Newspaper Page Text
D»iTA« i Uttl* Ba*fct>l»aBplNP»f dalle* of th« lra»*Uag pa"**— in root I at i o'clock, A. **, day. at# P. M, tbk AccommoBATton Lins. Faar tiara* Part Caaaha*. will lam Uttla Rack awry UUrraaiag U BMraiat. aad arrira at Hat Sprtaga aaat day, at 8, la tka or aalag. FARE: By either Uao, Tha aubacribar la that aaeaafth* Uoitadf Llttla Rock la F Waahiagtoa, la 1-, —la Poet Coacbaa, thiaal XT Bath thaa* raatae boat Uaitad State* MaM ‘^“•“■■‘••'SafRaa**. Fab. II. *-»F Snndrte* RECEIVED par Blaaatara PhtIHp paaayatt aad Poutiae, tha faMaWtaa goad*. tc-wM t 100 Moacbcd hooka tWf ; 10 half BMa Mataaaa* j 1 Bhl Rio* j 3f*8 lb*. Sowed Ira* |8*lbe. do. Plaar MoakU, 80 Bleat WHa. af Had afaa i ~ 4 Doiea Una* Rad Cardat 8Call* da Rapa; I Cotla Cottaa Raft t 10 Bright OaChaMet . . 3 Dot. waur-araof RUN Lock*; • Co. Palm Leaf Hata; 13 da. Wahatar,o BpoHare; 10O da. Edged Plata* t 3 Dos. Mara* Cetlorn l 3 do. B. B. B. Hata j 48 pair Maa’a thick Bod*; 10 Bbl*. Prtaaa Btagar. Faraalak^^ Fab. 10, 1951. State Scrip. vmaksm \7SSTu8i* Uttla Rock, Vab. II. Httl. _ BbU Oltl Prim* Old LIQUOR. 5BBL8. Old Bourbon Whisks? ; S Maeoagahote wn^tuk y WW«fc.y ;.*>>»«<£ * 4 BbU. Freocb Brandy J S Casks OW Cecaae Broody j 2 do. MftdMM Wt«; 2 Casks Mescal Wise; 2 4a. Mateo do. 1 Hf. BM. Chornr Boaaea; 1 BM. Uia. Reoel rod par Tree loo, aad for sale by J°BN D. AD A MB, Fob. 11,1951. Bteaiabaat Leading. 75 Sock* Salt; U Baoks Caffw; 19 BMs. Sara; I BM Powdered Sara j 14 Bbte aad half BbU, Moteoooo ; 1 Tlaraa Mao RaMas, Chora. Vermleitll, Macaroal, Sweet Cboealal*. Lobsters, Sordino*. Brlmatoaa, Ctea*aj8paalahBrawa, Hat ton Stone. Whiting, BrfcteCBrlek, fcmary. Lamp Slicks dtc , dt*. tUeolTod nor Poatiac, aad far jtfl. ’ JOHN D ADAMS, Mil, 1841._ Btaaaaboat Landlag. WALTON, tANFORO A CO. GENERAL GROCERS. COHmsaOwlERCHAHTS, Jfa. Ms Haw Uro«i * Orleans; Pave constantly aa baad a gaaaral aad wall ■ . ---- -* -—-tad Fancy Praaiairaa I M W fraWHfl to tbo arttaloa ____ _ IWW BDVa WOU l aasortaaaat of Maple aad raacy rtao Ltfmn aad man. “ to tba arttaloa orally feaad la a . they keep a snppiy of Nailo, Glass, os, Latter aad Cap Paper, Playing Ol , MU.‘I la < Gf’ aad Dyes, ThaMMba wlMlwte sail food aad flash articles, aad-alwayo at FJiB MJMMMT PRICES. Their fcoiliUeater baylacfwltk their aaporiaaca la tbo Am mobs Hade, aadnkoir knowledge of the wauls of HataacBea. they tfclak wM enable than at all tiiqeat* ill, saUsfneterily. seek ardors ss they raay U l«vox«il with. Jan. 1, l^r i*?■ ) •MlJ -if Hl» *iir« I RECEIVED per Baa** F«. ■ml Do**, Ike fallowing *!»0C«t aad wraagfct (wo hone Plow*. 2* Kegwaud quarter kifi powder. . 30 Sack* Rio CeSa*. 5 Bbl*. MdMMi V 4 Do*eo Collin’* Aim. Far tale by A. J- BUTT, .Mala at root, Fob 4, IS51. ___*8—If. Groceries J firocrrlf*! J US I' received dkroot fraaaCleeiaaati, por Steam er Hamburg: 5 Bblo Dried Apple*. 3 “ Bean*, 6 keg* Plga feet, 4 Boxe* Soap,| 10 •• Star Caadlaa, bbl Beef toagaea, 10 keg* Geahe* Batter, 1 Bbl Salarat '4 Bbla Viuegar, MO I gal. Jug*, 50 Id•» de. 3 8L Lard Oil, 10 •• Whiokay, 10 Vg BMa de. 35 Bbla Flour, 3* •• Oaiaaa, 00 • Potato**, Aadfer aale ehaap by EJLOU R 100 Bbl* Okie extra loperha*, ^^uek.haja.aOBaga, *,1% A. J- HUTT. Mad* (Iran. Lard OU—J Bbl*, Glaaa—10 Box** 10 Wan**—5 Lard-51 kega H# 1, Nail* —25 keg*, 1 *- - Beef—F MMa dstad Hec’d per “I Jam. 80. 1851 1 a ad far aald by WM. B. WAIT. lundrtrs RflSBKr... 1000 pound' Coll** Tara; 8 Down Cor* Brae an; #4? Cincinnati. Traatee, the fellew 6 Bundle' Bene She* Ire* ; 10 pUeea Al* Berlrea; 47IS lb*, net aad Square Bar Ire*; 50 Plow Mealda, »*45* W**K*»i1m j 8 liaa* Takaeaa t 80 Large Weak Pale; Msssir 'Jl tn 1851 1 sara.* Win i 1 Bbl. Clover ,»*. ,*w Mponnpw»> " ' i«m Am jUBTfroceivod par uuMla M TANTI. Barly All kaedrod HdiA Jaat wart*ad par i V/ Mfcaplra, No. t," aad far arte k* _ -D. BUNDER a co. s UJAR, IV COFFE-30 bag* SALT—800 bag* a. « SO Hag* ftae. Iparlala SU mmmrn rail road WIUWpfM MERCHAN DIZE from PHILADELPHIA te PITTS BURGH It HuofMlifiirdMllM' Dtvtdaa of the Peaasyhraala CttiL mNU< • TWENTIETH af FEBRUARY. atthn r fww. vfctt F«rMCh« -Dry Uanda. Drug*, Book*, Stationery, kc , at flperlOOlb* Far 8i Ci*M—Hardware, Quee newer*, Grocerte*. Pal at and Dyaatnfh, Oik, el*. p» 108. Far M Ckaa-CaSea, Leaf Tobaacn. Iran, Unaan, Sanaa, Beef, Park. Ac. at M aU par I00IW. Far 4th Claaa -Tar, Plteh, Raata. Aabaa, Marble, l iiFralfht Ageat. Paaa. Railroad Ca. Ne. 974 k *7« Market Btraot, Phi la. N. B_Geode going Foot by oar Road ahaald ba eaaelgaad to McFADEN fcCOVODE. Pittabargh. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. PASSENGER TRAINS betwaaa PHILADEL PHIA and PITTSBURGH, Lmrn Philadelphia Daily at S A. M.. aad at 10 W P. M. Learn Pitts bargh Dally at S A. M.analP. M. A. HENDERSON, Paaraagar Agaat. PIMM INSURANCE, PR0TKCTIM IIUBI1CI C0IP1XY, OP HARTFORD CONK. Capital 8 t*e k and Yrarlf Prtmiamu AS Agent for thi* old, well known, and highly respectable Institution, I am prepared at all tinea tolmue policies of Insurance against loss a od i-by fire, upon the moat favorable terms. Arkansas Elver pRCket. STEAMER SAINT FRANCIS, D. 8. JAMES, Morttr, WILL coolieae la ran at a regain' packet, baiwaaa Na palaaa tad Fart Gibson. Thlabaat Is aa light, If not of a lightor draught, than any olbar boat oa the river. Paasengera aad ahlppara may roly aa bar panotaally performing bar tripe, tad at aa lew rmtee aa any other boat In the trade Fab. 14, 1851. **“**■ rpHB aubacriber, agent for H. Htbannan, will X eontitHietbefonDW'sbusInnaaathiaoldstand ,n Main, near Markham street, and keep eon itantly on hand a full and well assorted stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Casting*, Are., foe., all of which will be arid low for cash. The highest market prices will Ml patd for country produce, as beef hides, peltries, tees ru, gtc. JOHN KRAUSR. little Rock, March 28, 1851. 30—tf. Iron and Castings. A AAA l** *« Iron, assorted 4UUU 4 Buudlr. Nail Rods; 6 Bundles Extra Horae Shoe; 100 piecea Plow Wlnp ; 75 Skillets and lida; 30 Ovens and I'ds; 15 aaaorted English Pota; 15 Sugar Kettlea; IS Grid Irena; 30 odd lids. Received per Trustee, and Ter aale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Fab. 11. Steamboat Lauding. Cincinnati Goods! Kegs Fresh Buckwheat Floor ; 300 pounds ogna Sausages ; 1 bbl; Hominey; 1 bbl. White Beans! SO Boxes Star Candles; 10 Boxes Tallow do. t Bbla. Lard Oil; 1 Bbl. Sataratns; !00 Jogs; IS Demijohns, 15 Iron Beand Kegs. Reoeioad per Trustee, and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS. Feb. 11, 1851. Steamboat Landing. Star Candles J*e. OAA Lbe. Star Candies ; 25 Bap Bockwheat Flonr; 6 Bbl. White Beaus; 400 Lbs Castings- Jnst received per Pontiac, and for aale by FATHERLY tc CLEMENTS. Pah. 11,1851. 100.000 lbs. NEW ttOODS, Received by waltbr mitchcll, within the last month, that have been put chased by him, on belter terms than any stock hilh #rto, and as welt selected, which he will dispose o( at such rates as shall induce customers to purchase mors liberally than bolero—the truth of which may he tested by ail poisons who will ravor him with a call and examination, at his Now Cash a tores, on Main and Markham streets. Little Rock, where they will find, at ail times, a fait assortment of all artieirs belonging to tbs following branches of merchandise, via: Dry Goods, Roofs aad Mass, Oroceiic*, If aft end Cops. Crockery, Drugt and Utdidnet, Hardman, Paint* and Oil*, Twiners, CtatUnf, Furniture, Flour, Sfonesrorr, Wkitkey and all Iron and Nailt, other Liquor*, Store* and Castings, Bacon, Cotton Yarn, Sole and Upper Leather, and all other articles ever found in a deaeral Variety Store. Therefore, he would respectfully invite all per sons (bat visit Little Ruck, to give him a call, that he may give (hem a cordial reception, and acquit hints* If, a* far as may be in hit [rower, of the above broad aasertinns. His unprecedented succea* (having, so far, -ur paased hit most sanguine anticipations) places Inin under very great obligations to alt his customers, and he would hereby render most hearty thanks tc one and all for past favors, tud kindly|ask s contin uance of the same. His present facilities for business enables him tn sell more goods than he can pnmibty get into his boose, but hope*, in future, t<i be able to supply all demand', as he is about toteatabiish a Wholesale Hoate at NJIPOL&ON, by which means any quantity of goads wilt be delivered at Little Rock, at all times, as cheap as they ctn be purchased in New Orleans or Cincinnati, with exception ol freigh' sod expenses. In twenty days from this date, as nesr as may be, he will retsrn from Cincinnati, with about eighty tons ol Whiskey, Flour, sod such aiticlee as can be purchased, the cheapest in that city. Jast received, per ataamer Cilixae, ninety bbls. Whiskey, and twenty Cheese, which is going off like hof eehee. W. MITCHELL. Little Rack, Dec. 2lei, 1850. 18-ldw Ploughs. A Q PEACOCK Tlo 1, 18 do h 8, 34 Halt's cast » *4 M SS Far sale, by Jaa 7 WM B. WAIT. Blacksmith** Tools. 4 SO and ‘JS inch Bellow*; 4 Monte Hole Anvil*; 4 Colter'* Key Vice*; 4 art* Hammers: Recoir*<1 amt Car sale, by J. D. ADAMS, Jut. II, 1851. Sima Bmmi Landing. New Bacon. HHDS. clear Sides, received and for sale, by WM. 8. WAIT. Jan *7. Uaftiee'i kctiml 1m •/ irktiui. A FEW cooiee ot the above Ifap—the only com XJL plete and correct one ever publisbed—for sale nl lb« Goxtttt end Democrat office— price $5, on rollers, and handsomely varnished and colored. Jan. 7,1851. 18— Bagging, Bope and Twine* RECEIVED September 1st ISiO.froui Louisville IJH yard* Cotton Baggiag, Pounds Sale Rope; Twine, for sale low by A. J. HOTT, Wes*Street. OK Hooks Freak Bnah Wheat Fleer.joet r» salved hy FATBEBLV BILSWCfcTB. Flour! floor! naounoskiit by tmn, Twenty Bhle. it So eerie* Rm, Isr nhit Cbdtst_ MTn A. j. BUTTS. ST. MARY’S ACADEMY, FOR YOUNG LADIES, Little Keek, lrlr>MRi< THIS iMtitaiiori. under th* especial patroeig# of Right Reverend Df. Brent, i* now open lor the reception of boarder*. Srtuated in a retired port of (be city of Little Rock, it poosetse* every *dreo tag* which caa contribute to tb* health end happi nee* of the Pupil*. Tb# addition* now twin* mad* to the already spacious building*—together with it* extend** ami beautiful ground*, will render il nn* of the moot cnminodiou* ffiyd delightful inttilulioot of the Wert. The Scholastic y»*r commence* the (lt*i Monday i* September—th* annual vacation the loth July. Pupil* received at any time, but not lor a * boiler period than Ibre* month*, aad no deduction, it with draw* be tore the expiration of lb* aeavioti, except ia cate of protracted tickoeaa. The comae of ttadiea emhraeea ait the blanches usually taught in the beat School* lor You.)* Ladle*. The moat conatant atientkn will be paid tolhe mor al aa well at to the mental education of the pupil* During th* hour* of recreation th* young ladies are always undet th# car* of one of the teachcra—in abort, ceery thing promoting th* welfare ollhe pupil* will be an object of tb* moat conscientious attention. Each young lady muat be protided with a knife, fork, apoon, gobble!, aix table napkin*, six change* of linen, wotk and drawing box, comba, brush, towel*, he.. Re. At tb* end of each quarter th* young lady moat di*tingui*h*d for general good conduct and profi ciency in studio* will b* rewarded by th# hnnoary decoration of a medal, and every pro|>cr mean* employed to inspire a laudable emulation amongst lb* pupils. pupils ot every religion* denomination are admit ted into the institution and no improper influence ever uted to bias the religious principles ol the young ladies—but for the sake of order, all boarders are required to.conform to the general regulations of the Academy. * All correspondence of the pupils, exerpt that ol parent*. will be subject to the inspection ol' the roncipal. Th* parent* or guardians or the yortiq ladies ar* required to deposit* with the Principal or some re sponsible person in the city * sum ol money sufficient to meet all c< contingent expenses The French department will be under the direc tion of on* who tins resided **v*i*l year* in France, and it lamiliar with th* Parisian accent. In th* musical department the Principal will be aided by Mrs. Ouvxx, the Organist of the Cathedral, a lady well known to be eminently qualified to im part a thorough practical knowledge or the science. 8k* will also give private lessons on th* Piano or Organ to those wishing to taka them. Tenma for Boarders per Session of ft Mon tbs: Board and Tuition, in all the branches pertaining to a thorough English education.£30 00 Washing, us* of bed and bedding.IS 00 extra Charge*. Music—Piano, wilh use of instrument,f quartelry. £12 00 Guitar,...I - 00 Organ,.12 00 Use ol Organ. 2 00 Draw tng and Painting. 6 00 French,....... 3 00 Physician’s fees per annum,. 5 Ot. Vocal Musrc to those not taking instiuinen 1 tal, quarterly.j 4 Terms for Day Scholar* per Quarter. 00 Elementary class,.£3 00 For the more advanced,.S 00 Plain and Ornamental Needle Work. Embroidery, Bead and Lace work, Knitting and Netting Flow er*. will be taught free of charge—the pupils fur milling the materials. Bo orders pay the current expenses semi-annually in advance. Day scholar* quarterly. ' There will be an extra charge oi £13 00 for those spending the annual vacation at the Institution. For further^particular*, apply by letter or person ally to Mitt Victor, Principal ol the Institute. REFERENCES: Right Rev Dr. Brant, Hon. D. C. Roanx, Gen. S. H. Hurmto, Col. L. J. Rkakdon, Johh Bxown, Esq., D. W. Caskoll, Esq.. Rev. J. Moiaohah. Rev. J. Flanagah, J. Devrreaux, Esq., N. Dcvkbcaox, Esq., Bartholomew Mulun. James S. Con way. Esq.' Judge Hahlt, Helena. Judge Meant, Columbia. Agent for the Institution, HUGH BROGAN. July 1«. 1850—7—43—ly. Little Rack. N. Orlea*». MEMPHIS INSTITUTE. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT! The regular course of Lecture* in this Institute will commenc* on the 1st of November, and con tinue until th* last of February. Th* Anatomical Department wilt b* opened and ready to receive students by the 1st of October. The Medical De partment will b* under the direction of the following Professors: J. Conooest Coosa, M.D , Professor of the In stitute* of Medicine and Medical J urisprudenee. W. Bis* Powell, M.D., Prolessor of Carebral Physiology, Medical Geology and|Mmeralogy. R. 8 Newton, M D, Professor ot Smgery. H J. Holcb, M D., Professor of Theory ami Practice of Medieine. J. A. Wilson, MD., Professor of Obsteterics and Diseases ol Women and Children J. Kino, M.D., Professor of Materia Medics, and Therapeutics. Z. FxBKStASr, M.D., Professor of Anatomy. J. Milton Sander*, A.M., M.D., Piolessorol Chemistry and Pharmacy. Clinique Lecturers: Medicine—Prof. H J. Hulcr. Surfery—Prof. R. 8. Newton. Anatomical Demontlralor—Z. Freeman, M D. The fees for a full course ot lecturt-a amount to £103. Marticulators, £5. Demonstrator's Fee, £IU. Graduation, £20. Those desiring further information wilt please address their letters (post paid) to tha Dean ; and students arriving in the city will please call on him at the Commercial Hotel. R. 8. NEWTON, M.D., Dean a/tie Faculty. h„ B.NKV « Practice of L»W. Hon. V. D. Baut, Professor of Commercial Ju risprudence. Tssms-*50 per session. All commnnicationa pertaining tn thii department mu.'t be addreaaed to E W. M. KING E»q. Mempkit, Ttnn , July, 1890. The Faculties, for intellectual abi'itiea, moral worth and professional acquirements, will compare favorably with the moat distinguished in our coun try. The medical faculty eonetitntre an anomaly in thii or any other country—all of them are lectu rer* and the Vat teacbera. Those who will contemplate our geographical po sition, and the estent of our population, can have no doubt as to the eligibility of our situation lor an enterprise of the kind. As to health, including all seasons of the year, we deny that any other uty hat more. A common error exists in the minds ol many stir | dents relative to the place of studying medicine ; i those who intend practicing among the diseases of , the West and South should certainly educate them 1 selves at a school whose Faculty are practically ac | quainted with those diseases. That the public may be satisfied of the perms i neney of Ibis school, we feel il'our duly Instate that j the Trosteea and Faculty form a unit in action, I which argue* weH fov'its future success; and that the peculiar internal oeganixalion which connects them cannot he interrupted. E W M KING, Prttidtnl of tkr Mtaphi* Utl Sugar and Coflfcr. ! t A Bags boot Kio Coffee, i ejyf 4 Hilda. Prirrn Prows Sugar, lu atore mud i for sole by T. D. MERKICK 4, CO Nee. 5‘ 1S66.-8—»—tf Partridge Boot**. 4 CASES 8lout Calf Boots, t Casas Waterproof Booots, jaot received and farjmia by Dae. IT. FATHEBLY A CLEMENTS. Tea*, Tea*, Tea*. 1 Cheat Boat Imperial Ten, 1 do do YoaogHyaea do I do do Bleak Tea, Keceive par last arrivals aod fas sals cheap by FATHEBLY A CLEMENT*. fWKT (WITH, POST SISSON, Ail all liMMAiiie UurfiH*> Light BrMgll rr Ugli i JWUB3 PHT.I.1P PENNYWIT, TH0MA9 A. APPLEGATE. hi. | her regular trip* for ih* •■Sclent rite of water, from , WILL with the lint-__ New Orleaoo to tho above landlaga. SJ- Strict attention wilt bo paid to Plantation buoinooo,sad order* promptly attended to. M. GREENWOOD St CO., Agenie. N. Orleans, Oct. 31, 1850. W Oraairr Sir"! S— tl—If. REGULAR ARIAKSAS RIVER PAUET. • or Pine Bln*, Little Rock, V»a Boren, Port smith, Port Gihaoa. no* oil inter mediate Landing* THE atatmeb and light-draught •teom*r JOHN BOX. M*«ler. will run.during the ensuing1 season, at a regular Packet ft«® New Orleans, f« the above landing*. Strict attention will be paid to plantation buainets, and all orilert promptly at tenrtedjto. Lilli Mock Jan. S, 1851. 13-tf. PRFSH DRUGS & MEDICINES. jr»T RKCRIVKD AND FOR SALE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. fJIHE aubaeeibar it constantly recei- | J. ring, from Now York, a genuine l Wrjf aaaortmeot of Pruga, Mtdicintt, CAeaat H eah, Ptrfnmrry. Paint*. Oil*, l>ye , Stuff*, Ac., Ac. Alao—Patent Medi cine*: among which are, Dr. Taylor's Balaam of . Liverwort; laynea’ Expectorant; Indian Panacea;; Dailey’s Pain Extractor; Hays’and Hawen’ Litti* ■nent: Lmn’a Strengthening Flatter; Komatock’a Vermifuge; Moffbtt’a Phoenix Bitters and Vegeta ble Life Pills; Bartholomew’s Expectoiant; Sphou’a I Medici net; Oldrtdge’s Balm of Colombia for the Holr; Weloh'o Medlcamentom. All of which will be sold low forcaah R. L. DODGE, Markham tt Litti* Rack, ISW. 17—tf ENCOURAGE HOIK INDUSTRY'!! m FASHIONABLE Boot and shoe Mnnnfnctory. THE nnderaigned, having opened a Boot aud Shoe shop In the two-story brick house on the east aide of East Main atrset, between Mark am and Elm at reels, Intends carrying on the above boaiuesa in all ita branches. He naes none but the Beat ma terials, and employe none but the very best work men, and gentlemen favoring him with their coetom may roly on having their work dpne in the Nonteat nnd most Faakiwaable Stylo. By strict attention to hia businesa, and pioiuptly lilling all orders to the satisfaction of hit custom ers, be hopes to merit and receive a liberal patron age from the clttizona of Little Rock and vicinity. Terms cash on dolivry. RGE GEORGE JACOB LESCHER. Little Rook, Jnue 11. 1S50.-7—40 l(j. (SAP1ENTU PllJESTAT OMNIBUS.) FEMALE COLLEGIATE SEMINARY, Tuur, Coostv, AaAxiiaas. John S. Garvin, Presi dent, Prof, of Colie Mr» M.Cook,Govern. and Iustructrees. Senor F. Garcia, Prof. Weldon E Wright, M I)., Prof, of Nat Science. Maj B. J. Borden, Prof ol Ethica and Belle Letters, of Music and Mod. Lang TUITION PEH MONTH. Collegiate Department, (Anc. or Modern Langua ges.). . fhr 00 Collegiate Department, English Course.4 00 Academic Department,.3 00 Primary Deportment,.3 00 Ornamental Department, (Paiutingand Drawing,) .. 3 00 Musical Department, (Vocal and Instrumental,5 00 Boarding, including washing, fuel, lights dtc. 10 00 Academic year embraces one session of ten mouths, commencing the 1st Monday in August and closing the last Thursday in June. Tuition and Board must bo paid oue-half in advance, the remainder at the close of the session. No deduction will be made from the rates of Tui tion except In cases of sickness. •examination*.*—I here will beau annual ex amination before a Board of Visitors at the clone of each term; and quarterly examinations belore the Board of Guardians. Diplomas will be given, on the recommenda tion of the Board of Viatiors, to the graduates of the Seminary, and certificates of Scholarship, to those who have taken a partial course. Dlftcipliac and Police will be mild but firm; being rather one ef -moral restraint, than pun ishment. Quarterly reports of conduct^aud Scholar ship will be transmitted to parents or guardiaue. Course of laetraction is divided into three Departments : Primary. Academic aud Collegiate. Music.*—It is believed that no Institution in the South-west offers equal advautagea to perf ct its Pupils in this elegant accomplishment. Senor Garcia, the accomplished head of this Department, has taught with distinction iu Washington City aud Virginia, and is uot oulv a most skillful per former. but the beet Instructor In the Art, that we have ever seen Needle Work—Plain and Pancy.—No extrs charge will be made iu this Department, the pupils furnishing the materials. The products will be disposed of at an annual Fair and the pro ceeds placed in the Library Fuud. Lectures and Couapoeitioo.—Lectures wil I be delivered regularity by the heads of Departments tv their respective Clam as. and Compositions will be required-every two week* duriug lb course, from the members of the Academic aud Collegiate Departments. Vacation.—*There will be a vacation of one week the, last ef December, and one of two months at the sloe* of the Session. By order of the Board of Guardiaue. 8—B—if ( Iran, White* Family Isard. l J^ECEIVED, tbit uey, and lor sate, wholesale! and retail, 5 bblt. Sweet White Lard, 23 crocks “ “ Enquire of A. J. HUTT, Afriin St. Sept. 8, 1830. 1 Potatoea and Onions. RECEIVED per steamer Hamburg, aud for sale 20 bbla Irish Potatoes, 10 “ Onions, Jan 30, 1850, 30-if. JNO 1) ADAMS. PROVISIONS. 1 fT JAR8 Fre.h Bulter, itr 6 Keg, Pig, Feet, 8 Boxes western dsiry Cheese, 2 bbls white Beans, 2 bbls dried Apples, 2 •* do Peaches, f> bbl, Onions, i bbl. winter pressed Lard Oil, just received and for said by FATHERLY & CLEMENTS. December 17, 1850 RUN! RUN!! RUN!!! • )X Steel Mills, assorted sixes. /wO 13 Super Lined Fiddles, for sale low by Nov. so, 1850. a. j. iiiirr. HaN! Hat*!! Hah!!! i) Cooes Fashionable Bilk Hats ; 6 Una. Wool do. -4 J Doz Cloth Cape. Received oer Pontiac am for sale by JOHN D.‘ ADAMS, Feb. II, 1851. Steamboat Landing■ •nOMj.iSSE* J*e. JUST Received per Pblllip Peanywtt, 4 Bbie. Molasses; • half do.; I Cask Rice, an for sole by FATHERLY k CLEMENTS. Feb. II. 185U : \TOAI PLOW POINTS.-A supply r< is perSieomer Woodsman, by WM B. WA July 9, 1890 -.V Dried nipple* and femthe* 1 XA BUSHELS Apples and Peaches; just n 1 t/U eeived, par steamer SI. Francis, tad It tale by D. BENDER k CO. M IB, 1851. LITTLE MCI TIMMY Ml SI1THERY. JfoAwell Reekc WOULD reepeclfetly Mil llie attention of th. public to lli.) ebeeo eaiabliabmeat, which lias race ally undergone a thorough repair, anil, has inf I he nrf eaaare faeilHie*, la near fatly prepared to famish Is oed-r. arllh great promptness. avery a rile la In that llaa of ailbar wrought or cast Irao, Brass or Copper, of ae good malarial, proportions, and workmanship, ead upon as cheap term., as say other Foundry la Ihla country. MUIrighla and alters, ordering wheels, will be pieeaed lo glee the No and pitch. •I*® Particular rite and shape of the eye, wanted in each wheel. The di ameter of a wheel, whan east, will ho % of an inch per foot leas—Ilia name with length of a .haft — Orders .henld slso be eeeompauied with a dranghl and fall description of wlial is wasted, sod I lie pO«U(« ImM. Little Rock, Dec. 10. |S50._U-lf Laigtrtf'i VctiovaY lap of Arkmat. THE above rpin.dill Map is now inisheil ami ready lor deliveiy. It delii.eales the whole Stale at laid off bv the I*. S. Deputy gttiveyors.— Every Section and fractional eeelion is Mmyrn, so III at a forty ecre Iroet ran be leadily found upon it The exact potiuon of all the County Seals, Post offices, Saline Springs, Seminary Lands, and the lirb and fertile lands selected by the Stale out of the 00,000 sere donation grant si e ad accurately shown. I'be Lead Minet and other ininatal locations are noted, as well a« all thd old confirmed Spanish sur veys; with the latest alteralions in the County lines. The whole Map containing as great an amount of valuable information as ran be tound on any Stale Map extant. It is pul upon roller', elegantly colored and var nished. Price $5 00. Also in convenient (nickel torn, price $3 00. The pocket Maps can be sent lo any part of the Slate by mail. Postage 3 cents For sale a< the ( ol L R. LINCOLN, Liltlt Roek. April#, 1850 . 31tf SVi\D IE. fir A Bbls. Bupetline Kioui ; 60 Boxes S'ar C»U (j\J diet; 10 Bbls. Clear Pnrk ; 2 Hbls. Linseed Oil; 2 Bbls. Lard Oil; 4 Bbls. powdered Sugsr. 2 Do. Crushed Do.; 3,000 Lbs. Colton Yarn; 3,(Kill Lbs. Bar Iron; 28 Kegs Pure Whits Lead HARDWARE. If*-—Anvils; Bellows; Vices; Serewr Pistes; Hand and Sledge Hammers; Mortice and Kim Locks, Mineral Knobs; Fancy Plalo^Cup board and Pad Locks; Axes; A** and Claw Hatch els; Tiaces; Grubbing Hoe*; Turning Chiacls and Gouges ; File, and Hasps; 2 and 4 fold Ruiet; Let ter Copying Presses ; wrought and Horse Nails; Spirit Levels and Plumbs ; Hand, Panel and Wood Saws ; Shovels, Spades and Manure Fork#; Copal Varnish, &e. Received and for sale by July 16. WM. B. WAIT. .Vfcic Hood*’ JYrvr Goods! THE undersigned haa juat re ceived, aud is now opening, a large and well-selected assort ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes. Hard* are. Queensware, and everything usu ally fooud iu stores adapted to the country trade ; all of which he offers for sale, Cheap for Cash, or in • xchauge for Cotton or Peltries, for which the highest market price will be given. Country dealere would do well to give him a call, aud examine hie stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. A. J HUTT, 4 i Itt: ork Foundry., C'lOAL CRATES, (Arkansas pattern,) (or sal* J cheap. bv ROSWELL BEEBE. Dec. 3, 1350. £1 Gl'.\h! Gl’.VKlt VI' \s!!! JUST RECEIVED, and for tola cheap for caah, fine Double and Single barrelled Shot Gnoa, Rifles, flint and percussion gun Locks, he.,* the Gunsmith Shop, on Main street, where repair* lug is done up blue, by II. GRIFFITHS. (tuernNware and (slau Ware. JOHN D ADAMS, (at Lower Steamboat Land ing) oilers to his friends and the public, the fol lowing carefully .selected (in the East) assortment of Qneensware, &e., which he will sell very low: 53 doz. white granite dinnerand soup plates, 12 •• Tea Setts, 9 «• Twlflers, 5 11 While Granite Dishes, 1 •* “ •* Pitchers, 6 •* •• •• Bakers, 2 «• “ •* Sugars, 23 setts •« •< Cotfees, •• « Teas. “ ** Bowls, “ “ Pitchers, Ewers and liaains, White Gr. Brush Trays and Soap boxes, W G sauce Tureens, do Butters and Drainers, do. Pickles, W G sauce boats and stands, W G Mug-. C (’ Tank Mugs; do. porter mugs; do. fancy; Muses’ Plains, Baker-, and l)i»he«, edged Plates, edged Dishes, Bakers, C C Nappeis, Bed Pans, Ea End. Tea Pots, Sugais and Creams, Spit Cu|is, w hite China Dishes, white CtitiiajCaperf.le-; W C Mustards; 4 do. Pickles; 1 pr. Fruit Basket., pr. \V C Celleries, Flasks, Glass Bowls, do. Pitchei-, do. Salvers, 6 ring Castors, Molasses Csns, common Bowls, Tumhlers, fluted and common, Uoblets, Champaignes, Wines, Soinr side l-tm/’i: I do Lanterns; 2 Cut Hall Lamps; 3 Solar hanging Lamps; Decanters, Cup Plates, Hexican and white China Spittoons; German Mugs; Cut Salts; 4 pr. Vasfcs; 3 Eight Day Clocks. Dee I 1850. 15 Peacoek Plow*. JUST received per Mail Boats—30 one horse Peacock Plowe; 10 do do. Valley Ptowa; 10 two horse Peacock Plows. Apply to Feb. 26. I85«. A. J. HUTT. 24 d doz. 4 •• 6 *• 4 « 2 « 6 « 6 •• 4 •• 1 *< 2 •• 20 •* I •• y\:: i:: 3 “ 4 “ i •’ 4 *• 10 *• 41 “ •2 <• 1 •• 4 “ 6 •* 1 “ 4 STOVES.—12 No. 3, •* I'roy'* Air-tight Steve*, 6 .. 2, « •• “ Received aud for tale by WM. B WAIT BUI.S RECTIFIED WHISKEY, received UU this day per '• Gen. Bsin." aud lot sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Jan. 21, 1851. Strum boat Landing. nci u |>t ■ •*■■■< ■ ■•uuiuiirjiint BliHI.S Ale; 10,090 Canons Cigars; 8,900 ciimmou Spaui-h do.; 1«}» bbla. Crackers; 10 do Brandy; 20 du Whiakoy; 20 ’2 do do, 20 bbla Frour; 3 do lain, kc. - Jan 21. M. TANTI. Received per Mteamer 1 mpire, CASES freaU Oys'era; l/U 8 bbla oo do in aboil, (eery fine) A do Oranges, due; 2 due boxes Prunes. ^ 20 do freeb Kaisina, best quality; 25 000 Harau* Cigars, assorted. For sale by M. TANTI. Jan 21, 1831 2o— IsHttlOKf*. ON baud arid for sale, 1 bbl. 4th proof Freuch Brandy; 1 “ Spanish « 1 •• Malaga Wins; I ** Muscat " (a ehoice article). JOHN D. ADAMS. Doe. 10, IS 38 —14 if lewr LamUmg. Teas. A FIRST ralo article of Oieen and Black Teas for sals at FATHERLY 4t CLEMENTS. August. 49 Partridge Roots. 4 Canao Water Proof, just escorted and for aala '* by FATHERLY 4 CLEMENTS. Fob II. 141. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. E Jnn\*o\. ATTORNEY AT LAW, little nock, ark. Oct. 1. 185*. S. I. BR V\1M \R| III.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAWRENCEVILLE. ARK'S 1ITILL pracfree in **!«• cooniie, of Philips, S’ M K riMu and Moaine, in the *1*1 Cir cuit ; he c..untie- ol and Arkansas, in tn» •renrvd Judicial Cirruii, ami the reality ■>( Prairie, i! the Altt> ludrci.l Cinnit, and will pey »iuti at tention to the collection of drlit» in any (witif* SUfr, ami will also art aa agent for the tale of land, and pay ing taxes, Sir Rear- cnee in LawreneeviHe, Monroe co . Aik*, ftept. IT, IH50 — K_*_ly SAMVEL MrI LIRTY, A Homey at Law and Solicitor ia ( kaamr, PINE BLUFFS, JEFFERSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS. Ant 90. 185*. -7-5o—ly JOHN T. TRItttt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LITTLE ROCK, ARK. > May 91, 189*. - 37— HENRI' M. RECTOR, ATTORNEY k CiUmilBt IT LAW, (Office at Beaton, Saliae Coast),) WILL PRACTICE in the Counties of Saline, Hot Spring*. Perry, Montgomery, and the conrta at Little Rock. Any bnaiiieao entrusted to hie care will receive prompt attention. E. ClIJIMINft, Attorney and tountfllur at Law, AND SO LICiTO R IN CHANCERY LITTLE ROCK. AllK James t. rkowr, ATTORNEY JIT LA If, Arkansan Boat, Ark., Wilt practice hla profenalon in the Second Judicial Circuit, and will attend to the collection of debts and the Ineeotlgatlon of land claim* in every part of Arkansas t«* B. T. DI VA L, ATTORNEY \NI) (OINSELLOH AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Port Smith, Arknnaa*. iv. n. Altornev at Law, Lim it ttoCS, AlUC. JOHV It. BORDER, Attorney at Law. Reiidf* in L«wi»Tillf, Lafayrttr fonnty, Art AND will practice in the courts of the 6th Judi cial district. Ail bueineoe confided to hie man . Cement, will rceceive prompt aimfaithfulattentleo. LAMBERT A. WHITELET, ITTOKUl AT LAI, OFFICE ON M.1RKHJM STREET. Roci, AKOliil JAMES A WILSON ATTORNEY Mil rOLNSELIJR AT LAW ■ rmriLLt, Arkansas. DAVID W. CARROLL, ax bait. Little Rock, ma301y] abkansas. fno2» JOH\ t|(JILLlM, ATTORNEY k COUNSELLOR AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR IN CHAM KRi. Orrtci—Eldorado, Union county. Arkansas 8. H. UEIH'NTEAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON MARKHAM STHKK I LILTLB BOCK AiU’l. I tf J. 1. TEBBETT8, ATTORNEY k COUNSELLOR AT LAW, rsyetteville, Arkaatw. WATKIX8 Ac ( I RK AN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS i:li ann. t;o\ WA V, ATTORNEY AT LAW. k GENERAL LAND AGENT, i LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS, IlfiLl ATI END to the collection of debta in A T any part of tile Slate, to buying and selling lauds, payiug taxes, redeeming lauds forfeited for taxes, Jtc He is authorised lo sell ennoyA for three or four thouamnd pood plantoluina, and at cheap rolea, far cunh To insure alleutiou, communications must be post paid. Little Rock, Jan. 16, 1*50. 19-ly Arkansas Coffee House/ (unui rxs.aau.T u. tisrso.) r I ’HE Proprietor has on baud, and is constantly I receiving, the following— foreign and domestic Liquors; Wines aud cordials s, every description; Cigars; T obaceo; Fruits, Jau. i Ail ol which sre for sale at wbelesale aa>l retail j pricee Person. Irom the country wishing to pur chase, will please cal! and see my elock before pur chasing drew here ss 1 intend to suit as low asauy . house in the city. MICHAEL TANTI Little Rock, Jan. 21, 1AM. SO-ly $>The Arkaielphi. Sentinel will copy one year, «nd forward account to the subeeriher. M T. niKllliE tUTTniii Tomb*, Moimot’its Kr«*» ■ Mo»m, 4f>, hir«wkts4 to ordei. IOSEPH CLARK, Stome-Cutler, (lot** of N«w 0'Iren* ) beg* leave to intoun the ritiaen* o| Little Rock and the etcinily, that he ha* opened *n 11 establishment on WaterStr*t, (•djoming Wittiain i George’* utore.) tor the purpose of executing ail : kind* ol MARBLE WORK, tk4 invite* th* alien- | lion ol all ih>r<r wanting any thing of thin kind done in a neat and workman-like manner and at a mode rate price He will keep on hand » Mock of .the *l» •! maieiiat, and is ready to execute all woik in In* line at the *!ioilr»t rtutice Little Rock. Aug. 6, »*V» 4S—If l^LOUR-m bill* Ohio auporfiun; i lt*if do lltinoM extra da; WHITE LEAD—Ml kega pare; SUGAR-J bln powderedi C AS I I MGS- MM I be bellow ware; IKON —4MKI ito aaeorted bar; WINDOW GLASS--22 boaw , CANDLES—GO boxe* alar; GRASS SEED—clover, timothy and bin*. Received per late arrival*, and for aaia by Dec 17 WM. it WAIT. Craecrftn. JOHN I). ADAMS ha* Mi baad, and otfento hi* 11 rand* aadcuaiomeaa, lot vala.No- 1 Mackctei, in kit*. HaUibwt to H bbl*. Sugbr, Co««*. bpK-, pepper. Ginger Nutmeg*. Ctovea, rtboUed Wolas »e». Indigo and Madder, Powdea, Shot and Lead, Rice, he , 4lc. Alao—TEAS, I'.iuchong. Young Hy»o«. W»fk, and a eery raparK* arttela ol ** Dnpervil Kmelhar with, preaeieed CorroaU, CSotwebrnM*. Gage*, Kheubaib, fee , tor lamtljr uae. ftr. U, 1*5*. 16 ~ ItUMIl, Sd bbla. “U’KaUon” eatra aaperfloe Kacaited for “Eackaaga.’^od <« ' M -ft March U LITTLE ROCK HIGH 8CHoo| BaarJinf *U lay It hen I far Wait U4lf,' rHKk-.«»*»»l (hi* Verunury tt,n s, 1 <ty V.). when . pnnefa.i •hr* of the Pupil* i« aatnes'ly rrot,*•!*.• Till* ln*t|f niton, »m1«t the ear* ol , )( >••**** WOOD, with Ait'ilaiii Trichei, *•»» fartMy M lanparti.* the a,lv„„,t„, '"* rrfiMatlnn Po«K!hH>C wi«bu. ,,, 1 |»||a**lior>« for Ml* rimnn hunch... «i ,rS" >•»* praetiaert with parfeet a*n*l»e „ e i|,c> y , rfrr to the gentlemen whnae Mill ,r, „lfcr> ; The «t the Buroli** primal !»ht.» sfyoriafcM aiifc+K ir Teacher, r !lrn'hhi«Nrri»..fto hum and ,rh . • >„ ,f *' ir». amt produce i.abl'e ol Older in.) ’* * *»*'.'»«: to Ihe tor Hudson o| fhrtactcr r Peeling the impmtNHr ni • Ihion.l, L ft'* If'n landMkua »«>•> .. t___ »** >( it * Kirnrli language,!).'* .:i»|wr..„hic)r, , ,,r| , (hr Primpal, *> oh to r. mi,, ,t „ ‘ * «o*«W* thr langusg* et the mtrNi.hir ,m -j-'i,’* 'Wl1"*' admitting 'hr Pupil*. old „MlIr „ amity,‘o alteml !hr French rla»*»-, wrbom ,, * hatgr. The'IcCation ol th* citv f ldllle Koch i* beam Ilrwrot, anil aecesaihte at steamboat ind stage. Th* aystor of education, a«irt»ons!y pUtV;, uni* at a prilrrl appreciation <,fwh,ieTe, j, ' ■ I in drreloping the moral anil intellectual farnlii,, —embtaeifig a thorough and «j afetnafic romar • hr elementary to »hr highest hranrhr*. Monthly *rord* of arhcdar*! Ip and deportment are tra . r<1 to Barer,la. whilif every jitilirtnui hieitnor td‘. dttdy is aWor 1*4, I hr srheet is enntfamty under thr ♦upereiaton , i hr Board ol Viaitors, wrhn.fmm ilm* to t,mr M imtnr thr various r liases. an « repo. I thnr pro*',,.,, rrrnar of TnMion rod Hoard per „r Hr* nairtki. Day scholar*. 4th Department, no 3.1 M In trench, Italian, Spanish ami German, each, Si i.*in(> in Choir, Musie — Piaiic, Guitar, am) Oigan, each. Harp, [hawing ami Painting. Acourar ol lesson*in Orirnlat pain'mg, Japan VV oik, iotas ing ol Kbeny and Ivory. 14 >k> lh no th Idl II nfl l« 08 U.i mi «« on Hi on 10 on Ha long Work, ami wat ttoweie/e'aeh. No Charge lor eibi-nlny amt ornamental ncc:lc work. Board, washing, light,, fuel, use of bed ding Ac., pci utoiiih, ’ t Payments suaitarly, in ain.ncr, no <lr,to, lor »b*rnc>' Sr sen n* imiMKr 1st 8rpt. ami 1«f p.b pa. piU received al any priiod, ehaiaed Itou, :,Bl, ol entrance to cl m o| the arasion. to im Hoard of Visitor*. Kl. Rev. Btah Paaatitie Hon Judge Hi»«o, A Plan, lion T- * Ntwriw, L l.ianaes. M D. I. H, ( mu, Esq , L. K. Beasts, Esq , LiWIo Rock, Aft la, . Hon. F W TVtnuu. Hun. Judge i'lsin, *'»" U WKn, E. H Ksr.LisH, Ksq , M»j J Lawson, •l*n. S. H I Ira rerun. Hon W. H. Srrron ISM. 5|-H WAS8IWTM I1LI SESIYIKi. liouiInstead louMl), Arks. r I'HE second MWWII of this iMtiitttien. onenn; A this morning, February lith, lHStl K«». C. P TunsssTiss, Hnperiotaudent sou Pre ff^ur of Moral sod iateilrrtaal Philosophy Bfll»-U«(ii, sad bpsoisti Literatar* Rsr. II. C. Tnwcatt, A. M . Professor of Green Ramon, I ranch sod Italian Ltteratere. J*Mtf i-BOcnaa, A. M . Professor of Mathematics Students raeotred in the Primary Dapurlmeul ta<i instructed. TERNS! Primary Department. |«tr session ol 21 week,. fiayabla quarterly In advance, f12 no Preparatory Deparlmsut. Iti US Collogiat* Course, -JO no Vocal and Inatrurnsutal Mawc, Kiemsule of Muaical Composition, {Extra) j On Initiation Pee, I on No deduction for aboeuce unless iu casts ol pr>. traded illness All atudeuU charged from the time of thsir snlry to the and of the eeeaien N B.—Tho none of ail mluietere who are »«• fsged la the ragulmr work of the miaietry. or *f tlmee who are aaparaaualed or have died in tiu miaietry: will he educated free of charge. Buabuiso caa ho obtained in the best familiss. it from $A to #9 per month Particular attrnttoa will be paid both to Ox moral sad intellectual training of all student! committed to oar charge. S. T. SANDERS, Secretary. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Hon D. T. WITTER. Paarinanr, Hon II f Poindexter. Rnv Wm. Moores, Rev. L. P. Lively, Re». B. P. Boa, I. N. Jones, M. D , Mr. J. B. Sait iefar, Mr. T. Wiltiamaon, Hoa J. D Trlmb.r «»v J, Cuatnr, M. D„ Rev 1. J. Roberts, C B Mltchsf, M. D , Mr W. W Amirses, Mr si. Zanders, Mr. H. W Smith. 7—99—tf BR. LKIDY’S S4&SAPIRILLA BLOtID PILLv Ahead of all Others II The tavjr of all mil ttsasAi Isrrersi: H EC A USE they »re safer, betlsr and aiors t4 carious than any other*; and because the j>ub ie wm take so H»uce of others if they .-an olilitm tbcin hOO.tMHM MUX MS have area sold aumnliy lo* the lau He rav*. rotIWi VND OLD, MALL AND KKM.4LK, can at»a>» ink** lh*»»u wMk f-fjudl -»fm. ami ir«r IF PILI 9 »& MKCW&MT for purine huH i+wvt tiK MMURfh CWtU Mil »U»tJ Blum ♦r tin- body. Ink* no -rti»• r»- Ibf no utlter < Uk*** romtnnedl • tfa.-tm. or romidn in th«*m Kdh(, Drtek bimI Llv« ** ( •«•!. Mini **»#•<*< v*» >'Ua1 x - U[HRt»«*u wiulM takum wifltoiMl leaf of UUi»4 *<»M, thiriitif Mil kuols «if BMrtliPt ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ire watered Him more *• tenon.e ccrtakrarss" (from PS*» win, rlcigywea, member* o: Ciatamw, and saapsruSI. nr lene/ rau be wetut-td ot their «rticw> titan of any miter run v rfi.LH ake r\ a »ox,aod *ou at «.. me, vtti dileeaoiw sod mwh abohtsneue ddsiee Beeanfifr tyiac rsi k box. They bats ao taete or uiiaieaaaal wuull, Tlis lioi.i (linn or ponder ol any brad, h» m inpc the saonuirb m bowels. I'hdors SO arlMsi. tssniUat or bad Media,'., TltKV AIU. u> h i|, AT ALL TIMBte. And adapted to unwe diseases cusuuoa to isssX.ix * Vo one as tint ‘>occ taken them will be nitlnif «rt* n»sr*> O take say others, because they will always kifnel. out .1 hey dei out, then us otfmes wdi. lit. .V A L'ndy.dar ioe* sr drumiat, clirnoet and tdiysnan, of l.i year. . * or (O •httadelSaa; trsudate of the ttufverseey of Peaneylesm. iron her of f tCrrcm medscal iaameueaui of rhUadelykeo. '<« fork, host on, Mahmuoe. Ac . and Aseociaa- and roowysi ait membet of se-veral atedtral uastHuuon. of Load-m ssd Cs i* bcuce tin reason of die (r>sO< ooafid, are (dm cd m oHe, and th'-tr hr tax rtraamurtided m the prscn< <■ of n«« k pecuebir phyeeeonsa thronaboni Uu I. mud 'taeee Tnucipal ihput. Hr. Lculy’e lln^ensary, So ltd Veu* 'onrth HA, ffnisdelphia- no.) -old whoInMle and retail b) J. W. Tappe. I.irtie hock; K. cirseaaaa, Van •«r<n - at A Mead, and WnfOt A Co., Mew • uMrajis, and all dne yets and sHsokaepem ia tin Called HlsSre. < n tatfjO easaailaenAia. llm. Walk in* 4 *ixcr t i iilt i*i ' WOULD miM-rlfalty inform thaciti hih ol LitU* Beck, »ni-mptemUj kuu of tht count-it, tbal!twy h»»» •n<*rad n>o • (e>pirlii«nkip m ilm PrneUt* of Medmur, and si'- pirparad la mtttml iroM/flly. In e»w# of *m»-reei cy, »ik! ritlwi ol lb' >«iLci we th* other will «lt*nii Oneoiiht >tl»tr<i» iilwa)*fee hMWHi at tknr ojfici in >lr. Win E.* building,lb* coiaei ol Maikharu » troll »tfeet*. Littlr Book, Oct. IS, 1^50 IS-" L)00 ■ratty ilaih and tawling*. LBS uaott«d Iron; SO K'g» Naif*; 5000 Catting*, lor ulo low. by r D MKUKICK k CO Dtctmb IT, 1830 IS ( orroi «■:% miiiw. r% DIN STANDS. Ml •aoh, wad* br *■ £ C \KVKK 4t CO., La«t Bridfawaler. Mu»■, ac*ive*i from lb* man a (act* rota and for «aia ..oraid* lerm*. by W.M B WAH Jaly 10, is4". 2VOTICK. I HAVE, kt lumt troabl* aad coat, gtarad my L Mill, mi Inal It aiiii grind and aaar at tbe *’>•* a.« Fiinh ah* may **ab cat* groom" eat at* it do** at aay Uma ibay atll a»*d H«rm"«< •ball hat* *• partieaUr day for grinding Tna| wn may be no un*»nd*roUnoiag, lb* rat*. »t <•» barged. i« one-lbini ortwauty-6»*cent, ih" baai.t. Jaly IS, IA50.—44 U D. H. BIN0HA.M (Dm. Otar ) LOO Jaa • ■ lour. BBLS Ohio S B**f Mac, r«c«i»*d |»*r pir. No 8,” and lot •oia. bjr l m WM B WAIT.