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AN ACT Amendatory to an Act entitled "An Act making an appropriation to par the expens es of the Board of CommiMionen to inves tigate Election Fraud, and granting cer u;n power to tam Board. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislati ve assembly of the Te r- ruory of Kansas : Section 1.- That the sum of three thousand dollars, in addition to any appropriation heretofore made, is hereby appropriated out of any money iu uie j.erriionai treasury not otner Trise appropriated, to pay the war rants drawn oa the Territorial treas urer, Ly the president of the board of commissioners for the investigation of election frauds, and countersigned by the clerks of said board. Sec. 2. That the several township ana county treasurers of tins Ter ritory are instructed to receive war rants drawn as aforesaid, with inter est on the same at ten per centum per annum, in payment of Temto rial taxes. Approved February 11, 185D. S. MEDARY, Governor. AN ACT To authorize the Board of Supervisors of Lavenworui, uougias, Wyandott, John son, Atchison and L) kirn counties to issue Morion, and tor oilier purposes. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative missembly of the Ter ritory of Kansas : Section 1. That the board of supervisors of Leavenworth, Doug las, Wyandott, Johnson, AtchiBon and Lykins counties are hereby au thorized to issue the bonds of said counties, and sell the same, and apply the proceeds of such sales for the purposes hereinafter specified. Sec. 2. That such bonds shall be made payable at a time therein named, not to exceed ten years from their date, and shall bear a rate of interest not exceeding ten per cen tum per annum; but this section shall not be so construed as to tibv thorize u sale of such bonds at a dis count of moro than twenty-five per cent. Sec. 3. That it shall le the duty of said board of county supervisors of the counties aforesaid, under th provisions of this Act, to cause to be levied and collected each year, with the other taxes of their counties, a sufficient amount to pay the interest on tne bonds by them issued, and also provide a sinking fund for re deeming such bonds, which, when stud bonds mature, shall be sufficient for that purpose. Sec. 4. That no bond shall be is sued, under the provisions of this Act, for a less sum than one hun dred dollars, nor shall the proceeds thereof be applied to any other pur pose than that specified in Section seven of this Act. Sec. 5. That bonds, issued under the provisions of this Act, shall bo signed by the chairman of the board ci county supervisors, as such chair man, and be attested by seal of the county aT; l the signature of the county clerk, and be by said clerk registered in a book to be kept for that purpose ; and when any bonds, so issued, shall hdve been sold, the proceeds of such sale shall be paid over to the treasurer of the county, and be disbursed in the same manner that other county funds are disbursed. - Sec. 6. That the time allowed for the collection of taxes for the year 1858, (except taxes levied by cities and school districts,) shall be and hereby is extended to the first day of iuue, a. u. xooj, arm tne time fixed by law for doing all other things connected with the collection of tho taxes aforesaid is extended to as many days as there are between the time fixed by law for the pay ment of taxes and said first day of June, A. D. 1859; and nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to release the securities of any officer concerned in the collection of taxes. Sec. 7. That the said board of supervisors of said counties may remit any portion not exceeding one half of the county taxes levied in the year A. D. 1858, for any pur pose, and may issue their bonds for such amount as shall be necessary to supply the deficiency thereby cre ated ; and any person who may have already paid more than the amount he would have been required to pay, should the amount remitted have been remitted before any was by him paid, he Bhall be reimbursed, out of the proceeds of the sales of bonds, to uio amount so remitted. Sec. 8. Thai Territorial scrip, or warrants oa tne Territorial treasury, issued after the first day of Decem ber, A. D. 1857, shall be received iu payment of Territorial taxes, by the officer collecting the same, and shall ho taken as money, by the county and Territorial treasurers, for -territorial taxes; and only so much Territorial taxes as shall have been actually collected shall be paid by wwh treasurers to county treasurers sua oy tnem to ue Territorial treas urer. Sec. 9. That the several township treasurers and sheriffs shall, oa the fiiot Monday of each and every month prior to the first day of June, A. D. 1859, account for, under oath, and pay over an taxes collected by them, to the, county treasurer, except such taxes as tne county treasurer is not authorised by law to receive. , Sec 10. The several township treasurers of Baid counties are here by continued in office until the first day of June, A. D. 1859, and until their successors are duly elected and qualified; Provided, that the sure ties of such township treasurers shall 18 liable, in the same manner and to the same extent, as if the required term of office of such township treas toer extended until the said irst day of June, A. D. 1859. Sac, 11. That after the taking' effect of this Act, no probate judge shall be paid by the county more than at the rate of fifteen hundred dollars a year; no county treasurer more than one thousand dollars a year, and the county clerk not more than one thousand dollars a year, and no other county officer more than seven hundred dollars a year. Sec. 12. That the provisions of the sixth and eighth Sections of this Act shall apply to all the counties of the Territory. Sec. 13. That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and all provisions of law contravening the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. Approved February 7, 1859. S. MEDARY, Governor. Jie Jfetyid of Beedoty. FVILI8HID IACH 8ATTBDAT MOEKINO, BY C. W.BROWN A CO.. QBlc Herald ofjrreeJom Budding. Kanta. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION I com. one year, ----- $2 lOenDies.oneyear. - - - 15. - Payment remind in all tate in advance. All papers discontinued at the expiration of the time lor wnicn payment is received. TERMS OF ADVERTISING First insertion, per line, 10 etS' r.aeh subsequent insertion, per line, - Three Months, per line, - SO six .Months, - - - 75 One Yer. " " - . - 11 00 it r'Advanee narment will ha renuired for Advertisements from a distance. ''Moneys, properly registered with postmast ers, may oe lorwaraea oy man at our run. AJtEMICA HOTEL, II. C. BROOKE, - - Proprietor. Cor. of 3d and Haldeman Sts.. Lecompton, HAVING refitted and completely renovated tlteabovfl ia now one of thn mnat aesiruoie stopping-places in Lecompton. There is commodious stabling and a plentiful supply of hay and urn in attached to this Hotel. hTAGES leave this house daily for all parts ui hid lerritory. AUK. so. RENICK HOUSE, Corner of main and Seneca Streets LEAVENWORTH C1TY.K.T. New House. New Furniture. qiTUATED ne-r the Steamboat Landing nix lines oi stares leave tnia maiimi hkiIl- for points in this Territory and Missouri. Post- umooin tneyiutci nuililine. RtMCK ft HINES, N or. 13. '58 tf Proprietors. JOHNSON HOUSE, Lawrence, ------ Kansas THE proprietors bavins; taken the above Hotel lor a term .f venr. .ml'imr rofittaA - 1 f urn lulled the same, would respectfully solicit a ""eral share of patronage from the traveling wu. . u. proprietors uattor tuemsoives tnat, from past experience in Hotel keeping, they will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may lavor tnem witn a call. H. K.HUSON. ) .. A. N. BLACKLIDGE, "prxetort. TPP Staves leave this Hnt-1 An .11 of the Territory. A good Livery and Sale Sta- uie is vonnwteu wnu tne uouse. Lawrence. J une 12. Ic5. Tne Electic College of medicine, CINCINNATI, O. 11HE Spring Session of 1859 will commenoe on Wednesday, thu 9th day of Fehrunrv. and continue in weeks. A full and thorough course of Lectures will bo given, occupying six or seven hours daily, with good opportunities for atten tion to practical Anatomy. The arrangement of the chairs will be as fol uws: T.E.St. JOHN, M.D rrofeteor of Anatomy and Physiology. i. F. JUDGE, M. D., Profator or Chemittry and Pharmacy, A.J.HOWE.M.D., Profeor of Surgery. C.H. CLEAVELAND.M.D., Profestor of Materia Medica and Therapeutic. WM. SHERWOOD, M. D.. Profettor of Medical Practice and Pathology. J. R. BL'CHANAV. M n Emerxtut Profmmnr of Onvml Phniioloou and -1" trj rti it. inc, JOHN K1V1J XI. Ii Proftaor of OtnMrict and Ituedaee of Women The Terms for the 3 Ortiiinri Will Via t la soma a. uriciiFiure, jUttrilOUIAUOu, 9 W; l aitlOD. mm Ml: Demonstrator's Tinker. A3 00. (V. Student i ruauired tn nnffmrrt in ifl i .jiI w.n Ana """ ueiore gniauaiion.j urauuation, n-a en. The Ijecture-ltoouis are newly finished, neat, ami conitortab e. and in a eentmi ..Utv i;n College Hull, Walnut Street,) where students win nuu it convenient to call on their arrival. Tickets for the session may be obtained of the Dean of the Faculty, at hi.nfiif.A ' m h'i.k.i. Street, or of Prof. (1. H.Cleaveland. Secretary of mo cacuivy, no. ijw neventn Mtreet,near Klin Dee. 11 1858. iwu j0m- DRUG G. A. EDDY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, Oils, Brushes, Glass,' Dye-Stufi's, &c, &c. PERFCMERT and FANCY ARTICLES. PHYSICIANS and Country Dealers will find 't1? ,n'orei' t a" and examine our ueiore purauasins; eisewnere. , li A. K. CO.. Delaware St., bet. Third and Fourth, Nov. 13 '58-tim Leavenworth City, K.T. HAITIPDEN IS located in latitude, 38 15'; longitude, 18s 40'. and nearly in tb. it.nt.pAr l',.. The Great Pacific Railroad from JeffemnnPU. and recently chartered Railroad from Leaven- worm meet at tnis place. Dome and see the town or correspond with the Secretary of the Association. . a. u. x,LA.un., aec y. 41 arch I3tn. 1858. tf SEALS! ! SEALS!!! M. GREEN. Ho. M fourth Street. Glasgow Row. No, 94 ST. LOUIS. MO. PWi'ffi1 attention given to all kinds of KANSAS LAJCD AGENCY Br. it' BRACKETT, Surveyors and " General Land Agents, Lawrence, Kansas. "ii.'1" Wtt attention to the selection and K r - ".ttttt .Millie , uuj iog ana selling Kealt.sute: thecollection of dues: payment of - , au Btner business connected with a Land Agency. Lamd Wab basts furnished at the lowest AtesV for ewh lor on time. Particular attention paid Jiali EI SoTrent ' nd eit lot tor 1 vftSC?Znn'lVjm"a Co-Bankers, V l?,iI-Wui-A- JiSu'n A Co., Bank: era, tort Dos Moines, Iowa; Col. Jl A Walker Register Land Uffice, Fort Des Moines. IowTl Coplbaugh Brooks, Bankers, Burlington. Iowa Gov. Charles Robinson. Lawrence. Kansas! dn Leavenworth, Kansas; Hoi: G. . Boutweil.Grolon, Mass O. A. BASSETT, Lawrence. May !S. less.-Hjr ' BaACKKT CORN SHELLERS. I N "TS wity. at the Mammoth Hardwart A and Stove Store of INGLE BAKKi R. ' The College Jearnal of neaical Sciesice, A M0.PLT,1ifI.eonducted by theFaeultvnf th. KWtu l.ll-r vi-j: cine, is published a OnssDollar a Year, payable ,u. vviumvoi nomrnai com mences with the year. rmmnniiinn. ....!. seription. or for specimen numbers, should be directed to ' Dr.C.H.CLEAYELASD. Publisher. Seventh Street, Cincinnati. O. Notice. "prOTICK is hereby given that the Weatopolis rh.j.j,E aeioctea quaeres olttie ioen.ansaa mv tL'.urlfit Pfmpt the same for a town - m Mm suouivisions as sur- veyed. platted and Bled ia the proper Laud Of- rpHREE LOTS ia Uwnaec, suitable for iU- oa the same for sale cheap by G. W. BRO WS. C . HOUDIT. not, A THOairroa HoUdatr Thornton. XWYEBS AND LAND AGENTS. Toka Gold! Gold!! B. F. D ALTON fc CO. MAMMOTH OUTFrfTLG STORE, LAWRENCE, K. TV Fdnigrants to the Mines, take Notice B. F. D ALTON & CO. HAYE purchased in the New York and Bos ton markets, Goods expressly for MINERS' fc:i't-c,,.,n,,i"tin "f Mackinaw and Three Point BLANKETS, Rubber do., Rubber Goods of eve ry description. Miners' BOOTS. Wool OV'ER- SH1KST, do. I NDtR-CLOTHES. PANTS, (a Miners' V KSTS. OVER-COATS. CNDErI i-oaio , auu, ill iact. Clothing cf every Description. Rubber CAPS and HATS. Fillikn HAT3 Hats and Caps of every style to be found in the maraet. Best stock of Gent's FURNISHING GOODS ever orougnt into tne 1 er ritory. OCR STOCK IS LARGE AND PERFECT. 1L Remember the place: B. P. DALTON & CO.'S, Collamore Building, eor. Maes, and Henry St's. Lawrenee, K. T. Jan. 1. '59. HO. FOR -THE GOLDMINES FRANKLIN COXANT, a Wholesale and Retail Dealer in mt .GOODS, GROCERIES, PROTISIOXS, AND HARDWARE, HAS a large and well selected Stock, pur chased with special reference to the wants ui loose inreniling to r..Ml!KAlE Til THE GOLD MINES IN THE SPRING. Purchasers will find it to their interest to call at his Rooms on Massachusetts, opposite the Court House, where they will not fail to be sat isfied, either in the quality, quantity, or prion ot the Goods. Jan. i. '59 The Place to Outfit FOR PIKE'S PEAK & CHERRY CREEK, IS AT INGLE BARKER'S MAMMOTH HARDWARE 1 STOVE STORE. WHERE the following articles can be found in quantities to suit . PICKS. GOLD PANS. SHEET IRON SHOVELS. AXES, CHISELS, AUGERS, SAWS. fnrTrimd Vi-S AKt au ainds, LANTERNS, SKILLETS. PERCUSSION CAPS, FORKS, DKAW'U KNIVES dV vni.-i.-j KV7,'11114 i" LOG CHAiNS, D1UK do ROPES. KNIVES ft FORKS, FKYIXG PANS REV OL EKS, LEAD and BULLETS. All of superior quality, and in large quantities, bought expressly for the Gold Mines. rfau. i, ay. The Subscriber WOULD take this method of informing hie customers and th.nnkli..nnll. L - ... .....vp.U.i,i,,U,1j UltlL IIC has disposed ot bisentirestocksin trade to .Mr. M Solomo.s, who will now carry on the business at OIS Stand, nrtnnsife the nM ti,p. I4...A i also desires to express his gratitude for past fa vors in the way id' patronage. i nave leu an my accounts in the hands of Mr. Solomon for collection. All nmnm inski.. to me, will please come forward and make nav- mentto him immediately. jan.w, K3H. FRANKLIN CONANT. M. SOLOnONi WHOLES A LE and RETAIL DEALER in HATS. CAPS, anil in f;mt nvtt.t- k;n. . . UtlUK DM1KU for the country trade. Also a Isrge assortment of HEAVY GOODS, suited specially to those, intending to emigrate to the mines in the spring. As. HEAVY WOOL BLANKETS. HEAVY BOOTS, MI NERS' WOOI; OVtRSHIRTS of all descrip tions. CAMPTOOI.S f'AXIPHKiica .!r.i.fii things needful for a life in the mines. ' nememoer toe place, sonant's old store oppo site the Morrow House.' M, SOLOMON. wall, j', KtXg W. E. SUTLIFF lias Kemoredt in part, Bia MERCHANT TAILORING, CLOTHING And Famishing Store, "Cinder Xlldridge House, First door from Eldridge Brothers' Saloon. WHERE, in connection with his old stand, the Clothinsr kmivinnm n ladoi...- ?Mtii.'!'tT5t' he wiU eontinue to prosecute the "v'u"n uiuiBVM man iu nraacnes. New Goods, Direct from Boston and New York. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, CLOTHING, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS suitable for the rail and Winter trade. Gents wisiunga neat ana elegant Uoat, Vest or Pants, made to order, in tha Uimi and .nnj style, from new and fashinnahu iinl. t price to , uit the timet, will give us a call.' and we V,i. ,;i .'..'?ZJ' OI o"nanship, WINTER CLOTHING, A large and well selected Stock, cheaper thorn FIN E DRESS COATS, from 10 to OVERCOATS, 350 to $25. VESTS, from l IS to 10. PANTS, from 1 75 to w. Also, BUSINESS SUITS, at all nriees. Please give us a call before vurohaiins- !. where, for vitin hunns a a.ll ) . l7 ... , . wt. ."0.1 uian us FURNISHING GOODS. The place to buy Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Scarfs. Ties. Ponkat Hrikf. K;j uZTil Gloves, Driving tiloves, GaunUols. Mittens, Un dershirts and Drawers. Overshirts, Hickory nhirts. Hosiery, and other things too numerous niawiiiwBMoiiijirca, TO COUNTRY DEALERS. We Will Mil (.Warla Sat oknlAul. I a . ,7. w vioeaio mn IUW M as a Csvli. N. It. Peraon-t inrloKljwl yV n M aunaaiai) call and pay up. AeeounU at three months standing, will be left with proper persons for - ' llrl m A Good Home for Sale Cheai 40 ACRES of beautiful PRAIRIE LAND, ad .yj"tam timber, three miles from Lawrence, will be sold by the subscriber at ai per acre, on tbefullowing terms : One-third.eash: the balance in one or two years time. Apply to Febl9-tf At f . voasoi s via, &tore. Frstit Trees I Frnit Trees ! ! WE HAYE grafted Apple trees i to 7 feet tall. ' reach. Pear, and Cherry trees. Also, Currant and Uuoseberrr bashes. Pie Plant, u. iwiiiKrijwaiawHa Diaeaoer ry bushes. Quinces, he., for sale at oar Nursery, at Judge Wakefield's, between Lawrence and MjvvtaiywM. can. r. u nanwaca. v . u Jy- P- HAM & BROTHER. February 5th, 1P59. - B. F. Better, ; OURVETOR LAND AGENT, Blooming J ton. Kansas. 717 tmee at the new Store. ' I have Real Estate, both Prairie and Timber Land for sale Also A number of Claims. February Sih. M-SSl 3m Notice. A LL PKRSONW indebted to me by Note. Book Account, or otherwise, are earnestly re quested to call en me at the office of Lowmaa Reynolds and settle and save costs. It is hoped that ail indehtad will ll J : 1 ly to enable me to pay my indebtedness and re sume bnsineaa. which I inL-.j jn7JTT:.!T: day. ---asHAV?7iw Fahroarj ith, l9-at . REMOVAL. Has removed his entire stock of STOVES, HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, TDf, COPPER, WOODEN and WILLOW WARE, into DUNCAN'S OLD STAND, Where he will be pleased to see all his old friends and customers, as well as new ones. He is constantly in receipt of large addition to his stock, and neither pains or expense will be spared to make his house, as it always has been, the BEST AND HEAVIEST HARD WARE CONCERN IN KANSAS, or West of St. Louis. WE DEFY COMPETITION ! TIILST SHOP. He has, as usual, a large force of workmen. Kept constantly employed making TIN, COPPER SHEET IRON WARE, LAYING TIN ROOFS, PUTTING CP GUTTERS, 4o., Ac. Give us a call, and be convinced that we exeol id this branch of bnsiness. PIKE'S1 PEAK EXPRESS ! ! Latest Fews, Via Kansas City! CALIFORNIA NOWHERE ! ! B, F. DALTON & CO.'S GOICT3ULTSJ-I NEW GOODS! FRESH FROM NEW YORK BOSTON. AND Fur Goods, Of all kinds, by the package. n.uto'ber Goods. Of all kinds, by the package. ts and Caps, Late styles, by the package. Boot and Shoos. Sewed and pegged, by the package. Clotlxlxxs and FuraisslHixs oooda, By the package. ATTENTION, MERCHANTS! We will sell the above at ST. LOUIS JOBBINR PRICES, and defy compotition. B. F. DALTON & CO.'S RETAIL DEPARTMENT. MEWS FOR THE LAMES ! Ladies' Extra " A No. 1 " BOOTS and SHOES. LADIES' RUBBER GOODS, every description. A few more of those beautiful Lace and Watch Spring HOOP SKIRTS. The supply not equal to the demand. A new and desirable stock of late sty les of LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES ! GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTING GOODS, Consisting of All Wool Over Shirts. do. Under do. N ew styles. All Wool French Trav. do. ao. Heavy bilk t nder do. do. An Tl-.u Extra Portsmouth All Wool Shirts and Drawers, and a complete assortment of Hosiery. Ao. Eitra Buckskin Gloves, MitteDS and Gauntlets. o uiwr uo ao do do Seal Skin do do do do All Wool do do do ?uPenor. article of "Guerineau-Aubry's" Yi hite and Colored Kid Gloves. Carpet Bagi, Paris Bosom Shirts, Collars. Money Belts, do Fancy do Braces, Wool Helmets, W hite Linen do Brushes. RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER Over Coats and Jackets and Fill i buster Caps, Ints, Leggins. do Boots A .Shoes, Camp Blankets, Cigar Cases, Combs A Rings. FUR FUR FUR Over Coats, Priver's Gloves, Lined Kid Gloves, do bnoes. Mittens and do- do Mittens, do Leggins, Gauntlets. do Ladies' Shoes PATENT LEATHER FRENCH CALF Boots, bhoes and Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Slippers. Pumps, Ac. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! BOOTS AND SHOES! HATS AND CAPS! FURNISHING GOODS, &c, &c. All of the above goods at panio prices, to suit the times, at B. F. DALTON & CO.'S, COLLAMORE BUILDINGS, MASSACHUSETTS .STREET, LAWRENCE, KANSAS, Won. B. Aberaatbr, WS2LtE AND RETAIL DEALER 'IN FURMTDRK. anaik n4 v.. ...I,,.. setts Street, Lawrence. March ST, 'M ly BeBalew, Hnssell Sc Co., So, 100, Zeros, LlAVKNWORTH, ----- KANSAS. WHOLESALE DEALERS in sUpIe and J fancy Groceriea, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac, Ac. We are now in receipt of the HEAVIEST STOCK OF GROCERIES WEST OF ST. LOL LS. Purfhaainv AD, in V--. V--U Baltimore anil New OrlAana. tjmmt ntl 1- r..- cash, we are enabled to sell to the country trade at St. Louis wholesale prices. n e are paying prompt attention to the for warding of all (roods eonsigned tooureare. Leavenworth. Aug. an. &. Bf. Tl'Cracken, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocer and Iron Dealer, Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchant. Leva-. Snath fka-nV-- street, Leavenworth City. K. T. Nov. 42: 'M. - W. E. Satllff, MERCHANT TAILOR. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Cloths. Clothing, and Gent's Furnishing Goods, at our smw afcmd, under tbe K! drill id House, first door from Saloon. advuaaienu aug-B C. B. CleaaeBts. A TT0RNEY AT LAW, will attend to all busi Jl, noas entrusted to kiaeara : also, will attend to the purchase and sale of land and land e Lai me, the loeation of land warrants, Ae. i eeanuen, snawaee Uo.. a.. T Sor. SS, "34, Claims For Sale. THAYE SEVERAL HOOTl rf.ATIfa n A band for sale in which therearerreat bargains, as the owners are going to leave the Territory ia disgust. cuquireor JAJttSCHKlSTLAH. AU'yatlaw. Oct-34. tf TO HOCSE BtTII.DEKS. TKGLE BARKER has at his Hardware and Swire tea Largest stock of Locks, Latches. Butts Ac-avarasTar-d in k .- such figures that yos eaa make it quite aa object t bay at his store, sign lhe Big Tea KetUe. . . INGLE BARKER. Lawrenee. June Sth. 1858 WkltBer Hon aw, WO. S NEW HAMPSHIRE ST LAWRENCE XI Kansas. T. L. Wsnarr, Proprietor. . Sta- THE BRITISH REVIEWS, Blackwood's 91aazlne. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO SUBSCRIBE I PREWUMS AND REDUCTIONS. L kT.I KC,?" York, continue to pnb-X-t- lish the following leading British Fenodi CWD, . 1. 1 THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). THE JUKTU BRITISH REVIEW (Free vuutvu;, THE WESTMISSTERREYIEW (Liberal) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). These Periodicals ably represent the three great political parties of Great Britain Whig, Tory and Radical but politics forms enly one feature of their character. As Organs of the mot profound writers on Seienee, Literature, Morality and Religron, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being considered indispensable to the scholar and the professional man, while to the intelli gent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the current literature oi ine uay. tnrougbout the world, than can o possioiy ooiainea from any other source, Early Copies. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprint, inasmuch as they can now be piaceu iu ine nan a 3 oi subscribers about as soon as uie viigiuai Bullions. Terms. (Regular Prices.) Perann ror any one or the four Reviews, - - 93 no For any two of the four Reviews, - - S 00 For any three of the four Reviews, - . 7 CO For all four of the Reviews, - . ft 00 For Blackwood's Magazine, . . - 3 00 For Blackwood and one Review. - - SOU For Blackwood and two Reviews, - . 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, - - 900 ror iiiacawooa ana tne tour Reviews, - 10 00 Money current in the State where issued will uo rooeivou at par. Postage. The Postage to any part of the United States will be but T WENTY-TOUR CK NTS a .ear for "Blackwood," and but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each of the Reviews. A t the above prices the Periodicals will be fur- uisueu ior iron, ana as a PREMIUM TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. the Nos. of the same Periodicals for 1857, will be furnished complete, vitAtmt otitlitumal charge. Unlike the more ephemeral Magaiines of the day. these Periodicals lose little t age. Hence, a full year of the Nos. (with no omissions) for may be regarded nearly as valuable as for Subscribers wishing also the Nos. for 1856, and 1S-5H, will be supplied at the following extremely low rates : Splendid Offers for 1836, 5T, '58 and d. toaretber. . For Blackwood's Magaiine, the four years, 6 00 r orany one Review. 8 no 6 00 r or any two Reviews. " For Blackwood and one Review, " For Blackwood and two Reviews, " rorthrM Rvinwa 10 00 10 00 13 00 13 00 17 00 15 00 SO 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, " ror the four Reviews. For Bl'kwood and the four Reviews. " ii N: I. The price in Great Britain of the fivo Periodicals above named, is $31 per annum. As We shall never airain hn liltlir . Hu a,,A1, !?,!,,',clme.n.tsBS titoM here preseuted, NOW IS 1HE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE II It r" RemittaniAH mnf in .11 direct to thePuoiuher; for at these prices no com mission can be allowed to agents. Address, lifcUA AKl) oUOTT ft CO.. Dec. 11. '5. No. 54 Gold street. N. Y.. STAMPS. Superior Improved POST OFFICE STAMPS, sent Dy siau iree. thit Buinet tine 150, vith Government pat- rvnaye. To Postmasters. A LL Postmasters at post-offices collecting, gross, over ONE hundred dollars a ir. an got stamps gratis by applying to the Department; those not so entitled can procure themof the un oersigned at the following low prices neat, dur- " , wnu fcin vy mail iree, vn : Circular omce stamp, with changes for dates and screw, complete for One Dollar. (County or year, fifty cents extra.) PostOtfice'Business.Free Dating stamps and names of postmasters and post-offices in straight Paid, tree, Advertised, Forwarded. Regis tered, Musent, and all kinds of rating stamps, cancelling, black ink, and pad, EACH Twenty five Cents. All other stamps same proportion. Full di rections for use sent with all. including how to make the ink and pad. Every and any desired stylo of stamp made to order, warranted to do good service many years if used with ordinary care as per directions sent with them. "Neat est, cheapest and best." "OUR PAPERPottmattere' Monthly Bulletin," Is published by E. S. Zevbly. at 25 cents a year especially devoted to postal matters, being the only postal paper published in the Union, and Creulating in every Slate in theUnfon, to which iu I postmasters should subscribe. Now (185k) in its tourth year of publication, and a good adver tising medium. TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. The undersigned also executes Engraving on W ood in best style. Also. Stamps of all kinds, as names of persons and places, business cards. Ac, at from SO cents to 5, sent postage pre-paid, seals of all kinds, as private initial seals at 23 cents, and Notarial, Commissioners, Odd-Fellows. Masonic, Sons of Temperance and others. ni nyies, at irom e- to , delivered. lac-simile Signature Stamps, (which accu rately represent tbe signature of any one,) for I. delivered. Stencils cut, and Wood Type of various kinds made to order. Proof and Card Printing Presses, at only 10 to 13 and upward. A very superior press for general use. all iron, only 315. Printing materials lupplied. Print ing done to order and delivered in any part of the Union. Magic Lantern Slides manufac tured. 3C7' For small amounts, genuine small notes of any solvent bank, received at par. but gold dollars or postage stamps preferred. Enclose se curely and address plainly to me, giving the name of your own uffice, county and State, plainly and in full. E. S, 7.. has been in this bnsiness since 18S0. or for eight years, and can present many references to gentlemen in every State in the Union. llT9 Hiirhast nmininm. hn.. Kaor anul !.:. Stamps at the Mechanical Institutes where they have been exhibited. l our order will be promptly acknowledged and satisfaction guaranteed. E. rt. ZEVELY, Cumberland. Md Dec 11, '59. Engraver and Printer. McALFIN & CO., Formerly ofj. S. Leech, McAltik A Co.. Pitt ouryh, l a., GENERAL COjIMISSIOX & FORWARDI.VC Merchants, AND AOINT8 FOB THE SALK OF PittaVgh mannfactares Generallr PKALKKS IX PINE LUMBER, REAL ESTATE, &C, Leree'i WYANDOTT CITY, KANSAS. KirillRCIS J. S. Leech A Co.. A Pittsburgh merch'ts genly. I'aviu i.eoen,, uceviiuurriii, 'a, Harris, Leech A Co., Philadelphia. i. - ri i, : i i i. i i ui l. 1 1 iii,j ivieu oj vii'iuwuiu. E. W. Thiers A Co., New York city. James George, Esq.. Baltimore. J. W. Burbririge i Co., New Orleans. Springer and Whiteroan. Cincinnati. H. D. Noweomb Jk Brother. Lonisvilla. Et. Orr. Ilaliell A Co., Evansville, Iowa. vt m. Y. l onng, iisq., Milwaukie. E. O. Hall A Co.. Chicago. W. H. Chick A Co., Kansas City. Mo. J. Carter A Co.,and(ralena mercnantegenerallr. John Sim plot, Esq., Dubuque, Iowa. Thus. H. Benton. Jr.. Council Bluffs, Iowa. S. A J. Hamill. St. Louis. Von Phut, Waters A Co- St Louis. Goodrich. Willard A Co- " North A Scott, Crow, McCrearyft Co., ' Wales, Cabot A Co., Switter, l'latt A Co., " Cbarle. Blow A Co- Squire A Reed, Irr'The subscribers have for sale th follow ing, which they offer low for cash: x5u,uuu feet selected Pine Lumber, assorted, in cluding matched flooring, elear and No. I stuff; lOO.ono best seasoned Pine Laths; 75,(i) seasoned Pine Shingles; .( feet Oak Lumber, seasoned; feet Cottonw'd " ft. Bk Walnut " 3,0 Cottonw'd A .Sycamore Iocs near theeity: 500 kegs assorted Nails, from 5's to SO's; M tons Juniata Iron, assorted sixes, from X round to i J-4 I ton beet Juniata Nail Rod Iron; SU Cooking and Parlor Stoves : 5,010 lbs. superior heavy S'ove Pipe ; S gross pint and quart Flasks; S5 boxes Tumblers and ttlass Jars. assorted; 5 two-horse Wagons; 3 light do; 4 sett Tinners' Machines, Nos. 1.S and 3; 1 sett " Tools; 1 Mower and Reaper, Manny's patent : l bbla. old Monongahela Whiskey; o boxes Assorted Glass, front e M IS to 1 M 18 t SO Cora Hand Mills; To promote the interests of Wyandott City, and indoee tbe inhabitants of the Kansas Valley and tbe interior generally to hate their goods landed hem, which ia the aaostaeeeasible point, as the St. George Packet leaves Wyandott rrga larly for Lawrence and towns above, they have reduced tbe rates of forwarding to S cents per MN lbs, and S 1-3 per eent. for advancing freight, . . MeALPlSaCO. Wrwdott City. May IS. 185s. 6. W. Brown, ATT0RXKY AT LAW, the X.rrthern Sate. Bo far eJt .aVrfe., Bounty Land and PEN nio.i Auui,ua uenerai Agent furthepar rhae and sale of Real Estate, location of Land Warrants, Ac. Office in Hmbaxb or Fbibdom Bciukbs, see ad toor. lawTsnrn. Kansas 1 lt w , nrv i . . . . . T R. E. ALLEN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL w-, . n , , , lain, bet. Delaware and Shawnee Sts., LtAVENWORTH CITY, KANSAS, Mali a ra DRUGS AND MEDICINES, FP V"". VARNISHES. BRUSHES. t, Glass, (Jla, Ware, Perfume- ry, hp Hn chewing Tobacco, Old Bourboa ?LKk W 1"3lle-Medical WineVand Brandies, aTZLu -i viuni. utra and WhaleUU, umoauu suspension Lamps, GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES. NOTIONS, and a fuU Stock f ST A. TTn 1ST" -E T- tr Makinr h. i. .j . , " uaaing the largest and most complete assort- k- "rrr !,.UM Vnf 'emtory, which atthetowestCArHPRICES.U'er,eMrU)r . R. E. ALLEN. uvenwortn, flov. , 1858. tf. S3 H S3 S3 H PRENTISS & CRISWOLD A?nini?wjeiTi.ngJ,h,ir,vrintr Su ,nm eomprised of a large assortment of ... . yvir. iu meir une oi business, which will if 02 .A" cile,'p.?s lhe eneapes and warranted BLRNTNU FLUID. Camphene and Oil. in large quantities, and of the best quality. All iMcicrriug iignt to darkness, are requested to gie tnem a call. Almanacs for li-S9 free of "" . JJec. 4, 'SB. marmiton Town ComosDr, rPHE above Company now offer inducements iVrriufr1 any Town Company in the The Company have just completed th largest v. " if 'i "ontn?rn h-annas, being three stories cuui.iuiug iwenty-iour large, commo rIu,KS 8leeP'Pnd sitting rooms. In addition to the hotel, the Company have built a large storehouse, which will sooti be well filled with .uo commoauies needed in a country like ours. A large number of carpenters are now at claims resmences.snops, offices, 4c. The Company offer great inducements to mechanics and others, wishing to locate. The town, from r;..f IF. -J ?: De,l"t ta! "graphical een- extensive ."rade soon become an impor tant town in southern Kansas, as it is surround- ed by as GOOD FARMING LANDS as were ever tilled by the husbandman. CLAIMS. Rood an.1 ,l;i,t i.:. V. obtained in close proximity to town and timber. Marmiton is snlenriiiilv and m,,.l K-k t,k (n'' located, being on a high rolling prairie. uivi imauiuui streams oi water washing its uui iuoiu uu soutnern limits. An excellent STEAM SAW AND GRIST MILL has lately been erected, and is now in sueeeiurnl operation. CLIMATE Minnilnn I. .II,,.! l-1.UJ. 31 50, and longitude, 17 47 west from Wash ington, The Thermometer does not indicate a higher degree of heat than ninety, and never in tbe winter srets ln'h.w ,tr,. v.ra,M ,.j ii chanics find no inconvenience in doing out-door Work in the winter seajir.n Pnttln h..i. .1,... 00rw on ,ue Pfairie during the entire year. There is always a pleasant breeie in the hottest days of summer, which makes the heat ess oppressive man in many ot the northern Mates. Lots will be sold at exceedingly low unities to persons aesirous oi ouuaing. J. E. JONES. President. iiUKATIO k..OWLS, VicePres't. T. R. HilBKKTH. Sec'y. aug. J4. Dentistry. T)R. L. KELLOGG, Dmumttrator of Operative .ASCMMCJ ry ot 10 years' constant and success .havine settled ncrmanAntlv in reuce, may oe found at nis omce over Duncans store, where he will keep constantly on hand large supply of Gold Plate and Foil, and the most approved styles of Teeth, from which pat rons can select to suit their own taste. JO All uwratiuuB warrantee.. exit Land Agency and Land Office EOWARl HOOdLAND ATTORM'Y vi, . Counsel " Law and United S Com" missioner. Tevnmseh. K. T. rre-emption business and contested claims at- tended to. M oney to loan to pre-emptors; Land , iw riii.3 locaieu, minis ana town snares and Lots in all Darts of thn TnrritrL- lu,i,crhfr -n,l sold. Investments made for capitalist, and St percent, satisfactorily guaranteed. REPEKKNCELr HisExc'y John W. Geary, Le-' cuuiptou. iv. i.. non. jonn sicivean, u. s. Dis Vaughan, and Thomas N. Stinson, Esq.,Tecum- wu, n.. i . mniitf Reisensrer- Fenlon a Co., TJAVE justepened on Water, between Dela ware and bhawneo sts., a Wholesale and Retail Establishment, eonsisting of Foreign and .-.oiuOTtic uaruware, iron, iaus, ana rittsourgr Manufactures, Cookiug, Parlor and Heatins "toves, htoye Furniture, Ac A large assortment oi une as, ninges.serewstjnains, camp Kettles, Cuttlerv. rirn.nt.r', T.w.l. lt.ll..a A--1I. Viees, Forks, Shovels. Wood and Chain and1 rorce Pumps, Axes, Rifles, Scales, Butcher's Tools, Paint Mills, Corn Mills, Hand Bells, Tape n uu muster isteei, nrusnes, Ac, and an can oe purchased eneap tor cash. n3Btl Leavenworth. May i. 1S7, I.atv Office. lOHS M. COE. ATTORNEY AT LAW .ill " practice in all the District Courts and in the Supreme Court of the Terri tory. He has had a long experience iu pre-emption practice in an other Stale, and will give special attention to .11 a in.K 1 -.1 I :. . - - Reference. Any lawier of standing in W;.. consin. The Professors of the Yale College Law 1XT S. B. Mr. C. is Notabt Public. June 87. tf Boots Shoes! Hats a Caps. T w. BUYER A CO., WHOLESALE A RE- " tail dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS Second story Jarboe's new storehouse. Levee, -.annas i;itr. ?nn. tier. a. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICE Emporia, K. T. TTivrtni ..j -i .v. , . II I am prepared to transact all kindsof hi.i- nns. vw,rtj.inin ,a k-; i . ... . . .. c : . . ness Dertainins' tn the inform,!. nr.mi m grants, and Others who wish to loeala land, in t the Neosho Valley. Having been a resident of Kansas for more than two years, and traveled in all parts of ii-- ' naving traveled lor tnree years u n iscousiu, towa, Illinois and Michigan, 1 am prepared to give such information of the country as may be desired.and toattend to any olherbus loess whioh may be entrusted to my charge. My knowlegeof the country and its interests enables tne to pniinisesafe and protitiibTn inveafments to those who may connde their business to me. All communications addressed to the under- signed will receive prompt attention. N. S. STORRS. Empena. Kansas, May I. 1857. E. D. Lad a, NOTARY PUBLIC for Douglas County. Regis- ter of Deeds for the City of Lawrence, iod Conveyancer. Will take acknowledgements, proofs of Deeds and other instruments in writ ing, draw up conveyances, powers of attorney, Ae. Blank Deeds for sale. Office No. It) Massa- ouusetie street, lawrenee. aanaas. nM tf. Hampton Ac leBnaan, REAL ESTATE ASD-T If AIT D AGENT, Oct. 23-tf. lea rsswoBm cm. L. McAKTHTJB, ATTORNEY. Lecompton. K. T. Will prac tice in the District Cnnrta. and at la.wt - contested claims in the Land Office oppo- a-IWWaD OUtfil. 1.1 JT. K. fiooala. A T7,??i?1T AT LAWAND REAL ESTATE , win txuic leeas, Mortgages, dee. buy and sell land and town I,.va-t mnn-ua ;- Kansas property, for others with care and promot- Lawranee, Kansas, Nor. 8, 1856. S-16. TIBBETTS & CO., COMMISSION and Forwarding Merchants y Office No. 3, on the Levee, PO. building 1 11 l. L' : , , i' O. building v..Ha a-uM. rvr wnu .wuicnco ana ease of access Delaware is unsurpassed by any point es the Missouri, being five miles nearer to Law renee and other points ia the Kansas Valley with good roads leading to all interior towns. Havinsramole Warehnuiwifur n,-.l,.-- disc we solicit consignments to oar addreaa. aiar w ae -ly A EARGK Store Hoase and Masonic nail, at Uia Snrinv. i . art a tile, west of LawreBrM.ia the tf lalif.-wia U 1 and is destined to be one of the best towns is' tay8 Lmeftn and Mal MUaU Agent Herse taken no. A LARGE BAY HORSE, about sixteen hands .riyrawn-wi nee a star in lie forehead, been shod all around, bat shoes now off. witn one ior loot wnite. s fine work horse, was taken an recently ;!.. r r IT and is now in the-possession of aa Indian. It was lost by some perns foar er firs weeks ago, probably by some person at Gardner, and is pos sibly tbe one mentioned reeenllyia the Emporia STFvcvj ?T"r.,br TAYLOR Sltlt,1, at t rankhn, proving property, and payrac for this rtvartiseiaeat, can have bis bone- . . OcCS-tf .. Dlsoolatioa. 1 ,HJ? J''?nrT.t! ip existing between rr. Wood, in the practice of Law, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All per sons in debt to ths late ins are requested to call aad-setUe. A. C. W. SAFF0RD. T ' o. S.W00D. Lawrence, Septv 1, lfj. . is M. F. CONWAY, GENERAL AGENT of tha N. E. Emigrant Aid Society. Uwreaes. K. T. mV DRUGS AND MEDICINES! PHEXTISS & GKISWOLB, A EE now receiving and will keep oonstantly JtA. on hand a large and. well assorted stock of i irus9,nuieinea. vnemicats,- embracing all rt.lcl nnerauy kept bTbrugguu'and ,n cu IX TBI ELDRUJOB BtOOK. PATENT and ECLECTIC MEDICINES of u kiuus, kAu every variety. CHOICE LIQUORS for medicinal ase. all aiuua Mvtt wa purposes. PAIX7S, OILS, VJJtSJSBES, BBV5BE8. etc. Cigars aid Tobacco of the finest and oeet quality. TVIE CCTLEBT, Consisting of Pocket Knives, Surgeons' Instru- mente, Ac. SrrroBTKas, Sbocldkr Bbaccs. Bbcast Piras and Pi mps, Svaihuas, Ae., of every kind in eommon use. Parses, Fonmonnaias, and Pocket Books, FANCY GOODS and PEBFUIBERV. We think our stock of goods in this line will satisfy the most fastidious. Call and examine Chills and Fewer Cared. Acer lain euro and preventive for tbe Chills and r ever prepared and sold by us, and no other Druggists in the United States. It is our intention to keep alwars on hand a good stock of as pure medicines, and other arti cles in our line, as can be procured at any mar ket in the I nued utes,andtosdlatsuoh rates as will induce ourenstomers to can aoain. To Phf aicians and Merchanta. Ton may rely upon us to sell all goods in our line, at Wholetal, as eheap as they oan be pur- I'd ONCI i itie f th lllMiMil,P' TT "p-IBTICCXMI ATTSXTOS Will be paid PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS -mull will DO CABEFFU.T ANO FKOMFTLT put up at all hours of day and niiht l-'mm ln experience, both in the drug business and the practice of medicine, we feel the importance and responsibility of thin h nn.h nf '.ii Li. . and hopetosatisfy oor patrons and the public PRENTISS A GRISWOLD. Cyras Tatar. A TTORNTY AT LAW and commissioner of - Deeds for Iowa and New York. Partii attention given to procuring and locating land warrants, preempting claims, 40. Office at vrsawawmie. a Hot. m, 1836, Geo. W. Collamore, - A TT.0RXX j COUNSELLOR AT LAW and "eneral Land Agent, No, 41 Massachusetts nr,w!l' "renee. Kansas Xerntory. Dec 5 tf iriacbinerr, for the Weal. New North THE subscriber is now making the tour of Northern Iilinni. Wiumnti. 1A Iowa and Kanaajt wit n Anmn-. .1 IT- I... -.. .1 Millwrights, and is prepared to furnish Circular aw Mills and Ensrines. both PnrtahU ami sta tionary, and all the fixtures complete, and set them running, and warrant them to earn from .0 to 1711 per day, in from 3 to 6 weeks irom the roceint of tne order, fur frnm si aimi tn a4 son cording to the sise of the Kngine. ITU . l:n . j , ., .Hen Alum iianu uDnruiea in tne annals of uuuiuer biasing aiacninery. Ior emeieney.aonn. omy and durability. t'ash qr Mulay Mills removed, and Circular Jims mi running in one week s time, for from t-WU to t509.and double tha nnJ..i.1 ,1.. r.. Mill marantiml. and thn vnj,na- r... ; ... J.,.l ,a ' ' ""'" "l""'"- I have also made arrangements with Eastern manufacturers, by which 1 can furnish Machine- oi an ainas, irom iu to per eent. below ,, csiorii rates. Flonrinr and Pnrn Mill, l.-il. r..l.: a- 1 1 STilijli an(i !SW of varisus sites, eonttant- i 'in ii mm. 11 r Letters of enonirv merelv shnnM v. tJiilliDo. Patentee. juoiiiiv, xMiea uiana o. 111. tt. j . WHO WANTS A FARM. HPHE subscriber has 2.000 acres of lanil nTWitia. Ins. Lykini. Andfnuin. Krtn.lin r.., counties, K. T., worth from $i to 10 per acre. Also, one span of horstw. vnirnn anH h ami 9!10 ,8'n1 bore. Town nbnro in DcUware, r .. PT' uinoro. Manbattan, Cottonwood IS'vSZZfiSf.l? Vi'V 1: 'u ' 0."'w?,l5),,"? cltJ' c..all of which he wishes to sell low for ah i.r .iiikinM ftt. ..uui property in Lawrence Would like to oon tract for the erentllin of r r.m nnm Ia a J... 1. 111 uawrenoe ami nav tnr th. .am in ana ..I ik. . , u w m uvch .vim. A. 1. iarm claims, pre-emDted land, town shares, city lots, Ac, constantly on hand and for am oy I Men XO KAf r OKl A WOOD. A.and Warrants TO LOAN, for Thirty-One Dollars less than at Lecompton. Also. Mnnev t.. In.n i estate securuy. jjy a. M. K1MFSOV. Lawrence, J une 13. lP58.-tf Jfotary Pudlie, The Teeth! The Teeth!! T)R- S. A. MARSHALL, DENTIST. WOULD a-' respectfully inform the citisens of Kansas Territory, that he hun rw.rm.nnntl. r,ai-.l in ,k- city of Leavenworth. All operations in his line performed in the latest, neatest, and most armmved an experience of sixteen years in aeity praotiee, and a close observation of all the latest iinprove- uimiu, iu tu proieasion, ne ice is prepared to pledge himself to give entire satisfaction to all who may consult him. IL r" Teeth examined. and aiv:-- J-an fna- f CU1IEC Othue on Delaware street. ooDosita MoCrank en's. Leavenworth City, Jan. 3, 1857. WANTED. ANY sum of money, from 109 to 5,000, for three, six. ninenr r.,.hi-k two per cent, ner month inlnraii .nil ih. k.,i .r uii -eouniy wui De siren, loo acre land warrauutatsiou, receivea tne snme as money. Jan 30 '58 WUD, Real Estate Agent, Just What la Needed! HYDRAULIC CEMENT AD LIKE. 'I'HK BEST QUALITY OF CEMENT 0B -1- Water Lime can be obtained of Mr. Solo mon, Conant s store, opposite the Morrow House. Lawrence: or of the subscriber, four miles and a half West of Lawrenee, According to the tests made thus far, there is no article of to the t,b''ll')' d. market superior to this. Or- tiers win receive as promot attention a. r.irnn in stances will admit. Also, a suodIv of Hvdranlta Lima mav Ka ,. pected in tbe course of a few weeks. This will make plastering which will not " fall off," even though, after it is once dry. it should t wet occasionally, and can be used for substantial mortar in building purposes. ,iuiy iu, -ae. fJtAacia rJAHKKK. afosiah Jiriller. I OVPIVUtk.t . ..t... i-, . O u i. v. that he will now attend to any business pertain ing to the profession of the law. Settling here in August, l&t. and being Editor of tha"Km- a W mate," (which was destroyed in Law rence, xilt May, 1WJOJ ne is well posted as to tb best places for investing money on specula tion, and as to the true condition of most eon- ff' tested claims in this eounty. and will attend tn any business of that kind. N. H. That his office of Judge of Probata dn not prevent his practicing law in all othereourta of Kansas; but it gives him authority to admin ister tuiths. take dennsiliona. ar.knnwla-lamanta of deeds and other instruments of writing. A number of I Go acre warrants on hand. Of fice ao. ix. siawacnusetu it., ormosite Kinm, vmce Aiawreuee. aansas. oee Ix '57 tf H. w. rrrBiKia. . v. vrxtoor. PETBIKIX A- WTHSOOP, GENERAL LAND AGENTS, and dealkbs Office, one door aouth of the Etamh.. lliK ' L1HD WW 1EI1ITL I .mnl.. . Will attend to all business connected with the uann wuice,.vntmstea io tneir eare. . 1'aa-XM-Toas. Tabs Noticb. Tbe seeessarr rroor Papers, ae.. will be made out Free of t harge, for Pre-emptors who purchase Land Warrants of at. We have been engaged for the past year in preparing the necessary Proof uym. ac- rvquirea in rre-emntioa entries. Land W imtni nf ail .i r.,- Mi- i t all eases fully guaranteed. Land Warrants also it-Minn us nine, as ssaat rates. ral:if E. 8, LOWMAN. A ""K55ARDfSVvSELLOR AT LAW, "IF a"""" "mey surug store. Lw- jeau-ly Plows I Plows! Plows! A " i. wtuctt win be sold n a uu.a. . - ... . low - - loreaan. Lawrence, June 5 th, 1858. S. N. WOOD, I AND AGENT. Will buy and setl Land locate Land Warrants, and do a General LunA agency easiness, raaran teei tim fmm sat tn ion eent im tnvaatn, - Notice. L vTrplirbI "i" j"1- Olatha, one ZZ. in haod,drawa by E. A. Nasb ia fa vor of J. Henry Smith, for tha ssnt of $4H 0. fiSS"?;. AmUt- B,J net! tbe 18th June, ; J thi U ?brrtor- ara aU panoas from trading for said Nolo. . Nov.l3.'5e. PETER C0SGR0YE. J. mreClnro, ' . A TT0RNET AT LAW. Real Estate and Land Agent. Ogdea. K. T. Mar 90. Cee W. Collanaoret 1J0TART PUBLIC Ke. Street. Lawreaea. K. T. Maasaehssettt Des. tf rUCBAHBnEAli. HE undersigned having associated for ths PJ"TPom of MILLING in Wsspori, would re spectfully eall tbe attention of the community, and st'lieit a share of patronage, feeling eenfi-di-ul that we eaa give satire satisfaetion. Our ' lour is a fresh and superior article. Meal kept eonstaatir sn haod for sale or exchange, give as w -. Mst.lSM. apr3-lr BUKLINGAME, K. T , Late Counea City Settlement Mia, THE Mills at this point have bean In ' . fl operation U&lJfig&g& rine and other machinery is of the first eh . whioh mors is new being sow added W.k" " Grist Mill, and a bolt for makini s& is now being erected. Planing, ShjnriJT1' Lath Machines will aoon UiJZjSig lingame is one of the live towns of Kaosaii ." ing great inducements to eapitli,uiB, and business men to settle. The prosVLJ?1 business, with the facilities and appiiiJJ 1" building, and making a pleasant home wiut, H society, are not surpassed by any interior 1! in this country. ... SCHUYLER A CANNITP Burlingame, May . 1857. Saw nil la! Sawn ill.! Sawani., JOHXSOV.EMEBSOV, ' PS JOUNDERY. comer of Eighth ttl f Bell; Streets. Alton. Illinois, sole SamS? frame CIRCULAR SAW-MILUeaableof ng from SOW to uooo feet, surface measure hi!i" lumber, in w Hours, according to sise of if, i and power aonlied. IL f Orders resnectfnllr anlinitml Adiirena above. H. Small Pnrtuhle V.Ma -n.I X) -: , . M.U UVUOITU Farming and buop purpose. Machinery for Kansas anil t;..nn j. Iiverad on Levoe ia St. Louis free of charge Jun.5,'5tl tf Tlaaered 3Iea WILL take notioe that the subscriber propo.' see to sell cheap for cash the followiu oroi rty: Si ares in Wyandotte, Osawatomie, Emporia. Tecumseh, Blue City, Georgetown, Rochester, Ottumwa. yuinaaro, " " Delaware, " " Doniphan, " Minueola, " Belmont, " " Murmaton, " Kewanee. Americus, Ac. Ae. Also a large number of lots in Iximn,. eral of which are first class business locations. I will sell on time to those who wi.h in ,mnr..- lots iu this town. May o. s. B. PRENTISS. 1. 8LATBB. stASOH JOHNSON. SLATER Sc JOHXSONT. STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Forwarders and Commission Merchants, NO. 36 LEVEE, ST, LOUIS, MO. Prompt and personal attention paid to businesi. Sash and Doors. I WILL sell A No. 1, four panel SftSxefte Doors at S3 each, and other door, anil ., corresponding low figures, Call and see them INGLE BARKER. Lawrenee. June 5th 1BS8. W. II. II. Koonta, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MKR CHANT, and wholesale dealer in Alu.n Lime, Plastering Hair, Cement and Grain of all kinds; (Orders for Flour promptly attended to ) Short Street and Levee, A I ton, Illinois. Refers to J. Lock A ltro., Alton 111.: Turner A Siilwsy. do.; Wade, Barry A Co., do.; W, H, Mitchell A to. do. spr l em .and Warrants, OF ALL SIZES, for sale at one dollar per acre. Land entered on time, at reduced rates. Proof 1'anera nrenared for en.tiim.N free of charge. K. H. FARNHAM, land Agent. First Door North of C. S. Land Office, Le comptnn, K. T. uly 31 . 1M5B. tf . P. LAPP. . B. riUtNTIg). Ladd A Prentiasa REAL ESTATE BROKERS and General Land Agents. E. I). LAUD. Notary Public, and Register of Deeds. Ae. Messrs. L. and P. will at. tend to any business connected with the above Agency buy and sell on their own account; or on commission, town lots, interests in lawrenee, and other towns in Kansas, and farm claims. Mr. L. will take acknowledgements and nroofsnf Deeds and other instruments in whtitar. niak. out conveyances and other papers, Havinr the office of Res-inter nf llfwwla linM,,,. od by Statute.) and Notary Publie, also having been residents of Lawrence and its vicinity from the time of its settlement, they nossess sunerii,r advantages for the transaction of business. Office No. 15, Mass. street Lawrenee, Kansas. March 14. 1657. JAMES CBHI8TI AX. JAJ. LA.I I'lIHIYTIAN a LANE, A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Office, Duncan's -fxHuilding, Lawrenee, Kansas Territii. They are Commissioners for all the WVtera States. They will attend to collections in Kan sas. Nebraska, Western Missouri and Iowa Mr. Christian having bad large experience in the business, will attend to making invest ments iu Town property and Lands He will re ceive for ban or sale, land warrants at a fair percentage, The K ansas struggles being over, Mr. Lane will devote himself ealumiwely to lhe praotiee, and trusts by strict attention to business, to receive a portion of the business of the people of Kan- January 39th. 1858. mar 39th I. SIMMONS. f. 0. LIADSIATIB. Kansas Emigrants. SIMMONS A LEADBEATER. Forwarding and Commission Merchants and Kansas Freigh t Agents, Ko.SX South Main St., St.Loais, Mo. Full iuformation given to all as to routes, points, Ac, Tree of Charge. Refer to S. C. Pomeroy.C. Robinson, A. H. Reeder, G. W. Brown, Dr. C. Cutter, K. Coates, National Kansas Committee. and our friends, ths iree Suit men of Kansas. Mark packages Cars of Simmons A Lead beat er, St. Louis, Mo. General ticket agents fur Missouri River steamboats. 1-15. A SMALL STEAM ENGINE and Boiler for J- a. sale at a bargain, Inquire at tbe Herald of Freedom office. U. W. ttKOWfl. THE place to buy the best CUTLERY Is at Barker's Mammoth Hardware and Stove Store. If you want nice GLASS WARE, If you want CROCKERY, If you want a nioe set of SILVER WARE, If you want PLATED SPOONS or FORKS If yon want a GOLD WATCH or PEN, If von want anything keotina Hardware and Stove Store, go to the Mammoth, where you will be sure to find it. INGLE BARKER. Lawrence, J une 5th, 1M8. Iai notice. rPHE undersigned has been appointed in ae-t- enrdanee with tha nmviaifinsiif a lawna-sed by the Territorial Legislature, Recorder for tbe Pawnee ltnd Oi.trint. All instrument- nfwhat- ever kind, affecting the title of any real estate in this Land District inav be recorded in his office, and be eauallva lien on the real Mtata described therein as if filed in ths eounty in which such real estate is situated. , ' . A. Kfc ISOLDS. Lawrence. K . T., Feb. Hh two. TURNER & SIDWAY, f ANUFACTURERS and Wholesale Dealers t'l in Harnessea. Kaddle.. TrnnV. Valiaa. Hone Collars, Hides, Leather, Saddlery, Hard ware, Coach Trimmings, Buffalo Rubes, Whips, Overshoes, Fly Nets, Ac. Store No. 10. Sceoud Street. Alton, 111. CHAHLEH II. BBAHWOinBE, Attorney at Law, PARTICULAR attentioa given to Land eases. Lawrence, K. T.. April 17, 1(158. Strafed er Stolen. FROM tbe subneriber on or about the 14th day of August. 1H5H. a yoke of large red OXEN. years old, and marked with a swallow fork in each ear. Any one upon returning said oxen, or giving such information as will lead to their recovery, will be suitably rewarded. Sept.ttb. FANNY EVANS. WaterPreof Boots. WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD ARTICLE OF Winter Boots-eall at KHANKI.IN'S Cheap Boot and Shoe Store. Bus Saw for Sale. A CIRCULAR SAW and Arbor, suitable for sawing lath, for aale. rail at the Utrald ef treedom eoe. . O. W. BROWN. Needles a Bonsall, A MBR0TYPE AND PHOTOGRAPHIC G AL fn. LERY, corner of Delaware and Meeood sts. Leavenworth city. Kansas. All work aseeata in tbe best possible manner. Aeyavenwortn. renzv lyr" F. Wendt, rHIRWARDING and Commission Mershant and dealer in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, t. v. . I .t' " arenouae uai- mediatcly oa Keokuk and Quiaer Packets' Land- NO. , Le. V fee, ALTON. ILL. Warehouse im- ap-iy . Iew Goods I JUST received from New York a large and splendid assortment ef lilCU MILLINERY GOODS, comprising the latest nni most desirable stylet, at No. 3, W hitney House. . Oeh,, '58. s.w. joHasToa. m. a. aTixsoir. a. r. bavsms. Johnston. Stinsom at Havens, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT Law. Leavenworth City, K. T. Office on Main street, over Hemingray A Co.'i Banking Hoase. Oct. t Sis. IMS A. B. miller, 1858 YXTHOLESALE GROCER, Forwarding and ' ' Commisaion Merchant. Also, general Steamboat Agent and Collector. New fire-proe Leavenworth City . Feb k. t. ;." ' Duitatnjr. itn Mat ..- Coffins I Coffins I! ' pOFFINS, read avals, all sises, and tha V" CHKAraar io Lawrenee, trimmed to order. Second door south of Coiianore Building. Lawreaee. Aug. 7, -sa. P. J, WAGNEK. Lard lanks, M rought and Sheet Iron Wwk! bash and Muley Saw-Mills, Flouring Mil) i chinery. Lard and Tobacco Screws, Ac. Ac