Newspaper Page Text
urni Mil it m mum »W>4l , <**e*pt »Mfcyi. With _r_. : rorr poach®#, •tSa'daek. A. M., *•*•*»♦**•* H«* arm* Af.itlf- i. TBK ACCOMMODATION LINE4* F«« CiatkM. •'* I**-* l***1, _rMi>| «T «* MM hoar i* Ik* I, mJ amt* a* H*i Sfriag* «Ml *T' •* *» TV* nktriWt •* th* «•**«**«* #*» _ie- ,r UM Uaitad 8uw Mail* Uni* R**k *• F*rf 9»Hk. **4 i _ |r«kt*ft** .« H. ■■»■«■■<CMiy.ahBMUyrtagi Dm* r*. ~*U P«*» Cwrtw tkf XT B*th Um ml* Vat Dim SUM Mail U**fr**a I* Ln F*k. II. ••^■TSirTNCE*: »—1 f. __ Sew TV r.CEIVBD p*r 8u&r* PMBtp P**»y»>« •»* JV Pvattee. Ik* f*. »»••*« f-*. t*-»»* = »• kalf Bat* M nl i «»■ ; 1 — - - j**t* lr** , sot** P>** **••***; WSMlkfikMlMliMi 4 D*a*a G**a* Bad C*t4a; I Cmim it* R*p«; 3 Cml* C*n** R*r* ; 1* BrifklOxCkaia*; 3 Dot. wa«*r-pr**t RrfU Ueki; 9 I*. MaUtf Hta; 13 4*. W*4*»*r’* »*•«•«; 1»> *ruC*p**a4 saae*(*; 10» •:*. Etg*4 Ptalc* ; 3 Dot. Han* Cottar* ; 3 4* B. 8. 8 H«u; *" 4e> pair Mca's thick B*ot»; i« Bbte-PriM s«i«- ■'-fS'inr. Mai* ?tract F*b- 10, 1831. Slate Serif. Arkansas sut* Tiea*orr w*rr»»i« fcr«'« Isaac levy Lulls Roek.FsLU. »*»1. B«a. Ot i PniM Oki LIHIOK. 5BBL3 OW Bearboe WKtak*jr ; 4 M*ao*gahri« w “‘“T ; Bbto Whisk*) l *0 *•** <to. d* 4 Bbl* Frenek Bread y ; 2 Cask* 0*4 Cognac Brandy; t do Madtirn Win* ; 2 Casks Mosesl Wiao, 2 dr Malaga ds. 1 HI. Bed Cherry Bounce; I HU. Ilia lUctittii s«Tii« tee.and for *■)* by JOHN D ADAMS. Fsb.ll. ISSt- , Steamboat Uaomg 75 •Sraeerle^. - Sacks Salt; 15 Seek*Coffee; 15 Bo?*. Sugar■: I BW Powdered 'agar ; 1" BU* and half BWs. Matasas ; I Tierce Ries Ramos, Cbeeer. VarmtoHB, Macarssi. Sweel Chocolate. Lobeter*. Sardine*. Bnewtsne, Cigar* Sp*a>*h Brown. Kot toa Sleee. Wbtuag. Bnaloi.Brvck. Emery, Lam;-. Sttek* dtc . Ac- Kecoieed per Poets* . and for ,*)« to JOHN D ADAMS. Fab- II, 1641- Steamboat Lamia* WALTON, SANFORDAC GF.NKRU. GROCERS. COMMISSION H y*. to, S*« Leree, IRCHANTS, X Orlrut: HAVE coaeteatiy on baas a general and well satocted asuertmeat af Stable ““4 Fancy Crwceric*, Fins Dyan and Miort, f 'mau, Bit. Ett ' la addition to tba artoetoe wnsaJy towwd to a Grocer’e Stock, they keep a supfxr ml Naiia. Giaa*. Drags, and Dyes. Letter and Cap Paper, Playing Cart*, 4c. 4c Their aim will be to aril good and freak article*. aa4 olw*T* at FJiR 3t-iRKET PRICES. Their facilities tor baying with tk«r eaperwece in the Arkaama trade, and their knowledge al tbs waste mf that aecttoa, they think will aaabto them at ail tisMO to it!, eatwdactartly, each enters aa they may ha fwared with. Jam. I. I SSI. 1-y. Received p*r Sasu ». and Dorr, the •eOewiaf goods : 75 Caot'aad wrought see ace* two bora* Plows 30 Kega and gearter kego pew tor. M Sack, Rio C tee S Bos* l*'jwa 4 Dotes Coin*'* Area ,s Far oalo by A. J HUTT. Mata ilreet. Fob 4. 1851- 23—tf. Groeerfr*! Grocerie*!/ JUST reeetTmloireetfrem Cincinnati. perSteaas •r Hamhwrg: 5 Shi* Dried Appto*. 2 * kega Pig* feet, 4 Baxao So»pJ I# •• Star Cai >, bbl Brel tongaea, lb keg* Goetsea Balter, 1 Bbl Salem 4 Bbl* Vinegar, Mb 1 gal. Jog*. 50 Vi - do. 2 BW* Lard <>U. 10 “ Whiskey. 10 % BWo do. 45 BW* Fleer. W ** 0«mw, 30 « p*tsuy». And far ml* ehMf by Jam. 3*. I*»l 30-tf A. J HCTT. FUH B IW ttota Obi* extra fapemar, B*<k»B*al. » Baga, Ckmt-ll Boim, LaniOH -S Be**, Glao— 10 Bo*** 10 by 12. Htw—& eaaka cxtn aajar car*i. Ur4—5* keg* K« I. Nail* —25 |>,TJ ,•_*t kU. ifW Rac'd nr *H*c*t>«rf." aad f*r mi* by ISSI 30-1? --- • W.M B* WAIT. Received . tag **od», to-wit: Cincinnati. Tr—tae. tb* f*W«w 1»«> poaod* CMtM Ynrw; • Dmm Cor* Broom*, • BmU H*r**Sh*a Im ; 10 Ax* Bar Iro»; «•**»* «rih*. Fbi aad J^»*r* Bar Iron ; 56 P.ow MataM*. & Urg* Wad* K*uS*a ; 8 Bun Tabacca; Urge Waab P*«*; imW lOMlki Dag Ima: ) 8*< Deteb Madder ; I MM Cappara*. *1 Baaca HOCl* Wia Giaaa-war* ; I BW Claaer Bar Ual For aalr A- J HCTT. -te Ma>a Sttraat #IU!lffiEff A1V9 LEIOAS, JCST raaairad fm*mm ir PbiStf Praaywit •S ban* aroagva; Far ml* ck*mp M.TAXTI. Fa*. 24. «5-tt Ewrljr OWE kaaltW baab*— ,—-— r— - LMda Back. Fab IB. UM»- H-* m tw?S»ff»wHrhri«i»?ffl at *a a«4 TWENTIETH ef FEBRUARY. at the BCBUU ha m Pli'A— af Far Mi Prate,Baeh..*i.hea.ry.fe».ei ErWlfc Far U Char-Hatvm, Qwiiww. OhmM. Pat at and DnM-Et, Otia, H* . M Meta-prlOB. I Far M CUaa—CaSea, Laal Tahaaea Iraa, Gaana, iaaaa. laf, Park, Ac at l»d» ftrlWIta. Far 4A Ctai —Tar, Pitch. Rail. Aabee, MarMa. flf |raa. Srtaka, Aw , at &• ate-par I0» tba. eta par I<> H. H. HOI’S rON Freight Apaat. Paaa RiVraai Ca Ha FT* 4 Ilk Sirkrt Street. Pbiia. aaiaa Laat b? aar goadahoa d ba McFADEN A COVODK. Pittabargfc. | PEWNFYLVAJHA RAILROADCOMPANY. { PASSENUEg IR AINA belireea PHILADEL PHIA and FITTSBIROH. I^atra Philadelphia Daily at 3 A. M.. and »« 10** P M Leeea PiUa : Mrjk Daily at t A. M . ••* 5 P M A- BKKDER30*. IW-ir A prat. St-Saa IIKK IXil KiAt E, rammii at Tia ISSMlKi COIPm, or rahtow* <\»w Capital RlittraR »'«rly Prtmiumt: #1.000.000. A S Agent ft* th* old- well known, atal k*hly iv respectable lartituttoo, 1 am >>repared at ai! i laritaitmr pntwieaofltvsuraiice irtiatl i«aand hy firr. npon ike ®*t tarot able tera*. Arkanna Birer rackrf. STEAMER SAINT FRANCIS. D. 3 JAMES Xrdff, IITILL eaatlaaa ta raa a* a II regale' packet bet >«• Na poleaa and FortGlbaaa Tbiabaat ia ea light, if ao: of a lighter draagbl. thaa aay aliiar boat oa the r wt. Paaaeagera tad ahippara nnY re.y ea her paeclaally performing her tripe, aad at >• tew ralea *» aay other boat ia tbe trade Feb- 14. I«I. It—If. rat HE subscriber. agetlt ft* H- Habemail. wt;l X eonun'iethe fonnera basmee h«s oM dtad on Main, s*;a.- Manham Urea*. aftd keep coo .tantlv OB kite! » full and well a$» red stock of Groecne*. Dry Gmb, Boot*. Mw«, Hawwsn*, Castings. Ac., Ac. aii of which wtii V sold low for cuk. The highest market pros will be pant for conntiv prodaoe, aj v*eef hide?, peitnes. t^es W4X Ac JOHN KRAUSE. LiV-ic R -:k. March -'«. X8»|. 30—rf. Iron and Casting*. 4 AAA I'** B*r *raai.a*sari*d ; -4"UUU 4 B«»s!rt Nati Rod*: 6 BuTifl T.iir* llorte Shoe; 100?-c*o How Wuj. ; ~.i Skiiiet« aad >l 15 s**ort-d English P*t»: 15 Sogar Kettlas: 14 line Iron*: 3-» ood lei* Reeeived per 1 ra»te*. and for *• • by JOHN D. ADAMS, Feb. II- Steamboat Lauding. ^ Cincinnati Goad*'. ,NA Ke;» Fro* i Buckwheat Ftear ; 3'*’ pound# ^ V / Boiogaa Saemjjes ; I bbt; I bhl. White Brau! 2>> He ar? Mar Caacie*; 10 Boxes fallow da. 2 Bbl*. Laro Oil: I But. rahMu; 3*">0 Jugs; *3 Drmi 15 Iron Bound Kegs. Received per T.~J*tee. and for »1« by JOHN 1>. ADA M3. Feb. 11, 1*51. Steam boat Laaiiag. ( Star Candle* Jtc. •3AA Lbt rut Caadiee ; 25 Ba(t Bach wheat t)\fU Ftaar ; ti Bbl. White Brant; 4*M) Lbt ‘.'mtiarv Jaot received per Pontiac. »od for by FATHERLY A. CLEMENTS. Fab. 11, 1*1. 100.000 lbs. XEW tiOOO . RECEIVED by WALTER .MITCHELL within the last month, that hat. been pit cfc«*el by his. on better term* than ary »’oek hih > eito, awi a* well •eiec'ct, which he a ill dnpo«e tf l at inch rates a* shall induce cnrtomeis to pa rebate sore liberally than before—the truth ol v»Mc6 tr.a) be tested by al: poisons who will iator him stU a call ant examination, at ha* N ear Cash Store-, on Main and Markham streets. Little Rock, where they wiii Sad, at ail lines, a fall assormen: of all article? belonging to the follow iiag branches of uieirhawlise. tic Dry Mi. Boat* and Sian, Groctittt, U*t» aad Capa. Crockery. /hayf and JWifiin, Hsrlav/r, Fatal* aad Odi, Turnttr, Oatiisr, Faratturt, Float, Slowrtri, R liUi} a*d all /ran aad .Vails, otter /.ryscri. Stoora ttttd Cmliagt. Bacua, Cotton Yana. Sole and Upper Leather, and all other a; titles errr found in a Crirral Variety Store. Therefore, he would re-pectf«lli writa all per v-sj that mil Littfe Rock. to give him * call, that \e may give them a eoidial reception, nwi trqri Himself, vlvu s*y be la bis power, of the abive brosd tarertions. Hi* anpreerdeated rncccs* (kaving, *o fsr, >ur massed bit »<!*( utfsitf sr.t-.ripaticu*) place, hat ! under very great abbjVuai to all in cnsloser*. ant h» wook! hereby tender mos* heart? thank- •« i one and *11 for pan u»or», a»J kiadli|a-k a ccaiia u*nce of the rase His present f*c»li*te» for ba?in**« enables his to •ell s re goo4a than he ran pmaibfy get into b»s h--»ise, bat hope*. i» fnlnre, to be able »o supply all demand-, a* he is ahont loges ab i»b a Wholesale Hour at XJPOLKOX, by which mean* in quantity ol ymvl* wiit k <Sehwrt at L ’tw Hoc*, a* ail tiu»», •' fkip 45 !t#y can W yatrtwnt in Nta Oilknivi Ciritiau't, aitkfit'ptiMot Inijb' awl tjtftm**. In tarftfy dart ft cm ftksa data, a* r.ear aa mar be, ha will return frm Cincinnati, with limit eiyh'y row ot Whi«k*y, Ft Cf, and web aifrris a * can bit rnreha«e<l, the cheapeaf in that tty. Juat nentni, per t'ttmtr Ciiurn, ninety b6l» Whiskey, aa«l twenty Ckew wtuch i* rwiHf etf tike hot cake*. W MITCHFLL LtUU fUdc, Vtt Slat, 1*5» .4 Q PEACOCK •4tO Is do 3* Unit's H For aaie, hr Jaa 7 WM B WAIT. Blscksmaili^ Tool*. 430 and 28 inch Bellow*; 4 M“ i*» H ie Anrila; 4 Colter "a Key Vteea; 4 iota KimB’lt: Reeeieed awl (or utr, by J l> ADAMS, Jaa. >1. KM. .’lew IJHD5. clear*. taeeiead and for aula, by 0 Jan n. WM. «. WAIT Uxtm’i .VdUauI lu of Irk taut. t FtW caf Ki at the atote Map—the ante rw 2*. plete am! eorteel one e**f pebtuhed—for rale at 'he G*zttti earf Piairral aAct—pure |j, on 1 oilers, end turutaoisely tuaitbed and retorad. Jan. 7. I nil. R Bamniigi Rope mnd Twinr. EC EIV I'D Se-ptewber |»| fro* Lewie v til* tS»< yard* Co'toa Barrinjj; 3,000 Poundr Bale Rope ; M Thame, lor rale lew he A. J. HUTT. Main S 25 :k Wheat flour. Sack# Freeh Bad Wheat Floar. jual r eeivec by FATHERLY ELEMENTS floor! Floor! D ECEIV ED thia day by wafowa. Twanty BMa. [j Aapar&ae Flair, lae ante for Caah at JUU A. J BUTTS. i '..." ST. MART’S ACADEMY. FOR YOUNG LADIES, Lift 10 M*l« lilltiu. THIS iMiMMte. tapecial fitwiji <■4 KiJm R-wtrtJ Pr.lun.»Wiir«»«» lk« rrr'ptrafl of Wudin. gllulnl lUrHwnl part of Hr riff at Url* t*fR,if pwmMwwy mtrm lac* «huk t»o w»lnb«i» *o tb* kriW iM k*W< am of the PupeK Tb* otdtliw** now behag mot* t„ lb* tlrrkl «p*rij*# knMBtp—t«(r*krr «itb its *»t*nsiee am’ beawhfof grounds, «ill render i« oa* •Mb* ant tout motion) and delightful italitMwai of lb* West. TV ^<Mai'T year naarMri ibriiri Mwtij in !b|iM>Wi-lte IU<»I ntilb* 1b* 15th July. pHpih received at eay liar, VI not »••* a shorter period iban »hr-* mcm’hs.tnd no ierteetfon. H with drawn before tb* rspieatiow cf lb* session, eseept IB car* of pro>r»cted Mehee**. The rmiu at ataHi*! rabittr all lb* beanrhc* usually taught in fh* be*t »c bsmfs lor Yoo.acLwdtr*. Tv,* Most restart att*r.1i( a wilt h* pact tothe mor al i) wet) a* I* ISk nrciil nlariioii ol tb* p*| iti Onir> th* of rmra'ioa the lanac la-iir* arc liam under ?!«e fltr n owoHhrlridri*—in thorl, re’riythirg promo'mg >h* welfare of 1b* pupi** wiM be an object ol the mo.t tooKwilaat al'rnli a. Each yuan* l*dy •»«*( be peo**Jed wiin a ketle, fork. spoon. gobbiet. at* tab** napkin*, sis charig- * ol linen, wmk and dressing bos. coiab*. btarb, towel*, tar., kf. At tb* - ad ol each quarter th* young lady moil distinguished tar general good eoodoct *»« ptefi ctrnev in studies wiU b* rewarded by lb* bnooary decoratmn of a medal, an-t ereiy |-roper mean* employed to in«pire a U*d*ble emulation amongst •b* pupils. P pi!* o! every r ligi‘>0* denomination are •*d into lb* infitution and no tmpioper isiv .ci ever ated to bia* tb* teller ion* principle* ot 'he voting la-lre*—but for tb* *ak»*f order, all boer.'-rs aie required t* conform to tb* general irgu.alni* of tb* Academy. - Ali eorrespondenee ol tb* pupU*. esc*jd that of oareat*. will b* Subject to tb* inspection of lb* Principal Tb* parent* or g iirdiao* of the yonnj ladies are required to deposits with th* Piincipal or **r le tpouiMe perron ra th* city a *nm ot money sufficient to meet all continfeot espense*. Th* French department will b* a diet tb* direc tion ot on* who ha* resided irre il year*to France, and if lamtliar with 'he P mim accent. In the musical department the Principal will be aided by Mr*. Cures, the Organist ol lh« Ca’bedraJ, a lady wnl known to be eminently qualified ’• :m piit a tbwnipt practical knowledge of the science. She will also give private lessons on the Piano or Organ to those wishing to take them. Tena* far Boarder* per hewaioa of A Month-: Board and Tuition, in ali the branch*, pertaining to a thorough English education.£3*> ft Washire, us* of bed and bedding.,15 •** Extra Cktr*M. M j'ic—Piano, with use of instrument.^ quartelry,.( #12 AJ Gjitir,.I.1 *»t Otfin.It 0(i l'*» iX O'tw1,. 2 Oi Drawing in.! Punting. 6 in French. 5 »■ PhTsieian’s fees per aniiiiB. 3, CO V seal M .ne to these noi taking tnstniinenl 111. qnii'frlr..{ 1 00 Tfran Tor Day nck#l*r« per Quarter. Elementary class,..*15 Mi For the m?re advanced.S >>' Plain angOmmentat Needte Work. K.mbrr ii ry. Bead and Lace work, Knittiag ant X«itn.» Flow, ere. will be taught free of charge—the pu; it* fur eistiia* the m.-trmi* Bo Tiers pax the current exoenae* semiannually in adnance Day scholar* quarterly. Theie will be an extra chug* o! $1* 00 for those ♦per. iingthe annual vacation a' the l -iitut.on. Forfutlher po’ieulan, spplr by l-l'er or person ally to Miss VicToa. Principal ot the Insti'ote. REFERENCES: > Little Reek. Right R»v Dr. Bravr. Hon. 3. C. Roast, Oen. 3. H. HrarrrtsD. Col. L. J. Ruuoa, Johs Blows. Esq , D. W. Caaaou- Esq. Rer. J. MoiaQRas. Rev J, J Ptrr.xxtix, E*q , *■ N Dcmiarx. E*q . oars Mnus. Inn S. CmeiT. Eq. ) Judge H inr. Htktwt. Judge .Must. VUtnmk’e. Agent for the Iositu'io, HIGH BROGAN. July 16. 1*30—7—45—I y. OrieenJ. 1KLVPHIN I.WriTtTE* MEOICAL DEPARTMENT: The regular course of Lectures is this Institute art!! commence oa the 1st of Nosember, and con tinue until the last of February. The Anatomical Department will be opened and ready to receise students by the 1st of October. Tiie Medical D— pertinent will be under the direction ot the following Professors: J. l osartiT Cboss, M.D , Profe**or of the In sti'uiesof Medicine amt Medical Jurisprudence. W. Biao Psatu, II P, Professor o» Cerebri* Pr.y*Kn*sgy, Medical Geotogy an ^Miaeralogy. R. S Neutos. M D , Piotessorol Suijrrj. H J. Hcict, M D-. Professor of Theory an.) Practice of Medicine. J. A. Wilsos, Ml), Professor of OtH’elerirs and Diseases ot Women and CtuMren J. Kl<r„ HD. Protestor of Milena Medics, ar.d I fc»rapeutice. Z- I'ltiuss, M.D., Professor or Anatomy. J. MitTox Savor as, AM., M.D., Piofessor of Cheatis'ry and Phatmacv. Cliaiqse Ltctircrs: Afedicme—Prof. H. J. Hrtcr. iSurrery—Prof R. 8- Sestm. iMmomtt-mtae—Z Films, M D. The fee* for a foil cour*-* of lee tor's arnoun’ (a #10» M articular ora, #3 DemonstratoCs Fee, #10. Graduation, #70. Those desiring further information will pleas address their letters (post paidVto the !>*in: an! Stude.'ts arriving in the city will p»ea-e cai! on him at the I'oasmerciai Hotel. K 3 NEWTON, HD , Den of the Fanlty LAW DEPARTMENT: H»» E W. M. Hint, Professor of T heory an l Hon. V. D BA»iT,Prafr»)MofCoBHfm»l Jn. riepruderee. Timj- $50 per *e**ion. AHrMimun’isH pertaining 'o thi* <**partn»et,t W >AI(fw4 l« E W M. EING E«j. Jfrwpbit, Ttm* . July, IM*. TV* Kacultie*. for intellectual abr'itie*. B^rt! w.,r*b *b<1 j>*ol*»*w»>»l acquirement*. will fivooblf wi*b tne rood litslinguistard in oar coun try. TV* aw Sica! faculty condifute* an anomaly ie thi* o» aoy other country—aJI of them arc ieetu r*r» am) the be*# teacher*. Tho*« »>-o »■!! renter;:plat* ecrgeographic*! po. attton. and the extent o! our peputatfoo, can bar* no <Jc>iV a* to the eligibility ot oor »it>;*t <>n lo* an *»terp*r*e of the bind. A* to health, •nclwiing aii *ea«of.« of the year, arc deny tkmt **J at*,, atf tor A common error **•«* in the mind* of many etu <ten*r relative to the place of atotfyiag meriicia* ; I bo** aba intend procuring among the 4*«e*»c* tu the Wear amt So lb »hot.UJ c*T*»i.->ly educate them •etve* at a *cho«>J «K»*e Faculty are practically ac quainted with throe (t»*eaaet. That the pcbHc may be ultrirf of the perm*, nenev of fhtr acbool, we t*el it oar duty to dale that tb* I niftee* aod Faculty torn a anit in action, which argue* well for It* future lucre** ; and that tbe peculiar in area! oagvnrxatiaa wbtcb connect* them cannot be totemipied. E W X KINO. Prewdref of tin MtmpAi, /*«. hnsar and C'alfVr. Reg* b**t Ria Coffee, 4 Hbda. Pnra trow a Segar, tat alera and for aala by T. D. MERE ICE A CO. No*. Sr 1>50-S-ff-if 50 PartrMgr Baotw. I CASES Slant Calf Roam. 2 Caaaa Waterproof r Booete, joat rtcrired aod for aala by Hoe. 17 FATHERLY fc CLEMENTS. 1 Cheat Beat Imperial Tea, 1 da da Yeaag Hyaoo da 1 do da Black Tea, Reeeiee per laat arrivalaaad for ala cheap by FATHERLY * CLEMENTS. Dee IT. IBS*. A tO, Afsota. Orteaaa. Oct. SI, IHjC. 9$ Omitr Strut S—ll-lf JCST RECEIVED EJCtfRIfiE ItlE IXHSTRY'!’ FASHIONABLE Boot i>4 shoe MMifaetorr* THE iwitnlfK^, kti[|| tptMii i Bool ao Shoe shop la the twe story brick Imsm on th oast »h!« of East Mai a street, between Markup an Elm streets, iaieadt carrying aa tbs abate basinet in ail its branches. He sees none bat the best mi IXD FOR SILL VIOLESJLE 1X0 RETAIL. THE setbseriber is constantly recai ▼tag, from Kao Yeett, a genuin Dragr, MtJumtt, Ckrmi Wa/r. Oils, Dyi Also—Patent Medi Taylor’s Balsam s Jayaes' Expectorant; iadtaa Panacea Dailey's Pain Extractor; Hays'mad Hewes’ Lie incut: l.inn's StTaagthealag Plaster; Komstock' Versnifege; MotTatt's Ptwraii Bitters sad Vegeta ble Life P»U»; Bartholomew's Kipectoiaal; Spboti' Medicines: Oldrtdre’s Balm of CalambU far lb Hair: Welah'a Medicamentsm All af which will be sold low foreash R L DODGE, Marktmm tt. LittU Roc*. ISO. 17—tf RECiUQ IKIIUU RUES FUEIT. For Dime BliL UMt Rocks T*ta Bain Fort Smith, Fort Cftaoa. u4 aaeehale Lading*. THE stau.nch and light-Jraugbt steaaaer JOHN BOX. Master, will run. during >ti» i seas.,a, as a regular Packet from Near Orlesaa, I : the above landing*. Strict attention will ha pal is ptantatioa ba««ness, ami all orders promptly al "r.«* Ami a itsi. IS-T FRFSH BRltS & MBBICINBS units. sad employe »w»* bat the very brat work hub. aad gentlemen favoring him with their castor nut reij on having their work dose is the Xestnt sad mo.t r««hioiakl( style. By strict mention to his bow ness, sod prompt) filling sit orders to lbs satisfaction of hiseastom era. he hopes to Merit sod receive s liberal patron •ft from the ciltnes* of Little Keck sad vkiaitj Terms t ash oa ddivry GEORGE JACOB LESCHER. Little Rock, Jase II. IS50.-7—10 tfj. iS.lPIKXTiJ PH.ESTJT OHXIBI S.) rEMiLC t-OLLECUTE SEMINaRT,, Diiur Conn, Auixns John S'. Gsrsin. Presi oeat. Prof, of Cotlo Mrs M. Cook, Cavern. sad Instructress. Sener F. Gsrcis, Prof Weldon E Wrifht, MD Prof of Not Science Msj B. J Borden. Prof o Etr k» sad Belie Letters of Mask sad Mod. Los| TtTTtON PEE MONTH. Collegiate Depart meat. (A sc. or Modern Lanyas tree ). >d 0 Co: legists Deportment, English Coarse,.4 0 Academic Department,.3 0 Primary Department..9 0 Ornamental Departmeat. (Paintiog and Drawing,} . 9 0 Masks! Departmeat, (Vscai and Ia*tromeo'al,o 0 Boarding, iactadiag washing, fael. lights dec. 10 ft Academic y ear embraces oas session of It! months, com mead ngtba 1st Monday ia A agar and closing the last Thursday ia Jane Tuition sad Board mast be paid ape-half i advance. the remainder at the dose of the session Na deduction will I made from tbo rates of Tai tioa eicept in ners ' sickness. Examination*.— 1 here will be aa a nr. sal ex xmiaitloB before a Board of Visitors at tbwciose a each term; and quarterly examinations bet ore tb Board of Gaarbtaas. Diplomas will be given, oa tbo rectaamoada tioa of the Board of Visitors, to tbs grad naans a the Seminary, and certificates of Scholarship, t tbaas whs base taken a partial coarse. Discipline aad Police will be mild bat firm being reiher one of moral restraint, than pan ishmeat Quarterly reports of eeadaet^nad hchoiar ship will be transmitted to parents ar gnsrdiaas. Coarse of tn« true tioa is sis idea into tbra Departments : Primary. Aeademk aad CoUegiats Manic.—It ia bettered that as laatitatioa ii the Snath west offers eqasl ad ran tags* la psef c its Papila ia this stegaal accomplishment. Scan Garcia, the accomplished bead nf this Dapartaaaal has Unght with distinction in Washington Clt; aad Virginia, and is not only a moat akilifal par former, bat the brat Instructor ia tbs Art, that w bars ever seen Needle Work—Plain aad Fancy.—X extra charge will be made ia Ibis Department, tb pupils famishing the materials. I'bs pradact will be dwp»ned of at aa aaaaai Fair aad the pro seeds placed ia tba Library Fa ad Declares aad Comprraili— —■ Lac tares wil be delirered reguiariy by tba beads nf Its part meal to their respective Classes, aad Campsailiana wil b* required every two weeks daring tb - coarse from tbe members of tbo Academic aad CaUsgial Departments. t ac a I ion .-—There wiU ba a vacation of on week die last af December, aad one of two month st the close of tbe So sews. H v nrdnr af tKm FLufird nf Clainjiam. 9—#_lf ( Iran. White. Family Lard. Received, iki* <s*y, and io» ui«, ark and retail. $ bbl. Sweet White Lard, 25 crocks “ “ “ Enquire of A. J. HUTT. Mai* SI. Sept. 6, 1950. 1 Potatoes and Onion*. RECEIVED par steamer HuW». and far aal 20 ibis Irish Potatoes, 1» “ Oataas, Jan an, IMo. jo-if. JNU a ADAMS. 15 rnviwexa ^ JARS Fresh BeU«r, • K-f» P»*» Feet, S S«« western dairy Cheese, 2 bid* white Beans, 2 obit dried Apt Dr, 2 - do peaches, S bbl. Or.ior *, I bt>|_ winter pressed Lir; Oil, just received and far raid hr FATHERLY A CLEMENTS December 17, lMO Hi IN ! Mill*!! Mill*!!! OX Stael .HWa,r -V 12 Sapor Lined Fiddles, Iw sal* he hjr a. i. uvrr. Sat. », I MO. Oc. -C a i Hat*! Hat*!! Hate!!! Faabioaahte Silk Hals ; 0 Daa Waal da. Dex Cloth Capa. K re* lead mar Pan Use a at far tats by JOHN D. ADAMS. Feb. It, 1951. •VOt.IS.fCS ft. JUST Recited per Phillip Pauyw*, * Bbiw Motamea i « half da,; • Caak Eiaa. and far wl« by FATHERLY A CLEMENTS. Fab. if. 1MI. NO A 1 PLP A POIN ra—A.appiy raaai per 9 easier W sohsasaa, be W ain't Jaly >. Its* 150! Dm* BUSHELS Apple* and fewchewf jwt i ceteed, per stesmwr *. Fcancae, amd ft > *7 D. BENDER A CO. f* n, t»i. iMftm't StfiHMwl lap if IriaiMi. THE »p)ra(M Map b biiM *<*>! ready hr iMhwy. It (Mimt»n lb whole Rial* m Iml of b lb l1. K fcp»lj hw**y«« Every Seclroa an.! fractions! section b shewn, *o ; that a>rfy oerc trecf cen bo reodrty found •?*» *» The exact position df •>) the Comfy 8*a<«, Post ■. atwi, Satin* Springs, Seminary Land*. and th* I ■ itch ami fertile tanat selected by tfceBtnt* nehwfth* * ;.n#,a®0 ac rc dowstkm grant are all accurately shown - I I t* Lead Mines tb other martal locations ar* - noted, u well a* aS th* *M canfnan! Spanish sac i vejfs; with th* blast alteration* in th* County ha*s. i Th* whole Map containing as great aa omonnt M ; valuable information a* can he found a* any State Map egtant. , It is pot up on roller*, elegantly colored aad var nished. Price Rib*. Also in convenient pocket fora, price #3 00. The pocket can be sent to any part of lb* Slate by mail. fuatage 3 cent* • For sale at the bookstore of P L. R. LIXCOLN. LUtit Ratk April b, JSS* ' 3llf HliMIES. f; 'A Bbta. Super One Floor; *• Boaes S’arCan ; OU die* j 10 Bbl» Clear Pork ; t BW». Ltnseed - o»l; IBWs L*rdOt;4 BW*. Powdered Sugar, • a Do. Crushed Do.; *.*00 Lbs Cotton Ytra; *.000 - Lbs. Bar Iron; 23 K»gs Per* While Lead • HJRDW.1RE. 4e.—Anvils; Brlious; Vices; r Screw Plain; Hand aad Sledge Hammer-; Morlire aad Rim Lock*. Mineral Knobs; Fancy Plate,Cup board and Pad Locks; Aaes; Aa* and Claw Hatch ets; Trace*; Grubbing Hoes; Turning Chisels and Gouges ; File* and Rasps; > and 4 fob Rules; Let ter Copying Pre*s*» : Wronghl and Horse Nads; Spirt! Level* and Plumbs ; Head, Panel and Wood Saury; Sbeeels, Spades and Manure Forks; Copai Varnislu Ac. Received and for sal* by i .1fnt Good*! ,Yt*r Good*! i TIHE kn j«»t re i JL eeired, snd I* new opeaiag, • • Urge and wefl-sslec'ed aoaort ’ meat ef Dry Good#, Clothing, - Hala, Hoou and Sheen. Hardware. > Qaeenaware, and sseryibiag ally found ib atom adapted to the country trade : all of which be j offers for eale. Cheep for Caeh. or ia * xehange for Cottoe or Peltries. for which the highest market . price will be gise». Coentry denier* would do well to gfre him a call, and examine hie atoek be fore pure baaing eleewhere. A. J HITT. a tth ock Foundry. COAL CRATE3, (Arkansas pat'ern.) for *al* ROSWELL BEEBE Dee. S, l,»3G. £l erm ec.vsi! erxim JOT RECEIVED, and for *aie cheap for caah, fine Double and Single barreSle: Shot Gun*. Rifle*. flint and perennaion gun Locka. Sic., tsc.. at * the Gunsmith Shop, oa Mein afreet, where repeir - iog ia done ap bine, by H. GRIFFITHS. N eat*. 9— Qurrmwart and (ibut Warr. JOHN D ADAMS, (at Lower Steamboat Land ing) offers to hi* fitenda and the public, the fol lowing rarefi lly'aelectdt (in the East) aaaortment of Queessware, Ac., Ac., which he will anil aery low: 33 do*, whi’e granite dinner and soup plate*, 12 « Tea Setts, 9 “ T wider*. i “ Whtie Granite Dishes, 1 “ < “ 2 “ 23 artlt 24 a dot. 4 “ 6 4 a « s 4 1 2 *• I Pitcher*, •• “ Baker*. “ “ Sugars, ** “ Co liras, '• “ Tea*, “ “ Bowls, “ “ Pitchers, Ewer* ami Basins, White Gr. Brush Trays and Soap boxes, W G sauce Tureen*, do. Butters and Drainers, do. Pickles, W G sauce boots and stands, W G Mag*. C C Tank Mag*; do.porter mugs; do. farcy. Misses’ Plato*, Baker*, and Dishes, edged Plates, edged Dubes, Bakers. C C Mapper*. W M Jfcd p4iuiy 3 *• Ea End. Tea PoU.JSugars and Creams, | “ Spit Caps. ** 4 11 whtie China Dishes. 3 “ wh.te CnmafCoperoiet; 4 * WC Mustards; 4 do. Pickles; 1 pr. Fruit Bosket*, } «• pr. W V CeUeries, Flasks, Glam Bowls, do. Pitchers, do. Solvers, • ring Cas'or*, Mr lasers Cans, Common Bowls, Tumblers, Stated and common. Goblets, Champaign**, Wioe*. S-due Side Lumps; 1 do. Lanterns; i Cut Had Limp*; 3 holer hanging Lamps; I M Decanters, 4 •* Cup Plates. Mexican and white China Spittoons German Mugs; Cut Saits; 4 pr. Vases; 3 Eight Day Clocks. n*u IT laUUI ¥0ST raeakrad per Mail loota—30 <h h«w J Peacock Plow*: 10 4*. da. Yaltay flaw*, 10 two kora* Pwack Flaw*. Apply «o fab SO. ISO*. A. J. HUTT. riTOVES.—13 Na. 3, “Tray" Air-tight iwm, ^ S - 3, - - - I aad far ael* by WM. B. WAIT OT0VE3. f TUoaiaad, £Q BBUS RECTIFIED WHISKEY, receive! tki* day per “ Utt Bern." sud tor wle by JOHN U. ADAJCS. Jam. 31, 1351. Awa Boat Landing. Rrc'd per Me 8B8LS Ala; 10.1 000 Oaaaaa Clean; OjOOt comae a J* Spaaih da ; 10>« bWa. Cracker*; 10 da Broad,. 30 da Wkakoy; *>»<*• da; 30 bk* floor. 5 da Cia, Le. Jaa 21. M. TANTI. XA CASES freak Oy* an; 0\J 9 kbi* da da la shell, ; nry ka.) 4 da Onogaa. Im, 3 dec bear* Proaa* _**• fr^E-Wa^. kndfaalH,; t» M0 Haraaa Ctgan, i Per aaia by Jaa 31, 1091 M. TAJITt O uacaaa. - W kaad aad far aat*. IkU (Ui pnafFnacl Bready; ) ** Mmmmmli ** 1 *• Malaga Wiaa; 1 « Noam • (a efcaic* articleV JOBS D ADAMS, Dm N, A FIRST retaaaaiai* af Qtm aad Pack T»aa loraalaat FATHERLY * CLEM EATS Ae«aa». 4k > %|fMdy*a |gfal MmlmJ SL_. Pbp^ rATHERLY A CLEMasYiT iH0F£»8i0WAI. C«1»R tote—nMS.^ tote — 1..M— — ■■ attohn’eyTtlawJ! . . - larrii toojt, am, Ott-ltWK*. , 4- ’] ». I. VRn»K«R|R6, ~f| ATTORNEY AT LAW. | LAWIEVCEVIIM. ARK'S. ; 1*711.1. practice in to* cnwatiea at fk.tipe, *». *' i ’ » Ff*tM -nd Jtoow.ia the *»m Judicial Or- ; ' *»R J bo muntic ©t IV«b» end Aik*t.»e«, IB the 1 Judicial C1tr«i\ and the minty ol, ' 1 to to* Mto ludiriai Cm aft. and will p«r .inct at ! teo'inu to 'V. cedSectKMi nt' d*b'« in j'.y put oftfr ' State, and wiM atm act to tor (he ate of and paytnc HXtt, ttt Real '.nee in La«r*t>milU, Morroe co , A>k«. 8-pt. IT, I3J<> -x- •}—|y 9AJII EI. HcILAHTV, tllwiri m Lin nil toiwiinr in duMmy, FINK BLUFFS. JEFFERSOX COL'NTY, AkKAXMS. j An*. *» IS5« T-»—ly JOB .I T. TMIttCS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LITTLE HOCK. ARK. May SI. l$3fl. 37— III.Mil 1. RECTOR, ITTIRm I ClOimift IT LlV. (Oik* Ml Beitnn, iiliM* CMMnty,) YI7TLL PRACTICE in th* Cnnntton of Salta*, i Tf Hot Spriaf*. Perry, Montgomery. and the eonrtoat l.ittis Rock. Any bueliieea en United to hjg care will receive prompt attention. F.. n iini Ittarory an! fonaitlUr at Lav, AXD SOLICITOR I .V CHAUCER F LITTLE ROCK. ARK JAMES T. BROWN, AT T O R.V E T AT LA IT, Arknn«Ma Pod. Ark., Will practice his profession in the Second Judicial Circuit, and will attend to the eallectiou of debts and Um iaeealigatioa of land claims in every part of Arkansas. tto B. T. Dl l’ A fee ITTIMIT AIBCOnSELLBR 1THV. AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Tort saailb, R. H. JOHNSON, illornrv at Law, Umi Root, Am. JOHN B. BORDEN, Attorney at Law. Resides il Ltwiivillf, Lafayette Cosily. trfc: A NT> will practice ia the coart* of the ftth Jadl rial district. All hasmea* confided ta hi* man * foment, wii) rceceiTe prompt eadfaithf ulaltrntion. LAMBERT A. WHITELEY, ATT8RJET IT L1W, OFFICE ON U.1RKH.1M STREET. Ln-n.* Roc*. Auluu. JAMES A WILSON ITTIMET JtD CSOSELLAR IT UW __rSU.VII.LB, lltKI DAVID W. CARROLL. Aaaouia* 42 -jl&it* Little Rack, I maSOly] aikaiiiai. [itaS# JOHN t|UILLlN, 1TTIR3ET * CtltSKL Ltd IT LAW. aaa IOLIC1TOS IN CSiXCBBI, Owen— Eldorado. Union county. Arkansas H. H. HEHF8TEAB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, | OFFICE ON MARKHAM STREET. LILTLI BOCK tu'l. 1 tf J. «. TEBHETTN, ATTIR.1ET k CtCXSKLLIE IT LAV, PaTetterUlt, Arkaami. sw.f.*AT«t*i. ai. n.miA> WATKINS * CURRAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW,; LITTLE BOCK ARKANSAS ELIAS N. CONWAl', imam it lav. a ghieil law agist, j LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. ItriLL ATTEND ta A, collection of debts ia V I any part of tha Stale, ta hayiaf and selling landa, pay Id* usm. radseawag lands forfeited for. tana*, ke He ia eathonsed to aril load* masyh for three or ftmr the aaa ad good pUmUdwot, mid ot cheap rout, for cork. Ta iaaaraaltantioa.eemtanaiaatiaaa meat ba peat ! P*Li»tIa Rack, Jan IS, ISM. l*-ly Arkansas Coffee House, (Lttwit «Tf>a»)AT UIMM.I . THE Proprietor bee n bead, aad it MMull, receiving, Uh following — Foreign sad domestic Liquors; W loo* and cardiati of eeery Soof riptioo; j Cigara; Fruits, Ac. AH of which an far aata at trhaleaola end retail prices Persons from the cess try vaMaa la par* chase, wilt piaase call and asa my stack Wore par chasing elsewhere as 1 island ta sail as lata as any beaae is the ait*. MICHAEL TAMTI Litt;e Rack. Jan. SI, l«W. St-ly XPThs Arkadeiphia '•-niinol will copy ana year, and forward account ta the sahacriher. KIBBLE EITmG! ta* liraffttaaea, raralehad ta Order.' JOSEPH CLARK. «cnas-Catfsr, (late of Maw Orica as.; begs Ware ta rnfsaia. t&mriiuone of Little Rock ao-l the vicinity, tW he bos opened an eWaMisbarent on H'slrr Strut, (adjoining William George's store.) tor the purpose of asecutiftg ail : kind* of MARBLE WORK, and invite# the bllnn ite* of ail !h-'*e wanting <ay thing of this kind done . in a beat amt work wan-like manner and ai a mode rate prut. He will keep os hand a stuck of tbs , beet aMtsaaai, ewd is ready to cascade all work ta ! hrr has at the aloe teat antics. Little Rock. Aug. «, iS» dS—If •LOOR-1M bhW Ohio sopefne: thydo Illinois cgtra do; WHITE LEAl>—SO kegs pore; »; BCGAR-k biepowd CAB 11 MGS—*** ffea hollow < I ROM—GW tbs smarted hor; WIMDOW GLASS—SUt he aw; t CA»DLEb-l* bona* ease; GRASS JMEE0—eiotrer, Uaaethy sad Moo. Received per low eertvejs. aod for aaW by Deo IT WM. R WAIT. JOHN D. ADAMS has cm hand, and afters'# has fttewds rad earioters. We able. No I Mackerel, to tots* HsUrhet w % hots bogar. Coftra. bpree, Ptppac. ttragec Nnlmeg-. CW«-s, 'ehealed Molon aea. Indigo end Madder. pu«*.r, hhnt sad Lead, Rice, be, be. 4km—TEAS. Peach sag, Yeoag Itoaon. Mack, and • eery sspeame atticfc Of" tme-wi *•—«we *«h, Preserved-1*»< <t*h, Caaar hr fries, Gages, Rhswbsirb, *ur. .‘n Dr*. **, 1Mb. UTTLE BOCK MKiH 8CHOOI, Nr fMakfttin »«M hp nmnaap.' ~y— — •-’■-•'f ly rfoiiH'fii. ■N**WOOr». *KMi<itfini Tnrhfr., 'imyrnamj N t»p*rtitf if»f i.kmiM k«rtw4#d»c.l.., , |«*|.*rrtK>r< lur it* *«rto„* t-ranchr', >(lfh . »t* pnxMwit with pprfprt »att«tart*pp tt>.v to ffc* «rH<v«+ i ir>,« rt» Puri.* m 1h* Br.4n!.nt a*„.f . , *•*"? •wi'f.l with rtxw Troche *. ,tf * ,j ' tlcntmn »o ncprt*.irr fa farm >r, | if,, .or*. and pwrlwen hahi'. ol mdrr M., „eu,’ ‘ wrm»4 in tt» foom.imt. cl,,,*,.,.f K«!.n* :ha important. «I a llwowgh k ; „ fr ,, l,!V Fimrtilan,tHnj>t,o«»ii,di.ppn.*b|f , "duration. ihp* („ ,v, ,, Jt j, tlx Impiitr At f» # P*taMt»fci'.pnl i«*.' *T"* Ihr Pupil*. who amity,‘a attend the French cl***,*, •. |lHJ. ■haig*. Th»%- cation oftU ritx of Unfa Rark i* !„m, in,l i.-rirnWr *1 a,I iM Th* »)»'.■• pi edwratioa, ».*,.iu„„^v nm* »l » prrlrct *p, leciait,.. , ‘.i in .invplop.r,* Hip meal and ,m,||,c,„„ —p«hi »fin< a thpin-igh »n.i *, «*pni«iir root*. i. hr PtPH.Pi-.laii •» the h.(li. p) hr.1-rhr« M„n.. . ■pppr.l* p( arholaiaMp an-1 , P.I lo Piipp'. wbiltf t\try jUJiri.'ut mete*,,.! if«»*tV I* JifltMRmt TWp arhord i« the muni,...* fcp B ard cd Vipitdp*, who, |(, tmr fy imlpp lhr Mfi<-iu cla.tpp, and repp.t ., IVr». .f TwIUnw H.v.r.l p.r M , . *»• i»«»lk«. Uay Mhoiart. 4th, ** id •« •* 2d >< t*t »• Prpprh, Italian, Spat..*h and Uprmae paeh i»» Choir. Mu»>c—Piano, Guitar, and Ortan, *ach, H.rr, D.awing anil Paintint. Acowr.pol lawaonain OriPntil pai..ii»,,4a^n W ork, inlavint ol Ebony and ivory, Ha > burt Work, and wax flow..*, ,'»rh, No fharfr lor ritibroid.iy and oi namri.lil npr. l* work. Boanl. wa«lai.g, light., iu.l, b„ Nc.t jxr momh. w Paympn'* quart.rly, in adr.nrp; no dedm'ir,., for abppner. Spsa.t.n* rommpnrp |*l g*p|. ,Bd f„ y,h y pil» rpcnv, l »( any fwiiod, ai.d clia.jrd Ir.-ui ol futrancr to cl »p ol flip «p»*ion • ID I* 14 mi If. no t» m» . IS (fl Itt .HI ii no in no If 0» 10 n« 10 (M >««N of VlailcN. Kt. Re* B>sh KiMutaa iiuu Juder Kincso, C-p!. A PlKK, Hon T Rf New to a, L t.iason, M l) !■ M. Uuh, K <] , L i'. Iliiau. I.sq., Little Rock, 22, » Hon. F W Triasm, Hon. kiu », (>«o. C VV*T«m», Kki, E H Eninim, E»q M«j J Lmm, (J»n. 8. H. Hnrnntt. Hon. W H. SeTTo* |:;v. li-u wiwwm «ilk »EimaV. Hempstead Coaaty, Ark.. rf'H K annon of this Institution, * U»*« morning. February llth, l*jO K*«. C. P Timafesrisa, 8upenatoaci*at and P-, lessor of Murat ami intellectual PhnoKipbv. Beite-Letters, and Spanish Literature Rs* H C Thsmtt, A M . Professor of Gracum. Roman, , orach and Italian l.iteraiare Janna Caoewao. A. M Professor of MeOiemanr. Modems rcceiredia lh« Primary Deosrluieainus instructed TIER MM : Primary Department. per mat on #f 21 oaska, payable quarterly in advance, ||2 ng Preparatory Department, in mt Collegial" Coarse. )n mi Vaeal and Inatronaeftyl Music. Kjemeati el Musical Cowpeetuou, (Nuatra) * Hi Initiation Fee, | m So deduction for absence auiesa in elect *f pro (farted iHueaa All etoucat* cbarfed from tbe time of thru sntrv to the end of tbe inaeiuu "’N B.— The eoui of ail miinsteri wl.o ire r». r»*ed la tbe ref alar work of the ministry «r if tbaoe who are superanuated or hare died in tin miuietry: will bo educated free of cbsrfi can bo obtained in the beet faiaihrt, >1 from $8 to $9 per month. Particular attention will be paid both t« iht moral and intellectual training of all munintt committed tn our charge. 8. T. SANDERS, SecrtUiy. »OA R© OT TRUSTEPS Hoa. D. r. W ITTER. Paarmas, H.n H f Poindexter. Roe. Wm. Moores, Rer. L. I* Liriif, Re*. B. P. Box, I ff. Joaeo, M. D , Mr. J Bn Jefnr, Mr. T. Williamson, Heu J. D Tnmbr Ro* J, Coaler, M. D . Re* J. J. Roberts <’ B Mitebel. M. D., Mr. W. W. Andrew*, Mr b I Sanders, Mr. H. W. Smith. 7—Sit—if IB. LEiiV’8 SifUlPIRILLl IIW« PILL'. Ahead of all others!! * ass is ft B‘ KCAimiC they ore lifer, better ami more Hf rscioHO than say others; and because *he pot “ "f Mbers If they rsa obtain Uro. ^ ***** BOXES hare keen mM saniulli (nr tie is* tfl'SlB A WO OUt, MALE A I* II FEMALE, cm Ui.« ■fee (feral srufe egaa! snfeei, sad smimui fear XT PILLS BIS KK UAiAr for puna* sad .-lewra die mraaw h sad Boiridi. wad parifyin* in Bliss) sini He* if (fee body, mfee so Mfei'M Ms no oO* r jails (swlw • Use irstbiaed erftrts. Ot roMaia HsawmariHi is Usw Eat, Drlsk isd tin a* (steal, md pine ' • •raaf neeapsaoo si mist tafeiaf Amo, without (rsr id m ■* ■old. dunit : ott kinds of weather ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS nrndnyan, leased leas' can W priMared of thro .•)hei than ■* im .«*■> I PtJETV I'U.Le AUK IM A BUM, aad sold u * nil. wab dwrceuus aad stuck whokMou. admer »'«e iy»f arl boa. I’m- tem dart m powder '4 •»> kind, l*> me gripe Ph- rtnaiKk nr kuei-k Produce n*> en-ku* "HNibrf nr imt ho-ii**r TUKY Alt «<•<*» AT ALL Tfk»P.», ma u* UAkiM •to f» hating <HH-» lafer-a thru* will hr willnif *»■r»“' | li taka a»jr ->«hrt». hnean dk»7 n dj atria)■ a*e«*a, **> - key do not. then an mbrte rata. Ik. I I. Lent). tlt« penarte-Tor trad manvi> inn r »*w> m dnantrt, uhnaMt and pttyaa, at IS yea men* n - *fnladrftdHt ; ptaadatc ji the I'Kioerwit -d Pmnnlre- • aerahet <a Mm aairttenl awrmrann .a ptniad. 11*- ' ■ I fork, Bortaa, Baltimore, Be., and amaa-iaie and oreoy hf ataachar or mental atadteat im-titafe-n- of 1^-a-l o-f>J alia, and drew krai or tin- |ea* Ti. r -a ua-a prtlaMe pkyiUM Ihfouchnul dir I mtrd I Pataripal Urpot, Ur Lradr'a Otapenaar). %•> III *" 'earth M., PhWadelpfeia—aad aaM wfc.d*.«l- ami trim >. W Tappe. Lottie H*« k; k Meveaaoa. Van Nan it Ik M. ad, aad Vt nehl k Co., W*-w 'ateon* and *■ I'fpartwrikip. Witklaw * M*«*r t ItfOULD respectful!* inform Ihrnli PI xea« at Liltte Koch, hod «ape«taf/y fetter a/tit cavalry, »b#l they haae err.ereu ntaaeo-partnetalup in (tie Practice ol Hedtclar, and are prepared la alien* rcna/-l/y. Ill caaea at eatergenry, arid either fl artier are tbeat»t,d0e other will atterxl O' ' | t her ran alwaya be fan tel at timr t>gut mb' " * t. WoodroCabuiidit.j, tbe earner at M*‘k! **a icort atreeta. UH* kxk. Ott. Id, IMP -’5 Irtta, .Kail* and Ca*lliis* JfUi L8S kaaotled Iron, X/U m |ep Mar*; I trail Cutanea. tor tala tore, by T. D MERBICK a CO itomi 17, 1too. 11 COTTOK (iM STASD* tiix granm. a«*« ^| 2 CAHVRt a CO.. Kaat Brtdgeaole mrte^fram Uta rnaaslaatarar. an.if.r -*'* raaroMe terraa, by WM *• Jo', K, le*C. HAVE, all notice. Iroabte and aaat, feere Mitt, aa (W it alii fried and aaa at '»« * r *bs may tttab “ i it dama at way ttma Uaay at eara g«a»»* . _ _____| H-i***'® I wt bava w pafliaaW ttoy tor grtadta* " * * may be aa ama.tderetae.Hn*, tbe- rat*. - ~ (ed toantr.rti.rd.rtwenty-*..c.«i»He'i iy tJ. tRtt.-iS If D H BHItoM-'* ] tom. On ) tf| ML* OMa*«pm*»e. wwieed per