Newspaper Page Text
fr*m , The V*l«f «f T«rf*U. v -v f * pen- tl* *«■ •»«» of the f*et ,hJ , . », J i"U the rr»»* wtioteaome . 1 uvl greaUv assist digestion. fr-..< irwoT of tbe.r stewed dwbes. intend uc ' 7, of you n* runntt a lid the Jolfnit- fon} m every French table. » U'aW"J wit > f ..-- U < l*» -nil , ,7..riant. and the differ* twin di*w " , a dinner eaten at a Kttvk M/it an ■ hotel i» notalwne ia the cooking bat i .able rofi'tin;o»« introduced It m (Ml tie chemist* have eiplamed th- dign „ known to »uat in the carrut to roe , . oarauar acid—<w«»* mt H—found in th -.viu? a.Mueli with a view to the proar , ’•/ r understanding with the carrot i , i.r l 'V'. are vtoW ’he foil iwina I ... .. from the Working Farmer, calcu , r, a-- the field cultivation of this nseft , lfih« is of oa’.< and one of cam its is U - for n horse than three bushels of oat , ' '1 used tor ucht w’ek the quantity ,v ,.n. r* as-d. With * trh food. horn , health and spirits, n louse !n*h j rost. sod unproved digestion.. It may I : ve carrot is very nutrition*. an : 1has thecui.oua prop. rtyof gfiattnizii . u.i . r> solutions contained in the stomach , Carrots contain perK aof, a sing , • ii , a suited with the juice of au oran* ,-r fruit ..•.•» Ilately turns it into a jelly, at i '.toners use it tor tins purpose. ,\ 7 aw hr h carrots have bee a boiled are a *i7s e- iabwrits when cold, and are mow cam ■t « ... a used as fowl than soups otherwii rr,e plant has similar propertw*. A th „ „t tins plant thrown into a irbis* of water rei rT, r ..v and gelatinous. and f'W thi* reason , a o> 'tic fir summer complaint with ohildrei . i-n aiag th- d . of a horse fed in pa irr .is. trill tw found to contain no tindige ; hav or oats, and th relore loss quantities i i *,< materials are necessary than waen hall th , no in' swaUov’ed is parted with m ar. undvjesu ,’.p, For fattening animals, the carrot is equal! iable. and for miteh cow* they surpass at • . r f... !. Tin* milk of tc.t at mid winter ft n n epial in fta- if to that Mipplied frm ’ m ^ im uer, while th ■ * itt* r .hade* fromth 0 n « finely colored and highly flavowd. • «ta pf pn peopyi—«tWW ij,t, siilphunc acid, pitash, and common sat i-. u of long orange or l,l'»l bushels wide tteleian carrots may he easily r»med per aer. w:ate tbe same land wilt not pro.! tee one-tent , , vp v oats. We have sold our crop carrots this y-ar to the !i' * ry stable keepers .-ark a* f • v cents p r t ushel, and w>- con i'.,' .md a on sand bus'i-is or more at the sail I 'Ir. Kr m' his inveam-d adaptation ■ .riphy, by which copies of the Sncsi^>il pi< mi be made with a decree of perK'Ctio! ... . - . f,r«; attained, and at a very tnttin.’ e: * The Descent from the Or ns'' has ber ..ji • »,*a perfect success by this process. I T : ntnnberof appiiea'iOM for bounty lam a', act, received in a day. tav r ; i »< ih a- i.iiW. They now average a bo . • i day. There are hXI,i »>> applications on 61 »mch have not been touched. I. \ late writer in speahin* of Bostonians say *y divide their time between metaphysics an fi riuitrv." and while they took upon F.n son as tar ahead of inspiration, they look npe tu ny-pound rooster as far ahead of Aon. I ■" Great importations are hereafter to be mad laid, by all the principal mer:eati’s of tt -n on the Chesapeake waters, and it has bee ■ ■ i remarked 'ha' The Sav presents a cood fit! « • nur/ling. TtietariiT is men enough on soir m atfijrd considerable mdueem- at. Decline in Cotton. V- writer of the money column of the Ntr i.i» V.xyrtsa says : i , Intelligencer bp the Niagara of a furthi u? mi the cotton market will not be favorabi ■ >o ;■; lor the stock market, as it will cause u > of b Us of tichance, and further shi] i, specie may be looked foe. We canu i itaerwise think that cotton will recede mu< : i prue. Toere is every indication of si app.arancaa of the New York markets ( liargo of Forgery at Washing ton. A' cirn from 'he Republic that Mr. Sainu > ■'iii | Washing too City, waa arrested the .. i1 h instant, and brought before Justii !> iuu, who required him to give bail .a the sum await further preliminary proceedings c i irr »f forgery. The Republic adds:—0 f . he case come up under baheiu rorpn ■ •• i hitee Crawford, and the Republic says tha i n rfartt statement, it appeared that Mr. ! * >■ *rted with forging, in the presence of Hem 1 < vur • . • name or mark of Henry C. Carte 0 -ui a- immi n' of a land warrant, who was n i'd . r.ui the transaction, and who says th .. ante. Carter had serveil tut a marine • M -an war, and being discharged at Was! 'll, engaged Mr. .Stettimu* to proem > at, while he went to bts home in Deh 1 «-■. 1- appears, however, that the warrant hj to the first place, according to direetio from the Department to a funner certa '• 'ament clerk in the West. Judge Crawfoi I vdo 'ad in t'-.OW for a further heam yesterday. » r 1**1 m HDcrai* 1 Saturday :asx two funeral processions ‘ ** n'arlli. on their way to me t athoUc Ceil r» in Cambridge, neared each other a Litt Porter's Hotel. A rivalry immediately » ,11*..* -u tue driven of the uearses to see whic 1 • 1 roach the gate of the Ccwetry lirat. By VpUcation of the whip a sample of fa « ■ p*d ita :ac> was of short d l he coffin in one of the hearses w; ' i out on the ground, ami before the cor’.e, us eoald draw ip, it wxs run over by thr< * hack* aad seriously mutilated. Thu a< * suddenly pat an end to the mad career Jems. The body was restarted to its prop 1 ^ ■■ and two (unera Is prot ee*leu in order. ■ • * driving to the crave often occur* in Caiabrulg [B«ton Mail. Jenny Lntd’* Arrest. r; 'Mm Min »; » t. n—The net receipts '• wad’ i Concert last ii.gnt at the Chine: - OMk I ar IKAO ’ She lenses t •v luon.iru; for!f in rather an uncoil - or on. Quinlan, lessee of the Che 1: ' i re. brought a suit against M -"'d breach of contract, relative 1—id Concert* in his theatre. Jenr j o ' innnrmed as a witness before Thomas 1 1 ... w.v* acted as a Commissioner in the cas - pmru was asoed against her, atui she w . — be l ourt-moni in her carriage by tl ''u;, ‘ *f*s evidently very muen agitated as • 11 'h.ev,Hence, in reply to a questn ‘ \tu sflt‘ *tat«d that she recetvi tr. tinracm stum, out of every <hk*jO grr> ’ as b*'re share of the profits. t*«'»toffice Arraugemeut. o aef 1 S.T. :: !0.-:it '.as been effected by the Pa , '•'■in h u.ii.1 may tie forward '«■ tor*. Cturfeaiou. Sa'-a ami, .New l -a i r i a..- mco, Monterey, and dan Uuh *■ s’ t ut*1 si South Ament ■ir agency o! our consul at Panama. ’ ij;'; 01 pis age on each lerter will at,-, aril eight cent* on each newspaper, .on., ,n «li i uses. These rates w,U me In i* mgr to arul from.every place in , v “ -• btails nay be transmitted in - no rate of forage, oo ihe pav®* sit th. se laics ; the other half •' it the office* of receipt >n the I’m! 1 ! aI W1*-uiliual exhibition held ' f.‘"d. a new variety of rabbits w. ’ ■efiv remarks We for the . uoriBo i ear*. j„ out- anunai. a male, tl ■' - .rs was ,'tf inches; m an. a her 'Uctiea, With a bnadth of nearly <»!»•« Trade. A li> * late speech in the Vtrg a. stated that one hrm in Baftwnore j ir-,, amassed a lortuueof ftMO.Og) bv . oyestr-s to the Wm*«ii -Sta » have pan) the Baltimore and C • * year f,„ carry mg om atfrny at ttf CtinHIf •( > irgima. j A iri nv nitons excitement has Wn caused by a |diff.» «lty be'.wo tho students and the PrafeiM j of Modern laturusres. Th- former, having be !* : come mcwnmd against the latter, got hold of bis *'! horses, rode *h>ui to death, stampede fashion, pain * i ted them white, and then turned them loose.— ^ t When the Professor reacnted tbis with writs of ■ arrest, and the Sheriff proceed '•> execute them, he * was rut with* Iiowk: knife Puwtfly.Uie rmg . I leaders wet*- apprehended and sent to jail, but the 1 stdeat* imrcbel down aai rsleasdl »h"»t The ^ ! eneitmMt against the Professor is very grea. Binpwleon’s Opinion of the Prrw. a I " A journalist," aai.I the great !Wapo!.->n, *• in a grumbler, * eensnrer. a givei of advice, a regent of Sovereignties, a tutor of nations. Four hostile n ; newspapers are more to be fenrvd than a hundred „ thousand bayonets.” ■-"" t • Cattle f,r t'areaaaten. I’uneh an vs ; ‘'Tun Pop. sends a bu'l into ' : Scotia-; i. The Scotch sen! it back again, and '•1 inform his hoi mesa that they hare a Kmur of their * I own.” a i ___;_;__ l The elimate of South Carotins is found to be " | decidedly favorable to the cultivation of the tea i plant. It blossoms there at the same tune it does S' in China The seed is of the aute and color of a, and the kernel ne.h with oil. *». 1 . v j JjrNo girl ever male a happy union by tin ta li , lion: because uo man capable of making a woman - permanently happy, was ever attracted bv that i- , which is iLsgusting to persons of intelligence and y j refinement. j 1 ‘ Arrangements, it is sanl, are being made to n I send ali the workj of raoder French art. now ex posed in Louvre, to England for exhibition and it - rt i .f y y Mura Cushman, the celebrated actress, and Mary Haves, the English poetess, arrived at Louis ville, on Tuesday morning on tbe Lidy Fntnkhn. They have taken a suite of rooms at the Louisville Hotel, where they will remain a few days previous to riaiting the Mammoth Cave. » Proclamation of the Governor. Y VrilKREAS, An act of the General Assembly ,_ ! v v of the State of Arkansas entitled, “An act to provide for holding an election of one Represeii ! tative to the Congress of the United States, and to change the tune of holding other elections,’’ ap ^ proved January 11th, 1851. pro,ides that on tht ,- lirst Monlay in August, eiithteeu hundred and fifty (- one, there shall bean election opened and held tri 'j each township m the several counties in this State ^ for the election of on member of the House of Rep resentatives of the thirty-second Congress of the t nited States; and that said election shall be open ,f ed, heel, and fa all respects conducted as the 'aw _ provides for holding and conducting general elee , tionc and whereas, by section one of an act eni . tied “An act ti repeal the ballot, and revive the ,, r r/i roc • «vsipT! of voting,” approved November .'9:n, 1SV>, it is provided, “That the mode of vot ing at all general and other elections authorised by the Constitution and laws of this State, shall ,, e nm rncrand that so much of chapter stxtv-one lt of the Digest ol tue statutes of Arkansas, under the , rule, “ elections.'’ as applies exclusively to the ballot mode of voting be and the same is hereby repealed.’’ , Now, therefore I, JohnSelden Roane, Governor ^ of the State of Arkansas, do hereby make known that in accordance with law, an election will be n held on the first Mon lay in August, 1851, (being the fourth day of said mouth) at each and every piace of voting at general elections in all of the fifty-thr<-e counties of this State, for one member g of the House of Representatives of the thiity-sec n r. xt Cingress of the United States; and the Sheriffs j! of the several eon u ties of this State are hereby re quired to give due notice of the election aforesaid, and to cause the same to be opened, held and | conducted in accordance with iaw; and the Sher iffs of the counties of Chicot, Desna, Arkansas, Jefferson, Drew, Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Dallas and Hot Spring, (which counties compose the sec ond judicial circuit of the State of Arkansas, are hereby required to cause to be held in their res pective counties on the same day as that for Rep resentative, the election for a judge of said Circuit, j to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of | Josiah Goald. In testrmmy whereof, I have here unto set my hand and caused the i.. s.j <eal of the State of Arkansas to be af fixed in the city of Little Rock, Ar kansas, this 22 day of May a. b. 1851. By the Governor JOHN S. ROANE. Daviu B. Ghees, Secrttiry »/ Suite. May '27th. 1851). 38-tde. \ li\\ 4.00 l>V 1 RECEIVED, last night, by steamers Jefferso and Emily, a Urge lot of goods; which, i addition to previous arrivals, makes the stock ■ Fancy and Staple Merchandise l now have on han the most complete I ever have presented to th public, and respectfully invite alt persons in cour j trv and town, to call and examine the same. A. J. HUTT, Mum strrrt. Little Rock, Miyti, 1851. 3c— Family Flour. &c., dkc. FUST received, a lot of merchandise direct from J Cincinnati, per steamers Lena No. 2, and Trustee, 65 barrels Flour; 6 casks Bacon; l “ Canvassed Hams; 10 boxes Star Candles; 10 “ Painted Buckets; 1 barrels Dried Apples; 4 boxes Tobacco; t bags Cotton Yarn; And for sale by A. J. Hi.TT, H'itn tirrri. May 8, 1851. 38— Maddlerv. «t IS c >f ;ri - if e I 1- ' r. t o y JUST received from New Orleans a large and wtel assorted stock of Saddlery, consisting in part of the following, vie; It) gents' line Columbian Saddles; 12 “ “ Spanish “ q ladies’ “ Hog kin •* 8 doz. Bridles, assorted qualities; 3 “ Martingales assorted qualities; 3 *• Bridle fi lings “ “ 3 “ Worsted Gina “ “ ■1 “ “ Oircmrles, as.'d qualities; 3 " Uoin. Horse Collars: 3 “ Hog skin Horse Collars; ■J “ Wagon Whips; 1 “ Hide l “ Plain and Pocketeil Saddle Bags; ‘2 “ fine Polwuied Snalfie Bits; 2 “ “ Stirrup Irons; 3 “ very fine Buggy Whips; And for sale by A. J. HUTT, Mrir rtnet. May 14, 1851. W— J Hat a! Hntn!! I -ST received. a tin*' lot of Hau, mid amor.q which are the follow in, viz: 2 easts fiat- fash. Silk Hats; “ Moleskin Hats; “ Caauuere “ Russia Brush Pearl L’nion Panama Liehorn boys’ fine Leghorn infants’ Straw Palm Leal by A. J. HI 'XT, ■loz. 1 2 3 1 1 13 Ami tor sale tfoy it, I Ml. .Ifn a Btrrrt. StS—■ / 1'iKPKK—30 Bays jmiu*- Kki; ■ Vv Hunttil ami tor sate by MavTSth, 1881. WM B. WAIT. tt1 to ' :d ; it ' IS IS le • 8 la i. j- ; a, rs AKKANSAS RIVER JACKET. The LieM Draught Steamer SAINT FRANCIS, JAMKS MORRISON. Jturtsa, Havme been thorougltlv repaired and inspected, has resumed her station in the River, and will con tinue to run to and raue .Vitpnlnm, iMtlr Hark, let Barra mmi Fmrt Smith. asseadinz to Port Hibson as often as the water will ["•rrml. Shippers and tr»»e!eTs mav depend ou this 'uni. I<e care, apeed and arnmnMi. latum. Agents: Jssks Human, Eaq.. Napoleon. T. I). Meanim A Co., Little Rock. Bkvmstt A*, Port Smith. Miv jn. IH.M. xt 3. G.SMITH, ATTORNEY AMD GOVIOSUAMI AT LAW, Pai*c*T<is, DALi.ii* io., Aik*. 38-tL t. ciBfrti k crs. npuftVF.D cbtw ens. ONE of «0 St«i in store amt fu* ante. All orders for Dina of the usual sues in'en ti the Dndeisyrned mil be forwarded. aad receive prompt attention. U M B. WAIT. A rest for the Manufactory*, j Dittle Boeft, May '27,1861. 38— Mchool Rook*! 1HAVT just teeeiv-n! t supply >>f School Book*, among which arc the following: A do*. Eclectic Spelling Book*; ‘2 *• Davis' Arithmetic; l “ r.kt’s ‘2 “ Smiley's “ 1 •• Engiilih Koador*; H “ Goodrich’* Readers Mo. 1, 2 and 3; 16 “ Copy Book ; 6 ** assorted Primers; 2o00 Letter Em elopes, t 1 do*. Missouri Hunionists; 1 “ Southern “ Alao—Paper, Pena, Ink, Ac., Ac., all for sale i chenp for cash, by A. J. HI TT, Mtrm rtrrrt. , Mif 14, 1861. 38— Sale of Stale Land*. STATE LAND Of PICE, i Lrrrtjc Rorit. / May '20, 18 -VL } IN pursuance of an act of the General Assembly of Arkansas, approved the 20th December, | 1841, I will offer at public sale an the 38th day of J in next, the following described tracts of land, sole- ed and confirmed to this State as a pan of 1 the grant of 500,000 arm, except such as has been | covered by risht of pre-emption, proof of which, j together with the necessary bond, has been Sled or may he produced at this office before the day of sale: HELENA DISTRICT. Tracts Selected. ?! i £= <1 f 5 Z E. •South West' quarter Sou nth East quarter South half South West quarter E half of S E quarter North West quarter E half of N F. quarter S K quarter of 12 N E qr. S W quarter N W qr. ami S E quarter N E fractional quarter S W quarter W half of X E quarter X W quarter W half of X E quarter N E frac quarter South half North frac half North half N E quarter 28, 9 N 29 9 N 12 10 *• 13 10 N •13 10 ” •24 10 “ 24 10 •* 13 10 “ 33 II “ 1 13 " 111 N 12 1 “ •II 15 22 4 :ll; 160 160 .320 160 80 160 80 320 160 320 106 74 ISO 80 160 SO 127 87 320 “ 202-50 320 160 LI TTLE HOCK DisTBlCT. West half S W quarter East half S E quarter 31, S W qaar W half of S E quarter E half of X E quarter W half of X E quarter X W quarter North hull North VV quarter 21 14 15 32 32 u. 12 12 I S 8 S 8 S as 3 33 Lots 2, 3, 1,5.8, 8, 9 It 13 2 4 S 4 S 9 S W half of S W quarter F, half of S R quarter E half of X K quarter W half of N W quarter S E quarter South half All of section West half North West quarter West half of S W quarter West half of N W quarter 10 S 7 S 8 S 9 S quarter 25 25 West half of N W S W quarter E half of S £ quarter West half N E quarter X W quarter East half W half of S W quarter E half of N E quarter W half of N W quarter E half of S E quarter N W quarter South half S E quarter of X VV quarter E half of S W quarter S VV quarter of S W quar N W quarter of S E quarter North half of S VV quarter 28 14 34 35 23 25 35 36 28 29 3 3 W 320 3 W 1600. 3 W 320:.. 320 80 W 80 30 , 160 7 W 3 *20 8 W 160 10 VV 339 30 “ 80 ■< 10 W 80 " so “ 80 10 W 160 11 VV 320 11 W 640 11 W 320 “ {160 “ j SOj “ ! 18) " ; m I “ 12 W 320 “ 160 " 160 12 W 320 13 W 13 VV S s N 80 80 80 80 160 15 W 16 W 320 6 VV 10 N E quarler of S W quarter 5 N W quarter N E qi A F hf of X W qr S E quarter N E (juarter VV half of S W quarter South West quarter S VV quarter of N Equarter>6 W half of S W quarter 25 CHAMPAGNOLLE DISTRICT. VV half of S VV quarter 15 16 S 15 VV 80 N VV qr A W hf of N E qr 3 17 S 10 11 It 23 2.3 24 8129 40 It 29 80 “ to •* 160 •* 240 “ 160 “ 930 “ 80 “ 160 to 80 North half W half of S E quarter E half of S W quarter N VV quarter S W quarter N W quarter S E quarter 12 S F, quarter 13: N half amlS VV quarter 13 North half 15 S F quarter 17 S E quarter 19 N E quarter20 8 |ii « 10 • 15 “ 3 16 S 10 « 15 W 160 (»0 80 80 I 160 W 160 160 16 S W quarter South half North half East half S E quarter E half of S VV quarter W half of N W quarter N W quarter VV half of F half N W quarter E half of N E quarter VV half of N VV quarter W half of S E quarter S VV quarter S W quarter W half of N W quarter NE quarter S F. quarter N El quarter N E quarter North half W half of X E quarter X Wquarter E half of S VV quarter •20 33 15 20; 30 !29 31 31 11 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 17 8 17 10 ,15 18 18 18 320 180 320 160 320 Irtft j320i 320 ,320 i 160 I 80 : 80 160 I ISO VV 160 ' 80 80 80 ,160 ;i60 i 80 160 l (50 164 0 2 160 32o, SO 351 28 80 BATESVILLE DISTRICT. N VV quarter West half of N F quarter N half of X W quarter S W quarter S half anti X W quarter Sooth half Smith half Part N £ qr (S of R K.ter 35. North half (S of River 3h| 30 30 29 ■28 33 11 36, 7 N VV 170 07 80 80 24 160 180 320 320 , 9618 26789 notiub iv rne. wrruiw a.\u uthkks. All persons rlaiannj» the riyht of prc emplioo, under an act of the General Assembly if thia State, apprised December, 14th, 1818, are required to make proof ami file the neretiary bond before the 'ISth day of June nest. Where locations have been made upon the selec tion of individual a, in accordance with the 11th sect toil of the act approved ISRh Dvcemlief, 1844, and the act approved December 18th, 1848, and , void locations have been confirmed to the State, bonds must be furnished to this office for the pro j per amount before the day of sale, otherwise they wilt be sold to the luaheat bidder at such sale. The 1th section of an act approved December 'flat, 18(8, auihorutes that, “ m uli owes rhrre, under tke prsrMSWM of tkt 3 L*t Die., 184 J, irttlen ktrr claimed ike pr»-emptam framed ktf tbat art. ami *arc improved lands not ruwPnned to tke State, until after the footage of the art af JOtk Dee rather, 184 t, the 9(4 tertian af tke loot named art tktU he retired. After the sale ail land* offered and remain unsold will be subject to private entry at the price of one dollar and twenty-five reals per acre. L. J. REARDON, UllfW, far tke State of Arbtoiat. May 20, 1851, 37—tab u*A.a* f**^-/ b^t * 17*ROM Hunfsvife A!*., has located 1 tMirmrlf permanently in Littfe Rock. He ha* been engaged in the practice of Pentartry for ten years, end feel* confident m hie : ahililr tn rfve entire satisfaction t» sorb of the ! community a* may need hrt nereksw. Persons residing »■ a »-flat* nee will be notified of; his absence from town, whenever it occur* through j the papers ot this place. (ifljre on the sooth side of Markham between East Main and Louisian* street*, three Awn west | • f L K Lincoln's Book Store. Little Rock, May 27, ItftjU SS-tf. J MhT OF MTRAYS, ARKANSAS COUNTY. CTV A KEN op be P D. Rrowa, Hving on Point £V-j JL lure, about 12 miles north of thrfPuat of Ar j, m the county or Arkansas "a light bay h->r*< . twrth him! feet and the ieft foge foot white. Rome saddle spots on the left sol,, about Sftecn hands togh. 4 or 5 year< old, and branded with the i letter A,” appraised to forty dollars. April 21 *t, ISM. ftRDLEY COUNTY. fflAXEN up by Howell Tindall, a )*gbt sorre A horse, with fla* tnaoe and tail, bail fare. . fore white feet up to hi* knees, saddle marks on j each aide of bis back, two white spot* on hi* ri.rht side & or 9 years old, about 13 or 14 hands high, praised to #45 dollars. HUT IcFtUNa COUNTY. rPAKK.N up by Miles Ashely, seven* miles east of [ Hock Port, in Hot Spring county. * dark bay mate, between 14 ami 14 hands high, eleven years old, right hind foot white, with acme calls on the fetlock, some collar marks on the shoulder, wears small bell, fastened with a leathern collar and double buckle, appraised to forty dollars, owner is requested to prove property, p«v charges and take said mare away according tn law. OUACHITA COUNUY. F ASTRAY mule postei! by Lewis Jonesof Mot A ruson Townswp, in Ouachita co.. Arks., be fore Win. Maryh, Esq., on the 15th of April, 1 m5l, ! description as follow*: A dark bay mare Mule, 3 | >ears old, branded on the right shoulder with the I letter T, and considerably marked with harness, j valued at *75. SEARCY COUNTY. r JAAKEN up by Parish flaruer, on the 10th day ' A of April ISM, a bay mare supposed to be 5 ; years old,- fourteen hands and three inches high, with a few white hairs under her left eye, and a i ! small scar on her left stifle, no other marks or brands preceivable. and appraised at $35 .’I'tA STATE OF ARKANSAS* ) Cihjmtt or Savin, ) hi the Secier Circwt Court, February Term, Fehnutry, 1851. William Riggs, Petitioner, 1 rt. > Petition for Divorce. Rachael Riggs, Dr/mimt, y VXD NOW, on this day came tiie said peti tioner bv ti is solicitor, and it appearing to the ! satisfaction of the Court here, that by reason of the absence of the said defendant process can not | fie served oil her in this cause. It is therefore or dered by the Court here, that the said defendant be notified of the pendency of this suit, by pnbii- | cation in the Arkansas Banner, a newspape r print- ; ed in this State, and that unless the defendant be and appeal on or before the first day of the nest Term of this Court, at a court to be holden at the court house in the county of Sevier, on the third Monday in August next, and plead, answerer de mur to the petitioner's said petition, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree rendered ac cordingly; and it is further ordered by the Court, that a copy of this order be published in said iwper for two weeks by two successive weekly insertions, the last insertion thereof to be at least four weeks lie fore the commencement of the neat term of this Court, until which time this cause is continued. A true copy from the record. Teste: B. H. KINSWORTHV, Clerk. May 20, 1851. :»7—2w nLOCK—50 Bbls Illinois Superfine; l 50 “ “ extra do. Rec’d p*-r " J-fferson,” and for sale by May Uth, 1*50 WM. B. WAIT. Bbls “O’Fallon Mills” Extra Su IT’LOITR T M. perfine. 50 perfine. May 10, 1851. .vothi\<. miokti k. \i;H CliOTHIVCi/ JUST received, direct from New Orleans, a large and well selected assortment of new and fash- j ionable Clothing: Particular attention is called to a tine stock of Summer Clothing. For sale low for cash, and for cash only 1 E. MARCUS. Little Rock, Muy 20, 1531. Maingtrret. “ Quincy Mill’s” Extra Su- i Received and for sale bv WM. B. WAIT. IN order to get rny goals early in the fail, 1 have determined to start East earlier than usual, and now request all indebted to Me to “Come up to i the Trough.” and suve me the disagri eahte necesi tv of troubling them again, / Itnt Aetna/ to bare the Mmuny, as 1 am resolved to buy my next stock of Goods for <lash, for the purpose of selling tlieru h-ss lh".n the same stuck can be sold tor in this State, l hop*- all will he ready to pay up upon pre sentation of their Bills. I). C. FUL TON. May 15, 1851, 36—* w KIRK IVHIRlXCK, By the undersigned Agent for the PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, OF II l * roan, CONVICCTlePT. Polices issued upon the most favorable terms by i WM. B. WAIT, Aeenj. May fi, 1S50. 35-tf. Attention/ r¥MlE Examination of the Cailets of the Arkan I. sas Military Invtitnte eomutences on Monday dfith and closes Thursday 29th May. 1*51. On Wednesday evening 28th, the Ladies will i ! hold a Fair, for literary purposes. The public are n-spectfully requested to attend. GEO. D. ALEXANDER, Superintendent May o, 1*51. __35_ JOMII A H. HORRIN, ITTURJIEl IM TUI \SELtOR AT UW. 1 lOCKPOET, HOT SPRING eo., ARK. April 29, 1850. 34-tf. PROTECTION »* AGAINST LOSS AND D A M A G E BY Vs agent for the PROTECTION LYSL’RAN'CE COMPANY, of HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, 1 the undersigned is authorired to issue policies or mckiicB, duly »-\erute<i b> this old, well known, and highly responsible Institution upon the most liberal trims. The great resources of this Company have enabled it to pay ail losses which have occurred u ruler its polo -m in the United States and British Provinces during the last twenty five years, while numerous other Companies have tailed to discharge their ua I biUlieS. Applv to HM B. WAIT. Agent. Little Rock, Apni XL 33—tf. Cotton Seed, 11 ST received Bushel of Dr. Jordan’s eele ♦I br*te<l Ctjtton Seed, and for sale cheap, by A. J. HI TT. Little Rock, March 31. l»3i. Mu is $trrri. OK%\4dF* AID litvflOA*. Jl'ST received pereteemer Phillip Peony wit — 3d boxes ureuges, i do. I'immi IV sale ctieap M. TANTI. Feh. ‘21. 25 tf. Early Potatoes. ONE hundred bushels juvt reinvsu per ervaaier • Umpire, Ns. 2," ana farlieie ov D BENDER fc CO. Little Rock. Feb 18. isnl U—U U GAR, 17 Hhde. choice brawn;! L? COFFE—2d bags prime Rio; SALT—200 bac* oeares ; 4 50 bags fine Received per tat* * rivals, ami far saia by ' WM. B WAIT, i March 3*1 — —l# !6 — q-'-q q q q.q q micA» nisi Asu umihgutih To tV Mali, tkf Lm». Or Sort, m*J U, XtfJcmt*, «W« trmg gImd Mmfa j gr«* jfT y Oil Ivoto Ha* ion* been knowa to ;■ wm within itself wowderfutlv IMIIhv. h*«Uiw and rn»Hit> fmpmUm, •ml ha* hern extensively nwd hr Use Aster* for Rheumatism, Stiffm-a* of Jatpu mt L—ha. and tm atl kiml# nf fores, LTeen. Harm. Woaada, Hard Lnmpa or Taaaora, aad for ail Uadi aff Nm or Inflammation* in Man or Beait. The happy eombmatma of this wonderful production of nature vn*b other powerful remedies hi the Mexican MnMiif Llitmil Rcndtju it one of the moot perfect r> writes ever offered to the sAticted. fta aetinn njwn Ik* arpaiw . litirm a truly wonderful. It# volatile. penetrating, soothing and healing propertiesdiffuse thmnaaln* ! to the very bone*. It enters into the circulation of the blood give* a new impulse to the whoto Mr-1 rot** system to the very extremities of the finger* and toco—rtimfllstes lie •hanrVnta and mctvtinn*., •u4 thus assists nature to throw off and nd herself of any diseased action of nerve*, miracle*. ehorft or hgamenti. making it 'finally applicable to sores of any kind, rheumatism. pa n* in toy put of the 1'ody. from a diseased action of any of the structural portions of thesrstem. Pcnaesaing these peonhar powers is the reason why it is equally efficacious man many different eoaaplamh*. We will yire a few of the tbomanda of t urea that have beet! effected by tha imminent within the last year. A lady in Col timber, Ohm, had he r hand slightly bruised, took onto m it and *t spread to A Frightful fleer All w« the back of her hand. Doe ton had prescribed aalven, ointments, washes, and altera uvea, without did nr it say good. It hat! been in this condition more than a y«nr. whan the got a bottle of tb'* Mustang Liniment, by the recommendation of her physician. and applied »t aa directed. The to snlt was, that in four week* the oleer was healed and the hand waa well! That doctor auwhnya the Liniment by the down to use in his practice. ' ■ A tittle girl, fourteen mite* front Co! umbos, had a severe attack of Rheumatism. The chords of one leg rout rafted go that the foot was drawn up at a right angle with the thigh, and the knee joint stiff, «o that she was obliged to walk with rrutchrs. Three bottles of the Mustang Liniment related the chords, loosened the kne* joint, relieved all pains, strengthened the Binaries, and she can skip the rope, leap ami jump without crutches md without limping. A awn In P ttsburgh had a red hot inn accidentaliy run into fos loot, unkind a very severe Won ad and Barn At the same time. The pain was intense and excruciating, threatening lock jaw. The foot swelled very rapidly, and in two hours he was unable to bear any weight on it, or set it to the ground, in this condition tb' Mustang Lining tit was applied. Immediate relief from pais wan the rnnanqnt wt.! and in two days he went about his husmeas and ha.! no farther trouble with it. Capt. VVm. Alter, one of the oldest citixena of Cincinnati, and long and pop. tarty known on »ji. the western and southern rivers as a steamboat captain, had a very severe attack <i I affummatury Rkenmntiaaa i j in his right «gm. After suffering the moat excruciating pam tor some days without a moment's relief, be obtained a bottle of the Mustang Liniment, and applied it. In tern than twenty-tour hoars, he was entirely relieved from pain, the sore item and stiffness perfectly eradicated. Lrt any itoubt this in liis pretence,' and he may give them a specimen of its muscular strength and flaxalulity of hss "b»S . r ght arm.” A man in Covington. Ky., had not been able to walk without crutches for sou two yearn, from Use effects of Chronic Rheansatism. He heard of the Mustang Liniment, bought it, and used it as directed, and now be is well, and can dance a horn pipe equal to any jolly Tar ! Aman near Louisvilk, Ky., bad a negro man who had running sores on both hi* leg*. They warn J nearly rotten, and b ared they would lie the cause of hss death. He procured half a doaea bottles of ibe Mustang Liniment, and used it alt according to the directions In one month the sores were denied. John Bennett, of Petersburgb. IU.. had a daughter twelve years old who had Tenia Capstw or Scaid Head. The entire scalp was a running sure and had been for more than a year— doctors could ifo it no good. They were persuaded to try the Mustang ^nuoent, and to their great joy, it has en tirely healed all the notes, and a beautiful bead of hair now cover* the Once Frightful scalp!!) A lady in St. Louis had a sore on s be top «f her hea-1 that threatened to spread ail over the scalp. The hair came out and left a bar*- spot the siae of a dollar, that, was a running an. she used the Mustang Limraemt on it, an! it not only heated the sore, but brought out a beautiful new crop of hair1 She isjiow using if todress fo r hair, and says it is the best Hair Tome She ever saw, while it gives a beautifully ghwsv-lifo' appearance to the hair, that she had never succeeded in obtaining before These are but a f- w of the thousand* of cures we are daily hearing of from all parts of the eonntry. 1 For Horses and other Animats. Thetc is nothing cab be compared tv the M.isUag Liniment, in this speedy and permanent cure of Strains. Bruises, Cuts. Oalds, Chafes, Scratches, Sweeny, Poll Evil, Fistula. Big Head, Spann Bone, Splint. Wind Gall, Cracked heels or any wound, stiffnc#*. or unnatural enlargement of howeor muscle. A livery stable keeper of tbiscity ha la match horse that he pnged verv highly, that had a * large Ring-bone on both tedgs. The horse was completely cured, and his limbs left oerfe’etl v by the use of the Liniment. ^ ' n To (onnlry Merchants. Every store should be supplied with thin valuable Lmunent, as it pays a good proit and aaHa rapidly. Caation Citrn. tr Many will try to induce you tohav Nerveand Bone Liniment or jonae other «q uallv worthless Mash, by saying it is just as good as the M istanr Liniment. But -Jo not be deceived! .Ask for this Liniment, and buy none other, and you will not be disappointed. The name m blown on the bottle ' Prices of the Liaintat. In conaequeaeeof the increanct demand, we are now putting up 25 treat, SB treat, and dollar hot- I lies. The 50cent bottle* contain threetimes as much as the 25 cent Jiae, and the dollar bottles four tunes as much as the it) ceu* s»*e—so that money will be saved urbuvtng the large bottle*. IT Principal Depot at BRAGG A McLEAMSfS Drug Store, owner Third and Market streets St Diuls, Missouri. 1 r Dru^-gistaand Countxy Mereha«*s supphoi on liberal terms. J. VV. TAPPE. W!u>’e*aU Agent, at LiUle Rock, Ark. 1 ijttndH in Mfrete i'onmttf for Hale LrPON accommodating terms, the : ..lowing ) traris of lamia situate! upon Bayou Bar ho iomew, in Drew countv, Arkansas : S. E. fraction qr. see. 7; West half sec. 7; W. half of N. E. qr. sec. 7; W. half sec. 6; W. half ofS. E. qr. sec. 6: all in township 14 south range west. These land* are amoru? the tiest in the State of Arkansas, well situated, in a thriving neighbor hood and convenient fot shipping produce. For terms, apoi y to L. A. WHITELKV. Little Rock, March 22d. 38—3m. OLIVER & CO., WISE 4- SPIRIT MERCHA TS, ( OR3F.R or M.UX A WO MARKHAM AT. (OU Pott Oftff C-mtrr. JUST Received a fine assortment of cnone articles for Bar Stores, and Family use, con sisting of Fine Old Port Wine: Madeira Wine; Brown Sherry Wine; Pah* Sherry Wine; Catauba Wine Lungwort h Ohio; Claret Wme, Supr. Juice; Bran dy, Cognac; Brandy Cherries; London litn: Mn nongahela Whisky; Scotch Ale; Brown Stout; Anisette; Natural Svrup; Muscat de Frnnlignanj Manscfcano; Curacao; Mushroom Catsup; Wor cestershire Sauce: Sardines; Fresh Salmon; Ab sinthe; Preserves Ac., Ac. Little Rock, April £2. 33-tf. SEW FIHLT STORE. TIOKRIM>\ 1 CARTER, On Cut fit of Eail Mmn it., lint krttk »tor abort (fie canter of Markham it., WHDuaauc «ij amn, mr uxss ns FAMILY, STAPLE AMD FAItCY liraffrifn. Pwliitii, (-•■■try Ptodirf, If. STAVE just opened, in the store heretofore oc XI cupied as a Tm Shop, a general assortment of every thing in their line, comprising a larger variety of FAMILY SUPPLIES than ever before offered in tins market. Their friends, aud citiaens generally, are invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they are de termined to sell as low as the lowest, for cash or country produce. Little Rock, April 9, 1861. 33—if. TYPE FOUNDERY. GUILFORD A JONES, MO. AX, Colombia Street, Between Sycamore sail Brusitway, . cixcis v.rn, onto. Would respectfully inform their old Patrons and Printers generally, that they have reaanveti their Founderv, to the buildings formerly occupied as the Stereotype Ponudery and Printing Katabtisb inent of E. MUEPARD. U kert titty art Prepared to Fwraiafi Anfthmg m Ifietr Lmt. FOSTERS’ PRESSES! T*» lit »u*o Auascni roa F arm’s HISS, r UU>. * P8WER PRESSES: as4 Is PlM, will VIII aatjr IirHtr gar PRINTING MATERIA LA. ,li tv- Skorttit Sotut, taut at lie Laws! Eaatirm PRICES. I^LOI K—50 Hbis "O’Fallon Mills" Extra S» Xf perfine. BACON—3 Hhila Clear S.des; •* 9 “ bene do; “ 9 Tierces extra Sugar Cared Hams. PORK—lO BbbUMess SUGAR—3 Hilda clarified. " 4 Bbis Powdered Whit#. •'ASfDLER—30 Quarter boxes Star. NAILS—60 Kegs 4, « A 8 d. Her rived and for rale by A^lltk. WM. B. WAIT. Ct HOCTAW LAND SCRIP m pie. es of 80, 1*0 / and 330 acres, for sale bv WM. B. WAIT. March 28 . 29—if. ~iy. St. Patrick** Sal# Calleglate Imtitate, UTTLR ROCI, IRRAKlAI. THIS etuUnMcat is now opened on Loamit ■Meet lor Uw of day pi|nia—«mI it is expected after mrtae time to afford a< cumodauo* for boarders. Ik* loan* of Kdoeatioo will fotrsri, 1st. The Primary: M. The Mercantile, ami Ini The Classical ami Phikwnphieal Departments. TERMS—Per *1 nailer of weeks, payable ia advance foe the Primary Departments which in clude Spelling Rending and WntineRft €0. For the Mercantile, which innbides Arinhawtte, Belles Letters. Eloc ution, Ctvwraphy, History am! Me nsuration #8 00. For the Classical and Philosophical department, which includes together with what is mentioned m the Mercantile course; the Latin, Greek, French and Italian languages ; the science of Al f hra. Geometry, Trigonometry; with Natural ami xperunental Philosophy 6(3 Oft. DIRECTORS AMD PROFRlIORa. Rsr PATRICK REILLY, R*t PATRICK BEHAN. Poor. PATRICK MARTIN. Little Rock, March 18. 1862. 28-llw. XpriH# ClmiMmg. 4 LARGE and beautiful assortment of SPRING - *■ CLCTHtNO, received per Phillip Penny wit, ami for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Landing, »—tf. March 36. II lt««fs «n4 CASKS Boots assorted. Shoe** smarted; Kip Brogan#; doe. Genfa tine Calf Shoes; " “ Gaiters; Ladies Shoes assorted; Misses ami ehiidreea i Case Roys Kip Bioamn*. 44 44 Hoots. Ate., Ae., Ac. Received pet Phillip Peauywit, ami for sake by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Landing. March 36. 3P_if. 4 4 3 13 ft 1 t Koskst Aaarraom.. Gao. A a *04.0 (Least. C. Law, ARMSTRONG. LAWRASON & CO. oniMiseion VrrchtRla, 10ft Magazine street, yen Orleans. March 36,1861. 2p_iy •20 .’lew Kpring Pieces latest sty le Bareges. 30 1 300 30 30 8 30 2 printed Muslins, tat* sty te Saks, assorted Calicoes. 44 Ginghams. “ Cottoned**. Brown I Bales 31. 1-8, A 1-4, Blow a A Bleu Dnsnrafnw, 5 4, 8-4. 10-4 and 12-4, Brown and Bleh sheetiofa. 3 pieces 13 I Linen Sheeting. n “ Irish Linen. ^ Gloves. Cravats, Pocket Handkerchief a, Shaw I Apron Cnechs, Oauabtirga, I'mbscUns, Pataaal Negre goods, Ac.. A*., Ae. Reeetvod per P. P.-nnywiH, and for sale Ckm for Cmk <mof by JOHN D. ADAMS March '36, ltifti. Hmt*l Umt* • )/) Dos. Paint Leaf Hat*. vU t " Panama “ J “ « Jenny Lind44 Hat*. « “ Tampico •• 4 “ Csnipearhy *• Received per P. Penuvwit ami for sale by M k JOHN D. ADAMS. March 26 1847 W. MITOHEU, 4 00., COMMISSION MERCHANTS Wsnkers tm OasAa Day , NAPOLEON, AIK'S. 1ft, 1861. Kealaeky Kami; to km Sn.onoi ketmrfai* of ttoNt yuatatTuri «il)kiaH tnw frw eaak. JAO B HAWKISH Marek 11, tlfti. yy if RonAracw war Crooked CM. t Apni BY Sterner Emily I ka*» jaUaeafrU i offer tat mJe» 50 Barrel* Super fioe Pkmrj » ** Rye Wkiafcey; ISHnct. to _ •r- - 10 " Ale. I^HfH j April 7, IWI.—Jl—tf JUST imirid kjr tba to Turn mt ~ let Finn, In. ) M M 1 ** Otatjtkw. Much M. 1831. M. TAim, fcca Rcci Mb. ONE kmmdnd MHii Nwtkm Oatt *»iT*d, iW hr m<« W D. FA IS, 1861. FROST* COH HATS, CAPS, 4kC.,