Newspaper Page Text
Jl5 ger-tld of rsreeDoh). LAWRENCE. K. T. Saturday Mornlnjr, Julj 16, 1859. Slavs-holding Logic. Abolitionists, like thote who aspire to the leadership of the Republican party in KiDsif, contend that the question of the fjihts of the negro must be settled on gen iral principles and not on expediency. Xhe sira8 C'M ' m8n BOt to refute jbf nrjumente of women, who claim the r.htofsufTrasfl as their due, fall back on plea that the do not believe a nia inrity of the women wih the elective frinrhise. Whan majority do, they grant it. Tbey thus throw aside the iim of the Christian era, that "woman ihcuM learn in silence of her h unbind, at home;" they abjure the old common law principle of the impersonality of the wife, ,nj only hesitate as to the time whan woman shall vote. This pica reminds us of an anecdote current years ago, in reference to Hembt ClaT. He had a very intelligent body servant, named Charles, who had traveled with him through the North, and resisted the temptations held out to him to desert his master. On one occasion an aboli tionist visited him, and expatiated on the tin he was committing by holding slaves. Ha plead that bis slaves did not want freedom they were better off as they were. Even his ftoy Charles wonld not hare his freedom if he offered it to him. The abolitionist replied that he might be mistaken about how Charles felt, and sug gested that he be called in and questioned on this point. Charles was called in and th question put to him by bis master, "Would yon accept your freedom if I were to draw np emancipation papers ? Charles answered, "Try me and tee." Sj now, these meD, to shield themselves ton, May, McClelland and Hippie. The Coostitutioaal Conntui, THIBD DAT. A resolution was adopted in favor of measure foi ascertaining the population of the several district of the Territory. A vote was taken as to the State Con stitution, which should be taken as a gnide by the several committees: First vote. Ohio 13. Indiana 12. Ken tucky 6. low. 2. Leavenworth 5. Penn sylvania 2, Topeka 2. Oregon X, Wiscon sin 2, Massachusetts 1, and Maine 1. bscond vote. Ohio 23. Indiana 23. and Kentucky 1. The Morris and Chase delegate case wa reported against by the majority of the Committee on Credential. The mi nority reported in their favor, and Mr. Slough (poke one hour and a half in fa vor of their admission, and the remainder of the session wa occupied in the discus sion of the case, without a decision. The President announced the standing committees as follows : Preamlh and Bill of Right. Messrs. Hutchii ison, Lilly, fianwav. Perrv and John Wright. J-xecubve Department. ilettrs. Greer, Porter. Dutton, McDowell and Hubbard. Legislative Department -Messrs. Thach- er, Arthur, N. C. Blood, McClelland and Brown. Militia. Messrs. Blunt, Mar, T. S. Wright, Hubbard, and J. Wright. Judicial Department. Messrs. King man, Burn, Greer, Blunt, Lilly, Perry, Oiougn, aunson, wngley and farks. Electors and Elections. Hessrt. Town send, Porter, May, Palmer, Slougb, Arthur ana tvngiey. Schedule. Messrs. Burris, Middleton, Ritchie, Hanway, Williams, Infills, Mc Cullough, McDowell and Hippie. Apportionment. Messrs. Preston, Mc-Culli-uah, Graham, Palmer, Thacher, Ar thur, Moore, Crocker. Ritchie, Hoffman, Ross, McDowell and Stairwalt. Corporations and Banking. Messrs. Graham, Burris. J. Blood, Middleton, Lamb, Stokes, BInnt, Crocker, Burnett, Griffith and Slough. Education and Public Instruction. Messrs. Griffith. Middleton, Stokes, Holts- Special Notice?. I al tarlsua Cmarca. PUBLIC service every Lord's day moniinf 10 o'clock. Salt Lord' day a eeeond Hrriea at 4 P.M. Juljl.lh-.t THERE will be preaching br the Rer. W. O. Thomas, in Fold's Hall, on Sunday, at 10 ), o'cl.ick A. if. and 7 o'clock P. M. June P. "59. Odd Fellaere. LAWRENCE LODGE So. 4, I. O. O. F ranu regularly erery Wednesday evening, a 7J o'clock, in Kabeoek A L kin's Hall, axt door to the Eldridge House. Members of the Or der, in god siauding, art cordially invited to visit tha Lodge. J. F. GUIS WOLD, 5. 0. G. S. Tbobtso. See. LAWRENCE LODGE SO. 8 I. 0. of G. T. meets regularly, every Monday, at 7 1-S o'clock, in Babeock k Lykins'Hall. Members of toe order from other Lodges are invited to meet with as whenever they can make it conven ient. J. C. TKA.SK.. W. C. T. A.G.DaLbi. W. S. May I, 49. Vlaeealc. THE REGULAR MEETINGS of Lawrence Lodge, No. . are held on the first Thursday of each month, in Masonic Hall, Itabeock A Lx kins' Building. Aoa. is-tf 1859. LAWRENCE 1259. CITY DRUG STORE ! Eatatylinlicd, 1835. Storage, Forwarding tnd Commission! FORD at FILXIIORE, HATING rented the Emigrant Aid Building, (tnrmerlr occupied by U. W HunU are prepared, and etill sirrMntl attention to the Siorsa-e, Forwarding and t'oiamreioa business. Lawrence. M-j less. ti. SAVE A DOUaAltl OSLY FOR CASH ! FORD & FILLMORE. lODiU & T-TOOPS-RATTAS HOOPS. I1-! FuliOA FILLMORE. H' OOP SKIRTS. FORD A FILLMORE. IT ADIES' GAITERS. a- FORD A FILLMORE. Ohio State) aadCalaa Law Callefre. TUIS limitation has been removed to Cleve land. Ohio. Degrees are legally conferred, and students upon graduating may be admitted to practise. For Circulars address, at Cleveland, (Feb 13 '58-ly U. A. KING, Secretary. OTAKHIED, In July fh. by Rev. E. Nate, Jr., WILLIAM bllTCHlNUMAN. of Douglas Co.. K. to Miss LUCY CONNER, of Ulair Co-Pa. Babcock k LTkinV lVn Bnilding, IT, ti AlaasacBuaetta Street, ill BECsrvnio raox St. Louis, Sew Fork & Philadelphia, Their print supply of ONLY FOR CASH! MANTILLA SHAWLS. FuKD 4 FILLMORE. Lec$. polices. Aaaalaietratar'e I4Iee. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the estate of John S'ronp, deceased, bare been granted to me by the Prubate Court of Douglas enmity, bearing date the 12th day of July. A. l. 18SS All person having claim against said estate are requested to exhibit them ti me for a low anee. within one year from the date of said let ters, or they may be precluded from any b- nefit of ueh estate; and if said claims be not exhib ited within three year from the date of .aid let ters they will be forerer barred. A nd all persons indebted to said estate are requested to eme forward and make payment immediately or they will be prjeeeded against a-eurding to law. M. SOLOMON. Administrator of John Stroup, deceased. JuV W,lei.-Jt. , f ANTILLA SHAWLS. ii FOtfD a-FILLMORE. MANTILLA SHAWLS - FORD A FILLMORE. LOOKING GLASSES. FORD A FILLMORE. LOOKING GLASSES. FORD A FILLMORE. Administrate)!' !tetlce. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has obtained fp'DS the J udf of the Probata Court of Greenwood county. Ivansas Territory, letters of administration upon the estate of Ter rr.l Reve., drceased, dated June etb. iras All persons having claims against said estate are requested topresent them for allowance, proper It attested, within'one ycarfrom the data of said letters or t uey may be precluded from any benefit of said estate, and if such claims be not exhib ited wuhta three jean Iron tbe date ol said let ters they will b forever barred. r.Ot. ll ttt fc, Admimsuator. July , 'SJ.-St. THE DEMOCRACY or Douglas county will will moetia Lawrence. Saturday. July 30th, for the purpose of electing delegates to attend a Territorial Convention to be holden in Topeka. on the second Tuesday in August, to nominate a candidate for Delegate in Coogress. The De mocracy of tbesevenu townships are requested to Select their delegates to attend the Conven tion in Lawrence. Tho Townships are entitled to the following number of Delegate! Lawrence. 7: Leeomnton. : Willow Snrinas. 5; Clinton, J; Palmjra.i; Marion, 4; Endora,4; O. A. REYNOLDS. Chairman of the Central Com. for Douglas Co. lor the injustice tney do womon, say they don't want their rights. Tbey had letter "try them and see." If, as tbey pretend, the question is to be decided just ss a majority of the women wish it, they sitting in their sanctums or in convention, should not, like the slave-holder, assume to know better than the oppressed what rights they waut, but take a vote of the women on it. Let the issue be submitted directly to the women of Kansas, whether they will have suffrage or not But this logic, sifted down to its pith. County and Township Oraanization. Messrs. Ritchie, T. S. Wright, Preston, McCullongh, Moore, Simpson aod Brown. Ordinances and PitUic Debts. Messrs. J. Brown, Dutton, Kingman, Hanway, Hoffman, Burnett, Hutchinson, Lmb, Preston, N. C. Blood. Graham. Si inson and McCune. Finance and Taxation. Messrs. SimD- son, N. C. Blood, Crocker, Hutchinson. Fainter, Signor, Lamb, Hoffman. Porter. Slinson and Foster. Amendments and .Vi'Wfanmu.-Mesrg. Houston, Ingalls, Ross, Signor, Williams, Burnett and Foreman. Federal Relations. Messrs. T. S. it simply this : that political and legal Wright, Houston, Palmer, Stinson and rights are to be granted or withheld, just as the majority decides. A Republican who take this ground, cannot take ex ception to the Massachusetts' amendment, fur it is based on this principle. To be consistent he must uphold every invasion of human right which receives the sanc tion of majorities. Such is tho platform a-hich Mr. Facing-both-ways is compelled Foreman Phraseology and Arrangement. Messrs. Ingalls, Ros, Kingman, Stokes, Dutton, rorter, iownsend, Unflith, L'llv. Stair wait, Barton, Perry, Foster, McCune and Parks. Convention then adjourned rOUBTB DAT. A protest of Messrs. Espy and Wood, claiming seats from Morris and Chase to adopt. He ha an excessive zeal for counties, was rejected. the negro, because he i not intelligent The only other important businest was enough to appreciate or comprehend his 'he action on tho case of the Wyandott rights. But women are supposed to be delegates. The Committee on Credentials, sufficiently intelligent to know whether " the case of the Wyandott delegates, they wish to vote or not, and he really reported that after being notified of the don't believe in giving them any rights sitting of the Committee, they had failed eto Li3belrti3el(ieif)t3. N OTICE is hereby given that Land Warrant o. 37 a, for let) acres, issued under act of March 5,lr53. toJames Covert, was lost or stolen from the mails at some period subsequent to the luth day of October, le-ic. Said Wen-ant Was. at the time of said loss, the property of the uoders;gned and application will be made to the Commissioner of Pensions for a duplicate thereof. JOHN A. SI" 1 THIN. July 16, IBS9. et. W. S. BUSH, M. D., WATER-CORE PHYSICIAN, fFFER3 his services to the citisons of Law renee and vicinity. He was, for two years, one of the physicians of Glin Havin WaTta 4'l'rc in New York, and has been a Water- Cure practitioner for the last ten years, four of W II 1 II g.,g ouen !pwn. m , i ivu' ' .ioi-i,hi. establishments. His experience in the treat ment of acute diseases has been ample and suc cessful, especially in intermittent and typhoid levers. . Perrons at a ai.tanee. who Wish advice, ean consult him by letter, enclosing a fee. (S3.) and receive, hv return mail, fu'laud exDlicit direc tion? for treatment at home. They should be Eartiru'ar to utate their ate, sex. constitution ereilitarv tendencies, aod Kimotoms. ThiMM who wish to ba cured of the ague without the use of calomel or quinine or other poisons, or to obtiin relief from liver-complaint, dyspepsia, bronchitis, the diseases peculiar to Women, Ac, should not fail toeoneult hint. . Office' HcKlLD of FSEKbda building. Law rence, Kansas territory. June IP, '59. tf. MIRRORS! MIRRORS. FORD A FILLMORE. M IRROHS! MIRRORS! FOKU A FULLXOK. FORD ft FILLnOBE. DRUGS, MEDICINES. more kew G00Df ORD A FILLMORE. CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, STILL THET COME. FORD FILLMORE. M' ORE SEW PRISTS. MORE SEW PRISTS, i ORD A FILLMORE. PURSES, M0KE SEW PRISTS. rOUD A FILLMORE. FINE CUTLERY, TOILET ARTICLES, &c, &c, &c. DRUGGISTS' GLASS WARE, M' ORE SEW PRISTS. . ir OKU A tibLtfunr,. HICKORY SHIRTISGS. FOKD A FILLMORE. HICKORY SHIRTISGS. FOttD A FILLMORE. HICKORY SHIRTISGS. tOUD A FILLMORE. H (CKORY SHIRTISGS. PAIST3. OILS, SEW LOT OF WALL FAFtB, rOBD A I ILLMOBE. YARSISHE3, BURSISO FLUID. PURE LIQCOES. FISE CIGARS, PAPER HASGIXG3. SEW STYLES ASD PRICES TO tCIT. FOBD A FlLLMOBX OCR SEW GOODS HATE COME. - Ford A Fillmobb. they do not ask for! for tk Herald of Fnedom, Tbe Fourth la Leavenworth. Lbavknworth, July 5th, 1859. Mb. Editor Dear Sib: After a week of lethargy, superinduced by the associa tions incident to sojourn in this Van to appear, and also reported a resolution declaring them not entitled to seats, which was adopted ayes 33, nays 16. A resolution was offered admitting Messrs. Bennett and Wilboru, Wyandott Delegates, to seats with all the rights and privileges of members, except to vote. HENRY BOYNTON, lanl Agent, Bis; Sprlna;s, WILL buy. sell and locate Land Warrants, lioan Money, Ae. Having full written descriptions and raunrioM of much of the unentered lands in this (Le eimptoo) District, can advantageously at'end to the purchase of land a the Publie Sales, and the location of Land Warrants at private entry afterwards. JUo, taluaUe land for taleekeap. July I", ". 3L Hardware! Hardware! Vinklish region, I was yesterday aroused An m8nomeBt was proposed gtvtngtnem from mv Dative dormanevbv those "mnr. ,uil rnvueges o, meniuer. wiulu ton tsl engines whose rude throats the immor tal Jove's dread clamors counterfeit,' and, rushing to the Esplanade, discovered in tbe murky distance "the plumed troop the neighing steed, and all the quality. President declared out of order, and upon an appeal being taken from that decision, the chair was sustained by a vote ayes 13, nays 16. After an extended debate on the original resolution, it failed to jride, pomp and circumstance of glorious P "yf 25, "J"25- war," whose wont it is to turn out on Mr. Stinson, of Leavenworth, presented Liberty, sabbaths for the propagation and pr0,C8t asainst the CtiD f tbSn dissemination of patriotism sufficient to serve for the occasion. Whether or not the purpose was ac complished is yet a mooted question; but true it is that much perspiration wee shed, doodle whistled, the stars and trirs eulogized, and the American eagle glorified old "tangle leg," under the guise of eherry cobblers aod lager, being me presiding genius of the day tiou in the case of tbe Wyandott Dele gates, signed by the seventeen Democratic Delegate. A motion to lay on the table failed ayes 16, nays 32. The protest was ordered to be placed on the Jonrnil ayes 39, nays 9. Tbe Convention then adjourned till Monday. HARDWARE FOR THE TOWN! erah! hnt .n.i .u . tf crime ia attributed to the ef o ,V r - CUy r0nDln8 Uquor-in fact nine-tenths of the . of ice, Mr. on Swrt was unable to jn the penitentiaries of Illinois t Causa of CtUfla. An examination of the "books" shows At mid-dav the weather W.. :,t conclusively that a terrible preponderance oi crime is attnouieu tu tuc cueuis ui convicts nemtenttariea of Illinois this dav r&city his thermometer, consequently the claim absolution on the ground that their durned thing "bust," leaving us unable to offenses were committed while in a state give an official record of the exact degree ?f inebri8tJ- Another fact may be , stated , . tn this connection namely, that of some ' "owever, it was at thts time that ,i7ht hundred nriMners. Drobablr not k u:l . . . ... l-o 7 r - uioernian Association assembled upon more than half a dozen are educated men, the hills bevnnd Smith T,,nrk I So true is it that crime and ienorance eo here thev emra-ed in th. Ii,ht tWaa. hnd in hiud. Chicago Time 0 toe" operation. Their bodies had the ot 0D'y lt tba dnty of the UDTen' peculiar chemical properties of chaugiogi -u wonderiul rapidity, the tonics iu. oel, into streams of perspiration, hence they presented the appearance of a Broun of water-nymphs just emerged from their ive element. The queen of the Naiads, Pleasant, buxom daughter of Erin, con- routed most liberally to "the ailvery t'de which flowed down the slope to min gle with the waters of the Missouri. It rumored that an express has been sent n tn ner, warning the MDatives, of toapproKtiBgfreghet Towards evening three small boys let v" a nre.raV.. J - .1 Del Decl aware street attempted to read the :iration of Independence but relapsed placid aluraber on arriving at the Tth line. An enterprising Dutchman measiirna tnr ..... . i, iw (u.tiiuviiij snuMga ivi' tion to provide for the punishment of crime bat for its prevention. In no way can thev more effectually do so, than to provide for the prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. Pro hibitory laws have failed in some States because thev were in conflict with the Constitution. If the friends of tempe rance are not strong enough to confer on the Legislature the power to prohibit the aale of liquor as a beverage, they can at least provide that they may pass such A law, which shall take effect when indorsed by popular vote. A majority of the Committee on Legislative Department, we believe are good temperance men, and wrhope will not overlook this matter. Ajaotaer BanUr-BuSaa Oane. We learn from the Border Stir, that Dr. Geo. P. Hamilton died recently, after Ur7, but his speculation fizzled; he, in Urn days illness, at Madison, La. He "nmou with the rest of his tribe, had associated with bis elder brother, "course to "that awt oblivions antidota Capt Charles A. Hamilton, in the border eh razes written troubles from the difficulties, and was connected with the hnin and t.i.v. r hrntat affair at Choteao's trading' met. I n , .t ae . ; r sorrow." Contii ally nuing my periginationa I eventu- One by one these ruffians are passing from the stage of life. Hew se bead tke Hasatea IV. A, writer in the Valley Farmer has the OrnUffht tin mt !,. V.. seeing Macbeth annonnced, entered, and Oad the aati.r..: . ' oL.L ' ak... .; ."-"" i seeing ooaaspeare mm i.t. .... ii . ,. I . ... .. - Dunca Art r ' assignea w Jiessrs. i following plan, wnicn may do taken lor what it is worth: "About tbe middle or Angust sow strip of wheat adjoining where yon intend to put your crop say one or two acres. About the middle or September sow your field. When that has come np and shows clearly, plow under the first sown; turn it under well. Tonr fly is headed and ronr crop safe." r '""can and Banono. Weaned with the proceedings of the restn doM of "Dtar' weet fo., " nd 00 "rising this morning i. T"tci'7 sleeping," hence this rours respectfully, WAUZEE. KT Kev. E. Nct5, Jr gave notice last Smday, that at 4 P.M. next Sunday he -nut preach on - Womanhood." 03r Beware of bogus half dollars. STAPLE STATIONERY, All of which have bean earef ullr seleetad, and boufht at lowest figures W " of the firm, just returned from the East, and will ba sold at WHOLESALE AND BATAIL, At as low prices as anywhere' in this Western country. Dealers, Physioiais, and the Publie feneraUr. are requested to fall or send in their orders to OCR XEW GOODS HAVE COME. FOBD A FlLLXOBS. OCR 5EW O00D8 HAVE COME. Fobd A Fillmore. OCR SEW DRESS GOODS HAVE COME, Ford A Fillmobb. OCR SKW WINDOW COME, SHADES HAVE Sheriff Sale. "VTOTICE is hereby riven that I will offer for 1 sale, at publie auction, at tbe door nf the Court Hou-ein 0 lathe. Johnson county, Kansas Territory, en the second dav of Angust, A. i). IKS9, at one o'clock. P. M ,f tbe said day, the following rial estate, to wit; The north-west quarter of section two. (2) township fourteen, (14) ranee twenty three. (23) taken as the pniper in my hands, one in favor of J. Henry Smith, ty of Hannibal K. Hall, on two sereral executions and the other in favor of M. Raisor. issued from the District Court. for the third J udieial District, aforesaid territory, sitting witnin and tor Jonn- son county, and to me uirected,as sheriff of said eonntv. Uiven under my nana inn tn a ay or June, A. 1) . WW. .A i t OSlitto V b, saenn. Jul) , so 4t. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING! 30 nstasatckaisetts St., .MRS,WHrTSKT kegs leave to Mom RU the inbabitaaU of Lawrence and vicinity jp that she has just reeerred an e'.rgant assortment of Millinery (raods, and being in eommuniealion with one of the m si fashion able and experienced milliner at theEast, will be constantly receiving additions to her stock ef foods, together with the latest styles, ia BO.fXETS, BATS AXD DB ESSES I A competent hand will attend to the making and trimming of Bonnets, and from her expe tienee and sueeess. we thinks her work will compare favorably with any of tbe New York or fans lionnets. Bleaching and repairing done at short notice; Dresses fitted and made with neatness and dia patcli. Also, all kinds of fine and plain sewing, which can be performed on a machine, will be done to order. All orders foreither Bonnets or Dresses will be promptly attended to. cue franca ri-wers. Faney and Plain Rusching. . Fine Pedtl Braid. English Straws. Willow. Chip, Craoe. Silk and Lace Bonnets. Riding. HaU on hand and made to order. Just receiving, and now on hand. CHILDREN AND MISSES' FLATS, And an assortment of Gloves, Mils, Hosiery, Capes. I'aroda'v. Mourn ing Bonnets and VoiK Sewing Silk. Cuinesl for bead dresses. Linen landkerchiefs Muslin Col lar. Bonnet Ribbons, narrow Hi boons fur trim ming, black and white Blonde of different qoali lies anu wiain. illusion. A liberal discount made tn Country Milliners or thosewishing to buy to sell again. These in want of Mil iuerr Goods are respect fully iovited to call and examine uur stock betors puirbasing elsewhere. Lawrence, j une . f. Sneriffva Sale. OTICE is hereby given that pursuant to an -lv order of sale to nje direcied, from the Dis trict Court for the Third Judicial District sit ting within and for the county of Johnson, in the case wherein Jno. J. Tinsley is Plaintiff.and Hnnihal K. Hall is Defendant. I will the Court House in Olatbe. in said county, be tween the hours of 10 A. M. nnd 4 P. M. of the Sod day of August. A. D. to sell at publie auction tothe highest bidder lor cash, the north west qnarier oi eeetion two, tz; towusuip low teen. (14) rarge twenty-three. (2J.) Given under my hand !hts-h day of June, A. D. PAT COStJl'.O r., Sheritt. July. 59. It. Johnson IO-a.. 1 Sheriff's Sale. V OTICE is hereby given that I will offer for .tN sale at publie auction, at the door of the uourt nouse in uiaine. jonoson oonni. sidhi, on the Xnd day nf August, A. D. lr'59, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clock. P. M. of said day. the following real es ate. to wit h ho .niiih.aL onarter of refit ion fire. (5) town' shin thirteen. ( 131 mure twenty three. (4.) Sold as the property ot H.N. Short, upon an order of r I... i fi--!, 1l Sale ID lllVlir Ul rilUUHBVWIkilKuwvi .mo nu Judicial District Court within and for said coun ty of Johnson. K. 1., and tome directed ChMri(r rtt uid eountv. uiven under my hanJ. Itns tn aay ot junc, A D. IMS. PAT CU.-'UBIM t. OBeriB. July . '5-4t. Sheriff's Sale. T V virtue of an order of sale, to tne directed, a- from tbe 3rd Judicial unmet vourt, ithin r,H t..r thnnmilv of JnhnSoD. K. T.. I Will OX' pose to sale, to the highest bidder, on the prem ises in said county, on Saturday. July 23rd, be tween the hours of 10 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P. M. of said day, the following described valu able property, to wit: . HIT ll:1 SAW MILL, with all and sin gular the apparatus and arpdrtenances thereto nel:nsing. Attached as llie property of b. C. Hickman, in favor of John W. Boyle. Said Mill Lattit.tjifl nn InHian Creek, and known as "Hick man's Mill." Conditions of Snle a credit with good security, till the5th day of November, A. V. lei9. PAT COSGKOVE. Sheriff of Johnson CoK.T. Sberirs Office, O lathe, June IMS. July , 'S. Fotid A Fillmobb. April 33, "5. WOODWARD A FINLEY. 08O,OOO. xe(Stsis Notice 1 VTOTICE is hereby given that upon the tjth day 1 f l..n. a II leso nt a term ol the Probate Court, beld'in and for the countvof Coffey, in Kansas Territory, a letter testamentary was granted tome the executrix sppointed in and by th.L.i sill .o.l testament of Divid eeased,Md all persons having claims against bis .si. I. tiMPuhv rennired tn exhibit them tome for allowance within one year from the data of such letters, or Ibey may be preeiuaea irom any benefit of such estate) and if such claims be not exhibited within three years from the .date of said letters, thenwill he forever Darrea. AJJALtl.lC wr-y J , ecairi. Coffey County. June 6, A. D. faiv FEVER AAD ACl E ! TOREMOST among the various remedies for a. tbis disease stands R 8HAU.E11B3R3ES'S AHTIDOTE. A few doses will cur any ordinary case, and ONE IIIISK invariahlv- KtnM thaehills. It Contain nothing in tne lea'tdegree hurtful toTHE 8 VS TKM CNDEK ANY CIHCLMSTANCbS, and neverproduoestheunpleasanteueeta that attend the use nf aninina and other agent in general use. It cure every lorm oi tna disease, ana w the original and ONLY ANTIDOTE FOR MALARIA. Ask for Dr. Shal!enberrer'a Fever and Ague Antidote, and be sure you get PILLS. Read the following testimony : Geo. W. Goodbich. Esq.. Attorney and Gen eral Land Agent, now of Granby.Newton county. no., out at mat time a resiunt ot .eoeuo i al ley. K.T., writes a follows: lam mure than ever of the opinion that no other one medicine socomptetely meets the wants of our people as your pill. Last tall, in this region, baton person in nu knowledge esoapea the Ague. Many had it all through tne winter, and continued to have it this spring. I sold eight bottles, all for tbe treatment of these almost ba given in every case tba most perfect satisfaction; and 1 believe tbo first dose has in every instance slopped the disease. Of there eight eases, permit me la rive you tbe tacts with regard to two of them: The first was mat ot a girl ot nt wen years, wno naa toe Ague badly all last fall had remittentfever and dumb ague nearly all winter; and to tbis was super added monthly irregularity. Knowing this, I bamly ventured to recommend ice pin as i wou'd in ordinary oaws, but to m great aston ishment and gratification th first d.e stopped the fever, (remit ten H and I supposed the other difficulty has also been removed, as the rose on her before faded cheeks seem to indicate fin health, which otherwise wou.d hardly be the eae. . The otbercase is that of a young mar living in the same ftinily. He had tbe tiver and Ague badly, all last fall and winter se ho informs me; tbe first dose of the pills stopped it, and be ha. not lostan hour from his work since bebig-in to take it. lie basbeensplittiugrailshauliiigtbeuout, and building fence ever since. and a first rate hand-at this laborious business. He now says 'hat ten dollars would be a small price fur the benefit he has received " April 2uth. lt-v. GbO. W. GOODRICH. Wisttobt. Mo..Jan.90:h. 1K7. We consider the prospect for the sale of your medicine here very Haltering, and we shall, doubtless, be able to dispose ef much larger quantity tho coming eeasou. We hare not heard ot a single case of failure, hasnearly thrown out of nia'ket erery other preparation for tbe cure of Fever and Ague. BO'iUS A SCOTT. Wholesale Druggists. Bf tie President cf tne U. S. TN pursuance of law. LJAHES BCCHA5AH, A President of the United State ef America, df hereby declare aod make known that public sale will be held at the undernuntioned land onieiain the Territory of K ansa, at kbe periods hereinafter designated, to wit : At the land oflieeal Kickspio.eommenoirgoa j, M.7tamr day Aug neat, for th dipnaal of the public lands within tbe follow ing uamed townships, vis: Soatk of tke loas line amd eat OU Siof A princi- pm Msrsotaa. Tonshipl.of range!3. TuwnhipsS. 3.4nd 7,ef range St. TowhsbiM t. 3. 4. and 6: and the sari of townships 7 and 6 outside of th Indian reserva tion, of range SI. i ne part nl townsnip oatsiae OI tn lnaiu reservation: t,,wnshins . 4.S and 8: and the parts of town-hip 7 oaisido of th Indian reser ration . of range -0. 1 be parts of township I outside of th Indian reservation; town.hip3,4,3and6;aad theparta of township? ouuid of tbe Indian reservation, of range l. 1 be parts of township I aatslite or tba Indian reservation; towojhiD.3, 4 and a; and theparta of townshipsS and 7 outside of Lh Indian reser vation, of range It?. 1 be part of township oatrid ef tba Indian reservation; township: and the pari of town ships . 4, S and outside of the Iadiaa reserva- tlou.ot range . ....... Tbe part of township 1 outside of the Indian reservation; townships; and the parts of town rhip 3 outside of the Indian reservation, of range IS. Townships 1 and S; and theparts of townships S. 4, i, 6 and outaid of th Indian ratorvation, of range 15. . . . . ... Townships l, . 9, 4, 3 anu : ana- toe parts oi township 7 outside of tbe Indian reservation, of range 14. . . Tuwn.bips I. , 3, 4. 5 and ; and th parts of town-hip 7 ouuide of th Indian reservation, of range 13. At the land office at Kiekapoo, commencing on Jfoarfiy, Ik ianvifA duf of frptembtr next, for the disposal of tbe public lands within th following named townships, via: HomSh of He kcut Urn amd oaot of th ttitk princi pal meridian. Townships 1. 1, 3, 4, 5 and : and thapart out side of the Indian reservation of township 7, of range 13. Townships 1, , 3, 4,5 and S; and the parts out side of tbe Indian reservation of township 7, of range 11. Tuwn.hins1.s.3.4.Sandl: and th parti out side of the Indian reservation of township .. 9 and 10. of range 1. . , . Townships I, 8, 3, 4, 5, , 7, , and 10, of range . At the land'ofllee at Icompton. commencing on Josvoy.t. ti-jhtemUt dagoJuly ntmt, for tba disposal of th publie laud within th follow ing named townships, vis: SmttM of the tu limo and of of th princi pal meridian. The parts of townships 17 and IS outside of th Indian reservation; township 19,20 and SI; and the parte of t-owu.hip! outside of tho Indian reservation, of range .. ...... 1 he parts of towuabip 17 outside of th Indian rvervatioD; townships 18, 19, 20, SI and SS of "5 ne part of township IS. 13. 14, 15, lo and IT out.xido of the Indian reservation; township 18, 19, St). SI and Si, of range. . ,, . , Thupartsof township 11 and outside of the Indian reservation; townships 13 and 14; th part of townships '3. IS and 17 outside of lb Indian reservation; towaabip la, 19, SO. SI and SS, ,f range '9. Townships II, 12, TJ and 14; th rarts of town ships Li, IS, l. Is and 19 ouisida of the Indian reservation; township', SI and SS of range M. Townships II, IS. 13 and 14; te parts of town ships 15 and 19 outside of the Indian reservation; towushipj SO, SI. aod VS. of range It. At the land office at Lecompton, commencing nn JloiJi;, lAetictnty-onond dafof iMi aaM, for the disposal of ibe public lands within th following naUdd towosnips. vis: Haulh ofUietnuie lint and uf of Hit titIA prlncU , pal meridian. Townshins 1 1. 1. 13 and 14: the Darts of town ships 13 and 19 ouuide of th ludian reservation; towusbips !,xi and ,oi range in. i be parts ol towosuips and bouwim oi us Iniii.ii r..pvnt ii.n Uiwnshiiia 13 and 14: th Saris of townships 15 and 19 outside of the ln ino reservaliub; township SO, SI and SS of ran."44- ... .. L ..i.,... iue part uftownsuip i sonin oi we inaian reservation; townbtps ij ana is; iue pans oi townships u and uiitsineoi ine inuiaa rcasr vatiou; Uiwiisliips SO, SI and SS, of range 14. 1 bu part ol lownnoip miuid oi im iuui.u reservation; townsb ps u ana is; tne part ot townships 15. 10, IT. 10 and 19 ouuide of the In dian renaliou; townships SU, SI and Si, of rango 13. Hold. Wholesaleand KeUil. by PRENTISS A GKISWULD, Lawrence. Kan. ler.; llt.NHY BbAKSLEY. St. Louis, Mo.; and by Druggist and dealer everywhere Sole Proprietors. A. T. SUAtiLENBEllUcB A CO. Bochesier, Pa. Thirty Thousand Dollars JUST RECEIVED FROM PIKE'S PEAK J DIRECT I IRDWARE FOR PIKE'S PEAK! hirdware for toe country. LAWRENCE DRUG STORE ETJDRXDGrB BLOOK. B, F. DALTON & CO. Have just rceived the largest and Vest selected stock of SPRING GOODS! Eter brought to Kahsaa. TTTE TtrY A LL OUR GOODS IN NEW TURK VV ..J A .k.ll ..1 1 .tlka w... I . UU UWIVIlj U. wv auwa. v... - .hv .v.. lowest price, tor proof, examine onr goods. HARDWARE EVERYBODY FREXTISS & CRISff OLD. rE bo receivlii their SPRINQ STOCK, Comprising a large supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES! ATTENTION. MERCHANTS I We can and will sell the above at St. Louis jobbing prices, and we defy competition. Notice. ON tbe 1st day of January. A. D. 1P58, J AMbS SHAW died in Allen county. Kansas, leav ing no heirs, as known Said Shaw wa about six fee high, wcig.iing ID lb..snd a Scotchman br birth; Said Ksiat has i been appraised at Sou dollars: , JHISfcS . NfcAL. June S3, S9. Ot. uminisraMir. Sheriff's Sale! I am offering MY IMMENSE STOCK Kit iKD STOYES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! TTT CALL AND SEE ME. If jew wish good Bargains. . . . USU IAUEB. La r react P)at Office. rpHE MAILS Close and Arrir at this OSo A. at tba following bears : CLOCK. ABBITB. Kastera MaiL f P. M. EaUm MaU. Wester - P M. Western - S Northern ? t P. M. Northern - 8o'(SaTaTnl A. M. Sa'nlSuTuThli Sumner.fSnaJ " Sumner. a.) " Emnori.(Th.) Emporia, (Tn.) -UambwdUS) Humboldurh) -Paela, (Tnes.) li.lL Paula. (Wed.) , - 8.K.HCS0H.P.H. P.M A.M. P.M. CHEMICALS, PALNT8 AND OILS, Varalshea aad Brmakea, Pike's Peaks Pike'- Peak! MINER'S. ' OUTFITTING GOODS! CONSISTING or RUBBER BLANKETS, COATS, PANTS and LEGGINGS, CAPS and HATS, CARPET SACKS. A new artl:le waterproof. WOOL BLANKETS OF ALL KINDS ! 88l Kteffiluii and DftAWERS. wool hosiery, socks. Ac, A complete assortment, every variety. 16. 19 ww SO las t-es; Heavy Beets, Blabber Beet; Ac. HEAVY WOOL PANTS. COATS and VESTS. Waean fit oat any number, and at prices that will please. CLOTHING! Of every description. GEOTS' FCRNISmNG GOODS, Of averr possible variety. BY virtue of an execution to ma directed, from the Second District Court, within and for the county of Douglas, at the April term thereof,, I will offer for sale at public auction to 111 biehe't and bo-t bidder for cash, atthe Court Hi-used'x.r.ln thceltrnf Lawrenee, on the 20th day of July, A.l. IMS. between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M..of that day. th fiillowingreal estate: to wil- 'itnateilyingandbe ingin the county of Oouglas.aod described as fol lows: Tbe south-ea.t quarter of ee'ion thlrty fuur, (34) in township No. twelve (14) south of ranee nineteen (W) east, together with all and singular the improvement or appurtenance thereunto belonging tn tbe same, aod. appraised at -',"0. Also. I 'l No. five (J) on New Hamp shire st. in the city of Lawrence, with the bouse and improvement thereon, being known as the "Whitney House," and appraised .. Taken as the property ol lhaildeusL hitney, on an egi-eation in favor of Wesley H. punean and Charle S. Duncan, issued by the District Court of Douglas count), K Ti, and to me di- . 1 OmilUnr .a.. winnt. Uiven under my hand. at the Sheriff's office. In the.eitjr of Lawrence, this Slst day of June, A. D' 1 ' SAMCEL WALKER. Geo. F. Eabi.e. Phefiff of Douglas Co. Deputy Sheriff. June 23. '39. Gents' Business Suits! Consisting of Coata, Vests and Pants. BURNING FLUID and CAMPHLNE, HATS & CAPS ! HATS & CAPS! A (Teat variety. ' Pawl .tterpby Cape. Cleia Hats. Pare Liquors, FINE CIGABS AND TOBACCO. -Also- TOILET SOAP. laif variety. MEDICATED SOAP', PERFCMERT ef choice sUnda. riHK CXTUEKT COPPER-TOED BOOTS! A u stria of Boot we ar having maaafae- I tared for as, and will be in stora in a iaw da. These Boots are raa srrxBlOB to all other for Farmers and Miners, ana wa will warrant on pair of them tooutwear two paua of 0001 witn I oat th Copper-to. Be ji ud Childrea'i Copper-Ttf d Sbttt! If roe bar them ones. Ton will a ever bay any l otner Kma. LADIES' DEPARTMENT '. Th latest styles of LADIES' BOOTS SHOES! Ladies' very heary.bultoo, English sold Boota. . rrenea glov km Silk 1..7... Imm Coogr - Boot. - French Ud . Boat. - - 8Iipprs,. A new style of Ladies' Watch Spring SOOX" SSIRTBI Better thai anr ether kind arer hroaxht into I LADLES'" DUSTERS. A new garmeat. ana hast adapted lo th eotBiBg DRUGGISTS' GLASS a ,. WARS, tn an tk .Iw... noada. and a areat saaa: I ether stile toaanmeroas to aseaUoa, mast be I sold to salt the times, at M BV USIjIHS SK . V 'S . Ccllamor Building, alaas.fSt. Lawraaca, Aanaa. Apm w. as. All pwrsoas peRuaaiag 6wd of as. may raiy I Don Bavin- article oi a am rat taw prices. PREHTU4 QstLSWOLP. Apru jeta, a. pon DR. L- KELLOGG, DENTIST. - 27 0Omti Wilaartk's star. Jf-1 W. E. Sl'TLIFF, MERCHANT TAILOR, Has removed mis estire stock wo Doon South of Sain Entranee in ELDMDGE HOUSE, WHERE he will be most happy to meet bis old friends and patrons, and the enure i- ..f i.Mi,,,iiii vieinitv. and every body else that may please to give him a 'all, that he may introduce tnem, ana """fl"";" with his -NEW aad VALUABLE STlCK.of Spring and Summer Goods, bisect rBOit New Yobe axo Boeroa. CLOTHS, CA9SIMEKES, TESTUKSS. CLOXHDTO, iti, Cipi md Gf nti' Fnraishing Good. CLOTHING! SO Blsck and Brown DRESS COATS. 10 to . JOBUSI.NfcSS M.ll.iromotoi. WO VESTS. from lMtotlO. MO PANTS, from 1 to Also, Sammer Clothing all sorts, sises and where, for we are bound to sell cheaper than the cheapest. HATS AD CAFS! Silk Rata. Surra Pi oe Hats. Black and White u.i. i.i M.u Fir Hat.. Rlaek and Brown Planters' Hat. Soft Hat, also Sammer HaU of all sort, sisee and priees. which will be sold eheap,cheap, cheap! ATSCTLUF'S FURSISIIISG GOODS. Th plae to bay Shirts, (Collars, Cra.vatf, o r- T; p.k ulkr. Kid liloea. BaeB Gloves, Driving Gloves, tiaunUet. MiUms, L'n Amkirtm and Drawers. Overabirta. Hickory Shirt. Hosiery. sM ousr isisp to wamwraaa to mention, u at St liar r o. TO COUNTRY DEALERS. wr. ;il nit nwxla at wholaaala aa low aa at St. Loeu, aUasaa City, or Leavenworth. Urr nsaeau. . OUT FITTING GOODS. A iarg sleek j received, et 8UTLIFPB. Mr. S. employs th BEST OF WORKMEF, and with the assistance "1 SI&UE.K S tinat CLASS StatJlt BSinna, M prwwaren " make to order on the moot ""S A W . w mm mm . a . I-OATS. 1E.S1S and PASTS, in the latest New York and Boston Sty tea. and a part act at guarantee. . CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING Kept constantly n hand, and sold at saoaerate wrieee to sriT THE Ills Tins', faiv as a call aad w will do re rood in tin way of weramaa ship.gsod saatenal aod gewteel lu. S.B. Don't forget th plae. t doer SOVta of auaentraaee, tldnaxe isieca. jaeieas. April tnTtoay-tf, Greatest Cure In the World for Fain. DR. SMITH, OF Philadelphia, whose Electric Oil made eneh astonish ng cures in .New I ork, Uoston, Philadelphiav St Louis, and the past month in St Jo-eph, (where Mr. Kohideanx, the father of that town. Mr. Kovlboatl. and hundred other. 1 1 11 !,. ttrr9mA at l.awrunee. and will apply the Oil to any rafBrfbcase. raai of enarg. euuerat tne wins omo 01 demonstrate iu curative power seeing is ba lievinr puffing is no use. (From an eminent Physician. . M (.hesnut Street, Philadelphia. I have practiced medicio since leW; my wife has been a ireat sufferer at intervals for thirty years: my son, metclrairt, No. H3 Chesnnt street, . WtX at Ilr Pmilh's F.lectric (111. ana after the third or lourtn appiwKroni uoi - tig of disease remained. . t JOSKPH P. ELK1N0T0N. M. V. From Hon. J. W. Ilarcourt ) Alhanv. December v. Jlw. Dr. Smith. Philadelphia Dear Sir : Your KlMiria Oil eared m son. who wa two year tinder the care of an eminent physician, and titen op a cnppla lor int.. . .. ''PeoFf' Lint" Offlc. From ti. Ore-twit New York HoUm.J .New York. June lst,iesS. n. Qn;iktlw Kir. Snd SS rross small. 10 gross half, aod 12 gross dollar sis Electric Oil. cry reypecLiuiir yum-, BAR.NKS A PARK. Broadway. From the lsrgest Drug Store in the West.l St. Ixiois. April 3. rm LiikPlMM .hin ns Mdosen small sise. ia dosen racdiom sise. I doien large size Elec tric Oil, anddraw on ns lor tne amount, inn truly. CUARLKSS. BLOW A CO. From a well known gcntlemanj . Dr. Smith' Electric Oil cured my Paralysis, lam over aeveniy-nv. y.old. 5td. Ht frospeet street, Brooklyn. Thirty years in 5e York. . Dr. Smith's Electne Oil gave, me etttfi 'ati faction in oneday. J-L j rA1V v India Store. o. 6S3 Broadway, V Dr. Smitk's Electric Oil cured my J.f? iD three days. Mr. '1 UOMPsO.V Pine Plain. ew York. Dr. Smith's Electric Oil ured my Rheumatism In one day. 1 had to walk on cruebes. HOJS E .KILLISOSWOttTH. . 5o. S. South lib treet, Philadelphia. JU Large bottles are tan times tbe cheapest, (From th largest Drug Hou in Boston.1 W have s- ld a large ouantity of Ur. Smith S n , 11,1 ;, .rtrik.a nf nal. With OB- jualinedpr.i.. ffiHffiftfig'' n Doiesai irrugaisi. No. 1M Washington si-Boston. 2,000 sold in St. Joeevb iaSOeaya. For sal wholesale and retail by . . " fitESTISS A UK1SW0LD. ' Eldridae House, Lawrence. And ty Drnggists throughout th country gn arallx. July S, Hi. 4m. Fourth of July is Coming! I AM OPEXI50 a fine assortment of artielea, considered as neeenaries of life a lhM times, among th little folks, sacn as. . FIRE CRACKERS. TORPEDOES. BLUE LIGHTS. ORASSHOPPER. ti- wnr.r.t.9. SCROLLS. R0MA5 CAMJLfcS, KUCAMn. 8EBES60LA LIGHTS. Ac- Ac. Slao. Cbildren's Tors in great variety, consisting U- 1 i-.. --A Imti. Knhher. Tha aOTV- n mrn. . -..r .T 1 W meat in tbis department i toe ai any offend in Kanaas. consisting of Aeeordioo. ruraionieona. nn irampeu. " .rj, arts. Animal, vnina anu room mmwi lolls7 Heads aad other tniegs toe numer- At the land oflise at Leeomnton: eommanelnr on mVonday.tke tatiftA dag of aepttmbor smut, for tne ot tne puouc lauos witnin iue iui lowing named towuships, vis : SoutA of tie tote line ami mt of tA ltih prlnei- piU intruuan. The part of townthip 1! south of tbe Indian reservation; townships 13,1s, ij, iu, lio, iv,'. SI and 2. of range 1. ine part ol townsnip souto oi tne souian referral ion; township 13; thepartsof townships is, 13, 10, 1( anil le ou'sl'ie l in inuiau msr vatiou; townships 18, aadXK, ol rang u. The paits ot townsuips iu, ii ana ivouisiue ot h Iti.iian re.i-rraiiiin! lownahiD 13: the oarla of lowuships 14 aud If outride ol ibe Indtau ros eivauon; lownsinps ID, and,! rango 10. Tuwiouipi 10, II, VI nd 13; the parts of town ships U and IHoutsideof the Indian reservation; township iy,xu,xi auu sz.oi range v. At the land office at Og len, commencing on N ttctnty-nlHth Ain o) Aiyuot norf, for the disposal of the publie land within the fol lowirg named townships, vis : SoulA of th hate line and eaet of tht titlh princi pal meridian. Townships 6, 7, ", , 10, II, 13 snd 13; and the Ian of townships 14, IS, Wand outside of tha ndiau reservaii'in, of range H. Towu.-liip ,:,,, iu. 11.1.1, 13. 14, U, 10, and 1". of rango I. ... . . Tuwuabips e, 7. 8,9 and 1; thapartaof town ships II aud 1- outside of the military reserva tion; townships 13, 14, U, 10 and l'.of range. At th land ofuce at Ogden. omsaaneing on Monday, th nineteenth day of .Sept-mber norf. tor tbedi'potal of the public land within th fol lowing namea townsuips. m; South of the bat U and tat of th tlM prind. pal meridian. . Townships . 7, t. 9 and 10; tbe par of town ships II and 14 outside of the military reserva tiou; township 13. 14. IS, lo and 17. of rang . Townships ,H.. lo. II. I. 13 and 14. ol range 4. Townships P.. lu, II, 12.13 and 14, of range 3. Lands appropriated by law for the ase of schools. luiiian, military, and other purposes, will be excluded from the ale. Th ofiering of the above lands will be com menced on tbe day appointed, and will proceed in the order in wnu-h ibey are advertised nnttl tbe waole shall have been offered, and the sale tbas eloaed; but no sale shall be kapt open longer than two Wes, alul no priveio eniry ui nut ot the lands will be admitted antil after th expi ration of tin two weeks. Given under ur nana, at so city ot n aumoc ton, this Wd day of March. am Domini. IftSO. J S SE. putiaa.iA.i. By the President: 1 HOM An A. llIUDaii ae, Cvmml loner of the General Land Qfflc. NOTICE TO PRE EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to tho right of pre-eap-..,....f ih. land, within tbe townships and earts of townsiiipsaboveenumera tod, is required to esiawp '""" v.""r Kegister and Receiver el tbe proper land oflje; and make paim jnt therefor a soon as practica ble alter seeing tbis notiee. and Defer the day appointed for th eommeneeinent of the sal of the public lands embracing tba tract claimed; etherw it, sue b el ai m wi II b f iirfei ted. lUUSAn A. IlC.'l'i'iv..-, Cumtnlttl of tho Gontral Land OJkn, v. i"rvj.r tha nanlation of th depart ment, a herstofora and now xitin no pay ment can be mad for advertming proclama. "on, eieeo to sach publisher, a are tpfhMy aioaoVtesltopubli'b by th Commissioner of tbn General Una Office. itay 7. 'W-13t. FRAZER Sc niiUllES, sr-ae WATCHMAKERS AAD JEWELERS, PSaLBB 1 WATCHES. CLOCKS. JJ?U Zi levy. Plated Ware, Fancy Uood. Instrument ana 1 anee nouons. T" I in COLT'S REVOLVERS, Double Water Proof Percussion Cap, aod Bowie baivcs. W are wiling at greauy roan. p. . Watches. Clocks and Jewelry Ihoroughly And r . i eas to mention, asm win a. thecB; Ameneaor opew. wiua. very large and full aasortment of eandi by the box, pound, or smaller susuuw m y.i . . , : a dv.ii rapers. t levor-H. asaaasio--. .mhv lion for the eeaaoa. embracing th arti.Ue. mmmlm. -noM SO-i Willi : all lot D by F UllSbr expressly to make money, and sold by dealer to mrm , I, V innm M1U U. V.UII.. vh. V. Miw Dret motive ef benevolence, else byroar homMeserraBt. O. WlL-LAaTU. Juiyt.'it.-at. Kaasas Ua4 t Callectlasr Asjenvey. t- a aTEVKKS. fiaa-al I-uad A rent and . I.. I ..-nt-i will devote particular attention to business before th Land Ume. both in lb Territory and in Wajhiogton. . .i : m U-.. m-.. mt lajMia. locat- VO mrm m I I H. w. . -u . " . . -r -.-... a. yaa-to uaM: and Laxn WaBBaxra itllt oraaAanan. alwaye on hand Bad for sale, for cash or on time, at th lowest rate. All basin tnqainos, - Omce, one door aontbu. toe u. o. imm. July . ti. OF th best oaality. prepared by T. iUtmbaw. half war betwotn Lawrene lfg?! TrTHTdraulw! Cement, wamated, at tbree Aallara ner barrel at the AUla. TtflnM HARH of all kinds for sal. t U B. V. DALTUA CO. ELD RIDGE HUUBfi, Right Hand of Entranee, Juots,'S. Uiwreaee, av. a:. Western Stage Company ! FOUR-HORSE COACHES I EAVE Lawrence. S o'clock A. M - ef Mon J day. Wedoesduaaad Fridar.for St. Joseph, a Oskaloeaa. Winches t-r. Mt-Pleeeent. AtehJ . Iinnialuui. (iounr Cits. Wathananad Ll- woodjirriving th asm evrainf at St. Joeeph. so lawnais, a imwi. ThafadayiaadSatardara. raanancen By tnia rooie amv at atcaiaow us time to connect with the boat running to Si. Joseph Railroad. .-- bULgeeae at tne 4003su.i nviDa, -mm-renca. where application will be aud for paa- ApriH0. a.-ni. r. teaaaer Celeaa. THE Fast Raeein; 8UI- wheel naeenger Bieamer i COi-OXA, will leav Law- - . -i 1 J w . 1 . m row -a every ' neaoay, ioi-i . moraine, at elk.ror.Bssa.v.l'..r, Z ioU. f hU boat having been bnilt and ttod up ta PanVtvT and Freight, .xpnasly for the trade, theeitisen of Kaaaa can rely npon he r-ma.n.g in ,--.---. '"- LjTLi oatrooaga ef to being ol extremely ngus wz-tt euvvwa i- whole nasnn. i- - ' - taa,w.