Newspaper Page Text
- is-«.-"k;« MO —-..-. — .-..- — ·,.—..-..,- -. ».. ...,--.-...-.-·. -«....-..-.z --- ..-...-——.- . skidek- io Politik-I Form-u and Dame-m Zuw- Mkriatury Damm-n Agrcknltnrt. commercial kuttmgmtt. set-»Der V ol. VIII LITTLE ROCK, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 15, 1851. No. 32. | mm. T j* ARKANSAS BANNER 1«F> BU^ilKn EVKBV Tt'EMMl. H'lnc -.T A. WIIITEUKV, PrtlUfcfr. TLhf.V.v f (to TA F-.r «w p.'.'■!. year,...** ; * f . . >, ; • jr. «, w one aMreaa, . 1 w t- . .. ..tic year. tOoue . . II OP f r'um i •• •<" T*-■«• to one *ddr<r», . • 20 W i Jtc d«m of no pet»aa wiii be entered upon du.css para nt be Buie m a :**ce. U ,■ fl! i- at re»p nstblt- peiaoa iu tid* city. , sober nl* a may farwwi us tmmey by p’ • at ■ .ut cvpcnstt, and hi out task- jr.,mitel •1 p statists receipt U Ukea and prcMCTed So •levint oa f: an the nboee tern*. I NT) IT KATE NTS FOR CLUBS. „„ ,a that ha HUodo^ottr rerent eff-rts. . .. ... • -t Uk»a In the Baa*** by u.nny of .„irer«. t»v* ludace.i «« “> »«>'■ f« ,h* t’ur " „f . .r-f liog ti.o formntion of clubs,(he follow i ■*.- a forwarciag U> us l* Cuilurs in corr-nt ’ f4BC. for f«or oahoeriiiern. will receive a , -* -f'osr rer'e f*r •»' V'tr- rr«/i«. To.nv toe forwarding t«*»l» dallura io current mt win *-n.j !'■ oopwaof lUo Bsmka for sab-rnbers.andone copy ofUooCTS i- "■ \ n v.s orGaajtaiTs Mac»*t*rferout yonr. 1 V. . OO' f-warding thirty* in earns! inl, w- wi.l send p'lrr* copies of the Baisstu ,5 ia»uy n*« subscribe r«, aad ooreopy of the i „ -lairs M.gtriue and Democratic Rotritw {or oet terr. 7 nl,v «tvV an the Ur*r*t namber {«rtr of nr» subscribers. eecompaalod with i t auranee paviaeut,atlbe loot mentioned rate*. It ad »sr copy of the Spirit of the Time*. w,th throe steel engravings, and one copy of !• h kw • * Cot one y**T. *. K->f»nlt»*CM mny nnwk »l wrr r^ ► - . id i»f* prompt- v rrturued- lu roaki«C s-iirh i»i^ P—t Matter t rtcrtpt should be ob wnez for our protection. Rato* for Yearly AdvcrlWns j n-s, or less.) each ) .1 months,< }C square, ) *1 ft a IP " “ B .. “ 15 ** “ 1 -Uv, nc .drertisrmeets will be ehUired at the o-u rat •», unless a contract he made a ,,;t for insertiob : and must !>e paid fur in ad No person will Utairnoancet for any office, either city, SUM ■ ; . . • pay ment of £vf dollar*. P, • s! circalars will he rharce I a* advertise tu-nts. atu payment required in anvanre. Na tab « "hereaft-r be delirered to any person aitti a :iom we hare no deaJiufrs, nulil paid for. \ ■: .. neats must nr maet.-1 r. itli the mm. ie: of insertions csesirad, otherwise they be c.-hliuaed until forbid, and charted aceon..B£ y rVear early and qnart. rly adrerti-eTa w . be eoniin-d to t'.eir le-.irimutt ban«r*» Afi a:i "i --Tjeiiis of a different kind, or for other per sc>!'. will be charged for at the usual rate*. All .- iters innet be post-paid, pr they will not re 1 **F •Mtirely oo variation will lx* mode from the t - i e rrga! itioo* JOB PRINTING. Tb» proprietor of the Arkansas Banner, re .,<• tfuily inform* the public that n» isprepared to i a;.- every description of J |W oar. aith « >nri dispatch. and at a* U,ir rain as any office s !!.» fitate—such as Hooks. Pamphlet*. Hand Bills, steamboat Bills. Posters. Bills of l.adiiit:. Bill Heads. Hor»e Bills, Labels, Cards, Receipts, Arc. ll.o ennstaiitlv on band. Blank Notes, Cl«rW», sheriff's, Justice's and Constable's mask'of evert kind. Blank Herds of ron isuaff, tc. which will he sold cheap for i a*tiorritt nccepiance, and will be sent b> mail to ant part of the State, if required. Donation Land*. Fo* sals at this office. List* af the forfeited lauds -it to :, us: ou by the Mate, ta actual aetllers *j . - ■ opy, or ^G per dozen Po*ta£* to s. >,r; . f t's • country. 7 !4 cents. To subscriber*. We s. that arher ver any irrepalarity may be ;»-*ve'ed ia ttie rereipt of the Baanrr. our *ub r t i u* the (at or to fire information of • a : to arsrr that the cause may be ascertain'd BOIWTY LAXDS. U li ••FruT.Rs \\U ^UHKR9 OF THE \\’\I WH \LL Tnr. IMiJW u VK- .'iXCE i ilhfU - \\i; N ( •• •. pn*^'4 tk* ‘i*L* & - • ^ j* *. art r’.v> •**rtv.1 m asy f^paatf 4k «n > of i?. ti» 3 or rrfuiaj w-mct , for ti * ar- mar) *<i • • B'wk.'t Lii«ri. s*s» J- r«^p-4 hpuif iii ol ihit iftr !*«nub, and ■i .1 d.5, lie re f^uirpitie-at- ttf tV- wi «* *. r.-Jdaor • • «i «»* >/» nmfiiwft »or ai^t. if C ai'iti. VA’.-f' titd -Wtr* Uj">U <rOO© •fsctiei *»)« n ,1 >'<*'- ftpfrtfd. ■*- »d*r o - h»/! bMrt<» nanrs her, r i'. <\M rstik. ; > LIJW- • ' r-MjJUua VtMl -t ,/ u.fantrT, (firnUiiy j • I njk* * m or u»(ii ttini tiiw, fe*r turn M-n *■# insr - ,m»s , h l ti»- ftbry-td, a id, U tin JT k«*t . trirv.: :•.•■■ Ha wtd < •’.%»' fld «'b'«n», «■" tu\rn i. *r ' ptrMtm* t i Avm|t. r- >< t i:u>ic,uu3n. :,uI u if: but d»r t* .-^ll a 1-nt' w I , tiartK *rt *ntf 1«. ; >*• a t al- ti**' *M*’-*»*eiw); pmp-r* h «7 - •( V - • IfcdfH ::.1% )^ir IlfUilltff''. •P* . se*»d -P-JVI i* * . 1/ »Js»Pw -ps»t to toa«. wtii r^ ■A httruuM*. L- \ WH1TLUEW Floe, hv •. I,--. Swi,. Arks. // it rthr tt re. It a rtf #r ft re. rJ^HK *■'.• ';b*f v*t : i>*r**c ,i., .'v * lorn) hi* ’ «4P'f K*r- »' i~ iii-J Oi*i i'rk, (>>* ••• •• • K o. Xkl<J*M». »,M ii, ji.rt, «.f th* ** ■".a ■- B , 4*. Ami. , Vir<-*( “ Hamas' •*. H . *«■ > ,r» »r , .. r ■ ••• K- e* * 1 Fo»k*; 3 d«SM ;■ 1 ‘ f.- t *. jv , ,,„i ,i,-»k K f • ,!•••»*»> liu ri t W* !«• J» utj '* -/* ~ •'»'» S .»K>r*. Eli U *<«:’* |-: ; ; k’ im .cum, £ !■ iu* r**T f,- }/,rkv- gTjr, worms - > • « * tks, | n • . . v ii. , . | e*c.' Wf*. fi*N bout* iod '-* S'J'; •; i lf*. «-itr proof trfr. r«! », naam tie 1 * ‘ ■ ' - i• in fa mort. do. cat :i k.’.jiivi »• *e •...•• , »;,i , ;.v ! .•*„ I.ich-f, win, ken* *6-1 i,i'.;r* u... • ' IlLI/'lllll " |r.i‘ ji f ,j|j ;l* , j,. . "• ‘ »•“' 1 . C- I- *4 ... ; ■l a. Inlli .. : tUv» ./i,,. „i ,i; C 8 8 • • - ' ( .. j., - «•*«» »»*<*>••_ »nj <!< :t, - k*M.\ I * . t*Ar,—rty u tacks, > t.*».• j-er r-••** *• < G-i. ,ef« ***!••, ^ w W*** ' • *<•••• -'•»•>* l iu t *, i. rt-f v U!»»* * » r.’ 1" ffttton ru ;i, *0414, If-., tn a t .’.g sitotrtl <«:.£», * i-ik-.*•, . - -it-,. . it -kit»s »ik1 Fuiml, ' ‘ *. ti .n 1 • . < ,;.4i. . • n-*fc 4o . co ,i 'oi '•■of' r- * *». m janriiM ' - • ■ - « *•-«♦ u.. f. • , fn. . J **s- *», *»J* - ‘ f.r g*. b 1 .,..-4 ■ • <w In -«• 1 |- . M . . » . (1 '--CI* r», iiiui ).*m» '■ ' *>'* ••• ■ • »' --ii »,i. G s ,Mlp ■’ »* <*? . Ir* r»h«. *».-» iirftr .... . ■'■’> t"‘* ir-M. Tim MrofM, <<•'*mi -t, , (turmr-kiiiiri, ».i»i \ ‘ * ,'r>. h-tir-j f«ir.b4<L. • Ii, » ). :T. ■ ~"-iJii'|5.'r*TjT-,»r -<»H\ D AOAMS t I*>" ’ • «-■' .' l.Ki,as»t iM- IT, isij. jj COMMISSION MERCHANTS. jaui rtWPAlA. axf.x. r. dtrvtr. jt>n* SIDD ALL. GREENE & CO., COTTON S\i<TOR, i; 3 .a an a a 2 on ? jawaasis® MERCHANTS, XO. 3S CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS. go* issftr.sw ->o«> jmhkalk t.e.apahs. fio'iiN«ui:oivoo»,c o., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING \o. 6G Magazine Street, opposite tic Mouth of Rank Alley, NEW ORLEANS. LA. <TJ- Particulat attention paid »o the sale of COT TON. TOBACCO, AND OTHER PRODUCE— he collection and remittance of Fund*—and the purchase and shipment of Merchandise jrrneraJIy. THOMAS L. WHITE, NO. 33 ( ANAL. (TIBET, NEW ORLEANS. LAW. MEDICAL, MIS ELLANEOUS, AND SCHOOL BOOKS. •TOmNS rAK£3, fit- Cap, L<tttr and Mate Wra/tping }aftt of ttaruiui lit lit RHU.S. STEEL PENS INK. \n<ta ^rn'ral nf Blank tinnka. Country .Merchants and Teachers are requested to cat! and examine the Stock. feh.13 23 iv james aaTTiinwe. n. row ell. J 4 IH> 11 4TTHF.UK& ( O., WHOLESALE GilOCEIlS l\D COMMISSION MEWHISTS, >Va.nfActnrn% Age at* rOftTHIliLZ or v i tt c xv i vnmr m i cc rnTTn\ yspvn &<■ . N 53 WALNUT STREET, ‘ion'll of Columbia. Cincinnati. Ohio. Reftb to — T T) Verri k & C» , if'm. fi H ail, Waiter Mitrhei . // Broomi. D. Hinder l{ Co., and Jerol- Havkint Little Rock. Feb 5, 1*5-1 — 7—22—Iv Bt\J Uil\ C A LLIADEK, (kicemorloWm. T. EustisA Co.) .Vo 15 and 14. Piarl Strrti, Boston. MattaekuaeUt, IMPOSTER ISft UEiLLR 15 FOHKII.X .V DOMESTIC lltHDUARR, H As» constant aapply of HitBvm m Cirr urar adapted to the traae of the Southwest. From an experience of twenty years in the trade of that nertion. he s*. confident that he c i enppiy merchaula, either io person or by order, t* ith tiie at) See and qualities of goods desirable, aoc on terma that ehall 1>» satisfactory *,* B. C gires particular attention to consign menta of Cotton. Peitriea and other produce of the country that may he consigned to him foraale. Sept. 2a 1*45—7—3—lv Joseph H FAtjnca. J*«ns H wiserv. JOKEPH H. P ll.BF.R A € 0.7 IMPORTERS A50 WHOLESALE IE1LERS 15 POREKiS AMD DO^irmO D/iT &O0D2. 47 CAMP—NEW ORLEANS. Sept, lit, 1850. 8-1—ly A. F. COdRIH A €€>.. (0.MMXS1I5 MERLBA5TS. IMPORTERS A5D Dealer* in Foreign’ and Domestic FRUITS. NUTS, WINES AC. POWDER! R)WI)ER!! VGENL'Y ■! the celebrated “ Chry»:at Powder Company,” in Keg*. Halses and Qoarter.,and Cam of : t a: d fire pounds. UuaeaiUud Sufitrior lo any «*■?<luftrlurri. No. 27 Tci." , itoula* S ree*. Nrw Orlearir. January 15, l*5h—7—19—iy NEW WHARF BOAT A . (■ O A II cV fO.. <; E N E R A L A U E n t s, rossissjt» i\d rtnviRBiK icccuim, Xtl'OLEOX, ARK. rpnr. PROPK!E1'6k> ba*e purchased an m X Urrly Herr bast, «It II *pleoij|,l Accomti!t,d«tjoiia. l! »iU iraplc >ud seenre storage room for •-igitl hti tred ten*, sad i» capable of acciUifnoUA !i< g fifty panaeagers They are prepared, at heretofore, lo do bnaiotM a* Genera! Ageal*, lo Receive, Fon*»rd, aud Pay <’!isrg>» flrey promise to gireliieir particular at tention to si* bu.liie.. entrusted lo tiiem The Proprietor* will guarantee tiial Uu* bool oil! Mattd Hie io»pec;iou iTsay inturauce Office la the Polled Stales. KEPCKKKCKS: A . B Shaw k Co. Mnaphii, 7Vn«. Jtuti Hitatacd «■ > , . C A MtAiM.i X^Uon, .ft Jr. | Little Roek, Art. J»» Timms 4a Co., 8. H Tur-ttr* T. D Hmir(&r«, Most* (iiii.aeoo i Co., ) , ... . , > Orleani. vV Ai.TiMi. CASiroua A lo. ) Sept Id, J‘50 J —1 y ty*€il. k Iters copy. 41 STICK. |A<i I- r-uttm i-«» -».r <J »i*i* J *» a w 0«* |V»-- few I.* li.scfc T<m>tAtfH. PitiMks *.i Si,. .Vkj,<..ajke, 1 MM f* |A*r* J «.lie*S»<l. "u*T'«ke ,*trr< f».. fniis. * *.1 » « . • i:tM t»( I. \ Wwiiuv. Kj^..c rr^it f*? M«u>4* sir- ffcv, ttUti r u*' V i\*th r. j<*h % ; 'j a fiu* x. ArV* t &(•*. i. ifC* <TH! L — 4.0<M) Ik* flat, routiW »u lSy,’> frc »i wW) J** UoTtLtfl.or Iftoii. :♦{» UwiKHiti Vu % M j»ki#. t.iiFT iO jo S^rii*g •’*" •* Gt : aiaa <U Ilsca.»a*J end for sure fcy * *“ 11 VX M B. vx Air. Near Arrival! Sew bond*! JP' r refereed, per I . a„u ~^r ff ratKis" •J sieii lor sale cue.«•: 12 pr Boy* Boots, 6s pr Mess do •> dot wool fiat*, 17 P*e t.ll-M-y, * •• \! em Hr y»i, '■ •• M-na». II - l„, CtiiM, 7 “ J< 1 "* Cur B: k A Ipse*, Dec 31- u. 17. 1 Bn MaearoBl, 1 ** VenaleeHJ, 1 Bbi Slewarl pow'd.jjrer • B.‘te* pi ne e;> rtio *e, 5 BtA* IRulssee., IS »* *ujr«r, 2 N'e 5 leaf sugar, 1 eiak Malaga »5r.e, 5 BW* No I mackerel, a J. iu rr, lirtei. JOU\ D. AD.UZm, C01X1NM0\ 4XD F0RV1BWSS IF.RCI4ST, ERICK COCN'ES, L' XS si3 E-VMBo.1T LANDING, LITTLE HOCK, ARKANSAS. KELP.' couilantiy on hand a -arg* and ff Iieral ■MMrirortil ef pry Goods, I lolhmr. II ltd* wnre, Qa;fu««arr, lints find Cap*, Bool* a-.d Mutes sadillcr), Mutiotiftrt. Gr<« eric*. Produce, div, At.; nil vt which will be wild, rery cheap for ( ASH. Oct. I, S—l-tf XfW <*ooiN! Ach <>«od». I^HE onr>r»ipn^U have jo*1 r^rrired ih+\r F*H aud U iutrr stock, c<nM#niug i» pari, of Brown aud Hieachrd Doincatica, French, EoglUh and Americas TitBit; Bia^k Alpaca Ho*ery; Eacic*’ Drra* end Monrtilnf Collar*; Luuitt* \\ hUc Biiick bii)>f»cra; Lacitrs aod Children*' Laced Bo U; French Artificial Fewer* A peoeral aaaoiiment of Boot*, Show, Hardware, Cutlery, Swdiiiery and Queenaware, which they will rell cheap for CASH or Country Produce. fatherlv &, elements* Dec 17, 1S5** Corner Main and Markham Sta ^iew Uooii«! .\cw (ioodlti! JOHN D ADA VS ha* jus* p eri led, and t* now opening. a: Ins *toie, lower ateamboat landing, a genet*! and vt ell «. farted .took of Dry C:odt, <'h thinp Hale, Cap*. Boot*. S^oe*, Stationery, A.r &-C : all t.| uheh he i.« *elln j very low for CASH, aid for CASH only. Call and tee. D* Proc!ace will be parrlwsed i t the highest trarket rate*. Unit Hxk, Oct. 24 SIOO Reward "lVrft,L lie paid for t:.- •pprehensi. n and Tf that I cal'ret bon, lit® of a ce'tain Negro mnu Darned WILKS roll* given me al Pine Flat Po«i-<Tee A * and notice i Bo-*ier I’arrfati, Loufaiaca. PE*( KIPTIOV.-He fa about lit) year* old. black complex on. eery *',,ort and heavy belli, commonly n'ear* a long L n i, mud v ■ y quo i; spo ken. He fa »np;>! nod to be iu the vitality oi Lit tle Rock or BaterviUe CHA5 LEWIS Not 26, IS&.I. 12 if I;amis I Lands ! FOI? SALE, open low term*, the E 1 j *ee. *, Township 2 North, Barge P Went, containing 3211 acre*. And the r.‘., oi uw? norin-wiil qaaMrr of fre* w live 15* To» u*hip 2 North, 9 \V.f |||f> _ containing SO hfrn> Inquire of D C. Ft LT< iV, Markham ?f. «'.rf door to the .tdlkor.y flfiute. Nov. 26. ] ■‘iO. 15 Clothing. 1«) PDZ. fr e cloth Over-Coat* " -i 1 “ •* Beaver “ tio.; I aoi. fine Pii *t Ckith do.; 4 *• B ar if t O'er-Coats, a»- .-tod; 2 ■* C) *h fiork and dress Coats, a-sorle,’; 2 *• Sack Co*t«. •* 6 “ prs. dos-skuj aud French C^ss.mrre Paris; 6 “ “ Safioei i .< Shirt* Dra« r*. Over-alls, Sic . ifcr. Just received, per wagons a‘ 1 for'ale, rpry low, by JOHN P ADAMS, iAticrr Steamboat Landre*. iMtlr Rock Oct 24. Ttagginz. Rope and Twine, RECK 1 \ I.D, per aha trier • P-- >*;»,•• the- ( Iota ing c >o*!s: 1200 t ,. ds B •seir.j:, 9(X’ in*. B„le R ;e; 50 Ibi. Twine Pee. 1>. A J IU’Tr. •M F PomU-r and ('audio>. RECEIVED, pei vainer “Ei :.a ^e." Ill fcs-js .y, I f; ti P «chr; 5* ' I is, M il Can lie - • formic i> A-J. IIUTT, Pee 10. Mam S'. If oofs!Boats! JEST receive,:, by the undersigned, tire foBovcing. in wil; 24 pi F, heruen't P. igeii i!..n's; 24 pair Hunting Leavj T-gb o’s. 21 [ r. fS-rk »< l, d P*ge* i Bnoti; 5i> i r. K , S.i;;, i. U 24 pr. Kv'ra I'.Mi.b volt C at. B >1 341 pi. ft r Calf • a < d ■ 7_* pr. Sup rioi Mu 1 *■ 72 pr.'I iek K ; Pegged • (4«r,., 24 I pr. w. ir. . S . K ! t- :e Spr.i g il - 2r.i pr. inert's sap Russ.tB .a s; 12* pi. turn' •• “ • 24<i ' c, u.ei/i heavy tills. •• 12'1 b »v s* •* •* “ U tint . on- »»••!, non K p Bi fit >. « IV I*,er at'l a ;r-»l var.-'i ■: p„ Isa B *nls Lae- Biol-, Wn.tir Bo B :vki *’ Eire . Shp p r«. fine and common L ark an I wine K » Shp | •••!». M ** Fol d <iai:: r- * Rubbed Burkins, ehi - i. B. G rap and Shoes, ir.. ke., makes up ".e la-g ►! and best selected P all of the hind ev. r before d-.e.) 4this •fiaikel. A I wt-ach an: be t idal pr*ce» to*111; the moat experienced buyers. V J. MOTT, Main »t. Li'tie fi«wfc, Dec. 3. H.VK 13 Ca«li for lVIlriet*! IVVHl lo ;,ay lifleeti Huodre.1. Wurth of first rate PKLTKYi to Sir delivered m till* and the lfhh Jars v next, far trhleh tbrfiif !i-~»r market prtee iu .<PE' IK <*111 be pa d Peltry o-al ers « ul pleas* g ; e me a call before neiiiojr *!*«• wli -re. A. J. Hli T, M- i .'t. Lilt!? Rork, Dee 3, 1 haft. l«— \iW <>oosi«. II hnve-j..* i -r- ! a i.- i «.k • t ‘ v* - If |.[Ur) G*',le tlics IllhUi r.y ,r>i» War#. B «>t*. PaOe*, II 'S:.! C' *! , V.! At * tit s, ! a' <!a a -«• j nee lot ur it, . a ( ri for Cnv ■ . Hert lit'!*- » t Pa.I 1-, _ I D MSttMCI I Dactatin ,-'*17, ls jJ l« I olfVc ami Mujnr. " Received, -r .•*.»,t -u« 1.^" I H t>»riel» > f it; K sae k- Kto t i.l«e; A let f.>( sale by A. J HU IT. Dee. I Yli 1 S' IJqitor* and Wine*. X r \ .-k b *t *■.. «'i. pt of. *J 2 ** M* *r rM ) *• 1' trt Wim; 2** iii^ia :» Ct «in; *gr>« Ui»r;9(i iliac- Hit ihW . T r> MEHE1CK v c > Dmmitrr 17, IWV» 15 Flour. I iff | H 1’ l-~ S?t L'-mt eltfa t-»j#Tf1we , r< ii «J 1 l *1 r per • Prut, vail,' aaC for apt* t » January I ‘ WM. B WAIT 1£W FISRfmBLR fLBffllH. ¥ V?T »l ife* .\Vw Yr^k itur* •I 5 -*H mil; dftf) itmir fast*; 2*fc» cxut$ %.•**.• r l*d For **J* fvr CAvff. bf & \x I RuWJCH ii JOELSfEK. 21- a. Jfl&. 2?. 15 A N N E R • 1 ttT •>. HKt linos, < M )lUi:il 1 A. Air It I I KL.SA . ) Enrrcn. LITTLE ROCK.: Ti nsDAT MORNING. U'RIL IS. 1*31. Agency fur llu A Liuu *.•<-, Biuurr. [rJ- Mr W* K- liBavtas n Bnilicrizcd to »c! *« for tlw JJhhitrT, at Cert Creek, Saline county >'y- Mr Giout Been* .* iinihoriaed to act a* tgt'O' fur (lie ft*inter, at Pin* B «ff, Ark. !;. W f»*t, General ' g-- -t, Evan»’ Bail.‘ • C*. Norlh-weirt c-aruor Third ;»c Walnut sireelr, * i i, 1* .uliifctifa ,. tc net aa Agent for-*t!ie r Ifu ■.r i J- sHi»i.rr, K«j . Nv 9* Camp Street Nr» *i ;»•»», i« our esciuaire A gr ot to t.rccaro and col j .*t l nutuM for adrrrlu.iui', tie . in that city. 1/ Tite State of California is 1© las represented a*. W.rM’« Fairly j ry lasitfni and timtjit* an. win' h had Tea' :.ud Borhoa on its way tLilbcf. It ti .. opy of the ,ti« California newspaper, , beautifully printed with a solution of y»id, corn post -1 of specimens from all the placers arid is mo* • fCalifornia, tipaa white satin, and present* s' splendid «pp are n' t . J Ir- nr * long pranused “Life, of Washing ton/’ says the Evenrn.: Post,} is nearly completed, 1 and may hr looked for in the course of the cumin* ’ aut-um. Mr. Irvine is said to have enraged in tne ■ i. j this u.rt -a: .i tuii.ivsiadk inter •i:*‘: i:.d\ ar* informed that, in beauty of style, and tv : uijl rt -ss of ret-arch, i: wiil equal any former j -’•>! :c‘. on of his pen. i PORU 5K A VD tAJVE. IT run cook, \s ‘ me litre; bout Fortune, if Providence w- lit, F r joy can he found wher s.-nai 1 treasure is Tli-se who hear a full cup arc- most fearful to spill it. And r.fteniiin,-* v alt with the narrowest tread. 1 tare no; ttrunrh Fate may deny me profusion. Hearth will tint show n»e s- roe rays fttun abnee: T• 1! rc- n*it lhal first'* lie-hl is . Sion— i eo .i't wilt-rat Forma-.-, bm no: w bout love ! Ob ’ T.s pleasant to !■ now te is helm's a- a* Vi > tune .‘it s.viUiSHt'-auiutsinotti nears, T ii .> . that they would not U happy without us At, : that we in their loneliness sigh a b a we part. i Oh ! there's fimctiiing divine in the though! that ' we tin rtsh A star beats within us that shines from above— To know that if all tb' world r ves us should perish. The creator! of Fortune still dwells in ear love! j Ot. 'tis f.' ry u feel that we lire f <r»«te others, '1i.trsoif u not ail we depend on K-iow . T aff'-cti n yet links us aurters ..nd brother*, V t, jf fatUi « til b r .iijiant, C Jiri-. au: or tut* wo. Though the vulture of trouble may harra.-’ our S' ier i' at <',;r u fed hf tbt dole: L* ■ t he d< >■ * * < 1 Lite e, L rnity ; :• » .tin. And we il lire witfi.-ut Fortune »..ii* fan,red by Love! Rifh P?ifrip!ieB Ve 1 n i* kti'i,v tf 1 j 'I. Tobm, the oil tone corr-sp a '• nt of ibt •• Dt ’a." bt yet unions uieti: . ' snow • ' r. . sp r. - ■ nn “I) V pre>» nt, .rrtmuent from .Wma Tilton. t it plaes, ■.’! X> w Year's day, of the T< - but,,, p • rveyui; Party. Fr-an * rec-en* Utter * take the f it tw,Tir paragraphs, premising that rtc‘ a m thf >u, ;he slice is only u fair sp-.'itnen of the entire cake: “ ; ,.f t!, pra;rie in*, the f-rest! But !*fire leaving prairie, n panther, smelting the blood i 1 "ur game, cam-, h •: ling through the tali grass, yelling on our track’ 0; gt tnini ’ how be leap*. <1 -tijr.i 1 what springs' Another hound and h- is upon us’ Bat, one charge- of dock shot in the pb —another, as be whee s. in the seat of bis !•;-, and 1*, is off away, bowling am nr the wild flow, r. | • Out of lhe prill,s ini-.'the fores! ! Hill's with r tint :i bird can’t fly through—chrystal faun '.i :..s 1 ,r>' i..’ from amid neks, anti running in - .ver fro.-ada here, then and everywh re. Lovely streamlet* coursing over golden sands, wild flow - , t . we'.* hi. s, bathing iti the i iear wrau ri; nnf, lisa, v ill* ornate sea let, gliding a* in ether. B . . ib ' ran. br» tr.anig p-yfuily: the oock pl.'-asanla, large as a turkey, brilliant ,u pi .tmac , and fatter than Faiataii, w,th ail his “ tack and »,ia*r:' tb " !o • Witt, a golden crest, and .. t v, sl itb' rin, hi , a:.: !„■ •• via cant,’’ a bird ■ ! m> * tt ckru-teniug. a strange warbler, with no bill at alb The ( m« k a it- a, a beautiful bird. lit- Macaw, * -.ecus p.umnce KtanaajMJ a fine :at mrd. big as a cun-ken, with a tail rtm h.u, to : !*• nr -the of tic it w ok. Green parrot, fat, and ■J-d good to cal. Otd field larks by thousands. BtV-iti ;udM'' v—da: hr red sundry of them. Tue rurnpiy fe;c«l, tha. sticks but bill in the ground ai.J whi»Ue* through bis spun, tliue, black, w li.and u is-col -rod oraucs. toug-legged, loti, helloed, and leaner than the lean k ne H Fbar sab, Ine sialber r of tw v, st ...hi t-ov- ii).,.:!**. t,:j ootir, dole*. nt-*:, u>k««, geta*, Iraut, . swart, quails, wowdeoe**, impe, cl >rda of Tarn; ■ » : wavr t'.iv,. r.; .• ini'.l*. a U:r,i, tto- Tttitor* taat ; ,!i f -.: auJ ■•.*zjr*rit ia.«ie :h»u woa.d ■ (•„ ; h b—i x usu!:-. Parrots that iwtttr uj right: roe fid Savn, A cas of mat. m. us just in being 4*otlt-& !>n the brow of the bill, thus:—A f.-> !*-. : auaht uUiiruMig e.o mtui, o . with Buacardt,, mti-i. Moo Usuian >. A jury of cari.-iii < r .»■* base s«t up>n tus sru-, a;. 1 Utc penal!f b paid was «u*r. ulhtioB xui the top of I.a tail. St.-an,’* anjnals by tona H r.- *, ni ] m kJM ■-». ©w* and k. ill i it ns far;. -1 “ a^ift-pbant." TV Ann •*!,;;•:•. a ! land r.«h that oerer goei into the wat--;, and , |» t for the rues* cheat. 1a j.-itV, '•tar', ■ w oi o--ht, that tiirieh under vm da» j ani tripth-a juveniles WoJrt*. a»<l not a i sheep • u,. i .unable*, hnwhng—ait nigi,; how, in»! Ottras, See f« far. Rare*®*, with a kub W* look, i ho mms. with aaw-iief* mxmtafo m •'•Hi r. • , aa>i c- .utod, t>jdy and bones, to as *>> peUtt fa sE.s. The. kangvwo. that jump ecii :»> i up a tree »i»-i ;» :<•« tba: aauance down. 'i fib-fc wr'ii bat-ire.h 111*. Mk> the HI., h 53 ibe • ••'»*•» u. T-* i-:v.» u> r.raa- anti . w,»b a U-i ii»'- a ngwe whip.” 1 A * * V> Mi ii !■'f F .. ft ■ •' <vnt.-«-p-«adeat »f sH* £•■ d’ltaiia, pin Uw ful-: ; towns (*.-.*■ of ui' ifiMUUia: *'M •„> •-, u. ... •-t (>{ the G n-r-'., a»-l ■ n IV o' i» .. ' . s ' .n ■ t i aidiuair '•• ■ '•:-■ •. ,• <•«"*< :v,: ■ y r-fopia^ whh * beaufrfai fount" Eag-1 tali irnmn. wham h* «■*«!“< lo the t'athft-1 ;• f*w»q.a:3E, i? ti Mud. hai aJsiaea the Fup. w jrjyitbe .u.^ZaiabMMU to tuc Court ft:,*. Suiiae.a* heiw.^.. .line an .trier Don Juan, new;'tin the Inrciv of the S-na^iio to he ft >fr Crtar b. 5. ’ An »>M * >kb**t wa»n«'inni*ri»,ie!ll f^driBk- i citnewF; th> •fttwsr ws* tt-'wely pr-ced. ate* the: culprit ; a.i»i npu for hit drfcuee. It was ►•h-wt. S'Ci • a ad tuctvswfut. •!>*'•■ t h*- Coen ttuak that < nclf San. hire* a:l the card iul! virtwea • to; u u ..a,: anA-ii-!,.*’ 1 I’ndilv 'tullow ucy*. Travel* in France. A certain oV-t ym lentn in the we*t of fr-Und. who-e tore of tfa< ridiculous quae equaled hi* taste for cian-t and lox-buir-in*. was upon certain festive oecaaion*, alien opportiii'.v offered, loj'us- hi* fnewts by rfrorsij at syi- of his : r tits, wb*> waaeeeeedjnfly f uid of what he losi ieb hi* “thravelK,” and u» whnr.a a rood deal at v ti m. «rnc queer M-wie*. an J p-rcapm. uw 'tan all, line and fcirfafnl n-rrfcc had cstaWntfced a right U» loquacity. He war me of tV ■•-•• few Trusty and privilegod dowewtica, who. if fast master t-a bevdmcly vttcmd a nab iftiar ui a ft* of pao.on. would yeuture t» set faun r.^ht. If tfa“ s litre s id “i'll turn that ra-ca! off/* rry friend Pa wnaid esy, "To'fa you Won’t. air;*' and Pat wxsalwim rieht. Cor if any altercation arise upon th- " «iH jaet matter in band,” it? name to throw ia sums' rood reason, either frota formerswne*—ftn erai rood conduct—sir the delinquent'* wife and children,” tha* always turned ;S~ * ale t! i' 1 no dtere* On such ro- try laeedinr* at fc*fe be>-s ai;u-’! i to, the mauler, after iwt ctr'».*i approach* s, as a military man would mv. a»: the jir-iwra' iia st-pv in lay ins scire to near, erl"tra^mir af his «*fv#nt.t pcrchao'-e, as sail Pat thus : “ By the by, Sir John acidrewr.rm a dirt it .isiicj yirai , Pat has a v-ry cur»' r auwy, which Rnact hiag yoa told m- to day reminds ai*> of. You rrmenrtvT. Pat, tamitig to the tam e . i iently pleased at the n itice thus paid to him •elf, you remember that qai-t-r adreature you had la France V “ Troth I do. sir,” pi ns forth t’»‘_ NVhtil "• exclaims S r John, in fs . "—t » r prise, “ was Pat ewer in France ■ Indeed in was,” cries mins- hist; and Pat adds, “Ay, and far her. p>a»- y.,ar honor.” i ass■>r • you, Sr J .),•./• exuitm ics :nv > «!. “Pattold rr.‘- a story once that surprised ra- ot, much, nespecbn; the i*roaraac«.* of the Fua: fa.” “Indeed," rejoin* the baronet; “leidy, 1 al ways supp . eil tli- Fr.uth to he- a ns it accotu piiihi.' people.” “ Troth, tc -n th--y‘r- no*. sir." intefrnpls Pn*. ‘*Ofa, bv no re-■*ns,” adds unne host, •iafa.-cg his heid f rapi'/w ally. “1 U .i- vl, Pat, *twa* » a you wcr>- rr join* the At Untie " says tfas? muid-r, firn.rts t-i Pat with a seductive air. and lead,nr bun into the- fall and tr • a*count— f t Pa* had tbo-ayhl t6 v.-. North Amcrikfay, for “a rai.-ia be had,” in tb» fautaffc' of th-- y. sr u;nc*y-eit'ht.) , “ Yes «ir.” s*vs Pat. tbs broad Atlantic * fa v.irr pl.ra- ■■•: fa wfa rfa he- r»o wi*b a liror - •a br Usi. abii •st. as *(«. Aiianne Uw.f It was the tune I w»* losl < rossiae tfcc broad At lantjc, and comm' bcnne. I«*ru Pml, dt uyorf m tit* : *Un the winds 1 i, u« blow, the ssc r-<wl. that you'd think th* f'- l ru rk • — tba*. *i« her nartn.—vr sltl n ■! have a mast left but whnl would r ‘K-J out of her. Well, s ire # n'-nck the imr* went' . • bomsd a* la**, anti the p imps tu chock'd—dsvi! eh*.i~ them f< r t!.a‘ *an<-—mil av ' sc. it, watl.t panted on us. and troth t" be f:,l uv! wither i» neither g ml f *r mar. or *««•• : *1 • wa» • *>k fast, fettlin' down a* the am:'or* called .(. at" faith 1 never ms fund at sett lie’ erwu m »y hi . a ltd 1 liked it tie " ;css , vt.f, a< * t'l.i.^ijr wc pre pared for the worst, and p it out a '. .• .• a sat k of biihkitJ at ! a haak of p «rk, an . a kri’ of walker, an! * trifle of rum u Sard, an*' are other little north. rs we could think 6t in • > *r*.r Ual hurry *t « * i»—«n4 fa»’h tt >-r- wn* no tow to be Jnrt, for my dari.nt, th* Colleeu dim.-, « a d-..*wu like a lump of lead, afore a-, w *r :.*::. uy strokes of the or. fr. m ter. Weil, we dr,he 1 away all that t. a..’ neti m <rn:n' we put up . blanket m tie ,t*d of a p-* i- we . re w. 1*1 and then w sa. • ilvs for we darn'! ruew a su.u of canvass the lught a* . S kaae tt was. Plowin' like bi m-r ■ r. saw.i' v**ttr pres* ■ -ce. and swr*- ii> U, sw. ; ■ - tie world we warn’t swaJiy'd airve by t! ra *.' Well, away v e w* at f »r mori n •* a v. eek, and nothin' n* f ,r- our tw • g . *d e* W»f ■.l .. the can .}»>• of leave . .sod tl w.l* ■ - an—■ nr. ud an 1 sky: and th** •„*'• the par* and sk r is i.eeh: v p.jty things in beet! es. trot a they a: n > great th.ngs when ;«u i.-ivy u,i'h,ng ena ' exA a. : raw- » together, . :id th- bart»t rock in the v. rid, *. i ! was j ij, would to m .»•• *e!**wf. ArA lien *Kia enough, troth. our prove,., ms leva a to ru low, the task its and th* wsh:. at:} tV rum— troth tkai was roue first nt alt—bud u p ar.—and oli ! it wa- thiB tbu; sutsatioa U-. u ;j j,. us in the face—" O 1 m.iiil. r, m ir t;, < sp .. -iar lint,” says 1, "1, »• tcntid see laud tc. where,” says 1. •'Met. pmer • y if i b \v, Pau«y, n>v boy,” savs he “fog »*ch a gaud suk , truth •' » tt > if »isht.s the Sams ." “Ob,” says 1. “tb«(t •? may p!a*e ) *wt • q’l e-n it leaven, supp enng .1 *»< *»ti’v a dinutttu ■ .. fat wouldn't le nuc., bad chtiaumus ms to relume l> a Ut and m sup.” “ tt -st wl; *. Pad ly ” ;jy»t? • capoa, ”d*.a’t b, ta.k B ■■■'■ ■' B v •••. kti w ,ow I * n v i I- want a , ! » :. p to ( u > *nrs. if, if you she ,14 be ■ aliod to quar.trs in lhe other '.valid all of a s :<hWa, ‘ say* be. ••Thru f-- yii, cjitemi,'. dmrliut,” m>j J—1 tailed hint dar. ut, mat uosd free wei hnn you see. t» kase di*!br s» cut, ! ua ail equal—” t ,*r you, capuun, jeaet—Ot.l be.auc us ani iarui, 1 owe u ntiu any sjnte.” au.l truth that wav only truth. V,V,1 the ittv; 1 :.- :.k;t w as sarvod otit, and by . * «af». <tnr:f i. s., ail p*io*-4. at la t, and w pass-d the n i t Mn*lily oowhl—weil, ut the bias o' day the aua I* lint; beauufoll* o' the wavys, tnatwaa bright sfist an 1 as clear as athrysti.a’. tl it §* v a- u y the mor* cr.ui * p*ti tiy f »r in u r. Ks r.ri •» tj fr* *=>-r >1 :*n_rv : *l.fn «il at wan’ . I I-i-fct 1 tfn*rl the land—t>r $or i utua/bt i tea it) },. ail «>» ut ib» Udtni ttt a Huuw and “ikmler mi loaf, capiaiu,' »•»; ■ 1; “ : «ol U, irew*I ." b*ys I. “ W hat f it,” sa r« *i-“ “ I think I ae* land,” nay* I. So hi- ujs» w ih his hr.i<-’««n near— lUi’i what the aauiues oui a til —and iisoiut, and *w it wax. “ Hurrah *” lays fcr . “ w< re at. uu* ; puli away Wy*," any* be. •• Tike tare jvni’n; not mistake*.” s»y» 1; maybe its only a lot tank, (ipthiii, ttwont,” taya I. “ Oil *>,” says be. “ if* the lamA u* arnei*..'’ “Oh, tin; . wiierrtib its ia the Bids » «rid art w . a*' .4 ’ . ays 1 ; •• ;; x: V Rm*m at Praxtm. or tin Omn*i. «».• ; a.i.' *r: e- i. “ Tut, you f.>A" a*y* he. fur >.v h»J that tt-.i tfc. i-d way n, i tuna—it. ..4, < >■ i- < any on * t‘s*. " ;ul > .u ' say s he, “ th... * "Tai an' «. a*,” say* 1 •■ -j . y»a it i jo. *> ‘ I \ ifl France, ■) i*» •• a,» . H ...or,” cats i. •• Sk\aac Um m th Bay o' Bisbky we re jt 8W». M)’l l*e. •‘ s';.iv., 1 was tu.fli. i u ifc-Ssiv'' says 1 — “ By the t..w, it ha* ; iW 1 *•£;*•* seani a* it. in rival J o' U.v i»uie;' mJ Uo:.i U-- Let jf it 1 a. e; heard > .. r aor a.B-ie. « ! .4 id.. ix'lji 1 G st ;x ret a »U. “Writ, with .:»,*! try w ’ . f. ifrw v a 1. « . . u t • - in. i : w.v Salt 5 t ‘ k • !*Ke tuiugfiH u r cvef—*’ • s*>s 1 Cay .1. year! 1 with »t bad a grid r>a.” ■ U'h> Untt sa .». ■ •• Uioo,..-1 a.-' turf, * u.: j.. 1.; a /I,*.! .» ■■ y «-r i.-ad kauftc; I'm atari it, *i.ti .tn haver,' sa>*I, • Au4 ifitTt. tail tsta to y»u, aa<* he, “ yi.'i t-.. t.«;a t ;. oarciit you aru «>« teas a Is it 'darattt ui.v* he. Ate a jji.i.roa !' *ay< I } *' och in Utroii, I'at hoi., it a z . ••! «i! -it in :ha.. say h-«. Bit; «■„: :f had a «TMhXoa we tia.-J dr.!» 1 VttJ iltsh,**. ssyir 3. \rrsh ! !> ■* whtTe'j the tu. A rt; ah,” wars be ** ft .'<• em,: ji,“ we fit a pw r -.f nisi ** Be e- r I fceTeftMmfht o" It* .,” wirutkr eajt ta. i. “ a elerer fellow,” be, ktugh “Oh, flit re* »»i»y a:brw*w nr! mdiaa johr.” mu I. “Thra- fir vjj, P*diy,'’ say* he. “VtVlf -•’>a I, “if yn.i p i; m< pa *?;<w there Vy-aot." for Tf were nennnf the l**) ' alt the tin* "3»-i rt'e i ran n •kn’li lend nw a STl'iii'.Oi,'' gays i. “0% by g«.% ike buttb t U c^omb out «' the atil ale.iut tn airne*’. now.” any* h« : “ ton st ub ■•*&» rule I 1 *w:d yon befafe, that'* France—and a ire they1 « all far:u*era tfccwe,” n.g ;tw aaptoMk. Well, at}1* I. *,k1 bow <1 > yo j h».« b.,1 1 a a* f.**l a formet myself as any .f Aim. What <io you jaaiir. say* be, 1 mane. say* J, I tnwld y»«», that p® as! ► • farnaet r»v3.;t es aey of tiiaa. jf H> A*;:. :n,i A * ijw.i « flaw, <jf art s;« : ’v'<r tr.e ciiiSd d-j. nay* f—»j5 w ati Fe*an to 'aitirh at him. fori tbooeM I’d pa* n,m «; for Ua *vt of rowanr about Use f bettors fit 6- an, leave .,2 V tui, rays he, 1 l'-,d you, ani tell m* what ir u jp»>i at all. at all. Parlrf nn> Fr -npiary.* <g>y*J ' N vw*f Inwt snrrm!, nn .tic W. r r. y>i’i»‘ a.-tbolar, Paddy. Trvb you us it ,<ay u.a:, rsrs 1 Why y ir a rjevtr b PaJdy, sary the capufo. jeerin’ like. * — t “Vo a'leaot the f.m that and that,’' «*y* I. “ whi-tht I y»m re joking <m no.” “Or. bat I’m i» airaeat,” aaya the r.ap'.a a; “and ! do yo : tell tew. Paddy, that you speak French?” “ P'"y e»> Fr-nfrut <r ,■» f •■Dr '■*, '.hat lfn'ic\- Hanaa.'feer. ana nil the world k .«■* that Hannaiiber heat* the davii—1 ! twver n. ir,. l.h- *</ von. PaU!r, 1 aavabe—"p-’H • away, b rs, and put PA-kiy aai're. an l maybe we : «»: jet anao/1 bettyfni before I, nr.” Ko a-. A that it Ufa* in K**a*r said tbsa ‘ion _— !b..t pulled away asd got t-U*. taw «fe&“ ,i. 1 o than n > tin anti ran fne boat t,p in a little n X. ■ i sn ' e beautiful i f'et. ;t was, with » lovely white ' •fkrattd. an illiram p, re f >r to bathe rn the ■ aaiBJB-T—and not i rot, atel i'll! ff tames ,n ray i liw!* 1 was. af’.b- t :>e;i,g craiapetl «p in the boat an 1 jvn.viod and the cowM and b,inner bat I nnlhriv r* to aersrnM 1 n rnp wav or the other, toward* a little bit iv a w.ind tbnt war elow Vi the *4.- t; . a let ' te. sejuke • uroay oat of it quits la* tin’ like “ By the p wer* o’ war Pm all rirfct.” *»vv t “there' a i ei*e th. o- ” kne rure «*onrb tbetie was, aijd * parrel rf men. worn' n and a’eiur ' heir dto>iT round a ui'i* , uit,; couvayBiaat. An! *•> 1 went up to the At, an I I Utoujt.i I'd very ejri! to •». in a* 1 b-rt! the Ft:; h war vt'Tc iwrnK—t»>H « tjp-hr !'•} tfcesn ! knew *bm .rood manners was. S>) 1 took nil my hai, a«4 a sk ,g a tom bow— '■ f» A S3r s 1 h- re. wya i to th> m T " <•'■ •■■ ’ ‘T ■ tfc'*v »!! »• still af wswit, and b*v*n to surf-a me. »;i faith tVv alnwwl ■•*•* .a out .< rouirtt nanoe and i tbs ash t v* a' ,f it st; tiot > •i/d.BiSnans at a!i—mot. to be taken Iran f in.-u-pr, whi.-i, th v i-*'] v> mu'hty P' sU I r>- ii-r ir. ruled that, in rrzar-j of asti Uu the zti un>!:: ao.3 s> «*v< I. “Its: coir par don. ’ s»y# 1. “ fat t:.lihtjty l take, bat it's onjy '■Ci.:, ili d;s ... ttiat'io' *•;«.’• HV1 I, *• list 1 rcikt bow d to t'-r -abfe *«•*, and :f >r could i ; roe ’.hi' loan «f a mdirori,” un |, •* j*<| Sr m rely obi.t>-d to vi . *. they ali stan d ad as twice w-ome not b ' '!r. sal w.tii tt**, says l—kiwrWiUjt wbai was in !’. or m.n 1—nd- •-.! it s thru- for you. »ys I.— i .n u.Tber-.d i i p —es. and G*fnf knows I to,k 1 an ea. bat ,• « ..«• ra.» >n of lb* storta,' *ii t I, " w: b !:.rar ut as'ioti below, auuti wo tt •l: v an in." s . when they h tui to look at ear b of bn again. ami loyv.u/so -. • it wantit dirty thoughts was tn l£-*'ir head*, **d *bry tooa me fur a p.»jt beggar "* to <rav. charity—with says I. •' Oh * apt at a- sav* 3. “ by & - Xni —;, are haV,.'. Ijty o' mat- •oursetse* there fw-low. an ! art- wti: d!:r "as it > «« ■ '* ' !1. ur. with kit t :,.•>• stated at rot twice wo • n r . S' • a-. f.! v- 3.n •• • \ • s’ ’h, *as vrt—i and ' a- :t W»- ! u Piano, a1 »i!—aou . sayu I. ”1 .« ^ purii n, : .r,’ san 1, t. * tint «M iusii w. h a head of ii».f a* uiule as - “ b-jr 1 if,-- i I * a* n Prance. *ir- at - »,>j f^r. ft . :T» ’ says 1 ' /' .rhif wxj I'nrt/vei . ’ “ W e fs.un.o*'.says _e. 1 . I > , k'tld Hit- the 1 Hil of 1 jlirj. i < :i f y i pi sit • says I. ’ Ob, H was tu.n that they stared at me as if i bad xivm ueads; aa,i faith in-.srlf Pejaa to fee. Siiathcred i.kcj and >»asy—ami so says 1, nsakine * "a- and a iO«j« a, • but it’s aby lii tryanj ■f b .a" cast sway; t if if you pis**, *ir,- ■• far "' “ 'V '. i.«:i«uw..-r.’’ says he m,.bly sharp. “ I--- o -a :..d >.>u . ;.i a* is« via ftiuj- is, ’ sar» 1. *• and you'd oile.^e me.'' 'Veil, s.r !j. ,j chap began to mummer «- . buttbi- a rnduon he'd give me; sod sol be a.i t., tUnk l«, . a.i tv esn. Un u the r £r>. tnamr is. and 'J.txtth my bkiial beyiaa to hue, aa-3 says i—“By my s.-wl, if ,t was you was in dwthres*. art! ;f ;t was to onld Ireland you ketn. i;‘s aut *-niy if,. . ' u nr they J prv. y >u, if you **’d it. but tuBk-tliia* lo-pai on it. w>. *ad the -b. ,• ‘ di.-uu ,u'j tje iasfa»'n. and mod ** le fular." Well, the wj,"ii i !milt f*x Lit SW!*>»-1 to Ifbr»’k b» tc art, and the mid chap in'kosl bw ear. and «o 1 ibu.i hi 3 d jrivi- i.,in amt her oifc-t, and make ium a.,.- *t :.t . tost; ant a..- -avs 1, wanrt mule, e .now. ibs: V ui.fht unr.-han•• l*.irltf— rwa—Fmngtrry, uraaneef “ We m says he. " Tl;ta Ui»f toe Ux fca&ai A a graham,'* says I, “ ai,! iuid n :as to you." H\:i. had « i to the bit of it he'd r-' ne'. and s-»»i »!**«: > io*ig tuts. “pow*—J-'.: ditto JM- '5* ii atoi U'Bgi,'* : say* !, "I tWu'i waai a toagt mi mi}. W can’t jto* lielc" to temmyti,” My* IPvtnf r» Frxtfwi’" “ W< r.“ “Tht-n ,iad itMr tu. t«.au fcd • gtaUioi*,'' u)i l, “ liu iiiS yarn icaM,” Wi .! what to> )«u tfutti hut he «f><mA fcu, otilrf into, . if roa!i »»•«•«»» a- trcruLdn't; fwi *f*« I —- fcid ee»i u> to-: Ltmu’ teat i e«« se.iii—» -f jv - Wo.- -a a- < ,i"» u-: ..a*, a-way they'd urn p i; tin. < -r*e »>f Uae c.r^aa an’ you, «>a o«X - n.'K/.” **y» 1, “Ow 4.*a * . ,«m-r 1'it darken yoai 4«rw.,f i> 1* k U I 1*1* fft.1 1 a* I tu - • ■ If t . g -tad litoS • >•-•■ * i.iiu. wu a va i ■ >,u.;im.:tt uuk. ■' V. i . »••»» ->n<r claimt ware- yaa »sJi tWf—v- ■- ■ ■. a O ft fit. tt atjf ar-c yo-i a toast «.)■*!,' ttAiaii tfc w .<tij {, ,jte, Bad lack tu Cj-1, ib y»4. >/wd,.rtUi»i 3 -lit ’jmu Uii *. ■ - —Furl j , ti } , ' . .. J. “ We tf -itis -fT.’ MVS W. *■ Then U»am r a;. ( isii,” a*** J, *• ttju so tawd m« v-%« mm *1 a y'lkiiiua?' * --- w< She a -« •«-..»*C Ux U; of it ke’d ti' to'1—”1 -. it a . 11 . . ’ ' : r-1 ** . J/f ■K11 r*T*y ... ytM . I »w< : 1 »--*!; *<iy. - tmta o <i i -a. « n uamt ■/ fny $> ,j v.t m®, ‘.a -va f-ij «- iAttotoja j . -* i; - 3- >f ■ ' i.. r-v ■a A 4-.ji —a■- i . n '• *t .[£ ' ;i i- . '.hat 1 i: aoia rrmartvblt. I-vkti l-aw, lief. E.iir«nl Mathew*, tjarebaj; a^-fewt of the li. * ri K?; -. ■’ Khwawni^fBui V. cd V y , » f«j*f or * Twofere 1-0 tbr i.rf ( wu M- ». ay -..< a., . »j.fiped ft B« uB«a>.. K j uoa mf-lu OM t*f ciT.air, '.avbdeiMtK - Ty-T-rttyM *e?» - .<• to 0 t futr/ceS of aiavety, wfMto todl*>d the vilwiB to vw4«r to lat»e ik v«s-a. • j*ft, l-ut t-' unW a dar *-i two atvewtri*. wkeweu^Mi -.«wc causewa fctowl f 'Jti and »!> I duckif^ Lau ii:tc ju-a ia a i.'-isit-oriried tee to leave •la*. State Vt»w< refay to <to sc,, 1iie «ai fiywej : »ii» >«. -*•: w* a in- (vrs«5»e»i to tewee urn oaefbatele, «u4 iwt uj- Uw. uat oi umm.k mm f<x/ t.« PeahsyfvaBii. mmammmmammmammmmrnmmm I TERMS FOR ADVERTISING: «MP« Of tw ether paper* IB Ota* cAy—that «. *1 m *)«it far iha.tal iwwruon. *»d «f»j cent* ■ aquare for path addttwMd pwbhBBltoa. A literal hat-' lilt wdi be made lo thaw who advert** by the year. P|«lMf!IR BK BHitowJ to W!» W Mm*. and tnMwetow ttpmaa*. of bH moor* »eei*wrf OB*1 tta*nfUT<d to BB far f^n ahd ad itjuaruti. »u. * #03 wfOftX, Of *0 ltjKMfas. »Veh BB faeflfthCBt Bill*. Kiln of Lo dra*. P<<* t-m ltondb.1!*; thrrifaf,' juaucer'. a»! CvnatuhkB’ Blank*; FwaVBi aMAChtuinn Tr Vet*, uifa, Boo* »nd Pamphlet Prinfin^ <-\i-rn*ed with itmtn-rwi anddivpstrli, (K moderate price* fie e**ti irr.i|.M.imuinjiJiip.'jf '. Pwwere ik« (raiftir. Tie SDuLkti Phw has beta Jhvutt.:! «,\h a inter from UvL Porter l.'. S. A. utaJune *»ferr.« tor otwirmr to tins ticanngu trite, t artist. “ While io Florence, 1 kjxmw a pfeamrv' after ttoon irirh Mr Prwet*, ant! hi* ftatue*. h«*t*, an-1 yodih-.-w* in hi* rf-ldio. He had .in a *q uare j>» p»-r r»p and white sprnn, rhiael aw! ffb >n bund, l>r- P*r.«$ a model for a *ta‘ue of wtnrh he, whiit working 1 n it, f»»e air a full detrnptioH, remark >H a! the mat u>*»—" Do not otecfiaa the sub j»t t of Out rtaV.x-, a*, all new idea* in wnlptim «' »'l*rt4 by UniUito:" But! may be pmn, .*1 to r^tnttk, that if t! i« beautiful eok-wal Blaine * e'f-r finiahr-d.«: will he worthy of a place [*« !., bi the near of jtovernaent— a ia truly American. A beautifjj! p'&stM rsud <rf Jut California, stood on a pedestal. It Mptanfa a g«Wr*a. or itmptv B beautiful woman, having at her feet a conao.nv psa filled with anvitid her head it a laato of preco>u* *t. lie*; tew left hand point* a Surer to tie joid. the rifiit hand ia held behind, having m it a bom b of thorem. TImb BUIttr will no doubt be, with to, eww-pion of hia l oJmmm, the n**' b®latlfll of hie production*. He had main /at,, t *n»lt «‘at aea and but*. and among ;b.-m one of John C CaiiM-.ue, ahent half ftmahed. beitut ■ >p ltd front a plaater cart by Clark Mill*. 1C r, marked «t the tone, that hi* earn* were the brat evi r worked fr-wn. 1 found him siBccrely and truly an Awncan m ev. ry w.npeet. and to pa n ar» e*9 lo bu bouw nd studau i: m only aatoesaary foe tuui to know you iic L«i Cuttutfyiiiatt." Parisian kenM. • 'I i * mipaiivl at % \ Bulletin, n kit fetter of thr S7A ult.. mr* - A fart :*»> til«*txat*» the anwn of tin* higher riaaars M brt'.f ti *■ any ©:hre. ,4 pi.*.nt not or Irtlrr'hffkl this wees 1 ai. nl< > •!)»■ career r in Urfe by Slwuns li. w *rd, one <4 the cekhntaew uf in, 4*. Tbuiu-b funn. rly wcip-mr the hwnfata paitK>n of m*wf in i dot. i m Bath nt P>mumm» iin, shy * n w m a flu mansion, just opjxuBU. tin K > .. md ferni/ <•! • ;;.y. ' vp). ’.diil manner. . jisrws br.itiauUy areod.d, ha* »« tntvnmx r» eepu on. anl her ranting list cmiaias th* unit s id many hurl: f'iFR‘t..mati» of utn Mate ar.4 **pi rants Ui Prnakahil laviu. Her ynat'iir< at P.itts t* »upp*»*-‘ ;,•> have ft js- d the rupture of th»- mar na« !*•..*(»:i»' n» p'lrvoed by the President m dtt i-T-at rtinfs I Europe. For >t<«ro* turn’, ,'tr*. H »...•_ : IMhl .11 h. r (fa . , ■ .... % t ' ■ "Tli- i>t' the i’tei.'lt ... ! f’v »d. n ! ■ «r*ft ob’qrrd to Wid l.m plan* t« a /r-,v ..V a;j .{. eaatp. M. Jf >1 :ar«1 \ .:. jmrt «•» ein ituii : m tiii vtcnn on Monday •‘■'•-uuia tliai M:n. R-.wae! had decuaaad after jtwi/ bir.h *■»* mian- It appears now that .ml. ow had ihe stvrv was tr<ie, the tadv brine suit aiive. Tilt Fr'-Mri’ »t »M deeply affected a-..J eowhu.nMndi.-d all ihr .nv .tattoo* ttaued ho a . ;<at dinner os I :v Thi* whole bitsin. • * i* -< . da too* . i’. ■. v i, bwl s' hare aet yet pet arf.e- i '(» th! Uys f L ‘Ui* XIV., when the \irui had :.a wartrvraes .n hat own court, and fae.fc tbean with him rn h» rarr-afe when be paaw-d hi* arm. « rev a It were to V w,*hrd. however, that -uaf oi th- hs.vinopa r«eeu‘!r inmuntrM by the printw Premsh-nt would pwm.h him a sermon on the no 'x»*rty of «eu. it« a lewwi example to hia {k«^»o X h>s Trieh. Tie U , • at .?t jf llhitrm* ha* pas* d a la« ■.* peoltth M .-o: ;:i.-**;' at in* drmh* « • .. , ...' ..■ spoil a novel way trf supplying Urn cuxUm* r> a h tin • li. •}<. fiaw: vf the law. Ttiosi "Thi ••temtM-s thunaial of a it»*w divabet by a pan•)!. into two jiarue nta. I'jem ente r ; , fittit apartmeat, a square rqwninr, and it. * the wniv mi.', is ihensM, ae<«rai feet trran the no, ,. • .»*: p • /..on wall tamivdiaiesy twh'»»» th..» | ,* .■ .. ii ’, ■ set .u»»; aj>si’..t«: ut, a s’lie . ,( fti •' •• d ’r nr/ '-’ a,’ •whitb-ey,’ & . >. md up n * lit'-fe. I p- n a pieayowe- few dripped mt . one uf U«t*» rtaaaea, the table begin* to urn upon /o IV ... a aid by lilt tiBit, it has tnuiet a ie fi* a >Htal rev ,dulion, tfe (law.-* ant hlled. w«.h b. In, i -t itids atod, and standj iu ita ‘Rjt'.nal post lion ’* 7 ue ji.i> -r and M irsbai of the city ha • xam m< : <* 1 'OMIBKSC*' clooely, wiUkm)' beta* a ole to fend ati v ‘-mati. woman or i Uitd" a' of trail nay the tacww b | ■ * tab!..’ ' .a turned. And up to lb*’ last nt.o.nnto liar* rj* in operation. That b-Uow, we tjusk, is irt be a Yankee. t Plaia-iyate* Jmdge. J ‘.ye BfcClure. of Pittal-m*, m d*c«iediy Um piaioi-et ;er.heii ,jr.ri we wt ever heard Iu a'. trial for Hta«k( in that city, the jury b ’ .' tfe. defy ii- ‘ •■I. Jamca Kelly, u, * . »i > ,4 ui tder u r.e jecoiel decree. Th« jod*-.- <l»d not 1-. •; and whet be - a,-tie to acaUhn }. nn he a ' Ircasvvi the pro. -wu as iottowa t Y-m. iainea K* liy, xt'ii meru uw ra.iwwa, and that y»4 n«v« w*t K-"‘i it ui i» Unit of niM. I cuaqptd the jury > "d'y. that 7 . g ulty o( murder .» the M d-<’r-e. The Mood that will hereaf'er .• •* *C.e tut -f be Tcrd.ct id the jury ••» « (. iui you » re tr d, will n d fe upon »» at rt*. Had I charred s’kriair, I w->a d have cow*oh nd 'bat I might as writ have last the wud >*er iouae on lie atre-1, urpiamda ta.*ii«*uah« >.»■*.< it* p.i.ow o' a 11 infao Tbrie ** hi doubt as to foul ,yuo mthe •mmi and diaUdical murder of J'l.'.u Cm Yn stand betwe thwCourt apsited ail witn the wane of wilful and pMWa.-ditau.vl natifltr—-unparv’icU-d id the annai* of truo . and :«u»p ad of pasain* a avutotme you to a r'“ »* Urn pcuto.iiisaj). we ahnusd ai this tan* t*. 1 drtoS -p. I; ... lydetarve it”’ Hiomauin for CkiM. 4 f •*»<■«<.•.! mmtmuuy fBeeiu»* «m h*» : ,m •rtezmg ta uu- h+u M*»e4nh-mr b, wi<M*tt we* * :i •UrtkSial} *iAr»-s*<» wti* and* by tb« Bo lh. to-C ioLxk, aaa t>) owe ui Un Uu: isg the erctttiif a s./ojeaittoa *u u>xJ<' V/ ra.:**; '*■ <io!ian toMbb tmito-.iw a ekwwifc n Pah < Uan. to to < allto " jobti Mn*i. ” w bmti * t:~ iBgitt*iuaV.'V iMpMBfcrf to. A 4*'tlletH* i ’i, n jiroj* ■•■ . that iX#«r< baud**! 'iosla.'* »h - • ■ -x-jiK- ! . U,. Bo tm i, tv wo .,>) :i-.* « . ** 1 '*to to tot wbto lluw: #p, .... ij i»- ». #*•"*< SKBUmrd. **4 ihL cu4s cosxtrifciiuto, we* fee haniJr.*i *». iv-- < •■. •**■» *•***»- fib***- a to V*“ Juba Ube-.-t <»hor> * «* 4torto. Thmk m a ?.«..«..»*coat-too »< n ■-.. •-, 's! is‘t Ik ftto ifttnvt cbswb *«• ' '■■ t 1 Mrtliudtrt £p v, erected r* tl-. :■■■» %*i'i u« &*/*,., n.bjamsMs* » tabs 'n.v natled to ii*r fcf*V to to auk. JtaaBto*..■ ttoa ijj E*jia>fc\—.4. 1' *-w aintom* fotitusi, M 34, ■• i.'fll. Vi....sjjn.ii j-i\ f» t ■#*-!» ••.. ■ • • * T— V-.. .Vi si, £ V 1.0' a*, X’w'sory 77 j * -» 1* tow M V . u*. »taels ft* iItre«S a a*:., if,. ;-3'. -.-*rr ;«1m» 9# tab awd property. The Low ii ■*«* tweUtoty, caeiftB* dom wife iter t« 3*;je! toeaumteuan, fif w 1, to vtow *&/■&, at&Mg u* »>_■;». Uto ciit f tto a -toy wi-.fe ;• r laif-t «'Lii4*«n. Tk<- wfcslf oaxro of tbe i* a umai ton. iait!itotitr tie »«■.'«. .tto a» " *n t» afcr war earryt&f to it* (i-.a tiaaiwn. Tie Vmtoa «w;a^»d tuuajmeto 4 lew wa» 14 fofwt • Bill. 1 4 ktoi to aortoi 'to cJniVf of toe tiatlai., arto Maa.tat.piH K»M'to CMMtouy {numi! tto U< tae to torprutr aMltt «• to u>t itoUkua LfegtotoUm-, fil wva* 1. Ik toMie. wtoie U vn rtefaa, u> peg. 1 vru: tU Altai jtoatat't .