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HUtoric»! Library ' Wmf n » TOB ,CAUSOC^Ttl * MONTANA, Heui WESTERN NEWS HI of Q With which is consolidated THE LIBBY TIMES and THE TROY TRIBUNE - Libby, Lincoln County, Montana. Thursday, September?, 1933 VOLUME XXXIII Number 14 Fight Fans See Another Good Program Seven Lively Bouts Put On by Boys From C. 0. C. Camps. LARGE CROWD CHEERS FAVORITES A çrowd of fans that filled almost to capacity the Libby opera house was given two hours of good entertainment Monday night at the program of box ing bouts in which young men from the C. C. C. camps of Lincoln county were the performers. Of the seven bouts in the program, six of them were "fast and furious" and two of them almost result ed in knockouts. The opening number was between two colored lads from the Pipe Creek Neil Gibbons and James Rob camp, erts, both 118 pounds. These young blackbirds were fast with their fists but didn't seem to have any desire to hurt each other and their effort was rather tame. Second Bout Was Good The second bout was between Elmer Armstrong, 135 pounds, of the Troy camp, and Jack Surrey, 133 pounds, from Rexford. These boys were real fighters and kept boring in thr&ugh|fät$^ the entire three rounds. Surrey had a wicked swing that he succeeded in landing repeatedly, but Armstrong was strong and rugged and kept wading in and trading stiff jolts with his oppo nent, It was a battle royal throughout the three rounds with Surrey declared the winner. Some considered this the' best bout of the evening. The third preliminary was an ex-j hibition between two fast colored boys. James Perry, 133 pounds, and Dixie! Kid, 136 pounds. The Kid was intro-1 duced as junior lightweight champion! of South Jersey. In the first two rounds of this go, Perry seemed to be getting the best of it He was apparently more aggressive and landed more telling punches, but the Kid wasn't idle by The last round, however, any- means. waa.aiL th* Kid's He walked into Per ry with telling effect and soon bad him groggy. When the last bell sounded. Perry was practically out and his sec onds had to work over him considerably to keep him from fading away. This was -decision bout, but the Dixie Kid In the fourth bout, that short but! stocky performer, Jimmy Moran, 1261 pounds, from the Rexford camp, proved too much for Kid Music, 132 pounds, a no was easily the winner. Both of these boys were clever and fast. Four Times To The Mat from Olney. Moran is plainly an old band at the game and while he is short in stature he is stocky and mus culer. Music was clever and a willing fighter but Moran was just too much for him, Music going to the mat four times in the three rounds. He was on the canvas when the first round ended, he was floored twice in the second round, and he was again reclining when the final bell sounded. None of these jolts were knock-outs, however. Mor an's gloved fist was lifted as winner by the referee. The fifth go was ended abruptly in the third frame, when Captain DeMer ritt, the referee, awarded the bout to Sallen because of a foul by Smith, the referee charging Smith with hitting at with both hands. The entertainers once in this bout were Clarence Smith, 152 pounds, and John Sallen, 147 pounds, both from the Rexford camp. Smith is another lad that shows much exper ience. He is strong and knows the game and the fight was his up to the time that he fouled Sallen. But Sallen is strong and active and kept crowding Smith in his efforts to give Smith as good as he was receiving. Two Fast Blackbirds In the sixth bout, two more colored boys performed, Thomas pounds from the Pipe Creek camp, and William Rollins, 145 pounds, from the Yaak. Rollins won the decision. He was faster and much more clever with his fists. Both boys showed considerable experience, Rollins especially showing signs of having spent much time in the squared ring. It was a pretty exhibition of clever boxing, with some jarring jolts taken by both boys. Ellis, 147 The main event was such in name only. It was a return bout between Micky Yale, 135 pounds, of the Rex ford camp, and Hula Sullivan, also 135 pounds, from the Troy camp. Yale far outclassed the Irishman from Troy. In fact, one might say that Sullivan was helpless before Yale's onslaughts. With out any trouble whatever, Yale repeat edly landed terrific jolts to Sullivan's chin and head, while about the only thing Sullivan could do was to stand with his left hand extended and vainly attempt to land a telling blow now and then. In the last few minutes of the bat tle, Sullivan devoted much of the time to covering up and protecting him self from Yale's attack. One thing can be said of Sullivan, however, and that is that he could absorb a lot of punish ment without going to the mat, and that he was a willing fighter. But at the close of the four rounds he was on the border of slumberland. These two boys also fought in the program staged here August 12 and Yale has both bouts to his credit. Yale is an old hand at the game, strong, clever and carries a nasty wallop in both fists as was ev idenced by the fact that he gave Sul livan a broken jaw in their fracas. Sul CITY COUNCIL HOLDS SHORT SESSION TUESDAY The Libby city council held one of the shortest sessions in its history Tues day night. All business was transacted! and the meeting adjourned by 9:30 o'clock, when as a usual thing adjourn ment is not reached until 11 or 12 o'clock. Outside of routine matters, the only business transacted Tuesday night was regarding collection of license fees. The chief of police and city treasurer were instructed to see that all licenses are collected. All truck owners who are us ing their trucks for hire will be called on to pay a license as required by ord The regular transfer companies here each pay about $20 a year as a li charge and others will be required to do likewise. City Clerk Veldman states that all papers necessary in making application for federal funds for a city hall have been filed with the proper officials. mance. LIBBY NRA COMMITTEE LAYS PLANS FOR DRIVE The Libby NRA committee met Tues day night and discussed plans in con nection with recovery work. The com mittee states that the plan to secure consumer cooperation for the National Recovery Administration will start in the near future, and while it will be later than in most communities, the delay was due to late arrival of the cards. The employers in Libby are doing their best to meet the require ments of the act and should receive the support of the community, states the committee. CAMP FIRE PERMITS NO LONGER NEEDED tr the wt> , , a "d a shovel, axe and pail must still est B | That camp fire permits will be no longer needed was announced this morning by J. K. Dwindle, assistant supervisor. However, smoking in is still prohibited, he stated. ing permits are required up I in all cars entering the for i to the end of this month. be carri Montana, Responds To NRA Appeal Virtually All Communities Are Meeting Requirements of Campaign. . .. . . ., Montana is repsondmg in admirable f"hion to the President s appeal for compliance with the NRA, It is declared i by district manager for the NRA for Montana. Wyoming and Washington, who has requested from Governor Cooney a conference re garding the state recovery board activ ity to be held early in September. Reports from all over the state re ceived at the district office indicate | that virtually all communities are meet i ing the requirements of the campaign i and the majority have already displayed j the Blue Eagle. | The district manager's office is re ! ceiving complaints from individuals and firms w ho have a grievance regarding application of the terms of the Presi dent's agreement or special codes I adopted by the industry. In this con nection Mr. Blalock declared; "It is very grtaifying to me to be able to state that of all the cases so far reviewed by my office there has not been one which was not amicably set tled." Throughout the vast territory com prising the extreme Northwestern dis trict there is being set up machinery for handling those exceptions and misun derstandings which are unavoidable be cause of the rapidity with which the present program is being made effec tive, Mr. Blalock explains. This machinery will be directed by the district recovery board for three states. Within each commonwealth there is a state recovery board which will function under the district board. The ditsrict board includes: J. E. Moorç, Billings; Tracey S. McCraken, Cheyenne; Kerr Beadle, Butte: Mrs. Scott Bullitt, Seattle; B, B. Brooks, Casper; and K W. Jorgenson, Spokane. The Montana state recovery board is composed of the following: Governor F. H. Cooney, Chairman, Helena; Norm an Winestine, Secretary, Helena; J. L. Kelly, Anaconda; J. A. Lovelace, Boze man; William Powers, Bainville; George Shanley, Great Falls; Louis B. O'Neill, Shelby; Desmond J. O'Neill, Glendiveifc M. J. Sullivan, Alhambra; and W. H. Young, Kalispell, in the first livan's jaw was broken round and he showed much grit to stay through to the finish and absorb the numerous jolts that he did to that sore law. AI Baumgart acted as efficient an nouncer of the events, while Captain DeMerritt of the Pipe Creek camp and Jess Bakker of Libby were the refer ees. Dave Foster and C. R. Byers were the time keepers. The program was under the able direction of A. M. Hoff man, E. M. Boyes ,and C, R. Byers with the ofiAfcerfs from the various camps cooperating. If the C. C. C. boys are not pulled out of the camps here too soon, it is planned to stage a program of elimination bouts between present winners in the not distant future. The winners in the elim ination bouts will then go to Spo kane for a similar series of bouts be tween the winners from the various camps throuhout the Inland Empire. Those winning in, the Spokane meet will then go to San Francîsco to engage in bouts with the district winners from the entire western part of the United, States, at which time the western; champions will be determined. I Y Enrollment Increases In High School Facilities Taxed to Take Care of Growing Number. GRADES HAVE 312; GRAND TOTAL 639 The Libby school opened Tuesday for a full day's work. Each principal and teacher had arranged a schedule which enabled them to give out texts, as sign lessons and outline their coursa during the class period. Except far an occasional conflict among irregular stu dents, the different departments are running as smoothly as they do in the middle of the year. There has been quite a uniform enrollment In fha grades for a number of years, but tte high school continues to grow and is now taxing space and equipment The reduction in the high school fac ulty and elimination of manual training and home economics have made it ne cessary to shift the emphasis to other subjects, with the result of s number of large classes. All courses in commerce and those leading to college entrance requirements have been retained so the students will be accommodated in all the fundamental and essential courses. The vocational eoumes have bean very popular and it is hoped that they may be reinstated when normal conditions return. It was necessary' to place a number of new desks in the high school assembly to seat the increased enrollment. A large number of high school pupils from other districts have enrolled this fall, while practically none of last year's classes have been lost. The be ginners' section is back to normal, reg istering 67 first graders. The enrollment i Tuesday evening stood: I High School—Frosh, 48; sophs, 45; j juniors. 43 ; seniors, 38 ; total, 179. Junior High, 148. Central—Mr, DeSonia, 21; Miss Stev ens, 26; Miss Liebe, 33; Miss Thorson, 28; Miss Staudacher, 31; Mi» Hostet ler, 27: Miss McGrade, 28; "'Miss Mad den, 26; Miss Courtwright, 25; Miss ; AliMJSh»«* total. Grand total, all departments, 6 P. G.'s, 5; ; 312 Arnold, 34; Grand total 639. INSANE MAN ATTEMPTS MURDER OF WIFE AND SUICIDE Romeo Garrison of Eureka was brought to Libby last Thursday and lodged in the county jail pending his removal to the hospital for the insane at Warmsprings. On Thursday of last week, Garrison attempted to kill his wife and commit suicide. The Eureka Mirror has the following account of the affair: The community was shocked this morning upon the report of an attempt ed murder and. suicide at the Romeo Garrison home. Sometime in the night Mr. Garrison attacked his wife with a knife, cutting several gashes in her throat. Mrs. Gar rison got out of bed and with her baby in arms rushed across the street to the Tom Bo reman home where she col lapsed as she entered the door. Both she and the baby were covered with blood and the blood was still flowing from the wounds in Mrs. Garrison's throat. Dr. Lowell was summon^ *nd soon had the wounds dressed. Upon investigation at the Garrison home it was found that Mr. Garrison had disappeared. He was found l*ter in the morning wandering along the river in East Riverside suffering from supposedly self inflicted gashes in his throat and on his left wrist. Mr. Gar World War veteran and suf nson is a fered from the effects of gas and shell shock in service and it is thought that he committed the act while in a state of insanity. Sheriff Baney came up this morning and took him to Libby where he will be held under observation. Latest reports are that Mrs. Garrison is doing nicely and will recover. Troy News Items SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Regular meeting board of directors of school district on Sept. 4. Trustees present: Mr. Sanders, chairman, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Weidner, Mr. Ford, Mr. Coffman. Motion by Ford, seconded by Smith, carried, to appoint committee of one to order proper clothing and school supplies for Jessie Templeton. Mr Smith appointed by chairman to look after same. Motion by Smith, seconded by Weid ner, carried, to instruct clerk to notify bus drivers that no passengers, freight or pacrels can be hauled with shcool children. Motion by Ford, seconded by Weid ner, carried, to have Mr. Nichols in stall heaters in school busses. Clerk instructed to notify drivers to call at Service Garage any time before Oct. 1. Motion by Ford, seconded by Coff man, carried, to have Mr. Whitney re construct tables in commercial room. Mr. Ford to order new covering and have charge of same. Motion by Weidner, seconded by Ford carried, to order 5 or 6 extra cords of wood from Mr. Thomas. Mr. i . Ford, Coffman and Weidner appointed ! to cheek wood. 1 Clerk instructed to order 12 play ground balls, also 3 sets of keys. Motion by Ford, seconded by Weid 1 (Continued on page 8) I Was It Earthquake orMeteorShock? McGinnis Meadows District Hears Rumble Followed by Distinct Shaking. McGinnis meadows. Sept. 5 .— Last Wednesday this community re ceived some kind of a shaking up. It is not known here just what it was, but it must either have been an earthquake shock or a meteor. There was a rum bling noise, which was heard before the shock was felt, which some think might have been caused by a meteor. BUILDING AT CITY AIRPORT BURNS TUESDAY The residence building on the B. J. Lamey ranch across the river north of the city that has been occupied by the airport crew while working on the new landing field, was completely burned Tuesday night. A match held too close to a gasoline lamp at the wrong time started the fire. The building and all its contents were burned to the ground including a month's supply of provis ions that had just been received and stored there. Nearby tents were saved by putting a pump in use. Libby Woman's /H^t f A _ _ A _ Uno tit as XdSon vjrvwnr wwmvaa ^ .„i. _<■ ... 4 XFIITFinnFf 1 / ! j __I Captain A R. Sanders to Give interesting Talk at Program— C.C.C. Boys to Furnish Music. The Woman's Club will open its 1933-34 season with a meeting Tuesday afternoon at the club house. The meet ing will be in charge of the new presi dent, Mrs, L. J. Olson, and her staff of officers who were installed in June, The program committee has ar ranged for an interesting progam for this meeting. The speaker of the af temoon will be Captain A. R. Sanders, the commanding officer of C.C.C camp the commanding officer of C.C.C camp No, 17 at Troy. Captain Sanders is a man of extensive travel and wide ex perience in both foreign and domestic army service and his talk promises to be both interesting and instructive. The musical entertainment will be furnished by a group of the men from his camp. MBS. DELIA EVANS WEDS MB. PAUL CABL SCHULZ The Frank Van Der Wood home on Louisiana Avenue was the scene of a quiet wedding on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Paul Carl Schulz of Shelton, Wash Mrs. Delia Evans, (the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Van Der Wood, were united in marriage, the Rev. R. W. Orr of the Presbyteian church reading the service. The bride was ac companied by Miss Mina Larson, the bridegroom by the bride's brother, William Van Der Wood. Mrs, Henry ington, and Nelson and Mrs. Orr were the only other guests. A wedding dinner was served follow ing the marriage ceremony. The couple left on the Empire Build er at 6 o'clock for Shelton. Mr. Schulz is a lumberman employed in the woods about 40 miles from Shelton. Mrs. Schultz has spent many years in Libby and is known both as a school girl, be ing a graduate of the Libby high school, and as an employee in the office of the county assessor. Many friends will wish her happiness in her new home. WHAT MAY BE DONE WITH RETIRED ACRES Bozeman, Sept. 5.—Information just re ceived by J. C. Taylor, director of the Montana extension service, from the federal wheat administration at Wash ington gives further details as to what may be done with the retired acres under the adjustment program. Such retired wheat acres may be al lowed to remain unplanted, they may be summer fallowed or they may be subjected to a weed control program. They may be planted to alfalfa, sweet clover, or hay or pasture grasses, but when such crops are planted, an equiv alent acreage of old hay or pasture must be taken out of production when the new acres are ready for utilization. Forest trees for windbreaks or for farm use may be planted or any green crop may be planted and plowed under. In addition to these specific regu lations regarding the use of land taken out of wheat production under the 15 per cent reduction program, the ad ministration already had issued general instruction to the effect that retired land might be used to produce food to be consumed on the fam, or to produce feed for livestock which will be con sumed on the farm. ? No definite information has yet been received as to whether flax may be planted on retired acreage. LIBBY'S FIRST GOLF TOURNAMENT THIS MONTH Glen Frisbie, proprietor of the Koote nai Golf Course, is advertising a golf tournament among the local people to be held on the 16th and 17th of this month. This is something new n local sportdom as it is the first one ever held at this place. N. R. A. N- is for National, which includes us all. R- for Recovery, complete this fall, A- stands for act, an emergency law, Johnson says take It, or a sock on the jaw. Ray Breck. * H. A. Joughin was a business visitor to Spokane the first of the week. THREE GO OFF HIGH GRADE IN CAR; ALL ESCAPE INJURY Driving from Troy to Libby Saturday night. Bill Nelson, Vernon Friend and Morris Benson, in Benson's Chevrolet! coach, with Nelson at the wheel, went off the high grade on the 'Libby-Troy road just east of Mahoney Springs. The car rolled over several times and was demolished, but the three men es caped with only a few scratches. NO C.C.C. CAMPS HERE DURING THE WNTER campe The Libby office of the forest has received ward that no C.C.C. will be maintained here during the winter. All present workers must re enlist for winter work by September 8 if they desire to remain in the service. Thereafter those not signing up will be sent back to tbeir homes, aU of them be out of this district by September 30. Between that time and October 15, those who re-enlist will be sent to some southern camp. It is estimated it .1 require about 100,000 new recruits fill the ranks after those have gone who desire to return home for the winter. to will to Negroes Are Again Winners. The fast baseball team of colored ^° rk r er x frorn ^ ^ ^ the Libby team to another trimming last Sunday, the score this time being 14 to 8. The colored boys scored in all but two innings, while the locals were blanked in five frames. Roberts, Patt, Burpee and Allen were batteries for the Libbyltes, while the colored bunch opened with Graves and Miller and later switched to Peorsall and Brown. Dedic and Kammeyer, umpires. A short story of the game is told in the following score by innings: Colored Giants 41502101 x—-14 Libby . 210230000—8 Big Tonnage Of Gold Ore In Western Montana Increased Price for Metal Means Much Greater Activity in Mining Camps. Butte, September 5. (Special)—Min ing of enormous tonnages of low-grade gold ore deposits in western Montana, as a result of the lifting of the gold embargo by President Roosevelt, is now a distinct possibility, according to a sur vey being conducted by Montana School of Mines under the direction of Pres ident Francis A. Thomson, director of the State Bureau of Mines and Geology. Estimates from reputable mining men received at the Butte mining schaol have reached a total of more than 5,700,000,000 tons of gold ore valued at from $1 to $5 a ton, which may be mined at a profit under present conditions but which could not be developed in the past. Commenting on the great gold-ore ton nage reported, President Thomson says: "Because even the most experienced engineer cannot estimate the tonnage of an undeveloped ore body, it is im possible for the bureau to vouch for the accuracy of the estimates presented by our correspondents. However, I feel safe in saying that there are large ton nages of low-grade gold ore in Mon tana, the development of which should be stimulated by the action of the Pres ident." The largest body of ore reported was by Charles E. Pew of Helena, who es timated 5,000.000,000 tons of ore are present in the Golden Cloud and Gold en Mist properties in Lewis and Clark county. This ore is valued at about $1 a ton, Mr. Pew reported. George B. Conway, veteran Helena operator, also reported an ore body in Lewis and Clark county of similar magnitude. Mr. Conway ajso said that other mineral bearing formations totaling nearly half a billion tons valued at from $1 to $5 a ton, are preseftt in Lewis and Clark county. Other deposits reported by Mr. Conway include 65 million tons valued at $2 a ton in Phillips county, and 100 million tons valued at $1.50 a ton near Big Timber. A prominent Butte engineer has re ported the Doering et al property in German Gulch near Butte as containing possibly 18,000,000 tons; and also a mil lion tons near Bannack. H. H. Mayer of Helena estimates gold-bearing de posits in German Gulch total upwards of 50 million tons. A prominent smelter executive estimated approximately 50 million tons of $1.50 ore at Rimini and than a million tons of $3.00 ore more at Pony. Another Pony deposit is known to contain about a million tons of ore. A deposit near Helena is reported by W. M. Manning to contain upwards of 50 million tons. Another deposit at Jar dine, now beoing worked, is reported by H. C. Bacom to contain two million tons of low-grade ore that can be work ed if the gold can be sold for more than the price allowed by the United States government. Two other reports have been received: one from Charles Whit comb of Zortman—an undetermined de posit of $1.20 ore ranging from 200,000 tons upward; and another from J. F. Powers of Troy—300,000 tons of $2.00 ore. The Misses Antonia and Elizabeth Grandjean and Mrs. A. C. Herbst left yesterday for Fortine where they will viS i t w ith Mr. and Mrs. H. P Weyde meyer, also visiting with friends in Eureka before they return. They were accompanied by Mrs. 0. G. Gompf. Loan Company Issues Letter To Investors I I : Tells of Plans in Mind j for Reorganisation of Corporation. ^.'INVESTMENTS BACKED BY GOOD SECURITIES The Western Loan and Building company erf Salt Lake City has mailed a circular letter to all stockholders dat ed August 24, setting forth the plans ot the company. The Utah bank commis sioner and others in charge of the company stomgly favor some form of reorganization instead of liquidation u aa present frenzied markets," The letter further says, "Your investments In thi* company is substantially backed by real estate and mortgage securities which, except for taxes, are a first lien on the real etsate." The letter follows: To The Investors Of The Western Loan St Building Company; The bank commissioner of the state of Utah took charge of this company, August 18, 1933. This action was de termined only after a thorough exami nation into the affairs of the company in which the examiners of the states of Utah, Montana, Wyoming, and Cal ifornia participated. The report of ex amination was reviewed in detail by the commissioners of the several west ern states in a conference at which it was requested that the state bank com missioner take charge. This action was acceded to by resolution of the board of directors of the company. It was agreed by the commissioners of the several states that the commis sioner of Utah impound all the assets of the company wherever found and regardless of state lines and that the whole operation be in the nature of a conservatorship rather than with any thought of liquidation on present fren zied markets. It was the consensus of the meeting of the commissioners that no investor in any state be preferred over an investor in any other state. The purpose of the action taken will be to reduce overhead expenses; to prevent withdrawals erf payment» and claimed profits; to preserve all assets: and to work out a reorganization if possible so that the company may go on a mutual basis—owned and controlled exclusively by the investors and man aged by directors selected by them. A complete audit is in process and ap praisals are being made of every asset In the meantime, an efficient organ ization will be maintained to take care of properties, collections, rentals, etc. By enforcing a strict collection policy, earnings continue to accumulate and will offset many losses from depreciation. There will be no preference of in vestors in one state over those in an other. Wherever the assets are located they will be equally available to invest ors. It will be unnecessary and a useless loss and expense for any investor or group of investors to incur attorneys' fees, court costs, or individual expense, as the interest of each will be as fully protected without any such burden. The building and loan officials of your own slate can advise you of these matters without cost. You are cautioned about assigning, trading, or discounting to brokers at low prices your investment certificates. Your invetsment in this company is substantially backed by real estate and mortgage securities which, except for taxes, are a first lien on the real estate. Pending the efforts of reorganization and under changing conditions, it is impossible at this time to state to you with any assurance the value of your holdings in the company, otherwise than indicated above. It is the hope of this department that investors will at least realize the amounts paid in on their investments. Any improvement in real estate market conditions will, of course, result in further benefit to in vestors. Investment agreements of every na ture with the company are in suspen sion while the Department is in control and you are not required during this time to make further payments on your investment. No forfeitures will result from your failure to make payments as required by your investment agree ments. All payments received on in vestment accounts after August 17, 1933, will be set up in a separate account and held intact pending reorganization, and will be held subject to the order of the investor remitting the same. Investors are assured that the inter ests of all will be fully protected by the Utah Commissioner in control and acting with the advice and counsel of the building and loan officials of all the eight western states in which in vestors reside. There are approximately 21,000 in vestors. Frequent letters or reports would involve needless expense. How ever, such informatoin as is necessary to advise you or for your guidance will be furnished. Your cooperation and any advice you may care to offer will be appreciated. Very truly yours, JOHN A. MALTA. Bank Commissioner for the State of Utah. By J. W. JONES, Deputy Examiner in Charge. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Mount and daugh ter arrived home Saturday from a visit of several weeks at the old home in. Peoria, Ill.