Newspaper Page Text
vs r V! r. \ An «.} a' T Tn; M5 lie Uw R Hie ] t';• - a Court of tJ» * \ >. f,.— r)» Kt» IX* , u K. A’joltui Kf* ri. -. .V. T; rutted Tim, liM. (**■) In e.-rv H tkr | Sifirm- Cjft I •/ fV S..i'r of ) . 1 the oo.n >n of < ,1 !, f i- 11011 .vr.tof error to the , r > ir- if Arm !«* . *,<!.■> ! •.*(• by • S-i e of Arkansas ;* (-v. t'.i » > against the platn'iff • , „) hit * urciet. Chester Ashley and ,,, i., Ti i . -nl M Is’ ■ treasurer of hr lb. r -■■■-■iv'rv of » certain sum of money ♦ '■!J* l " *»f 4V?o>.*T* l*' *5, a*vl thtr ,f t) n -r. l'i-. And a judgment ,. v. r ! »• < i-i him ail b:« *v uti’.ie*, on j.,v, !' * > f •- i l,V>9 52 and east* — , (> ■ ■ n iio ’. -l on she judgment, ri. • > x;*. Is tT, the plaintiff tendered Seb-n i sir. ,icf r, w* > pros ■ ited the suit e. i . *»,. f j'i am ant of the jtidn • r •«! .1:1! " > in she n ite* of tier bank vi f Ar> Mill, »’.• i was rcfu»ed. v. . u- 4 s* i ! in « portion to the „ > ' o lt«.inu<. oi ill- i»th February, an alternative mandamus was MMod lo • n iaut in error, to "receive the . t ot. f.i-.' ia otUi- judgtn .’it, « show w , : r-( ise !o do so. . r er t n! niindjinus, the defendant . • and tender of the notes; but was to', autn •nied to receive them 2#th . f: b» ,'i tbarter, under which alone the ■ a i t*> a , a.t of the legislature, .. •! IV . !0, 1'4>. i. • i . t ,e pinw that the record of .! !* u.vle a part d the J»r < rd . i .• w as th- proper otficcr by ... oti *ii of fie judgui- lit; that the »- re uu> ted by the bant prior to '• an! that h»Wn to the year ISIS, the , the bank w-.-re received and pa>d oat by - ir..- of all public, doe*. That • t with all its corporate ! ■ •! i: we* of op nion, that the return of sulfi cut cause bar a re . tic at; f the writ, and gave . - a ■-■uduiriv. - -fit charter, which was tv ; by t. ■ ■> ■: i";i, provided, "that ihe b •• >.il . >f <• ; ni ,a;i oil ••iinUbc received 's : <tate of \rkan m Ail' - ( ci nsel fir consideration a . i *. iv ■ • • • i- r>. peel of tlus section, iw wi ', ■ the canstitiitK.n of the Ifni t. - *■ ' ii j< a va;« from nup- th i ,.ies'.i uis of a < !ntrsct. i . , i• : «.•» pisscl the 24 »f Nnvem brt. :'t;. ••witl.a :»j>;'ai me million of dollars, ti t ia.v a '« •• 'f t'it bonds of the State, i-.» o: •. . •' a ii. t uretber with such other funds as taa> u * u i: ' *after belonr to, or be (i, -d . ! r control auu! direction of the s'i: pi ii ha s to b locatesJ at the t. ' ■! L" K >. k, a il :■* coii’erui to becondtic • * • i*.*- -. b in and twelve directors, to tie ap ; . . • i jatnl % of tuc general aswtnl Sy.— I>. - . • s ■* r eutabl -hed, th> pr • ■ .m i w « i Mk-c in the s*ai manner. T [>■■ ■'! .- tit and * r<"ton werein have a cnm 8, • • a , »’■ ai.-h *./• i to d-al in bullion, g«i!<l, • &<• . purchase real property, erect build ■u-i \ evie notes, triage b-a-is at eight per c- nn indorsed paper nr on mot.-azcs, wi’.h.n Suv a •/•-rK-fal b iard was r -rrstit ited, who *■ vi urtke repor of the condili >n of the bank a ■ . . . t-> the leg data re. and perform other ■ ■ - bank "a< —It ft of «-: ; of a iv : bill, or -.'id, eipri ssly mjde f" if.- and payabb a: the bank, who delays p. vi at." .■>: i.i. 1 kar- a jodzci -n* entered aga.nst hits ia d notice of thirty days. > .. i > ilit ha- b- -_u s ir.- r . 1 whether the r. i of th.r bank, wtre not "uUs f eft tit si.thin : promSn11 m the cursfltutiijn. We think t -y cann .it ' - - : h d, c. u.istciriy the vw. sr taken by this court :n the case of B-ttroe vs. tie ii n. of Ur Ci ■ , hw-1 ■. • A-nimby, 11 Pttrri It was - -- s%ithat “to constitute a bill within trie constitution, it utust be issued - - - '••>>. the faith of the State, and be dc- , -! • c ■ -ilate asramey. It must be a paper1 * r ales on the credit of the State; an 1 ve<l and us»-d m the ordinary business of | T .5 -ins bank are not made payable by ' vc A capital is provided for their redemp ’ . - c- acral management of the bank, I t. irv r. is committed to the president ■ • as in ordinary banking a.wa>eiations. • ci. .u a summary muimer, obtain judg - • — • ns1- their 'debtors. And although the • ~—-a ate auL eipresaiy made liable to be sued; ' .t«tml, fliat they may be held iegal >!•--, f t an abuse of the trust confided ! re stock of the bank is owned by the ■ 1 furnished the capital and receive* the 1- s An 1 in adl.u in to the credit given to the u vans by capital provided, the State : the charter, they snail be received in - • u, i d- s d ue to it. thus a contract? v t‘ ’ s ’ie curd to be an agfrernen. between •»c door not todoa certain thing. 1 'skins vs the part of the State is, toh - t. o <>f the bank in paymeiit fr.lO: its -f This i -dies within the definition of a eon -* • -• a c i-vract founded upon a good an 1 ■ ei .ii-t-.ra.. A (onsnderatioa beneficial -ia’-c. as its profits are increased by sustain ' a>* ‘ ms., leiitiy extending the cif- . - -■ the ;irr of the bank. u •' '■ nm t).ii contra: t made’ Wean ’,v ■' h Oilers of the paper of the bank.— ‘ -*•-'• payable to bearer, c >iMe-:jueatly :- <•' • • ler. i..w a right, nod. r the 'JSth ';-iv 10 the state any debt fc msy owe i’Ji* ’■ •• U«. bank. Itis a continuing - * *- " St etc. t; at tic notes » all be So ' . a' juirac. would oe binding on an i • an.! .i . list . v» so on a State. * •* ■ >' > v had . right to repeat the above ‘ •? a i; tt'-i Aad tttee uasi ior of the a.-:, with nit the guaranty. But u i - , .!. t ir liutio is at Uie tun. ■( the rc-fwat. f* ‘‘ 1 * n h ' r may still claim - .1, ■ ..if :,-j4 -. todsscharge a ' ue oiu , ^ i'e in the notes thus . ns-. ; ' :: ’ ‘'“t 'a ' wi’h tu p.a.ntitT in error. x i '■ aPP it he . i: th - n »te* tendered by •’.■••• *vse*»! in. at ihe Urn- the isth section "as repeated. j -1 : 'ha- he had the soles :n his pos thi traht, nod that *’ • by the bank before the repead of ■1.1 t n 1".;. .■ ,11 .f.- than thia e., ka * ' ' S'ate, that the !>>:■-* of the ■ * received jn discharge of public i a;; the toils issuctd by it ; the re ’ri >■' *'*■» intended, no dunKt, u> nbra ail r«-i bar tun, e to n-r > -ratite u the bank then in circuln ;*^a: .f the U'th section, the " i* in! pay out these notes. be pap ti it is ■o pi cation ii.i the beat iTe n the C [>ef elan •i’P doubted the obligation of ffi The !aw was absolute oUr-r* of the State. The. ;V .ft of thti Clb ; his * 4:!.! could Be>er i- ■ s «t re payable to e -i. y r ».ja » ho had 1 bank, 1* ta pay - - in,- ot a debt. Ul-U an ti.. , . -,rthe hank in 'V M .1 ’*n taee of every note I « ofM-.r-si. •• Vh.» «,:;e shall te. sutiim pEfio-vt of debt*’ A-td it:i' if*- > -.aid not w tbdtaw this obii ■’ * » in ctreuUtMin at the time the state r». p*«u. sty w. •rel*» —’ m ami *ti b if a poemon which can Any vtu. had a right to rc : the aHisutuutnuJiU of the a S’-a'.e egislautte •*»>„,jtj 4 Uw nr th- drawees of promaory redes, pay ' r v.i <i.whaf|[r the same by the pay • Wo,iid inch a law aflfe-t the .nr’ The eontrar’ w .ntd fattd, ■ ^ » A 1 be deelami Told. A standing * a hi. leinm, in pay ’> } '■ If a * n by a cer’am » Ta-.d, on «... ground tt at the uotea “ : ic credit of such gaaiaalv. It may : ! :• a a bat when so term.nabd ‘ ny'“ »g»i»3t the guarantors, etceuted and circulated pn ir 10 the ,, ,* c...iim,-nj the justice of g«ar ***,'1>“ b ator to a Trad neapowaibdit* V Uumiu Jfal,’, CWy ' "rJ"‘ by legislation, the ’ ’’ contracts, than it can .tcpair ti. ... " ' ’n.racTs, .nan it can twnati - a of the con /acta o£ja& victuals. W« naturally loo* to the «>cti .4 of a aover-ign Sta’i-. in bo <'b»f»c;en**-l by a «*-:o i-f.ipuloua regard to justice and higher mwalit/, than belong n the orJ-nary tntvracixjiuofio bv, loab. The obligi'ww of the State of Arkansas, l< receive the »oi«* of the bank, in puyur.ut of it* drl-t*. it m icfe sTonger than in the ah ivc ewr of individual guaranty. Th** han't l»e»oa,-->l to 1*" *!»*» ?■* 1 ■* ».J the profit* of its Ofamtitki*. It *u conducted by the agent* of the State, *Mla the HftrriM of. the legislature. By the guaranty, the nates of tin. bank, for the part:) ata of dafcts to the Bute, were ejiai t j gold and «i'v«.r. This, to tome extent. * tsUirted their credit. awl gave them currency.— l.oan* were mule by she bank on satisfactory *e canty. The debts of 0;*- hank, or a Jarre pr p ti i« of them, rcav fairly be pro* uned in have bee)) collected. Bat ih means of the bank, thus, nn <i 'T the con'f d *>f lb State became exhausted.— Whether th-s wo the result of withdrasney the cap.ia! from the bank, by the State, does not ap pear upon the record. Wcoaly know the Lie. that it* funds harms disappeared ieavin*. it is said, a ;.arge an. on: of its paper. ut> ird before tb* ra p's! of riarsu'v, w frthkss, in the hand* of e,*t aens of the Slate. The obligation of the State to receive these notes is denied, on the ground that the 23th section was a r in ra! p-ivisiitii liable to be repealed, at any taw bv the legislature. And it is compared to a genera! provision to revive, for public duct, toe paper of banks generally, unconnected with the Si ity. There is no analogy in the two cases.— Oat- us a ijti -stiei of public policy, influenced by considerations of general convenience, which. every on*, knows may In; changed at the dtscreli ai of the k-g.slalurt*. But the other arises out of a contract la -orporaied into the charter, unpos.iur ai obligation ou the Stale to receive. in payment >: ail -;*hfx due to it, the paper of a bank m i.--.| by Hie State and whose notes are circulated fir it* benefit. The power of the legislature to repeal the section, the Jlock of the bank being owned by the Stats* is controverted, but lhalact cann-t affect the note m circulation at the tnoe of the repeal. It is objected that tins trenches upon the sove reignty of the State, in the evereise of its taring pj*ii and in the regulation of its currency. We arc not aware that a SlaV has power ever the cur rency farther than the right to establish banks, to regulate oi prohibit the circulation, within the State, of foreign notes, and to determine ia the public dues shall be paid. It is a principle controverted by no oue, that on general ,(jeauons of puucy one l-gislalur ■ cannot bind thos*' which shall succeed it; but it tsi.jual !y 'rue uad undoubted, that a legislature may make a contract which shall bind those that s' ail conle af’<: it. The notes of th bank in circulation at tbc- re peal of ti-e 23th sect.- r>. if made receivable by the Stak; in di«charc>* of public dues, may so far re suscitaie them, as that m the course of inn - they will find then way into the treasury ol the Slate where 111 justice and by contract, they belong. It us presumed there will be no rompiaint, as there wili be no ground f r any, by the ciusens of the State, if thes* notes now dead an 1 worthless, xho aid be so fir received as to reach their appropriate destination. And if. as a conse-^ueii'e, some in crease <f '.aval in should he required by the State, it w.ii be nothing mire than is common to all other Slat- that p rform their contracts. It would be a mast unv st poll y for a State, to impr-ve ti,,-...-c , r . In such a eou'se the loss of the State would be in comparably greater than it* ga.*t. Any argument m coaunendati n of such »n alion by a Slate, cannot otherwise be considered than as exceeding ly infelicitous and unjust. If these notes be receivable in payment of pub lic du~< by the State, having been in circulation at the time of the rep-a. of the above sectiou, as we think they clearly are, no doubt can eats . as to the sufficiency of the tender. The iaw of ten der which avoids future interests and costs, has tw application in th • ease. The right to make payment to the State in this paper arises out of a continuing contrail, which is limited in tune by the Circulation of the notes to be received. They may t*e otic red in pa yin- at of debts due the State, in ,ts own right, before or after judgment, and without regard to the cause of indebtroent. _L Whatever may be the demerit* of the plaintiff n ermr, 1 uey do no*, affect the nature and extent of the ob.igauon of the State. And that obliga tion cannot be withdrawn from this paper. In whosesoever hands it shall come it carries with it the pb-dge of the Slate to receive it m payment of us debts. In this case the payment is made by i the securities of Woodruff, and eaacted by the State to whone organisation and management r*f the hank, may be attributed its insolvency. In procuring the notes of the bank, these securities had a right to reiy, and no doubt did rely upon the guaranty of the State to receive them iu pay ment of debts. Iu sustaining the application for a mandamus, the supreme court of the State e■ reiscl jurisdic tion in the ease. To that court exclusively t-e foogs lLj cjueatiua of its own juruabclma. For the reasons stated, the judgment of the supreme court is reversed, and the cause is remanded for further proceeding to that court a- it may have jurisdiction, m conformity to the opinion of this court. True copr. Teste: \VM. THOS. CARROLL, C. S. C. I s Arrival of the steamship Affrica. New- Yoas, Apr.I 10. The steamship Africa, witn L verp • c dates to the 29th u!t., arrived he re this morning at 7 o'clock. Cotton has advance*! *, with the -Ales of the week reaching l3,OJi bales. The following arc the quotations established by the Board of Bro- * k*: rs. Fir l'plain] 7 3 8; fair Mobile 7i; Or leans 7i. Kv.u>ii—In the House of Lord on Friday evt n;ng, March 28, Lord Lyndhurs? c-.n,plained of the proceedings of MM. Massrni, Ledru Rotlin, K Up pa and other refugees who were intriguing aga.nst Austria and other foreign Stales and sug gested the* propriety of re enacting the aiien law Karl Urey laid that the subject bad uacted t-,> animus attention of tor* irn and horn-. s»-e relate i, but he thought nothing short of dang r to the in terns! peace of this country could justify the re enactment of the alien act. In rep!* jo the Lart of Aberdeen, F-ari Grey said the Govern ,tent disapproved of the proceedings of the reiugees. In th*- House of Commons r. r ai. -: * e **f en quiry was appointed in reference to a - earn c *m munication between England, China and A us Italia. L- .tv< was given to Sir John Russell to intro date • bill fe( Uw Ml r admsmst n:M*'. of nsttoe in the Supreme Court of Chancery; in whin: shall set th*. Lord Chancellor. Master of Rolls, and one of the judges of both iaw courts, or either two of them, may hear causes. The bill fix<-» the Lord Chancellor's salary £10,001 per annum. The re tinae allowance remaining what ;t now a £5,000. Additional Xf»» from California. The quiet of San Prancssco was disturb-d oa the 234 »l February by a resort to the court J Jud?e L>a< h in the case of two bk-U who hvi. siispeti •-d hat ing knocked down Mr. Jansoii. while stand in? in but own store, and robbing him of i'J,■ *-*>. The jury roubi n *t airree as to the identity of the uiru, ani the/ were the refute left to Jhe regular courts of low. Tiv > fcv* o-vjrred ou the 2d and 3d t.f M ifth, both the work of mecadiaric*. The first was the bur line of th •■ «. an<> rs santa t'mra and lurt ford Th*- •*»<v .* < a i hi N alnin&t at th* mercy of r iSirs and rubhe-rs. At th» fust fire there »- r two men 1>tinted to death. At Sac rsK»-ttt<» l »ty—* n !‘ ■ 44th. * p rtv of scuiHer* were tuutfcicifnily beat:a? a h - nans he nrfn ed to {ramble w *th then*, when < has. H. Mvtte frou Ool:imbits, Ohio, interfered for the re.rver, an.,! was shut by oik-of t; e coueier*. Tfc citntens asseniMad at oner, tried him.- convicted han of in 'ler. an!, in fire bourn * fa r he had '.hr deed, be «u han? in the ps-aeme *>: s on; thousand persons. The pr* nd.ajrv » :<• r i. i. it-..' by men in possoss. a of the c, nl d*uiand r'-rpe-'t of the romnwaity. A Dnel Anticipated. J -' : M. Dan,el, editor of rht- Ri ’... ,1 Kt an.. : r. bav::, -pokt n of Willisa C. S- >11. i|ct« • for Pow bait an, in his pipr as "th- rcitile !• an with .< tong o as low as bis raw," and re • ■ ■ i Mr Scott has p»M«s fifed bun a. " » liTuvc monument of im'. ■ lie mahcaHr," an4 directed that h.s n.ny t»: "eypr.iv*-i from the roil of L air.' Tins matters need ,/j, A ;**, hour on Jia’ur-iay wfkt. when Mr. Dan« i «i, ar r*. e4 and ho)4 to tail at the s-um of ¥.'.is>f ti kiep the pcafw towards Mr., and the iautr /t-nlk-maa eettid not be found to maienro a like proct-sto—Bnltntmr* Awn. IJ~ J. C. T areas, E«j.. of this place. has b-.-ca *W> - titod hr the Financial Receiver. Attorney for the Rank of the State of Araaovis. in this port urn > *f i: Slate, and has. wr Huo rstaad. accepted th appun'rartiL—Frmm (he Tru Isaac. * from ( atifvnria. New Yau, Apnl ?, I a.e, Tli" steamship Oe .rgia, with Calif .croa *»u-» toj the let of Marrh, 11 now Cvaning nn the the Bay The Oeoreia arrived here fr vm t’hsgTe** a tout i 7 o'otoek, wi‘h advice* from San Ffawaro to the i 5th alt. She brings 1M paarenye?*. The On* | fi* looshr m gob! n ftevU. Basin rt at San Francisco wst r*"Bt*rally dulli; the le-nen b >wer-.*r, are 4 ine well throughout the ■ State, an t a largely tocr-srod ammmt of fold m expected to be taken -tot the comm? wasou. Hat very little Min had fallen and the want of it had tnmflv retarded *.hin nine ; peratreiw. After t h0 balin'im fir U. S. Senator, the Con- >1 veiitjcn adjourned with >nt making a choice* anti i was th tv.>et ag*>n on '.he ls‘ ot Jan ary. The new . i prominent can Mates w. r. J. Butler King and Mr. wetheiel, whies: f&K. Fremont, deroor rat. At • one time -Mr. K njr lacked hot sit vote* of elect ion. A great deal of f e’;ne exists on the Senatorial quet- * tion. which trill enter lately in the next porituii campaign. On tin: morning of the 34 of March two steam- j trs, the Santa C'.srj and Hartford, lying at Central wharf, where "linos: entirely destroyed by fire. ' The Santa Clara cos1 10,00ft dollars, and is al- j tr n‘ a total low Then- was no insurance on her. ’ Th«- Hartford ia damaged to the extent of 10,000 4 >llar«. All on l«iar:l were asleep at the time the 11 fir broke oat. The bodies of two men were found 1 burnt to a crisp and another is ratxsng. The clerk <■[ one of the (oats was dangerously I injured. an i tbeaerond clerk is badly burned. The origin of the fire is n»! known. j1 The lynch law Ins comcienced its operation* at ; last. j. A man who shot another on -street, at Saramcnto, wraa caught and executed. The ric- 1 tiro was an Englishman. i Tin Museum Hotel at San Francisco, also the New lb dford Hotel, shamrock lint*, and other boil lings, were destroved by fire on the 2d of March. The loss is estimated at about gJO.OOO. Latest Mr. Wim bwer, editor of the Pacific News, has relinquished the charge of that paper, owing to adverse forume. The dates from Oregon arc *o the ?2d of Febru ary. News unimportant. The legislature had ad jo; rued, having »s-sblished the seat of govern ment at Sa!<*m. The Governor, however, had re fused to sign the at*. Pji»o« B owalav putting in the Big Licks. A late number of BfOwulow'a Whig, published a* Knoxville, Tenn svee, contains the following sket-h of ytm.‘ people who live and move in ard about' that piact i The anxious rnijuirer after rillutrn may push the c m^uest of h:v re* 'rchei from Zemr.ia to Cape Horn, and from llw equator totpther pole, and he w ill never find the- equal of some men we have here, whether w regard them as hypoeri cs, bigots, Christian churls, lukewarm Laodicean*, sclf-ac-ure pretenders, proparandi.-ts of gnats error, self-bal anced slanderers, blasphemous scoffers, worship pers of Bacchus, licentious debauches, loathsome gamblers, abonnnable swindler?, and other appli auei s of vice an l passion, in human form I Collect all the scoundrels of other clanes in one *rraii 1 mam mt^tin.'. and mir villa.n« will i ! in ! peering around them like the magnetic rod around which the lightnings of Heaven play, and to a < ring a head and shoulders above Hum ali! Our ncscals stand out in hold .relief, robed in the rain! •»% of their own infamy, and throned in m ferns! night, holding their high culminating point in the- firmament ol crime, daily shedding their damning raiiance on fociety ! A more unmitiga ted association of villains never were l-a ruled to gether for similar-purposes, than are to be found vjttii.n the limits of the corporation of this town. Their e.uils, in all that render men infamous and hateful, never wer- burned by tropical suns, b irrf-d amid the snow-drifts of the Nor?., or fan ms! by the breezes of the bay of San Francisco! Shade of the Dantons and Murats, of Robes pieres and Murrells, of Jefferies ai d Neroes, would it not have been glory for you to have lived here, where you could have learned the rudiments of crime’ A mighty impulse has been given to schemes of hypocrisy here, by these adepts in crime, and every time the pendulum of new and unfolding schemes of vilLany vibrate*, it takes the diameter of our corporate limits, and like the echo of harping*, warns us of what is yet to come ! Vegetable Affinities. A Pari? correspondent of th“ Journal of Com merce suggests that the low condition of morals among the French is attributable to the national fondness for. and use of, onions. This vegetable contains more than any other, an amount of sul phur and phosphorus. The writer contends that a people moving in an atm,sphere of sulphur, an atmosphere in which the great Father of Evil is supposed to t>e most at home, cannot be as suacep tilde to moral impressions as others. J ust think of t.;e murals of the community rising and falling with the ;»nee oT«mkms, and the milder and higher gra ces of humanity growing out of a short crop of tbeae infernal bulla! Imagine the mistake of a steak with unionr! Think of sipping am with suup’ ! A company has opened an office in Beaton, to insure women against dying old maids. The ra < of premium differ according to looks and dm pen lion. While a smart, tidy girl is ensured for two pt r cent.: brazen, ill natured spinsters, are charged, in some instances, as high a» ten per cent. \V here snuff, is u-*cd, one per cent, extra • ts charged. M A R It I KD, On Tnesday m >rmng 15th tush, at the residence of f>r. HectorOmat. in Hel Rev. H. A. s.igg. l>r. Coin. K. N o.i. of tii ., place to Mias. Mui F. li, rs, formerly of Kentucky. ni KO. At Bonnie Glen, Hot Spring county, on Thurs day i» eu.rig. Man h 27. Carar/u, daughter of Win. C. and Lotiuna Chase—aged $ yean and 8 months. If there is any thing that causes a parent’s heart lo be* oro- desolate, it is to lie bereaved of a tender, inner -nt in whom all tt.eir aff ctmns are centered; •> rj C ■ then, an ! then only, a desolation of woe unutter- ! able, is felt, fly a frv.-iid of the bereaved parents, * we are informed that < am r j was an interesting J child, and hal enjoyed gou t health until six weeks previous to h r desih. She was their idol; but, alas! an untimely frost mpped the hud, ere it had tune to blond. May Heaven “temper the winds 1 to tb_■ shorii lamb,” and sustain the disconsolate J in tb.;- aev« rt affliction. [Con. Of p jltofViary disease, at the Hot Springs, on Monday, tbe 7th wa^t., Mrs. .Vary H'to Hgfem.. ;con»rjt of Hiram A. Whittington, Esq., of Mont- • gomery county!, in the -"Ust year of her age. Mrs. Whittington had been spending the winter .. 1 n.. k. « k, _ \ . ./ 1. .. . k. £<n i i . iin-dical advice, iVr. Hal the care of physM'ian*. and the jrrmpjlbr of luwl friends, failed (o stay the im*.arable hand of I> a! h; au-A in a few hours afur Iscr arrival at Hot Sprint*, surrounded by her fhcnds from whom 3 hr load been se parated for sever*) in nth*, she, wit1! perfect contemns neat nml rest* natron. >-eld'd her spiru to the God who gar.- it.' Mrs. W. v> ss a native of Ma/waohuweas, where i’ie was man ted in 1H 4 7. and came immediately to II ..1 Spr.n • r unty, where she has eonlm rod to r- • 1r into i.vt fall. Sr.- was a lady of fine intei k-cl aut va-.e ■ net ortpli'hHWnts. and a kind an I tiTr-'na!e r»a' ;r It'onnr her illucm, .'he pro fe-A-l h-lipta anl r •>< •*.• •• 1 I raelf with tire MethodiaI d. rek, and her patient. Week, and e* euplary deportment, oiidt: oust into use adir tioa an r her unaffected sunphritr in the practice of rf.r, aiivirt ta autif ally demonstrated the sen lr on-! ceuwdatimrs of rereakd retain >n. I n The mm d.aa of life, she has /rone to the- grave, and a kus hand, children, mother, Rater, and n.auy warm fro iuis. will deplore toe irreparable I os they have »J ifercd. Y. V hi* re=T?enc? to Monroe eoun*v, on the 27th Mirt-h, afu-r a long and tiBg rnre iilueaa. PhtUp fwr<r, K<kj., focroeriy Sheriff of that eonnty, and her H -prawnutrve in the General Assembly during the *es*.<>n .a 1&13. LABAN M. Si ROl'D Attorney and t’«*»*eil*r at Law, Iff ILL practice in lW Owra of X-wton, Sear T * ry, Maoitt. and Carrot) ea antic*. Resell nee near Crooked Crevk, Carroli c<x, Aik. April 23—3.V— ty. .VOTMX, \LL pewotu indebted to the estate of U. B. Baldwin, dee., whose note* became due on the firs- day of Match, are hereby audited that un its* quick psyrn n’s are made on the tame, they will be placed is the hand* of the proper wflteetn Is tollerli*. A. J. 11LTT, AJmr. Little Bock, Marti >1. Uhl. AGAINST LOSS AND DAMAGE A* scent for the PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, of HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, ihe Mnderaened m auttwMed to n»> routeiks or MHttsci, Inly ««»W by this Ad, wt-H known, •ad bwr^ty j <-*poo*iNe Institute)* the nxst liberal !rnn - rite yreat resources of thw Company have enabled 1to pay at! lunaes which bate occurred under K* tolice* in the United State* and Briiwh Provinces j Inrinr the last twenty free yean, while numerous1 rther Companies hate failed to dmcharge their lia ntides. Apply to WM B. WAIT. Aj-ent | Lttlc Rock, Apnl 22. 32—tf. OLIVER & CO., WISH 4* Si'/HIT S, r.a»T MtimiKEr. jUST Received a floe as* *:«*.■*• of choice articles for Bar Stores, ami Family or, eon- i itstine of Pint- Old Pir! Wine; Madeira Wine; Brown therry Wihe; Pale 8 herry Wine: Catauba M ine ,'infworth Ohm; Claret Wine, Supr. Juicei Bran ly. Cornac; Cherries; London ton, Mo- ' lonsrahcla Whisky; Scotch Ale; Um»h Stout; Iniscttf; Natural Syripy-Musrat dc Fnntirnan; ilansrhano; Curacao; Mushroom Catsup; XVor esterslnre Sauce; Sardine*; Fresh Sail non,- Ah- f xntbe; Preserves Ac., Ac. Little Ruck, April 22. 33-tf. JEW FJiUT STORE. HORUlM>\ 4 CAKTERs hi Gwl tuir rf K"*l Mam tt., Urtt iritk ator afcjce tkf runttr tf MarUttm tt., waaauu t.\t> arrait trnass ct FAMILY, STAPLE AND FANCY lr#tfms, Pr*vi»isn«, Country ProJnrf, 4r. LEAVE just opened, in the store heretofore oc IC cnp:* l as a Tin Shop, a general as*ort:mnt f every thirur in their line, comprviujr a lareir srittyr.f FAMILY SUPPLIES than ever before ffercil in this market. Their friends, and citizen* tntrally, are invited to cail and examine their lock before purchasing elsewhere, as they arcdc - rmim-j to se ll as low as the lowest, fur * ash or oantry produce. Little Rick, April 9, 185!. 32—tf. PLOl'R—V) BMs •• O-Palton Mills” Extra So- 1 perfine. BACON—6 Hhda-Clear Sil-w; “ 5 “ bone do: “ 6 Tierces extra Surat Cured Hams. PORK—10 BbbU Mess; SUGAR—3 Hhds clarified: 4 BMg Powdered White. CANDLES—30 Quarter boxes Star. NAILS—*:* Kegs 4, 6 A fe </. Received and for sale by WM. H. WAIT. Aftni ill. TYPE FOUNDERY. GUILFORD A JONES, WO. %1, Columbia l*trwt, »j<-won ami Broadway, CISCIXX.ITI, OHIO. Would respectfully inform their old Patrons and | Tinters generally, that they have removed their oundery, to the buildings formerly occupied an ic Stereotype Founder)- and Printing Establish icnt of i:. SHEPARD. Vhere thry art Prepared ta Pvrtuak Angtlk-ng in thrtr FOSTERS’ PRESSES! Thev aac also Aoevts roa Forint’* i!0, CARD, 4 POWER PRESSES; And ta Fix', will Fill aay Order far PRINTING MATERIALS, _ r Me Skartrtt Mutter, and at the Laimt Eattrrn PRICES. W. MITCHELL, A. CO., ISSION MERCHANTS, as» Daalcn tu Try Cm<>, Cnctrfoi, At. NAPOLEON, AKK S. M*re\ 30, 1 Nil. SO—tf. *900 REWARD. G SCAPED front the Penitentiary on tht* da* the following described convict*. I will give J5 eaeh for their capture and delivery to me, if hen in this county, or 83e‘ each if taken out ; it. JOHN H. HAMMACK. ^ . Contractor. PeNrrmT tar, Ijttli Horn, Ama., } | March 1». IbAl. * Dewar mo*.—James Legume, 4t years of aye, feet high and stoat built, grey hair, hasel eyes, •man nose, high cheek bones and sallow can- ‘ lesion, tu conjectured be wili try to reach the fate of Louisiana. Andrew Rogers a 31 years of aye, 5 feet 6 inches ' urh, and of a stout build, be has light brown ! air, blue eyes, a reddish beard and florid com leiiiin, he talk., little, and iii*a low lone of voice j ud has a ijuitt look. Calvin, a dark mulatto boy, is 5 feet < inches , igh, stout built and 311 years of age. John Smith, a free negro, 32 years of age. ft feet inches high, features dark and regular, and is by adc a black south, tu Conjectured that he and alvin will keep togeihtr and push for the Creek stion or the State of Missouri. All the above wore caps, coarse shirts, on •; half, bite and one hal brown jeans pant*, and tlseir ! sir was cut cltjseiy on one side. Rogers had a : Lue jeans coat, the other 3 wore coarse jackets. Little Ruck, Ma tb 2S. 30—tf. Boot* and Shots. 1 CASES Bonds assorted; 4 “ Kip Brogans; 4 do*. Gent's flue Calf Shoes; 2. Gatters; 12 •' Ladies Shoe* assorted; % " Misses and childrens Shoes assorted; 1 Case boys Kip Brogans. 1 “ “ Boo?*, Ac., Ac., Ac. Received per Phiiiip Peanvwit. and for aale by M*T<h 25. l-t. aiuU*at Lauding. 2#-—tf. loaaar Aiwmow. Geo. C. Ltvu«n. Aiimn !!»»*•*. kRMSTROXG, LAWRASON A CO. ComtHi»«ion nrrcAanlo, lOO SU. A£H Ok LEANS. Mirth 25, IS31. 28—ly 20 7 300 30 20 * 20 2 Hfw *prinjf (>no«iM. >A Pieces la tot style bara/es. Z\j 80 *• print-J Muslim. late rtyte Sills, aaaorteel lain'ocs. “ " Oottocades. Hr own lines. Deanna. Bato J 4, 7-6, 4 H, Brown 4 B’.chM Daaaestk*. 4-1, M, PS4 tad 12-4, brown anu UithM Sheeting*. 3 pieces 12-4 Linen Shntint. 22 •* If sii Lik a. Gloses. Cravat*. Pocket H»n Ut rr fawf «, Shawls, Iprou Cheeka, (>»»ab»-r*», Ludaeliaa, ParaaaS, <«*k c* «ls, 4c., 4c.. 4c. lb** iced per P. Pennjrwitt, and it rale Ckrat i Caa* bir JOHN D. ADAMS March JS, 1941. Steambuui Lmrfmg. 20 Mminl Mint •til Dot. Palm Leal Hat*. 1 « Panama “ 2 “ “ Jenny Lund ” Hat*. 6 “ Tampaco •• 4 ** Campeaehy ** Rrcc.nsd pet P. Poaay wit and far sale by JOHN D. ADAMS. March 24 1947 Xu M M- M r MEXICAN Ml'SiTANCI LINIMENT m r. the Hat, the Lama, tka Sara, mi Ik St^f-JmnU *. “ W» My |M lUayt ^ great Tkt r*tr»i( Oil (Hw Miiim Hu long l~«i known to pc—sea* wit tun itaelf wonderfully nootktiy. fccalia* and cwatiu property and ha* been catcnsively used by the A*t»-rs tor Rheumatism, Rtiffnea* of Joint* or Lirnhr. and nil kinds of Sore*. I’ltra. Burns, Wound*, Haul Lamp* at Tumors, and far alt kink offfhui** InflanMiiation* in Man or Beast. The happy ccwitnnation of this wonderful products* of nature with olker powetful rvmrdie* Ike Nrtlraa M«Mnwc Ualawit Kemkcfs it one of the roost portert remedies ftn offered to the afflicted. It* action enow the orgsi tail-at if truly wonderful. I*» volatile, penetr iting, soothing and be»)ng pr .pcrties diffuse thcniaeh to thievery boms. It enure into the circulation of the blood—rues a new impulse M> ’.be whole w vous system to the very mtmniues of the finger* and toe*—staniilste* the abaorbeni* and seeretHV and thus assists nature to throw off amt rut herself of any diseased action of nervv*, muieb*. chm qr IwaHh n*v, maVin ; it equally appiieahle to wire* of any kind. rheumatism. pain* in any pan of l body, from a diseased met; >n of any of the structural portion* of the system, roaeesur^ th-» pee uh powers a the reason why it is e^aafiy efSrarious in so many different com plain's. We wiil pro a few of the thousand* of cures that have been effected by thta Lnumi'nt within t last year. A lady in Columbus Oiiuy bad her hand slightly bruised, took cold m it and it spread to A Frightful Clear Ail over the back of her hand. Doctors had pre-sen!**! ashes, ointment*, washes, and alterami withwat »k» oe it any ro>d. It had been in this condition more than a treat, when she rot a bottle tlie Mustang Ltnanent, by the rerostJuriidatioti of her physician, and applied it a* directed. The i suit was. that in four weeks the nicer was healed and t!:e hand was well! That doctor now bars l Liniment be the >lonen to use m hia practice. A little girl. fourteen miles tr.nii Columbus, had a severe attack of Rheumatism. The chord* one ie* contracted so that the foot wa* drawn up at a right angle with the. th«h. and the knee joi Miff, m that she wa* obliged to wsik with crutches. Thiee bottle* of the Mustang Liniment relav the chords, bio emu! the snet joint, relieved all pains, *to ruttheaed the muscles, and she can *kp l rope, leap and jump without crutches and without limping. A man in Pittsburgh-had a rvd but iron accidentally run into hi* foot, m»k;n ; a very severe Wussf naff Darn At the same time. The pain wa* int.-nar- and exc ruciating, threatening lock jaw. The fivd swclli icry rape lv. and in two hours he waa uuatde to t>ear any weight on it, or set it to the ground. thMoondoion the Mustang Liniment wa* applied. Immediate relief ftua pain wa* the runacqucnc sat in tv o days be went about hi* bus-was and had no farther trouble with it, Oapt. A'in. Alter, owe of the obtest nusena of Cincinnati, and long and popularly known on i ttie western and routhern rivers as a steamboat eapuiu, bad a very severe attar k of laffaasasatwrr Hkeawativas in his right arm. After suffering the most exeraeiatine pain for some d*y» without a moment's rein he otAaiued a bottle of the Mustang Liniment, and applied it. In It s* than twenty four hours, ! was entirely relieved from pain, the soreness anrl t!.ffues* perfi-rtiy eradicated. Let any doubt this hue presence, and he may give them a specimen of it* muscular strength ami (taxability if 1* “g,, right irm.” A man in Covington, Kv., iiail not been able to walk without crutches for near two ; are, from t efler la of Chronic RhcimatiMS. He heard of the Mustang Liniment, bought it, and usei it as directed, and row he j» well, ami r. itavu e a horn pip> eijiiai u> any y.ity Tar ! A mar. n »r Louisville, Ky , bad a negro man who bad running '•we* o*i both in* lers. Tl r v we a*'3Tly rotten, and feared they woui i be the eanae of h!s death. He proemt-d half a d r , tx»Uu * ffbe M’mtang Limmeut, and used »; ail according to the directions. In one month th- soreu we iieasetl. John Bennett, of PeteraburgU, III., had a daughter twelve yean old who had Terua Capiiis Jlcald Head. The entire at sip was a ruttiung sore ah 1 had bt i n for more than a ym.—d vt.-rs. ecu vloftno ro«l. They were persuaded to try the Mustang and to their great joy, it has e rirely healed all the sores, and a beautiful head of hair now covers the (lace Frightful Kcnlp ! ! A lady in St. Louis had a sore on the top of her head that threatened to spread all over the seal The hair came out and lefr a bare spot the sice of a doiiar. th*' waa a running to-. Sh<' used t .Mustang Linimeat on it. and it not only h-a!**<l the sore, but brought out a beautiful new crop of ha Ute a now using it to dress her hair, and says it is the lest Hair Tonic sheerer saw, while n givei beautifully guwsviise appearance totw hair. tint she bad m-v,.-r vucoeedctf m obtaining hef.iit. These art- but a few of the thousands of cures wr are daily hearing of fr .ui all part* of l country. I'or lloors and other Animals. There is nothing; can be compared to the Mustang Limracgt, in this speedy amijkrnnam ni cure Strains. Bruises, Cuts, Galls. Chafes, Scratches, Sweeny. Roil Evil, Fistula, 15.»• Head, Spavin, f£, Bone, Splint, Wind Gall, Cracked heels or any wound, stiffness, or unnatural eniarreiacut <>f Uin< muscle. A livery stable keeper of thureitjr had a match horse that he pro, <1 very highly that had lar.t Ring-bone on both ledgs. The hone *u c .mpieteiy cured, ami ho lush* lei; p>:i-tl) autoo by the use of the Liniment. To ('•antry .Merchants. Every atone should be supplied with this valuable Liniment, as it pays a gv*d profit and » rapidly. fnotion Extra. 1 . Many will try to induce you tobny Nerve and Hone Liuuaent or me other equally w >r*!,le trash, by saying it is just as curt as the Mustang n'. 15 it do lit be deceive*!’ Ask t ■ '!i L oin; nt, and buy n -n- other, and yon will a*it t>- di-i.ipp >;n ed. The nagi- is li.o» n on !;• Price* of the I.i u im<» I. I a consequence of the in teasel demand, w • are now putting up 25 cen\ 30 cent, and ’ liar be tie*. The 50 cent bottles contain three tiro-s asm i U a* the 25 cent sire, an*! the dollar 1 ■ >s fo times as muen n the50 cents *e—s*> that money will be saved in buying the law bottles. Principal Depot at BRA'Li 4c McLLAVS'S Drug Store, corner Third and Mark- : str- c'..<. r L*j;ns. Missouri. I f Druegisls and Country Merchants supplied on libera- terms. J. \V. TAPPE. Who'eaale Agent, at Little Rock, Ark. .31—ly. April (*,' 1F51. Mjuntl% ih Drew tounty foi Sate Ur PON arc .dimmliiiw tcnras. the fo; iowirij ' tract* of Saniif situated upon Bayou Hanbo 'omen.-. in Drew coan y, Arkansas : S. K. fraction <ji. sec. 7; Went half sec. 7: W half of X. K. qt. aec, 7; XV. bait sec. 6; W. hal of 8. K. qr. sec. 6; all in township 14 south raiup west. Theae lan'Is arc Among-flattest in The Star' o Arkansas, w ell sit lateil, in a thriving neghbof food and con semen t for stiipjen/ produce. Per terms, apply to L. A. XV HI TELEY. Littie Hock, March 22d. 38—3m. Ct HOCTAW LAND SCRIP in pieces of 80,161 / and 320 acres, foi sale by XVM. B. WAIT. March 26. 29—tf. tAqnor* and Hour. JCST recti*-»d by ateain- r Hamburg; 26 Bbb XVheskey. 20 Half Bbls. do. 8 Bids. Bor bon Whiskey. 2X Bbls. Flour. l > UbU. Potatjsai. Fur sale cheap, by JH. T..vNTL \liH «00»«! RECEIVED dir*c< fnrniN. Oile»n«. peratram i-t#* »it and D vr, a lot ol N<w Good* CdnsmIitk «l Limey •; Jeans: Bsttincts PiaaaePi Apron Ctwrk*; Om<n>«a's CmsSric**, B»reg-*> Apron Suits; reek Puck-t diulkerciiorn Alpsc ca'»: C.'ior*,'l SeWb.g Fi le Comb*; Ckixrl'i A'lfur*; Si te Comb ; ,\l«o 8 B • *-•* Collin** Axes aa ! 10 Sacks Coffee; ami tor sale Cheap by a. i. tiur r. MarrASI, 1631 Mn>a $'rtrt. Mill s awb . iwiaii» iu mm 7 f*«t; 1 KK.X't H LOCK6—3. b »uJ 7 inches; AXES—Colliu* and flu tit , 011 6 — LarJ, Ifuneed, tanner* and uentefool Received uni for sain by WM. B. WAIT. March 3d 24 -tf. Kaddlrr). V LARGE lot of Saddlery, cmuiatm* of irenrb. roen'tawi ladies Saddle*. Bridle*. Martingales Raddle- Baas. Cup ; U»«a, (j>fth*. Cilaiigiea, Col lam. Ila.aiei. Bridie Fillings, Sulky, Wagon an ruling Whig*, Stirup Irona, Bridle Bits, Ac., Ac. Ac., received per Phillip fVunvwit, ami for sal for CASH by March 25. JOHN I>. ADAMS, Kttruabuit Undiw. 22—if. S3(M> KCU IKI). RT'VAWAY otiriu stolen from the piiii tatKia of the subscriber, :u Cti-.ot county, Arkansas, about the 23d or tliiday of January last, a rn.ii.aiiu tuau nnu*.d IALKKHT. He n*Vmt twenty-flvooi *i» ycwM years of af tu !• m oar oi two iiMif.cs high, suairtit tiatr, vu* fees and hands, twi in person, has a fine set • teeth, and pisys on the viedta wry wet'. Th s'. ere described boy, so hi after fit. ‘Itsappcaraac. Mbeflbrodte hate teeu teen u the pus^jmi and claimed by a men MatedHouse. bis first nuu is iifet known, He tm aide use of several, »s Jei fc» -tt Howe aa<l ii. V H< sc. M. Hnnsc; who, i* belx-red, hart decoyed trrn 'tit. House a a uu appaf ntir about foci y-*v» yeara of apt, five o Bitte or ten metes r.^h, su nder and eseet in }a son, talks* cry sko. and draw line, ha# sandy fcaj. two front U-r-th to the r ppr-r jaw c-ithcl Woken i worn off so as to Icev. a wide space brtyre a if., the fingers, s i one or Ur'.h bands, crooked as tkuuj by Rk» or Kjjory, and a appareatly a l< the riea! when spoil. •• to. __ l will rivetbc a hose reward fr the delivery • • he boy LH.HE-i F on uiy plants'x-a, Ua» ther wj( the fipprebctis-eit an I euni Kiljou of Home; or will give mu Urn ireJ mat fifty ■miksrn for the * lucry of the boy, aad pay ait reasoasble cine one •lEORtiE W JOHNSON. Chicot county. Ark., March Iff, IbJl. IT tVHi, fit (iascUe copy. 4w. , Cl lam HetHn H'ST received J* Basbr! of Dr, J or.tan's e«J P bcau-d CuUva Heed, aui for **> cheap, by A J. HITT. Lotte Rxk, March Jl, ltd). M* *t. Patrick's Male Collegial Inxtitutc. LITTLC BOCK, ARKtXIUI. TTWIS establishment is now openedou Louiaia X street fur the admission of day—and r is expected after some Woe to atf iri accomodal* ; for boarder*. The Caarw of Msrstioa will Embrace. t! Isd. Tin. Primary; 2d. Th.. XotcanUfn, and 3 The Classical and PiuLoaopLica! Departments, j TERMS—Per quarter of twelve weeks, ji.iya! | w advance for the Primarv D< partmenta which i : clinic Spelling Heading awl Writing *'> mi.. For the Mercantile, which uxl'idcs An'hio*” Re! ■ s L. tters, Elocution, <} -/raphy, !!»*• ry a , M<; ns era'i >n *■» 00. For the Cl.tssical and Philosophical departmei which include* together with wha* is mention in the Mercantile course ; the Latin, Ofcc French and Italian laRg>ta<r a ; the si ierice of A H*.bra, Geometry. Trigonometry; with Natural a Experimental Philosophy #12 00. lllHKCrOKH AND PlturKSSOIS. Rtv. PATRICK REILLY. Kj y. PATRICK BEHAN, Rtv. PATRICK MARTIN, i Little Rock, March IS, 1S42. 28-11 w. ' IViIn able Real tint ate fur Sat j |)Y virtue of an order e»f the ProUUc Court XJ Randolph couuly, Arkansas, made at the Ja • i ujtlf t« rin, A D. is5i, and on the tourth <ta> of t . term the u mi. negmi adluu. atttUa • if t!n- Ea u - . Thomas O. Marr, decea •!—%r: aeii at tic C*o . 1 km re door m the U>wu of Pocanoutas. on Mmd ' , the 12ih and Tuesday the 13th days of May m. ;, on a credit of twelve mouth* with uol.' and seen. >‘ty, title wad-' on full pay:o>n. of the pure ha money—the following dean-tied Ri al Eaiafas-ayt.i [ted m the town of Pocahontas awl vicinity: IKi NW i at See 24, T ia N R :i fc, tMlacrt INK { Sec 36, T 19 N R 1 E, 160 acie-c. (El audNWjof M*eNWlfrlS27, T18NR1 E, l i a ria, i Wj aad NE1 of XBf Sec 28, T 18 N K i E. 1 • i acres, j El of the N W i Sec 36. T 20 N R 1 E. SO at ri 11-6 pt of SEf of SEi Sec 27, T 20 N R l E, 6 < 1 acres, . NYVJ of the SE 1 Sec 33, T 20, N R 3 ft. tO acr. , NE1 of the SW 1 See 33. T 20, N R i E,' SWl See », T 18, N H 1 W. 160 acre., • SW i Sec 24, T 18. X U 1 W, l«ii acres, • N-W1 of tfe N Wf See21, T JO, X R 3 E. **• aer. J i NW pt of the- NW ftl of frl t> 34, T 18 N K 1 K, 1 • 1«J0 acres, •! ME i of the NW 1 Sec 32, T I8N K 1 F., 4fl aer • I Blocks of lots in the town of Pocahontas Nos «, 13, B 2, It, t\ 20. ». Jfiaud 13. Lola No and 3 m Block No. 2 East Broadway St. Let J . & in Block No 31 East. Lota No*. 43, o, 3 awl ‘J u»vw A ms aIV'» » m * iiu, ateo at ihe tame tout* »i will Mil tin- t o* >ne, c tins* and two bo*le;s of a sti.-sra uu<;! Us,, uni! hi !(.■’ be#a burnt down over thorn. No doubt I »«■•; » h*r*aio can be bad ,,, u*. tsach-.itf. of the al«»*e heal Kitate u> u *w ««., , pr'/ved. bioee of lot* No. ", kaa e,* ted . >.;i >'*• hottse, with waw bo'.iaes a'"ach-l the ‘ v, »ltd s» (food stand ft* bay:?.<-*»—<ni»* of t>.. fan a the Won hai on it, ig toti dwclin z ti oor b'-'Mes and sot..-; forty w»e» of i^ieo und. < 1 thr - of the ctfc*. r !am» aft* s*;Fjr w-.U irap/ovcd, i lie within a ih«t distance fom tits ;■»«, t wuli other projw-ny ww. m , cr«d by itee tutu ft O. Mart, £*.(,, wish tart- aud w. h the future l>e'-ta of tbi* {dare. l’u« afeanuiv a moated (*o black Knee, at head of f’earu boat ii**y*J*ic, and wkste U out run U;b*: laoN'.tu iatbe yea/, and ts lio-.tiiaf tie a il >uruluLV yJUM«, end at a, 4 y. read* (hero are *t« «r/u«tioa defieadaat wy* m it ' *ufif>l»ea, Ac. !' A mot*, faaorab’v turn nay u %« oft r B g,, u , property in Una place and vacimiy. Any further lufonuatw'i rebut*** to t&« I er other* me wdi be ftUBiabcd promptly b> *d.b< mg oa at this place JOHN H. IMBOPKJf. JOHN P. BUi K, AiJmemt.ratmr. */ the ttlal TW« O. i*T, JterctrJ. Poeaaoatas, Arc., March IS. A. U. IBM, *h Hprimg tithing. \L ARflK and bcaa dui aaauaUacnt of hpb] CLOTHING. rtccmd per Phillip Penny and fotaalc by JOHN D. ADAMS, 8te«»tbcat Laadm n~< Much !J. t br| of' n ic Wtokiey; P^Lrjiwc*— IHOCERIR*. *« T»u»l_ and m than dauhiy M tape N pips Obfd, Ontiurd. a ea*k» Mn.!en* f«; 4 44 jmcrof Pint; «) pain. old Cognac Bra ml y in dtaijohM; an 44 44 Scotch W hwkcy »n “ 44 I nab " 10 bWa. oid Rye mi Bourbi 2 44 44 Peach Brandy; 7 quarter ruki St ClMl f 4 M»l». While Wroe; « 44 MaJapa Wine; 4 quarter rank* JnUMMca Rum; 2 mctlMlawlOwi ' - - U bones Skcdora Gin: SO baskets Chaapaagne, chore* brands; 3 bmrtHnrk Wine; ft down old Madeira Wine; * 44 pule juice of Port; 40 hrwe#04aret; « do» n choke Cordial#; 2 basket* Anmartt; « bova Ahsjrnth; * . 10 44 Curare; 10 44 Br»nd> ChefThu; 40 44 Lemon Syrup; 10 dntea Scotch Ale; 4 44 asx..n<<l Preserves; 2 lane!* Currant*; 3 boxes Citron; 8 harndx Cranberries; 2 44 A 8. Almonds; 30 half tmxea Raiains; 30 drum* Pig*: 4 boxes Pine Apple Cheese; 10 44 Ohm Cheese; 10 < Inara Kentucky Mustard; a a 10 8 8 a fnwb Peaches in esns; fteah Omen Peas in eaaa; Pick lea. assorted; tana I.nhstert; 44 Mackerel; 44 Salmon; 1 cam- Sardiues; 8 d<-ren Tomato and Walnut Krtcbnp; s 44 Worebestrfshire Sauce; Pi pper Satire; Olive Oil; Olive*; Capers; R***l Pepper; barrel* white Sugar; hep fresh t'rarhrrs; key* choice Tobacco; 2*M*|ii Havana Cigar*. The above were selected exprmtlv for this mar het and are of the heat qualitv, an t wilt be sold ! w f * ' *»h. JACOB HAWR1N8. March 11. Idl. in S 8 ,4 A A 20 IS ■•S 10 ru le! ti xl H U»lm Mmlm, Hat*. I' ^ |» r steamer Penorwit." a m w • I and nwhionabte a-aortm. ni of Bummer Hats \ ;* .— 3 Mark won! Mexican; 3 2 .1 3 white Congress; Leghorn, Xennv Lind style; Mi n’s and boy'* Hungarian; < wmpcar by, new style; P'*>iaia, new style; China Pear!; aasorted Palm Lent new style; 1 cane Russia Braver, new style. For sale r heap, by JOHN COLLI Ns Ajml 13. ia»i. ,cj_jw 3 10 V Steamer Emily I have joat received and new offer for sale; 40 Barrels Super Piste Floor; 2 ** Rve Whisker; IS Boxes Ass* -ted Tobacco; P* “ Lemon Syrup; s *' Candy; 1 Barrel Liwiiah Filberts; 10 “ Ale. X. TANTI. Lower Steamboat Lauduu April 7, 1661.—31—if Nr Vilr. VFIXE L.lRtlF. IIOR.sE. al Old and seventeen hands in March 25 FIXE L.VRGF. HORSE, ilsint seven years ii height. Apply ■ L. A. WHITELKY. to .»fp#r« for Hate. 'pW0 LIKELY NBOHO WOMEN, one with X two children, and the other with one rale for cash, by Marc h 26, 1661. _ For J l). ADAMS, at the steamboat Landing. » rM O NEW two hone W»pm«, for sate cheap, X,r 1. D. ADAMS, „„ «* u,< «e»nl>o8t Landing. aViwfCFi *5, l $61. i^ Stationary. V LARGE and beautiful assortment of sta tionary, received per Phillip Peimvwit. and (or sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Mnifh 26. * **~*°«. Wanting Mhool. ’ LO. B. KING, fa, ectfuily Informs th« citi " Ml** Little Rock, and vicinity, that he will ••pea In* School in the above aecmupltehmont. «u Saturday, the I at day of nlawb, a* the lfock Hotel. Ueoone for young Ledire. Miaeea and Mantera, will be given on tl» morula* and aveumg of Sat urdey ol eoch week Little Hock. t ab. IS, 1661. 24—1 w ice. MITT*, SITS 4c. ( L>T termed by ih* steamer Ponlisc No 2 2u l one oi Bunion Ice. 23 H M, 4 BvireU ( hretnuts. 1 B*(f ol A imoiia. I 8"J F.egliali Walnuts. 1 Bene! Cocoa not. 60 l'a«» Oyr.lera. 2 Bairrlt Oyefieia in the thcll. 2001 Pi* kl#-d Uyeairra. 1 Bm fnbacro. 2 Hogvl **■!« Sugar t Doz. Basket At,meet. 3 " - Cordials. 1 ** DtnijutM. March M. 1661. TANTI Stf-tl. tt s. 6 s*. i a io.; in aft i |V • \ .ui! a ; Hi t * : Pr- , CH, V iM) il«i ! hm ' ts*, ! I HtMl I KitIV %L! Kt fc.JV Kl) from .Now Orfoooo por ^iMDwr p. Penny wit, the fo lowi.e Uoodo— fc Do*. Star Ho*., • •• Steel Crown Hart; 1 •• GraWtsf Hwt, I “’. lou bnnllo MmrrU; * " ** .liorl t» Carry (.'umbo. 1 •* 1'eJ.r Cltaro*; 1 Birrfl Rive; ID Sock* (VKej 10 Barret* >ug»r, 3 “ Mo MCI; AuJ for Ml* at »,l, HilTT’S, Kittle Rack, Leb. *♦. IHI M.lo Ktr». I ♦lull.. d bn»t|*t. I ceieed, end for Ml* by ()NKIT,f?,‘'“ll,i‘. >*MU»ro OeL, ,u.t PVb Jn. i»S». w M I* ^ *rM>ri< * < k ! he j j Ai fctf { fiy wi I’lUfST A CO., MtAUBIMl IN' , * fmiloolv 'hot*. HATS, CAPS, AC., I‘A Lis At, M Kill.. \ ■ . ,\D CAMPCACh Y BATS X* 10. M.((.»»,. Win re. < •.«,*» »,lU C«fcn,on .t SB* *d Kro» ear H*a«e* »t Mow York >M Uw„tnn V «*fc m,.,IWo „ a. Country Denl't. ia.ttad to Mil .Ml «iu,Luo «»r „*tk •«•>»*• Iw. NO wit, C«>LDJKIty LAND WARRANTS, for 1M O acre* nek, for mU by ’ Mnrck 3d ** »' W«* A Kansas MontY-k*. .m.vv _ >siWArt. v *1^1 »«p«iiun * *•*“*•« f«t -«*«!»•***,•• end fee mW by «Wk *. **• * r f.