Newspaper Page Text
ts- m s- «- Usskcw M « m-« «- MWUIIÆ-Dks Den-stos- tq postae-. jkdirkign am- Dommsicckszwg .«.-.....-..—.·...».. N-»—«Z-—s»1:: Literatur-D konntet-m Asritultureseommekw bit-Mich Oct- in. W k ! \ OL. \ 111 LITTLE ROCK, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL I _ 9 . , 1851. iiiit rat, iii iu No. 30. ,P,«U*MHI» KVKKV TI WBAV. hbsrT t. «'HiTrtKV, Publisher. TERNS: .-.*•***«» , >m>: )Wi w>”..< ! 7 ,Jt> _ f j.,,. nr, to •hi*; address, • • U 00 , jtsr, to one addcwf, • • SO 00 , , ... ,i ini jV4»:i will be entered upon ,, ss payment be made in aJranrr, of j .,y responsible jK-rtoii in thw city. ,n au'-jcnbers may forward u.s money by . „,,r ,.,p.n-»'. and at our Ttsk, provided , .. i rs receipt be taken ami preserved },r -»u< tion. .pit.fromthe nhttre term*. DUCKMEN'TS FOil CLUBS. J, ert» but liattended our recent effort*. . [merest t .k -n ill Hie !!*■<•<►:» by many of hav- imin.*oil us to offer. for tlie pur -ff.-Hii^ the formation "f clubs, the follow • m m i -r-o'i forwarniug to u* to collar* in current . f0"r tour near s'lhacriber*. will receive a tiour t’Hp'r f«r OH' veer, yrafi*. ou« forwarding twenty dollar* in current we will acini Ira copies of the for ;;,VMrw „uh*< finer*. and one copy oftioocv < >K ,:r>;**utM'* Mv;w.iv*forone year. „o* ferwardin- thirty dollar* in current , we will •end ifflten copies of tlie f!»N*r.n j /many new »ui>*cribers. and cue copy of the ,.,j Stati"i M > gating ali i Democratic Review >1)0 t?ST. . „„„*.lingo* tlie largest number (over „f new sub*crilier«, acconipnuie.i with ...vanee pivm-nt, at the Inn* mentioned rain*, i., *. n I on -. ipv »f the Spirit of the Times, • I|jre* •tr et engraving*, ami one copy of .v.ood'* Mag >71 10 for on* year, mil iiir**^ iimy b^ made at our ri*lr, ami rc i promptly returned. In making »uch . t!•►• r,inf Vnsirr'* recripi should b* ob* fur -nr protection. ■*. for Yearly IdvrrlWns* nie*. or leis.l eacli sdJitional ) 1 month*,! *<> square, 5 ft fi •« 10 •* “ “ pi «* 15 " “ I tl 'sliding advertisements will bechtrowd at the ,mined rai uni.'-r* a contract he Wide •It for insert: >n: and must he paid for in ad rsnii will be announced for any office, either • i... or county, without the advance pay f five dollar* circular* will he charged a * advert!** tad .payment required in advance. • o will.iiereafter be delivered to any pMM horn w ■ have no regular dealuig», until paid ivcrtisements most he marker! with the noni us red, Mth. rw M they will he i i until forbid, ami charged accordingly fearlv. h»lf»v*orty and quarterly advertiser* confined to t' eir Irjitiniale hutinrua All semeutaofa difierenl kind, or for oilier per ill he charged for at tho usual rates, eti rs inu-tlie mf- -nrf, er they wiliuotre .iv > tentlon. ,*iti,-ely no variation will he made from the JOB PRINTING. r >!' p'tor of the .Vrkmi'H Hitiiucr* ro ,v inform* the public. tlnsL l*« i* to \ rv . ‘•’♦cripti'Hi of Jan Wobk, with neat i i^jiatch. an«i at a* lotr rata an any office t*- Mich »* , Pamphlct-t, Hand Bill-, steamboat IN, 1‘o^tvrs BilNol Hading, Hill IlfMiU, floret* Bill^ Labels, i ard-s Receipt-* Ac. i inuMauf I v on hand, Blank Votes, s sheriff! %, JusticeV and C‘ou*t able’s -of cverykind, Decils of con* o', \c. which will he sold cheap for >rri!v tecepmace, and will l»c sent iii?«»an> part of the state, it required. Pnuiitioa hand-. • it thin office. Lists »f the forfeited lands to .1 ’ on by the ''tate, te actual settlers nf- • r copy, or per dozen Postape to . • ouutry, 7 ' j cents. To liubsertbers. iv that vvh-r ver any irregularity may be u *ii-» rec»*ipt of the lianner*our aub » \ .. > o-j tin- favor to give information of ’ in or«t*r that the c«»n*e may be ascertained •loved. SOI \TV LWIH f -I in i i!; wo uf Tin: war \Mi \!,l. Till: l\!»l.\V WARS rflNTF. ‘i: widows \\u minok rmu>:tr\: • ’ • •* •>( r..u?r»’- -j. iji-w'-I the ?Hii tiny of .*** jv ■ i u •»»» * -rv ! i i any o.ipvify in any * r * .•- in i.nil:- » or ’rcfular ‘'rvir'1, A>r i". • i . .r .:»iult-d lo 1.1unity l.wnJ. ■ r i >•-—t »n of nil the fornix, and « s r. quir of ihe vanoiu •*!?>*••• • ' -i. in .iff*-mi! f<> f- > »iru*g Warrant* »• »r >• ! -ii '! !«** :.! lie .ini'- upon l.oon n I ' *ir. in - { njv ih* r.-l* r. i '.ill uni ,»*. i- -ante itaui att •, •. . rai.k M. ime of »• apt ant of’com 1 'i i i.. <•. u,'.r\. (.»rnr-n. * rom . *• ^'*ti-t* .I nr v'»|n»it*'.T«,il,«»r (ir.iif 'i ' u,n . i rin i * r .. . anil,j ' ire ' »ro »r,l i’m- i 1 i «.\, |.«v, i*»ale «»• v*h«‘in, ' ■' • * '• '. V r T- 'i • jmv v ii in to m irr:aj 'i i**fr»•• till • I. :,»iil if<*r IK'1 *'!♦" M .*Iill H ;*<l . kill* ! «i. Butt I ><> it *?• u hat i * •’** * *thr* Hnt^i-tnt ‘^r—•7rri**Tr * l‘*i#" li i-i si r! !*• Inin will re ■ t i.. \ white:.i:\. '!<tr<fjrtire, IBardirnw. •mbii would ri'.p.t:fully pul- r:n Kp, (*, »Wl Hi* public n« r.cpaliv, Ii- ba* ■rs',. in-r Exdu> j> .up.I IJi-ip iU I the ' ' ■ ■ 1 ' .■ **' ** Trl- C.'lii'ilpp.i;. II. Jilt, of tllr !''i ' *. 11 -ire Shoe* «• i Xai *. common Knnn m.l Fork-; K .li/.-n ' '^Uucc; . r K-t, l\-l . I).| ■ ■ ■' K 6 : *' o w»p*rii • R ■- (W* •. jt • h* v ■ : ■ ' ■ - ifd gem** | ;* !.*•. ‘ Iver a’. 1 Iron 5?t* t'lsi, Kmivm. ' r lo( }{«; gun \V« i li«, ' ' ’ •: i«', | !*Vl »! *., <,ii flir ilw, -hot 1 ; ri.<,. iu fi-h hook- an ! i'* 'I’l'J '.vattri j.i u('>er. caps*, ‘ • m ! v • ' pvt lock* iiin 'o rnort. <t«». col ***»'. hull r^, • hiiigei, U-*> \ 1> His*, * K• ■ fIT11ru\ ” • ! v • m ! .t.tto, C * * • A : fti’to, c! • VV 4:M t "-rnn * axe.-. HiJ .*> o! a:' • C 8 8<w$si m < u |.. . - -i-ijl* double [>»:v ii |.. ' ' »W (Thin -i 4 i . • -crew H ■ 1S - / .1 ^ I- _. .... ■ ■ , ! •-k *. * i . ; i high r. m - i;,-. apt! ■ . mi.- -vc-.X cut «*vr, filer, 1 lM - ' J c-in tiick» «ii . .. . . .ni,.., r c u.!>. wo .. 1 .. 1 ! f», »llOicl an ) 1 *• knitting j un, >,|i»|- ’ in irkmg a:,.| f|(lml> "" V""- • .. ivn . '■I i*.o., counter do. 'Ck4,inuU..a» gates, spine, an . ■ ■» rope, petMifytttnto,1 ■ •1 '1 strings, ■ i.; , , ' |- ‘lisheil Itatv. ui.ii!, ’• 1;'«i*. trick, .t t | tutu * : ‘H r«|- I*, ... jii . ' ' •I>n*p *hc»l', O. F >0 l ' do . II> piln, ate.-; o . jin ' '“’* ir.-n», l.11.-I , -1 a..Ur . . ' : i *■ ' -- draw liig. *. r«, m \r;v v'V '' ,rh’ 1 J,"V r-_---1.:--. puu-S.4, ' ,k' ''“-tie* him to selFiitl^i, «t|l,i JOHN D. ADAMS /si r, S!‘. iinlw il l. : :dtni, ■ ' ■'■■■ IT, I-. . , . COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Join KtPDAt.L. A t.RX. I*. nmc«t. JOMPI O. won HE. SIDDALL, GREENE & CO., r o TTOjy if fo f?, saarisuaajDM awb y-usiwAaBaja® M E R C II A N T S , NO. 3S C A SIP STREET. NEW ORLEANS. «p*r.«';nr.ESW>ot). i h iik.m. n t.z.apaM*. vio*rs & to., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MSapHAMTT8 :Vo. (j(» Rluiinziuc Street. opposite the Mouth of flunk Alley, NEW ORLEANS, LA. if- Particulai attention paid 'o tin- sale ct' COT ON, TOBACCO, AM) OTHER PRODUCE he collection and remittance of Funds—and flip purehrHre and rhipinentof Merchandize generally. THOMAS L. WHITE, NO. 03 CANAL. STREET, NEW ORLEANS. LAW, MEDICAL, MISCELLANEOUS, AND SCHOOL BOOKS. wram-Ma paper, I'if Cap, ItHer anti Note. Wrapping paper of rottnite qualities. UI II.I.S, STEEL PENS, INK, A ti.l n K.-»iernl n»*«.rtme»1 of Illniik Itook*. Country Merchants and 'rtadiers are i.’ijnestril to call and examine the Slock. fch.l.J 23-1v J4SIK9 MATTHEWS. WM. POWZLI.. .1 \ II tss IIA Till i: W« A: CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AMI CO.iniiSSION ,A1 Kill IIA STS, Maunfactmcr’s Agents Eoa the s.u.r. or NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, COTTON YARNS Ste.. No. 5:; WALNUT STREET. « tilt IIIIIUI If VIII •a * MI I i I IM llMIIIIIUli Refer to— T. P. Merrick if ta , 11‘m. It. M ait, Walter Mitchell, // Brogan, I). Render 4r Poland Jacob Htnrkina, Little Rock. Feb 5, 7—22 —ly it v-:.\j ,% ti a \ ( A iii/iv\ »i;k, 'snccejiHorto Win. T. F.usli^iV ( o.) Xo. 42 and 14. Pearl Street, Ronton. Masgaehutrtts, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN PORFItiM it IIOMKSTIC II \HD\VAItK, HAS * constant supply of Kakiiwakk anii Cijt i eit adapted to the trndo of tile Southwest, from an experience of twenty year, in the trade of Ihul section, he is confidant that he can supply merchant*, either in person or by order, with the styles and qualities of goous desirable, ami on terms that shall he satisfactory. *#» |{, C. gives particular attention to consign ment* of Cotton, Peltries and other produce of the country that may be consigned to him for sale. Sept.25. 1*49—7—3—I v joarrn H FAt.Mrs. SAMKS It SIASsry. .icsirii n. palm:kac IMPOITERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS !N FOREIGN AND mnv ®@om3 47 CAMP—NEW ORLEANS. Pent. 10, 1950. »-!—ly A. F. < 0( ISii A I O„ COMMISSION MERI'IUNTS, IMPOHTERS AND Healers in Cnrti-n and Domestic FRUITS, NUTS WINES S, C. l’OWDKR! mVDKR!! \GhiNCY of the reiebintel Chrv*!nl P‘\**d«r (’ impafiNim If 'I •*• * =» .iiitl Qu »rf< ;sf ,• Car- of ore ml fivp pout; U. I rum unit'd S'lftri'-i to ami manufactured. N *. 27 T^ifUipitouIaA Sfrec’. N^w Oilejns. January 1.7, —7—iy—1\ X i: NV WHARF BO A T. A . la «5> A I> cV G EX Kit A Is AG E.XTS; C0M.A1 ISM ON AND I OUAA AIADINli MEHCII AN IS. napoleon, vhk. fjMIK PROPRIEl Oil.*' have purchased on »‘ii* X tircly new boat, with splendid accommodations. P will afford maple and secure storago room for eight iititidreU tous.utid is capable of accoinmoda til g fifty pusse u$f«*r ». They art prepared, us heretofore. to do business a* General Agents, lo Receive, Forward, and Pay Charges Fhev i>roiiii*t» in give their tiarticulnr at tendon to «l! ertruetxi to them. The Froprielur* will guarantee dial thia boat will Ht uni ll»f» inspection of aiiv Inaurance Ollice i:i tlie U tilled State*. R i: F E R F. N r E s : A. B Sham Ji.(\> . Mrinjihi*, Jam*.IH...UPJ N olfo ( A SriwMit,) Jas Timms &. Co , i s. H. Tucker. [ Li-:U T. lb Ml RRKKvV (’•* , S ( » I K N WOOl \ t i,l Wai.tom. Sanx.ri, ,\ V.’o. <) Sept |0, IvMI 7fti'll. Sc Dorn. copy. Tt ?i n. .lik. Hoc!:, trk. X. Oilcan*. i-Iy r p * * z * *» it N k ix * A L i« • ^ V\VIV<; ; ii -u^, , .i»;no .u;,» ft* a —— Jo 1 ••• i**#- l*« if- fur Jin* p,i« K T«•*.*■!»-J*r»*. PutM*ki U|J l*«l' liV-d i.»lrUM> •! to ||»%J UiilV : ‘ “ ' * ■ f, \ \V*»iTRi-kY, IVq., corner ' ’ ■ . 1 hi in , i»u«l f l‘. \iImim-. i.t f.**r olTir.-. , i** J rut MffiOS. I.ntlo )u , l.\rk>., Nt.v, J e RON au.i ' I t.i-1. -!,»<;<) |i„ fl.-u, round au 5 ? bar Iron: ^)’l |U honeihoc Iron: •>!* Diamond l iow .Mcoida: 50 Cary do do •iOM lint Spring Su-» l 15° Merman do Received uni for sale by I - tt VI tf. W AIT. »w vrrnnll rUST fr- ivi-ij,' per ** and for s*i ‘ cheap: "2 pr Roy* Moots, M |*r Mom* do b doz wool li *in, 17 pcs Liisov, I “ M . . ..»ri» stripes, J> “ Merino, ‘I “ tJet, Flaiuf, I - fine B . Alpnv, Ucc 3i-m> 17. UoimK ! uul “Si Franc la** I Box Vac^-oni. I “ VVrmic-lH, I Mb! Meirnrt pow’.l *i|gar .7 Moire pine «;» elite**, S 11 bIs motawwa, 1«) •• sugar, ‘J .** So 5 lonf eugnr, 1 cask Maiiga wiua, 2 Bbl- No I mackerel, A- J. HUTT, Main strut. \ • \V Sallta . e” J O IS TV D. ABAJIN, COMMISSION AM) FOUWARDINT, jjLHI HINT, BUCK CORNEK, LlflVfK l*T»: UtltOAT LANDING, LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS. KEEPS con»tantly on hand a larp* mill general • •haaorlmanl of l>ry Good*, (lottimc, Murd warc, <lup«Mtwnr<*. Mat* and <«(>«, Boot* and shoe*, Mndrilery, Miitiomiry, Urocerie*, i Produce, Arc., Ac.; ult of wliieli will bo *oiiiv vary cheap fur CASH. Out. I, 1850.—*—4 — tf iNew 4»o<mU! New Good*. HPHE u ndersigued have j uni received their Fall X ami Winter Stock, consisting in j»art, of - Brown anti Bleached Domestics, French. I’n dish and American Prints; Black Alpaca Hotary; ladies* Dre?s and Mourning Collar*; Lauies’ White BItick Slippers; Ladles’ ami Childrens* Lured Boots; French Artificial Fowera A general assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery and Queenswar**, which they will sell cheap for CASH or Country Produce. FATHRRLY & CLKMF.NT8. Dec 17,1850 Corner Main and Markham Sts Hew Good*! New Cioo<l«! rOH.N D. ADAMS has just received, and is now t* opening, a? hi- store, lower steamboat landing, a general and well * lect.d =t^rk of Prt/ Goods, no thing, Huts, Cap'*. Boots, Shows, Sta’ioneiy, &c., tSlc.;ali of winch he is Iling very low lor CASH, and for C ASH .only. Call and tec. IT* Produce * ill be purchased rt the highest rra»kef rale*. lAtttfRork, Oct. 2 I ^lOO Knmnl TlfHX be psid for the apprehension and v v confinement, so that I can get him, of ii certain Negro man named WILKS and notice given me at Pine Flat Poe to dice Ho sier Parrish, Louisiana. DF.SC HII*TlO\.—He is about .70 years old, black complexion, very short and heavy built, Commonly wears a long he,ird, and very quick spo 1 ,J * supposed to be in the vicinity oi Lit ken. He tie Rock or Batesville. Nov. 26, t«50. 12 tf the CHAS LK W IS. 3, a tuts ! Mjitutls ! T^OR SALK, upon low terms, the K a ’j ^c. 0, Township3 North,Ranged 9 West, containing 320 acres. And the{ K’b of the North-west quarter of Sec tion 15, Township 2 North, Range 9 W., containing SO acres Fnquire of I' C. FL LTON. Markham St. next door to the *]dthony House. Nov. 26, 1850. 15 Clothing;. 1 •) DOZ. fine cloth Over-Coats; do.; x -w i •• •• leaver * I doz. fim* Pil i? Cl )fh do.; Hi'' k»-t Ov*»i-CoaV$, a$?oit«<l; Cloth fiork and dress Coat®, a coifed; Sack Coat®, «« p«‘. iloe srkin and Ftench Ca«9iintrv Pants; “ Satinet »« Shirt* Drawers, Ovor-ali?, ike., !kc. Just received, per an i for •»!*», very low, h’ JOHN I). ADAMS, Lower Steamboat Landing. Lillie Hod: O t. 24. s_ II Hnswing, Hope* ami Twine, ‘ Kl’KlVKl), per steamer ‘'Penny wit," the fol low ing goods; 12011 yard- flagging; 900 llis. |tale Rope; 50 lbs. Twine Dec. 10. A. J. HI TT. Main St. PomliT ami 4 amlle«. RECEIVED, per steamer “Fichaiigr,” It kegs pe I Rifle Powder; .500 pit,, Star Candles; Cor sale t y A. J. HUTT. Dec 10. .Main S'. Stouts! Boots! I l'.ST received, by tb“ urnlersigM' i'. the following, !u w il: 21m Ft diei pn*s Pegged Bool'; 21 pair Uniting) heavy Peg boots. 24 |ir. (dork sided Pegged Hoots; .'Hi j r. Kin Blogged Hoots; 24 pr. Kxtra Plumb .on Calf Boots; JJli pr. line Calf sewed “ 72 pr. Soperinr Mo l “ 72 pr. thick Kip Pegged *• [gans; 1 210 pr. wool’s. S. al arid Kip heeled Spring Hio 2|o pr. men's sup Russel 11 o;.ms; 120 pr. boys' “ •• 2 to pr. men’s heavy hlk. “ 12d pr. boy s’ “ “ li cases s ou! arid common Kip Brogans; Which, together with a great variety i ; P irk a Boots. I.nri !('%•■, Winter Boots, Hoskins’ Kirel. S!ip pers, litre anil coininon black ami while Kill Slip pers. Miss Fox’d (Jailers’ Rubbed Burkins, rhi! dn m’s Rosn, (Joat ami Calf, and Sewed Peg II rots ami Shoes, &.<•., Kf., in ikes up Itu- -sl and b. «t *• lecteil slock of 'tie kind ever before nlfeied in this maiket. All which will be sold at prices to«uit Ihe most expellencod ' nyers. A. J. HDTT. Main st. Little Rock, D. c 5. P-.lfl. 12 _I e a*i: «or mirier: 1\\ ISll to 1111y ! ifteen ltd im!r«%«J Dcllnr* worth of fir.-t rote l*12KTKVt to be delivered IkHwcrn thin and the 10th Jan y next, for which the highest . market prin SPKC.1K vs ill be paid Peltry .Val era will |»lr**i^: jjivo rue a c ill before selling else whef*. V- J. HU I T, Main St. Little Rocky Hoc. 3, 1^50. 13 — t \nv <«ood*. \\TE have now on |nr,! a hill a«*'>rt«;ierit of «ti ▼ f p> Mr, Goo*!.*, tiro<*erie«. Maniaa»er Q . •* ns Ware, Hoot*. Shoe*, II »t« an-1 Ch»'.hir:g, vt hit H v% e v\:ll '*c!l at Ihe low e*t i-riee tor Ca-' ,«.[ tit #• *r J unge fo4 Cotton, Rett II ile an l peltiie*. T. I> M HR RICK & CO. Deet'i*k*r 17, !*5D 15 ColtVe iintl Kii^ar. ECKIVKI), p*T *tonor *• I'<r ::r*•,*’ f) h■rri l* Sngiii, !C s.irl,-. Rio Golfer; Ami fur isle ty r> i j iiiitt. Mum S . Liquor* and iue*. fZ OASk*-> Hi tintv, 4?h |>n>o|; fj 2 “ >1 a*teiii» \\ .r»t , l *' I’tn'l WI lie; *2*> Rtxket* C'hampi^ne Wine; on consignment mid lor Auic |«»v* T H. MRKRICK Sc CO Dtctmlitr 17, 16JO. 15 Flour. I AA ii!*!.' -'t 1,'ini extra Superfine, received 1 ' *' * !'<r ■ l“. mi) n il,” and lor *.!e by January-I ..... .. *"**•*■ tv M. H. WAIT new nn nsiin.MBLE ciotbim. jl ST receive ; at (he >«»■ York storo '.()!» texts; 2ftf) pair pauta; 2t>0 coats assorted. I'or rale ell ap for CA'‘M, by KAM'ROWiCIi A JOEI-HON. Jau. 2*. 21-tf. THE BANNER. I.A.MIIKKT J. KKAHItO», ) LA.URKH I A. K ilITILBI ,| Editobs. LITTLE ROCK: Tl'EUDA T MORNING, A I* R 11, f, IHil. Aet-ncr for the Akraii-it* llnnnir. tXf- Mr. YV m . E. is authorized to net a* tgeulfor the Banurr, at Lost Creek, Saline county. d>* Mr. AiaoauK Bums ia authorized to act ua >gent for tiie Banner, at Pine Biutf, Ark. .)• E. YV Cana, General Agent, l.v»a«' lluild "IT*. North-west corner Third and YY’elnul alreeta, Philadeljiliiii, i« authorized to act aa Ag.-nt for •‘the .Irkania* Banner.” J. J. Sniilct, E»IJ., No. 06 Camp Street. New Orlean, ia our eiclunivc Agent to procure and col lect name* for advertising, Jtc., in that city. Ur in ttrraf if Mrrtins in Krbnslian fnnnlj'. , At a public and numerous meeting of the demo cratic citizen* of RebasUnn county, convened pur suaiit to notice, at Eaton Tatums, the Temporary County Seat of said county, on the 17th day of March. A. IT 1891, for the purpose of selecting suitable persons to represent the county in the Democratic State Convention, to be liolden at Lit tle K*c k on the 1th Monday of April next, the fol lowing proceedings were had, vlz: On motion <d K. (5. Ake.. the Hon. A. (7. Mak ers, was caller] to the Chair, and Sasn’l Edmond son, Esq., was appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting was then briefly and appropriately explained by the Chair; and, on motion, the meet ing proceeded to elect two persons from each town ship, as a committee to draft reseluirons erpres site of the sense of the meeting. Whereupon the following persons were elected ns such committee, to-wit: From 1'pper Township, A. H. Rutherford and Tims. McCarron; from Marion. Th<«. Y erilcn and \\ m. Crosby; from Sugar Loaf, ReubenC-okerund YY rn. Stafford; from Big Creek, F. G. Ake and Jno. Jones. The committee then retired, and duritq. their absence, J. YV. Vnndi-Yer, Esq., offered fh> following resolutions, on Federal Relations, to. wit: 1. ResnlrrJ, That tin- democracy of the count) of Sebastian, lire strongly and firmly attached to the l moil, so long as the southern States can be guarantied in their constitutional rights and equal privileges under the fed. rai compact. 2. ft'eolrrtl. That they look upon the measures, usually termed the Compromise mi a. nires, in which llii whole of the territory acquired bv the Mexican war was given to the North as a surrender of the lights of the South, and do approve the course pur sued by our delegation in Congress, in opposing and voting against said measures: n<iunreil, I lull wink' they teel tint a del p injury lias beeu inflicted nu ttu coii.titulioual rt'hts of the slave holdout States, by the passage of said measures, tin y are vlvilliug to tolerate them, as i liey have become laws, rat her than no for a dis sulutum of the L’niou, if the northern States fully ami faithfully enrry out the provisions of the fugi tive-slave bill. ■1. Kfoirrd. That no further aggressions of the North on the rights of the South—no modification of the fugitive slave fill, anas to make it less effi cient in obtaining the return ofJi.gjtives ftooiser viee, can or nrcgtit to ne su’om .ttcd t«by the South; and to secure the Union it is necessary that its pro vramus not only remain unchanged, but that they be faiilifullvcarried out and executed. On motion of Judge Clark, the question was taken upon f ai l, resolution s, paratcly. The first resolution was adopted unanimously. .! udge Clark then offered the following as a sub stitute for the second resolution : Hraoirr/t, Tliat those great measures of peace and compromise jia a d at the last session of Con go - , meet the entire appr 1 ation of this meeting, and that we believe it to ft the duty of all good citizens, to give those measures their candid snp port, and regard th. m as a final settlement of all causes for further citation of the slave question. W hich was, on motion ot IS, T. Duval, Esq., re jected. The question then being taken on the second, third and fourth resolutions, they were adopted. I iie committee o ported the following resolutions as the result of their deliberation: I' "n'ced, That in order to produce hannonv and concert, and to insure the triumph of those priu c iples held dear and sacred liy tin denim ralie party, we heartily ooncut m the \.,n i s.sity of holding a Demoeraiic Convention, at a suitable ‘tme and p n, .-: fresh from th - people, for the purpose of selecting a . andnlnte for C ingress, who will unite the whole party to Iqs suppo i, and make our tri umph certain b« yond doubt. Itisobnl, That we concur in the propriety of, holding a C. nveii ion : t Tittle Rock, on the Ith Monday of April n. u, and eonfidently believe that : .nd u\eiion will so adjust the eia ins of aspir- | Hi;.' fnends to that Other, iis ‘o iii.litre ev,-rv demo crat to act as though hi' had no other ehoiee but the one w ho in y receive the nomination. K< -1.,’rr,/, Chat we, ttic citizens assembled, do fieri by signify and ev press to mr representatives to th. Convention, that it is our unanimous and mi j divided wish that tin- Hon. Qeo. \V. Clarke, of: Crawford, have and receive the vote of Sebastian County: and they are hereby instructed to use all honorable means to secure his m.nuituiiou. Kiao’.rrd, Th#'. we have entire coiilidt-ucr in the den oeratie integtityufourfcllow-citizeii.s and dele gates, Col. 11. T. Duval, (fen. Sam’l 11 Mon - ginnery and Cap!. F. (J.Ake, and they are hereby authorized atnl reques'.d u> attend Hi. Democratic Convention, on tin 1: h Monday ot April, to act for ua an w ell as the lest of our democratic friends iu , the pri pis-.ej Conv. *■•.,, t|,anhry arc hcttjiy re qms'i ,1 to do every thing in their power to bring 1 about harmony and ermerrt of action in our party, amt hope every democrat may but learn the result ! of the Convention to l>e satisfied and united m • I liiii I tit* proceeding* of thin meeting ! ht* signed by !I<l t hnrman am! S-t rotary, am] that ] tli" !. or of the ‘Fort Smith Herald’ t o requested topllbllli the MUlie; ai o tin Kdltuis of tin ‘Ar Deruoi: otic liauncr,’the 'Arkansas State Has f ami ft il.h rat,’ the ‘Mountaineer’ until ‘Atr.uns is Hi ji'iliii in,’ ami non it tin- publication in tin (tiUe-reli! kuincrutic ju ■ ilutl.s in llits stale; v. hil l resolutions wire tul'toU-.l. .1 mlt’f ( lurk iuu< 11ut. •! the ollovt iug rt-soiulion, to-wit: /.’ 'cut, That to induce lianm ny ami convert. of m ion her. after mi tin deim. :auc party at this! county, That this mot to.i; do now proeeed to elect * I ommitte* Of tiikki. whose duty it shall he to1 i .ill ar.l gae not,, i of a!: public meetings; which was adopted unanimously. V. h i i.jnm, the mooting -'"h" u*d Messrs. A. !!. I! at . rlunl, I ■ i!". ii C’oku and Wiiliau, Grusby, tt.* said committee. On motion, the inerting a i .'lined. A, G. MA1 iittS, Sah’s Eomsmutos, fieertury. Tli** PrMiHi-Uiin of Hllvrr. Trk QrussiLirnt Mixes tv f'iuiornu.—The1 Loud m correspond-jut • f the New York Cummer- | ciat Adv. rlisir, ui his letter of the Jist of Jan uary. says: “ That the production of rilvt, may a!m<#tj keep par- wi’h that of e. id, status probable from w hat * now Known n•?«>;.,i*- tfc* tfti’ickailvcrob-: tamed at Mi. ForKs' mine, mar Monterey. A f. w day's since, a London house, Messrs. Finly, Hod. a n «c Co., received orders to open insurance! » *r (j'.nckMivtr to the vain of M,300,000 from I thus source, i tp' ctial to be slipped daring the y« r. It will co fmm California to the ftnutlern 1 ports iaf the Pacvdc, where i» wifi stimnlate to an ex'r.'.orit* ary degree the workL'c of the aitrer nines which even under present eireamstances are Mi hi me an unusual profit. ■ Rowiui and the Walth. Hamilton Korn-an, on hi* way to Holyhead, rtop p> J to iliui at tbr little inn at Cnpfo Curing. Thar? was nothin* in the house but a shoulder of mut- ‘ ton. whirh Kowan ordered tn bp roasted, Proapn*- ' Iv tin; mwttt of a aeighltoring hoot, with two brother N.miods, rushed into adjoining room, and •wearing that that tin y were halt starved, clamor- j , o'Uily demanded what they could have for dinnt r, ■ The landlord with many apologies, told them he 1 1 had nothing hut bread and dice sc to offer them. ‘ 1 am extremely sorry, gentlemen,’ said the land-1 ion!, much embarrassed, ‘ but-’ ‘ How d’ye moan, sir" interrupted the mast,-r of the hunt, uqperiousiy—< liy h—-4i! 1 don’t under- i' stand th.s. Gwllliara! Nothing bot bread and cheese ; | to otter us! Why, I smelt something roasting in • your kitchen at this very moment, sir.* j , They ail swore they smelt it. ! * Why, that’* very true, gentlemen/ said the j landlord, still m re etnlmrasaed; ■ there certainly; I .s a shoulder of mutton on the fire, and f wish ! with ml my heart 1 could let your honor* have it, !>nt unfortunately it is bespoken by au Irish gen ' tleroan in the next room, ami-’ 1 i ‘A what? An Irish gem!eMail did you say, GwiiUam?’ roared out the master with a coiitcmp- ' tons suojr. • Yes. sir, and-’ Here the landlord was interrupted by a perfect ‘mouth quake’ of laughter, in which the whole . trio joined. * Pray, what is this Irish gentleman like!* de- , matided the .-quire tie soon au he could speak; 'hat ' he been long caught! Has he lost his tail yet’— Oh, for heaven sake, do tell us ! has he lost his tail yet, G william;’ ‘ Aye, hits be 1 mt his tail yet, Gwltliaml' echoed .1 the othrii, and again they ill laughed most out- ( Mgeo.usig. • ‘ Indeed, geuUcmen,’ began the perplexed laud- , lord. ' ;> ■ No more of this,’ said the sqtiiTe, cutting him i, short, ‘ unless you mean to make us sick, sir. (So 1 send the mutton into us, and let this Irish gentle- (' man have a w !ch rarebit. And d’ye hoar,’ con tinued be, pulling out a line old family repeater, and pnPimr it uitotlie landlord’s baud, “ take this t into him, with my compliments, and ask him if be I can ten what tune of day it is by it. Go—go, sir! do as I command you, or it shall be the worse for , you, 1 promise you!’ The landlord, who durst not disobey, after many ’ apologies, delivered the watch with the message to Kowan, who had overheard every word that had * piesst d. Perhaps the squire could not have selected a , ' worse subject for this gratuitous insult than Ham- 4 ilion Kowan, .who seizing one of his traveling pis- ’ tola which iay m the window, immediately joined ’ the trio, who were enjoying themsedvesand laugh ing heartily at the- joke. ‘ Gentlemen,’ said Row an, with great severity. • I an; sorry to inter mo* your mirth. I delight in a ' ■ joke myself, especially when it’s a good one. But the fact is our landlord here wlu> must either he | drunk nr a dreaming, or Imth, ha* just brought me • a message which he uliirms lie was ordered to tie- j liver to rue by some gentleman in this room. Now, ( | though I cannot for a moment xupjunc any peraon , . present/ continued Kowan, fixing his eyes on the : ’ 'squire,-*.' guilty of so blackguard,an act, 1 must reijueft as a mere matter of form, to know wheth er any gentleman here did send ine this watch with any such message. I’ll thank you for an im mediate answer, gentlemen/ added Rowan, exam ining the pruning of his pistol, ■ for th.-it is a deli- ' cion* little shoulder ot Welsh mutton, just roasted, * that I am anxious to pay my respects to.’ Perceivin' them all dumfounded, Kowan de- 1 manned of each in succession whether he was the * owner of the watch. |' They all reply in the negative. 1 ‘ Most exlraordinory,’ said Rowan; then calling ' to the landlord, he asked him if the watch be- ;a longed to him. | ” ‘ To me, sir? No, sir” replied the man in great ' astonishment. ‘ Do you know any person, then out ( f this room s to whom the watch belongsT demanded theimper- ’ 1 turbable Rowan. ; ' ‘ Out of this room, sir?’ ‘ Aye, ml of this room, sir! Have tin goodness ;!! to look this way, and speak without hesitation, to v the point, sir!’ i 4 ‘ No, sir: certainly, sir, I don’t know any person ! out of this room to whom that watch belongs,’ re- i *' plied the landlord. ‘ Very well, sir; now go on and serve the mut- 1 ton up. Well, upon my honor, now that is mighty comical,' continued Rowan as soon us the land 1 lord had h ft the room; * here’s a watch which be 1 longs to nobody out of the room: not even to the , r person from whose hands I received it. Well, 1 11 must keep it, I suppose, until a c aimaut star’s tip, 1 l ve no other i urse to pursue. In case von should a hr ar of any such person, geutlemt.ii, there’s my 1 rsrd—throwing it on the table.) 1‘pon my word, v a mighty handsome wabh—a repeater, too! Let 6 iin see—aye. just fourteen minutes forty-five see- a ends past five—the Very tune to attack a shoulder a ol \\ • sh mutton—ha’ ha! Good morning, gentle - I1 !!>• u, morning! Vou see 1 know w! at time * of day it is!’ and with this Kowu left them. ‘ ’ The watch,’ sad inv informant, ‘ still remains 1 in possession of tin Rowan family.’ > c Democratic tlcctins in <’r»tvford County. ' Agre. ably to previous notice, a democratic meet- * in1 was held in the court-house in Van Huron, ' „ Crawford county, on Saturday, the 15th of March, ,, !««• On motion of A. J. Ward, Esq., Green J. Clarke,> % K*q-> was called to the chair, and Joseph W. Spi- g vey, was requested to net as Secretary. ’ * | After a brief explanation of the object of the meet- j ine, by the Chairman, it was agreed that a com- j t - . •• ■ — -v —k / tii. > iiuii f iv u'uu resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. Tt.e following gentlemen were appointed bvsaid 11 cxmimittee: A. J. Wait), Harvey Steward, C. Q. : ■Soo t, Win. Heard and Wm. Medowe. The committee, reported the following resolu- s tions, whir-li v.vre unanimously adopted: Hrmlvrd, That, with the view of acting in coil- , cert with the democratic party of the fctau*, the democracy of Crawford county hereby declares its , rUiiiigiuw to meet in a State Convention, to be i. holth u on the fourth Monday iri Ajiril uext, at Life Kock, and to abide the fair expression of said Con vent ion. Nr»,!v t. That our worthy fellow oilmen, OEO. W. CLARKE. has long been the faithful sentinel of oui principles—has r* mderru many valuable serv ices, to tin State—i ■ honest and capable: and is entitied at the hands of tho Democracy of Ar kansas to some suitable testimonial of the appre- j ciatmn of bis party; and ’ha* v/e ret tejneud him to our brethren throughout the State, as a suit*- „ !>lc |x is, :t for the Concreasiuital nomination, and that our 1 >♦ .e'<aUrs in jjod Convention are hereby re-inested and instructed to east the rote of the , county lor hint. Hraaiar t. That Otu. Wash. Duval, and Robt 1 T. liarj* r, Esq.. are «|>poaited IVV<ates tr carry e out the wish** of ibis i minty; and M ssrs. Alfred' , Wallact, Or,''n J. Ciarin , Eli Bell, J. J. Oreen and Alexander Steward. Alternates; and, in the event that all the ldeleeale* should fail 14) attend, thi n Oeorge C. Watkins, Esq., of Li'tle Rock, shall be empowered to cast the vote of this connty. /ffselrof. That the proceedings of this meeting I J lie signed by the Chairman and Secretary, and the 1 Fort Smith Hmti, /Wert' ami Rumor, at Lit- ' Hi Rock, and other Democratic papers m the State, i s 1>C req uested to publish the same. >. GREEN .1. CLARKE, Chairman. Josirtt W. Semrv, Srcrrtajy. forcible Experience. The Dumfiiec Courier reports that the moat {<#. cible preacher in Scotland—a young clergyman of hcreulr an a' lhty—has been rather too forcible; i i for half an hour he expended his enerpr on the ' | pcljii’: at last the front gave way, and the preach-11 i.t jn'ched into the area of the kirk, severely hurt-11 ing the precentor in his descent. lEfiiurj sws. fe metry Mwhiniri, come jnht in my done. j ind let the brisk chorus go brmading along; Phonfh »ome may be poor. and mss*? Bob ih. «e may be, i'o ail are contented, and happy*, ami free. r'e Tailors! of ancient an<1 noble renown. >Vho clothe all the people in country and town, ieraumVr that Adam, vonr father am 1 head. Phoiigh lord ofthe world, was a tailor by trade. fe Mason*! who workin Hone, mortar, and brick, tnd lay the foumtotfonVleep, solid and thick: r hough hard be your labor, yet lasting your fame, loth Kgypt and China your wonder proclaim. ke Smiths! who forge too!* for ail tra<lan here be low, k'ou have nothing to fear, whileB»u zxjfte am! blow, *'■ *e til things you I you if conquer, «o happy your lot. ( you are careful to strike wMU four irw, it hot ke Shoemakers! nobly from ages kmg past, lave defendetl your rights with your aw/ to the lust; tml Cobbler*. all merry, not only atop holes, flit wotk night arid day for the- good of our soles. fe Cabinetmakers! brave workers in wood, \x you work for the ladies, your work most be good; knd Jymers and Oarp^ntprs, far off and near, iiick close to your trades, and ywi'vr nothing to 1 fear. ! >■ Hatters! who oft, with hands not very fair, 'it hats on n block, for a blackhead to wear; ['hough charity covers a am now and then, fou cover the head* and sms of ail men. fe Coach makers, must not by tax lm controlled, lut ship off your coaches, and bring us home gold ; rhe roll of your coach made Copernicus reel, lud lancy the world to tnm round like a wheel. to Carders, and Spinners, and Weav— “ id. , Vn 1 take the advice of poor Richard ,,d; Uick chw; to your looms, your who«.. «.tti your card, knd you never need fear of the times being hard. fe Printers! who give us your learning and news, knd impartially print for Turks, Christians amt Jews; >?t your favorite tnast ever sound in the streets, Vht frrtJom of the firm met m rolumr in sh-rt*. ic Coopers! who rattle with tbrsetr and »/w, knd lecture each day upon hoops and on heads; fiic famous old ballad of /ore n> a rub, fo i uiny sing to the tune of your rub a dnh dub. fe Ship build- rs, Riggers and Makers of Sails. ureaay the Ncvr ( orurtitutioo prevail#! lti!l soon ye shall see o’or the proud swelling tide, ho ships of Columbia *ri«mphantlv ride. !»eh TrsiUtnsn turn ont with his tooU m hi* Ann-/, *o cherish Uie Arts and keep peace through the ! land; \ !aoh ’Prentice and Journeyman join in my song, Ind let the brisk chorus go bounding along. Tli« LffMImidH Dnrl. ANECDOTE OF IKASCII T. AKCHES, Or TEXAS. In the Fall of 184ft, Mr. Archer was a young Virginia lawyer of some note. Qniag to Powhatan lourt-house on bnaimn, he accidentally met Gen. "rump, a small, sharp-featured gentleman, with lereing dark eyes, thin lips, ami a nose nke an agio’s beak, w as cool, sar< astic, ami aUmnmr as a r**P- There might be read the history of a doaen uels in the sneer that writhed like a snake in its i oil around the corners of his mouth, as every sen rate word issued through his teeth with a shrill ud menacing hiss. He never seemed to forget one | istant that he was the most famous dmtl a /tot m 'irginia. In conversation with Crump about a nit in which they were opposing counsels, the, liter made oflensivt remarks, or insinuations, of 'hicli Mr. Areher desired an explanation. " 1 have no explanation to make,’’ said Crump, nd he set his keen eyes upon the other, as if he on Id slay, him with a glance. The look was a ’mmi murder. Archer threw his entire soul into one stern sen- i tnee— *• Then I demand of you to r tract the inMiiua ons you have made against my motive!” “ I shall add fifty more of the lire I before 1 re act that!” said t rump, with a sneer, and turn ig on his heel, he remarked, ” 1 am going to my I sun at the hotel to wait for your communication, i you have any for me.” Col. Archer’s friends gathered in a cluster Found him, entreating him that he would not sac flee his life to the bullet of a duelist whore nitn as sure and deadly. Hut he would not he per- * taded—he would punish Clump, or perish in the I Ltempt. A formal challenge was soon passed and i-cepted, and the meeting was arranged to tranr- ' ire ai sunrise the next meriting, ou the summit of bill two miles west of Towbatau Court-house, t the time and place designated, a great throng allecletl 10 witness the combat. Crump and Ar- I her had both, arrived at daybreak, and saluted ach other coldly through the i»le hare of twilight, i ith the golden gl.mpse of the sun, the princi- i »ls were stationed in position by their seconds, ud all hearts in the multitude vibrated with Iraiige feelings, almost fear, n determined and i ad y were the countenances of the two foes, at foiigh the expressions on their faces, individually, 'ere very different. Crump’s »iaag>- wore the ’on hing sneer of n devil, sure of his prey, but the riie eyes of Arclu r seemed surcharged with the .........v. »•»>«/ i wr i’lvro, i»- two pistol* roared simultaneously; Archer's ullet gm*oJ Crump’s left temple, but hits own ‘ *bt arui fell shattered to bis sale. “ Hi ■ 1 hate wi! ged my gmue!” cried Crump, I i tones of mocking triumph. “ Yes! but I have still a wing remaining at your .■nice!” sho tted Archer, spiting bis other arm i the face of his enemy, arid demanding an addi-1 oiidi round. _ Again the weapons of de*atb went tomWd, and te partu s took their places. Archer must bans uen sulfamic an agony of pa:u. Hearts of cold ater rolled from his forehead; the Mood streamed own from his wounded arm, and stood in puddle* bout his feet; his features were white as marble; ‘ while* that he might have been mistaken for a beat and. indeed, there appeared ever) r« aaori to ippooe that he would really be a ghoet at’the e\t explosion of Crump's pistol. Yet he c„w 0 evidence of tear. Looking his antagonist rcso ■teiy ill the face, he exclaimed; “ General, you now have every advantage. 1 itt forced, by necessity, to use my left hand, and ' you were not a coward. yoaw ikt dot hi •• tfuick as thought. Clump changed the weapon 'tan the* right hand to the left, arid mursettiatciy le word ff> lire was repeated. At the sound of ihe istofa, I'Olli t nrinn s fell. Archer had fainted from ’ las of Mood, the effect of hit pres iotta wound, but rump whs shot through the- hear*.: t)' The democrats of New Hampshire bate crumated, for re-election, 8*MWl JJw.«oax, the resent Governor of the State. It will be recollec- j ■d that the Rev. Mr. Atwooo, the fast nominee., -as dropped iu couset; ueace of having expose , :*ie of his free-soil sentiments. He endeavored 3 make aH thing* SBSeath with the party, but the 1 oven loot had been seen, arid the reverend polo \ iua.i was kick' d overboard. Grinding Pumpkins. They have lakeo to grinding pumpkins into ftotir t n Massachusetts, by means of which, pumpkin lies, the “peculiar matiiution of New England, j nay he enjoyed at all season* and in all parts of he world. The “l luted Society of Shakers,” at; harvard. Mass., are the m TKRMS tt)R ADTERTISIKO: AiHfTtiwnfatt will be timmmt at t*o rate* of t*o other paper* ih thU ritr—that it, «l a aq«*re ftflKe HfM iwiHofc nl tftr wti a square fnr ear b adititmohl pbMktbeo. A liberal dhrnoot wiki be made to thmw hr the p-or. t f PnaunaMo am ambaAaarf I* act aa aw W.IVI. and, ^U*«w> lt)jt»co* of all received and trauvmittrd to no for papaw tad ad ><-ntwatuW>a, •'•*** won*, Of all kimta, mo* at Steamboat Bilb* BiUa af La *W. P-wteT*. n -mlMU; Sheriff*’, JtMboet', and CoMtableff Blaak*; Pmwiroi aadftitUiow Ttftketa Card*, Boob a art Painphfct Pnatin* eaecnted with neat net* a ad dispa! e!v at moderate price* for noth. mm _ Congressional Prooeediaga THIRTY HR3T t.'oVOR(W.i_i«Bt'<W*0 acoalntt. W *»wj!wm>N, March tft. Spx iti-.—The appoint m,nt of »>pten Hofttnan, Jr.. Diatriet Ju$rn for California, *nd T. Butler Kin*. Culler Mr. w.»c fro, Armed. Hv the law <>f I *80, the mileage of California wrobers m limited ihr nearest route within tho State. The Ilona* iwtwitlWamtinjr.’harc allowed null «^e for the lure at hv the Panama route, Senatiar f»wynn submitted hi* r.aae to tie jndi narv cimnitter. and i» » understood that they will report mraiovt the Panama route, and attains the ronvhroctivp mileafo for the extra atwiun, wtherwwe Mr, Govnn would In-entitle! lo#H,ilOO for mi leaf* frwe* December. lather Bdeiiife* mae (foea over to nr\t aeaatun. Mr. C*« deft nded liimaelf from ah editorial iu thw mormns’s Rrpwhf*, fo r-inuon to hi* letter to Kellors relative to tin' rive* and Harbor bill. Mr. Rliett defended Soirt* Carolina fiwu false and ermm'oii* star, menta contained in Houston'* leiter to Ocn Hamilton, published in yesterday’* l n»on. This (rave rise to an exrittiir debate U tween Meswm Rhett. Houston «.,d Better, winch terminated by a ;.,*»• from Mr. llall. A rum mit mention wav fere ire, I from Messrs. Gales and Seatna. deelimnr to publish, after this session. daily debate* of the Senate; referred to the judiciary eon trout**. IRTh. comifiittee reported adversely to allowing imlenee to California Senator* by the Panama route. hxorutive session then adjourned. March 13. Spars — Time wax spent in .-vecutivc buxines*. The doors .in- opened. and a motion tn adjourn to morrow atom- o'clock. P. M.. wax adopted. The Senate rejected Gi munch ax aonsnl »n Pane. Mr. Maiu'imi called up 1. resolution, ilia! 3PTO extra mimUra ot i'rofewanta M htcteolngv, ordered to be plWHoi by the S* nattv ami to V plaid at thi disposal of ihr Pnifeax't, to enable him to sup ply hix'meteorokieirwl com v|mndouta, each with a copy—laul on the table. A letter was received flrmn the Preavdent with ' accompanying tenexpend*nag with Turkey rela tive to the Hungarian fefog»«-», and most of the correspondence has already been published. One latter <•. Daniel Webster, informs hint that the Sublime forte, jwtHnmed to main the Hnnga nan refupees, eipirea <» May-type. Another let ter from 1km. Ranked Maxim to Mr. March, f. S. Conaul at ConaUntinonle, urges hi in to prevail on the Sublime forte, net to renew stipulation* with any power (or the detention of Hungarians, and to say to the SuhSmeforte, if h- allows Kossuth avid his corujsiinotta to h ave, 1k> v will find a veaxe) readv to com. v tl.etr. o.ur show The Necje tary ot tin Senate was authoring! to have this fet ter and aceom* nuyin • documents printed at thin aesxion. Th* Senate rsnfinaeil the f lb>w up lunmnatuine; TJioa. A. H. Mr-tana. Commissioner to China: T. Butler King, Collector ai Ban prune taco; Mr. Pen dleton. Appraiser at Sou Francisco: alms the Ap praiser at Sacramento; Robert Gardiner, C'olleetnr at Beverly; Allen K. Owens, Charles Bradley, and 0. Edgar, Appraisers at large; Geo. S. Washing ton, Register at Saint Augustine, Florida; Samuel Bekal, Conaul to ( hili; Thomas Wolff, Col lec tor at Memphis; Thomas Wilson, CMIlecUir at Oregon: Sunpm P. Moore ami Way. M. Mathews, Apprar •«» « Oreyon: George p. Nettat, Collector at Pa ''he City, On-toni Alonzo Lclland, Surveyor at Milwaukie; hciward C, Want, Collector at Col urn bia, N. 4.'.; F. N. Ueldr-n. Collector at Corpus t hristi, levies; Ih.niiett and Brown, Consula far ports in South America. The intimation of Mr 1. uatly, as Cofnmrsaioncy of public buildings, was umi« consideration when the Senate adjourned, without coming to any conclusion. Oritin uf ihr KitUlf-»n«kf. The attachmi ntof the Aboruuncx V.Ihix famous repnie ,-i proverb,nl; amour nearly all the trrlea, even at the present dnv, it i* seldom dislnrbed, but is designated by the - ndramrg ■ albet oi /rrvTu/ utfiir. it is record'd, however, by the early hia tcrian* that when our tribe desired to chaUtnge I.notuvr to con ! at, tin y were in the of send ,iig into the midst of their rne mvtbe skin of n rat tlesnake, whereby it would appear to have been employed as an emblem of rveuce. And as t«, tb. .rn- n of t!.« rattlesnake,* the old men among ihe Cherokee v relate a legend to the following eft. el, vvt . h, the reader notice t ears a striking auahyy to the history of our Sa *ior. A very beautiful young man, with a white face, and wrapped in a w hdo robe, once wad.- his »p p. aranee in their naff u, and con wand-d them to abandon ail their ohl Ct. »oms arid Uwuvi-lx, ami to adopt a new religion. He made use of the suft 1 rl language and . v lythnig he did proved him to te a ro-xl Oran. It so happened, however, that he could make no friends among them, and the medi t 'lie men of the nation i .inspired to take away his life. In ti'iiuy ways did they try to do this—by ashuig nun with si rjieiiis, rnu! by gmug turn po» mn, but wer> ^Iways niruet ,*sful. But in pro i ess ol time, x,ie deed w as ntcotnpltshed, and in the following manner. It was know n that lire goodstranger was in daily habit of visiting a certain spring for the onrno;. r i queue mug lu.s thust, and bathing Ins body. In view of thin (act, th< magician* made a very beau tiful war-cheat, inlaid with sonic mud-shells, and decorated with rattle", and this etieft Tttev offeitd to the Of, at Spirit, with the prayer that He would ****** them bow tod* troy the stranger. In answer b« the prayer, a venomous snake wan created, and carefully i.aiden uv . r a leaf by tbi- aide of the tpruig. The stranger, as usual, came their to liruik, was bitten by the snake, and perished*— The Cherokee naUni theft fell m love with the make, and buvmg asked the Great fipirit to dis 'uigutshe. l>> s,,in, p, , altar mark, Ifoai all the’ i Hot snakes in the wf rid, be compiled by trails rrmg to ,b< N>dy the rattle* which had made the i beat of sacrifice «» musical to the car, audio beautiful Ur the eye. * A a .1 mosiuic Occwrreocc. A few days since s laughable scene occurred in K‘>re street. A Frenchman, pass*my a house «het>- a red dee was hutment to imbeaUr that M ine infectious disc-use existed within, inquired cf one whoiu he met wby Lite Mag waa suspended there. " r*0' snmll pet in there,** replied the roan, hur ry ir.y on. The Frenchman pa.mod ane. razed at the flag. ;n.n the house f ir - tt-ment. and the 11 walking up ■ ■ d- piled the- knocker vigorously. What no you wsnl, sir?* inquired a woman who eau-nously opened the door. “ 1 want tu awixo ,1 (and show, Madame.” “ We ban no Show, bare, * sa.d the women, <• udeaturtng to keep ; ■ Frenchman from, , “and you bad better go away, for we’ve got the sirall pet betel” “ Aha, da| ia itl ze leetle fox,’* chuckled Mon sieur, ** Vy von say no show, aba?* “ 1 tell r<»u, sir. th ru u, no uhow here I we*ve (tot the small pi.x— eTye? bear?* “Sacre, dsn.'” tried the Frenchman, getting out of patience, ** zat it vai I tray two, tree, seventc n tulles re little for—ia prut rupturd.—A. 1*. Vl*b . Abort of raids, Tbe Richmond yVa.} Whip states that there was but twenty dollals in the treasury of that Slate eu Thursday last, snd cauls on the- banks to assmt U e coiinwouwcaltii ui her present difficulty*. Population of hr* Orleans. A city c*i4u of Sew Orleans, just completed, makes the whole | • puiAtton|vu,ihil, and the bum Utr of voters l‘.!.4*>. l# i*4p, >-,w OrletM - - • population of 10V,b*3,