Newspaper Page Text
Major Jfonh. , f lloW.;„T href and irUercstiOg sketch of this I T . (1i. „ we find «■ th« correspondence of Sf) •' U ' * . _ V O. ( J ,y T .v,.,Tin Of the quilt died last night about SwSlp-ky* ... hut sixty -lth year. */ I,’ l bad hu. political ueoMWIenoe. u wm , . ,*4 on aim. they never inter* red with •>*•> ”,‘!L or sympathies. And imm- hi* k S flTp-ccal men** be numbered many of f 3 , admirer*. Major Noah’, life «« ! **■ V itracted •‘tusweP* »i!h the world.— u 4;V a<« something or aom.bodyto contend H' *H, milk of human kiwlnew was always with- ", ‘ K, w ru-n have passed k'v'' *1 ^nyV-> viewsitndt* m forty j »» rfiU.r at an early age.-; S'"! Te d one from enthusiasm of hi* art: and ^iiriKS*'.'" M the editor of the r *.,r .1 paper which went through all F ‘*f ..Jula/.- v dowu to the time of its lit *u-\ . L?!u He was subsequently editor of a ij^r he started, to support Captain Tyler, and, ■ I'nioa; it had a spasmodic effort and Treasury pap waa withdrawn, fo-h-d ami , At one tiro*.*, the Major waa reduced—intellectually reduced 1 “f“n-io ** V'por Of the New York Sun. 1 he Major a „■ cinu. rtem wa* m proprietor nml editor ot the ••slindav Times." a very profitable weekly. Mia 1. r.rv labors here were not onerous enough to in .,.,r. wi’h h:s discharging the duties of an offi ja the Customhouse, wherein, in years before, h, -,a-lh n the Surveyor of the Port. Hie jU-. !,r siwavs had a hankering for public office; and f w*a .particularly adapted for it. He )V1,1, fr e hearted, generous, adapted him ► U rio’umstances, awl never wore the, harness of anv ov political party no tightly that it galled f»r • Vv,'i h >s .. , . * | ,,T. .. Ia<. tun I saw the Major, he was at e.j,,, C)' Hoe prtn’me-press dinner.” Garrul , ,; 11: in reminiscence, suggestive of humor to .vsup te with any one at the fork or tv win • glass. In the latter respect, lay the re- , -.... cause of hi-s death. His memory for weeks • v Ik- n shaky. And his actions erratic and On a late occasion, as I was told by a entry ■r...n Mh- family, he dressed himself up in all lie regalia and order toggery of all the nscieties a I • fnnnpcied with (and their mini* vr«i« fl-it to be count' d among the units of the ii im-ra’.on table, and strutting about the room, on the family to admire him. .. vj, .r Noah's connection with the Grand Is It-i-l Vv-nie; the building of the Temple for the •■’is-'-ajhl-tw »f the Jew?, on this continent, are rai'.vrt of present day history. Not many years A!0 t,„ .r l< a J udge of the Court of Criminal Ses- | us of this city: and white there began a feud w: n B'-ane’.t, of the Herald, which lasted to his , bed. Bennett's r»-j> *r-r had made *»» fun i of J udge Noah, and the latter contending it was a l,Vd. in, that it held him up to public ridicule, procure I the indictment of Bennett. The latter, was mel before Judge Kent and two Aldermen an I a jure, and convicted. Kent was for sending Bennett to the penitentiary but the Aldermen overruled hmi and “went in” fora fine, which w - readily pud. The office of the “lay Judge- ■ , j, ■ sii irtly afterward# abolished, and the M, ,, returned to the "corps editorial*,” com re i-’-d to fight Bennett with .quill weapons. It has about this lime the Caudle paper Douglas JcrroM. in the London Punch, wis attracting so m ich att.-n'ion; and Major Noah began a series of letter* purporting to be Curtain lectures from Mr- Bennett, to her husband, on the subject of bu It mail, under which Bennett a? well he m grew exceedingly restive. This course of. it,. M,<;-•r's was hasty uud ill-advised. Mrs. B u nef was a iady of accomplished education: she hi! u-ver injured him. and it was not right that the s.ns of the husband should fall upon the wife. So. smarting under the recollection of this, when ■ ji-suon regarding the Crown Jewels of the Pr.n >• of Orange was recently before the Unified > i es Senate, on tie memorial of Conncellor .v v of this bar. Bennett penned an article in re i m to M.tioi Noah’s connecti >n with them w hile ! was Surveyor of the Port, which the Major's .1 >rney pronounced Jibeilous, and Bennett was a:u mlicted. This bill was never tried, and ilexth haj entered a “nolle proaequi” in the case. la the death of Major Noah, the editorial fn’eruity have 1 ut a garrulous and inatruclive brother. * • Ho fam'y have been deprived of an affec ti mate husband and generous father. The pub i.. a very faithful Cerberus to any intrusion up ii itieir rights or interests.” Bachelor* Office, la reply to some one who ridiculed Mr. Web au-rs remark, that none but a man of fortune or a Baehci >r should be Secretary of State, the Mobile H raid has the following neat rejoinder: “A bacbeiair is the very man for Secretary of State He uas none of the distressing duties of h-.-u keeping and other family concerns, such as •1 ig the inarketting. dandling the children, rook ing the eralle, quarrelling with bis wife, giving psri-cs. receiving and entertaining guests, seeing t*> 'he carriage and carnage-horses, scolding the servant*, and other domestic amusements of daily '* irrence, to distract his attention, craze his brain »»<! withdraw him from exclusive devotion to the rrer diplomatic concerns of Government. Mr. H : lunan was, in this respect, the very model of a s-cre ’ary of State. A bachelor upon principle, n ii, ever occurred to disturb the pla<td equan :i.'i i .f h.s tender, nr to keep him from having an rye »ng., to the affairs of the country. No routs nr to,.*, no Xantippe of a wife, nor crowds of child r"n- - t wtinm a Hcr,,[ would have luxuriated, d:' Iwi the empire of his miml—and thus he was • n-> - d . *•< er the ship of .State, with such sog u»: ability, through the perils and troubles of the •it < u tg iesti-.i) and Mexican War. Hj fi/ua Aehalrt. also. Senator King, of this > -lie—a man whom Benedict might have envied, m hi* uappiest hours—we have always thought • t ;.d must- an excellent Premier for any adimms i-m No Mrs. Caudh would »ex hts slumbers v her interminable lectures, nor the necessary ! • -ut attentions to beef and.turnips, canvass 1 vs an 1 candles, hobby-horses ami cradles, flur tu.i mind whet, conducting a diplomatic ronlro • ts* with an Aberdeen -,r Lord J ihn Russell, a 11 i z-it or a T luers. —,m "wui- me nmi imenecu j b- w‘*ri«i hts ever kft lira, Hacou. New tou and ; ° a'"f*. tb*l celibacy was accessary to the attain ;* **w highest greatness. We would not aa ••••: .ikto maintain the pr .pisiUon in reference to a I Ijur.suits, hut we do think (hat there us wisdom " ct'S er * application .,f it to the State Lie htr He ad Is a ^uatifiration, however, the |ec a,., y 0f which we cannot see. He thinks a iiiarr .• i man mirht make a eond Secretory, if he had *! ,ae There, as the puritan widow said of St i i . wediff r with him. A fortune with its ac 1 •oip.oom ti s, would only be an mcuinhrance. It * ' <*' *L*y increase the multipticty of subjects • t ier the attention of the Secretary, and be p'‘,lrf a‘m »■ * he performance of hisutfi ml duties, i >’ rty aad celibacy are unquestionably excellent u uu heat ions for a Cabinet I" The Suva Scotia Uiatit. ** ■ H.nshatn, Mats Journal says : Wt. have seen the*.ant—a veritable riant. and ■' :“'*ve. Aiu’u.m KtskdlLS 1.U ,j ,,..krs .id .. ‘ “ ® * n '»fly f s-h- t - hich, is still - * ■- II- is w> ■ pruport:...i,ii, , .hj, ;,,; look ' 1 *'■' ***“' W *t’aiua un’ itity, wili • • .e mired. H i ah era are mtt- n inches Hi.*/ rap ** tug tfuurvl as a HiUghaiii ’ ‘' fylleiK .else about him la .a the saiu. by .1 f th'iitirntan under whose chare 1-‘ '*■ “tote* wiiat, if a fact, ia a very re *"•' I’'*"- aam dv, that *. ven years a/o, that 1 !l ;'!t2is wat 12 years old, he was known as a dwarf; he was then hut three f.-,t Cm,v*v. '*"4Uai °'“y 3* piuhils. S.n e that . 1 , yowc.. wht inches a year on an aver . n " 1 **’ne yel- aow weurhs |i«i > '-‘Wl has strength in pc .portion. He offers .‘ I * 0<i?,e "f barrels at once, • provided he may H.,.. .i® ! ‘f llie or to forfeit their price h,r. 4 ‘ wever. cautioned him. when he left i : m'lal<‘ftir m uncommon demon*of *• “ )•*». *»>•» »hc, “A'ljui iibut a Un i ! *■ l awn, noticing reports that Major Dm ' * “ *drocate the pretensions of certai 1 ra.j to the Presidency, says; ^te vTai^tv **"* u » absent, we uade t.,w, ‘“ttnwtc acquaintance with h hats. that u'T'Tr0 ffee ct'nver“li<«» wi •ae ,, 1 T n ,h“ ’object he will follow, „ h'l* wi“ “,Kic •> •bshocrstw ,>arlv*f N Looveniem of tl The »u«.-s!nrery Feeling at ike Worth. ‘•Many of out wore anngtiiM Sou'hern frien-la lab-rf under tte impression—hall ueinat ion we should call it—that the so called Compromise, measures of the last acniioti of (VmtT'-gi, by which ; so cri"h was conceded to the Non): an I so little sec an <1 for the South, base allayed there forever the anti slavery feeling, which deride* all consti tutional obligations and threatens to diaaolvc thia Umor. In thia we have all along «:sprrs*ej our uuliclief. The North i> too deeply impregnated with the fsnaticinm of anti-slavery to cense its hos tility to the S-.uth, and it witnesses the rapid pro gress of this feeling daily, in » manner too palpa ble to cause it to desist. Instead of the anti-sla very piriy disbanding’, new amt zealous recruits Are daily floching to its standard, and like other unprincipled bandits, the more they are bribed to be quiet, Use more daring end audacious they be come. Those who know them beat—those who live in their midst, and have opportunities for witching their operations, know this, and proclaim it. If a press-, in the South points to the advance of thia incendiary horde.-the claptrap riy of “dis union!” is raised against it, and it is set down by some of our passive wiseacre* as a stirrer-up of sedition. The editor of the New York Mirror, a sagacious observer, states fa is in the following article, which, if put forth be a Southern paper, would be cried down as baseless, empty agitntion. The Southern SubmissionisU will not be brought to be - lieve, with the editor of the Mirror, that “ our ene mies are already in the field.” Not they, good cm* soul*: they swear be has doffed bis armor, and gone to rest “ With his martial cloak around him;" but they will discover their error one of these days, wic n *'thed’huistin mr* upon us,” if not before. Without proceeding further in these remarks, we will publish the article frc>ra the Mirror which called ihem forth, and which, indeed, contains matter few serious reflection. A tvTsRTUvo Itrr.—A gentleman in our office yesterday offered to make a bet that Wrn. H. Se ward would lie the nest President of the U. States! It is proper to premise that the offer was made by one of our most substantial citizens, who is an able lawyer, an observing politician, and a strong Union whig. We profess that, coming from *uch a source, and uttered m a peculiarly emphatic manner, the proposition somewhat startled us. Our friend basked m> his prediction, bv assert ing that Seward coutd carry to-day, in a Presiden tial contest, New York, Massachusetts, Connect! - cut, Vermont, and possibly New Hatnashire, and these States, he thinks, arc enough to throw the election into the House; and when it cotnes to that, he be lures that the friends of Mr. Seward, either by fair means or foul, would manage to carry the day. We fancy we can see a smile of incredulity play ing upon the countenances of our Silver Grey friends as they contemplate the above paragraph. But it is a wise maxim in war, never to under esti mate the strength of your enemy. Seward is ten tunes the fox, and twenty times the politician, that ever Van lluren was, and has a bettei chance for the Presidency now than the “Kinderhook Magi cian” had two years before his'election. He is not only a cunning politician, who knows how and when to throw out sweet morsels of pro rare to catch the favor of the people, but he p « s sacs a Cardinal Richelieu in Thurlow Weed, and a powerful alley in Cardinal Hughes, to aid him ! in any Jesuitical plot necessary to the accomplish ment of his ambitious schemas. The press, also, of the Stale of New York, s i far, at least, as the “rural districts" are concerned, is already subor ned to his purpose, and closely affiliated to the “central organ” at Albany. !n New England, the Boston Atlas, fir many years the leading journal of the whig party,- has gone over to the “woolly heads,” horse, and dragoons, an i all its Eastern satellites are tumb ling after it. Tlie Burlington Free Press, and the Vermont Watchman, are intensely “woolly;’’ and ar*- said to be in the pay of the Sewarditcs. The Portland AJvertiser Is assuming the same complexion; and there is scarcely astandard bearer left among the old whig fed it on of New England, who fights under the broad banner of the Union, upon the broad platform of the Constitution. The New Bedford .Mercury, a paper of some im portance in the Old Colony, the organ of the Grin neLs aid other millionaires if Bristol county; comes out violently against the Fugitive Slave law; and in'view of the coming contents holds the follow ing language: “ The whigs of this State will never be brought to advocate, or defend, ot tolerate the Fugitive Slave law, or will they ever aid in procuring the re-noinination of the Preset.»at who has been the champion of that law. Who ever else may tie the choice of the North for the whig Presidential : candidate, it will not be Millard Fillmore, nor his | Secretary of State.’’ These indications should not be unheeded by ! the seiiimeis on the watch-towers of the Republic. 1 It is time to sound the aiarra to the sleepers with in the citadel Our enemies are already in the field; and the next cry will be—“ The Philistines are upon us.” The Van Burcn wing of the Democratic party stand ready to go over to the Seward lies fir a i “ consideration,” say an Attorney Generalship for Butler and mission to St. James for Prince John; while theBrntomaiu of the South-west are march ing up a mot icy regiment to join the invading h >sts ; of the North. Friends of the Union! look to your armor! The Battle of Waterloo is yet to be fought. A Voice from North Carolina. The Raleigh Standard hoids forth in language strong and forcible its opinions in relation to the slavery agitation, and the course of South Caro lina. The following is an extract from its edito- i rial: The result of the late election in South Carolina : sliows that a vas’ majority of her people ar. in fa-! vor of the right of secession, tnd also of separate State action by the convention which is to astern ble within the u* \t twelve months. We hid hoped that South Carolina would acquiesce in the late so-called adjustment; and we believe she finally will, provided tie- Fugitive Slave Law is enforced. ' am! the free States above mentioned will repeal their laws oh the subject, and the agitation of the ipi.-sti >n itself shall cease in Congress. We trust rhe will wait, and abide the action of her sister southern States, it is true that, if with her, and . with her great statesman now no more, ail the slave States had stood forward in time and as one ! man for their rights, this day of abolition aggression i and fana’icism had never been: but still it behooves tier to that v irginin. .tMM i-jmiim, Georgia, and the rest of the slave States, p-issess interests and feelings identical with her own, and that the policy which threatens tier, overahadows them also with tut baleful wing. Tlnoc taken, the step which dissolves this Unton can never l>e tra ced. The cause for such a step ought to be con elusive. Not that “intolerable oppression” is to be waited for, for that is not within the ranee of! probabilities in a government and among a people ’ like ours; but all reasonable ground of ho|H- for j returning justice must depart, and dishonor and min must rise up before us as inevitable, before ; any State can be juatilied in severing the bonds, i It makes no difference to a people wort hy of j freedom, whether this dishonor and this rum be' mar or distant from them; if it be certain, the’ question iS settled. Are these things, then certain’ We thu.k not. There is still groudd for hope; the free State* may enforce llw Fugitive Slave Law— they may repeal their statutes intended to op- rate against us, and which were enacted in open disre gard of the Constitution—they ruay cease as States, j anffin the common U >ngre«s, to meddle with slavery or to agitate upon it’ But, in the language of Sir Paulding, " Time was—time is—but Lime wtil soon be no more t” South Carolina may move off by herself, but *h< nevertheless knows—no matter how serious and grievous h« r error in so doing—that the will j have allies and helpers. The military poure-r of this federal 'government will, in alt probability, be wielded a.M.iut her. Her ports will b*.- blockaded, and her citaens slaughtered—and what then? We sav this is probable—and what then? The slave States will sympathise with her, and as the bio si of her sons moulted up tu Heaven crying for ven geance, they will rush to her defence; and we shall then have an irregular civil war. fearful and cruel, and » war of which no mao can foretell the end. It dissolution come—if the free States trill have it so, let the slave States unite and go offi together.’ In that < ■ > *t, .* is hardly probable that blood would be shed, bat the two sections, being jur&riy eqiiaiiy NaiarucU m numUra ant* m phyai cal strength, wight agree to part in peace. But we have no wish to go into such details, or tn contemplate such consequences; and wc repeat wt- have only alluded to this question at all under astern sense of public duty. IJ- A verdict of “ guilty,” has been returned against George Wilkes, editor of the New Yurk ■ National Police Gaxctic, tor a libel ou Mr. Jordan late Attorney General. The One is M40. Wrom ithodo Island. Pionmwt, April 3. The election fur state Officers and Congressmen took place yesterday. Phit, A Urn, Horn., w»i elected Governor by *it hundred majority. Goo. C. King, wlnr. end Unix. B. Thrrstnn, dcm.. nete elected to Cottercai. The Lieut. Governor. See re tar y of State, Attorney Gen* ral. sail State Treas urer are all dem-icrais. The Leeisla*'<te stand* a* follows—Senate 13 whim, It democrats: no choice in four disintls. IInine it whig*. 3i democrats; no choice in 6 district.-:. The pretent democratic majority on joint ballot is 7. ID" “ Man's life may be <>nlv an hour glass to some being of a hither order, nn'l they, perhaps, aay, when threescore years and ten are up:— •• Wiial, another hour gone. Dear me, bow time flies." Extraordinary Afliait. J. P. Wymin anj James Walker, of Woburn, Mass., Iiavc Tisitedrfew castle. Me., for the pur pose of prosecutiii* Captain Pnricy Hopkins, of ship Powhatan, fur deserting them about the litrth of hovember, on the Mexican shore, several hun dred miles north of Panama. 7'he sli p having pH out of provisions, Mr. Kelkier, of Conn., and ten pavsensers. went ashore in a boat to procure them, whereupon, as the men allege, Captain Hopkins wet,;hod anther and sto-vl away. After waiting six Hays, the party started overland fit Vera Crus, which they reached after losing four men by death. IT The Pittsburg pipers state that a lady, wife to one of the most respectable inhabitants of Alle ghany county, was killed by her own daughter, on Monday, the 17th ulnni . The latter about eighteen years of age, and was chastising one of her little brothers, when the mother interfered f r • his protection, up in which her daughter stab!.* d at her with a pok- r, penetrating her abdomen, and causing aimoat instantaneous death. The parties resided a few miles of Pittsburg. Childish Simplicity. " Mother,” raid a bright lit tie girl, " is hell a bo» place?” Being .1 tittle puzzled what reply to make, the mother answered, yes. “Then,” said the little girl, “ itlif <l*i l tarn ti* damprr’’’ h dock for sizly Cents. Mr. Chauncey Jerome, of New Haven. former ticut, has actually made a timepiece, wl.ich he will warrant to keep good reckoning. and which he sells for sixty cents at whotesnlc, and one dol lar at retail. The works are all mide of brass.— He makes upwards of eight hundred a day of then, articles. Charity a Miter. An illiterate p-rson who always vol.ino-er’d to “go round with the hat,” but was suspe.el o( sparing his own pocket, overhearing once a hint to that effect, replied: “ Other gentle men puts what they thinks proper, and s > do i. Charity's a pri vate concern, and what I give is no.kingte rw’io y.” [Hemt. Fugitive Slnve Indictraeul*. Bostos, Tuesday, April 1. The grand jury have found tr ie bills of Indict ment against Liizur Wright, editor of the Common wealth newspaper, and M«ssr*. Scot' and Hays, for ■beingconcerned in the rescue of the Fugitive Slav. Hliadrach. Their trial on the indictments, cones <*I four weeks hence. Remains of a .Mammoth. In excavating on the railroad about six miles from Wheeling, Va . was discovered a tusk of a gigantic animal, emtiedded in sand about 16 feet. The tusk was not less than SI feet long, and at the large end measured 13 'nches in circumference. New Orleans Murket. Crksckvt Of net, April 7, 1851. Cottar—The market, which wrs so active on Friday, after the publication of the unexpectedly favorable accounts by tin Baltic, relapsed into dullness on Saturday. Barely 1500 bales were sold, prices losing one quarterof a cent of the pro vious advance, and the market closing without spirit. Inferior.7 aSl | Mid. Fair.It|al2 Ordinary.*91al0j | Fair.12 3-8al2| t J Pair. . . .nominal Good .Middling.. llial 11 ] Gd and Fine, .nominal Tolnrm—The only sales made public were 37 hhds old low A and R,) at 71 and 8, and one hhd new at lOjc pr lb. Sueur and Moiattrt—Owing to the almost inces sant rain, the sales of sugar were confined to 250 or 3fN> hhds at former rates. Molasses sells in small lots at TTa t-c for choice Re-boiled. Flour—Market quiet, and only two sales of con sequence reported, 2100 bbls Ohio, in fla'i nr. lined, and to lie delivered alongside ship. a. Si 1*2A to barrel, and KOI) c ,tra Ohio on privaie terms. (Iran—Corn was ratin ' firmer, but very iilllt was done, owing to the storm, in the morning 900 to 0>0 sacks very inferior, were taken at 60, and 1200 Prime White and Yellow atUGc pr bushel. Oais may lie quoted at 4* a5<s-, in sacks, for Cl. Lotus, Illinois, etc. Fnm ».t«r—The transaction* in barrel P rk wen ConOned to small lots a! 3l3 87ia8t I 00 f,,r Mess. Of Bacon, 40 cacks Missouri lldds’il s w. n sold at 8}, and 38 casks good Shoulders a’ fie. or the Levee. A lot of about 100 half barrels M* u Beef brought 8 5 30, without inspection. No trans actions of note :u Lard. Rul'. M tl—About 80,000 pounds Shoulders, in casks, were sold at 5jc, an silvan of on - > withm a week. The last considerable sales ol Hogr mnd were at 5|vV, anil’, re is litt-, if am now left in first bands. t\frr—About 20i)l bin Rio «•. r- dis-pos. d of including 17i» batr. ordinajy at toialOl and none small lots of prime quality at 10 3-8al<>4c. M*unify—Dull, at l>jal9|c. Alir Can.ilr»—About 10 boxes, ordinary brands, were s ild a day or two s.nee to close eons'iti.mev.t at 18c, but the best brands arestil! held at 19al9 wxi riniLi siuiiCi. HOIt3llM>\ X ( IIITiiR. On llut gulr of Unit Min it., brut hrul *J alnr* the comer of Mnri iw *t , W.IOLSA4LK A \ l> RETAIL |>1 kUtf IV FAMILY, STAPLE AND FANCY Crocrrif*. Promioas, lotmtry Produ-r, £.r HAVE jiist 0pm.1l. in the s *re h*retof.r« o • cupled a» a Tm Shop, a reaeral assortrst n! of every tin ns i u tin ir line, louiprLSiij^ a 'ar.’.-r variety of FAMILY SUPPLIES tuan e..r ! re offered in this market. Their friends, snd cifuirtu ■generally, are invited to rail and examine tl : stock before purchasin'; elsewhere, as they ar. de termined to sell as low as the lowest, for taso or country produce. Little Rock, April 9, 1851. 32—if. Hats* Hat*. ISats. JI’ST received |e-r vleamer “Pennywit," a new and fashionable a-xsortment of Summer Hats, via :— 3 dosen black wool Mexican: 3 •• white Congress; Leghorn, Jenny Lind style: Men's and boy’s Hungarian; Caropeachy, new style; , Pedaia, new style; China Pearl; assorted Palm Leaf, new style; l case Ritss.a Beaver, it w style. For sale cheap, by JOHN’ COLLINS. April 15, 1831. 32—iw 2 3 3 2 3 10 li 5 .Si. inter Emtly I have ■ now offer for sale: ftti Barr. Is Super Foie Feu, 2 *• Rye Whiskey; 18 B-.xes Assorted Tobacco; 10 “ Leiuen Syrup, 8 *• Candv; l Barrel English Filberts: l't •• Ale. M. TANTI. Lower Steamboat Lending. April 7, 1851.—31—tf I^LOt R—50 Bbla “O’Fallon Mills ’ Extra Su . pt-rfine. BACON—3 Hhda Clear Sides; “ 5 “ bone do; “ ft Tn rces extra Sugar Cured llama. PORK—10 BbblsMess; f'MJAU—3 Urid* clarified: “ A H8-a Powdered White. CANDLES—30 guarur boars Star. NAILS—V) Krvs i. ft A 9 4. Rto-ived and for sale hv WM. B WAIT. Afrit 7/1. “>■*>'* I The Slate of Arkan«n«. h the Probate Court of PulmU Cturty. NOTICE ia hereby given that the following named admitiiflratora and guard unis have | file-1 ther account* current. and vouchers Nr act j Ueiuent tod confirmation in » Probate Court, vix: Win. O. PcTfuann. guardian of Malvin A. Fit- j tfu*in ant) others; Darnel Planakin, administrator of Patrick FI-matin; H. E. IX htraor, almimstra tor of John B. Gravier; Nxnrjr &. Ferguson, ad-! mmutrstiir of Win. * All persons inleitsted in the aettlcment of an; I of raid accounts, are required to file their ex cep ■ tiou3 thereto, if any they have, on or before the ; I third dny of the next term of aaid court, to be held j j on the IS day of April, A. I). ISM, or thi-v will | ! be forever barred from excepting to raid accounts, i ! or any item thereof. GORDON N. PKAY. Citrk. Apr! 3, 31—1 c»a■naa TYPEFOUNDEKY. GI'ILFOrT)-& JONES, HO. *1, Coin.ul«i* ?ue.t, pi tw ,i er -iu," and Itrofci-vijr, rrvr/.v.v.m, onto. | Would respe . .fully inform Heir old Patrons and Pr'u't rs teitriily, that they have removed their j Founder)-, to the buddings fonn> rly occupied as the H;eroot)pc Founder, and Printing Establish i IIH 111 of T. SHKIMEID. Where thr-y arc Prrjxirt! t > Fnmah Any.'Xr.g m FOSTERS’ PRESSES! Ttar arc aiuio roa Foster’s m\D, C VR ». h P (! W E H PRESSES: Anil In PI*,, **111 Kill nny Ontir for PRINTING MATERIALS, At t''i< .Shortest .W r-, J at the l nrrst Eastern pirn:'i:s. W. MITCHELL, 4. CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dr tors in f ry Hoodt, f. rofrlr*. Ac. NAPOLEON, AKK’S. M.reh 30, 1851. 30—tf. Z OL-O* > PT3HE subscriber. agent i"r H. Haberman, will X col continue the former's busiues.: at hi* old stand on Main, near Markham ilrct, and keep con stancy i .1 hand a fuU- and well assort* d stock of Grocer: ■. Dry Goods. Unis. SI: as. Hardware. Cas'.nes, Ac., Ac., all of wbn h will be sold low f ir cash. The lights: market pne s will In- paid for e uulry produce, as l*eef hide'. peiTie*. becs wav, Ac. JOHN KRAL'SE. Li'tie (t.ich, March 23, 1851. 30—tf. **(>© iti:\VA«D. I ['SCAPED frun lh<‘ Penitentiary on this day. .i the following described eonvict*. I wiligiv. *iJ each for their rapture and delivery to me, if; taken in this county, «r S’»0 each if taken out of it. JOHN H. HAMM U K, , CmlAirfcir. Pi vrrrvrnir, Irnu: Rot*. A»k., ) j March la, 1851. ) j I): sraiiTinsi.—Jair. « Leyrone, II years of age. ! ;*v feet hurh and stout built, grey hair, hazel eyes, ] ' no»e, hith cheek bones and aailoweom 'plosion, tis conjectured he «ill try to reach the i State of Louisiana. I Andrew Rogers n 31 years of are, 5 feet 8 inches 1 hit'll, and of a stout build, he has l.ithl brown j hair. i»lue eyes, a reddish beard and florid com plenum, he talks little, and in a low tone of voice and has a quiet look. Calvin, a ''ark mulatto l»oy. is 5 feet 7 inches high, stout built and ‘Jo years of ate. John smith, a free negro, 32 years of arc, 5 feet 3 inches high, features dark and regular, and is bv irade a black smith, tis conjectured that he and > Calvin will keep together and push for the Creek Nation or the State of Missouri. Ail the above wore caps, coarse shirts, one half j white and oitc-hah brown jeans pants, and their : likir was cut closely on one side. Rogers ha l a ! blue jeans coal, the other 3 wore eoarse jackets. Little Rock, Ma ch 28. 30—tf. j _ _ I Hoots anil Shoes. 1 1 CASES Boots assorted; 111 “ Kip Brogans; 4 doz. Gem's fine Calf Shoes; 2 “ •• 11 Gaiters; 12 “ Ladies Shoes assorted; 8 “ Misses and childrens Shoe* assorted; j 1 Case Boys Kip Bfogaos; 1 “ “ B.sits, Ac., Ac., Ac. Re, , ved per Phi p Pennvwit, and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS. Steamboat Landing. March 25. 29—tf. •v« tic#;, l LL persons indebted to the estate of!’. B. ; 2m Baldwin, dec., whose notes became due on tb fir-' day of March, ar - hereby me:fied that un less ,p:ick payments are made on the same, they will be placed in the hands of the proper officers f >r collection. A. J. 1ILTT, AJmr. Little Rock, Mare A 31, 1851. Robust Arm ;;«ov . Oko. C. Liwuwiv. Arnold Hvaais. ARMSTRONG, LAWRASOX & CO. t om in i*** ion Merchant*. 106 Magazine street, \ /: H O K LB A XS . March 23, 151. 29—ly Stationary. VLAllrtE and assortment of sta . tionary, received per Phillip Pennywit, and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Laivlnig. 29—tf. March 25. ■lew Spring Good A I’ latrvi -iv.e HtiatMi ■w.'/2<i ** printed Muslin*. 7 “ ia-e style Silks. 300 “ assorted ( atu oes. 30 “ “ (iiiighanjs. 20 *‘ “ t'-.t’otUKk-S. 8 ** Brown Linen. 90 y " I ' .■;..!l„». t Bales :i I, 7-8, & t i, Brown a ltu t.’rf f hnm-alk %. 5-1, *»-l. 10-4 and 12 I, Brown and liii li d Sheetings. 3 piet * 12 * Linen Sheeting. 22 “ Irish Linen. Olevi -. ( rivals, Pocket H:i mi kerrh ief* s, S awls, Apron Checks, Osnahergs, Cmbrdia*, P»ras~U, Stare goods, Ac., Ac., At. BcCi iVtd per P. Pennywitt. and f ir sale Cheap f »r Cub uwly by JOHN D. ADAMS. Mar. h 25, 1^51. S11 M.ti.. t l,n . i „ Minin'. Mint*'.: •20 IV -z. 1 “ Palm Leaf Hat*. Panama “ " Jenny Lind ” Hal*. 8 Tampa n •• l “ Campearhy “ Beceired jk r P. Penny wit and f r sale by JOHN I). ADAMS. March 25 l>47 S.tumbtsit For Hale. VFINE LARGE aVmt «:v n years old ari l st'. eutetn hanht in height. Apply to Mar M I.. A. whitelIv .IVjCPor* for Male. TWO LIKELY NRURO WOMEN, one with two children, »iid the other with one. For sale for cash, by J. I). ADAMS. at the steamboat Laudi rv. March 25, 1831. 29 USSOI18. 13'.VO NEW two horsu Way na. f-.r sale cheap, by J D. ADAMS, I at the steamboat Landing March 25. 1831. 29 W A ITED TO hike:. ; »|3WO BOVS OR OIRLS, sliout fiPcx-n -it six ■ A teen year!, of age. to lay sheet* >n the press, ami two negro men. Apph to L. A. YVHITELEY. 1 fettle Awl, Mayes 11, 1851. .jr - V' * .r tj q q q q q q MEXICAN 11 ISTWG LIXIMEXTm To tV //jfl, Mr Utm-, (W Sort, on I lit, "Wt 6ring (M ti itngt of gnot jog r* TUf Volcanic Oil from SlMico litLx lone been known to potswas within itself wonderfully soothing, healing and enra ivc properties, an l ha* I » a estenstveiy ui*d by Uk Alters for Rheumatism. S-.iJnrw <>f Joints or Limb*. a«td for ati kitnl* of Sorts, l ifro, Hums, Woonch, Hard Loti.jw or Tumor*, and fur all km<Ss of Pain* or InfUtnma*) ns in Man or 10 s*t. , The happy conibirtSfft n of this wondcrfia psod Notion of nature with irther powerful remedies tn the Mritraa Ma'-Innr Llalnral Render* it one of the most perfect rctitto ever offered to the afflicted. It* action iipm the oegani in n .1 truly wonderful. It* Tolaiiie. penetrating,soothing and healing prop-rtics diffuse Ihatnlm to tbctrcrv hones. It enter* into the circiUati mof theidood—«iv*s a new impulse to the whole m r- • vons ;v*u-m to the very extremities of the fingers and toe*—siunuiate* the alwurhs'uta *nd accretions, rad us assist* nature to throw off and ski h« rseif i.f any diseraed action of nerves, muscles. chorda or utf. it.-aktng it (■•■. ■ • a •, > .?j- • sows of arv kind. rheumatism. pants m an* p»r of the body, from a disease d action of any of the structural porltoM of the system. Ptuoscasing the**' p.-culi*r powers i* the reason why it u equally efficaciouattisomanydiff -rent complaint*. We will give a few of the thousand* of curt * tin’ have boon i fleeted bv this Lin intent withiQ the l.-jrt rear. A lady in Columbus, Ohio had her hard slightly bruised, took told in it ami it spread to .% frightful fleer A d ever the back of her ham!. Doctors had prosrrdu-d salv.*, m‘ra<nt*, washes, and alterative*, v. it! nt do nr it any eon,], p had Men in this com..:, n more than a year, w i»en she py. a bottle nf ti i Mustang Liniment, by the recorni* ndstion id b-.r physician, and applied it as direct* d. The re suit *.vas. that in four wevks'be niter was fccnV: and the bend was well! That doctor now buys the Linar* c* by the d«» n to use in his pr.i nee. A tittle girl, fourteen rnttis feat t .luin! us. had a seven? attack of Rheum* lira. The chords of one k/ emitmsM so that the foot was dsn is u n;< at a right angle With the thigh, uni the km-e joint . • •iff. so that she t»i< obliged to « alk with <>! «•*. Ti.tev U*ui«» of tfci Mustan himnurut repaved tt chords, loosened the knee joint, relieved *!l pair.*. strengthened the muscles, and she can skip the rope, leap and inrr)i without crutches ami wi'miat limping. A man in Pittsburgh had a red hot iron accidentally mu into his font, making a very severe nnd Unit: At tb-.i same time. The pain was intense an ! excruciating, tbroa'ening lev k jaw. Tint hot ■ welled very rnpdly. and in two hours he was tinabie to Sir any weight on it, nr set it to the ground. In this condition th- Mustang Liniment was applied, Immediate relief from j*»tn was the con*c*|ueace, i ane in two days he went about his luisinesc and had no farther trouble with it. < ‘apt. Wm. Alter, one of the oldest citizens of Cincinnati. ami h»ng and pop i!srl > known cm ail!, the western and routherntVtrs as ssteamboat captain, had a very severe attack of Inftninmntwry Hkraaiatiuu in his right arm. After suffering the most c*rr insting pa in for » me days witbo it a moment's relief, he obtained a bottle, of the Miuftac* Limaient, and applied it. In less than twenty-four hottts, he 1 tv as entin-lv lenevedJrompanv tfc«- son n* tan-l k'»3h* >* p- ri. <>iver.idsi »?«-«!. Let miy doubt '.hi* in liis jmifocc, snd h/may grve then a specimen .«f it* mu- tgtk and On., I . g| -'good 'ru-ht arm.” A man m Covington, Ky., hail not been ah' : to walk without* rate he* for near two years, from the effects of t hronie Mhenmntism. \ Ho heart! of the Mustang Liniment, ke;;! it, an t twl it a* direct*-'!, ami now he • » well, and can j dance a horn pip-• equal to any jolly Tar 1 A man 0' ar Louis' ille. Ky.. had a negro man who had** on b«»«h his legs. They were nearly rotten, ami feared they would be the «,v:.»c of his death. He pr * iTed halt a dozen bottle* of II." Mustang Liniment, and used it all -ording to the direction*. In one month the sons wire liehled. John Henne-tt, of Petershurgti, 111., had a daughter twelve year* old who had Tenia Capita or Scald Head. Idre entire scalp was a running sore find had I. i n for in. p than a year—doctors con! 1 doit no rood. They were persuaded to try tie Mustang Linir ent. and to tl.r.r great j y, i* Jut* en tirely healed ati the sor*-.:, ami a beautiful head of hair now covers ihe (lure Kriyhlfal fccitlpM A lady in St. Louis had a sore on the t< pof h. r head that threatened f spread ail over tf «• .up ; lir came at and left a 'an spot the sun of a d i was a runt • Stw used tl • M utt a nr Liniment on it. and it not only hi :ue.i the sore, hut brought out a twa ltifui new etopof hairi She ts now using it to tins.* her hair, and says it is the lsist Heir Tonic she ever saw. white. «* give** beautifully glossy - tike appearance to the hair, ’hat she had never succeeded in obtaining lie fore. These art but a few of the thousand* of cures v arc daily hearing of irora ail parts of the cou ntry. for Horses nnd other Animals, T: ere is r *hine can he compar* 1 to the Mustang Liniment. in this speedy and permanent cure of Strains. Bru-es. Cuts, Gaols. Chafes. Scratches, Sweeny. I'oii KvU, ficn j. bis Head, spawn. King Itone, splint. Wind Gall,. Cracked heels or any wound, stiffm-s*. or nnnu' irai enlargement of bom or muscle. A livery stable keeper of this city had a match horse that he prized very highly, that had a Utgi King-bone on both leilgs. The horse was completely cur. d, and hut limbs left perfectly smooth by the use of It* Liniment, To Conntry Merchant-. F.vcry store 'should be s -pplied with this valuable Liniment, as it pay* a good profit and sells rapidly. Citation Rilra. 1 Many will tty to indue*■ you to buy Jferv.-and Bone [..rumen* ots .m** other •ojually worthless trash, by :a ng i; is just i, good as the Mus'ang Liniment. 15 it do not be d.reiv* !' Ask for this Liniment, and buy non- other, anl y m 'Wii not be- lisapp oiled. Th* n.ou- is biown on .he lotlte. 1‘rices of the tiiuuneut. In consequenreof the increased demand, we are nourpul!!*:,' up 25 cent, .Vi rent, and dollar hot- i ties. The 50 eent bottles contain three times as ranch us the hi cent sire, snd the dollar bottles four tlines as much as t oe 50 cent size—so the twin * will !*• save | m buying the large bottles. T> Principal Depot at BHAtiti A M LE \MS’s lir.;.* v ,r corm r Th rd and M.irse un i s. sr. Louis, Missouri. XT Druggists and Country Merchmts supplied on ir' .-ral terms. J. \V. TAPPIh, Who esalc Agent, at l-tilth1. Rock. Ark. April 8, JSftt. — . - -as \ Lands in S9reir County for Sate trPON accommodating terms. the following ' tracts of Sands situated upon Bayou Bartho lomew, in Drew county, Arkansas : •S. E. fraction qr. sec. 7; West half sec. 7; W. half of N. E. qr. sec. 7; W. half sec. *i: AV . half of S. E. qr. sec. fi; all in Uiwuship I I south range j west I These lands are a modi: the best in the State of | Arkansas, well situated, in a thriving neighbor-: hood and convenient for shipping produce. C1HOOTAW LAND SCRIP in pieces of 80, i60, / and 320 acr ■*, for sale by Liquors amt Fiour. Tt'ST freer, ad by steamer itauibi..;; ,J 25 Bt>!» Whiskey. 2ft Half Bills, do. h Bids. IWbon Whiskey. 25 Bills. Klour. 15 Bid*. Potavies. F*.r s le < h ip M. TAMl'l. Received 'wet trams, oci»»i>«. p»r»*.» n. ci« 1’^nior-eft and I) >v , a lot cl N-W fj v..t«. Coi -ijlcn.' ol Emscy-; J-ans: -tst'u, t-; K nit, ’*, Apron Ch-rk*; Gingham’* C -robro *«, Bares-*.; Apron .-ti k*; Si k P •■■let II in U-rc ,-t'« ; Atpa. • C*’*; Ce< nr.■>(**•■ a i* g Silk*; El i * Comb-: Chi-*-!'*; .Vigor' : >|.I t'ftttfat \ .... !! X - I ' \ x •<. and 10 Sacks C IT *; an l lor tale Ch- vi by MILL S VWS— Rowlm "» 6'e arid 7 f-el ; FRENCH LOCK'—5, 6 aaj 7 inches; AXES—Collin* and Haul , Oil S Lord, Iiii«i-.u, tniiu-m auJ nertafool. Received and for sal" by A. WHITELEY. 3*)—lin. March 23. WM. B. WAIT. 29—tf. \KH <«ooi>s M-rrr* 31, H»l A. L HU I r. Ma n a'rftl March 3J WM B. W AIT. d*i -If. Xaddlory. V LARGE ! nf Saddlery, c-*nsi*tiinr of geutle _ i>-n’*and lad.-nSs M3- s, Bridies, Martingales, .Saddle Carpet-Girths, C< I-! IV lev, Col lars. II.imH.-i, Bridie Kifi;u*c». Still v, Wa^ou and t. Iin^ Whips. St tr tip I tom, Bridie B.ts, A*1Ac., >\c., received per Phillip Penny*it, and Pit sale for CASH l»y JOHN l>. ADAMS, Steuslwt Lauding. March 24. ."j—if. $»co r i:\v.\uu. RUNAWAY or was stolen from tin plan tation of the a n hern tier, jn Chicot county, Arkansas, aliout the 2 Id or 4th day of January las', a mulatto man named LILHEKT. He i. almut twenty-five r su years years of age, iu v feet one or two inches fiiith, straight h.,ir, small feet and haul;, erect m person, has a fine set of teeth, an4 play* on the SKiiin very well. The above drsinUui bey, wm after Lis disappearance, isbelieved to have Ix-en seen iu the poasessii :i of an 1 claimed by a inau named Ho tse; his first name is not known. He has ruade use of several, ns Jef fers- ii Ho -e am! (I. A. House, M. House; who, tt is belieii 1, decoyed firm ff Hmw* u a man apparently about fort) five years of age, five feel nine or leu inches tugs,. sender and erect in per son. tfiiks very slow auJ drew hue; has sandy hair, two fnot trre’.fi in the upper jaw eillier broken or worn off So as to leave a W ide spa>»- between them, the fingers, in one or both bantu, crooked as though by ilbeumatisni or injur*, and is apparently a lit tle deaf when spoken to. I will arc the aliose reward lor the delivery of the buy L1LBEKT on :a> plantation..together with the apprehend u and conviction of House; or I *J1 i(ih mu hut*Irr I an.i (f/ty da'ktr* for the de livery of the boy, aud pay all reasonable i x pc rues. GEORGE H JOHNSON. Chicot county, Ark., March 14, lhfil. ffj Ihin. A Gasette cop -. 4w. Cotton Seett* — J UST r- ived 3*t Bushel «f Ur Jordan’* e ;. brated Cotton Seed, and f ml r heap, by: A. J HI TT. * Little Rock, Match Si, lfcSl. atrtrr. fit, Patrick w Hale C olleffiale Institute, UTTLF. HOCK, lKKtSRila I1 HIS esUMuthmeat is now opened on Louisiana street for the mtaunuon of Jav pupils—ami il is expected after some ttov to afford accomodation for boarders. The t'onru1 of Kdacntion will F.wbrsrr, Is*. Tin? Primary: 2d. Th>- Mercantile, and 3rd Tin ClasMcal and Philosophical lV-pawmnts. TERMS—Per quarter of t wc!v>- wi nks, puvable tn advance for the Primary Ueputncttl w Lie h in elude PpelliMy' Reading anil Writing M tat. For tlie Merraotilt. wh.-h me!tides Arithmetic, Bi lim Letters. Elocution, Geography, History ami Mensuration #s tv*. j For the Classical an ! Phil-mphira! department, j which include* t .other with what is mentioned i in the Mercantile course : th- Latin, Greek, Prem-h and I'a'ian tan.* istp-s ; the sejenee ,,f Al gebra. tic luelrv. Trigonous try: w ith Na.ural and Experimental Phil' jephy #12 •*»». DIBIXTURS AM* PROIXtSORS, Rev. PATRICK REILLY, Kit PATRM K BEHAN, Rtv. PATRICK MARTIN, Little.Rock, March th. 1852. 2A-llw. I Vi/M.'tWt* Heat tint alt for Sale 1> Y virtue of an order of the PtobaU Court ol .D Randolph i ouuty, Arkansas, made at the Jan uary terra, A. D. 1*51, and on 'he fourth day of the term the undersign' I adiunustrabMS of the Estate of Thomas O. Mart, deceased—will sell at the Court House door in Uic town of Po aboata*. on Monday th 12th ami Tu-sdayth, 1 3th days of May nest, on a credit of twelve months with note and securi ty, title made on lull p.iyrn nl of the pore hast til my—the l >',.,u m • describe ! Real Estate situs led m the low i ol Pocahontas and vit m-ty: Ej N\V 1 of Sec 2t, T 1 is N K 3 E. 80 acres, NE J s .o T ■ N R 1 E, 1 vo a* ten. Ej and NW j of tt N w j ft! *S 2J, T * <j N R 1 E. 120 «4< rt:l4# W* and NM of NEf Sec 2\ T 19 X K 1 E, 120 acres, Ed of tin NW1 S.s- .15, T _s, N R 1 K, hi* acres, 1 «V pi -.1 >!,; oi SEf S, 27, T *U N K 1 E, t> 2 3 acres, NVV 1 of the SE 1 Sec 13, T 20. X R 3 E, 40 acres. NEf ol Uc S V/ j S c T 20, N R 3 E. H acres, 3IA i Set 23, 1 is, \ 11 i \V. 1 >>> aiets Mn i'-. I 13, N R 1 VV t ‘,1I Kill, ■NVVjof tt< N W i See 21, T J<‘, N K * K, l.v.« res, N\\ (ti -.f th MW U, ,( ff| fcl3-t. T )» N it 1 K, 1C KXl tiere*. Stti oft*e MW i Sec 31, T 1SNKI E, 40 ur-rea. Bior-ks of l'-jin thet * a of Piarabuma* N<*. (4, 1. 13, H i i f., ti, iii, •>>> :v> ami jj, Lots j am! in Block N<>. 2 East Broadway Si. Lot No. 5 >n Huict X ■ 31 En*!. Lot* Nos. 4ft, tf, 3 awl 2 in block S i. -0 suid i.ii No. i in block S". 13, Aa*t • iso at the same. tune *» e trill ..cdth* i ny/ie. can nmrs and two boileia of a sieaoi null the null hav nil? been burnt down «or i b* in. No doubt but * bat a bargain can lx tiad in the uu»* l.mery. A portion of the abo>e Real Estate is i: w well uo i‘M' el. blc* k of loi* No. 2, hu» Ciec’.ed upon it a i' «i! store hoo.-.» with ware how* attar hi -Lt here to at id a i *iaijd for husun.-w—one of iht fana, mli.>!'uinf tb. v-tvn has mi it, a dwi-liiiir with out house* am1. ■ foe forty acres of open l*ml, and three of tin-lo r farm* arc very welt unproved, and lie within a abort dutaacc from this place, that v. ♦!. nr., r pr 'perty mar selected hr the late Th ai. 0. Harr, Esq.. with care and wiih the future proa pecta of tb'j» plat P'a-ah-'irta m on Black Riw, at the . id of f’e^ej K;uii inn 14*11011, aitd whi te !*.at* 1 an tun in m .- . o la the year, and u deaUttcd to a flouri. his,: place, and <a n> liittaui <!iif. Al ready tfiei are live counties dependant upon it for sapplies, Ac. A more favorable tune may never offer in gettmy po petty >n thi. place and vicinity. Any fur’litr laforuiate-n*c totl« prom^ty or othc rw V *711 be fttrawhej promptly b* awkilfss" iiy iu at this p* ace. JOHN H IMHODEN. JOHN V. BLACK. A,Jnm>*r mtm-n ot th* mate *f 7* ‘>1711.1 f O. M’^rr. deCilMe,/. Pocahontas, Ark., March IS, A. D, lS8i. »-7w Spring Hot king. \L ARf?E and beautiful assortment of SPRING CLOTHING, received per Phillip Pcnnywil, and fir sale by JOHN I) ADAMS au ac.bcjAt Lawk nr. 29—If. March 26. 04 wm Jwt Rrcciinl, P» itAan Ponuac, a lone and veil arietta stock of Utfl OKS. WINKS. PKRM£HVt*. IRi n RRIM. *r. TheMoartmewt in Much better »»d mho than doubly M teqpe witrm mm, ewa in part of 61 pip** Otard, Cmtard. and F>upre BnnJy; 5 canQ Mnderio Wiae; •V' gala. old Ccsrtinc Brandy in tlntejoh**; *>» ** •* Sroteh WMwH " 30 “ ** Inah •* ** 10 bbla. old Kye and Bourbon Whwker; 2 ** ” Peoeh Brandy; 7 qtiartcr rank* St. Croix Boat; 4 hhi*. Whirr' Wwi 8 •* Md!a«a W’idv; 1 quartc-Trask* Jamaica Raw; 2 pipes Holland Gin; 15 boxes Strode* Gin; 50 bank. i* Champaijrne, choke brand*; 3 hose* Hock W me; 5 doa. ii old Madera Wine; 5 ** pure jtuee erf Port; *ii hose* Claret; 8 (tones choice Cordial*; 2 bwketa Ar> mart:; , 6 boxes A baynth; 10 •* Ctiraro; 1® “ Brandy (.'heme*; *0 " l-i-ia-n Syrup; 16 doern Scotch Ate; 5 *• assorted Pw?acir«; 2 barrel* Currant*; 3 boxes Citron; 5 barr.-i* Cranberries: 3 - S. 8. Almond*; 30 half box.-* Raistna; 30 drums Figs; 4 Nne* Pne A ;>p!e Cheese; 10 ** Ohio Cheese; 10 Awn Kentucky'M data rd; 3 " fresh IVache* in ran*; 3 “ fnr*b Green Pena in cant: tO o Ptrkle*. lemtnl; ' 3 '• can*; 8 ** « Mackerel; 6 ** " Salmon; l case Sardine*; * donon Tomato and W’almit K trhup; 8 “ Worehestorstnre Sam e; 8 ** Pepper Sauce; 5 " Olive Oil; 5 " fibre*; 5 •• Capers; 20 ** Red Pi pper; 15 barret* white Sugar; 25 kegs fresh Oackera; 10 keg* choice Tohucco; 20.Pt*) Havana Ciraw. The atsiTc. wen- selected cxpcrjaly for tic* mar ket and ah' of the best quality, and a ill be sold tow for cash. JACOB HAWKINS. March 11. t85|. 27—If 5 PROPOSALS i-’or building llir (laionic and Ibid Fellow* Hall. SK \LRD pmpnsnla will be received by the un dersigned < • ■nnudtre. ualii the :A day of April m xl l'ir building thd Masonic, and Odd Fallow* Hall, according to puns and specifications which mai U n . i: by e^iung upon cither of the under signed : Proposals maybe made as foiloarx: lit. For in whole work, complete, dll. For fi, nidation stonework, pm,'*- p* r p-refi, Sd. Front and o ar stone work, price far super* final foot. 4*.h. Hr sc It work, price per thousand brick. 5th. Carpenters and joiners work 6th. roof; aisi shingle roof. 7th. Likcwse PtdMcrillg. Or proposals may state in round number* the price that ‘in i elder will finish every portion of the work, as eb >vc, according to plan and ipocifi cat. nii. 1 he C iiiusit n reserve the right of rejecting all bull d lined tm lush, A. J. HI TT, 1 J. A. HKNRY, > fumsiitbr. T. D. MERRfCK. ^ Gazette and rat copy four weeks. Link Hack, Murth 18, lWi-.'S-fw. Dancing nchoul. (* Ln. B KING, respectfully iufarins th» clll T sens of Lillis Rock, and vicinity, that ba will open Ms School in th« above accomplishment, on Saturday, the 1st day of March at the Rock ffatal. iwseona for young Ladies, Misses and Mnstsrs, will be given on the morning and evening ef Sat urday of each week Little Rock, Feb. 18, 1851. 84—l w. ICE," f RTITS, U TS kt. JC’ST received by the steamer Puntiac Ms. 8. kO T«ns oi Boston lea. 85 B xri K. win. 4 Bin re)* Chestnuts. I B ig oi A itnons. 1 Big English Walnuts. I B.uiel Cocoanut. 50 < ar » Oyeitsrs. 2 Barrel* Oyrs'eis in lbs ihall. 200s Pie kled t tyester*. 5 Ho>« l obar ro. 2 Hogsheads fLigur. 1 Did. Bcket Annivet. 5 *• '* Cordials, 1 •* Demijohns. "-March 3d, 1851. M. TANTI. SC-tf. a roller, Nugap, Ac. JUST n-'V'lrw] fn*r il««if)«r P*t»r»y»u : 33 K»ckft Ki<J Lvffr*; 2 l)ui*. Sugar, 10 LM*. do ; 4 Molange* ; Unit bW# M: **rkt Suit. AII‘i for Kilo by FATHERLY Sc CLEMENTS. M.ircii 3d. 2»>—If. 5 KI>»I IRRIVtL ! RKCKIVKD from New < >r truss per hlsamer F. Penny wit, the <o lowing Goods — fi Dux. 8«ar Hoca; li *• Steel Crow u Hoes; 1 •* Gruldng Hoesj I “ KswUnd'e ioni haa<'f# Mievela; 1 “ '* short Spades: b “. Carry Combs; I •>' Cedar Churosi I Barrel Rice; 10 Saci,a Coffee; 10 Barrels Ssgsr; 5 “ M ■ wm; Aud for vds at A. J. BUTT'S, Littie Kock, 1* eh. 2f, 1831. Mam Street, red Oil*. ONF. hundred bushels Northers OaU, jaat ra rsiveb, avd for sals by D. BK.NDFR It CO. Feb 18, 1851. 84—4f. ft‘KO«T& CO., C.jft 1 dealers in r|jll°ot«, Mh0(s, HroKaiii HATS, CAPS, AC., UIO PALM LEAF, MEXICAN AND CAMPKACH Y HATS. No. 10, Msgaxine. hat**** Canal and Coromoa at. NEW ORLEANS. IT/' fruin our tlonaea at No* York anu Boatoa *® ara c»**tautl> lacctaio* Ireah m t[ tk abut*’ Gouua. Co a airy Daatota ara I at i tod to tail and axaatlua I oar aitauorta atock I'DH’K—{•.»* bfeU. Ohm aufM-rdo.; * LAND OIL—& bbla. • taker atxaiMd; PLOl OH Mill LD8—106 biunuml; HAC< »N—t itktia. haso and ikuuidtn: PORK— HI bhla. ateai; LARD—1(0 Iu«a No 1; COTTON YARN—‘MM lt«. aaaorb-d, 6 to 10. IC-ceitc-tl pr Vlajubtiurg,’ a mil fi.r tale by „ WM. B. WAIT. Man-h H, H»6t. VJOLDI£R0‘ LAND WARRANTS. Ur tM acre, each, fur aata by March 3d WMS. WAIT. *S~tf Arkansas money—kn .w.b, ■»*• * ** mb wait. |^'Lf)l R, JO bWa._‘*0*Fa!laaM ax Ira and fai WJI. 0 Ktceivcd par ••Fxchaaga,” ao<J for aato by .1. WAIT March M.