Newspaper Page Text
be in h- 1st ,h eel ry u titv at ing ice, lira He JfeiW of Preedoty. IJVWBENCE, K. T. 1 Satnrday Morning. Sep. 25, 1858. Liberty of th Ptms. K b, th libertjr of the press we understand Bcrcb the liberty of discussing the propriety of pob'.ic measure and political opinions, let as litre u much of it as you please; but iU numu lie ii'jy aafrmling, calumniating and deam w m amtker, I, for my part, own myself will icjto part with my share of it whenever oer piston shall plcue to alter the law; and ,bll cheerfully consent to exchange my liberty ,1 .busing others for the privilege of sot being .based mivM.-FrankHn. ' Wen' I Band ea that Platform. The platform adopted at the Free Statu that Republican Convention, held on the 2 nh inst., is a continuous drive at the Democratic party, and else. We ihouM suppose the author of that plat form had but one idea, and that a hatred of Democracy. The platform of tho Free State party was positive in its character; but that of the Republican party, as or ginized last Monday, is a bundle of neg atives mere opposition to the Democ racy. We hope early measures will be taken tore-organize the Free State party in this county, on the Big Springs platform platform where Free State Whigs, Demo crat i, Frecsoilcrs, and Native and Natu ralized citizens can labor together to secure freedom to a great State, not to opjiose and quarrel with a party orgauized in the States, or to furnish political cap! ul for another party. Whilst we could endorse the sentiment enunciated in sev eral, and probably all, of the resolutions j adopted at that Convention, save its en- dorsement of a Republican conization. . . .... . ' ,n causae, pnor to our admission into tne I nion as a atate, yet we pronounce them, under the circumstances, as unwise in the extreme, uncalled for, and calculated in their tendency to wreck the cause for which we have so long struggled. The whole design of the movement was to give "aid and comfort" to the Republican party in the States. Its effect will be the opposite, else we mistake the signs of the times. We rhall follow no such leaden as those which controlled that convention, though we stand alone, and "fight, from this out, on our own hook." Market for Bides, c The advertisement of Messrs. Simmons & Leadbeateb, of Su Louis, which came to hand several weeltt ago, and was in serted in the Herald of Freedtm, deserved an editorial notice, and would have re ceived one but for the severe indisposition of the editor, which immediately followed its reception. It may not yet be too late to say that this firm is heavily engaged in the Forwarding and Commission business, and that our Kansas friends vory gener ally do their forwarding business through that house. Messrs. Simmons & Lead beateb, for the accommodation of their T . . . ... I patrons, nave now, in addition to their former business, engaged m tbe pur- chase or hides, ana proposo purchasing all which may be sent tbem, at the highest market price, and will make advances on consignments made to their care. From a long personal and business ac quaintance with the proprietors of this house, we cau recommend it, with pleas- ure, to those who have hides to dispose 01, or who have goods they are forward- in; East, or to Kansas, and we would as-1 sure al), that thoy 'cannot do hotter than I to transact thoir St. Louia business with I suggestions in the latter part of the arti Simmons & Leadboater. 1 cle headed " County Convention." "What AmoMmena. Le Gra B. Citshxas rave his second entertainment for this season, at the Bap- tilt Hall, io-this city, on Saturday even. ing, the 18th inst.- Like all his concerts, be invariably brought down the house, whsn he introduced his mirth-provoking sioeuuus wiiicd ne intrpauces ai inter ludes, between his more sober pieces. Without auy hesitation, we pronounce Mr. CusHMair one of the most remark- Ut actors we have aver met with. His changes of voice, gesture, etc., are instan taneous. In his" New England medlv, 'he transits from grava to gay, from sen out to ludicrous, are participated in to the fullest extent by those who listen to him, u is evidenced by the thunders of ap- f toso which always follows its recital. Hit personations of Widow Bedott are a 'ittle overdone, as the Widow herself is nther an eccentric character, and little embellishment ia noeded to do her full jwtice. Mr. Ci'phsas must necessarily always kve a full house wherever he travels. "his was his third annual visit to Law- tics, and yet his audience was larger on V; .1 . man any former occasion, lie pur- Ps visiting tha South during the win- -1 m win reinrn here again next set- too. Fna Sianaa n CH luni. J'riond SiMPsoir, of the Boonvilla Ob- Tver, nas our thanks for hi kind inviu- ob to vit that place, and participat, in -"jjwuu ut ait tuo ireo atuuei - Pnw, fully ripe at that, which w can in a fortnight W should like the P''" right wall, snrl ba nn nnbt w 'dhave a pleasant time; but pressing iaess mattenwill nrant n uv.ntinirl invitation. We are truly glad to ob- tha changed tone of the border ?". hoth in Missouri and Kansas. tn 3 . -u each other. This friendly feel- 4 If H orny or being cherished, and we, j ly, feel disposed to cultivate it as ii possible. Hasigned. . patch from Washington, dated PV5tn,sayt:It U understood that Distm has resigned his office as "Ortrnnr -f w . . . . "wtrnorof r - .-1- -ar. 1- weeks Ty:.Zi.v, -v J:. "that he will reaama tha office of .. ?wner 01 Indian Affair" Wa hoar e vatwwt . 1 .1 . .1..I a correct, ana was we 4s ivrSrWigt"a,n wiU tek6 on uctober. rSra officera Kansas has aver had, (r Mokbili tha Kepublican eand! T"n a hava liul. fanlt with rsJ data for Governor of Maine, has been re- N al " ' FaoUtea AtorwTewa. We tea it stated that Paol is owned by Pro-slavery men. We hare the poeitivn assurance of one of the proprietors of the town, who we hnow tobta Free Stale man, that every proprietor of Paola, without a single exception, is a Free State man, the original Pro-slavery proprietors haricg all been bought out, and their interest in the town relinquished. Paola, like Leaven worth, Lecompton, Tecumseh, Atchison, Doniphan, &c, was originally a Pro-slavery town, but the Free State pressure has been too great upon it, and it has changed its political relations ia this respect. There is no use of trying to crush out towns for what they were a few years ago, for destiny is busy at work giving a dif ferent character from the past to them, as well as to individuals. K7 Mrs. E. A. Monroe delivered her second lecture, agreeably to announce ment, at the Baptist Hall, in this city, on Friday evening, the 17th inst. There were some very excellent points in the lecture, which elicited general approba tion, and was delivered with much force. She left here on Saturday for Lecompton. We believe it is her intention, in conse quence of the stringency of the times, to give free lectures hereafter, while in the Territory. Interesting, Intelligence. We could not give onr Kansas readers, who have claims to pre-empt, any more welcome intelligence thai: that contained in the following dispatch: W.VSHIHOTON.Sapt. 15. The President has ordered the further postponement of the Kansas land sales until July next. The reason for this is stated to be the financial pressure in the country and thn consequent inability of to prowwia pay icrineirpre- emptions by tbe time nxed by the procli maijon ordering the sales in November. 1 he lands comprise three million acres. Railroad Accident The bridge over the Platte river, on the Hannibal and St J oseph railroad, gave way on the 13th inst, as the cars were passing over it, by which the locomotive was pre cipitated into the river. Two laborers were drowned, and several others were seriously injured. The bridge had been set on fire by an incendiary, and the lower portion of it was weakened, occasioning the accident. Valuable Fropertv for Sale Obeap. A house and lot in Lawrence, and a good steam sawmill, in fine running order, seven miles from Lawrence, surrounded by an abundance of ti rubor, for Bale at less than ono-half their value. We have mortgage upon the property, and have the consent of tha owner to sell the same to realize tho money from them. Who wants to buy property cheap ? 07" The Land Office, says a telegraphic dispatch from Washington, has direted Surveyor-General Bi'rxett to thoroughly investigate the transactions of the noto rious Jack Calhoun of Kansas. It seems that he contracted for surveys of public iamig bcfore receiving authority from the Department, and the sub-surveyors are security for each other. Religious Services. The Unitabian Society will hold their aervices next Sunday at tbe Methodist Chapel, at 2 o'clock P. M. The Sunday School will meet in the morning at o'clock, in the basement of th Uniurian Chnrchi 03" We invite the attention of the voters of Douglas county to the semi' shall ha done" in a nil est ion which ii ... o. . Flu w 7 ' voters who feel outraged at the action of the nominating Convention last Monday. 03r Leavenworth is", no doubt, the best starting point for parties coming from tho I y . . . p:v e's Peak. OutGU can. be obtained there as cheap and more plen tiful than at any other place iu the Terri tory, or along the border, besides the route is said to bo considerable shorter than from Kansas City. OCT The Pike's Peak gold excitement is producing a regular mania in Missouri, I and is gradually extending itself east- ward. By spring, thousands and tena of I thousands will bo pouring over the plains, I as they were nine rears ago to California, in quest of gold in Kansas. Complimentary. . An old subscriber in Lykins county. renewing his subscription for six months, says: "Please find inclosed one dollar for the continuance of the Herald of Freedom another six months. I regret that it is not one hundred times as much, as your manly and independent course deserves the support of every man bavin" his J country's good at heart. hr th Voic. Remember that, at the election on the 4th proximo, the voting is viva voce, and not by ballot. Every vote cost by ballot, and every return showing that candidates by wi rejected by th. Territorial officers, in counting the re turns. (ErThe Republicans have got up ticket in opposition to Messrs. Mitchm. and Dakpobd, in Linn county, but the ' ree State party proper will see that their candidates are elected Or- Our good friends at Franklin will accept our hearty thanks for a large eleb of subscribers from that place. Wa trust it will be greatly increased era the long nights of winter set in. (ttrTha HtraM of Freedom has a cir culation in southern Kansas one-half ereater than any other paper published in . Kansas. He who flouou una, can nava his doubt removed with but little dim- culty ' I . . r. 1 . tt W.. .il nrjrieaa wwjiv,ii ...... fcad The Great issue," in tne last Republican. In highfalutin' it b worthy -l,nnnt anthor ' 1 " . I .il kw fmm a 000 to 12000 nuiority. - LAVsmcc Sept. 95, W58. Fbor Superfine, aiAo; tin, B,. Wheat tijB bushel. COK.1 40c. Conn Meai !. 9 bushel. Wbitk lis axs $3,00? bushel. Potatoes 35c. Am.isVl.M " Cbaciika bij.e. 9 . Kbksh Bi'TTih 2So. 9 . Chissi lis.-. Baleeatts la.Hc " Known ticAE itilSc. " White " lie. " Kick 10!S;e.,oo " CuKKSE IGv&JOe. " Beef e.loc. " Bacox li,te. Codfish lue. " Mackerel is-Ue. Tovavcu 30-swUe. " Manilla Ktn-a e. " rioAF lu&lic. . Caudle Star. I3e. " " rtteriue, 20e. " Tallow isko. . " Beeswax itoc. " COTTO BATUJC0 25. " Ikon 7310c. " hAILS 6c. - " CAirrixns Sc. Loo Chaix 10312XC. ' Stove Fife 10c. " Sin lnom lu.12io. " illDKa Groea, 3c. " " Dry. Re. Salt 9 wcif 8Ut,s, st.OO. Axks 'cw L'ug'.ar.d pattern. I,3S. Saws Cross out f f..i, So.SSUAW. Ox Uow V pi'.ce. Si;. 8ock( pair. 3t 5;0i. JLiuois Suit pair, $3,r.U3,73. " ! i:: .-. :i.".i,io. " Calf, JI.iV-sS.iO. SnEEnct4 i!rwu ? : rd, 1015o. " iiicanhea, U;,'XXc. PRrsTH 9 anl, elis. ELA1N8S lt3ljO:. Oil I.iatced. 9 gallon. tJSO. " Lard, " l,ss. ' Finn, " 10. Bcbnino Flcik 9 gallon, $1.SS. MllLASKElt &ie"e75o. Syedf io. WtKiu Hani, 9 cord, f;3,30i4,ou. Coal tone. 9 busbel. 3Uo. S audles S"(eV30. Habnes' w?t.'JiV). Gi.asb ! 10, e 50 feet, 3,00. -" KM IS " 35. " 10XH " 3,h7. Lumber thousand, '.'030. Shixui.ex 9 thonna, SiSOjMJ.OO. Woke 4xe rt(ia. Cows Ji34. HOEXKS AND AiCLES (509190. HlMiH n font, iOO S,. 3,00. .SUEEF SJ.ili3rS0. MlTTOS SW. I.irXBER Wi(K)X9 10Ofil25. Ox Yokes, bows and Kinob polices. Territorial Superintendent of Public School. BY REQUEST OF SIAXY CITIZENS, tbe undersigned would announce himself as a Can didate for the office of Territorial Superinten dent of Fublio Schools, subject to the decision of the ballot box. Ho respectfully requests the suffrages of his fellow citizens. . W. F. M. ARXY, of Anderson County. Ohio State and Union law College. rpHIS Institution has been removed to Clave. A land, Ohio, Degrees are legally conferred, and students upon graduating may be admitted to practice. For Circulars address, at Cleveland, (FebWM-ly) M. A. KINO, Secretary. OrncE op Tn O. W. S. op I. O. or O. T., Liurerw. May 18, 1658. ( The Grand Lodge is now fully organised, and has entire juriwliotion over the order of Good Tomphirs iu al partsof Kansas Thoso wishing Lodges organised, or any information respecting the order, will ploase address the (i. W. C. T or w. vi .oanu inc wiurecciveprompt attention ... a. . ii,ivl,iuu., tr.W .u. i. J.W.jENKisa.G. W.t. Papers in tho Territory friendly to th? sause of lemDerance. will eonter a l&vor hr nrm .h. .1 " " swifl.noui. msa niRKIED. In OrecU. K.T..on tho 9th inst.. by Rev. Wm. C McDow. Jomir t UuiFFiTa to Migg Maby aANTsn. DIED. Hear Bloomington, Douglas county, K. T on the 14th inst.. .f billious fever. NiXl V Kxiuta. daughter of William and Nauojr Jossee, aged 18 years ana months. Trust Land Sale. OTICE is hereby given, that in aeor.rd.inoe ' with the sliputations of the 4th artie.e ot the Treaty with tbe Confederate Bands of Kas- ka.okia, l'eoria, Wca aod I'iankeshaw Indians of tho:ti of nay, i.)4. and the instructions r.f the ('"mmUsionor of Indian Affairs, the follonir.g uescriocu tracts 01 land win be oUered tr su at public auction, to the highest hiddtr, (i'Ui 11 bid will lie received for a less price per cert tban theasDraised valuation of the trastftft'ered at Lecompton, K.T., on Monday, tbe iilh daT of uciooor, al v cloca A.M. of tbat day, vn Description. Bee. T. It. No. of Acres. '. E. a of the S. E. ' V.". ;,.,i N.K.frao. S.U.frac. .' W. U s.w.uot s.e. K. frac. i y. a of s. k. j; ". S os X. V. K S.W. i "f . W. K 40.00 7!.r7 1CU.UI 40.00 15f.5 fU.OU fo on 40.00 4U.00 i. n . 01 .Ti. r.. , h.ii ot X.W, x 80.00 R. S. STKVK.XS. -CA'o CvmtHi4Htmer of Sale. lateu Licccmpion, n. 1., sept. 10, Kxcculer't Sulr. r V VIRTUE OK AX ORDEii Or' THE PRO A- bale Court, made at the September terra of said Court, 1 win. in obedience to uid order, on Monday, tho 10th day of October next, at the do .r of the Court House, in tb City of Lecotnptcn. at 10 o'clock A. II.. and during tha session of the District lourt. to be hold at IjMomnMn. fur Ih S I .1 udicial District of Kansas Territory, at l'ublic Auction, all the interest nf Kobbht skt T. llooTON, dweasod, in and to tha following de scribed property, situated iu Lawrenoc. vis: Lot 113 M&sutcbitsetU street, with good sised, eauvenient and well finished stone dwelling nouse tnereou. iiot lii Doiaware street. Lot nil Mississippi street. . tiutiuMt.i, biecutor, nwrence. K.T Sept. W. lHW. THE SHAlVJI: A LIBRARY OF SACKED MfJSIC Br Bkadbcbt A Root. A FEW DOZES of this popular collection a a. of Sacred Music are received, and will bo sold low for cash, at W1LMAKTU8. Book. Avre tot K.v. n Z, ?f.,B?Pb!",E5uc.' . '.". wrivi. uio.n,puici im roou- l.ubjcets this day received, and will be sold low for eatn. O. V lLMAKTn, ffrttlnn; Paper. AFRESH LOT. embracing th varioas kinds I that are usually wantod ibis day received, I aaa ym ue soia low. u. iLiMAKin. Hides! Hides!! Hides!!! snmoxs & leidbeateu, No. 22 South Main Street, St. Louis, Forwarding and Commiisioi Merchants KAXSAS FBE1G1IT AGENTS. TT AVISO unrivaled facilities for the sal of xx Hide, 1 allow, 40.. we an tuxly prepared to obtain tb HIGHEST MARKET FH1CE For aU shipments to as. and will mak liberal (avals AelTiAacea Oa th. sun, when requested. Our commissions for selling an 3a percent. oa amount ot sale, n.also BCY ASD SHIP An' Goods ordered, at th Ixwest lJojille Katea!! With funds in hand, our eoamistioB u th. same as for selling. August ays. t - a. c SArroan a. c. w. larroan. HstfforA Saffarsl, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law. will practic ia th. sareral Cru of Record in Kansas, attend to eas ia th Land OSiee, and give particular attention to collections -11 njuti or tjm Tarritorv. Will. alts, attend to th location of Land Warrants, ia vestments in city property and claims, th xsi nation of titles, payment of Iion-Ksidents'Mxe,aad th parcba,alc and renting of village property, in all part ot the territory. RKPa-aancES: Hon. F. P. Stanton. Ki Bon. Manns J. Parrott, Lenvcnworth, Kan. lion. Caa. Kobinson, Hmthers. Lawrence. Mo Wm. F. Lock wood -.jj. Kir A rut'hieairo. firn,ik. ft'iv Gov. 8. P. Ctiase. Cr Iambus. Ohi; Hon. P. Bliss, Elyria, Soioo Painter, Esq., Cincinnati. O.; J. C. braania, Kssj.Clevc hvnd. O.j 11. P. Baldwin. Esq., Detroit. Mich.i Edwin Cook, Esq., Now York City; U. Ely, Esq., Roobestcr, S. Dr. A.B.Ciuid. Bostosi.Mass ITT A. C W. S as rasa is a Jfaury PaWi for DMilsictu-r.' - Bapfc . 32 IS 3 1 18 53 1 It iS 1 If S3 1 It) S3 S 18 S3 2 1H S3 18 S3 11 V S3 19 M S3 IB IT 24 B.v.i.-v.i-.i-1 rr ..G ooDS AT COST Villi vvE.a oi tana. AUU acres prairie, with two sjoort epri.f', a cabin and .ttle. r.illiug prairie .rf U" rich quality with SO err?s an.Ier frnce. ' er ovi low land and ir nd corn, offered at 5 forth wb.l turluded; onttjurtw wwe M bits mliine prairie, wuh 7 acre metU w land, cabin and liiobestliTinE water, for i per acre, one-fuurth mile from timber; and una 0iartcr 4 per a;r, nji: frm timber; all . i L)Vinte..nnty.aua,K S4.EM; tairi Miles S. W. tnm Ksew Citj, f -ur mile . l " et-am saw uiiili. and .no and a fourth mile of a snst mUL Gutd daei in f "P!?,i"1C whole. JAMES 11. KIN . Aitunicv. LkUs Co, K. 1. Slantanttaa Hill or So Jr. TDK XEW KSfiLANU K..M!(KAST AH'CO. iffe.-n Ut in. Stenm riie Mill, with 'n sere ul rruud al'acUed in ihemo.n' of tht.iwn of Mamiatian. K. 1. Tb? Bull is one of the ben in tuo Territory It Will bs en easy terra. , Enonire of M. F. COXWAY. tbe Company s General Agent at Lawrence. f'ept . i", -t 1'euDf Lidie Semainarr- KAN.SA.S CITY. MO. THE SECOND ACADEMICAL YEAR will commence a Wiainesdar, 11 Sv-ptcinber. Thii lbcdtu'.iott S:n kdvantaxes i'- those of aoj Female Coilca in the arcs t Uaulliti-rs of cier? iacn activiy eaifSA'I as ni'is..i:i!iriei cr nitori. rceivo iritrai"ti"a in ' the LitPrar l)tpcrtui?:it lre of ehatga. ! Hoard, iucludin wab'uiE. 9t- per mrntb. l staisai can oe oDiuinwj m npncan w tha principal. J. 11. LUTiiElt, A.lf. EE1EBEXCES. B. Ssarji. D.D- I'rovidcrce. Tl. 15. luE- ett,U.l) Xewtvn. Mas.; W.Crow-li.rit.L'iui--: I bum-M Curtis ll.U., soutu Cnniuna; n. Hill, D.D.. New York; W. U. JoUlsou. 1) 1.. 2outh Carilina. DiaaoluUwiia I 'PRE partnnnhip heretofore existing between A siaS'ord A Wood, in the practice of Law, is this day dissolved by mutual consent Allper- Isons in debt to tho late hrm are requited tocsll and settle. A. C. V. AOUl. . Ik. wuvu. Uwrence. Sept. l.MS. IS tf tKIBLD(.'!i XJVR7, FEED & BALE ETAB1S, Delaware St., between Fourth and Fifth Sts LE AV EN WORTH. K. T. - T WILL attend to all ea.3 of veterinary pro I X ties. All kinds nf Horse Medicines prepared anl tor sale; also Curu, uats ana nay. tunas I and Vehicles bought aud sold. To Fakhehs and Tkavstebs we can offer (treat inducement-, havuia t.che;t . to our , Stables tue l,AKOfcl HAtiUJ l.lti in 1 tavenworth. burns l'JU feet front by 125 feet long, in the business portion of the city, w in a good well of water, carahlo of watering, any amount of stock, aud sheds with feed troughs attached. A call from our friends and the traveling pub- I lie rc.ipectl'ully solicited. Terms moderate. Attachment. Tnx Terkitort of Kansas, .Shawscb Col.ntv, ss. EBASTUS B. SMITH, Plaintiff. EDWARD ADAMS. Defendant.) In Justice's Court, before M. C. Brew.tcr, Jus tice of the t'eacc, lecumseh township, .haw nee Count'. To t&e mid iMenrtnnt GrtHinq : Y'OV are hereby notified that tho said I'lain tihT his comtneiiceci action before tho Niid Justice, at his office, in the city of Teeuuueh, county aforesaid, by attachment on the thirtieth (3U; day 01 August. A. J). i-jc, lor tne recovery of the sum of Forty-four Dollars and Sorenty-one Cents, ($44 71,) together with interest, damages and costs of suit; which said action was re turned before said J ustice. at his offico afore said, on Saturday, September 4th, A. 1. 1KM, at ten or tne clock A. M.. ana in pursuance 01 tno provision of Section thirty-fifth, (35,) on .'.t:'icu mcnt, page 21, Kansas Statutes, )ou, the mid defendant, will take due notico that on the twentieth (iti) duy of October, It . D. It-5". at ten of the clock in the forenoon, the said l'lntutiff will recover judgment for theabovesuni. t g ith er with interest, costs and damages of suit, as by judgment contested, in case you fail then and mere to appear, ouacr in person, or oy ngctitor attorney. EUaSI'LS & SJITII. Scp. 11 3-. In his own proper per-on. Attachment. The TgaaiTOBT of Kansas,) ... Shrwnee County. Ba' JAMES K.WAVSMAS.Pl ff.; Plff. ft. s EDWARD ADAMS. Def In JusticiV tJourt, before M. C. Brewster, Jus tice of tbeleace, Xocumseh lown9nip,&hasr nee County. To the mid Dtfeiulant, Grertitig: "VOC arc hereby notified that the said plaintiff a. ha commoncc'l action before the luid Jus- ticcat I: is tho Cityof Tccumsvb.c-iun-tv af ure:aid. by attachment, ou the thirtintu (30 dfy of August, for tho recovery of I lie sum of forty-throe dollar i and sixty-two cents, (343. 1!.) trrether with iu:re.-t, damages and cojts of sun; Wilien aia itctl'a wa reiuriieii wnuvMiu Justic-j, at his ofhee aforesaid, on Sntnrday, Sep tember 4tb, A. 0. tcnot the oliiK. a. m. Aud ia pursuance of tbo provision of rection thirty-filth, (U) on Attachment, page a" I, Kan sas statutes, vou. the said defendant, will tako due notice, that, on the twentioth (-1) day of October, A. II. iKtc, at ten ot the riocs in the forenoon, the raid pla'ntitf will recover judg ment for tile obey c sum. together with intercut, cost.4 and iifimsgo? of suit, as by judgment eon-fe-xed, in ca.-o you fail thou and there to appear, either in peon or by agi at or a '.turret. J X.-l L.O IV. (1 AliT.U.V.1, Sopt.ll. tw In hi own prop.-r person. OrAer of Publication. Tkbbitoby of Kansas, Junssos Coi'NTY, James !. Maucu, 1 e. On atuihmcni. J. M. Banh & Vas Boosc.J 'PilK defendants, J. M. Uank 4 Vnl'wli, J- will hereby iivWo notice that an ordi-r ot at tachment fur (33,40 with interest at Ml per cent, pur anuULi, from jfilrd March, leoH, ha been issued by James 1). Allen, J. i. iu the above cao'e, on the 11th dtiy of August, leor.and that tour property nasbeen attacneu, ana 11 appear ing, to the sa'.irfuction ot the Justice, mat a summons cannot bj servoil upon you, ii u there fore ordered that publication be maln in the Jrriild of trftumtii a newspaper publisucd in tltecity of Lawrence, for throe consecutive weeks notify 110 vou. that unless you aDpear foro the said Justice, at his nfiice in the town of Shawnee, on the loth day of October, A. II. u&rt, judgment will be rendered sirainst you. and your piouerty soldtoutisty the attM'hment and o-tt this suit. asLii u. ai.ul.1i . r. JAMES L. MAKC11. Fltf. Sept. tl. loie. 3t Administrator' Notice. I V'OTICE is hereby given, tbat letters of ad- 1 Ai ministration upon the estate nf Ldwir in E. Iteed, deceased, have been granted to me by the Oouelas County Court. bearius date the tn day of August, l'. All persons having claims against said estate are required toeihinit them 10 me for allowanoe, within one year from the date of this notice, or they- may be prenlnded from any benefit of such estate; and if said claims be not exhibited within three years from tho dato of said letters, they wiU be forever debarred. TllADDEl'S L.WHITNEY, Adm r of r.dwin L. need, docased. Lawrence, Sept, II. lsori. 3t AJIEBIM!! HOTEL, U. C. UHOOKE, - - Proprietor. Cor. of 2d aad Ualdeman Sts.. Lecompton. TTAYIXG refitted and completely renovated AX tbe above is now on of the most I is now one ot tr deirable stoppiug-places iu Lecompton. i T, . -,.:mii. .kli. ...H . '..:r,,l supply of bay and grain attached to Uiis Hotel. of the Territory. Aug.: i. Beatsler, Uatasell V Co., -Vi, 100, Leue, LlATINWOBTB. ----- KaSJAS. Y!?i3Xtitt& Tobacco. Ae.. Ac. v. ara now ia receipt or tbo HLAV itsf STOCK. Or' UH0CKKIE8 WKST OF ST. Lulls, furchasinc our stock in .ov lork. Baltimurw and New Orleans, almost entirely for cash, we ar enabled to sell to the eoaulo trad at St. Louis wholoiale prices. e ara paying prompt attention to tn lor wardingcf all Good 3 consigned to oar earn. Aieavenwortn. Aug. z9, "1. FiTe Dollstra Beward. STt'.AYED away from th. subscriber, oa th. 'Vakarura bottom, cear liloomiirton, on. light bay mare Pony, eaid pony has her forelock trimmed whit spot on her nose, and a star in Oct forehead ; also, bad arop abwat her neclc when last seen. 1 he above reward will be said to anr one bv roturnier her to the subscriber at F.COSAST'S .tore, Slai--cbustu rtrcet, opposite the M jrrow Hoase. Lawrence. K. I. tpu Is Sw. notice. VT amncting of the Trustees of the I. "omp k.a Town Company, heid Aag. a, lfiJ, tie following resclnuon was adopted: Jtmaictd, Thai an skssesament of 910, be and the satu is hereby levied and assessed upou askek and evary abar ef the Capital Stock f th Le compton Town Coupon, payable, sixty days frma the data of the assussmeat, to th Pnaidcsit of that Company. . J.C. THOMPSON. Sept. 18,13. 3w. See'y pro tea. Near Books, Stationery, Ae. . JCST received, and now opening, n fio aswwt BDeut of siiscellan'us iff-olu. among wuicn ar the productions of the most popular antnen of tne day, together with a fin selection ef the older Standard. Works, th Classics of i sn- oriels i mteaa be afforded, by W lLMAh.TM- TTAP.PER'S MAGAZINE. GODSY'A LA- AX. dy s Atook and Attanu aLtoaady, lag tks- tober. reeetvedat tyfpt.iS,'. WlLaUilTa'B. T".!;j S'.S.l'ff lio SUtio.iery of ail kinds. School Books.Slat It- 1.. and Kansas City, f i .. n . - . . i. . Omaha, s. T.: iim-ixrjyr7.frx ill - Haa.H. K.mitn. "Z"' ";i AT ' .-TT. rTZ I .ul oe rum at WDOfcsaiew reiau at uricn. uiuv . ASD AT AtTCTION 1 1 w. k C. PUXCAX ARS SOW SELLING their entire tftuck tf MERCITAXDISE, CJXITI.(i OF I A LARJE VASISTY OF DY GOOD31 HEADY JIADZ CL'jTULXG GROOIJ1IES, SeC- 5sC3-, - AT COST OS PBIVATE SALE, ASS 03f SAT CB DAT OF EACH WEEK, AT AUCTION !! 1 hoy hare fold tT-cir store buildin, and pur pon reitrinjt front basixe. bt-nc their dasira to clu5f out their 'tock. TLce Indebted to tha firm are expected to ! make intmiktts payment. Law renee, Auuit 7, SS?. LAWRENCE FOUNDRY 'LVCHINE WORIvS, KIMDALTj BROTHERS hare now in opera tion their Foundry and Mftshiue Works, and are prepared to furnish Mill Wrk of all kinds bi'th Can a:id Wrousht. STEAM EN G1XES. HORsE FOWEK?. SlGAk MILLS. TUKL.-illLSO MACBLtri. a::d ail kinds of Machinery needed in Kuoeas. Having lone felt the neod nf Works of Shis kind ourselves, we bare fitted tip our manufactory with a view to thewauuof Kansas, and feel confident we can give perfect satisfaction to all wishing Machine ry. Give us a call belurc purchasing elsewhere. Particular attention paid to repairs. Old ('ait lruii warned. KljliiALL ItLorUEUd. Ausjatt ss.'sa. 9Iarnaitou Town Company". rnQE above Company now offer inducements A nneg.ulled by any Town Company in the Territory. l'lio Company have ju.t completed the largest Hotel m southern Kaiuas, being three stries - ."1;.",; tZ ;: "j" .'..rrJ' "7 T. iV' f.rr.". dijui sleeping and fitting rooms. In addition to the hotel, the Company havo built a large storehouse, which will soon be well tilled with all tho commodities needed in a country like ours. A large number of carpenters are now at work croc ting residence, shops, oiuees, 0.0. ibe Company offer great inducements to mrcbanics 1 l . 1 . ti.. . r. M Mill uiucoi winuiuK lo luciwi . iiu tvnu.uviu its central location, being the geographical cen ter of Hourbon county, must always command an extensive trade and soon become an impor tant town in southern Kansas, as it is surround ed by as UOOD FAltill.Ntr L A.N DS as were ever tilled by thohuibandman, CLAIMS. Good and desirable claims can bo obtained in elose proximity to town and timber. Marmiton is splendidly and niuH be health fully located, being on a high rolling prairie. It has beautiful streams ot water wafhiug its northern and southern limits. An excellent STEAM SAW ASD GKIST 11 ILL has lately been erected, and is Dow in successful operation. CLIMATE. Marmiton is situated in latitude 37 SO. and longitude 1. 4. west lroni Wash ington. The Ttiermometer does not indicate a higher degree of heat thau ninety, and never in to. winter ects below sero. Farmers and Me chanics hud no incoavcnicuce in doing out-door work iu the winter se&aou. Cattle, hogs, sheep. el)., do well on thy pr-irie during tbe entiro year. There is always a pleasnul breoie in the hottest days of aumnier, which makes the heat less oppressive than in many ot tue northern btates. Luis win do sola at exceedingly 10' figures to persons desirous 01 building. J. E. JONES, President. HOitATlO iiOWLS. Vice I'res't. T. R. Kobebts, Scc'y, - aug. 14. "DETEUSOX'S Ladies' Msgnzine, Kallous' A Mon-.hly aud Yankee ftotiois lor October, at wiL,.-JAtiin o. Sept. 25, 185 Notice. LETTERS OF ADMISIrfTRATIOX upon the estate of Wu.uah Ltn. decatscd, wore uranted t.. tba uadursiuncd on tbe X day of July, A. I). iZri. All D-r,ui.i having elaims against said estate, are requiied to present the same wiioin one year, or ine inaj oopreciuucu own any benebl ot said estate. . ALjunM.. ELIZABETH LTOS. Admiaistratrix, Tsmbiloaes aud monaments lat JUai tie. " f irni-hed to order. ia Lawretice,b 11 I'. J. Wa'INKr. agent lor hebelbarry Her, Leavruw irth. K. T. August SW. Judicial Xotice. The TgBKiroar or Kama.) ss. Third Jndlcial District, ) THE Distiict Court of tlio M JuJijhl Dis trict, in tiic TfttiLory of KaiiFas, for the trill of criminal -nd civil causes, under the ft '.sitr.s of the Territorial laws, will, in ac co.'tiaac with tito reqniro?r.ents of law, be held at t..e loiiowinjr l.tns :ind ulasad. v.i: , In th': c yunty of Mi'li'on, at tno county seat. I cn 'n5c-onl t'd) Mi u'iui of September ucit. Jn tbj vounty of due at, uurlingtoii, tb temonfury county scat, on the third Monday of .opteuiber next. Iu Andcron county, at the county reft, OB tlio foii-th (4:u) jtonuay of September uoxt. In tbcciuty of Allen, at tne county scat, on the first (1) Tuesday of Octjbor next. In the countv ot ilourbon, at tbo county sat, on the second (id) Mou Jay of of October next. In Linn exunty, at tbe couuty sent, oa the fourth (4'h) Monday of October next. The businS5 of unorganised counties of this lliti-ict. which are by legislative enaotment, attached to other organised counties for judmial purposes, will be transaoted. in eomniiune with the pnvisions of law, in the counties to which they are severally attached, at the proper times and places abovo atd. 'i'iieso Courts bjiue. by appointment of the laws of this Territory , and exclusively for tbe trial oi eaui-cs arising under tbe Territorial lavs and Territorial jurisdiction, the expenses inereof ill be aoj u 3 ted and paid as prescribed by thsso law. 1 be U. S. District Court for tha third (3d) Ju dicial litric, of the Temtor, of Kansas will be in swion at Vort Scott, on the third Monday of Octoberaext, for tuatr.alnf causes instituted under tbe provision of the lairs el the General Ocveruutent- Done ut tort Scott. Hourbon county. In th Teri-itory of Kansas, this twenty-eighth day of duly, A. asm J. WILLIAMS, JoJgeof the 3d Judicial District of tus Terri tory of Kansas. St. I.oaia Trpc unel Stereotjoe FOUNDRY AND Printers' Farnisfcing Waretouse. (EsUblbhe.1 in loiu) LADEW A PEERS. 37 and 33 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo., rpYPE FOUMKKS, and Dealers in all kiads A of Presses, Plain and Ornamental Type, News, Book aud Colored Printing inks. BronsM. News, Hook. Cap, Letter, Envelop, Colored and Manilla Pamirs. We ar prepared to furnish complete Printing Ufbces at snort notice, ant at tvMtera prices. Besides Tin of our own manufacture, we ean fill orders selected from tht Specimen Books ut ii. Johnson A Co.. CuMinnau Tyne Foundry, Conner A Sons. W hit A Co.. Geo. bruce also Wood Type. from Weils A Webb, New York. V . are also tb. authorised Agent for R. Ho A Co.. Tartar St Co- Cincinnati Tin Foundry. J. I. Foster A Co- S. f. Kugglea' 1'ower 1'rriu MaoaiactunugCeiDpao,Dd.ortbrop fnntiug Presses. Any newspaper puhli;hing this advertisement to the un.mDt of nv. dollars, and sendina two .epic, of paper to us, will be part when they purehas nv. time tne amount in type, fcieetro typing xecutd at - hart notice, in a su penor manner. . Ai&u&tv s rttn. OLITE BRAXCIL-This Popular Paper.whkh ha bean so lung before tit Dublic. is re ceived. It ha, paused into now Lands has a new form and a new dress, aad is thorousaly : .j ; : it... lrir o is receitou uy . vf aaiJaaaaia. Sept. Id. lC5c. tf TJETERSOS'S LaJiea' llacanma UrbAmr A is rt-ctiveoC illustrated a usual, and full of gooa reaaicg matter, at li.JIAh.lU a Sept. Ik, IrSe-. tf. WEEKLY AND, DAILY PAPERS, both Po- litiej and Asitensry. received regular by Hie ma.K, aaa mr 3aiaA u. eouumr by Sept. V. . tf WILMASTE. Strared or Stolea. I'UOM the subscriber oa or about th. 14th day of Aukusc, law, ayokaoi largared OiL., C yuan old. and marked witii a swn'uow fork in euen ear. Any on upoa re laming said ezen. or giving snca inrrmtion as wut lad, to tamr rceovery. will betaitabiy rrwaried. bept-dih. VXS&Y EYA5S. (taladaro aillla. rpilE nnlcTsigned ar? new presatrmi U. grind -a- Corn, an 1 in a f.i day wi:l L-xke 1 ney wo'dd toereiort solicit a r jsro r-f the pa b hr ratrunagc av KSSLK It A T AY LOU Quindaro, K. T Sept 4th. ISM. CUAItXES II. BBAUCOXBE, Avttomey at Zw, TJ ARTICULAR attention tHven to Lead aaxa. - LwrDc, K. T, April IT. Igffl. rpHE GURAT SECHET OF LEARSDfO A llone to nek in less than ou near, mat W any eddresnoa receipt cf oneddiar. A , . A.M.TtOSE.VBlRO, Sept. iL-Jm Lawreuco. A . T. HERALD OP FREEDOltt MAMMOTH ESTABUSIBIEXT ! T" HE l'R0rRIET0R3 of this Establirbmeat respectfully call tbe attenti. n of the public to the facilities they pcueis for e nrooting for U3 uoavstacd most u'usntiil uannur. all kind.' of BOOK A?D JOB The printiiu luiuaial is acw tbroaahout, the different departments having beea furnished with a spechd view to the wants of the people of Kansas. The JOB DEPARTMENT is aador tha superintendence of a first clas I JOB fEINTEIt. who has closely applied hint- I sell to tus ituuy ut tuts aopartiucnt or the Art. II has been connected with the office for thro years, and knows th wants of tho poop'c of Kansas. Any one wishing anything ia the line of PLUS OR F1XCT JOB PatLmXG will find Mr. WHITCOMB always ready to do It ample justice- W arc always prepared with Fin and Beauti ful ilaVeriai, tor the printing 01 every variety of Posters. Hand Bills. SHOP BILLS, SHOW CAUDS, BTT.Ti H3ADS, CIRCULARS, BANltlNa CHECKS, 3XTOT1ZJJ3 tJb 1 M I'I DEI, and all descriptions of LEGAL, COMMERCIAL AMD GENERAL BUSINESS BLANKS, for tho use of all classes of tho community; ALSO, BALL, WEDJHSFtt, ADDRESS AND BUSINESS CARDS. We can print in nearly every sty lo, shape or variety of th. Art. Our oQce is also fitted op with a special ear. for the neat and handsome printing of CERTIFICATES OE TOWN STOCK, of which wo have abuudaut specimens, both as to style aud pries, from which Towa Proprietors can nuku selections. We have bean called upon to il&re.-f particu lar attention to this item, and we ruler to the great variety of CertiScatci we ;--.3tel f .r th. nain.-rous Town Companies cf Kua-'ae, as specimens that cannot be excelled. We chal lenge ccmparisc n. Wesro ctmpletrly furuishrd wiin Tips and Presses fcr the quick and lieat printing of BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. of any sii. or style, as LandMmo and subctantiai as any ohic: iu tho coaiiJy. . We call atton'.iju to ths appsarauc. of the GEMER.U AND PRIVATE LAWS OT KANSAS, passed by the Legislative Assembly of le37-6, as specimens of our Look Work. Our ty pe, matorial aud presses for this depart ment ar new, and wa oan turn out the best work ilh the greatest rapidity aod aoe, at th. short est nutioe. The increase of business has compelled us to fit up a NEW STL FatES, to perform all our heavy prs work, auoh as books, pamphlet aad u.wspapors. Our Hand Pbesks ar. adapted to th fin .location of .very variety of band press Work, such as Show Bills, Display Cards, Circulars, Certificates, Law Blanks, Ac, c:, and neat Wedding, Invitation, Address aad Basin. Cards. We an making arrat-gomsuts to receive a new RUGGLL'S PATENT EU"GrXN-: JOB FXUaVSS, for th rapid printing of small jobs. Also, CORDON'S FAST CARD PRESS. W print in liBO.NZS.COLOBS.Ac. as fau.y may suggest. Addition are eaitaaUj aud to our stock, at tba btuineji reuin:j,and th. uSca it aiwajs in order. OUR PRICES are a raasonabl a at aoy o&o ia th. West. TERMS. CASH. The whol asUoliahmant if aadar th. g an eral snperintradenc of Mr. Baowa. who is fully qualified to direct th bnsiaea by a laflT. prac tical experience ia every departatect, eztonding through twelve roars. To make satistaeuoa complete, w or grati fied iu being abl. to ttata that tb best Book Binder in th West it located in this town. VIr DCDSWOKTU can exhibit no.t beautiful and substantial specimens of Buling and Binding, Blank Book., Sec. This malt, the whuie mstca complete, by which w ar sjubTsd to perfvCia, aU kinds of printing aad bin&B withent th. do! and loaf oi necdiuc eat of tun Tarrltu. Th Faonucroaa feel tb u thaa Its a.-e duk their auay Zrionas and patron for th Lberat rappwt tbty liaro rooeived ; aod, a vi hereby express oar gratitude, w woe Id aaU atstoatija to th fact that w ar able to supply tassir wants of this descriptioB aor readily aad al tufactu ily than ever before. ' Wa pledge earsehre to give eat in satittae lioa to all wbe atv call apoa us, and we aekaU peooua ia want of swy deswripUoa of PriiASJ, t call aad examine our wrk aad prices, j , O. W BOWM ft CO., ; Frowiluiaspt L.-A. AVE 1. - -.(.' ' ul ESTABLISHED Removed to Babcock & Lykihs' Bank Buildings THE XCW TEKEE STORY BROWN BRICK, . : , B;twecji Stearns' Store and the IVew Hotel. WE WOrLt announea to aU our old friends and patrons, TOE INHABIT AXTS Ol KAIT ' SAS TEKKlTOKy,thatinconstqunc of our trade havius so larcely inonsued upoa oar nandj dirrinc Ibt pojt two seajonv we tare nit only made veqr larse acaaestons to oar stock or UKLGS, but bar? ali- beea oowpelkd tn stek more exteasiTS aoommodations for themand hive eoximuentU tca.'Kj the larje and eocimodiout Store-rooms in the builOius; aforeiiaju oar main tort and being tne one latoly ieeapied by the Lower House of the t erritorial ite ifiature wbicU have tilted up and arrena-ed with an eye not only to the acoosantodaUoB of our imraun ptot k. tut a's to the convenience f ourselves aud catonic. W therefora have tat jiavisft.ou uf culniE the attention of our ftieudi and custoiuora to the fact that we now hava IUS L.VUr-rioT, FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE DRUG ESTABLISHMENT WEST Cr 3T. L0TJI3. rrnnisMet.f 0,e ,nrr ciiiet r.f the H"c.i: and irrm ourfcicilities ad experience la bujinE in the) ; Etpm mirlc-t, TAN AFJ 0K1A!) WlLL M:i.L. AT WHOLESALE AND KtlAlL, AT AS LOW 1'KIl.lSS as ueh ti,ol oau to said in thisWestera country. Call and s oar larg Stookx'f Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, - 1 embtaeinrfr.'r:UnEij this Mao f aally kpt. Our Stock is oarefuHy sole ted. and we aim to ki'l the lir.ST end l'UKf AT article tf lima and Medioiuee. , . . - ilti l'Sik ift.'...:-ui . ..a inu ..i-,t; i n..i .,n.i i hn i1irA of a reralar Oraduato or i'hrn,a,..' Xsf.Mniitf, our nrriMrations. ProuipUy attcuticd to. nad Vactr l'.-e.eriplion ecientiucaiiy eoinpounlod, aall hours of tbeuay ECLECTIC MEDICINES, ..... Sueb as PODOPUYLLIN. LKITA5PRIS. Ac, and tttyo t.. TATENT MEDICINES. - W. are the so! Wholesale and Rctnil Agots in this place, for all the best Patcat Hediciaasot the day. VV consuuiilv keep on hand A ut-'. Jay ur", Loud in's. Wright'", llnodand sj ludway a, liragg's, Jl..u' and ilcUus's K.m.l, i-liem?; Smith's Tonic, Owls t'holagngue, Hittlt llittors, Wolfe's Schtiapps, Mustang. Arabian, Arctic and all other Lin. menu; Davis Pain Kill er. Canting Oil. Bull's and Unysott's Sanapaiiila, Ac. 4c. Ac ; all of which w sell at wholwale a very nUg.11 advane over mauufaetarera prices, IN TUB WtiiT. PAINTS, OILS, AND VARNISHES. A general assortment of ermmon and fanny Paiuts,, vmih ilrushe. and Paintav's ar'iclos aotal'y. VAUMSiltS Japii..C pil.irtrni',iiro.t.ooch cs )ii'evi,i.:irl. -m.laniier'. Net ', tHivea irt t'aior tyiis. ... '. JMW.v i LASS i.'f i;tf rr.'sit.ji.trrneiiaiid I'lltsbargi; I'utiy, viniung .c. DKi;s4il.ST ULAA.SWAKE.of Vt :rt laige supply, very cheap. Ul'K?fin Fl.riliH .! CAVl'l'I'M-: of l,-.:oujhti. being kept in air-tight cans so a to prereot all evaporation. Also, Lumpy, Lamp Chimneys and Wieking. PURE LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. Native and Imported Liquors of finest qualities, carefully selected for medical purposes only. ,; Perfumery and Fancy Goods. We invito the attention of the Ladies pvtieularlr, to onr larg. stock of Perfumeries, embracing everything for the toilet. Lnbin's and Kasin's Extracts, genuine rstfins Cologa, Toilet W a ters. Hair Oils, Pomades, Tooth Pastae, Powders for tbe complexion, iauey boaps, Ac Ac., Ac. Also, a gnat variety of Brushes, Combs and Toilet Articles generally. FINE CUTLERY, PURSES. PORTMONAIES.-POCKET BOOKS. A largj and excellent assortment of those, very cheap. 5 EASTERN CANDIES. Philadelphia Candles, such as Gum Drops. Boa Bons, Fruit Drops, Loienge., Jujrb Paste, Aa. CIGLAJRS ALSm TOBACCO. HAVANA CIOAB3 of nnost btnds,Cheing and Smoking TOBACCO, and 8NTJFF. Stationery. Just .-.prninK.lar.TeandrsJiHli';s ft'stlonery.all ofwhich will be sold cheaper than ever, t . suit tfe limos. e? "ii hand a 1.0 a s..rtment of all kinds of l'er. hnvelopes. Ink. rent, Pcucils. ilr.tariog I'ltyior, uod materials gonorally, as well as a larg. lot of miscellaneous Station ery of ml kinds. . .Periodicals. All of tho host Periodicals received monthly Harper's. Knickerbocker, Graham, God.r, Fatar sonandBalloas. EXAMINB QUR STOCK. iu,i2.ic. WOODWARD & FINLEY. l7pltoltery WJf. A. SHROYCR take this metiod of in forming his friends and tbe pnblie general ly that he has oponed an IPHOLSTfclUSiO tS TAUL1.SHMK.NT on Winthrop street, Law rence, immediately west of the Morrow House, where he wonld be happy to seo all persons in quejt cf any th'r.g in his lino. Con r ours, ilAT kasi'ls, BouSTKus, Pillows, Snsirrs, co., on band. Spring .Matrass. mad. to ordor. (iivenio a call before purchasing elsewhere. Feb. ad ALL OK TUB MOST POPULAR MAG.1 -sines. Sews and Literary Pspcrs. reived aiS'jort a piib'Khed, by V 1LM Al.TU. JuLe i'J. laM. II. Ma Simpson, NOTARY HTBLIC.OfEre No. 7, Massachusetts - trout, Lawrence. Othc hours a A. M . to 1 f. 11. Dec.l2S7tf 1833. A. T trilOLESALE B. Miller, 1838. tiROCKR, Forwarding and M t'ooiniiiifiioii Merchant. Also, general lew firu-proo Steaml.'oat Axent iil Collector. buildiu. Sj. Ii. LuVoc, LeiTeiwor.!i City. Who Wants a Farm? 'PilE sub-wrilmr dsv8i(9uu0 of : .r4iiili "-1 -a. i'H. Jijt.ns, A.iUemr., rrauKiir.aci oj' . counties, K. T., r.ort i irum ?i to 4'U ,-v;r aort A iso, ono srau ..f b rca, wacof and LtTiiess, fcad one siiigie iov.'3. 'iovo fQaros in Uriwire, Dor.ihiu, QuiavAro, !ui!iattna. ij .tt oiwoou rsiis, tienTi-"y,"tt pltav.i.t ai:c. -I'. Jil ead, l'utU.w-'.touiectty,Ai. xo .ali of whioh he Wiiues to ...ii u 0 r CJusn ,r ex.'be "t good propirfy in L'twrt'tic VV..cld life to eont'aci fur me creetiou of frcm one to a cloten houses hi Lawrenca am', p '.j lot the ciuue in any ul tbe a'uoie prurir.y. S. N. VS OOl. y. U. rarx CUia1?, pre-rmpu-u iaua, wiwu Sttiire, eiw lot, a., con.taotiv-n h.ndMiiu for .ale by I .lea 1 oAFFUUO A VV OOO. iMtnd Warratata rpo LOAN, for Thirty-One lloiian li thin at Lecomptoa. Abie. M ue to loan on real Hist, soountv. lly il. if. SIMPSON, AAwnnao, J oc. is. iaue.-tl Oof Una I Coif laa I f "10FFINS, rwadV moils, aU siaes, and th w cKBAyairr in Lawreuee, trimmed to order. Second door south of tjiuiotiff Uuuding. intwivuse, Aug. T, 'so. r. J. w AUIill. IT. E. SutUfl, ViERCilANT TAILOR. Wholesale andttotail 1'A Duuer in Cloth. Clothi'ig, and ets 1 arnisiiing (1'jods. al oir nne tail, und-T the 1. .d-j.jg doue. hist door frotu talicn. ;See attvfifitonient. , aogs Xlse College Journal of IRfceUcsal OCSVB1CV, AM0KTH LY MagA.ine nf page, eanlanled h tlm'.'pul i . J tae Klectic Coltc.ce of aledi- !nr i. nohlnhed at One Dollar a Yuer. oayablt iu auvanee. ine voiunnot ine wa mences with tho year. CommunK-ation lor jub seriptioii, or for spscimeu no moots, cbould be directed to , Dr.C. H.tLlAl CLA-Mi, runusner, m Seventh Street, Cincinnati, 0 June St. 1HSH. W. E. SUTEIFF, Uaa Bemoved, in part, nii iMEHCHAST TAILORIJQ, CLOTfllSO, And Furnishing Utera, TJiidor KldricLjo Uvvuso, Fint door from EUiridjt Brolb'-iv Saleoa. nriit-tyw tA i.-.Mtlm hi o.d surd. Yt tt,llothincfcmpori.ira,iSo.i. Hi-afswbu- sexs t'trr-it. 1 will to pro -a ate tbe i ii. u -. ,, .11 lie nruuiat-1. Mr. S. purposes Hion to g East to mak his fail iurcsesT and wiil sell CLOTHIHU and IrKfa SHI IHIIIli AT BKSlf tl nHVLUaii rRtvaa. to make room for hi Fall lJtok. Give ratvu. to mage room lor sisrtii ewss. ns a eall, for tow is the time to net UB BAKGAI.VS, in the way of taakfag to . C -tt-s Vests and Pants; Bsndy-Mad Olo order iotiual aad t urnishinr Goods. . it. AU persons indeotea to sa we swee-u to call and pay npyorwerts. Lawrence. Asgmst 14, Isa, For Baatt rpHE FRANKLIN HOTEL, sitnatodin the Acrniory.. . . .u u ' - . I. . n a ,M I r, an U U M I boss, will and tbl a nruaiaOl.tiaaa. x rauaiie Tne Alouse is kuwe aad eenvenient. With sait- ab!e outbuilding, barn. -tsoie, crio. oo This Uoase. u Bfopen; arm woata ptr oig, Being only fr miles from Assnrcnee, it w jnst a nir..-.niriile ant of the cite, for evenin oerties. eitb-rtn enjoy the bracing air of n tuutmer evening, or tne dulignt of a wtnters steig i-rm. Alio, a Btore-ooom vieniia tae same piaoe. Terms moderate, r.iniuire or JAME.4 CHIIISTIAK. Lawreaoe. Sep'. Uh. AtUirn-iy at Law, Eiasad Warrant, OF ALL SIZES, fnr sale f one U"ar pet acre. Land entered nil time, a- rednced "if Paoers Dfrmir.d iir cest.inf wcAarje. 1L si. FAKNiiA teas Ag"u'. First Donr N rtl ef V. 3. Load Othe. U I eompton, K. T. , , July si. tr.ri,v being a unving nine town. """ TTOV&Z. BIGS and ORStawiAL tity nf Uwrtnce. and on the g reat California J4 VEo Gt Aziiud OaalKxa. lto. Mass- Md.l.diutfrrm Westport.Mumri. t Low- hJtfopiMthePsOdW. These renee.t)ejBn.Tccomr.h.andT.rka, and 'iTLj uj7go. or their hosums Fainted then t Fort Riley. There is a daily Lne of foer- Jf'.t : rcWonable prices. wi!l tdeee hwse st.g passing thrcugu the Pl!,ajt and lf JbrVlP'''m: .t, wA w-j!rn' bend- 5ththib.M.w . Taroa for FaTe. 1 r.n ACass or cuoTca la:; o. of which LVJll . ... u , . iu mile aorth- westf Mini.J.eU aeros fenced.aJ broken i . i . . , i.t-i. . aA o4 aer : i . - IV I .J , , J"- ----- skafalm- w.tb e. n lt.,ies taeroen. sslerea saleebeom. Iberaj thr.'BK'b the tiae?. w water esor tbe huue. Kx An, Lawreoee, or Lcromisos, for Tirttctifarv. MM ofTiS T350BATK ASD C0CSTY m T -!! Toa Bpiaaaa Coaavy, it.. s " 'T i ! Aajattr, iaso.-ai' E 1ST C E OCT.. 1855, I"avsicians mar rely upoa havin- their orders Ac. Also, a general assortment of W1.KB3 . and us low astuey can ie Bougat su a n aau dry and in oil, together with paint, aasa ana ...... r.ody.Map, latber, uomar ana otow v anusu- I Important to Country ostlers. ! "TTOU can snvettt least buying JL yoar Hardwara, Tin War. Nails. Window Glass. Ae.,Ao .at my storo, in prolerenc to going on the Missouri rivor for it, wuon you take into consideration the time and expens of getting f ooibj from the river. In a word. I will sell aU ight goods to tbe trade al loss than river prices. INGLE BARKER. Lawrence, Juno Stb. 1SS. UOVSH AtD VOT FOR 8 ALE. ASTOXE HOUSK,S0 brS8 feet, two toriS high, with a buemunt, situated near tha business part of the town, and well adopted for a private residence for som person desirous of living near bis business, is offered fursai at a bargain, l'ossession will be giv.o immedtauly. luquire at the urraw oj rrteaom omc oi U. W. BROWK. Lawrence April i. riow.t Flawat Plawal Lawrence. June Stb, lr&i. T AWBL'SCK L0DGK SO." I. 0. of Q. T. A-i niMts regularly, every Monday, at 7 l-m o'clock, in Kabcoek A Likins' llsvll. Members of tue order from other Lodges are invited to ireet with as whenever they can make it oonyen irut. GEO. IvHl), W.U f, J. C. TaAfg. W. 8. May W. SB. KAS!"A3 I.iDor. Xk w I. O. of G. T. meets regularly every Friday evening t 7 1-4 o'clock, iu liabeock A Li kins' Hail. Mem bers of tho order from different Lodge ar .invi ted to atftid. J. r'. GUIS WOLD, W.C.I. J. 1. Uataionv, W. S. aprl Maaonlc. T1IK HEGL'LAB MEETINGS of Lawrenen A. lodge. No. . are held on tb first Thursday of ear bmontb. in Masonic liall, Babcock A Ly kins' Building. Ang. 14-tl N. Jl'Crackof " . WHOLESALE AND BE TAIL Grocer and Iron Denier, Kecaivmg. orwarding and CoianiiMion Mrohiil, Lve. South Cheroka street, Leareaworlb Cit( K. T. Iiot. ; ef . iirsal aisle of Vitr raoaxrtir. I WILL expose to public sale. In the city of i ,,. ih. hii-iuut hiiliisr.on Se-turdsy, the 3.1 day t.f'j uly next, Un thousand loU tn th following towns, to wit. t-T Lawrenio, lAWVesworin, w-;". - sell, l upeka, yiauiiaiian, r.mpori, ,i ...-.-.-.. A:n", Oitumwa, oread, .-Neosno vity, j.. tr ipolis, linnola, Orawatomie, bpnng bill McCaioish,-iiiidaro,Bellvu. Donipuau.Grasa, horpcr Faiis, St. Ooorge, Ogdenj BloominguiB: ueerlr every otner live town in Kansas. Terms, Cam. I itie ean oo .i Z .ZZ before sale by calling at the baiwme-H ho Herald ot Freedom building, dunug which time person, having lot or tow; shares to disfKis of mar call ana wave mem . ""I best auctioneers in tbe country will be W3r for the occasion. G.W.BIiOWa, tdwreuce, ilay etu. leio. ttt Tb above sale in adjourn d to Oetoba Jlst,!-. '' ' ' soar Hoae. TTI AVISO formed aeonneetion with aMana M r i. lAoatia,. Maaa. 1 will fof ui.'h soy quantity of Blank Books. Writing Pa per, Stationery. Ae, from lb to per eent. les. than any other person eaa afford todo w be per reut . as 1 do not-and 1 eaa fit what oth ers pay, to the public. . Country Merchanu aond on roar ortersior wbatyon will want, and I wiU f ujaUh dirwt from the Manufacturers eheaper tban oa eaa get goKls from St. Uuis. as y ims there get near ly ail weir sioca nom . A 1 shall buy for cash and sell tot the ss Call and get some of the samples of what 1 I furnish, tor nothing. t V. RLEMOXT. Vermont Street Lowrenoe, KacEaa, JulyKth,liV). I.R'1E Store lions and Mtsonio nail, as A Itie Serinat. also fiv shares in Big Spriags. . . a. y f a for ai loo lor cash. Big Springs is att mile west of Lawrence, on the California stood, and is ecrtinrd W be one of th best town tav utana. bai iuivu vt vs. " ArrlcanHotl, . LECOMPTON, kaoaa Temtpry. -" EN WAY. (lite of lmffalo, K.V..) tpnotor- This boose is being thoroughly rp reo tl fitted, and WU1 ee louna suihh JjOeompion. siny 9. II. JIEBBI.IGTOJf, esr.srtloO BBMl DUUa leinnati, .Chis,ano eJ .T.'TsieT ;S' atrawosl OS or aboat tb. ISth of JJ. aajaa J" ! W .!fAS5 r.'iTw.thawhite.tnoe,. - b baa neiisoo. - i tu. aiaek etirs, th ran reo . Lawrence, May tMoo. .. and wUd. .wni3 raTrim fat is- rdwlU be fi' .V.nsi white. A liberal v"r,. r.n.tionof lbtr wnerr-.y '-- CriAPlMJ.MIUJTa. Jalyl'. sean. T ALLOfTS MOTTHLT.PI.CTORIAfcFLAO. eivedfor aad V RSf- Jolitf.-. , lsr ..a vjroetovrerrv JQDGK. Hilt r.MiiAV aaa !ojrs, teA Geay I aral Land Agent, A 1 AM If Mr i I .i : I il