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ONE OF THOSE DAYS By DOUGLAS MALLOCH J DST one of those days when the world and its ways Seem so harsh, seem so hard, seem so little to praise; When the work that we do seems a thing never through. Never looks just the way that we wanted It to; There Is nothing so wrong, neither sob, neither song, It's Just one of those days that Just happen along. Just one of those times when a word never rhymes. When the life that we lead seems Just dollars and dimes, When the world is so still, neither good, neither 111, Not a scene has a smile, not a thought has a thrill; There Is nothing so sad, there is noth ing so glad. It's Just one of those days we so often have bad. Just one of those hours neither sun, neither show'rs, Like a lake without waves, or a path without flow'rs; But the world isn't o'er, over now evermore, It shall blossom again as It blossomed before. For tomorrow our gaze to the peaks we shall raise, And shall know that today was Just one of those days. •, III), Dtnilu Melloch.— WNU Scrrlo*. Koners ■ WP r 4 i Solon was one of the three great kings of Judah. He was a poet and some of his songs are contained In our book of praise which we call psalms. Whenever he met Pompey he took off his hat) BONERS are actual humorous tid-blts found in examination pa pers, essays, etc., by teachers. An anachronism Is a thing that a man puts In writing In the past be fore It has taken place In the future. Etiquette Is little things you do that you don't want to do. Edward Bok went to work at an early age to help pay the Income tax. • • • Tell all that you know about Keats. I don't know anything. I don't even know what they are. Oglethorpe was the little Indian maiden that saved the life of Colum bus. • • • Xerxes watched the battle of Sa lamis while seated on a thorn. A pedagog Is a Chinese temple. ©, 1132, Ball Syndicate.—WNU Service. U. S. Senate Employee« About 800 people are usually em ployed by the United States senate. Some of these work In the Capitol building and some work In the senate office building. The secretaries and stenographers are appointed by the In dividual senators. Other employees are generally appointed through pa tronage of the majority party. Nothing to Fear hut Punctures r i « : #> < / 'wW : i ■ / \ an i ■ V i I C' \ - k . y rr - m V ? .••v ■ A-*-». Â Ç li pipi : i m: i :V' i W ILLIAM NKISCH of 8L Louis, setting out on a thousand-mile Jaunt down 'Ylre'MlssIsslppl river on his raft made of two automobile Inner tubes cut and vulcanized together and fastened to a floor of wood and canvas, wasn't worried even by the danger of punctures. He carried an automobile pump, tire patchea, rubber cement and a bathing suit Training Young Women of Germany for Life NDKU the direction of the Hitler government, the training of young if the German nation In farm U' f women life ami rural culture la now being conducted at a farm school In Sutt hauson. The primary motive for this new schooling Is to Instill In the young love for home life snd mar women « rlage, and Is the first step toward once again making peasant life the back bone of the nation. ■ ;■ . . ■ V 1 r « * * ■ X, k v Ml .X m mm m * m £ t m .JK -V'S :<• V; ; si ; |P !•* m&mm* $ t % H I *'*7* y y N* * w > ' *8 ■ «g - ■v ■7 m « V ... >> wmm V-C'S § » Pf M BEDTIME STORY FOR CHILDREN By THORNTON W. BURGESS WHAT JERRY MUSKRAT WAS DOING ID yon ever watch a house being built! Of course yon have. You know, first of all a cellar Is dug. You know how sewer and water pipes are laid. You must know that a lot of work la done In the ground which doesn't go Into the house Itself, but which Is a part of the building of the house Just the same. It was this same way with Jerry Muskrat and his new house. He had a lot to do before he could build the house Itself, which would rise above the surface of the water. Grandfather Frog had been right when he had said that that part of the work would be the easiest for Jerry. First of all Jerry had to dig a sort of cellar. The mud from this he piled around him to make a sort of wall. It was really the beginning of the foundations of the new house. When he had this cellar finished of course the water was quite a lot deeper there than It was around 1L This was why he had dug It. He knew that the water was so shallow around It that It would D >:■ w * .1 J o - CJ ) - * > i: First of All Jerry Had to Dig a Cellar. very likely freeze clear to the bottom In the winter. He didn't want that to happen under his house, or should 1 say Inside his house? You see that cellar really was a part of his house, I suppose. Anyway, It was the way by which he would go In and out, and so It had to be made safe. It wouldn't do to leave a chance of being frozen In. So he took pains to make it deep enough. Then from that cellar he started a tunnel over to the bank of the Smil ing Pool. It took time to dig that tun nel When he reached the bank he kept right on, slanting up until he had reached a place where It was dry and where he felt aure that the spring flood would not reach unless It hap pened to be such an unusual flood as the one which had swept away his old house last spring. There he made a comfortable and roomy chamber wherein he would later make a nice bed of grass. Then Jerry went back to his cellar and started another tunnel. This one he headed straight for the deepest part of the Smiling Pool, where he knew there would be water no matter how thick the Ice above might be. When this was finished he dug another to the bank and another to deep water so that In case of accident to the first one, he would still have tunnels he SANDWICH VARIETY T HIS Is the sandwich season, so we will stock up on a-few new ways of preparing them. Pate de Foie Gra* Sandwich. Cook two small goose livers In goose fat until soft, mash them to a paste with three hard-cooked eggs, season with salt, pepper and grated onion. Spread on small thin slices of toast, or serve as a canape. Devlled Egg Sandwich. Take 12 hard-cooked egg yolks, three tablespoonfuls of olive oil, two table spoonfuls of lemon Juice, one-half tea spoonful of prepared mustard, salt, paprika and three drops of tabasco sauce. Mix all together and blend well; spread on buttered rye or white bread. The whites may be finely chopped and sprinkled over the sand wich if desired. Fried Egg Sandwich. Cook a little finely minced onion In butter, then turn In an egg and cook until set; season with salt and pepper and place on buttered bread; cover with another slice. Chicken and Onion Sandwich. Take small bits of chicken finely chopped and mix with one-third the GraphicQjlf WO.l IRON DIFFICULT CLUB FROM COUSM GRASS. bctter. rb euere 4 OBTAINED PROM SPOOSU SPOON USEFUL IN ROUGH GRASS T HERE seems to be a hesitancy on the part of most golfers to resort to the spoon when a cuppy He In the fairway confronts them or In rough grass. Generally they will pin their chances on some straight faced Iron In preference. Perhaps Just as gen erally their shot will end disastrously. For the straight faced Iron particular ly Is a difficult club In the hands of any but the expert player. All right off the tee, It takes considerable pow er to play it efficiently from heavy grass. In dèep clover a dry contact Is almost impossible because the Juice of the smashed plants highly lubricates the face of the Iron. The ball, lacking spin, Is thus hard to control. The re silient face of the spoon will take a much, better hold in such circum stances. Another thing In Its favor la that It has more loft than an Iron club for the same range and cun raise the ball more quickly from the long grass and set It down with but little roll. im, B»!l SyndJoAte. —WNU tervlcw could use. Jerry believes In being pre pared. It takes time and a lot of hard work to dig tunnels like these. It was this that Jerry was doing while Peter Rabbit was so Impatiently watching for some signs of the new house above water. The bits of earth and sod which Jerry dug out he used to broaden the foundation around his cellar. And of course It was this work that made the water so muddy. The truth is these tunnels were quite as Important as the house Itself. In fact. In some ways they were more Important So Jerry took great pains In digging them. He knew that the time might come when his life would depend on them. He Intended that If that time did come there should be nothing wrong with those tunnels. Not until they were finished did he give much thought to the rest et the house. c. mi, by T. W. Burt«*.—WNU Servie«. D^vo inw T i b b.è? mm -f - r «ft*»*» pedigreed Angora cat, owned by Mrs. Alice S, Brown of Lebanon, R H-, is the proud conten der for the tide of the old est cat in New England. "Ruffles" is twenty years old-—nearly old enough to vote - t- and is the mother of 124 children and numer ous great-great-great grandchildren, <$■ by McClure Newspaper Syndicat#. WNU Servie# quantity of finely minced onion, sea son with salt and pepper and spread on buttered bread, Curried Egg Sandwich. Fry sliced onions in butter, add flour and milk to make a thick cream sauce. Add half a teaspoonful of cur ry powder and three hard-cooked eggs or more. Spread on buttered bread when cool. Egg With Mushroom. Saute a few mushrooms In butter, add chopped hard-cooked egg In pro portions to suit the taste, bind with a little sweet cream, season to taste and spread on white buttered bread. C by Weetern Neweoaoer Union. In Black Taffeta V** X f 5 / I ( ; ■,, \ The rustle of taffeta Is heard once more In the land. This black taffeta gown has many points In Its favor, on sleeves as well as on the double skirt flounces which mount at the front g e 0 National Topics Interpreted by William Bruckaft Washington. — Secretary Wallace's plan for sending this little pig and % that little pig and TooManyPigs an old sow or two to market has caused so many pigs to go to market that the distin guished secretary has had to Issue a warning against shipping so many of them at this time. The markets were nearly glutted In the first days of op eration of the program under which the government Is buying pigs and sows, soon to farrow, at premium prices. Secretary Wallace certainly demonstrated that he la the nation's champion hog caller, especially when the Inducement was cash In hand. As soon as the Department of Agri culture decided that a reduction In the potential marketing of hogs during the coming year was advisable and made known that the government would buy pigs weighing between 25 and 100 pounds and sows, soon to far row, there was a rush for market Despite the fact that the government Is prepared to buy 4,000,000 pigs and 1,000,000 sows, at the premium prices, approximately 30,000 pigs and 1,000 sows reached the main markets on the first day. Mr. Wallace watched the pigs go to market for a few days more and then tried to shoo them back a hit, explaining that the farmers would have until around October 1 In which to ship their pigs and obtain the premium prices. By the end of September, It Is fig ured by the experts, the potential mar keting of hogs during the coming year will have been reduced by about 2,000, 000,000 pounds. In this manner, It Is claimed by Mr. Wallace and those who sponsored the Idea, the first step will have been taken In establishing and maintaining a balance between the production and consumption of hog products. It Is their belief also that this course will establish prices around the level that prevailed between 1910 and 1914. While the potential marketing Is ex pected to be reduced by about 2,000, 000,000 pounds, the actual live tonnage of the pigs and sows for which the government will pay a premium during the-emergency period Is expected to up proximate 650.000.000 pounds. The government has not' bound itself to buy more than 4,000,000 pips and 1,000,000 sows, and so Secretary Wal lace has suggested that farmers who plan to shop should get In touch with their county agent or some other au thority and learn whether they can sell their stock before the little pigs are sent to market. It might be well to supply here the premium prices which are to be paid for those pigs and sows which will be purchased. The secretary used the Chicago market as a base and the prices which he fixed for that market, therefore, generally will run somewhat higher than the farmer will receive at interior points, Just as they would un der normal marketing conditions. The scale of prices per hundredweight, for pigs Is ns follows: 25-30 pounds, $9.50; 31-35 pounds, $0.25; 30-40 pounds, $0; 41-45 pounds, $8.75; 46-50 pounds, $8.50; pounds, $8; 61-65 pounds, $7.75; 66-70 pounds. $7.50; 71-75 pounds, $7.25; 76-80 pounds, $7; 81-85 pounds, $6.75; 80-90 pounds, $6.50; 91-95 pounds, $6.25; and 90-100 pounds, $6. For the sows that are soon to farrow —and the requirements are that this fact shall be unmistakable—the gov ernment will pay a premium of four dollars per head, but It will buy only those sows weighing 275 pounds or more. The farmers, therefore, will get the market price for packing sows on the day the shipment is received in the market, plus the premium of four dollars for each sow sold. • to Market iki pounds, $8. 51-55 The government Is trying, as we said above, to reduce the potential marketing of hogs Raise in Price during the forth coming marketing season and It be lieves that In so doing several im portant benefits will accrue to the growers of hogs, and they will accrue immediately. The extent to which pur chases are scheduled to be made will mean a reduction of from 12 to 16 per cent in the marketings that are likely to take place otherwise in the 1933 1934 marketing seasan, according to the calculation. The experts who fig ured out what the reduction will mean also are authority for the calculation that the action will result In an In crease In prices of hogs during the forthcoming season ranging from 25 to 35 per cent. That is the claim, any way ! So It Is seen that the Department of Agriculture expects to accomplish an Increase In hog prices by $1 or $1.50 over the present base price of about $4.50 per hundred. The first portion of the benefits to come from the plan Is In the form of the premium which we have discussed, and the second Is In the form of higher prices for the remainder of the hog crop. Mr. John Q. Consumer la the one upon whom success of the enterprise depends. Mr. Wallace Is going to lay another processing tax on hogs that go Into domestic consumption. No such tax will be laid on hogs killed for export shipment The amount of the tax has not been definitely fixed, but Mr. Wallace holds that one-half cent to Result per pound of the live hogs will provide sufficient funds. It must be noted, however, that a tax of one-half cent per pound on the hoof grows to b© much more per pound of edible ham for ham and eggs, or In the .pork chops that grace the table. Mr. Wallace says with emphasis that this emergency program will not be repeated. He plans to give consid eration at once to a definite program of a permanent character that will effect a more substantial reduction la the number of sows that will farrow la the future, a sort of a birth-control idea. At the same time and Inter linked with the hog program, he pro poses to work out some arrangement that will reduce the acreage of corn. It is quite obvious to anyone that If there was an artificial Increase in hog prices there would be an expansion of hog production In another year. So Mr. Wallace is going to try to defeat that through birth control of hogs and by causing an Increase In the price of corn. • 4 • Without passing on the merits of the scheme which Mr. Wallace and his advisers have worked out fur ther than to say he Is being criti cized vigorously in a good many quar ters, It must be remembered there has been a violent change In America's position with respect to Its surplus hog products. In recent years, there has been almost annually a decrease In the export of pork and Its products because the European countries, hither to our great market, have been step ping up their hog production consist ently since the World war. More re cently, most of those countries have sought to protect themselves by estab lishing high tariffs or by limiting the imports from the United States through quotas. Meanwhile, hog and corn produc tion has gone on here at the old rate and we Just have no place to send the surplus. Hog prices reflect the effect of excess supplies on the domestic market The products are highly per ishable and must move Into consump tion quickly at whatever price they will bring. There Is, therefore, no doubt about the existence, nor the serious character, of the hog problem. As every one knows, much of the corn raisers' success de pends upon the extent to which corn la fed to hogs. This condition Is accentuated these days because not so many years ago about 11,000,000 horses and mules more than now exist were eating corn. That corn has been diverted to hog feed. Students of the problem are saying, therefore, that if there Is to be a satisfactory relationship be tween hog and corn production, the corn acreage must be adjusted down ward as the hog production shrinks. Otherwise, the quantity of corn re leased from hog consumption would cause the price of corn to go to the bottom, and .. the.c orn farmer would_ get It In the neck in that way. It Is an extremely delicate balance that Mr, Wallace Is seeking. It never has been found in all history and a rail fence opinion is that Mr. Wallace won't find It. On the other hand, there never has been In history a situ ation so complex as that through which we have been passing and sup porters of the idea now being put into operation by the government contend It Is the only way out. Since Presi dent Roosevelt has been feeling his way In an effort to bring about re covery, observers here seem to be agreed that little more harm can be done by trying out the birth control» method for reducing hog production I w and an acreage reduction plan for re 3 duclng corn production. Decrease in Exports f Doubtless, noon in Washington Is j not greatly different than noon in a • thousand other j Washington's American cities, or poon on the farm. But there Is an "Institution" associated with noon In Washington that probably has no counterpart elsewhere. Where other cities have their factory whistles and bells, Washington has Its time ball. Something more than half a century ago, some one conceived the Idea of an official time signal under government auspices. Various methods of estab lishing such a signal were considered. At length, It was worked out and a staff was erected atop the east front of the great State department build ing and an arrangement perfected whereby a large gilded ball, visible for several miles, would be dropped from the top of this staff on the split-second of noon. The ball Is lifted Into position by hand but the trigger that holds It Is released by an electrical Impulse sent at the Instant the naval observatory, through Us star-gazing scientists, do- 1 créés that noon has arrived. For many years, an electric wire ran di rect from the observatory to the state building, but somehow the government forgot about Us time ball and allowed a telegraph company to take over ad ministration of It. The telegraph com pany still sees to It that the Impulse goes forward and trips the trigger so that all of' Washington, who can see the state building, will know that It is noon. ©, 1IIJ. Western Newapeper Union. Time Ball