Newspaper Page Text
LITTLE MCI W m 8TRIWS, 1RUII1L From the lot of April to lot October, IASI, the aab ■eribor will roe a daily u» or mow From LUUo Rock to Hot Spriog*. for tbo ooeommo. dation of the tra* fling public— To lose* arory other day, (oacopt Baadayo, with the Uailed Slataa Mail, (tv row HOLMS POTT COACH Kd, •t S o’clock, A. M., and arrir* at Hot Spring*,aaro* day, at 9 P. M. THE ACCOMMODATION LINE, Four Horoe Foot Cooehoo. will learo Little l(fck orory iotereeniog day. at tho tame hour ia lb* rooming. and arrir* at Hot Spriug* neit day, a: 8, la the rrraiag. _ PARE: By either Line, #5—E*wa IhtPO “> Pmportiaw. The aaboeribor ie the contractor for tbo cootroy aace of tho United State* Mail* oo the roatao iro n Little Rock *« Fort Smith, and from Little Uoch to Waahiof loa, ia Hompoteadcounty, via Hot Spring* —In Poet Coach**, thro* timoo a week ■ „ U- Both theoe route* ialoraoet with the Steam boat United Stale* Mail Lin* from Memphia to Lit* tloHock. , , - „ " s“** °*“ “ •’"pEtIsh” toe*. Fob. 11.__U-\y. ; Sundries from Hew Orleans. RECEIVED per Steamer* Phillip P**»ywlt and Pontiac, the following goods, lo-wlt: 100 bleached Sack* Sail; 10 half Bble Moiaaaea ; 1 Bbi Riea ; S«88lb*.8w**d Iron ; JO lbs. do. Plow Mould*; 30 Stool Mills, omoriod ***** ; 4 Doiea Graa* Bed Cords; 2 Coll* do Rope; 2 Coils Cotton Rope ; 10 Bright Oa Chain*; 3 Do*, wntar-proof Rift* Lock* ; 9 do. Palm Leaf Hale; 19 do. Wobotor’o Speller*; 100 eeta Cup* and Bancor* ; 100 do. Edged Plate* ; 3 Do*. Hors* Collar* ; 3 do. B. B. B. HaU; 48 pair M*n’a thick Bool* ; * 10 Bbt*. Prime Sugar. For *alo by _ A. J. HUTT, Feb. 10. 1851. Male Street. Slut* Scrip. ^KANSAS ^Tm-ryWa-tofn-b Little Rock. Fob. 11. 1MI ijiyvwK* 51SBL3 OU BnAu Whhkfy ; * BM*. Old Monougahela WhtoHey ; 20 Bbla Prim* Old Whiskey ; 20 half do. do. 4 Bbl*. French Brandy ; 2 Caak* Old Cognac Brandy; 2 do. Madeira Wine ; 2 Cask* Muscat Wine; 2 do- Malaga do. 1 Hf. Bbl. Cherry Boauee; I Bbl. Gla. Received per'Trna tee. and for ml. by JOHN D. A D A MS. * Fen. II. 1951. Steamboat Lauding. (krocerlw. Tj a» Sacka Salt; IS Secka Coffee; 15 Bbla. Sugar; / O I Bbl. Powdered Sugar ; I<» Bbia and half Bbl*. Molaaeee ; 1 Tlere# Rice Raiaina, Chaeae. Vermicllli, Macaroni, Sweet Chocolate, Lobatera, Sardines. Brimstone, Cigar*. Spauiah Brown, Hot ton Stone, Whiting. Brl*loi;Brick. Emery, Lamp Stick! A.c . Ac. Received per Pontiac, and for JOHN D ADAMS, Feb. 11,1851. Steamboat Lauding. WALTON, SANFORD&.C GENERAL GROCERS. o. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. **, New L«T«e, * Orleans: HAVE conatanOy ou hand a geaeral and well •elected nasartment of Maple nnd Fancy Groceries* Fine Liqutrt and friar*, Pravinioni, In addition to the articlm uanally found in a Grocer’* Stock, they keep a supply or N ail*. G taae. Drugs, and Dyaa, Letter end Cep Peper, Pieyteg Caras, 4tC. dee. Their aim will be to tell good and fresh articles, and atwava at F.JJR MJRKET PRICES. Their facilities for baying with theu experieuca m the Arkansas trade, and their knowledge of the wants of that section, they think will enable them at all times lo fill, satisfactorily, aucli orders as they may be favored with. Jan. 1,1851. 1-y Plows* Plow*. Received par s*nu and Dove, the folios goods: 75 Caat'and wrought one two hors* Plowa. 30 Kegs and quarter kegs powder. 20 Sacks Rio Coffee. 5 Bbla. Molasaea. 4 Dozen Collin's Axes. For sale by Feb 4, 1851. A. J HUTr. Main street. 22—If. Groceries! Groceries! J JUST received direct from Cincmnati. per Steam er Hamburg: 5 Bbla Dried'Apples, 2 “ Beaus, 6 kegs Pip feet, 4 Boxes Soap.| 10 “ Star Candle*. Id bbl Beaf tourues. 10 keg. Go*hen Butter, 1 Bbl Saler.t 4 Bbl* Vinegar, 100 1 gal. Jug», 50 t» “ do. 2 Bbl* Lard Oil, 10 “ Whiakey, 10 'a Bbl* do 25 Bbl* Floor, 20 “ Onion*, 20 “ Polatoea, And for aale cheap by Jan. 20, 1851. 20-if J UUTT, Main tlif't. I''LOUR 100 Bbl* Ohio extra anpcrtin*, 1 Buckwheat, 20 Bag*, Chee**—20 Boxe*, Lard Oil-2 Bbl*, Glaaa—10 Boxe* 10 by 12, Hama—6 caaka extra augar cured, Lard—51 kega No 1, Nail*—25 keg*. Reef—2 bbl* dried. Kec’d per “Hamburg," and for aale by Jan. 20, 1851. 20-lf. WM. B. WAIT, undries from Cincinnati. RECEIVED per Steamer Traate*, Ike follow ing good*, to-wit: 101)0 pound* Cotton Yarn ; 6 Doxea Corn Broom*; « Bundle* Horae Shoe Iron ; 10 piece* Axe Bar Iron, 4728 lb*. Flat and Square Bar Iran ; 50 Plow Moat^a, 25 Large Waah Kettle* . 8 Box** Tobacco ; #0 Large Waah Pot* ; 1014 Ike. Dog Iron*; 1 Box Dutch Madder ; 1 Bbl. Copper**; 20 Boxe* 10X12 Wia dow Glaa* ; 4 Box** Gla**-war* ; l Bbl. Clo»*r Seed ; 25 Bag* Shot, *50 lb* Bar Lead Fer ml. by A- J HD 1 l. Feb. 10, 1851. M*l» Street. ORANGES AHD LEMOK*, JUST recoireJ per »te*mer PhiUip Peaaywit— 30 boxes • range*; F*r mle oheap M. T ANTI. Fab- 24. 25-1/. o Early Potatoes. NE hand red bu.hel* jaat r*c*i**d per .learner ••Umpire Ne. 2," and for mle by ^ D. BENDER Ik CO. Little Boek, Feb. 18.1*51. “ , U-U. SUGAR, 17 Hbd*. eheiee brown; COFFE—20 bag* prime Ria; SALT—*0* bag*caarae, ^ "%». S*fcrr March Sd I PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD yyiLL WV^lM1. •* KERCH AN-1 UIZE fr«n PHILADELPHIA to PITI'S-. IURGH la anticipation of the opening of the Knot tn Division of the Pennsylvania Cnnai. my on and , fieri* TWENTIETH •( FEBRUARY. at the ollowlu* fains, via: ■‘of lot Clang Dry Goods. Hats, Bool* and Sh-eo, j D:"i* Rooka.Stationery.fce .at SI p'r lOolbe •'or 2d Quaa —Hardware, Queeuoware, Uroceriea, ; Paint and Dyeeluffe, Oil», lie , at 90 eta. pr 100. •'or 2d Clna— Coffee. Loaf Tobacco Iron, Guane,, Bacon. Brad, Pork, he. at «o eta per 100 Iko. her 4th Class—Tar, Pitch, Roain. Ashes, MarUo. Pig lion, Bucks, 4.C , at 5') ets per 10 0 lbs. i H. H. HOUSTON. j Freight Agent. Pena Railroad Co No. 274 Jl 27b Market Street. Phtla. S. B_Goods going Last by our Rfiad »hou d be :on*igned to McFADEN L COVODL, Pittsburgh. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CUM PAN Y. PASSENGER I RAINS Crlween PillLADEL PHIA sodTI ITS BURGH, l-eave Philadelphia Daily at 9 A. M.. and at 10'. P M. I-eave Pitts burgh Daily at 8 A. M . sod 5 P. M. A. HENDERSON, Pasrepg-r Ageut. 24-iltn. PIKE INSURANCES ST THK protection numxrc mmi, or harTpokd cow. : apitel S leek and Yearly Premium: j §1.000.000 A S Agent for this old. well known, and highly \ respectable Institution, 1 am prepared at ail imes to issue policies of Insurance against loss and arnage by fire, upon the moat favorable terms. Arkan«*aw River Packet. STlfAMER SAINT FRANCIS, D. S. JAMES, Minter, [NTILL continue to rnn ae a » V regular packet, between Na ioleoa and FortGibaon. This boat ■ aa light, If not of a lightsr draught, than any ,lhor boat on the river. I’aesengert and »hi, per. nay rely on her punctually performing her tripe. Ind at as low rates ms any other boat iu the trade Feb. 14. 1851. 24—If. t rpilE subscriber, agent for H. Haberman, will X continue the fennel's business at his old stand on Main, near Markham street, and keep con stantly on hand a full and well assorted stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots. Shoes. Hardware. Castings, Ac., &c„ all of which will be sold low for cash. The highest market prices will be paid for country produce, as beef hides, peltries, bces wax. *c. ' JOHN KRAUSE. Little Rock. March 28, 1861. 3<i—tf. Iron ana tasungM. | AAA U*. Bar I ron, assorted ; 4 Bundle* Nall Rod*; 6 Bundle* Extra Hor»e 8boe: 100 piece* Plow Win*. ; 75 hkiilets and lid* ; 30 Oven, and I'd. ; 15 .sorted English Pol*; 15 Sugar Kellie*; 12 Grid Iron*; 30 odd-lid*. Received per Trustee, and tor *ale by JOHN I) ADAMS, fej,_ if. Steamboat Lauding. Cincinnati Hoods'. i"%{\ Keg* Buckwheat Fiour ; 3d0 pound* Bologna Sau»age* ; 1 bbl; Hominey; 1 bbl White Bean*! 20 Bole* Star Candle*; 10 Boxe* Tallow do 2 Bbl*. Lard Oil; I Bbl. Salantus; 300 Jug*; 15 Demijohn*, 15 Iron Bound Keg*. Received per Trustee, and for *ale by JOHN U. ADAMS. Feb. 11, 1851. Steamboat Landing. Star Candles AV. ■)AA l,b*. Star Cau lies ; $5 Bags Buckwheat OUU Flour; 6 Bbl White Bean*; 4‘K) Lbs foisting*- Juat received per Pouliac. and for sale by FATHERLY Si. CLEMENTS. Feb II,1851. 100.000 lbs. HEW WOO « * Received by Walter mitchell, within the la*t monlh, that have beer, pur chased by him, on better terms than any stock hilh eilo, and a* well selected, which he will dispose cl at such rates as shall induce custoioeis to purchase more liberally than before—the truth of which may be tested by all oetson* who will favor him with a call and examination, at his Sew Cash Stores, on Main and Markham *treels, Little Rrk, where lliey w ill find, a* all times, a full assortment ol all articles belonging to the follow ing branches of merchandise, via; O y Goode, Ball and Shota, Groceries, Halt ami ('apt, Crorkrry, Vi «y« and Medicine*, Hardware, Faintt and Gilt, Ttnwart, Clothing, Furniture, Flow, Stoneware, H httkey and all Iron and Nail*, other I.iquurs, Stoat t and Cattingr, Bacon, Cotton Yam, Sole and Upper Leather, ami all other at tides ever found in a General Variety store. Therefore, he would respectfully invite all per sons that visit Little Rock, 'o give him a call, lha' he in ay eive them a cordial reception, and acquit Inin** If, as lar as may be in his power, of the above broad assertions. His unprecedented sncces# (having, so far, sur passed hi* most sanguine anticipations) place- linn uhdri very great obligation* to all hi* customer*, an t he would hereby render most heaitv Ihanks Ic on* and all lor pavt iavors, and kmdiyjask a contin uance of the lime. His present facilities for business enables him to sell mme iruod* than lie can moiibly get into his ' hou«f, hut hopr#, in future, to hr abi* to tupply aii 1 demand-, as he is about toJesUbti-li a Wholesale House at N.1POLKOX, by which means any ipianH'y ot goods will lie ftclivrffd at Little Bock. a» all tun«s, as cheap as they can be purchased in New ()ileant nr Cincinnati, with raception ol ireigh' ; amt e*y,en*e». In twenty days from Ibis date, a* near at may be, he will return from Cincinnati, with about eighty I tont ol \Vhi*key, Flour, and such aiticlc* at can be pnrchased, the cheapest in that city. Just received, per steamer Citixen, ninety bbls Whisker, and twenty Cheese, which is gome olf like hot cake*. W. MITCHFLL. LiltU Hack, Dre.2hl, 1950. I6-I3w ,4 Q PEACOCK 4*0 18 do 30 Hall* cast 13 “ Cor ante, by Jan,7 Plough". WM B. WAH'. lllac'k*iiiilh'M Tool". 4 30 amt 38 inch Bellow*; 4 Mouse Hole Anvils; 4 Colter’s Key Vices; t set. Hammers: Received amt for sale, by J. I' ADAMS, Jan 21, |s51. Hit am B<xtl I.mnJu.g .Tew Baron. 5HHDS. clear Sides, received and for sale, hy Jan 27. WM. H. WAIT. Lanctrrr'i Sectional Mtifji »f Arkamai. A FEW copies ol the above Map—the only rc.rn ,’ V ple'r and correct otie ever puhlislred—for sale at the GottiIt anit Drmormt oljiee—price $5, on rollers, itud handsomely varnished and colored. Jan. 7. 1851. 18— Bagging. Ko|m* and Tninc. RECEIVEDSepteinber 1st IS.Itl.froBi Louisville 2*50J yards Cotton Bagging, 3.I8K1 Pounds Bale Rope ; 50 Twine, for sale low by A. J. HUT I’, Maim Sirref. 25 Rnik Wheat Flour. Sacka Fresh Beck Whna* Floer. iuat re ceived by FATHERLY & LEMENT8. Flour! Flour! n ECEIVED this day ky wagons. Twenty BW». IV Snporfine Flenr, far site fer Cash at Rot li A. J, HUTT-S. ■ '1 ST. MARY’S ACADEMY, FOR YOUNG LADIES, Lillie Rock, * rltme*. 'PHIS Institution, under the especial patronage A of KifM Revere ml Ur. Bv*ne. i» now open lor he reeeption of boardar*. Situated in • rel:reil per! ,T the city of Little Rock, il posaesae* every advan age which <an contribute 'o Ihe health and hanpi ,,,, of the Pupil*. The addtftons now being i o the already spaciou* building*—together with its -xtensive and beautiful ground*, will render it one > if the moat cowwodiou* and delightful institution, if the Weat. Tlie Scholastic year commence* ihefir*l Monday n September—the animat vacation the Ij^li July. Pupil, received at any lime, but not for a shorter seriod than Mine month,.and no deduction, it with Jrawn before the expiration ol the session, except n <a*e of pro'racted sickness. i lie comae ol studies embtacea all Ihe bianehea nasally ta-igiit in the b*»l School, lor Young Ladle*. The mo*1 constant atter.lirn will be paid tolhe mor. <1 ai well a, to the mental education ol the pupil* Oiling the hour* of recreation Ihe young ladle, sre >lw »l, iimtei the care of one ol the teacher*—ill ,hmt, everything htoir.o ing ihe welfare ol Ihe pupil* w:h t>>- an object of the most conscientious attention. Kiich young lady in«*t b* ( to, ided with a knrle, lork, apoon. gobblet, *>* table oapkina, *ix change* of Imen, wotk anil dressing bo*, comb*. biu»h, towel*, Kc.. tic. At the end ot each quarter the young lady moat distinguished lor general good conduct and piofi cicncv in *todie» will be rewarded by the hnnoary decoration ol a med-l, and every proper mean* employed to in*pite a laudable emulation among*! the pupil*. p.iptl* M every r-legion* denomination are admit led into the institution and no improper influence ever usled tu bia* the leligious principle* ol the young ladle*—but for the Sake of order, all boarder* are required io conlorin to the general regulations of the Academy. — All correspondence ol the pupil*, except that of paren'a, will be subject to Ihe inspection or Ihe Principal. The parent* or guardians of the younp ladies are required to depoaite with the Principal or some re sponsible person in Ihe city a sum ol money sufficient to meet all contingent expense*. I he Trench department will be under the direc tion ol one who has resided sevei at years in J lance, and i* familiar with the Parisian accent. In the musical department the Piincipal will be aided by Mr*. Ouvti, the Organist ol Ihe Cathedral, a lady well known lo be eminently qualified to ira part j thorough practical knowledge of the science She will also give private lessons on the Piano or Organ to those washing fo take them. Term* for Boarders per Sessiou of 5 Month*: Board and Tuition, in all thebrauchea pertaining to a thorough English education.*t.vO On Wa.ahirg, uae ol bed and bedding,.15 OU Extra Charge*. Music—Piano, with use of instrument.# quartelry.$ Oil Guitar,.IX* Organ.I- <*tt Use ol Organ,. 2 <XI Drawing and Painting. 6 On Fraiich .. DO 5 OH Physician's lee* per annum. Vocal Music to those not taking msiruinen/ tal, quarterly.) 4 w Terms for Day 8rliolar.« pfrqoartfr. Elementary class,.00 For the more advances!...8 «** Plain ansi Ornamental Needle Work Embroidery, Bead and Lace \»oilt, Knifing and Netting Flow, er*. will be taught free ol charge—lire pupils lur nishing the materials. Boarders pay the current expenses semi annually in advance. Day scholar- quarterly. There will he an extra chai ge ol JI5 OH for those spending the annual vacation at the Institution. Fur furl her particulars, apply by let'er or person ally to Miss Victor, Principal ol the Institute. K E F E R E N CEB: Right Rev Dr. Byrne, Hon. 8. C. Koank, Gen. S. H. Hempstead, Col. L J. Reardon, John Brown. Esq., D. VV. Carroll, Esq. Rev. J. Moiagham. Rev J. Flanagan, i Drvrreagi, Esq., N Drvereacx, Esq., Bartholomew Mcliin. * James 8. Conway, E-q. ) Judge Hanlt, Helen*. Judge Meant, Columbia. Agent for the Institution, HIGH BROGAN. July IS. 1850 —7—45—ly. Lillie Rock. S. Orlean. llElIPHh IVMITITi:. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT: The regular course of Lectures in this Institute will commence on the 1*1 ol November, and con tinue until the last of February. The Anatomical Department will be opened and ready to receive student* by the 1st of October. The Medical De partment w ill be under the direction of the tallowing Professors: J. Conquest Cross, M.D , Professor of the In stitutes of Medicine amt Me.!ical Jurisprudence. \V. Bvap Powell, M.D., Professor of Cerebral Physiology, Medical Geology andjMineralogy? R. S Newton. M D. Professor ol Surgery H J. Hulce, M D.. Professor of Theory and Piaclice of .'ledicine. J. A. Wilson, M D., Piofe«sor of Obsteteiics an 1 Diseases o| Women and Children J. King. MD, Piofessor of Materia Medici, and 1 I erapeutic«J Z. Freeman, M.D , Professor of Anatomy. J Milton Sanders, A M., M.D., Piulessoro: Chemistry and Pharmacy. Clinique Lecturers: Medicine—Prof. H J. Hclce Svrgrcy—Prof. R. is. Newton. Anotomuat Demonstrator—Z. Freeman, M D. The fees for a full course of lecture, amount to #103 Marticulatois,$5. Demonstrator’s Fee, flH. Graduation. $20. Those desiring further information will please address their letters (post paid) to the Dean; and students arriving in the city will please call on him al tli.. I’ah tnRiml Mntpl ft S NEW l'ON, M D , Dtan of Ike Fondly LAW DEPARTMENT: Hon. E W M Kind, Professor ol 1 heory and pDftif# of l.awr. Hon. V i). Baurt, Professor of Commercial Ju ri-pytldence. Tf rws- $5» per session. All communications pertaining to this department mu.-t be addressed to K WT. M. KINt* Esq. Mraipkit, Term , July, 1S50. The Faculties, for intellectual abi'ities, moral worth and professional acquirements, will compare fatorahlv with the most distinguished in our coun try The medical faculty constitutes an anomaly in this or any other country—all of them are lectu rers and the heat teachers. Those who will contemplate ourgeographical po sition, and the extent of our population, can have no doubt as to the eligibility of our situation lor an enterprise of the kind. As to health, including all seasons of the year, we deny that any other uly hat mart. A Common etror exit’s in the minds ol many stu dents ret;,tne to the place of studying medicine; t In is e who intend practicing among the diseases »| the West and Sooth should certainly educate them at a school whose Faculty are practically ac quainted with those diseases. That the public may be satisfied of the perma nency of tins school, we feel it our duty to state that the I rmtees and Faculty lorin a unit in action, which argues well for I's future success ; and that the peculiai internal oagumzation which connects th»m cannot he interrupted. E. W M KINli. I'retidrnt of Ike Memphis list. sugar nnd t'off'er. c /1 Bags best Kio Coffee* 4 Hhds. Prir.s brown Pngar, Instore and for *a e bv T. D MFKK1CK 4. CO. No». 5‘ r*5o.— e—d—tr Partridge IIooIn. | CASES Stout Calf Bools. 2 Cases Waterproof r ilooota, lust received and for aale by Dee. 17 FATHERLY 4 CLEMENTS. Tem% Tea*, Teat*. 1 Chest Beat Imperial Tea, Id# do Young Hyson do 1 do do Black Tee, Receive per laet arrival* and fas sale cheap by k ^ - sS. * f FATHERLY 4 CLEMENTS. Dec. 17. ISfiO. Regular Arkansas River Packet, f«mi pi*f. BLrrr until vviBtREV rurr HuirrH. rorr wiM"'* And mi intermediate Thr KUinrk «nd Driwkt PHLLIP PENNYWIT, THOMAS A. APPLEGATE. 11 TILL rescue bar regular trip# f*r the »«wn Vf with th* first aoflieieut rtsa of water, Iron Sew Orleans to lire above tending*. Hr” Strict atlentfon will he p*'J to Planlatioi business, »u<! oBlsrknrompMv attended to. M GREENWOOD Jt < O., Agents. N Orleans. Oct 31,US.V*. Stitt! 8—II—If. — REGULAR miMAS RIVER PAikET. For Piac Blutt, UtUe Rock, Va# Buren Fort Smith, Fort Gibson. and all iatt-r mediale I, ndint*. 13HE staunch and light-draught steamer [OilN BOX, Mseier. wt‘l rnn,during Mi* rn«n,n. ■eeson, as a regular Packet fi >m New Orleans. h he above landings. S'riet a Men Mon »til be pal o plantation business, and all or.lets promptly »t en«l***t to. l.t/tl Rock Jan. 3, 1851. FRFSII DREGS & MEDICINES Jl*T RKCKIVRD AND TOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. fI'HE subscriber is constantly recei J Ti . _ring, from New York, a genuiu assortment of l)ruzs, Medicines,Ckrmt cals. Perfumery. Paints, (till, byt Stuffs, he., he. Alao-Pa'ent Medi linear among which are. Dr. Taylor’s Balaam i Liverwort; Jaynes’ Expectorant; Indian Panace, Bailey’s Pain Extractor: Hays’and H'wea’ Lin neut: l.inn's Strengthening Plaster; Komstock' i’ennifage; Moffett's Phtrnix Bitters and Vegeta >le Life Pill*; Bartholomew’s Expectorant; Sphon \tedicmes; {Hd rid ire’s Balm of Columbia for th Hair; Welsh’* Meriicamentum. All of which witttc sold low forcash. R. L. UODGE, AfarfcAant si. Little Rock, l«t9. IT—tf ENCOURAGE ROSE 1NDISTRY m. FASlIIONAnLE Boot and shoe Mannfnctory ,I',HE undersigned, having opened a Boot an i .8|,oe shop in the two story brick house on th east aide of East Main street, between naraam an Klin streets, intend* carrying on the above basinet id jil it* tiraucliM. He use* none but the beat mu Serial*, and employ* none but the eery beat aorii men, and gentlemeu favoring him with their cusloi may rely on having their work done in the Xente«t nnd nod Fashionable Style. By alrict attention to hi* lionine**, and piomptl tilling all order* to the satisfaction of hi*cn*tooi era, lie hope* to r.eril and receive a liberal patron njr,1 from the ciltizeu* of Eittle Kock and vicinity Term* t ash on delivry GEORGE JACOB LESCHEB Ijttie Rook, Juoe 11. I'oO.—7—40 tlj. {SAPIEST14 PH.EST.1T OMNIBUS.) FEMALE COLUiCIlTE HEMI X A * V, Ttur, Dallas Coctrrr, Aa«A»sts. John S. Gamin. Presi- I Weldon E Wright, M D dent. Prof, of Colle j Prof, of Nr.t Science. Mr* M.Cook,Govern, j May B. J Borneo, Prof < and Instructress | Et ic* and Belle Letlen Sen or F. Garcia, Prof, of Music and Mod. Earij TUITION PF.R MONTH Collegiate Department. (Anc. or Modern I.argui ges ). Ob' u Collegiate Department, Eugli»b Course. 4 0 Academic Department,.. ..11 fl Primary Department.2 0 Ornamental Department, fainting aud Drawing,) . 2 0 Musical Department, fVocal and Instrumental,!; (J Boarding, including washing, fuel, light* dec. 10 fl Academic year embrace* one session of te mouths, commencing the l*t Monday in Augui and closing the last Thursday in June Tuiliou anti Board must be paid one-half i sdfince. the remainder at the close of the sessioi No deduction will be made from the rate* of Tu lion except in case* of sickness. Examinations.-*- I here will be an annual e> aminalion before a Board of Visitor* at tba close i e*cli term; aud quarterly examination* before ill Hoard of Guardians. Diplomas will be given, on the recommend! lion of the Board of Vistiors. to the graduate* i ! the Beminarv, and certificate* of Scholarship, l those wiio have taken a partial course. Discipline and Police will be mild but firn being rather one of moral restraint, than put ishinent Quarterly report* of conducted Bchola; ship will be transmitted to parents or guardians. Course of lu*tri*ction is divided into thr( Departments : Primary. Academic aud Collegial Music.—It is believed that no Institution i the South west offers equal advantage* to perf , its Pupils in this elegant accomplishment. Seui Garcia, the accomplished head of this Departmen iias taught with distinction in Washington Cil and Virginia, and is not only a most skillful pe ' former, hut the be*t Instructor in the Art, that « have ever seen. Needle Work-—Plain and Fancy.—N extra charge will tie made iu thi* Department, tl pupils furnishing the materials The produc will be disposed of at an annual Fair and tbe pn ceeds placed in the l.ibrary Fund. Declare* nnd fomposiliou.—lectures wi be delivered regularly by the heads of Departmen to their respective Classes, and Compositions wi be required every two weeks during th cours front tile members of Hie Academic aud Collegia Vac«tio».*—Thfrr will be a vacation of 01 nrek the laat of December, ami one of two moot! at the cloae of the Se»*ion iiy order of the Board of (iuardiaa*. S—» — tf ( It an. White, Family I*ar«t. RECEIVED, tin day, and lor rale, wrftoteia and tetail, 3 bbli Sweet White Lard, J.j crock* “ “ “ Enquire of A. J. HUTT, Main $t, ! Sept. 6, It*SO. 1 Potatoes and ttuionti. RECEIVED per steamer Hamburg, mud for am 20 bbla Irish Potatoes, 10 •• Onion*, Jau ‘20. l=Ulw 20-1f. JNO D. ADAMS. PROVISIONS. IX JARS Fre*b Butter, *J ti Key* Pty* Feet, 8 Bi*ev western dairy Cheese, 2 bbls white Beane, 2 bbli dlied Apple*, 2 “ do Ptoct.e*, ti hbD Onion*, 1 bbl. w inter pre*»ed Lai Oil, just received amt for *ald bv FATHERLY *. CLEMENT! December IT, J>30 Mills! mbit Wills!!! , t fT Steel Mills, a*eorted . re* 'J IS Saner Lined Fuidtea, for »»le low by Nov. 2l>, 1S30. A. J. HUrr. HatK! Hat*!! Hat*!!! . ) CiM* Fashionable Silk Hat* ; 6 Pni Wool do 3 Doi Cloth Cap*. Received orr Pontiac at for wile by JOHN D. ADAMS, Feb. ll/SoL Steamboat Lauding. .fiOF.iSHFfi Jtr. Jl'ST Received |>er Pnillip Pennywit, 4 Bid*. Molaaae* , 6 half do.; I Cask Rice, an for «ie by FATHERLY 6c CLEMENTS. Feb. 11. 1*51. N O A 1 PLOW POINTS —A supply recei perSlmmer WuotUtnan, by WM B. WA July 9, 1**50 Itried unti f*earhen BUSHELS Apple* and Peuchee; ju*t rt ceteed, per (tcamer St. Pranei*. and fo tale by D. BENDER fc CO. f*k 18, 1651. 150, a LITTLE Ran ratNDRY HD MITIERY. Ro«wrll llffbt WOULD respectfully call lha alleiniaa af Hm public io tbo shove establishment, which i lias recently Bwdergsne a Iboroagh repair, »»d. hav ! Ing ilia necessary facilities, Is new (ally prepared ta rarailh la orb-r. with great promptuea*. every i article inhibit lion af eilbar wrought or cast Iron, ' Brass or Copper, af as good material, proportions, { still wortmiaush/p, and opoa as cheap terms, as any other Foundry in Uiio roustry. Millright* sud 1 at) era. ordering wheels, will ha pleased to giy* Ilia ' No of rugs and pitch, also lha particular siie and f shape of tUs eye. wanted in wheel. Tha di ameter of a wheel, when cast will lie ’g of an inch per fool lets—lha Mine with ieuglh of a shaft — . Orders should also he sceonipauico with s draught i and foil description of what is wanted, and tn* po«t;t*e paid. { Llltta Kock, D*c~ 10. 1330.—14—If L«n:trff‘* Sfftionil Sap of Irkanm. t FflHE above splendid Map is now finished and 1 leidy for delivery. It delineates the wlnle stale »« lard otf by the l'. S. Deputy Surveyors — Every Section and fractional section is shown, so that a forty acre trad can be teadily found upon it 1 he exact (>osi'ion of all the County Seats, Post offices, Saline Springs, Seminary Lands, and the neb and fettile lands selected hr theS'aterut efthe fifKI.COM acre donation grant are all arc 'irately show n. The Lead Mines ar.d other mirenl locations are noted, as well as all the oh! confirmed Spanish sur vey,; M i:h t!ie latest alterations in the County lines. ! The «hole Map containing as great an amount of (valuable information as .can be Sound on any State i Map extant. — , . . It is put up on roller', elegantly colored and var nished. Price $5 00- A*"1 in convenient pocket form, price The pocket Mi.p« can be sent to any part of the State by mail. Postage cents For sale at the bookstore of L K. LINCOLN. LitU* Rock April 9. isn't _ 3 "I MYHKIi:*. — c\ Bbls. Superfine Flour: tm Boxes S'ar Can OU dies ; It) Bhls. Clear Pork ; 2 Bbls. Linseed Oil - 2 Bbls. I-ird Oil; 4 Bbls. Powdered Sugar. 1 a Do. Crushed Do.; 2,000 Lbs. Cotton Yarn; 3.000 Lbs. Bar Iron ; 25 Kegs Pure White Lead. NJRDWJME^e.—Anlih; Bellows; Vices; Screw Plates; Hand and Sledge Hammer.; Mortice I and Rim Locks, Mineral Knobs; Fancy Plate,tup board and Pad Locks; Axes; Axe and Claw Hateh t ets■ Traces; Grubbing Hoes; Turning Chisels and Gouges ; Files and Hasps; 2 ami 4 fold Rules; let ter Copying Presses ; Wrought and Horse Nails, Spirit Lev els and Plumb'; Hand, Panel and Wood Saws; Shovels, Spades and Manure Forks; Copal Varnish, Slc. Received and lor sale by July 16. W .M. B. " AI r. »i .Vteir Goods! .IVir Good*! T1HK uudaraigued haa jost re ceived, »»d i* now opening. ,j * large and well-selec'ed »»*ort ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hal*. Boots and Shoes. Hardware. Queensware, aud everything asn ally fouud in stores adapted to the country trade ; all of which he Hirers for sate. Cheap for Cash, 01 in exchange for Cotton or Peltries, for which the highest market price will be Risen. Country dealer* would' do well to give him a call, and examine his stock be* fore uorcnasiug elsewhere. r A. J HCTT, o<‘k l oiimlrv. Cl OAl. C S cheap. 3, I Dec s tt! CRATES, (Arkansas pattern.) for sale by ' ROSWELL BEEBE. 50. El OCXS! GI N*!! GC\s!f! J ITST RECEIVED, and for sale cheap for cash, fine Double and Single barrelled Shot Gnus, Rifles, flint and percussion gun Locks, 8ie.. Sic., al * the Gunsmith Shop, on Mam street where repair ing is done up blue, by il. GUlFFITuS. Novfi. 0— Qiit'iiDitniT and Wliiait Ware. JOHN D AD tMS, (at Lower Steamboat Land ing) olfers to his friends and the public, the tol lowing carefully'aeleeted (in the East > assortment of Queensware, &.C., A.C., which lie will sell very lost: 53 dox. whi'e granite dinner and soup plates. 12 9 •• 5 •• 1 •• 6 •* 2 *• 23 sells 24 ti dox. 4 *• Tea Betts, Tttiflers, Win e Granite Di«h's, “ “ Pitcher? 2d 1 >< “ Bakers, “ “ Sugars, •* , “ Codecs, “ 11 Teas, •• •> Bowls, •• •• Pitchers, Ewers and Basins, White Gr. Brush Trays ar.d Soap boxes, W G -auce Tureens, do Butters and Drainers, do. Pickles, W G sauce boats and stands, \V G Mugs. C C Tank Mug*; do. porter mugs; do. fancy; Misses’ Plates. Bikers, and Dishes, edged Plates, edged Dishes, Bakers, C C Nappeis, Bed Pans, Ea. End. Tea Pots.'Sugars anil Creams, Spit Cups, white China Dishes, white CtunajCaperolesf W C Mustards; 4 do Pickles; I pr. Fruit Baskets, pr. W C Celleries, Flasks, Glass Bowls, do. Pitchers, do. Salvers, 6 ung Castors, Molasses Cans, common Bowls, Tumbleis, fluted ar.d common. Goblets, Champaignes, W i nes, S iir Stir Lamps; I do Lanter*>; 2 Cut Hall Lamps; 3 Solar hauyiug Lamps; Decanters, I “ Cup Plates, H'Xican ant white China Spittoons; German Mugs; Cut Sails; 4 pr V«ae»; 3 3 i 1 Lijt.i Iku D(C l 1850. 15 Pracock Plow*. JUST received p-r Mail Boat*— .'10 <>>)** hor«« Peacock Plow*; 10 do do Valley Plow*, 10 two horse Peacock Plows. Apply to Feb 26, 1850. A J. MUTT. SPOVE8—1‘2 No 3, ••Troy’’ Air-tight Slovea, 6 2, “ “ •• Received and for sale by WM. B 'V.\1T BBUS RECTIFIED WHISKEY, received this day per *' Uen Betu.*’ and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS. Jaa. 21, 1851. Bttan Boat Landing. 60 Rrr'd |M*r tleamrr Haiiil>tiri;hs . U BBI.-S Aie; O 10,000 Cauone Cigar*; 8.000 common Spani*h do ; 1»VS bbls. Crackers; ID da Brandy; 20 do Whiskoy; 20 ^ do do; 20 bbi* Plonr: 5 do Gin, ftc. Jau 91- M TANTI. Krerived per Slrnmer I iiipirc, “A CASES fre»ii Oya era; tJv* e bbi» do ao to shell, (eery hne) 4 do Otangea, hue; 2 dox boxes Prunes. £0 co fresh Raisins, boat quality; 25 000 Havana Cigars, assorted. For sale by M. TANTI. Jau 21. 1851 20— I () lsl«|IOKM. N hand and for sale, 1 bid 4lh proof French Brandy; 1 *• Spanish “ 1 “ .Malaga Wine ; 1 “ Muscat ** (a choice article). JOHN D. ADAMS, Dec. 10, 1850 — M tf Luleer LanJinj. lVaa. \ FIRST rate article r>! I risen amt Buck Teas lor sale al FATHERLY A Cl.EMEN IB. August. 49 Pari ridge Hoot*. 4 Coses Water Proof, met received and foi sale by KA i UmV A CLE M ENTS. Fob. U, 1851. PROFESSIONAL CARDS f j. n. .ron\M)\, ATTORNEY A T JL A W LITTLE ROCK. ARK Oet1.l!*3#. «. I. Rit i*i»i:\ni K<.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, I.AWR1NCEVIU.K. ARK’S V¥ T ILI. prxctire in the ro«n'i« c( )’ : p*. sv f ? Franct* iin.l M >nroe,in the fit*! Judicial Cir tHI* ; tie Pt Dr. It 3 am! \rk»P*»*. III (I r • rovii! Judicial {'i'Ciiil, »i-J the co-n'v cl Prairie, in '! e fftb Jnrtieiai Cirrui', amt will pay Hurt *t. irr.'ion tn tt.r collection *f debt* in any pert of He S'a'e, al ii w III al*n ,irt a* a *rnt lor (tie «.i.r pt Ian,!, ai . |wytn* MX «. Ac, K-'«n ei.ce in La»renceville, Monra* co., Aik*, fiept. 17, 8—i—ly *A UI 1 11 Kd litKTV. Attorney nt «n<l Solicitor in Chancery, P I .N E U i. I F F 3 . JfirtKRso.v ror.sry, ai/kassjs Aug. 9<*. 1?5#. — 7-5<>—ly JOI1Y T. Til ATTORNEY AT LAW, KITTLE BOCK, ARK Mat 31, ISW. 37_ IIE.YKT It. IU 4 TOR, A T T 0II \ C Y 4 COCA SELLAR IT LOT. (Ollfcf at Itenton, Saline ( onnty,) YY7ILL PRACTICE In the Counties of Saline T * Hot Spring*. Perry, Montgomery, amt tlie court* at Little Rock. Any tiaeiiinm niriinled to hi* care will receive prompt attention. E. CI YIRIYM. Attorney and fonnsrllor at Law. ANl) SOLICITOR IS CHANCERY LITTLE ROCK. ARK JAMES T. BROWN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ArkauKRh Pomt. Ark., Will practice hf* profeaaion in the Second Indicia! Circuit, and * ill attend to the collection of debt* and the investigation of land claims in every part of Arkansas. t46 IS. T. DI VA I.. ATTORNEY AND fOLNSELLOR AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Furl >mith, Arl. R. If. JOHNSON, Attorney at Law, Rock, A rk . join is. Bou»t:\, A TTORSEY AT L \ \Y. ilfMilr* in I.rvriivillP. Lafayette 1'onnty, Ark \ND will practice in the Courts of til* 6th Judi cial district. All business confided to Ins nmn •fement. willr cceiv* prompt amifalthfulattentlen LAMBERT A. WHITELEY, ATTORNEY IT I AW. OFFICE OS M.iRKH.nt STREET Little Rock, Akkaksas JAMES A WILSON ATTORNEY AND C9I NSEI.I.0R AT L1AV l'FI.I.VIU.C, tRK IVttN. DAVID W. CARROLL, Little Hock, ma-lnlj ] auca.iiai. [noi9 JOII .V 4(1 I LI,I V, ATTORNEY At COLNSELLOR AT lYw, >ao SOLICITOR IX (NiVCERI. Office— Kid rado. I'nion county, Arkansas ft. II. IILTIFft I L %D. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON MARKHAM 8TKEK l\ LILTLC BOCK Aftit'S. 1 tf J. II. TKRIILTTft, ATTORNEY i C01NSEIL0R AT L 1 \Y. Eayettevillf, Ark»u«»ft. 4i BO . C . «r AT Kl MB . AS. M. CVIKAN NVl I klVs X ITRRANf, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS LLI Aft \. ( ON AV AN . ATTORNEY AT LAW. 4 GENERAL LAND AktNT. LITTLE HOCK, ARKANSAS, UTJLL ATTEND to the collection of debt* in any T art of the Stale, to buying ami telling lamia, paving taxes, redeeming lands forfeited for taxes, .Vc He tr authorized to *eii land* enough tor three or Jour OmaBand good plant atwaa, and at cheap ratr», far cork. 19-Iy ['aid. Lit'Jo Ruck, Jan 1*>, IS3I'. IW-ly Arkansas Coffee House, ( la*x»1*u f 1' H E Proprietor bus on hana. and i« c«; staotiy 1 recsmug, the following — Forngu uu.i domestic Liquors; Wiut*s aud cordials of evt-ry (inscription; Cigars; Tobacco; Fruits. 6ic At! of which are for sale st wholesale au«i retail f>r. c* persons from tli* country wishing to pur* • j —. i:1 pleas'? call ami see my slock before pur chasing elsewhere as 1 iuteuu' to sail us low at any house in the city MICHAEL TANTI Little Rock, Ian. 21, l*M. 2*»--ly :} Tha Afkad^Iph,* S'*alin*l >vtil copy ou« year, au i forward account to the subscriber. M I * ntauii.t: < itti\<»! Tombs Monarais Urnvt* • Nlunrk, Ac., b'urii>ho<l to Order, TOSKPH CLINK. Stynt-CulUr, (late of New • I Or Sana.) beg. leate to inlotm the citizen* of Litt.e Rock and th» vicinity, that he ha* opened an •etablithment on Refer Street, (*4joining William George*. More,' lor ihe pnrpoee ot executing ail kind* o! MARBLE WORK, ami invitee the atten tion ol all Ihoee wanting any thine of thie kirn! done in a neat ami workman-tike mehrer and at a mode r lit />•' o. He will keep or. haiot a *t •• - of the beet ma', rial, and i* icadv to execute all woik in kitIwt id ti e .‘.oi'e.i n-.tire. I., • Rork. A'<g *, Irs5« — 4-S—If LM.til K —150 bbi* ■ >hio vuie-rt’ X l<Ki|do iliiaein extra do; WHITE LL.\D—50 keg. pure; tH'G AR - 3 UU powdered, C IS I l.Ni.t-' — Sthxllb. hollnw ware; IKON—lb* a*»urlvd bar; W1NIX >W G LASS--22 box.i , C \ NULLS—l.n boxea *ur, GHA'S SLED—ci ivcr, timothy and blue. Received per lab. arrival., and f ir mile by L>«c 17 W>1. B. WAIT tiroerrir*. JOHN I). ADAMS ha- on har d, and otter* to hi* el liiemt) and cuatoinere,tor ,ale. No I Marker*!, in ki’», Halibut it- ttf bo I*. Sugar, Codec. '"[’ice. Pepper, Ginfer Nutmeg., Clttrt, rrhilM M ,!*•• *es. Indigo anil Matkier, powder. Shot and Lead, Rice, Ac , Ac Alto—TLAS, Pmichong. Young Hy*«e. Black, and a very auperier article ol •* Lhf -rial "—together with, Pfeseieed CNrreafa, Gowebririci, Gage., Rtniibarb, See , ft>r lami y use JMc St, l*5». •*— L'LUCK, 5" bbl. “O’f allen” e»tr« iuperfix* X Received per “Kxthaxfe,” and for ante by WM B WAIT March 3d. **—If 1 .ITTI.K R(KK IIKilf SCHnnf RtiirJiB* ".nd Bay Sfhaa! Ur Uiu* U,u, ['HE business at tbit Seminary mi: v . t ; ' O. ! mce ol the Pii| <id is rarne.ily r.ijnesle.1 TW< In.lit- in’ll, under |t a n-#«| v,4 ll«*C* Wth 1>, «i h T> Sei. irn facility t.w imparting 'head v »h»»Sm ,i| » t education. Po«<esstr smihin iUo,„ nkMiM Mr the raikm* tranche*, »»* p«( Used with prrlerl —tWfttttmi, tW| h- . ’ U r to H.; (rillrmrt, wl *«* name* are annex*‘ H r Pup.,* ol the Boarding School, be.n, e-nn »’«< »i'*' 'I 'u Teacher* :*Mi i «o 1‘rrcuiiy to Unn an,I r, i-., 1tif „ r... end hatu:. Ol Older a ,1 reg.i, , .... sen-mi in lKr i..irua’i.ii! ol character ~ ■ K.rl.r-it the important e ol a through a 11l>r K.e.nrh l»r swage, row i-idi»per..iUe . ," Uich'ioo, the Principal* ui*ii to rend,, n ,, (>-*.hit- the language ol the establishment -p roj-oar •dmitting ibe Pipit*. who ,r»,de tn itnili.'o el lend (he French c,«*ne*, wuhe-ut ex , barge, * Thrloca'inn of the . .tv of I.ntle Hock is heal'hi, i t, am! aeccaaibte at all time., by eteamberi ml stage. Tl’f system of rri-caiion, anbliiouaiy pursued in* si sperlec' apt ..I of whafrverit atfe-nr-! ,! in developing ..r mmal and intrlirelnal far n'„« -rmlvar.. 4 a thorough amt «\ *Vn>*i*c rrmi«r hern hr elemei *at> t.i *h» highest branches Mor'My ov-oa.fd of scholarship and deportment are *i.i- .,,,1' rd lo Parr-da, wlatrI every jndK-iena incitement t t*i ’v «« >«• t i.e school 1* rerstantly under the supers talon . f he Hoard of Vi-ilo-s. who, f.o,n line to tune, ex i.r.ioe the rarioua rlorn. and repci fhrir prngrei. | rer.ii. of Trillion .nd Boor,I per wnUn id f»vr nittnlh*. Jay scholars, it:, Department, »l-j no « ltd •• .. ..... . W mi r rcr.rh, Italian, .Spanish and German, each, Is in Ct,,.if, ' Music—Plane, Guitar, and Oigar, each. 2 > <ni , rP» an 00 Drawing and Painting, In 1x1 A f- iii*e ol lesson, in Onriital pain mg, J»pan Work, inlaying ol Ebony and lvnri! Hj , bmg Work, and wax flivvers, each. 10 hi No charge lor embroidery and otnaon-nlili needle work Roar I. w ashing, l.ghU, fuel, use ol bedding, **c., per monih, ’ jp Payments quaitecly, in advance- no ileducUon. for absence. Session* comroe,ice 1st Sept, ai d I*t p..b p„. pits receive at a, v ; eti. I. .114 chajg : 1, !1U;,. ol entrance So cl se ol the session. Bonrd of VUitor*. Rf. R*'V. Bi.1i K.cema-., lion, I W Tta.t.h, Hob Jmlffo Ri,\iio, t'iij't. A. fine, Hon T U Nt«r05. I. Gikon. M D. J. II l «*.»., K*q , I. K K.vq.j Li lle Hock, Aug. J*, I3.W Hob. Jm!g» Fl(t.n, *■’*<» < W atbir*. K*o , K II Keei.ien, Ksq , M»j J La whom, tlm. S. |1 Hmo.Tr.Ai>, Hon \V . II >fTT.*A 5l-t< W IMIlMirih l.tLE SI MiMin. «feitipste*d County* Arfce. f IMIEsecond of thin 1 »»tittitiun. • X thin msruing. February Illfa, l>id Rev. (' F Ti atuvmx. Superintendent and Pro fossor of Moral and ]nteiiectuai Philosophy, Bed**-1alio Spanish ur** Re? II. (.. i hwkatt, A. M.. Professor of lirccmi, Roman, ! reuch am; Italian Literature. Jans* t ini'RKH, .A Vi , PrnlMwor fit M■% Students reretyed in t !•■•.• Primary Department a&d instructed. TFR Mu : Primary Department, per mention of 21 «<■»*«, payable quarterly nt advance, ^ \ * on Preparatory Department, Jti on Collegiate Course, ^ ju oo Vocal an i Instrumental Mumc, l. meuts of Musical < *om position, (Extra) j It Initiation Fee, t no No deduction for abs» m e uiii^i in rases o; pro true ted illness All student* charged from the time of tli**»r entry to the end el the eeaeiou N B.—The sous of all minister* who are an* gaged in the regular work of the ministry or of those who are supersminted or have aim in tin ministry wilt be educated free of charg B«n*n^o can be obtained m the best families, si from to #9 per mouth. Particular attention will lie paid both to the moral auu intellectual training of ail students committed to our charge ». T BANDERS, Secretary. BOAR D OF IRISTEES Hon D. T. WITTER, Pam hint, Hon fi I* Poindexter Rev Wm. Moores, Rev L. P I.iv»'v Re? B P Box. I N. Jones, M. D , Mr J H **st» defur, Mr. T. Williamson, Hon J U Trmibie Re? J, Coster. M D , Re? J. J Roberts, C H Mite del, M. D , Mr. W W Andrews, Mr I. Sanders, Mr H. W Smith. 7~ 23—tf DR. LEI Ill'S SlIl.VlPtRILLl HUMID FILL*. Ahead of nil others!! The K,i»v> of all Pill MsiiiiAMilarrr<il HECA l they are safer, better and more effi cacmo« than any others; and because the pub J«- %* >19 isfce no boUi e **f other* if ill# v .-an '><><• (HUH* Hi>\ J*.s ch»v«- !.. ♦ 11 MrlU tnmiiul> «»»r Um- lii»t V"l Si; A\ll 01.1), MAI V \.V!i ITM M.K. • an « tak* them won '-*jm it safety. md withmit fear It PILLS HI. VKCKSsJlHY r«*T (Mirema an.f «*4« »».«»• > e the >!i»n*«uh -Uftd id.«**,».. and jjurti)ing Uj«- Itluuti and Mi.iu* «»f fh»- My, tali. *»«» ‘4h* r*> l«*r »k> <>i(h t |mII* prtttitn • u» continued effect*. or ".nimn i<ar>4«part)ta in rlu'tti. Fat. Drink mim! I.lvr m t biimI. .hmI juiwh »«r coM, during »!! kinj* <»? t*« gfiwtr. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS fft RU!M« • r ’ i' i • Slf« {ft* if’ • . iii * nr 1 . <i.' ( •' • Knurr pii.i.- Oik in v b<.\. m..« ...m * » box. »«U» dimlintu aiuj iiiUi'U »lu»iv"*Htt* «uiwv* u •>injw* iiymg ••*» h fmt. Tlw*> b»v»- n*» <ir un|«l< -m* II, b'rt t: 1mm dwi *»r puw*inv uf kind, I»fi no liiv 0 *»f l*r««Jn« n«» O' kn*. >*, tnnuung >r bul mu \ \ut. r;« hiji \ f u.i. n\n.-. \mi ;n‘npJ' «l to uu*»t i1<w . <tit■ ih*>11 to Miank ii.i \*i Ot%« having 'W* tak'fi th«»*i Will t* willing r«fOiw afu* Lo taka- ai*> othlfgj ib^v w*il ttiwxja rb‘ go**n. *mt >* ifcp* tb* »»*■?, fIkh no •iftrr* will 1* N II I.* i«|.. u** i*’n*nrH*r uH mountutur'-- >* ir» .• - isa tlfnK^t.-f, rm*inj*4 u»ti pit)*****. <H l.'i >*••*« • n* IMolHibljiOit grit mini* *»1 Um* ltji»*r«*»> •< !*• •>! <itifi n ut ni«-#Ut U iianfilMUoio • ** I'hiliMirtpftm. V * Y'«i», B«»-lon, HiiltiUi'tii . fci< , and 'u*-» i*t.» himI / isig in* a»i* r <»i «*wt-fft‘ anmu-*! iiottluiKMiAiit i ml >• ami 1 r«*—heme*- flu "I U;«' grrjifi r mitukn* • jdn* '••I »»* - -uni th» ij iM'iitj! fc* ixnmrii4* • •»> »<<• |MVtifK «*l ron-1 •■< >»p» flubjMiviu* o»k» tliroogooftt tin I. mik'd min-* flttiCtlKil i)«;>»rt iJf L* wf> * Ni‘4f>, V*. IM N •! ftittfdl Hi., I’luUiP lidua - tail-J m*U| uni J V' Tfepp* . I rtl« Mi**; R Jt«'v* i -\ an Mu'- • viJ «l Vfi-.ui, ami V\ ftglsi *. • ■ . V v* “n*«uw, hi.-I -lil ' *< HMi< .mil durcketperii in u*. t'ml«d <u c& At — ( tt'iirtrliJ r«*hip. llr*. ilalLiiibl ^iier XJLTOl ▼ ▼ /♦•»»!• L»!H« K k, dtul tiperuiJty ihou oj tht country, that Ihty hav*» fc»ier#<l Hilo • cv..|*arfii«i»hi|» in Uh Hfiu;(kc of Mediciur, mid j»r*j>at»"l to a!t*rui promptly, in c»*t» of emergency, a fid «lb* t pur{tet *rt aburht, fti# >!h-f 4 ill g?,r»i*l. One Ofhf'f Ctll always louo«i it /Af«/ i»i Mi E W HHlrufTs bmiiiu g, the coiof-rof M.ikii * I^COft Vtf Lt/Ur K nk, Oil \\ l- VJ - i ' if. Ir«m ami I acting*. LBS Ifoi . 4*t K*-i» h‘i ‘jl* “■>*, Lv 1 I). MKKK1CK V CO. Dtttmb 17. »S«'. 13 I OTTOV (<l^ STAXIW. >(. IN SI'AN OH. <*0 S*»» each, m»«i« *»y * _ c . ti 11 1 Bart hlipaii • r.ceiviii from U.r niauafaoluirr, and for wi • (rviritttlr tnuw, fay AA M H. AA Al I • Jo v 16, iotki:. 1H AVE. at s'.rne treufaia *u<i cart. 1 ■ Mill >o U»al it will friad au<i naw at !*•' ; tiUi«. Lemoua who may »>«h com jrooao • > hare it dooo at any li«*w tbay will aetd Har*a* "! I shall have oo oarncular cay for grinding V’“l lher» may bo no m**tmKi-i»t»»<mg, *h» ’•••'- • :harg*-<i iao«t>- lfa'ri ortwruty-fiw» i *ni« >- *C July 15, ISM*.—15 tf l* H BINGHAM < l>mI <Vs* * Jaa« Flour. _ io Hopcrfioa pire No 2,” aud for rtio. far BBL3 OhioSatwrfioo. reeaired pet "Cat W M B WAIT