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.p a L b OO^T1 Hl8 lf WONf^^ ° hêlE-n* WESTERN NEWS l Historical Library » HELENA, Mont With which is consolidated THE LIBBY TIMES and THE TEOY TRIBUNE Libby, Lincoln County, Montana. VOLUME XXXIII Thursday, October 26. 19) OO )•) Number 21 Governor To Call Special Session Soon Need Legislation to Permit ° Montana to Participate • -r, -r, _ j m Recovery Funds $5,000,000 AVAILABLE FOR IRRIGATION In its issue of last Monday, the Great Falls Tribune had the following to say about the special session: HELENA, Oct 22.—A special session of the Montana legislature for the cre ation of emergency measures to per mit the Treasure state to participate fully in federal recovery funds will be called early in November, Gov. Frank H. Cooney announced today. The governor's plan was made pub lic immediately upon his return home Sunday from Washington and New York, where he obtained the president's asurance that $5,000,000 would be made available to Montana for small irriga tion projects. The legislative members, Governor Cooney said, will be given their official call within a few days, the interim permitting him to draft his proposed bills and message. The constitution re quires a lapse of 10 days between the call and the convening of an extraor dinary session. The Montana chief executive empha sized that the session would be as , brief as possible and that it would con- j sider relief and emergency measures j only. "It will be a waste of time for anyone to submit any other proposed legislation to me," he added. Water Conservation Board _ . , will Primarily session créa e a water conservation board, which will Bf• W1 ? aut -" onty , l< ? ls fJ^ e $3,500,000 in bonds secured by the] small irrigation projects to be im proved under the federal grant. The balance of the $5,000,000, or $1,500, 000, will be an outright grant to Mon tana. Each of the 500 or more projects, many of them in eastern Montana and all believed to be placed on a self-liquidating basis through the construction of needed earth dams, laterals and other work, will contract individually with the water conserva tion board, the governor said. Hie. b onds will run from 5 to .20 years at a low rate of interest, and it is the governor's belief that sev eral hundred of the projects may be completed by this time next year. "It's the salvation of Montana, and particularly the eastern section of the state," the governor said. "The conservation and control of our waters means more to Montana than any thing else—even the development of our vast mineral resources." To Benefit Montana Labor He believes that with earthwork to constitute the major part of the irri gation program, fully 80 per cent of the money to be spent will go to Montana labor. The loans, he thinks, will average from $500 to $100,000. While the governor has not en tirely formulated the program he will incorporate in the call, he said it would be necessary for the session to appropriate a direct amount to the Montana liquor control board for the establishment of the state liquor store system upon the advent of repeal. pie present law merely permits the board to incur an indebtedness of ; $25,000 for this purpose, and some doubt has been expressed as to the constitutionality of the boardfs thus acting. Governor Cooney said also that the session would have to appropriate adequate funds for the state engineer tog department, under whose com plete control and jurisdiction the ir rigation projects benefited under the $5,00?)t)00 will be handled. -, ... Sticks With President While thoroughly ih"sympathy with the plan of Montana wheat producers to hold their grain under the farm holiday movement. Governor Cooney will remain steadfast with President Roosevelt in the latter's program of farm relief. He reiterated here today that he would "go along with the President" when discussing the farm strike and Montana's participation in it. He did not disucss the appeal of Governor Langer of North Dakota to join that state in an embargo. "The president," Governor Cooney observed, "is sincere in his farm re lief efforts, but it is not humanly possible for him to undo in five or six months a condition that was five or six years in the making." "I Believe everything will work out all rieht for the farmer if he stays with the president," Cooney added. , ,. . . . „ Missoula, division i engineer, and Roy Kuhns, of Kalispell, district engineer, of the state highway 1 commission, arrived in Libby last night te confer with highway engineers work mg at Kootenai Falls, This morning Senator M. D. Rowland said he had not yet been officially no tified of the special session but that reports are it will be called to convene about November 10. Highway Engineers Here. H. C. Tilzey of FOUR LADIES HOSTESS AT DELIGHTFUL PARTY The Misses Ruth Hostetler, Grace Smith and Hester Stevenson and Mrs. Irene Stevens were hostesses to the ! faculty of the Libby schools and other friends Tuesday night at the home of : Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Karnes. In honor I of the occasion, the Karnes home was prettily decorated in keeping with the J approaching Hallowe'en season and a ' similar color scheme serving of refreshment Seven tables of bridge were in play, ™ th Wgh score prizes going to Miss Mary Barnes and Mr. Arthur DeSoma, while Miss Isabel McGrade and Mr. '■ Joe Hazen carried home the consola , tmn tokens. s used in the Will Benefit Gold Mining In Ibis District U. S. Government Will Buy and Sell Newly Mined Gold at World Prices or Better. In his radio address to the nation Sunday night, President Roosevelt an nounced that he had decided to ease up on the gold embargo and that the government would enter the gold market and buy newly mined gold, at a price higher than the world market. For the past several weeks there has been an arrangement whereby home producers of gold could sell their product to the foreign market, through United States channels. The price of gold at one time had climbed to $32 an ounce as com pared to $20 on the home market. Con siderable delay in obtaining returns arose in selling on the foreign market This will undoubtedly be done away, with by the government's going ac tively into the purchase of newly mined ; gold, DENVER, Oct, 23.—Mark A. Skinner, superintendent of the Denver mint,; commented enthusiastically tonight on i t ^ e announcemeri t by President Roose ve j^ gi ven ; n hj s broadcast, that the I government will buy and sell gold in {be world market, Skinner declared that mining in the Rocky mountain region, already stimu lated by recent moves, will be spurred, to even greater activity. the world price came as a godscnd to the producers,' ' ' "It means they will get their money quicker. When they ship gold on con-j signment, they must wait three to five weeks for their return. Selling to the government, they would be paid in five to seven days, at the outside " "The action of the federal govern ment in creating a market for gold," Skinner said, "will be of even greater benefit to the producers than selling on consignment. Woman's Club meeting Declared One Of Best The Libby Woman's club was host ess to the district convention of Wo man's clubs of district one, Friday and Saturday. Friday morning the meeting opened by assembly singing led by Mrs. W. N. Curtis, and invocation by Rev. Cra ter. Mrs. L. J. Olson, president of the Libby Woman's club, welcomed the visitors. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. E. E. Jaqueth, district president, who had for her message: "This Mon- tana: what to do with our hours," which was handled in Excellent Program at Two Day Session —New Officers Elected—Mrs. C. L. Clifford, Kalispell, President j leisure a very able manner and drew forth much fa vorable comment. "The American Home; can it meet the requirements of the changing world?" was very ably presented by Mrs. Richard Hardie, Kalispell. These were followed by a round table dis Tussion. "The Club Woman and Legislation" was given by Mrs. A. C. Herbst, at the afternoon session. This was followed by a group of songs by Mrs. J. A. Krall and a splendid talk by Supt. A. A. Wood, of the public school, his sub ject being "Educational Reformers." Montana Art exhibit with lecture presented by Mrs. Walter Neils. This exhibit was on display and depicted charming works of art by all Montana people. From here the exhibit will go to Havre, where it will be shown at the Montana Educational meeting in session there this week. A memorial to Sara Morse, former executive sec retary of the Association, was read by Mrs. Alice Farris. Another memorial Morse was read by Mrs. H. McCullough of Eureka, the memorial having been composed by Mrs, Frances Edinger of Divide. The afternoon session was closed by the members watching Buy Now" campaign parade, which was led by the band, with school children, firemen, club women, Legion member! compliance board and other organizations represented in the par ade which formed at the school house (continued on page 5) was Montana Tuberculosis to Mrs. Remember the Issue WE ME NOT 6û(N6 THMUÿlf §3> V $2 § mm ninth r : If i'* tù m m m y 'àufîiTr ii —Cowtty at. Lout» Pott Dispatch THE Tamarack Edited by Students of the Libby Schools LaMar Rowland, Editor Elmer Stevens, Assistant Editor j îEôttorml There are many varieties of human ex j nature. Among Them we find two tremes—the very talkative group and I the intensely quiet type. These two SS «5 Ä Ä 'ps "Mr "K P® 3 «* abiding group of students are seen to be studying whenever the in structor makes his survey. Although the two extremes seem far apart in behavior, they come much closer together in the studious column, If we were to graph the two groups we would start with the actions at the ! —they would be far apart but t" 6 grades which come at the top or 1 goal would converge. ; are placed in school to study, i Eac b group of students employ differ | ont methods to gain their goal of good grades. Why should one group be en couraged by a good mark in behavior while the other set is marked very low? It may seem logical to grade low on fïrtZi KÆ W I COnSider and vet one grau/gain/thl?^honorai for their efforts while the oppositely characterized group get no^ credit whatsoever for the same kind of sa, Lr" lhal is a big THE KEYHOLE REPORTER Seen in the Assembly: Ham Hough's mail, to a certain Sen ior girl, has all of a sudden stopped. JoJo Fennessey, a 1933 graduate, was seen walking around the halls last week. Joe, when questioned, said he just couldn't slay away. The "three muskies" have decided to look at the world through celluloid (Continued on page 4) Entertains Friday Night Bridge Club 'pie home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brinton was the scene of an enjoyable party last Friday evening when Mrs. Brinton was hostess to the members of the Friday Night Bridge club. On this occasion four prizes were given—Mrs. James Davidson winning high prize, Mrs. James Harris, Sr., the con solation, Mrs. James Christie a guest prize and Mrs. Fred Cloutier a travel ing prize. At the conclusion of the games, the guests moved into the din ing room which they found prettily decorated with Hallowe'en decorations and where a dainty lunch was served with the guests seated at a long table. score Entertain in Honor of Guest The Misses Wave Knarr, Lalla Son ner and Georgia Thorsen entertained at three tables of bridge Monday night in honor of Miss Alyce Boardman of Se attle, who was in the city as the guest of Miss Thorsen. The pleasant affair being given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Gompf. Prizes were awarded to Miss Grace Smith for high score and to Miss Boardman for holding the low score. Refreshments were served. Is Hostess to Entre Nous Chib Mrs. M. D. Rowland was hostess to the members of the Entre Nous Bridge club at their regular meeting Tuesday night. After an enjoyable evening at the bridge tables, comparison of scores disclosed that Mrs. A. M Hoffman entitled to high score honors and Mrs. R. W Smithberger to the consolation. Punch was served. was The NRA parade staged in Libby Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock was a pJeasant response to the request of the | Libby Woman s club that such a de- , monstration be held during the time \ the district meeting of the federated j women's clubs was being held here. N. R. A. PARADE IS PLEASING DEMONSTRATION The parade was'fftiler the direct man-i agement of the NBA compliance com- ! mittee. The thought back of it was to! stress the "Buy Now" campaign that is I now being emphasized all over the na tion by the Roosevelt administration. The line of march formed at the school house, and as it started was lead by an American- Legion —detachment with the colors. The Legion was fol lo f w ( '? d By a car carrying the members °. ie NR A. Compliance board. Behind rd very colorful appearance. Following the scl ™ol children came a long string of autos representing different civic or ganization and business houses, while lucre was also a goodly representation of private care. The parade marched down Mineral avenue, crossed over onto California, back onto Mineral avenue and to the place of beginning. It was about four' blocks long. Large crowds witnessed it from the sidewalks. -— - MANY ATTEND FUNERAL «FRVIPFS nr \ n d*p B SERVICES OF A. D. BARR, , - One of the largest funerals held in Libby for many months was that ofj Mr - Ammon D Ba ". Saturday afternoon from the Gompf chapel, the T f T lh fne 4 nd f ÄJ 0 ^ ay fteur last aspects to the nfuJ re f t mass 1 s of flowc !' s 1 ® S ' SSidfea: and respcct ot rcla - The services were conducted by the Rev. R. V. Crater of the Methodist; church. Appropriate hymns were sungj by Mrs. Vink and Mrs. Brown, with Mrs. Pilcher at the piano. Services at the grave were in charge of the Moose lodge of which the deceased member, and the pallbearers members of that order. Interment in the Libby cemetery. was a were was A Tender, Wistul Romance Spencer Tracy, Marian Nixon and Stuart Erwin are the three stars of "Face in the Sky," the Thursday, Fri day, Saturday theatre attraction. Tender, wistful romance is offered by Marian Nixon, while Spencer Tracy, as a Rembrandt in overalls, plenty of fun with "Stu" Erwin, his comic pal. As a pair of itinerant bill board painters the two roam the high ways in a motor truck which provides them with a home on wheels and a travelling work-room. Romance develops between the wise cracking Tracy and Marian Nixon, who has the role of a lonely little girl-of all-work destined to a loveless mar riage with a hayseed lout. furnishes Fire In Box Factory A small fire in the box factory of the J. Nells Lumber company caused some excitement Thursday night about 7:30. A bearing became so hot that it started a blaze. The fire department was called out and responded but the mill firemen had water from a hose on to the fire before the city department could reach the mill, and had the danger under control. Chief Hoffman and his firemen waited around for a time to watch developments but their services were not needed. Birthday Club Entertains The Birthday Club of the Women of the Moose met again on Tuesday night after their regular lodge meeting. Two birthdays were celebrated for month, those of Co-Worker Mitchell and Co-Worker Johannsor. Both were recipients of lovely gifts from the lodge, Co-Workers Warner, Downing, Jams, and Withee were the hostesses for the evening. this STEAL WINDOWS AND DO GREAT DAMAGE TO PROPERTY Vernon Crotteau was justly incensed last week when he drove out to what was formerly the Burrell place south of Libby but which he now owns. The place had been unoccupied recently and he found that someone had almost wrecked the buildings. The doors to the house had been broken open and Cie windows tom out of the casings. Fbe windows to the garage and chicken house had also been taken. The cul prits, in leaving, left the door to the h .»use open, with the result that range horses had invaded the house to get out of the recent storm, had broken through the floor, and had left the terior in a terrible condition. Crotteau is only hoping he will bf. able to locate the guilty party. in 30 More Local Men Depart For Winter CCC Wort asia were I a delightful icard party and shower given in honor I Left This Maiming for Missoula with Expectation of Being Moved to California Supervisor Webb of the forest vice states that 30 additional CCC _ will be shipped from Libby today for Missoula for employment during the winter. Just where they will be em ployed is not known. In the group are 13 men from Libby, 5 from Troy, 1 from Warland, 5 from Eureka, 2 from Rexford and 4 from Gateway, Mr. Webb further reports that dur ing the past week 100 local men were employed throughout the local forest projects financed by NIRA fund. ! , ., n es 5 men are P^rnutted to put in only rff foTa ^and otheî^kTtS places. -——— GIVE DELIGHTFUL SHOWER ser men FOR NEWLY-WED COUPLE , ,, ~~ , , j rs ' Forrest DcRosia b „i > j S _^? ncb,y , n JSht at j Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Shaurette, who j were recently married. Five tables 0 f '' _ !.. prizes I awarded to Mrs. Darrell Shaurette and Mr. Lionel Shaurette for holding high scores and to Mrs. Josephine Austin and Mr. Marshall Wilkinson for the j , I P lnoob,< ? ^ in play, with 1 | I »... mMMUtu „..xinson tor : j ow ^ distinction. Delicious refresh : merits were served. The bride wa J ^ g | Mae Karnes last evening, The home! was prettily decorated in appropriate j Hallowc en style. After the activities *°r toe winter season were discussed, | exciting year was promised under , the sponsorship of Miss Frances Schou : wcl ^ er ' After the business had been I transacted, the girls amused themselves m variety of entertainments. ™iss Dorothee Racicot was delight fu , y surprised when a huge birthday \ ca * ce an d a shower of handkerchiefs | were presented to her from the (members , s Apricot sherbet, cake and hot choco l at<? constituted the menu of the lunch The next meeting will carrv out the Hallowe'en spirit with Miss Lillian Bore as hostess. ' " - - î jM>y I fA«C »-Il/U/ LlUlij * (LlïffïPf pAf* UdlDc r ror Regular j «I _ IIJft^)flQ ItIPPi U>Uli lTlvV>V Dr. C. B. Boyle Urges Support of President Roosevelt—William Her bert Tells of Gold Discovery A goodly number of Libby Lions and briefly a new find in a mining prospect that apparently has promising values in] gold and silver. The greater part of his remarks, however, was devoted to explaining why he thinks there is field lying south and west of Libby that is very promising territory fori the finding of rich mineral deposits. Ho said the geological formation is ex actly right for mineral deposition. Lion Herbert stated that in another district' lying nort of Libby the geological formation is right for the finding ofi the more precious minerals such as platinum, etc. Chairman Turner of the dance com mittee reported gross receipts of about $75 with expenditures of about $39. E. J. Driear told of pep rallies at the school in which the club had partici pated and announcement was made of another rally to be held Friday after noon. Dr. J. W. Church said he was induced to a desire to join the Lion's club when, on his way to Libby, he ran onto the Lions' fountain on the highway south of the city- He remarked that right then and there he would like to be long. But before closing he asked why there were so few Lions present at the football benefit dance given by the club. That gave an opportunity for Carleton Joughin, tail twister, to in flirt fines against those members who failed in their duty to be present the dance, an opportunity of which he took full advantage. Dr. C. B. Boyle was introduced by the a few guests enjoyed their regular din ner and meeting at Turner's Tavern Monday evening, with L. S. Welch, president, presiding. After the serving of dinner, the president called on Wil liam Herbert to tell of a recent dis covery of ore. Mr. Herbert described a Kelley Rakes Examination OfLocalForest i Regional Forester Expects Work to Start Soon on Yaak Hill. NRA MAKINgT REAL PROGRESS Major Evan W. Kelley, of Missoula, regional forester of Region One of the national forest ' __ Friday conferring with Supervisor^. S. Webb and other local officials. "We are making what might be called a sur vey of the Region,'' said Major Kelley while conversing with a Western News We are going mattere at the close of the _ w checking up on what has been done during the summer, and gathering in formation that will assist us In map ping out a program for next year's work." Asked if he thought the C.C.C. boys would be sent back into the for ests again next year, he replied that no one knew whether they would not but that he would not be surprised if next season saw a large number of them aain established in camps over the local forest. Major Kelley talked interestingly of a visit he made to Washington in the early summer as plans were being worked out for the CCC campaign. He told how he and other regional forest ers of the West made a united stand in urging that the foresters be author ized to enroll for the summer's work a large number of those men who had relied on that work for years and who were experienced at it. The official Ä was in ^djate fharge of the CCC or R R nization R t first opposed the reQU ^ st on the around that it would ,nterfere Wth CCC Dlans service, was in Libby representative. over season. or fblally consented to allow Frank Persons, in ! Atonal re-emnlovment, to j the m atter before the President. ' T B° reu Pon Mr. Persons, Mr. Kelley and {c ' w 0filer testers drafted a letter ! to tbe President stating the need of — um . „„ ™ v ' ,vidincr employment for those men w ^° been in the employ of the Ä Ät *. p_ s * s pended his signature to it, with the | prn-nsion. however. thrt these men be paid not more than a dollar a dav '"In sneakin'« of the two maior road nroierts in this district Maior KelW .*<4 he didn't have anv new informa tion "However, the status of the Yaak hill nromet is such that bids on it ousht to b*> called for in a verv short time ct-ted Mr Kellev "I would not surnris»d to son work sNrt tVioro K r oKout December 1 md nossiKlv con »mue throughout th»'winter "The start! j n „ 0 f work on Kn .J n ,i VJtio hornet J l ! 3 Fal n ZTTd i . much stower." t m ^ wo surlev" " ^ ** summer. In sneaking of »°neral bmjnpcq rou r,; » : nns. Mmor Kellev remrked that he felt real moeres* wes^^ping made un iko NP A ?ed other recovery dertakin«s hut the» 'vimnlete un recovery '"onto be »'«'y pf'd he urged patience bv the nubhe pd heartv coo»v»ration with the national administration. Thompson-Fuller Wedding. Mr. Sam Thompson will leave this afternoon for Kalispell where he will be met by Miss Verdelle Fuller and where they will be married tomorrow By the pastor of the Presbyterian church, Miss Fuller coming from her home in North Dakota for the wedding. The bride was one of the first grade teachers in the Libby sohool last year. She is a very attractive and talented young lady and many friends will be glad to welcome her back to Libby. The groom is employed at the sawmill of I the J. Neils Lumber company and is popular with the young set. The friends M-T. and Mrs. Thompson will unite i ! n wishing them long life i na PP mes3 - _ j chair and spoke briefly. Dr. Boyle said this was a serious time in the history I of the nation and urged his hearers j to stand steadfast behind the President j to his herculean task of working the nation out of the dreadful condition j to which it has been floundering for the past four years. He asked those present to stand and salute the Pres ident, which was done, in the words. "Mr. President, we salute you." The chair read a letter from the tional president commending Turner for the good work done that entitled him,, to become a key mem lier —the obtaining of two bers. Miss Blanche Fousek was a guest of the club and helped greatly in the entertainment by accompanying the Lions in their singing and by rendering a piano selection. Other guests were Dr, E D. Madden. Fred Jaqueth and Dr. C. B, Boyle. Lion W. H. Kemp has the habit of moving a piano to the Tavern for the Lions without charge and he was given a rousing "roar" for that service. The program of the evening was under the direction of President Welch who had the dining room dec tort-,orated in orange and black and papèr caps of the same color for all present, suggestive of the edming Hallowe'en season. and na Lion new mem-