OCR Interpretation

Arkansas democratic banner. [volume] (Little Rock [Ark.]) 1851-1852, May 20, 1851, Image 4

Image and text provided by Arkansas State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82007020/1851-05-20/ed-1/seq-4/

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Tnm the let of April to
M October, 1851, lb* Mb*
■arlbcr illlmi
daily um or STAGE*
From Little R-*k I* Hot Spring*. f*clh* m
bi M of the trawling
To loare *r*ry mb**?. (****p» 8*adaya, »«*•
tha United Blau* Mall.
in rou* hoim porr coaches,
•t 5 o’clock. A. M„ ami Ctrl** al Hot 8pri.fi, aaaee
da y, at 8 P. M.
Four Hora* Pm* Concha*. will loar* Lltila Roc*,
arary loterraalag day, at lb* anmo hour la ll>
morning, and amnat Hal ttpriap next day, a: t
la tha areal og.
FAKE: By e«h*r Ltoa, g*-F-ma Ba^u* '■ Proportion
The aubacribar la tha contractor for Iha eanrey
aaea of Ilia Uullad State* Malta #a (ho roulao lr*j
Liula Hock to Fori 8»Hb. aad front Utile Reek i
Washington. In Hempstead **aaty. ala Hal 8priag
—la Poat Coocbaa, tbraa tlatoa a weak
ST Both thaaa raaloa istaraaet with the Steam
boot United Sum* Mail Uaa from MaatpbU to Ut
tie Rock. _
tr »»«. oo. «<»• -“SlfT^oE*.
Fab. 11. **—1 y
Received ,
Pontiac, tha
10<> bleached
10 half BMa.
New Orleans.
PhD I Ip Pea ay wit aad
'lay gaoda, U-wlt:
Salt |
__ ~~ 5 1 BM. Rhs* i
3488 Ibe.Sweod Iran ; 40 lb*, do. Plow Mould*;
So Steal Mills, aMertad atsea ;
4 Domb Or*** Bod Cord*; t Call* do Rope;
2 Coils Cotton Rapa;
10 Bright Ox Chain* ;
2 Dot. water-proof Rill* Locks;
9 do. Palm Loaf HaU;
19 do. Wabator'* Spoiler*;
100 aeto Caps aad Saacata ;
100 do. Edged Plate* ;
2 Dos. Hon* Collar*;
3 do. B. B. B. Hate;
48 pair Mea’s thick Boat*;
XIO Bbla. Prim* Bagar. For ml. Jjj^
Fob. 10. 1851. Main Street.
State Scrip.
A**"9" mIcuwvT1'
Little Rock. Fob. 11. 18)1.
5BBL8. Old Bourbon Whlokojr ; 2 Bbla Old
Monoagahela Wbiaaey ; 20 Bbla Prim* OUI
Whiskey; 20 half do. do.
4 Bbla. Froach Brandy ;
2 Casks Old Cognac Brandy;
2 do. Madeira Win* ;
2 Cask* Mnacot Wloo;
2 do. Malaga do.
1 Hf. Bbl Cherry Bounce;
IBM. Ola. Kacetrrd per True
to*, cad for **l*by JOHN D. ADAMS.
Fob. ll|185jj. Stoambont Uading.
rr cr Sock* Salt; IS Sack* Coffso; 15 Bbla. Sugar
/ O I Bbl Powdered sugar ; 1« Bbl# and hal
Bbla. MolaaaM ; 1 Tlorco Rhs* Ralston, Cheese
Vermlcilll, Macaraal, Sweat Chocolate. Lobsters.
Sardine*, Brimstone, Cigar*. Spaaieh Brown, Rot
too Stone, Whitlag. Brlatol,Brick, Emery, Lamp
Stick* 4tc , d«s. Rocelred per Pontiac, and for
sale by
Feb. 11, 1851.
Steamboat Leading.
generjll grocers.
No. *», Hew Levee, H Orleans;
HAVE constantly on hand • general ami well
selected aesertmenl of Staple and Fancy
Groceries, ft** Liyweri sad Winet, Prttittont,
£tc, JUe
la addition to tba arllclas nawlly fonod In a
Grocer's Stock, they keep a supply af Nails. Glass.
Drugs, and Dyes. Letter aad Cap Paper, Playing
Cards, 4tc. 4*.
Their »im will be to sell good abd Ireeh articles,
and always at FAIR M*i HKh.T PHICSS- I heir
facilities for beyli Ajawilli their eapcrieuce in the
Arkansas trade, auTiheir knowledge of the wants
of that section, they think will enable them at all
times to All, satisfactorily, such orders as they may
be favored with.
Jan. 1. 1851. 1-y.
Plows, Plows.
Received per Santa
and Dora, tho lollos
75 Cast sod wrought one
two horse Plows.
30 Ksgs and quarter koga powder.
20 Sacks Rio Coffee.
5 Bbls. Molasees.
4 Dozen ColHa*n Area.
For sale by A. J. HUTT,
Mala street
Feb 4, 1951. »—tf.
Groceries! Groceries!:
JUS I' received direct from Cincinnati. per Steam
er Hamburg:
5 Bbls Uriad‘Applet,
2 “ Beaae,
6 keg« Pig* feet,
4 Buie* Soap4
10 •• Slat Ceedlee,
1 j' hbl B**f touguee,
lo krgi Goabea BuUer,
1 Bbl Salerat
4 Bbls Vinegar,
100 I gal. Jug*.
50 “ do.
2 bbi* Lard Oil,
10 “ Whiakay,
in if Bbla do.
25 Bbls Floor,
20 •• Onion*,
20 •* Potato**,
A nd for aal* cheap by
Jan. 20, 1851. 20-tf
Main $tnett.
FLOUR loo Bbi* Ohio extra lupcrbae,
Buckwheat, 90 Bag*,
Cbeoae—20 Beaee,
Lard Oil-2 Bbi*,
Gla**—10 Base* I* by 19.
Hama—5 cask* extra Mger cured.
Lard—5 > keg* No 1,
Nail*—25 keg*.
Beef—2 bbia dried.
Rac’d par “Bamberg,** and for aal* by
Jan. 20. 1851. 9tM?- WM. B. WAIT,
undries from Cincinnati.
RECEIVED per Bteamar Treat**, the folio**
fng good*, to-wit:
10ti0 pouudr Cotta* Yarn;
6 Dozen Corn Broom*;
6 Bundle* HeraeBhoe Irou ;
10 piece* Ax* Bar Iron;
47J8 lb*. Fiat and Square Bar Iron ;
50 Plow Mould*,
25 Large Waah Kettle* ;
8 Boxes Tobacco ;
» Large Waah Pot* ;
IOI4%a ~
KUlba Dog Iron*;
1 Bex Uatch Madder ;
1 Bbi. Copper**;
90 Bear* 10X12 Win
dow Glam t d Box** Glam-war* ; 1 Bbi Cloear
8aad ; 25 Bag* Shat. *50 lb*. Bar Lmd F.r ml.
by A. J- HU 1 1,
Fab. 10, 1851. Main Street.
JUST received par atenamr Phillip Penny wit—
30 box** ornng*#;
5 do. lemon.; „
F#r nI« ehMp W. TANTI.
Fd4. 24. 25*if.
Early Palal'
QNE hundred brmbel* jam reeairad par
Umpire, Ne. «,’* and far ml* by
Little Rock. Fab. 18, >851. 14—tf.
gtUGAR, W Hbd*
Man, H
BUKUH la aalklpallaaef the opening of the F.ast
,rn Division of the Pennsylvania Canal, ear on awl
after th TWENTIETH of FEBRUARY, at Um
following rates, tits
Far. lot Claaa Dry Goods. HfaU, Boola and Sh-ee,
Drug*, Book*,Stationery, lie .at SI |»»r ItXMla
For 3d Class-Hardware, Qaeenswaro. Groceries,
Paint lid Dyestuffs, OiK fee , at M cla. pr 100
For 3d Claaa—CofTro. Loaf Tobacco Iron, Gaano,
Bacon. Boof, Pork, It*, at 6o cu par 100 lbs
For 4tlt Claaa -Tar, Pitch, Raalo. Aahaa, Marble
PI* Lon. Bilcka, A*, at 5t» cU par 100 lbs
Fralfht A (cut. Peon Railroad Co.
No 374 A. 276 Market Street. Philo.
N. B—Goods going' Knot by oar Road ahead b<
consigned to McFADEA St COVODE.
pknnsylvani x railroad COMPANY.
PHI A aud PI TTSBUBGH, Leave Pliiladrlplii,
Daily at 9 A. M.. and at HUa P. M. Uave Pills
burgh Daily at 9 A. M , and 5 P. M,
A. HENDERSON, Paaroog«r Agent.
Capital S to c k mn d Yearlg P rtmiumi
AS Agent for that old, well known, and highl]
respectable Institution. I am prepared at si
limes to issue policies of Insurance against loss ant
damage by fire, upon the moat favorable terras.
ArkantuiM River racket.
D. S. JAMES, Busier.
WILL continue to run as o
regular packet. kel*»*n Na
poleon aud Fort Gibnou. Phia boat
ia aa light, If not of a lighter draught, than anj
other boat on the river. Peeeengero and shipper
may rely ou her punctually performing her tripe
aud at aa low ralea aa eny other boat iu the trad*
Feb. 14, 1831. 2t-lf.
THE subscriber, ogent for H. Haberman, wil
continue the former’s business at his old <tarv
on Main, near Markham street, and keep eon
stantly on hand a full and well assorted stock o
Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hardware
Castings, Ac., Ac., all of which will lie sold lor
for cash. The highest market prices will be pan
for country produce, aa beef hides.P^*1™:*’*^*
&C# JOHN tklt.'a DU,
Little Rock. March 28, 18*1. JO—tf.
Iron and Casting*.
4 AAA Uhn. Bar Iron,assorted ;
4 Bundle. Nail Rods;
6 Buudlea Extra Horne Shoe;
100 pieces Plow Wing. ; 7u sAillet* audlida;
36 Ovens and bda; 13 assert-d Eugli.h P-ts;
15 Sugar Kettles; 12 Grid Irons: 30 odd lids.
Reooived p«r Trustee, ind for sat# by
>'eb. 11. Steamboat Landing.
Cincinnati Good*'.
OA K»5* F"*l> Buckwheat Flour ; 300 pound
£\J Bologna Sausages ; 1 bbl; Hoininey; 1 Ltd
White Beans!
20 Boxes Star Candles;
10 Boxes Tallow do.
2 Bbla. Lard OM;
1 Bbl. Salaratos;
300 Jugs; 15 Demijohns, 15 Iron Bound Kegs.
Received per Trustee, and for sole by
Feb. 11, 1851. Steamboat Lauding.
Star Candle» SFc,
*)AA Lb». SUr Candies ; 35 B*ga Buckwhea
tJ\*U Flour; B Bid. While Beaus; 4»0 Lbs
Castings- Ju»t received per Poutiec. end for aal<
Feb. 11, 1851.
100,000 lbs.
m ew woo a ,
within the last month, that have been pur
charted by Inin, on belter terms than any stock hith
erto, and as well selected, which he will dtspn-e c
at such rales as shall induce customers lo puichasi
more liberally than before—the truth of which mat
be tested by all neisons who will taser him with ■
call and examination, al hn New Cash Stores o'
Main and Markham slreels. Little Rock, where the]
will find, at all times, a lull assortment of all article
belonging lo (he lollowing brandies of merchandise
Dry Oocde, Boots and Short,
Groceries, Hah and Cop*.
Crockery. ih uyi and Medicines,
Hordu-art. 1‘mnts and OUt,
Tinware, Clothing,
Furniture, Flour,
Stnnewai f, Whiskey and aU
Iron and Mailt, other Liquors,
Stoors and Castings, Bacon,
Colton Yarn,
Sole and Upper Leather, and ait olltei at tides eve
found in a
General Variety Store.
Therelore, he would respectfully intite all p-r
sons that visit Lilli* Ko. k. to give him a call, tha
he may give them a cordial reception, and arqu:
himself, as lar as may be in his power, ol the abov
broad assertions.
His nnpiecedented success (having.ro far, * sir
passed his most sanguine anticipations) place. h:a
under very great obligation, to all his costumer!
and he would hereby render most hesrty thanks h
one and all for past tavors, and kindly (ask a contin
uance of the same.
His preterit facilities for business enables him h
sell more goods than he can possibly grt into hi
house, but hopes, in future, to be able lr> supply al
demand*, as he is about lojestsblirh a Wholeanli
House at NJPQLKON, by which means an;
quantity of goods will be delivered at L’ltle Hock
i* all tunes, as cheap as they can be purchased i
New Orleans or Cincinnati, with exception ol Ireigh
and expenses.
In twenty days fiom this dste, as near as may be
he will return from Cinrinnati, with about right'
tons ol Whiskey, Flow, and such article * as call b
pnrehased, the cheapest in Ihat city.
; Just received, per steamer Citizen, ninety bbli
Wht«k»y, and twenty Cheese, which is going ol
| like hot cskes. W. MITCHFLL.
Lillie Bock, Dee. 21 el, 185a. lfi-lSw.
lb do
36 Hall'* coat
For sale. by
Jan 7
lllackMtiilh'N Tool**.
4 3d and "JS inch Bellow*; 4 Mm»t Hole Anvil?
4 Colter1* Key Vice*; 4 »rt« Hammer?:
Received anti for sale, by J. D ADAMS,
Jan. 31, IS51. Steam boat Landing.
.Hew Uncoil.
5T HMDS, clear Sidaa, received and for aale, by
O Jan 27. WM «. WAIT.
Lanitrrr’s Sectional lap of Arkansan.
A FEW copieaol Ihe above Map—the only com
plrte and coriert one ever published—for rah
at ib« Oazrlit and Democrat olhee—price $5, or
roller*, and handsomely varnished and colored.
Jan. 7.1831. 18^
Bagging. Rope and Twine.
RECEIVED September 1st I850,lrom Louiavillr
1 JOd yard* Colton Bagging;
3,060 Pound* Bale Hope ;
50 Twine, for sal* low by
A. J. HUTT, Main Street.
Buck Wheat Flour.
Sack* Fras* Back Wheat Floor, iuai re
eelvedby FATHERLY fc LEM ENTS.
Flour! Flour!
T> ECEIVED Oil* day by wanna, Twenty Bbls.
JVBwaaHIa* Flaar, far *nla rerCaakai_
Little Rorlc, Atk **»•»*«
THIS Institution, und-i the especial patronage
ol Right Reverend D>. Bv»nc, i» new open lor
the reception of boarder*. Situated in a ret reil part
of the city of Little Rock, It possesses every advan
tage which ran contribute *o the health and liappi
; ness ol the Pupil*. The additions now tnin« made
to the already *p»ciou* building*—tng'lh*i with it*
extensive and beautiful ground*, will render it one
of lire moat commodious and delight I ul institution*
of fh« West.
„ The Stholattic year commence* the fii*t Monday
i in September—the annual vacation the 151k July,
j pupils received at any lime, but not lor a "hoitrr
j period than three month*, ami no deduction, it willt
i drawn before the expiration of the sessuu , except
I in ca*e of pro ranted *tckne.*
! 'Che course nl •*udie« embrace* all Ihe tuanehe*
| usually I aught in liie best be hoof* lor V-u i l-adie-.
The mo*! constant attenli: n will !,e pa.i! to'li- mnr
| <1 at well aa In the mental education ol the ; upil
O iling the houra of recreation ti e trunt la lie*
1 are always tindr i the careol oneot the teacher*—in
j short, everything promoting the welfairol the pupils
' will be an object of Ihe most coitacimliotii atleidion.
Each young lady mutt be piovided with a knife,
■ foik, *poon, gobble*, six table napkins, six change*
| of linen, woik and diesring box, combs, biu*h,
• towele, he., bur.
At Ihe end of each quarter the Poting l«.ly mo*t
: distinguished lor geneial gooil conduct and nmfi
ciency in studies will he re wauled by the hom-ary
1 drcoiatinu ol a medal, and evriy piopcr mean*
I employed to inspire a Uudebte emulation among*!
| Ihe ptipil*.
i Pupils ol everv r- ligioua denomination aie admit.
I ted into !he1iis!itotii*n' Anri no Imptoper inline c*.
ever naed to bias the teligious piinnplr* ol Ihe
young lailier—hut for the sake of order, alt boar...'.
aie required to conlorm to Ihe general legulatnm*
jofttie Academy.
All correspondence ol Ihe pupil", except that ol
parent*, will be subject to the Inspection id the
The parents or guardian* of the y*"tn. ladies are
required to depo*ile with the Pubcipal or some ie
I sponsible prison in the city a sum ot money sufficient
to meet all contingent expenses.
I The French depaitmenl will be un lei Ihe direc*
( (ion ol one who has lesideil seveial year* in J* tance,
and is lamiliar with Ihe Parisian accent.
in the musical department Ihe iMnripal will he
aided by Mr*. Olives, Ihe Organist id tbeCulhedial,
a lady well known to be eminently qualified to tin
part’ll thorough practical knowledge ol ihe science.
I She vKjjJ al*o give private lessons ert (lie Piano or
I Organ t*lhn«e wishing to lake them
^ Term* for Hoarder* per Sessiou of 3 .'loath*:
Board and Tuition, in all the branche. peitainnii to
i a ihomugh English education.?-V> *><•
I Wasting, u*e id bed and bedilmg.15 01
Extrn Charges. .
Music—Piano, with use ol instrument./
quartelry,. $12 DO
Guitar,,. .*.I »"
Organ. 12 <><»
Use o' Organ. 2 tl(l
Drawing and Painting. *» Oil
French. •> DO
Physician’* Ires per annum. . 3 00
Vocal Musib to those not taking instnnnen I
tat, quarterly.> J
Tarim for Day Scholars per Hnnrter.
Elementary class,..., .$3 tin
For ll,e more advanced.3 du
Plain and Ornamental Needle Work. Einbrnidi ry,
Bead and I.ace work, Knitting and Netting Flow
eis. w ill be taught tree id charge—the pupils lur
nisliing the materials.
Do .rders pay the current expenses semi annually
in advance. Day scholars quarterly.
There will be an extra charge ol gl3 l)U for those
spending the annual vacation at the Institution.
For further particulars, apply by let'er or person
ally to Mias Victor, Principal ol the Institute.
K EFF.il E N C E S :
Right Rev Dr. Bra-sr., )
Hon. S. O. Roa.sk,
«er ® H. Hempstead, ) W/fc Rocl
Col. 1.. J. Rnslums, )
Jons Hiows, Esq., -
D. W. Carroll, Esq.
Rev. J. Mot aghast.
Rev. J. Flasaoss,
J. Dtmtm, Esq.,
N" Dkvereacx. E*q ,
James S. Conway. E q. j
Judge Hanlt, Ilelenu
Judge Meant, Columbia.
Agent for the Institution, HUGH BROGAN.
July 16. 1850 — 7 - 43— ly.
X. OrUans.
n lin i'iias i wm i ri;
The regular course ol Lectures in this Institute
i ! us ill commence on the 1st ol November, an I con
i tinue until the last of February, The Anatomical
Department will be opened ami ready to receive
• students by the 1st ol October. The Medical f)J
. par t merit will be under the direction ol the following
J. Conquest Cross, M.l) , Professor oT the In
stitute* of Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence.
\V. Brnn Powell, M.D., Professor ol Cerebral
Physiology, Medical Geology andjMineraloey.
R. S Newton, M D . Professor ol t'lao :y
H J. Hrr.cr, M.D., Professor of Themy ai
Piactice of Medicine.
J. A- Wilson, M l) , Professor of Ohsteterie.
and Diseases ol Women sii't Children
J. King. M D , Professor of Mderir Medio,
and I herapeutics.
Freeman, M D., Pioles«ol of Anslon,} .
J. Milton Sanoes.s, A M., .M.l)., Piolessor o
Cliemislry ami Phaituacy.
Clinique Lecturers:
' Medicine—Prof H. J. Hour.
!, Surgery—Prof. R. S. Newton.
Anatomical Demonstrator— Fmek.m in, M D.
The fees lor a full course ol lectures amount h,
1 #103. M»r!iciilator», #5. Demonstrator's Fee, $10.
' Graduation,
‘ Those desiring further information will please
; address their letters (post paid) to the Dean ; and
students arriving in the city will please call on him
’ at the Commercial Hotel.
R S. NEWTON, M D , Dean of lit Faculty.
Hon E. W. M. King, Professor o! I henry and
Practice of Law.
1 Hon. V. D. Harry, Professor of'Con.met i ,1 Jn
Terms— $of> per session.
, All co in mimic a i *ns pertaining to this d s-i linent
inn-t be addressed to E W. M. KING F-q.
’ Memphis, Tenn., July, ISio.
The Faculties, for irdellectnal ebi'ities, rnersl
I worth and professional acquirements, »i I rou p .r
favorably with ti e most distinguished in our coun
try. The medical faculty constitutes an anomaly
in this or any other fount's —all of their, n:c .> c!li
ters and the best teachers.
Th»*e who will contemplate ourgeograph.e-I po
sition, and the extent of our population, , .n l.rve
no doubt as to the eligibility of our sduat <-n tor an
enterprise of the kind. As lo health, melt, Tg li
' seasons of the year, we deli) that any othti lily has
A common error ex'sts in the mindset in.ii v stu
dents relative to the place pf studying medic m ;
those who intend practicing among the di«e...,,j
(tie West anil bo Ih soon l c- rtainly educaV tt
selves at a schor l wlm-e Faculty a»e practically sc
quaintrd wi'li tfe »e diseases.
That the public may be satisfied of the perma
nency ol this school, we feel it our duty to state that
the I ruslees and Faculty lorm a unit in r i n,
, which argues well lor Its lutrire sue-', a- ; r. ,d rh;rl
the pecutHM internal o*iani*«tion which > nn, cts
them cannot be ml* erupted.
E. W M KING, President oj Ih, X, nt/Jns / , I.
Sngnr anti <’offVt\
CA Bile# be-t Rio CoHVe
. *_/l f 4 lihiia. Prir.s rro-'it r-ugsr, in store and
for sale by T, D. MERRICK At CO.
Nov. 5* 1S50.-8—9-tf
Partridge BooIn,
4 CASES Stout Calf Boots, 2 Cases Waterproof
Booola, just received mid for sale by
Tea*, Tea*, Ten*.
1 Chest Best Imperial Tea,
1 do do Young Hyson do
1 do do Black Tea, FM-c ’
Receive par last arrivals aud foi
sale cheap by ;* >.
Doc. 17. I8S0.
Regular Arkansas River Packet,
Fu« riNr m.rfr. v.rm.r. *nc*. va« bgkrn,
And all intermediate Dnudi»s«.
Tbr Staonrh ond Irrv Liiht Driacbt
resume her regular Dip* f«r the season,
> V wi
. . jjth (lie find sufficient rise of wafer, from
New Orica tie to the above landing*.
I_r btrlet attention w ill be paid to Plantation
business, and order* promptly attended to.
,M GREEN WOOD & < ft.. Agents
N. Oil ana. Oct. 31, |dj". 0<; Cr iwtr Strut
tt— 11 — If.
nKiilHi! AUK INS IS HiUft fiihKT.
for Pine Blurt, t,title H»cl;» Vitn Btircn.
Port smith, Port Gibson, and nil ltilt-r
mcdinle 1- riding*.
rpifE staunch and light- ‘.aught . ff
1 steamer '■‘/■■'.'ft
JOHN BOX. Mas rr. will run, during ih- ensuing
■ea.oii, a» a regular Pat ket from New Orleans, to
' the above landings. 3‘ri-t attention will he paid
’ f*. plantation business, at ! ad ( t.leis pr »tnj "y at
"l.iltl /.’orA Jan. 3. ISM I”1 If.
nn,?SH DIUIIia iv Hiiuiu iK
t jt|[g subscriber is constantly recei*
_Ting, from New York, a genuine
assortment of PfUfiS, Medicines, Vhemi■
enli, Pcrfnmrry,, Paints. OHi, Pyt
_ Staffs, Iff , tfc. Also — Pu'ent Medi
cine*: among which are, Or. Taylor’* Balsam of
Liverwort; taynes’ Expectorant; Indian Panacea;
Dailey’s Pain Extractor; Hays’ and Hev.es" Lin -
incut; I.inn’s Strengthening Plaster; Komstock’s
Vermifuge; Moffatl’* Phoenix Billers and \ egeta
l,!e Life Pills; Baitholomew's Expcctoiant; Sphon's
Medicines; Oldridge'* Balm of Columbia for the
Hair; Welsh's Medicaineutum.
All of which \\ ill he, sold low forcash
K. L. DODGE, Markham st.
Unit Ro-k. 1843. 17—tf
i:\COlRAliE II (HIE I Mil ST It V '!!
Boot and shoe Manufactory.
tpHE undersigned, having opened a Boot and
JL eh. - shop in tile two story brick hou«* on the
east side of East Main street, between Mark.tin and
Elm «tr*-ts, intends carrying on the above business
III uli its brunches. He use* none but the best ma
terial*, and employs none but the very best work
men. an.l gentlemen favoring him witli their custom
inav relv on having ttrr.r work done in Die
Neatest and most Pasliiouable Style.
By strict attention to his business, and piomptly
tilling nd orders to Die satisfaction of his custom
ers, he hopes lo i erit and receive a liberal patron
age from the Citizens of Little Rock and vicinity.
Terms t ash on delivrv
Little Rock, June II. 1*5D.— 7—30 tfj
Ttu.ir, Dallas Coovrv, Assansas.
MsVMk. a im; la- M" o
John 3. Garvin, l'resi- I Weldon I". Wright. M I.)
dent, Prof, of Coite j Prof, oI Nat .Science.
Mrs M. Cook.Govern. I Maj B. I Harden Prof of
and instructress. j Ft’ics and Bel e Letters
beuor F. Garcia, Prof, of Music utiti Mod. Lang
Collegiule Department. (Auc. or Modern Langua
ges.).-.£.» 00
Collegiate Department, English Course.J (Mi
Academic Department. 3 0(1
Primary Department.2 00
Ornamental Department, (Painting aud
Drawing.) . - CO
Musical Department,,Voral an,I Instrumental,:! bo
Boarding, including washing, fuel, lights Slc. 10 00
Academic year embraces one session of ten
months, commencing the 1st Monday in August
and closing llie last Thursday in June
Tuitiou and Board must be paid cne-hetf in
advance, the remainder at Hie close of the session
No deduction will be made from the rates of Tui
tiou except in cases of sickness.
Examinations.*** 1 here will beau annual ex
amination before a Hoar,; of Visitors at the close of
eachTerm; und quarterly examinations before the
Hoard oi Guardians.
Diplomas will be given, on the recommends
lion of liie Hoard of \ tstiors. to the graduates ol
the Seminary, and certificates of Scholarship, to
those yviio have taken a partial course.
Discipline and 1‘olice w ill be mini but firm;
being rather one of moral restraint, than pun
isliment Quarterly leporls ofcoiniuct’aud >c olar
slnp will be transmitted to parents or guardians.
Course of Instruction is uiviii.-d into ttiree
Departments : Primary. Acad nnic and God.-_i*te.
Music.**»H is believed that no l.istitution in
iim Soil'll west offer* equal .udvaulag a lo perf cl
ils Pupil* ju thiselegant accomplir hitien'.. S nor
Garcia, the accomplished head ol this Department
lias taugl t with distinction iu Washington City
and Virginia, aud is not only « most skillful per
former. but the b-st ItMtrUt login tba Art, that we
have ever seen
Needle \Vorl;---l‘!nirt and fancy. —No
extra charge will lie made iu this Department, liie
pupils furnishing Dio materials. I he products
a ill be disposed ol at au annual Fair and the pro
ceed* placed in the Library Fund.
Lectures and l"i»a»posiUoM.***L-dure* will
L* delivered regular!, by the heads of D pwrtmeul*
to their r spccti'. Glasses, turd Coinpi siliona % ili
i,e required ever-, two we. k* during t.i course,
from the members of liie Academic and Collegiate
D portment*.
Vacation.**-Tbeie will be a vacation of one
week the lust of December, aud one of two mouths
at the close of the ■'‘.avion
By order if the Board of Guardians.
8— ft -If
(Irnn. White. family Lard.
RLCKIYEP, thi ai>«1 loi #*ti . ahulv-ai'
• and
5 M.U S <»M White Lard,
2> CM»rk# *' “
Knquire of A. J. Ht’TT, Mui*i $t.
Sept. 6, iSiti 1
i*ota«oe» and Onion*.
RECF.IVED per .reamer Hamburg, ami for sale
2it bbis Irish Pot..ties,
lo •• Onions,
Jon 2 i, lr-,'.:', 2'i-if. J.VO 1) ADAMS
1 JAUS Vi »h V >.
1 * / <> K- n* Pt<» F- i.
8 Boxes h -in!, lairy Ck»w,
2 bins »! :'f is- ■■
2 bbl« .. i i **l A j' I *,
•> •• .r
li ; 11. Oi.tt.; *, I bbl. winter |«t • I l.ti •
Oii.j.ii! rec-n i i .imi f « «abt bv
Dei ' lib. ; 17, I -' 0
llUtil! .Hill*:! Miftfaill!
;*7 Si-vI At nl», am rl>*<i six''..
2d 12 Soper i.;n. ,1 Fiddle*, for sale low by
No*. 2h, I* It. A. J Hi 1 V.
IIaim! lint**!! Halm!!!
CWi FtffthiuiMiU^ '■ »»*' Hitt; d L>o* i> do?
/W 3 l)v>z Cioiil Lap*. tieC'ivoi ner Louhoc aim
for sale by J 0 H N D. A l) A M J?,
Feb. II, I*”*>I» MiJiinboai Lauoiug
.tf«L.ixv/'s av.
J UST Received per I’hillip Pennywil,
A Bbl>. Mola.ee* ; 6 half do.; I Ca.k Hies, and
for sale by
Feb. 11.
N O A 1 PLOW P01N rs —A .apply recei
perSleanier Woodsmen, bv WM B. WA
J ulv 9, ISM
IPrieri tipples anri Peaches.
I XFA BUSHELS Apple* »ml Peache*; ju.t re
i 1 * ceived, per jteamer St. Fraud., ami for
i sale by P. BENDER A. CO.
- /»6. 19, 1931.
little nor* rarmi un siithery.
ffoMirll llffbf
Iirorr.l) trwpeetfwlly call the attention of tin
VY public to th • a have winch
hna recently MMiicrpnHc » thorongh repair,ami. Its*
tog the nece**.iry f-rcnitie*, h« now fully prep«f-d
to lartil^h to ord-r. with great promptness. every
nriJeie in I Hot line of either wrvnght or .cart lr«»,
Hraaa or Copper. cf »* good material, proportion*,
and workm*o*hlp, end upon a* cheap term*, a* any
olit'r Foundry in thro country. Millright* and
other*, ordering wheel*, will he td*»*<»d to give the
! No. of cog* and pitch, a!*o the particular *iac and
tliape of Ihe oye, wanted in each wheel. The di
ante ter of a w heel, when ca*t. will he '* cf an iueh
per foot |e«*—the name with length of a shaft —
Order* *honld nloo la- accompanied with a diaught
and full description of what if wanted, and Ihe
' l,idle Rock. Dec KV |a,W.- M-tf
LatTslrrr'K s rliuiiul »np of lrk«iu*x.
f T111K aV-ve .| let. :id Map •» now ht<i»herl and
1 icady It r eltvriv. It delineate* Ihe whole
stale *' laid oil hv de l’.h. Deputy Snisejoi*.—
Kverv Secltou and It.idiot,a! aectidi t* shown, se
that a fart# «cir trad tan he teaiiily lutind upon tt
Ih* Ami position <1 all tl-e County Seat*. Port
office*, Salute Spring*, Sr in‘nary Lend*, and Ihe
tirh n i l lei'tie land* *• l-i le-l t»v ihe State cut of the
.■>00,000acre,'onatton grant ate all accurately >110*11.
The I, ad Mittcaat.il othei mineral Inf o'ton* are
acted, as Vtrll a« all the old confirmed. Spanish *ur
tevr; with the latest alteration* in the County line*.
The wliol, Map containing a* gieat an amount q(
! valuable it loimation as ran he wund on any State
Map extant.
H i* put up oft rotter*, elegantly colored ami var
nished Piter f.l 00 Ms., in convenient pocket
form, puce $1100. I pocket Map* can he *ent
to any part of the State by mail. Postage .. cent*
For rale a' the hookrtme > t
L K. LINCOLN. J.ililf Ri1'.
April ft, lS.Vh 3*tf
M\I> IK*
“A Bbi*. Sunn tin* I' tn : fid Boars S-»r C in
O'/ dies ; IK Btfls. Clear Polk ; 2 Bt d*. l,in**ed
Oil; 2 B • Lard Otl; 4 l>; I. Powdered Sugar,
•2 I),’, Cm-tn! D ' . 2.'I !) Id* C'lt'on Yam; S.lMItl
l.hs. II.! |u ; 23 Keg- Pure v\ ' I'e Lead
n.IUltn.INK. »V'‘ A • * t i»; Below t; Vice*;
Sere s Plates; Hand at t So tgc fl tinnier.; Mortice
and Rim I. ■ !.*. Mine • K ... h*; Fancy Plate,Cop*
boar.l at. ! IV. I Lock*; \xe«; At* and flaw Hatch*
,t«; 1 .a, • •; (Jiuhhtng Him*; I'urmng Chi*e|« and
Gouge* ; Fit- « at ! K • : 2 .sr.ll 4 fold Rule*; Rei
ter Copying p, e**es ; \V»t ‘ ght and Horse Nnils;
Sj it it lend* aid I’ittmh* ; Hand, Pan. 1 and Wood
Sa A* ; Sh u >■!-•. S| a 'e* and Mamtte F-.-k-; C'-p ••
Varnish, itc. Recent '• ■ *sl«
July Hi. WM. B WAIT.
.tetr Moods' .Yetv Moods!
^IHIK umj*r»igi»ed has* ju>t f**
j 1. ceiveti, uml is now ujienicg*
a large ami wo! I-wireVil •••»orl
ineut of Dry" Hoods. ( lolhing,
Hat*, Bools ana Shoes Hardware,
Queen*ware, aud every thing “*«•
j ally found in ft urea adapte<l to the
roil litr v trn i»* ;*hM if witirli be
o tiers ft»r salt*. C'h**a|» tor t’anii. or iu xchange for
Colton «»r Peit:ies. for which lh<* highest market
price will be givru. Country dealer* would do
well to give him a rail, and examine hi* stock be
fore purcbaali g elsewhere.
A .f IIL T r.
4 * orli Foundry.
CTOAL CK \TES, I Arkansas pattern.) for -de
j . r*i.: i ros it kll beeb>;
Dee. 3. IS30. n
Gl sm ui \>!! «.r \»!l!
JlJSi' KKCKIVKD, and for aide cheap for rush,
line Double ami Single barrelled hhot Gutia,
Hill s, flint and percussion gun Locks. tic.,he., at
ihe Gunsmith lollop, ou Main street, where nspair
ing is done up blue, by II. GRIFFITHS.
Novfi »—
((iKn ionarc and (<laM H art*.
JOHN D ADAMS, (at Lower Steamboat Larnt
•I ;ng| oilJ to ins friend* mil Ihe public, Ihe t»i
luwing carefully,selected (in the K»»t I »«uitnrnt
t*f (Jii-eiisware, itc., iVc., which he will sell very
53 <]’ z w l i e granite dinner and soup |>!i"te«,
Id •* T.-a Setts,
!• “ Twiilers,
5 “ VVhl e Granite Dish
•• Pitchers,
“ Baker*,
“ C'llf-es,
•• Bowls,
“ Pitchers,
0‘ *• Ewer* and B isiu*.
t “ White O'. B ush Tray* ar.il Soap boxes,
2 “ W G “an-e Tureens,
0 “ do Butters ar.d Drainers,
6 “ ih-- Pickles,
4 “ V» G sauce b »nd stands,
I •• W G Mu*..
2 *• C ('Tank M i**; do. porter mug*; do fancy;
.Misses’ Piates, Biker-", and Dishes,
2d “ edged Pia* *, edged Disties, Bakers,
I •• C <’ Nai>pe «,
B- •' I’ • «,
■i *• K« lio*. 1 a Puts, Snig ns *nJ Cream9,
4 11 white t i i Di-h<«.
3 ** wtide t.'mu i.C : p* t’1 >s;
4 “ W C Mustards; 4 uo 1* Uls"; I pr. Fruit
II i«ket •.
J j r \V C C lie.res, Kia.k*. (.!:«- Bowls,
iio. lYcher*, do. Salvers,
I ’* 0 ling Castors, M lasses Cans,
Id “ common Bawls,
4 I “ 1 iniblers, fluted and Common,
■i “ Goblets,
1 “ Champa.g «,
t •* Wines,
« “ S:l.r >i/,- /.urn-«; I do Lan'er* ; 2 Cu
Hall Lain ", i Solar ha ring Lamps,
1 •" Decanters,
i ■* Cup Pia'i", I! xira and white Chiu..
> ’ ".:i■; Geru. i’ V iga; Cut I |u . Vases; 3
t Id Dav Cl 'C» >.
Dee i 1050. 15 —
Peacock Plow*.
J[ ST r *< -ivr.j p«*r *V1 hU Boat'.—30 unr hor»«*
Peacock. I’. dA*: 10 do do Valley Plows; 10
iwtf Iioik# Peacock Flow*. Ap{»!y to
Feb. i?fc. l&Mi. A. J. HUTT.
1 “
t> ** “
2 *• M
23 Ss'Jts “
d tloi. “
STOVES.—12 No 3, “Iroj"’ Air-tight Stoves,
t, • 2. •• -
Keceivea and fertile by WM. B WAIT
BBl.S It EC ! IKIED WHISKEY, receive.!
ibis (!av |***r * Gen. BeuiC'ai.d lor sate by
Jai:. 21, 1851. Steam Hunt Landing.
Itrc'd per earner Hamburgh.
O BIIl.S Aie;
O 10 0(H) Ch'uju' l'lg»r»;
common *-.» Spaiii h do ;
10’.» bblr Cr*ckeri;
10 do .*>r«ndv;
2” <j.» >> !nakoy;
SO’* da do;
t?»> bid* F! otr;
5 uu Om, Kc.
Jan til. M. TAN'I I.
Hcceived per steamer liupire.
CASKS fu»U Oy»«r»;
do in fhell, (Ttry fiuo)
1 do <> auge*, flQfj
boxer Prune*
-0 u« fr»»li Rauiiu*, l*«t quftli*y;
0«w H C»^ .r* aborted,
i • r r«i c by M. TANTI.
J.'i -I, l: 1 0 20—
ON U»n<l slid for Kile. ^
1 bbl 4th pioof French Broody;
I •* Spanish •*
I *• Mulog* Wine;
1 •• Muscat •* (s choice article).
Doc 10, l'JO.— 14 tf l.uurer Landing.
4 FIRST rate article of Green and Bi.ck Teaa
il tor sal* at EATHEHLY It CLEM ENTS.
Angus!. 49
Partridge Boot*.
4 Cares Water Drool, just received ami foi solo
- k>b. * , 1851.
J. R. Jnn\wft\.
Ocl. 1.IHjt).
*• |. BRIKDKXR(R<;,
\Vr,*‘L purlifp in (hr counties > | P' ilip*. St
f T Fraori* and M innie, m the ht*1 J o'icil Cir
mil ; he roontie* ol Penh* ai ! Arlan***, in t .
Wi'iii) Judicial Ciirmi, ami tin c< n.'v ol
in ih» huh )n4iri*| Cirt Mil. aid null pnyjiiicia'
l*n*i <n In iKr fillofiii.i : a- * *r i c ,
Slain, an I will <l<n set a* njettl j, , • . , ,. . , ( | .
arwf Ar<*
K* <|. me in l,a* mi c,\ Mi n rue n A k*.
8»pl. 17, H*SO - - S — |y
SAni Kla Jlct l.\HYY,
A Homey nt Lnw HR 4 ''•olicilitr in c hit tier ry
P I N K n L l K K 8 .
JF.fTKRsay roiMY, MKa\?.1S.
Auj 2o ISjo 7-jo—lv
Jon\ r. thill,
M»y 81, INS®, -f‘_
UK.1K1 VI. Ul < TOBt.
mourn i rni v<iEi i.nR at wm
(Otttve nt nonton, Saline County,)
A\ PRACTICE in the Counties of Salim
T T Hot Spring*, ierrv, Montgomery, am iti
court* at Lillie Rock. Any Ml trine#* entrusted t
hi* care will receive prompt attention.
itlomry and fonntrllor at Law,
a vp sor.j ci to it i .v cii i ,v ci: r i
ATTORNEY .7 7’ LAir,
Arknnan* Post, Ark.,
" til practice Ilia profession in tli-- Second Jttdlc.
Circuit, and will attend to the collection ofh
and tin. investigation of land clt.ima : terv to
of A rkatisna.
K. T. 1)1 V A r,
Fort Smith, IrkaiMis
A 1 tom tv at La tv,
I,rrTt,K Rock, A bn.
.ioh \ n.
Attorn ky at Law.
Rfsidr.t in Lrwmiilr. lafayrtlc funntv. irk
VND will practice in llie court* of the 9th Ju<!
clul district. All bu&iuess confined So Ir* nim
nfieiTieiit. will rcecelvt-prompt imifaithf u' i' ten tin i
mflRKEY IT mv.
Little Rock, Am;ansas.
Mllle llork,
maSOly) Arkansas. [noli
.IOH* <il illi v
Oktick—Eldorado. Union county. Arkansas.
o F r l C E O N M AHKH A M S T Ii E K i
.1. n. ri:»i5i:iTN, ,
1 T T (l K X i; \ £ t o I \ N K L!. 0 II \ f L l \\
Fayetteville, Arkansas.
| li SO. C. WATKINS.
AS. M . C LA K A
U \5 KHS A ( I KKI V
i.M %s \. nnu n.
U* ILL ATI f Nl) tu the co <m.i. »u of debts i
auy part of timStnte, to buying tail w*lli»
iamls, paying taxes, retiveiiiiug land* forfeited ft
l.ixet, ike M" i.- amhci r/«u to sell Inn*!* motif,
for three or four thousand i;ood plantations, w-u c
cheap rates, fur curb.
To insuroatlenUow, contmttiiii itioiiR must b** pew
Little Rock, Jan. id, IH50. lh-|y
Arkansas Coffee House
(». *VTI S Hfe ‘4IOAI
r |^HK Propri -tor has on liauh ami is corwtuutl
A p'ceiviug, the following -
foreign imi domestic Mtj-iors;
Wiu»> ntni corui:»!« of i v ry description;
Knits, &e.
All ot which are for Jt \vho4t**»l* an I rei n
price* tVistins from tbo couuti ♦ w shuig to ,>ur
char*v wii! p!»*»yrcaii ».»<i see ons dock t.ctore pttr
chasing **U*w .* r ** l iuteud 4m »eii u» :oiv n- ;
hou«e in the citv
LiU e Km k. Jaa. 21, i-M. 2 : — ly
$>Th* Ark*d«?phU S^ntiud w l copy on»*
Hiii forward icco tul to the subscriber- >1 1 .
XAKBLi: 4'1'T ri.\<* !
Tomb . Monument', triii'• stoat-, At.
Ktitnisht-d to Order.
JOSEPH Cl. V HR. Stonf-Cuti.tr, . c-t N ■ ■
Oile*'-..) leave to into-ni I p nlii i . c
■ l.ittle R „U an * iti* i icimtv, Ilia! h“ ii i • m ,1
e-latili-litm lit c it W attr Street, ^ u ijaime, W itliat
Geut*e*s .tore,) it»r tt»e (turpuae cl ex.-rutm^ *
Until of MARBLE WORK, *i„.! t vti- ■ tin i1,'-,
I lull ol all wool in, an) thirti . ' i» «i. . Jr
in a nett n i »nrkiu»ii-tik« imni m, t * untie
rule pent. He mill keep on hand i st ,i * tf if
beat materia.1, an »- t< ► lv to e\ -fu'p ait tsotk *
hi> line At tine i'ioili-l notice.
I. : A .• > ! H# ' >•
f.^LOt’lR- 1 bbl* Ohl# aupert;
Jl Hw| do lltltietn eatra uti;
WHITE LEAD— 5'> ke,. pure,
iil'GAR 2 I,,. powdered;
C \S* I INUS—MWO IU UeluW ware;
IRON- 4000 IU m ted bar;
WINDOW OI. \SS—ii [tone; ;
candle*1— < o bo»e*««;
GRASS SEED—cl aver. lirootEy end blue
R-Ktel.i-d lief late arrival*, and for t.al« by
Dec 17 WM, M. WAIT.
JOHN D. ADAMS has on hart, a-,-' ■ > "v ! ,
ititndiimI(ulMtiei*,lotiilerNe 1" **• f
i in kifn, Haiiibut ir. i# bills. Sn^ar, Coffee. "•(■ice
IVpper, Ginger Nutmeg., Cto»< s, te. tint Mola
»e», Indigo an-l Madder, P-wd-r, Sl ot and Lead
Riee, he, hr
Alto—TEAS, pouch i s. Young H i son, Black
ai d a eery superior article ot •* Inifiertal **—togethei
with, Pr-aeived Currantf, G<- »eberries, Gag.*
Rl.euba.ih, trr., for feindjr use.
IU! 24, l#3« l*—
b^LOCR, 50 bbla. hallow” *»tr» auperfia
Received per •'K^ebal.^e,,■ end for eeie by
March U M -tf
1-11 I LE RUCK HU.ir m i
Bfjr-iiDs and farlrlmi r r >on« • „
> fplIE (4 If-1* >,« ;*a,, ,
J ilH- *h ft) V.t. ...n
Mj.nc* ftl th* i» rr,. • , , t,,.
TM» liTHtri il r r .i-l-i y ,
MIm« tt (XU), wih 7
«ft' THi'v (. r (ii.pntit * >h. *• •
V . tlCifH/l-l. r *#*- *i[;.W.!|f *
q*ut<6c*fi<'n« ttfir U>e vtnous : , „, | (
hm.* pi ,rti**rrt » uh p.rtert ,
Ijfrr to it <“ *<fl.tieror» wt-.wc tin,, ,
* Til* r ipjl* <tf til. B-i»t,ir t S*
»»*».'»!>• ui'b tl-nr T.«rW..
. a:t#ftti««i ?v i • ■ -«.ny 11 ■
nrr*. nut p miner hatui* <vt ..
m it:, i’umatio! ol c! .v •
F...'i«i 'hr im; iut»»K. wl i Vh,, k.
I > ■* —,
Oifwr.»im‘s; t. fiitirimt* nut: f. -
)>'v*« t tr the t..?i2« ,-»«>' Or *»*»f .■ , .
lh# f
f.ltiiit , *w .III l-.-.i it-r Jffi fif ji (* .. ... ,,
T ri I- (<t • rj'i I .,
pir»»»nt, *ms ».cf».,hf» a! ^
* amt
Thr »> *• tr. of r.tnr .i. ,
i ii i fr.
oil Ifi itrfrlmiti j tti- n , •n,, , ty
—Bthamc twoiough . - \ .>rin«tir c.nit..
'hr rl«mrr.!*t\ !o Ihr higt>r*i buir! >. y
rrroni* ■-( rrholar>< i l »r«t , r i ,,, .
, Ir.f •- Pan- «. wlui*! t\f)\ ; ..
i» Ml.x trd.
I nr *. it. i rrnifan ly umt-1 the mpr
th. Buoii o! Viaitom, who, fiton t,w, to , .
air ji... the vjniwj.r cia<«r», .tn<! report thru t
Trim* of ! union „,,H p, r
<lv» IH'iitl h«.
Day irholais. lih l>(; wi,
" 3-i
•• 2.1
r ^ " Ut *•
n Fr#hrh. J'.u;.u^f:paM-t .u.t Unm.u., r>, !•_ :
m- Cltoi.r,
M u c Piai, ,Ci..i «. : ,< Oi
It .tip.
D.amt jfa r*lh iiic, j
Af.” .i.f • --..i» in ( >ih uUI | . .
"V I t'K vi F.i" I.) an t ll,.i| .
tl.i b i-i \V rk, m mu
N^ ’■■■ <•»: "> . : ,.w;;
n.i.r1, «ar* .1-g. I.*!.!a, I \ , , t,.. .
•'*. , j •: nsi• it h.
FryBton'r t«»ty , it, a.iv
i‘ for a by** t <•
'•«'» r« riu. m.nr. t«t Strjv*. a |.t |
» .1 .
tial •• «* i: ib. *. jm. ii.
ttowtil of Vtnitoi*.
ID [i t I; <li l aEiwt*. M 'l. f \v tt
H I. Jo.tjfi I?iS'tiO. i ■
Cupf. A Fit. k.
Hon T. .Nkwto*
t. Cinoi. M D.
J II ( *E»«r, K-q ,
I. F'. lUaai a, Erq,.
■ * • ■ II lit. ll| lart^.. 14'
I*ii?k Hook, .4tf£. 22, 1SW
II' li ! i k| ,
< KO. i \\ \i K >\«
Ir H 1 \lil 1M|. K.
M*»j J l.A «»<)«,
(»fl» > li Hmi^T
li 'N il t; -
\\ i^ni\8T0\ ^u;; ;■»
ll(HipsiFit| Onniv, irk-.
r J ^Hi Sroou •«-Bion f.| fhm I u
V Trn»K%’Ti^r. ^uperluiou ■ «.« atu
cf Moral aw ial«4i«*cluiki hiil^.p,
j B«*il**4wener». mui Sjianinii LitrrmufM
• Rev H C ThwkaTT, N. M . Prafemit . o| (.irrc ai
I ranch §n«i Italian I.it» r » r
Iaw» w C^.trsiK. A M Profwr of »
Mui^-ntd recotvou hi the Primary D«* 'JirmraUM
ri it >h :
Primary Depart mom jwr »o**kioi> ol !I «r^,^
payable quarterly in -•ivanre,
Preparatory f>oparlm<*ut, l»i ■!
Coliejifito Comae,
Vocal ami Instrumental Mu«n*. Kit*uient*>u\
Musical CuiiipoHiuon. (F-xtra
luitialiou Fee,
No Hedurtiou lor abaonc • «n. « > \r. • n u
^ traelfd iiluoae
All atmionte rhitrgeii from the time «t «j
entry to tlie end of the eeauou
■* N B.—'I’he urn* of all mino'tera who o
gnged in the regular work ol the ministry or o
| those who tiro aup«*ranu«t»'<i or have diet; » •
iRiuistry: will bo c. iicm.-d fro** of charjj**
HuARtXMi can i>«4 oiiiniui u io Utr f
j at from $ti to 9I) pt*r utoulb.
Particular attention will be paiii both lo <
moral !iud iutel.eetottl truiumg wt ail »tuu-rt
RUnittai to our » k IIc-'
S. '!’• SAM.)KR*S, >ecrtia
BO A R I' () F i U I’S T I K -
Hon D. r. \N | | 1 J;H. r*KTIi>KNr, il' I li
P • • . fin ’Ml n. Moot -. 1 v >. 1 |
Rev II. P IJoifc I N . Jones, M. I> , Mr J 1
' inf Mr i'. WUUnnipop> fins U i ■■
a RA Cur ler, .'I. I> . R| V J. J K* l* ”«
^1 . N| f) , Mr \\ W Andrew*, Mr ***
Suu«.crs, Mr. H. W bmith* 7— 2k -if
Utt. LL1UI S Mll.YU’ilill.L » ifLlMM) TUI
Ah* Htl of Mil Oth< i'I!
The Kmy of All 1*111 MmuifM lnimi:
BI l* A l Sf'. tf^y nr*- h *i ,ii l t*. i
r »ha*i 1Mv xtr' hn',i *
Ji** mil take im> kow • *»f oinrr* tf cj?< % < art oiftetn !H»
.’/Oil (KM/ti Hi) \K> i*.i.« */««,« »:u uMj.uaii >■ *
v*.» \ci wr.. ?.r». v\f.i \vr»n >i \i.r «■*..
fcib*' U ' *«« A’ltt* • *ju '1 - • l\, «hi‘. MtUiCKf f« :ir
I /• I'tM » bh. ivC hS&m/tJi V ittr , urgitm :uid * f« : i
lh« fl Ult j Ir.v• \ • t- , Itfttl (1m* WiM3 ‘ •
Up • - i ■ , ■ («f
'• ■ «nil4 ■>< th« fia
Knf • Ill I tilt hihI Ute »• l mm!, u«J i«
n- ' il r v f upAtjiK? to Mine U'*hb. Wfihoiii f iif
C«*W, 4UIW( all k:•(«*). •/!
U « itffl d I.. t i n*H* «> fiHl* • • rtl.'MMtf* *1<
, flvffyrjM f», <»f I If^ft-Wt. «f|<4 rr-mp- , • <i
iv.,ft vnn hr pr«Nl«M« t| ■*: i|»« ir Uian *»l ah' ■;•••
nr rfu** ai
fit/ , HtUi *&»■ •' !*•*»• n fUM* «t4*rh U iR*J***rft*Uv ttd'M ' •' r*
TthMy J .-«»*• u»» te*t« or un:4 h«am wnrll,
Krw In-a fitted «»f jw's t|; i t»i any mutf.
|i*» n«i • *ijMf ike -(••in.* ti or <'•«** I*.
rnxjf*1 • »v*i Mt'katW, vitii.t itig ur hud f«
TIIEV ' i. ft* »l» at Ai-I HMI
.\Jid a • , d to moot t • •RiuiHMt ft* »*ia;
V» ihih oncer utktu Utv.u will **•• v :.!.*•* .
(•/ I k»* any •• ns, hv% *»u— th« aiv* »>» >h> . »■ '
*h J«I IMlt, t Pi ; »v*» •>»*,*• r Will
*■» ^ Ik Jah ■-•*/• r. - ••
U» !; vii« [»«*»! A4**J pflyMftt a.t. tif 1.* >. r •
}* •«{*•(t«ht ■: gruurUi'- t,r Ut** l.'iumiuf) (*« f* int->/ 1
(MA'fnh ** <rf Bl*«» S ^
-I • Hi
tiut ifi' mhrf »* »evH«| iH/-tnuti<>u» >»* L'*tof>-n ;im; >'*
.• It
. H id th‘ :r r»r« i;m u^N*< *f »». In* i>i ?»* c
/{irt'iaMtt pt.yiiiruuiA
I' Iftciut) i.fefKJt, Hi. !, »•.' • . N"
• • I «l
J iv l'afi| t JM . ii i u. V U B
*. j} & W vul. o.-l fl Igfcl v • '* —• •
r.* .»n/l ^t»»r' krej»* ri> m [be i.’tillHl
»-* ■ M'M
oiM.r> i
the a
into ♦ r ’-f>m
pi <*& ^Hy. I
p// •
fpf'tlfiiily in tti* c <lt
1 .HI* Kf > , <n <1 i ptcuilty
♦»«//$,?h«t fhe-j hive
rn‘h t» in fh* I'racUr*' ol
lip.il «/** pt**}-•)cU lo a Itud ult
. n* i of tifWgfiiCy, bi elth<
P « Ihi- other yti 0» •* '
a ^ y *oui i their <JfUt i?< Mr
(h« C<»: W ^1 M Tkf t’i
Oct l\ |fcSo
Iron, laih an«l
S iv>i it ii Jn, .
K>*f* >»(!'.
I jstini:*, I-1 *4 •• I* v» by
1 U. Ml BRICK fc <
Lt.ctmb 17, l~5<>.
n»TI (>\ «1.K
. \ <*|N .Si AM‘‘S, **0 &«w« n>» *
^ ( \KVKti CO., Kiwt bnug* VI -
r«foi*ew ffi/t»i tb« io. ltd *•
1 £#-. . * " b)T* VV VJ B ‘A 4.
Ju’y 16.
vori* i .
JHAVK, lit tome irouW^ an* j
Mill .9 that it will urirttl «»4 *•* *1
tt»>* Wr«oii* who may w«h corn gr«uu>.
luv* it <lo«* »t aay lime they will «rnd
I hair-’ no p»rtieol»r <t»y fot gnBCtos
there may h? na mumuderatatKiinf. the r.u*
chareed !«on«-lbirt url««uty-f)v ceo!.
July IS. 11*50.—45 tf D. U. BIAGHS*
(thm t'epy )
1 AA BBIeS Ohio Raperfiae. recited per ‘ l «*
iOO pir. No *,-.od forle^by gwUT

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