OCR Interpretation

Arkansas democratic banner. [volume] (Little Rock [Ark.]) 1851-1852, May 06, 1851, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arkansas State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82007020/1851-05-06/ed-1/seq-1/

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j Its-w- t- W fort-CI- M Denn-m M sittwrt, Mut-stumm III-mutato Gemme-Mo kimucgnut sk« sek
Yol. viii:
MAY 6, 1851.
No. 35
,* r» ■u<n*n ft ■»*»•
L1MSEai a.
u hitcut,
T£*MS •
f, m :••*> mt JWM.. • • • * •* w
flX (i-~ ('Of VC»I. tf* OB! BiWlBBA . 1 «
t F fer ripe*. on*- vcai, to one . . 11 $8
f\. if* e.y a o»k v,,*r 1° ,,m atltlxc**, . . 30 W
, oj-,M n»nv (>: nu penam will br rifleied ujwn
Utuao pBvnio.nt be mottr m adramcr, <*
||r . -• „|IDK Tcw^onsibk person » Ou* city.
rrPutam suiwtriiwn- m*' forward u* unmet In
. ‘. a* -rt rxpenoe, End at out rwk. |miM
' ' „ recetti: be uaeo anti preserved
fi-riEli >!) (Tint, tbr abort t-m*.
tiiat ha- attended oar roeeat effort*
,Blm* ta.eo it> to* B.knub by many of
" ‘i, i,a»* u* l» offer, lor tl« ,.«r
tin* formauoB of ciaowthr folmw
rr-waniii,* It “• f o«!!*r. I* rorreot
• or l*«e •Bb«cr4taaa. will r«oe:v» *
r.,a,V Irr «»■-! *» »•» *e*e. <***«•
- no tr turf ^ ^
' ... twenty dollar* ia rarretit
** s f s ii »■ «. o-a rojtie* of tlie B*«<aa fwr
' „. is autoFrrtoer*. aai. out copy uUltWlt l
,'p , ,i , ,t»KAB « 1t»t.*j;!Ktfor «or year.
forw.ro,nr thirty dollar* in rarreat
rr *ril netio <!!*»■ enpew of the Banna*
r a»w •iiilwcnbera, auo aarc-opy of the
~w~ MrF«>“e l**m«crat.c »«»•
- the
„e* .uorrlber*. aocompaoiad Wit*
,„.v m-tii. at the taut menMowed rwla*.
t‘! ;;„c « ”onv of th. Sp«r* of the T.me.
o’, «ee euc'atmr*. *“ •«* e”TJ •>
O’ l,-omu»» may br maor .1 wrr r*k. a»o
» >r iiromn’.'V reto-iiefl le
oiimnrw th. f*«a' '»-*" * *bnU‘° ** "V
:imi« for oar protertioa
Lair* r#r Iftrlf litfrlWn?.
each additional )
nvuare, S
r IP ht»e*. or leoa.l
3 moutu*,\ ft -
.. l, I<> “ ** *
.i ,o -15 ' »S
M; .taiiu.nf Keertiwinent. wiU l«- voof.ou at the
r mentniOTt *». a coatrwcl br nume
toft fo* inner!tub. hoc roo.t be for >u ao
<>r --ui.it without *'•* I">*
m-c: of 6ff dollar*
Tuirtrcu ctrentor* will hr chorfc-i u aavertiae
,-t* »Bf iwvm. n! -eonirw: in atirnaue
s, .Ih wit; n-rwtftev we ariiverc:: to nut !>—m‘:
a-hetn trr Imve u» repulnr ueaunp.. nnli. p«*t
\i ann-rnarm-satr moot w ranrke.. with im '■»<!
*r nl raaortion. lietmi nth-rame ttiev m ill he
umuuec onti; (oTHti Mui cuargec UOBOfW.ne t
TJ-YwuH-. hit teorttr auc cu-nerlv odoerttaet*
, cm.fii. i it ttiwir iwiniMlr featiflti
iMnhrwoli of * riifiereni kind. or for other per
n «rii. or rtinreeo for ni tl>» iraunl rule*
if tetter* mum in- no*r-pa«i. or tiwy wU' uoi re
-'»«■ nt:i atif'DtiRB.
tt* fntitfvtlT b» vorialion wii N> owe I’rom inr
-■vf TrguitUtot*
Tor (wop-M-Uir of tlir irtnn-.it> Banner. re
„ :lb \ inform* thr public Ilia! hr i* prepnre.: to
ir;uir enery oeacrtption ef J.1* tt oat, u-tii Boat*
ir>- and diapalch one nt nr fcr raut u* any office
. to Stale—nnvli nr
touks, Pamphlet*. Hood BUI*. McnmWn!
bill*. Footer*. Bill* of Undine. Bill
Head*. Hwr-e Bill*. L-abel*.
Curd*. Kempt*, Arc.
kl*« rwo*lnotli on hand. Blank Bat**.
-|( rk-s. eheriB-1*. J oat ice'* aod (©notable**
Hunt*of evert km*. Blank need* af euu*
nwrr. kr. which will be nold cheap for
H-k or citt m repinace, and will be neat
i mu: te ant part of tbeState, if repaired.
tiouatioa Lundi*
T or «mr r- ttn* office IrMrto of tbe forfeited Inttd.
Bhoet lo oooalion t-y the Slate, to actual aettien
"ml* we' copt. or P€ per ooaea Foata^e u
n m» o’ tur country. 7 *«* cfDU
Tt) iBlHKTikfrtl.
Vf imj*w thkt wb«r*nrer itrt irrojrulority miy bf
>•in tbt TVCfipl of ihr Hmunrr our «ab
wil oi u»i tbe favor to £irr informoiiou ol
<•* J«c; it ora** that tue coum* hiut b* auooriBinoc
■*h* *»TifTii-* aw ftfu.yiiwm t*f T«r vai
r! U» :«;• I I •: (2f's*r*. |nvVti til* S*** <fcn »*? r»*f»
te#- alt * • ttv^. tr. my- djmnto u. oj»« «■
AT ''Itlier ot -Ut* mUitia or ■ f«l*r Mrviw, lua
• mi i*r» : *»hum: »*• Hmurti Lumi
’T***. -r*uru-c ut-m: m f»***v»**m o- til tin frmoi- »*m’
■« iul)- si: in »**oiiiTvm«*m* llii nmiw* «»(*«•
tuof*iii «ii utif-tic b’ praruTtaf K rruttu twr
• :•••> ittfi i: a-iwk4. up *k tin aim u*«h. Gihii
’ mi iH?#"u?v u- pnivUO fti wfiw
.1 ttMlPT tu*- UI); wili rHeait- nziAr uf*
. re^imbx way. r.«iA iieis.. uaur & -«jU***s m< mm*
oufH-7 o? njsu«** u<. ut iuUi.tri. (or utfcer vm.
■ -T#iriH‘u. tt uoi ••tiii-ort .ir vaMumU t*«U.or drafWcl,
- *«. »• hiHtfi H'ua: vtau of ««*f
■> lorn ditorttar^ii. ami. if tlmj tm**
trr *- bmB-arr; t.r-«, ll » wo>.»v kuu> of • bum
mth- i. mi iMiiot foe via.ite ti> luorruMp
a:«i *M*n i. •• fattAoml tl. :i. antj i nr no* ■ U;* i» i*lm a
* » n - uusffitnd ns. kiSfci! a* oottH* *<> «ftai< il
’.ir- wf'irwmttmt t»* »mrart*(4, Ui ■uwiw—f}> (Mpete rn-il
r •*»*» *-u i«’ U»* *•ttuuvmi. lor -tniatar*
mwiivu. aiitmo-‘Pwn aiilJn n tiini wrii *r
•x prMOii# aueoufm L A »■fimUCT.
Arka»rf*»« ftamo- Hit-* l,ml* kurk. Arfc>
Hu rdtrart. Hardware.
''HI. isutwcrila-r would reafwctfulty intnrm hi*
1 • ;w runers, anfl the public grimrall*-. tbn1 hr La*
"'>**« ber *tc*n>-t Esrtiahgv and Ili-paeli. the
*' tes- and tH*st a-b-rtri! «(ntrk o: Hardware, rver
ir titi* :nark*!—minuting, to par', ot the
»■ neing
U >■ k *nun B-4i^wi. Anvils, Views, Siedge and
L h'KltlJ:" Hors* Shoe* and Nasi*.
■n doxei, common Knives and fork*, S u.iaen
' ,ri tiiwllsit iiisiin dr,: Potavt, f*h,taf 11,-sk
• ttl rxfi; superior ii uxors ; Wane A Butch
Kigsr*' btteara Seisaan, and gt-u '» iwicke'
! '•'•rs. b •'ar-nitt. Ihtbui tnlser and iron Blasts,
1 r"g *•»»»«*.
>i u‘ gu,n«. Units «m: per p„,( («, g.. pUIf worm*
I*. pnw.ter tasks, pisiul dn„ on Binds, aho:
and bournes, gam- nags, f, ■*!; Look* ami t1 net,
1 U'lir* task* gut. ii(|tpm. wane iiruul («•:. rail*.
oamt Hi os
-v i tli mppn of pad-locks, nti, at, mart tin. ea»
trtosel Knglmb store norttu, and plate Inca*
niches. screw- but!* and hinges, brass
■!* .levs* , *'kentucki1 and j. i\ut >tn' ix*,
■*“ ‘»htl ililla, Coin-.-*' „4 shingling
!v *"■ u‘,1‘ di n , cuw dirtn, Lammrr* ni al
N • ■ '*■ C h bock*' and firmer rtu**k,
-k- . „ i.-.nge* St I,-if am, double bench planet
l‘*il «aw-,—:ira*s. shoe nnd cmi, lack*
i ntaaaurat, bias* screw rmga, »*w,ng and peg.
,U£ ***• lions, hook*, tailor* and &et
iimtn*-, siugtt rein snaps, apt ingfaaiaii
cu!‘ saw*.. X rus *aw, file*. hot*
v 1>T—1, «»‘d Jap'd. randti- at irks, anufli-Ti
■ 1 «' !,ur»t Oianr comb* rutin: tarda, wool dt
”'** cards
« Mi. umi a. hung burr**, above! and loner
» knitting pit*
l ° * kll*t’ 't"’r brushes, twin' marking and rnins
- was,, uiualtr- ctotb.Kiair, am; unavin
l '• ‘ • heafc dit., c cranial dr,
a, “ *,u>' tMCba. »nii*s*s gataa. apait, cu
l;, ‘'to* and rope, prhciP|n>tnii
its . n-ucii*, siain, airings, shaving boa
at-' ’ (•')!»«"-<■ irarr* and i„g cbailv
av. I‘**»,'*lllg brick, aisii pointir,
*ora|-crs, liras* hatnlbwl at,
‘ . *• • i’“! ' sl-ais. 0 h taw
,, ' d"„ Iri pans, short iron|ai
i„, ' cm! icons. r**.» stroji*, cnti,
i *t aia’-c*. draw mg. k ms e*. t„
I ... v*k: wmcL, having mm t s jiareba
p,.. ■ u,n. ruauun tuo. in #ell ,atjgirat|ba
ton, t „ iuw hit a •basil Laauiag
Jwes. l*c tj, l«Xt
*011* tn»n*xi.L. aui r. t-M-c** c» v'ucrHK
USMAUM®* Ana »9*WAa»lM»
M E R r H A NTS,
\n. f*f> Magazine Street, opposite the
Mouth of Rank .iliey,
!t>- P»rf irBl»! attention nmt »• tt»e »«Ie of C-OT
ro*, TOBACCO, axdothfu produce—
ht mllKtitii and timinuiCf ol f'nnd*—and the
r> arc Haw and ahiptneut at Merchandize fMioillj
t’lZ Cmf. letter mnd Notr ff'rmnrniff paprr of
varnrnt tfoaUtte*
4 h4 a (rarnl af Blank U«,k».
Country M*-rrhant» and Ttacher* are lequeeteti to
cal) and examine the Stock.
leh.13 2S If
ja*tk> «»TTHm wm. povtu..
, wholesale
ciiWE&lrm niiMiKMit.N ierouiti,
Kt» TNI uu or
it* No 53 tt'ALM'T STREET,
s*'»th of Columbia. fiirinati, Ohio.
Rcr*« to— T I) Wrrrm* A tV, W m B. H eil.
Walter Mttdrrll, H Bream« !> Bernier 4 Co., etttf
Jacob Hatektns Little Rock
Feb 5.1*15 —7—22—1%
iw««K>rt#W ». T. B««twA Co.)
No. 42 a ad 41 Prmrl Street. Bueteo Mmaeaekuaett*
HAS o cornua i>t supply of Hituvar am Crr
IXOT adapted u> the traoe of the Soothwenl.
From an experience of toroiv Toon ia the trade
of that aertioo. he is confident that he can supply
merebanis, either iu person or pv order, with the
**ybo am. qualities of goods deatnibie, auc on terms
that ahali hr satisfactory
*a* ®- C jjtaea particular attention to consigu
mente of Colton. Peltries auc other produce of the
countrr that iue% hr consignee to him far aale.
Sep;'25 1S49 —7—3—ly
jooeph b riian. i»o v assert
Sept. Id, 1S50. 9-1—ly
a | 4h4 M14 t % A- 4 n
(llinfiMk ltBtiUm ilFMLTUS k\b
Dealer, in Poreiya ud baoeaUc
A GENCY cl the celebrates “ Cheyatal Powder
* jL Campon,** n K.eg~. Halves and Quartern,and
Cant ol otie and fin- puuudtt. Lua unite* Superior
U anj, manufactured
No. 2" TrtK'iipitBulat Street. New Orleans.
January 1. . isjti—7—19—ly
A . S»Ib A ('On
'pHi: PK'iPillETOKh hare purchaaeS an en
X tltrly artr beat, with splendid accnnimanatioua
it wil> afford ample aod secure storage room for
eigrtit hu Birred ton*, and ia capable of aeeemmada
ting fifty paaaenger*
They are prepared, a* heretofore to de bumueas
a» Genera! Agents. to Receive, Forward, auil Par
Chargee The) promise to five their particular at
tention to al; business entroeted to tliem.
The Proprietor, will guarantee that tliie boat will
staad the tuap'Clioa of atiy Inaurauce Oilier to the
United States.
i tt i» tsm:
A B bn 4 « k Co. Mrmfihu, Tmn.
JAMEf HiBliAKt.I .,_._ ..
J*a 'I i*Kl & CO , )
S. H. Tnr**» > UtUr Rock, Ark.
T r> Mmu e 4 Co..}
Minn Ckeekwood & Co.. > .
Wax.ro* S*«rt]M> 4 Co. J
Sepi i*. isao I-ly
iry-Gox 4 Dens copy
*2»AVTWC Bill ml. CUBUUUUOSOll OWt qoaiinnl ore
Ju**rw Ui- Peer, tor K«k lUaii T'ltrunnl. Puloelu
"ttut* . Arkanaar. I on, prepor**) 0. noma. utonobi, to ooi
lw.ui'-r* nurtMtt^t n nt* puai'tuelti
1 Iflv ■ ui ITt- tae ►*!»' < nf 1. \ PC omruct, luu, rarMt
o' Mom run 1-in itTv**o utotor On Arkireka. fttonit*:; rill
Juan j TMuMltM'k
Link h/* k. Artct,.. \o% S., lBSfl.
f R *K and bTE i L—4.IMM) it» flat. roirur it
[ HfunTr Oar iron **»H* li» bi>r***boe iron:
o<) Oiaintmo flu* Mouiup
M) Cory <10 eo
4(10 Iok S(«r ■ Dp room
i j|i •• Grriueo 00 R*ceieed to. for aaie by
Fob IS U'M B W A It.
»r* irrn *1 ! Wow twHl>!
J l’-T r«mta: par -honU I r" ouc “Sit Frolic*'1
ouc fur ooir cireop
I! pr Biyr Renta,
$« pr Mem* on
(i daz a im bat*.
17 per Linear.
4 •• Marlium- atrtpe*,
5 ** Merino
11 “ Geo P'.iutt,
7 " .lean*
t •* fine Bm A kpoc*,
Doe Si-no 17.
) Box Macaroni.
1 *• Vermiceili.
I Blii Stewart j*i>» c »upur
3 h'>*e* pine op clinear,
U Blur moiaaar*.
lb M oopor.
a “ Wo 6 loaf *upar,
I cm* Malay* * inti,
J Ktrto Nt> I marker*),
*<«>. tfrrr!
1j,L i’"h—Sir Mo*. Oku *u)mrfrti:
LAKt) OIL—8 bbk. winter itrameti.
FLOCG® Xiimw—1U6 Iliamonf.
y, AI ’> t *i—4 IskOi. kola* out suoiiiucrr
Hi ‘i!R—!(> Imls. sScer;
LARU—H* ktyrs J8« i:
l” TJ'ON YA8W—a»*Ufl lb* omuned. 6 Ic If).
Hetae.-veu pr •Hamburg.’ uaO lor salt by
Mkttt a, osai.
wm B. WAIT
J*m b. (diuk.
cmnmi i«i manures lERnmsr,
hkjck cmrFR rrewnuT l«ww
Kt.EI*S CMMtkHi.y (fa ha no a >mr peoera1
•worin.rui of »*ry (.»<». < lotbiuc. IJ nrd
« «*t< »it. IUU «ud ( >ps HwM>
* ^ 'tMtfrf, Mitiwmrr, Cromin,
Prpdarr, Are., Ac.: oil of arhicn »iii bo aold
awv cheap for CASH.
ObC I. ISSlk—£—l-tf
yw <■'»<*■; \fW ComIk.
THK liirp* ju»! mi'WlI thtsi* Fnli
nua W Stuck, rftiHHuliiig *»» jmrt. t»f
mid Bii'iitlw’i! htffnffiiicf1,
Fr^nrii Eh£ ii«4i »:u Amer»c*it f*riirtit;
fiiwvi Alpnra
i>tr» »m; MmimtHf Ct»n«a^
w bfct Btnck S?,tn»f»r#.
7 Larina* anti Children*' Lnc**u Bocli
FMich A ftifidal Fow^r*
A twoiimfiri of Booii, ^b«****. Hardware,
( , bmiid^ry miw Qurtmm, wWtcb tbcy will
wi! clwufi for C ASH or Conmtry Procure
fatherly a clements
C«*mer Main and Markhfrti Stu
mew (•ood»! mew teod*!
JOHA D. ADAMS ha* jmi rRC^inwl, »n^ m rm«
Ofier.irtg. at tu» alore, tow*r at^u«boat Ur*i»nf,
• c*t!*rai and well a^k-rtvd *|c*rk of &rp Goalt. do
thing, Hi's, Cifwi, Ban'?, Shori. Stationrr\, tzs
A,c.. all of a hick ha i> a-llmr **tv low for CASH
and ior CASH Wilr. Call and »aa.
D* Frodlce a ill b* purrhjffd at tb* hifiiMt
MikWrafo*. Utile Rock. Oct. 24
flOO Steward
1 EL be irnii for the afiprcheuaiou anti
“ T confmenmut, ae tbat ] can pel hu»,
of a certain Nr pro mtta uameo MILK?
and notice piven me at Piue Fiat PvatoAce,
Bo-(iet Parrish. Louisiana
I>EM 111 PTIOX-Hr » about 34> Tears old.
black complexion. Tory abort and heavy built.
k«-n He If unpp-sed to be in tlie vieinitv ni Lh
lie Pock or Rulenviile CHAh 1.1: H jb.
Nct.26, ISSo. 12 if
Land* ! JLatuIh !
FOR SALE, upon low term*, Use E
*i> s«c. S. Towuniitp 2 North, K»
hWeot, cou’mi.tug 330 term. And lie'
I'5J I'f liie North wc*t quarter of **«*
l*oii 15. Too uship 2 .Norla. Range H W,
containing; SO ucres 1 inquire of
O C. FI ETON. Markham St
toejet duti to lHi Aiilhonii Honor
Not. 2fi. 3850 ‘ ls
(loth inn.
I O POZ fine cloth Ovei-Coats;
— 1 “ “ B-aier *• dn^
1 rioz. fine Pilot Cloth d...
Biai fcet Oeei-Coe's, assorted;
Cloth hock sod dress Co#*?, assorted;
Sock Coats, ••
pr«. doe .fifc.it; at»d French Cass .mere Fans;
“ Satinet •»
Shirts Lira seers. Oreoih, kc., kc.
Just leceivetl. i*er wagons. and im rsle. rrr| lose,
Loiter Stiamb int Landj te
Lttilt Rock Oct. £1. k_
4 “
2 “
2 “
fi ••
JBmcsiajc. R*pf and Tainr.
XJ Ei Ei\ EX), her steamer 1 Pernnsn!,'’ the its
XV lowing goods:
12t*h cards Bagging;
*♦*•*» lb., (tali Rope,
j« lbs. Iw ine
Pec. in.
A J Ht’TT.
Mam 8!
Powder and ( audlr«
RECEIVED, }•"’ steamer "Exchange,”
IM krri I r. 11- P.’Wder;
SM pits, Mai Candies;
lor Bile hy A. J. HCTT.
Bee 10 Man. St
the h
7 i
2 to
?T receive ’, by
’lie undersigned.
»Baw tr»£. It vkf!:
Vi Fi-her
pah H u t> ’ i n p
t»«ivy JVg ti Mitt,
fir. Cork m i-d
K»V f? i\ZZ+A B'K)** :
E**rh t'UJinb toic C*!f B'job;
i-1 fill* Cr»T seMelJ ~
pc. Su;*»ritv Mti’i **
f»T. thick Ki ?♦•££<*<'' ‘ [if?-ni..
Vr twnV t»-;»l »nd Kip hetrlcrf S^ritip B'i>
j*v n»fr'« «uj Rntse’ B »
pi. Mi1 “ ** *
fir. nu'ii'i l***ory bik. “
nr hovi* •* ** M
cun ► e»u rnmnirr uni Dmfitt**;
Wt»»c><, w Hi;'* grrat •. ar.**'* oTf^rk* B mt*
L*f«* Jimrt*. Wit»tfr BfoU, IV- Slip-:
p*rf. fi**n ami r«»infi*:ift biat k a».<; *tnv Kid <SH»p
>wrr* M»** Fo*\. C’i»rre* UnM Burim«, rliii
dr<*n’* K<>*ri. G^«t and Cal*. ami Sna--*1 pe*; Hr»ot*
and bbo-s, tr.. Jcr.. make* up inr^ •«* b***’
•diriid p»«rk ni fcmri ♦*%•** b-firr «lT-r*-<i in tbi«
t»».i ‘bet. AM ***ict* «ill b* *o*£ »*t pnce* Ur«i«it Hr
mat -xp«*rM»iic-ii buveia.
A J. HrTI . Man. «?.
Unit fcorfc. I>*t I. 1890. IS
f a«h Tor IVI trie*!
I WISH IP buy FrfliiM Hunarni DulUr. worth of
6r»*. role PCLTBl'. to br OelivoTfd bet worn
UiioMid tur Htiti Jon v nexu (or wbiet tw l.iplie*
mwrkcl prior in SPt' It will tr paid IVltry ilrwl
rn will ploaar fit* mr a call iirlorr wiliwf cm
whrre _ A J. HUTT, Muc "t.
Li'.tle Kook. I'rc *, JSai.'. IS—
\e»* <.ood*.
ll’'!! I>a*r now m horn' a lull K.»or»itiM|i1 ITf ate
? ¥ pin Dry Goo..-, UrtH-iur*. htarrtw a r, C'lr-m
Wore. B iot«. tih<o“, Hut. oriH Giotlunf. wbi>b tr
will ariia! tbr prior or CaOfc, 01 in rxrlianjr
for Cotton. Br- Hnin aw* P-t*
T l» MLRtiCK 4. ro
December ]7. ISSU IS
('•(Tec and ^ucar.
RECEIVED, tin «1r*0irt "l ‘ '
S twiricl* Bugrr,
If Bark* Kin CoBrr,
A*«l foi awlr by A. J HITT,
tirr | Mail tit
Ufuan and U iuro.
~ CAtSKfc Bramtv, 4tti proof;
O ! “ M >-!*•’to Winr,
1 •• purl Winr;
St* B*i*kn« Ctiatnnagnr Wmr; on rtno-./'iior
u t lor (air low .
l>*c*mbre 17. IMf. J5
I A/ k BBL* Bt latutr raim Swporfmr
1 * r\/ |>rr • TrUBywit,
JiMouary 4
,Cl for awir i>v
< offer. Amir. 4r.
JT’bT rrorivwri prr rinmer Penny wil :
IS «wek* Km. Coffer,
2 i.ho» Swftrr;
III U. dw.
4 t» til* Motown* ;
f, ba.fbbt* Miiiaaw*.
HP ward* Raft.
And for MtW by
March Id 2d—if.
r U E B A NT X E 11.
uxacir a. » hi rstut.*.
| T.».Ta«»
H K«lnT MflSMSU, Nti «. iwt.
Act-art f»r tbe *kian«a« Bauer;.
ItV M • VV m L Bk»vea* m aafhariaaii to ars m*
t£eul ur ;itr /■•*»*r, ai Loo: •«<■<•*. 9«i»f roomy
'rV V* Great* Know » aatfiariaed to act as
•C'-UI (w u.r tii'unrr at Fta* I> off. Ark.
!->' E. 'r Ct*L Gawrra: \('at, K«»m' Daitii
.**• North-moot earner and Walua! Olraala.
Pnilaooipkia. • *B»t»«riat><i <a art aa Afoot far -*tW
drrit».o* Aaaarr **
J. J. Muucr.'Eaq , Na 5f€ Camp Stroei K»»
irb-ao. i» oar ««cia»iv» fpn! to prornrr me eai
leet tiomca far acrertiainr. Ae . ia that city.
cr Fulton in 190U. then an unknown indmd
urI, offered ins serrtee ty Natnienr.. to deveiope
a pci. foi tmnspnrtiriE- arm; .irtotbr territorial t»f
an enc-iE' in a (r« hour*. Fallon's juaii anti its
. v ■•:• ensnarnoiin a t umntaai •» of the gret
k-nrwd men ir. Ffwrr srhc reported that is was
r lM iNtin *:,o mtpra~t>vab)t Stick a as the re
r»y’ si a bn : svaiit ti*-■ irautiu tort root-'veil at
tfie .'lemb-tif Jihiina pkv.
A mat.
Tin last i;umtwT tiie Notlh ftri tst Bfrir*.
in a must i?rs< re*ttrif article an the Her. IV. Iftxf
tiridj. mttoimm an asu-rdo't which his friend,
the Her. I)r. StuaetKiuv of the Established Church,
rs; a im: to narrate as emit dytnc two k»w :n
elocution, which he on. laytroortod from Garcu h,
/if Ci?»*» fif it;- tiinnHfiV a±*rv
■ What (>**:.• j.ar hi smew had v todoto d3V
w hen tie Bun waaever,' asi.od Utucrr a. ' Sun*-..'
" * by,” Kaiti Garrick.. “ 1 thought you must, from
tin iiurry w.u, which you entered the desk_
Notumf eau tpfc more indecent than to »t** a cienfy
man sel alsu.: :,aert*e ICTIxit a* ‘.hour h bf were a
Undeaman, kite wan it'd to ee: mrouci, it a* aaozs as
posju'ut. Buiwha: nooks niuht thane be which
you !;aii ib ue*k befulfc vim7 “ Only the Bible and
Prayer Book,” replied the preacher. *• Only :nt
Btiile ana Prayer Booh.’ rejoined ti»e player,
•'why v/>u to., ed them about, and turned the
leaefe a: ear-. jsly, as if they were a day took
and ieUirer.”
The Kelijriaat Ki»1> m Mtlwanl.ie.
We cart ou BnturdBV, says tie Baltimore Sun
of the ii'.t. iiu By h vcrapi >n«- Jfenee of an
extra.>rdiuar> reopen.* ev .i-meni at itfiiwaukie.
on account al lectures By tut so-eaiied Bev. Jit.
Leahv. former *, a Monk of La Tiappe., acairur. the
Cutchour Chun it an Confesnouni. It appear thal
the Catholic Priests published a notice oaLUup on
their peop. u. seep»»«’ Bom tiie meettne. wtoeh
nufartunstety Ihee di.-ir* yarded, The following is
an account of theonni
On Sunday eveuuur. ‘vemerday week, Mr
Leai.v was advertised io lecture at the Methodist
Church. A vt&y iarre crowd awethb led—about a
third of them females. He'iiad uo; spoken five
nuniuea w lieu there ww l ruih a: the door, and a
caiii. of men came in armed with cluus, and others
tore off the rails from the pews, and laid about
tnem with erta* violence. Several persons wore
struck ob the head and badly injured. Tut scvut
was out of the u nde: confusion- Pews were
. irr u >wp \ cuandetiers smashed and the shout*
of the riwpa* am: scr-sms of the women were
fearful. Tut audience gradually gut out of the
windows and d >on: some few pt-nous stood
around the speaker and protected him. Tut Mb'
or r lOluiHridei, imace am: pruuuaed that M: Leahy
s en :i leave !>* town iu the morning.
Tut crowd Cl- n ■' niKptiTs* t• a lute hour, and
runny persons' followed * ne preacher and hi* escort
. iii- it .. real. a. v or i. ua.s some of the
windows. Tut- city suu stao of great tie.lemenl,
and a meet op has i>ee: lieid.
Or Thursday eveiuus he announced another
ir* oft, am Bit Mayor received en aminym us
eiinuiiumca:ion tbrealemng to tear down the
'Lurch, if i was allow on tospcak.. Ti« entire
d* (wtrtin* u. and out- 1 audted special coitKiahlet
were aceoncng'' sworn in In pres* r.e the peace
A putibc meeting w as air, held to manifest the
dtMcrauual iob of thf Tespuctabfe craaqns to mau,
uuti iirticr and me freedom of speech: ana the
aocoiit lot art was g ■>cn withou interruption.
Great enc.i emem, however, is said *tdi to etur.,
ti- :.-n. .I# v« • ■ t: v. the prupnv-ns of the
C»:.v Hotel to buri: itc Pniltuug uni-as Mr. Leahy
was (iianiieK-c from the house
Lif; at (be treat halt Lake.
B“ii are evitleacc: .f tie go ah--ad apc« of ’tit'
Samir in Deweret. eiippet: inm Un ww»paprr* irf
that territory:
•" The improvement* of Ini age ar '-eat, such
•a raakng goad ■. brew of putatoef, wwing imire
that; a card per minute. without haruh: sett.tir
ban* shoe:- without nails, making maev Inr caudle*
with link- lailuw . to preaesr*e butter perfect sweet
fir w.*t» without aatr. rentimur and prevrv mg
sight without r nspjk. and almost every thing. es
eepl being «r»et! without keeping tie eouniaad
The Greatest Firt on Kwur4.
Tbt New York Tribune transWt* from stunt
Cluuese niiMMMMOy Tep.irt* pubbah-d u> the K.o
mat in Zeitung. itr parti'-uiargof a conflagration
in Ctnua, which. if Brut. snq**»»e» anything of the
kiwi known in hunor- Tin fcrt is uuc to have
vakeh plain or. the lie of J titular i\ lMh. at Hou
yuanh, oti :m rue* Kiaiig, during an inundation
At*, ho apt. r is i. jiupu.a: adage tlvat **f*iaehi«>d will
travel a league whilst truth is patting os her boot*."
wi do n i. ’.tush '-hi la i o: .in* new* lak.ttg three
yncep v> Hack Europe, will aautelf t*uil> . k its
crediburty. The par:.* ulars lurtrfl' an as i ni
During a ' inifu’ slum: at tugiit. a An broke out on
boavd of*ai:i|> and as the tariwt. fir sailer ai>»ug
the riv- • V a: i. i*-d v ■ i ship: • •>«! inner
vwarni* . -i". "use-bet uk eimhaprab in
spread w i n, uc-mvnbl* fury, until tht entire
fleet wai slcstrovei. *T't<* vcaati* were crowded
w«ti- people—r, war, in fait, a eity Oil tht water
—and fli'- was no chance tor eaip The H»w
etc er-. . • rev ten itriiu'vi :•} ueMrovyd
a* l,'<*¥,), and tho uitiuber oi iivt* fast, 60,00*.'.
Lute nut Ore*«a.
The si: .-.me: <»olC Hunter an.-vod at San Fran
ciacti iron, bii/ m, iki li«- iith. in maty hours 'turn
By tbi at' a »t have Oregon paper* a* late a*
the iM oil.
Tin: Le.-Ut.a tut ha ui mrued, U>> mi esinB
iumeJ Uk seat Qwtllllh.'lli at h* nan. lt_ 5ia-;m
count', VI ir Bi urteutrarv a; Portland. m U' as out
Kiu eimuly nu- the University a! Marymitu, is
KtuUn. t- met*. The Guv. out. nowe'et. lei usee
U vgi ’Ilf int
A Mi Bush hat been app-r.utrU bun* Pnaht o!
Map* Crittenden. of the Dalit*. w as knotkee
down * ivh a aiuiigKhtn au-i i jbbeti id an unui
A new wharf boat, calked -Lot’* Bifc of Out
gou,’ ’ was la i united at I'oruaod vnt the 17 it iust
A geuut-Hiai. ubserved out. day Kf Lrtaunn.
inn: punning a Uiv Jowes.nor: .< *«.. “1: t» as,’
mowerd in, -and therrefoa, _Ut fuuniauoji id a.
i wit.”
ieriirBi »f EjTan.
it*. ». •niAJK
1 ru getting t<wr»T,V «»• 'ti-gM. »h«s a par» -
of r •afif ramt onT ft-xSr. one of tlie cU '•*
irf St. James jstn*'’ The scream of e*fh, as he
Ofp;a-.: (jpoii the pa'-enjei,’ rhrrw up the »oocfe-B
aproa of the r*>«'>:>?*.. ami eprsrse the be-d «f
the botse, hot as to the dcsTiiMrtia® of the «q sip*
gc* fa £be rren:nr. there seemed to Iw * Wt <5*
feuseo® among the noble nsaterx. Ib-Twist the
itn- of rime* veKrnie* stor'd * barkary rna-h. an.'
a pern* m *« attitude of eagi* i-p <wi jisess
ed at neat the eibiieraJtjd ffottp a* he eauid 9m ^
without exntiHjr rmnir't.ai* artm'ior.
"Which wayf* said he *tae -refciele war. near,
•taiwhnr »Hh tas foot as the step.
“ Afcawetbet W codfee,” said aw.rrsrr. *“-Lc; *
make a nirii; «? it-”
*• Pardon me." said the derg and swee; *<»<•«• of
■he last of the rush: *• 1 secede for one Go y . ,r
wsfs, rmit iimenf
Byrne stood loosing after them .far a moment,
and raised bis hat and pressed bis band on bis fore
head. Tbc unknown pen.oi who tiad her n lurfc
*or iMJsr, seemed willing to leave him for a a»
rucni to his thoasbu, <* was embarraswisi tr a:
jtiadnat a erranccr. A* Byron Turned w. h tu
ha.f baling nept., however he came suddenly tr
bis side.
‘‘My iurd*” he **J and was' silos' as tf wa. ins
liermissi m to go on.
“ M 1 U." replied Hvum. tumm. t bun «•■:•
tht least surprint, and i«c>k *ig rue. ‘y ih.o b» U t. j
hr ibt ligb: of the strew! iaaijr.
: I t-'i.u Jr. v j wr.li a:. errand. »: p~r
“ A stranit one, I am fore, b«t I me pr -pared
for it—I hart been forewarned of it. Wui a■.> .• up
re; re of uk '—for 1 am read"’"
•'Tii* it strarigr." (-trJa.uifr tne roar.. ” Has
torn tier tB-cse nsrer then—”
*• None eveep: a sprrit—for my .ear" a|-n: told
I should lit- warned at tins be-sr. Speak at outre."
“ My lord a dviB* rirl has sen; for ran.'"
“ Do I know o«r’”
(Hicr. *T)d ov the KBi 1 Wlii erps.t, UI V'H- » .81
I C«D of till* k.ril'U.al eiTkaih -tlO 4’ U. lUOrtV,. WlieB
i; is told you, you know ail that I MBjKiieait.’'
They were at the ouor of the i.rirv coach
when Byron entered it witbOBl further remark.
“ Back again?’ saw; the strauetv. at tlx r
inai. ciuaec the door, and imt far tfcai life. for
will scarce lie in time. ! fear'"'
The heavy lime a ^ of St Paul** struck tue've.
anc the rolling vehicle hunted ch. through tne
lonely street, and thourh so tar from tie p ace
alienee they started, neither of the two occupant*
had spoken. Byron ea‘ with folded anm a id hare
i iead m the cnrrter of the coa< h; and the Sira ore',
with his hat crowded over tnr eves, aeetned sup
pressing same violent t aw'i:*, and rt was oil's
when they stopped before a low door ,n a street
dost upon the river, that the : at ter found utter
*■ 1* she alive’” he Lurried!* asked-of a wujjjas
a ti carot out a' the sound of the carnage wheels.
“ She was a mantes! since—but Ur quick?”
B'Ton followed quick!* on the heels of his cum
pamon. and {laaaiaf through s dint* lirhled entry
to the back room t:-rv entered A lamp shaded
Ilf'S turtamW spotless pan*y. threw a faoi .. i.t
upor. a bed, upon which lay a i-r wall tied by a
physician and nutne Tbe physician iisi j us: re
move a sum., minor from tier ;rps. wtiil truU fC TT
to the iighk he » nuspereii that *ht svki breathed,
as B»vwa passed. tbe it vine eiri miofi the Lucent
of uie hand ivinr on tbe coverlet; and slowly open
«d her lawrukc eve*—eyt» of itespreasabk depth
and lustre. No one had spoken.
--Ht is here!” she murmured. Kaiae rut, unduei,
v biit 1 have umt to sp-wk to hue ”
Byron looked around the stria , chamber. try
rnt in vain to break the spec of awe w inch the
scene threw over him. An apparuUoa from au
oite.-r HMbl an . I h.,: :.r BM 1 MM fearfal
ly and ctHBjik-te * the more worldly and scorufk,
undercurrent of tus nature. He stood wrtb In*
hear beating aiui*: audibly, ho sti—« trruit-i;ne
iieneatti him. awa tmc what hi pr jjiti-u- uib lelt
to be a wamma from the very gale of heaven
Propped or; pillows, and left bi her a tent ants,
the eycm turned tier beau urwasds the proud
poet and noble, standing try the bed aids and a
slum’ biusti ni impu ill her leatures. a sm.it of
angelic besauiy atcik through her lips..
lh tha! staiie the face re awakened *0 rs former
loveitnuss. and seldom had he who now gaged
bre.rt: i-'ss < upon her. >loosed os *u< m ompar
abie beauty. The apace m* foreit.ad a' u-4»n.
cohhoui *li«l visible, of tut »;n i up,, tie
spoke genius imprewed pi: a table: ail .lent,nine
m its lanruace : and in tbe tmou.tji t>' her hand*;
an even m the slight movement of )n,r gtacefu
neck, there war wmtkMf tnao etili breathed of
su’fiiisp.'it . ••ran:- 1? a a* tiie snau'iwv *»•'•• a
of no ordiuary murtai passing awav—humbb a>
were tlie surroundings and strange as had bv-.ui
his summons U. Iwi bedside,
‘•And thtt u Byron f she twin;, a last, m a
voter bewilder;liei\ t»e’ even tbrnueh rui weak
teas M> Sold ' 1 cnnid not ck «; h •u: »• tus
mti—without reioarihf n:v auui of nimn.'ii, wilii
wiuci it hat bee® h«m' i■ uttkehed. C jw neu:—
hr I tinvt no luur left lor etl,-4Dori>. and i tuait
tav yrtat I uav.. to my ; vou—«•< Mr * '
SKe'iiSsMated, mi'.; «* Byron w>A to, tii.i oanS
sht h~tt. to hint, atit; looted «e*cu> upon his a *
bit cottau naii'
“Beautiful •" shy said: “beautiful s' *br
dream of bua who ! *•• :»au: Pari or
*w. that at * rain n •> air to »o>r -:f,
the KtDHrtniB' t of an rank > lerling t« bwn
W-traved into e.vpreieisnii ” . -it
She paused a in'mivit*. and tbeb-,rM eo’ >- ha*
ha, ?.!,o Iliruort her «. and brow tui. .
anti her PivunieBaiier resumed p* tiecvenly ktoi,
ly. “I are near etmagh to dealt *' sUt renamed
— *u«at enou^fc tapmu you atmur. to Hesren
froth where 1 am ami it us op ids near*. !•*»• us
our erraiKi of nsv life—Itfct the tuuitiog of trod—
u> rnipm you ty prt*pa:e far judgment. Oh. ret
«>IC 1 with your glorious power, writ!, soar trim
iter,. us gift*, be no! h»t 1 1>, not. lor tin p air
pleasures of a word tike ttua. lost au el* ':, t ait
wiiK'ti your great mtmi will «nct*u,p u* *bs*-u»
grw.-.t of angel*. JS-usurt li>« thought, sr-ati liar
v. tit tiu- or an: wuh h u., ,ii, - *■!
wm-u has ruaget! so glur.-ousiy through U»* un.
’erst—it,, not. oi tin: one B»«Bti!tou» suWoe- of
human utUiHHB—on tuts atone tr not soor,
sighted f’
What shall 1 tit, suddenly Vvrx: fnm. B.murs
~i;. a •»! -ayot1 Bt: » :U. a ■.■ ;T' _ «s
au -ri i n? w i n a dorp pang. Ik agatit drew up (,«■
form auti teaujuieh tin. uiaroie t i uhuews of ms
Tie dying gtri, attmirtirse a-emed U> hare V«r
hemt-lf tu pr*y«. With tat waste hangs t imped
oh tier banotr,. aw? her ,.«•!, turned upwards the
* tor sitgh’. root (a* of her Ups hetravrif to tboac
around he that »h- was plea mag at the la rone of
; inert > Th pc vairifct. etapt elw* he W-iictk,
hut with ho hand ua his Writs. anti neat! bowed
hr ao'-m-d U> hr waUhiug fos .u- urouw. u »non
the at>ul shotxC take t» dtgh:
Sht sudden.' lataed tieiwtf eu tbe p,..<i«—her
tong t row a uraaea ici! over Uc-i afeouiden and a
ImghUtea* ituuatumi and aotus' hragfah tinted
lb iter eve* Kiw- awfinm'. t utlt.w»eiting to npe*i,
anti cawed »t*»dfaat]j *i Bn.,,,. y>.ew i ■ r,~t,
and WauQuiUy, ate- mths wet ups, m-t p...ow,
ami as h«rhautUfo! apart and berry* lids -ir*,,p,
ant ihumi jre:! **t.‘ flat to Bett e <” ant* thr atiti
ueas of death war, :n tin room. The spin1, hat! fied
<sruefully Tibs.
Wr hear Voud -otxip.a nw «aaJU Utnia of tin u».
fu. ii u.iii-ws auc dwautd amuaw ; Bu w< hast
arte vet anuwt-a wonmn whe* ireated tnuat tsa
her her mansrtufhi like human hr tag having
hearts and affcs-iuUA, and asp.iah.itn.. and atim.
ImsUea who *i» er«j rahbrtl by her wsrvcttia, dt
reived By them, or he: houathuia or Uusdivia ncu
1 ieeled.
A ir.UtL BllltD.
d am 6. »nt.
A# mfam'-r sra* “ *akri»r * ram.'’
la atakhr^kab!«■“"*** <**1:
Rjj coat «r**: t.As ' « i-'a,
A»4 Uw fa*’ had l«- *nK.
Hi* i*KTbffl bad estfcwd a tweet'll:
Ha haea and waeased »«*c » ,*r*e.
He had mm a »h>lc <«ww« v> t:« hat.
And A3t a taIf trows. >n hi* j-.ar*-.
And ttrt* a* be » ariv-r-i aiemt,
A etwwrteas and .\*afjr:hm eif.
He Mta«1tt#jr nfuef m a same.
Or rrtqg,immt&’r ta,a»'i to maueX
* M-»»; nn,r >ft\n»aif an • : a: ! am.
M* '>b3t chns: r*G;, f.
The c.asc is, J‘rr nj ea*.- *r a?’.
Ana rn brief, t b*ue ne'er had a "brief.’
‘ Tht prrfeauaa'i sires H- ». fail
Of iawrt-r* so fa!; of psofessKW,
Tfc»‘ a mfkJeid youni: man like R**rff
Can maa- il* saw.- :■. • toiynrasioa.
■' They gra-i I'nr a- •>* - >-.•} with ‘rrants,’
Can Aewjse a •iev» ‘ or a p er..
Can make a i—4 :n * fee atmjne,’
Hul i cap l $e; U»: Kimp.e* ter.’
4‘ l'*e ’rated aai rav.l ta v**».
E Iierr.ae •* *o;«et. ai to huh
"W’hr.rt an auuen nmai sawyer ii.-i'bl jr»;e
8an reward f* h- l-.-. >tf u;.-- m-nd.’*
Wl.tie thus he wa* wandering ak>«s,
Mis « ye accideota;;v k :i
Os « i try d»n^ 4i»k jrr ind.
Artj iie sp-te-c to b.ja.!.;>f, " it is welt**
To earl; t.i* <•» ■-. m • ,.r
Ob :h? curb sv>ir the rj.art- of a uimste.
Taea met *• here’s at ojnraiBe " at last!
And m .ess tfia* a giSfi ru ia A. ’
j u-v. . • . .:r. rame,
Tw "eorcaera ., «*:■’ to #uead.
To the end tha: it antSit he delenttuw-d j
How that mao bats ueu named tut end.
“ That mao was a iavrver )t sevan.”
said U* lore-mat,, wfeu“ opened,** «f mime: i
“ A a*B 1 a-iaa airhei aaorher—
“ Hf uaJj-abifiiijf dt-M of
A third said *• be knew the Amcawtd—
A n attortf'-y. vversrc m the laws;
And as to the wimr if nt* death.
’j was ti. at/jtrt lot the want of* cauae. ”
Tfce " cron-nets ’ at L*sp*,>i save a yerdict,
W-itefc final ; aeTtiedth- matter;
T. at u». vou.iu man was dr tracd, Ue—ause
He eaiiM r-it seep ms head above water.
nEiK»>ji way u6ie\ m iscEUL
'Sr Hrr Ma. BaJUtoW, dCutcttso.}
Xen ca Waaaen An.- "e '• • a:, , no, know
Tut verv best renson?. «hv wuoitts art- so:
Ti* not on aeceont of tw for® 'if the face.
Tbo’ riowiap wtij beauty and (ashamed with
Ti«v Sheen of turf lorieta. at wrj-bcrafti that lit
AmSi.iah'd it Ifc Uu nr the rlejek. «r tl.r eye :
The. ions mb- be taaXUmt. rs» t*may be fair.
And at: utt a ayrcS of toe Ainei It mere.
b'ltat women aw AnaUa. j know *err well ;
List Maiden ' the why an4 the wheref-wt l*U sell
She has a br^rm t-esa m the casket eoaftoed,
A remit pure, sober, ui;.-;;ifut uuod :
A trcaaiurt me beauty nor wealth cut aitpart,
A tender,. c-nl, 'so* and a am, n't heart .
Too' outward attracts** tie wonts ms1' spate,
With the t' iD tne .injfal is nere
She stnitd.- at • •• » *r her river to piiftt,
Herr heart t« a • - ** » r' is wt le.
“I pratu.se to : ■■■t—Lav >ee>—obey.”
Is she net aa A tutu. Asa tutu he shaii sajr.
Sae htuiy o'er **■■.. wmt~ it ’ babf doth Beep,
Th*. n.' 4*».: V. ware of at anet.t keep''
Her lap is in* altos he p-avs os he: fciiee—
Which is ait*: tike at, aoi-ei, the aaby orslst*
She wails by the cad coo; a of si -.Beak ami pain.
Hravs. w» -he* and we*-;*, bat doM, em: ou»
If wears and car- worn ha Tawed in apfmmed.
He t.n is ut'r bu»i»u; a sabbalb (P tea*.
Oener.ed tv forawt*—«- s* nett Sy friends.
H»r love tod fidelity mak( hie. atte-adc;
"'tie w riio than an unttei, that wt* I aver,
Svnugel etu.rJ i ucm or oti»*o:e him ;,s« her.
Know <yn Ate fftnar toy trrss.>a he low
Nor to f»*e.:ia’- '-ssm nr be« •••—no. BO.au
T* < fit r . the it w. au. h- : . r.-m.
Th Hr .pi- „p to »u,-ejt :ik- wieuii ut Ueaa.
To r • . .1 • r ; li
st ore;
Much daw ett' h owe thee, and fieavea much
tn*fe *
Tm>" hrijrt.t ... :u >! U n ■■■: tens, V. . > aad lave,
Firs, as any- n. u*r • at an, ubuny.
J'-mmt Lii4 mad lb< rirrarg »/ \cw )'»rk.
Tta to*®en rf « Tori art «•-. <* to 4k> t«w
tuiar tawiaow 1 a»d ta»r potrtatrrf * aptowltd
troiri l«rv, v '•*»ti:ajn a pan lnr* ul cap < of ita »t>lc
o’: tacit* (tasws? by iuttm luJeuuv Liu i. at
of tar <toua:<-r- V ita fn dnpamai at
i»*nd. Tta tai lav-rea rtaine* t* iemiftb by ttaKif
ut u.sii'n an *• to •... out, ■••». Turn »•!»■>•.»
ItaS t! W.li roWUM. ->f ll:>> ->\, i ,/;t’tS»rr » tu (
{>t*rbe t•->)>■. of ®.' -''i'i.uj's b '.W mi'1 Vttadruprtl*
of JUtanra,* both to !*. %>'vx4 na ww atucotuMt
rrota buta-fata ot «-vnuti«-> worlii.i.’-.r.i^. Tta
tir,«K-y» for tuc }»u.*-fu»»» of Lita acre raw
ed by uuiindua* sufowp'.j.Hi atuetor ‘.tor m»-ui!.*s*
of - pm' .if • Tbt pte* u'*U« » tamadt
i ttaf~ctty.
A tua'jaui »!.'J. ,u a t [,«*;.» nta
*»id to t»w a-rfe, * mt bat a f*-» naou. U* Wfott ta,1
utt •?« ta* ‘ate »• lit* "if »•••• «• • aatarttaJ
w-ib W f-oado'X, *«, it. -ro to you? fttcaKH *»<J
»ojt «*•«» A»d w U vo . *, >»_ o sack t.tat
w ■ icii 1 ioo.o.: '* a*ta««' ‘.'10 ;toajgair.u<jt
•* Ye*. be i»i»i«r'„. '• *ii yo • »f*K4t aba!
ft) tri.L Jii-i, 1 > .iV K o<X." “ A .at *” im kt>
sw«rvd, "i ttaueuf not «•' *»*■ wo*. ■ | t^akx flf
tiiaru u ai» i - ' tut ;■ »»’ o-tpea. of ujv
(totoies. io»». c#.< you pxt itaar im- a to w. r‘
■' My *■’ M.-f tta wan tab «■ * a: tar fevf.
"Xa. I •'*trua! t'tftw, bn1 1 « tt'f 4« MK. I
witt fct-rf, itatu uitBi t) a« ' aa^;autr!. 1 wsU
tstanali tbOB lift, bta n agr taatb, ata
ir»« ufa;t-. »• 1 i «■. r J Mora to
ytrtoc; aii~ • »v • t,n «y. ga><, a;* to tut ail »ta
tauti '
Ml. to ftaler Toiaaktra by l if — rmf,
Jir* iMtiaii a tair srf Masac,
^.towtaa a oar;i ti,aua.-MK a aaiatar of grem'Mtarrt,
*« Hub «au '' kub-a^tob. tor ta*')v nwinc tat
m to C .iUa. toe hs^mc ta lac
bpaa-*!- *!»rfnrsu.oel of tat twi, out erf tar Oratoy
1 v ati par it alar ty u,'A*rt Out o.caaiaa
o‘ Uca'o* uppe fV'ar-»-u' b 'laoCrr, A n.** taf re
tar* I rrri( t at. Hutuliu a«t cwvtHto,
bui i .«u it* u. l>a*io-l X etata. abc aawr: *■ A» tor
Ms W L-tatot. WXV hMl 1 to- h.miy Oi aftaciclari irf
tiwie i euu w>> notamg, oisurr uf at* koucfwtw or
Kvo«J»a ay tor io». tor I iiwtuf touta lo aiavr tta
Unit an il r.aada. »ofir* rt w aay. df ar triua.tu m
uftac.. 8oi/ tioc jysc hue a ut-w £.-.ar; u t* dud
Vciiut tuiSivitar tr inrt, ta » a* t rkiurisirtatnl. fum a
&***!» tat*, to tat cajiato.}; of * atsu.*'
"I iruitao' ,Bi»es»eu'' aato aa atocnaato ‘wbywy
vtouaco Et«>iut lur* prrt at aiuci aoooer ttaa the
ban ,rf an b*.us ' tafauat.' wtaetvta a «u
i .‘»ou bate taurata atutb tau its m iSJu four java
Itam your bta.wa.”
W »iU •» tamer** «t ttoe nwl
ntn ef the mbtt papr** a Uua «*y—tkw m. tt
• iqiiMr. tor itor tw flAWtonn. a*4 Iftt ml) ■
W***” tor wt riWfctnaal pabUrntt* Attonl
ifesr-tuft *)li tor m4t to ttosse arbe mkrtoHm 1*
'tor peat.
tT rmmmtmm am aattoiraatol la art a* *e»
nper,sn. and wui rebate N> pet aMB. ail mtmty
Mewed aw, trraaanirtci » «• to* paper* aad *4
jo» woax.
Of ail luatis. awk m Srenmlnai Bills. Mis of La
d<n*. Prartetm. Hwerflw)* SberdBr, JwattMC, and
OemtaMes" Blank* Funeral and Oottima Tickrta.
Cards, &«<k and PaBipfclc* Pnatiof mweuted w»tk
»ra:ae» rati dispatch. •: ■Anile pneei fc* eaak
I I»fr»* Imp.
*' Tm mi m-mmom tor Mrvu capta,-s*" in
CUii^d a bmrht card, dash akissnt. ton pm! fes*
iturnan. wto mytht have hee» hjifer to fourdf
*t«b ft >n. tie purr African, a* tor stepped mtm the
f* pm»,r if nn little tone, on a pteaaaai atom,of
'» SrwcmVt, tivtrtii vrara a*e.
'* Tea.” I replied, “clear te-tfay, isii rnait drop
da».J. to the room-ar ode,*
" Aar paaarngr:*."
** If t ran rut ready I will take a pasaaye with
yarn. Mr harm*. wWh n htilkv. u tea rein
frnni fto city, m Mere -Jerw-v. But, rapt mi. « .»aW
I (to, eoald you micr to land mr—I tkvti raw
*tow. ao that t #ee tt* Isiasd o* H»vr>_to B«tot
—aecirtK’-- aaltowii ieto.nl mr rwadslr in ;!>r
*»<*, a* to n*ke4 tto tjaratic^n.
Hacti war then a* st ;« now, a»<i will hr „r-.i
worrujwrti andftoetaed to the whiter. t~nTtliitl
wyelaMotnsed. I at (wt waxto up mf mind that
"WIT ■■ •••■'•-•f <v»rto rM.. . m .(tok, rceitont
re** »o «n*e toms the Island. of
n-iinginr on unroc jvd.-nrai entrv-pr.w,. awl very
wad it* erprrwd mv an!: ,nrnrm to ukr km and
pw; him arbor- a* near St. Itooipi. »v piarc of
aeatiaato*. aa to dewed it pr«Mb-xt w* la tot.
The tor; inortanjj *r .rpmammitvr
rmw on UaM, fotkiwei to a da*-* min to whioh
n'.‘ ‘u.'k* were heavy, a* ttor etf.irtr of mr mi-n
|<! ttf 'tots «V nnyeiaeut. • t.-'.rorr H. n**r
mr evevne htr b»ur««c f «T*»u*i* atxi with a rarr
Jew iaiicii remarked.
* If the* weurt, cwtork. eaptom. r,,u WlB
bear a eovfrnm.-nt to-n* »*ar un. ^ -
«**< ' f. I hare ndetaJ.
* 4 ii pnhUGai ' -iu*{ar»u* :*o >^ard Wen h i tto
devil ,wk after Ins i«g couy—i car,- unt atm
i past »*«f I tor inouk-ica .f me rcmaei daring -•
wh,<t. U.c lapsa-sawR r» deepened on »w mind
%b»: my paint tirer was de*.;ocd mptav Ip. |**rt of
Ca:»!:n> Vj an aston.stari audiem-t of dark.,*. in
Thai *•-•.»? bird uf dark yd*,. Han: Mt pr.imia*
wa* fui*i:ed. 1 pa! ffi« friend, wtrts to,* br»r»
:a*yaM. aate y rn< nanrc, ! pwkwted ?h» yi—tg
and had fowotten a; aboal hum, when be
presented * .m*ejf Jo ®» *it ■•’».
Ttua time, however, be vu nt#^ . M rntM 11
"l'» * hurrv tore! awav tram the. island, *
he eirimiaed.
••Tried-. J fsat ana gs wwujfc *'
He fnawnd tiumht ittt*. b»t .without aNioortm
mixing the rwiork, eontiniMci—" Captain, m*'t
ymi tie *a i. am far •
*' «■*< 'h< < ■**!■>. sia.J to-m^bt and name
the price."
“ft r.aa’1 be 4one—l*m eh*. .T•
•Bitch the r barter"
"That w;il not tbs ; hat keep coai Y >n are
saf ■ n ^ , fiOnnua sans bar
Hi*’;'! tor N-w Virk. V « eau g» : ulioarci of her '*
'Mrop,wa.hVe,- and the man* pa.i.rf eheeh*
(juiverrd at '«• ajuAe— ttorr w.JI wairfe her,
"'ft jt ! ' an ternnijv that, ii yuar bagg*,-!* a n *t
tne fieavy," and | sK.-lod at I up*-. "h Hh:ard
here m two hot.r*. a 1 wjl »**, mu nf,. ,n 1he
rah^a of the Uai .aa Bst bnnf :.gh1 Weirtot with
*'*«. or the nak will be jrwHi;"
H- shook my baud arm left rue. J went on
boar-! the Louisa, toid the captain that a pony
devil of a i*trait auogfat tin- meant <»f earnpe. and
arranged the pornoi- i retnrw.-d ftp my
v,..sa,i. tie- s-.jjp.wit s V»waa mere. S««-rng m
a few BJthutes iwa'ijtbt tow tmggagi down and
nade tar f ydv <i r Be fiigto Tbe !*>•» of
tb, brig war amnse-t- and we mm et-it
a'tt fit t t.e l.ari*If As ten- ne u gave wav. he ap
peared to he fSewtly relieved.
“ifi t danr-'riun fata: I've hewn piai-.ug,’*
said he.
‘•d»d a io««»r one,'’ I added.
"That depend* mueb <m ywuraelf," he ret urned
w-.’t! a *;nat. But «i mail anstrt, I hope-, in
Yew ^ i.ea Tneu, ,f seit heff '. you,li ari"w u I
abotu it."
Wt lay off at the distance if «s miww, for the
l*rikahi.ni. wtueh dni no rtai h ns till aiV-r mm
ti.rht The a a j»(, »■; patriot, th» again e ,.ed uo
forttmahe, war handed over V, tfc, jjpn«eni->» of
the captais of tiie leiniaa, and t B-tnrtsed io town
*i;:. .iw fMtaiwasi ieciiBg awnut mjr bean ar»es
fenL the i-.mai i.-uaaeiui of a »- ncr- a* wi .e-rt.imi
ed The re-xt ,rri tii; on v-v-tnig a I vd... !, ftia,
rnurb freijueBted by ae-rehauts and • aj.tmna, ni
u***»al ex' itene n: ar.narted otr atttSTOtm.
^ hat is ti,i i:m' ti i now 1 IK, I j ' tj of ■■
act, aa tatao'nr.
■ haven’t »<*u read the prr*Tamatuto id
the yiveriimen- ’ K-tt-ft}n»»»a.vJ e-.iisw fur the
beat; of a ha if bio-eh-: Atr.fae who cowyid \ be
island wit! spG-,t«sir There «s tfie ptjttia
i lead, the ’docasaeot it ofe , a rt wasd
6vt thousasi : doliam for—aiv pmae-iiger ! the h.an
i i »- «e< retiy mded - ,J,. 1 h .l I .• :e-al
ink uij-1 iuii irtahie, of - -. -ae ■ 1 - -mM* ail i.-ik
» ’* he* i recuftoed to Si-W Ywk at met ; tan J
<W rut renew tta afl^uaitoU.'i'-.r. I h»
with suspaRMa wa ail pofr’-eai a4n.-Btar«w, «*.
pc iaij» tawav oara, e’er sue-,. Tbe U l’tm
ms It L'rlT-y tbmi a:- f.-' ihi. . m . v py . h.- upciatiOtt t
be naked i. * bead. ».«■.’ h«r tot he w .-.id have
l'» ‘ lire faffed—A' F Fvt&JmJer
A rwagfat*
»» r «. W*naaaS
A» we leu* t>»<:k fhtftagb UL
1» attr a»*wnr*t* of wr'ia.-w,
H.'» Jew at*f Low fen.trf
Are :i« e.-..a»uiufn of !
Vet w find, a»ar, il* fi-joai
Timt 9m paittaraf i/efaiiadw!,
A few »p«U of suacfatoe
SiiJj e-nag uttimit*!.
And mvrxi'irr mil te/M*,
A* hft rn f«e»' of tle«*ufe«,
fKioa. (Hr MM gxiKifi, ■
-» M|t ftOtii-UttoJiag IMtAVal/Mt,
An uour of au'tj r*^»’uje
U ft Ule ere U eioft*»—
'Tts »«e damp of lttgnuaee
Pawn jf r«w» ’ ^
Pmmb K«Uiam.
Hal runout, A|srU. 1*.
I>i iminr-otl. tin man a no «u umatr'f *!>ou* a
*•?»■> n ■**». fta-specUt; «1 {r*r.M:tJiw*uia ft Uk- lg».
r.Uir JBurOt-r of U»e Ctlft&m fjumt*, ta Hem cw»«tjr,
M >t< U. ns|U o' Felwii*ry jjtji, ;,*# aotti- «
e-islewitoa, Ae-iana* Li*e true* otto** of fin < ?j*ue.
He *»>» th«t fire often mm** Mu/piy. HfeeHoa.
l-o**- i*j •■, au«Ta»v« were Mi'- p> rpeUatocft of
' ’*e tt itrdCT. He <ieu*e* tn»l Le Imc ftaytiiu^ to
*k) » lii n~only Imv of u*e tKjHspdMfti'-y of 'at
oiHer* fc» tJM! twwftftiuKoB uf ffcc < r«* Ti.*. Witt
S*» a-'-iL’jdtxi—St’in,’. m- o-. ■«».. K <r«i, *o.JS .»
—ffi»*e wars urteuteii *t Hint ao -<*r«ce, Tftyi**,
'i*e attwr parts, m »t : itoft. Wt-Lfctea, <*« tuft
*■* of 14 ■* t oftde-w, win, Las btxni s^.jaseted, «
not MOiJji'SKteL .u ft a todlcafttuu, ttiav
Mtiibfttot, tfcft' tf wjUc <•! ’ae Oakn tatoiiy h*4
»'A e»*;Lp*xi and etveft Lto- atiam, it •« tjwr tahtm
mi if tie Mufiwn ti Last to aoweti u.j» tfiee
wuri of v uwiei «te- otOoNi- it o^um -‘r T finrrM’'»—
*a tne iungl»‘iwrH«»*1. m^a ojt: atrMi, ■<*»» LmJ Itan
*nfl* of Loot '» Tte. w4d ft
dMptr 4vr to lot «.:reu0* tarnite t-eMto w toe ft Am
to ;t*«eC t*K LJUBBLIUljr wt*n B ijaewaoC to ft AC A
•ut meKL (_
■ft Mfttetie.
M-- was «uaj»U;to»f, tfiK from Ut»
urncnn -e *«d taane«$io« of t*«» ofteen, tor was
ttftifttt*! H) (to ttot Wtotoft Italy t>J tfee ns^wmit. “ I
•tv, nan! tor, * loir ova o*yuu«i. anr vw* toetttos
»U’, art own «Ma«Av--“ ami vr,\«*mr, t ute
•vne* «*.5 « i*C>
IT Cittaoas, tie Le-ti^ finu*ed. iwcowe* brUbKOt
•mi *-jw» i«U- -<%..)»(»-*/ t mat,.. c*ja»rt«
* stofto Wauttfai % adsaoity.

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