Newspaper Page Text
Jij etyi3 -of Eire'eJohj; IjAWRENC e, k. t. -:itirday Mornlr, Oct. 29, 1859. 4 jbs "l,"" on du, nmn, fi i, mnre appall'.ng picture of corruption and .jjfcief ev" ry can nanny do conceived, bn i ""-jiueiil presented b the ofiiciillife j Bjfljf'nly f,f the office-holder in the Cnitad iutrr. "'.ttics hat become a trt! a game. jppuHeot (nck-UTs. withe ut fixl principles, -ricsl ch:ir1lan-. with tmall brain, but irdt-"l'jihi of band, uiiblufhing debauchee. ntiii g with pollution,--corruptUinists.whotraf-5c if. their own and others' votea. crowd them e into every psition of honor and profit, i'i thrvurb the prostitution of partisan ma .:. fia themselves upon an unwilling leleai'candidates fur every office, be Republican party of Kansas nwea it to !fni toils principles to utterly repudiate mi jisnan thia whole claw of leeches aud para .. The Free-ritate part ruined ifelf, and ti well nib ruined the eauae, by attempting tnorrj the crushing load of drcnien candi p,li!5ii.d licentious, leaden. The strength of at Republican party in Kansas in with that class rfraen who willnot'oleratesucbeandi'latefsnor !.;), w in:b leaders. The sooner this fact eomes i he p-xlited the better. There are fut in r pii'ty w" feting to be auuiuialtt for officem .'ktjkiind reeponeiH trutt. whose personal e'iianvtr ought to forever preclude them from jty ..-firr -f honor or trtnl, men of rtckltee and iuiipal'AHmralo.diulule, asandoVku. HKl'Ng iv. It the i-publicaii party nhall blindly and eiifiill) mk sueh men it standard bearers. ,!iill thus deliberately insult and trample under f,t the moril sense of ootuinunity, it will be n..t ahamelully And ienotuiniously defeated, vd vjl ttttroe to Itt.RtpuiMcM. Juno Sxith. I'pon next Saturday, the Republican! of the TH"'i precincts in this county are to seloet tlie dlratoo to a County convention, which, in urn. is to eh on ninadnk-gatosto represent the enant) in the Territorial Convention for. the nnfflifiittion of a Delerite to Conwriu. s v.. eitfceveiceof Douglas Count) is concerned, tbe primarj meetings on that day willdeterminewho tot candidate sLall be. Let the people look wrll to thi. matter. It ie for them to uy whether we fhsll have a candidate who will stand square tin to Reoublican Driticinles who will .n ,.m-n snd manful hvht. or one tthn vtil Aim ih RrnMkanJkig at ha)f-maet, and mulct a tort uf hJf-ictiy ciimprnmUt Mm Kepublicaniem ami jmniK-racy. ItvutbeforlhemtoenyKhtthtrthat ej.!uLilt ehall tte a man of probity and moral - " mi vmiub cuuLroiuver nimaeir snail !""" mm mwini law-maker for ntbnrs, nr wneiner ne snail be jwl the oppotitt. it will b tor them to aay whether that candidate shall e a mil who, if elected, will to to Waahincton tnd no s-oinethins; Tor his eonstituents take an it tire Interest iu their welfare be a worker, or Mic-iio win nva suiiy. aosu. um u rt. amt ton. .. attrition. t.,T. Z.'V.WSil0?: WZ.Z fcJr?& ITiZTt rh'i1',?" h'mlL" "SPIT. tm. Ii will be for tbem to say. in abort. sound, ardent Kepubiican, or a mere 'political ttictnttr, with no tiled do iitiral nrinii.i.. -- wneiner iiiat canaiuato snail tie a MAN, and a e.nt Meat the loaves and fihs of ,(Kn. ..j kf k on the stronx and winning side. iairrmt VjWNHIM.VHf ml?ft IT? "The nomination, of Mr. Parrott.l as is well known, is one tbat we hare not deemed it either proper or prudent to be made." Late rtnet HepuUictin. Aug, 4. Fsrrott's Estimate of Himself. m. I)xrat, and Repuhlioanism ean eeitherbeeoazed. forced, or BJECTKO into me ' farrott Spokeu on his departure for Waahinr lon.Snd hesnon. Nor., lean, jurt after bis Grand Drunken Reception speech at Lawrence. -Jie btltrr portion ot ourpeople are Democrat K in sentiment." Farrott's letter of Jan. iuth. laSa A Word for Lawrence Mechanics. It is well known that in the past there has been a serious objection on the part of people Irom a distance to.ciming to Law- rence to make purchases, because of the mall and incomplete stocksof goods kept id town. As we said last woek. this ob jection is no longer a tangible one. Near ly every trade, and every branch of busi ness is now represented here. In h rln- y.ui ana nook-bindinsr. .1.. u -t v. , . . u. Kansas lor the last two I years, printed in the IIkixald or Fbedoii omce, will show that book-work can be done hare as well aa , New York, and our prices for such wwk jg the same as in tne Atlantic Letter press printing of all description, is done as well here aa anywhere in the East. Saddles and har teases made in Lawrence whtth will """Vare in workmanship and beauty of n Vuihwith the best made iu Philadelphia. Indeed, in the article of saddles, we never saw any in the eastern States that began to approach those made here in beauty, utility, or real worth, whilst the more com- mon article is supplied in abundance. Boots and shoes are made in Lawrence, 1o order, as neatly as any place in the I country. A few years, and the heavy 1 stocks ot ready-made work now imported .... I irom abroad, win give way to Lome man. ofactures. The first tannery, probably, in the Ter ntory, is now opening in Lawrence. Of course, a few years will be reouired to es tablish the business on a scale v large to meet the immense demand for this trreat Str W : 5, -.u . thin, in k. future. Hide, are not to be sent East, converted into leather, manufactured into bote and shoes, and sent back to Kansas to be worn out, but the hides will be con verted into leather and manufactured into articles of consumption on Kansas soil, by . . Kansas laborers, and unless we mistake our growing future, Lawrence will monop olize this branch of manufactures. VI . ... . out a lew montns nave elapsed since an iron foanderr was opened here. This was followed with machine shop. After reiiamno-ancrinManrl rnarhinarv fnra lima the enterDriains firm saw it was idle to import from abroad all the eogines need- ed in thia Tarritorr. and now wa find thnm withal. fir., r-laa. marKin. ahnr. uri.b with a large first Class machine shop, with engine lathes, boring machines, planes, and all the paraphernalia of a first class engine and machine shop, and they are pushing forward matters, and executing that class of work which gives satisfaction to everybody, and no one doubts but in few years Lawrence, of Kansas, will be as favorably known as' an engine and ma chine manufacturing town as is her name' sake in Massachusetts. True, an immense amount of cabinet furniture ! tmnn.J t. has been imported here from St. Louis and Cincinnati, but with as good workmen as the world has produced, forests of timber which equals the ma- nogany or commerce in beauty, and a market which cannot be glutted, we shall soon be able to turn out tens of thousands of dollsr. worth annually of th. best kind oi luraiture, and instead of receiving work via aoroao, we can import it tor an xasi' ern market. Wagons and Carriages. Already we , , .... Dave several shops engaged ID their man- nurture, but with the growing commerce till W 1st w aid, our mechanics will .in crease in numbers, and extend tbeir facil ities for business until where doxens are manufactured now, thousands will be sent lortn with the Lawrence stamp upon them. No jobs are bronzht into Kansas from eastern cities which excel in finish jobs executed in Lawrenoe. " - Last week we spoke of the jewelry es- tablishmenta hr anrl w mivht hawa 1 O written long articles eulogistic of our tail on, nainters. -unsmiths. caroentera. ma - ' 3 ' fanna J ...VtA.a. draughtsmen, dentists, See, but their work u visible all around, us, A gsnontlra - "Sw.?.! n .d070rk r" I it all that we need lay. PergoDs at a dU Unce will remember that all these trades are fully represented here, and here is the place to get orders filled on the shortest notice. Doth las County Cesoocratlo Bosulaatlaaa. . The Democracy have Dominated the following ticket : For Council, George A. Reynold; Rep. rexentatives, Edwin Merwin. Geo. W. Sinn, John Peratt; Proktle Jndse. John 8,.icer; Sapt Common Schools. C. E. Mi- I isler of Deer), Lvmn Eldridge; Count v Clerk, David T. Mitchell; County Attor ney, Jno. Shannon; County 8urvevor, Fred. A. Spencer ; County Treasurer. Thrwt. Woodward; Coroner, James Eagle. G. A. Reynolds, the candidate for Councilman, is well qualified for the posi tion. As a thorouah-aoina business man. both industrious and capable, we must admit, despite his Democratic proclivities, that he deserves the pest. He is popnlar, and will undoubtedly run far ahead of hi ticket. The candidates for the Rouse are all men of unquestionable integrity and jood business habits men identified with the interests of the common people. In the palmy days of the Free State party, they were active workers in its ranks. We congratulate tbe Democracy upon the unexceptionable character of their ticket, so far as we are acquainted with it. fVlAha T!lksKtlMaa. I The Southern States, which have had electious, show increased Democratic ma jorities. Iowa, with partial returns, shows, in forty-seven counties, a majority for Kirk wood, Republican, over Dodge, Dem- ocratic. of 2.702. a irain of 443 over tha i 1857., Forty-four to be heard from. Minnesota is Republican, thirty-one counties giving a Republican majority of r. - r . - 3,223 against a Democratic majority of 43 in 1857. The Republican majority in the Senate is 7, in the Ilouse, 30. Ohio, so far as heard from, gives a Re publican majority of 15,552. Both branch es of the Legislature are Republican, in juring the election of Gov. Chasa to the U. S. Senate. Pennsylvania is claimed by the Repub- licans. with 20,000 majority, A. verv light vote was polled. The Indiana election was fur county officers mainly. The Republicans claim large gains, but the vote is not a fair teat of party strength. The proposition for a Constitutional Convention is probably de- tested Liberal Preposition. . Many of our readers have signified a desire for more literary matter, and great er attention to Eastern news. We have : l.: r I 25 o-- J - .rr.nn.m.M ,;k nM;.i,. .v. b " ' TJkitEw States JoPRKAL. a monthlv Dub-1 lication, containing thirty-two pages in each number, suited for binding, by which we can give it as a premium to every one ofourptosent subscribers who will send us two dollars fur a renewal of their sub scriptions, or for any new subscriber they may forward us for one year, inclosing at thaeamo tiena two dollars. Tbls will en sure the Hirald or FitKHDoK one whole year from the time of subscribing, which will contain the popular tale to which we have already called the reader's attention, and the U. S. Jourhal, the subscription price of which is fifty cents a year. The i0Dg winter niirhts are now settiug in ; the political elemenU are subsiding into e, Calm ; and we are determined to make a neiMpaper which shall be second - to none in Kansas. We can and will do U tnd oniy oT a -Uy number of paying subscribers to meet expenses. Send in your names and money, and try 0" A ,aborinS named Leash was Uercly injured ou Wednesday, by being ""S1" io freshing machine, at work ,mH?r two frm thU ciiJ The wind blew his coat skirt into the machinery, and before he could be released he was rendered insensible by severe cuts and bruises about the head. When the ma chine was stopped, it was found necessary Itorntall hia clothes from his rmrson to 1 . take him out. The Democratic Ticket. Next week we shall give an extended notice; of the candidates lately nominated rr tn8 StBte offices by the Democracy of Kansas. OUT COlUmDS STO tOO CTOWflPd with other matter to do so in this issue. ftr-Don't fail of readies our leader I . . . . y . V- . , ,; jt ,ppears that Kansas is interested It appears that Kansas is interested in that affair farther than the public were r at nrst conscious. DIED, In Lawrence, on the SSth inat.. TEGIDON PHILIPS, eon of Edward snd Sarah Jonas. aged 4 yean. fleto ftdbertisehieoss. eOOO Bnanels of Wheat Wanted. I rflHR hihfut market nriea aiven. at. th Waal- I BOT MUIS, in V tpOTI, SO. t OT WUCSt Lbmt.ith,from s7 to wibs.wiu give a dollar per bushel ror tnot weigningoverou ids. 1 will give 1.04. None but good sound wheat is wanted. Westport, Oct. as, liae.-Bi strareds Driven Off or atolon. T?ROM the subscriber, on Washington creek. P II I . T -V n- lanll... W... h. brindle: one has a white face. The other is drooped hornet. badasmsll bell on when last seen. Vnl came wuee tnoniuu "'-H BISH0P. Notice. mO whom it max concern. All oenoni are -a- nerewr eauimoea againsi purenasint or I sraoing iorseeriswn promissory nuiegivsoDyiuv subscriber, payable to U.Haskall or order, forth of APrii mm. i shall r-f to pay the said note as 1 have private aeeoast against Mr. Haa kell overbolaneing it. Mr. Haskell is about leaving these parte for Lawrence without a legal settlement, A.J.DUH&.1. Rocky Mountains, Aug. ill, irae. Oct.xS.M. County Snperlntendent of Paklle snsirvxcsson. T tlfRFftY announce mvself aa ln.Mnil.til Candidate for the office of 'Superintendent of C. L. EDWARDS. 0et- I Cantion. 1 . nrianva V a. .: . j v- -II - 1 iV th, tiUe that H. M. 8impau bos to the - h.lf atVw??i?,r!?f.J ??Ma I 3D, 1 p IS, rbsl njT ts, An aVMsjissos ooauu, i- a , I s.r.ra.tMsawl fmra SMSa. WmM abtA.xMcl UiruUsrh fraVOd: consideration money for said Load, aad that 1 1 oei. . '- a. S.WOOD. GOODS FOR THE MILLION ! $QO,000 Wortlx - - AT , . WHOLESALE All RETAIL ! F.ULTRAVERS S0L0M0H. THE PLACE TO BUT sA f TRk Jj) Q j) V) BOOTS AND SHOES, t o oerleo, daccaswaro, Glassware, HARDWARE., W.odcH and. Willow Ware, YANKEE NOTIONS, OUTFITTING GOODS, Doers and Windows, K115 mokM, iLtC, JfitC., 18 at M. SOLOMON'S, maaaachneetta Street, MALTRAVERS SOLOMON. Kliller'a BnllaiBf, LAWRENCE, - - KANSAS, Will soli the following named artisles at prices tbat defy eorapetilion that ean dot (ail to five perfest satisfaction to those who take into con sideration qualiltyand quantity, vis: GROCERIES: SO barrels New Orleans Kagar, fair to ohoUo. Su " Lout', crushed and powdered do. 50 kesrs " . " Surar House do. do. 40 kem do; do. 10 tnrreii uolden yrop. 11 M barrels do. SO boxes Kainily and Palm Soap 20 30 40 ustile and Fancy do. Mar Candles. MaltiEa Kaisins. Hranes. Assorted l'icklcs. Cooftsh. Smoked Herring. Premrred ToMStol Yeast Powders, (acoifonl, ermicelli. Sago. Tapioca. Cream Tartar. Ground Coffee. Corn Starch. Super. Carbonate of Soda do. do. s 10 s 40 '.'4 25 J3 2 IS 12 SO 10 5 iiokeis Snlerstns. smu.. n.- L-k 50 saess Almimds. 1'ecanT ilratil. FilberUand Walnuts. IS paekaci-s White Fish. 5 boxes Salmon. 100 barrel I'm Nio, Soda. Pilot Bread, Boston. auararana i.emon lhalah.. 50 bags Kio, Laguayra and Java COFFEE. uu pacKases Ureen and lilacs 1LA. a tierces KlCb. to barrels do. 2IMO pouuds ehoiee Sugar Cured Hams. nw fMnosed lieel. SO00 " Bacon. 13 boxes Preserved Peaches. " rttraw berries. " - PineApvle. to " Brandy Pears and Peaches. S " Can Oysters and Lobsters. S " Peoser Sauce. 10 cases 1-4 boxes Sardines. tS " 1-11 do. 5 Lemon Syrup. 10 sacks Pepper. " rtmeBW. " Cloves. 2 cases Maco. IS mats Cinnamon. to boxes r lavoriug ExtraoU. oo urums r ign. loo boxes Glaw. 10 Clothes Piitti SO 'eri Starch. 10 " Chocolate. " Mustard. 10 ken Zante Currants. ! boxes Solace and Nectarine TOBACCO. 55 " Smoking Tobacco. MEEKSCUAI MS !! Large Lot of C1GAKS. HARD W ARB1 Shovels, Sbides and Hoes. Pocket and Table Cutlery. Carringand butcher Knives. Shears and Soissor. limn. Hinres and riles. Locks. Bolts, bars. Castors, Butts and Screws. Hastina. table and ieaopoons. Iron Ladles. Powder Flasks and Shot Poaches. SUOT and POWDER. COLD LEAD. Rasors and Magic Strops. ClothesPins and Clothes Lines. t ish Hooks and Linot. Adse and Drawing Knives. Taeka and brads. I Peroussion Caps. Malleable Ox Bow Pins and Chains. Dry S eases Phillio's. Allen's. Cooheco. Conestoxo. and a general tssortment fcnglisn, rencn ana Amaririn PIMM'S. Large lot Da Lainas, Bareges. Alpaca, Gobargft, Merino. French and Snoteh Plaids. SILKS. MA T1.N3 and fcH tlS. Velvetines. Cambrics, Selisia, Jeans, Serfs, I m.-w.nU mk. Lasting. I Plaid and Cheek Ginghams. Handkerchiets, a-c" .Jaconets. Barred Haslins. Uintte Lace, Edgings, Insertings. Em- lBhbidU" Edgings, Inserting. Bleached and Unbleached SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS. Tiokings, Checks, Stripes. Deninu loweluigana lable L,inen. CHENILLE. PLAID aad other SHAWLS. BKOM CLOTHS. LADIES CLOTH. Cassimeros. Doeskins. Satinets, Beaver, Pilot. a.entaoky Jeans, i weeds and olaar Uwtns. iHSGKLLASBOCS : RIGHT SMART OF HATS and CAPS. Buek Mitts and Ulores. Uasnmere. isie t Breoa, n o riled, rt eolea and nthar liLUt r.-- Fall oasortmeni ofGAUNTLETS. Comfortables and Zephyr Hrarfs. Kancy anil, uperaaaa jenny ansa UUU1J9, Ladies' Zephyr BASULES. Woolen and Chenille Vie torines, 10 bales Heavy Woolen BLANKETS. i " " lara. 500 naira ctckiDCt. large quaniiyr Jirri im, vasamere, vrorstea. C'olton. v niteana a oiorea A fine stock of BONNETS and RIBBONS, elvet and other 1 rimming. Artificial Flowers and Ostrich Plumes. Buttons. Combs and Tapes. Needle. Pius and Threads. Knitting, Moravian and other Flourishing Cot ton. SuHDenders. Belts and Elastieo. Wooden and Mrrino Undershirts and Drawers. uveroiii ana meet renins. Whit and Fancy Shirts. The LARGEST LOT of COATS. VESTS and rAs 1 9 ever brought to Kai 90U cases i BOOTS and SHObS. H boxes Gaiters, ictorioa. Jenny Lind Boots, tfurains. rupe. o. UMBRELLAS. TKAVKLING BAGS. WOODEN and WILLOW WARS, LOOKING Ol. ASSES, QL'EENSV'ARE. GLASSAKE. . DOLLS and TOT DRUMS, TOY STEAMBOATS aad HACKS! IJAiMt I iu: great variety, uiirnu.uuvuun, PERFUMERY lot. CHINA and HKITANMA TEA SETS. PINK LL'MUEK. DOORS and WINDOWS. - Uoor sums: him, s-isz s-ie, MiU, ii. Window glased aad anciaaed: 8 x H), U x ia, v a is, iv x ta. BIG BRICK BUILDING. Matsachusetu Street, Lawrence, Kicias. W. E. SVTIsIFF, . MERCHANT TAILOR, AT HIS OLD STAND. Two Door South of Saia Entraate ti ELDKIDGE HOUSE, JJS returned from the East with a LARGE ASD VALUABLE STOCK OF Fall and Whiter Clotliins; dislxct raoii tw Yoas and Bostok. CLOTHS, CASSIltlEKES, VESTINCiX, CLOTHING, Hati, Caps and Gents' Famishing Goods. CLOTHING ! SO Itlack and Brown PKKSS COATS. 1 10 to f. 5 lili.SI.NKSft SUITS, from H to 35. 3(M VKSTS-lrom I'JStotlU. SOD PA"TS, from to i. Also, BOYS' and CUILDREX'S CLOTHING all sorts, sues and prices a large stock. r lease give us a call before purcbains; else here. and not be UL'Miil L1GLI) by -NEWS- FA PbR BLOWIXO and soiiy a.lctrti'ina. but see for yourselves wbo sells CHKAFES1, by carefully eomparin( our Goods and prices with any is the market. HATS AND CAPS! Silk HaU, Stove 1'ipe Hats. Black and White Mole Skin Hats. Fir HaU. black and Brown Planters' Hals. Soft HaU. also Summer Hats of all sorts, sises and "prices, which will be sold chtap.cbeap, cheap! AT SUTLIFF'S FURNISHING GOODS. The rlaea to bny Shirts. Collars. Cravats. Scarfs, lie, Hoeket Udkfs, Kid Oloves, Buck Gloves, Driving Gloves. Gauntlets, Mittens, Un derhirU and Drawers. OversbirU, Hickory shirts. Hosiery, and other things too numerous to mention, is at SL'TLIFF'S. TO COUNTRY DEALERS. We will sell Goods at wholesale as low as at St. Lonis, Kansas City, or Leavenworth. Give as a call. OUT FITTING GOODS. A large stock just received, at SCTLIFF'S. Mr. S. employs tbe BEST OF WORKMEN", and with the assistance of SINGER'S FIRST CLASS SEWING MACHINE, is prepared to make to order on the aMT KIASONASLK TKRM3, and with great dispatch, COATS, VESTS snl PANTS, in the latest New York and Boston Styles, and a perfect fit guaranteed. CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING Kept constantly on band, and Bold at moderate prices to st iT TBK bard tints. Give us a call and we will do you good in the way of workman ship, good material and genteel fits. Oet. S, 1S9. JTr" We call attention of the OlHoers and the people, to tbe alteration in this notice. The offioe of County Treasurer was accidentally "mitted in the farmer notice, NOTICE I General Election to be Ueld oaTuei daft 8tt .November. 18a0 . SrtfKBtlitVfi OFFtCS,! Lecompton, September 6, 1H59. f 7b the Sheriff! of the Several CounUt of kanin Territory: i ritton notices have been sent to each of the Sheriffs of theorganited counties in the Tenitory, at required by law, that a general election will take place throughout the Territo ry, on the TUES DAY after the first Monday in November next, being the EIGHTH DAY OF VilVL'UIlL'U 1UAQ ilin i,.fntu Offlc- rs and Members of the Council and House of Representatives for the Legislative Assembly of Kansas Territory: all of whose terms com- meiie-' on the 1st day of January. lrtO. Also, for one delegate to represent tbe Territory in tbe CnnffTH of lha United States. iu oraer. nowever. inai no uisanooinimcnK may arise in the event of the notices not being received in time, 1 take occasion to publish. for general information, the following statement: The county officers to bo elected on that day. in each ot the organised counties ot tne lern tj,rv. are as fol,.,w4! One Cnnnti Kunerintendent of Common Schools for the term of one year; one Probate Judfefor tbe tvrm -f two years: one Sheriff for the term of two years; nno Register of Deeds for the term of two yars; one County Attorney tor the term of two years; one County Clerk for the term of two lears, wuo. by virtue ol bis omce, is Clerk of the Probate Court and County Board of Supervisors; one Coroner for the term of two years: one County surveyor tor tno term ol two years, and one County Treasurer fur tbe term of two years. Each nnoreaniled counti i which is attached by law to an orgauiied county for judicial purposes. is also eattaebed lor municipal purposes t tne laws of 1859. (-., Dime Ml. section S.) and "thtdt be the tame at if it formed part thereof and has tne ris it to pari icinate in tue vote lor county officers, and the coun:y board should make pros vision for holding electious In tbMe oountle. attaohed the same as if they formed part of their own county. Tiio Sheriff of each organised oounty should lv. I h. nlinei la the oreeinets in the counties attached in the same manner nMo the townships in the rganised county, according to tha rule prescribed in the election law; (see section 2 of the law regulating elections.) and the townnhlp or eitv clerk, or inspectors of any ward in any city, post notices as required in section S9 of the fame law, and in caso ot vacancy in tne nffiM i.f Sheriff, his duties devolve utHin the cerk of the toar j of supervisors, (see section 30 hf same law. .... Tbe following is a list ol (jouncit districts ana tbe uuinbc-r ol members to wnicn e&cu is en titled: First Council District, Doniphan county, - 1 Seoond Council District, the oounties of Atoll- isonand Jark'on, - - " Third Council District, Leavenworth oounty, 1 Fourth Council Uismct, the counties ol lav- enworlh and Jefferson, - - 1 Fifth Counsil District, the counties of Brown. Hemaba, rottAwaiamie jiarsuau ana vr asn- , ii t, .n - - - - -1 Silm Counaii Dlstrirt, the Counties of Riley, Cloy, liickison, uavis, v abaunsee ana Mor ris. ---------1 Seventh Conneil District, the counties of Shawnee, Usage ana brecnenriage. - - Eighth Council District, Douglas county 1 Ninth Council District, the oounties of Doug las, Audersi.n, and Franklin. - - - -1 Tenth Council District, tkecoanties of Wyan dott and Johnson, ------ 1 Eleventh Counaii District, tbe eonnties of Linn and Lj kins, ----- -1 Twelfth Council District, tbeconnticsof Bour- -bon, Allen, Mouee, iforni v ooason and n il- Bnrii - - - - - - i t thireenth Council District, the eonnties of Coney, Madison, Hunter, cease, butter, Uod- froy, and Ureenwoou, ----- i 13 The following is a list of the Representative Districts and the number of members to which each is entitled: r irst Representative District, Doniphan coun ty. . a Second Representative District, Atchison county. -1 Third Representative DUtriet, Leavenworth . county, - -- -- -- -4 Fourth Representative District, Jefferson county, - -- -- -- -g Fifth Representative District, the eonnties of Pottawatamieand Wabaunsee, - 1 Sixth Representative District, Jacksonoounty. 1 Seventh Representative District, Wyoudott county, - Ei),ath rUpresenUtiveDistriet.Brownoountr. U, nth Representative District! emahaeounti 1 oresentative District. nemahaeonntv I Tenth Representative District, the counties of Marshall and Washington, - 1 Eleventh Representative District, the eonnties ot Hiley aad Ulay, ------ l Twelfth Representative Distriot, tne oounties ot Dickison and Davis, - 1 Thirteenth Representative Distriot. Bracken- redge county, - -- -- --1 Fourteenth Reorescntative District. Shawnea county, ----s Filleente Representative District. Donxlas county, - -- -- .- -3 Sixteenth Representative District. Johnson county. --------1 Seventeenth Representative District, Lykins counti, - -- -- -- - Eighteenth Representative District, Linneonn- ti. - -- -- -- -- Nineteenth Representative District, the eonn ties of Lvkinsand Linn. - - - - 1 Twentieth Representative District, Anderson county, ------- Twents-frst ResresentativeDistricL Franklin eoanty, - -- -- -- -I Twenty-second Representative District, the couniiee oi vnuy anu usage, Twenty-third Representative District, the counties of Madiann. Chasa and U .im. Twenty-fourth Representative Distriet, the counties of rJuller.Greeawood. Hunter. God- frew and n nndson. ----- 1 1 wenty hftb Representative District, theeoun- ties ot Allen, rt il-on. Dora and Mcuee. Twenty-sixth Representative District. Boar- oon county, Twenty-seventh Representative District. Ar- rapanoe county, - l I 1 ne enuntv or ArranafarMl enaani imm that ww. tion of Kansas Territory west of a line dram due north front tbe sortb-aost corner of New Mexico, noseof tbe new counties created within the bounds of the oounty of ArrananoaTby tha last sjeguiouve Assess My. nsving been organ sou. uuun s. IAL3H. Secretary of Kansas Territory. Fame for Bale. A SI think of going to tbe Rocky Monstaingold a. diggings the eoming rpnnsI offrr to sell or rent ms fares, si tasted five miles froai Lawrence, on the Territorial ruad ieadina fn tmmtm to Emporia. For further particular enquire at unwrm. I . t,. LA HAI Lawrence, Oet H. 9S. 3L A. B, Leeaara, SCRVEYOR AND CIVIL ENGINEER. WILL attend to surveying Lands, laying eat Town SitM. Plattinv lmiktin A Office five miles west oi Lawrence city. AegustS.'sa ly. PAPER! PAPER! PAPER!! VVH0LESALE AND RETAIL, at St. Loais vv Price. FRANK ROBERTS. Seft, a. It. Mass.trat, Fall and Winter Campaign ! B.F. DALTO.V at CO'S. GREAT BARGAIN STORE! JCST EKCE1VED. from New York and Boa ton, tbe largest, newest, and most desirable luck of ' FALL AND WINTER CL0TH1XG BOOTS SHOES, HATS CAPS. And Gent'a Fnrnistainsr GooAat Ever offered in Kansas. D ALTON A CO. D ALTON A CO. FALL AND FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. WINTER CLOTHING. SOOTS BOOTS AND A.3STD SHOES I SHOES! fall winter styles. hats & caps Fall & winter styles, hats & caps THE BONNER HATS! THE BONNER HATS1 THE LEDGER HATS: THE LEDGER HATS1 An entirely new style. GENTS' FURXISHIXG GOODS GESTS' FCKXISHISG GOODS. BLACK BLACK GLOVES AND GLOVES AND MITTS 1 MITTS ! WOOL UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS! WOOL UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS 1 DALTON & CO. DALTOX & CO. GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOTHING t GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOTHING 1 HEAVY BOOTS AND SHOES. HEAVY BOOTS AND SHOES. Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Tbe Famous COPPER-TOED BOOTS AND SHOES, COPPER-TOED BOOTS AND SHOES', Warranted to outwear two pir of those without the cupper toes, to be louna only AT B. F. DALTON A CO'S. AT B. F. DALTON A CO'S. MEN'S COPPER-TOED BOOTS A BR0GA5S, MEN'S COPPER-TOED BOOTS A BROGANS, Boys' Copper-Toad Unota nmd Shoes, Boys' Copper-Toed Boots and Shoes. Misses' Copper-Toed Shoes. Misses' Copper-Toed Shoes. Children's Copper-Toed Shoes; Children's Copper-Toed Shoes. Best of Boole from 50 to 93 60. Best of Boole from M SO to (3 M We wish it understood tbat we hare all oar I Hoots manufactured for us in tbe East. We will guarantee to sell Boots and Shoes to I per cent, lower man any other Douse in Uf- rence. LADIES TAKE TiOTiCE ! Ladies Take Notice! The best stock of Ladies' Boots A Shoes in town, I The best stock of Ladies' Boots A Shoes in town. I To be foundatB.F.DsltonACo.'s. To bs found at B. F. Dalton A Co.'i. :OOP SSXRTSI :oop SKIRTSl NEW STYLES ! NEW STYLES 1 THE QUEEN OF DIAMOND SKIRT! THE THE CROWN CROWN SKIRT. SKIRT. THE NETTED THE RETTED SKIRT! SKIRT I I of the above Ladies' Goods cheap. All of the above Ladies' Goods cheap. B. F. Dalton A Co- bny all their Goods in Sew a or a oos xtoston. B. V. Dalton A Co, bar all their Goods in Maw iorEana jyostoB. B. F. Dalton A Co. iavita all thai. M ... I and others to call and examine their immense I Jtoex before purchasing elsewhere. e have laciuuesior pure basing Uooas that warrant us I iu aoying uat we con undersell ail others. CALL AND SEE! This Immense Stork of Clothing. This Immense Stock of Clothing, This Large Stock of Boots aad Shoes. This Large Stock cf Boots and Shoes. This Desirable Stock of Hats aad Caps. xe Taut Dan sable Stock of Hats aad Caps. This cam plate Stock of Genu' Famishing Goods This complete gloskof Goats' Furnishing Goods . MUST A5D WILL BE SOLD. MUST A5D WILL BE SOLD. GREAT BARGAINS! BARGAINS! GREAT AT B. F. DALTOX A CO'S. AT B. F. D ALTOS A CO'S. CoUaaaore Buildings, CeUxatere Buildings, MssaichBSetts Street. Msatsshssetts Street, LAWRENCE. LAWRESCE. OeV A.'S. CASH STORE. ' CASH STORE. 1 SAVE A D0 Ua SATE A DOLLAR. QUICK SALES. SMALL PROFITS. SMALL PROFITS. QUICK SALES. GEORGE FORD, WITH H. S. & L. FILLMORE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Slape Ik. Fancy Dvy Goods, No. S3 Massachusetts street, Lawrence, Kansas. DRESS GOODS ia great varieties. H. S. k. L. FILLMORE, Lawrence. DRESS GOODS in great varieties. ILa.iL. FILLMORE. Lawrence. DRESS GOODS in treat varieties. . . NOW OPENING. DRESS GOODS in great varieties. SOW OPENING. DKES3 GOODS, new styles, NOW OPENING. DRESS GOODS, new patterns. H. 8. A L. FILLMORE. Lawrence. JUST OPENING, NEW GOODS. Lawrence. H. S. A L. FILLMORE. JUST OPENING, NEW DRESS GOODS. H. S. A L. FILLMORE. Lawrence. JUST OPENING, Bonnets and Millinery Goods. Lawrence. H. S. A L. FILLMORE. OUR NEW FALL STOCK, H. S, A L. FILLMORE. OUR NEW FALL STOCK. MILLINERY GOODS. NEW FALL STOCK, WOMEN A CHILDREN'S BOOTS A SHOES. NEW FALL STOCK. Women and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW FALL STOCK JUST OPENING. NEW FALL STOCK. JUST OPENING. FIRST NEW GOODS IS TOWN. FIRST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. FIRST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. GAITERS. BOOTS, SHOES. SLIPPERS. FIRST FALL STOCK. JUST FROM NEW YORK- NEW ARRIVAL. BONNETS, HATS AND CAPS. NEW ARRIVAL, BONNETS. HATS AND CAPS. NEW ARRIVAL, MILLINERY GOODS. NEW ARRIVAL. WOOL DE'LANES. NEW ARRIVAL, GLOVES, HOSIERY AND SHOES. NEW ARRIVAL, DRY GOODS OF ALL KINDS, FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, NOW OPENING. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, . H. S. A. L. FILLMORE. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. H.S. AL. FILLMORE: Women and Children's SHOES and HOSIERY, NOW OPENING. WOOLEN GOODS OF ALL KINDS NOW Ort.M"u. Hardware ! Hardware ! HARDWARE FOR PIKE'S PEAK ! kAHE for the town! HARDWARE 0K 1UK 1 HARDWARE EVERYBODY ! I ant offering MY IMMENSE STOCK OF HARDVARE AHD STOVES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! 7T7 CALL A5D SEE HE. if tea wish good bargains. I.TGLE BARKER. I I . OCCIDENTAL Mntnal Fire & Marine Insurance C O 1 P A N Y, . InAeoenstenee, Ilssoarl. T9IS Company will i.ur. aiU. or dam aaiMiita Honaehold Farnitaro. and all other first class risks, on the most liberal terms. Poli cies issued for from ose month to six years. DiBBcroBB. T. W. Arnold. Wdj. McCoy, Tmrmmr i) I Portar. JsO. T. Pendleton. K. Moos. i. H. Mc Marry. . B Hkkasaa. D. ' ' T W ARNOLD. President. . itrawatssk JLecI Notices." Order ol PoBllcatlon. DAVID P. KICHOLS.Flaiatiff, FRANCES E. NICHOLS, Defendant.) . In District Court Kansas Territory, Second Ju dicial District, in and for Coney county. THE said Frances E.Nichols, Defendant, will Uka aotice that David P. Nichols. Plaintiff. did. on the 9th day of September, A. I. 109, file his petition with the Clerk of the District M , r i- nt : . I III. voun oi nanus i erriiury, id lac c?cvtriru xipki ict in ana forCoffey county, against the said defend ant, Frances E. Nichols, setting forth themar riaffpnfthenartioeon tha 1st day of Seotember. A. l). 1K50. in the county or 1 ippecanne, mate oi Milan, mat LneDiaiDiiQ. uii d r. loaou. um resided in Kansas Territory. Coffty county, ever since the 30th day of October. A. D. 1MS8, and tbat be now resides t Herein, and tbat eversince the said marriage, he baa conducted himself towards said defendant as a faithful and affec tionate husband, et the said plaintiff avers that tbe said defendant, under theeontrol and advice of others, has left plaintiff 's bed and board, and offered sueh indignities to plaintiff as to render his life intolerable, and other wrongs done, as set forth in plaintiff's petition. The object and prayer of his petition is to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony between himself and the said Frances E. Nichols, and the said Fran ces E. Nichols will take notice that she is re quired to answer the petition of the plaintiff on or before Saturday, the th day of October. A. 11. Ii-i9, or it will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly. C. P. BULLOCK. Attest: I'laintiB's Att j. A. Jones. Clerk of Second District Court, Oct. 1st IBM. t. BOOTS ! 35 O B C o H CO AND 3 n 91 tc c o M CO AT Wholesale and Retail, G. S. THO.TIFSOX & CO. AT TUB LAWRENCE BOOT & SHOE STORE No, 34 ilaasaactmaetla Streets TTrHERE there may be found oneoftho largest V V and best selected stocks ot BOOTS AND SHOES In Kansas Territory, comprising every variety of LADlfcS AM) lib.ViAifcJlfc.vs wear. GentaKip Boots, welted and double sole. Cents' Heavy- Grain Boots, with high tops. Genu Heavy Calf Boots of all kinds, Gents' Fine French Calf, pump sole Boots. UenUt'Fancy Shoes and Mlppers of all kinds. Gents' Buffalo Over Shoes. Genta'IIair Lined Calf Boots. Gents' Buffalo Boots, foxed with ealf. BOYS, YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'S J Boots and Shoes of all kinds. MISSES' SHOES "AND GAITERS. LADIES' LACED BOOTS of all kinds. LADIES' CONGRESS BOOTS of every descrip tion. LADIES' BUSKINS AND SLIPPERS. LADIES' HEAVY SHOES of all kinds. We buy directly of the MANUFACTURERS. and cu and tci( sett as low as any other dealer forCASB. Oct.lS.'59. G. S. THOMPSON A CO. Notice. AFTER the 3d day of December next, tbe ht. Goorie Town Co. will grant final conver se to all persons legally entitled to such con veyances. Assessments nave at ainerem times been made, amounting in all to 7 Uu upon each certificate of stock. All stock on which i i- ,, flneon the thint dv of Deveinuer ueat. will be forfeited according to the constitutional provision for taxation. A. U. N L Srfc I . Sec'y of Board of Trustees of St. George TownCo. St. George, a. a., uot. latn, ira. Jt. 1.HPOBTAXT FACTS For Eastward Baand Travelers! RgAD AND PBtSIBVI FOB FCTCBB RgFEBINCI ! Unparalleled Speed sod Oemfort from tbe frontier I , k K-a Basra! ISACGTBATIOK OF A SEW EBA IS THE BI8T0BT OF KANSAS AND NEBBASaA! CHICAGO, BURLINGTON A QL'INCY R. R. fS and after August 17, 159, travelers from KJ Western Missouri. Kan-as and Nebraska, I can start from St. Joseph at S A. M., Arrive at Quinsy at 7.UU P. M. same day. Chicago at a. m. next . Detroit ateP.M. " " Toledo att.ieP.M. " Cleveland at P. M. " Pittsburg at 9.M A. M. 4nd Kusp'ri Bridge at 4.00 M. M. " M Burfalo at 4.40 A.M. " " Philadelphia at S.10 P.M. " " New Torn at 9.30 P. M. " - Boston fit Midnight, " M Time from St. Joseph to New fork Vi hours, - Dosion w 1NCLCDING ALL STOPS. No Route except via Quincr and Chicago ean r n niaht trains. Tickets via this Route ror raie at ail tne ouices, ana ou oosia of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. Pur- chasetbrough tickeuand save money. Bs sure andrettickeuvia thet;niragnand tjuincy route. C. G. HAM MO N D, Gen'l Sap't. DAM L rowgLL. lien I ticket Agt. D. S. LOVEJOY.Agent, St. Joseph, HAAS k BROTHER, TOBACCO AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, 77 BIAIW STREET, Below the Post OSes, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. A I.T. nfniffnii will be sold at new York J and Virginia prices, transp-irtation added. paper warehouse. August is. ae. ly. FEANK ROBERTS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LETTER, PRINTING eV WRAPPING PAPEK, CARD STOCK, ENVELOPES, PAPER BAGS, TWINE, &&, I MASSACHUSETTS STREET. LAWRESCE. Stationers and Country Merchants are invited I to call and examine gey stock and note tbe prices. Ur 1 Buy aimHl irun m . . ... -. on particularly favorable terms, and eaa afford to ana eru o xn. yw, Sept. 10. lew-ti W.BABCOCS. WK. B. LTtlBS. BABCOCK LTKI5I9, Bankers & Dealers in Exchange, lAwreace, Kansas. RILLS OF EXCHASOE. Cher Irs. Certificates ij of Deposit, uote aaa suver vou,steMBoagnt -Ml Ul.l We wiU make eoiieettons aad remit pronpur at current rates of exchange, on day of pay- sent. Sept. io. IKjO. nu ' Eichaaie. - 'Z IB !: Kl trsilw jWfaTC BBkSJt. I n rvi sawgrisewf wiU take eosur. LYE IS 3. IT, K Sept. M, 1859.-a. R. Paper and Twine Warehonse . a K RANK ROBERTS. MassachuMttS Btreet. 1 eoui wito xar geae. W.w GROTER ot RAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMiLYSEW MACHINES. NEW STYLES PRICES FROM TO ta IXTEA CBABGI OF 3 FOB HSaMBaS. 405 Broadway, - - Sew fork. ST Fourth Street, St. Loale. Agenda in all the principal CUiet and Tornt in th Cnited Statrn. These Machines sew from two spools, as par- chased from the store, requiring no rewinding of thread; they Hem, Fell, Gather, and Stitch la a superior style, finishing each scam by their own operation, without recourse to the hand-needle, as Is required by other machines. They will do better and cheaper sewing than a seamstress eaa, even if the work for one cent am Aoar, and are, unquestionably, the Machinm ia the market for family sewing, on account of theirsimplioity. durability, ease of management, and adaptation to all varieties of family sewing executing either heavy or fine work with equal facility, and without spoeial adjustment. As evidence of the unquestioned superiority of their Machines, the Gbovbb A BaSBB Sew ing Machine Compaxt beg leave to respectful ly refer to the following TESTIMONIALS. "H iving had one f Grover A Baker's Ma chines in my family t'ur nearly u year and a hall, I tke pleasure in cuiuuiendina it as every way reliable for the purpose for which it isdeind Fsmilv Sewing Jnehua iMtitt, cife of Bee. Dr. Levitt, Editor of X. 1'. Independent "I confess myself delighted with vour Sewing Machine, which has been in my fnini i f.,r iiuny months. It has always been ready fordult, re quiring no adjustment, aud is ea-il adapted lo every variety of family sewing, bv imn' cha' g iug the spools of thread." Jrt. Eliiibeth strict l,i nr I. trife of Ret. lfr, Strickland, Moor AT. 1'. Chrimtidn Aitrocats. "After trying several different good maehines, I preferred jours, on account nf it simplicity, and the perfect case with which it is managed, at well asthe strength and durability i.f ibeacam. After long experience. 1 feel competent to speak in this manner, and tn confidently recommend it f..r even variety of family sewing."-Mr. X. . I Spooner, vife of the Editor of Brooklyn Mar. I hare used a Grover A Bakers Sewing Ma chine for two icars, and have found it adapted toall kinks of family sewing, from lamorio to Rroiitiplnth. Garments have been worn out with out the giving away of a stitch. The miehine is easily kept in order, ana easily usen B. Whipple, vife of Beo. tieo, Whippl. Ibrr, "Your Sawina Machine has bees tn use In my family the past two years, and the ladies rrq i.-t me to give you their textimouials to its perfect adapted nes , as well as labor-saving goal ilie in the perliirmanee ot lamny ana souseuuiu evw ing. Hubert Eoorman, A'eu i'ort. "For several months we have ssed Grover A Baker's Sewing Machine, and have eoaie to the conclusion that even lady who desired her sew ing beautifully and avictiy done, would be most fortunate in possessing one of these reliable and indefatigable 'iron needle-women, whAse com bined qualities of bntuty etrength and timplicity. are invaluable.". '. M'rrie, daughter ol' Ot. (teo. J'. Morris, Elitnr of the Utne Journal. Extract of a lcttcrfrom Tho. R. Leavitt, Esq . sn American gentleman, now residing in Sid ney, New South Wales, dated January IS. IW: "1 bad a tent made in Melbourne, in 133. in which there were over three thou'and isrdi of sewing done with oneot orover a naaersjia- fJH.fti.Mt ..m Maw V. " - the tfjuAiV seams sewed by sailors with a needle and twine." "If Homer could be called up from his murky hsdes, he would sing tho advent of (trover A Baker as a more benignnnt miracle ef art than was ever V nlean'a smithy. lis woeld denounce midnight shirt making a tbo direful spring of woes unnumbered."?''". AbrtA. K.Iik nlnasnreln savin, that the Grover A Baker Hewing Machines have mere than sus tained my expectations. Aftertryisgand return ing others, 1 have three of then is operation in my different places, and, after fosr rears' trial, have nofault to ind.'W. M. Mtmmtmd, dtnator of South Carolina. "Mv wifehahad nneof Grover Uaker'sram- il. Mowing Machines for some tine, and 1 an satisfied it is one of the best labor saving ma chines that has been invented. I take much Dleasun in recommenaing il w sn pua.ra. J. ti. Uirri. tioternor of Tenneue. ii ;. heantiful thine, and nuts everybody into an excitement of good humor. Were 1 a Catholic, I should insist upon Maints Grover and Hater having an eternal nonaay iu ossHaior tion of their good deeds for bumanilr." caeeiu M. Clay. I think It by far the best patent io ate. i nis Machine can be adapted from the finest eambno to tbe beaviest caasimere. it sews sinMiaor, faster, and more beautiful than one ess imsgine. If mine eoald not be replaced, none? eould not buy it." Mr. J. O. Brvum, JfaeheiUe, Teem. U i raeedr. vary neat, and darableia Its work; :. :i - nn,ij.MtiwMl and kent in re naif. I earn- estly recommend this Machine toall my aeqoain- UttMMwaoil otners." Mre.m... "-."-" "We tldd tbii Machine to work to our satiifae- tion, and with sieasure reeommeng it to tne publie, as we believe the Grover A Baker to be fbe best Sewing MhlneiD uT-D-n Broth, ere, AUuonia, 'linn. If used exclusively for family purposes, with ordinary eare. 1 will wager tbey will last one three sere yars aoa en, Minna o' fil.'Wo Eretine, SaeheUU, Ten. Machine for several weeks. and am perfectly satiflled that the work it doe is tbo best ana mv '""""UX." made," Maggie Aimieon.AaehvilU. Tenet, "I u-s fflr Msehin- uoon eoats. dres.-msking. and fine linen stiteliicg. and the work is admi rable far belter thaw me best band-sew. ng, t any other machine I bao ever seaa.' 'tcy M. Thompeon.jtaeneute, find the work the strongest aoa mmi Beau tiful I have ever seen, made eithrt y Banu or maehine,and regard theOrover A Baker Machine as one of the greatest blessings to ear - Mri. Taylor. XaelitiUe, Ten. 1 1... nnm of (trover A Baker's Mowing Ma chines in nse in my family.and.findit invaluable. I ean confidently reoommend it to all pers is want of a BtashiBe.'-tV. T. ntmpoom, iaehcUlt, Tenn. I take pleasure rn certifying to tbe stility of the Grover A Baker Bewiug MaeniBM. nayai used one oa almost every gwnv. -months, and find itmeeh stroBser aad better m every respect than work done by sand. -Mre. D. w. uneeur, Mtnmum, a. "1 would be unwilling to dispose of say Grover A Baker Machine foraTanie amount. eou'dlS'.t .-n! ii at rjteaeura. Jfrs. a. w. orwvsl. replace it again at pleasure.' jiaemuto, tenn. "Our two Machines, purchased rrons you. oa ths work of twenty young ladies. VT; with 51eosure recommend the Grover A Baker Sewing laehine to be tbe beat ia W.'M. DUVman at Vo.MetnpKie, tenn. "The Grover A Baker Sewing Maehine works admirably. 1 think the stitch and work fareupe rior to that of any Sewing Maehioe 1 ever saw. On fine work 1 think the Machine would be bard to beat." . J. DatU, Memphee, 1 all who wisn convenience, economy, u r are." Mre. s. TUut.Memphit, Tenet. Tk. A RaVar Sewing Mashioee have given sueh satisfaction that weebeerfslly recom mend tbem to an wno wi.u - - tiol riewing Maehine. It axeaataa work with much core and speed, and mure aaelr thaa any other nSenine 1 have seea."-ifrs. M. M. Mitchell, Mmmphit, Tenn. "I am happy to give my testimonials ia favor of Grover A Baker's Sewing Machine, and of tbe perfect sausiociion u gives is wverr mpwi, It sews neatly, and ie by no means eomplieated, and I prefer it to all others 1 have saas." Jrrs. Bryan, tris of Mm. A. M. Mryam, Mempkot. Tenn. "It aflorda eaa aaneh nlaaasre to ear. that the machine works well; and I de not basil la to recommend it as possessing au us eavaaiagvs ion claim for it. Mr wifa is vert ssaeh pleased with it, and we Uke pleasure ia.eertifyinf to this effect." . O. MrinUeu. Mowokot, Tenn. "It rives me pleasure to Bad the Graver Baker Sewing Machines giving so nsli satis faction. 1 have it in constant ate, aaa ana all that eould be desired. It is the most simple and durable maenine is see. aa "" reeomnMBd iW'-K M. Whipple, MmmpUe, Tenn. HaTin smb. examined, and used saaay ether kinds of Sewing Maebinoa.1 fael freateaay teas ww- :1K?natrry. Tenn. "I consider asv Sewing 'Aaeaiaa Uvaisaote. ml a 1-1 Aw '. ao. With II 1 aaa se i about os-roatta or taa tiara a . ... - i i.i Jtf).lBV.a4n.