Newspaper Page Text
LIWM, I *S—l y. SwiMlrie* ft SCElVEDpnr , PouUa*, the fi • aA 1 |vv ntNKRW N 10 betf Bbfc R Mew trtewM. Phillip reanywlt aad ' to-wit: 1 BW.Um; 4*. Plow HmUk SO Steal dDoaeal 3 Coil* C 10 Bright Ox Onaiaa; 9 Doi. w4sjw»f Rift* Lock* i » do. Palm Leaf Hate; 19 do. Wnbeto»*a Speller*; 100 hU Gape aad Unctti i 100 do. Edged IWn; 9 Do*. Hem _Jono Collar* j 3 do. B. B. B. Hoi*; 40 pair Mos’a think Boot*; 'ifStrr. Fob-10,18514 Mala Street. LIQUOR. BRLS. Old BoorWa Whlekej MooongaUele Whlafcoy ; 30 ; a Bbla Old da. Prim* Old 'WMekey ; *0 half do- do riBb* __ K reach Brady J 3 Cask* OW Cogoae Brandy; 2 do. IMlWls; 2 Caafcl Moacat Wlao; 2 do. Mataga 1 Hf. BM C I BM. Gia. Received per Traa* aad for sale by JOHN D ADAMS, tee, aad fo Feb 11. 1S&I Steamboat Landing. Oncerlcs. a Salt t li Back* Coffee; 15 Bbla Sugar; Bbl. Powdered Sugar ; 10 Bbla aad half 1 Tierce Rice Raialua, Cheeae, I) . .,**• Solaesca ; ■ . m<M v■-, Vennloilll, Macaroni, Sweat Cheealate, Lobaton, Sardloee, SrimeUao, Cigar*, Spanish Brown, Rot ten Stone, Whiting, Bri*toi;Brlek, Emery, Lamp Stick* Ac , A*. KacilTod per Pontiac, and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS. Fob- II, 1951. Steamboat Landing. WALTON, SANFORD A CO. GENERAL GROCERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. u, Near Iwraa, N Orleans: HAVE conataatiy on hand a goaeral aad wall aelectrd aaaortmaat of *tmj»lo aad Fnacy Ornceriea, Fin# JUmmn and IWnar; JVaateioaa, Ornceriea, Etc. Etc la addition to the Grocer * Stock, (bay kaap a DMge, and Dyaa, Latter at Ctkrda. Ac. Ac. Their aim will bo la aotl fonud in ly of f f r«p and always at FJ1R MSrIeT PRICES. Their re ■ally fe y ef Neile, Gleet, Pep^r, Playing I aad freak article*. facilities for boyiagpawttb their experience in the Arkaaeaa trade, anuMhoir knowledge ef the waste of that aectlou, they think wiU enable them at all liittoe It All, mtiefbctarily, anakardere aa they may be favered with- * Jan. 1. 1851, 1-y. sjMMierjr* AL AJROt tot of 8addlory, consisting of gentle nyn'ji and tad too Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Saddle-Bags, Carpet-Bags, Girths, Cucuwles, Col lars, Maimea, Hndle-FiUings, Sulky, W agon and riding Whips, Stir up lions, Bridle Hits, Ac., Ate., Phillip Pennywit, and for i JOHN D. ADAMS, Ac , received per for CASH by March 26. Steamboat Landing. 38—tf. A/tf llL S A WS—Rewlaad's 6>* and 7 feet ; JYi French locks—s, c end 7 inch«; AXES—Colllaa and Hants, OILS—Lard, llaeeed, tannera and oaaUfeot. Received and for anln by WH. B. WAIT. Marsh 3d. tfr-tf. MAqnor% and Flour. JUST received by ateamer Hamburg; 36 Bbl* Whiskey. 30 Half iJbls. do. 6 BMs. Borbon Whiakey. 25 Bbls. Flour. Id Bbls. Putatoea. Fee sale cheap, by M. TANTI. 1NL0UR—50 Bbla “O'Fallon Mi'll” Extra Su perfine. BACON—1 Hilda Clear Sidea; “ 5 « bone do; “ 5 Tiercea extra Sugar Cured Hama. PORK—10 Bbbla Meat; SUGAR—3 Hhds clarified; “ 4 Bbla Powdered White. CANDLES—SO Quarter boxes Sur. NAILS—60 Kegs 4, « A 8 d. Received sad fur tale by April Vk. WM. B. WAIT. CHOCTAW LAND SCRIP in pieces of 80,160 sud 330 acres, for sale by WM. B. WAIT. March ». 38—tf. B V Steamer Emily I have Just received and now offer for sate t 60 Barrels Super Flaw Flour; 3 “ Rye Whiskey; 18 Boxes Assorted Tobacco; 10 “ Least* Syrup; 8 *• Candy; 1 Band Relish Filberts; 10 *• Aka. M. TANTI. Lower Steamboat Landing. April 7, 1861—Jl—tf ANNE LARDS HORSE, about aevon years old a»dr '“ ‘ — March 26 ads ta height Apply to L. A. WHITElSy. .\>groe* for Sale TWO LIKBLT NEGRO WOMEN, one with ‘ faro children, and the other with one. For safe for cash, by J. D. ADAMS, * j it t|n> it—mNwit fiintftfig March *», US,’ ’ * * 1 SO BasVgU and lor sate low. Wine; on eonsigacent DtevtJkt 17, ISIS. BBLS TM>. MERRICK A CO. GO, (Sit day per* . Jan. 31. 1851, ,' e i» received «*’ »ed for sale by IB. ADAMS. JMmtm fivii Lawiin*. JObT received par stsamsr Pennywit 16 aaeka Rio CoflWs; * hhd*. Sugar; Hi hV de; - 4 I>bU\ Moleassai 6 half bid*. Mwlaeses; JO *afia* W'-?-; Aadfers efs* ™ t.RW* ? f> m —i ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, FOR YOUNG LADIES, fclttlo M(k« ark »■***. T of Rigid Reverend Dr. ItUI, it now open t the reception of board**. fhtuatad la a rotirod pari of tbe efty of Uni* Rock, H pamemsi every *d**a taca which can contribute to tha boaltb and bappi. note of tba Pupil*. Tba addition* i ‘ to tba already apacijut budding*—together with it* extensive and beautiful ground*. wlif rei reader It on* of tba moat sommodioua" aad delightful malitatiaoi .of tha Waat. Tba fkhelaatk year commoner* the text Monday in September—the annual vacation the 15th July, pupil* received at any time, but not fur a aborter period than three month*, amt no deduction, if with drawn before the expiration of the session, except in caaa of protracted sicknes*. The conrae of studies embrace* all the branch#* mostly taught in the beat School* lor Yoo.rg Ladies. The most g nnstant attentic n will bo paid totbe mor al u Well a* to tha mental education of the pupil* During the hour* of recreation the young ladies are always under the e*re of one of the teacher*—In abort, everything promoting the welfare ol the pupils win bo an object of the amt conscientious attention Each young lady moat M provided with a knife fork, apoon. gohblet, *•* table napkin*, ail changer of tioen, work nod dreating boa, comb*, biusb towel*, tec., tec. At tiro end of each quarter the young l*dy mot distinguished for general good conduct and piofi cicocy in atudiea will be rewarded by the honoarj decoration of a medal, and erety proper mesm employed to iaspire a laudable emulation among* th« pupil*. . Pupils ol every religious denomination are admit ted into the institution and no improper influerici ever used to bias the religious principle* of lh< young ladies_but for the taka of enter, all bon uteri are required to conform to the general regulation! of tl» A cad# toy. —All correspondence of the pupils, except that o parents, will be subject to tbe inspection' ol Ihi Principal. The parent* or guardian* of the yonnj ladies an required to deposite with the Principal or some re sponsible person in tbe city a anm o4 money sulllcien to meet all contingent expenses. The French department will be under the direc lion of one who haa resided aeveial year* in Fiance and is lamitiar with tbe Parisian accent. In the musical department the Principal will bi aided by Mrs. Out**, the Organist of tba Cathedral a lady well known to bo eminently qualified to tin part a thorough practical knowledge of the science She will atao give private lesson* on tbe Piano o Organ to those wishing to take them. — fnv Ifraca rrlpfa n»r SPtkioB rtf A Yf Otlthm Board and Tuition, in all the branches pertaining t< • thorough English education,.$>V) 0 Wuahii'g, use of bed and bedding.15 0< Extra Charges. Music—Piano, with uae of instrument,/ quartelry.j $12 Oi Guitar,.12 W Organ.12 ft Uae ol Organ,. 2 # Drawing and Painting. *> 0 French. 5 ft Physician’s fees per annum,.. 5 O' Vncai Music to those not taking iiistruoien / tal, quarterly...) i 0 Terms for Day Scholars yerttaarter. Elementary class.#•> (>' For the more advanced.s .)< Plain and Ornamental Needle Work. Embroidery Bead and Lace wink, Knitting and Netting Flow era, will be taught free of chaige—the pupils fur nishing the tmteiials. Boarders pay the current expenses semi annual!; in advance. Day scholars quarterly. 'Tbeie will be an extra charge of ®I3 OOforlhos spending the annual vacation at the Institution. For further particulars, apply by letter or person ally to Miss Victou, Principal ol the Institute. REFERENCES: Right Rev. Dr. Bvkhb, Hon. S. C. Roans, Gen. 8. H. Hneimo, Col. L. J. Rasa cos, Johh Baown. Esq., D. W. Caaaoix, Esq. Kev.J. Moiashah. Rev. J. Fussois, J. Dsvkxeaox, Esq., N. Dcvxamaux, Esq., Babtiiolomkw Mucus, James S. Coiawar, Esq. Judge Haislt, Helena. Judge MsANr, Calumbia. Agent for the Institution, HUGH BROGAN. July 1«. 1850—7—45—ly. THE subocriber, agent for H. Habcrnian, vril continue the former's busiuew at his old stan on Msin, near Markham street, and keep con stantiy on hand a full and well assorted stock t Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, liardwarr Castings, he., he., all of which will be sold lot for cash. The highest market prices will be pai for country produce, as beef hides, peltries, bees wax, Ac. JOHN KRAUSE. Little Rock, March 28, 1851. _JO—tf_ Iron and Castings. A AAA Lba. Bar Iron, aarortod ; 4 Bundles Nail Roda ; 6 Bundles Extra Horse Shoe; 100 pieces Plow Wings ; 75 Skillets and lida ; 30 Ovens and lids ; 15 assorted English Pots ; 15 Sugar Kettles ; IS Grid Irons ; 30 odd lids. Received per Trustee, and for sale by JOHN D ADAMS, Feb. 11. Steamboat Lauding. Cinelnnnti blood ft Kaga Frwah Bsmkwbaat Floor ; 300 pound Bologna Sausages ; 1 bbl; Homtney; 1 bb! White Beans! 2u Boxes Star Candles; 10 Boxes Tallow do. 2 Hbls. Lard Oil; 1 Bbl. Salaralus; 300 Jugs; 15 Demijohns, 15 lion Bound Kegs. Received per Trustee, end for eels by JOHN D. ADAMS. Feb. II, 1B5I. Steamboat Lauding. Star Candle* Jfc. | ‘)AA Lba. Star Candies ; 25 Rage Buckwhea : ()v r\J Flour ; 6 Bbl. -Whilo Beans ; 400 Lb Castings* Just received per Poutiac, and for sal by FATHERLY & CLEMENTS. Fob. 11,1851. Little Reck. I ) ,V. ftrleene. HinckMimiu * i ooi*. 430 and ‘36 inch Bellow*; 4 Monte Hole Anvil; 4 Collar's Key Vice*; 4 *ei* Hummers: Received ind for tele, hy J. D ADAMS, Jan. 21, ISM. Steam Boat Landing. Laigtreci &etli«uil lap of Arkaum. A KKW copiet of the above M*p—the only com XX. piete and correct one ever rroMished—tor t>al at Iba Gaulle and Democrat office—price $5, o roller*, and handtomely varnitbed and colored. Jan. 7, 1841. IS— Stationary. V LARGE and beautiful aaaortnsent of st« tioiwry, received per Phillip Penny wit. an for talc by JOHN I). ADAM.v St> amboat Lauding. March 2». 29—if. JOH1 D. AIAAMS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT BRICK CORNER. I.OWM ST*\MBtiAT I. UlllIKU, LITTtK ROCK, ARKANSAS. KBKPS eouttaiitty on hand a large and genera avert—Biel Pry Cuode, Cletuaf, Hard wan, daMuaini Mala wad Cape, Boot a ad shoe*, Saddlery, BtaUoaary, G rocerir* Predate, At., dte.; all af which writ be tel eery cheep for CASH. Oet-l7l0SO—6—4—If Cl'JISt Gt'NStI GCMUtt! JUST RECEIVED, end for vie cheap for cath See Doable and Sioglo barrelled Shot Gum RMUe, Slut and pereuttion gua iroekt, (cc.,kc .a the GuiwmtUi Shop, on Mein it'-wt. where repair U. GRIFFITHS. in* ie done ap blae. Nevd. by 9 — LmiORS. ON bead ead fee tale. 1 bid Dee. 4tb proof French Broody; •• Spameh •• Malaga NViua; '* Maaoat « (a chelae article!. JOHN D. ADAMS, 10, 1956.—14 If Leto v Landing. Teak. rietr«. astjAgyi-a sfibss vie at Aegatt. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. mm KWiit. • iui. r. uuu. mm ». a 8fDDALL,(JREENE & CO., COTTOJT FACTOR 09aaut»^D Aas' MERCHANTS, NO. II CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS KMWQIUNWJOD. JHMRALP T.R AMAHS 1<NE« WRKElWOOD, A CO., COMMISSION AND FORWaKDINO MSROHANT8- . , So. 66 Magazine Street, opposite the Mouth of Bank Alley. NEW ORLEANS, LA. i 0d- Particular attention paid to the tale ol COT I TON, TOBACCO, AND OTHER PR0DUCE I Jie collection and remittance of Fund*--and the purchase and shipment of Merchandize jenerally Thomas i.. white, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, NO. 43 CANAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS. LAW, MEDICAL. MISCELLANEOUS. AND SCHOOL BOOKS. WRITINQ PAP£?t, Eli- Cep, Letter and Note Wrapping paper #/ carious qualities (ACTILLS, STEEL PENS, INK. And a general assortment of Blank Hook.. Country Merchants and Teachers .ire requested to call and examine the Stock. (eh. 1.1 23 tv JANE* MATTRrW*. WU POWELL. JATIEM 1ATTHEWR& t'O., WHOLESALE GROCERS AM C01HISSIDN MERCHANTS, Manufacturer's Agents roa THE SALK or : NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, COTTON YARNS Ac., No. 53 WALNUT STREET, South of Columbia, Cincinnati, Ohio. Refer to—T. D. Merrick It CV, H’m. B. Wait, i Walter Mitchell, H Brogan, D. Bender A Co , and I Jacob Hawkint, Latle Rock. Feb. 5, 1850 —7—22—ly (SiccmorloWn. T. Rustis A Co.) Ko. 42 and 44. Pearl Street, Button MattaehuteUt, IMPORTER AND DEALER IS V I FORKIUM Si UOMKSTIC HARDWARE, HAS a constant supply of Hardware and Cct adapted to the trade of the Southwest i From an experience of-tweuty years in the trade ; of that section, he is confident that he can supply i merchants, either in person or by order, with the ! styles and qualities of goods desirable, and on terms ; that shall be satisfactory. *a* B. C. gives particular attention to consign ments of Cotton, Peltries and other produce of the 1 country that may be consigned to him for sale. | Sept. 25. 1849—7—3—ly : jost.rn h palmer. jaues m m asset. | JOSEPH II. PALMER A < <>.. IMPORTERS AXD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN POREItt!* AID : DOM 1ST 3D 0^YQ©©0|, 47 CAMP-NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 10, 1850. 8-1 —ly A. F. COCHRAN A 4 0., ! COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS AND Dealer* m Foreign and Domestic FRUITS, NUTS, WINES &.C. POWDER! POWDER!! AGENCY ol the celebrated “Chryslal Powder Company,” in Kegs, Halves and Quarters, and Cans of one sod five pound,. Guarantied Superior \ to any manufactured. No. .27 Tchoupiloulas Street, New Orleans. January 15, 1850 7—19—ly NEW WHARF BOAT. A . GOAD A CO., GENERAL AGENTS, COMMISSION AMI FORWARDING MERCHANTS. napoleon, auk. I r|5HK PROPRIETORS have purchased an en I X lively new boat, with splendid accommodation. It will afford ample aud secure storage room for f eight hundred tons, and U capable of accommoda ting fifty paasengtra. ’ 1 They are prepared, as heretofore, to do busiuees as General Ageuts, to Receive, Forward, aud Pay Charges. They promise to give their particular at tention to all business entrusted to them. The Proprietors will guarantee that this host will stand the inspection of any Insurance Office in the United States. references: A. B. Shaw St Co., Memphis, Tenn. James Hibbard,) ._ . C. A Stew abt, ( Aapofeon. Mk. Jas Timm, fit Co., ) S. H. Tccker. > Little It rk. Ark. T. 1). Merrick 5t Co , S Moses Greenwood At Co., ) Walton. Santoro &. Co. Sept 10, 1830. 0>Gaz. St Dem. copy. 5 Oi if tins. l-ly W. MITCHELL, &, CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Dealer* In Good* Dry , CrHcerltl, &c. NAPOLEON, AKK 8. MUrCK -Ml, IdOI. Kiipr and CoftVc. ! C / A Bag* beet Rio Coffee, ty*/ •» Hilda. Prir,* Frown Sugitr, in More and for mile by T. I). MERRICK & CO. Nor. 5* l«l5n.-8-9— If Pnrtridjfc Koofv. 4 CASES Stool Calf Boot*. 2 Cases Waterproof Booote, just received nod for aate by Dec. 17 FATHERLY Si CLEMENTS. OOLDIERS* LAND WARRANTS, for IHO acrea each, for aale by March 3d IV.M. B. WAIT 2#~tf Uec*d per steamer Hamhiir^li, ^ BBLS Ala; 10,0110 Canoua Cigars; 8,OnO common Spaai-h do ; 10l2 bbla. Crackers; , lu do Brandy; 20 do Whickoy; 20 >„ do do, 20 bbl* Fiour; 5 do Gin, kcc. Jan 21. M. TANTI Received perMtenmer /1 CASES freab Oya'era; 8 bbla do do in ehell, (very fine) t do Oranges, fine; 2 dui boxca Prunes. 20 do freah Raisins, boat quality ; So MM Havana Cig.,rs, assorted, i For aale by M. TANTI. j Jan 21, 1851 20— New <*ood«! ,\ew tiootlx. THE undersigned have jnat received their Full and Winter Stock, consisting ill part, of Brown and Bieai lied I tamest tea, French, English and American Prints; Black Alpaca Hotterv; Ladiea' 1'reaa'kiiJ Mourtiiug Collar*; l.adiea- White Biick Slippers; L a#’ and Childrens’ Luced Brota; French Artificial powers A general assortment of Boats, Shoes. Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery and Queentware, which they will aaii cheap for CASH or Country Produce. FATHERLY Jt CLEMENTS, Dee. 17, ISM Corner Maia and Markham Ala OR4N«F.ft 4K» I.FlfOVS, Jl >T received per steamer PFitiip l imaywitr - 30 bcXea oraugrs, S do lemoas; For aata aheap Fa* M BS-tf M. TANTI. E. CARYER 4 CO’S. IlfROTED COTTON CIS* ONE of 69 Saw* in store and ft* *»!*• AU orders for Oini of the usual •ute-'i given to the Undersigned will he forwarded, and tww prompt attention. UM # WAIT. Ace at (or the Manufacturers. Little Rock, May 37,1851. 58— Mint* ! Hat*!! 11 ST received, a flue lot of Hat*, and among ' which we the foflowin, ni: 2 cases fine fash. Silk Hal*: Moleskin llata: Oaaiwtre “ Russia “ Brush Pearl Union Panama " Legimrn boys’ fine Leghorn infants’ Straw Palm Leaf If ITT, Mina ftrrrt. 'i*— •Vi :: * 2 - 1 •* 2 doe. 3 « i i 1 13 Arul for sale by • ■Mil U. 1891. FIRE I.VM RANt'E, By the undersigned Agent for the PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, or HcaTroao, cmwcnti T. Police’s issued upon the mod favorable terms by \VM. B. WAIT, -lgmt. _May 6, 1RS0. _ o5-tf. Family Flour. Arc., Arc. Tl'ST received, a lot of merchandise direct from Cincinnati, jkt steam, r* Lelia No. -, and Trustee, e5 barrels Flour: 8 casks Bacon: 1 “ Canvassed Hama; . 10 bones Star Candles: 10 “ Painted Bucket*; 4 barrels lined Apples; 1 I Kites Tobacco; I bags Cotton Yarn; And for sab* by A. J: IH'TT, Main ft rut. Way H, _>*— N.nltllt'ry. received from New Orleans large IT'ST received from New Orleans a *1 and wlel assorted stock of Saddlery, consisting in part of the following, viz: 10 gents' fine Columbian Saddles; 12 “ “ Spanish " 8 ladies’ “ Hog skin “ 8 doz. Bridles, assorted qualities; And for sale bv .Way It, 1851. Martingales assorted qualities; Bridle fillings “ “ Worsted Girls “ “ “ Circingles, a*s'd qualities; Com. Horse Collars: Hog skin Horse Collars; Wagon Whips; Hide Plain and Pocketed Saddle Bags; fine Polished Sitafflti Bits; " Stirrup Irons; very fine Buggy Whips; A. J. 1H TT, Muir at,-ret. 38— REGULAR ARKANSAS RIVER PAUIET. For Fine Hlull, I.ittlc Rock, Van Buren, t: Foil smith. Fort Gibson, and all inter* ■nediale Lnndinga. HE staunch and light-draught steamer JOHN BOX, Master, will run, during the fnsiunj -eason, as a regular Packet from New Orleans, to Ihe above landings. Strict attention will be paid to plantation business, arul all orders promptly al ien,led to. Littl Rock Jan. 3, 1851. 18-!f. FRFSII DRLG.V & MEOIflMiS. Jt ST RECEIVED AND TOR SALE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rJ7HE aubacriber ia constantly recce -I- ving, from New York, a genuine assortment of Draft, MeJicines,Chemt eaD, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, try* Sluffi, 4'C-, ■ Also—Pa'cnt Modi tines: among which are, Dr. Taylor’s Balsam ol Liverwort; Jaynes’ Expectorant; Indian Panacea Dailey's Pain Extractor; Hays’ and Hewes’Lirn meut; Linn's Strengthening Plaster; Komstock'i Vermifuge; MofFatt’s Phoinix Bitters and Vegeta ble Life Pills; Bartholomew’s Expectoiant; Sphoii'i Medicines; Oldridge's Balm of Columbia for the Hair; Welsh’s Medicamentuin. All of which will be sold low forcash R. L. DODGE,Markham .«(. Little Rock, 1848. 17—tf ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY'!! HI FASHIONABLE Boot and Shoe Manufactory. Hi HMHE undersigned, having opened a Boot autj 1 JL Shoe shop in the two story brick house on the east side of East Main street, between Markam am. Kim streets, intend* carrying on the above busiuesi in all its branches. Ho use., none but the best ma terials, and employs none but the very best work men, and gentlemen favoring him with their custom may rely on having their work doue iu the Neatest and most Fashionable style. By strict attention to his cosiness, and p'omptl) tilling all order* to the satisfactieu of hiscuslom ers, he hopes to merit and receive a libera! patron age from the cittizens of Little Kock and vicinity Terms cash ou delivry. GEORGE JACOB LESCHEK. Little Rock, June II. 1*50.—7—40 tfj. (SAPIEMTIJ PtUESTjtT OMS1BUS.) FEMALE COLLEGIATE SEMINAR V, TtiLie, Dallas Cock tv, Amcaksas. Joilu S. Garvin, Preoi dent, Prof, ol Coils Mrs M. Cook,Govern. and lustruotreao. >«iior F. Garcia, Prof. Trrrm.N Weldon E VVright, M I) , Prof, of .Nat. ^science. M«j B. J. Borden. Prof ol Llhio* and Belle Letter* of Music aud Mod. Lang *K8 MONTH. Collegiate Department, 'Am:, or Modern Langua ges ...ft j (XI Collegiate Department, Kiiglisti Course,.4 OH Academic Department,. 3 00 Primary Department.2 (HI Ornamental Department, (Painting ami Drawing,) . 2 00 Musical Department, (Vocal aud !n*trurn«ntal,5 00 Boarding, including waaiiiug. fuel, iiglila vVc. HI Oil Academic year embrarra one aemiou of teu raontlia, commencing tlie 1st Monday in Auguat and cloning the !a«t Thursday in June Tuition aud Hoard must be paid one-half in advance, the remainder ut the clone of the session No deduction will be made from the rates of Tui tion except In cases of sickness. Klnmiiiiitmns.--* 1 here will be an annual tv amiuattou before a Board of Visitors at the clone of each term; nud quarterly examinations beiorh the Board of Guardian*. Diplomas wifi be giveu, oa the lerummeud., lien of the Hoard of Ymtioia. to the graduate* ol the Seminary, and certificates of Scholarship, to those who hate taken a pal It Of course. Discipline nad Police will be mild but firm; being rather ona of moral restraint, than pun ishmenl Quarterly reports ol concuct'aud Scholar - •hip will be Iranumitted to pareuia or guardians. Course ol Instruction is divided into three Departments : Primary, Academi' and Collegtate Music. —It is believed that uo luatituliou in (he >uuih w staffers equal advantages to perf c| iU Pupils iu tins elegant accomplishment. S-nor Garcia, the accomplished head o) this Department, lias taught with dutiuclioa in Washington City and Virginia, and I* not only a moat skillful per former. but the treat instructor in the Art, that we have ever seen Needle Work — Plain and f'nncr>-»No extra charge wilt be mode in this Department. the pupils furtus ing (he materials I be products ■ will be disposed of at an annual Fair and lire pro ceeds placed in the Library Fund beetarm >md Composition.—••[-eciure* w u I be deliver»«l rrgnlany by the heaps of Department* In their resptr'iye Cl awes. aud Compositions will he required every two weeks d-ariug th course, from the members of the Academic and Collegiate . Department*. Vacation.a-There will be a vacation of «n< week the, last of December, and one of two moutha st thy close of llu Session By orueCeOt the Board of Guard isos X—»-tf «»»-»! lint* !’! s) L’wet Fs*bio ns hie Nil a Mats ; < Dot Woo! do •k > Do* Cloth Cap for at I* by Fab 11. t»i Fee-ivsd ner Pontiac uni JOHN D ADAMS. ftneWt Loading LITTLE RftCI FBI AIBY 1.10 SMFTSLRY. AoKwrli Rcehc * ^yolU' respectfully call the iUhU«i of th. pabiic to tha iW«( eatabKaitKieui, whiek liM recently untiergewe ethorewgh rrpa>r,aiul. hi» iBg th# nee emery- Fecilttira, t# »«r «llj prepared ta fontUli to nrd'r. with gnat prompter*. .very article .e/hat into af sillier wrought er eaot Iran. Braaa ar Cnpywr. af as gaad material, properties*. ■>d workmanship, *nd npou as cheap terms. « nny other Foundry tn tMt ce»*try. Mitirlgtas and oil ers, ordering wheel*, wilt b« pleased ta fitra tha Na. of e«g» ami pitch, also tha particular «t*e ami shape of tha aye, wanted in each wheel. Tha di amrtcr of a wheat, when cant, will baUaf »u inch per foat leas—tha * «ma with length of a rltafl.— Orders slioolii alee he accompanied With a draught ami fall description of what is wanted, and tha postage paid. • Little Rock, Dre. 10, 1950,—14—tf "JL FKOST * CO„ ||| MEAI.EK9 IN r|Jnool*. Shoe*, Brogan* H ATS, CAPS, &C,, Al.SO PALM LEAF, MEXICAN AND CAMPEACHY HATS. 1 No. 1«. Magazine, between ( anal and‘Common at. NEW ORLEANS. O* From our Houses at New York and Boston wa are constantly receinug Ireah supplies of the ■* iliore Goods Country Dealers ara invited to call and axainiue onr extensive stock Arkansas Coffee House, (iowks srr.»ns»tT i,Aseiso.) 'IMIE Proprietor has on hand, and ii constantly i receiving, the following — Foreign and domestic Liquors; Wines and Cordials of every description; Cigars; Tobacco; Fruits, Ac. All of which are for sale at wholesale au i retail prices Persons from the country wishing to pur chase, will please call and see my stock befors pur chasing elsewhere as I intend to tell as low as any house in the city. MICH AEL TANTI Little Rock, Jan 21, ISM. 2o-ly fey-Th# Arkadelplila Sentinel will copy one year, and forward account to the subscriber. M 1' L*LOUR—50 BMs Illinois Superfine; C 50 “ “ extra do. Reo’d per “Jefferson/’ and for sale by May 14th. 1*50, WM. B, WAIT, COLOUR "!'• Bill* “O Fallon Mills*' Extra Su perfiug. 50 •' perfine. May 10, 1851. “ Quincy Mill's’’ Extra Su Received and for sale bv WM. B. WAIT .ViMlli V. sllOKU’K. IN urdet to get my gools early in the fall, I have determined to start East earlier than usual, amt now request all indebted1 to Me to “Come up to the Trough," and save me the disagreeable necesi ty of'troubling them again, /urn btiunl to hare the Money, a,. 1 am resolved to buy my next stock of Goods for Cash, for the purpose of selling them less than the same slock can be sold for in this Male, I hope ail will be ready to pay up upon pre D. C. FULTON. satiation of their Bills. May 15, 1*51. 36—4w. JUSTICE. ffTI \VI\<; ht"n riffled. c«H£iun.^!»*n»*«) and quailftnl nn a JXf iiiftioc ot tlic PtJice 0*r Hif Work Town* tup, Puia^ki r.»ai»iy, Arkiuwaf. I am prepared P» autnotl, oflk-ially, to &iiy btiiuaeaf intrusted t«» hi** pundaail}' nmo« at th«“ Ian <»f?U*e of L. A., E*q., corm*i of Main and Kim eirefts, awkr th* Arkatv'** Ilfmn* r oAm. JOHN J. THoMfSOV Lull** Rock, Ark* , Nov. j, new. FLOUR—200 bbls. Ohio superfine; LARI) OIL—ft tibia, winter strained; PLOUGH MOULDS—106 Diamond; BACON—i hints, bams and sfiouldera; PORK—10 bbls. clear; LARD— 100 kepi No 1; COTTON YARN—3000 lbs. assorted, 5 to lf>. Received pr ‘Hamburg,’ and for sale by WM. B. WAIT. March 11, 1851. Partridge Boots. | Cases Water Proof, just received and foi sole '* by FATHERLY &. CLEMENTS. Feb. 11. 1951. H E. FRl'ITS, MTS At. JUST received by the steamer Pontiac No 20 Tons of Boston 2. lee. 25 11 xes Raisons. 4 Batrels Chestnuts. 1 B ig ot A linens. 1 B.ig English Walnut*. 1 Barn I Cocoanut. 50 Cans Oyesters. 2 Barrel* Oyeiters in the shell. 2004 Pickled Oyester*. 5 Boxes Tobacco. 2 Hogsheads Sugar. I Dec. Basket Amuse!. 5 •• •* Cordial*. I “ Demijohns. M TAN I I. March 3d, 1951. 26-T. Ju«l llfccivfd, |)KR steamer Pontiac, a large and well selected L slock of Lltjl OILS, WIN rxS, PRh>hKYUS, GROCERIES, & e. The assort ire nt is much better mid more than doubly as large as it ever wa^ con sisting in part of Cl pipes Otard, Gotard, and Dupre Brandy; 5 casks Madina Wine; ft “ pure juice of Port; SO gals, old Cognac Brany in demijohns; 50 “ “ Scotch Whiskey; 50 << jrui.h 10 bids, bid Rye and Bourbon Whiskey; 2 “ “ Peach Brandy: 7 quarter t ask* St. O ,v Kutu; 1 bbls. White V. me; S •• Malaga Wiui; 1 quarter tanks Jamaica Kura; 2 pipes Holland Gin: 15 boxes Skedom Gin; ftO baskets Champaigne, choice brands; 3 boxes Hock W'me; 5 old Madeira Wine; 5 “ pare juice of Port; 40 boxes Claret; 8 dosen claiK i Cordial*; 2 baskets AuniacU; o boxes Abayath; I 10 “ Curat, j; 10 “ Brandy Uheme*; 10 “ Lenem Syrup; lti doxeu Scotch Ale; 5 “ assorted Preserve*; 2 barrels Currants; 3 boxes Citron; 8 barrels Cranberries; 2 " *S. S A Rounds; 30 half boxes Raisins; 30 drums Pigs; 4 boxes Pme Apple Cheese; 10 •* Ohio Cheese; |0 dozen Kentucky Mustard. fresH Peaches in cans; “ fresh Green Peas m cans; ** Pickles, assorted; “ cans Lobsters; " “ Maektcel; “ “ Salmon; case Sardines; 8 do*tsn Turn to and Walnut Kelt hup* 5 8 5 5 5 20 Worcbesterskirt Sauce; Pepper Same; Olive Oil; Ohrta; Caper*; Red Pepper; 15 barndt white Sugar; 2ft kee* ftHrh Crjgktre; 10 kr^KChm- e/PokaCW; 2 .,(*k* H*' >u/Cnfant, I ke ibn.- w.-re selected exptxsrslv for this ma' ’ w be sold |.»w far cash. ICON HAWKINs. MarchII, t*5J. 27—tf 11 Hoofs anti Shafti. CASAS Hoots sss-^ried; Kip Brogan*; do*. Goat’s fine Calf Shoe*; “ “ “ UuiteiS; “ Ladies Shoe* assorted; Mim*e« and children* Shoes assorted; Caw- B-oyw Kip Ba*r«n«; “ “ . A1* , hr., fte. Received per Ptmup Cermet jt, and for nu by JOHN D. ADAMS, '• Btenwhont' March 2» 4 4 2 12 8 1 I PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. B. JOK\M>.\. VTTORNEV AT LAW 4i_✓ LITTLE IKKt, ARK. 0*1 I. I*». ~ 9. i. rkii»i;\ri r(„ ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAWRKJiCEVU.LK. ARK’S. TETILL practice in thr 'onmio ot P il>p», St. M Franri* and Monroe, *0 the tint! Judicial Cu tail ; ha eoafllitn cvl De*ha anil Aikmitai, in |br •econ-l Judicial Citcni', and tb* county nl Piairie, in the Isfih Jediciit Cin oit. ai d wifi pay ,trie! at tention to she ccdlrcticB of debt* in any put id the State, ami mil a’.m .ir i «« agent lor the,ate ol lam1, and pay'ng ’axe*. &e. R»*i‘enee in LewrroceTiile, M-nirne no . Aik'. 8*pl. 17. 18»0.—e<—a— | y JOH1 T. Til Main. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LITTLE ROCK, ARK. May 31,1830. 37— HK1IIV R. KIKTIlR, ATToRitv k riimuta at law (otter «i Benton, aaliaa (oanty,) \\rILL PRACTICE in thr Counties ol Saline TT Hot Spring*. Perry, Montgomery, and tin court* at Little Rijek. Any buninraa entrusted t« hi* rare will racei** prompt attention. k. n tniiiK. Attorney ami Coaauilor it Law, A XP SOLI Cl TO II I X CH A X CK R 1 LITTLE ROCK. ARK JAMES T. HIIOVVN, .1 r T O RJY K V .IT L .1IV. Arkansas Poet, Ark., Will practice hia profession in Die Second indicia Circuit, anti will attend to the collection of debt and the inreetigation of land claim* iuerery j»>r of Arkanaaa. B. T. DIVA!,, ATTIRJfl A.\D rtH SSELLOIl IT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Port Smith, Arknusns. R. H. JOHNSON, Attorney at Law, Lima lioci, Au. JOHN II. BOB!)LA, attorney at lav, Rfsidt* in Lrwiivilif. Lafayette Ctwaty, Ark VND will practice in the court* nf thr 6th Jmll cinl district. All S'uemesa confided to hi* man igement, will rceeeive prompt asdfaithfulattentio n LAMBERT A, WHITELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON M.fRKHrOH STREET Littli Rock, Ahamai. JAMES A WILSON 1TT8R51Y A5D COnSELLOR AT LAW YKI,l,VlLt.K, AHKAXIAH. DAVID W. CARROLL, &'£•£a**£ saw Lillie Reek, maSOly] AUAMAI. f n ->2 JOHA <|I ILLI.\, ATT0R5EY 4 CIU5SELL0R AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCER I. Orncx—Eldorado, Union county, Arkansas. S. U. HEAIPKTEAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE ON MARKHAM STKEK 1 l.tLTI.K BOOK ABB't. I tl J. 51. TEBBETTN, 4TT0RSEI 4 IB 15S8LL0R AT LAW Patrttcrillr, ArkaBtu. oeo.c. w.trinj. as. m. cm* WAlklAN 4c ( I RHA5, ATTORNEYS AT LAW LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS ULIA*V lOA WAY, ATTORNEY AT Li W. 4 filMAU LA5D AGIST LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, WILL ATTEND to the collection of dabts I any part of the Slate, to buying and Belli n land-,, paying tazea, redeeming landa forfeited f« taxaa. He He i* authorized to aell lands enamt) for three or four thnueand yeod plantation!, and a cheap rateo, for cash. 'i'e inuurt attention,communication* maatbepoi paid. Little Rock, Jan lti, IS50. 19-ly LABAN M 81'ROrD Attorney and ConitaeiI*r st Law, \Af ILL pr.trlift; in the Courts of Newton, Swu t ' cy, Marion, and Carroll cuunUe*. Residence near Crooked ('reek, Carroll a©., Ark Apnl TI—Sit—iy. S. G. S MIT H, ATTORNEY AND COCNSF.LLOH AT LAW PthniTox, Daixas to., Anna. 38-tf. jo*m .% w. horrid ATTIBSET A.\l) CUnSELLOIl AT LAW, BOCKPOBT, HOT SPAINQ co., ARK April ‘.'9, I.*50. M-tf. (LOTHIAiii / JI ST received, direct from New Orleans, a largt a mi well selected assortment cf new and fash lonable Clothing: Particular attention is called t< a fine stock of Summer Clothing. For sale low for cash, and for cash only 1 K M AKOPS. Little Rock. Was ’0, 1*M . Main n iBBLE tUTlilti! Tombs Mo an me at*, trare - tlaaev Be* furnished to order. JOSEPH CLARK, Stone-Cutt*. (late of Ne* Oilcans,; begs io#'*- to inform the citizens o Little Rock and tb* vicinity, that be has Opened at u* Wgir Hint*, (adjoining W tlfttN George's stole.) lor the purpose ol executing ?,I kinds ol MARBLE WORK, and wsites the alien tion of all those wanting any thing of thia kind dors in a neai ami workman-Uke manner and at a modi rate price. He will keep on hand a stork of (It test maleiial, and w ready to-akecute all work l| hu fine arthe-shortest Holies* Littte Kock, Aug. «, 1*5<| (■roferir*. JOHN l>. A HA MS has on hand, and o.fersto hi friends »nd customer*, (nr sale, No I Mackerel m kits, Had.but in t-j bets, Sugar, Codee, Spite Pepper, Ginger Nutmeg*. Clove*, rth.-Ued Molar »es. Indigo ami Madder, powder. Shut and Lead Rice, Be , «tc. Also—TEAS, Pout hong, Young Hyson, Black and a eriy »uperici ai'irle of ■* lmj>eft«l *'—toga the a tin, preserved Cseruufs, Gooseberries, Gages Kkrutuib, fkr . for Ituntiv use. IHc si, is,<) ' l«— Iron, \aiU and ( n*lingK, l‘i k/ V LBK asnotted lessee, UvM/ 40 Keg* Bad,; 11, 0 Casting*, mi sale tow, by I D. MERRft'K Ss CO. /»e**A tT, l*Sn. 15 \otici:. 1HA VE, at soum trouble a mJ cost, geared m) Mill, ae that it will grtad and saw at I ha earns time. Parses# wbo may wtab c«ra ground, cas have H done at any tlaae Ibey will mud Hereaflei ! 1 s*t *r »» mi piesleol.r d»V hr grttidjnf Thai there may he no nMauimefateboinf, lbs rales of toll charged la ooe-third or twenty -6»* ceula per basket July 14. 1850 - 45 tf D H BINGHAM. (Biau <Vf ) y XKW (RECEIVED, hart Bight. he atragnm j, ,t *nd Rmrir. a large kg of grwda: •drfrtwa to prs-vitm* amcals, make* the ...» , Fancy and Staple M.«hends>w I now have «n the m.«t 1 ever haw promt .•„, |iuht r. andifwprct fattyinvite all j trr «nd towh, to (.ail and e\an»>nc ihe mr * A.J HI TT. IdUtc* R«rk, JhaylS, 1*41. LITTLE ROCK. HIGH sniOoi BaardiM art Bay Bfkeal Far totm* -fT'HF. huaine** ot tt,M hrmir.aiv wihht _ 1 >he #•& *eH. (D. V.). when'a dance ot fhe Pupil* is oar neatly rdpirorj. This trtvkfnfien, iwhi the raw at erd , ,, WOOD. with Aaotetaat Teacher, rvrry facility fnrimp.rttng the advantage* n(,h,„. #>.i«h<H education. P omrming within fin rrwdv.. tt. ,|H*|ilie»t»oe* hr the tan»m hranche*. whtcb it,.. hsv» practiced with redact Mtfafhe’taa, !hei h.s „ refer to the grnftem. n whoee Mint a ate enheved l'he Pupita of the Baa;ting School, bc„.g r,(. atMitiy nanocirried with thru Teacher*, receive it,; aftanHen to nee«a*cy lo loetn and refine the „an. new, and produce habit of order and rerv ,„t> eaaen’-iai in the Mndioii of character Feeling Ihe impel lance at a thiongh knowledge oi the Ftench language, now n-.nvpen.eblc in • education, ;he Ptincipalt »lah to render it at fat »> poaaitde Ihe Isngnage ot the ettaldiahmeM. The* ptopeee admitting tha Pumlt, who reside ,y, family, to attend the French claraea, without »*•,, charge. Thejtea’ion of the city of Little Rock heaUhlid pleaaatd, an t accessible at all timce, by Kraaibc i: and stage. Tiie ayatetr, of education, watdooueit p. I aim* at apeilert appreciation of whatever’,, alien ed in developing the gloiat and intetlectuai facntli*. —eoi blaring a (boiongh and systematic coni»e, tn tr j the elemeidar) to lha highei! branchea. Mowtbli recotda of vrhoiaraldp and depoitmeut are haneuui led to Parents. whikt every judicious incifeoiant to afndy i* nifonted. t he school f constantly under the Mpmuioa 0| the Ho ird oi Vcolor*, who, ftom time to tune. e*. amine the var.oua elutes, and report their progress Trran of TwMfou awl Rowed gee aevatow ml five waniha. , Day acholnra, -Ith Depaitoienf, gig 34 •« |4 “ 2J " 16 “ lat •• I* French, itiilian, Kpunieh and German, each, || Singing in Choir, Id Music— Piano, Uuifar. and Oagen, each. gy Harp, g! Drawing and Painting. |g [ A course ot ieaaons in Oriental painting, Japan Walk, inlaying of F.bony and Ivory, j' Hu burg Work. and wan Sow era, each. It) i« No charge lot embroidery and ornamental needlework. Board, washing, hghla, fuel, nee of bedding, A.C., per month. 10 (le Payments gust forty, in advance; no deduction i tor nbaence. j Sessions commence Ul Sept, and 1st F*b. Pa. p> I* received at any period, and cbaiged I row fu», ol entrance lo eioae of the station. sfSI*iS*S Hoard ol Vim torn. Kt Her. Bull Kina an, Hun. K W. Ttatnau Hon. Judge Hi>0(1, rw Cipl. A. fin, Hon. T. W. Niwtod, . U Ummm. M D. (J. H. In am, Km., L. E. Saiui, Em,., L*»U Hock. Aug. 23, ISfto Hon. JuiSgr Fiu.ii, t»*0. C W ITtIM, K«| , E. H. Kmlim, H».j, M»j. I. U««m. Oee. S. H. HurrriAn Hon. W.H. koTToN. Sl-il. WUMMTN SALE 8Z1IJ1RV, Heaapaleud CMlty, Ark a. r|',HK accoad neaaion of this Inatltutiou, op*am , A tlii» morning. February Uilt, 1”50 Her- C. P Touhtih, Sepwrlateninit ami Pro faaeor of Moral and lalollactat! Phileaepky. * Beile-LeUere, and Hpamab Literature R*»- H. C. Tivurr, A. M., PnlMwr«f (imm. Roman, I ranch and Italian Litentera , ' faasa Cancan, A. M . Prafemor of Mathematic* Student* recaired in lb* Primary Department *u ma true tad. TRIMS: Primary Department. per *e«*iou of 21 watte, I payable quarterly in advance, fit w Praparatary Department IS Qt i Collegiata Coana, *) M Vocal and Inatru mental Muaic, Eiemtnl* of Muaical Cempooitiun, (Eltra; $8* Initiation Fee, . I in No Redaction for abaenca unlea* in cuei of yn ; treated Ulnae* > All atudeet* charged from the Ume of ib*n entry to the end of the aaaefon. f N h.—The aona of all miniirtera who are «« gaged in the regular work of tho miaiotrv. or *1 lliooe who are eaperamiated or hare died m llw minietry: will be educated free of charge, i can be obtained in the beat fumliM. at from #d to §9 per month Particular attention will be paid bath te the moral and Intellectual training of all *tau*iS4 , committed to our charge. 3. T SANDERS, Sacr.ta.y- [ »( BOARD Or TRUBTEK8 t Hon. D. r. WITTER. PaavinakT, Hon H P [. Poindaiter. Rev Wm. Moore*. Rev. L. P Ur*t* k Her B. P Ho*, I N. Joaoa, M. D , Mr. A B. te* ' defer. Mr. T. WiUlamaon, Hen J. D. Trlmki. Her J, Cuator, M. D.. Re* J. J. Roberta. C I I Mitohai. M. D, Mr. W. W And raw*. Mr. HI Saunara, Mr. H. W Smith. T-Mt-lf BK. LEIil’K SARJUHA)LLA YlMIFILLS Abend of nil Ottewra! t The Kary of all put KuteSMtann!! J D EC A I'SK they trt i*f*r, batter and more *• D caciowa than any other*; imiberaui* the pet he will taka aa nsUea *f other* IT they «aa eteaia ten*. MW.tMMM RUlltl bar* bean rate aanaaUy tar Uu Ha tot year*. VWSO AMD 01,0, MAUt AJIU rSMALE, can Ink* Bunn wnfe *oaal »AfWt, mot without tear /> nut INK SJSt KMfLW Y for pateaa aa* .*•**« Ok. Wuaek amt Bowaia, aad imnlymg the btoo* and He 'd tb* body .lake no otb*r»- lot n* utter pda prudun aar --onitniied -dbtfo, ui roatala Manauerffie la tem. r.nt. Dated* *a4 Lit* aa (Jamal, amt pane- m imuaI ucoapanoo wbtet tatuui tbaa-.wnbeal tea »t labna : cunt, denag all kiatl* iH w oath to. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS art* wagered that mure - (tenon; i-wtrAtatp- ' ;fe«» l*t<y» i taat, t Icrgynwa, Ui< tub-A* of < unarm*. and i*-*p*e-*bb- >■* arm) 'tun ** prado-cd «f Ibutt -dtearr «b*»i «t *»i "*t* KORTY TILLS ARK » ARUX.Md -ad arte wiiet boa, »1U dire*Hum- and mack wbelaaoimi ad*K« §*«•*•*> n»o.^ *»dt K>a. TSay bar* no ta*t« nr aayteaaaat «o*II, Tree irote dm* or powder uf any kind, II How grtitrtea awimark u* bowel*, fiudht < ao anktua*, t-munw •« ted hwliHI'i THKY art G<ViD at AL*TIWEM, ’ Aad adapted In tnnut d*K«ww rammnn to auabiwt bin ‘in* hat lay one* taken bm wjB te wNUn« on Ui utk* any otheta, teaana* tbar will ahray* da «oud o* doji do eoL Ut*u aa otter* will Dr X B. Llady. On- praprivtia and aumate-tairf. u * or tar dnarnan, i lieaaw aM pay** ai>. ut Ik ytwr* i-iptne* - * I PhitiuleipMa; graadm* at tn* l alvvrMty at Pena*)it*** otvutkui oi diRm-Mi lando-a! latAtftlaait of Pteladin’|d-«- '<« York. Rtwma, nattlmnn-, fc* , and arMrtal* and Nie-p* in* inioaber at aaaant incde-al laMiMUInnt id 1 -no* n »<•■> >'* * r«t- tent* Ihv warn a oi tea fr*a>*r eanddear* ptemd >• •* pah*, ami thin,- iu-uip rccomnwedad Htdw pnr ia.» id wm* " flau tnMt: Viimwii 0, f uop'oiji ip. fated turn , Pnarlpal Ih'piii. 0r. Luidy’* Ofaponaary, ho 114 bwe 1! Poarth hn. Phdad- Hdua—and ante wkidaa*! and i**ad w I i, L W.'! apw, Lilli* Rueg, R. tearmnaa, Van bur™. , K.,1 k Mr ad, and W.l*bt k ('■• , Nt» 0*l*anr, an*' ail d'W I pita And itw. k- * per# in Ite Bated Madia. II ocetrsy ■ i - - - ■ .." Bn. \l atkiau4 Niarr WOULD <«»<>-cMully infom tb*citi zen* el Lii'le Rock, »b4 ttptmolit Ikon of tkt eututto, iti»i Uv«> h»»e ealorod uiUi in Uit' Practice of NniKIIP, ifi.i ate prepared to aUtnd prompllf. In f*wr of eaiergeaay, oitkm of tM !i«f'«e ere »b*«n',lhr Other writ attend. On* *■« other can *>*•)• be found at Iktv ojfito in Mr. Ha K Woudryff'e building, tbc eoiaeiW Maikhun »«*J Ht‘£4? »ti *ct#. Liiiu Roc*, Oct. 14. Vk3»_ »»—«' Pels lor* au4 Mmm. Received •*< »t«»a>ar linatbarg, nad ui **t*. Jfl bWe Iri-n PeUioea, Id “ Union*. Sin tV, WML JROD. ADAM PROVISION* | t J A Rt> *'r««h Ratter, 1<7 s K>p Fip Feet, 4 Hoxee weet-in dairy (**, '2 bb!*! uhltfc Bean*. t Mut driadi At*; t, 31 '• d« Roacheo, 6 bU* Otmioe, i Wit »t»Ul joeeteiJ La-* On, jnet irtriiriliiJ (of aaM by FATHERLY A CLEME>r December 17. ISO* Ctt»n SmA J18T received 3» Buabcl of Dr. ■>«*•» * cele brated Cot Mm Seed, aad for «aie ckenp. "" A. i. RCTT | LRU* Rook, March >1, «H. "»