LITTLE mi W DOT SPRIS6S, 1111111.11 From the let of April to tel October. 1851, tho aub acrtber will rut a U.ilt.T UAK Of tTlCISt From Little Rock to Hoi Spring.. for the ..ccontuio daliou of the traveling pablic— To leavO every other dsy, (eicept Sundays, with the United SU'et Mail, IN POOR HORSE t-OST COACHES, at 5 o’clock, A. M., aua arrive at Hot Springs,same day, et S l’. M. THE ACCOMMODATION LINE,'. Four Homo Poe' Coaches, will leave Little Rack every intervening day, at the same hour in the morning, *nd arrive at Ho t'prirg* lust d*y, a; 8, in the eveuiug. PARE: By either Line, ij.v~Kv,ri Lilfifo in Proportion. Tiie subscriber is the conn actor for the convey ance of the United States Mail* oo the routes from Little Rock 'o Fort Smith «ud from Llttl Hock to Washington, in Heftipotemicounty, via Hot Spring* — in Poat Coacbos, three time* « week _ __ Ujr Both these route# intersect with the St-.-m boat United 'tales Man Line from Memphis to Lit tle Rock. O* blift Office at the -Jn<**»op Ihitu * i'Kl'KR HUNGER. Feb. ii. Mr iindrit'si from \o»r Orleans. ECEIVED per Sleemer* Phillip Peuuy wit and Pontiac, the following goods, to-wit: 100 bleached Sack# Soil; 10 half Bbla Molasses ; 1 Bhl Rice ; 36N8lba.Sweod Iron jSOIIis do. Plow .Moulds; 30 Steel .Mills, assorted sizes ; 4 l)oien (trass Bed Cords; 2 Coils do Rope; ‘2 Unfit Cotton Rope ; 10 Bright Oa Chains; 2 Doz. water-proof Rifle Thicks; 8 do. Palin Leaf Hats; 12 do. Webster's Speller-; 100 sets t;ups and Saucer* ; . 100 do. Edged Plates ; 2 Doi. Home Collars ; 3 do B. B. B. Hats ; 48 pair Men's thick Bools ; 10 tibL. Prime Sugar. l’or sale by A. J HUTT, Feb. 10, 1931. Main Street. State Scrip. It KANSAS State Trea nr y Warrant* for s.le by ISAAC LEVY. Little Rock, Feb. 11. 1831. LIQlOHh. 5BBLS. Old Bourbon Whisker ; 2 Bbla Old Monougahela WhisRey ; 20 Bbla Prime Old Whiskey ; 20 half do. do. 4 Bbla. French Brandy ; 2 Casks Old Cognac B'andy; 2 do. Madeira Wine ; 2 Cask* Muscat Wine; 2 do. Malaga do I Hf. Bol Cherry Bounce; 1 Bbl. Gin Received perTrus tee. and for sale by J >HN D ADAMS. Feb. 11, 1851. Steamboat Landing (irocrrirw. ry “ Psc'-:* Salt; 15 rWk* CotT-e; 15 Bids. Sugar: / O 1 Hbl Powdered ‘ ugar ; 1*> Rbl» amt half Bbl*. Molarstta ; 1 Tierce Klee Raisins, Cheese. Vermicilli, Macaroni, bwcet Chncaiste. Lobster*, Sardine*. Brimstone, ( iga’s bpui'slt Brown, Hot ten Stone, 'Vhiting. Bristol.Brick. I mery, Lamp Wick* 4i.c , doc. Receive ! per Pontic. and for sale by JOHN I) ADAMS, Feb. II, 1851. Steantb at Landing WALTON, SANFORCiCO, GENERAL GROCERS. AVI) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Mo. *4, New Levee, X Orleans; HAVE constantly ou hand a general aud well selected assortment of staple and Fancy Groceries, Fine L’^uart uml Hines, /Vsrtst-ns, Kir. Vac In addition to tlie articles usually found in a Grocer's irtock, they keep a supply of Nail*, Glass, Drugs, and Dyes. Letter and Gap Paper, Playing Caros, Ate. &c. Their niui will be to sell good and fresh articles, and a: w .y* at V. HU MARKET PRICES. Their facilities for buying with their experience in the Arkansas trade, ami their knowledge of the wants of l ist section, they linuk will enable them at all limes to fill, satisfactorily, such orders as they miy #be f vored with. Jan 1, 1S51. 1-y. Plows*. Plow*. JRECEIVED per Haiti. I .^s. X and Dove, the inflowing foods *5 < ts! and wrought one aud two borne Plow* 3t» Kegs ami quarter kega powder. 20 backs Rio C iiee 5 Bbi*. Molasses. 4 Iforeu Collin'* Axes Fur sale by Feb 4, 1*51. A. J HUTP. Main street. 22— If. firocerir** i <«rocerif«! / JUST received direct from Cincinnati, per Steam er Hamburg: 5 BID Dried'App'es, 2 “ Reans, ti kegs Pigs feet, 4 Boxes Soap,| 10 •• Star Co:id! s, bbl Beef tongues, l"> kegs (joshes Butter, 1 Btil Salent •1 Rbls Vinegar, 10.) 1 gal. Jugs, 5') ’j •* do. 2 Bbis Lard Oil, 10 *• W hiskey, 25 bbU Floor, 20 " Onions, 20 “ Potatoe*. And fof sale cheap by Jan 20, 1851. 2‘J-tX' A. J IIL'TT, Vain ill ft. IILOUH 1-H) Hbls Ohio alia aupcrhue. Buckwheat. 20 Bags, Cheeea—20 Boxes, Lard Oil-2 Bbl*, Olau—10 Boxes 10 by 12, Ham*—5 casks extra sugar cured. Lard—5) keg* No 1, Nads—25 k*gs. Beef—2 bbl* dried RecM per “Hamburg,” and for sale by Jan. 20. 1S51 20-lf. H M. B. W AIT. Mindrir* from incinnali. RECK IVBO per Steamer Trustee, the follow ing goods, to-wit: JObO pounds Cotton Yarn ; 6 Doxen Com. Brooms; 6 Bundles Horse Shoe Iron ; |0 pieces Axe Bar Iron; 472d lbs. Flat and Square Bar Iron ; 50 Plow Moulds, 25 Large Wash Kettles ; 8 Boxss Tobacco ; 20 Large W ash Pot* j 1014 lbs Dog Irons; 1 Bo( Dutch Madder ; I Bbl. Copperas; 20 Boxes 10X12 Win dow Clan* j 4 Boses Glass-ware ; I Bbl Closer Seed ; 25 Bag* Shot, 250 lbs Bar Lead. For sale bv A J HUT T. Feb. 10. 1851.___Mai* Street OttUL EM A A I| EEJIOA M, ■JUST received per steamer Phillip Peuoywit— An boxes oranges; I 5 do. lemons; Far sale cheap Fet. 24. 25-tf. M. TANTI. 24—If. Early Potato***. ONE hundred bethel* just reeeised per steamer •■Umpire. No. 2,” and for sale by * I). BENDER *t CO. Little Beck, Fob- 14, 1S5I. SUGAR, 17 HU* choice browns COFFE—Si) bag* prime Rio; SALT—200 bags coarse; * 50 b*|i> flue. Reeeised par lato srrisals, and for aalo by . WM. B WAIT. March 3d 26—If. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD WILL be prepared to transport MEKCHAN- ; DIZE from PHILADELPHIA lo PI T I S Bl'IUiH in anticipation of the opening of the East- I rrn Dlsistou of the Penn.yivanlu Canal «•» on and >ficl*.pr 100 For 3d Cl ■**—Coffiro, L«af Tobacco. Iren. Guano, Bacon. B-ef, Pork, &c. at 60 et* per l(KM!»s. For 4lll Ci.tai —Tar, Pitch, l’o#ln. Aatiei, .Marblo. Pig Lon, Biicka, &c , at 5U ct* per 100 ill* If. If HDUSION. Freight Agent. Penn Rui road Co No 271 & 276 Market Street. Phiia. N\ B —Good* going Faat by our Rued altou 4 be j consigned to McFADEN At Ct>\ ODE. PitUborgh. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. PASSENGER I R \INS between PHILADEL PHIA and PIITSBI HUH. le-ave Philadelphia : Dally Sts V M . ami at !«*• . P- M Irf.v Pitta ! tmrgh Dally at S A. M . II! 9 P A'. A. HENDERSON, l’»»«ei:g r Agent. ! 21-*Jm Hilt; IXSl K lMK, *r rin: PROTECTION n.sIRlMi; coil PAW, or HABTFmlh row. Capital Storkaml Yearly Premium*: $1,0011.000. A S Agent for this old. well known, nod loch!;, respectable Institution, 1 aut |treprued ai all ; times to issue policies of Insurance against loss an ■ I damage bv tire, upon the most favorable tt run. WM B. WAIT. Agent. Little Rock, March 25. 29—tf. Arkansas Silver Packet. STEAMER SAINT FRANCIS, D. S JAMES Matter, WILL continue io run as a regular paeket. bet'eon Ni j poleon and Fort Uib*ou. Thisboat ! is as light, if not of a lighter draught, than any oilier boat on the Ever. Passenger* and shipper* may rely on Iter punctually performing her trip*. ' and at as low rales as any other boat in the trade Feb. II. 1851. - 21—if. RUNAWAY Ir-m. Ill* rwinn r# ill -nr. ax Trapnall, in ti-e city oi Little R .rk, about t w > v\i c U» «ir o- tny i.egto man, Amo*. c*F, He is about twen y or e yearso! t, tlaik cop- , A . Filly l>o!!nr* Reward. UN AWAY fr.--«s the resideie* of Mr. I per color, bushy h. low i’. * >' lie, smote. a pij■< mil iond of dm fcu g aident ‘pin;,. t Will give Ten ,’ulLrs iflaken III Pulaski cinciy; T vjnty dob ! l.ns *i 'eve,, on* o» C '*.oty, ami I illy* dol i la.* it taken out of ttie-State. and -e -nred Ihat 1 gel Min again. WILLIAM 1IELO. i_,t'le Rock. IStli February, 1> »I iron and Casting*. J 2A/"W\ L'-sl Bar i run, assorted ; > ~VVJ \J4 iruuctes ^ati lions; (I Bundles Extra Horne shoe; IsMI pieces now Wings; 75 Skillets andliJs; 3*» Urru and 1 ds ; 15 assort d English Pols ; 13 Sugar Kettles ; l&tirui Irons: d'J odd lids. Received per ! ri^lee, and for nr by JOHN 1). ADAM', Feb. 11. St*A MS, Feh. 11, 1S31. Steamboat Landing. Star Candle* A'r. Star Candies ; "25 Hags Buckwheat ijUU Flour; ti Bbl White Beaus; 4'" , Received by waiter mitc hell. v. Thin the last inotifb, that have, bctit pur j cba*e»i by him. on better term* than any s?c*ck \ i»h ♦•rto. an-1 a» well nekcffd, which he will dispose cl t *.! surh rate* a* shall injure customer* to pu eft.)** *nort» It!>♦*rally than before —the truth of which may {>«• t* «H’»l by all wrtons ahi will lavoi him with a < . i ' examination, a' h.- Now fH>h More«, on Maikham tire*'*, LiiUc Rock, u be it- they will 6 id, at all tiujr *, a fuii as^or'an-ii* of «11 ai-M-h » . belonging to th*- lolljwing bra shes cl mere! au . \ i/: o v Crrlt, wCft re*, Ct f*r' *rtf, H tr dicat t, Timcg re, F<- rnilure, S( netci r fi -ott and Shuts, // it* and Cap*. D> aud Medicines, Ct.i >t* and Oil , Ct -thing. Flour % a* d iill S.fe : J-d t and Nails, other Liquors, Sl.r sandCi i •*»; I te n, Cotton Ye n, ..! 1Tnner l^- ;ther. a .1 a!i other aitirief evei loti nd in j General Variety Store. Therefore, lt» would re«p»ctfuliv inii'e all p«\ •([ii tti.t visit Li'tle K . k. to gi»« him a rail, that ! lie n»'<> give tin n a c filial r.cep'ion, .mil ari-ut himself, as lar as may be in hu power, ol the abuve i broad as-citrons. |]k uiiprer*d-i,tri| *'icre«* (having, so far, *nr i pas«- it hu most sanguine anticipations) ptares Inin nr.f tery great obligations 1- all hi* cii*lti#»ri, •Hi 1 h ■ would her- t v render mr«t h.'attv that k» ti i one an t all lor put favors, and kini:t){•, I ut t. >pe. in Inline, In be able In supply i'l demand-, as In* i< -iI 1 {•■s'ablish a Wbnlcsalr Iton-i- a' S.1POLF.OS, by which nr i * any quantity ol goods hi,I hr .1. hren-d .it L HI* Mock at all times, as cheap as they can be purchase,! in , New Orleans or Cincinnati, with except ion ol tu-igh' and expenses. In twenty ilsy* from this i! t», as near as may be, he v.ill return from Cincinnati, with about eight) tons ol Whiskey, Flour, amt such aitich j 1‘ can be j pnrchasnl, the cheap**! in that city. ! Just r»cei»cit, per steamer Citizen, ninety bbts Whiskey, amt twenty Cbersc, which is go-ng oil , nke hot cakes. W. MITCHFLL. ! Lillie 'Hack, Dee 21*1, l?o>. 1 ti— I :i ,v. PEACOCK 48 S ^ 3tj Hall * east 12 •• •• For sale, by Jau.7 Pioitgliw. y -T WM n WAIT. Illacktsiiiilh'** TooI«. 4 3»> am! 23 ined, Bellows; t Mouse Hole Anvils; T1 4 Colter » Kej Vires: 4 sets IIuawrs: i Keen vest ant lor sale, by J D AOA.MjJ, Jari. 21, I*v5t. Steaia Bunt Jug. \ v w Ha con. IIBps. clear bide*, received ami for sals, by •J J:u 27. WM. li. IVAIT. Unjrtrrf** Settioail Map of lrknn*n*. \FfcW w o, . - • f il, rnt .* M*f'—» i rc»iri plete and corieet one ever pnt iisheil — for sal* a! Hie Onelle and llonotr :t office — j itee $o, on I rollers, an-1 handsomely varnished and enlorr I. Jan. 7, |33l. lh — Itngging. Rope and Twine. RECEIVED September 1st l*\>fl,(ro»i Louiavilie 2,j>) > yard* Cotton Bagging; 3,0tM> Pounds B*i* Kope ; 50 Twine, fur sale |nw hv A. J. HUT r. Mam Sheet Buck Wheat Flour. OP Sack* Fresh Buck Wheal Flour, j »t re ZOeeiredby FATHERLY dt LEME\T&. Flour! Flour! RECEIVED this Ay by wagons. Twenty Bbls, i Superfine Flour, for sale far Cash at >OT in A J. HUTT-S. ST. MARY’S ACADEMY, FOR YOUNG LADlfcS, Little florkt ArV*B«a*. Inrti-fttfotKiifi'W the efrj»ecial [••tramgf 1. ot Right ftevererul pr. liriNK. m now open Utr rhe reception *4 boarder*. S.i.uUG in a ri" re.j/p4rt of the ci’T of I*it«le R'ck, it po«?e«»r* every *^v.:n ti^tArhkJi oin catJtfbutf *»* thr hf.*Iih and h.rppi ue** uf ftiojptfpU*. Th* addition* now b**i»g made lo th* alr^M'y «paci *ia btwlrfir•*it* extensive and !mni*iii< s embrace* a!! The biane!.»-s usually taught irtfhe best School* tor V »u vgr T i-* Mtost rnn*tar I alkmti. t: will l»e p«idUdiu im • * *1 a* Hell a* to lire Ui-ntal education the pupils l)*iiif-2 the hour* of r* ci*a:ioij Ike young ladies are .J * s tinder the car** ot one c»t th** !»»ariier#—-in *},#»» I, everythingprwr.o'fi* the *%< if 4 it* of the pupil* v% t {« be an object «>l (Vni<*-t ccuftrietittoii* alletdinn. Each yr>u»»4 lady mu-l t»e f>fori bias the religious principles of the i }oung Uilier—but f »r th** fake of order, all board* r* : are required to conform to the general regulations of the Academy, All corre<|te with |hp Principal or «ome ie» «poioei*>le,person in the city a *1:111 «*i money sudicient to meet all confingentVJrpFr.^e*. The French depaitment will be under the direc tion of one w tro tia« resided «^ve at y«*ar*iu France, and is familiar with the P rteian accent. In the mu«rral department Hie P. incipal will be aided t»y M*a. Cunt, the Organist id IheCaihedral, a lady v% eli known to be eminently qualified to im part a thorough practical knowledge of the «cience. She wilt also give private lesions on the Piano or . Organ to those wishing to fake them. Terms fi r Ilnurdera per session of 5 Month**: Be :rd an i Tuition, in all the biaudit'* pertaining to ji ‘ nioogh English ed'.icaticn.S•">1 {W| VVadiirf, u*e oi bed and bedding.15 OH Extra Charges, \!u«ic—Piano, with use ot instrument./ quartelry.> $12 r<) Guitar.1^ fHl O gan.,.12 «M! U-e id O g»n,..... 2 Oil !) ■) \tng and Painting. ti 0(j F* Gich... 5 IHJ Physician*# lees per an:iumv.. .3 00 Ul, q .arkrly.r.\ 4 n*l Terra* for Day scholar* per ((uarter. Fb-nrentary fU“,.•. » OH Her the merf sdvilKfil.* ■)<> Plai : ansi Ornamental Needle Work. Embroidery, Bead aril LMr work, Knidir ; and Netlrii^ l | . ers. be taught li <> oi charge— |ti - pupil* lur i.Uhing tli* material* Bo rder* pay the c i rent expense, semi anm:a!!y in advance. Day si'iioUr* quarterly. There will he an extra ehatge oi {jt|S To ! rl’o*e spending the animal vacation at the Institution. For further particulars, apptv bv let ir or p Mor - ally to Mm Victor, Prihrtp i ot the liisuurte. It E F K R E N C E 8 : Rtght Rev I).. Byrne, ) Hon. S. C. Roane, > Gen. S. II. lii.ursTEAt), S Col. L J. Kkarsom, ) John Brown, Esq , - D. VV. Carroll, Esq. ltev.J. Moiaghan. V Rev. J. Flanagan, J Deyerkacx, E«q,, N Deykrealx, Esq , Bartholomew .Millin, V *■ James S. Com,vat. F q. j Judge Manly, Helena. Judge Meant. Columbia Agent for the Institution, HUGH BROGAN. July 16 1850 —7—43-ly. l.iitle Rod. V •S ) X. Orleant. iii;tipsi is i \stiti n: MEDICAL DEPARTMENT: T^t r$*ii!ar cour*;* o| Lecture* in flu* Ins!;»u?e •vill commence on s'. ]-• ot N tvcn;ber, a;.:l tvi titiH * until (he fa*t «-•; V binary. Th«* Detriment v\ill an t re«*!v !o receive • rif« by th<* I-t of October, i lie M'-iiira. I> - ! pertinent well be tin ler Hi > director. ol t!«t loUO'.t in^ Professor**: J. Coxqpr.«T M.l) t Pro fra* or of tiie In ssi'uteh c» Me !:• s. e a I M*'i:ca| J nrirpr* U • ce. W. Dxrd Howeii, M.D., Prole.-• I (Vrebia! I’lijwiti DjVi *.i4 G cto^\ a:. jMvfa-rtiojjy. K. S \kwT("'. M D . P:«jft—-, i < . > . c* *X II J. Meter., M D. Froletisor of Ton v an i pi,’ ’ice of ethci.’ip. J. A. Wilson, Ml)., ptof«**$ot of ()b»k*teric> .s<, t |>irei««.'t «»! Women anti (’ .iMr»n J. Kivci, M D , Pu Jit'cr ol Mvleiin M lira, an 1 Htera| eulic*. Z. Fni'tMW, M I) , Pi .r *«oj ol Antioiriv. J. Miitov Sandeh, A M., M.D., Pwd*.-*or»l Chemiftiy an*! Pints macv* Clinique L c c l u r er i: Mtiitcine— Prof. II J. Hi ter.. & efgtry — Plot. R. S. Aewtdx. Anitomnat Demonstrator—Z Fieevik, M D. The fr*t*s i t! a i ill course o| lector* » Rrnounf *n slO». M uticuU: rj, DeinonUrjIoi’j F- <*, $10. Graduation, $J*t. TIi »«e desiring fuilber information will pleat** address Iheir letter* t post paid) to :..e Dean ; r.n I *twlen?« arrivir y in » city will plea** ca l <.f» h:n at the t'nuimerc ial H i* I K S. NEW ION, M D , Dean f iht F-tr^t, LAW DEPARTMENT: lion K \V M King, ptol'^tir ol I t faiy an< P» act ice of Law . Hon. V. 1) Hapii?, prole- or ol C • • raercial J r»*pn»dence. Ti rms - $5 ‘ per w«ion. A*1 cummunica ion* pcrtiiiwn? to this department mu I Im* addressed *o E W. M. KING £tq, Mtmpktt, Ttnn., July, 1850. The Faculties for intellectual abi'iti#*, m^ral worth and professional arquireinenfp, will compare favorably with the moil diilin^Qiiliftl in our c- nu tty. The uMHlif4* faculty constitute? an atiomaly In this or any other country—ill of their, ate Jectu* »*r* and the hea* teacher*. Those who v% II contemplate our geographical po » ««lion, and the extent vt onr population, ran have no doubt as ?o II • tigrbility of our fituation lor an enterprise wf the kind- A* to health, irvcltmmg ah seasons ol the year, w e deny that any other afy k u wore. A fooiraon eirr.r ex *ts in the minds of many •!« ♦etiti relitive to the place of atadyin* medicine ; who intend practicing arnoi.^ the disease* oi the Weft and So *h sh< uM certainly frtnnh thrm *#Res at a sc'ool wlio*e Faculty air practically ac quainted with thoM -8-9-ir l’arlrid^r Koot«; 4 CASES Flout Coif Boot*. 2 ('*■*■» Waterproof Booole.junt n*eri»ed ritid |or ..£_ Dec. 17 FATHERLY «t CLEMENTS. Teas*. Toa«, Tea*. 1 C’lieel Beet Imperial Tea, 1 1 do do ,You«d llyeou do I do do tC^ck Tea, Keeeire per last arrival* and £>f sole cheap by — FATHERLY & CLEMENTS. Dec 17, 1S5<>. Regular Arkansas River Packet, r-«R rwsr. «t.rrr. little m* k. v.« bike*, fort r-jiiTif, n»T Aud nil iulerin. dixir Landiiifs. T!j? F’annfh aid A>rr l!*ht Dnarlil SkS'm'- U Z U •«* .MS;** PHLLIP PENNYWIT, • THOMAS A. Al’PI-EGATE. U^ILI. li*r r»rai*r trip* (ft tin* wait the first *ulfioi<“Ot riw of wal**, frum Srw OrlnM to the isUore bading*. i rTtriet at'.ri'tion will l» t**ld I® Plantation b. Ji.irto, and of.lri, pfi'lr; tly stt«*Hd(*d to. M (Jiffc, * O., Agent, N Orl-au*. Oct. 31, 1-.V>. «<> Stiff I 8—11-lf. ilEfima AftMNSlS R!YER PAikET. for Pino RlntT, I.iitv tlock, \ an Harm, t ort smith. Port OiVon. amt -»H tulrr ■nliiitr f. 'ndiiits. ?p IE Jlai'.irh a ltd I. ^ !i' - liailgli’ HB93 "Ob S C9 JOHN' BOX. M •»>». ». I in , dnriiiij *h- cnrni.nj ' «»a» a n ^qlar Parhot from N or Oi loan*. 4i-1 ■"'OalHri** landing*. $ n.! aHfntii.H will l>o J-aft ‘ to pi .filiation butii.f-/, a I .1T t>nli*i» pr mptljr al« LUli Hack Jon. 3, 1851. 18 If. JTCMT RBCCIVED l\D MR SALK. WHOLESALED RETAIL. fJM!E subscriber is co&ataaUjr r«co • Ji. ving, from Mew York, a genuine .IS of J- 1-J', Mi-lit I/;. <. ( 7<*I|*. C‘th, Ptrfrtnrr'j Pibl/l (> It. I ,e Stuff*, Sfc., he. Also — PuVnt M .1 cities: among which arc. Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort; Jaynes* Expectorant; Indian Panacea; Dailey's Pain Extractor; Hays* and He wo#* Ur • ineut:'s Hlrrnjftbeninjf Plaster; Komstock’s Vermifuge; MoflVCs Phffuix Bitter* ait hope* lo i. crit aud receive a liberal patron .»■ from Itie cittixens of Little Hock and vicinity Term* l «»h on delivrv GEORGE JACOB LF.SCI1KK. Little Rock, June 11, 1330.—7—40 tfj (SAPIEXTU PH.1CST.1T OM.VIBVS.) t'y M IbG COl-I-KCI VTE 8KMIN IR V, Ti-Lir, Dallas County, Aimvan b<'' w» John S. Garvin. Pre*i- j Weldon E. Wriglit, M D., ii. nt. Prof, of Coiie | Prof, of Mat S-cience. Mn M.Cock,Govern, j Maj B. J Borden Prof o! and Instructress | Et‘les aud Belle Letters Se.ior 1'. Garcia, Prof of Music anti Mod. Lang TUITION PER MONTH Collegiate Department. (Auc. or Modern fsrgua ges ). $j Oil Collrgiite Department, English Course.4 (Mi Academic Department,...3 00 Primary Department.2 00 Ornamental Department, (Painting and Drawing.) . 2 00 Musical Department, (Vocal aud Instrumental,3 00 Boarding, including washing fuel, lights Ac. 10 on Academic year embraces one session of ten mouths, commencing tho 1st Monday iu August aud closing the last Thursday in June. Trillion and Hoard must be paid one-half iu advance, the remainder at the close of the session N’o deduction will be made from the rales of Tui tion except iii cast.* of erckness Examinations.*** I here will be an annual ex amination before a Beard of Visitors at the dose of eacIi l.*rm; aud quarterly examinations belore the Hoard of Guaruian*. Diplomas will be given, on the recommends ti-> i of the Board of Visitors, to the gradintes of the Seminary, and certificates of Scholarship, to il, who have taken a partial course. Discipline and Police will be mild lut firm; being rather one of moral restraint, than pun ishnivnt Quarterly reports of coiniuct'and >d olar sliip will be transmitted to parents or guardians. ( our-e of Instruction is divided into three Departments: Primary, Academic and Collegiate Music. —*Jt is believed that uo Institution hi :it« <* of the ''a By order of the Bo nr i of Guardian*, s . 9~tf ( lean. White, rninily l.anl. I > ECEIVED, day, anil (or .ale, wholesale \ and retail. 5 bhls S ice* While Lard, 23 crocks “ Enquired A. J. HUTT.*“M »■ Sejil. ti, I•, lv.V‘, 2'Mf. JNO I> ADAMS. PROVIKIOVK. I J ARS Fre.h B i ter, 1 •) oh c. i Fed, s B ix< * w Mern .Uiry Cheese, 2 bhls w hi'e B ar.s, 2 hi- • iied .A pi l> », 2 *' do peaches, 6 1 bl* D iois, 1 . a da mb, i r-U. J», l4M. Steamboat leading .liOL.iSSES s»V. J UST Received |ior Phillip Peuuvwit, <1 4 Bole. Mi/ht««e* ; *• half do ; I Cask Rice, and for .a!-* by Feb. II. 1831. FATHERLY kCLEMENTS V r O A 1 PLOW iMlN rv —A supply recel . < perS earner Woodsman, b\ W M IS. WA July 9. 1-W ifrictl .Spptrs amt Pear hen. I /A Bl'SHCLS Apples and P ache*; j««» re. I *.)" * reived, »teoiW“r St. Frj:cs. and ior •a e b. I) BENDER tc CO. F»i 18, leal : LITTLE ROtS FflUBRA AND JlITEEilT. Ro>nrll "eclie II/OULD mpftlfHlhi call the attention of tin T V public lo th) above r* aUhlunt-oi, wi n l, iim recently undergone * si or.-iugi. repair, awd Wav ing ihe necessary laCbitie*. is new folly prepir-d lo furnish to ord-r. with great prompt bps*- rvrrr article iu.that line of ei.her wrought or twt Iron, Bram or Copp«-r, of a* good wisteria!, proporiiun*, and workmanship, and upon as cheap Isrm*.as any other Foundry in Uiia co-entry. MIHrighte and r.thrri', ordering wheels. arid he phnsed lo fire fhe No. of ri gs and pilch, also the particular rite and shape of the eye, a«nted in each wheel. The ui •meter of a wheel, when east, will he lg of au inch per foot less—tiie same with length of a »h,ft —■ Ordera shanl.i also t*- accompanied with a draught and full description of what is wanted, and the postage p iid. Little Rock, Dec. 10. 1*30-11-11 Lnutiref's Sftlioaal Map of Irkaimt. sptemlid Map is now finished and rFKlR shove sf 1. ready for delivery. It riclineatf* the whole Stale a« led off by the I’. S Deputy Surveyc-ts.— Rvrry v>ct|on ar.d Iractpmal eeefien is shown, so ftial ajartyatit tract ran h» lev ity foun t iij on it I he ex.-cl position of a I il-e Count) Sea’s. FV«I offices, Saline Springs, Seminary L-ind*, and fhe i ic h ate! ter I ile lands seh . w .M-v the S' nut oi .'he .".hO.fhkr x.-;e onaliot. grant a e ail accurately «ho» a. The l.nat Miner and oilier mirei.d oc.>'K'i« ire noted, ».« well as a!' Ihe old con In ire .1 Spanish «ti r - acv«; with the latest alters’ieiv* in the County Uro*. T -e whole Map re d . nine a« gi<-a! sn amount ot vaiuahie infoimatiun ns ran be found on any Slate Map''extant. It is | id upon roller*, elegan'lv colored and var nished. Price $5 lid. Also in convenient pocket, price The pocket Map* ran he *enl to any pait ol the Stale by mail. Postage 3 cent* For sale a’ the bookstore ol L K. LINCOLN, iff//# Rock. April 9, 1«.3» 31 If .ME .\ DRIES. ST / \ Bh!«. Supei tine F ott* ; •>*• Bo*e« S’ar Can OU dies ; Id Btiia. Clear Pork ; 2 Bt>l«. Linseed Oil; t BhN laird Oil; l Ilbl*' Powder.., s gar. •J Do. Crushed Dm; 2,trod Ltw. Cnt'ori Yarn ; 3,000 Lbs. Bar Iron ; 25 Kegs Pure \V lii’e Lead. IL1RDW.1RE, ift-—Anviis; Belowr; Vices; Acrew Plates; Hand and Sledge Hammer.; Mortice and Run Locks, Mineral Knobs; Fancy Plate,Cup board an I Pad Locks; Axe'; Axe and Claw H.itrh ■ ts; Tiace*; Grubbing Hoes; Turning Chnel* and Gouges , Fli- s and Has; s; 2 and 4 foil! Rules; Jyt. vi Cc; \in_’ Pre«se,; VViought ai d Horse Nails: Spirit L-v. ls and p.umbs ; Hand, Panel end Wood ,-'iw«;S i ei.i, S| a-'es ar,-l Manure Forks.; Copal Varnis! , Ac. Received 311J ler .ale by July |«. W.\l. B. WAIT. .Vc/r Goods! .Vr#r Goods! I INK untUr»kgn«*ti has jnet r<*» ^ ceiTtd, and i i mow 6p*uing, I larg* and weH*«rkcfed «*ur«ort n^nt of Dry (»ootl.% Clothing, lata. Boots and Shoes. Hardware* ^u^riisware, and rvttr.y thing o*u lly fcuiui til stiifea adapted to tiio VVU 1111 » « ■ wvv , ' l -- ..* v ■ offers for mIi*, Cheap for Cash, or in «xch;iuge for Cotton or Peltriea. for wli:< h tin* Highest market price vfciil lr' given. Country dealers would do well to give him a c.ill, ami examine lua stuck be fore purchasing elsewhere. A J HUTT, l.illle llork S’otinilrv. C10\L C-K ATES, '\i K *■' M9 pattern. i r •: ie / c • |. by BOSWELL BKEBK. l).JC . S, l *oQ £| <;i Ns! (it NSl! G 4 Ns!!! J‘U>T KECDIVKD, ami for sale cheap for cash, fine Lk able and Siugie barrelled Sdiol Gum*, Uifl-s. flint nud percussion -run Locke, kc.9 kc., at the Gtinii lith .Shop, on Main street where repair ing is d *n«5 up blue, by II. GRlFFiTHS. Novfi. 9— Quri'n^warr anil (»la« Ware. J OHN D AD VMS, (it L >wer Steamboat injj) olTtis to hi, fiiriid* ar.d the public, the tol lowing raref lly «-Iecfi d fin the E*»t) aa.ortmtnt of Q .'een>ware, Slc., Sir., which he will •■ri! very low: M do*, white granite dinner and soap p alee, Tea Setts, Twitlere, Whi> (jrtinite !>i*he», “ •• Fiteher«, 23 sei'.s 21 l) dOZ. 4 “ 20 1 H 3 Bakers, " “ Sugars, “ “ (’ 'rfr fj, •* “ IV as, 44 “ Pitcher?, Ewers and Basins, Whitf Gr. B;i Trays and S ip b« x *, VV G sauce T .ieen«, do Butlers at. , Drainers, do Pickles, VV G sauce b»a!? and star VV G M igs l- C Tx»*k M 4*: >. por’or i? «; do. fancy; Mi-ses* Put***, Bik**r«, an ! i)n»he«, edged ria*ef, r iged Lhshe?, Baker-, ( C Nappeis, Bed P,m «, Ea End. Tea V t-s,’sugars and Cream8, S .if Cups, • white.!' iftifthes. i vvh.te Cruna^C ip'-r > « -; W C Mi-tai . 4 do. I’ le«; | pr. Fruit •pr. W C C iivnes. Fia-ks, Gi»*? Bowls, do. Pitcher-, «!•». Salver?, fi ring Castors, \L. i«o-«s Ca common Bosh, Tumblers, and c* ; u. Goblets, Cham; ’• g < Wines. Si-lir fit!* I rm * .• I it r . . >T .t H'llL in,* '; 3 *vlit Limps 1 “ D**CJl “ 1*, A *‘ Cup 1'. .»’♦**, M x!••.»’ v’»3 whiv Cj ift* Spit 'om; G* t‘u \i\ M »:<, Cut 4 pr Vd-. f; 3 tv; ' * Dav Ci ck*. D*c 17, 185). 15 — Peacock riow*>. IT ST receive*! per Mail Boat*—30 one hor*c Peacock Plow#: 10 Ca cac Clears; 8,0df> common ;2 li do ; lev* bbi*. Crackers; 10 do Brandy; 2'i do Wiiiskoy; 20 1,, do do; 2 i bbi« Floor; 3 do Gin, bic. Jon 21- M TANTI. Received per steamer I luplre, 30 fre*h Oy*‘tn; 8 bUt uo cq ia shell, (very fine; 4 cJo Oongea, fine; 2 dog bexe* Prune#. 2*» do f re nil Uaiiiat, host qoaii'y; *25 tM»o Havana Cigars, b»#orteu. For »*ie by M. TANTI. J dto 21, 1S51 m2'>— Ll. ADAMS. DeC 10, 1*30.— 14 tf iuiwrr J~J n (wy. 'lens. , FIRST ralr srtirl* *>! Gr**» m»I H ik T* ** i !ur.-.i«at FATHERLY fc CLKMKMS An*u«», D Partridge Roofs. I Case* Water ia»t rreei»*.v. ATTORNEY AT LAW, I.ITTLE ROCK, Ai;K. Oct. 1, 1'W. *. i. sn^wii ,\m ni pi. st. V V Fra.. a nt Mo.'.'W, ia 'Sc J c.t* J he C- ..title!* Ci D*‘tl4 A'>i l:i .he «ccn«rf JuI.cmh Ci.cntFyam? the coo.'c <•! P.sitie, ft ’he ft.h Judicial C.n bit, a>n to the collection ol it •« , imrl'lttc St4tc, »r«: wi>: alto a. t as a^e-.t torttvciale cl ar:H p.iy l!;j T:. v », tr. Ren> cnee iv Lawrences . M * ro . A k«. Sjept. !?. ISaO.—«—J—ly S i fSl EE Jlc1 ItAliTl'a Attorney ttf Latr nu«t 'diritonn Chancery, i im; h 1.i f i s . jfiFrr.itsox coixiy, ai xans,is. A u;. 'i', ISjll. ► 7-3t‘—ly JOHN T. T..IL!:, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I.ITTLK ROCK, aRK. May SI, I t o. :U_ nr.Mtv a. kimTor, moilin' k roi\sruo!t n law (Oilic- »t Benton, Saline Comitv.l 'SyrlI.L PRACTICB iu t! ■ Counties of Salti.e, ?Y Ilot Springs. Perry. Montgomery, and the courts it Little Rook. Any hue. -a* ei.trnaleti to hit care will Mrfrr prijiryt atttatiai. e. o n Yirvs, Attorney and P.nBsrIlur at Imr. A X D SO Lie I TO II I X (HA X C X K l LllTLK ROCK. ARK JAMES T. BROWN, el TTO n.y F Y .1 T L .7 If, Arkansas Post, Ark.. WiH practice hi« profession in the Judicial Circuit, and will attend to the coilwtiou of vie hi* and the inveatigatiou of land claim* in every part of Arkansas. 14t» u. T. IM YA i,. ATTORNEY ‘\Hffl! SSELI.IJR IT 11W. - AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, fort smith, trknH-ft-.. R. If. JOHNSON, A Hornrt at La « , Rock, .'kk. ! jou.\ ii. Attorney at Law. Rniiir* iu Lewisville, Ufajrettr ('onitr, Vrh \Nf’ wii! praeur- in tin* cnurt:* of the 6th Judi cial district. All bu^inciM! c-inthtcd to lti» mun '»cir.eut. will rcec >ivr prompt an-ifoithfuluftention. LAMBERT A. WHITELEY, ATT0RM-A IT LAW, OF f ia: OS M. UiKH.lM STKBET Lrrn.r. Hoc*, An* »ns,s. JAMES A WILSON •ITTOflVjJI a\B t’fll XSELLOR IT LAW V fXI, V ILLE, A K K A Vs AS. DAVID W. CARROLL, a ‘x & 3s ar a *jf a *j? & a fsr9 Little Hock, ma30!y] Arkansas. [no2f» JOB.l r four thousand fjood plantations, and at cheap rates, for cash. l‘o i :.*urc attention, communication* must be post paid. Little Rock. Jar; 1»>, 1850, 10-1 y Arkansas Coffee House, (CO . K r I ' IIR Proprietor h4s un baud, and is co.' stautly JL r cmisg, *)»• foilowrug Foreign a.uii domestic Liquor*; \\ 7 auii aoruiai# of cv ry scriptiou , (Mgacs; Tobacco; FrtitU. *lc. AM ol which utv for sale at wholesale aui retail prices Per#' iu* from the cuuiilrv w lo pur* cl as***, wii! ph./aM* Ca 1 a.tU stv niy *t«k b*lore pur chasing eWalirre as l mica- to se.i as low xiany house iu the city. MICHAEL TANTI Little Ro k, J.xu 2!. Mi. 2«l-ly £>'Tl»e .Altai** pit in S*ttiiu#4 will copy cm* year, suj forward acco ail lo the Hubscriber. M i tltuiilj; < I I M\4. ! Totnbv, Monuiat uI'. Crave - Mums 4c., t urui.biit lu Order. JOSEPH I \ t< K. Sian'-Cutler, {late of Sew ty- ■' to itit io the criz-n* of Little Rock an i the ncihitv, that tie h»a Oj>»Metl ad ".'i H ah: Sued. C i ; Jl;:: ly VS lUiam Ge .l^e l, - •>!...) lor '■:.»•■ i , ■• I ex :''■■■£ »..'of MARBLE WORK. ai. • mute. ':,ealt«n t,on e.i all lh«*e wauling .»-• y UiOul «l fhis kit..l June id a deal at. 1 eaflljllllifill< M 11 Mki M a e.-ide* rail f,note; Kl’ffAfr .1 bu jtowrif red; VS I I \l»f—^rt'iii Ha ho.low ware; | KO.\—4000 lh* *-*«9TleS SEED—et< ver, timothy and blow. Received tier late arrival* ami for nme bv Dec 17 VV.VI H WAIT. Vrorrrifbr JOHN f). ADAMS ha* ou n-<■ aul iif"»'o l.w litrnl, ami curium***,tor **ie, N'-> I Mackeraf, Id ktt», U.ilb- Ill !s tula '■■gar, t nlf". Sf*c*. l*e(*I ei, Giogcr Nut Iieg*. Cot *, ird tied -M ila. .. t. J ■ ■ <1 M .tel, !*>•».I I, >l*«l ami Lead, lin e, A ' ,4' .l i;—I I AS, I’ •' i. 4 ut'S Hi 4oi Ifaffc. ar rj a v* 11 *ri(4fi ii.i aitifi.- id ■ * I n|**r»alM t.igeth. i alMi, ri'Kiinl Variable, (» varktiH)*, R fc. *>' . l>■■■ l»Wti) *•**• ID.- 21, l.'iO. I* — Hu r.fvif. *»n, MTTLB UO€K HIGH St'Hdoi l»f*3tdfi»i and nKy^ft8*| f„ I«n. |' T**K M If.. S-: „»tT „ .... 1 VWVjt, d> V. T* >« lr- > , , , ,.... y 7*'ll7UAy *"r' ' ',lr. Po>«. Mi»t w.lhin th*tr.r ■ ’ (jw.l fir.tK.n. fer th» , f,**,h*. V* ...**•„., „* * * •* » h« Pupi » nl «,» P,..aiding (,., *»*«•••'« *>*•» tknr TWl.rt, *nnhr lvnulu.ii o4 f ' ' ’» » the ,tIT0;;„.tr * .hio >t> k h.v«Uton;u«*».,,!,,, ,,,. *"'" •;h* Principal* ».«li („ „M,, . ■ --* -ho I ■ s..»K»ni **e ,,,, « ctt. p»ihi*. wt,„ „.,„v,, ,:r run.».y.:o«IW,Kl ibr K; on. a ei*,v*. fhirc*. TheJ. jZ 1),»W|1 J an,! Painting, A ron,M. o, m . Will,I j,. „„ h ^ «'•' ' lf'« i E twiKuv, Ha liorg Wojk, aiui «a» iinwt-ia, oaoh, ,0 M, No charge lor embiaitUly and «n.u..r,t»l nor ir « oiU' IWl. »i«b.rg, ltg.Mr, fuel, „. i*> Hon. Judge Kim, t .qii. A P.aa, Hon T. Vt N’kwtou, L ( „M l. J II. t aaa«K. R«q, Nloj J I,*u uon , n S. H llrneaTr.n Hor, \V . |1. >cti out a 31 -II * lMMWm 1UE XK5IIMIM. If euipUend fotiuty, ArU.. r|',Hr H.-CClll.l WIUCII lluK A till* in. ruing, February I lib, Iriitl Her. C. P TrssxvrtMc, Superintendent »«,! p,v fr«ur of Moral ami intellectual i’hii, Belle-Lotlere, ana ItjiauiiJ] Ulfialuie RfT If (’ Tmwkatt, A. At. Professor of (I re<:i« Komnr, I reurh am! Italian Literature. J*HKa C*ock*«, A. M . Professor of MaihnmiKi Student* received in tins Primary Deparimrat *u„ iu.-truct«d. TERMS : Primary Department. per session of .’I v»ki payable ijnarterly in advance, y. BOARD OF TRUSTEES H«». D. T. tt JTTER, P»>r.NT, Bott H r Poinder'er Rev Win Moorea, Rev V. P t it** Rev B P Box, I N. Jones, M. D , Mr I B.Nu- ] defar. Mr P. W illiamson, Hon J H Trtmli' Rev J, Custer, M. D . Rev J. J Robert*:. t‘ H Mitchet, .M. D , Mr W \V Andrea*, Mr rl Souders. Mr H. W Smith. 7—83- tf in;. LEinrs sansipmiLLi Bimcj pills. Ah'-m! of all Other*!! | I'he Em j of all 1*111 M<*iiufut f ttrrrt" BEl'AtJSK (Wy itp jmUh, heftei Bu re Hk fVCMMts Itaah OtKrrr; anti for< »i \»*» *<; wnoi.D.Mvu: \vnrKMM.r..«»Miw Ut**m HllJt •ij'lttl inti HilimUl ts-Mf If PILLS .• K Sft( KSSmiH Y ,'!.i aiol h« .-‘•f'fiw*' !» ' nil fh*v. < poriu o,tf flue If J •• •• W '«•*+ ■i til* Isnly. tj»fcx i <• fc ■••» ou other jrtlh c ; ^ •■uoinro'ri * «*r '.fit-iiii ih thro. K.»t. i>rinh a»? .toil ,**’•<*< * T-Oli ... |, 'ttil;,-! takf-i 1'. If. WTlflMUt !• .1 “t ' W N dwrli a nil hi ml* of wv.fWW'f ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IT• v» v;r ■ I i>rt • '•/.•ill. • • rfifh-tif* - 1> V; ' > -1: ■ • '{'■ II >t. )»» •*! ../<•, .»f •*, *t»*J is. • /.to.* . •*.! isr LM*x1ii..vl ;i,< u . i2i* *u * hull -U.» | UK; V PI LI.s’* \KK JN \ H»»\? miM *1 l •* h»»x. VA t > ii«rr. liu. •) D ■ • *•**»..< .*/!' ... II) ii*tf rarh The-) bale ip fault- ■»» impli »u4ni son Sl, J* fir>4R iiu-i >R '>( **!») kitul, l*f» m Ub»- li »r hoirr!*, pr HO iH« i* H« *** V««f*ftAhtf «»T {»»*! f**'i 11 JD* . I Ht;% ARK a* »H> AT ALL I KVO>» Al*lt wi«iJ»»A !s t«. 5Ut»»l #!i * -»#..♦ > OlUMitSU c> tl«v N • h.»* ttg .-»** . n t?*«Tn vi .11 fst' yitli-iitf i t* /w ■ ■ t«» is*^ * o. v < fh«r-. .stfous. if,. ) \% iii .liwiio tl-.y-s'. i lh *v r \ iJ i.« tily.Ur iH.'jsrt,-u>f4iuinwu.uJ.t(niit'>'*,'>'< l?»i .i'«‘i» ii. *■ .exi i ift, j K‘. i- .r- - ■ graudai* v« u»* i fihi'f' ■*» > unuil*. >. >ji rtf ntulu ni inMittuum^ >1 Vi». • * ■* V *»rfc, »♦*, Bit., %nd . «•»»»* rf jM-vml tut .;»<-:»] - -d l n . f»- h t v , * X- •.’**' Ci ’ >1tfrU tV .••■!• * fnrt*. Ow*r briug r* f n» ii*«* n»> •, V. U* ’*49 F "■» . Pl')la4t!fllik—k»«l -*44 wfideaiJ* *n>< *•1*’1 * 3 W Taf»j* . I.ittfc- K<» V. R Vti* Bu • * * I vil a Ml -Mi. *ud VNtod'i * * " . V. » "a fl I> U*t| -ft, Ui Li- V JftUU* < H T- 'B .V* ' I C’o*parti*f-r*itit»n Dr«. Walkin' \ *»*«»' , ll'l.ll LD r*»r tltulljf inf . !-t -l>*. dHH T V n-!i« 01 l.i! .*• Kocb, -m «1 ttpetially ■Tf Ih, • / tht .u/ilrif,lha! Ihny knot-»ti ' t»‘i iirn a r n m tl>>' PiMtUi’ «l (HJ Mrdklat. and at-' to lUtmJ <.,i • I MtMitvilifkLlMkthtf VtHlHnNl. Ow ■■’ ott.rrcan a! a at» be I»n,nlin»'‘. ( ' / Wt Ut» **» lit».-| rU. *)'*’,* M K‘<* Nat*, ItttWJ (.:*♦!Iltg», li t tale i! « . t>V i I> Vit.KilU. k v ' One mb 17, !»5». C'OTTOT <>l> ST *) til> ■' I AN*PS, *.» .. .; uZr CiKVI.K \ CO.. J.**t Hrw"*' ' rrenvaa from (m m*u«facturrr* aiitf lor wn i Ju* v .'6, ] “j*i. TOT U K. IilAVK. at *oine trooh-.e ai*l eo«t i"u" Vt ill - to tiv»t tt will gtion «r.»ft%ui«t day fcf g' - i lliara may be no miamNferaMoiag, 1 ciiargao t« one-iUtrc Of twante - fi%e -at1* ;, r u Jniv 15, ln.i«.-.45 tf l» M ' ; ( / an t e^ii ) 100 Jan t» flour. BBI> 1 i>kr« No 2,” and toi «•?- by * VJ M B » *