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THE BANNER. ! ttstssri: wwaa^-- ; * LITTLE HOCK: tl'KSDlV MKXIXSi tPIILMi 1*41 OHr*T isaca ■-•Mca--.t;sj=»Meaa-.r;'Sg5;;aarrgr.-=ts . Democratic State Convention!!! ; A Democratic State Conven tion, composed of Delegates from the DEMOCRACY of the sev eral counties, will be held at the Capitol, in the city of Little Rock, ON FOURTH MONDAY of APRIL NEXT, to nominate a CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. AM Advert! *e.n-nt- IRI K Id. to* the Dana •*, •bonld Iw bawltoi m hr Hi o’etoek, <w Monday urnmioj of each week, la inMie tS-i* invertem _ CTWi M. V»» VaiAtEanuooii E*q., Warren Bradley county, M authorise* to nit »* Agent for the \rhanaaa Banner. To thk Km toss or rat Himit, »»n »lso The Ei» tub sr rat h aistts 4c. Democrat. OenUrmri—pienee snsnuaen **** ns » candidate far Ceagrooa at the etsettan la be lioldeu nu the pi rot Mood*/ t* A**"*> ■•*«, t» U,» doc.ta lorn of the Doiuoeraths Mate Contention to be held at tha city of IJttlo Rocli, on the 4th Monday in April neat; ProeMol the proposed coneentiau *pr n W mjoritf r. or oration an* refit eta the a ill ami orlah of a majority of tho Democratic party i(yhe ^UU of Arfconaao. B- CIbYRD. t Rectortown, Aril-, Morch I. IBM._ - VaiSTISe BOARD*, CARD*, *C. We have jntt rv-eiva* a new ami «!*»*“* a>-«tni« c.t o faacy rani, on* printing board*. note pope* he., and arc ready to do op ail *oft* of fancy pri .Uii* cheaper, noun yakkly and ta a better *»!>■„ thao it ha* ever been done he fuee. Call and Me at the Haanrr < Mhee._ toIpristers. A r«J a«nfti»»r,t of priiinor, book, ftxdaeap, letter and folio-port paper, is constantly k^pt on hard at the trtarmi Banner o«>-e, and mil bo fnrnUhcd to the trade at kit* price, for CASH __ Our Collector. * Mr. Thomas Chammux, is authorised to make collections and receive subscriptions for the A a* usMi Born. He has already started upon a tour through the following cou n lies: White, I surer soever., Jack so*, MaMSO*, IXABD, K AA-VAIU*, Sr«anr, PofE, Marios, Jon.xso*, CAatau, Coswat, Var Bcmr.s. We hope our subscribers will remember the printer, and be ready to pay up, J I’ The Banner is the authorised newspaper for the publication of estray notices—price 31 cts. for each notice. _ The Meeting in Pulaski. Our hasty notice of the county Convention held on the Hth mst., and published in our last num ber, would see m to have aroused sum-' ecilemen! am! produced sene reSestioa among gentlemen who ilia 'lain “ hail way than icracv.” We wil lingly acknowledge that there were few present t > wham the phruxe would bare been applicable, but that there was an eff>rt made t > refuse to the peo ple the right of expressing a preference for a Can dida e far Outgrew, by speeches, and otherwise, we do ik presume even the hrinest friends of the Gaxette and Democrat, and Gen. Ciarke, will de ny. With the exception of perhaps an isolated in s anr-e, every c ounty in the State has made publi' its choi v ■ . her by name or by selecting as dale g* -« or pro ie*. men whose pmleleetions were as w . k * cn and us much to he relied *m as any crjt-w’M appear* 4 at the me "mg of this county. If then the will of the democ racy was fuliyani fairly made known, and those even wlio offer?I suv expression acknowledged that Johnson was beyond question the choice,) we look upon am trratl'tm, Bauch an oueas.on as auu-deui.r'rut.c. not because Joi ns- n, Byrd, Clarke, or any other man night have been more pop itar, but, bccaus it was the will of a primary assemblage cai.ed 10 that purp »e. In connection with this subject we have a wor in reply to Mr. 15. C. Wi'Vu, who, at very cun s.derable length, in t he Gazette and Democrat, He fends himself ay»mst what he supposes to l av-, been a charge that he was a “half-wav democrat,’’ and opposed to Col. Johns-on. Vow, we have never been disposed to doabt Mr. Watkin’s de moefa-'v, or his adherence to the party, whatever his preference for ro*n might toe. It nev. r was, and never could 1. mud a list with us, that be cause a deraoctii prefer* i Mr. Borland to Co!. Sevier, or Gen. Clarke* to any body else, that he was any the less a democrat, n r hal we the slightest allusion to Mr. Watkin’s m the attic!*.* which called forth his address in Mr. Woodruff's paper. The particular course of .my individ ia\ is not to ua or to the* community, a matter of import as the grav-’y of his address would unply. •Hi. n os ix iimi difference fruai the course ordinarily pursued at such meetings; but simply sustained Mr. Carroll, who advocated the ►’to tnd of ivm instruction, an 1 hence, our surprise that lie shoal! have taken to himself the character of a perMoage whose politi cal reputation required a defence. We remember, how., vtt, that not many m mth; have elapse! since the press to which Mr. WatkiiM clung with deep interest, declared that it was not identified with cither of the great parties which agitated the country, ia the canvass between Cass and Taylor, and that it would rather herald tlie ending of lead ore, than “ nail a whig lie to the counter." That press was the Democrat anil Mr. Woodruff was its editor. And whatever turmoil may have sgiiaied the country or the state Mr. Watkins has ucv. r severed hnrutlf from the association witli it. We have before mod, that it w as not our inten tion to place Mr. W alkies in this position, hut since his address has called up such r. ininiscences, we feel justified, while noticing l.ta cutnpiauit* of the Banner, to cive him the benefit of th. m. We turn with pleasure from a r>ply to Mr Wat kins to the ncrtlciit exposition of Democratic prin eipies, by Judge Ck-ndenm. In the true spun of democracy, and despite the arguments which were b>(.,j tn swerve hun from the course which he bad Mrso.ved upon, ite ««*U-uded manfully for the right ; of express! n by the pet*d* of the county and the resoiutK.HS of Gen. Beiopsuad, and succeeded. Mi n talk of •• Hir mo-nmag the dcio cyaU'; par ty," si .' Hr- w at i.s a stone. We repeal, away ui . t. ctionists a id ». 16sh UicksteW. Tha ..... ted such men rtghtconalf and win do it agaie, i.uaf it me*. It is an >11 saying, that *' good wioc needs no ■ hush,” ei adaae which, in very early days, arose j ffctM the fart that ia front of every wine aetlers j •lore, bria ia rf grape via-t< were hang. Mr. Ouvaa, to who*-' ad*er ifmeht wv ask at tention. can property a«M! bunedf of thus ■ofto. Me pres.'ij a some thing i« a r#stc*b!e f wia t» which the ruce.'t apxuieaa cannot object, while the yrictn tn reduced t» the «r ram jus r ttn. IT*In another column, wil! be found the pro ceedings of the Democratic Meeting in Phillip* county. The fourth r-*aoiu*ion expresses. in few word*. the doctrine upon theSouihern question, which we have SO earnestly and repeatedly atlro tated. It read* thua: "That we view the rneasiire* of the late Con peas, known as the Compromise measure*. as un wise aggression, and unjust towards the South; and while we do not believe a difsolutionof the Union would remedy the evii, undo which the South labors —ret, as freemen, it is our duty to demand, nf our Northern brethren, an equality of political rights.” Th«South, after the font play she has received from the North, has but little to rely upon, save her own earnest and Continued efforts. Shorn of a right that ahe has lour proudly maintained— driven from an immense terribify, for which she •pent h:r treasure, and p > irod o it her Wood, and compelled to witness the xiolati n of a constitu ii«n to which she Ua>si Ion: an 1 s > religio :sly adhered as the rule of her conduct; she w.II, in deed, exhibit a fatal infatuation if ji e longer ' e aceches by prayers and petitions, m' rcy and for bearance from the fanaticism of the North. We ought pot, yet. to yield the smuggle. We have but seen the beginning of a contest, which, if wc do not enter with a determination to enforce our rights, we may never live to see the end. They have sought to deprive us of our rights; and if we .silently and hurqbty submit, the nest step will he to rob us of our property. ! We have Wen expelled from the State of Cali fornia, we have been denied a h un■; in either New I Mcaieooc Utah; we have been joggled »n! tri'ksd out of a large portion of Texas. Tins much we i have compromised away, or rath- : been for ed to , give up; and what have we in return .’ N ithing 1 hut a Fugitive Slave Bill, which was already-* iar : a ruled to us by tin constitution, uad'lfto ex- "U tkm of which, has so far, in every case, been « i mmt faihtrt. The question is still open for agitation, still un ; der the control of au unprincipled and fauaucal majority in Congress. We have no assurance that I we will be protected in our property and peaceful 1 pursuits. Hence, it is that we have adv seated re sistance—bold and determined resistance, until we shall it ’ -i v ►o', “iwk'wty tor me past,” but '‘SfCtfity/«* t-i We arv re];-. ed to see the high stand taken t*y our friends ;u Phillips. They have ever l»e> n foremost in every food work, and ever had at heart the* happ ness i:i 1 welfare of tie State. Jj The writer of the following Utter has done the State sju.e ser. e; and there are few men whose word is entitled to more consideration: llrw-sTK-io CoexTT, April 9, l»5l. I>eva Si a 1 write 'o you merely that you are deceived in r *gard to the feeling of the Southern m on the uljcCi of the Congress. >nal elec tion. They will t-c- represented in the proposed | Convention, with scare- !y a single exception, and | a unit for the nomination of Col. II. W. Johnson. The Casurn counties care very little where their representative in Congress, resides, provided h" be a citiaen of the State, and possess the requisite : qualifications. X ithvr din. Clarke, or other : highly respectable gentlemen, whose names have been in- ntioii- d. would, ;t is fear 1, unite the nor • VIW}d« mocracy, as tb**v are corupa: i’.vely un known and inexperienced m national legislation. It is otherwise .n the case ofCoi. Johnson, who a not only well known and experienced, but greatly ; beloved by numerous personal friends who would sustain him with that kind of seal which coiitri i butes always so much towards success. ThiJ , county will send a delegation to be chosen on the i 12th instant. Your friend and servant. ____. [For the Banner.] Musas. Sorroas: In the cot jams of the lvt ! number of the Gazette and Democrat an anony j inous writer attempts a defence of the fishy conclave who tried to juggle and defraud this county out <>! | her choice in th* late c >unty convention. “ En quirer,” the writer, admits by implication, if not directly, that be was one of the number, if not ■ the gentle jaa who found lr.rn.s- If voting solo The appe llation if " half-way democrats ’ seemed to have kicked up a nest of skunks, and “ En qutrer” app art the inxe. offended, if n . the in -si offensive. In answer to this char. ■ he. strives r throw the odium of the name up >u Jared O. Mar ] tin. Now sir, how - .-a -s it that a paper pr if--, son I to be a true exponent -if deinocrn'ic fiitii—• Uitn :nrr to hi t he or van -if th * party and the guard i : of its inter always opens its colmi *s to masks-' writers to assail good democrats? While in -n ! column it preaches u»*n, harmony, and or eon--.t ti-m, mi tie r.--rf i I -n- i so oiitr .ml «- V«- th hr id ten r'oU. Has it n it in co-isst of tea- as sailed every pr nii.nen' drin • ■ ia‘. -n the Slate — Such a polivv has now w -akenei our bonis, an ; wiil sooner or later sink and destroy o-ir party.— Dies n->t th-- - -newbie -liter know II a reputation f--r wisdom and sagacity. Then i follows hts’-objc- ’ is th • d- s*r i non ■.»" o ;r p»r” Hat his pap- r ver as i.! 1 a w: . Never. 1 «a a lamuMT p..fa*„ j ub; *nv-t aui «.»' heard up >n the atreet* >f Little1! >-k •i.ii-W v*l raff serve* their pitrp i better than » whnt mean an t hence they have See;: oppose ! t > the estab lishtng of one." What offence has Martin roni-nitted tin his d.j mocracy sh mid huipjgnelf He did n •' com citle with the Woodruff clique in their br ines t, defraud Pulaski out of her choice. Tin* was un pardonable. au.l he m ist be e md:.anted! Shoulu not his lour an t active servers s n»M him fro »uch accusation*! He u a dctu-.'rat of the obi Khali He fo ia>jt f r our priacip'u, iu curly ter times, si le b/ * le with U»t u 'v me* of <• i party. He presi I ts over aearly s tr deinvcr* meetings. ||e has been oar standirl : ar. r n. many a lari fou it battle. He Its .rumphed a= the very h u. quurterj at arhiju r'} wh a h ip wat darkest, and rfeipatr ua l paralvt line flb of the mot attire. The tr ith is, Mir i is * pta.i, han V.xrtcl farm r, above the i rr.i.a tkan of cliques, and *acl» wen are ever .«d,o.ts to those stem ■! in p>! ideal crime, tv tVrs • w.i > ever approach th . »’*j 'ct by fr**i 1 au! - uca.i ry To “ Euiuir.-r” h. • c n i b-r >j; 1. H • juiy i> aeourteim ireatle oaia, but hn product, m falls harmless at M turn's f -t. though it mar injure the party. Kavy a sac at the brightest mark, and calumny recoil* upon its author. J1,«t»uu. ITOfOis. Fis'i, p rsni ly, we ba< • nothing o say. Ik is of a . 1 >1:1 New York 0 icth d - e»t lllesaed fr >m tr,. era lie tv.iii a more thau nipie fortune, h l.'ts [»■>* 1 thus fur in life with ill the u-gativ-' an! but lev, pv..iv virtues. C.r ■ umatauoes mad him Lt. Govern r and subse neatly G,vern >r. ail ha admin .ration if an !.«[ 0 j’ nor usefui. was at all events honest, ml. cUCBptn iveiy, fjt a whig adm : .stratum, . armless. He bun ri"W been selected to take hi* .■eat iu the national councils, where his went of in leiiact iff study, n valificalrotu as a debater, and where his walk an.T v xaiUatmg rharieer, will af feet not only hitoseif hat the great State which he ■i part repreaeaii- lie is to aland ut the recently oceupt* 1 by Guv. Oscfcaoft-' fill hi* p’ac, e cannot, and ti e Empire Slate Uj U mi having a -castor of prvf isi.i* of thosufh!, ert a’ readin gs a debate, of rnUnted. hberal, ant statesman like tews, t* for six yean to base a very worthy, very ich, gw 1 wrr fer'vb> Senator—.V. )' Koiik Tbe New Y irk Gltobe utters fame anti North ern sentiments, in .relation to the right of »o.ension, anil esper tally as to tbe p»;ti >n of South ('jwIim. We make i'i evtraet (tout a pa{»er appealing to the North for justice. “ A personal reoe outre tmtwecu a eiuaetl of that State, an! a government inspector of customs. t» enough t> light the (Inn- y( discorland pjngo tbe country into a fraUtei ’ »> v,ir. BaUijtp >»ing that th'- g item neat can. by f wro of arms, retain South Car dim the V m m. The act of fir-;, iu of icsvf d;rtrtt-’li>n to the moral seutimea s which hit so long kept us to g-tber. South Carolina, a c m juered State, will never again tie j maloui ant happy memtx t of the . at ; * p tl b 1 s f : t i confederacy. O ir wbi'e the or*- of government ; will be blown ta the writs when we have gain* ! the first vin.ry, ant the republic no loafer the i serene an 1 tran'j 1,1 ab >le *1 trod > j. will be an iron league, maintaining i’-s'.f against tbe w a'v -r ] anddiseot’eitt'l, by bl.»>l and chains.—. . Merciful heaven’ to what a result are the* ties- |, peratc agitators hurrying ‘is. M T'bsnta of Now |, York will you fir a mom . at tn hme to any party that to obtain political p iwer, will risk such an , awful eataatr iphe’ 5 > ith Car dint, though in sane, is in finest. ligr people bare consented to , a double tasaooa. H u young in n are every ^ where arming. Her *kb 1 citiseas arc leaving the State. War begins to b> lookel up in as tbe least evil to th it Slate, an 1 the furring of arms, and j the drill of vol unteers have already commenced. ! Merchants 'of New York, friends of the 1 nion. bestir yoirsciv, j before >t is too late. Your com merciai enurtira' e Macs on a thread. The sword • of civil war is snap u le 1 over y iu by a single hair. L-t the watchword eo forth fr >m you, the Union must preserved, but preserve 1 by forbearan ct» ■ South Carolina, and by an entire repudiation of , the principles of the agitators of the North.” [P >r the Bai.n. r.J Gvisavill-S, Ark., April 1, 1851. I); «* Kisses .—Our Circuit Court for this coun ty is just past, leai ing the people satisfied, nay de hghted with their new Judge and Pr * eating At torney. 1 !.a»e not witnessed f r a long time, more flatti. rug complim nis paid to a judicial o(fi cer, than was embraced in a set of resolutions, unanimously adopted by the grand j..ry, of thi county, as an expression of their sense of the abil ity and dignity wrh which Ihe II m. T. B. Han!, presided as Ju ly . and the m I i;.;ry and ability with which Henry A. Badam, si: rharged the da 'ies of P.DKCtttiug Attorn y. I discover m yo ir pap r of the i!lh ult., that pi hate, in r-u-i-r'.ime the result of Hi-election for J uige and Prosecuting Af.orn.-y. f t the f.rst ju dicial circuit, J >n- injustice to the Judge and Prosec a ling Attorney, elect; in this you have omitted to give the vote of Green county, in full, or if you have taken yourmfi mason from the re tarns from that county, the returns are in com plete an l inar urate. The Tote f .r Hanky, as shown by the pj!l books, on file in the Clerks office, s ands 1*0, an ! for, 195; whereas your paper of the ybov ? date states the vote of the sey | eral candidates, as foiljvs, f »r tlan'.ey 62; for Ad- j ams, S»): for Badhant, 9J: an-1 for McCurdy. 4'J.— That you will see tbs'. Hanley’s majority ov.jf A Unis, m the county of Green, wa» 100 vot.», whilst Bad ham's majority over McCurly, 151 vote*. The result as published by yea giving Adams i i majority of 13 votes over Manly, an 1 Bad nan > a majority of only 55 votes, over McCurdy. 1 hue mistake I presume has occurred»n consequence« the fact that the votes of Powell and Conruerf Townships, were thrown out for informality m the . certificates of the Judges and Clerks of thei-Jec . t„>.. you will pi,-use ini%k*- the correction m itazr j tice t) the partes concerned, as the friends of i Manly aul Badham, in Green county, are unwil ling that this report should remain as it stands in v cjr paper of the above dare n .'.withstanding the last menti mod gentlemen, were elected, accenting to your report. By doing this you will much oblige many of your pair >ns, and well wishers iu Green county. Very Respectfully, _ JUSTICE. The Old and the Xew Webster, j Ten or twelve ytfars ago. at a time wlicn the mnexati -i of Texas had not yet been seriously meditated by any considerable portion of our p. e [>., I’aniel W'.-bs r<:r mad - a set speech i.-i our city, -. .vr n he volunteered a declaration that resis h«e to the extension of s. a very and slave pow. r under our government wa* with him a matter of ,n!i err io is principle an ! patriotic duty, whir!» j c mid not be waived n-r compromised, but must r> - lived up to at a! hazard and at all cst. S vcn years ago lie spike at :at- rvals through -•roirgl- of I'll, miking rrstftnm to slavery , extenst m the great, controlling msue, an ! there ,n callir. northern freemen to ra.‘y to tie whig ■ Mndar t, Weil do we rt-rn-mVr the bitt ru* ss he i'.-it ,ied c pr.-s.--e, l -,i th re-ep. of'Mr. Clay's At.i'-ami letter, which seemed to tube the true ground ft in under onr feet. Thr. - i .or- Mr. Webster eame into the sup- j ;• -rt of *! " Taylor with unfeigned reluctance, in v ew of 1!.- pro slavery influence- which, to a .x'eir, s.'ii-cd his nomination. “The Vor hi ’ sud Mr. \V . in one of his first sr- — c unnaign; “ t!.--r- m no North:-but 1 think ! -••• i-t-li- ltion that hereafter there U a V >"1k! • f;c. In cn:.:p'..n. Mr. Webster rul iled the r!a:'n •■■{ thf Van 1!'.r< us and their H iflalo drove • ' • di in.'.iish l as ir, toilers. < latined the Wilts •• p'.n tso at n it Ihrv's at aii. hut >< 4 thun der. an I in.- te l that he an I h:< whig brethren had I. " ■. uph 1; i n: the ire ■ soil banner far years be f.fe the Wilmots and Van B ir in ever th. ueht of suefi a thug—that the whU party was ’re tr te party of ie-rjtanee to the -v ruachments of slave ; power, and the I! ilEti vs fere bogus. In l ■*»<», Mr. Wt'Ns r f. 1 -hr a noble b; ttle in the Senate ajainst tin) (S'xts of the eatenhomats and :v-;T allies to cry anise Calif rnia, Ac., with ont the Witmot proviso, and maintained the stiig i'c down to the ta«t hours of the session In l*Vi—n it y,-- one rear an—Mr. Webster, even af’r making !n« great plunge, dec .a red in the Serv.v that anv fugitive slate bill to be passed on.’S' t» guar*,»n— to th-’ p rv as fugi • trialhyjtuy, ail, in thin MnedM, took ; from .s drawer a. bill whi* h tie said h- had drawn ion. ‘ f re. ejpress'y securing this right. Aunner Mr. Webster--diverse in spirit, though i:» l.vr. ’ si in b.’y — has > nt b nn neiK > g a .[>,.erh to the . ;?emhh*d slave breeder* of Man land—a s;>; ;; v r> foil of twin aa 1 very ea>p;v of lib urly. ' T ..■• *;*..-*-h speaks of tht feJi't »1 cana': :utio« as a cotnpa- t-e-we.-n slave states as ths on ■ hind and fr v* on tl. other. wJn n in truth the wlif". s jb-Ua’.ialiy, were *.iceSiates—a arl) ali hijfu-Hi in r. in 1 .adage, ant 111 of th n having lit 1 th •oghtfully considered the eihnal and aoev« beat mgs of slavery. This speech U;ks as if hostility u» , or eve n 1 disposition to ask w si fi.-atinn of it. preset! fugitive stan* law, wi.mii utterly deme:: and subverts that tight of trial by jury which the other Mr Websvr lusuicd should be inviolate— w, r syrt ivin »is with disloyalty to *t-». I non—• w rh ru ul treason i Both- .- men moke: able an 1 plausible tpreefic* lu:. in spue of our pr >gr,'*Jife tendencies. out f in Ian for nov liy—we can't help liking the old HY ' r than the new on-.. i • A v 1 oe is announced in Hanson the life, virtues aai labors «f live Right Rev. Mr. Flaget.— l a ; >.V Bub >p ,»f U-:'■.'own and Lo uaville, Ky., Tie a j u* u a ck ragman, who accompanied the veu rahie sai truly puiosnian in one of bis recent , lUtsseen ■ to H er >p- Bishop Piaget died at the age , of eighty seven. , Heath of < hnpmnn. The Indianapolis State Sentinel aonoun'rs the i. ith, on the 15th inst., of George A. Chapman, « one of the original propp* tor* of !!-*! P®P°r- Mr. ' Chapman has t>ee-n well known aa one of the nxiat t popular and influential denseernUc editorf ui the r West ! 1 1 DeRottallc Meeting. I At a Bating of the dew.© rat* etiiacnsof Hemp ead county, held at Urn Court house iatbc town i ' Washington, on the 12th of April. fo* **•* 1 urpose of selecting suitable persons to represent i ie county in the Dem^ratic State Convention, to s hidden at Little Ruck, on tho fourth Monday of pnl, 1M1, the follow: ng proceedings were had : Ob motion of Dr C. B MUctel. the H n. Ed >»rd Cress wss called to the Chair, and H. C. Brady as appointed .Secretary. The object of ibe in- tin;’ waa then briefly cx lain-.d by the Char. A'* 3 -n, a < mom *Pi' i draft mutations evpreseite of the *ea»t of the ; iceting. when the following gentlemen were ap j • unfed sari oonuuitee : C. B Mivchrl, It. P. Jett, O. Jennings. J B Sandefur, and II. P Jobs** n. The eoMaUee then retired for a abort lane, and | eturni d with the following ri dilutions : Whidui, The democrats of llemps'ead county j teeming it proper that they should be represented it the State Convention, to be holden at Little lock, on Monday the 3<th invt., for the purpose) if nominating a candidate fir F-lera! R-. presenU ive for the ensuing Congressional election, hereby idopt the following resolutions, via: Jfeau/reThat a delegation consisting of five nerabers lx.- appointed by the Chair to attend said Convention, and carry otit such instructions as the lemocrjla of II mpstoad county shall think proper ;o give them. K »,.W. That sad delegate* te, and are hereby, instructed to use their influence, and cast their hi (Traces at said Convention in favor of the re n inunction of the 11 .n. Ko kit V\ . Jonoov. as a candidate fir the responsible station of which he has lately si ably and honorably a-quilletl himself in the faithful discharge of its duties, when ques tions of momentous and vital importance to the welfare and haji.ei: ss of the I men have Ix-eii antated, aul we trust finally and amicably adjus ted. li-sjlrrd. That m the even' the Hon. Roanar VV. Jon\>.>\- should not pern..' his name to b< brought b- for - th ; t inv nti-.n, <• ir delegates ex ercising then own tie. • home ot a can didate. RemilTr*, That in ca. our dt luitgs should fail t > be present at the Convent: o; L. J. Reani 'u. r herrdiv ann -inted brow to cast th' vote of this county ia accordance with the preceding m s met ions. Rmu'r' Tti.'.* thepr-v. edingspfthis meeting !ie r (nested a putilu uiion in the Telegraph, Utwite an ! D* moera', and Banner. Ur. B. P. ;h. 1 offered the following resoln t -m. which was dnanimousiy adopted, to wit: R'ttW,!, That it is with much regret and serious apprehension we have witness,.-) for some years a disposition in same of our would be great men to kindle an unworthy spirit of sectional illusion in o ir State, claiming extra privilege on the simple ground of being citizens of a particular section, thereby debarring us in the choice of our public servants of that in estimable Jefferson touchstone to office—“ is lie w >rihy, is he honest ? This we h *ld to be now as ever a mi qua n n. and particu larly so in the present condition >1 our State, an t as citizens belonging to the Democratic party, hav iv.g at heart the immediate interest of all whether of north, south, east or west, we do condemn and solemnly protest aeamst any action of the Demo cratic State Convention founded upon claims so perfectly ridiculous and at war with every Demo cratic principle. The Chair th"n appointed the following gentle men as delegates to the State Convention—C. B. M . hel, W. W. C. Kelly, T. M. K. Bankhead, B P.Jc.t, and P. R. Booker. On motion, the meeting adjourned i v ‘hr. E. CROSS, Chtmiit.i R. C. Baadv, Seerettry. Democratic Meeting in Poin«ett Comity. P ursuant to notice, a County Convention was held at Bolivar, on the 3d f April. A. I) lhAl, to appoint a suitable dt'.ega:- to repress-nt the county of Poinsett, in a Convention, to be held at Little Rock, on the 4th Monday in April, to nominate a candidate to represent the State in the next Con gress of the United States. The meeting was organised by calling Col. J. V. Cross to the Chair, and appointing Lew is H. Sithn. Secretary. The object of the me, i n - was explained by the Chair. On motion of B> nj. [{arris. Esq., ac mmittee of s ven was appointed to report the most suitable persons to represent said i ounty, as such delegate with such instructions as should be expressive of the wishes of the people. The fallow.og gentlemen were appointed that committee, to-wit: 7. S' iMar!, Esq., Benj. Harris, L)t. J. P. Mar dis, Win. Cl. Ar'ege, T. C. Ripley, J. W. Searcy and N i.ih Melton; wi..», ha- tig retired for a short time, reported to the mectihg, the following reso lutions, to-wit: Rtntvrd, That Beni. Harris be appointed the delegate for this county, in the dem-yrauc Cou w-nTirt, 1.1 1... tf ! A’ 1.1*: 1," Hoe k , ,0 lit*' 111, •lay in April. Rriolce l further. That David W. Carroll, Es.j., •if Little H-yfc, tie. ao! he w hereby appointed, o ir allernav delegate to said Convention, and that f.e is hereby relocated an 1 i rut rue ted to cast the vole of this county, m said Convention, m the absence of tb ■ va:d Benj. Hams. Rttolrt/net dev To at app; ivin/ the course of our ion; art ! well-ttied Representative m Con press, the, Hon. K-■•cra-r W. Jonxsox, of his devo t: >a .1.11 untiring efforts in defence of Southern and Southern rigki*; we instruct and request our delegate to east the vote of this coun ty for him. R'vil't 1, That we regard Col. Mark \V. Izard, ■f S*. I-’r i:;■ s n,• v, as a suitable and omp • n! person to represent the interests of the State, iu tV .> \> Congress of the Cnited States. K-tj'.r J, That our d- legate, anl in his absence our sail alternate, be instructed and requested to Mat the vote of this county, for the Hon. Mark W. Iilrl. as our second ctuice. *>n mi >n of William G. Arlege, it was further resolved unanimously. that we r-qn-si and in rtruct our delegate, and in his absence, our alter rate t , v ;•••• for no one m sa-. 1 Convention, who iv.w in favor of Ih: late Comproows -. or who n<>w ldwava or maintains th- tame as giving 50 the South equality ofiifhta. R *•>>.• 1, That these resolutions be signed by he Chairman and Secretary of the meeting, and )e sent to lac Arkansas Banner, «n l Gazette A Demvrat, at Little Hook, and the Bulletin and fruc issue, at Helena. JF.SSEE V. CROSS, Cha.miau. Lewis H Scrvis, Secretary. | 'The Rahul Atlas canoe out on Tuesday reck, ■!- .itrd.y in favor of General Wool, with a caning against Scott an 1 other politicians a* hav ng breathed rather too much of the “ foetid at neapbcrc of the capital.” CTThe Grand Jury of the I'.S. District Court • Host in have found •..idK-lm -a s against all those ■ho were bound over by Camou&uouer Hsll-tt. for aving been connected with the rescue of Shad ick, th*: fugitive slave. The t'ial of these par ; >es will take place eu the 25th invt. >emocrmtic Hfttlii ia Randolph Cooaty. I At a public <vf the democracy of Ran- ( Inlph county, he'd at the Court-houae in tUc town | if Pocahontas, on the 4th day of April. A. D. IASI, , j he following proceedings were ha l Oa motion, Uon. Hamah t Me limy was called to < he Chair, and Waa. B. Drake was appointed 8ea letary. The H >«. U. J- Wiley explained the object of , Ihe meeting, with a tone and W;i!iwi» scare !y srer before beard, or better appt -cuted by tt,w community. On !»>'! n the Chairman app »in*»-1 Wm. Emits. A. L >oney. if H. Har.o, Win. BavsandJ. H lm hotin. as a c immittee to draft resit ntems expres sive of the s--nx>. of the meeting. Wh- r ■ ip >n, the committee retired; an 1, after a ahor. U ur.p orUvl the following preamble ail r. volutions . Wiii.xr.K, For the pur->is* of maintaining union in the ranks of the demo ratio party id this Stale, j a Democratic State C invention will be held in the city of Little Rock, on the 4th Monday m this rointh, for the purp we of nominating a caiidi late for Congress : Aim, w.iKacts. The democracy of this county, taking in tr-a the nnprecedented and alarming efforts that hare, fr m time to tine, be-a u.a t - J create feuds and dissensions in the ranks of the democracy of this State from snniatcr and unmanly motives or transit >ry in'erests, can n - Umjcr leave a doubt with uthat the tunc is at haul, when { ta real an 1 entry of every true democrat mus lie exercised to produce and maintain the union ol I the deic i ratic party. It is therefore R'*o!rr i, That we. a p .rtu n of the democracy of this county, will c incur in such concessem as imy tie necessary to secure the permanent, union of the democratic par y of this Sta ff rWre I, That the ileuiocra y of this county, having ■ petal ; on.'i tene-- in the interr v and prudence of th.- d mx-nuc party of this State, 1 pledge ourselves to denotin'-.- all facti mu’ prejudi ces. anl m.'. pm • 1 -f.m 1 pla f ,rui of demo cracy, and abide by and support the nordne-e o! the democratic Convention, to be hoiden m the city of Little Rock, on the 4th Monday in thi.. mon'h. R.» ref, That having unshaken confidence in tl ability a:, t in e r tv of the Hon. Ho W. JiMtvs-wr. o-ur lu-s R-; ntative in Congr-ysx. f-<r his untiring ?■ V. f >r thee un i. m cause of the South, would m >st cor bally s upport him far Congress, a; the nomination of tie; democratic party. Rrtibrt I, That v*e sen l delegates to said Con vention, an! that they are hereby instructed t» pledge the support of the democracy of Randolph to the nomiuei ‘ said Convention. Ritjirt /, That Win. Mu hell and J. P. Bia W, be, and they are hereby appointed delegates fr an this county, to attend, and cast the vote of Ran dolph county in said Convention. Rrsdz -d, That E. X. C in«r»y, of the city of Lit tle Roes, is hereby authorized to cast the vote or votes of Randolph county, in the aforesaid Con vention, on the failure or non attendance of the delegate*, Mur lit 1! and Black—and a o upyof these resolutions !<e forwar . I to E. X. C away, by the Secretary of this meeting. Rrtokel. That having full confidence in the ability and integrity of the aforesaid delegates, they arc hereby instr ucted t > cast the vote of Ra i d dph county, for R. W. Johnson—second, for the person who is most likely to secure the union of the democratic party. /fr*c'•*■./, That th proceeding* of this meeting be signed by the Chairman and Secrelarv, and sent to the Arkansas Banner, with the request that the same be published. On motion, the resolutions were unanimously adopted. On motun, the meeting adjourned sine die. H. MclLROY, Chairman. Wh. B. Dmitr, Secretary. Democratic 'lectins in Marion County. At a public meeting of the Democracy of Marion couuiy, hodden at the Court house, on the 5th. day of April, A.D. 1*31, the following proceedings were had. On Motion the Hen Thomas Carroll was called to the chair, and Thomas F. Austin, esq., appoint ed Secretary. The object of th-. meeting was then explaiueu by the Chairman. On m.'t n the Chairman, appointed the fol lowing gentlemen, ,.s a committee to lira ft resol u t.ons expressive of si use of the meeting, to *i', the Hon. William Woo l, John Young, Daves R. Tutt, John K.«te* and W..1111 (lalpayue, the com mittee retired up »n the diseharg- of their duty, who after a short absen e submitted to the meeting the meeting tie following rtvolitions, which were adopted. Rttnlre!. That we a portion of the democracy of this countv, will concur in such concession as may tv; necessary to secure the permanent union of the D m - tai,e party of this State. Rrm'.te /, That we have fui! e nfid- nce in the abil ity and integrity of the Hon. William Couway B, .1 aid mo;.', corliai.. qipirt him for Congtcsi, as the nomination f the Democratic party. R .ntrr /, That we tend .a deVga’. to attend the State Convention, to be held at the city of Little nuek, on Trie 1th Monday id April, 'mat.; and that he be instructed to pledge tho suport of the De rnoera'-y of Mu m county, to the nominee of sard Convention ftwlr* I, Tm* J- s -" Mooney, e»; , be appointed a delegate osaid C invent, u, from Marion county, in case should r'. ■ .10 > v ■ uainc-d delegate fail to attend said Convention, that William Coker, eaq., of said MW 'y, is r. r> by appointed to attend said Convention, and cast the vote for Marion county, and in rar--' both the delegates appointed should fail to attend said Convention, Charles Adamson, of Lillie Hock, is respectfully requested, and au thorise:.* to cast the vote of Marion county, first for William C rnway 15; second R. W. Johnson and third for Geo. W. Clark, of Van Buren. On motion the following resolutions was adopted. firmire ! that the proceedings of th*a meeting be s irnbd by the Ch» rrrian and S-cretary, and sent to t!ie Arkauas Banner, at Little Rock, with re quest that they publish the same. On IU tiyu trie m.-etiuy adjourn: 1, vine dir. \THOMAS CARROLL, Ciiomaw. I'll OS K. AeSTW, •V.c' y Bores, A very veviins an* afli live (hut of people are bores. The trouble >s, there is no dodging ’em. Out may prute-l ms house against burglars, hie puts ■ pickpockets. his fire or the fury of the w ives, bat hoar shall a man puo t«--t himself against tores' Tneif kinds are van ou.t, but they «re all int rlerably alike—except only the rli-ast urel bore, wh an you are all aliosv csl to dis:ii;*j V '.hout cereiuouy lie puts you cut of tcinp-r so i vi i put h oi out—>f d» •«. Trio author ..f the “Kable for Cn.i m" has attempted to classify '.be.x He says ; 1 divide boros, ir. -v'f, in the nuoa hr of rifle*, Into* north bir.i a.uls;r.-w brr ,-3, regard.cas of trifles. Th#T*>rwer class i> certainly much the wots: — Yoor rosi-natureL jod Use. is tedious and excruciating beyond all human enJuraooe. You tell hua you are 'busy, terribly busy'—and he ‘ex cuses’ you—but h« dou't go' You are ‘sorry to neglect him'—sod h*- tak-sth* htn: kindly—but he don't take h*s I *tve! You assure him that -any othertl«:- y,u shall Ik? happy, if..—but be wan x to mah- > »u happ, next Yo 1 leave >0 ir oSG « five mi nates ou preiente of bunn- u abroad—an 1 he vrai s your return! If hu cup <v re p r ■ jseiuit you might strii. h mov ortho he id, an! he xoa.'Jn'l dJ aj:—8»tva l’*:. 1 - Dcmo.-ratir in pSullip*. P to not** v prevt—*sfy p»f». thro u#h th*l h -wcvratic press of Helen*, the Utantrar; met in -onv.-ution at the court house on the Ulh Apr 1. nd wort? crganne by eailin* George W. Jr it i w-j. 0 »!i-Chur, and the app uitment of Dr J. h . W iien-v, as Score iry. T-ir' object af the ingel-wr haring been fnliv ev >la ii 1, o.t moti 'H of J ■> Ige Hutta, a Commit:- of Ivc, cans to i:*c of VV.a. K Hutta, I'avia T j-et*» n. lamas Norton. J. W. Giron and Char:. - rid ward*./, rat appointed to dfhft amiable r-soi ,ti n< in tplRM to the mewling. On motion. Maj. J A. Ja'.sn- wxi app-ited m uantSero-tary. TV Commi‘t ■ return. -1 and ipor-ed th. f\. ow.iu? resolutions, which man.;** > w«i> idoptej, vs*: Btn/a-rf, That w. ve ".lie caii f.-t J. f gates iara the several eo-ne-ea, to meet in C uiv. n , n it luitie R ick on the 4th Monday in April, for tin? - 1 irp *se of tiom. -at my a candidate for Cony row a* »-eil rai ulated t<> pr.Mn.te haru.nnv and inspire 'onfhk-nce ti the cause of our cherisht-d principles, ir.d to ensure vi ; >ry »n tin- election nt a I>*-.iv> r ratio Represeii alive in the n.xt t onyres* of th. Cnited States. Rn»irt!, That » have conf.d-n - in the integ rity and ability of Henry L. Kume and James C. rap-pan, an t do lit re! y appoint them a« dot-cat.■« from the dewl-racy of Pinilipacounty torepnwat >nr voire anl can- their win s in the selection »l a -an ltdate f>r Congr. s» at said Convention Rr*.»Ired, That w,- have f ill and eirur, eonti ion re in the well trie l at.ilities of the Hon. I? M Johnson, and in.hi* fidelity to oa» trm uitTr. >t<. and desire his r-nomination to Congress. and do hereby instruct our dch-eati s to gw for ..mi as tto. choice of the deroocra -y of Phillips, amt to use ail honorable moan to are nr*- t.:s nomination. Rrau'tr >. That w vi.-w th. measures <d the late Congress if ihe Cnited Slate* known aa the Coin promts*: as uiuvis.-, aggressive, and unjust to the South, and will:.' w«- do not believe a dufsolution t -he Cnjon w mid remedy the ev-.i* under who h the South labors, yet as freemen, it is our <luty to demand of our Northern brethren an nptlityof political rights. R fv.rtf. Tiia! we believe the Constitution of Cni-e l Stales, if faithfu.’y earn. -X cut « i do full justice to all the ayrwtogti stat. i -t the t nioii—and that Inc law of C.mgies* w: ,<-b fails to seent*- this justice and equality of rights is to say Ihe least, a dang* nus encroachment on the spirit of the Constitu-i«n. Rn i/cwd—That m the evt nf*bf a failure of our -let'-gates t-i attend ti-* Siai, l -m*. niton to k hr,.! i Little Rock n the it if Monday m April, that th- lion. David B. <1 ■ et an! Saiuue! Hempstead, be ap|iTinted alternates to act in their stead. On motion of Judge Hutts, tt was A! * Irr i. That th. democrat!* papers < f II- lena and throughe tt th* State, be espies-, t to the proceedings of this meeting, and that tiiey Is signed by ih< i.’haimtan and Su ruary. fin motion of J. s. Horner, Es.j,, the meeting ad journed. - OEQ. \V. JEFFRIES, Ch m Jso. W. Gutav. S e n. Iipmofulit .Meeting. At a meeting of the D* n: icr.ioy of Mi its. n c ii nty, held in tit- to* :i of Huntsville on Mon day the Itth day of April Dr. 1) L. Sana d- rs was railed to the Chair, and F. M. t’oilier, appointed Secretary. ' in notion a committee of tea was appointed to drafl and rep rt resolutions embodying the sent) men's of the meeting, consis'-ug of the following geuleinen: viz; W Saius, H. Kerry. \V . ti. Philips. .1. S. Polk, H. T. Hawkins, 1. (’. S.miner. P. M Johnson, 1) Vaugn, and, on motion Dr. D. L. Saund rs and Win. K. Smith * re added to the t ommittee. The Committee retired, aud after a short Uelib erati m, returner! aud re|Kirted the follow ing Pre amble and Resolutions: Wvr*«. We consider [)• m e'racy the great po litical chart, comprising the long tried and cher ished principles of Free Trade, Naiional Rights, Constitutional Constructions and equal Distribu tion of Power, in our great confederacy; and VVnereas, thischart has guided our political ship safely through many seas of boisterous and peri lous navigation; ami. Whereas the tide of North ern aygrrsston ami sectional commotion beats high and strong; Therefore Reto’reJ, That we still abide in the old ship of Equal Rights, and sad by tbc political char; of free Democracy. Resalrr l. That we deem a State Convention arid untfinlUumat submission To ita acta and doings, in dispensable to the harmony, preservation and per petuity of our political chart, which has long been the’ieai of our national security. Reteirri, That Hon. John Bevy and Wm. M. Hayns, be appointed delegates to aateud the tim volition at Lotie Rock. >athe 4th Monday in April, mat., ti cast the rote if this county. Retok'td, Thai (i n 0. W. Cum., whom manly etf .r*s. tai- n*. • and untiring ?.• al in the cause of Democracy, entitle him to high regard in the ranks »fpolitical asp rants, shall recetvt our firs: supper': and in case of fail ure o( ms selection. Mi; T B. Ft. uaxor, our scc'iwd, and G« i.’R. f. Bvao, our third cho;cc. Incase of failure of our delegates to attend the Convention, fien. K. N. Conway, is authorized is our prosy. to cast the vote of this county, as above indicated, for whe n these res-slutioab shall vest full authority. On motion of I! m. J Berry, it was Rr»That we as Ih (U H.rats, n, maltern r.e I port H aa i for oi wh » hoi Is the spin m that a State has the right of p-aceabie secession, or to nullify an act of Cun/ress. On motion of Gen. A. Wood, th- following ameudmcut was onerea a ml adopted. Rtmhri. That we will s ipp r' n man foroffin wh> seeks to agitate or disturb the gr at Cmnpro mtse Act. Rr»')lr \I, That the.;.' proceeding! be V.e'll'd ojr the Chairman amt Secretary, and that the Secre Ury furnish the Arkansas Banner, and (d»t:. awl Democrat copies fir puhlica'ion, and the** paper-, as, well a» all the Democratic pipers m the State, be requested to publish the same. On motion the meeting adjourned. D. L. SAUNDERS, Chairman. F. M. Cotura, A' r y. W Maes. Cvtnon. of the Boston Post, discourse* on thia subject in the following very impressive riianu r; "Is there any character in life so lutcre-sting as a young and beautiful widow ? Not. a fluty, co quettish one, who, even ami her sorrows, ha* an t-ye to future- weddel happiness with another, tort one of genuine- heart, w dde 1 to her huidandb urn, peiuire,- but rut sa l, and her grief aft*, ued to a plae.iiness ■ -'—devout and pore. Sober, steadfast, and demure.’ I met one of this fashion last week Her sorrows hal served only to soften ter charms, as age mei low* a picture Her brilliant eyes, wh;*'b 1 have oftthne seen dance with joy, had tout none of power, b it they were once subdued—they .seemed to be Inohmt b.-vo».'l Hie crave, inuring to join her liege lord in one eternal bliss of wtoiled Ion e | •When your g>>! htwband bed,’ iwui I, 'e-arm loot a bright ornament. bsu .‘haven ga ne-ri a saint.' A tear of sorrow stood in the widow's eye, but a (tests of reiictoua hope and r- Mgiuatu*. melted it awav. ‘1 mei not tell you,’ continu- J l, ‘that, sear it the wide world, you cannot hjid his fellow; you already kn iw Hast full well. The fair bereavsad ore.- Clutched rnv hand eon vulaivtly. 1 lal touched the right chord; nature burs forth; a very torrent of tear* gushed foots h r eyes; like usl > an ourtbquak . heaved her breast, even the ‘counterfeit prene-nlment' of Niobe upu« her cam -o scene 1 •«» a.- b the ‘aufl iufecti m, and ram alabaster tetri’ auu u sweet and broken ac cents the beautiful mounter thusaobbed out—I'll ut i hr IT At the Circuit Court m A .hany, New York, the Her. Mr. bcllUrh has re mwcrel a verdict of MuO daru-ige-i agaiwat aeveral membecs of hia ton rngation who fat charged turn with passing jun terfeit mor. y, know, eg it to be such. (F-ooi the n '.»• n . v; at (J»f franmiit Pur., Afhr a mutest ,,i man. west tl X.n i . » H'Mtio party has. hy force -*t» of its pf.. .j>- an,,» p'es f.. i white tN is. <.»%!* !.f 1-1 r 4- ‘.\x ■.: t x nU with typ, ■ «. Victory t ’IK* l<rh to « the Md'et ?*or t.y t*n> tontine.! , !' auc> ,i omv tie, to secure «. t i(„ • ‘ .1 h I • It I ;• | 0,4 \V»* afe orVVell ! » ataiwt'll it.-.o t , nmphant pr m ipt, e s> tt-r tov nv. !,r ■ ho |i .<■;• ..< vi- •• ,, Cf.t' 'I V. .mi ••" sH thy snort*. *•;«)% stake -oh- or -,t «■ t > wsn ■ battle of (■rtn-'ip I- ii ■ ,4. stakes I t . c, S> j;i we, Mil •!. rv from tuue intnpm r;»t *<«• !.■ , that infernal machine, fKwttitn • .h, v southern *!»t.**sncM, now, tn thi m >■- ,, c. sn, wit* n . . {>j>om u s at t: ■ ,\,M , , dotted it i;nl on V save the e-n-iory tr an n - .t, -,’t. , we not ou!\ let,-nd it* emplnytt 4 r manaerm-nt' Such » not oar in« shaM triumph, though tt.- spoils•««. t; nrihatl wnh. *#«>e( ,f ttotjnurr i•_ >t-»;:, hcto-irc t r our fame. ;t ■ ram-,. • , „.f polit* al power w< todo* ■>,•. i , ouren ifntt the me* ns ol pioic im placet! w o loti our <ra.ii> ! - i ott tn- .ut \ is* cr-'j; unit c'or.nus one. that u, . principle >t fraternal iifeeiion wht* ">, .- . hi* country tin' warms! ns <e ,• i . r otir safety—inspired with tr.-it ci.j which, hreathiiv inm the li|»s ot if-c . of his faith, the patriot Jnckson. »- , ,, . torn the t.«nh "netor for a iiiorin-nt , <r at Natv of the citirens ot anyS!..i, - > . •.trhlwratriv (to »miw,!' and >«., , ... , the citistens of oUkt States m*\ .. the ereat hrwiv ot them an- «;ti«llv !- ■ , riy’.t With yoiinrelvea"—wo have of tiem-fiitinir our country- an.I ma y xjwead of tha. faith a:ut the >• otqiiemi. , tlnse pnncipli > The *reat ett mv we have in the rv ,K the phariseie spin’, that >jucst,on.< »t t,» • « the great oiimiKinttiuent m tt,. ,iw • |> US With the Hatteri.’is' assitane.- that’ «■ north are n tie itiiht. amt tliat our ho- .it . . south it- ot dark,.ess. ami Uuru- .Unuo... to hate tarot hers as eatnrttoners an' It conei a Is !(«* tt eh that iliouyh we t. - , ottr auhsiaiK ■■ to t. < pair bondsman. ,u w give our t'oiltes !•. lie hurm iT i > ■ , . ■ though we ! i and suit'r to t t r a* . , yet fail to h*vo chanty, Ihn whole is , ,. not hint;. I* rails aimwl the mon >■ .m ' t ■ OV., when the entire lack ef chantr is 11 . innilt own eye. Thin phurisaii vpirn wisha * sitsde its that if we keep the one groat cm i_ freeing, Tg*rd(er.< of fi'nveqitrm'ea, n.e • ,,v , ,, «•< sl.ali peril ctiv obey tin- rnn4oatidm< m n i,y —in its cunning so!tipiimits. keipmg out „i the ere,at truths amt tin1 whole truth thm ■ saw bit is rwr. am! not until that » PKRKKdT shall come. Shall that ir^ifk * /*. tioite away;" ami that, th* ma. until •‘all thing* whatsoever wo wic.iitt ihs ns n > -do unto it*, evep nshould w. vi 'ton. I IS th,. law—TDK V\Ht)|.K 1 AW i phots.'* This Pharisaic spirit comet <■■■ ns mi sin thin:;; it puts on the garb ol .itnon ei ward I y tt is a tavening wolf; it t hides , na ’ m,u i d ■ ir eontrdcmi upon 1 > vant that '• attic in to work at the ehieiiil, the snmi' as on those servants who ‘ -C. ;,,: burthen and heat of the duv. Am o.rv servants' Is not ottr cmihdctu i v ;>■ mu! may we not do with it what, i ,i« tike.’ It looks on us wit it no evil , laetim* are just to true toon. Th s phuroae ;i,i ■ , ; (utter lenvtai that sou* wouid ins' into tin . of this commonwealth. We have been ».i;. the leaven of the pharisees. I' is lie that i I has entered into ©tlf tciupie n| iil-crti, nud. a mg and .selling offices fraudulenti\ »t..,i nine, i people, would turn it into a deu ol '.hum *s ; it must Ire scourged with corns, till n !« ; out. The whole north is pervaded wcm ifu*. It is the lurking vice of pumami nit, planted b< re, prolific iu cant, tut mini works of eianiiMii charity and hi"' '• e It boasts of its ctoquen< e in dt mu, a mg have the i:uardiaiutlup of what it i. < i pressed: L*rtr though it speak with i.u ' li. 1 angels. yet it is as so until tic braw i cymbal. If Ixmots of »t* faith and n 1 | parades its deed* of kindness o '1' ' arid the blurk bondman, and to n o ; readmes* to do and to surtV r in their' • ' 1 sole result it has vef reduced to jaai an alletnpf to degrmh the nuudh ■ 1 * i their hands by introducing tilt nistltntm. , " fl 1 ly forbidden. of tlitrtr mteniiarrias' un'li:to fl i—as if the block win ■ somewhat punt < fl from which tor draw the human run mi l - fl I our nwiiizaii m. than the white. Tins ph» fl spir’t has Vet U> learn thal obi alienee a, j'o.:.o,ai;'iuK-Jl ol G«al.” ol winch Mi. Si' , talks so much, doe* not consist li doing ! thing, but in doing IN ONK SPiiUT — tie -1“ ■ d charily—LVfcHY ih'ttu Tin r>- is « ■ >n j roniniatrdmciit >n Ule iaw, m >mr to J '■ , to fulfil it; charily i* the or hob '*•» * fl ' quifed in every!lung—even in owr treats*" • slaveholder*. Thu iaw of charily bids us govern hi oa* duel by our conscience. The Pharuum I among us ids us force o'hers hy iiisim' and - i to govern their cond ict cording f« our c m ■ ! I.NTLKM1.DDL1 N't. i* ns wholi offii —»■ vr nine lit aid seif-i\anunat*iri tin In?! 'tfs j dreams ol. It trontpir* true religion uud< 1> and leads he foulest spirit trom the «al<« >•’ j to poison the public const tent e. Ilocnu." < »' i ciful liod has spared the North trorn « ht lple* ! incompetent race of servants, the proud '.<# ihe northern Pharisee lists with * mi tub-" boasts, “byth* itr< ngifi of bjv virtue hav* i 1 'bis thing, and by my wuidisu. For J .mi »■* * holy.” Shall these things continue ’ Shu,, heart of the north continue thu*defi!"l. a toast m iIs arrogance f No. Let tie u a ' 1 wti hea-' fr, m He »a • i - - make it Clean And if this I*opi" olwv 'til ’ the law of charity, that look* to tie t at u> sets, then, though our sms, as a > >ui ■ and as a natKin, be as wsrlct. they rtial’ a* whit" an snow, though they !>• red j* '1 iii' ▼ ojj 'in'. " • Virnhii ii. nor children of tli* pimi .>» » ] rn anti Gentiles a* »>• are, frOHt'l" lm i rt. ahull enl»ru<- our border* »n»t OStlfuIinir PmvkI'-ik • until H‘ 'MtHHW Wider tilt' lent* of Sh* 'll, * Hi 'mi's, ere* ilrwgk the Children of If' « to fie the servants of servant*. Meiopbl* nod »». Kriwtcia Klnsk K‘.« Ywt'-ffciy was the 'lay appoiriiei f mg of hooka ofsu’m'nption to i!•' '! Pratt* * Plank K"ud Compouy. * late »• "t«i'in of the Arkansas L’ visionv of this <. hi*r!i i are eaUiuaivi iy •' i ;,hart:. iMer*, which, toy tinx '.if. travel that must aiway* paw r it, a', toda/tl Ceuo’ry whiffle pfnd . vciopr, most njaK'- the at?- k tr» of cap al now oj. h ?,> tie- put .. • '■ .■inyofUe weather. stvr.Jav c.' .1. Uie ••>), dwU.i.» p (•'tiding. Tu mi . w, wrtijid »*• mil be k< p( 01*11 f t '•>u* Ta)< ■ tneT'ial 1! ip.!. A pa;: 1 r -m the ad'an ; road as a gout] :»v. Ji.iv:tit "1 Wkpttof, ■ M iJo well take tb" v uek awl build uuy wof..ii'T»i'"U of reuiunelation tit i dividend-'.- (ft inpL i Fr-irn the Arkad* lpttta S- -■»(t i We an p. /Mil to leant that o >i cuvU z.-n* M Hart and Knight, !.*'• 1 vvi a ;•• ■■■'.. ( lliel rang nine e>pi< •■■>■•■ their sp am •*»* Mill neat this p!»' • i-jp, 'i‘• <4 Mr. Jau»--•* Fan' I Little tt a.k, .a op.-> at ton. Ti.. u.v fort.. sduprably, %rM bespeak* loach • pajt of Mr. Kairhur&t. We w u* ... ijjkt, tie rap*lit. :t cut* lutnh* i plank of Pi foot loot wad If sOffkea !l si, rtsjaceof W aoconda. U . i * bj the rapt! improve incut of out ' growth of tt »* »i >t •** prttaje < greatly retarded tit ewttnUMtv i >f 1 uitft-r hfeKtol«*C' M'.vtft. Il»« t ” , evidently deserve stuck ptas* jo* try and prcw v* ranee- anti are the Uiu.'iiu of out etUaena. So - t eas t" i ! An offc-cr arrivtl here Tr if* H tra.! of a mao who bad obtain'd goukhre-enUy tit -v * York, nwbsrfcls* M* ' '