« :—:——: -v»—- . -—:»» —»»»« . --« — ---——.— F-::::..-. .»·- ......—..-. «--- . : --:.-:23-:— -:·.-. s—--»-s»- »——-:«p - «
gsiso Eis t 3 Homer-. Imm- das someone-sichs starr-nur« mumitom sagen-mark comment-sit knteuigemk; Ze» Zer.
..-..-., ...-.·.--« .-.-,. - .. . E— »
Vol. VIII.
I, 1851.
So. n
„ niUWlD *VK*r Tl BOiT.
tt 90
For mu copy, one year, ...
7 00
11 00
20 00
fot lArre copie*, one yew. to one address,
fjtfit copies, «W- yew, to one nddrew. .
for ten copies, one yew, to one address, ,
jj-The name of n<> person will be entered upon
our book* unless payment be made m ahmner, or
■Burned by some responsible person in thm «ty.
j/Datant subscribers may forward us money by
letter at our expense, and at our risk, provided
the postmaster's receipt be- taken and preserved
for our protection.
j >a deviation from the above terms.
The success that has attended oar recent efforts.
„j the interest taken in the Baasaa by many of
iU »»troo*, baf* i«Uac*d u» lo oflVr. for the pur
pgeeof effecting the formation of clube.the follow
in? list of
Any person forwarding to us te dollar# iu current
funds for Four new subscribers, will receive a
r.p, s/s«r a-iaer/er ene yew. orajie.
To soy one forwarding twenty dollars iu curreul
funds ws will send fen copies of Ihe Bsvvan for
ssmanv new sohscribere. mid oas copy of lioosf a ,
l sor s Booa orOasHau's M*o»aivsforone year.
To soy one forwarding thirty dollar# in current
funis, w« arid send .«/<"* copies of the Bauvaa
for as rnanv new subscribers, mud see copy of the
l ulled .'isles Msgaiioe and Democratic Review
for ene veer.
T# soy oee sending as the large*! nnmber (over
fifteen) of new subscribers, accompanied with
the advance payment, at the last mentioned rates,
we wilt send on' copy of the tipirit of the Times,
with three steel eugraeings, and ene copy of
Blackwood's M»ga*t»e for oue year.
IT KeniiUanee* may be mads at #«r ritk, and re
ceipt* will be promptly relumed. In making such
remittances, the Post Hosier s receipt should be ob
taiued fer our protection.
Rain lor Yearly AilverlMn*.
far 10 linn, or less.1 each additional >
3 months,* •« »q“«re- > *4
.. 6 •• 10 ** " *
.. 13 •• 15 • “ «a
\ll standing advertieementi will beeharjed at the
fir.t mentioned rales, unless a contract be made
when left for Insertion; aud must b« paid for iu ad
'^No person will teaunounced for aivy office,either
city,.State, or county, without the advauce pay
ment of fire dollars.
Political circulars will bo charged as advertise
ments, ainJ parinent required in advauce.
,S.) job will hereafter be delivered to any person
with whom we have no regular dealings, until paid
.All idrerlisementemnst be marked with the num
ber of insertions desired, otherwise they will oe
continu-d until forbid and charged accordingly
i>Yearly, half-yearly and quarterly advertisers
will be confined to their Irqitimatr business All
advertisements of a difierenl kind, or for oilier per
sous will be charged for at the usual rates.
All letters must be post-paid, ur they will not re
ceive auv attention.
CT Positively no variation will be made from the
above regul tliou •
The prop i'tor of the trkan»n« ISiinner, re
spectfully informs the public that he is prepared,to
eswate every .lescription of Joe \\ oats, with neat -
sess and dispatch, and at as foie rain as auy office
ia the State—such as
Hooks, Pamphlets, Hand ml!«, steamboat
Bills, Posters. Bills of I.adins, Bill
Heads, ||or«e ltiM«. babels,
Cards, Receipts, Ac.
Also constantly on hand, Blank Votes,
Clerk’s MherlfT’s Justice’s and Constable**
Blank*of every kind, Blank Heeds of con
veyance, Ac, which will be sold cheap for
Cash or city acceptance, and will be seat
fey mail to aay part of the state, if required.
Donation I,ands.
Fur sale at this office. Lists uf the forfeit'd lands
subieet to donation by the -late, t# actual jet’lers
at » ceats per copy, or «ifi per doien Portage to
aayparl of the country, * , cento.
To Subscribers.
We hop* that wher ver any irregularity may be
discovered in III# receipt of the Hanarr, our sub
scribers will do us the favor lo give information of
the fact, io order that the cause may be sscertaiued
aud removed.
UNDER Ihr act of UoucreM, pn -1 the ‘£Hh day •*' *‘ P
tr tutor. lKW*il who *«rr*»d in u»y capacity iu awe •»»
t if ildvo war-*, fitter in tb* ludiUi «»r regular for
'•n* hi «th *>r Mf, ;«■*- in tilled to Jlouiity Lan<l.
The unil^rnifw^tl hftnj in pokwsuwa of all th«* foewn. ami
uud fsuiitjiny full) all the niulrrmoiiM «*! ih«- v«n*»H« '»thc**i*
•jf the (pivfnimrnt, wH attend to pro** tiring " arrant.-* i*-r
tn«pvo* Hs.ttu-.j*** and, if d*’-»r»*d, I'f-hp the ■•an**’ upon Good
laadtf, and pforor** the patent a therefor.
nmlcr Uits hill will {de-wft rtal" nam^,
wa. - .bfri* ut^nc*’, *Utc, rank hHd. ont-' • “
puy, imnlMMr nf n^iinrtii, »»r infaiiio. (or tdter ar»n.'
«#»' rvyiinciM. when o»nft-tr*d or Yttlunl- 'T.‘d."r drafted,
at what plan*. mi nr iWmt whni unit*, f*»r wh.u low o *cr
»rp, :wm t*»n* ia *crv»c***, m h* ii <ii<« hnfp'd, and. i? they triv#
tiinr iUwUvff‘s foca.V(i them. If a widow, wtat * «»i « tr.»*»*,
»|i-*h and where married. h**r name previous to inamaa’ .
*/hA-n and where fu r iuiwhwnd and il or n<* -she i* null a
wi.i in, if her 'iiisthuid '* i- killed in haul** *o datf il
If this* m 'tnu cWWi hv hirw' ir h d, th n-r^-'iin p?»|W*ra w ill
t** (*■ pared and •■•'ni !•» t n* clatnnnO or sign tlur
Ml '•'Mu'iir*n’cati«»iiu •‘Poor I’aIu’* fcWwnrd Ift hkn will r*
•*eir« .ittcnn-Mi L. A WHH'KlJCN .
\rk.iu* %*. tl inner ' ’tficr. I.iffl K<* k. Sr»o.
Hartltrart', Jinr/hrttre.
»ub«crib-r 'ao ’* «■ - u r ' 01 hi"
X arid lit I' /lin* »;<■' r-Mi . , thnH<e •»
received. ; tr «*• *rn . Kx 4- • • 1 U |‘4 . '!*
l*rge-t slid « ^egled <•• r* r* 4 Hvaie, rv» «
fT*****^ •’» tbl* *»i krt—i 4r», •>! f •
U4lo* wg:
BUck Sin h B- I »w *. Anvil , V' -.S 140 aii l
hand (it ij uH > N 1
36do*ui common K "»« - . F»*:W-; 8 -.'. 'zm
Ivory handled (bihn> r) v* , P . * t, P ■»>, -o. 1 d» • »
Knives; 6 \ 'i *11 *up**rid» U »i ■ - t VV • »* k Bu > •
*r*t), R g^r-’ s*»eai» S**is-#r-, «». <1 geo'** *>ck»
Seizor*, Bntt ni s U iidhi Silver ami lion Si *»*»»,
M n ' R iv *.
bhol guns, dint* au! per (put lock*; gun worm*,
ril- wipvra, powder H »-k«, ptalol d oW fit da, shot
tag* and pouches, fain * bags, fi*h hooks and lines,
u*’•die me fla-U*, gun nipple*. water prool f»*f. cap,
coinO Mi do
A I‘ill sup j*» v «>f pad-lock*. nm do. mort. do. cot
U(s,Knfliiii star* doitto, and plate locks,
square latch***, *cie*», butt. and hinge*, bra*»
C'dltna*, Divin’, “K-nlnckv" and Simniih‘ ax*«,
broad ages, band ditto, Cuius’ do*, shingling
hatchets, A.i. »ath dt to, cl w .into, hammers ot all
I i *qn»r*e. C S-vck**t and firmer chiirh,
ho ,0 and rtge* -i»»gl*» and double h-neh planes
in'1 • f.and ua«,—kit’*, -ho* an < com. tacks.
fap 1. akutrs, hiss- kcrvw rings, *~wt ,g and p*g
g>“4 a vis, itirmp iron*, hook*, tailor* ami G**r
“••n *tlver thimbles, single rein snaps,cpiing balan
ce* _
CSTirvr, mill «a**«, >d rut ‘M. dlv«, horn>
rasp*, H*., brass 4 «1 Jap'd, can il- sl*ck* -nuifVn,
t*fry and bora** man** cutnb*, cotton card*, wool d •
hor«e c«rd«.
&*tl M'll and,, bung borer*, shovel amt tongs,
coach W" -ch»*a, knifing pins.
blacking, "ho<* bru"ti«>*( paitd marking and crumb
ito., wh»v wash htus tr-, cl th.'dlair, ami shavi g
•io , tooth and d^»h do . couf.'cr do.
^ sued and *t»>|» cocks. ui‘das«e« gates, spui*, cu
Ui 11 band*, cdton lines »nd rnp», p»*ncii*|N«in* .
•late ami lead pencil*, %ioli » * ring*, ^having lx x
«s. dtr.
Iron and atcel hoe*, polished traces and togehain*,
dido 6ith chains, p|«»t>ring. brick, and pointing
'rm+U, rlcairers, aliip *crat»ers, brass bandit.* and
English iron ftra irons, »h*-*p «h*art, G. S
hufeber knivra, fboe do., fry pan*, tbeet iyoi^at <t
c**t tea kettle*, grid itoiH, rasor strof»*, (omoa
hr^>k*, mamlla rope, elate*, drawing knives, mil
picker*, kc kr . which, having recently purcha*
•d in New York, enables him to •ctlUtkcreotgbar*
L*v*r Sttambmt Lmdim
com gas sion merchants.
IMI at»B*LL. »u<«. r. job* o. B’orim*.
©o/HanaaJSii Aiis yuawAasifl®
Bo«B*oa<t><vruoD j.h.hcalp t. e. aoams
noNi> «ri:k\avo()D,a (»..
M 5 ft ©WANTS
Sn, 66 Magazine Street, opposite the
Mouth of Rank Alley,
'TV Partirulai attention pan! to the sale of TOT
the collection amt remittance of I«n<i>—awl the
purchase and ihijHiieut of Mfrchiniliir.'rtffilljr.
warriwo swsr,
I'iz- Cap, Letter and Note Wrapping paper of
runout qunlitif*.
% net a general imnrlmrut of Blank Book*.
Country Merchant* .usd T-achera are inquest*.! to
call and examine the Stock.
feb.l.i -23 Iv
Matinffiettir*r*» A?ent»
itc.. No. 53 WALNUT STREET.
South of Colunibin. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Refcm to—T. />. Vrrri'-k 4r O » Hm. R. Hot?,
Walter Mitchell, II Bm-an, O. Bender If Co .,onJ
Jacob Hawkine Little Rock.
Feb 5, 1853 — 7—22-ly
nivA.f viii.Ni ( ama;m)i:k,
(Successor to Wm. T. KustisA- Co.)
.Vo. 42 and 44. Pearl Street, Haetnn Mauachuaetta,
HAS (constant supply of Ilaanwaar cid Cct
i.r.nr adapted to the trade of the Southwest,
from an experience of twenty years In the trade
of that section, he la confident that lie can supply
merchants, either iu person or hv order, with the
Styles and qualities of goods desirable, and on term,
that shall he satisfactory
•t* B. C ’(rives particular attention to consign
ments of Cotton, Peltries and other produce of the
country that may he consigned to him for sale.
Sept: 21 1849—7—3—Iv
Joseph it rtisrt. <»>•* 11 *t»ss»:v
n o ] 0 r) 3 Y Q C5 D D 3»
Sept. 1», 1930. 8-1—ly
\. F. ( OCIIR NA LO.,
Dealer, in Foreign and Domestic
i*o’vi)ru! powder n
VGE.N’ry .1 ?h* c.* ‘*C> iv* ^1 Powder
('ompanv ,** i?-. KH iIv-9 ,itv‘Q ard
Can* of onr and poiiuJi. /»»#♦!» 'imttfd Suptrior
to ntuf manufofturrd
27 T«'hoitf»i*o*ila- S!r»‘f*. N * Orleans.
January l.*>, t——!>
N E W W II A R V HO \ T.
V . GO A It A < «»..
f OH.MISSJMV IM) FUR'A i 1131.Mi vrRrilAVTS,
PKOPHG'VO*;> i ,r#* an en
g. I iff I \ I4‘ir hrntt, Mthi s;i <iiCO(ll(li&il«tUoll»
1» will nfunl uu **•* ure *!<»rag*4 room lor
eight linocred (om#, un i i« cnpabl** «> ♦'‘CoiiHiioda
' i |f fifty :* ;!’• T*»
Thfv nr* pre •«-« h**r"tnfu»e o «j»>
ci* General to Iv • *r -% J i’-.. i ..j P<*\
i barge* l lirv prmi*t>e to givetiieir ^arlirulir *l
trillion to all Wu-jup-«« entrusted lo them
The Proprietor* will guarantee that tKio bout will
••land Ihe inspection of any lu»urau<'« Offict iu the
United Maten
A. B Bit4tv k Co . Mrmphi*, Ten*
Javre** HiBttinJ m* _ . . .
. . > A >tpulton. +1tk
C A Stiwiit.) r
Jam Timms A. Go., -
S. H. Tcrut
T. I) Mritaif k Si Go ,
Moiei it* ek* wood Si.
Walton S.%*fo«d g©.
Sept 10, i«ao
*|C>*Ga*. & Dem copy
nn tV!\C been elected, nmed i}unhii*il a* a
Jn Ju*ti*‘<* rtf lh** P»‘Vc f'»»f Rii K<«'k Towi»*»m«. 1‘fftvki
enmity, Arkansas. I on pr -fvin il in -»!U iwt, oftctalJ}, tu :u>'
btinni** intrwodm nn* port* tndly
< nhi e a! U>** law oHW of I*. A Wunruf, R*a|., con** r
of MuH and FJui streets, under th \rk lUnw r ofSee
JUll* J
I.title Rock. Ark*., Sue. 5,
IR *N end *TE L tJtni |b* tit!, round «u
•qtMrr her Iron *00 tiorsesiioe run.
”*0 Diamond Plow Moulds
0 Cary do uo
4<Wi i>« Spr ite Meei
*150 • German ;t» Kareire*; .tot! for n ♦ • bt
Feb 12 H M rt U >i l
Xrw Arrival! %>w Goodn!
JUST re©e|*eo. per *4.*anU i •’* and *St Francis*'
tl aiid for «al - cheep;
% 1*2 pr B«t* Boots, | Bo* Mararnni.
fy* pr Men* «>• I * Vermicelli,
6 do* wool hats, I Bbt Mew art pow'd sugar
17 pea Linaey, I Boxes pin* ap cheese,
4 44 Marl bora stripes, $ Bids inolaaera,
5 •• Merino. 1# •• sugar.
U M Gnn Plaint, ? 44 No 3 leaf sugar,
7 *• Jeans 1 cask Malaga wine,
j I * fine Bfk Alpari, t Bbls No. I mackerel,
a. j. m rr.
Dec. JI-ro 17, ^(t/w etretl.
KEEPS ronnt.utly on hand a lari* »nd K»ti*ral
aaaortmrut of l>ry Goods nothing' Hnid
warr, ((vcrti'wiirr, lint* nud ( nps lloota
a:.d Hhors Raddlrry, Maliunnry. trorcrirs
l*rodnc«-, Ac., Ac.; all of which will be eold
aery cheap for CASH.
Oct. 1. 1850.—S—4—tf
Jiew Wooda! \f» (>oo<N.
THE undersigned have just received their Fall
and Winter Slack, fAiididliii* in part, of
Brown and Bleached Domestics,
French. English and American Prints;
Black Alpaca Ilo**»rv;
Ladies* Dress and Mourning Collar*;
Ladies’ White Black vl»ppe»*;
Ladi**#’ and Childrens* Laced Boots:
French Artificial Power*
A general assortment of Boot#, Shoe#. Hardware,
Cutlery. Saddlery m d Queenawar*. wf»ich they will
sell cheap for CASH or.Cnunfrv Produce
Dec 17, 1S30 Corner Mmu and Markham Sta.
.\ew(iiooi!s! .\fH faootls!
JOHN D- ADAMS ha* just received, and ia now
opening. at his store, lower steamboat landing,
a general and well Selected •tack of Dry Good*, Clo
thin*. Hats, Cap*, Boots, Shoes, S’ationei v, Sir..
Sic.; all of which he is exiling very low lor CASH
and lor CASH only. Call and see.
HP Produce will be purchased at the highest
market rate*. Lift* Rock, Oct. 2l
8100 Krnnrfl
\I7TLL he paid for t!i» apprvheiiMun and
v ? confinement, so that I enn get him,
of a certain Negro mmi muted WILKS
and notice given nie at Pine Flat Post. tfice,.
Bo-*ier Parrish. LmimuiM
- |>F*S(TtIPTION\—He U about 30 years old.
black complexion, very short and heavy built,
cmninciily wear* a long le**rd. and very quick spo
ken. He i« supposed to be In the vicinity oi Lit
tle Rock or Bate*,-1He. CHAS LEWIS.
Nov. 96. 1*5» 12 tf
fjanri*! Isamts!
17V)K SALK, upon low form*, the K ^_
Lj *ec $L IV.wnship 2 North, KanscjjSfcOSSJjL
9 Writ, containing 320 »croe. And
Elj of lli* North-weal quarter of >*c
tioa 15, Township 2 North, Hinge 9 \V., Jyy^^
containing *0 acres Ki quire of
D C\ FI LION. Mark him St
i rzi door to the +1dtho'iy Hou»e.
Not. 26, 1550. I.',
Ill DOZ. fine cloth Ovei-C*>tt«;
" w l *4 •* B-kvtr *• tii..;
I do*. fin* Pilot Cloth tin.;
4 *’ Hidi k-t Ovei-Coats. assorted;
2 tk Cloth Lock and tire?* Coal*, aborted;
2 *• Sack Coat*, •*
6 •* pr«. Hof-skin amt Flench Cashmere Pant*;
6 M “ Sd-inef *•
Shirt* Draw* r«. Over-all*, Itc., tk*.
Just received, per wagon*. and formal*, very low,
Loiter Steamboat Landing.
Little Rnrk Ort. 21. M—
llnsging, Hope anil Twine,
RECEIVED, per steauier • pennythe lol
tawing goods:
ItJsiO yard* B*g*ing;
*HM> lb*. Hal* Hope;
50 lbs. Twine
a. j. iictr.
D*c. |0. M ,|fl git
Powder am) 4 nmlie*.
Received, p**» *,*.«n»* r "Exchange,**
l<> keg* x I R ■ fl - p wder;
5Ort P‘i«, Mai Cdnd.es;
for sal* hv A J. HtTT I\
D*c 10. Mam S*.
Hoots! Hoots!
JUST received, by
ill* undi*l*ft£Hrdv
tne following, to wit:
24 pi F»*her uen'*
Pegged H sot*;
24 pair (funtins
h*av> P.-g b >ot*.
21 pr. Cork sot*.I
pe jfjfed BoofS;
36 pr. K’». 8’ugg*d B -of*;
24 pr. Extra Phitnb sole Call Boots;
36 pr. fi e Calf *ew*d *•
72 pr. Supeiioi Mud •*
72 pr. thick K” Pegged •
240 pr. worn’- S*<»l and K«n he* t*.
24*» '»r. men** »*ip R*'*- X B ogar *;
12*» f. ••
2|0 pr. men** !.> i\y bik. *
|*>0 pr bo -. «* “ “
f. . -os - v * sr * v K l Hr i*v *,
\V ifh, * v_»e|*.*r w ifh •» gi»-at v r e * *.* p c*C
Lac* Hi- •*, Mi t,-r Bo*'*, B-.-ki*I’\* .
;■ r«. fi*-* ».'*i Cfinn* l: irk a* ‘ wr , . K t So;
:»*r« \1*»* FouM R hr.
Si-fi' g B o
• * IT . (l.M a ■. th t *. *. .*
c. : s* («-*, „ \,t „ rr».«\e* up t
» be • d «tnc k t>f the |. Iffl *-\*r h» f
ma kct. AH W ! ich Will be *• hi at p».C
m *t i xpeiienceil buyers.
I. R rk, D c. 3. 1-50.
I* . H
i*rf«l in tl»i**
» t » «• tJ! t!>*
Main *t.
(nth 1'or IV!trie*!
IWI'H to buy Fifteen Hundroil DoiUn worth of
first rate l*KI.TRV, to br twMw.en
thUand the Oth J »n v next, f ' w t .*• *
market price tn SPK* IK -ill !»*• .. Pc.try
erm wiM g?ve m<* a rail iwtore
where. A .1. lt| i*T \l . a M.
Little (lock, IVc. 3, 14.Y . id —
\f» taood*.
1Il^E hav- no v on h«:» I * l*i!l * of
▼ t i> e l>r\ G ,|‘l ti nnirt, HmUi ni»
\\ if. * . , II .*- * C>* it »'»*, wht« h w e
■aiU«* *t the tnw-% |li<* «»• ('«»•., of H« eXrhari-jv
fo| Cot on, Be- H«le% an f P>i! i**«.
nerrmfo' IT. HJWt 13
t ollVe ami ^nsnr.
RE<’BIVED, iwr ilvaiovr "U*|)irt,"
') ti -iin. Si.jjai;
M' **r I. - Hi-> Cotf»e;
A"' *»ir by A. J IIUTT.
D-r. I Mi i. S'
Liqiioi* and Wine*.
C B*<*ndv, 4*h |*n»ol,
») 2 " M * »» U me;
| «» faff Wine;
?♦> B**k*“t« Cl<«mpa^ne Wine; on rott«igntnc n*
and for »lle low
rtteemUr 17. 1*30 15
|Q0 BBEB 8| LuaU vxtra r-uparfin.*, rectiin;
par * ['•■nyau," aoti far aah> by
Jauu.ry 4 H M. B WAIT
f L'ST rrcrivnJ at ib» Nt> Y ark »iora
*00 vcata;
20" pair paste;
200 coaU worlid.
For a*lo «kaap (w C-A^H, by
iMi J*. 21—If.
tiodav morning, mani ii u, mi.
Airitrr fur the Akriamu Runner.
9c>- Mr. \\'n. E llrtvrm I* authorized to art a*
,|i«ut for the Banner, at LualCrrek, Saline county.
->■ Mr Aicoaos Bono* i* authorized to act a*
gcot for lUr H'lmtrr. at Pine B ulf. Ark
K. W I’saa. tieneral Agent, Evana’ Build
i g». Norlh-we<t corner Third and Wal ant at reels,
Pnlladrlphia, la imhorized to act aa Agent for “the
.frv«n«a« tianntr ” -* •
J. J. vMiairv. E»q . No. CPfknip Mlwrt Ufa
'[Scan, D our rzelu«ite A grot to procure aud col
.■o| lunin for advertising Ac . in that city
J The Philadelphia Inquirer .states that tin
Secretary of the .Nat) ha* ordered that the remaina
of Paul Jones be brought home tu the fr cate St.
Thf Cuvrrnor oMir.iuia aiiil SjBtii.rn RithtJ.
The Richmond Southern Rights Association have
elected Oov. V oyd, of that State, an honorary
member, in accepting which to s uds them a lon£
letter on the objects m view, the eoinpelUm, the
North to observe the peace towards them in the
matter of slavery, by discrimination iu favor of
southern manufactures an J articles of trade on the
part of southerners. The <> ivrn argues for direct
southern trade with Eurnp , by liner of steamers
from Baltimore, Norfolk, dt ., aud t,a\» the pro
posed discrimination is a s ire aud peaceful means
of accomplishing the desired result. The follow
mg extract indicates bis ct ucral tone:
"Show to capital that (linger besots its path,
and it will speedily put forth a'l its energies to re
move it away. Amfhereliesth • only certain hope
for the r -dress of soute rn wrongs. ’1 lie capital
of the l. nion is concenira.ed at the North. The
South are apparently w< .k, but in r> ality strong,
for the commerce of this mighty republic rests upon
the products of the South. Out cotton, rice.su
car, aud tobacco uphold and sustain the trade of
America. Destroy these i roj-s and > >u obliterate
North America from the c >nimcrcial tnapof nations.
Divert them from-hc channels in which they now
gow, and you leave New N< rk arid the N ,rtu like
the bottom of the sea, which the waters ha'.e de
serted—dismal and forsaken.
An American cnfthnal.
Tbe* New York C Meet
th< re is considerable talk in Rome of making Bish
op Hughes a Cardinal. On the 15th of January,
the Rev. Hr. Bacon, of New Haven, preached to
a f ill audience at the American Chapel, and on
the next day Arc!.shop Hughes made a short ad
dress at the Propaganda.
New York Senator.
Sena'or Beckman, who th f ated the election of
Hamilton Kish ns I'nite l S'atCJ Senator in the
New York Leeisla’ure. is detemi ned to adhere to
his position, an 1 consequently no election can take
place. The N< w Herald thinks that the Gover
nor eaunot. be called upon to make a temporary
appointment, and on the retirement of the Hon.
Darnel S. f>iekin :on, whose term expire s with the
present session, New York wol beunn presented. •
J , Out of one hundr- .1 and five negroes, in the
Maryland Penitentiary, at the last report, l it:
thirteen were sia»< «. A fair criVnonof the rela
tive m rainy of staves and fre e negroes.
X There are i t ■ city of New York, ! 150
p:a tiemg phys eians, it 1'tof the aleopathie * tmol.
ICS homo* pa> hi •. Tlcur mOQBie* range from rlOiX*
to •otl.nfm. The average is StoOd, which run., in s
to the inodes! sum of # l,b *2,00(1, exclusive of the
apothecary's hill.
J_, The Neapolitan Gov* ruuienl hav- grauV.i
the sum e>f 20,(100 ducats for continuing the- cm.a
va: ion of Pompeii.
Tree lllack*.
A wrl'-r ,n the Ph ' ' ph a Bulletin, say s that
th. 1. acks are do am 1 to expulsion from th*- fre*’ I
> i a the ne ' 'ee.n'.y years, if the pretent
m- >f the a* i' \./ui. i is k -pt up, aud |
e. n in fax >r of h s • p i on 'he ref * u' legislation
on *h s s c: in lju ’ mi and l*>wa.
f \dv. r > ;*p- t "f large cireula
tioii e ,-nlar,o d o. my a sn: ',i! ’ us:n -s-—.has re
vivi d many a d.'l h is n *v— o*s r.' ov -n d many
a Inat business— has p* reed i on .-> '.anre b :«:•
ness—has created mam a n< ! --ties
I Tito Indiana Constitutional Convention has
passed a sccUon author,zin.’ m-r) volttiif good
character to prai tise latv.
> T n yean ago Swedish woollens, under a
h . pro *tariff. cere a by-word in Europe
fi-r i-oar-i ■ ; f -S of ttiaieifactuto.-j.
I ■ !cr fr rsde an t mipetition, Sweden uow
itift\cs liner a i l cheaper and bct’cr cloth than
The ViilBatrer Coii'i.i't.
A very roman* i< *'ory, n ■ r tV« rule, < nt fall
tide of it wxpapvr popular;’./. s a «'orv of a
trial in (’larks'die, is t ht N<>r ir • .••< • v :i:'>
of Texas—(.use. 1*10—.‘tic-■ 'i. a* "or*. \ d-ert
l\k<- and *V 8. Pk«! S 1‘. •< do Vs a Mf
good story a tony distance from the scene., but
there is n it one word of troth in it. T • re have
Inrn pile ;sW in N u pap. r<. djr nj tin
last year, several of the** Texas s' r:> v, n which
the names of prominent y all m>. n are used.—
This is unjust. If a wr er < . to .'a . a ! •-_
caiity to tus fictions, be *b" tld uot fasten them to
actual person*.
a •* Durraeamvu Cvovi.TY.”—Vnder this hea<j
a Vv rstern editor •naoutt •«* 'he birth of his ten'h
Important luteul on*.
Wonders will never c< use coming up n ua The
St. Loins Organ of the fith, gives the following
account of the very late*-':
A young au of tin* city is about to astonish
the wothl Ly the development of attinvention that,
in jawnt of universal utility, promises to be one of
the most important discover: ea of the age lie ha*
invented, and ta no* completing, au ai«parat ua by
which to manufacture gas troui the auutwpbcrc.
the light of wtucb wiil be more brilliant than that
produced from roal gas, and whi<*h can be sup
plied allual ax cheap aa sunlight. It will also
produce li^ht of all colors sad_ corstbtnattuaa of
• color*.
Aaolhtr Mammoth fate.
The Frankim, la. Examiner (five* the fu!lMriw(
account of a vast anil most interesting cave reeent
ly discovered. It is written by a ' isitrr named S.
I last week visited a newly discovered cave m
Crawlord county, Indiana. It ison the right bank
of Blue Ktvcr. For magnificence and beauty of
scenery it (iron)iies. when fully explored, to rival
t‘reu the Mammoth Care of Kentucky. The Ep
som Salt* Cave, known for nearly halt a century,
and successfully worked for saltpetre and salts,
many years since, is about two miles long, and in
some places 40 or 50 feet wide, and TjM'ect high:
but has nothing peculiarly interesting iu it except
a beautiful fluted column, some 24 feet in diame
ter. and 25 or 30 feet nigh, all ut stalaetie matter.
Entering this rave under a jutting rock, near
the brow of a lofty hill, and descending for about
a quarter of a mile, at an angle of 30 di g. we en
tered a dTia'I door, ami after stooping rather un
comfortably low for sixty yards, found ourselves in
a large open cave, or bat-room, in which tens of
thousands of these little animals hang suspended
from the rocks in large cl astro, like bees m
swarms. Fartln r on, stir ks t !»• sac of hoop-poll s,
hickory bark, charcoal, and bar* foot human tracks
were discovered, which ninst have remained there
a long tins-, as the door to this part of the rave
was so blocked up with rocks when first discov
ered that a mail roald not posaibly pass. We a* ion
entered an avenue 10 feet wide, and varying in
height from 10 to bit feet; the ceding as .smooth
and beautiful as tf finished by the trowel; then
suddenly changing, presents the appearance of di
versified bangmg dra(vry, all of spotless white.—
Then aga.u the naked rocks appear.
At the end of this avenue, we found ourselves
at the foot of a ro- kv pvramid, up who h we
climbed some s xty feet, and on the top of which
stand two beautiful stalagmites some five feet high,
eighteen inches in diameter, «nd as white as the
purest Italian marble, and when viewed by the
dim light of our candles, presented a strong con
trast with tlw grey walls of limestone rock. An
oblong canopy some forty or fifty feei high, is here
hung with beautiful stalaetie, suspended from the
ceiling. We new found it necessary to crawl upon
our faces, or “snake it,” for about twenty te-et,
when we came into an avenue wide and high.—
Turning suddenly to the left, we found ourselves
ut the midst of scenery of surpassing and ex
quisite beauty. The entire walls are covi ml
with an incrustation of aulpiiate of lou . crystal
used so as to glisten like ten thousand diadems hi
the light. Some of these crystals are a foot in
length, an ineh wide, and as thick as a table knife
blade, and grew upon this base in a thousand di
versified form-i.
Upon a projecting rock, at one side of tin- ave.
ntie, large iiumlu rs had broke* by their weight,
and were lying in great profusion on tlw* bottom of
the cave. These formations, like the base on
which they grew, are sulphate, aad white as the
driven snow. Others, resembling glass, fjnn up
on the ceiling, as well as the floor, from an inch
in diameter to the length and sate of a common
knitting needle, and even smaller. The imn.s a
timi is frequently an inch thick, but more general
ly from an eighth to a quarter of an inch thick.—
Much of it has fallen to the floor, and is crushed
under the feet of the visiter, and the place it occu
pied on the ceding is being replaced by a new for
mation. But 1 am utterly unable to describe it.—
It must lie seen to tie appreciated, or any correct
i lea formed of its beautv.
W’e v»i!i'd liiiiuy rooms with spacious dorms
and stalac tites of every imaginable sure and form.
In one apartment the water finds its way through a
long range of projecting r<» ks. and the snUartic
matter is formed in folds and blades, like cxt> mied
honey comb, and hangs like drapery around the
sides of the room. l.'pon the bottom is formed a
great niiiuln r of little pools, of every form, eit-va
ted upouthe floor, like basins or troughs—the rim
of i i< h tw-iug jii rfer l!y level and inrlined inwards,
the stone which forms the basin being not th.cker
than a > one board. I spent tlixee days in this
wonderful hole m the ground—say seven hours
i reh day. The f’rs! two days were spirit in ex
sin ning and exploring, and 1 think we must have
traveled at least one mile per hour, or fourteen
miles in two days. The third day 1 revisited the
most lti'i :■ s’iug parts, to procure specimen* for
geological invtstiga! on.
I had for.' t'en to say that saltpetre an t cp*»m
salts are found in various par's, in large quanti
ties; and I pro'uri t a lump of salts of half a pound
we ght, qu te pm* . We vi utured a mile at 1< ast
farther than any on ■ had ■ vor gone I “'fore, and left
it for otIn-is still to p'osecate. A quite transparent
i yeb as erawtish which we found, was not the
least Interesting thing which we saw.
Th entrance to the cave belongs to Henry P.
Rathrack, a «i u!*hv, cem-rotis gentleman, who
i he rfully rendered vis every facility for exnrum
mg the r ace, and attended ns a guide. I have no
! ijbt when it is fully explored aud surveyed, it
will prove to be one of the wonders of H<kw» rdotu.
[From the Fort (Smith II< raid.]
Otld PrIUws' Olrbrntion.
Tin- Order hail it celebration < f Washington’s
bit ii tiny, on the 22d mat. The evening before,
there was a kail, at the ramson which was mu
mcromly atleiuh 1, by ineinliers -if the Order, and
setts alPort South, and vx'imty. «»u Fn
day evenin'?, tie officers and nr. rollers, of Craw
f e l l.odc Vo. ‘i, eame up on ?h> steamer John
anna, Capt. Thurston. and participated m the fca
•at .•••a t the evening. VVe were not present-at
a:, bit n am that it was the largest and most
affair, that has ever been gotten up m
■ is p There was about three hundred per
.(i- j.r ..i'll!: at! of whom, we believe, were exceed- ,
u<iy grab tied. The table was furnished in tbi
very ties: style hi Mrs. Demining.
tin Saturday, about 1‘2 o'clock, the processing
was formed, contesting of ("rawfor) l ,.h*e No. n.
fro u Van tturen, Frontier Lodge No , of this
place, ami F irt Smith Encampment > -t, under
tv Mars+iallof the day, ('apt. A. Mon no. ry, and
inarched through the principal streets o( the city,
to the Presbyterian Church,' where then was a
large audience of citizens tn attendance. After
the singing ol an ode, a prayer was offered to tin
thro.i" of grace, by Her. Cephas Washburn, which
was followed by a short address by P. O. John F.
Wheeler. At the Hose of • the address, an in).
was s ins, '» rc'licnon pronounced, when tl e pro •
* i soon ! .rued and marc lied to the garrison, where
M e brethren partook of a cold collation prepared
for me occasion, when the prod ssion moved to the
t ,<»l,e, and tiisja rsed, E\ t r> thing passed off »iih
the utmost good feeling and btothvrlv love. In the
even ng, Crawford Lodge took their drpart ore, on
Ih'- Johuauua. aund the cheers and gfti tings ut the
1 Cirmniutt in Trouble.
The Rev. Mr Hummer has been arrested at
Keokuk. Iowa. c-bargcd with an outrageous a*
.anit upon hi* wife. The Burlington Telegraph
Mr*. Hutwner teidibed that her bnshanTI would
have murdcred her but (or the timely interference
of the neighbors. Mr. H ummer ad vert isos his wife
in the usual form A npttdiguaUon act tmg of the
crown* of Keokuk was held on Wednesday night
last. We have not learned what was done, but
the i> ivera! f - >irr-, as we are informed. was strong.
!y in favor of lynching Mr. li. It is a sad affair
in every punt of view. Mr. Hnimnef was former
ly a animator m tin- Presbyterian church, and du
tinruishe i for seal and tin usual ability. Horne
year* ago he was, far reasons sufficient rv the pres
bvteiv, unchurched: ami it has been the opin
uin of thnae who have known huu heat that for
some time past he lias been partially insane. ,
The wife ts the tnn of the aortal system, t'a*
leas she attracts, there ut nothing to keep heavj
boiie', like htfshaads from flying off into *pcg*.-.
A N» w Ei —We hare been all alum
prepared to hear m*rvWI«'i* accounts of dlacovr
pes of gold: that it would I* ax abundant as !ra<
«i nied M altogether improbable; and we hari
looked toward to the time when a nun wotlW ?i»vt
to eive a e*rt l-vad of the precious n«-tal in ex
change for a turret of wheat.
Hut then- « nothin* left for credulity now Thi
world lift* m t er Hard of such wraith as in s tipoi
the shores of the Pacific. .
It is well known that the steamer Cheawpoakc
with about thirty adventurers, left thw [«>rt on th<
‘21st u!t-, for the Klamath, arid in y wterday* pa
per we gave'mne account of her progress.
Scarcely was our pap r waned when theft’hcaa
peahe came into port, back live or six o
the “ [woepecU,” Cm. John Wilson ami John A
Collins, Esq.. among the number.
A meeting of the aUn kholders was called, t<
hear thorresult of the cx|ietJitiatt, tvhtch meetim
w« altendeil; ami if we can hrinjpvWT ideas dowi
lo anything like tcnxou. at n healing these non
derful details, we will let the public into the sc
Twenty seven miles bevoml the Trinity there i
a bench sev< ra! miles in extent, tut.! hounded by ;
high blclT. The saints of this bench are.niitci
with gold to an cvlcut almost beyond belief. Tic
sand is of two kinds—a fine black sand and ,
gray sand.
■ The gray sand can he si paruied very easily In*
the black sand, and this enm to la- a desirabti
object. -The gold is mixed with the black sam
in proportient of from icn cents to ten dollars tin
At times when the surf is high, the gold is no
easdy discovered, but in the spring ol the year
af'i r a s invssn u of calms, the entire twa- h i;
covered with bright and y, How cold.
Mr. Colima. the Secretory of the Pacific Minim
u »» jimvi «i pwtvi uii'i nm
estimate! it will yielil to * a, l> nvinlier of the com
pany the snug little sum of IMS.OOti.tMO—and thi:
estimate is formed ii|mn a cnlcolat on that the mix
holds ont to lie one h ath as rich as obecrxatioi
w arrants them lit .supposing.
The Pacific Mm.tor C*uipanv—lie adventur
t-fs of the Chc^aja-ahe have !'.)’.[It’d tf, msrlves to
irether under the. title'—found nurse tti ir.cn a
these digging. The men had no disposition t*
tier, for the gold was already for them wheueve
they were disposed to take it.
Besides soeh is the charaeter of the roads fha
they could not take nwav more than 75 or ltjl
pounds cat h—au ainonul too trifling for their eon
watching this claim until the spring, and thei
take a ship load of the gold, and travel to sottu
country w here the uietal was not so abundant.
Mr. Collins saw a man who had a<cumulates
fifty thousand pounds, or fifty thousand tons—lx
did not recollect which—of the rx heat kind o
black satxt.
General Wilson says that thousands of mi i
cannot exhaust this gold hi thousands of years
and he gives all who doubt his staterm nts tht
liberty of going and ascertaining these tacts foi
The company wii! si ih! tip 100 additional la
borers as speedily as lin y can lie embarked. Tin j
also design purchasing a tit anic r and running h* i
up to the “Gold Bluffs.’’ Sixty men are now »\
the scene of ojieratxms.
Three steam* rs arm id at tli.s port yesterday—
the .Antelope and the T* nix- sec from Panama,
and the Chesapeake from Trinidad Bay.
We awruit with anxiety turiber reports. Nume
rous specimens of tin- sand and gold wt re exhibit
ed to the stockholders at the meeting Iasi evening.
[.IP** Cat., Jmt. 15.
Thr iiult( Bluff Eicilrmrut.
The Pacific News *ay* in relation to this <‘ia
Co very:
That mi the line *>f the r«*a.*it front twenty ftvt
rmbs north of Trinidad to t*u:ht mile* south of Ih*1
Klamath r.v« r, there is u vcr> rch d« p.»>.t of yold
in scales, intermixed with l*«n k *und, is U yood
dispute. The rol l hc-Ttn# rang* of the interior
here strikes the 01« an, and running down to u hue
of blurt's from l**> to 6fH) feet high, moor or lesa
precijrttotAs, ski*''# the « oa-s?j fur nearly ten miles.
Thr .. are the celebrated (odd Blnfl>. Old Fathei
N» jiiune here < arri» s on a gold washing operation
or his own account, pre< saely cm the principle of
the miner'* gold washing, but i>n u coles*al scale.
As tin wavis ebb and flow, U*« > wash out the
bluff, carrying Un k into tie* sea of all the lighter
.sand, gravel, &c.. and having !*♦ h nd cm the Uueh
th* heavy blac k sand, containing 4lit* gold.
Ot-easbuially, after a storm, th • Mac k sand is
buried under a sort cd top <ire>Hti£ ot grey sand
thrown up by the • a; cm reli roiii^ which, 10 a
slight depth, the black, gold beanie sand is shown
a-* b* fore.
The very riche*? portion of tin* eh-posit is con
fined to tstf p of roast nearly two miles; although
for about seven neb s nw>r», Uie sand is all mere
or less abounding in gold. \\\ have Ik'ui shown
one sample. which we a r»* assure I has yielded,
upon analysis, at the rate of **x UttUorn to the Ih.;
which we presume, of course, to he a very favor
able speenu* n. The more sanguine men:Iters ol
the Pacific Mining.Company are confident that the
p*jofest sand will yield from cents to $l ‘25 21
lb. For all which estimates w* wish to be 111 m
way responsible, although the eornpany is giving
the best evidence of it* faith 111 tjiein by its ex
penditure* in th** ♦ nterpny*—the purchase of t)«•
steamer C’lo sajwakc.
That tfee rohl exists a) 1 along th* coast at tin
foot of U»e Hi ufla, and to great .abundant e, m-* in;
to Ik,* indisputable.
How to get *t in anv at.tilahh- sham-. is mmth.
affair entirely. Tin nrtlinarv mcihmts by washing
winnowing, Ac., nf separating the gold from thi
saud in which it in found, fail in Hun , im-, tin
Mm It sand be tug nearly or quite a* heavy, us tin
scales of gold which it contains. We presuiiu
that therein within the recourevs of modern »ti
em e a mode of obtaining the gold by aolu.ion o
otherwise. and » • Iowa that f’rof. Spukct, of tb'i
city, has tie se> fit, and has had it In auccesafu.
ojHTation. We believe it is now in the exclusivi
possession of lie Pacific Mm,of Company.
The Sati Prancaeo ll< raid .•»>>.
That very large quantities nj the prev ious toe
1*1 are to la, found on "Ibald lliulf ” cun, w* vlotik
scarcely be doubted—but from the fact that ni
lau liny for passengers or goods ran he obiauici
within .’7 mibs of r-< scene of opera'iona, tin
immediate road being ol the most rugged and im
passable in'on, very serious doubts ar.se a* t
Whether it will Is »' pi' sent an available distov
The exciter a nt produced by the reported dta
coveru s id gold in the KUrnalh river, is very rorr
snictable. Emit vessels were advertaed on lb
l#»h u!t., a: Wan Krane seo to aad fra the ‘’tjol
It1 'i IT*” m th* course of a f.-w da vs, Tbear res
•fls are the Empire t apanly, Luili*, Susan Ward
wi 11, havawav, thirl fellow. Eagle, and Vesta.
The explanation of tie whole matter may pre
bablr be found in the following extracts from th
California t ouner. It the original company real
ise on ' hundred thousand dolian cash in hand, i
the result ol the.r enterprise, in cmr opmon the
wul have brought their golden stores to a rathi
profitable market:
••A cnxnpanv. emui*ttag of some thirty p*u*>ni
was iiuu*.l.alei V tunned, hooks opened, and a le
•harea Italy, ail the stockholders would cuiimii
to dispose of, were put in Ike market, and up the
went, like a mammoth balloon, ,u dated with g«
The condescension of the sliareb.dikta, in peenu
ting a lew others to pay tht.r hundred tiuUsis vai
lor an interest in the treasuos which wear tonal
tliein a I Rothschi ds ami barings - on paper—wi
highly commendable.
"The stock was divided into 13,000 shares
tint) each, and 1,100 shares »ci« thrown into II
market, for which the oiigiual bottler* expect
realise $100,000—a very small cooipritssliua tea
ifjvanon of then prospective wealth. The sa
wa> displayed thmirfotil verterdsy in sll it* ra,
~ !! L I-L-LJILL™ L!JL. -J
Advertiaomcnto will t* utafrted at the uaunl
raw* of the other pfrca in this «n»r—That *. •!
a aquare for the hnrt inowtxm. and fifty cenu a
square fur eneh addi;n n«l publn'a'ion. A lihcinf
diarount will be ma le to thorn who nimrta* by
tha year.
i i Pcwtmasvra ate authorised to aft a* our
agents. and will rettun W per feat, of all money
received and HananilfJ to u* fo* paper* a*^ »J"
j v(»tarfir»n.
, Of ail kind*. * if ha* Steamboat Ribs. Kills of La
. dine. fateta. Hondbilta; Sheriff/, Juafieet*. amf
0 mttilMf Wanks: faneral MMMIM TpWh
, Carte. Book pad Pamphlet Pftiiim* raceuted wifb
n^atneai and diijmtcli. s»moderatepneea c**h.
ness, and numberless were the American eagiea
th.v chaiued uan.te at Keniii* and Hsiawngir a.
The eiititf store had the appearance of a » asa
mr*a ng. The result will pe, of course, tin Van
1 the whole thine turn* out to he a stupendous
humbug. as ia not likely, the origins! vfnrkhoMeta,
about thirty in number, w.lt take the proceed*<rf
eleven thousand shares, while Thore who make up
the aggregate of PltdVW in rash, sgsmat the fic
titious espials of the others, will receive a divi
dend upon l .MW shares." The proportion is about
aa a hat full of sand for the latter, to a ahip load
for the former.'’
The supreme Court.
Orace Greenwood five* Una .lic t pluou of theif
, honors:
"There is^ui awful dignity about the Supreme
Court room which opt>r»*MW one. If !h<»*r uread
fill Judp'i wore u ;gs, it would he quite too much
to boar; such a formal, classical, ami I'tiqueiual
plate as it is. 1 nnuasd that Mr, \l ebster, after
' quoting a phaare—‘the anew'it wav.vgf ihe law'-—
has t tied to translate it into «itliyu«* i;« irgia, M
though he had Incu guilty of an indecorum.
(I "The J misci arc an imposing and dignified look'
I iuc set of 111, II. Judge Ml Lam Ilf Ohio uniat itn
! pr -:cd me by lux manly and noble appearance.
, Judge Woodbury haa a tine face, a* also ha* Judge
Ncljon of N. w York. Taney ia the very ideal of
1 a Chief Justice; looking cold, einotionli ss. iinans
ceptiWe—-a bundle of precidi nls— an epitome rf
' authorities. It hardly seems that such a man from
, whose life the insatiable sponge id' tlu- law haa
abaorl-'d the natural juice*, need to luffcr decay,
and be buried, like other pc p!«. at hint. Such at»
J existence ia in its. If a preserving and mummy
making process—and it would nlmoat seem that he
i ha* only to grow more musty and dry. like some
old ■p-iH i,is,■ nt. until Ih-a'h roll* him up, tiv* him
with red tape, anil lays Into away in seine'd titty
I pigeon hole.’’
A TlouMrr cr the Hrrp,
1 The following description of a gigantic Pol* pun
1 recalls the ballad of 11 " litv. r. Tin* npn-twMW
of Hi** poet ■wctna to be copied by the narrator:
“And l t ail'd on ir.y God, and toy God hoard my
In tin: aircngth *f my rued, m tin gasp ol my
’ treat h—
And allowed me a < tap that rose ; p fom the lair.
And I clung to it, nimbly—awl buffi* d the
' And. safe ill lhe 1* rda around me, U lin’d
tin the rp.kea of the enraj the goblet of gold.
••petnw, «t the foot of that precipice drear.
Spread the gloomy, anti purple, and path lea*
A si ■ uee tit llorri'r tfcat slept on (lie ear,
That the eye mor* npimlTd might the horror
S.uarriandi r—snake—draper:—vast rep'ilea that
• dwell
In the deep—coil’d a! out the jtr.m jaws of their
llark rraw l’d—glided dark the unspeakable
a wanna,
Clump’d mg. ’?,*• r innnuuH* misshapen and vast.
Her, clung mid here bristled the fuirhionicva forma:
lUr* the dark moving ltuik o! the hau.iner huh
And well teeth growing white, and a menacing
Went the teirihlv shark—the hyena of oet an.
■ “Theie | heard, and the awe gather'd inly o’er
So far from the earth, where man’s heip there
war Howe1
The One Human Tin nr’, with the goblins IwTor*
Alone—in a loneliness .*d gha.xSly—aijos* 1
Fathom deep from man’s eye in Hie spec* Mesa
With the death of the mum and the monster*
”Mi thought, as 1 yuz**l through tin darkness, tlipl
It* saw—the dead huudred -1 tinl ed creature—
its pn y!
\ud darted, O Hod’ fr< m the far darning lough
I it the coral, I sw* pt on The horrible w ay;
And it waged me, the wave with da wrath and its
It seized n o to save-—k.ng, the dang* r is o’er!”
* ',-darkroeh’s hernn," *tc>
The it m the original h»“ been greatly adiioft'd.
The p*wt thus \agilely p pf » ids the l it irons
mn«*loi|a n moils’er, the Poly pita of the ancients.
Ill l ine par’s of til* men* there are . uorrnou,
Sea animals, called Si pia, width area kind „l
polypi. Thi y !,,«\ ■ Mry long ’*ea, ami are said
souietimesto ■ ,*>• upon the < i rat divers along ■ t**
coast of Italy Mr. II ul tells i In- following ads on*
, lor* with a cr, »turc of it s serf:
‘•While up n the Hotini Islands, search ng for
sheila on the r>„ ks which had just lw*-n left bv
the reeding tub , I w*»much aab»n»ah*sl at seeing
at my feet a most extraordinary barking amical,
(.•rawing toward the retreating surf. I hail in v, r
seen one like it In lore. It win i re* ping on it*
eight legs, w inch, from their soft amt ricsihtc
gature, bent ciinsidi'iahiy under the w< glit , f its
Inwly, so Ilia’ it was lifted by the orb-eta* I its Itn
ia< if o only a *m.i!l dwlan, e (rum Hie rucka.
It appear, d much aianued on a*• tig in*., and
made * very * tli,rl to * w ap*-, while I was not mu, h
m the humor to endeavor to capture so ugly a rua
tomer. whose app* arane, eseited a feelmg of «!u -
as 'S«3*l4
lomt to prevent ti < cip^i bf-)Miifl)E miwsiJ
its In'i in'li an tool; but, although I ttwd <<id
, a<!< lalilt- forte for that purjuve. ba scrnttlli w.-s
so groat that it several loot s ipnekty liberated i'a
ui> mber, in spilt of ail the t.ffi its I iould tii ploy,
in this way, on iviel, slippery riH k*. 1 now la it
hold of fun.* of the t* nUr.is with itiv I a ml, and
boid it trimly, mi that tin limb appi art <1 as if it
would l«- torn asunder by our united *tn ugtit, I
gave it a powerful j< rk, wishing lo dunugttge it
from tin- ns ks lo which it tjuno no (m' U) by ;la
su< k> is. whirh il i IT'i-fually rt slated; I alibi uio
meat after, tli<- apparently runty cl animal blind
its html, With its largo * on jib^miing from this
middle "f its Imi>. umi b it eg rs (old ol lie
i rocks, s id-i- iily sprang uja-n uy e -tin hi l>«d
I previously bend to my shoiiV«-r ' It; purpuse
(A thrusting it nto holes u hr 'o di eovir
shells. Slid rluug, » ill IIS! .< f. it Wllbynit
, power, nidi uioriug to ge! it* l » III! li I could
now si between Um mots of 1 t . s peti
tion to bile.
A sensation of honor p* mid > « b< !• frame,
when 1 found tins monstrous animal, fur it was
■ about four ft 11 long, fivd t:o firmly to u,y aim.—
I I s eoltl slimy grasp was caUeieely sickening, »Jld
1 iiiwshdiately colled aloud to 'he captain, wlo
. was also searching fur shi lls at .«! rr>* distance, t«r
• '»ur and reiisw; ns fro«ri rny dt*gu»! eg sssailsnl.
. lit qtt < laly tinted, slid tsI«*tg an- down to H e
r boat, dur rig whir h tune 1 wo* employed ,n ket, -
, mg Hu- U-ak away irouimy 1 out, <;oielily rtluart 4
a me by destroying wy t**im u*i if? ihe ?>o«t knife,
v when 1 disengaged it by ports at • trine. Tim
i animal lyas that *j«e.es ol Serna wlneli is called
by whaler* “rt* k r*|tiid.” Thus are the**- it -
i, . markable Co oturea, from tire differ* nt adsptal r >■
, of lheir it utael* s and modificatioMSof tfci ir maIm*,
,1, capable of sailing, dyi'-r, swimming, nod rteepn-g
v on ihe *h*«re, while tbetr acutes, if we inav judge
,, Ism lit*elalhtrati met • sir sn i • r< r »« a, mutt
> possess c<>rrt-»jiondmg acsUm « and ptr feet ion”
t> — - a
1 i A dog whM II IM : bwt a wlit.Js htUi, say* the
N. O. Crescent, waa aeeu yesterday trying to poke
a prove of crapo through the- handle of otie- of this
sausage shops m that vdy.
tr A WniUlooe in New Jersey beans the follow
iti* i jM.tdh . "piedof tli « *h<»r, Jap., ijjft.'*