Newspaper Page Text
: <a *• i *** I fc. ii nr~* roaal*'. b®^A**a l,tn«* r«t- « **» «**■* f.-« «*• parp« . « '■•• m Dm I»Hw>ei«’.f Sub orn****. *• be fcoMe* «< I0MM «• T , of Apr-L.lMI. fwtJ* p*rr*t n »si.a* *4 4 raaiiiiai* H'PrcW** Ibc \n.atm. »» :i* .C-wrrwi of ibr I'an**) »»**. .„ CT M«rc 1». H.iH. t»; . Od. Jaroe. ST t, *« »w*«Ba-d < h»ffTB»R. »*o ta a Vr>K ,„: tpprefaOta raana*^ »lpla-W »** «***■* lb' r.._ ..t w mL <■» nwKtau of l* A. Jfwjmr. m H R*U«fcs “•« *PP°*B’r® S«»ftarT. ., .Ml * c r H« tr* E*, . U* Chau I? ,,,.. „ tvOMB.ri-'- <rf »» <k»m*u«« of Uc M w ne f*' «■»> ■.. v.«rt C. P Balta**.i- A. Jor ,Crum Samoa! MiU tedi. Jetrn T. 'nuaL ,,. aw) J»a» T sa.ib. u> dra* up k*.4u e5|M-.-s»jrt of thr w«* of ft» a**1*** ,. j,., Ir j rbs A. Joruaa. U»c Chairman «-•* ,.:art v> »*<•! r-TOm*tv-> . wkt> rr’.-mS for a ,- -.ggr '• dwtarre r%ms datr iv-warfi* twci—Hi* m^ittea tfcr j. jt- air,! * aafi naoiuUoaa. »a*-k are** ir-. ■ ir» t ? :‘fi of tkOowdiw *««r U* C ,-•* of hshmmm. .»»*«■* ^ ,. : jii.-sueB". to prerxKM »®Sire'Jrt the pssr / *p;. *♦. M de;«avs to«te»4 * Dro» <■ -e»eai»*a, to id kerf at taw Capita!. . f . o! L tt* K«e*. 08 the fourth Mends v ,,. , tf, nominate * ciadidtlf for Conrresa, tn, rtpress (.a: views and mtMf— to rei» u ttl -J, the C7“*s quesurm. that u the presect a®* to R*Ttt.a*.» hfithW »at eoustry, to wrt; The -,t.r a--: ofCmtrrm <a.wd the “Osajiw Biii/’ ■ . . > ■ »U*e >&. ana *hefe«t said "tewt m>c hiU.” ha* mmalJe tailed to jr-jc tire :w effort, that we of the Sontiu were tui; w..-ai£ svcru fro* the passare of said Bui, .r,-.:»j of iw»f * trial nd.-ustawai.” heeimf V the breath of pUrhtrd faith, and the Twisted eocr.:-.!. -'Ji. it bar aiready been repad. ated b* m , of -.far N ":r-*i State* to wtt : V«w«t \ » Heaviit'. rt aad UhiJ. and it had been virth . rep-1ciatcd .b severs! others—Sew Yak a I-reparnr to e or repa&ate. See repor: oi :ut • oaiiL .'-e of New Yort Leasiature, to woom vat referred so touch af the Governor* h-ssarr *r related to i.svery, msor a report coo neau-ar tbr :ae.t!*e save law,” ai tiacr«n«;tu •j ■•a. £ areas.- ".* ! e, re ire!, *e. Stir baa e ected a Sebstor a par r of that ner-oe trat as. :-•■ -* of the Coastotatraa, the Ha DaEir s. LixamsuA. than whan no trtser patirtv live*. In- -t. L-epsla" «e hdd p*oed joint renal u l wu.ii>: '...- Fee.: ve save af, thee de tarr a a/ • ..StoCjom tt repeal of it- The Sr-natt s vote of IS to 1ft. and in the House 4 1 tv r. > Otof> has decided by * targe *(«*• :&a: to- save a* "ought to hr immediately retrB.rv "tans, as* aalrucaed her Senator, ui (. m rrers aac re<i !»er irpresm-at-ves to ure aJ b'W-eabir srtu to repra arnci;'* or anjenc sa>c a« Sar aix tas neciet a freesoii Seaauir. Kavsa-1 .ir-rji i. . ot-j .en «/ tie F d£ r .rt «.**- aw a'. -r a“rtr.p'r-s hv the State ;e*tsla' urr •r- a* awiu'irr ..f the seuate baa nMp.<d * .. i. twrtvr sr*'U >ss .atotae Sr rate aavint :bai h - - uri sv sa aw Amsoe other prorimona. Pr 'V«t» : bat vier. tae prrs-is .auwed as a fuel tree s.avr a a •' daa-bareeC hy the court before wh «t ar ma« ■>. uroatss a writ of coe p... ar rna> trhiand a tna. hv jury, that the rer c - vria- tie tna. *a: -one. os'vt, aafl that the ; iaiai.*L wealth s»a.. pay the coals of the protew tv the pe-Bioa c!»u*ec as a aSawe, ant -- »c® be at doubt -hut she wiii pas sait a:to v_» rr: a free sati senatas. 4a wir-r-ws, we beue-** aa the duea-uae of Stab to i aia. a., p .wm nol Oe.epatrc to the Orne :a tr'»eeatns«Ma reherred to the States, that thi or piweaa paated t* the tjeht-ra. Go* rrura-1. were, “ to estahttah juiftrce, insure do ne" tr*!i, B.iirty, provide for the commrr; dr - inuce the eraerai welfare and aeture thi or* * 'r*T'v. t« oaraeives and our y* u... ape-rhed trasta. and wne» a Gerurra >' ■ ■ vaeu: earns* oat a systera whuch “ uhai - .!to irSttiK .vr of thaw ends, si is the npst a :■■■ ir .-lie to after » abousb n, and to itrtute i nr* . .veruaeut isvia< is* foundation oa nicl i a .p,r» sa. -.tosatsiar ita poarer ia soch tone a t hex *at. sr-rta most tseii to effect their sairt aaf oappaete.'' • * ( a*r onpulind haarltnowirdfe that the iab * -irtm uas s^eaiiy fs.ieo 1a earryinf mb rSrt- M.,1; dr wealed powers, and that the Slate s ui »re --mpri.eS to ioo« for aid and oum ui i;icnsics^reft >.,>?&*» • would w.iimrfv remaxa at the run :.e < aj it* - . uurjr ut^m fur war yiude, hut we ta*s . isu-.t *.d ui ecberwae ih»* ktm urn “iu*3/tr; ■w B'nr*}.— *-o*.rh wt mu nsn reeagaae.— * is an ti}K-diKBt measure. «rt iie.ier* ■" ■■*" ' f* *-»t Seattani Staves to a-crie— •r•' i»'*w*--*e—furr.wr jf Bee-«arv. and b :b*-re Coafod-rar* “to .ajrt-.tute a Sew naiv.Bi. ;nrm* rj, t«u.«d»u<>u* ua «»ch pne to -■* *a- aiea-Utfimr 13* |w«er a tact for*, a* U ' •"** mast kkefy to rrfect Utna nSet? *u- uapjwn-w. awl to tame eat me laaMWnrad -* Cur'- rntm toike into c-.*a*-t3sraUtu. tsx n»iu» iu*t w- t'.ritut aat to protert oar kiau *n. t-tipe-ny. : '• ' ’ a? f.-«s ai**«e remiatioa. V. Jt : - ' • « ' Terry, mat Ntltuue. Ra*aa. ■ *”■' *•• T “*■'• »« ii*ve toe u m>aR KaaSdenre .a -V* - ■?. *lou: nm*iy. of yu? pr^m'nx it -*i‘ '* ** R »Wn ^ J'lteinuu.tac uj*’ vt Ui.:. M ocKimo to we a- tti.IKratta* »•*!« -S-ts ns* <u imitation, and me nert*,» ' ”4:* to sssir. oaoteS* and ctwsoftfly ,B ;m> 11 ••* rad trat Gem. Oort, tit on . u*t aa.* »t •er-wrorn* 'at Hot 1 ; “ w candidate I* Cno*nra m -menrr* to Ottppwr ac» adii tcaai wl» -■>' ••- »'•:*.Wr. u. ait tut iti»eui •! *'*' Tut' •'«*-• J:ua A. Jo-Ue . ~ - ••nt t amuto C. t U*.Xr, Jamr - r- ■‘■••a Jraraiattt ««« ir *. ; " ’ r‘"i 541 Mpssar* tin* mull?*] 'S—Ut.ot . titf tor CiiBirsora rad Seatstar* ue : ' " -;<* * !“«* mecoa*. udWtUaeb ->43»'jcratii ;»ef*ei» ui me Slate hr t* - *■* tjfe JB'mCMJttoifl of Uafc J 4 SMITH, Ke* V a —. ta fcearrfy r«a , ‘ Skmrrytwaw . ur- me* *• <o-^i ummm mi Lcimraa. Satoraar ao- uieaaocraiie Mmla ^~Ut *“ “«™r ara. east lppiinoim C. P T _ " ** toe .«^e« «f aawetw t*iW «at 1,1 xlar-a—d the naeimm m a “,l' ***t*tw|»nair aipw me 1 n|tt “ *to3* UBRr4. l »Ca» »{ s~,m-nat B i>n rmiin ■-■ j ■“***'J a- **“ J«w|«i fcw, «Mc rf Brwrr roantr ^Sesafeaarfj £c&E^lAGV BfeE^TSBiiS Be BIMl lh?l . mre teeefcr MrarM to cant tte rate of Sr*»ir; oraatr, ta tmti Caareat**. far Hrm R. V. Joka ■a*. a* fete Sw cUmme. *mI 4» ter*fe aattemae aad •oqae*'. aor wl teicfatai to g»im W*. Ua j wav Bv aa fete Ste efeuw*. ttete TWtotfr «r fete pantewp of tin* lowtiae te tetete to war Irlrffla, ate ttey be fceHf fotie wtlBin»fi fa «oR tte Tate of caid j Scan j eoutfhr, is *as4 CoBTrstea. it r—toe J, Tt-ara.rtfivte- *r_-n*. T9 tte ettitoc* of t te Banner. SAXL LOUE. rtetnM. C. P. Twim. Sw’f. rmfetir-rr af trhMMM Tte PTeai'Urr r4 Arki'taui a»i m Lml> Bx-k te tte- lltt >tet., aiii wa* uptuvd f*j i stmion j fair- Her 3. W Moore, rfler wkicfc it war roue, ' tcv>d witk pr»T<«r tw t>r Ifeev. fe‘ K Jlarsbail. D * D-. tte toss Hk* "Tatar. Set J! tv S i* >u ekam Maftf-rava, tuC Bet W R ?<«)>!,».. li D. '.t-mxxirarv rlerk. Bet Jjjn. WtoeeaV-r, of tte W t vwjsk« A w n urn, Veno-vat. anti Re*. Vos. >i ite Greek Preabvto-v. U .Si MML w*« twtian! w« art *« comfnmuty iwBibe**. Rev. C- W«sht>sra of the Indian Musi'* As*' nation. and Rev. James .Martin, of Use Tentwaae Presbytery, prene-nted tbc-sake! v rt at-J »■ Wen ; < tilrawo* into tie PresHrvirv • wtu.iaap *n, Pres* . i bwterjrjawmiled tt> examine them as to their tu «-> to Theotofy. TWtf eiarriHatioii was aatisfacti* r*. and tbev were received u members. Presbytery procaodod tc* appoint 'Tumi— mi 11 tothe General Assembtv: »Srt«n*. Minarers. lies. Joshua F. G.raea. as Principal. ana He* Jas Martin as alternate: and Eiders. A. W Lyon. as PTiB-ipai and D. J. Baldwin. aa a items u-, were appointed. Oa motion. it was Rrarnmxd Tbatithaa risen freat mr'A's: r to ita Prea'-yterv to tear that the t>oard of F ubbcsuoB ; of our rbarer* r.aa appointed a Colporteur to labor m vtr* State within our tun*mis, and we therefore do e irdialif recommend to lir brethren of our <. a n and Barter churches, tbe Her. xaai'i MiCu:: ugh. who has received toe c inmissiou of oiu Board mud cameatiy desire them to aid him in the eser aiion <rf the enterprise upon which Ue has entered, of diaaeaiiBatinr tb* valuable Evanet :wa! works pnti ! ted hy that Board Mt mured T:*s' sr* w.a as pa*r *r? tab* oeca*nw lh pr';»< "rr isvortole considers . non of oar respective tsarras, sad wd: endeavor to collect fands to {.rum ■ •!* o-ee n:< uje : .**•• fulness of our Aaaemb -ft Board of Put>! at* >n. i The achooi a? V« Bareu. under the care of Res. W K Marshall, D D was hak-n under the rare of Pr--'i cte-v Ih Martha. » as ' : ret prai-tpai of sa... sc tic* 4. The foiewme per.-.ons were aopatered rwtisr of school. sir. Rev. M —wra. Wasabun; and hTi.iu ; at*.. M- «rs Dmara; ire. Lynch, Br»d>. ud L. WcO:***. The follow*iif persons w- r- ordered p'-aefc at the aes tented meet*ur of Presbytery, x ; . *< Dr Marshal*—Ox t/* cmnrrtmm ketaerru t/u ax aiKKie iieerer* »' Gmi and (rre er»a-» <tf «n r.l- jjau*.a r ijT- u—Ox uiotikciltxr ti/*:*. Res. 3. W. Moore—On <br Peraerr^mer »• tv daak. Rev. C. MTaahhuro—On M-jmttm*. Os moats«. the louowrihe preaathie and resie luti'in were adopted . Wkrrraa, the cut'' of Christian uenewatcare is aftrn rayomed ap e (Juf » people m Hts.fcii* word, aad whereas we are satisfied tba' the churches :n oar bonds mmht do vasti* mure tfitn Its aase done or »w ik>w dome to sp-ea-i the « oar own aaa fiffetrn lauds. Therefore, Remlrrd, That tne Ministers. Eiders, and pet* p e withm s» or tamos he .ascrueu-d to mrreane n the.r enntribution? toaii the Boar is <»f oaresurre Presi'V-.rv taen adtrfumed to meed a* Ba'.-vi lie, oa the Friday before the 1st'Saohata *n f P toher C-iht. aOed with praver and the apoeml*. iueue diftKia. J. "A MOORE. h.a*/-i* Cuere. Ie*Ua| the hire art h sf the baflenn is the Cnrwta) Palace. The London correspr.iineht of the New Turk Commercia) Aiistariaer a tot letter of the 2ir if Mar says : Dunns thepsnaewt week the Crvrta* has esseatia. ckHfts. The i:.< reaaevt a usb h« af Wiirkzue:* ts fasr ngavctu ng tbe huudme in d* emparuoa; the jwmtMkg is rvjy nearly acootn plasiieti . the numerous tea Barer from the >aof which the vutktm. mtem of mi week tad dis e<peered have bees mnsTi Stopped, the. labia. .. >wn «f the tkierrar acaif tid n?—the sure sum of ap pr ittmatf oornp ;eIt'ui~ve— *« aireacy ' iiinmeni ed. I waichea the harass of the streiurlfc of ti.e eatie ne* yesterday wr.a gnea: .Kteres A <raiii- w ark flf fl»* fort? foci a irturlh :>y thins feet m beehtith, was set spneotw fcswdred and eirrr yean non balls, i each one tune iacht» in duunwei., as wiieeia. and -jus waa drawn thro art ai. tbe saiier ies sf r.ue * t'UiJdmr by etenty five of the corps ot the aappeo aad umiert to a heavy traaip. eai b ninr. cr' n? i*.. ■top the powerful tall *f a i-.ap upon use 8<»*. It - was a iitt ui t»ea.tiUfoi operation, and sc> cally eoesekr&d as adnera .- and njrw: * <nt. u«;v« la«t. i Wo-.xJ where I canid obsetre ia effect ap*n the frame work of the ta.itrrjta*. bat not ‘tie rinrnt km aefeietem from the accurate hnrxnwSa* Lne ■ j cos id tie detected. nor, thurv feel Sistan; fro® the \ ■ ■mirr~** -nr »». w ir::. i an. laid mat tlu* tor. ta ike imur powerful u,»‘ Or Tiavfas oouid eiirrent. ar.-' tt.a • .• - u. .i-:» Usd i* give a tnai of utpeagta u> the Wnudiag, ro .rt than tJBee tuae* aa erear, aa wwuhi to lr<at nf a . aojC ctiiajBs of fall grown Men upoa the aajar rurfaoe t«f st, aare fees. t” The from the New \ ort T'.t'une., ■"tie. *>.'«-! that am’i waac'ii.tng :a the wine. Whari the Matter* Shier' O'ref-am fQuwrvtrd—The meaaeat Sl ver Ora» aheet eaaqpt one * our otry openr: "The Tribune m*unotudr acao-iueer that the P«adeat m dwjurat d warn Mr. Wehuter f’ir ieav hg ha pa*t to travel aUou.; y*e cu-.. a:.r* ranting efacWBMaanpg apeerhea We have aja, rt*«*rt • Lafanaatioc from Washington' *h»t Mr W'tenet war aboui » retire frum the Chinan. :* ,r . r to run lor the Frarwitui-i itoAh rumor* wu* do to " teU to the amrimea " We mien' toavr felt bad ahnat 'ioi *• ina jeicms " r laputatioa baaed upon a te -graphic hamate to * our cuutmaa tan uin the very irmh and dcrtiest o{ all puaaiiur sit, v« Grar lourruej appea--'C at i;e unit hour «a the above, cMi^d w.ti, the iubow H W»BHrwr«\. April i, USA. Mr Nathan K. Hail, the Tortswure: ■ j'-pEriu. ■he Mr. frame: W earner. the h>-t»etan .»f eh*■ • have gone to the North, where tarv can observe how the puyan wjru *h.< o hat >tk rtficah? administered to mm stf the Sewardrtea. A ' haunt a tue Cab, net wia mog: hto- : * *ake piaor ta a abort taaw. Mr WsSatow writ pmfeabiy eo out U) raa fur the Tixahdeurj, b tt inii aut loot we2 for him to remain on Mr Fuimtire'*See TvShT) of Ssa«- and run for the Tientdeacy a: the ■an.' uor aoaiaat Mr Tiuaanre Mi. Curwm bar r* qni'- twee! of tw rape*, peepiena.ea. and aadswas du*«e» «f 'be Twaaurj Ib-partmewt end baa UkfKito-". ha To aeaarw the fteffledanstej. im« and go !■ unt l: Oto where c m uodemtieid ton !*o=f" v aw*, e eirear, B'’*'- fw fool Mr CJarwift * to. ad-hear e and a»ml>Te to he Heerf-ar* of the Treaasrjr — He hat wt tb- b*-«*t ate tine wern roatil'e hi et «em- the hart* and rigid <*tr» rtperte# of line '■» ***■ w bar party af the r2J"n Hia,*ane » ta the t* or « hamr l tn- -.ifawiB jf 'f» jmop.e Mr sBn«e » a oai azniahk Seeraratry and ecr taiti'r a d^jierfHr aaadaucae man—*«d ion, m prv ’* He kwaa W agiiiu aa« VagtiuaBa. a»d the w*» he app.iiaw the aba ton \4kr- usrv to <»tiM ’ ne.e. u, v«r* naraiy Mtaw hen. 1 am h«meis 'hat Me na* gtaw appotaUb^uh tot. ihnrt* kve V oguuaaa in two Manana attached bMi>> ♦«>»* ™ waditma to the east nwcaber id k ru nout » ua tte t >-ia« ia »&re on wua ut :tl"" *rw» of the taSiSMa tfeiporuoeuL There ar» j? ; k*wra._ttobty-oa- Vn^iemm ua m £=< dr:.aranrnu hete frao the *ittje lows ■« AictandTja. taraL The C sited Stafea la ig Terry had, at the owt at 'Touhia. ban ua tae cauapt «f Ainca fifseen uasiha, and a«a a tattua cf aptrita had W» owed auee ■be left the fsSed tkahea The Turtaet oawiey 'Ohw Wtag hu nwasadth ■me «< Gen. SdiMt aa a eaadidaiv far the Trea At • mwt MMtnf «f the K«r York H»un cat feeaetjr, u w* team f«« the Jtcw York Ccm wtnrtol. Major IfarhalAaoh, fawwr'y aa '■Mart in th* Nntiafc erwr. read a paper on the "onh iu •f 'be war **f 1*15, erabeariaf fart*, taw r i aarrl erf *<Lk the rfr-alii at Tecvuaaeh.4’ riff Caaxaer Oat «n ■ - *• Maiw * baring been aa rre-witaesa «f can* af the mm'ica Aweribei, and a pmmoal fr;e»d «rf the great aramw, V aarmtiee «a of «nee thaa ordinary latneat. and r<SB*afldad atetat breatfe haa art cat, je ttsrwnf bout H< related —my » ateacea of gwtrrswr and rk.ra!im* failarrtry aa J "the jam of the fpdiaa ri»ef, wkkh would hmae torn ao fbaeredit to the kmrht* of teada! tsar*, la Trianon to the manner <«f ha death Major R m of opsmoa that V frit br tV hand of Cat. Johnaee. Sack. be Mr*, wu the nairemal wa 4<*r andiaf r<» tbr u*M tt Lae battle. whrv a’J the e irvometawra were freak t» the msndr «f wit heaaea. and J*e aec» no rn*a to difmte tV tot al Ui* late da*. Tt* {juration. wV kai,-i Tr tun* t. ? may therefore be <vuaaadered arturr) Major Ru haraao* a kn *m to the read:a? p»b be as the aulas*'of “Vaimtaca,*' “Scanr." ant: otter Moveia. Tbe Brrtjafc Home <rf CjB»w>ni thrown mu. eimMOrrabl.- eacittoacxt. oo ike i7tfc Much, by the j«naae*t»tK«a of thr folicwuiif peuima by the Hon. Cww» Berkeley: "Some veai* acvi he tin Hob. €rr*ea Berkeley ■ttnmi the wufow of tbe haM brother irf the pre atm Eari of SbAewabary. Tt.« lady had two ctita- n by tuff tar husband. n«B*ftv hw~ dead, kW Augnata. wii at o'1* n. setee* v**n orf «.f aim: upward*. Thai yoow lady resided « :th ber mother And atepfwhrr anti: ti*e deatk of the former. wbiefc happened on U*»;3nth of Apr-.!. IM). Fmrr. ’.tut per**! anto tbe month of Sop Irmiier iaa: ah* ru ootter the rare and guafdsfc’p of the Earl And Coanfeuiof Shrews.’, urv. w bo are Roman Catholic*;. At her tmiuftdaU, Augus ta Talbot br-ame abaoititeiY entitled ho ’iw iva of £S! . «»i. and remain* dorrac her nmr :>—which »•-. end oa ti* nth of J uae, IS61—a ward of the Court oJ Caanoery. *• In the month of iv-p’oturtiwr is*rt year, ’the said Lar, >*f Counts** of Shrewsbury placed tbc Ra«l man;, Augusta TaiUot. aotwohatascmg Kite i* a ward of oourt. ai the convent cal efi the Lodge situate at Taunton. m tbe rt.-j nt> <x Som RKh am as a pupu or visitor, but as a postulant, with Lbc avowed object o{ aikiwmf tin said Au costa Tail** la take ’be 'eu and hnceme a nun is the morris of September arxi her period ' • postman- T* exp,res; ana then. as Mr Bcraekv teiis a*. st>e snail be comp- .ted by the Horna:: CatiiUf priests to take ttw white veal, aishoneti e*ea then. *ik wjli tie a minor and a yard of the Court erf Chancery In tie month of September, i»52. when aht wifi nave bees three months of art, itae biar a sell, wi:r<a i» to do mr ucr (or ever bm the externa worttt. wu. be drawn over per bead. She w ,i then be cutapeien: to execute any iepai iaatrnanent to wtu-n her sniper tor mav- re qu.rv nor mrnature; and the neb pr.*e, :be !**! ■. wiR fat; wi-Uus tbe rrasj -f the Kuasaa pnest ■ Aftei tlie rtadiif. Mi. Berkeley faopoaed that r lasses be ntrodacesl >b«o tbe £r&ieB.ast.ea. Ti'-.-x Aasumption tne reception in ant cornea: or siai,:ai mstitittion beiotigaag to the *e aK E pas aieut Sc fufmei fiwlhWi tbad m ■: r. case 'if •■mfaua" who. dunnif the ptuvi of their ffiit-rry, sita.i baw !»o» l atim.riei as “posTu iaats ’ into con;. als for the purpose A U-,^au:r.e nuns, ail tneir pmpertv. * •« • te or : ■■ntiac.'cir, abao PeetaBc i wfei’ed to tbe Cr>>wa. to be diapotw: of as brr Majesty nan app it: under her turn manual. The same *obje!.t Pad been preatmtec to tat C-our: c*i Chancery. SisfBlir Cirrsusetaace. 'W'e saw in a jar. vesterdav, * “water doc »p»et»teen win* i-ju( lit*' had been taken up : , a fere - nf:ne. from the public cat rn, m'xx-r Frost and Mam rxeets, d urine ,ht fere yesjena> mormne on Co. m >«* street. Tins sum. ap jieared to be re-ar'w :scbes u.ame cr, ye; is rnun piled through two engines and *."> * foet of hoae R. M. Littl* . of tbs Witefe, R. »er F;*e Cuinjiarv had the niirzie is tn* Band bj a ladder—ail at ore-r tbe water stopped for a seconC or taro, wbmn tbe force sent t be ‘ • w»ts*r dof ’ out thmu|rha i sonle, and be struck aca.nsT the wa ; of tbe builtling, some thirty fee' frslant. and may be seen at tne enctne bouse. Tins beata ai! his Vrryof tbe “critter" knosm ber»—Cm pope* %y Shamed at tsElere Maw . •>! tie . Mr. S. W Itabaey, of Faystl. A* re*, to Harr«’ W. daughter of the lake Pr- .i-swor Wf-rnet-r We have beard it stated on tbe authority of a neighbor, that, on the ' onvirtion of tier father. It is vouac >a-fy. who ha : f'.r some time ie-en t<e trotbeo to Mr. L>., the hr-tner her Salter’s hus •jani. abaoiaed anss ft*® ta -rucar.titttxx:. which, n .wever, wu;. a m*neia that did bun honor, bt wtnud not accept. We team tha they, wnn Mrs. W*rfwter. arc abrvui matittf a raic to her birth place, Faya*, where be! eidetr. dauih’.tt rcrides.—A. I' £!rpr»**. I-* At me of the a.“ ‘.a which 1> u Vapc ieor. at-enuec. we remarked a woman who was :*• - a—cec t» a thjonr tx adorers. Stir war t atraueer. cither Saf.m. Havanas x ijrerniEn. .She Bad been twice a widow, e.nd never oust a wife, she mar ried furt an officer erf drmr ems, w ho q iiarretiett. on his weddiiir dav. with a captain arf buaxar*. m the aubieet of perfect m> ir-usk-ia m the Pr outran an vice. A duei .n tbs spot ciwast and tbe brxfe fT eirc was k ed. Tbe w idow nett asArned a iAwver at 'he Undai Se, ,.-»e. tbe happt buatiand * waLl<»wed a cherry sr jn' whwii ■ hok.“i f.;m, ant be expired iierween the beanUfui bride and a botUt of Rhenish There are already many ■«£ didates for her Savor. MiBBira, Chi tie 27th, by toe Ret. C. L. Jeffnei. Mr S*jr*tL Baaocn, u> M ju> Makt Ara Est-raa, jd] erf this enjr. Os 'jir 27tii trf M&rrii, at R .'-bar nude; Mr. Gam Lsttox, <rf Prsn- couaty, i® Mat. Cocoai-a H’>r h« of Ptuadfc eoustT. Art. JO'UI I *. HOKBIA. ATTfRSEf AM) CHIIIUf* IT LAW. aOC<PO»T, HOT SPRING co^ ARK. Ann! 3S, .«*» . (4R1 OFTiCE <m the Sreotb Side of Sark oait *tw«, tieswret i-ast Jl&.nand' L/ntuiiaaa thrti docaa Kait of L- R L;ft» o n * Buck start. A|*ri; 2a 1S1. S4—tf iem^amir. H'rfuiek, l fampurmnaa m. r PrUtam far Dmartr ftogX? JftUr HuUftca, A Ih-fnutxnt \*C7> V ST d»» ear ire state cunquUun' an* by bat ouucrtur. attc a appearing to tire aatrerfacun* oi tire- CtntfT, iirr>, ttat tit «u<2 de <• udai • ir a Mt -****'lr*T of tire Stale (if Arketi Mta. auaC v- a in tinier of pubus a'rereu, and ot tp INK Ifie tan a filed fw a diruroe fruot tire vbeH trf r-rertraretrii by mac tre-tre-u ' renja.aibaii' ait.-; a- —uinus—11 if ’taertdsrt- order—,; by tire tsatn roat tire a<-fett4im( ire tuitSm! of tbr jw-fi!i.upc ail' lb*, ire :w<> amrrtmnar wrv.tuy maet tnia* of tins order. :a wna n~ar*ji» p-’ jKibiiBireil 41 ’Are State uf A-tanoa* 'ire tar’ unerture t» be <d reare..**<*ii areeaa ire-ist tire fine oaf *0 tire m'. ura of Iujs Guar. r»t ur. 114 tSt aaid ifteudaziL, tre area •.ftfrra iret-tre tire Jiirfy- trf mir Ctft re.t Greurt, ui C'baneen . Bliut as tat far day of lire tret; term of a .ytorert !» Ire atif m .ire Ciiw>-ire>ui« Lefiauuo, m tire etiuaty of Searcy, >»* tire fir* M ladar after ’fir fitmrti Mueday ,t: V_jrt«»l*ca nest, a red jaieaat, rttamet, or demur tu sa.d or tire a ic£a:.<to* tin-reib mofiaarei. Will tre taaea a> c-mfeare-d, asd a ataw eotisret up mat-datfj >. A true uupe ui Ute reeuni An**L C A. MeCOfiV. Oar*. Be bts Deputy, ft. T—m l*ban m a uw mi aad ( SI ROTD •r «! Lao . U’ 1H. jimrtwe to tie Cw^ru tf \ewtut.. Near ry. JlacKMi. aftC C ariMiU treaoiabea. tteai4or>rj- sear Cmukrci CwreB, Canal! ere., .Ira Apra ■ .TVTtCtU \LL ptaam tmittiAtrC Xu tie estate of C. B SawsrerB. dope— refiusr boko ktiaae <im n* tie Bar. (lay cf Urm-t.. are Nbbk*»t mittBet! taai u» arm t,ftjrk jutyttproua art ouure. tot Ure aauie. t*ry »!U ire ydaref ut tkre tunada uf lb prnier >.f&oen Lr colieta,.*L A. J H uTT, J JfSlJr BskA, WartA Si, i«*l jtGiinrr LOSS AND DAMAGE rr A. uml for iW P*OT»CTK»JJ I39C*A?rCE <i>vr\x\. 4 aAMerrmak cotancncvr. rounn «r imk ivks. H UmM, well kwwr*. sad WM» naycnuafatt laetinrtjna *fe fkr mmM bVmi uimt TV |M mwwm of VCwyM; tot> eMUr-d it ta per *tl toeer* wBWl hear are'ewed ujhWt tt> p^urrs id lie 17*-for! State* and fentirti ^rm n«« d-errec tl*r Xm twn'ty-’t’*- wfcifo tnaiw ntbw Off Bier be»r fcifowt »• <f rat-oarpf tV«T hA bibt**. Applt te WM B WATT. Lrttle *'»l Apr»i 22. **—tf. . OLIVER A COm WINK + SHfRlT MtK'HA IS, BAST WAIT HTIEir. JOST toecrred * fine aawrtneirt !»f cfo-wr* aritri!> f.n b*r Sfort% u£ Faau;r uar., rro of Fiw 'rtd Port « iJx : Vtij> .n » inf . Brown Sherry V ine: Pa.- Sherry Caiauba Waif Lourw'Cib Ubi'.; • are! Sufir. Juice. Bran dy, C-jCI\mr. Brandy Ch*-rr»r* London Gin. M-. namr»li- ^a Wluifcv; Scotch Ait Br- t>g Stoat: AhjBcTU; Scrap. Mwn de fiMtifua; Marw U»f; Carat* M ulricnt • larrup; Wor ff’rnmrc Sauer- Sard.aea; Tea.:. Sum .a Ab sjr: » Preaerve* Ac. Ac. Li'Ue Bock. AprJ 22. S3-tf. SEI FAULT STORE. !ORRIM»\ 4 ( IBTF.R. On Eaarf audr Mam , irm hrtek •to' aim* tie renter mj Maxima at , »** arrUL aaaiama at FAMILY. STIFLE AXD PASTY Crmriffc. PreuticBL r«aitrj Prwjerr. it. IJ AVE jeuA opened. ib the ftor- heretofore- <v JT1 erupted u a Tin Shop a renera; amorta*. rr •f tfc nr n their .u*r. ''<tm;irjrne a !arr<-r vsfjrtT of FAMILY SCPPLiEs than e'er befar* offered :» ttai market. Their friend*. and extiaenf ^eaeraiiv. are inerted to call and exasmmt tiieir stor k before puTehasiaf elwwbene. a*'hr-v «r> de '“rtntneti to s*-!i an low as the lower. f -r <«»« or 'ouBtry produce Little R'a t, Apr ! 9, Is©!. 32—tf. FLOCK—50 Bin* - O'Fa., jo M ..s Extra Su perfine j BAt ON—5 H i*o» Clear Mu«a; “ S “ Son* do; 6 Tierce* extra Sugar Cured Hams. PORK—10 fltt!-is M«aa; . SCG AR—3 Hilda nariErd; A Bt>.» Powdered W bate, j CANDLES—SO Qutna* Sue. NAILS—50 Keg* i. { t if Received and for *a,t br Ap-v 7<4 WJJ B. WAIT. TYPE FOINDERY. GTJLFoRD A JONES, WO. 41, f ritumhi* Strpvt, B**tw*<**» an*5 Rnnufo-TV, enrarun, owo W.-ioid re*pe—tfollv inform ?.herr otd Parrots and Pr nter* trre.ruv. tnai they nave remc/ved tb* • FuuDderv. to the bu.idihg* formerly ocr-ufued a* •tie Stemiirpe F iuiinerv and Print!nr Era: .ah ratal <rf F. KHEPIRD. Ward thejr an Prvjmred So Fanuai Anytiw.g n lAetr Line. FOSTERS’ PRESSES! Tarr m *t»o Amtt* et»« ForTra'i « f \ 6. < 1 R H fcPIVER fRESSES; Amd t» n»» will Phil uy Ortrr far PRINTING MATERIALS. A; the Siarteat Sour- raul at '*» Lem el Eaatrrr. PRICES W. MITCHELL, A. CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AK9 Vrj , G N A.P* • LEr>N. AKi’S JM/rrft 30, 1 *>',, 30—if. i>400 REWARD. ESC APED fr-m. the Peu.vntiarv w. t‘.e ibt foU<nr:ur deaetdarJ ecumct* J rr.* F2A each for Uk-it capture and dedverv to inc. ! take-n ta tins etiunrv. ui ISO each jf takes out joffic h a.unocK. Cvmtr'Wtur PcarTCsT-aer, Lr'-n.t Rwa. iu.. I March i*. 1861. S Dweait-rwHi —Jan** Leeron-, *4 year* «f &*<, 6 feet turn anti au»'4t buut, wev k«ut, fcaio , rye*. ■ RWHttl »•*■, SuCh Check ixKjrf aad tallOW «HHB ■ < pttruua. t* cyBfccUiied ur w»U try u> reach tie Stale M LoUlJUBQ*. A n<trr* Roerr* ® 3i vents . rf «■*. 5 ieetf- •*»•»« s' torii, and rf a stout he ad. hr h»» .wrh: twown i luur. tiior -yes. a redtiiaft •.■eard and *of« rnaa piexion. hr taika UTlie, and ;n a tow tone gtf voter : and has a qttjel look. Gat am. a aatrk ntala : o boy. » 5 few 7 incites Burk. Mm' and J" v-arr ■»( at* J-ofcn Hmth. a free negv*, 3r years of aye ?. fey* ' A incite* tick, feature* dara and reruiat. and it by trade a Utat a-amitlt, tw conjectured that be and CaHSn wih keep tncether and jsttsb lor the Cfer* Nation w the State <>i Miayun. AStbe atxm- *t* -aye. ••.-tansr shirt*. o»e half rrhRe anc ooc-feai brown yeans pants, and the.: : ianr waa cut cloaei* on one side. Roper* ttad a biue e-ana rxmt rh» Hirer 3 wore coame yack-ta. Link Rte k, Ma rh 2«. 3S‘.»—if. Mmmt* miut WWfi. 1J C-ASEfc Rouu assorted; I 4 K.p R- .1' * dm. Gent's line Catf Shoes; 2 " ** " Gaiters: ]2 “ Lathes -me-t assumed; S “ M..-:;--. ;.a« children* JSii-tes asaarted. I Case &"-•* K r Rjcraiss 1 “ - bens *.r . 4- fcr •Received j»y ?*._ ; p. : > w • no -.o' >► : . JQHW D ADAMS. steamboat Landing 3k—3. Marrii 29 Gn. C L*w»**» A*w»*i Hakub. ARMSTRONG, LAW RAM* N iCU ifl6 Waaguscae aft***••,, .*£*’ OMLKAS*. Mar « 35, 1*61. S»~ 20 \r« Pmct* i*Ve*t ctW Howard. • {iratSe®- JlnaJuM. 7 ** t*i>r «rk fttUt*. *<*> “ trntmM <"a&tnma 6i( “ “ LlBtrtiHU*. Sti “ “ UcrtVMWOeft. 5 *‘ Bit-*«rs L.ura 2*' " iitiaua. 2 bm*m #-4, 7-6, ft. 4-4. Iiwt ft Bkft'ti 5-4. 6-4, i‘-4 auU .2-4, fewt amc iiatt . AMtMgft 2 yac-Jtsa A2-4 Lutes 'Uxr.u«j; 22 * Jntm Ln» n O*'-* -4. Bi.» Hfcw 4*tfi.e** !w M;*» Cftmftft. taftatap. J.'iataetUft, Pariwku.. 4i «jsJt fti... fti... ft« llw>r.v*i* J»ef f IVa*v» s'-’.. «L»’ CL-ap. iJt I mai aut fe* JOHN L> AiM**. X«r>t % 1*65. *ir*i ««ir!! .)/ 6 I>*. Pas as Lr*f UbUl -iU j “ Pmwi « “ " L-nft - Hats. C - T«atsp«-» 4 * Cnwjtrnsfty B«rcr«d Jtei ? Jkcaj.r»-r attC (ut liy John u Au&n*. Mar.’ii 26 5M7 «y q q q q s ' 9' MEXICAN xcmxc UnilEXTltl «r<n,«rf«>SI^JM‘ntaf|WN«Vt^PMX | Bn tone Wb kaoem to pnaaara vfthm itaeif sohAerfaii* a—aa-inc. Vsjta* nrf r«tt,u |Hfimi« •Mi tot been esiraattcfy uwd Vf the AtUxa fuc Bti—wf a, lifliii at to Leafra, aaaf to* •it ksxht of Sores. I iceo. flor*s. Wwada, Hoi Ivaps or Tims, mi tot «Ji toiA of Fans at1 is Mas etc K*a»t TV happr coca:-.nation trf to* wrfrtfal pmSsctw* erf Mian »rfh other pmwerftol wnvrfVa <a 1 tV Ho tv tirtkaa Msotsst li«toit>l Sttotn r <«( of IV b*w! perfrtl fMaedt*s Ml erftrwtd to Ue aAWrf. tatKMi i* Uu> woa-icTfai. ha »<»ia:j>,VBe‘rrTjnif. amfitoS(r aarf kk.‘« prnptrftaw'■ 1 to XVTerr* boo*** It ratew tsk> tv ear ciaUM erf the Moo*—enves a ac* aapmar to tV erW are > roanrnhesk to !V very ratatsartiea erf the tnjira aad tor*—atawstortm the WMMntofc »<wi «**>■**• <os«.* •Mi* unoU ut .irr t' ;jaow < IT a**i rid vr* / «.( *t rfi<* a*- ' art*Vrf we*. arsMies. r arada! or liftaornu. tr.ahiac it appi*-:aM* to »•*"» erf »n» rhewtoacal fr.w>. a Astwaed arUw» trf *t>» rf IV *»»<■ rsra potW erf the eevtoto pnserrk a 'ir rea*na»t,» , • •• <a. *r» •>*« swa.-as- b!iS r r- »f.a:r.,a W* wi:< «i*t a k-ar <rf IV 'ih.umuJj at farm tha: a«»e brea effort erf hr the* Lsanw *.»,a the as* fV erf a* | ■aaos at thaae peraitar 1 isat vt ar A iaiir ta < Wtobsa. Otto. had V* Satri tSf bti; kinJMt*!, tow* ooirf re ft aarf rt rpeoarf to A rrtfMi«! i ir+r A !•> ton had ywemnrthrd *Bj*rs, tMjUW a*a. Wathah. tar « wtfbnm «i-*n* n itr mod. It had been ta tk« femc.-t-- n sure iv » year. * h* <» she pit a Untie Ml U>*- M tsMM L'cumt. by the rerwirwueV-H/ii of her vj an, and »;jp:.rd tt u duwetod. Tif ff wilt wa* that m f Kti wertathe aim wat> Vn*<*: arid 'Ut mud »M ws-il’ Tr.nt docS.-e now bays ;i»e Linawnt fr? IV donea to «.*<• n hi* prartoie. A tittle fai. 'fifflwt as*-* tram ( lataafcaa. bad a an er< attach af Rftc Tv .*.hoela of ortr tec fwiinrt a -.ti#; in*- fc,.» *a* 4m* •: a: a an*.» w.ta tt.» : tad »V ta*-*- >*w*r ■tiff, a t.Mr: »iv * *<t to w» * w::h rr " . -s T • i h* M ine; ! • ro, ... r> iaierf the rbmrl* Vmnra.'M U* ait** past. r*it*rr«j at I pauits, HnM«at4 the out* m, and *V rn* empthr nip*. leap and , n*»p wd boat cruic V* and w*.fc «: us ;• <. 4 A ta»a ib PittalrBTjh bad a red an* iroe seen* sia : i r»a urt'; hi* fr**, aaA*w a t*tt rw* ttw*ad and Bara At lb* u* tut*- TV pa n w«* rvrmm aiwi earrsaaiu**. ihrratcwmr v**l jaw. TV- font wreiled rrrr aw? i« two hMM V »«j to Vast at l Mwkt e«n ft. nr »et it to the fmwhd. la that omiditinn the M iRMf LirvOTv-u' *** spotted- tamed iav rr ,<-( from pain wa* IV - outc-i me ar*. an* ut (wo d»v» be went aV ut fttf b imnen* and i*w! no tarWr *r.nnbie a® «L Cat*.. Win. A ."<** ov <v i- 'BVW ;-*.,**« -.1 ( r* in.-; and pr.peiiarn k*«vtcaal the weatem and rowthera nven a* a atwaaatwwt captain, bad a v arm* atari of lilaawalori K lnaili»a la hiarurht arm. Aftri tafttiisf tin rrmta eurw -arui* paus f-rr want -4a*^ * ?!> .>.; a n*awn'‘a relief V rttota.Tv-d a Veiie U Ibt M iiuv Lianaeal. and apjoiod ;l_ In i<tt* ■ •,** - *• r.- r t ^r V »ar - ' - ■■ r:. . - * - r - *to4 Let nr:- Aa«]M Mt .A-' b> ptrarare, ant) he mav aitt Una a apecaik s of .a Kitar i.lar aaenrsk and Sata?n...»f ua j- exi neb) amt. " ‘ A man in Coinftra, Kv.. bad a&l beea a*«» to •» » wrttotal enrt*u s far *» *r ’* j fear*, fro*, the efiret* «( fktaak Mfaaali«a. lie b-aril of IV MualjTif Lin ji* r* V.-.jftrt A, aa ; .an - u (Lrerted, ai«i c ■« m ,s *- , and ear ()i»Ti bora-pipe- «i«a: So any y,irr Tar ' A man near L'-tiw .!*• K» . tad a arfro man as* bad r.*»:» m »■<* ' os .‘**s, - jt \m Tbrr were utar.i rotteai. and fr-are-d Vi would tw sbe ea«w -jf m* V*-k H* ;<**■ r.»,' a t ,»ea txetito* tv M Klaor Litumeas^ ami aim il all at*t rrfirit to tv direr uteri* ia m* a*.:.;.b U* atava were beaten!. Jot.c B*-np :*.t, (4 Petetaburcb, lib, bad a <ia«bs*r tw-!’** v*ar» '.id »to had Ten.* Capra or * Scaid Head The-ratirr at a p wai a ruamaf »»re and ha-d be*- *- v? nor.'- -.a-, a war—r (Vi it t< gt«ifL Tbet were pm aaded to tr* the Moainr LtBianeM. svd to ibet rrea! .£>. suaea ijt:y beaued a)i tie wo. and a beautiful head of hair vw eiwera the ” , ••are Frightf*! *ra!p ! ! A .a : u St Lon-t bad a »or< m v.p -.f •■*;-»■ ?.••• --!• < • * *.;,*» * Tin biur same on* af*'i -ef! a ‘■sr* rpwtlhe of a d-■ Sar n at a raor aur- She naaet ~V*nt on it, and it -, f. hra.e- •:***-, at I«raah( awJ a lira■»■ /n new otpiV -jaf Sin a « * r. to dreaa ie-i n*A. and seay» - .« :V »*: Ha*f Tohic sv *.Ter taw, white r fuo a beau !*ui!» ri-*rv .v ap^e-araar* so toe juur. ti a- the bad ver , n , .-*a-.sir vCca* T .-tae: at- but a few u the tbt> .aaiio* of •* w* air- vaiinj of {,- «. a*, part* if <v o-uviatry. o For flarae-n mm4 wiber ulaali. Toer* ia ti css *s titnpar* tv. tar Mi tav L.m.’ta-vt- « tic* ape*~. > an l pmmaaeaf e ur- -4 Stra.m. Hr ,«n ( o’*, fia 'ia. Cbai-s, vra- •.-> owe Si f* ;; E«;i, fur H ad <Ar*t< a. R. .* B--!.- , ••:. W od Ga ... Crar-aed heeit ur »u- w • ir*4. r..ffiwa«* ••* uaaat i»: » A iiv. rr stabk keep. - jf ibiterTv .bae a raa-f h honw • •!»: he pr.i. : re*- . <;, *, ■4 totv* Binj-bwie on both ,;ed«». Tv home war vd^Metri* nihwd, and tua .uaba e-f perf**t . wtaeKh Li the ’.»■ f ue Liima* at. Ta Caailri Merchant*. Eim nv aboaid V j ppued w-th tiua u .*U>c Liiatornt, at .- ;«*« • r «., pro-4: ami a. a rapid:? Caattaa Extra. CTMaev a-. tn - Man | V • • and Borne Lmmyst ****■*■.:.- »---:■ ■*■*» travt. tv m?-.iis it » ; Ast at imd at the Maataac o* h 4*> v lehr,. • ,. .Ri« L.turner.', air vuy n.m IF ? . w.L n ' uui,»p-'-a'-- i- Tv narv _• . wn .. ■ Price* *f the Luivau In Poaaeqoe*ceof tbe . vreafied iemiiii tt ar* a iwp ittmj c.f> t!k vnt. V- owl, and j yn '.ie» Tv Vincas boStle* conlain T!:**** t*m» t at tt '.t a ac tsw ift teat tuc- an. - b.-ir y-tTjnh tans utD’f a* mart a.- the '* <»-a:aia<-s that aw-e ’ » >- aai-. -, ’■ >-e I -• Pna-tphl Depot a: MRAG*r * M LEAN- o Ik ,t v,-ru, -ora.rt tbird Jtam-1 slr-eii, St. L ■ M d.Sf ■ Hr Drutrrsts and Country MeKtaut* k-.pja.ed m Vbtaai tencr. J. \V. TAPPI1 U hu n«jd< Agrmt, at I Mil* R’rk. Ark. Apr.) i, ]SSL____ Jl—ly. I.amd* im fPreir t mmmtg f»r SmU I^POS a ranraraU'. ttr Senas. f> w-rng Xxv'a of law* -ipof, Hartuo Uari»-w. in I>rr-w wonn. A'aartsw ~ E frai-Tjon <JT »*<*. 7 W>jfi !:*:'r Hff 7 W itaif ttf N E. <jj. sec. 7. W as if awe. b. V f «fS E qr A; «i; ie tcwasaq) i4 aou‘raa^e west. Tv-** JatKls’ are anew *fe l<e*s e sir Stav - f A , - ■ . ■ botaj and ranvemmi fjr ausppae produce. Fdr U99M, apply to L. A WHniCLEY. Little fin'd. Marer. 22d 8*—tat. Ci H< H TA W LA VD STfel P * p«ces • S * , ‘V. • / a:iO Ui(’ act'-s, for sale WM B. WAIT. Msrr 1. J8. —r,i. I^itfumr* mmd Flomr. JTST r'—*-;vad by »*,raster HaSEi-urr: •J5 Bl'IS rt »•> Half Bins. do. * Bl Ji. Rortior; Winafcey as ait*, IS Bus. P-jiat«. For sa^ cheap, by St. TA NT!. \t:w woobh UEL El V E4> arraet 1 r:«a X. Ortrar * . r*er *'<•*«» r m Penttr * « wort a «»* af Ji-w GwerU. Cana'®t 1,1 Li nary- J-ati*. F aaoe'a. Apron Cb*r4a; G>»*"■■»«»'« IU «■»><•*», Bare * *- *r; Apitm »«<, », » I'i'S'* H<-' iS'-'ii-t'» . A p»' ra'»: Cw*wrwi Sawing S. a». fm» Carafe*. Umwl'g Augue*; si ta t>ai)i A«?* H >»-» Caiito’r Ash. atvd ttfsarka Ucffist; atnJ tor sale Cto-ap bt A. J HI TT. M~rr':k S i, SS5I ,W« a wtrnt MILL E AVAS — • 6 ». and 7 («wt . FBESCH LOCK*-*, « aafi 7 twcu*.; AXE'—Uotiioa auc Hast-. Oil A—Lars, t iMHwd, lattarra and awstofowl Ree«t*«i tw far «tai» by ' 1 W 54 8. WAIT. Marct 3d •» -tf. *au!4tfry. \ LARGE bii id BaOittcry, o»-tarts*.tig of jwie !w. w'aaJtJ .aiiH'sS*ai;>» Bn<fbn, 54art:nrshs*, SaaWfls-Sagd (-arfaw-Btiga. fitttLs. Cttr-Tajtw, iart. Hatuirr Brafir FtiJinaa. Sure A aarta mad riCiR* Wiiijts. iItossr. Er.-db 8.a, *r , k'... d t ^ "'>■»; ;«r PtiLli^i Pruc'wr a ad tu: *fe« tor CASH b< JOHN D ilfAJM. suaa.Lsa&ug an—tf. Stock as »3#« BCWAKB. RTTfAW AY or »•»{ AtM-n tic j»i*»* ibuok n( tic avWtrr.iM, uj C*u*ss* otwotr. *.rk»»mu. hSjwb: tin- 2S« or *ii 4»v «' J awutrv iuit, « anUaCMt awn suk-awi UUHUtT. He free ».«r CSt »»'«£?- Ve*-* V aui irei ■>»* jf . »*> oicue* i-ijfa- atnuctrl Mar ubm ^ fcrt «.Bti uBitfcifc. tw. hs ^tiut has • Awe mm «f t*JCtt, »u*l pum * ‘tie »«*; * »err »eii Tire »t*o*e OtwaiibMl i*r». M kibe? tu» .,ms^m«swc4. j ter -ito eU su . .»vc terk w te> the ^'«kwivj« irf ■«4 >id f»y ■ 2UA-M IWUMO'S Hou» lUk iifSC uauwr i* ujrt uiiiwi* He s*» Mrfe a** «! »e*erm» a* I Mtet >'/ Y B..-U*'. >1. H-v.i'w: »!.»■ i» v iww-tni. to*,. iuw -41 ttiw-ae * * •JlptoW-m.'r attojv*- f<«" * Sre. vile <rf age fre, ;,*e » nf- •« tea tweaert s.srA, *te»Arr ami «w* i# j»* r arm i* t» rete» «:■'•* »t»d 4i»* :u !hw **•»£> U*,». tw*> tF-al teresA «• t*t a|«|>- j y*« c-itlMr teMfeMI ter a >rn -j(f » a* ■ aw * irKte Kptr- were* fite-ta, U*a tet-w^K Mcamij' •c^e>*cC,**’Tr^-j(0i '►> M tte u-.tteUteS. «T Uaftar*, *MC » : T a ,-'t tl- (Je*i *-(w-K »fj*-k- a W. I yrul rw-tv *«jtne «rw*Af Ate tV- -ir^-vefy ui • Ui uttfJiT >»b ate plmaa, l«y*t.r ■ the a am! ©wov,'-. J,4J ,4 jr. x>>. r j « .: jrr >- •»- a«»#W ante Jaafcir* fed the Ae •—'* - terrfeo* cateprr asnaMHK-V ;.»<*. USUttbE T* KMiNsSuX Cta- itsuoiinr. ti*.. Sflaw u IS, IH*„ I ft took *•«}>« iw Cmftmm Herd. Jt SfT wcemsi SS Aaatie' Jjc J c*r-'*r r Uotusl l«4* aa-ch. »a« mk mmc »Se-ajj inf A. i Hi TT AUn atraet. Litte Hot.*, InAH, l*i. M. Patrick** Hair (oflejciatr ln«lilatr. uttle tom. uihui. THIS * rmw ••prsutr hi Loumttts »»»! f- ‘i t.5tf adauvtou »f a** p afN !v—M>< s' • •* rtjjfr Oei *Har t-.-sor *jb>e *£•*■; *rwawi«d*t»,Mi ' for i».t Tk» CMIW «f UirMun will Caknr», Iff*- T&t Pr-m**"5 : 2& T">;“ MefTafTTsir . Jr*. Tv* Cl**B»ea] ***4 Ph.;o».t>(,"naj IP jxrtmrssi. TEftM-S——Prf <i 1 *rv*f wr '- wot rtf, r>*' *!*■* *» ' T \U Pna*Tf I> y*TB»CWa ■i.jet 'Ml'ie P}** i ftewAts* a rAttg *4 Oh Y h Mercwnr^hr. wksrck -»•■■ s4~s Kruia*:**, to ,n Lgtvett. F.v :.J "ii Getif&pti*, Hau>rj »mi M* ms **i • *« F*; ua»- ud p*. •*■ •.. . ». - u*r,.tn»">t . wts>7. *., .ertatsl «r.:4s »»: « *»-«Ui>ax in ttr Wr-nainu • c«u»t •>* La-57 Fst'acE and Ha&n iwhi'k tSe w-tror- f 1 er!-ra, Gtv*#rtpf. Trap-wa:** inr: wst* ft< ural mxs Ej .- : - - '.' * P‘ > , j * _ » ixtUToa* *\u paorRsfoaa. R*v PATKKft REILLY, Krr PATH*i * BFMAft few PATUCI MARTI*. Little Koeft, i*. I*8J. 3*-u» t'Htmmbtr Krml g.otatr for Sate KV V'rt-.i-- of M wrSet «jf tire Prnhali C<»sft .■ A•• ttuwa, nuxW a", *_Se J*n uary a na. A. l>. -«9l, ou“. «s 'tv- :-v»...r.ts tar >-nr ’.sir is»(t«s*»p*e*I artaf.nuBrav.'is -f tire Xatair V Th-'Bar 1 > Han. Si'.uMWt—aritj -ieu at ri*r Ciarl Busan* Avar .» he toars <tf Pwraioiaa* .« tbr 12tl tad T«r««l»t lAr IS** i*y» <rf .H*r aril, ’«• » ocaAisi -j» imetwe au-mitit *iu> writ ami art _r; .... iUX-c A- !... jn>*u: , .. .uv tts »i>-. —thf: Atsaer&nAR*a* ItAaif. ‘‘.-e u .i*r it u| aj»J r*wut} E4 SW i <rf S«t 24» 7 si X t I I. Aton. « 1 rS.* 5%, T i» » A » JL 186 *<«*. Ei **.. N'* j w •*.*'*; fr.j»27, T iSSXi K, i'JC •ran*. * l »*«J -WEi .VEJ Sst S. T IS 5 S J A tests. E* «f ihe S Wj tm 35, T Jr X E ; l ■**< *ctm, l-« pt (A »£a <*f AEl See 23. T A- \ ft .£,62-3 *ea»aa -%'W'l o# the *E i See X*. T 3N.. 9 Utt 00 * t~ S E< .A the *tt 1 See », 7 JO S h 5 £ «U » r-< S Vf 4 Sr. 2ft,. T 15. N ft i W arres*.. SW d Srr 24. T i*» ft 8 i W life no, KWi uf «bc Kft i Sr* *1. T *•>.** J E. Ml arfe*. ?<vr pi *t ■•*« MVto«ffe»N.T t* > ft i i, v Vgj V»‘ 4 S«r S2, Ti5B! F *0 *«.* BV» ft* i«rt* i« ta»e unv %\4T » »•»• *st ■-». N m IS. «. is* it z it. at, ». Mnitf turn %>.. 2 •1st S ut tlattk V £ £su» &«!*•> <>,. La( 5 Jt JtjfcscA S. Si Juue Last 3L*. 44 ft 4 ant - stt !»l«ek Si*. JW *a4 ks. >• ( '* »# .iw •*» at tt»r *«n»- ions- mil arts ifct dt$jjgc, «a» MKS 1»** Wui-tw *rf a attraaa mall '%■ MT •«•«* bsenK Otm >m X : *U*1 a Si>Uii»s* ran !* fca*i js list «ww- mi A pmtajm ’A ' '** kbuase tt'aJ Eatabr • »-*» »<ri> j* p*ra*v<L utumt af w.« Nu. ft. a at ~>«*M afao* it a jrant Mate Jamat, wtft anMK tanaae* at M* ant a gunU huuk.1 'vs katai a.. :sr uj '.m- i*am, ad}««awf Use bat a U« atr a got* tint mm niifc* twjJ k»:-»»*rs (sac matte tmt * »r»a> a< ope* ,*mi, umi Vammmftamt .<’ i**s laism-tt-e **r» vrt. .•»?«-■»«<. a at is-. a tfestr *6o*Wiu.4- :.ssa ubai .srrto atftef pnsfa-rv was Vr SJk it**- TW<* O Maar Ea*.. *rti «■< «nu » * Urr jam* .il Uls» ]t*ca-. FwitaW-ta m a»:aaW •* Man* fc.-err. «r t*r »*.«* «*' *«*■■ taml am'- m+'r -* tae *W» Anat* ton aw ■»>.«•.’*_•» o Tfe < ■•« «,<j « j v.ttrt w W a 4**- •awriaf |aar* .ant <■ na ****«.' * , *. «=*«*» taw ana *«* -■«**■ *•?»•»-»*' -„<m« « fw ••pfNMft. tr. A iww* i»-.-aa'-T -_anr ajti a. s*! *4-. - « v s» teat ju»-rain*;* 4L*f furUirj ■jxitmae.t.-yjjn attmtatm "m Dm 'jttmmr'V ■t Mimrwwar *-SS W? Jhstfeatir< p*rmmjt}y as s-lai-iu-a »»« NMfe yim.. . ij h mmmm ms ? hi m h . f»»»« mt <Mr . *juU mj T «HI in O Mu*r S-in—1 <f. Pacwwteat, A*fc.;Ma*<:Vi*. A. D. 2k-t» • mprtmg Vtmtking. Vi-f a'i? lad tarat,' .*'." aMMMfaarist %4 lai'IUSC it p—1*1 : 'j l*i la a y ii. *S«J kjsmtm if J’lHM L m*s. M«(«A ». »—tL 4 « i* « •» Ml Afayartfe CMWIn Hhrwfwiy Cfcrarwa; t-aHMWI j fauftMl .*K>: 3 i 8 3 36 3* * I* t* • 10 s • t IjawrAs C^nWMMn'; rvnn*. fcaw*.;* Ciaft&an&ia: " & «. A*w»fe. Saif l»w» ta«M, »—»V; Horns Ps»r Ijylr Chm* -, " *'t%m <ilint; Jfe*T»rtT Vanuti PfBntffeyS tfl Waft, fiwfc Oa«*r» Pena m ra**: PirtUnn. MWXl •wMmk * 4>i»»a fraMla «Ml Wa!y«* Erftrfcnp; * ” YwhaatryMtate MtH: * '• fv-pprt naman. S ** (oil** Oti; * " OiiT-iO*-, -i—,-r-, $ " rupii w 2f> " 8c4 P^wp-T l* Harwia wfcstr <.»r»r 25 Hap fey* *'•«*» kow If' fcw rfem-f* T*fcnr**>; y* W Haaanc P-rat* TV- rfeaap mav *e*«*vrf »yy*»«*atT fr* m* mt -•* «*< wo frf tk» »**t faate?. *«xi «r<« tm- m4 yafarenak, 1A<T>S HJtftRJ.NH Mark II 1»J„ 27—rf k * Ir-rr yfil'Mrr "Pe-awr**," a »,» aad faafcMaaafee MairMnt of Snuopgat-r Hats, at — i rt.*r * * VI wxwA Muttatm 2 " »&si* CeaMttW; 2 ** Jenny Lm4 t “ * -»• sad t»f * H-saemaa; 2 " r«iapr*efty, TW atyfe, 2 ** pinlaJa. ru*w ahrV. J " > kU Pearl J l»> " MiwirW Pfcsi £-eaf wr» atyla; 1 ra» Reneer. new atyh r * M* ky K»iM OQlU£B. Apr! 15. <*! 33— BV H^aarr Emly I ka*r wmrt ami m '«fer few aa'se *# Sews «-tp<-x Ptfw F!«y«y; 2 - Re* WirtfcMr fan Aaanrvd T->».n»w»; Iff ** Sorrsp, * " fawty; l &mzn-. iayiiat Roberta. » “ Alt’ * Low** *rajat*. A|mi *, loft I ——sll— PW «ak. VriNE LAHtr.t HORSE, afa <Ad aad arvratou luisaa sa fa« Mar- u 25 L. A. W .l>f ft X •»« e’xilAma, im) tto otfcec » ••kr Jot rrah, by J. D. « 'Sc ttewasfafc KMefe 29, !®i, TWO XEW s»'> fiem W •£>**,! by J 0. t* Urn Mbt 5»ajpra‘:9, 5*5!. A LABGE »nd fee»3&f*i iy:,u*/> •«*«**<« j»KT E9t.-;5ai h Cr t* JftH.1t) Wuamfoa Xjv a 28 Vaartag «rW« /■ ’ £<> B k!Vi ~*orafra»y t«*> VB **uk drf !. * »ki siKf mm** <•*■** ,a ifc» wm< #•»; vrOoy tra .« tmj ./ iSoroto >t tfe Crarata '».* f.| Latfww. Maura •’■■ »|>*>« *« uh a«r*iof uhj » »r<Ny of rack ««* i-«*« Kraii F«k «B, t*SI ms. riitn mm * II ST froot.r-t It 'tm ••rararr Era 2M T no <»< B- rlr* £-*^ fc* !■-» rt ra^fc* 4 B*!» » Cfc«a<WftL i fUf ■•< Araw**. J K« c fit *' »&«t* i Bra»«-t C-rawMMI. 99 ( <u»* • •rraurra. Z JBra*»to >>rrafarr« >• tfra r*TM sfHa E o*. s is n-f r«fc*ct». J fis>e»'-*»■■* *•<*•»# i IK>* S**k»1 kvitM). l " “ CraMMk 1 “ iMm Ji Mach K 1*51. AfttiVI HECE tv ED irvra Sh Eoooyws*, »<* * Wt Mo# bora, * atooi Ov«a I O'cVtiij Mora; I ** k*» »»(i J - * “ Carry) G 1 Bmrrmi fUc* M> ifoeti « 19 *iar, 5 • «Wi A »« for hh m I J gi Uu* lUeft, >«*. it l*9i lb O* it Mann* w«nt m4 1m i *■♦* »«. IfcSi. Ot assce * FK(Kr & CO HATS, Palm •jeap. m *» **. a^uiw. w»*» < **» <«uu*a AJ* F:u«h «r W»<mw «4 Xr-» f ** ««* «»*» «r * '-<•*»> Umw* •*« <*««■* 1* *•*! m4 , •r UMlKW' MM* y'A.Wtty fLAJt» *Ajt*AJn»!, &M M» l|M *. *A*T V ******* MtvJMtt_*.»;<*.** i**»t A It * * *0f.