaf Excess of Expense Over Revenue . Balance at End of Year .-. 361,182.65 663,837.28 44,796.74 $ 619,040.54 Total County Liabilities REVENUE ACCUMULATIONS (SURPLUS) ACCOUNT Balance Revenue Accumulations at Beginning of Fiscal Year . Credits to Revenue Accumulations During Year: Total Amount of Tax Roll (County Portion) Add; 5% Penalty on Delinquent Tax Roll $ 980,223.19 $ 663,837.28 $ 102,865.03 441.34 $ 103,306.37 $ 34,979.46 $ 34,979.46 $ 1,420.63 Miscellaneous Revenue Interest Received . Net Interest Received as Per General Ledger Account . Accrued Interest and Charges Tax Deed .$ Added to Delinquent Tax Accounts . Profit and Deed Property . Total ... Charges Against Accumulation Account During Year; Miscellaneous Expense Refunds . $ 1,420.63 667.87 480.93 $ 70.08 $ 1218.88 $ 804,762.62 $ 155,565.09 . 1,558.82 Net Miscellaneous Expense as per General Ledger Account . Interest Paid . $ 154,006.27 $ 3,624.52 $ 3,624.52 Loss on Tax Deed Property Total Extraordinary Losses Depreciation Charge: $ 1,780.20 $ 1,780.20 $ 26,311.09 $ 26,311-09 Total Charges to Revenue Accumulation . Balance of Revenue Accumulations Account at End of Year .. $ 185,722.08 $ 619,040.54 TOTAL $ 804,762.62 RECEIPTS—CLASSIFIED BY SOURCE GENERAL REVENUE (TAXES) Receipts From Taxes (County Portion Only) $ Current Taxes Delinquent Taxes (Original Levy).. 20,19 93,920.32 4,180.93 $ 98,121.44 203.18 Penalty on Delinquent Taxes Miscellaneous Revenue: Special Poor ....... Special Road Fees and Charges (For County Funds Only) Clerk and Recorder . Sheriff . Clerk of Court 'Treasurer .... Library ... Licenses and Permits (For County Funds Only) Cigarettes . Pool and Billiards . Peddlers . Theaters Miscellaneous . All other Miscellaneous County Revenue: Automobile Registration ... Tax Deed, Land Rentals Forest Reserve . Tf H. S. Tax Col. to Co. High School . Miscellaneous . ... . ■$ 192.00 90.00 $ 282.00 $ 1217.40 129.80 608.75 9.00 130,57 $ 2,195.52 $ 265.00 46.37 2.50 26.25 106.50 $ 446.62 . $ 10,391.69 3,010.33 15 , 848.35 2,804.95 $ 32,055,32 Total S 133,304.08 INTEREST RECEIVED Interest. (County Portion Only): On General Deposits On Delinquent Tax Collections and Sales . 955.00 465.63 $ 1.420.63 REFUNDS—INCOMING Clerk and Recorder . $ 16.75 119.97 Sheriff Justices' Courts Highways Outside Poor 57.35 559.26 499.82 $ 1,253.15 REFUNDS County High School Unclassified ,$ 70.70 234.97 $ 1.558.82 NOMINAL RECEIPT^ Transfers: $ 5.805.81 46,763.04 $ Between County Funds . Between Trust and Agency Funds 52,568.85 ; Miscellaneous: $ 5,034.43 102.35 $ Undistributed Personal Taxes Petty Cash Fund Protested Taxes 5,136.78 OFFSETS TO OUTLAY General Governmental: County Buildings and Grounds Tax Deed Property $ 513.42 $ 513.42 TRUST AND AGENCY RECEIPTS $ 32,115.70 21,792.48 41,072.74 108,664.85 7,906.52 State . Cities and Towns . General School Funds . District School Funds . Irrigation Districts . . Estates . Redemption District Court Deposit . Protested Taxes (T. & A. Portion) Libby High School . Troy High School ... High School Tax Collections .. 402.71 129.03 43622 20,029.40 7,762.73 42,448.27 % 283,458.42 TOTAL RECEIPTS—ALL SOURCES RECONCILEMENT Treasurer's Cash Balance Beginning of Year $ 150,46217 Total Receipts, All Sources, as Above. 477,961.00 Amount County Warrants Outstanding End of Year ....... 16,639.51 $ 645,062.68 Grand Total I PAYMENTS—CLASSIFIED BY PURPOSE MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE—DEPARTMENTAL General Governmental: Salaries and Wages Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . $ 1,896.43 85814 142.83 % 2,897.40 Clerk and Recorder: Salaries and Wages Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous Bond $ 4,946.25 379,64 47.50 % 5273.39 Treasurer: 5,043.11 1,571.85 250.00 $ Salaries and Wages Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous —.—. $ 6.864.96 State Examiner's Fees: $ 225.00 $ 225.00 Assessor: $ 3,553.66 502.65 Salaries and Wages Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous Bond . 10.00 $ 4,966.31 County Surveyor: Salaries and Wages Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous Bond . 2 153.78 24.75 5.00 % 183.53 District Court: 2 2,447.75 1,605.13 Salaries açd Wages . Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous Bond . 37.50 % 4,090.38 Sheriff: Salaries and Wages . Mainteance and Operation Miscellaneous Bond . 2 5,019.77 478,89 35.00 $ 5,533.66 County Attorney: Salaries and Wages. Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . .2 2,053.00 20421 9.50 $ 2266.81 Justices' Courts: Salaries and Wages .... Maintenance and Operation . % 175.20 226.73 % 401.93 Coroner: Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation . 2 72.67 8.00 I 80.67 County Buildings; Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation -I 826.00 1,011.11 % 1,837.11 Elections; Salaries and Wages Maintenance and Operation ,5 325.23 4,146.35 4,471.61 HEALTH CONSERVATION AND SANITATION: Board of Health: Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation $ 825.00 57.51 $ 882.51 HIGHWAYS, BRIDGES, FERRIES I Highways: Salaries and Wages Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . $ 2,756.86 39,541.42 60.55 $ 42,358.83 Bridges: 454.92 9,268.01 $ Salaries and Wages Maintenance and Operation . $ 9,722.93 Ferries: Salaries and Wages Maintenance and Operation 1,700.00 164.10 $ . $ 1,864.10 CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS: Outside Poor: 23,193.09 $ 23,193.09 Maintenance and Operation ... $ Care of Patients in State Tuberculosis Sanitarium; Maintenance and Operation Care Inmates Home for Deaf and Blind; Maintenance and Operation Care Inmates Other State and Private Institutions: Maintenance and Operation Care Delinquent and Dependent Children: Salaries and Wages $ 1,208.75 $ 1,208.75 230.27 230.27 $ 363.65 363.65 $ S 661.53 $ Maintenance and Operation 124.50 $ 786.03 Care Prisoners: Salaries and Wages Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous Council $ 1,650.00 1,107.31 100.00 $ 2,857.31 EDUCATION County Superintendent: Salaries and Wages Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous Bond County High School; Salaries and Wages Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous .. I $ 2,019,45 620.27 5.00 $ 2,644.72 IT 5 12,422.62 2,848.60 1,479.66 $ 16,750.88 Public Administrator; Miscellaneous Bond .* 25.00 $ 25.00 Industrial Accident Premiums: % 112.85 $ 112.85 UNCLASSIFIED Grasshopper, Gopher, Insect Expense: Salaries and Wages Maintenance and Operation $ 69,25 322.54 $ 391.79 Widows Pensions; . % 1,152.50 $ 1,152.50 Old Age Pensions: I 3,889.00 $ 3,839.0« Burial of Soldiers: .4 450.00 $ 450.00 Libraries: Salaries and Wages .. Maintenance and Operation .:. Tax Deed Expense; Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation .. Incurred for Expense in Administration Reconstruc tion Finance Carp.; Salaries and Wages .. $ 3,349.68 1,430.62 % 4,78020 * 12.00 28.85 * 40.85 I 1,886.39 $ 1,886.39 AH Other Miscellaneous Expense; Beef Inspection .. Right of Way . * 29.60 627.50 I 281.63 491.85 $ 1,530.58 Special Miscellaneous I asp. Taxes PAYMENTS ON COUNTY INDEBTEDNESS Interest: On Bonds On Warrants .$ 2,547.76 1,076.76 $ 3,624.52 Principal: Bonds $ 48,000.00 $ 48,000.00 X . Transfers: Between County Funds. Between Trust and Agency Funds $ 5,805.81 46,763.04 $ 52,568.85 Miscellaneous: Undistributed Personal Taxes .$ 5,655.73 $ 5,655.73 CAPITAL OUTLAY: General Governmental: County Buildings Furniture and Fixtures Highways, Bridges and Ferries: New Roads 317.05 $ 275.00 $ 502.05 Miscellaneous: % 18527 Stores .. . . Protested Taxes ....... library Furniture and Fixtures 20.19 978.48 $ 1,183,94 Total County Payments—All Purposes $ 266,990.18 TRUST AND AGENCY PAYMENTS 2 32,347.79 22210.19 117245.88 8,727.13 1.07L18 479.44 State ... Cities and Towns . District School Funds . Irrigation Districts . Estates ...*. Redemptions . Coroner ____...... Protested Taxes <T. & A, Portion) General School ... Libby High School .. Troy High School . High School Tax Collections . ,95 81.04 40,680.38 19,808.61 7,992.01 42,730.47 $ 293,47527 Total Trust and Agency Payments Total Payments—All Purposes . $ 560,465.45 RECONCILEMENT 2 83,742.19 560,465.45 Treasurer's Cash Balance at End of Year Total Payments, AH Purposes, as Above Amount County Warrants Outstanding Beginning of Year . 855.04 $ 645,062.6» Grand Total OPERATION OF CASH ACCOUNTS, COUNTY FUNDS ONLY Balance Received July 1, 1932 & Charged Total* Credited July 1, 1833 $ 13,855,86 $ 45,562.53 $ 59,418.39 $ 50,206.98 $ 9211-41 .. 11,023.81 33,094.09 44,117.90 428.15 17,952.92 18,381.07 172.92 10,046.57 10219.29 3255,95 3,199.49 6,555,44 42,984.70 10,311.64 53296.34 140.48 4,998.49 26.45 296.20 322.65 5,034.43 9,177.65 5,655.73 3,521.92 ' 10225 1,073.25 20.19 1,053.06 16,715.64 19,227.82 16,642.78 2,585.04 236.06 236.06 . Paid and Balance FUND General Fund . Road Fund .. Poor Fund .. Bridge Fund . Library Fund . Bond Sinking Fund Bond Interest Fund 4,858.01 Debt Reduction . Undistributed Personal Tax Fund . Protested, Tax Fund County High School County Fair Fund . Insect Pest Fund . 1,475.63 1,070.33 311.27 849.49 5294.90 2,450.33 42,642.27 17210.74 9,908.02 5,705.95 48201.44 2,548.16 255.75 66.90 4,143.22 970.90 2,512.18 236.06 25.20 25,20 25.20 $ 84,593.41 142,456.14 $227,049.55 $199,159.27 $ 27,890.28 OPERATION OF WARRANT ACCOUNTS, COUNTY FUNDS ONLY Totals Redeemed Out standing Charged June 30, 1933 361.86 361.59 13,459.31 2,048.32 and Outstanding July 1, 1932 Issued Total $ 108.46 $ 50,403.11 $ 50,51127 $ 50,149.71 $ 59.31 42,633.83 42,693.14 42,331.55 372.16 29,987.26 30,359,42 16,900.11 133.74 11,587.03 11,720.77 9,672.45 6.50 5.758.78 5,765.28 5,704.82 60.46 142.44 16,750.88 16,893.32 16,577.78 315.54 FUND General Fund Road Fund Poor Fund . Bridge Fund Library . High School Fund . Refund . 37.83 5,40 32.43 32.43 5.40 855.04 $157,126.29 $157,981.33 $141,341.82 $ 16,639.51 ... $ Totals TAXES RECEIVABLE (DELINQUENT TAXES) COUNTY PORTION, INCLUDING PENALTY Real Personal Class "B" Total . $ 16.25 Class "A" $ 16.25 $ Year 1913 . 7.93 7.93 1914 1.30 . 1.30 1915 75.05 75.05 1916 96,14 . 151.30 96.14 1917 151.30 1918 52.25 52.25 1919 (Continued on page 7)