Newspaper Page Text
! UfTfcK iKiTiin irtnss, missis. From the let of April U 1st October, IASI, lb* nk •cfiber will r»» • BAILf U» Of STACKS From Lilli* Ruck to H#« for Ik* oeoww fHu of lb# public— To loom ovory oU»*r doy, (oneopt Somteyo, »Ub tb* l!oiled 81*1*0 Moil. IS POt'A HOCfS POAT COAIHE*. at S o'clock. A. M.,**a*frivoat HotSprioye.ocmo Soy, otS P. M. Tiff ACCOMMODATtOS LIME,* Poar Hon* Peri Couch**, will leor* Liui* Rock ovory lutereeniug day. at Ik* torn* boor io Ik* morutof. cod orrivo ol Hot Spring# noil dey. *: 9, in lh» ooeoiof • _ PARE By either lAm.^V-***'* “ P»«portioo. The taboeriber u lb* con»r*el*r for lb* convey one* of lb* Untied St*t*« Mail* on th- room* fro n Lilli* Rock *o Fort Smith, end fro** Lillie Mock io Wwbinflos in H*mprie»de»*nly.*l* Hot Spring* —io Pool Couch**. Ibro* lime* n «**k tT Both the** ronle* interme* »ilh lb* Steam boat Coiled Slate* Moil Lio* from MempbUto Lit ll§ Hock* IT sun Offico *1 th* Jmtkamf He*« ,i^=tef* »c PETER HANGER. Fob .11. M-ly Sundries fVora Sew Orleans. Received p*r Steamer* Pbiiup p*»»y»» **d Pontiac, the following good*. to-wil: 100 bteaehod Sneka (Ml; 10 half BbU Molaroeo ; 1 Bbl. Riea ; 3«*8 lha. Swoad Iron ; 50 lb# do. Plow Mould*; SO Si**l M ilia, aaaotiod aitra 1 4 Down Grata Bad Card*; 2 Cotta do Rope; 2 Coil* Cotton Ropa ; 1* Bright Ox Chain* ; 3 Dox. water-proof Rlfi* Lock* ; 9 da. Palm Loaf liala; 12 da. Wehetpr’o Spatlor*; 100 acta Capa and Seocere ; 100 do. Edged Plat« ; 3 Dox. Horn* Collar* ; 3 do B. B. B. Hat* ; 48 pair Man’* thick Boot* 10 Bbta. Prim* Sugar. For aal* by A. J HL’TT, Feb. 10. 1951. Main Street. Mate Scrip. ARKANSAS State Tree'ury Warrant* faraalo b_ ISAAC I.fcVY Little Rock. Feb. II. 1851. i.iqroit. 5BBLS Old Boarboa Whlakey ; 2 BWa Old Meaougaliela Wbisxey ; 20 Bbts. Prime Old Whiskey ; 20 half do. do. 4 Bbl*. French Brandy ; 2 Caaka Old Cognac Braudy; - 2 do Madeira W ine ; 2 Caaka Muscat Wine; 2dj- Malaga do I Hf. Bbl Cherry Bounce; 1 Bbl. Gin. Received per Trus tee, and for «le b, JOHN D ADAMS. Feb. II, 1*51. Stewmbowl Lauding. (iroerrif*. ~r Sack* Salt; 13 Sacks Coffee; 15 Bbl*. Sogar ; 75 I Bbl Powdered - ugar ; lb Bbls and half Bbl*. Mo!s«#e* ; I Tierce Rice Raisins, Chess Vermieilli. Macaroui, Sweet Chocslst*. Lobsters. Sardine*. Brimstone, Cigars. Spanish Brown, Rot ten Stone. Whiting, Bristol,Brick. Ftnery, Lamp l\; t, Ac, Ac. Received per 1’ontia*', sou for „!<s by JOHN D ADAMS, Feb. 11, 1851. Steamb st Landing. W ALTON, SA N FOR C AC O . GENERAL GROCERS. AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 340. *5, New Levee, S Orleans: HAVE constantly oa baud a general and well selected assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Ft** Lxpurt and llisri, PuninM, Kte. Ext In add.lion to the articles usually found in a Grocer’s Stock, thoy keep a supply of Naiis, Glass, Drugs, sud Dye*. Letter sad Cap Paper, Plajiog Cares. Ac. Ac. Their aim will be to sell good and 'reeh article*, and alw»v. at EJIR MARKET PRICES. Their facilities for buying, with their experience in the Arkansas trade, and their knowledge of the Wants of Cist section, llwy tt.lok wttt euabtu them at stf times »o fill, sstwfactonly. anch orders as they may be favored with. Jan. 1. 1951. I-J. __ IMowm Plows. Received per s«*u >>. and Dove, the 'oliowiug goo<i* : . 75 t sot and wrought one and< two horse Plow* 30 Kegs and quarter kegs powdor. 20 hacks Rio C tTee 5 Bbi*. Mol»***•■ 4 Doxen Collin’s Axes For mi* by ,,A. J- HUTl, Main street. Veb 4, 1851. 22—tf. €«rocrrle*: *«rocer»«**»:.* JUST received direct from Cinciuusli, per Steam er Hamburg: 5 Bbi* Dried’Apple*. 2 “ B«», 6 keg* Pig* feet, 4 Boxes S»«p,| 10 «• Star Candle*. »# bbi Beat tongues. 10 1«|( Goebea Bailor, 1 Bbl Salewt 4 Bbi# Vinegar, 100 1 gal. Jag*. 50 34 •* do. 2 Bbl* Lard Gil, 10 •* V3hi»key, 10 34 Bbl* do 35 Bbi* Floor, •JO •« Onions 30 “ Pot aloe*. A ad for tala cheep by Jan 30. 1051. 20-if A J H L' T f, Jfain rt.ft. I''1.0UR 100 Bbia Ohio extra *upertioe, 1 Buckwheat, 20 Bag*, Che***—SO Box**, Lard 011-2 Bbl*. Gtaaa—10 Boxes 10 by 12. Hama— 5 cask* extra aagar cared. Lard—5 > kegs S» 1, Nail* —25 krge. Beef—2 bbia dried Rac’d per •Hamburg,’* and for tale by Jan. 20. 1-51 20-«f. WM B WAIT. Niufulrlc* i’*» i tncinnati. RECEIVED per Steamer Tra*t#e, lb* follow ing good*. t*-wil: 10"« poand* fella* Y*r» I 6 Doxen Corn Broom*; 6 Boodle* Horae Shoo Iron ; |0 piece* Ax* Bor Iron; •17£4 tbs. Fi*t »ud Square Bar Iron; 50 Plow Moald*. 25 Large Wa«ii Kettle* ; 8 Box** Tobacco ; SO Largo Week Pete ; 1014 I bo Dog Iron* ; 1 Box Hatch Madder ; I Bbl. Coppers*; 90 Boxeo 10X12 Win dow GU** ; 4 Bose* Gla**-war# ; I Bbl. Clo*er Seed ; 25 Beg* Shot . 25« lb*. B-r Lead ! or mie A. J 1 1 * Fob-J®, 1851._ M«ia Street _ ORA,VUES A SIP laEROAS, JUST received per steamer Phillip Peaaywil 3d boxes orange*; 5 do. lea*#*#; _ _ For *a!s cheap M. TAN II. Fed 24 25-tf. Early Potato?*. ONE baadrod bashed* j«»t reeelred par eteamer * Umpire, No. 2,” and for mi# by D. BENDER K CO. LiUi* Back. Fob IS, 1*51 24—tf. SUGAR, 17 Hbdo. choice brow a; COFFE—Sd bags prime Rio; SALT—200 bajtcnare*; -* 5d bag* Cae Riwirrd par lot* axtlrala, aad for *at* by WM. B. WAIT. 4 74—if. PENNSYLVANIA RJULdLOAS Bl'HUH ia aatleipaliaaaf lbeapaa<agaf it** Cart- | ■rn Div-rlna af li»* Praanytrania Cauat m* «o aad •ft*r Ik I WKM l it IH *f FEBRUARY, at lit* (allowing raw*, via: For l»{ Claaa Pry (Ma. H»tn, Boot* and Sh •**, Drag*, Book*. Statmoery, Ac .at ft p»r lOlllb* For 2a Claao—Hordworv, Qaeoaanrare. Groevvla*. Paial aaii Dyaat iff*. OH*. Xe , at *» el* |>r 100. For 3d CUaa—Caffe*. Leaf Tobacco Iron, (in**, Baeoa. Beaf, Pork, Ac at «i » cU per 100 Iba. Far 4lh Claaa -Tar. Pilch, R**»n. Aat.r*. MarMo. Pig I «a. Biiek*. Jtc , at 5-'* rt* per IIW Iba ii h nocsroN. Freight Agent. Peaa Railroad Co. Na ST I A. 27b Market Street. Phil*. Jt. B-—Goad* going E**l by oar Road altaa d bo consigned to McFADBA A CUl OOB, • Pnt*bargb. j PF.NNSYLV.ANI \ RAILROAD COMPANY. PASSENGER I R AINS between PHILADEL PHIA and PITTSBURGH. lerare Phiiadelohia Daily at S A. M.. and at I»», P M -Laatro Pi'.ta bargb Daily nl 9 A. >1 , an ! 5 P 'L A- HENDERSON, I’***e«g-r Agent. 2 l-2m. HtK iMRiMEi *T THt: PR»TECTIOS IXNfftlUI rSIPAST. OF HARTF ’Rl> 0»VX. Capitol Stock and Yearly Premium': #1,000.000. AS Agent f'rf this nM, well known. an i highly respectable I ns'it it t ion, I am prepared a: ail I fiuHfs to issue poiiete# oflas trance a/airtst loss ani damage by fire, upon the most favorable tenia. 1 * WM B. WAIT, Agent, i Little Rock, March 25. 29—tf. Arkanaas River Packet. STEAMER SAINT FRANCIS, D S JAMES. Matter, IlflLL continue to ran m a If rf^ulsr packet, bet 'ecn N » pdroiiind Fortbibooo. Thiaboat >• as light, if no’ of a lighter draught, than any ether boat on the river. Passenger* and shippers may reiy on her putrcU i iy performing her tripe, end at aa low ralea as any other boat iu the trade Feb. 14, ISM. 24*-tf. rptHE subscriber, agent f r H. Haberman, will X continue the former's biwine* at his old stand I on Mam, near Markham street, and keep con , stantlv on hand a fall an ! well assorted stock of * Groceries, Ihv Goods, Boots. Shoes, Hardware. Castings. Ac.. Ac., all of which wilt be sold tow for cash. The highest market prices will be pa d for country produce, as beef hides, peltries, bees : wav, Ac. JOHN KRAUSE. I ittle Rock. March '2S, 1851. 30—tf. Iron and i awiiiix**. 4 rv/~k/"A Kbs- Bar iron,assorted ; tUv/v 4 Buaiie* Nail Rous; S Bunnle. Extra Horse Shoe; 100 piece* Flow Wings; "3 'killet* and lids; 30 Oven* and t'ds ; 13 assort'd Euglish Fnta; 15 Sngrr Keities ; ll Grid Irons: 3d odd lids. Received per I ruste*. and for se e by JOHN D ADAMS, Feb. 11. Steamboat Landing. *20 t’ineinitaii Gooetsl Kegs Fresh Buckwheat Floor; 3«kl pounds bologna Sausages; 1 bbi; Huminsy; 1 bbl. White Beansl 20 Boies Star Csntiles; 10 Boxes Tallow do. 2 tf b!s. Lard Oil; I Bid. Calamus; 3°4} Jogs; 15 Demijohns, 15 Iron Bound Kegs. Received per Trustee, sod for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS. Feb. 11, 1831. Steamboat Landing. Star Candles Jte. •jrvrv Lbs. Star Candies ; 25 Bags Buckwheat Floor ; tj Bhl. V\ niie Beaus; 4'H) Lbs* Hastings- Jaat received per Pontiac, jud for sols b* FATHERLY A CLEMENTS. 'Feb. 11. IS5I. 100.000 ibs. A EW «00 » . Received by walter mikhkll, wntoii tbs last month, tt.a' haw been pur chase*. by him, on be'ter terms than any stock l.itb erto. and as weli selected, which it will dispose ct ! at such rates as shall induce customers 'o purchase more liberally than before—the truth of which mi) ! ae fes'ed by alt pel suns who will faior him with a call and examination, at hi- Xcw fash Mores on Main and Markham meets, LilHc Rock, where they will find, a! ad times, a lull assortment of all articles belonging to the following branches of merchandise, vi*: Dry Good', Grocei let. Crockery. Hardware. Tinted re. Bretts and Shoe', If its and Ciipt. Drug - and Medicine', and Odd, Clerking, Furniture, Flour, Stoneware, II kiskry and all t on and .Vails, other Liquors, Stores and t'admgt. Bar. n, Cotton Yarn, hole and Upper Leather, ami all olhet articles errr totitid in a Gencrnt Variety More. Therefore, he would respectfully invite all per ! %6l>* that visit Liitle K»ck, to give him a fall, that j he may give them a cordial recep i ■!>, and arq in I himarlf, a- tar as may be in his power, ot the ! broad assertions. His unprecedented success {having, so far, »nr j passed his most sanguine anticipations) places him j under very great obligation* to ail his eusfviner*. j an! he would hereby render most heait* thanks tt one and all for past favors, and kin Isfisk acon'in j uance of the «.une. His present facilities for business enables him In sell mote goods than he can p' faibly get iuto hi* * house, but hopes, in future, to be able In supply all demands, as be is a' out to{es\ib i<:i a Wbolrsuir Hoist al N.IPOLEOSi, by which means any , quantity of goods hi i he delivered at L't’le Iteck. a* ail tunes, as cheap as they can be purchased in New Of lean* cr Cincinnati, with • scej ion ol Ir-igh an<t expenses. In twenty days from this dale, as rear tt mav be, he will return from Cir.rinnati, with about eighty tons ol Whiskey, Fiut, and such siticl- s as can be pnrcha«eit, the cbea|wsl in the’ city. Just received, p»r vteamer linen, ninety this Whiskey, nut twenty Cheese which is going olf lit-ho'ekes. W MITCHFLL. LUtU K*k, ZVc. 2laS, 1?3»>. !«-!*«. IMoiirIi*. | Q PEACOCK «o I, 40 Id CO •* 2, 3r> Hall's cast “ 1. 12 .. .. «. * Fof JMiitf, by Jan 7 WM B WAIT. llla('kt>nii(h*N Tool*. J 3* and 2 A ir.cii B-'.Ijis-; 4 Mouse Hole Ann!*; 4 4 Cotter's K*y Vues; t sets Hamm-rc Received anil lor sale, by J D ADAMS, Jit 4. 21, I bo I. Stan But Land if. Hrw Baron. ,T HHDS. ctesr Sldea, received »nd for sale, by •3 Jsn 27. WM. B. WAIT. tanstrrf’* Vftiaaal *sp *f Irkantas. VFtiW copies d the above Map—theonivrom pleV ai I c -,-ieei one eser |><ib|i*h»<J—for sal. »t th* QaxtUt ■f-i Ptmaerixl other— price J.V, on rotten, ami bar. ' mely varnished and colored. Jan. 7,1831 - IS— Ba^in^s Mo|»r and Twine. RFg _IVED September 1st PM.fram Loo.anile _^.ir i yards Colton Bagging; 3,00*1 pounds Bale Rope j M Tw me, lor sale low by A. J. ill’ rr, Rim Stresg. Ruck Wheat Flour. CT Sacks Fresh Beek Wimst Flour, OX Sacks Fresh Beek »host Flour, ins* rs ZO ceirsd by FATHERLY fc LEMENT8. Float r! Flour! n Ev'ElVr.D litis day by ways us. Twenty BbJs. Superfine Flour, for sole for t'ssh ot n It A J. BUTT’S. Hi ST. MANY'S ACADEMY, FOR YOUNG LADIES, Little leek, itkeitu, THI5In«ti,e!ioe.eiv*-f the eef-eriel patronage el High! Reverend Dr. hras*. » »”« »»■*•• •<* the r»e ption of boat dee*. Situated ta a related pert of the rtl» of Little Rock, it po**e**e» eeerj »!««• tag, whuh tan contribute to the health and happi ness vt the Pijwi*. Tt« aUtiioau not* being made to the already *p*ci m* buibting*—together with it, extensive and beau'ifiil fioumt*, will rrwl't it one of the nwt ceo nirlioat amt delightlol institution, of the We-t. The Ssh-viastte year renrarwM the lit*t Monday in September—|be annual vacation the Ijth J'ttj'. p.ipi;, r< rrivett at any time, hut not lor a shorter pen..! than thr- e mon’ha. »n>t no ded tetioli, II tailh tlratan belmr the expii*lion tl the »r*,i<-|., except in <a*» of proracted sickness. The ri.iitv td »tudi»s emhiafc# all the btaoehea usually taught in ’he be*! Schools tor Young Ladle, Tile me,' r»< slant at’entim anti he paid ’o’h» mor al at well »* to the mental education oi the pupil, Paring the hours of recreation the young la-lie, are ,|via\, nodet the rare of one ot the (egcieis—in vlioit, e,rt) thing proo.o'ir g tiie welfatc ol the pupil, aaiil be ainiej-et ol the Moat r onscietitiou* attention. Kaell young lady must be piovi 'erl vr|ili a fertile, fork, spoon, pikUrt, »t* table napkin*, six rhang-a of linen, wo k and drcsfing boa, comb,, biurh, toaret*. fit.. Ste. At the • ml <d each quarter tire young lady most distinguished for general good conduct am! profi ciency in studies will be rear »/■!>• ti by the ho unary ileeoratioR of a inedet. ant evriy ptoper means employed to inspire a laudable emulation amongst the pupils. P . juts ol c cry r ligio't* denommation ar» admit ted into the i -stt'otioo I' d no improper influence ever used to biaa the teligtous principles ol the J linin' Id' I'T—-17'M IVI •« ate required ’» conform to the general regulation* of the Academy. - ah eorre-t<>rdf ol the pupils, *aeept that of parents, wilt i>« subject to the inspection ol ti e Piincipat. The parents or guardians of the conn; ladies ate required to drpo.ite with the Principal nr some le sponsible person in the city a sum ol money sufficient to meet all contingent expenses. The French depailinen! uitl be uniter the direc tion ol one who fas resided seve-al years in France, and is latniiiar with the P»risiar accent. In the musical department the Pnncipal will be aided by Mrs. Ourr.1, the Organist ol theCa'hedral, * lady weil known to be eminently qualified to im part a thorough prse’iral knowledge i t the science. She will also give private lessons on the Piano or Organ to those wishing to take th. TO. Terms for Hoarder* perNc«»ion of a Month*: Board and Tuition, in all the branches pertaining to a borough English education.$58 no Washirg, use of bed and bedding,.15 00 Kitrn Charges. Music—Piano, with use of instrument.# quartelry.i $12 00 Guitar. Id no Organ,,,...,,. 12 00 l'if ol O'-gan,. 2 80 Drawing and Painting. t> IKj French. 5 00 Physician’s lees |>er annum,. 5 00 Vocal Music to t! ose not taking insliumm # tat. quarterly.$ d 00 Terms for Day scholars per Hwarter. Elementary class,.§5 00 For the more advanced.S 'hi Plain and Ornamental Needle Work. Embroidery, Bead and Lace woik, Knitting and Netting Flow ers. will he taught (ref ol charge—the pupils fur oisMWg the materials. Bo H»rs pay the current expense' semi annually in advance. Day scholar* quarterly. There w til be an extra charge ol §15 00 for those spendinglhe annual vicahon at the Institution. For further particulars, apply by tft'er or person ally to Miss Vicroa, P.mcipai ol the Institute. REFERENCES: Right Rev Dr. Brasa, Hon. 8. C. Rossi, Ger>. S. H. Hisnma, Col. L. J. Reardon, Johs Baows. Esq., D. VV. Carroll, Esq. Rev.J. Momchis, Kev. J. Fuuco, J. Devxreacx, E-q., N Duveiuucx, Esq , BiaTiroLoMEw .Mclijn, J inks S. fnssar. E»q. Judge IIsslt, Helena Judge Must, Cnlnmi’a. Agen’ for ’lie Institution, IIlTGH BROGAN. July 10. 1-50 —7—45—ly. HKHPHIS IlihTITITE. MEOlCAL DEPARTMENT: The regular eourse ol Lectures in this Institute will commence on the 1st of November, and con inue until the last of February. The Anatomical Department will be opened and ready to receive students by ihe Is! ol October. The Medical De partment will be under the direction ol (he Pillowing professors: J. *’ox<acE‘T Caoss, .M.D , Prcfe*«or of the In stitute* oi Medicine a*.I Medical Jurisprudence. \V Bvac Powell, M D., Piolessor nl Cerebral Physio.ogy, .Medical Geology an-1,Mineralogy. R. S Nswtos, M D. Professor ol Surgery. H J. Hplce, M D. Professor ol' Theory and Practice of .Medicine. J. A. Wilson, M D., Professor of Ubsteteric. and Diseases ol Women and Children. J. Kisr;, M D , Profc*sor of Materia Meiiiea, and I herapeutic*. Z. Freeman, M.D , Professor of Anatomy. J Milton* Sanders, A M., M.D., Piolessor »f Chemistry and P! airoacv. Clinique Lectireri: Mrd’civf—Prof, H J. Hclce Surgery—Prof R 8. Newton. Jasl wral Demontl^alur—Z. Freeman, M D. The I cs for a full course ol lectur>-s amount to #105. Marticulators, §■> Demonstratoi’s Fee, #10. Graduation, #2'*. Those desiring further information will please address their letters (post paid) to the Dean; nr i studen’s arriving irt th- cry will pleas-.- call on hnn at the Coin mere :vl Hotel R S NEW I ON, M D.. Dean of the Famlh,. LAW DEPARTMENT: Hon E V\ M Kino, Piolessor o! I heory and P.actice of Law. Hrn. V D Baert, Professor of Commercial Ju risprudence. Terms- #58 per session. AUt'i.n ta-mica ions pertaining to this department mu I ts addressed to E 5V. M. KING E«n ) | Little Rack. 1 ; .V. Orleani. Ttnn , July, ISSO. Th* Faculties, for intellectual ebi'ifies, rnrtl Wurth and professional acquirements, will cotnpar* UroraUv with the roo«l distinguished in our coun liy, The medical (acuity constitute* an anomaly in this or »’.y oilier cou'dr)—*11 of tlftm art lectu rers »ih) the beat teacher*. T «<r who willcontemplate our geographical pc snio-i, ami the extent of «ur population, can have no doubt a* to th? eligibility of our situation lor an entrrpria- of the kind. At In health, including all season* of Hi* year, we deny that «»y WAei illy km mart. A common error exi-ts in the minds o| mar,* *t«. ilentt relative to tb* nlace of a'ndying medicine | Ibivse who intend practicing among th* uiseasea ol Ihe VVr*l a- ! M> .th should certainly educate them selves at a school who*e Faculty are practically ac quainted with tlmse diseases. That Ihe pub ic may be satisfied of the perma nency of (his school, we feel i! our duty to state that the I imiees and Faculty l>um a unit in action, which argues writ for it* lu'ure snec-ss ; end that the peeuliai in'ernst oaganiaalion which connect* them cannot be interrupted. E. W M KINO. President of tkt MtmpkU last. Nncar nnd Coffee. Bogs best Kio Cuffre. t Hilda. I’rims Frown Sugar, in stora and for *a!e by T. I>. MEKKICK 4. CO. No* 5* !«$».-8-9-if 50 Partridge Boot*. 4 CASES Stout Calf Boot*. 2 Case* Waterproof 'r Uooeta, yuat receired stud for sole by Ihre. 17 FATUERLY 4 CLEMENTS Tea*, Teas, Teas* I Cheat Baal Imperial Tea, t do da Yooug tip sow do t do do Black let, Receive per loot arrivals and for aale cheap by * FATHERLY 4 CLBMRNT8. Dec 17, l«S». !\*T tmrm, nwT etw<w. Aad «lt U»<>n*. Tfcf ItHBKll iad Very Lisfct Ifuslt PHLLIP PFNNYWIT, THOM%S A. APPI EGATE, WILL imiim her titular trips Ur Ih. senson. with Ih* tint uitvnl rise •< wstsr, fram ; New Orleans to tin nbnss Uodiaf*. IT Strict silent too wilt he paid lo Plantnllsn business, end artier* promptly attended te. M URKK N WOOD ilti, Agents. N Orleans. Oet SI, l«0. «i Or-.•Hr Siitei S— ll-lf. REGIUR ill4U1S RlUft FliiET. For Pise Bln*. Little H»fk, '»* Bare*. Fort smith. Fart (3ib«on. nnd ail infer mediate L nding*. THU staunth an-t Ilf tit-draught steamer JOHN BOX. M ister, wilt tun, during the ensuing season, as a regular Paehrt limn New Orleans, lo the above Ian ting*. Strut atteniron will be paid to plantation business, at..I atl order* promptly at tended lo. Liitl lloek J»n. i. 1951. . IS-tf. 1 I I mm URibN & Mllim ilST RK.CE1VKU \>D FOR SALE. WHOLESALE »>B RETAIL. Ff'HE subscriber is constantly recei- j J. ring, from New York, a genuine assortment of Dm**, Mrdtctnet, Ciemi KZR eaIt, Ptrfimrry. Paiait. Off*. !>y* Stn£$, be., bt. Also — Pa*ent Medi cines: among which are, Or Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort; .'syncs’ Expectorant; Indian Panace*;' Dailey’s Pain Estractor; Hays' and Hewes’ Lin - ment: I.iun's Strengthening Plaster; Komstock's Vermifuge; MoYatt's Phtrnix Bitters and Vegeta ble Life Pills; Batholomew's Expectorant; Sphoii’f Medicines; Oldridge'a Balm of Columbia for the Hair; Welsh’* Medicamentum All of which will be sold low forcash. R. L. DODGE, Murkb0lC*ir^‘1 Unit P.orh, iaj». 17—tf ENC8CR1CE ROSE I.T»l?TRY t » f IAslilO\|IILi; Boot and shoe Manufactory. Hi r|,HE undersigned, basing opened a Boot aao X Shoe shop in the two story brick house on the -set side of East Main street, betweeu Markain and Elm streets, intend* earryiug o:i the above business m all its brauebee- He uses none but the best ma terials. and employs none but the very beet work men. and gentleman favoring hitn with their euetoin may rely ou having their work done iu the Neatest and most Fashionable Style. By strict altentioa to his business, and p-omptly filling ail orders to the satisfaction of bis eastern ers, he hopes to f. erit and receive a liberal patron age fromkhe cittixeas of Little K*ek and vicinity Terms Cash ou delivry. GEORGE JACOB LESCHER. Little Rock, Juue II, 1850.-7—40 tfj. (SAPiEXTU PH.1ZST.1T OMXIBUS.) FEMALE COLLEGIATE SEMINARY,, Dallas Coesrr, Askaxsa*. John S. Garvin, Presi dent, Prof, of Colie Mrs M.Cook,Govern. and lustructress. trenor F. Garcia, Prof. TUITION Weidon E Wright, M D., Prof, of Nat ricu-uce. Maj B. J. Borden. Prof of Etl iev and Belle Letters of Music aud Med. Long PER MONTH. Collegiate Deparuneul, (Auc. or Modern Langua ges. I. fo Ou Collegiate Department, English Coarse.4 00 Academic Department,.3 00 Primary Department.2 00 Ornamental Department, ( Painting and Drawing,) . 2 00 Musical Department, (Vocal and Instrumental,j 00 Boarding, including wsshing. fuel, lights 4c. 10 0<i Academic year embraces one sess.on of ten mouths, commencing the 1st Monday in August *nd closing the last Thursday i:i June. Tuition and Bo;ifd must be paid one-half in . advance, the remainder at the close of the session No deduction will be made from the rates of Tui ttou except in cases of sickness. Examination*.**- I here will be an annual ex amination before a Board of Visitors st the close of each term; aud quarterly examinations beiore the Board of Guardian. Diploma* will be given, on the recommends lion of the Board of Vistiorv. to the graduates of • the Seminary, aud certificates of Scholarship, to those who have taken a partial course. Discipline and Folice will be mild but firm; beiog rather one of moral restraint, than pun ishment. Quarterly reports of conducted vc> o:ar ship will be transmitted to parents or guardians. Course of Instruction is uivided into three Departmeuls : Primary. Academic and Collegiate^ Music,—It ia believed that no Institution iu the South west effort equal advantages to perf ct its Pupils ia this elegant accomplishment. Senor Garcia. the accomplished head of thia Department, has taught with distinction in Washington City ] aud Virginia, and is not only a most skillful per former. but the best Instructor iu the Art, that we have ever seeu Needle Work—Plain and Fancy.-*.N# extra charge will be made m this Department, the pupils furnishing the materials The products will be disposed of at eu annual Fair aud the pro 1 ceeds placed in the Library Fuad Lectures and Composition.—Lectures will be delivered regularly by tbe heads of Departments to their respective Classes, and Compositions will be required every two weeks during th course, from the members of the Academic aud Collegiate Department*. Vacation.—There will be a vacation of one week the lavt of December, and one of two months at the close of the Session. By order of the Board of Guard:ids. 8—9—tf ( Iran. While, Family Farit. RECEIVED, this day, and lor tale, wholesale •nil retail, 5 bbl* Sweet White Lard, 85 crocks “ “ •* Enquire rl A. J HUTT, Main St. Sept. 6, 1950. 1 PoIrIocs an«l Onion*. RECEIVED per ilnwr Himburi. mil for eale 20 bbt* Iri.h Potatoes, 10 '* Ouioai, Jan 2->. 2d-tf. JXO D. ADAMS. PKOVIMO.V*. 1 X J ARS Bu'ter, 1 *J 6 K*p Pig* Feet, 8 Bxces weeleui dairy Cheese, 8 bbis white Bear,*, 2 bbl, <'il»d Apt lee, 2 •• do PimIki, 6 bbli Ohio, », t bbl. winter preseed Ltrd Oil. just received ai d for said bv FATHERLY is. CLEMENTS. December 17, 1850 Hill*! Hill*!! Mill*!!! • J T Meet Mill*, escorted *i*e». « »J 1*2 Super Lined Fiddle*, for enle low by Noe. 8b, 1850. A. J HU IT. Halit! Hat*!! Hats!!! ii) Cawe* Fnehienebie Silk Hat* ; 6 Do* Wool do.; » 3 Do* Cloth Capo. Kec-ited ner Pontiac and for aale by JOHN p. ADAMS. Feb. II, 1861. SteaiuboarLan. i,!(. •nOMj.iSSEM 4te. JUST Krented per Phillip Pennyoit, 4 Vbk.* ; I half do.; I Cask Rice, and for ante by FATHERLY h CLEMENTS. . Feb. II. 1851 f -* NO » A I PLOW POINTS per S', July f. H50 •r W ood*man. -A supply rtrei by WM a WA DrirH «ffipirn ami Pearhe*. 1 aH BL'SHE,-S Apple* and P nrhe.; jast >e I 'A/ tsirrt, per steamer Si. Frsaeis. sad Is ole bv M 19, 1851. Kronen. BENDER a CO. ....... LITTLE StCK FM SBRY LSI UITRERT. wrll Ifffbf WOULD mpMthll; e»ll Dm attention of ih« paUta la Dm abeaa eaiaMiafemeat, which •a recently undergone a tuoroagh repair, and has Mary faoi.itiea, ia bow tally prepar-d >( the wtwafy » farulsb la* order, with great (roinpiMeaa. every rticta ia'lbal line of Milter *r»«{lil or raat Iron, Iraaa ar Copper, af aa good material, praportiaaa, ad workmanship, and upon aa cheap maw, aa any (bar foundry ia tnie country MRinghte ant) Item, ordering w i/eel *. wiil ka pi*- aa*. i« give the fa. af cogs anj pitch, also lh* particular >»c and kapa af ine eye, wanted ia eaci« wheel. The di meter af a wheel, when Oral, wiil be of an inch ar foal lean—use tame with iengib af a shaft— irder* should a'«o be aeeotnpsh«i with a draught ad fall description af wbat ia wanted a»«j the osla/e paid. Lillie Rock. Dec. 10. IMO.-U-lf Laaftrrr’i Sfrtiml lap tf IrkMtfi. 1MIE above splendid Map )« now hi islied and ready lor elivery. It delineate* the while ilate as laid off by the t'. b. Deputy Sntieyois.— ivery Section an>! frartiotial aeetinn is stown, so hat a/nr’y acir tract ran be irsddy loan ! upon it I be exact position of all the County beats. Pi-«t .dices, Saline Springs, Seminary Lai •.!«, and the irti and fertile lands selected br the State nn* r.f !i,e PO.OOO at re- oration grant are all aernratels •( nw r. The Lead Mines a*rl other mimai Inca'ions are lOfed, as well as ali the old confirmed Spanish snr eys; with the lalest alterations in the County lues, nie whole Map containing as great an amount of • Inablc information as can be lound on any S'ate It j* put upon rotter*. elegsidly colored and car i»«bril. Price •*<* Aho in convenient pocket Drni, price #3 00. The pocket Map* can he Kent o any part of the State by inaiL Postage 5 cent* For sale at the bookstore of L. K. LINCOLN, LHll* Rack. April!*. 1*50 3ltf M^OKIIA Bhl«. Supeihne Fiotn ; M Box'* s-ar C*n 3U rites ; Tn Bhls. Clear Pork ; 2 Bbis. Lm«erd >il ; 2 B i« Larrl Oil; 1 Bbls. Powdered Sugar. ! Do. Crushed Do; 2.fH»0 Lbs. Cotton Yarn; 3.000 Bar Iron; 23 K'S* Pure White Lead. HARDWARE' $«.—Ansila; Bellows; 3 ices; Screw Plates; Hand an t Sledge Hammer-; Mortice md Rim Lock*. Mineral Km t>s; Fancy Plate,Cop loartt and Pad Locks; Axes; Axe and Claw Hatch '♦«; Tibtee; Grubbing Hoes; fuming Chisel* and Joitge* ; Fries amt K t«rs; 2 ar.rl 4 fold Rules; L-t er Copying Pre*se« ; Wrought at d Horse Nails; ipuit Levels and Plumbs , Hand, Panel anil Wood laws; Shovels, bj ade* and Manure Folks* Copal famish. Ax. Received and for sale by July 16. WM. B. WAIT. •IVir Mood*! .Veir iiootltt * IVHK undersigned hae just re* /& ceieed, and is now opening, / i large and * ell-ielec'rd aseort- \\ nent of Dry Goode, Clothing, data. Boot*and Shoes. Hardware. }ueen*ware, and every Hung usu dtv found in aloresadapted to the nun try trade ; all of wtiich he •ff-rs for sa'e. Cheap for Cash, or in -xchange for 'otton or Peltries, for which the highest market trice will be given. Country dealers would do veil to give him a Call, and examine hia stock be ers purchasing elsewhere. A J Hl'TT, Utile Rock Foundry. CtOAL CRATES, (Arkansas pafern.j for sale / cheap, bv ROSWELL BEEBE. Dec. 3, 1*30. Kl ensi epxsn erxsm JUST RECEIVED, and for suie cheap for cash, fine Double and Single barrelled Shot Cuns, tides, flint and percussion gun Locks, kc.. See. at he Gunsmith Shop, on Main street, where repair ng is done up blue, by If. GRIFFITHS. Nav*. 2— luernttwarr and Cilaw* Ware. JOHN D ADAMS, (at Lower Steamboat Land ing) offer* to hit frier d* and the public, the fol nwiug carefully .selected (in the East) assortment if Queen-ware, A.C., Sic., which he will sell very ow: t3 do*. whi e granite dinnerand soup plates, 2 « Tea Sett*. » " Twider«, 5 •* While Granite Dishes, 1 “ ** “ Pitchers, 6 “ <• •< Bakers, 2 ** ** •* Sugars, 13 sett* “ “ Coifees, !4 ** •* few, 6 do*. “ *• Bowls, 4 •• “ “ Pitchers, 6 *• Ewers and Basins, 4 “ White Gr. Brush TtHy* and Soap braes, 2 “ W G sauce Tureens, 6 “ do. Butters and Drainers, 6 •* do. Pickles, 4 “ W G sauce b '*'s and stands, 1 •• W G M ;g-, 2 '• C C T»( k Mugs;do. porter mugs; do. fancy; Muses' Plate*, B-ik-rs, amt Dishes, 10 •» edged Plates, edged Dishes, Bakers, I *• C C Nappers, 4 “ Bui Pans, 3 *• Ka End. Tea Pots,(Sugars and Creams, » “ S; it C’lps, 4 •• w bite Cl.ina Dishes, 3 •• wh.te CTune'Cap-roles; 4 “ VV C Mustards; 4 do P*ekle«; I pr. Fruit Bi*k"f', J “ pr. W C Celleries, Flasks, Glass Bowls, do. Pilchers, do. Salvers, 4 “ 6 ring Castors, Molasses Cana, 10 “ common Bowls, II “ Tun biers.iiuied and common, -d* “ G'ddets, l “ Chainpaigne*, 4 •• Wines, 6 “ S Air $Ue Lamps; 1 do. Lantern's; 2 Cut Hall Lamps; 3 Solar hanging Lamp*; 1 •• Decan'ers, 4 “ C'lp Plates. H-gi-an and whi'e China spittoon-; German M iga; Cut Salts; 4 pr Vase*; 3 r-iiht Dav Clicks. Dtc 17, 1SS0. 15— ■ rai’vck rwwt. JUST received per Mail Boat'—30 one horse Peaeock Plows; 10 do do Valley Plows; 10 wo horse Peacock Plows. Apply »o Feb 26.1850. ' A. J. HUTT. riTOVES.— ft! No 3, -‘lroy’’ Air-tight Stores, N (J »• 2 “ »* M Received aoJ for sale by WM. B WAIT [•/A BBLS RECTIFIED WHISKEY, received L/v/ this day per •* l»en. Hem.-’ and tor sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Jan. 21, 1331. Sltaui Boat Lawtiuf. Kec’d per attamcr Hamburgh, J BBLS Ale; 3 I0.1NM Cauone Cigar*; 8,tX«‘ common 1 z Spant li do ; 10,'-. bbls. Crackers; It) do Brandy; 20 oo Wi.skoy; 20 W do do; 20 bbls Floor; 3 do (Jin, ike. J*»21. M TA.VTI Received per Steamer Impire. "fl CASES ireah Oyters; L/V/ h bbls do do ia aboil, (very fine) 4 do Orange*, fine; 2 dot boxes Prunes 20 do fresh Raisins, boat qna'i’y; 23 000 Hstand Cigars, assorted. • or sale by M. TANTI. Jaa 21, 1831 20 0 LlUiOKM. N hand and for aols. Dec bbi ftb proof French Brandy; •• Spanish *• *• Malaga Wm#; ** Muscat *• (a choice ar'icie). JOHN D. ADAMS, 10, 11M — 14 tf „ Ltmrr Lawainy Tea*. A FIRST rate article of linen and BUck Teas t\. lor sale at FATHERLY 4k CLEMENTS A>i<u*l. ‘ 49 Partridge A Case* Walter Proof- toat received tad foi ui« * by fAIHEKLY 4k CLEMENTS. Fob II, »3S1. hKhesSSS ■*"><«>* -1 .11 id —!■ ■— PROFESSIONAL CARDS. j. b. johymbv ATTORNEY AT LAW, LITTLE ROCK, ark Oet t,»«4*. 4 «. I. li t WIHMIl Rf., ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAWRKNCftVIU.K. .ARK'S. IITILL p»v!tf in t**«* of Philip*, Sr. ▼ ▼ Prwicm m l Monroo,m !hr Or* full ; fcr ctiinLr** «\! I). 'h» imi Arkan«>«, in |f»o woim! Ju«t»r»al 4i.t| ifi*» fo^L'v of Plain**, in N ludirut Cift ui», art<4 will pay *trtrt at* t^fcflOO to IN# C« Ht*f!K>n ot rfrbH 1*1 lot pai’ of !t^ Stnlo, amt wi*l .U*o art a? «£rnt lot th* »4*r ul lain*.* •rut paytnc tax*1*, 4Lc R*-#»* rnre »*i Ln*r**nfevil|r, \tonroe co., Aik*. S-pt. 17, Ittea—ly SABtEL BdMItTV, AltoiMf T at Law and .<*1 in lor in ('knorri|r, PISE BUFfS. JEFFERSOX COIXTY, ARKANSAS. Aug 2» 1~‘3». 7-50—ly Join T. TKItttt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LI I I LE HOC K. ARK May 91, 1*30. 37— m:\iii n. iiix tor. ATTOaSET k CeCXSILLBR AT LAW. (OlHrr at Renton, »»li»f County,' \1TILL PRACTICE in the Counties of Saline. ?» Hot Sprint*, fntji Moatfomoryvanii the coKrta at Little Rock- Any bnaineaa entrusted to hia care will receive prempt attention. k. minns, Attnrnry and ronmrllar at Law. A N D SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY LITTLE ROCK. ARK JAMES T. BROWN, ATT O R . V U Y AT L A If, Arkansas Post, Ark., Will practice hia profc-aaiou in the Second Judicial Circuit, and will attend to the -otlecliun of debt* and the investigation of land claims in every part of Arkansas. 146 n. T. DI VA lay ATTORYEY WDronSELLOR AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Fort «*mith, Arkansas. R. H. JOHNSON, A Homey nt Law, Littlx Rock, Ask. JOHN R. IIOItBIA, Attorney at Law. Rrsitlr* in Lewisvillf. Lafayette foootr. Arlt VND will practice in the conrta of the tilh Judi cial dia'rict. All busmens confided to hia man agement, will rceceive prompt andfaithfulattentiou. LAMBERT A, WHITELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE ON M.IRKH.1M STREET Little Rock, AaKx.ssxs. JAMES A WILSON ITTORYEl AYD fOLYSELLOR AT LAW _TELLVILLE, ARKt.VKAK. DAVID W. CARROLL, 1133^ 2* ST 3 A2 laittle Rock, tr. a.W l V ] aiiamsa*. [no2$ JOHN ATTORNEY k lUl YYE L LO R AT LAW.' sen • OtlCITOB IN C H A >’ C C K » . Office—Eldorado, Union county, Arkansas *. II. HEtlPNTEYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON MARKHAM STKEE I LILT LI »OCK ASK’S. I tf J. II. TKBBETTW, ATTORYEY k COLYSELL0R AT LAW. Pnypllevilk, Arknnwa«. GEO. C . WATKINS. AS M CHHA Y W ATKIY8 Jk (T’BK.IY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS EUAW If. « 0\W AY, ITTORYKY IT LIW. k GIYIRAL LA.IIAGEYT, LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS, YKTILL ATTEND to the collection of debt* in T v any part of the State, to buying and selling lands, paying taxes, redeeming land* forfeited for taxes, kc He i» authorized to wait lands tnougk far tkre* or four thminand goad punlatynt, and aI cktnp ralea, )gr eath. To laeureatteuLiou,communications must be post paid. Little Rock, Jan 1«, 1*96. 19-ly Arkansas Coffee House, fUISU,.Ul»IUT USHM.) f|1HE Proprietor has on hand, aud ia continuity A receiving, the following — Knreigu and domestic Liquors; Wiues and cordiai* of every description; Cigars; Tobacco; Fruits, Jfce. All at which are fur tale at wholesale and retail [trice* Persons from the eounlry w slung la pur chase, wii! pleuw call and see my stuck before pur chasing elsewhere as 1 iuteo'1 to tell as low at any house in the city. MICHAEL TANTi Little Rock, Jan, 21, MM. 20-ly The Arkade'phle Sentinel will copy one year, anti forward account to the aubacriher M I' n uiuitE arri\(.: Tomb., Mor aments, Urate - M tones, Ate., Furnished to Order. JOSEPH CLARK, Mane-Cnfter, (late of New Oil**' *,; beg* leave to inloiiu the (itipm si Lillie Rock and (h- vicinity,that h« has opened si, establishment oh Wattr Strutt, (adjoining William George’s store.) for the p irj .we cl executing stl kinds oi MARBLE WORK, and wtvil- ♦ the alien lion of ail th we want in* any thing ol this kiwi done in a n*a! an I wot bra in-lik* DiBniar and at a modt ratt price. He wilt keep on hand s stuck of I he best material, and is ready to execute sil work in his line at the shortest notice. Littie Rock. A«* «, 48—If t 3LOUR—190 bhla Ohio soperfine; lOtif do Illinois extra do; WHITE LEAl>—S« hegs pure; SUGAR 3 ids powdered; C tri I iNGf—*«*• >W hollow ware; IKON—4*>00 ibs assorted bar; WINDOW OUMMUtani CANDLES—<0 boxea Star; GM \'S hLELt—closer, timothy and blue. Receives! per U'e arrivals and for sale by Dec 17 *'«. B W AIT <srocrrif«i JOHN D ADAMS has on band, and otf».’o hit ffMlMift tiwi fiiilotftf «, mIp, No I M*ck+rt1t • >a kie*-, Hdii.bul »« b<wi. C«|pf, $p«r#, Kryftr, Qiagt* Ci«vp», /ftoi/frf MoU*. RPI. IsHitgc »i»*l M4oi1*1, pcmd* r, M»t »r*d Le<wi, {(ipp for foe. A!to—TEAS, Pouch ng. Young llyson, Rack,, and a vsty supertie ailicte ol ■■ Ir.fM-ri si"—together * nph, preset red Curroafs, Goo*'in-tries, Gagea, I khrubsib, fcr , to* ma» y at*. Otc *4, law. LITTLF, IKM'K Hit• II iiuo| loirdiat «•,( p*TV|*«|F«f fmUl4itx I^IIR h««in*** r,| ih„ s,m,r„v W1), ^ •IM> »»*»*'. ft» v , V ••*** tllif M(ith mttrnm \ rra , TW* i, Hi, j,„ , v wood. «i-h w,<m •VPff |V» i*\ I nnt|»mi!|' tvi ■ •, . • li.l-tiM r.'ijf»t,.,n Rim*. Mtr>t »,’•,* •(, ‘ ’ v..r !V^ ^ ( * «. h • ■ ;vtl b '** 1 ,0 " r er>-»-atr« * -*• Tlvr Rui .!« .’I IMl- H’ H.!|IV( Vi-V,*! s. *•••'* »»•.<.■<«i «,*»*«., i«ru(K»< w l,> Uvm »*,.( ,,,,, , .. fl >ir«. «s-.| f;n- ,c- |,*M « ot .» ih !t:<» h>iinatttvn nf r 1 ' * Fr^lin- ihn ,,l I ltw»uch kn *!. >ir n'tlw Kium-Ii !»«;«»»*,nou ( ‘ *' ‘''.■.r hr ||| „ , N t. , M iiw».b4. ti’* Ur£,i*s, ,<| t> r . »• th* p.,r,u. x»!k. 1-tuvHv :# *<t*M lh» Kifiich «• tUivut , rhai^, TK»- Mtt.r fin ! l.,;Mr ..! , .n.Uvrf«.,M(. ,i , in.l ^ T>» M 'ti-ir. of ntW.linp. nniuiiwtWU|v|'W.i„i. „| ,i,_ nt in i4vvrl«i|i|i.| tti»*.,.,») ««<( mt«. i»rv , -»mb)»rms * thwo«gb an.t M H* t»i> -n HMLhigt.e.i M TT rc.'r.«* nt *<-h..U!,' ,p !n.»„t ,,, , . ipi.lto *v*ry,., r . . Mm?v i« j»rtor<vt* I to wtoul •• t—rtwilty omiri -he ...r. Ihr Hoard ol Vt.tior«, wh„, f,. , ,, „ r *n,mr the MII.UW cljs.e., »n.f „r<,r, .hrn ... t, Term, or TwtMo,, ho,I „rr _ . . «»» »*»••« l»s. ■'»>' achotar*, 4th Depaun.ei.t, *,.< , •• 3d •< •• to '• 1st Frrtirli. Italian, Spar.lsl, and Urrin.n r.rt, SM.*»itg iii Choir, Music—Piano, Gut'*,. ami Organ, *»Ch Harp, D. awing an.I Pamir g. A rm*rw ot!**»«»*in IKlent.) j„. ,n " o'*. <*l Ebony ami |vmy Ha hing W ora, and was flowers, .’ach No charge lot embroidery amt ornamental Mf la work. Board, washing, |l)thr«, |„rl, use of beddir *t«.» prr month, *’ r.>v rurn. quarterly, in ad vane*; a« drd. .' ..... lot «ib»t»nc . **“" «« '•* "'fi fe |at Sept. *r.d M Fat I' of entrance to cl se of the 14 «H» )t* on is «n 1*3 ft I I** nO i.» m |fi 00 10 Bonrd ol Vinitnr** Hi. Rev. Brth Fawusv. H< n F W, Hon Judge Kinoo, H on. In.lge F,,,,. I*- Kt • pi. A Piatt, Hon T. W Nxwrro*. 1. Gibso*. M |). J H I nras*. E*q , 1- K Harm:*. F.«q , n.„ Lriile Kock. Aug. 22. 1350 t'ro t WaraiR. F.x E H Rani ran, Kaq , Ntwj J Ltwiuia, li.ri S || HanraTr.ii Hon W. H . Sottor 51-if « WlllflTfll HILK Jliflm, Hemp.tend toutin, Ark., Pf'liB IMawd MNMM nf this 1 oatitnifon. J. tin* morning. February litb, IKit) Ke v. c. P Tuuum«>, Super mien.lent arul P ,. teaaor of Moral and lutelleetual ph. Belle-Letters, and Spauraft Literature Rev If C■ Tnvutt, A. M.. Prole**., r of 15reeraa Roman, French aim Italinu Literature. ^AWt* t kOCKKR, A M. Pfufeuaor of tl,.|r«.fliili-t student* receives; lu the Primary Department :,L instructed. TICK Mn S Primary Department, per session of 21 wee.. payable quarterly iu advance, JJ2 mi Preparatory Department, Iti Or. Collegiate Course, -Jo w Vocal and I ii.lnimentai Muaic, Element* ol Muafcal Cornpoaittou, (Extra) i (W Initiation Fee, I w No deduetiou for abacnce ,* in raves ol pr. traded illness Alt tluueuls charged from the time of thro entry to tile end ol the sesemii N B.-—Ttie aona of ait minister, wlur are <-r( gaged In the regular work of the ministry or thorn* who are superanualed or have uieii m it.-, ministry: will be oducaled free of charge BoaiUriNu cau be obtaiued in the best fanulir* at from fti to «,!> per mouth. Particular attention wiil be paid both to c mural aim intellectual training of all ntuirni. - committed to our charge. 3. T. SANDERS, Secret*.*. BOARD OF r BUSTE F. S Hon D f WITTER, Pam, Hon H P Poindexter Rev Wm. Moores, Rev. L P Lm ' Rev B P Box, I ,V Jones, M D .Mr J II s»R defur, Mr. I W iltiamvon, Hou J 0 Trunks Rev J, Custer, M. D . Rev J. J Roberts, l P Mitchel. M U , Mr W W Andrews. M. - 1 Sau.lerv, Mr H. W Smith. 7—2V—tf UR. LEID1S IWIMPUULLA BLIIUD PILb t head ol all other.!! The Kwvy af all Pill Mwnwfneiiirrr.:: BECAl N E fh,y are safer, b.**tet and innie etfi* cacion. than any others; and because the ji.ii to.- will lake an tern, e nf .wfiers if tnev can .Se.'i:.1 .C* te VtMl tt<Jt)l) BUXKs i.u- leu-,i uirutaff) nu ltt» iw ftv.'-Voac.. VW’MC van OLD, M ALI* VHD PKM At.l:. -an alov< tab.- iht-m wilt. - *|ueI ,il.ti aint w:l,mul r,a. If hlf.l-f hK .mi f.'witfft r to, nun..,i et..i i».I. : ih. SK.iua. h and ttissHa. s,ei ,ejnt v ins tin fit.»el ...c S'-e of ihe teidi tak. on .abers- .a Jtlirr |.iu. [S'. in -, 'll.'.' I.' 0 ., nr CilUlaa waraafatritle .. Ike In hast. I>. lists awd LI,, •• t ,a,l. and |«ir»ie ' '■“oaf neeuoainm wmlsi lake.* Uteai, wilhoui n ar id I*. 1 eoW, .iunre .ft land •.( »eniiici ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS af" wage! - ti ttiiU •»»*<• ‘ iiuut* '•*■111111«t< • ’ (IrifUi fltf PUIROpOiliyiNt'lts RN*Mbf FA »»f I »nf7» Mtdl f *{» < *»•»*» ! rmi» b«- II Irt thrsf Hll» kv «i»a« Hit1 : KOKTV KUi) AKK A Box, «„l .1 /.. *o * h«#*, ***lh tlir^'-u»>*»* <um! iwua U to Ikh* j*>w,e »dvit» •cct-i' •« uyuif +•- b >>**« T • v hav*- •»•» *w uopl* «mud: -mfH!. Fn*^ tr«M*» thiM «•» jbiMtW -*i any kMd, l1" i*o m|a Oil- *i*•»**»« U or U pi.**|»n t' no *« kit»M, koutiuns '»r inaul frolii»ir*» THKV \KK;of»n A ! ALL TtMKB, Atul tr),»(H/*'<! 1*1 •»*«*•» 'lie *-' j* ronani'Hi »<• in r: 1**1 V« w ■ bavins <h%v tail* a U#« iii to iU w tinny t/U-nnR^ t<» ink*? no aUi« r*, la d***, liw) will alto«)fk ti*< aiu. ih -) d» wd, fit* n a** «hI>pd a ill In A B leitalv. t#H n*r *m*l mmui.i'mr> r r* .rrr* tar - H' uiim tod pfeynlrta, «*f 15 )«»/• *•!(»• r»w* * l Uilad* |rt*u*, KfautUi' id Uo- l/hivmily <d froa*yhr- *• ■a«'*itb»o >4 Alter*at in* A wl ia»til*4lto*«* 4PMadr-Uina N‘ 4 V«»rU, Bal»trtr»rr. k«- , and wtiKiBir <u»»i -rr-1**?' ia« HiemtH-T •*! Mrefftl uo iomi taaMfe»t4**H« •'» Is^ f* rt*—Iteiar* t#*«' fi dstb •»! Ms* ffO ittrr rttn(i4m< • •* » J,f* pm*, aiua ut* it tu ntf t«• -mu** n«J» <1 1*1 th*- f*rtw i* > •petiftliir (Ktj*in«ui» ttifimyfnaii llw I hlal* * l*m»* i{*»i lArp**. hr l^iitjrV Ihfp* , V I’ K>»urtl* M , anU w»i4 oimb-oai* u » i W lappr, ftoefc; ft. m» «■!»••«, Vmi Mo. »»l ft <ui«) Wright ft Co.. low lit hum, tU»tl mu I <wvltttjirni 11* Iftt I'MM » OceCPM Dr«. %% albino ft fcftzer lirOt'LO inform th*tiU- ft V\ / i • ul Lilli* Hoi k, tr. l ttprctui v * (As.. o) tht coontry, tha’ lU*y h»ni*i<nl into a -pattt m-tiip in tli* Prat-tit'*- »l 41 Mnlirtur. *nd at* fn* parti) to a't” i Vmmplly. In c.»»« of *mrr**, »nit < -ti parlit-a aft abatiil, th* oihtr will rlttr.i. >' > »th*rr*n »l«a)«b« lfiun-1 It thru ‘ {fit- r E, Wo<4<”1P»buiiiItftg, tbt cot nr r ot M Ijtctf .tr*tlv LittU H<..k, Ori, 15, insn Iron. Hail* and l a*»lii'«» f'/W| LB.*) tarMtui Itot UvU Mt Kt Nail.; loot) Coating*. tor .al* ■* f»v r. L>. VD KKit K ■ D*i*iob 17, Ib&O. IOTTO.I CJIK mii^ , J t; IN MI'ANIfrt, W) Saw* each, r>- •• > I Z CVKVEK 4. CO, Coot BrWgtw.U’f. VO* rtctivetl from tb« inauulactuitr. ano lor *■ - -■< fatoi-abla term., by W VI B. W.\li Ja y 16. 1*1*1. loriit. I HAVE, at ao>n<) troutri* ami eo»t * ' 1 i Mill 40 tl.nt It will ftiniJ ana aaw tt • ini# IVfaoiia %bo may »i»b corn *•»* it dan* at any tlioa Ihty will aauu •' ' *' '' I abail baa* no pani'aiar day lor grloiHi-l bera may b* »o oaiMiwdaretaBdlaf. tha »•<■* of '• :har(«d laont-third •rt»a»ly fi*ac»»l» y ' ’ >'** July 13, l*jH — «5 ll V M BI\OH * (Orm Copy ) IW 100 Jaw • Floor. 8BL* OW* B*p*r6»*. r***i**d V” So 3,” tor an)*, by ttMIlMlT.