Newspaper Page Text
LITTLE ROCI TO HOT SWISS, ARUMA! From tb* lot of April t let Octobor, 1851, th* Ml _ i acribor will mb a DA1LT limb or »TA«B* Kram Lilli* Ruck to Hot Spring*, for tb* «0WfflW dat'On of the traveling public— To leave every other doy, ( Sunday*, wit tiie Dolled Stale* Mail, IN FOUR IIOttSE POST COACHES, •t 5 o’clock, \. M., andarrlvaot Hot Spring*,**m day, at 9 P. M. THE ACCOMMODATION L1NJS, Pour Horao Poet Coachea, will leave Little Roc eiery lolervening day, at the *amo hoar in til iiioruing, and arrive at Hot Spring* next day, at i in the evening. FARE: By cither Line, *5—Ft!™ R«tH“ t* Pwportka The (ubeeriber l» the contractor for tb* convey anceof the United Slate* Mail* on the route* fro. Little Rock o Fort Smith, and from I.iltl* Rook t Washington, in Ilempatead comity, via Uot Spring — in Peat Coachea, three time* a week IT Both the*e route* Intersect with the Steam boat United Slate* Mail Line from Memphis to Lit tlo Hock. O* Stare Office at the .lafAon* /fee** . 1 PETER hanger. Feb. II. . 2a“1 y uitdric* from .Tew Orleans RECEIVED per Steamer* Phillip Penny wit an Pontiao, tiie following good*, to-wlt: 100 bleached Sack* Salt; 10 half Bbl*. Molaaae* ; 1 Bbl. Rlc* ; 3688 lb*. Sweed Iron i 50 lb*, do. Plow Mould*; 30 Steel Milt*, aaaorted size* ; 4 Dozen Graa* Bed Corda; 2 Coll* do Hop* 2 Coil* Colton Rope ; ' 10 Bright Ox Chain*; 2 Doz. water-proof Ride Lock*; 9 do. Palm Loaf Hat*; 12 do. Webater’* Speller* ; 100 *et* Cup* and Saucer* ; 100 do. Edged Plate* ; 2 Doz. Horse Collar* ; 3 do. B. B. B. Hat* ; 48 pair Men’* thick Boot* ; 10 Bbl*. Prime Sugar. For *ale by A. J. HUTT, Feb. 10, 1351. Maiu Street. Mate Scrip. A~~ KK ANSA* Slate Treaiury Warrant* for *uli by ISAAC LEV V. Little Rock, Feb. 11, 1851. LHtl'OK*. 5BBLS. Old Bourbon Whiskey ; 12 Bbla Ok Monongabela Whiskey ; 20 Bbli Prims Ok Whiskey i 20 half do. do.# 4 Bbls. French Braudy ; 2 Caaka Old Cognac Brandy; 2 do. Madeira Wine ; 2 Caaka Muecat VViua; 2 do. Malaga do. 1 Hf. Bbt Cherry Bounce; 1 Bbl. Uin. Keoeived per True tee, and for aalo by JOHN D. ADAMS, Feb. 11, 1851 Steamboat Landing. 75 tfroceriw. Sack* Salt; 15 Sacks Coffee; 15 Bbla. Sugar _ 1 Bbl. Powdered Sugar; 10 Bbla and hal Bbla. Molasses ; 1 Tierce Bice Raisins, Cheeee Vermicilli, Macaroni, Sweet Chocolate. Lobetera Sardines, Brimstona, Cigars. Spanish Browu, Hot ten Stone. Whiting, Bristol.Brick, Emery, Lam; Wicks A.c., See, Received per Pontine, aud foi M|, by JOHN D ADAMS, Feb. 11, 1851. Steamboat Landing WALTON, SANFORC4CO GENERAL GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, So. 85, New Levee, S Orleans: HAVE constantly on hand a general and wel aelected assortment of Staple and ffnucj Groceries, Fine IJquort and Bines. JVoeuiona Etc, Etc lu addition to the articles usually found in t Grocer’s Stock, they keep a supply of Nalls, Glass Drugs, and Dyes, Latter and Cap Paper, Ptayin) Cards, Ac. Ac. Their aim will be to sell good and (real) articles and always at FAIR MARKE T PRICES. Thei facilities for buying, with their experience in Ih Arkansas trade,’and their knowledge of the want of that section, they think will euat'le them at al times to 511, satisfactorily, such orders as they ina be favored with. Jan. 1, 1851. 1-y. - Plow*, Plow*. Received per Santa i> and Dove, the following goods : 75 Cast'and wrought one ami two horse Plows 30 Kegs and quarter kegs powder. 20 .Sacks llio Coffee. 5 Bbla. Molasses. 4 Dozen Collin’s Axes For sale by A. J iun% Main street. 22—tf. Feb 4, 1851. 4. r«mii». CrocfricH! / rUST received direci from Cincinnati. per Siena J er Hamburg: 5 Bbls DriedLApples, 2 “ Beans, 6 keg» Pigs feet, 4 Boxes .Soap | 10 •* Star Candles. % bbl Beef tongues, 10 kegs (.Sushi'll Butter, 1 Bbl 4 Bbls Vinegar. 100 1 gal. J ugs, 50 >/“ do. 2 Bbls Lard Oil, 10 “ Whiskey, 10 I® Bbls do. 25 Bbls Flour, 20 “ Onions, 20 “ Potatoes. And for sale cheap by Jan. 20, 1851. 20-tf A. J. HUTP, Main ttitrt. b^LOllR 100 Bbls Ohio extra rnperhne, Buckwheat. 20 Bags, Cheese—20 Boxes, . Lard Oil-2 Bbls, Class—10 Boxes 10 by 12, Harns—5 casks extra sugar cured, Lard—5'i kegs No 1, Nails—25 kegs. Beef—2 bbls dried Kec’d per "Hamburg,” and for sale by Jan. 20. 1851. 20-tf. WM. B WAIT, Sundries I Vo in Cincinnati. RECEIVED per Steamer Trostee, tbe follow log goods, to-wit: 1000 pound' Cotton Yarn ; 6 Dozen Corn Brooms; 8 Bundles Horse Shoe Irou ; 10 pieces Axe Bar Don; 472H lbs. Flat sud Sue-re Bar Irou ; 50 Plow Moulds 25 Large Wash Kettles ; 8 Boxes Tobacco ; 30 Large Waeh Pots ; 1014 lbs Dog Irons ; 1 Box Dutch .Madder ; I Bbl. Copperas; 20 Boxes 10X12 Wd dov Glass ; 4 Boxes Glass-ware ; 1 Bbl Clov. Seed ; 25 Bags Shot , 250 lbs. Bar Lead For so by Feb. 10, 1851. A. J HUT P. Maiu Street OKA.\€.i:,S \.\i» ijfjhoxs, JUST received per steamer Phillip Penuywll— 30 boxes oraugea; 5 do. lemons; Far sale cheap M.TANTL Feb. 24 25-tf. tjirlv Potatoew. ONE hundred CmOMs just received per steamc “Umpire, No. 2,** and for sale by D. BENDER k CO. Little Rock. Feb 18, 1*51. 24—tf. IUGAK, 17 Hhds. choice brown; I -COFFE—*0 bags prime Rio; BALT—200 bags coarse; 50 bags fine. fUeeivad par lata arrivals, and for sale by - 3. WAIT. WM. B. March U. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL-ROAD w* » t»fti»n ME ROHAN DIZE from PHILADELPHIA to PITTS BURGH la anticipation of the opening of the Eaat era Dtriolea of the Penney I van la Canal, any on iik afUr the TWENTIETH of FEBRUARY, at fix fallowing rate*, eh: For tat Cleat Dry Good*. Hata, Boota and Sb-ee Druga. Hooka, Mathmery, fce , at #1 p*r I0O Ita For 2d Claaa -Hardware. Quee newer., Grooerle* Paint and Dyeatofa. OHo, kc , at 80 eta. pr 100 For Sd Cluaa—t'otfee, Leaf Tobacco. Iron, Guano Ha««u, Beef, Pork, Am. at 80 eta per 100 Ibe For Tilt Claaa -Tar, Pitch, Koaln. Aahra, Marble Pig I on, Hileka, 4t,c , at 50 eta. per 10) tb« H.H HOUSTON. Freight Agent. Penn. Railroad Co. No. 271 St, 278 Market Street. Phila. N. B—Good* going Eaal by our Rond ahead b, eonatgned to MnFADEA St COVODE, Pittsburgh. >• PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. PASSENGERTRAINS betwrea PHILADEl, ' Pill A and PITTSBURGH, Leave PhttadelpkU ’ Daily at 3 A. M., and at P. M. Leave Pitta * burgh Dally at 8 A. M . ntui 5 P. M. 1 A. HENDERSON, Paareng.r Agent. 24-2m. PROTECTION riRK AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, THE underaigued. agent for tliia old and well ealabliahed lor notion, couliuura to Irene poll eiea of lent ranee againat loaa or damage by fire, at llie current ratea of premium charged by othei . reaponaible companlea. All claime for Iona, under 1 Polictee honed by the nuderaigued. will be prompt ly adjuated, and paid, by the General Agent of the Company located at Cincinnati. The loaaea paid by th|. Company in the Wealern Country, during the laat 25 yeara, exceed #2,800,000. WM. B. WAIT. Agent, : 17th Feb. 1851. 24. at Little Rock. /trkanenN River Packet. STEAMER SAINT FRANCIS, D. 8. JAMES. Matter, WILL continue to ran an a regular packet.between Na poleou and Fort Gibeou. Tliia boat la aa light, if not of n lighter draught, than any other boat on the river. I’aasengere and ehippera may rely on her punctually performing her trip*, and at aa low ratea aa auy other boat in the trade Feb. 14. ISM. 24—tf. Fitly Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the residence of Mr. «u«r Tiapnall, in the city oi Little Rock, about two week* finer my itegio man, Amor. He i. about twenty nine yean old, dark cop- «Jl2L per rolnr, busby head, l.iwit) rtsturo.sinokra a pipe and to, d nt drinking ardent spirit.. I will give Ten dollar, if taken in. Pulaaki county; Twenty dol lars it taken out of Pula>ki county, and Fifty dol lars if taken out of Hie Slate, and secured ao that I get him again. WILLIAM FIELD. Little Hock, ISth February, 1851. Iron and ta*>linp. ,1 A(^i \ LI.*. Bar iron, assorted ; “■.rvrvyl * 4 Bundle* Mail Rods; (i Bundle* Kxtra Horse Shoe; lOOpircea How Wlnga; 75 Skillets and lids; 3d Urrna and Inis ; 13 assort'd F.uglish Pots; 15 Sugar Kellies; 12 Urid irons: 30 odd lids. Received per Trustee, and Tor sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Feb. 11. Steamboat Lauding. Cincinnati Goods'. OO *rrsb Buckwheat Flour ; 300 pounds /vU Boiogna Sausages; 1 bbl; llomiuey; I bbl. White B ans! 20 Boxes Star Caudles; 10 Boxes Taliow do. 2 Bbls. Lard Oil; 1 Bbl. Salaratus; 300 Jugs; IS Deniijohua, 15 Iron Bound Kegs. Received per Trustee, and for sale by JOHN 1). ADAMS, Feb. 11, 1851. Steamboat Landing. Star Candles Jtc. QAI\ Lbs. Star Candies ; ‘25 Bags Buckwheat Ov/v^vFlour ; li Bbl. While Beaus; 400 Lb»' i Castings* Just received per Pontiac, and for sale by FATHERLY 4. CLEMENTS. - Fab. 11,1851. 100.000 lbs. MEWCiOOD , * TJECEIVED b) WALTKII MlTCliehh, I | JV within tlie last month, that have been pur i ' chase,! by him, on better terms than any stock hith ' eito, and as well selected, which be will dispose . I at such rates a« shall induce customers to more liberally than before —the tiulh ol which may be tested by ail nelsons who will lavoi him with a call and,ex *min 'ion, a* his New Cush Store*, on Main and Markham Meets, Little Ro. k, where they will find, at all times, n lull assortment of all srtirl. * belonging to I tie following bra:dies of merchandise ’ via: D>y do dt, Ri'titt anti Shoe*, droter ter, Huh awl Cap*. Crockery, l)n gt awl Medicines, Hardicart, I'aiuts and Oil*, TI men re, Clothing, Furniture, Flour, Sloneteare, IVhitkey and nil Iron and Kail*, other /.iijuor's, Slot's and Catling*, Bacon, Cot ten Yarn, - Sole and Upper Leather, and all other articles evei found in a , ucnciai variety store. ; 0 Therefore, he would respectfully intite ell per e.’iii that t is.t Little Rorlt. It (itc him a call, the he ir.ny give them a cordial reception, ami arqor l.irnst it, a-. lar a* may he in hi* power, ol the abuvi j broad assertion*. , Ili.» uiipiec-ilt iited success (having, go far, ur - pa-sed Ins most sanguine anticipations) places hilt iindri very great obligation* to all hi* customers and to- would hereby render most hceity thanks tc one and all for past tutors, ami kin>:ly|ask a contin ual.-'i- of the same. His present facilities for business enables him lr *•11 mne good* than he ran possibly gel into hu tut «e, but hopes, in future, to be able to supply at dein md-, as he is about totesublish a Wholesale House at N~11‘OI.EOX, by which means ant qnantity of goods uili be delivered at Little Itork a- all times, as cheap as they can be purchased it New Oil. an* or Cincinnati, with deception o' Ireigh and expense*. In twenty days from th a date, as near as may be he will return from Cincinnati, with about eight) ton* ol Whiskey,Horn, and such article* ss can b« j pnrehased, (he cheapest in that city. Just received, per st< timer Citizen, ninety bbl* Whiskey, and twenty Cheese, which is going on j like hot cakes. W. MITCHFLL. ! Lillie Hack, Dec. 21st, l$5ll. Hi-l.'iw. SMoushw. P IS A COCK No I, J |H <lo - 2, 3U Hail s east “ I, 12 •• •» H 2 For sa!r, by VVM B W AIT. BfackwiuiUrs Tool**. 4 2 i sod 2d inch Bellow , l Mouse Hole Anvils t Goiter’s Key Vices; 4 tela Hatnm- rs: Hec.ived and for sale, by J. D AOAMS, Jihi. 21, Is51. Steam Haul Landing. \t'H ItiU'OIl. ^ HHDS. clear Si*lee, r» rtivej and for pale, by U Jau 27. WM. B. WAIT. Laustrrr's Sftlioniil Map of Irkaam. A FEW copies ol lhe at> ive Map—the n-dv com plele and correct one ever published —lor sal at the Gazette aid Democrat office—price $5, ol rollers, and handsomely varnished and colored, t- Jan. 7, IS5I. ps— R Sawing, Ropr and T« in<-. ECElVEDSeptember 1st Ici.Vqfrotn Loutsrilii 2,.'dl l yards Croton liaggirtg, 3,000 Founds lisle Hope ; 30 Twine, lor sale low bv A. J. HUT I’, Main Street. 25 SHCk Wheat Hour. Sacks Fresh Back Wheat Flour, just r. eelved by FATHERLY A. LE M ENTS. Flour! Flour! TY ECEIVED this daw by wagons, Twenty BUa IV Sapar&sa Flow, far aala for Caah at Poe. 1*. A. i BUTT’S. ST. MART'S ACADEMY, FOB YOUNG LADIES, Little Rock, Afki»»««i. THIS Institution, under the especial p»lro««({ ot Right Reverend Dr. Btkne, is now open In the reception of boarder*. Situated in a retired par of the city of Little Rock, it po**r*aes every advan tag* which can contribute 'o the health and happi ness of the Pupil*. Tbe addition* now being mad to th» already spacious building*—together with it extensive and beautiful grounds, will render it on 1 of the most cwuraodlo** and delightful institution i of (he West. The 8c hola»tie year cenrmene e* the first Monda in September'—thV annual vacation the loth Jut* Pupil* received at any time, hut red lt>r a short* 1 period than three months, ami no deduction, it with ! drawn belorr the expiration of the aession, excep in case of protracted niekness. j The course of studies embraces alt the branche I usually taught in the best School* for Young Ladies 1 Thi; mo<! constant attentii n will tie paid loth* rnor : at aa well a* to the inenttf education of tire pupils I Dqjing the hour* of recreation th* young ladie 1 are alw ays urulei tti* care oTone ol the teacher*—i short, everything nroruo'ing th* w elfare of the pupil will he auooject ol lint most conscientious attention K irli young lady must be provitied with a knife fork, spoon, gnbblel, six table napkins, six change of linen, woik and diesting box, combs, brush towels, tcc.. Ike. At the • nil of e«ch quarter the young lady inn« distinguished for general good conduct and pr»6 cieney in atudres will be rewarded by the honoarj decoration of a medal, and every proper mean employed to inspire a laudable emulation amongs the pupils. Pupil* nl every r-ligious denomination are admit ted into the institution and no improper inflnenet ever used to bias the religious principles of tb< young ladies—but for the sake of order, ill board*ri j are required lo conform to the general regulation; of the Academy. — All eorrespondenee of the pupils, except that o : parents, will be subject lo lire inspection of till Principal. The parents or guardians of the yoiins ladies art required to deposit* witli th* Principal or some re sponsible person in the city a smn ol money sulficicnl i to meet all contingent expenses. Th* french department will be under the direc tion ol one who lias resided seveiat years in Trance, and is lamiliar with the Parisian accent. In the rnusieal department the Principal will bs aided by Mrs. Orjvaa, the Organist of the Cathedral a lady well known to be eminently qualified to im part a thorough practical knowledge ol the science, She will also give private lessons on the I'iano or Organ to those wishing to take them. Term* fur Hoarders per Sessioa of 5 Month*! Board an I Tuition, in all the branches pertaining te a thorough English education,.$-V> ltd Washing, use of bed and bedding,.....15 Oil Extra Charges. Music—Pisno, with use of instrument,! quartelrv,.1 j Guitar,... I Organ. j Use of Organ,. ] Drawing and Painting... j Trench... ; Physician’, fees per annum,. $13 Of . 13 0(1 . 12 0C . 2 0(1 . G Of . 5 (Ml .. 5 0i vocm iviusic 10 rnose noi laKing insiruiuen s !al, quarterly.> 4 (>< Tciius for Day Scholar-, per (4,unrter. Elementary claw.$5 (Mi For ilte more advanced.8 >*o Plain .mil Ornamental Needle Work, Embroidery, Head and Lace work, Knitting and Netting Flow ers. will be taught free of charge—the pupils fur nishing the materials. Ho rders pay the current expense* semi-annually in advance. Day scholars quarterly. There will be an extra chaige of j?J5 (M) for those spendingthe annrtal vacation at the Institution. For further particulars, apply by letter nr person ally to Miss Victor, Principal ol the Institute. REFERENCES: Right Rev Dr. Byrne, ) Hob. S. C. Roane, [• Den. S. H. Hkmfstkad, S Col. L. J. Reardon, 1 John Brown, Esq., > D. W. Carroll, Esq. ) Little Keck. N. Orleant. Kev. J. Moiaohan. Rev. J. Flanaoan, J. Devereadx, Esq., N. Deyerracx, Esq , Bartholomew Mullin, ^ James S. Conway. E-q. ) Judge Hanly, Helena. Judge Meany, Columbia. Agent for the Institution, HUGH BROGAN. July IC, 1S30 —7—45— ly. hehpiiis iwriTiTK. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT: ! The regular course of Leclures in this In-ditiih i will commence on the 1st of November, and con tinue until the last ol February. The Anatumica , Drpaitinent will be opened and ready lo rrceivi students by the 1st of October. The Medical D* partuient w ill be under the direction ot the following Professors: J. Conquest Cross, M.D , Profe»«or of Hie In •dilute* of Medicine and Medical J urisprudence W. Byrd Powell, M.D., Prolessor id Cerebri Physiology, Medical Geology andjMmeralogy R. 8. Newton, M D , Piofessor ol Surgery. H J. Hulce, Mil, Professor of'Theory an. Practice of Medicine. J. A. Wilson, M.D , Professor of Obsteleric and Diseases ol Women and Chiliiren. J. King, M D., Pioieasor ol Materia Medics and Therapeutics. Z. Freeman, M.D , Professor of Anatomy. J. Milton Sanders, AM, M.D., Pi .lessor a Chemistry and Pbannacv. Clinique Lecturer*: Medicine—Prof. H. J. Hclce. Surgery—Prof. R. S. Ness ton. Awitnmu 'il DtManaratOr—L. r n rIMA V, M It. j The fees for a full course of lectures amount l $105. Marticulatora, $5. Deinonalratui's Fee, $lfl 1 Graduation. $20. Those desiring further information will pleas addreif their letteis (post p»nl) to the Dean; an students arriving in (he city will please call on hin at the Commercial Hotel. It. S. NEW l OS, M D.. Penn of the Faculty LAW DEPARTMENT! Hon. E W M. King, Piolesaor of lheory an Practice of Law. Hon. V. I) liAnnr, Professor of Comraercisl Jo risprudence. Tt rms—$50 per session. AH cmnuiunics'ions pertaining to thisdeparlui.n ! mu t he addressed to E. W. M. KINO Esq; Mcmphit, Venn., July, 1850. The Faculties, for intellectual abi'ities, morn Wurth and pinfessional acquirements, will coin par ! favorably with the most distinguished in our conn j try. The medical facility constitutes an anotnal; I in this or any other country—ail of them arc lectu : rers and the to-at teachers. Those who will contemplate our geographical po I aition, and t''» extent of onr population, ran hav ! no doubt as In the eligibility ol our situation lor s of tin* kind. A* to health, including si seasons or the year, we deny that any other aty ha more. A common error etCs's ill the minds ol many stu I dents relative to the place of studying mediein ■ ! those who intend practieir-g among the disease s i the West ami Month should e rtainiy educate them 1 selves at .. s, nr. I whose Faculty are piacUcally ar j quainted with those tli-eas.s. j That the public may be satisfied r.f the perms nency of this school, we feel it our d ;tv to Mate tin the I rustees anil.Faculty form a unit in udinr which argon , well lor Us future succee-; and tha : the peeuliai iiininsl oaguruiation which conned them cannot he interrupted, { E. W. M KING, Prnidrnt oj the Memphie /».n Nupur anil CoflVf. Big* be«t Kio Cofl'ee, i ej\* I illula. Prims I ro a u Sugar, iu store an for sale by T. D. MEHKICK & CO. I No*. 5- IS50.-8-»-tf 1'aHriilsf Rootk. 4 CASES Stool Calf Roots, 2 Cases Walorprui t Booots, just received nod for sale by j Dec- 17. FATHERLY A CLEMENTS Ten*, Ti lts, Tea*. I Chest Best Imperial Tea, 1 1 do do Young Hyson da I do do Black Tea, Receive per last arrivals and for ■ sale cheap by K ATHEHLY & CLEMENTS. Dwc 17, 1850. I Regular Arkansas River Packet fob pink «Li;rr, utti.k b«itk. va\ hijben, wnff wrm, WBF STWOB, A»4 all litrrar^iitc The Sliumrb aid Vtrr Llsbt Pr«Bfbt ,m. fmm.: PHLLIP PENNYWIT, THOMAS A. AFPI.KGATE, MAsxes, tlTILL resumo her regular trip* for (ho season T f with (he first sufficient rise of water, froi» New Orleans to the sbave landing*. tT Strict attontion will be paid to PUnlatioi ba»llira*, and order* promptly attended to. M GREENWOOD & CO., Agent*. N. Orleans. Oct. 81,1650. H6 Greeter Street H— 11 —If REGULAR AR1ANSAS RIVER PUKET. For Pino Blwfl, Kittle Rock, Van Karen, Fort Hmitli, Fori Uibson. and till inter* mediate Landings. THE staunch and light-draught steamer JOHN BOX. Masier. will ran, during th» ensuinj season, as a regular Packet fnnn New Orleans, U (he above landings. Striet atteniion will l>e paid lo plantation business, and all ordeis promptly at tended to, Liltl Hock Jan. 3, 1651. 18-tf. I I i ! i JUST KBCftlVGU AND FOR SALK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. fPHE subscriber is constantly rocet J. ving, from New York, u genuine assortment of Drvgt, Medicine r, Chemi eats. Perfumery, Paintt, Or/s, Z>jr* Stuffe, Ire., tfc. Also—Patent Medi cines: among which are, Dr. Taylor’s Balsam ol Liverwort; Jaynes'Expectorant; Indian Panacea; Dailey's Pain Extractor; Hays’ and Hewcs’ Lini ment: Linn’s Strengthening Plaster; Komstock’i Vermifuge; MofTatt’s Phosnlx Bitters and Vegeta ble Life Pills; Bartholomew's Kxpectoiant; Sphon's Medicines; Oldrldge’s Balm of Columbia for the Hair; Welsh’s Medlcamentum. All of which will be sold low forcasli. it. L. DODGE, Markham >t Little Rock, 18«. 17—tf ENCOURAGE 111)VIE INDUSTRY'!! FASHIONABLE Boot and 6hoo Manufactory. | ritHE undersigned, having opened a Boot and A Shoe shop in the two-story brick house on the vast side of East Main street, between Marksm and Klin streets, intends carrying on the above business in all its branches. He uses none but the best ma terials. and employs none but the very beat work men, and gentlemen favoring him with their coatom may rely on having their work done in the Scaleit and most Pmhloiinblt Style. By strict attention to his business, ami promptly filling all orders to the satisfaction of hie custom ers, he hopes 1o merit and receive a liberal palrou nge from the citizens of Little Kock and vicinity Terms t ush on delivry GEORGE JACOB LESCHER. Little Rock, June 11. 1350.—7—10 tfj. {S.ii’II STU PK.EST.1f OMyiBVS.) FEMALE COLLEGIATE NEMIXAKV, TuLir, Dallas Coonrv, Abkassas. John S. Garvin, Presi dent, Prof, of Colle Mrs M.Cook,Govern. and Instructress. Senor F. Garcia, Pyo(. Weldon E Wright, M D.. Prof of Mat Science. Maj B. J. Borden. Prof ol Ettilcs and Belle Letters of Mn* and Mod. Lang. TUITION PER MONTH. Collegiate Department. (Auc. or Modern Langua ges. . ?'a 00 Collegiate Department, English Coarse. -t (Ml Academic Department.3 <MI Primary Deportment,.2 dfl Ornamental Department, (Painting and Drawing,) . 2 t'fl Mnaicul Department, (Vocal ami Instrumental,.'* on Boarding, including washing, fuel, lights &c. U) (Ml Arnttrinic year embrace* one session of ten months, commencing the 1st Monday in August and closing the last Thursday in June Tuition and Board must be paid one-half in advance, the retnaiuder at the dose of the see-ion No deduction will be made from the rates of Tui tion except in cases of sickness. Examination*.--- 1 her* will lie an annual ex amination before a Board of Visitors at the close ol each term; ami quarterly examinations before the Board of Gnitrdiaus. Diploma-* will be given, on the recommenda tion of the Board of Visitors, to the graduates ol the Seminary, and certificates of Scholarship, to those who have taken a partial course. Discipline and Police will be mild but firm; being rather one of morel restraint, than pun ishment. Quarterly reporta ofconductlund Scholar ship will be transmitted to pnrenls'br guardians. Course of In 'traction is divided into three Departments : Primary, Academic and Collegiate Music.—-It is believed that no Institution in the .South west offers equal advantages to perl'cl its Pupils In this elegant accomplishment. S-net Garcia, the accomplished head of this Department ha£ taught with distinction iu Washington City and Virginia, ami Is not oulv a most skillful per former. but the best Instrurlorin Hie Art, that we have ever seen Needle Worlt*— IMaiu and Pitney.—Nc extra charge will lie made In this Department, the pupils furnishing the materials The product! will bo disposed of at an annual Fair and the pro ceeds placed in the Library Knud Lectures nnd C«mponitio:t.—Lectures will be delivered regularly by the heads of Departuieuii to tlieir respective Classes, and Cempositfoua wil be reouifed' overv tA’O weeks during til ■ course from the member* of the Academy and Collegial. Department*. Vacation.—There wilt l>e a vacation of 0111 week the, Ia»t of December, and ouoof two moutlu at the close of the -Session. By order of the Board of Guardiaus. X—9—If f Chan. While* Family Lard. RECEIVED, thi* day, and lor sale, wholesaii amt retail. 5 bbls Bweer White Lard, 25 crocks •* “ Enquire of A. J. HVTT, Main Ft. Sept, 8, 1X50. I R Potatoes and Onion*. ECEIVED per steamer Hamburg, aud for as! 20 bbla Iri.ii Potatoes, JNC* D. ADAMS. 10 “ Onions, Jan 20, 185«, 20-tf. PROVISIONS. 1 r JABS Freeh Butter, LeJ t> Reg- Pigs Fret, « Boxes western dairy Ctirrte, • hhls white 0eai>9, 9 bbl« dite t Apt le*, 2 •> rltt peaches, * 6 hi D Onions, I bbt. winter pressed Lari Oil, just received amt for said Uy FATUKKLY .V CLEMENTS December 17, l*50 Hill*! Hill*!! Hill*!!! I) n Fteel Mills, assorted site* t-r 19 Super Lined Fiddles, Nev. 26, 1*50. for sale low by a. j iiurr. Hat*! Csat*!! Hat*!!! 2 Cases Fashionable Silk Hat* ; 6 Dos Wool do. 3 Poz Cloth Caps. Bee ived per Pontiac am for sale by JOHN D- ADAMS, Feb. II, 1851. Steamboat Landing. •TtOE..i8SFSi 4*r. fOST Receiver per Phillip Penny* it, •J 1 Bbta. Molasses ; 6 h«‘f do.; 1 Cask Bice ah for sale by FATHEHLY St CLEMENTS. Feb. II. 1851 ?!■ ’ t) A 1 PLOW POINTS —A supply recei it (rerSteaiiisr Woodsman, by W M U. W.1 Jnly 9, IS At* M/ricd .ipplen and JPearhen 1 CA W8HEL9 Apples uni Peaches; just re 1 tJ\J ceived, per steanxr St. Frsiei*. ami li sale by D. BEN DEB tc. CO. As*. IS, 1S51. IITTLE ROCK FOIXDRY 1SD SliTIERY. Romrell ITrphr T170ULD respectfully will the attention of the f » public to til - abuse establishnirnt, which lies recently undergone ■ thorough repair, old, hay ing ihe necessary facilities, is now folly prepared to furnish to ord- r. with gr»st promptness. every I article' lujlhat Hoe. of either wrought or cost Iron, Urns* or Copper, of os good materiel, proportions, | ami workmanship, it ml upon ss cheap terms, ns any , other Foundry iu this country. Millrlghts aud others, ordering wheels. wHI ho pleased to giro the f No. of cogs and pitch, slro the particular siie end ! shape of the eye, wanted in each wheel. Tito dl ' amster of a wheel, when east, will lie of tn inch per foot less—-the some with length of n shaft — ; Orders should also lie aerompanled with a draught I end full description of what la wanted, aud the I postage paid. 1 Little Rock, Dec. 10. 18S*.—14—tf Lanstrff’i Seflional lap of trkama*. ^IMIE above splendid Map is now (hashed and A ready for deliv.iy. li delineate* Ihe whole State as Did olf hy tj-e t . S. Depu'y Surveyor*.— Every Section and Iri.e'ional section is shotsn, so that a/or'y oat hocI < an he leadily found upon it. The exaet position of all the County Seats, Post offices, Saline Springs, Seminary Lands, and the rich and tortile ,’nnds si-lerled by the Slate out of the .rt00,tK><) Here donation grant aie all arcmatelv shown. The Lead Mines and other tnincial Icestions are iioten, as well as all the old confirmed Spanish anr veys; with the latest alterations in the County lines. The whole Map containin' as great an amount of valuable information as can be found on any State Map extant. It is put up on rollers, elegantly colored and var nished. Price $5 0t>. Also inconvenient pocket hum, price $8 00. The poeket Map* can be sent to any part of the State by mall. Postage f> cents For file at the bookstnrp of L R. LINCOLN, IMIU Rock. April 9, 1SS0. 31tf SUNDRIES. tTf\ Bhts. Superfine Flour: 60 Boxes S’ar Can OV/ dies ; 10 Bbls. Clear Pork ; 2 Bbls. Linseed Oil 1 2 BbD. Lard Oil; 4 Bbls. Powdered Sugar, 2 Do. Crushed Do.; 2.000 Lbs. Cot’on Yarn ; 3,000 Lbs. Bar Iron ; 25 Kegs Pure White Lead. H.lRDWJRK.Sft.—Anvils; Bel ows; Vieesj Screw Plates; Hand and Sledge Hammer-; Mortice and Rim Locks, Mineral Knobs; Fancy,Cup board and Pari Locks; Axes; Axe and Claw Hatch ets; ’Places; Grubbing Hoes; Turni> g Chisels and Gouges ; Files and Rasps; 2 and 4 fold Rules; Let ter Copying Presses ; Wrought and Horse Nails; Spirit Levels and Plumbs; Hand, Panel and Wood Saws; Shovels, Spades and Manure Fuiks; Copal Varnish, See. Received ami lor sale bv July 10. WM. B. WAIT. /YYir Maoris! .Vcic Mo oris ! IHE undaraigned has jual re ceived, and D now opening, J irge and well-se.lec«ed usaort it of Dry Goods, Clothing, a. Bools and Shoea. Hardware. •unaware, nud every ihiug uau fouud iu stores adapted to the < country iron* ; an oi which »* —— offer* for sale, Cheap for Cash, or in ■ xclrange for ] Cotton or Pellriea. for which the higliwit market price will be given. Country dealers would do well to give him a call, and examine his stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. ' A. J. HUTT, Little Rock Foundry. CIOAL CRATES, (Atkansas pattern.) for sal* J cheap, by ROSWELL BEEBE. Dec. 3. l.tSO. . Cl (JCNS! cost! GUKSIII JUST RECEIVED, and for sale cheap for cash, tine Double and Single barrelled Shot Guns, Rifles, flint and percussion gun Locks, hc.,fce.. at ilie Gunsmith Shop, on Main street, where repnir , ing is done up blue, by II. GRIFFITHS. Novfi. 9— (liicciiNitarc and ISlass Ware. TOHN D ADAMS, (at Lower Steamboat Land el ing) offers to his friends and the public, the fol lowing carefdlly'aelerted (in the East) assortment of Queenswahe, Ac., &e., which he will sell very low: 53 doz. white granite dinner and soup pistes, 12 “ Ten Setts, 9 “ Twiflers, 5 “ White Granite Dishes, 1 “ *• •• Pitchers, fi ** •• •< Bakers, 2 *• •• •< Sugars, , 23 setts •* “ Colfees, 24 <• •• Teas, fl doz. “ “ Bowls, 4 “ « Pitchers, 6 “ Ewers and Basins, 4 “ White Gr. Brtt-h Trays and Soap hrx-s, 2 “ W G sauce Tureens, li « do. Buttbis and Drainers, 0 “ do. Pickles, 4 “ W t! sauce boats and stands, 1 “ W G Mugs, 2 «• C C Tank Mug*; do. porter inugs; do fancy; Misses’ Plates, Bakers, and Dishes, 20 <* edged Plates, edged Dishes, Bakers, 1 *• C O Nappeis, 4^ “ Bed Paiis, 3 “ Ea. End. Tea Pi ts,'Sugars and Creams, J *r Spit Cups, 4 " whiteClina pishes, 3 “ white C.iiri.rjCapi roles; 4 “ W C Mustards; 4 do pickles; l pr. Fruit Basket-. 4 “ pr. W 0 Cilleries. Flasks, Glass Bowls, do. Pilchers, do. Sslv>rs. 4 “ 6 ring Castors, Mi la-scs Cans, 10 “ com moo Bowls, 11 '• Tumblers, tinted and common, 2 “ Goblets, 1 •* Champaign.*. 4 •• Wines, 6 “ S'.tor Side Lamps; I do Lanterss; 2 Cut Hall Lamps; 3 Solar hanging Lamps; 1 “ Deean'ers, •4 Cup Plate*, Mexican and white China S| ittnons; German Mugs; Cut Sails; 4 pr Vases; 3 Eittht Day Clocks. Dee 17. ltfSd. 15 Peacock Plows. JUST received per Mail Boat.---31) one horse Peacock Plow*; 10 do do. Valley Plows; 10 two house Peacock Plows. Apply to Feb. 2C, 1850. A. i. UUTT. Vl'OVBS.— IS No. .1. “Troy” Air-tight Steves, S 6 “ 2, “ lieceived and for eale by \VM. B WAIT BBL8 RECTIFIED WHISKEY, receive I UU this day per “ Gen He .*' ai d Un s»le by Jail. 21, 1851. JOHN I). ADAMS. Sici. -i B'j'tL Laudimf. Kcc’ri per slcaim-i* Ifi.miburnli, 8BB1.S Ale; UMIOO C«i>ou<i C ifuri*; H,'W>0 common }■% byttui h do ; 11)1. bi>U. Crackers; 10 do IIrandy; 20 do Whisfcty; 20 yt do do; 20 bk>U Floury «• 5 do Gin, &c. Jan 21. M TANT1 Krceiu'd perWIcamer I in pi re. ~/A CASES fresh Oys'crs; JU 8 bbls do do iu shell, (very fits) 4 do Oranges, fine; 2 dot boxes Prunes 20 no fresh K. in*, has! ijo.iH'y; 25 (WO Havana Cigars, assorted. For sale by M TANTi. Jan 21. 1851 20 - LMU<ms. ON band and for sale, 1 bbl 4lb proof French Brandy; 1 “ Spanish “ 1 '• Malaga Wine| 1 “ Muscat *• (a choice article/. JOHN l>. ADAMS, Dec. 10, 1850.— 14 tf I.aictr lannling. Trim. FiHbT rate su/cir pi G‘*—»-«'<•> HWcic Text . V tor ssie at A '/.■••' 1 A I HE1U.Y A. CEEMEATi 49 Parlri(l«c Boots. r 4 Cases Water Proof, nisi receive./ end fo. tab* ' b* by r ATHEULV & CLEMENTS. 1 Fsb. II, IWol. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. IB. JOlITfHON, ATTORNEY AT LAW I.ITTLF. BOCK, AUK. Oct. 1,1899. S. I. BiMNDi:.\’YB| RU, A T T O R N E Y A TLAW, Lawrenckvillk. ARK** T^TILL pt’rtier in {lie ?.>un,:f* ' f Philip*, St. Franer. and Monroe, in the fit«t Judicial Cir cuit : It* count if* ol Dcaha «i> I Arkansan, in the acennd Judicial Ciieoi’, ami th» connly ol Prairt*, in tits feftt* Indtrial Ciicuir, at d will pay atnct **« tcntinn to the collection of rfctit. in any pa>t of the Stiff, and wiil also art at agerd. lor the sale of land* and paying taxrt, ,Vr K'-st eiife in La«reticevil|», Monro* co., A k1. Sept. 17, 1990.—8-4 'V sAm nia ncriiARTY, Attorney «t l,«w «nd hi Cfenncrry, FINE BLUFFS. JEFFERSON COUNTY, AN KANSAS. Aug. SO. 1850. 7.jti—jy Join t. Tm««, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LITTLE ROCK, AUK. May 21,1*50. 37_ HRARY H. RECTOR, 1TT0HNEV k COCASEILOR AT LAW, (Office nt Ronton, saline county,) WILL PR ACYICF. In tho Caaaflet of Saline. Hot Spring*, Ferry, Montgomery, ami the court*at Llttio Rock. Any* entrusted to hia care will receive prompt attention. E. twain INS, Attornry and Caimfllor nt Law, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY HTTLE ROCK. APK JAMES T. BROWN, * A T TORJYEY AT LA If, Arkna.a* Post, Ark., Will practice hi* profession ill tho Second Jmiiciai Circuit, auii will attend to the collection of debt* and the investigation of land claim* in every part of Arkansas. t M B. T. DI V A It, ATTOUXEY AAD MDSSELtflR AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Port Smith, \rkansn.. R. II. JOHNSON, Attorney at l,aw, Little Rock, Abk. •IWUil ■>. ItUHDI'.t, ! Attorney at L a w. I Resides in Lfwiivillr. Lafajette roonty, lrlo AND will practice in the courts of the 6th Judi cial district. All business confided to his man agement, will rceceive prompt a ad faithful attention. LAMBERT A. WHITELEY ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE OX MJRKIUM STREET. Littls Rock, Arkansas. JAMES A WILSON ATTORNEY AND CDFNSELLflR AT LAW rettVILLC, ARKANSAS. DAVID W. CARROLL. j£Am Little Rocks in&SOty] Arkansas. [m>2«* JOHN ATTORNEY A COLNSBLLOft AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN C VIANCERI. Office—i£l<!ora<to, lTnion county, Arkansas. s. ii. iirup^tkad, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON MARKHAM STKKK ; ULTLKROCK ARK'S. 1 tf .1. fl. TERBKTTN, ATTORNEY k COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Ftiyelteville, Arkan*a». GEO. C. WATKINS. AS M. CHtRA.N WATKIXS iV ( l ilK AN, ATTOKNE Y S A T L A W , UTOE ROCK ARKANSAS IIIAh A. i’ONWAV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, it GENER AL LIND AGENT, LITTLE BOCK. ARKANSAS, ITflLL ATTEND to the collection of debts in I t any part of the Stale, to buying ami selling lands, paying taxes, redeeming lands forfeited for tax,-*, Sac He is authorized to sell lands enouyk for Ihrtt or four tkouoand good plnnlattoni, and at chtnti ratet, far rath. To insure attention,communications muslbepost paid. Little Rock, Jan Id, 1850. J9-ly Arkansastonee House, (LOWKR m»RIOAT LA1U iA«.) | rpHE Proprietor hi« oti hand, ami is coMitantiy A receiving, the following — Foreign and domestic Liquors; Wloet »ud cordial* of every • earriptieo ; Cigar,; Tobacco i Emit*, ie. All cl which are for mIb at whole**!# au I r'-lail price* Peraou* from the country willing io pur . chase. will pl«a*« caM aiui »e« my utoch bofor« j-ur chasing daewhero a* t inleit! to soil as low a* any house iu the city MICH AEL TAJSTI Lille Rock, Jau. 21, ISAI. 20— ly ICE The Arkadalpblo Sentinel will copy one year, and forward account to the subscriber. M l'. UARiiLc (irrivu: Tomb*, Monument'. nravi'-MmiPS) Ac., Kuruishtti lo order. JOSEPH CLARK, Slant-Cutter, (late id \e,y O: lean*.; be^*» le- > - to info m t: ■ Cidu f * cd Lillie Rock and T - ut idly, that he h •» o, establisbn ent on Ir'atei Strut, ( •• jo. » William Oeoi^e’* store,} lor She purpose ul '--ceeiitine *11 kii. l'id M.'.RBf. E W( ' h. >r_ ■ ’ -a’le- - Uuii c! All 1 ,‘e—e e a , fj,* ill a i,e»l and workman-tilt mnt *-r a- I at a -aod rule finer. He wibkeep Oti her ! ■■ *tuk of the brat material, an-1 i« r, e!> h» ex u- »H woik r Ida line at the ibor'e** noliee j Little Rock, A".'. 6. IW JS—If I^LOUR—150 hols ’ Ihio auprrtiu.-. ? KHJitu MiioMceatM Will I E LEAD—-> ’ keg* pur*; - - e-f’SrAet » Via mmde.'Wft : OAH1 IMJa—sown It* hallow ware; ||{l)\—-iir.Mt lb* a.»i.ilwi lor; WINDOW ULAS -2d b .e. ; CANDLES—' <> b»*e» star; GRASS SEED—c! ver, timothy sn- blue. Received l« r la c arrival* an.! f a'« t y Dec 17 V. I WAIT (iimtTk% JOHN I) ADAMS baton Red, * - ;l n'»l,9 tin iu!> and cu»:ca>n», U-r . t‘ , ,\i- 1 Ji -t i’it', in Mdlbuti <j > oi». Sugar* t.iakCrSlp**4!* • PeTrper, tJme.T XSTift*"', Co Vet. *»>.•• tfrj Mala* j-vrr. I- • d Madder, Puwd •, I ■ - • Lean, It re, 4. , \c m ! Alto—TEAS, IWbeoS. Ycii ii iiyron, fl<afk, at it a veiy supeit i *«dcl«oi-‘ Imperial'1—h,:l-h i at.ii, lhr»en,J C"iut):» t» ii— • l*‘o'% Rhtbbaib, kt., f<* lam i) -it. I t*e 2#, tsftw. 1*— LITTLE ttUCK Uluil SCHooi •"■rtiM Md Da, f„ v»Ui, iidlrv rj’HF business of this Strnn»r* «h! be -.1 1 (.D- mU,,‘ * f»>ne*u»t ait,*. d#rce of to* rnpiU u cantr**}* r«V}4v*?*<i **<1 th* °**n ii.fhtv ' (J P<H«!• **« Hat Ts* rifrft This Institution. tiiV'r the j4t. yj s Mi'-v* WOOD. »i h Tracher* v falsify f-r tir paring ;»adva-.l J5„ ‘ finished education. P-1* ssingwuh,,, rt>, mi. tor ;!.« various t -ranches. ,Ti „ *>«ve practised wish perfect satisfaction, •• refer lo the gent!, in n whose [.»».-* ar.' *. The Pnpit# of the B- SrtwwJ b»-r •Miitry associa'ed with tl» ir Teaefcers.’r,, tifteiition so nere-. ty to |,.tm end r.'fi.-■ ; • trt. ard produce habit« ot r .v,d , essential M» •.*•* formation of chanrtr-r Feeling the importance of a thtovyh g o(th» Frenchlanguage,nr-,i yndfepcmabJ, m c .''JCidion, the Piincip-U wish to i pne*it»fe the language >r r-e i propose srftnittreg ;he pu? |», faintly, to attend the French cUsts, * |, W1 rhsrgo. T’■•T-.raiion of tin- rily :.f Little K.-tk „ . p’rjtanl, «o4 accessible at all :,rn.-s, by a'. .,. *., and stage. i lao system of education, ansid<iOs.<ly pursued »im- at a per loot eppi relation olwmtere,,, ath-nio-’ id in developing i he mot a! an.: intellect', a! farul’i* --emulating a iiu nigii anti n •tematic ceui»,. troui tlio elementary iotfr In*! e«l br.vprti>« y»Mfcl* record* •■( *ohot*i»> ip and .!#p,«rtli.#nt ... I< d to P««l>t», whilst evrrj judio<«■-*» ,i study is alfordott. rf,.- school is constantly umhi !!,c « 'nminonof Iho Board r*" Visitors, who, fiom 'imr lr. tin.c r« amino the various classes, amt report «,►». j • Terms of Tnlllon no<l n«arl »wr scaatm ut flrr mnMtia. Psy scholars. 4th Dopmtment, “ 3d •• <• *1 i. si |.t .. French, t'alisn. Spanish .irr* f.’crmrn, railt Singing in Choir, Music—Piano, Onilar, and Organ, each. Harp, * D.awing and Painting, A com** ofleseoosm Oriental paint in*. Jana’s Worn', inlaying of F.hony and lory' Haii hmg Wor», and wax llovms, .'ach, . No charge for etnbreniriy and ornament,II needle work. Boaril. washing, lights, fusrt. use ot tnddi j, I He., per mnn'li. '' ,„ Paymeiila ijiiaiterly, in iilvanee; no d.«iucln»ns | tor ahsenen. Sessions commence l«l Sent, and 1st fVb p„. pi!* received at any petiod, amt chained It ,iq tima of entrance to close of th* session. $!‘3 it 14 t> It! t)' Id o I S it i It* it 2d P B* P i 10 W 10 0 10 00 Board of Vlsiiurs. !?t. Rev. Buh h hkkmsn, Hon F. \V Trsrvsi.i., Hen. Jintgr* Ftn.n, Hon. Judge Riaoo, C pt. A Pick, Hon T. w . Nkwtoh. L tJiBso-s M. B. J il t aiAis, Rsq , L K Hsaara, Kssp, ' Litlte Rock, Aug. 22, ISStt. (Jxo. C. WsTtXIss, K*n E- H EaaihHt, Kstj, M«j J I.ttvson, tivn. S. H Hiwesrsan. Hon. W. H. Pottos. il-tf. WHUIMTM HUE SHIMT, Hempstead ( aunty, Arks. rI 'HE wi omi w-Mina of this Institution, opened 1 Him mommy. February lllli, |-,Ml Re*. C. P Tntlirnsi, Sunerihlsudeut unit Pro fe«*or of Mont ami Intellectual Philosophy, Belle*I.ulturn, end Spanish Liteiature Re* II. C Tbwkstt, A. M.. Proiessor of Ureelsn. Roman. f ranch ami Italian Literature. James < nocacu, A. M-. Professor of Mathematics Student* received in the Primary Department au.l instructed term* : Primary Department, per session of 21 weeks, payable quarterly in advance, $12 nil Preparatory Department, IB i i) f'oliejfiute Course, :|il On V'ocal and Instrumental Music, Element* of Mu.ical Composition, (Katraj i Of) Initiation roe, I ad No deduction for absence unless in cases ui pro trseteu illness AM students charged the time of their entry to the end of the session. N B.—Ths sons of all ministers who sre en gaged in the regular work of (ho ministry, or of those who are *up«r*uuaied or have died in the ministry: will lie educated free of charge. lionnuino can lie obtained in ths best families, at from $ti to ;f‘J per month. Portico tar attention will be paid botii to the moral and intellectual training of all students committed to our charge. S. T. SANDERSj. Secretary. BOAR D O F TR U5TKKS Hon. D. 1 WITTER, ParriiiKNT, Hun. II P Poimiet'cr Rev. Wm. Moores, Rev. L. P Lively, Rev. B. P Be*, 1 N. Jones, M. I) , Mr J !i. sua defur, Mr. T. Williamson, Hon j. D. Trimb e. Rev J, Custer, M. D Rev J. J. Roberts. C. !! Mitch*!, M D, Mr W W Andrews, Mr S i. Sauders, Mr. H. W Smith. 7—22—tf UK. LEIDY’S SUlStPUULLt BLOOD PILLS, Alitiul of all other*!! The Knvy uf ali Hilt Hnitufmi»irtr«:t B EC A i: .SIS they »r*. R.t(er, ami more rfli nthw, ami bet*a»u»e thr* p'ib it*- wttt tiiic— no nod. <• ttf fiiif-r t if they run obtMlt th. in. 30f4NHH> IJO A KM ha.* U*vn «hj1<j mt*un*Hy for tta .art five ymr*. Y<>r\<; wnoi.l), MAI**! and KEMA!,K,can tlV H im ' <|.|1l| shIHV , NHil H‘»lh*n*l four IF FILLS FK \Kt FSs-iKX ft* puitjrne 4*4 rl« nr. mt tht r*lo»ii4< ti ml K«m«U, iui jmritviiMf (li> AIimmI ami HnM<* «»l rli* bml). o»Kr» wo oUmtj l»«r no <Hh«*r jhJI** |»r.due ti, <»r •*»rnbiri««l - rt- or ctMHam Knr«nj«iriiin to On n KM- Or ink itntl l.ivt an 1 Mtial. ;ik< purser a <‘ir tfowmi oerutm'i i hIil’m t .smjr tb«riu, l*,vr <»t i»X-i ; i oitl. luriiie i-oi'i * "‘ter ONE THOUSAND DOLLiC^S arc Hiuiprrrl Unit u»<»rr • ctai^r, clrrf>Hirn. mwwbtj* *»' i'oneremy*, nmi ‘-ill r,r»i»n*i «ju* prod ii it: 4 o? th«*r »fiwtji \ than "f ftf ■ »K!i* K dlTV KI.'.Lr* AKK IN A HoX.uid id M 43tr»i>a but, wiUj d>n*ot*on* ttoi) iiiurh » luM *tun' <uiv?cv at. cum}'* njinj «ri' h hi l 'X'Vtvy huvt »k» r*u4'- or uwplr-a**M •iw If, Fbt ijjux poHdi * »d any tuiui, T*«i u«* <i ; *' f.*i» iHum h *<♦ TNFV UiKU«>Of*vr MLTIMBK .\ml adapt' d to u*f»t d»*x «.•♦* cluumm** t** rranRift ' No <h»« ha* mi out**tnktih Mill h« tatUm? «JV»»• tu ;*kr ai.r * :*•*-<:*, U»-.iu#v ibi y Hill am*)* do *«»« •! th'*v d»» m»t, t)o« L » f»4b<*r* woi in. N. H ,Ut*- prop*I*>rw*d sna'tttfa* tm* > i* »« ••■» |ivf oiuagw«. cU udftf «<.4 {*«>»;< j«, <•< 1,* yc*&fi< * m 1‘itilat)* Ijdiitt; g.Mfiii'Ur >.‘i th*» tfstiffifailjr of F«- u.-viv.un*, i ♦ ruKf ofthftrr. id i.» *4i> ai mautuiii.*** «*l J'twHui i. >• * Y«»rk, IMom, BnltiwWt k' , *ih1 wmwhU** iu<! m • ^ »i , ♦ { v rai u%*4wn\ n Uvai'i an ev.i^.u »«< »Ji« gr» >u<r rtuttkl*U4*< p».v • <t * ;i* :!•», ami thcif t»* mg r» ‘ «*wwn*'iMl**4 »i» «#*<' ufwIhm* oj m. m -jHM tat«W* p)i\ YMMIII II*r- lit*' I ‘itlti'4 Muir ; Film ipal lAptf, iJr. I*vw> «. lH»p:*4ar>. No. 114 V.»ili I'noiii! lit., aj*i **4u vk )»'**# ..*«• aj«l rr-fc.!' J. W. Tu;>|** , 1 ioJ R-< k; II *»». v jui I!n .. vil fc M»adf '•'! V' rtfp*»t <’« . \» « ? *u.i aii • • $ytU and ■n.'rt*ksM. por- u> ihv I Ui<M I »<*>**’jU —3-» Co-parlM'*i»hip. ]>rs. VValliinoA *i»e« WOULD i. «p>ctf‘ !v iiitoitii li ^ W *•!.» ui I l'f|* Hi- .. * I (I;,(i?U(> a thou of Ike ixtnlft.M«» v hm> m ere I iiito»cu-|<*itn«i>hip Hi : ■ Ptacltc)' <1 Mediciur. «i.i! *!•• I" i I* attend u!l ” iebl't. I" rl1*** 'if fUt-ufi v, jir.ii i tMrties »(* (lie wi!' rr.'.ri. (1 -< o', hereto *>» ••>»••• !•••.(■•’ -• Od* »-j5S«« it, i*. K. VVi < fl’il »!i:- io ui-i ul - Sc.)M rtit- •“. tMU. U it. Oct "|5, Is-W t Mid t Wit*. lion, nud Ca*tii!|!*. (' t \( ^ ( f)J» »** >i i 1 1 •; UUU 5() K-t> X-H*; 10*,'* i^Usj., i' ■■*'•+ low. *<> I D. VIHHHICK k c. - Dtcrmb IT, IWrt. I ’ ( ^ ITOX %dl A sT.UJX. % CilN si A V»^. «*♦■* &»w» eati*, in« j» IZ CAUVKK A c<*., Lee* Bruifewekr, M* r..fK;, m (He in an« fur *»» fjvorabli- I t-y VIM. il y< All J u * y I*> 1 *■ • .wricfc. rH\VT'. .1 »o»n« truet.le end coot, £“ '■ MiH. /k t! *1 t» wif' gftud »od »a« »t t.••• U< ;g, tvjgtfut wh» ««•» w»h corn {»■<•>!>•/. !^i** it st •«> time th*y bi- JUets.3 I (tort ***!-.««•.»• r <: ) (vf grimdiBf :i m-,y In* no Ui■ Jl."f*:*1 *M *Iujf, the riU* of ehuru.u i<o»«-lluM uf »»«»■»> 4u;-. lo. !• Ml.—15 tf l» H. UI.NCHAM ( /.'(Cl C«M I I'loar. Ohio >u>-*'UiK p*( ’ “n Vito 2, ’ aFo for »*l« by .... 1 WM B WAIT 100 JuUt 4