Newspaper Page Text
Htiilrr* u> b>* no branch of danff ft „ ii-rswod than pnfiuMy rasur r pa altry . profitably we '*» *f> »k of <')*•*! i . , 3 «!i*I •• V*. I>f we b-rd <!**' every r h untie or jpeiiltd tt mav be, " : t frwcbickea wound 0**"Wfwher* everv family. »a ti'ktw r ,, . •;•• tain •• b.»v “• ••■' ' • *' , <*'r m oae t. ht *. w«tb »?' V*+ yj* , h r ken* U!i«t pck ip Tbsnr owi . . «f <jw j <if eu.c* Lit the bar .‘•«r&Te f md thatrfa. k wf-«rt t< fYth r food, have little time or in ;a.:, it ; MniUt’V* wfaoetp*rt« M *T3P .^ |fva<r ‘W fc^d* wny ** ,_ rK ^ #cd_* t ® san'l >ank ffWC ,*.» rj w} T.'JT tables. ■ne : ice* - th*-5B , >J5*> ‘ fr^etpenea'e .n the “ ben »..,•>.; the f - >' in getting i • - - n ‘•..I • season, but 0’> or in fee th-;a eaclu r ns suppln••«' 'b«SB with ehall whole »-St! consist* is fttttu f »:r»w-: Fit ■»;. rra-i and flesh ; a or of the gram 3, • ;,- ehteki O’s milt fi» very convcn jit ,jt ruse months in the rear tb< j.qipiy tbi.inwtves with amnss. f.» Lv »* a..* . w<t, bat the rest of the tune fee*, ir.r with flesh, as writ a* ram. Bods* is an eveilen; fund for tow is, bu - ‘-r-\ irsnt trrain of some kind, sad ties! ;s n j: i nt. test ifimien pwiitrs are m L,i i.-ne !»usv, bat if f lean, grant ashe “„1 convenient to the hm-hoaae. Use hen ii: ’btsiaeives ia them aatil the i-rmin dia N i ire is their teacher, aari tiers is ai u pxrit A enod sheiter sho iid be prorid hen* to want under : the manure o ir properlr saied, will repay all rjpenae i |; |g a peat error to crowd t-oo man; i together. «- -w nothin* of the pKent chicken batch i.;;- I. know thatfift* hetu will la aad n 't- a; ’ff chicken* .upon one tot « • w ' one :. osdred. They do M ,n 4 rr w t-d s*r'e. neither will hens la *•-; .! rr-4i nam -.ts are together. A hei • ,■ alt. and •• Tecta great rosiest • ;ir her aest a.oi laying h-r egrs. alway i . place, when it can be fnan-i — vr~ S4» thea Vo »' readers, keep no more fowl feed well. Presale gooi B. «i r ail the owaare, anl yon r ir-reased productiienesB ■f chickens, aa<i then whe a:her. sad bacon became a ad fresn errs will prose . ' S'M-i »f tie SntfA. W. 13/ -or »■' a t rii in se at as i thta s ) i do so •hc.t t f)- • gjrl- -w «. i ' i* t tar for a t . • href M-.f.r r* i. C ; >.4.r. »* a.'.' t'-.-io hi/' .3-Ued. t y A.-cbbsh >p Ecelestoo was the las ... , a-., f. • : tae pT.acipa! See of tb , , ,; - n ,i tf1- 1’nited State*. The fin v, . • y . R»v. John CmrnoU, bora in Mary . . ... - f A 7 . i- . ■ t; .f lieeetnber. isii ; $b ,. • iu i . M ,.<t Rev. Leonard V ale, vrn i M .' f : a ;Tt5. si-'-r-ded Archbishop Carroll ,i _vu of J oar. lS’.y . the tiiird th v • K - r i. Mar-T.a. born in Prance, 1 • Jed Archbishop Keaie, and tied a Jihi.i'-’b the four.h, the Most Re' . IS b r:i n KagUiad ;i ll JQ, (M .. .. it kbishop and died uu th . . . ;f 1 • .her, i'.ll ; the fifth and last, bora i ga - , , . . led An kb shop Whil fir. i:. . • : .ii the jiiof ApnJ. 1*1. The First Fnsitise slave Law, T . ■ 3 'Via Post has the following bit of pjhti cai idtoty: T F u-.tivc ' ser B it ®f n?!. was drafte • ••*.•■ C*>it. •: Mass . .n X ivem - r and it wa .. Senate a the l^’-h of Jaasary, unani .i ,. ■'■ .■■•^.n *r ,”i ■■■ ■ »ni ’~ r'rc i from stav’ S it -< ,-„i; f : The House C wamittee. Thoo t- js < aa : Sae-'yashuh Bourn> of Mass and A under H . r. ofV*.. r-Ted that teilt n ■. ■ wa. p t.-« - ■ 5th if Peb M w -1 s- ■■■.•■ 1 «• .il votes, ii s ae- S;a'..-s by 2 v ' na • 7 T .e is. - r red h yrai to T nan. Maas.arh i.seta /av.; t, veai to na r- ir: - i <sr* •;.at to- free .States passe the first Pi/it.vr B ... ' I Tor Wa, in/*.m correspondent of the Ba! tii&jre sun. mderdau? of the 4th inst. says . Arrstu—tnena have been made by the Post-rr/i? •- . - n -s which letter* may be f ,rwarde • l X v t -,. Cbar‘.*-sti>n. Savannah. New O' vi P's.i aco, M'jaterev and Saa Diego • V :‘h-we*t rvmst of Sou'h A.m-r ■ a/ icy of the Consul at Panama. «• ; he fifty rents a letter, the sin/ n - a . pre-pael. M-arspapers eight een •- i . iuk to be pre paid. These rates it ' -i ic postage to and from any place . >Jat>-a. Mails may be transmitted ,rn at -ie same rate of postage, on the pa: ■' ne half the aboce rates, the oth • i'.ect -i a: the offices of receipt in ti "r.u*. /, * >'■’» md ['•aifrai* Conaterfeit. •V »• -- '.his morning shown a Five on tl • •: Bins of Columbus. I? is the boot calet ■ •: -;er of *n* we hs*e seen. The ee 4- ( V’ectnre m the ft-ad below the ti T,-. . ,ie uf»m which the date is, u on *:htfc hone's forward foot, while n t! . - ■ s our eighth inch below. There a •.t, v-nt features by which to detect the bil ie fi ,nir up of the one shown us a • s laa usual. Lout-nn U Drmarra ! ' T- Inter in Association for the adraac t. r •-.-not. Prof. A. D. Bicb**, Presiden ~ '• 01 C a laati oa the 5th ;asi. I ‘ ‘ — brutal and mysterious murder of' ' 9 •> • fo-n .» n< committed near Philadelphia « the Vft ium. Th» Military s«)lan. T > Sou • -n M...:arv Asylum, for disabled so d • and pensioners, ■•subieshed under a late a if ». has » :i apomnly t ated a: Jeffe > n Ba-racka, b* . >w N'-w Orleans. Lieut. C< ■* Jil < 1 'tntrt naabeee appointed cot mi'; iaat of the ectatostucr-nt. I * There is pr tvy an mail aernce ia t] r • :rr« an mp.raat and so miserably attended a , \ w Orleans and Louisville- Tl i ns »• MtaitphiS have addresaeda petnortstrani P aunasher General upon the sab>. c', ■' p.ies that a iditi.onal service has Sei '?,J 'he . ne. We cannot Aise iser a. ' ' ir.en' at ye*. ..ightaiau »». Telegraph Liar. ' .rm -t of ordav night pmatra'i-d the wir i' • .'U.' ,'r.r be’ween thll a; * 1 - -* M«av i the pxnt* were struck ai ‘P*-’ .a ■ : liilreda ,.f pieces. Th- stamepoe ’* 1 nr • elee-Tfttty. 'ha! a c.,rr ■ wuea m the oj- c*’*u ,;1 : r u :ii». producing a sue-I-sail P " t- 1 • "• »* if the burring of perca ii ■ ips.—Muk • t <>eraser, bt* mar. * T’,; '• 14 ,,rleaaa Delta say* o.. so. or*:?.-rr- i h.tnse ' toone of our l**n ‘ •••« • ■ Wh.. had advertise 1 f ir a p-.rsi an lor a .. ipuiar work. ■ *sd a i» etpeneucc m the bujfiues* **»'■ ! t ie Bit.iiopohat. » m. «a..i he of the Pork Snip- * iivi. ., -*’■ :J use sou done hui.nnta ,r " • vig * >hav. ami Duff,.id. 1 can*. a»« f : • ... on i at clnee on three i>»i : Mai '.he bookseller. •• s :,i in f * ’ * ■ » -rtu of Bacon, hut you wdf n »iir m v purpose ■goes! asonauag' ' i i iu been found, Sv reference to th*- * -t Paoemi. that the B->su>n AUaermra ha to rrfuas the Hall ta any particular Gel in efrr has bees offered to allow aa» o vets t«> have it, on ayilication, for a la' herrnafter c■ ra.iidiuary miinat.' v 'mm wfKiep ra’ * '» furaumo .a t* ■ s ffci ] s‘ 1 * .''l.nataMk, which was also thr caae ' - * la Haeiwa Avrv*. SL A., vacr-n ! >t mane time, beiiei 1 to he a spec, j * ft-e.jMlv,; Cough as weii .13 STUa.l po*. Pretty Etteaiire. ’• rawf.udaviUe, U , a f^w dara suuu; H "7 : La'svcii*. caurred the Laa.1 Off • •* t ■ lecuoaa o! land, making dM^iacn .-stood '-he •■•SMBpaay tor which he is a. > •: aathunaed him to nave 5,.gk) acres » * *^ atJua during tUa. fear.f Mflinn ladrninift. A teasi:y » 4* « baa bee a <:'C3, that‘the t*»b ft* tbs Mciicn Jude-Baity will bep-!,i iu earh if c-r the lkth M»*. eiii»-r tm :• -• p» r* k i *h*»* name lb* award* art made. »t to v-eir turners. No oi'Miey t*> j>e pa/J srbsl ndvetae cltvai are in litigation. Caioa ant Tr .-u'r Lard Com-; pi»T srrp not t» be pud ull hidden of *a.d amp' establish legal.claim.. C*fl9tr WeWtcr ara* mamsx..*-.} ?o Washington. the Near York Jo .-roai of CoMBerce uuienr.a.i'Lne in Coes'.',* »■ • of lhe (etehtjr of mu*- d.ate bk a* ifta for Use sippreaion of Iaou.i WKiUiiiS mi the Milieu frostier settlements, agreeably f» a slip-il*’; *i m the Treaty of G-i daUxtpe. 'Hit’ lack of any sppr ew rtiofs «p,~r>ft- , caily applicable Is the the diffie alt point. M roppneed V Stupidity,” sard a testy lawyer, •■ I »«.; the jur» have heea itinnr slaty-! f •» it.j|■:■! >v. ■ That lie,.' replied his oppon- at, " bn' _| the ; bar sod the coart are of the opinion that y -u had ' it m the natural war,” Mr. r»rrr»t. The tables tirauy T.i t'oirt of, New Y'oik dissolved the isj iweti >n *:,irS r-.'trains him from mo.Vshng la wife, also she injnsr'fw 1 restraiari/ into fr.xo alienating hi* property* bat, rnf.'fced hi* dsealobty to JpMoerate a suit fur de . voice in Pt iasylvaaia. tv A M d!er Convention nt n-nr :<i session i New Yor». eatleavoriBe to fia the day again for the final j end of all thiols. On- of T r prophets. Mr. Reed, declared he was realy. with positiveproofs, to convince them that Christ vs i.'i chi.- t>- •' the i34 day of Jaiv n*U- Bit the c..av- ut. a were not entirely satisfied with the proofs, and a '■ked at the idea of his Ssinr another day. espe rially so ive. When the l-M day r>f Julv ar rives, we shall See wha’ w< shall see. A Second Advent «t iriil appears '.o' - l* - emu.-ng at Morrurviile, near Trent, :i. CT The State of North Carolina. and corpora - •. ins within the State, are now in the i -r abont W.OOH.OOO. Th>- Sts'- wants #Vi,i*»>. .if which fl'hOfa) ia iutcaded to pay an insta rre-ot on a p auk riad, an! «l ‘ - l to me* • e sting debts 'if th- Stale. T f> -p K ■ r C.-rr.por,. want to4.'««‘; the turn of w.mi'C a *1 ■«'.-•■ \ t > pay it* siibarripti'Mi hi the M . . tester Hi : oi, and • the .Man tester Rail: Yd C apanr . a mortgage of all its pr .petty. la Favor with (he Women. A drunken man Hi asleep by the road.-, : . where a pie found bun, ani began to lick ha mouth.— ’ “ whou k.ssimrme now*" exclaimed the drunk ’ ardt *• what a capita! thins is to he in favor the woraeo”’ 1/ An Iron house, for a hotel, is aN .it to be erected r» Philadelphia. n Third street, near A —h. . It a 5ve stone* rush. Several iron warehouses ■ are •. I bn • r- v ! . . i ■ iron business in this country will he immense m a ‘ few years from the ereef ton of iwn buildings aienc. XT Hon. Caleb Cushing. formerly ,u Const *s, voted aea nst Sumner, free-soil, in the Massaebu ■ seta Legislature for L'.S. Senator. Mr. C. is a democrat. ' IT By the last monthly report, the amount in J the I. niud States treasury, subject to draft, was i:4,772 672 01. The revenue from the tariff of . i*45> appears am over-match for wine prodieaiity' XT In November, 1*49. there was a shower of. - aerolites, which extended from Tunis to Tripoli. , O' Eider Brigham Young pledges bis honor that I he has only iwcnTy *ii V r-«.' He as the .saint upon : wh'om fell the mantle of Joe Smith. O’ Eugene Sue is to be married. He has fallffh - a vi'-t.m to the attractionS of a widow, or to the 100,000 of renra. which she pie-v-ss-s, <1, ■i i. - a a a ■i e e i - j a t- i a le * i t, n t, i a a i ie: to , ie e to 3 If I :S d id •e i! U >n t *a V. M erica, T • ■"■■■■■ >• . r f Qa - ■ i ■’'■'utract. • • ' .■ T , route, » vnanuneed in the Mex;c& i papers. Novel Proposition. Tie Richmond Whar pripvses • .v ihe *.-jt ' i sincss of the Cm ted States n aa!t. ..a assembling oevt w.n'er, be the exp i.son of Messrs. Seward and Summer from that rrave ami diguihed body. Charge—treasonable acta. The Death Penalty The J nnt Special Committee, of the Legislature of Massachusetts. on the subject of capital punish ment, repined a bill for the abolition of the dear a penalty, and providing that the offences punished by death, under the present code, shall be punish able by imprisonment at the State prison for life. XT A married lady coa hided a re., w .aBovr, n. on the 25th ult, who hail boasted that he ban se - duced her. IT The members of Congress —i (Ven New York are politically equally divided, so that f the Presidential election should po 'o t..-: House f R preventative*, her v <te »u J :>e neutralized. The same is ’he case m New Hampshire. MAKRIKD, On the evening of the 15th ir. • . '.. . the Rev W. P. Hateilffe. Mr Limhi F. Ciauaai •• Mi*- Euiaskth O. Svvi-oa. all of this city. “ Long may iheir «Ai U of ife p-nv.- clmr Nor mml* or/rors, run pick* appear— May they rtrise, atrrert an, A new edition erery year.'* New Orleans Market. Cum t> r Dinct Mav 13. 1*5; C*ttm—There vans a fa:T mqar .'• srerday. al ter tiie arrival of the Arctic's act- u - and aUmt Aik) bales were iaken at rather lower rates. <) ir quotations are. Inferior.6 a 7 ] M.iL Pad , 9|at0i Or-I.nary . 7ia * j Pair . . . u>r*U Middling. -|a3 j Good Pan ilia— Good Middling .9iaOi | Gd an ! P.n< Titan ua. Sugar and V„ae*et—Markets quay, w t> sales of'is) hiids S agar at ifa'lc f-a fair, am! . >0 hbia Mmasses at 27a£&c for g>«vd f.rsm t.:i>> and caaav le-twaied. O-mn—font w** hear*. w tb n. s f>»' sacks. me*, idmr H*)0. part green anti par <tamajr'-d. at V« *»<’ aitri ami yei;i-,w at 45*471 ;b*> prate wfei*. and yellow a! 4> IVTO at 19, and »«> ■»:. fe at -Vc pr buatrl. Oass were n reau* «t, and l *« <4< »-. >•. Louis wr a. *i iu iu* . 21V*' at 40, aad *<*«•• small hits a t! a t. pr tiisnei. *••.*.'***«'/ <•«— a; It. and oi*\ V) pities at 12j. and in , ... i 64c—a!i on tune. ' '?■ — P. .. • w • . id > i ; -1 1 t* e are s tt.eut■ i r , slat*- that Mr (iisna H H'-.arnav, f this r;f.. .« r u .( v.- * •!. u* < • Treoauier «tf. tee* mntv .1' Pu!.a*k i.j ' . acancy occw. ucei by the rt-s .-iabon d '!: Cuar.. , Lewis. A '■; < uin. Eircuoa is * i tic '•ac.. w ,i be lie id on atday, the 24 th tv XUK.WSAS RIV£R PACKET. r r»' Lrfi’. Lira S learner SAINT FRANCIS, ’ AME- M<;KR|M>\, n H«v<.ar been iatWHi,-liiy p^Ved *3d .njjwnei; >a* rewumed her tunas m th<- R.v.-r. and will *nn :c j unur w ran ro awl rmoa hlli* Ruck.. 1 <w» Suren «w F\er .Vewli '** Fait -t*a>,n is uf\ta u USt- water w,!! persist. Scuppers «ad travelers may depend ml E. - 1 WtS -•*! far eper-d .1 *n? y - Tg" :imw!a‘*n" AfenU a- .1 •»** Hiawaa £*, Naprtieoa. T l> Mm’< « rt i .. L. ■•<■'■ Buell. '* it**nrv A Turn, F rt Sru.ift M»v 3>, ;ssi. 37 Sale of State Lands. .STATE LA!*p OFFICE. j Lrrrrjl Flora, * J Mar 28, i»*I.} IS pan ir, *-♦ of Ux G- rwrat Asar-mbly of ,)iuum. appeared the 20tfa De* ember. 1M4. i w, . ode? m pahOr «*(<■ a«s Hat 2tlh da» of Jure re-at. lh- f.lww uy «rib*d S/aeta of laud. a leeled and c-ui6ran■! to thta State »» a part of tlx ciantof .V*MJ* - trie*, wept nwt at lu hern cam red bv rgroi • -, peg MWliiw, pe «>f of w?i*r.b, hate*, her with Uw* wffmr) bond, baa fcrrea Sled or may U' produced at thia oftee before to? day of fait-; HELENA DISTRICT. Ttr -n Seleeted. Sooth W«< q arter S V ' , .1. : SoTjfh irw * f South W• i> quarter t 7 * 3 E h*if of S F. quarv r North Weat quart?* E ha f of N £ quarter S E q i:W<-r i i . S E qr. 8W quarter N W qr. and S E >j jartcr N E fra'-’ejitat quarter S W quarter W half of N E quarter V ff quarter W ha’f of N Kquarter N E fra* qrarer South half N .rt n fra* half North fcaif N E quarter LITTLE ROCK 1 14 ; i 11 15 ♦ 51 ~ > — •: 9 n 29 ’> S ij ;n «* 13 I?) S 13 10 " ;* it " :i to " 15 it) ** 33 i l “ 113" .12 " i 5 " 4 ? *t s 9 8 9 » 9 11 N 12 150 3-21 ■ 1 or IfiO S'* XX > 19* 1**5 74 1«* Oft IOC* #ty 127 <5 32* * " 202 V! 330 t«t DISTRICT. 2. ju IS 52 i: u 12 12 ■2' 33 n eat half 8 W .,a»rler L--t half 8 E quarter 31, » W qaar W hi.f of S F. quarter E half of N E quarter XV haifvf X E quarter X XV q ar e ; S' rt • ball N.rth W q aarter Ut*2,3, 4.5.f, S. 9* 13 2 W half of S W quarter E half of S E quarter E half of X fc quarter W ua.f of N XV quarter S E , carter South half AH of »**::.oa 13 West half S' irth Weal , rarer Wert half -f ~ XX' .uartcr 54 West hail of S' W , i»ru: - t West half of S W viart*.r 35 8 MT quarter E half of S E quarter West half S' E quarter N XV quarter East half W half of S XV quart* 1 8 i 8 9 a 9 S 4 S VV JrtW ’* XV 16*>“ W its* « • Ub, ' 80 w so * 80 ‘ lull tv 320 W list* 9 8 10 WJ3» j2 SO*.. io w sr; » 80 ** 1 8®i 10 W ISO 11 XV «* il XX’ 510 11 xv r» m 4 S 8 29 *• 32 “ 33 “ ■> 10 S 7 s 8 > 9 S E ha .f S' E .uarter XV hatf-of N XV tarter E half jf 6 F. quarter -V. 29 3 ** V .. j^v ** Sfi ** ISO ** -iso . 3 xx « ISO « 12 XV 32o 13 XV 13 W si ■« «0 " 80 15 W 150 S s ;r, W rjo S' 6 W 40 25 26 14 34 IX 2„ 25 35 3 S a 8 i S s Sv.ith half S E quarter of S' XX' quarter E half of S XV quarter SW, tarter of S XX' q ,« N XV quarter of S E quarter 3 North half of S XV quarter i S' E quarter of 8 W quartr' 5 S' XV quarter if* S E qi 4 E hf of N XX' qr 11 8 E quarter N E quarter W half of S XV quarter South West quarter S XX' q tarter of S' E quarter 2*1 * * XV half of S W' quarter 25 ** CRAMPAGNOLLE DISTRICT. XV half of S xv q uartet 35 15 S 15 XV ■> S' XV qr A. XX' hi of S' E qr 3 17 S !5 W Ifin It 23 21 21 8 t 23 4*1 41 29 SO “ as iso •* u„ .. iso « 320 “ 16*' *0 80 North ha.f XV haif of S E q >ar.=r E half of > W , laitct N XV q uarter S XV quarter N W quarter 8 in 10 1? 320 80 w<» ISO 3 IS S IS W ISO 10 ■s E q :»rtrtr ;2 S E quarter 13 20 * 33 * 35 ' 7 17 20 < 20 31 31 II N half aadS W quarter S'xrth half *’ h E quarter s E quarter .9 N E q tarter 20 Si W quarter south half N-jrth ha.f East ha.f 8 E q a alter E half of S W quarter W half of S' W' quarter N W quarter XV half of E half N W quarter F. half of N E quarter W half of N XV quarter XV half of 8 E quarter 5 W quarter S W quarter XV half of S' W quarter N E iuareT S E quarter S' E quart- r N E quarter N-vrtfs ha‘ W half -.4 N E quarter N W quarter K half of S XV quarter BATESVILLE DISTRICT N W quarter 30 7 N Wes: half of S' E quarter N ha 1 of S XV quartet S XV quarter S half and S' XV quarter South half South half Part S' F qr S ' R River 35 S'.jrtb half s f River > 9 9 9 9 10 10 ISO ** ;320 •* 4S0 <• 320 ", IS*' •* 320 “ ISO “ 320 <* 320 •• 320 •• iso •i 80 *• 80 “ ISO “ ISO 17 W ISO 80 80 80 160 360 VI ll ISO iso 10 15 1*4 *t iso .il i 320 . aft 2-51 2 90 30 2t< 33 34 3.5 •* 1 (* *■ s*o* ■ * *., - j, ■' 1^0 *' *■**> '• MB “ Tilt y-v, *• T n NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTORS AND OTHERS A’.! pervns -'s.-rantr tv- -eht of pre-rnip uaiS-r an at.: A ;h- Gejjeta. Xaartahlv if tfe«f»ta^ approved l>rt—mrer, 14:.h. 1'4*>. ip- required t r; jj. pr mf l-vi jtfr the aer-aaBTy aaa-f Oefufe Ifc 2" tt i:iy v ' Vi vv ■ - uou ■! indrtHlaala. .« acror mart the oil .v-eti-m -if the art appr-ie*. 213h I)eev:*5t-er. >11 and ti.e art approv-.d Deremf-er 19th. 1846. an said Inllfki— h»- rtned » the Mate Sonis aauit he furaabed to th» offira- !er the pr-» per amv.tiit Vr'-re the day .>*' sate, the will lie livid to the hushes’- bidder ax such sab The 7’h section of an act approved Decern he 2Iat. 1816. authttfaeu tha’. “me# nei irWr* un it- tbt pt-vr t.m* <*f !A* 51*» Dre . 1842. seuitr kr* - umrdtfu pr?-f npt„-rn :r-r<tl*-f Xy tJ»a art an 4«r- Itrprnr?i uutjp n* ram/ -sarif fa tha Soar, u*U after Uu pasmtg* at Oa-artm '.•*«'< D?rrnv*r, 1 it.» or It arrtumaf tk* last »**! art thrall ka rrrtrr: A . : t :r -..j.ail lands ff.-red and retaathtn ua»>i-- *i.i be auhjetd tofnvai. datr* at the pne • f >ui. t.liar and :«• nty fi»* rents per acre. L. J REARDON /.mi ifrvt. far ikt Saar ai .IrXanaoe XU- 1881. 37—via I' * T If.-rrr.' f. H «»«!*•»■>K i tnJ V.---A Hi -i ka* m" ■ rIMKF. NOTICT". *•:»• >n «• ; ■»■ marl 1 i iBr Pi vt-aie i:.iur, »f e in:v. Ar m tM*. on the itrst day of the twa then- f. a: P; ,S*v 0*'tr m Ik- tuihien at the eonr.-hsnise said fnanty of Sevier, on the i*t Tuesday after :h i-*i Monriav of Ju v net*. (tS3l\ for a DattrJm am ■<{ the (-slate of Jonah H - iitofl, aen;or, <!•• erased. when and when- you can attend if vo think proper vo to dr, DA^) >Bi N v > V m Ai£*MKi»lnUar tt■ na , rbnlr ml J. H ■ .xi ,1,. nrn . tr run* 1 M«r2"i I Sit. 31—lw fvlt Vat fen *nd f/tv 1 ill Mil tn S$ wnj mi tie otimn Httra ml -S' a»rn ('ho! fro on 'Ttoav r; V-I'lir i;-;i , .n. i wi; v atvi JL rathe I'r-.l-jr Coart of Sev*r county. Ar ;mms, -m the cr>- dav of the next Term tinaeui *: a, Pnjha e CAwntt u> r* hnWcu at ihe .oart-hou* ... a«rii c rant) ,t t*. t .at, on the Ut 1 laeaday aft* ire .Ut Muoday :n July next, 1 SAi , far a ftrti afrrm rtf th.- rate of R.rharl Stow, dr-eeaaed u hea and * here yes esa attend »l you th*ak pro j«!r *o to do. UiRAMAV nTOW, vs .Mnimewwar ml* tkr n„ ,m,rea „■ /f Aua, i-owf May 30. fSSl. * 17—fw C'< JRPKB—hit Hrurv pi sure R*o; J Received and far ,-iair hv Ma t«U, 1SS1. WAIT. i > :>\a STATE (tf ARKA**AK. Ca irn « h lir Krcxrr Crrrmt (Wt, I'tiru.Wf T F'rSrwtrp. l»i. William R«p>. FrOWaWrr, > n > Petition feif Disorce. Kaebaei Rvt*. 1 VRD K<Y*'. am U>m day 'mt the aa/d peti (*9«ct to bts *oiiC!ttK, a*] it »}5» arm* tn the «,'iw faction «f the Court her*-, that by rtjunw of the abaenee of tbc nud *’fr n-iar.* pmrea* ru no* fo- ttircd cm her » *!>* cause. It t* theref*»e or tfered by tbe Court here, that the art rtefomiaRt be notified of tbe prmiener at this ante by publi 10 the Arkaoaa* Braart, a new-ajiaper prat «1 ia that Siale, aoJ that aoicat the (Hfwlw. be and a?pca> on ot before the firm day of the nest T- rrn of ika Court, at a conn ta be boMe* jt the court ho»»e ;n the oouniy of Met, on % 9M Mon-lay m A«< at neat. aart plead, answer or <fo ni„r bj the peVs >o*"r'a ***.) petmva, the saice ml! be takt B «i ■ nifuft-u and a decree re<wiert~! ar ' >ri.ns'.f. and i! ss farther ordered by the Court, that a copy of tin* order be pot abed lit t*v‘ . ' for two week.* by :we w«-* ho ,nter-tom. the last insertion tbeaecif to be at least four weeks : it,- t .. »o,i- ;rt ef tbe treat tern <rf th* Court. until which time this caase is contra •■red. A true eon* fr “.i She r— ord. Tome- K H. Kl>‘sWORTHY, ricr*. May 20, 1*51. 31—2w Men' rurrmni/ Jr ST wetrei, from Rev Or'- an*, a large and veilaKe' ted aaa«r!»ent rf new awl fash nahie Cloth■ riz-r Partruiar attention ML calkd t« . a fine slock of S .‘nicer Clothing For sa.c -jrm for rash. ani for rash »air ' e mAlters. Li tic Rack, Jfew iO, lAM. .Voaanrt. 1/f.OCR—8C B it l iirtois Superfine, I SO •• " extra in, Ree d per “J- fferaon,” and for t#.e hr May ltth, 1550. WM B. WAIT. IILOI'B Tv BMj oFatlou Mills" Extra 8u A perfine F 50 perfine. Mar 1<>, 1S51. “ Quincy Miira” EitraSu K'—e.ted ami for ash- hr WM B. WAIT •Vi)THi\fa AHOKTKR. i IN eider to rtt an p •*!* eariy m the fall, I base j J determined to wr East ear: artisan sjcsI. sad n-i» r»-ouest ail indebted to Mr to "Conse op to the Trourfc.” and mtc me the drwre~*Wo n-ce*i •V of ttonUhn* them arain. J <m imnl la kart lAr tfurf. *< I *31 rew.iT«l to bay mv n-r\t *‘--*ck of for Ci>h, for the purpiwe of aeli-'w t>.~tn teas than the 'any. *t**-k rac tie sold for is this State, I hope all will heready to pi* p upon pre smta''naof their Bids. D. C. Ft LTON. May 15, 1651. 36—Iw. PIKE IWKtSCE Tlv *h und- r?.<aed Aten; for the PR' (TECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, or n»»rro*o, ta»mna »■ Polices issued upon the most fa rumble ter.a* by MM. B. WAIT, Art*. Mi* 6, 1W. 35-lf. Attention/ rf",HE EiaminaLoa of the Cadets of the Arkan I sas M i.tan la.*: vr commences on Monday arid cmoe* Thor, uy iSrth Mav, isM. On Wednesday eveiunf 2*lh, the Ladies will hold a Fa.r, for literary purposes. The public are reap.-ctfullT requested to attend. GEO. D ALEXANDER, Smfrmlnuirat. May 6, 1851. » JtMII t *. tlORRK 1TT0R>ET 1» CfHSELWR IT LJW. IOCKPOBT, HOT SPUNG co., ARK. April 29, 1850. 34-tf. PROTECTION AGAINST LOSS AND DAMAGE BY As hi, n! for the PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, of HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, ■ the undcrstened » a;’, burned to asue POLICIES OP 13SIB1XCE. duly executed b* thusoM. **■!! known, and hirhly responsible Ia*h'Tj-.*n upon the newt 1.Serai terms. Th- <rea: teaourcei of thaCompany bare enacted it to pay all ioaaes which hare occart.-d under its p i ce* ;n the Uti trd Stales and Bh'ish Province* -lunar ’he last twenty-fire years, while numerous •*her Companies have failed to dtscharre their lia bilities. AppW t. WM B. WAIT, Arent. Little Rock. April 22. 33—if. OLIVER & CO., m/.va; a* spirit merchats, CORNER or MAIN AND MARKHAM ST. OU Poal Ofier Corner. [CST Reee-.Ted a fine ass= urtmen: f choice *1 »r ,-:ta for Bs- fo res. and use. con sist; nr; of Km- O.d P.xt W,at - Madeira Wiae: Br -vn > . it* Wine; Pal- Sherry Wiae; Cauuba L, tsrw >r h On. ; Caret Wine. S-jpr. Juice: Bran -i. C mac. Rr-ua-,* i -ftemenj Letpret Girt: Mo amuii.ria Wiiiakv: Scotch Aie; Br-wn Stout; Anartv. Naurs, Syrup. M i# a; 1<- Frontarnan; Mar* :,ano: Curacao- M,uhr »*ru Catsup; Wor eW. tv Sauce; Sar'..i»es Fresh Salmon; Ab sinthe Pres»rres Ac.. Ac. Little Rock, Apr>! 22. M-’.f. JEW FI1IL1 STORE. nOKKIM)\ A CARTER. On Ea*> ttJe if E-1it W-ca it.. first hrieA itir «4»W rv rrsrr at Mari i. an at, i ww.ijau.i »<d at:Till, atiiu. n FAMILY. STAPLE A>D FANCY Gmfriei. Praviiim, faaitrT fratlarr. if. HAVE j.iat openers, ,n the aune here-ti»|rire oe /up-,ed as a T-.n Sh«>p. a gc aera. a,v«orJ.ut nt • • tt.rjt in ;h<-ir ,:nr. -ornpnssrvj « larger -<■>=. -I FAMILY id PHLiES :aar, Wfoie urter -i a :na Market Thor fnenda, and r manta nt»- mv ted t/> rail and rraanar their «*■'»■* before purchasing elvwheie. as they art'de !'.-rmined u: sell as U»w as ibc lowest, for cant or >uniry produce. ' L.tiAe Rock, Apni 9, 18*1. 33—if. F^LOCR—to a: _s ■ > K.«. M ..s” E.c.ra Sa p*-ni»e. BACON—5 Hhd* Heat Sides: 1 •* S “ bone do; 5 Tierces extra Sugar t' ;irod Haros. P'*BK—i ■ Bhbta Mesa: 81'C.UW Hh:ir cUr-fied. “ 4 Bh:s Powdered W».a. C \ NDLES—tt'Qvi.rteT i*e» Star. XAiUi—>. fi. gs 1. 8 4 > a. Received amt for *» e h» Ap-U'.ti. \4 M. B WAIT. T V P E F O l X D E R V . gi lilFORi* dt Jones, WO. 41, » vaniUa SiTMt, ftv!'*—*i Jh'AMJui--' sail Krwuttt.ty, 1 CTSrtXSJiTI. OHIO W nd r“Sje-erfa!iv inf inn their old Paanns and Prnier* feaenaliy, that they hare n-imwed their Poiudetv t>, the bo nJ'sirf* foonrrly ir<up*d as , the Sw-nt««e Poua rv and Printout fiMahLah I . KHI.PIRD. Where ihef 'her Prepmre4 la Furrueh Anptiwjf m \ ' I heir Line. FOSTERS’ PRESSES! Tatv ut ii») A«rn ana Foam's SHE MRS. * PI 11 R PRESSES: lad In Pima, wlU Pill aay (Mar ter PRINTING MATERIALS. ! At the s*wiett ,\<*xr and at Ua lemrrnt Extern PRICES. W. MITCHELL, A. CO., C01 » IKKISIKB IM; t CHANTS, I fry , NAPOLEON, A EX'S. Karra Sit, I Shi. 39—if. q q q q q q ; q MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT US To tie Hoi*, Ur IIh 1<W( Imi laovt to : and baa bees exit-sandy all kwk of Son*. I.’lmxm, laftamnsatioes m Man « Tins happy (hr Rf ndm i* of the B*w* perfect i h(k> a traiy wonderful. n* volatile,. to the wry hone*. It enters into the nrealatfen < tnutojun ta the verv extremities of Use _w__ Hlf and tha* a*«.*?s nature to threw off awl rid herself of say i or ligament*. making it equally a^iinMf to an*** of any kM, i body, fmte a diseased artioa of aay of t V straetaml pwrtiw of Ikr i power* it tb* -o»orjv wtiT rt m equally rGoarnat la ao many rtrtferow enmpDmm. i effhetrw by Ika 1 last vf »r. Wf anti give a of the • boonsod> of rare* that have bee* < (by tfo* A lady ia Co! amt. a*. Own, ha.) be* haad aiifhfly hruiard, took r-vid in if aad tt A r rightist ( tee* Ail over the bark of her kahrt. Doctor* bad presented salves, without doing d toy good. It had her a m this mndrtmo more than a tear, when the got* bottle of the Mustang Lmimrot. by the recntiswtxJatmn of her phrmciaa. sad applied it as dwreted. The re sult sac. that in fear weeks the nicer was healed and the head was wet!’ That doctor now buy* the Linsw-iri by the doaen to use ia ha practice. AJittk *»L fonrtcen anles from Co! asabua. had a severe attack of Ibcnatm The chorda of CTK le*. contracted an that the fee* was drawn up at a right angle with the Uugb, aad the hare joint, •tiff. so that ate was nhi^cd to walk with crutches. Three bottle* of the Mustang Liaaaeat relaxed j the chords, Iroeaed the kaee joint, relieved ail paint, strengt heard the ssoarSev, aad the cam skip the , leap and . -.tap wiOk>-it cmteVf aad without lnaysne. A mao ia Pittsburgh had a red hor arm actsdeittaliy ran mCe hie feet, making a very severe At the same Law. The pa n sra* mteaoe aad exeraostmg, threatening lock-jaw. TV feat swelled verv rap-diy, an.! >a two hours he was unabl- to hear aay weight cm tt, or aet rt la the /round, la iha condition the Mustang Liauaeat was appised. Immediate relief from pma was the aonaeqaeace, and in two days he went about hie business aad had ao farther trouble with it. ( apt. Wm. Alter, one of the oldest eiuseas of Cincinnati, and tong and popularly known on all the western and soothers rivers a* a steamboat capkaia. bad a very severe attack «f | •s his ngbt arm. Alter iu (ferae the most excruciating paia fer some days wit hew* a moment's relief. V obtained a hrttfe of the Mustang Liniment. and applied it la leas than twenty fear boom, he w» eaunclv relieved from paiA, the soreness and stiffVm perfectly eradicated. Let aay doabt this ia bis prrsooee, and V may give thea a fpecanmn of its muscular strength aad taxaUiily af am “goad r.ght arm.” A man ra Covington, Ky.. had not been able to walk without crutches lot sear tw* yearn, firan the effects of Ckrasic Ml He beard ef the Mustang Liniment, bought it, aad used it as directed, tad new he a well, and earn dance s ham-pipe equal to any jolly Tar 1 A man. near Louisville, Ky.. had * negro man who had running tores on both ha legs. They warn nearly rotten, and feared they would be the cause of hss death. He procured half a done* bottles of the Mustang Liniment, and used it all aeecedmg to the duwetmaa. la aae asnath the aosae were healed. . John Bennett, of Petersburg?!, I1L, bad a daugb:*r twelve year* old who had Tenia Capita or Scald Heal. Tt-- aatawcslp was a running anre and had been for ok .re than a year—doctors eon Id do it no rood. Thev were persuaded to try the Mustang Liniment. aad to them great jay, it has en >irei> heated sll the sores, and a beautiful head of haw now coven the Once Pnghtfal scalp ! t A lady m St. Loon* had a sore on the of her head that threatened to spread all over the scalp. The hair came out and toft a bare spot the **e of a dollar, that was a running snre. She used the Musts in? Liiiuneat on it, ami it not only healed the *oee, hat brought out a beautiful new empof hew! Sac a now using it to dress her hair, and says it m the best Haw Tonic she ever saw. while * gives a beaotjully gkesv -like appearance to the hair, that *V had never face ceded in obtaining- before Tbeae are but a few of the thousand* of cures we are daily hearing of tnm all parts of the country. Far Hame* naff other aalmal*. There is nothing can V compared to the Mustang Liniment, in this speedy aad permanent care af Strains Brnw-s. C its. Oald*. Chafe*. Scratches, Sweeny, Poll Evsl, gwtula. Big Head, dpavm Ring It .it, 'p„ct. W nd Gvi. Cracked he^la nr aay wound, stiffnea*. or uaiacurai ealargement of bone or muscle A iivery stable keeper of tisuseWy had a mates hone that he pnaed very highly, that had a i Urge Ring bone on btfh led**. TV horse was completely cored, aad tus aaaha left perfectly -~—h I by the use of the L.uanest. Ta ewaatry Merehaata. Every store shoald be supplied with this valuable Lnument, as rt pays a good profit aad sells rapt-uiy. ( aatioa Extra. IT Many w.U try to induce you to bny Nerve and Bone Liniment or some other equally worthless irash. by saying it is just ss good as tV Mustang Lmanent. But do not be deceived' Aak for this Liniment, and bay none otner^awl yon will not V disappmated. TV name ■ blown oa the bottle. Price* of the LuiarnL In c<raaer\ aence of tV .acreaaed demand, we are now putting up as cent, SB sent, aad dollar bot tle*. The 50 rent bottles contain three times aa mnrh as the 33 cent sue. and the dniur bottles few time* as much as the 50 cent sue—so that mrmey will V saved in buying the large bottle*. IT Principal Depot at BRAGG A McLEAM8"!J Drug Store, comer Third and Market streets, ft. Louis, Miwoun. IT Druggwts and Country Merchants supplied on Liberal terms. J. W TAPPE, Whmlemk Agent, ml Little Rock. Ark. _ “ - * M—ly. April 8. lS5l. iramdt in Mtoretc Irnnntg fmr Me ■'■’'PON aecocna»dalj»* tenm. the following C traeia of Utxis situated opoa Bayoo Bartho i anew, m Drew county, Arkansas : S. E. fraction qr. see. 7; W« half sec. 7; W> ,*;f of N E qr «f, 7: Whalf see. 6: W a*If ,,f S. E. fjT. «ee. 6; all is t—rashtp U routs range These lands are among the beat r* the Slav of Arkansas. weU situated. ® » thnrtng aeighboe hood and caamKtt for »hipp»n« produce. For terns, apply to l. a. vtoTxunr. , Little Rock. March 22d- U— 3m. Cl HOCTAW LAND SCRIP in piece* of *J, 160 / and 320 acre*, for sale by WM B. WAIT March ». ®—tf. Liquor* ttmd Ftomr. JUST received by fteaaoer Hamburg; 25 BUs Whskey. 30 Half Bbta. do. 8 Bbis. Borb»n Whiskey. 25 Bb it. Flour. 13 Bbis. PMaM*. Fur aic^kaf, by M. TANT1. SEW J^ECEIV ED direct from X. OiW—s. pert*. -I , rra Penny «it and Dove, a lot of Mew Goody, j Consisting of Lmsey-; Jean»: Aattineta; F annel’y; j Apron Cb*ck«; G>«gh*m'* C'aVK'i. Barege's; Apron Si.k*. SLk Pocket Hindherci vf*. A pac ca’t; Colored Sewing friths; Fi—Comhs. (AiswiX A«*wr»; Side C«mfr* l Also • B***e Cnfhn'a Anno, and 10 back* CoCte; and for ante Cheap by A. J. HUTT. Mire* 3d, 1«1 Jfai* afreaf. M ILL S tWS—Rowland's 6tj and 7 feat ; FRENCH LOCKS—i, t and 7 iicmi, AXK-i—t’otUoo and Hank', Oi l S—Lard, liaooed, tanners an Received and for aain by WM B. WAIT. March 3d. »-lt. Maddlrry. \ LARGE lot of Saddlery, eotunstjng of reoUe naes’ * and ladies Saddle*. Bralien. Mar ingaies, Snddie Baca. Carpet- Beg*. Girth*. Cue-glee, Cfo *», Haunts. Bridle-F.lUoga. Balky, Wagon amt nding Whip*, St. rip Iron*. Bridie Bits, foe., foe., Ac . received per Phillip Pcnnv-wd. and for sale for CASH bv JOHN D. ADAMS, tin amhewt March iS. »—-tt F-iOO RIIW IKB. - ! IA SC APED frmi tie PeaiteaUarv on ihi* day, A the foil swing kvrnoed convieta. i will give folo each for their capture and delivery to aae, if taken in this county, cm %&> each if takes out JOHN H- HAMMACK, hurrurnut, Lima Boca, A a* March 18, 18*1. j DudirrMi—Jame* Lcgroar. 4* yeas* of age, 6 feet nigh and ftuut built, g»y hair, haael eye*, rnaan now. high rheek boon* and aaibiw coat' plcaa-tt. tis co&ieulaied he will try to teach ihr State of Lruunaaa. Andrew Rogers m 11 yeaj* of age, 5 foet • inches ti^h; aa>l of a Mont build, he has i-gftt brown hau, blue eye*, a reddish beard and fond eu— pieaioa, he laika Bale, and in a turn tone of watt and haa a quart look. Cains, a dark mulatto boy, a* feel 7 inches high, flout built ami 20 years of age. John south, a flee negro, 32 yearn of age, $ feet 8 iiK-he* high, featum dark and regular and ashy trade a blacksmith. ha con we tuted that he and Calvin will k-*ep together and push for the Creek he State of Ml—nun. Nation or the All the above wore eapa, white aed one-kali brown je* hair was cut clowly «a oar i blue jeans coat, the other 3 Little Rock. Mi eh ». shirt*, one half mats, and then had a »*i~tf. JCSST received 3* Bushel 1 of Dr. Jordan's <•*!© braird CoUoa Seed, aad for sale cheap, by A. J. BUTT. I. Little Rock. March Si, 11 w* Patrick** Sak Idkcftek Imtititr, » UTTLK MOCK. ABIiSIll. THIS eetabfcahrarat ■ BOW opened on Loumm tOeex far tie titmanon of fay papti*—asd u • expected after tome lone to Ufacd acerraMdabaa for boarders. The Caere? »f UtcttiM will TraSiai h. I*t The Primary, 24. The Merranble. and M rhr Claancai and PiuaKpfeeal Department* TERMS—Per quartet of twelve week*. pavabta a advance for the Primary Departments which i* tltAe Speitiec Rendu* ami Wrrtiaa SB 00 For tile Mercantile, waveh inclndea Arithmetic, Bellea Letlew. ElocoUm, f.eoer»p*r, Hwtorv ami Menattrauita $9 00. Pnc the Ciaamc aland P-...r»oj»ft,rai department, eh^h includes together woo what a me aboard a the Xeneaatii* cr.ufc ; the Latin. Greek. Preach ami Italian laaciufta ; the tcieace of Al eebra. Geometry, Tnsooomewy; with Mat dial as*! Experimental Philosophy Si 2 00. MUTTOII AID PtorKMOU. Rrr PATRICK REILLY. Barr. PATRICK BEHAN, Raw PATRICK MARTIN, Little Rock. March IS. 1*82. 2S-U w. A LARGE and beautiful ■urtant of SPRING CLOTHING, aeceived per Phillip Penn v wit, tad for tale by JOHN D ADAMS. March 24. jp—if. dee. GPnr^Jne Calf Short; ** *‘ ■* Gaiter*; " Ladies Shoes aranrted; “ Saai aad eaddrena Shoe* assorted Case Bay* K->Br**iw. '• Berta. Ac., Ac.. Ac. Received per PWUia P»»aywA, tad for rale b] JOHN D. ADAMS. 4 2 12 • 1 1 March 24. ‘JA—tf. C. Ut ARMSTRONG, LAWRASON A CO SMiaiMlsa lig Ha/if rfur fted NBWOMLEAXS. Maiek », ISSt. 3*—ly 20 Perce* latest styes Barths. Ml “ printed Nashua, late style Silk*, assorted Calicoes. 1 - 90S ** » “ 20 “ G 20 Reown Lnhew. Drautic. 2 Baiea S-4, 1-4, A 4-4, Rrowa A Mcli* 4-4, 4 4, 10-4 aad 12 4, Stows aad Nek' Sheet - aft -1 pataca tt-4 Lmea dheeuat 22 “ tnaa Lana. Gknea. Cravat*. Pocket Handkerchief 1.1 Apron Choc ha. Oanahetm, Vratrrlira. Pa Ac., Ac-. Ac. *«d per P. rtwftA and foe eafo C*aa for CneA ratp by JOHN D. ADAMS. Match a, 1841. —* Vrtnmt Ketrhup SToT”1 » t* 2ft - 1* __ 7* k**« fee*k CtMftkMB; tft hem etaee M.lMlhnu 7WftTft*wntaMnlnyMrirfc» thm mar ****** ■*» tWfcwrt mm* wrfi he. *»<1 *»* 1*» MOO» HAWKIN'.. Jferell It, 1MI. 27—tt Qmci ■ t af Marl Listenin'* Apr.! ». [Mi Waal af L. It t U—tf LABAN M. STROUD WILL atartp* is tk« Coatee af Mrwton er. Mattes, mi Camul RTVfCl-*e* CTOo4*- C***. Canal! r« VrU. Aptri “ * B’J 1 haar joat anti now »hm*S«pp» Ftsc Floor; * “ Whiskey: < Taksaaa; * “ ■*» Whiskey: u *n«s Aa»M T»h« Ifl «* ■ ** Casdy; 1 hm! KagUA Filberts, w " A* ^ M. TtVTi Apnl T, 1«1—»[l^f " La adis* t^'T *BB*° WOMBI, ■Ba fat cask, by », tMi *j»wo raw two Tm. far Mir cheap, D. AXlAM-v wtli ha I fiHB •• *7 Mt|| ir Libia Rack. Fak. »#, »*—« • it*. miTR un k J C ST r»*»i»#a ha tka i SB Tana at Him 4 Boa rah 1 Bag at Al t “ “ I So. 'i. t» MM Oyaataa*. • Bosa* ToSaero. I UagttiaaOa Sunt. I Do* Basket A 5 - I - I. Ta.v r i. BS-'f. A !LJrK noma, Amt ..n v,-,™ ■-»? *TfrwS™fIv > wak -__> For I. D. ADAMS. •t *ke saasahsst Lasttin^ » £> *««■**. f«««**aa pat Phillip Fossywa. »,„i ■*» JOHJI D. ADAMS. Lssdtsg. V» aa»a at I-ittia tank, at ’Matty. that ha aiil apaa ha twtiaat fa *a akaaa aaaoaMttakaM-ut >n *•*•*•7 tea ia 4*7 at Nsfa. a Ik. IZ* Ho,.! ► tar yawag Lafaea. Hha aa<t M..w, «»< uf eat Maek Al. lt»t. ■ ■« T ■ I' k*E O MMiMtfw r* ml ■••Mi Otli, .uml r*. wtet* MCNDEK k CO FROST Jt CO., HATH, CAPS, 4tC. PALM LEAF, MXXKA* AMO CAJtfBACH Y Mats, M. “ J <*«■" ' ■ •» trr™, ««t IAhmm at Im TmA Mi •r—fi, >rf tk