Newspaper Page Text
.., .- --. ÆW 1 :-.«k«- J.-..- —..-.--.·.».·sp .- — s« Dem-tm to Politik-. Ist-reimtdx attts summte W ittrrsmry Wie-h swwltnrr. Mater-Mc Zutritt-ritter -« · » Vol. VIII. LITTLE ROCK, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 25, 1851. No. 29. __• t1 ]■;[}: A II K A NS AS BANNER ,s ft »UMU BVKRT Tl MOAT. l.tMBBRT A. WHITKI.r.T, Publisher. ’■ TERMS: y r *r i !•' . ‘ I." >• .If. . ..W 50 i (. year, li> i M aiMri », . 7 (»• Y ■, , ,, ■ i. ytax. loony vddrt's^ ,* . Ii fht-. j- . tin v« ar, to one addiers, ..5(1 M m eiiltwd ip 'ii i payment be made in alvancr, or j^Tby* ivspotwlMe person in tin* tity, [j .ril'ers may forward u*looney by , ,j» I, . , mi l at our risk, provided l»«tn»it.'r's re-ript be taken »nJ preserved f r our protection. j , S t dour on from llu above terms. INDUCEMENTS FOR CLUBS. Tli* mi —• that Hat attended our recent effort*, ail i I'm iurest takeu in the Rawer by many of jnirom. hav* induced ut to offer, for the pur ,, ni v fleeting the formation of clubs, tho follow* lug list of 6-ae boti a a.7 V ,v , -:wt! i jro .ir ..ig to u* I" dollar* in current lt..r /'<e<r new subocribero. will receive a i i *f oar •;»; r far on* year, yroti*. in i invar .mg twenty dollar* iu Current. , i, we tviu i'1 mt '■ n copies of tli« Btsstl for j . minvu ”• lube riber*. and BM copy of Uouet's j l.aur'sB s orliasttaw’s Mtcuisiforour year. I ■| ,uv i .-wa’ui.'j thirty dollar* in current w•» w erni/tflrm copies of the Btixu r as'manv tie* »oi*criber». a ltd one copy of tho ... -ut-- Migttiiie and Democratic Review for one year. •; i my one en hug ns the lirpett number (over 'fifteen I of now subscriber*, accompanied with 1;;. advaii1 ■ payment, at the t»*t mentioned rate*, « * will ten ; „n.- copy of tho Spirit of the Time*, iv ih three steel engravings, and one copy ol liiat kwood’s Magsttne for one year. . * tvnnltnnc-i may be mace at oor riaA, and re re pis will Ii* promptly returned. Iu making *ueh r«, italic?*, the /’«/ Mutter * receipt should be ob tained for our protection. Kale* lor 1 early Adicrtitting. ! or ltMmes, <?r I "M each additional ^ j .1 months,( ili square, $$l .. ‘ (j .« |0 " <• •* 8 .. |.j •• J5 •• *• 12 All stan liny advertisement* will be charged at the #*r-r t vite.l rile. nn(*>K« h rnntmrt lu> rn.iis* ahi'ii left fur insertion; and must be paid for iu ad- , v ,i nee. Noii'-rsoa will Lcannounced for any office,either cuy. State, or county, without the advance pay in-nt of live dollar*. ioliticai circular* will be charged a* advertise inent*. and payment required in advance. No ju!» will hereafter he delivered to any person e tn whom we have no regular dealing*, until paid j _ tor. Ail advertisements mu»t be marked with the uum ler of iu*ert t» desired, otherwise they will be I ;.turned until forbid, and ebarged accordingly je Yearly, half-yearly and quarterly advertisers will be confined to their kpitimate business All a r»- i«-rnents of a diiirrent kind, or for other per soi.- will lie charged for at the usual rales. Aii letters must be ar they will not re ce v* sny attention. 1 ' Positively uq variation will be made from the above regulation i JOB PRINTING. The prop »etor of the Arkansas Biuuicr, rf *>, eclfuiiy informs the public, that he in prepared to | • \**cut« every description of Job Work, with neat ness ami dispatch, and at a* Irnc rates as any office in tiie State—such as Rook*, Pamphlets, Hand Kill*, Ntrambost Hill*, I’ndrrs Rill* of Lad iu 7, Hill Head** Horse Hills, Label*, Cards Receipts Ac, \Ua c*»n*tiu»tly on band, Blank Notes i if tk's shcrifP*, duettfe** and Constable** It'ink* of every kind, Blank Deeds of cob u vHnrr, kc, which will bo *old chi up for « » h or city acceptance, and will be sent h\ tD.uI to any part of the Mate, if required. Donation Lands. 1 ' Mb* at this office. Lists of the forfeited land* * - l to donation by the Mate. In actual settlors . bi i»er c< py. or ^6 per dozeu. Postage to ay;, trl oithe country. 7la cents. To Subscriber*. hope that wherever any Irregularity may he ■ *.*r*d in the receipt of the Manner, our *ub # +r% will do us the favor lo give information of > t, m order that the cause inay be ascertained HOt NT Y LANDS. •a I Mi omi'ER.** AND .SOLDIERS OF TOE WAR J NM» \LL THE INDIAN WAR.*4 PISCE ' i'llKIK WIDOW# AND MINOR CHILDREN: UMif K u».% a t of (JnsfrtM, pa*-ed the *>sh 4ny of Rep- ! '■ • it! who •ervtd ib any mjwiHj in *ii») of j i • v*. i- . r iii Mm* nalirti or regular service, for j n*!i ivt -*i A.r inTjil' d to bounty Land, i :»« i I**rvir»*. <1 h* in( in ,«* w .elha or ail the f<>nu«, and i • uul -j mu dl ifie rt*q*i.r* rno/i!- ot lie- »an«»u« tdReea • t -in ini b" prxm uniiK *• a minis n»r .tn l. c at- the muue ujk*h Good I ;i»l ;ii h n- tb** jwlt*nt- tl»**rt*for. -on* -mie-r titu» inli h ill (»lfv>(k Mat** ra |k •> lo. .i i*i ■-apUAU oi • ou* •--if. f ln&Mr)', (orowfira,)mm f r- 'iiin-ni, « ?••“*!. nil-t^*l or vofiuittwreif .or «irart« <|, " .i % <»;• -r ibtiut viiMt iuu4 , !V*r wti.U of *rr • * * i iii'i’. - iv: . . wbdutiM'hani;*<i, iut«J, if tf»ry haw i ■ * ir*. ’'«ard tb«-n If a widow, •ut-* ol w Immu, » •» 1 mamttl. h» r itamr ur-THm-* to m irriac . • it AH- r i >-or hu«)MU«d iiiid if or n<*t *!»*• ih c till a * »l h* f u*bniit| w kill .! -1 battle to »ia!»* it. I' tb»* i'! -rmill'>n l-iraanlfd, it..* wwwmr^ papi r* will b* y in i r»r»>l -»m t" U»e n.i-* for fifn-itvin*. ' 'l*»iu ‘ AddrrapvNi t<» lum will r«* *• , i -uipt attruti..n. 1. \ WUItXi.r.V, \fkiii-.v-* R.miter * HRc«. l.itile Eix-k, Ark*. Ilarilirare. Harthrare. ' IMIE subscriber uutli re-j.-^-clfuily inform hi* • t- • u*’‘ mm, and i;. • public jjpf.erally, that he hat i i eiici!, | tr steamer Exchange and Di*patch. the t_I and best s*.Vcfe.| »lucli of Hardware, ever • if •*•,! in tin* market—consisting, in part, of the following; II .‘Si Sin,'h R-'loa., Anvil*, Vices, 8ledge and I i I Hiiarn 'i., Horse Shoe, and Nail*. !fi dozen c .inmon Knives and Fork*; 8 dozen !• ' ' ' balance} do ; poriit,Prn, and deik Ki i-ci; li dozen superior Razor* (Wade h Butch " ■ U ’.l i.’ Shear*. Scissors, ai d g-D1'* |>.>ckcl ' *" r*. Britannia, German Silver and Iron Steel*, ■M ii g Knives. ~>h ’in.*, dint. In 1 per gun lock*; gun worm*. | n !• wipers, poor ’er fl .«ks, pistol d>., oil tl; .1*. shot 1 . a I pouches, gain- bag*, full hook* and hue*, n. . cine iU-k« gun nipples, water proof per. ca|», cuinmon du. I \ full -uppity of pad locks, rim do. mnrt. do. col ’jnfloirt, l.npiji. s’ ire .toitto, and plate lock*, .pure latches, screws, butts and hinges, brass ■ ns , Dan-'/ K-n’urkv’'and Simm-vris’axei, ' •! x*», hand .'.t»o, Collins- do., shingling, “• Am. lath ditto, claw ditto, hammer* of all • 'I -quire*, c .* Socket and h'liter chisel*. »’ and hinge*, single and double bench piano*, •i»h •... la, hand saws,—brasa, shoe an 1 coin, tacks, I- <• tn-.lures, b ass screw, • wing and peg! « r'J UK, stirrup irons, kook*, lari is ant (5er. St. silver tt.nuUe , single rein snaps, ipnng baian ' s l eps r, null sa vs. X rut saw . ti es, horse '* i '■ -h-1 • brass ai.d Jap'd, esn lie slicks. Mi itfer*, \ atel hor* • man • cotnbs, cotton cards, wool do h - Cards cm -V. 1*. oar’d., bung borer*, shovel and tongs, cn 1 wr-. ches, knitting | ms. *cking, -hoe hru-he-, paint marking and crumb . while wa<h h-ushes, cloth,than, and sliavrng ’ . t.Mtb ft-sh do , counter do. t r'.cit an ! stopcocks, um-si gates, spurt, cu • ‘ 1 '*• cotton tines ant r p-, pencil'p.dnts, v"/‘ ! 1^*t, pencil*, s', shaving box- ! ! ■ -I and steel hoes, polished traces and log chain*, tilth chain*, plastering, hrmb, and pointing ' wet*, dealers, ship .Craper*, brats handled and - eh* iron fire lions, sheep -hears, G. S saws, her kniiei, »t,oe dj , fry pans, sheet ircmfaod ' - ' a kettles, gut irons, razor stro|<a, cotton •<s. inat.illa rope, sl.tes, drawing-knives, nut f t vers. K.c. he . which, having recer tly purchat <'*ihs BW Yorlt. *t ablt* him to setl}at^icat|bar Ut JOHN t> ADAMS „ iorccr Steuwioiir tm imj W»cL, Die. 17, 1850. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOMM • IDDALL. ALKt. r. fiUKN(- iUIIH o. * UffMl. SIDDALL, GREENE & CO., COTTO.T FACTOR, DOJBW3883339 A993 ?OaV7A3B3S?3® M E II C II A A T S , XO. AS CAMP KTRKKT, NEW ORI.KAN*. IO«K«GHEEKW.)OD i H. IIKALP. T, t. ADAMS IIOKKM CIRKKKWOOD, A CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING \n, GG Magazine Street, opposite the Mouth of flank Alley, NEW ORLEANS, LA. Iff- Partirulai attention paid to the file of COT I ON, TOBACCO, AND OTHER PRODUCE— he collection ai d remittance of Fund*—am! the purchase and shipment ol Merchandise generally., THOM AS L. WHITE, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, NO. A3 I'.tXAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS. LAW, MEDICAL, MISCELLANEOUS, AND SCHOOL BOOKS. wmrm® paper,. Fu- Cup, Letter and Note Wrapping paper of eariout uuaiitiet. tll'ILLS STF.KI. PENS, I\K, , And* jsmrnil ■uorlmriit of Blank Book*. Country Merchants amt Teachers are requested to call and examine the Stock. I leb.13 93-IV i JAMES MATTHEWS. WM. TOWEL!,. I JAMl> MATl’HEWS St CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MannfactnreTN Agents ! FOE THE (ALE Of NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, COTTON YARNS 1 Slc.. No. 53 WALNUT STREET, south of Colombia, Cincinnati, Ohio. Reeee to—T D Merrick $ Ce , ITm.B. H'aif, Walter Mitchell, II Brogan, l). Bonder 4- Co , end Jacob Hairkine. Little Rock. Feb 3, 1*50.—7—92—ly l«i:\J A MIA ( II.LCADGR, (Rircenorto Wm. T. Eustis A Co.) So. 49 and 44. Pearl Street, Barton MastackuteUe, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN POHK11.N .v UOMESTIC HARDWARE, ! HAS a constant supply of Haeiiwaek and Ovt. LEET adapted to the trade of the Southwest. I From an experience of twenty year* in the trade of that arclion, he iaconfideut that he can aopply merchants, either in persou or by order, with the styles and qualities of goods desirable, and on terms that shall be satisfactory *»* 1). C gives particular attention to consign ments of Cotton, Peltries and other produce of the country that may be consigned to him for sale. Sept. 25. 1849—T—3—1 v ti palmer. jameji h massev. JONKPII H. PALM IK sV CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PORKIOW AtD D0MEST30 DT1Y GOODS, 1 47 CAMP—NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 10, 1850. 8-1—ly A. F. COi lIK * A A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS AND ] Dealers in Foreign and Domestic FRUITS, NUTS, WINES &.C. POWDER! POWDER!! A GENC1T til lhe celebrated «• Chry.tal Powder JA. Company,” in Keg-, Halves and Quarters,and Cans of one anil five pounds. Guarantied Superior to any manufactured. No. 2" Tchoupiloulas Street, New Orleans. January 15, 1850.—7—19—ly NEW WHARF BOAT. A . LOAD A CO., GENERAL AGENTS, 1 (OMISSION (NO FORWARDING MERCHANTS. X APOl.KOX, IRK. rpHt: PROPRIETORS have purchaaed an en X lire Iy nrir bout, with tpleudl.l accommodation* It will afford ample and aecure along* room for eight hundred ton*, and ia capable of accommoda ting fifty passenger*. They are prepared, aa heretofore to do buaiuea* at (ieneral Agent*, to Ueceire, Forward, aud Pay Charge#. They promlae to give their particular at tention to all bu»ine»« entrusted to them. The Proprietor* will guarantee that thi* boat will aland the inspection of auy luaurance Olhce in the LTniled State* references: A. B Shaw fc. Co., Memjhit, Trot. James Hibba*i>,I j. C A Stewakt, j S*Po1'0*- -1,k Jaa Timms it Co., i H. H. Tpcrkb. % l.iltt* R*ck, Ark. r. I>. klkiitrt It Co , S Most* (ImvenoD fit Co,, ) », „ . Waltom. Saaroau &. Co. \ * 8*pl 10,1*50 1 — 1 y l>«*m copy. JUSTICE. «{VT AVr\G been elected, r.Hnmu»i.nied aud qnail(led a* a aflt Ju«liee of lb. reaee for III, R.n-k To*vn*hh>. Pulaski county, Arfcaiua*. I am (»■ pu/r.t to annul, oibeiah,, to an> laaatuea* iutruated to me ptiriclu-*!ly t ntne at th* law ot5* > of I, v tVmnUt, Esq , eornee of Mam and Elm street*, tmd* r the Arkunaaa Mantr f oith-e. JOHN 1. TIIOMPMOV Link buck. Ark*., N*>*. 5, 1050. ffitl'N and STEEL—4,00. I ha fiat, round an A square bar iron: WKl lb* horaeahoe Iron: j 50 11iatnoad Plow .Mould*: • 50 Cary do do 400 iba Spring Steel ISO •• Caruian do Ueceived and for nale bv 1 Feb 12 WM U. WAIT. Xew Arrival! New Ueodil UST received, per “Sauls It" nud *Sl Francis” and fur ant* cheap: I Boa Maeareni. 1 •• Varmieeill, 1 Bbl St,wart pow'daugnx 3 Korea piue np cheete, S Kbit mulaatea, IB •• sugar, 2 •• No A loaf tuger, 1 cask Malaga wine, 2 Hot* No. I Mackerel, A J Hr I T, if fiat t/rrW. 12 pr Boy* Boot*, &• pr .Mena do C dor wool hat*. 1? pc* Liuaey, 4 •* Martboru etripea, 5 •• Merino, It *• Gee Ptaiua, 7 “ Jean* I •* fine BIK Alpaca, Oec 31-no 17. JOH!V n. AD.ins, mumm nn forwarding ierchw, BRICK ttoRSER LOWES ETF.^WBoaT LANDING, LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, KEEPS emmlKiitly on hand a larfe and general aanortmrnt ofllrrKoodi, Clothing, IInrd ivarr, Hai'nixvarf, llut) and t ap-, Hoot n <1 shoe, SHildlct), stnlionnn, Grottiid, Produce, Ac., Ac.; all uf which will be aolJ rerv cheap for CASH. Oct. If 1-5).—«—4—tf Hew (iociN! \nv (*oo<!«. undersigned have just rec»-ir*«} their Fall j X ami Winter &\rck, cpiiMsting in part, of ftrowu Amf Bleached Domestics, French. KnsfHsli mid American Print*; Black Alpaca IJoeery; LadieN* Dress and Mourning Collar*; Ladies’ White Black M»pi»er»; Ladies’ and Childrens’ L?iced Boot*; Freneli Artificial Fowers A general assortment of Boots, Shoe*, Hardware, j Cutlery, Saddlery and Queenswar*. which they will ' rell cheap for CASH or Country Produce. FATHKRLY & CLEMENTS, I Dec. 17, 1850 Corner Main and Markham Sta. | IVm <>oods! IVew Coods! JOHN I) ADAMS lia• ju.«t received. and i« now ' opening. at hia store, lower »te,nbnat laodirj, : • general ami well selected «t irk of Dr, flood*. f.lo Aing, Hair, Capa. Boot,, Shoes, Stationery, dee., kc.; all of vh'1-i) he jj selling very low lor CASH imfTr CASH only. Call and see O* Produce will b* purchased at the higheat . WILL be paid for the apprehension and confinement, no that I can ret linn. narket rate*. I.illle Rock, Oct. 44. 9100 Reward if m rarliiii V. _» AI ind notice given me at Pine Flat Postoffice, JJ, j 3o**ier Parrish, Louisiana I>K9CK1I*T10.\_He ia about 30 ye,,, old. >lack completion, very short and heavy built, otnmouly wear* a long beard, and very quick spo ;en. He is supposed to be In the viciuity oi Lit is Rock or Patesville. CHAS LEWIS. Nov. 26. 185(1. 12 If Itatut* ! Mjftmis ! POR SALE, upon low terms, the E *5 Sec. 9, Township 2 North, Haag* West, containing 320 acres. And ths of the North-west quarter of Sec Ion 15, Township 2 North, Range 9 W., ontaining 80 acres Enquire of D. C. ELLPON, Markham St. next door to the .Idthoao House. Nov. 26, 1850. I5 1 tiotliiii);. I m DOZ. fine cloth Over-Coats; L ew 1 •* “ Beaver •* do.; 1 dot. fine Pilot Cloth do.; 4 •• Blanket Over-Coats, as-ortad 2 “ Cloth Lock and drc-.* Coats, assorted: 2 “ Sack Coals *• 6 “ pr«. doe-skin ami Fieuch C i«sm:cre Pants; « “ Satinet .• hirf* Drswer*. Over-alls, ftc., Ke. Just received, per wagons, ami for sale, very low, y JOHN D. ADAMS, Lower Steamboat Landing. Bassins. Rope and Twine, HI ECEIV tl>, per steamer ‘ Penny wit," the fol L lowin' goods; 1200 yard* Bagging; 900 ihs. Hale Rope; 50 lbs. Twine A. J. HI TT. D*r- 1°- Main St. Powder and i ami lew. Received, p«« steamer "Exchange,” 19 kegs)/ I Rule Putvder; 500 pds, sitar Candles; or «»le I y A. J. IIUTT. lire 10. Main St. Booth! Boot IU8T received, by I the undersigned, he following, lo wit: 24 pi. Fishermen’* Pegged Boots; 24 pai> Hunting heavy Peg boots. 24 pr. Coik soled Pegged Boots; 36 pr. Kip Slugged 21 pr. Extra Plumb sole Calf Boots; Sts pr. line Calf sewed •* 72 pr. Snpeiiot Mud •* 72 pr. thick Kip Pegged <• [gins-, 240 pr. worn’*. Seel and Kip heeled Spring Bio 240 pr. men’s sup Russel Brogans; 120 pi. boys’ “ “ 240 pr. men’s heavy hlk. " 120 pr. hoys’ " •• »< 6 cases s’out snd common Kip Brogans; V’hiets, log* 'her with * gieat varietynf Pdcka Boots, •see Bouts, Winter Boots, Bothnia* Excel. Slip u<tv aim cuuiimin k arm k*ii|ir |vul er*. Mi*# Fox'd Gaiter*' Rubbed Burkin*, chil- . ren'a Roan, Goat and Call, and Sewed Pei; Boot* lei Shoes, 4.C.. he., make* up the Urge*! and but i rleclej stock of tire kind ever be foie olferad in this i*iket. All which will be sold at price* to suit tbe lost experienced buyers. A. J. HUTI\ Main it. Little Rock, Dec. 3. 1S50. 13 Caah for Pelirie*! [ WISH to buy Fifteen Hundred Dollars worth of : [ first rate PKI.TItV! to be delivered between . it* and the lUlli Jan'y nest, for which the highest larket price in SPECIF will be paid. Peltry deal [<* w ill pleaaa give nie a call before selling slas hers. A. J. HUTT, Main St. Little Rock, Dec. 3, ISM. 13— MfW (aOOtla. [\TF have now on hand a lull assortment of ata v v pie Dry G.iods, (iroeeriev, Hardware,Queens' fane. Boot*. Shoe*, Hiti and Clothing, which we fill sell at the lowest pnrr lor Cash, or in exchange il Cotton, Reel Hides and Prltiies. T. D MERRICK 4 CO. December 17, ItCO 15 t'oflVr and Kugar. CB ECEIVED, per ateamrr “Uaipire,” IV » bail el* Sugar; IC sacks Kio Cotfee; io.l for vale tiy A. J HUTT. Dec. I Main SI . | laiquorw and Witten. r CASKt. Brandy, 1th proof; J t “ Mad*ua Wine; I «• Port Wine; 2u Haskett Champagne Win?; on consignment ; nd for sale low. , j T. D. MERRICK 4 CO. December 17, 1850. 15 Flour. BBL8 Bt Louis extra Superfine, received per “Pvnnywit,” and for'sale by January 4 WM. B WAIT 100 ie# ns mainline cisriiu. JUST received at the .New York alore too veals; Son pair pants; j 2*81 coat* assorted. For sala cheap for C A * If. by KANTROWICH 4 JOELSON. , 91-tf. ' Jan. 28. THE .BANNER- [ LtNRKRT J. RKIRnOR, LXRREH T A. WHirvijKI. ) i • - . Ecitoiw LITTLE HOCK: TI RSn iT MOUSING, MAIUII RA, HiT Agency for the Akraatas Hnnaer. (tf- Mr Wm. K tic \ i« authorized to set a» ' l-OHt for the BmmnrT, at LortCreek. S«ll»e roomy tf-t" Mr. Gsobok Bik.oj i« authorised to set as | tgeut for the Baunrr. u^ui. B tiff. Ark. &jh K. W. Casa, Geis-rsl Agent. Kvitna* iiail.J- I Nurtb-wml corner Third aud Walnut streets, Philadelphia. it authorised to set •* Agent for -Mhe drttant /fanner ’’ J. J., Kw}., No 26 Camp Street. New . Orleau, i* our exciusive Agent to procure mid eoi- , lect names for advertising, dtc . iu that city. Bills Passed. At Washington on the 3d ins?., the following bills passed the House of Representatives. A bill diieetirg two regiments of infantry to be converted into mounted riflemen was taken up, ! slightly ant"tried amt passed. Talent Office re . port received and 140,000. copies ordered to be printed. Bill making appropriations for light hou ses was taken up and passed. Tiie bill from the Senate relative to tbe liabilities of ship owners taken up and paused. Bill trim the Senate against , constructive mileage of members of Congress was passed. The Senate bill to ascertain anu settle j private land claims in California was taken up : and passed. Joint resolution which has already passed the Sedate, toques tiqg the PreeidetK to , direct a national vessel to bring Kossuth and hi* companions to this country was passed. Several1 ineffectual attempts were mads Pi take up Senate t lulla for relief of the indigent insane, and to cre ate the office of Lieut Gcnertl. Was«i.v;to>, March 6. Skxat*.—The Chair called ihe Senate to order 1 and ordered the galleries nosed. ;i Mr. Badger said before the gdlenea were closed I he had a resolution to submit. The Chair said this was an executive session, j and no business could lie tnnurinl well . doors. Mr. Bather said fruia Lat decision, I sp- i peal. Mr. Cooper said before further ac|».n, I wish to i annouure that my colleague. Mr. Broad head, is l present. Mr. Broad he ad Urea presented himself I and took the oath of office. M. Clay said if no business can be done with I open doors, how can a Senator be sworn in. t Now a lon_' debate followed. Messrs. Walker and Bright sustained the decision of the Chair, and Messrs. Clay, Badger, Husk, Atchison, Maiigum, I am! others, opposed it. The resolution was than withdrawn and the | journal of yesterday read. i t Mr. Bright submitted his resolution, and Mr. BartgrY Objected to tho-feception. j t The Chair decided that the resolution could be | received, and it waaread, directing that each Sena tor be supplied with twelve copies of the Cong res- I siona! Globe for the Imi two sessions. i Mr. Berrien, from the committee appointed to)' wait on the President, reported that they had per- I formed the duly assigned them, and the President t lnlonned them he would cominuuicale uiunediale- i c ly. i Mr. Bright appealetl to the decision of the Chair,1t allowing his resolution to be received, ami the ap- <: peal was debated. The Chair wins sustained— 11 yeas 41. nays 3. The resolution was laid over, i t Mr. Clark offered a resolution requesting the t President to communicate to the next session of11 the Senate, a statement of navigation arid commerce < between the United States aud countries with j w horn we have no treat ics of reciprocity since 1821, •: particularly with France, Spain, Portugal, and i Ilayti, which was laid over. a Mr. Davis, of Mass., offered a resolution requir t ing the Secretary of the Treasury to rcjxjrt at the a next session, the number of steamers, and persons <! employed thereon, dec., in each collection district, i arranging ocean steamers, propellers, ferry, and or - '< ' dinary steamers hi district classes, which was laid 1 over. Mr. Pearce offered a resolution re-appointing a Jeff. Davis as one of the Regents of the Smithson r ian Institution—adopted. r Mr. Foote offered a resolution directing Mr. t Richie’s contract and the document containing t?ie r decision of the Supreme Court printed by him for, the Senate, to be referred to the Attorney General, r and that he be paid out of tin- contingent fund of s the Sen,vo whatever the Attorney General shall r aw ard him for printing that document; also, for all u printing done for the Senate during the thirty first' Congress, that Ritchie l>e paid out of ti;e contin v gent fund half the pr.ees of eighteen hundred and nineteen. Laid over. i l Mr. Downs offered a resolution calling on the a War Department to furnish the Senate with a re port of the surveys of the Mississippi. Mr. Maugiiui offered a resolution that two thou- \ aand extra copies of the Espy rejeirt uu metcuiulo- 1 , IfV hv tr» Pruft-CiKtr P.tnv nvpr The Senate then went into executive session, j , The Senate then adjourned. j Larne numbers of nominations were sent in by a the President, ammo; them the following: Hon. ; John L<-cds Kerr of Mary!ami, Minister to Bogota; p Mr. Easby of Washington, Commissioner of Public 1 Buildings: George J. Curtis of Patents. Vn Eu- a bank; lion. Hubert C. Schenek of Ohio, Minister to • „ Brazil; Mr. Maiiuiiuud, P. M. at Lancaster Pa.; J] Mr. Marker of the State Department, Charge to Copenhagen. Coranuttee cm foreign atraire reported the follow „ ing treaties; oue wilt, Switzerland, negotiate*! by ' _ Mr. Mann, with a unanimous recommendation in * its favor, with the exception of the Jewish d.aabiti- f tv clause which it is proposed to strike out oue t with Portugal, which country offered to pav a j certain sum and to leave the disputed portion to be a settled by arbitration, m> ralihcaiioa uuaninsuuxty i , recommended; the one with Mexico, which onuu- r Uy offered to peiinit the Touhaatepcc Hud Itoad „ to t* constructed, and appropriatesseven leagues i, of land on each side of the proposed line for that * purpose; it also extends to Aniencaa citizens equal x rights |>rivile«es with Mesicam: tlie report of the y Comae.tee is unanimous in tie laior. 8 The block of marble for the Washington i: National Monument, prepared at the instance of , the t)dd Fellows of Philadelphia, has reached its t destination m safety. The following inscription ut i cut iiism it in uenl characters, finely glided, “at tribute of i ■ neral on and gratitude trim the sub 1 oidmate lodges of the Independent-Order of </dd i Pc I lows of this city and county of Philadelphia, < Bute of Pennsylvania, in commemoration of the ■ devoted patriotism, the csatle-i virtues, and the I illustrious deeds of him a hose memory is an ada ; < mint me link in the National Union.” After! | which, in the same stvle, * engraved the uam- v ami number of seventy two subordinate lodges of : I the city and county of Philadelphia. Near tbc i top of the hi wfc is carved in has relief the words ■ " 1. O. of O. P.” At the head and bottom of each ■ column af name* a carved in this manner, the i three links of • hid Fellowship. the date A.D. lMtJl l anl the motto, “ Equality out platform, beuevo- i l uce our duty, universal fraternity our aim." I Freni tfestoa. Boston, March 7. The Daily Advertiser Published Ha morning. . contains a communication fium Geo. C. Curtis, j ■ explanatory of and sustaining his position, and j. saying that the recent negro hot was an act of ! levying war against the Untied Buies, awl there-1 fore tb« participators were guilty of high treason,1 Tlie Common CouuctI last night appointed a i committee- of thirteen to write to President Fill- j mote and invite him to visit Boston. Congressional Proceedings. T1IIKTV FlMr CON«nw*4-3iEC.>MO W**iiisuto>i. Feb. 18, 1HAO. TICS WIDOW OK MBIT COL. W*. OKKY. Mr. Burt from the tame rvmnvttee, reported ■ bill for the relief of the widow of the late Lira, tenant Colonel William Grey, of Arkansan; which j was rtiul a first and second time bv i‘s title. Mr. B. said: I me move that, the bill be put upon its passage: and u 1 shall wot aak that anv i other bill which I shall report from that commit- j tee Ik- put upon its pa.-v-ayi , and as the pt tuicuian from Arkansas 'Mr. Ji.hwiwn; takes a very great tr’ereat in tots tail, whose tens of aervk*,- expires with the present session of Ongwai, I am. the more earnest tW it should reerTtr'inmefra'd con sideration of the House. I shall tie greatly obliged if the House allow me five minutes to explain the’ reneral nienta of the bill, after which 1 hope it i will tie <las(>o«cd of a' uuec. Mr. Sjieaher, this bill is for the relief of the wid r»w of the laic Lieutenant Colonel W illiam Grey, if the State of Arkansas, whose husband rose from ’ tin- ran* of a private soldier to that of lieutenant 1 uolouvl of a fail battalion of infantry and dragoons, j who volunteered from the State of Arkansas mj the Mexican war. He enlisted as a private soldier, j int was elected to the command of a battalion of mtanlrv, consistiae of thru; companies, and two :ompameaof dragrootu. He < 'omniaiidt U that bat- : laiion with great credit to himself and benefit to] ■its rot:ntry; but inasmuch ns hr slid a majority of .he troops uruler his commaud were infantry, the Department paid him ouly the compensation of a leutenaet colonel ol" infantry. I suppose that by lorne construction of the rules of that IVp.irtm. nt lewis entitled to n» higher pay. Tliey reeom neuded that he should receive relief from Con ] tress. Hut widow, 1 am informed, is entirely d* s ilute, and that is my only excuse for asking this 1 now to take up and pass this lull. 1 lie- i ■eve that were merits of the bill well understood. > lot a single member on tins floor would object to U iminodjau: passage. Mr Williams moved that the bill be referred to; he Committee of the whole House. Mr Bnrt. 1 would remark that the bill asks only ; he ddletence between the pay of a lieutenant . alone 1 of infantry and dragoons. I ask that the till be read. ] It was read. The .Speaker said the hill could only be consul- ! red bv unanimous I'oiwteul. Mr Uiddiugs objected. Mr Burt said the bill makes no appropriation ; ind on this account be thought it did not require : he unanunous consent of the House to entertain he bill. The Speaker said that the bill provided an ap !ropn«;inii of money oqt of the Treasury In pay I he additional compensation provided in the bill. Mr (jiddincs withdrew his objection. • i Mr Fowler asked if the hill required an appro- I riatiou? The Speaker replied in the affirmative. Mr Fowler asked what was the amount asked o be appropriated! Mr Hurt said it merely asked to raise bis pay to i ha! oT lieutenant colonel of cavalry instead of tU> 1 ay nf that trade m the infantry. Sir JuHNSON. of AiKansas. This gentleman aa held the rank of lieuUuautcolonel in the Ar- j i), and has performed a highly mcnlouous str ive. During the Mexican war he comma ftden a cat ‘ tlnn of Uoojis. Those troops consisted of two ompames of cavalry and three ol infantry. The j leparuncnt determined that, as a majority of his roeps were infantry, he should receive pay <u> an > (beer of infan'ry only. Now, his services were emlen d more as an officer of cavalry than that of , nfauuy. The department thought they had not he power to pay him more than for the service of) n officer of infantry, but they recommended his a«e tb Congress for relief. Now. sit, the widow of this gallant officer is re- ! uced to destitute circumstance*. Her husband ted soon after the close of the war. and left his ! ccounts unadjusted. It is for these reasons that ins bill has been presented. It seems tome to be j very n.eliUqioas cast. The bill allows only the ; tfference of Sis per niiinth greater than the IW- : artinent was permitted tn allow. I hope the hill i fill receive the favorable consideration of the l louse. Mr Fowler. 1 do no! know that the case is not meritorious one; u hen I aiu callcd^upon to put ly have! into the Treasury I want to know how . inch .3 to t e appropriated. Now, as do n<>t know lie amount which is demanded. 1 think i have the . gilt to ask if I can get that information. j .Mr JOHNSON, of Arkansas. Well; sir, su, ninths, 1 understand, is the time for which the •rvice continued. Now, the bill asks lor an in- i ream on his pay of f 18 per mouth. The gentle-1 tan can make the calculation for huitv If. Mr Fowler. That is something definite; I know 'hat that means. j Tlie tall was then ordered to he engru*s<tl; and avmg been engrossed; it was read a third time ml passed. PAYMENT FOR HORSES. Mr Caldwell from the same committee, to which ■ ad been referred the lull of the House to amend | ii act entitled **An aet to nrnvide lor the n.ivm. ni . f hursts am! other property lust or destroyed m j ic military Service of the L ulled Suites," appro* il Sd March, 4f*19, reported the same hack with ! mendments. ' r \ Mr Caldwell asked that the bill be put on its assure. , Mr Phelps asked that the bill tie read, with the mcndmi nts. and said that he would endeavor to* ive it a brief explanation, m order to show thatit1 ucht to be passed. The bill was read, as follows: Bt >1 titacl* i 6y thf Srnut- un i H me of Riprt- j i HMtun of' Iht l rul'd Suit* of Amertat n < <m rrm atrntl.'td, That the above recited act tie, and lie sam< is hereby so amended as to embrace the launs of any field, or staff, or other officer, won ut d militiaman, volume- r, ranker, or cavalry who as sustained, or shall sustain damage by the bandonrneut or destruction of a horse or horses,! nd equipage, or either, by the order of the (’-im 1 landing *«• neral or other Commanding or superior’ fftcer, quarterui.isu;r,_ut «a"ii master, or by the ass of a horse or horses, and equipage, or either a eonseij’it nee of his being unable to procure a uffieicn* supply of forage, wh.-n incumbent upon tin by the terms nf hi* aitpoimoi- ut or < htotmeat, a furmau lam ow u forage, or he shall haw received umiuutaUoii iu luuui > Iherelur, or in coiiat) uence I f having sold, abandoned, or otherwise disposed , f has horse or horses, and equipage, or either, be ., a use ordered by his uffii <rr to embark and leave! ke same, and the l ulled SUle» faded lo supjilvi ! ran p ru'Kin therefor, or by Die loss of a horse or ' ■ ofses and optipagd, or either in consequence of i aid horse ru horses, and equipage, or either, having l scoped, strayed or I wen stolen or injured, or by 11 uy other unavoidable accident w’latever, ur by , I sung, by order of the Commanding (federal, or 1 thet commanding or vupen ,r officer, turned over^ i its horse iw horses, and equipage. or either, to anv 11 uartenuaster, ur otter authorized agent of tin luted Mates, whether a receipt therefor u pro i laced or nut, uthy having re Mew his horse or W- | ' es on express, or aay ether severe and fatiguing, Italy, by order of his CVajimamling (Itucisl. or other I omuiauding or superMir officer, FrmuUd, That in j tie adjudication and seltkiueut of the claims un let this act, and the act to which it is amendatory, here shall hereafter be deducted from the value d such 1 worse or bur sea, and oq tupage, or e net nopertv, only such payment as the claimant shall lave received fur the use and risk of, or for for- ! m fur, such horse or horses after the ham there- j a, and before he was again remounted, and in j are* where the claimant was not agin* remain n , ed, there shall tie deducted only such payments1 is be a hail have received for the use and rwh of, j w fur forage for such horse or horses after the toss hereof, and up to the date of his discharge, but not for the use am) risk thereof, or (or forage there-1 fir, while traveling home-. Sfer. 2. Amd te ,1/mnktr mThai an t» provisions of thw act. and of the act tow hick it ■ amendatory, shall Sc conitriiad to, and tbaU ewe brace the damn of officer* nf'tho rcrnlar army as well ae the claims of mbnlnaa, aw) shunts far the Joea of any hone, mule. o*. wagon, cart, Soar, sleight, and harness, or either, w Nile such proper ty was in the military service of the Tnited State*, either by impressment or emtraet, amt far the low of a horse or home*, and (xjuigags. of rather, fur wished roiuuleers, whether minor* or of Tuli spe, hy any guardian or other person, and fie the than of imtrfarjL arms and iiccottr. ments, or n<<esn*ry clothing furnished fv the claimant lumsclf, or re ceived hy bun from the tailed State*hy the terms of bis enlistment. ■ S-e* *. fa it f«r*te*~»3b«u-/. That itt the adinvhration and settlement of airv a-.a nil claims under this set, or the net to which it m ameiristory, w hero it is iiiiprac.Ueabie to obtain the cnden<v of the witness or witnesses refill red by the rules jm:. j scribed hy the Secretarr of War under the art w>' which this act is amendatory, by reason of *uch: witness or ivitnr«.’i uotthciag pseavnt at the ptaee of resilience of the cl iimaut, the evidence ol‘ any other officer, or of anf two privates of the com pony to which thertiomant belonged. shall he con sslercd, add be sufficient to establish the claim and authorize its allowance, and that tint omission, erasure, or obliteration of any loss or losses, or any remark or remarks made on the Mister rolls, shall not he considered, or be contradictory of, ot pre vent the allowance of any loss or tonnes when the same shall have been testified to under oath. Sec. 1, AuJbeit further rnnetrf, That the audit ine and sealing the dawns provoked for in this art, snd the act to which it is amendatory, an appeal maybe taken and prosecuted from the decision of the Auditor, whether heretofore or hereafter made, reierting the chum, to the Second i'omptroller of Ihe Treasury, whose >ho'unon shall ho conclusive. The amendments proponed by the committee were then read, as follow*: Amend 1st section: 1st. In line 18 strike out the won I “suM:‘’ also, in same line, strikeout "or otherwise disposed of." j 2d. In line 29 strikeout the word “fatiguing,” snd insert in lieu thereof, “extraordinary." , I Amend 3d see;ion: 1st. In line 8 strikeout the word "evidence, ** ind insert the word “affidavit" in lieu thereof. 2d. After the word "other,” in 9th line, insert "credible and respeetable;” snd also insert same ; words after the word “two,” ta same line. 3d. Strike out in the Uth lute, after the word 1 ‘not.’ tth. And at the end of the section the words, "in !he manner hereinbefore prescribed." Sec. 6. Anil hr It (vrthrr rnacjtrd. That the prr> riiHOtis of the second section of lix act entitled “An »ct to provide for the payment of horses and other property lost or destroyed in the military service of t he I'nited states," approved March 3, l849, be ! •onstructed to extend to offiu-ra and soldiers who i lave been in the military service of the I'm ted ' States, whether mounted militiaman, volunteer, i 'anger, or cavalry. The hill was passed. RIVER AND HARBOR R!U. On motion of Mr. Mcl.ane, th< House resolved 'self ttito committee of the whole on the stale of he U nion on the rivet and harbor bill, (Mr. M> ede u the chair.) The Chairman stated that the pending question ; vaa the substitute offered liythe gentleman from d*nd**dl Mr/ Melauel i« iheucunnni Mh 1 he fi dbra mg clause m the subsUtuto was r a.t, r “For the improvement of the Mississippi river be ow the Rapids, the Chionver hefow ibe Falls at ‘ souisville, and the Missouri, Illinois, Teunessee, I ind Arkansas rivers, 9240,000. Mr. J< tHNSfIN, of Arkansas, nnved so to amend j he above clause as to read a* follows: “For the improvement of the Mississippi river, i he Ohio river below the Fulls at Louisville, and he Missouri and Arkansas rivers, SCtO.OOii; and or the Illinois and Tennessee rivers, f4<X>,0tXl ach.” Mr. J. said: The friends of 'hese two n'Crs (the rennewee and Illinois) will receive by tins amend- 1 aent, that I propose to give to these rivers by this ! rrangeinent just as lante an appropriation as the) vi 11 or can net out of the appropriation of tl lO.Utlli, f they cbonne to place these 'wo rivers m the same ecimu with that containing this app opriatiou tor he Mun>isni|>pi, Arkansas and Ohio rivers. Now very ge nth man iu this House must allow that an ppropriation of #210,000 for the Mississippi, Ohio, ud Arkansas is altogether inadequate ann mauf icieut. 1 perceived that there is a general con iction in the committee, that this appropriation of '40,030.for these rivers is at best but small; and j hat to place two other rivers With them, to diinm- I »h the amount of appropriation that would be ap dir able to th‘> improvement ol each, w very little hurt of sacrificing and Ireaibni; upon the righto of : he whole valley of the Ohio and Mississippi. Mr. Williams. Might 1 suggest io the gentle- ; aau from Arkansas to e it large his motion? jMr. JOHNNON. I have reflected upon propos j ng a huge appropriation, but it appears to ne that f my present motion carries, the gentleman eau ; I Ur w arils move to enlarge the amount. If I were i o consult my own convictions as to what I con- j idi red would tat a proper amount, I should have i iropnwM an appropriation or at i»*wri iwj,uui» to arh. If, M I huve already nan!, the committee 1 Imuld afterward* conclud* lha' a large amount rould be preferable, it can be so voted. Now it must be remembered, that upon the bo- , om of the Mississippi alone, commerce to the ; mount of at least u> annually borne. ; )n the Ohio, Tory nearly $Ht6,0U0,tiUU. Certainly i n these river* together, the amount of commerce ! oust b<.- over MOT,000,000. 1 would ask, gentle- j Ten, to nmemberthe fad, that these are all river* f the firs: magnitude andelaaa. 1 know it ui aatd hat if we come to analyse the amount of conmansi has n aetnaH . h-mie on the Ixatotn ot the Arkan-! as river, that that rivet cannot make so great a how. but allow anewa should be made, ju view of ; rhat will be th* fart after a series of years. We j now not the change* that fitly or fifty yean mat ' fleet in the amount of coaamerce on that purlieu »r river. The Arkansas is, i believe, in point of length the , eeond river in the I'uited States, if not on the rhole continent of Amerira. I know that the el- I rlit to which it is navigable has never be* n aacer- | aiued. It has been proved to be navigable seven nindred mites from its tnouth. and under ordinary i ireumatances can be usvigated, 1 have every i«s i on to suppose, a distance wf one thousand units. . <0 vessel,- it ui true, has ever peuelrated ao far, ' tom the Niihpte laet that there are no settlement* it so great a distance flow the tuouln, that t ivih-' a Is >41 has not yet penetrated ao far. * This Arkansas river takes ,ts rue in the Rocky louritaiiM, and. as I have sand, it is a river of the 1 cry best magnitude, and 1 trust that the fro nds, <f a fair and general system of m’erual improve- , lie 11U will not ovtrflook it. I merely with to aitd hat 1 am a (rand of internal improvement*, and hat 1 oiler this aiuendmeut ui good faith. Mr. Kitch opposed the auKielrueot. lie as id 11 tm sorry to be found in opposition to any alomsd EM. nl which my friend tnsn Arkansas may think j ►toper; but I am oppisied not only to hia agoehd uent, but also to the substitute, which embraces j he Illinois and Tennessee men. 1 find neither; 11 the estimates of the last ut of the pteaenl year1 my estimate ft* th(«e streams Of the Tennessee | iver I have no personal knowledge. It may he a j rery large sird important river, and it may demand •he fiult ring care of the Federal Oovciuiiieiit.— rhe Illinois river 1 know to be no such thing. I [rant that it is a beautiful, navigable stream. but it is coniined esciuaivcly within the Lawks of one vtatg. aud there is no reason wliatever why there ihould be a discrimination made in favor of it and against the Wabash. You may abege that the Wabash is confined within the limit* of Indians, but suck <a not entirety the case, becaane it forms in pan the boundary between that Mate and iUt uou. It is a river of eertamly tajual w^ionaiiie with the Illinois river, and if the one is deluded the other must be, so far as my vote t* concerned. My opposition, theu, is not solely to the amend f mm foil AHVWtTISlNG: I „ mill to into at tto uaual *•«*• «tf tto othto ftoptoi * that tor—UMt ». tl | » «}imm far tto tot laaaKww. aad *fty oeati • • *rumeft#mcttaMttw«ai - , —■- i liberal Jiacount win to mada to Uoac wto adYeitun- by ttoywto Vf ' awl wMl iwW it»<! to aattowtod .to act «« our 10 pm «••», e#«U money to to fat papers aad id i of La JOS work. Of all k.ruU, auchar f <><»¥[. Pnaton, HbtodbtUi; C*b«aMto «aaU,Punarwl amUSaUfa* Tktou Carda, took awl Pamphlet PR^ug *HMtol with •watneaa m-ldapatoh. atmodaaatapritoafar oaih. prT*H byttofeaUemaa ton Arkan casssM; snss; arir Wittee iir tomiwiw for the tllioaw aad Tenneawv fivV*?- .« iBe“ * ■« oitor rao<to of avoidme (hat • appropriation, I atoll fcsl coaatfaumd to rote - & wiu Rfi IIUI1HIII toaiwit the entm aubstrtute. alttoufh |"u bto 'la introduction, been an original ■tided aa itinns for —p, n•»» ».. it# IHUt to bn objrctioaabto. am ■«« now * 1 *b*U boaMatr much to vw«e. Tke 4»«ruon waa Itow Utowew Mr. Johnwm i ami ixlto at. and it rw aperl to. Tto Xmu laltto **“» «toto after tto t.h of raf^JSSlr ^ y *to*toepti« „* wve. yat member*. Tto number m» <£» .a.. ..u .if holding osar w of whom twenty on*. in eludine Mr. Hale of New Hwtnpahire, tot-whirs; ainl thirty iva democrat*. Of them y.t to t« elected, m-arly aU are doubtful. Total number*, when the Seiiat* ia ftm, .sixty two, Thid<m<> <*rati« tmjorit y will probably be turn eleven Ui.Hi teen. M higautilato; DpmatiaaU too-iaa; Ikon- marked F. S. aft* Fw* Soileoi of AbohUomtiLft. Tcna Expires.! TentoExpiris. *uu»i. mramaju Jereauni. CiL-iucua lHbXAlpheua Frick |M8S tV mu H. Aunt iUUSti. tl in. K. Sebastian Solon Borland luftb Lawn Cava rA7 cwwi-mirr. Truman SmitA 18&3 Dand B. Atctomu iMbUmry J. 1H8A 1H57 Wm. M. Owia laiiwtu. Pmlry Spnmn*a Jaaaaa A. Bayard rioama. Jar.lutm Morton lStoJfala P. kUlr l HIM 1H87 Moae* Norris Jr., 1HS3 aaw ro«« W r toward (P 8 1H88 —•—■■■.. 1857 I8A6 1W1 iMAJtoa* IP. _ U**1.H«tort P. Htoelrtn., SOI Til C1KU11 t "W Wilke P. Naum 188.1 1887 StoptoB A. Mallory IMfiOtog* glujgrr uroat.u. Jnlm M. Brrrtm IVw. C. l>ian iwuu. June* VVlutcon Jesac D. Bnyht . Ohio. !»»*». P. Chaw r¥;s.) lsai.--—. tafi.1 1C 5.7 1HJ« 1N.%7 nr»»»Tt.»*NM. IHiftUtoMpdfamay 1^47 Richard Rmdhead . { timil Ml Aim Stephen A Donglaas lW.lJaAn tf. Cfardr James Shields lHftftfCtorfaa J. Jiims ISM 1*87 ■owa. Cn-orVe W Inn 1 *83 IH67 tsr.:i» •a* «• caatoisr. “ 01 IO...I t I .M August C. Dodge I8661A..JL. Busier KKtfTtCtCV. f f» J**rpk M I'ntlmmod IHlWMn Bek Henry Clay J85A UM'MUUA. Solomon W. Dow ns 186-1 Pierre Soule M'TItu mu . * dgw 4. Hash twwfaam. Houston MA1SI1!. __ HannilAt! Htitnim 1 *W7‘Wll&am tfymm Jnines W. BruMbury l863A*fumct< Fvt*r /, < ttASSACtll 'KTTS J"kn Onrur unrUM, Thus. O. PmU James A. Pretext ■MtusmrM. Jefferson l Ml via ■iHcnr* H 1*66 i 863 1837 1837 IH53 |8”6 I *57 nHH«. 1853 Kobt. M T. Hunter 1833 1-867 Jalilea M. Mmom 1*37 1837 1863 183*. _ P. WaUuff Henry Dodge . 1836 1857 Tkr ,V. y Album an deterge Tfttmifmn -Wr find in tin- Jfew York Albion af the Wd ult. ti.« following severe rebuke of kha vagrant M |> , George Thompson. who, Cor auuie tme gas be. n “stirring up strife” in the Eastern nut- *. it omits with much force frmw tbe Albion—a jour ual mainly devoted to Hnush nrUm.-sta, ami • .litcrd by an amiable and aceunipiiabcd English gentle* man. A better presentment of a " pubjn nui ■anjw” we ha»e rarely seen. Herr it is: T1m> lelilu-rnte violation ol a aot. ina ami self imposed trust justly draws down upon tbs offend ing P*rly the auger and Contempt of bis 'fellow;: and Mr. rjeorg* Tbfmpuo*. «» itawortnv member ol the British Parliament, stands unquestionably in this predicament. Tbt Parliiunent is now in session, and this recreant to hut dutica is three thousand mil. * away, stirring up strife in a foreign country, peril ling tlte great cause of the liberty of tpeeeh, bringing the name ijf his countrymen into disrepute, and playing aueh fantastic Inch* before the American public as stsnna him a political mountebank. The town of Springfield M.issa chuselta has been the theatre in which he cxbt ’ tiled hunseif early nt the past weak., fotem.. bun sell upon an unwilliug populace, aud recklessly endangering the peace ol the town. TV man who faces danger, unpopularity, and prejudice, at the call of duty, deserves our (aghast galcent, but the charlatan who lujtrays hi* comtttuenis, turns a deaf ear to the cries of siilb*ring humanity at Ins own hyov, and intrude* hia spurious philan •hropy where * is offensive ami use I am n-wdute though he may ba ami gifted with ability—w. pro nounce such a man to be a public nuisane. , and we honestly believe that unsety mna out of a hun dred Englishmen on this continent will join in this verdict i ne notion i/ouner, m|* akin# of tty aegjo FUy den, who was tnetN in that city on Saturday laat, fur iwiuy m the escape <rf the fugitive »lave Shail/acb, say*; He is the individual who presided at the recant meeting of fugitive slaves held in the Belknap *t. church. where it was resolved that the law* of the rlilted States should he resisted ante death, and at which (.amnia's addxatw to the afergy «aa adopted. He has been but a few yean liberated fr'm slavery, and is the penon wham Deli* Web ster amt Mr. Fairbanks abducted float Kentucky. The Boston Bint says: Hayden is the fujptuve who escapsd from Kea tuehy by the aid of Fairbanks and Delia Webster. Hw'tnonds afenaacds raiaad *700, thu.pstce askod for huu, and he^is now baa, Ha presided at one of the brat coiutad meetings after the passage uf the fugitive taw. It arsaid that he is the colored man who tapped fihadiach on the shoulder in the court room, and said •• we will standby you to the death " ’ Atari, that tw basketed him in hi* house iu bouthat sliwet, and procured the cab in which he was busily dines away. Cowhiding. Saturday evening a rather inn resting little al fsu occurred near the corner of Thutf and Market streets. As the Kev. Mr. Prottmnan, pastor of the Centenary Church in Uua tuy. was sang from * barber shop in that vicinity, be was accosted by a gcnOcrnau, and after a few UMWahtsawruiiui., the latter dre w a cowhide *“el -d°vi‘s«rtti1 a most unmerciful ftngellsUou on the ret (trend gentle man's person Mr. ProHsmaa was armed with a lane, but this was seued and held by hto adver sary with one band, while with the other he dealt the blows m rags} Mi. P. at last an caped, and took selnge i« the barter shop. The sound of the strokes, which were administered -With a heavy and unsparing hand, attracted <|uite a crowd, who seemed vastly amueed with the ex hibition. Tbt origin of the dUfealty w sard to have been rsuiaxka made by Mr. Piotttma* Ml retoMtue to a Sister of theassaultMjg part#, uuunuaa to the char actor of the lady.—*. lews Organ and MitUU. 1. To pay pontage on a totter ovdenag a discon tinuance of a paper when the subscriber, perhaps it m incin. *• T<> WUF#*- ua awmuMeaUons, perhaps f* ■“*»>“ u“ **** •* iengtfe—, nouce. ,t may be, of religK.u* mutest only C the smtu'iuwi charge. 1- To have a an* to taka 14* papas he la in debt eight ut agnt 4dtow, and toen^ti* off to parts uukndwn, withdut paying; leavlag iL Post master to give notice of the slide to the editot._ l