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i ' J vr. c ! ^ » is iSw * «fcs: a c i * * *• « - H •«*->? „ Mc-tis; in *1 rntmef Can ttf. ■3p- rur-BMjOf. » «*•*<«•* Meet- | \ ji* i., t« oi M>jV Vers >n St . • ;-Hy •>> 22 ' Sir tf 1 w*j Vjr c*iu»i fl m •j't ■•: w ;•* ck*a. **1 •;*?> nvnt 0 * vr, tl-f rSje-'s of the Dr .* ... ’ >$>,» I* -- '•? < P!' r- 1 ; * . • ■ j> >a ti<- la .-jw.aj v_wi it*’nr j iwvsrtysd V1'** ; r, • » • *-.;<!■ "» 'be C'DTvn'.«i , .-• of Litrtc Rwk 034tfc ' , ■ : r.arf i » a>j ra'r f t » w v • Hv ; - P H U. A r- KrDatve! i* j -• IV * a P. asm ", to tan* , » f • : .»■ ,• 35 . n> 'be, ,tu ■> . ..-Mfiav. a -; .a i •1 v* ! to i.; ?-k at s ib t, TK «• T'*:- to !eo~ri that TIT ' : u «- w- - aW: ■ v *•». C*mp’'M, r ,>I~ • rrrf'iir opan ars , • -r, • w * it *3 wo for !' -j , •< /i*«atlier>a» .. • - • !«•,•* fearV ■ « ’evader, n trae . '. * •. • • ’ onMawr-t*. p t • -•» : ■ i i» the . v ■ - C. ! Vrw-p:t»ei» V >1 M. 1 L> 1 I th* hvvr'.u - ■: iiatntimr •. -v ; tfc*e*ss i > soean* h>? r,. .. T: w>: T-r*rd tbe H‘ n T. B P! r t; .’ r, *:n mat’ tv- wr •» of oar Stale, we !j»j. . r:fs *3 orerr wav worthy of oor woa!4 itrbe be neoopuble to as ' C '#?. y .• ,.:r .. ;or*tr* »«■ hereby inrtr.irt 4, .3, T/r f this o-.unty fw tbo r> o '* . jk i „,;.v i fa otvJef b* M»n i»-BT;.>aed. .1 . v: y < ff»nk- y erprsa* oar prr fer . j^ra.3 -bo rettrt for other "i vothm "r 'a c.-»nne*j.» •• ••.j- £,• «»i obt <lei«*rta» after evafena* ;ii< . jr* other oouaU**. ane antbo . • T--- * r tv. desaoe'-st. food SBi tine, who » , a W 3K»« aeeepUble to the r» V of 5V s-atr it IsifT. ff.*»,rr.f.* !': . proccediag* of fh>s ,uhef*m»l»e-irw<-4igf tb» J«B»ocf*‘ic papers .w • •• •• r» be pnvM»‘.--d. . *i. ti*t iftt pspen Hrjughoat tb-. J. W. ALVEST, CiMTStru. 0 V. C. Jiww’i, Sf~ntmy. Hi xKir %n.nj—- * •« * ♦ U-arairoca ;• V*•<„.!'* Her* 2, that a bt*jdy t»-,v .'carred .a P iT.HB.iaih. U.-lweva a mao a*®.- i 3 .2 C p it* ;>• r of a (rr-atrery. an : a v ..f <i -■ . n.-’ i'a - C. S. steam fr.c* ■ v . . j» .- sa :or ■ had d:' it at 0 •pet's '■ av a. wtfboat paying i•« .t, f.- Tr.:-.i th^a So tie bouse of a man massed . . kes ;> • of a'! • •••. p *•?.. ■ he - • • a.:ercaf»!i * tfc tfctm and oat of them . . , * ■ »tr. effort, when he took % t - -- .v T'r H-ta . says : C . r- real took shelter in a shop by l_~ war. tad sS.Ktiy after saw the same «.12 of ,-ip ... hr. .a io <1 eotT«>a’.,uti. fruui »!.: h .. s-r~* tat- • v >• »« a"ibe;r «ra» * ' - tad ustendei f . k-.i him if they caorht t .in. ‘ A bad (iMied f-n. hr pro* r- 4 : uiee : * ! or • ■ rich ho ..-adri as-2 "ook honse «.;b he. The satlom ? a-i in the nJcautime taker. ;»* <r.- i •* ha ho is* • tat w i* ...akinr ac> show r-Cooper h w vt f - re d ibwt ail three of tije runs at then. and at they hrtr-iUjd into the- yard reloaded and sled t.'.-m trt a' Three f :x sa iort, rut: Jo! i Waist. H • r. Me*tee ' .2. •«•• Read. we? nh-r a > ed, *ni 8a I a .»ob severe daiterous.». The Rctitutt two also reee.ed * .tret wounds. M ‘r- - had ass e horn shattered to . . eees by a <:?.»/.•: of back si tad its ant w*» inp 'tied, tbe suae rveia/, but he a net ei ■- to reenter. U'tat tad Head t»o—;ved r s a the.breast, shoulder, sides, fate. Ac., at: -i'lrh at I save there are *o hope-* of their * -t C • was arrested, and after a near, r e: Mr Jastsee Ka t/h. coanaitted to jail t fanner - '.V sacs .T.-s. M ,: h 25, i :J1. M- R.t'thas dispoed of his interest in the 1 t. re;.apor, to Gee. Roben .Vrraskrooy and V • \ - ' « Jacksoa Don-.aon. Thai coaotnrria •j « • - vene r.ake m aevotiatxm, has been pro **•;.- d b» the fa. are of Ceurw to ..'ant a - a sheer justice deautbde-t. 2i •• »i that tie r«u*m, otaicr 5i>- r*-w * j'fe the ‘cla-ats’ of Senat <r D<? is t Pte arneef T .ere may he. and an ■ ■. a --<ree of pcobaini.ty ana trath a o ■ V* • i< cirr litstaosea an' atracr •.a t*r c ane u>, the rod rely i • «• »V — srr -,it parts pipers, to w. .; < • /’* ia, -Jaas, an : Suk'taa a so a pi a the ctrap'.*r> m faux of > t Ikj.riass. G :t. C.» w..! bet JBtm o ,i . ;j w, itery lifie c<mp .nt :iob.— ' • .> re » :i nn !erstof«1 her- am etr those a — : ard ’hr pjiS’.ie of ts- wires. T ■ - S* « :-n Gen. C . el can . sc »f availability. Bat we had ' a 'aal facts hare deeaowstra - t f aic >nr VeaAae and m8aeat i * t :• • : . b-c ae nttn re;: t p'-wa ttr - in >. ,a -rder that the whr par v '» ai.i resaaia id as ataaii a ounor. y :» -■» »<c» i-jt bn elec -5u, be *rt ■ * ... H- ,-.n beat >»■-oa: t Llotu. i*i at any >1 i ti n ■ ill * lie' *itu ■ - VTa. : •'•Met, wrii.-i : a Lt l » T' tri'-m decl*- •* uut* if • it .an of re.iei'vj*: ebaottl be caloueii • ? ? ' < ti* ■ ?••• aa-J !«» t k»fe," '***'• -*■ &.<• a. * "i it watj witfe * - lii’ -.:! a u. H .f •» ib; Mnucaa <j3f»eraaeat : if ■ • Eo«io-«», a«4 affect*, eiawturi wm, t p "lexi Ax • ,ad. B it few ■_i . it i , _ . rj^> r i;,. jejft tljal it - - a of ;h- Aomit feopie and ■ft uttt t fibon titftc;, am 4 taai : • . • V.. ■ >i; bprtfcrr J /^iibaa, 4u aet eali u» ■*' t ■ ••.: j a .a «ut a* arc to be 4 * • . I • » • . • i •" ■*■ • ' ii KM »J«4t • ; 16; r< :.*e, ' '* ‘ ’• ■ 14* ai.r. .At, aot ' »v. 6 a :V* • *»- Kj Cape Hofa. y„3 Ciiy Ctl -^4 • a ctcrtcki%{ o*t U» i»t, yjam*? " 4 4 »vJ *6*a, that pa.i»4 !if .jwe a-.- i - e-m Vii t/> at* tii. *r.(j ? ‘ ' 1 * * r- ti !3»ajf, Of U4* too® if 6 • *<• -tv y- i is 4 depiurattM ... ii « 'aa*in<, far tut baa .. B4i la VI. ... ft, 4ii a r-73w cat •-• »b- - *... 4_- . *• • i- fj■ i: o^a * -4.ii.a . *ti, ia err, . •„ , ia3,.ir, to 4frn»| «f the Kteaa>bt^ , aa*Ja. Hirth is. * -* 11; *i bv tie tUutaad. s r * * niiseai i r weak. . .5 " en-ii v. r* . «■ «o tad ; .»; a sj 5 ’ '‘ii P*' i'«afas iftl r- i'-raae^jt 1 i .« Ml . 1 ‘4 • - t* Ca:hcoc«, Vitfcuf Eaf .ild aa« ■ i , piCi-1 ttul ibmu ,lt-< if Liji’i ' , •" - | f- itiiae* ri»4i*»-«d. -si* Wader* *r- s» - -* !■ ' f- p»t<! tifjn, .a to i oia a* a 'K*l - > »e 4 i vy «« taom *»A in. ad - H and P; j; r-f « to - *ji iaat a tew «: tie M«Af*r*a4 -r- -w ap,* .prs*^i •. ... r. -..I ' '* ■<“* tt*a njeat , u. A»» ot*. ■“* f'faiwd lMi«t Ibe 4;« af . r ww «a » V *• Uwif ju, ■ > ■ -4 s* 44t.« VAe deaajerauc cAaae * a Fuwse ‘1 - ItifT. ’ ..-eaeeaf * ta *■• H !-« of | praa I. i- 14 hhi w» baa< meffc) *■ L.Ui Il'iMtrUe i* VV«tliiK‘«i> eo-j»t». . It • Democratic Mctti'u fc'id at FayeVt'i tie. in •heof Wad..n.*a for .** purpose ofT-i.'l .V teyafea to tit IVwirm;* <.V>«ee*tsMi to be held ■ little R~tk oa the t earth Monday la April, f « Ire pjrpose >f nT8Bs.V:.«r a rndintt r r t j .'ess. (fce f 'Wi*J prictediae* were tad. to-nr, ^ «M. XtCmv rriii ialk-4 to the CYa.r, ami TV >iaw W • «.« sppn. ;t«.d Secretary. The Clu ran e iptswltli. object of the qj- c ‘. iMC f»n bk*m« a Caashi- e« <ozis-w* of Mar A. 4. W.isnu, John Tl.Uagjfey. Biel.. P Pni im, Richard C. Sl'irp Jobs Lte-i;*) aodTV*. W-.nn, wen ai.ys-.utxl 1. prepare rwolatwa* fjt tie eon -!• rats** «f !!w* eereMtt; The C esraAte* rf r » short aKora'c repasted the Wrwiflc R »>'*• ••n 'Thai apprise of toeplao f kwM ir>» iltitt Cantat a f. r ibt perpaae <4 m«K.iaa s dem-x ntr c*e . ‘iu f »r <' lures*, b- :■• rittf it to be the n r p* per neiv of eipr-tiisr tin. ■ <um of thole wb ne names ore praar iocn- . t» f*>n- the peop:. f t a i>.ai ia the Nation*! (' -;nr ■i - -pr - ■ Sf ArAr. ms an ". - n irv of act to# is < r party. R ».{€■/. That D W. C. Y- . J ihnMcK r? a, ilxu.y R eff Ge->r *o Mtr'hirr, B. ButhtrM !o-«. K-risneun, L*»aie: leant.. Jaro-s TUarij. <«. Sam ii Martas, B4m Crawford. J-iOn H ' ar.d 1ieas(t G.U-ob, arc h* r»br ati.' uu* ii i\ i m - to r. p- *• -i* tTaliaftm roanlr n tk &o « hi.i Sta’e Coareitam t> fc; held so the city ot !. ' * R « k on the Ufa )Le lay in Apr.! act*, art'- - r. - ,th of theta a* tm* af-md. mar cart thr t-.t- if this ooxaty, ant! ia the c»eat tt.a. mice of b ro » .o .'d attend, then ( p'. C. C Danter- is V-r 1 «. »■.•■ ri*ed aadNi;aes:cd, to cut the r«-r of ■' '. ,:trtoa county. R*m r J, That cont-hisr in «wr fellow ci' z< ■:. Gen. Gporye W. Clarke, of Crawford wtfr, »■■ ieiifnate him as ftr* ch -i e for th' n-wniasi.: ••; t -r Oiocree*. an-1 our pyift w#tnuse» :n sa <1 Cornea job are hereby instructed to cam the » t fWajli lagtcn-. eonaty for h.rn: and should it let ucf-ris-nd by oor said delcpates H.»t the neotina i n caaaot be- prjcurH for (jen. Clarke—shea they my sa • such sel etion as they may deeor. n>wt r jnducire to the suci'tw* and intereeta of democratic }»ar;y. Which re Mentions were adopted. L. C. C'unn.nehaoi. Esq., offered the follow nr; Rtnir-r 1, That we writ s rpjs’rt no man f ' ofl6< whose fkkiiijr to the Uni >n is at a’! doabtful—or who entertains the dr»c*riae tha! a State oa* * riyht to secede from the Union or to nnllifv i aw of Concresss Which *i« uBsnnr’oaaly ado,. J. * On motion M’ ■.' 1 •. Rttoir'i. That tie ruorendiags <*f Uia ni •' a.' be p-.'.'i V ; in U. f ' «m-th Herald and a. : ue demacratie pap a of ’his state. Ads'iiroed, March JJ'i, Ivk!. HOBT. McC AMY, Ckirmm Taouas Wiuiox. S-cr»(ecy. Cmmi« ia Irkasns We have been fasoced by Mr. Chise. Marshal ofti* lhssrictof Arkansas, with the fgU»vi%’ s a tciuna. which include all the co in’ -1 t’*.< - f< tine or . Th- pjpolatio# of th .* coun-y, Onachtta. is e'T mated ace-wdi#.’ to the Stare t»v» -■ h arts c--mp.eted last rear. Th«- afltreyat-. th-..'- - fore caamd be far fnxnthe tmt.o. Tber* ■ 1 C M swi. table tn«i ase orer Ihe State ctm . sanj. vear; Co an:;et. Arlans**. A; . . Bentos, Bradlt y, Coii* ay, CriUeudoc, Cbi'xtt, Clark, Oraxrf •? !, ferori, Ort*. Fail. in. Frankjui, Gneea. H traps icvi, Hot Spriag, izara, 1adeptadeaee, Jofaruton, Jackson, J tfferson. La wa»<wr, Lafayt: >, M i i: she Marion, Masix? ppu Mitwt. Menu .tarry, Sr-wiOP. Onset; ia, Parry. Pji.iiip*, P:k . {'■anjttSt, P >!k. P 1*-, P i Juki, Frame. Kandodpb, K*ear, S.ijU. scare ]r, S. ritr, "•. Fra a"*, I a on. Vaa B irta. Washington, Wtrte, Veil. Tola., IT TV- .V -nh Carolus* Hor* u N -ays •‘!tts*< : tUt Mr. ftbai? dr*.. :■-* deiste foe Cm/TT*-** aestf. in ht» iisu,\ .w may be s ppoat-ffCat, iroso >ur attar <fe-te*--_s f “taiil* a.' apoli'iciai :ha< we « u,: t* , • - ■ be ar of > UCC t. TO; >n. Ii :. ’ ’ J ... . - Wfc >c’ like */ smof ma*’» . ■. . , . w j '-to il w aid giro- as so much jwev-w- t» see NfaVs*. ,* ^ ^aii'k El:«jaeite. A) tried at oae Urae, »»re the • of ibetr Ma, ;.* "f fysi... : • «• : , 1 1.1 •.trca «u 4 pe**c*-Ii31>h to speak of itjetc »3j ■.si re*. and to touch theta a i ap.ui ■.,£• tv* Pna < e»' Ana of A istr.a, of PL l.j. IV arrtv. . m •spa.a. w*» Reseated with a parcel of *;ik Fj.eii i*i* by ttk.1 at < aukouiVtartri f a ci«* w here !.> rtiiod. Her aw/jr-daou, *«■ na. wit*-oe*: .ud^oaUGii. fi<u* ik stork-me* away, eiclan.- ar. — Ka atr that the y arena of Spain baec a.fret" •• Aiu"- cry*d tie *:r3f>*eh.-ianed hr-de! bar*:.a* mil* tears, “if 1 had haowa my fort kk to ire eu: off i would «et« have *ct .a < ta an .liter -n-ctsKia the tc'-.wS consort of C ban.. s II, no- a-*r I'js.tur her life through tha riibcu:.’tii eta, R.-Latroatooe day her h-xrw •*; reed fright, rear-si ip .a ?*-' i sajt.aer :oat the greets slipped off, a*- of her (n f t. -. same ta,L,nr >n the tturap. The h-v... Je ff** to hick. TV qneew was m «t*H«e at da u jet. B *s -t w*« ‘.e»:h I t ett Bt!>. o , if * .1 tv ehief of f.if? parts, to ti eh a:.- ;«r f he «* iwjo u. sav of tef . ■ 1, a . •«•• of h« entail si, a; hr*t boil : . a her r*-*rye. Ailnutk, bet p- n. esef) it a -r-MM. two tau i" tan tu m .-n • «» .» V-:d the h ase* while t e otb*r ex*rc ed la- r Ma te y» p- faiexT.iui*. N.j wauiai lor U< •; a i* t x*waay <m ik» ooeaseias, ta- t wo v .'••> -• - «>a u> ft-or w ir, an»:&umr t- jl hero like na»te. «»t ordered oit :ly r swiftest tt»;. «, were .:> ■ it i-> ex e themse:*••*.. wVrt a niewera eaa w . a: >na tv a tb«. fe»-r M * ,«r, tan rra/ ,.... * - « f: .e»»ed to j»aro-« their offer., r Ljiir \ a p»(eo»—- The Dmpatt.. Prta * Pan* letter fiy*ti(thi by the Psctfo . :ae Pt - * la, r>.r rear Is the fo.low tn^- aa Leant rtnrart : • |i :»ts»i.-r '.na.. lusaetud taai Luis-* Nap • • •» P «>■»« .am the basts of K-itna. with Ur ci f»T 'a'Vi* t rr-r-n; noi fr-wsrd. i«e/al«t a r. ,n chases w apm i i-.». Wt at.*.: aaoa k»jw to. ' mm, kowrtrt, fit ,! sppran IM' liar ll-M A ,-ave to rnar'a nper Sw Her..o-> 1 .a the .prat tu* tk object of tavWr.o^ wha: tbc« IwScX-ierd a* 4 WC ‘A i.!e fep j.C . an*- Ttrrt am hate a hard taaarl tnrt » n J. »B B mi . ,a ’be Kyle of Rvforu- Ids i, wii! pa* fe. -.roan *ca t sgs at! one of Ilk Alfa*, rtw-nta ** aad la* lots *a a way tha* will easse « wnmatl if Lr»a* VapoiniB }»-a. the Hot* AH snre *>* piay ar far: and wear- with E.^Hn-i, he w ee- t« i* -pet. '• art L- RepaS' aa par e «f Pran -. » d iot onwa.aij* with a hint That ■( tu: *«1 n_-, he had l-rOe* catty it off sir* hlwmy " r.ijratrl. The SoelVrn Erpr»« ray* that ’for'? m pa-' fw»rs kart- been <-!*,•* t«nn7 to a s'aVtten', jrr.Vh it <v ms.-.eiy jr»t 14 M*t rf* ' be Cc* .it «u ' r. ■ .i;th. T • a *i* <1 ,».•?. iej-*.»t«ar- ' «tt iei *tj.fe;.V **J*j*»r A ( :tiho»n, eoai of Inn a iX#*r<oi«a Jt,&« . <\ m • I n <. M * «i (be uu« case-} lion f w e<; Ve.iies n iMvate • m. < a. Ik wa» 1* farnr of Sv.e so* iuH, * MeM JK «« Jf- eer tairi v-ts father ti -v<t winji-J tn ~ Vi." Tt -wrpe? kt ’t A laertmet, Vw! iik# j».*l of •.*■• fie**-, ! _«te ' mo- rted i-r uir- ■ ; au*. (hr rat* m at <s no fart a: ...S. Mr. Cai houn V ft M *r*n . * i»,« or_m <!f Julm A . nor tra* any Pitt of h.s j raobd for o xr era- if the nr. *m a-id Jt of »ot dries*!* elect a 1 ciatter of iotrraW. ‘i*e Alrertst r ««» state Im! * * * «# (i. a Jairna Sriaui>: ojt jaa ! r# t.n / .1 to '*• K’.Vit t*tt r. .1, ,* * tr •- .vattiesa n»vj 5 an, at tiff an i-?»4.twf-r-na (•**».«. /a to dir. Calhoun'* appt a! of tco'-sw we itceti ;ay ■~*bw. M-. Ca • • -u tray. an *r> • ; s ' ■"• a • -d ' surer of lb I u n *r f. need, tti-1 4 «t *U-,i!d . -.»2 -ryl r>‘ ia » •’ «’<•’" have > i-eu-ian-i f-rr -cr- . is ■x-'-f *h» ret-ai of ton or, and eqttad y ■* - a- >•'- ; to Be'-Jiv- J|t irouW feat- i&twn .» •■>«>.»:. *:.«) mtivtaetui t..e*. the I'wc# rwij o 't ’xr boo ra'ijtr p',*tT»<<d. m*S a* ti . eT'vztUx;* 60 atvf t tr. .. II x -j > j thf sr»a*»er ol of >'t. Csfho’.a’* t •»» till.’ tin’ll twdfea; fwuritc 1 l ii-nton of tie- <? r* . attrrs rw! r;itm£tnoai*’j that A itfe C.tro'isa lu •!■, • a i-*1 m o hxt {rrewrat *S u il- by blir "it fin; Mr. C»:L>*«:n'—f'» jemfem Ttl'gru,i. T:-e iritaan* K»nk>. A rj»* iovnlv ip.; a r- ty.iuj}v>r*tr*. tn nrtjtntioml ; ;<-!<..on of great 1 Bter-no m before the Sujrvmr-, C >urt of tfee 1'i. -ii Slates. TV Sutr of Arkao- . *aj char-iR-J a Uiak in it* osn iiamt-, and n :»•* a.tcii **-ro Itj b retcivab’o fir debts dne lie Stain. Th Stair Tre-asnrer (bfantied to a I.T^e inn: .0111;, sat! the bank fa;!ed la WiBrqtWt. •* .:-s*-jUs«i'.jf, this offit..r j«r< pweti to n’mf aisb ' b s defaicatnoa ’>■ ,*a> in; m tbc depreciated e.te* • >• tin bank, what-h art-re refused—and about this ’ .aw t!i. L- .is’.at’i.o- passerl an art r*-p*raiuw ‘he ••x-t-on mak:B£ them rrcwTaWe by the State.— Tae iju- it. -a t-:-ar pr-n»ntol is. ar bet her tiia art « as t -nstitutijoal arid whether or sot tb« Slate arts V >nd t« rtreirr the ntiiea a« to the • itinaS (.oeditioas. A majority of the court. *ay« 1 Or ro— •^indent of the VmtruT «*4 En-fmrrr. b-ile. iff am infmijt-l rtrhtly, that the State of Arkansas »ttw! iesraHy comtB'ttea! ’ • tweire t ;• i. i - ft n; ' r m; ntbtr? that ar-: ontetaadme tip V* the tune tee repeal ;a » ar •• : ■< . d. The - [>; n of am*. y.ntv aril! be deliver d pre, aritfe the diseentuie tote f api^i -u of the eor.rt. attb-M tb>. present arranc-. iaent* should le uBetpootHUv altered. V- ’.pint Appr/li The Abolition Mm. Wt loans frjm theBabjsmrc Sun that Chaplin. ■ he was indi to! for an • await, &o... with fire arms, on toe pan*.* ww arrests ■■■at *a Mont •• tti-'ty, M«r>’and, w *'e iMs< mr the tias-* >f ■Kessi* Tn a'.ii an 1 Stephens frrtn WnenaajWn. h-rfoited hi* ree»«f i zunc-r of HS.Cma ’* Lis non appearance f r Inal. “ To.- is *» was etpected --hi* a ■qj “on fnerd*. in the nat a; and auschi r m» p rvtrs.ty .( th* .r nature, pref-rr.“r thus to irnt* that aaso <at, rather than do w p'Sf t..a; a rod as to dor .• it to tie- purchase of aorrx of w vrthy f,o;or 1 people whose hor.yst etf irU <■ obtain fooedoic deserve the sympathy and often n cw:ve the amis'.aare of slaveholder* aj w*il as others. The tr-wy f •rfeit-d n perfectly stitiire i tl. State, we be.,er. deposited in bank.” Sermon at th Oprnin: of t Ra iroad. At th* recent •• » of the Cin~innt;, Coltun !>.:& and C.erehnd iiLilroad, He*. I>r. A,k n, of Clere.and. prew. ned t sermon a the xc-asjon.— I Hs text was in Nahum i . 4?b; “The* shall rage ia the street, they shall jostle one a must soother in the broad ways, they shah run like lightning.” MARRIED, At Canton, M;*s . on t he Lid March, by the Rev. "A’iiliain Seat, J*-*ir\ B. L«t. Attorney at Law. of Van Burs, Ark*., t*. Miss C. »\eu* P*t» • .u», only da...-titer of the late J..-ha B. Forester, <>! Leake County, Mise. f»n :;«e of the* 1st, n»ai Ttlip, by the i u. W. L. Soci-rveil. Mr. J*«a» H H«»« to; M Mui Ai,*u s*x *. .; *: Da ,*•> Snv Orb-au* Market. C»e t-.tOm r, Virr-q ?]. iSM . fata—T:.e Cas.'.da s t vs, w!. * 1, w 1* made 1* ir on >-■.■ - ■ y morning, tb'-tru an-, »un<uir a.'i. **- Mr Lifrrj--v l e>--ton mark*.:, ■ ■■ • ' .... ,-*< truants had -*e.y «rpert*d. lr cons, j a •O'* :»ai. . > p*ar.u pro’1** ■ par: of TV ft 'v-sri hh e « c-rc t m . : i*i', aihac- * p- r, :at ra'Fr :»>. -)’• n / - - - 7 A 'i r, «iiti '.Him U M»nl g fa . . : . *f ifiiii. - Sv.l? | Fa r, ------ ii a—Tvi n r* on-• or two farte Vnv. re m «»rkft, an<; t.l *aJe» c «B; rwrJ 33y *, i». tilww i r ;i, a» fo j . .* • s. 10 at t, 8 >; 7, 7 at - » . . ■ '-•-r: -u. Ur, and 55 faijds a in- anrung 3 ' »!»•• *t Hr pt it. Our q'jc'iloat f-r new tr-p «*JirL are 1 a- .<i up r :nf- maaiion rttvivrO bo'L *r-«TB tvjV'ft >ri ,.T, tI. nnm a< i>tlow» F»c ll • i* ■<: : i . • ?*7s L al Ini ■ and i«. ■ -n, 7ia>>i: Pa.r, F m 9ia * ■ >. _ ,.i , Sc-i-tiona. llal.'c (>r !b. Sv^ar- *r ■' M»/itt-t—S tar » aj a v. y iim.-.- I -r.jn.-ti, » oii- < of 3>»« i.srts, at 5 f. r p4 r < M • • ' ■ - .7! -.:. .. >‘ or K- - • in ir.»rk u —Mat-.-: d r*t< 7*> >• >, .n ‘‘tf’-r- n* So*:- ' 4 7 <n ;»fl - . ] .1! dr t| 5 a.jd ai . •■*'« b' >- Ob- fr-rn Calls am; t ( Jtimr : a ti/it V * .ip, a: »t»>i pr ' i Cerr,—f) ’ ; -<> fK}. taken .a arwera: $--•« at V£>i57, ial 140) ' \> « a;.V*<- pi : Out#—1 ■ - Hi Pi Indiana hr .rht lie, H' rtf— * i .tv ■.{ ~-*t f,:w at Kf. l ib- N -rtlicra \vt: '.id a'tl# ;« on. Pari—Market fi.ia and .u^y rag. Sa.'-a 500 bis Mos a mixed lot at Si3, and 200 a! 13 25 fat! ».tljou: .napetttoB am! «x*» i Cl* branded 3*«> • vi :*>. a: li) ».■ pr i. Hoidors now sk a furt. -r adimnoe Barm—Firm Sairs 110 rask« F. '-4 <.d.. m .-e*v-r*l iota, at ti. 10 dc.» nr o: Uaa-kbonr a’ 1. Id rotas .-siiiouldv-ra at 4 ll-l*"- a; ■; 92. in i: m <* roar !•*».«, at ->fc. W.tusee* r>.i«..-r-t ur.s>: Harris at 9|t pr if, /s'—Pr -* i• atr iVT ' -rr-s »>dd at t <>:• a* an Tuij for No. I, 31 Unas- 7s. s .. 5*3 a; 7 - - » . _ . Caff r—Small -I* of- Rw triitf.g at iamr—Tk *u<k of It. ah Tl -tukua r» - :i : v .. ,;ji-r l arseiia, ami r» utr« M-U.'ita: S. *>■ -t- -5. (4 . w—! . : laiKti aaic aria 'JC*! bbla iteetificd - • *. at list pr ra. •*. | > N rj. .*( - iv jr. if - ■ : *r v * L> Hr: c s.< •S ■ Birr F >e F. ,r. c ■ r. - \t '..v‘ • is B.>u» Ajaurted Tofarro, li' ’• a Soup; * *• fialj. 1 Barn ! Fn* <*ts F >ra; 10 •* Air. H TANTI Ln*< ■ >\tsotr at La mi. tu Apr. 7, 1'•>••.. —31—’-! ItLOI E—V tv - M..j t..!xa»j pcf’ n BA» O.V—5 Hilda CWsU Su'w: S *' Ik rse do; S T ;< ea rttra C.. r . Hatmn POilK—i' fc? v - M«-si SCO ‘.C—7 HCd» ., b. * Pewdi-n."tt W;, r CA N’Iil-tiS-<J .tridJ* Star. NAILS-—K. ** 4. i a n <f. Hecc.v«-. an ' J ta- 5) Agrd 7/i. B. VCA1T_ VT • t . i« ' L-Jgt N 3, rf Fr-*r »& : Accrpu-.i Ms M Harter ilaiik-t. E. A M . w« nBJfism- - v p, ,^-d ft nt rll the br-tf-’m ami pm':-.-*-* of \v- 4au.,n t Fra •eraity f-M gr-.«n vomsi'i c urt. B F HERsHY, -V.^rp Marrk 2l, C-Ai. A.L. 4M1. |J“ A!‘ pt pet. and per-siacais «iti ptnaac ea-j-r. The *<atr of %rkanv.n. At (V Pryk&* Cl«W tf PaWi r«»(« 1\TOTICK ■ bnrbr PTr* SM* Mte foijoarinr naar'i ad*B»»siJ,at'»l *«4 Iwmlim tare f;ed ijje-ir e irre»t. and reticlw rs <■* net tkiwnt and e-*nSm»ati>>* m Mid I*/ A*t* Court. vi*: Wib O Fcmiaoa. r>anl<a« of Mai' .-a A. F-r- ! t ■( ■■ ir tad «*?*•»»: Pa!!*1-! Fl»n»«;». Hait'^nVe ,-f Patrick Ki•> ■ km: H. E. D. S; te o. »<is: nu •» u-r <•{ Jo tn 1) Gut .err Naarr 8. Per* k son, »<i ir u«-ralnr J Waa fcwa»A. Ail pejsjTi* jatewtea m wttkrnr'-1 of an; ,.f nir ae©>.uit». are re»,Bire 4 tr> file their cv-rf, l" •*» if ao» they bit a* or la lore U*11 l : rtj <i»T of :iae neat l- r* of ?ti4 e»r:W. *o be btid cm the li day of April. A. IX !■ M, <r Itaey ri'l in* foeeref biired ftvtn ekCepLaf toosJ •K'-tmiF*, nr anr iv is tbewarf. GORDON X. PEAT, C,«k April 4, Ivi*. 3!—I*. «x » * k a<x » T Y P E F O U X D E U V . oriLF-'Kl) * JONES. WO. «t, y 8m~y, Brnyren *- i* **■ - an) Bsr,ram,, rrrrTTv.v.rr/. onro WooIJ r* »pe<rffn!3» nf m ttenroP1 prtr^n? an i Praters ge lermiir, -.bat 1be» hare r*:r»veri tteu F ■ .oAcrv, to the* b':*W:n**s fncwssriy o’cnjued as the v^ rc • r;.r Foorsderr and Po'.tiae F.«tal*li»S tt,*.at of E. K1ICPARD. Ifltr* rvy art Prrfxtrrd to Fum-rk Jnft-kmg .j lis.r I jin*. FOSTERS’ PRESSES! Tnrv ear u» Aorrrs ro« Fo*te*’« hinb. riR#. k f«wr.r presses: Aim! In Hat. will Fill any Onln for PRINTING MATERIALS, .1/ tke Hhertut ,V<a«rc, «*</ at (Ac Lttxrrti Kwrttr l’RICES. W. MITCHELL, £ CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, as* Dultti la llry (nwlr, trriri, a>. NAPOLEON, ARK.-*. March 30, lb*!. »—tf. rF3HE sn’-scr.t« t. ac* nt II. II -roan, w , A cojtiBue the fonner'i b * at 1 -,l s starid ■jii Ma.n. n-ar Markham ttr -t, and k>- , * ‘.v ob ti>»I a f ill and ar 1 s’.'* l •( Gr.xwne*, I>ry Goods, UocAs. Sjs-. Hardware, CaTiTiES, 4- , Ac., a’’ <A ar'^h »ni. ..•■ snld kw for i*sh. The tneheet ma/i--' frrltes will be pa.; ■ . * miBtn use, m beef t ■ ■ pa t 1 — - way, Ac. JOHN KRAUSE. Little Rock, March R.IMI, if. $400 REWARD. t3sC.VPED&am the P- nitciitiar? -;i JLLt the following describe! cos' Hit I*, f. > each fur then capture and rielii < ~y t at. if l* tru i.i tide county, or 4-Vj tafia -f taken_ou" JOHN H. HAMMACK, — Cmtns'iw. PumnuiT, Um.r R » *. A t ) Marcia 1-, ISSI. S l>i»tirro«.—Jair>e* Lem;i*. 44 year* "f »;-• 6 feet liieh ani stout barit, gwy ca r, haz« i eye*, i .man nose. hiefc cheek lone* an ; sa;i areotn pimtm, u» conjectured be wall try to reach the S i's- of Louisiana. Andrew Rogers as 31 year.* f are. 3 f~ t * me V. high, and of a Stout build, be ha* • ! r » r. hair, blue eye*, a reddish beard and f.ond com pi- i. o. he talks little, and in a low tone U t ,ice s-i d ha* a ytilet look. Calvin, a dark a iaro boy. i 5 feet 7 m< ' ■ s huh, stout built and v^ars of r/. J hn Smith, a free ne«rr •, *2 years of a.-. . S - : * inch*-* high, features lark wid reru,ar. and * by trade a black-smith, tw conjectured that fcr and Calvin will keep toed Ur and push f >r XL-.- Crce i Nation or the,State of Missouri. Ail the- above caps, coarse fferns, on; half watte and ont-fcai Inwo jeans pant*, and the:.’ hair was rat closely on one * 4e. R<«vr* bad a bl ue jeans coat, the other 3 wore coarse jacket*. Little Rock, Ma-'h 28. *0— if. Bootn and Shot*. H CASES B. • >:s assorted; i •• Kip Brogans; 4 dor. Gent's 6;. . Calf Sires: 2 44 ** 44 Gaiters; 12 44 Ladies S;. *■» assorted; ft “ Misses and ri.ildrtn* Shoes assorted; 1 Case Boys Kip Brogan*: 1 44 ** {xsiti, kt., Ac.. Ac. Received per Phillip Fean writ, and f.r sale by JOHN U. ADAMS. Steamboat Laadme. 29—tf. Mar, :. J>. .vy in Mu 4 LL person* indebted to the estate of t*. ! A Brldw.n, d< where a :•'•* bet ame < t*. fir*t dar of M»v b. are hereby u .-..fied '..'if. ';a i-n* quick pivrriciits are made on 'be vaiae. 'tire w.:i !»• placed it, the hand' of tfe- pr.«{«er .^ceu f> r coHeetioa. S J■ HI TT. Admr. Little Rock, M«rrh It, 1851. K ••ear Ah-tiov. bur. C Aaaoiji Huu. illtU'O. ARMSTRONG, LAVVRASOX A CO. i'oimiii»«ion HmhaDU, 1 06 Street, .V E H o k EE A A.V . March 35, 1851. 2»—ly Stationary. V LARGE and beautiful assoranent of sta tionary, recef»ed per Ph.'.g Pennrwr, a:«l r U . i>> ' JOHN n. ADAMS. Steamboat Land, nr - Marti. 25. 2#— if. Xrn ^princ (.ooda. •>() f « -a) •• late* nytr ri*rarv». print.-.--.: Mu..;i*. late at vie Silks. aaanrUrd OaiKoea. ao 2" $ it. “ Giblbuus. “ Co* to n»Je». Br •*« Linen. Detain*. 2 Bales W •}-*, A 4-4, Bt wo A BmAM Uocus'je*. 5-4, 6-4. 10-4 and 12-4. Hr >wn and Bl*. L'd mm -i’t. 3 pi-cr-* 12-4 Lines Sbeenar. 22 “ Iran Libra. Gs-.'Sea, Cravau, Put ktt Hamlkeecb -f mhvh, Apr - Cheek*, Oaanbefg*, L ta.‘,re.,*», Pirtuh, Strait- i-thix. A , Ac . A He per P. PciiaysriU, *.,4 i r 4 «** ««,!» by JO HA D. ADAMS. Mar h '25, >951. Aim*. **4 L.*. Matul Mints'.'. .1/ 4 Ls«t. Pam Leaf Ha'.v »U 1 “ PatiSiii-j “ J “ "Jenny Ljad” Hats. 8 *• Tamptwo " 4 “ ut,;ei. i.* Kereirod per P. Prnaiywi; a.ii fit sate be JOHN D. A LAM' March 25 i947 Xu**Um! Eat. •»«, for Male. VFINE LARGE !Pal« been teari ou: aal jeeeiueea hao-ia h- r.:. Asp, • ,. Mar h 25 L A WHfTELtl. •VV|trots tor Sale tpwo LIKELY NET.K'' WOMEN, . a 1 t*-.. etH'dreyi, and the mv r sr.h f*t. F sa.*t for cask, by J - D. AbAM>. as the tv inr^at Lai, 2 ... March 25, lMl. 2» Uacoua. rpMTO NEW two hre Mae •; . f-.r sa,e : trap ; 1 by J D. ADAMS at the fteWBjtoal Lani;,*. Mar. h 25, 1*51. » HiMKII TO HIKEU 'PWO BOVS OB G1KLS. a*.«st fcf'eea ee s 1 Idea yean of age, L lay ivett on Ike p'en aarf two ae*r • men. Apply u> L A. WrimXEY Lii: . Mark, Jhrra i!. laSi. MEXICAN MISTA^S LilMMEXTlU r. tkr lle't l'm Lamr, Vm Sort, ami Ua X-J J, wlrt, “ Wt bnmg fimJ *f $Tr* *» " Tb<* Vainiir (X fimm Hrtaro l!v Joa* l,eew known Jo pmmnv mishit itself wortertolty mxAkimt. hewua* art eotavse prep«**•*■*• *W? hw'twr* eyVwwsely u-ed by the AlV-rf for Rhe-matm*. 8mil*** -4 iwtwtt m L.aU. art fc-» all kind* < Sens. I kw». Bn«w. W.made, Bart Ltofi or and far ail kirt* at i’ais* or Ijifswnaa'f** in Man or 8~*»t. ]L >. The hajupy ’-■•irabmatmw of ’Hi* worterfsl prrt irtrwi of nature with other jowrrftt, MBrdNt m lie Mruru MatotMMt Lilian) K ert »» i* ->we tie wnst fwi-t»-e' f< medww rw*» niwl to the affle-Vrri. li* artsoat the ofran *#:, it) s (if. w,>rt“rfal. f's »o’.a»i>. pewfrwtiae, tnrakitm art hraiinr pmpccbewa,»ttw Utiw sew Vi the vdrr Vires. fintm tfrto tkt «tr»l*uiwiaf *W Wnrt—fiw« a mem OKpuvse so the.* hair ««• «< -:.»ira • m to ti < very evtresj tie* of the Swyea* ami toe*—'StuwaUtca the ahwwbea:.* art wccncte'.w* and stiif aw .art BatEretotJBmw rrt Iwedf of *«■* -iwaa-J *ft*s at armra mmarks, ebrnr-t or m ta, nfikinr it e<j3a!,'r»p|>ir*bb» v> «nt of any ktw). rke«Ws«, » aa m any par «f ib> body, fr so a '-r-*»s! *ot> o «f »ayof tit,* «trarfani (>*8-<aa of tbeayalcat. Naaa*| those |e-rul»ar t -■ • - -• O'; w'-T •* :ia i. .0 „ > «n-ir.v d'5itr<n' a*/ aifc*. We » t f it a few'of the '‘t'vttiMi of twse* that have been HH*d by ’hi* Ltn moot within t he last yew. A lad; .3 :us» Ohio. ' rt her hand «' gbUv bro,*. d. ‘mb caid .a t. art ft s^ert So X T.ighttu. fleer AS ever U> back of her hart. TVscten fert preacr led aalves, cantaseirt*. •asrta, art ait- taUve*, t.-tnai .loiy it aay p m: it hat*, liert! in rfc» t tn-Ut-a B**t UtM * "tat. when «hc < >' a ►- f.:.- oi >. Matiarif L.-i '. by'!;' r r rtnen v r.f her ft yuK-ian, art a^[rt?«d rt u ',t* ed. The re . i ; was., that :n t ■n tret-a*f'.r 'iker was heaW art tixr i.»rt war wtii' Taat rtelor aftmbsys the Lisisars; b» ti. c-a-n t . - *e .• t:s jisaetiee. _ A little eirl, f/mfeet)t»;i e* ft nCrt’rti'd, had* a-rw attack oi RaetiiBaiwm The eiairt*«f . at i*c cootratt-'J *. t’jt the fr>>t m*r *wn p «: a rtfht tnr * with tho tkeh, art the iat jota! walk • - Tkrtr bwnaa at flw MMfMf fcaMMrt aetiart ie t iweii*. I'K-at n- 'i Ue «a*-h /, icHeert a’1 pjiw. teten#iheart the ntnades. aw, tfeeea* sk.(. the :iA»r, leaj; art jvxj» w i.l.- jt tn»J he* r Iwtin' wap af A taan as Psttstijiffh iirt a rM l->- .roo artjd-.nuny r.i» in') b« fort, tssmkmi * Terr sewer; \Vi,iihI and Kata t.t th» sane: tone. Th* jnm was intense art eseruc>a:iae, threatening Jock-jaw. The fart awei'.rt •.cry rafetilr, art 1a two bovs he war v.aal ie to l«ear aay weight on it. <* art it to tbs rr 'tin !. la ihaseondttem :K Martaag !_rw:ntwa« ayjihrt. iaste'ia'c re erf inm pam was the ">awe,,ne*r. ane m two day* he went aboat Ui* h -t mts art h* 1 no f&r'.ber *mb!e with it. Cap). Wbl Alter, owe of the otdtat c uaens of ('.nr.nnati, and Soar art pnpnSarly known on ai. * he westt ra art roother* river* as a oxtam'bami captia. bad a very seTcre attack «f Inflamiwwlor) khtupatitw t srigi.’ arm. After rifle fine the *»r»t eneraejitinr p*«n far ***se days *. a-.-.t a t. .t;>:nfr r. :*f i e rd-taitsed a bottle of the M s'nnr Lln«w*t. ami appiwd it. In l*»a than twen.y-ft .r k- ank he v a. etiir- li rtis. ved fr.*u p:..n. The m* '-*»an-l ttiffaeaw perfertiy trade ated. t/T atyVib* this i art he in*} i.-.e th*tB a apecne- n of st» mvtXbM Kzrifh art fla ah.,Ay af bi> •*#■»•! right ana.”' 1 ^ — A Bsaa-ia-Goainsta*, Kr., Lsd tv it h»-»-c able to walk without erntehes foe *. */ two years, tr ,er, the . ffecia *>f ( broaic IkcawaliMB. !!• arl of tt-». M:i*'a»r Litiuwr t, bought if, art used it a* d«y-etrt. art now be vs weii, art can '.are a t ire, p,pe ial u> any )■ . • Tar • A man necr L" . :.r, < K. . ka.’ a nesrro tea n wl." hsd rnmcnr ancfs o* ho*h hn *.-.i. Tue»»>-T» i.eariy jre.ien. art fterrd tkey would be the ..*iar of is death, ifeprecrev wit a i»:i iwcica :e: Muat-iiv 1—wineii'., art; used it air a*' *d;n^ t ':.e d :r. < 'jotva. In >ae n: u the'w^rtw were ie*.«!. }■ >. Bennett, of p- , rsi ,r: b. Tli , •*>; > da rlw 'weire war) •>'•! wto had Teaw <:*;» ..« or '. (let.. i • ••. « a was * :• . .' hioi '•»,« : » •> .baa a . ar— '- ra . i do .: n j f.- ■ 1 > *i re |r oai In! ' 'rr'1' Msatang Lirrji.vat, art to tb r .ytluaen iit-'.y Lewi -! a.) ll- : an ; a he*at ful oert of fcr..r *ijw cuvoarth* Olf i ri.htfal •*c«lp ! ! A lady Su Lmiiv l.aa a sor- on ’.h>- * ,f h*; V »h ’hat tlrsaWd ' • spread si! iwrr ’be ara p. Tb< hair cam out a id left a hare spot tie < »; of a dVi *r, that v» a r iir, or * c- > o 'ta d tie !. ■; 6 ►' - waivd • ,♦ «yr. ! st 1 r -nrh! «' » Vi1 vi «*w »r rj r .''iff ss ST'W :W it let ha,If, artsa-s U the’■«** Hair T‘. r,ie •hoev.-r «ae wb ‘ *-:! .i*w a beam if1.: < . s' iiV appeaiaar - ■ii,!e va,r, that abe bad acre r r ooeestid is * , ,.&r * ■'r. ■ I ;*,e ihsrnaaad* of cm we are daily hearing at m ti font : country. ““ HI »ri .% T • • ■ c a . i*tYr - t fie M . i. r;- r\ ;a If- s . ' grr .a ' > its. Bid u:., U- j. C. a > "» 5' F- F " ». ft It i. Sj t M i- rr . 'A'i iG»f‘. ited < ■ . -r a: < * 1. nJf»- j*. or nna' ra« a-.- f ... r iau*cit. A ry*ta. tf !jjs UK i Ion ilat : r tWtt > .a:. Ririf-Sn- ’.,*h . :.-s. Tlx- >r*• «»s f -mptet. vr'i."\4. »os3 fcajatfes ri\ fr-rVr-ti« gjsi.jotfc Iit :fi€ nf- cfAlm Liv*«- m. To Country Mrrrkatt*. R,t. s. re[i :•!. i pp:«-l - -a '-u » . Mil- L'H..*-..-.. as it p»’* » • pr a* i -i *. .* r*p.i£f. Cattion Eitm. j • V w. t . to"; v N rs, ii<: K -t, Lunar n*. - «-,*ia > * r -» i . .. M ataoc L a* M. I . leiaacma A»s f r tim * . Pnr« of tlr Ltiinrst. It • ,«. - n ;ie . ' *• a.-- ’ ’ tr< « :> r n/ >ip iS r-u-. i' r».r*. .a- v ? Tfce Soctm Lotties CJQUia tlue- - w ii-ii a* "U a5 ttM ***-. tad tlx- « - *•' Lot:** ■ ■ ri; as rr, . I. as ft,- 50 oeof**p—f- ‘ •' ---.iv • * ! Se si-rrO mi-seta* tfcr iarre to* ...» i'r. ; l>p.-: at BK.Vi-'* a .-i LLANff.-s Dr,s •» •*, oKar-r Ttrf *... Mark- fit- .ot. Lotus, Manan. tJ^Dtmetaas aiH Country Mtituvu -i o O-rra. J. \V. TAPPE, B AoVjair of iMUe Rock. Ark. Limit* in ffreif €ouHty for Sale T TPfi\ avt iganodatiag t:.*, f- - ■* a*r v. .r^ u> ■! .aridt eii-a'oi .,;*>* H*’ . Barrio *r^». >a Drew county, Arkans-as . >. F. ?r* • -rs (jr kc. 7; 'a e*t i.»-f ■ ■ 7. V. .; A \ B .? m■ W. bait •••■ ' ■ W. Uuf fS E ,r. »c. »• . ail m Uwrnaitiji H t*M* w rst . Tt,< ► iafcda arc assoru; th<- Sr*t n ;k- But of Hrwell *•• «:«} lllUtvK oeighUx v • *2 -Ui ct *. ■ r, for pit*; ■..< <. Par •• ran, nt-ply vs L. A. WHITELET. L. H'-yk March 234. Ji Cl h< *»'T *.W LAND Si ;• s tad 1 j nr*. for sahr t r WM. B. WAIT. Ms reft 23. ' r . -9—U. Liquor* and rtoar. J’l'sT ifTMUii fiv ilaatl liaiBtf'jrs: 2% BMs W fci»li*-T. • Half libit, do. _y Bt i*. B irf» M Whv-ate. 23 fit. . PiOW. ; 5 ilH1*. Patmuet*. F *r saue • b* *p. b< M. TANT1. \C\\ T> EC DIVED iirec- n uS. J% i* P, *«m * i l>.*c, * >' .N>* tic- » C ■ «!*’.- ■»<( Ucttv., .Ssllii -l-, J am*-.'*. \[’Tvi i ori'. Gi iViia's C luVnck, ii*.r-g-'f, A . ? k-, 'i i P ill' Jitrrr -‘"i . A ;■*«• «■*»;(_'» r. r- in ; S. k‘. K- i-C ■ f ,('t A 2 Si - . \ - . i ii t A*r* u> M >*<■»» t aMen, »r- I Sj« sate S'Vi- by a j ttv rr. M rr* 7'. 1*31 .Vm rtrtrt. MILL ~ iV". 5—It»« »ji > 6'-s »»- 7 f««* , f HEN* 11 Lt iCk3, 6 sm: 7 >*»£{»«; AYL-— » mm! Haat-, • -a S—ljtri, i uaeei, U*u*r* ant! nnatafen* R-r-it«c arc tor ak by wm b w ait. M a rcU M 2* -tf. Haddlrn. VLABG£ ! ,■ ^atidiery, Kairia of *t at> HVr’t’aaad a*ii» Bfni-*. Mart, at air* S**d C*rp*A tU a. G;nbi, Co8 s' iia'i.. s. Bt*iic-K.-:nai». Buik.. Wa^oa ts» TJiLlL! w iiurap 1 lofts, il'idtr tlU. *> ., 4-C. 4r. rryvi**.^! per Pin.op *is<! kit Mil for C V>H tiv JOHN u ADAMS. L*od'.M Min t CV -29—tf h34N) REWARD. Runaway o* »*_< *:»**« tfomtte pis» . u:.- • of ’be *rtarnlm, n tlucot tosBt*. Artians »r» »at tV ■£!&«* its day of J*e a n, lUf'i tiian Mtrarii i.iLutR r. Hr o »:■ ■ tvf i -a rent trui *1 fre’ Of '.WOltK&CS Mgfc. strati.. ia.LV «Xl». f •• »J *.-r*4*. *-r-yl ia|»*or Im a lit *v tr v'.b anna plars on tke Taatan «*:*> weli. Tfc ■ \ r. ir-scntieH rov. «>»n af’jcr tis -Laappt sran e at- :!r»r*iti Utr '«* *ren .£. Uk pawf."i> • t'-afined by * ~an named fliat ia isr. *u, w (*.-<« As. * a. Ik tus na-te tuai •*» «x -.-la., as J Urc -,i H< ■«• a*f *3. A H a* M rk i*- *b\ j t trrV.ed, ba.1 «Kt .iy*>tlu!E f. Ho::«c a * nt. y ioriy-i*'- Iran of a.r. St--tee 6- sj >.f it's ;*eb*-» h-fi. fteader a®2 ett«4 ta }» r n o. talks vary *i.i« a«*i iii» ;c-/ ba* ia »:. tuti l» j Ir..o; last*;, m U> ap^wri y»* . i r t.*n>ie» a a rn f a»aa :/ k»tr * » rk spncv -< inri- ltktn IV l ijr.rr, .a -arc ot v-:-11: aa«*3, as ibceay t y Kaenwia— et tt>)srt and a appa.*r*'.i» a ii: lir leaf wi*’6 Sj»vkcB ’«x. 1 re- ttmbl (*r tie « t t> LTLBEBT « ay pla tar-tv. t-v- 'ber • »tv rspfwkcssKi* tai e-nvy'.i* of flow* ur . n- am- lin*£rti **j ijtf dadatn kit Use V iner> of ta* buy amt pay aid rewwvt up ;is*a GEOI1GE W JOHNSON Ctiii it oo-.tty. .irk, Mar-.rb 13, i«5!. tj Lkm. A Uamrtte eopy. <«. t oitoH Seed* JTST 8 & tar i Dt. JorlaV« rdk jf*u4 Oiiwi fked, sad j«ir bm: ekast, vf i J Ht TT Li-'.lc K vk, 2*, l!<4j. Us* w itr. f: St. Patrick** Hale Collegiate Institute. UTTLF. KO(k, ARK H*i». * |'HIS eKabbsoaBts:, * now L. .» art; 1 is expec'tjd a*ter wear ’uh v ■ aifort tvimidiunr. *'jr ! ■ •orders. The (u«['t of UiMtioi will Kakncr, 1st. The PrjEArv; 2d. Tbe Met'ao;.:*-, as4 3n TV Ciasy.ta! and Pfc in* •of. a. Du'parts.eiitf. TERMS—Per q jarter o/'.w-iT week', j>» » * .1 wd-,aw- 'he Pnr.'urv Dcjwrifct'i t* *h*> H. n i elixir S;v!b»c Rrwff a.1: 'A *■> Fort'. Mcrcan-tie. wfcv t ar Vr;:aBi;.' BeLica ELicotjoa. Goagftpfc r. i ■ a. ■ M- i';rf a W. F *r the Claccural and Pf. , *ophieAi •irparjx.»-s' who h aw> id- f MfWthCT with what 3 ■mi .'*!' a the Mrs? a stile course : (!, La'o, ti:— a, French tu»I ItaL&E lar^rix. •** ; 1 t*r neat* <4 Ai t*-f ra» (iewaaetr*, Trieiftue.'ili. » tu Nuttr*: aiW Er{e-naw atai PLJaapph* i. ‘' DIRECTOR* iM) FBorEMKIUs Her PATRICK REILLY. R»i PATRICK BEL SN Rar FATKIL K MARTIX. L.ttir Roe* March lb, 1*S3. 2b-; Jw Wiluable Heal /ur Salt BY 1 Ttue of .a ussier of the Prjbale CV-.rt o Rawtoiph coaaty. A-Avw »*•’■ a; ‘.he J»rs yarr-uma. A U. ivil, a : a the t .r t»* f tlx U mi the uhtk'imcianl elatajUst m ■ f • ae Ev.aU Tt»Jtsk» O M*n. deceased—» i «*., »: <> .r House <&** 1a tae t.-wa Poca*. fas oa M a- * tie 1 2ti a»i Tixewtay the I ft' 1 Mas ■>• »a a rre'iit of :»•:!« a* tr ■ with a > atr-i ► ty. title rraV rjm full pacReRf of the pu.'< ti. xa aej—thef dowlas dearr:**! Rea* £*;.*> ted ,n the towa uf Pixah a:** aoi rsnairy RJ NtA 1 of Sec 24. T 1* X R 3 Z Ml acre. XE t S li. T 1» X K 1 K. C v tea. £4 htw) XM'I .f tie. NWj ftisn, TiiXR! fc. 1? ’ arrea, M l ktol XE4 at XEJ V- v. T 19 X I ! E, . - E« A -v XW4 Ses- ». T JO X H 1 E. »«"•.« . 1-6 V of stf id S£t Sr. .T, T IV X R I E, 6 i atfea. XH 1 d the SE 1 See SA. T A V R i E. Rt * rei XEi of theSMT i Set 33; i 3 X RYE, • artra SW| See as, T A, N R 1 W, 1*> *;• i, 'SEE i See 24. T 1C St 1 V, I * ae.'e*. N A i of tfee NWj Set 21, T 2 N't i E, *• XU' i»t of tv NW fci of frl S 34, T :» N R . E, . ■ !<C< acre*. X E t - the SW s Ses; 32, T.iX R E, 4 * : Be* M ui low .a the wara of !‘ e ahoslaa X*w. ii 4. IE B % 14. .**, -1\ a, as had L.V X ■. an . f ;u b x a S i 3 Ear Br-a-ioa- Sl L-t X S n. B.'» A No Si Las'.. Lea* X*j». 44. 6, S >ad 2 . L • a No. > a*d ta No. 4 .a Me*t S' t* A: * ■ *' v aaaee tow w* * v . t a»- -n.- * t-.tATi aitff two tx.iie 1 f 1 Hr aa taoj.’. • Oe fe.,1 hat , . tciea l-aiat tpiw* oeer^'eta. Vti i-.y. st what a Satii. a - a > at. ... the at*' • re-re ,, pur; »So of the whot-e KmI Eata'e a mm « - X - . - 1 rood aha la* house. w.rh hi V> j.v-a attac r—l iheei to aa3 a £uutl ataaC ‘2* »r. ar a*—• »or of the larcrt the haw 1 ha* .-ft a•*•:«! iWei'unr ar , ! 1 ;t ho ;«a ate! awe fcrty a: rta of opr a iatsd, ar - jf the .viithet{*j»»aie *ery areu aaapr-.'tee!, aa V witora a abort 'iartaake '«*» tfca piece, tt ' w." ■:••, ocr ppapertT *M hr sr Vi V the late To,a O. Mart E*«.; «;’.h ei ead * ;h the f ur .re js? > pr—a of th* t-iace, P r» -astar hi nt lAhf oh Bek Riter *5 *i ’ ’ head pf ream bowl aa< ofaie a, awl w aese boa fa* r»v uj.v Bt'etM .t. the *-ax. awS at dev ued k a S etv. t, place, ea-i al »e «*</ el hey A re*:> taett arc >vt cce-u-ieta ri-'peadastA opou a { t K-e; t * .’• /»'•« ;tr. b*. ntr Jti .. •• ; pr <i" f” t» ' on } 'are awf A ay farther .akwhaty* ce *i:ce the pr<-per or otherwae w-,:.’ he furr.wKtd prt«a^> » S« while* •uf ti* at Uua plwee. ; ions H. IMRODCM. 1 Joan P BL 4* K .1, ■*.**■« '- art », ike eatalc Timmm O her, EictURM, Art., Mart a 18, A i>. 1W4I, Jn-Ti Spring 41mlking. VLAR*.F and bCMtifal awatwa1 of *PR!X ClltTHlSO, ictthcf pet Pfc.: up Pr stcvw awl tw wue by iOHII 0 ADAMS. SVt iroUj*- Land;Gar ■Sr tf Si.rta 2d. J»«t RrrriTnl, IU.K Itniri Poabar, a lame ud well seirrted r nvMiJwi fnw. wifr». prrsuyr*. iRuCERIKS, toe. TV kasorfrat ■ mmch better >ndi»irFthudmMT«b^f m*rmtwm.*cm *t*ta»* to ftr n# M pupi* OtoiC Ootewl. and I>*pi» totaady; * ca*k* JJa>>na Wtoe; * •* p:iri- /a*1* of Part; V* r»!s. oM Cixrrae Itoandy Ml dHMvftoM*; •0 “ ~ See'Wfc Whutoay " " fc‘ *• « Inafc ** !*• bhto. <*d Her a*d BaruVaa Wh*k«>; J ** «* Peach, ? quaru-r rack* SC 0*1 Ram, 4 bfcto. Wf.u «fim; « *• MaSaca *’iar; t qwfVirtthiuMiriRm; __ 2 p.p-a Hm.and On; ! % V*e* Sheiksa <*!»; Vi basket* CHampaienr, chore* brands: a Sox mi Hark * me; ' doara «td XaH.ra *'«e; 5 *" pnfr j»K* of Part; 40 hores Cto»t, 4 -!'W» rhiMce Cordial*; 5 basket* A an melt; fi boxes Ahaentb; 10 •• Canro; 10 « Br«.lv CVnws. 4" " I^*..r. Setup. 1* taken Sr,*cU Ale; S •* assorted Presson, a ;-*m i* Currants; 3 boxes C. fMl; S t-ane-ir Cranberries: 3 «• 8. a Almond*. »■- half boxes Ramin*. A1 itrucui Puts. 4 boirs P;nr A ppir Ctont. 10 - Ohio Chcear; lf> taten Kmtwrky Mnatcid; 4 *' freaa Peach** is cans; A " fresh tlreen Pras ;a caaa; U» “ Pickles, assorted; » '* cans Lobsters; * “ “ Mackerel; 4 '■ •* Salmon; t case Sardines; f taken T-«Mto and Vslant Ketchup; 4 “ Wecrhestanhsre Sauce, s " Pepper Saace; 5 “ Obve Oil; 4 « One**; 4 ** Capers; 20 •• Red Pepper; 5 4 1 STTtrl* rli.'lf !*«#». 25 lm fresh Cracker*. }0 k> esc hover Tobacen 20,W** Hs’ ^na Cleans. TV are- (elected express!r fi.r this mar ket arxj anr of the beat quantv. and wil; V sold i « • - »*ii JACOB HAWKINS. Mac h U, 1831- n—if PROPOSALS I or bniltlin* I hr Hawnk and Otli PflhMrt Hall. ST VLEP w pwtiii trill be nwitrf k* tfcr un ■ mrar-'. nati! tie :* -far <rf April « tb* *;wi «wttl P<- » ■ 11* Kt to pia«w and *p» tuna wkwh '* . by calling ;iprm •tiller M tin n taler mriw-d : P- -r. \* raa»!e as foBoars? ’ f ’ 'V w ,■.*■ ** rk. rnaptefe. P-.; : -1 :«!»••»at atone a rk. pen. per prrcb. 3*1. Prc ill Mfci nrttf it! ae w-irk. once per auper fosal foal 4'3i. Brick »>>rk, price pet Tl.cmmari brick. Sth. C*rpcRvn and Min ts work, tiiu S Vjfig ford. *;»3 xfoagic fa’f. ~ Liki-'ww*1 Plastering. Or ;t ix«a;.» may state in mu ad s timbers tin i ,■ e sit ' V balder will ftmak everr pnr i. • rk. a* av«j»e, accntfing to plan ami ap*-* if, l Hi ~ TW - "inert e the nght of parting ill ' i»U 4ees*i«nl too b fit A J HI TT. i J A HEJfRY, > rommrtt~. T D. MKRH1< K. >; Cajettr and IVrtne rat cup* four week*. L<«*r Kara. Mare* IS, Ift&i—.0t-4w. Da nr in* >ctn|. (t fcO. B KING, re* aerially ia forma tit* elti f Iran of Litua Rack, and tuiatty, Utat 1m *t!l o *B (a* Sekoai i« Ik* iMts aeraa-piicAmeat. on Saturday. tM 1st Jss •! ttartrk. at tka Rack Ho'H Iearns far ;•«•>( Lau», Mtasaa and Haaiera, »* f.«« »» Um aermiag aso etaug af fat arttay af sack »«*k Little Rock, Kak Id, tSSI. JU—1 m ICE. FBCITS. SET* kt. JVST receiead by tka steamer Paatiac No. I 20 To«w af Button Ira 25 B in Kumm. 4 Barrel* Cb*»»Bti*t. 1 Sag id A liiiOM. 1 Bag Kij 4t Wair :*i. 1 Ban.i Cocoanut. »*> t ans t iyrsCrr* 2 Barr-i. >j •■♦'»!» -,r tR* 20<»i Pickled Its.tiers. 5 fi. a.* Tot-acca. 2 H«k*i ■!* Augsr I Itei. Bs.k-' Aarcsei i “ “ Cetdiai*. I ** D-aijolMM. Merck*! 1*51. M IAN II \ A V * K rt I. h to n ? tl { *>! 1 »»nrct At. JTST per »«(*«»«■ r Feaejwtt ; 3f wc«« Kiti Codee, 2 nhd*. Ba|»r, 1<I bb>e- £a . « thJ* M-'.ummwh . $ ball mm. M “>.1 mu Soft. A oe far aei« by FATHERLY A. CLEMENTS Merrb 3>i. yy u ikiah tanviir ? RE EiVEL> (rote Now Orieaaa per *—Tbietr F r r'.uajetl, ;->« fo-:ic-wtjy CieuAk— 6 Dei- Star I!m, * “ Steel Create Here; S “ Ora? .ay Hore; I “ Ko. :*oo'« o*f ii»»ra* Site*.;*; I ** *• .korl ^paAM: b “ Cerry Combe. I Ceear CbtuM, 1 iiarrei 8m, 10 Serb. Coffee, 10 Bwne '■tpr, * “ Mo awe; Aw; far tele at A. J. MOTT'S, L.ui* Hoc*. l99. *4.1M1 Mata Str,y. rr4 Oats. ONE battered beakefe NerUtrra Oau, ;eet re ceitew. eao Sot Bate by I> RENDER k CO F*b 1*, I #51. t4- u. FROST & CO., ti] nuuu « « riJIUols. Mfcoe*. Brap»KA HATS, CAPS, AC., AlSO FSLM LEAF, MEXICAN AND CAMFEACHY HATS. No 10, M.feziae. beta at a ( ml Mt C<ho*-,» *4. NEW ORLEANS. kJ' Freto oar Heeoea at New York see Boeioo w« tit coaeUaUy raesretae (reek seoy .ee W tit aba** Goeda. Cdkettry Daelrn ere larUod la ceil ead «t*a. oe ear tt^ .et. .Sark INLOi'R—2**! bi>jt O*. . < jjejfin*, LAUD Oll—l bbid. a mivt rtiaaewJ: PLOl CH MCH LUs-H*. l**mr*4 BA- '.N—i kkda. bow and FORE—10 -rWa. tfear; LARl>—i<*> ke*e No 1; COTTON YARN—AtjCi 1U. mkak Sto 19. V-r turned |X ‘VUhJk* ry, ’ ami fax vote »y WE 1 W AIT Me. A 11, IMl. ^OlDlfcRa LAND WARRANT*. Ur tab ‘J •rree ear a. far aaia by Merck 3d WJIJ. W AIT **-♦< A RRANAAB MONET—ktk .W. be ■*— * AMBWAll.