Newspaper Page Text
40V U40*m liu jiawr BANNER UIMHl i. MlilWW. jbnn,. UmiHT A. WHITItUAV, Little rock ! TV RAO AT MMXIlUi il'M l«* IMJ. Fir Cattgnu, ROBERT W. JOHNSON. Ml A.iv-.ftii-.B-ru MoM (hr *a Baanar, ahind.1 n kandad la by ** h'eloek, »» Monday launua* ot each we. » If Va M. Van Tiunioiw, E*| » Warra, Bradley county, » authoriied la act »» Agent fa th« hauiaar. PRINTING BOA HIM, CAUDA, *C. We have Ja«t racelm) a aaw and «Hnnt a*onaB**.t - Taaey carda aad W'ai»«« haw*, atuainper Ac., aad «i r?«4> lo do op ell muta af fancy rna«u« A««(w< qid, kly and in s better ilyle, Ui»» it baa ever been done b< fbrv CWI end aee at the Banner < -thee. ^ \ TO PKIXTERI. A rkhI uwurtiiicnt of prutUnc, book, twleeaj-. letter an rnlin-|»vn paper, ie coaatBMlr kept na band at the Arkansi Bonnei o*re, tnd \«dt be farnuhed to the trade at la funcfii 0m CAfH TO ftlllPPKftl. Bill* if -ertf, »r*tl> prim***!, for *»J* ■! Ill* Arhaom Banner °.k\ i Vinting Prw». roe rale, ' heap lor CAKH, one Doable Medium Pnntu PreM in eomfdei* order— apply at the Arkaaaar Bonn OBce. __. jj- The Banner ik the authorised newspat* for the publication of entray notice*—price 31 eh for each notice. roMiK Aii K. W. JOHNSON, Democratic Nominee ft Congress, will address ihe people, at the plact and tiroes indicated in the following Schedule, i the hour of 10 A M. The Democratic papu throughout the State are respectfully requested I publish tius notice until the 19th July, IdM. l’naarvtLLt;. Ptur county, Monday, lfSUt June, l.t.wisai at., Cox Wit county, Tcasoav 17th Jun Dover, fore county, T»«sa»t, 18th June. Datrviut Yru courtly, Satirpav, 21st June. Ci asksviixJ!, JowaxHt county, TertsoAT, ‘Jdth Jnn KmNATm eoontv, WtMiaiur, 25th Jtim Van tnixs, Caawroao ct'y, San aoav, 28th Jun, Fort Sami. Sr easi-tan ct*y, Monday, 30th Jun< FArtrTkT;u.£, Wash no ion ct’y, Friday, ith Julj BcNTuitriLi.s, Beaton county, Katurdai 5th Jul] H xtsviua:, M»d,sox county, Monday 7th July. Cvaaoi.Tox, Ctaami. county, Wed'uay 9th Jul;, Newton County, Thcrsday lOlh Jeer. Lkaanox. Searcy county, Saturday 12th July. Clinton, Van Bt ren county, Monday 14th July. Litter Rock. Pruhu county, Saturday 19th J ul; little Rack, May 26, 1851. .V*aw*. F.<iih>rt:—1 enclose you a schedule of a[ poinlmenkt which please publish with a resile; lhat it may also bo published by all other Join nala of the State.. 1 wdl endeavor to fill these appointments, an address my feuow ntirenaat each place specific at the hour of 10, A. M. if eonvenient for theta. It will be perceived that my appointments wr brace very nearly the whole of the West an North-west part of the State. It is impossible i the tunc allowed me to visit the whole Stale. A ter filling the last appointment now made, to wit at Li'tle Rock on the 19th of July. Iwillsetot natueuian ly and visit such pact of the Slate as ma tiien be deemed necessary. 1 am sirs respectfully yours, R. W. JOHNSON. U We are authorised to announce Jons t Mi saw, of Jefferson county, a candidate lor th odice of Circuit Judge of the Second Jiubpflrt Cu cult, composed of the counties of ffiv Sprui. Dallas, Cal noun, llradley, Drew, Ashley, Chico! Desha, Arkansas and Jefferson, to fill out the uh expired term of Hon. Josuih Gould, resigned. Electiou ou the 1st Monday in August next. XX We \ .v c received a n-tter from a lady visit a Ui6 TlilV C»an»in«tinw—whlCll WC Will tak pleasure in publishing next week. Clarendon Turnpike Co. tl wild bo seen from au advertisement in to day’ paper that this Company have taken steps toot tain stork at once: The commissioners here hav assurance that a la., e amount of the stock w ill b taken in Memphis, and encouraged to believe tha this w.irk. ot such vuai ui>|iortance to the Slat may be completed. W> hope our rititens will ste; forward and subscribe liberally. Public Piuncr to senator Sebastian. The Fort Smith Herald contains the proceeding of a meeting©!' the citizen* ot Fort Smith called (.> the purpcoc of tendering this compliment toJ>ut,» Sebastian ,u Uouox of whom tin, county has bet. named. Vv regret that wr Have not room He week to publish the flattering and handsomet; written letter, which coamranicates the invitation By a resolution, His Rxceiiviicy Gov. Koain. au the Hoa. K. W. Johnson, were also invited to b< present. Cholera at Port Milk. The Herald state* that up to Thursday lasstthii liist.) tvrelTe or thirteen soldiers had died frorr cholera, in the preceding three days. This w e up to the tune tue article was wr.tvu from which we derive this information. The editor a>td», " There has been no cases a far as » have beeu able to learn among the citi z ns of the town. ’ Violent »lank On Saturday slight last we erpeneneed one ©I the heaviest gaU ■> that has visited us lor warn years, it commenoed blowing about nudwgh; iri'tn the north-west, nad continued for half an hour, increasing in intensity unr 1 it became a u>r us lo. The stoutest buildings were shaken, tree were blown dowu and Latin were broken and scat tered to a distance. The onlv serious dam.u- wai to two new building* m the course uf erection b the Re*- Andrew Freeman and Col T. D. Merrick. They sttr levelled with the ground bi the fore of th* blast. It is generally supposed that we felt but the edge of the hurricane, as it passed along, and wv may cipeet to boaror much more damage irum lo calities over which the main current passed. VTe were visited nett morning by a pretty exten sive hail stoam. |X The South taro liana are holding another giand military cmcawpiaciU at Orangeburg. The Mercury, la speaking of the soldier*. says there is great political animation and enthusiasm in the • oiup, ami their ci.uiuersiyu and paroles are strong ly indicative 0/ the feelings which predominate.— Oilhoun. seeeisron, and State action are constant witch words. JX la addition to Forney, of Penns? Ivaaia, Mess '*. French, Waldo, if4|« Young nod Judge Potter, J»« t'moa says, will be candidate! for clerk } . f the r. a Houae of RepKoentauvea at tU nest riooUne. _•__ -- V*hv 11 a horse the moot miserable of all am , mail’ Pr.'ia<r his tfcovghn are at way-. cm fhe I J t ! i r 4 I 1 t r * l * o 1 The “rwwlr" Again. The following ■l**--plni atjlrtr nt n “ — to operate against the electifljgof Cdl v, appear* in the Van Buren InteOiftnrer: $ “ ^'e are uot prepared fot4 anti will net submit to the fiat gone teeth from tj*> tfc-l«#unns.«f the Banner, that thoaa who support** i*n-iand or opp'wt'd Col. Sevier, or who do not wear the collar of the •family' are to be erttahol." No such • fori'' ha* been pat forth by the Ban ner, anti we deny that we ever entertained any such sentiment. The Editor can find no proof for his asaertion, and if he were not dis|>o*cd to be uujast to us, he would acknowledge that through the columns of the Banner we have disclaimed any such feeling, and that »o recently in reply to the Gazette and Democrat, that he could not have lust right of it. We have at no time made an attempt to revive irritating and bye-gone issues, to deny honesty of purport to ail Democrats who differed with us in opinion or that those should l«e ostracised who did not agree with us in reference to rncu. And this the Editor .should know as well as any who read otir paper. But to represent us fairly, was uot the policy of the Intelligencer. We understand his design and there are few who will not sec ! that this statement is a flunaey pteteat for In* op position !o Cod. Johnson, and the disorganizing ef forts he is everting to divert a portion of Demo cratic strength from the nominee of the Conven tion. In this we have reason to believe he will 1 entirely fail. All good Democrats will indignant ly condemn the course he has taken and means to | which he resorts to place us in a fa Ire position be ■ fore the people. But not content to renew, if pos sible, the dissensions which hat- agitated the ! party iu this State, he shouts out agaiu the old tvutn out cry of “family” vexed issues aie again started, and that in the eiciMReut his delinquen cies and wrongs to tin- parly to which he professes j to beloug, may escape notice nod rebuke. “The I family” ! wliat a commentary upon the bitterness j and selfishness that cling to disappointed aspirants. Has the Editor forgotten that the heads of this | • iauul)” have long ago passed to a reaim where : no invective, no persecution can reach them, cm! I does he not know that not a ilrerenJant or r •nsx tan to the remotest lm$fi oj *i'ht r Hen;nmin Johnson ■ .fwkfjsc //. Sevier, now halls an o%ce in (his State f How senseless then the aliusion. But i this :s not enough, to satisfy tire vindictive and insatiable mow of th.- Van Buren Intelligencer, they iniisl notouiy go out of oflttc-, but must never in- penni'ted again to go in ’ His course toward i Robert W. .’obnaon, would warrant the belief that such is the principle Air which he is contending. Johnson is th only member of the “family” who now seeks the distinction of office, and not at this itinn because h- ! sncit f. bus. because tlie Deui> ; cracv t-garding him with i-.'b and c-.utid< ure “as i the man the c.ust have placed him before the people a! th, ,r ci.-ore- for Represent*! :n t' -n grvss. We fisve no fear that the into'c.aut spirit thus c\i:, -J by the Intelligencer exists with any | true nr rich minded man of the party, and what (ever un'air issues that paper may start t<> the in jury of J orison, wo have tie fullest reliance in tiie ability of the people promptly to discover aud condemn them. The 11 Whig” appears to be very inui^distress ed because the iaie Deiu icratte Convention did ’ n-'t adopt a platform, and the Whig says, it was a v o’ati n ■ f ' tme-hon red faith, usage and dis ip. line of the democratic party.” Waving oiu sur prise that such a venomous sheet should become * the advocate or be concerned about the ■* time honorc 1 taith” of our party, and utterly rejecting aid from such a quarter, yet to reasonably relieve that distress, we will only remark, as was said m the Convention; that the denioers'ic party now, stands a* it ever has stood, on the same republican platform, erected in the data ol Jefferson; a plat form requiring no periodical reconstruction; that we ate now battling for the same ” time honored faith,” which we contend -' for m the days of Jef ferson, aiul against the same unprincipled ami reckless party, then known as federalists ami it .w • as whip, and who after having literally worn out i and lies-.< rated every name, tt»-> ever assumed, an » .nr t > veute «-n any tbs si ;me l ie odious ness of their doctrines. Hc-ncc the v are endeavor mg to appropr:ate m thetnselvra the name of the Union i. rt>, but w ithout success, for the srnjvos 1 ture is ioo bare faced to do any damage. They are federalists and Whigs stilt* utterly destitute of political principles as they are, and lighting only for the spoils of office, they really ought to put j forward a platform every time they hold a meeting or Convention, so that we may know what panic 1 ular invasions of the r.,l;ts of the people «ri u ! >"t, and as they leave tie. m feu hub;,, Capl. l‘r s. 'ton, of the east, and him of t*culin' (a'-■»(, Mai ; Stitfi of the South, as candidates for ( ongneas, and r there may lie a necessity for applying the choking ' otr process som, where, they may perils;* holds j convention to settle differences in their ranks and i if so, we d > not doubt they will n >: neglect to put f irward a hyi>ocmical platform to aid their attempt ' to steal tulo power by deception and trickery as heretofore. Any other course w , ild not be ,n keep ng with precept and practice-. An imposing Iiniii. The great North Western H urernuienl tram tor | Kl l'we, the larger portion o' wtneh left San knto u.a. T vaa, "4 the 7‘h nlf., was to be unit ■ at J the- Leona. It was to start from there about the 12th ult., com pee ed of CTO wagons and 210 rat-rt,' besides the escort. The officers whose no nes ! follow are attaches.! to the train- Copt S. G French, Acting Quarter Master, Mr. John French, C. rk: Dr- Sunth, Sutgcou; Cap:. Arthur, of ta« tirst ,:i fantrv, co.-mnanding the escort. Foe ofS - .-rs whose names follow aciwmpany the tram: Mai. A. Bark ns, who goes to take command at Kl Paso, m place of Maj. Van liorae, and 1st Lieut, A- J. Wuhani sou, who iwe* • Kl Paso t< in but company_ Cap' S .. the Top vrapliical K.i;,te--rs an ! i*r W.svdv •' Surc^oi, acc!vu;winv the tram, the t« • tatter tcn i inen will proceed to Paula p. from v n • i ;••■>■ Capt. Surri-av, i -.-all be unt'ed with thr captor nr \peiuoa to the i’a ;sc, by war I of the Oils. The Raleigh fi -s t, C.. noral.tales for ♦>,<• ne\’ Presidency, the Kilharitig cnnoat ticket ■ Mi; iard Fuisaore of New York, Pien4(»t , Wifl. A draaharu of North Carolina, Vice. Ti ts ucsninatwrti is prop-- sui and followed by a eulogy as strong as a northeast ««:■• before ram erma-s (own. Sir. draharn is one of the present cabinet. The Raleigh Register is an old Whig t journal, heretofore conducted by the father, and now by Staten dales, the brother or nephew of' Joseph daies of the Washington Intelligencer— j Thereby hangs a tg|e. The oamintion is put for ward a’, the n id *n l beck of the Southern hat! of ihe’csbitwf. f The Whig n-wspapti press, politicians and ail, arc rapidly rush ‘Ot i the Pr-sidential quest. ,n. Stott has been wominnted—Webster been ‘ u-mtnated—Pittriror.i at nominated. Whose turn 1 is it ue\i ’ -V » HtrmH. VuMi iurUi vU It* Fugitir* Shirr Late.— The Massachusetts Senate, on the IGlh aluioo. adopaed a resolution, by a rote of U to S protest i mg against the fugitive slave Isw as hostile to the sentiments of Christianity n't abhorrent to the | h el nigs of the people of MiisachasetU . also tie- ■ r daring that such a U» being repugnant to the [ hearts and conic.enc»? of the boonaunity, m ut. ‘ •npnet or ‘.•ter. besorui a deal letter The \V hi* na* Van Buren latMllgvaeer. •‘.f FrlUv fMh*t makm m kaU." TSk* thli«*Mi»l>-il pr.nto, whmie title < ihcmf, the li j4 ..| |*M> «n*rle. •en >■’ hn*» fotae-il BP allijnca let the «ehif v • I iimM«/ wi *;•*« » o4 them, ml «>•»*» hi* hciml v. ! C*(piotat«>*,*» Uwhe.' at«B IKseve-ih* ('«•*« nlkm format* waattd be * pread triumph «w! l dream tee realised, tettr wttirh hr M lunfwtiiv waste* hwpr •< »>u« ; tem**, to ttottftrr A *<mld bo * delightful Ml* o tei «K>t>MT I tmteitto*. u» feel that hr had drum stems thin* t'wamnl {*<**' » | trog th* party which «fw4 to elevate b»ui, ml to tUiiik 1- • ; had eait a shadow Hi fte ptetb of » tn*n whose only fault ?* j that the Dtemorary dlstiafut hed him “an of Irr an 1 a bat ter **M:er’* than the Editor. To ter sattaftcd that th* • **' co workers foe the itu. timn1 of Uii« rod, w« weed ouly h>»k at the sumlmn'y oflanjuape ujei by each amt ih' *«?* fo m couiptunent* passing between them—and then the embracing and ezressiaf «*Wdt takes pise# aTtarwmrks i« In art r*■mdui* to • poor editor who baa the misfortune In provoke Attack* ' fr+tfi Wh. The Intdltpueer of 31*t May, ur«t *‘Wt arc dftwtein cd to maintain the rights for we have baffled." A»»«l a^ain **Wte do not cteyraag up\»n Ukvc nhptrry pefctacm. i who j;kwow th* rigkt rtilithe «m| pwattr,” bet ap» * those Who, k-v«rwf f4e dura '»/oiM n it.M Thr “WWi” Inform* ws that **lle (the editor ot th« fnVd j h fencer) is oue who thinks and aria for himself—an earnest : advocate, teuatef ted*rfytel*, uod i rw; to mum/uin tkem." j Ttw fatelftfeaecr my*. - MIt ^the Whij) b fOttefl npwitfi^vartknfeiii hesfe " The Wllfcf, not to b- .*••! done Wttit iu tost bow, remark* «*fte* th* JfttctHgene«,r,s) metk-mieul*kitr in jinf." The Inieliif ucer brcoa*** f arj'ul bf future roaihitttNcr*: •♦if oar part) sustain Col. Jobroan, un4<*r Uic e\i*?m* nr •'uawtatece^, we *>uf'ut, and will be terser* oj trojdanJicMfricrt o ' *tj<t to huu aad h« ftusion f«v die balance of our *la\ ? ” The Whin lmmediatalf i* atrickeu «itb cowaitrilion for : the pour detooemta wt» wilt be roan patted to f«>:. t?»e u. it ami cut wood. It *a»n: ♦ ♦•Are v*m», Democracy, w.Jl.og u> ai »*U by the acuon tb«* ir» tidbit eoavciiZKm; obafarteruuu!, \* it w.i>, t> a touit ikAdonment of D^ieHTith- principle, broken t’aitluan » bar» Iw-ed fraud! If you do. you w ill -oon b^ “teeirar* 0/ uwf droirert «/ nibr.M In fhit tie* evho a sniaetfuu* Uk** Uic Irudinmna, it *ay« too mmtk - The ‘‘b ind »n *iy” w <kiIJ hardl) de>d<ue that «h- re cent ei avention au one of -‘broken faith mud bwcefteeed fraud. The Inteltipencer aeeeveracea that it “WiH ihM wwiidfr tnttio arronnt elaitna of a **t of whiw bands are turned ajpunat any member of th* party who is n it br»*k. en spirited and craven hearted enoiifh to walk np and be har nessed in the tr»c.*« of a *-Um o '* trio K ire ru/ef /**? .iltnaftto Us “naw.*’ The Wbif eteferly a« Uc* the idem m l p<.mr»ce- upon the flaiiaer ui this v* ire: ‘•The and DiuB»kf’ •ysU'iu has beca th- -Kd-* objeet of its advocacy, (ft) tins n »r been battling f,r tl>e n». - - , toeia and person^-' aycnnAeturik «»l a eertaiw chipie, n-A.* iuee A* rrhe/i>r* rated Iter Sfoty uhw«»«/ /.? i/i r*t»." t.H»e RMrrrdtoaad we are tftaoc. Tbt Iutett^eacer <iyv: •*Leu*rs which we have received fr»o» various part* of the , Suite’. mloritt iu flwtp^vwKiitutlK' hokbitf of th‘* CoHVrn U v. is th-* settled de'crmiu liton of the leading fr*uds of (Vi Jfthnaw. in vmrtewi* counties to vote fhr n trkt$ if . ' Tbf *‘\Vbt2'' tnv.'- nt’s at one*' enltgfiien< d. a-n! oulifnant ai the minrmitr >%C aa-.ite a (HdVftlitR. whih he t* mmnsteniiy entrratiuf democrat* to support anyone else even a whir. . I*efl«c io#wi-*on. lint hcarhitfi. He improve* on the Intr'li fcufer— ‘•R*de or ndw, was the rule of Mr. Johnson's frtemis >1 l that ('onventton; wuw** • them, w-« h >rc the f,oftvcfitioa ha l aoi’inUrd, were hotel amt wckhn enough to avow that, in the eveal oi' anj M|nraat ccitinf th- n >mi:iaU‘*rt, save Uic fi n R. W. Johu-HM. ti ll l.Vy w,*uid u t ?up> rt (nut, b :% <m the contntrv. «■*” ill t.T* mean* and ititiu*ttces they w—• lavt-t of, t-> defeat him b-fvre the p* -fd ’* 'Vo Algtet irooo amt select ^7110 mad vrvin if it wteukl av til anythin* «»>re than we itesatjned, but t! will only prove v:Vr alt iha! tii^ two or ttw—e ctrfiimni of editorial in Uic ln« wh»f i. but t «tf*t*’he*l and 5*t !‘v d If * I hi' ' - >»n 11, th* ; •»* - r r>: tv of whichteHoi^p to the Arkvn«a< !nte» « ••oer. In refer-nec to the last two q-tofvi mi it ap,r if som :i it pc,'uli«trthat no one else hm* heard •>* *ucfi d^darstuMi* ru 1 i by iohnsocts fnend*, s« far a* we can leirn. bur th Wlug ;ind Intelligencer. —Will mru* or both nL the^* p^nti :» .1 g.v . - • • M • i quiry, but «u»n <lod noac. If. howersr, the editors have not bc^n mideif. md i- it be true, i* onfy goes to *h.»w (hat John son ha* *o*n‘* over zealous nn i enlhusuutw* fn^nd*, who wrongly mad imprudently manifested an intere-st in him that the sue- ss of the jTAity fiid not then require. •* That there is any disorganization in the win(i of the whig party in Arkansas, we most em phatically deny, and challenge our ehivalric neigh bors to point to any fact which will sustain them in the peition wmch they assume in their last i squib."—-let. Whig. If we hare ever asserted that the wing party w a.- disorganized m 91 nttmmt, u- retract, aw! fr.s ten to make the amende honorable. We are ig : nsraitt of the existence of srnamriU. at the present time, 111 the whig party of Arkansas. II nmbt.ggery is not arntmif nt; free, ana is treason to the South: the doctrines of the contpr wnise as expounded by •he •• Whig" is base submission : and anti-S’ote right do-tria* s the hit of tyrnnii'e end V»-f d • p pre.v-wri; to be exert ioe-1 ad-ld .* mi 1 v riiui.encul iiiajor.'y p-ower. The nairn of • t mon u but a shiny white-washing tor the *• a> patty ” part ichange colors an! names, umf es .ml tat'-n •, dress up the skunk .is “ the same old coon," mark ’he ilisgn sc h so tr 1 -parent lha’ all can detect 1*—th ■ cl Ten fee Will show. "Oi W’,.’. y’s " cogiiomt 1 is no longer cherish. d, “ iw • dollars a •ay" gone to the Oalplnns, an •• r 1- « •* " f r the wing party “ and the rest of mankind ’’ ceased to be 111 'ins age of ” p-> <ry a:ei night-;imre».” .4 t rr<e mtrt gmjnr C*pt. H'agg • 1. required to put on .1 «ve«r>i s 1 mreiiancc, when promulgating such humbug* at the p'-nrut t me. Aw ay wilt: <uch fro , Is and de • punas. ,:,e people scorn them. firrat Excitement on our Frontier. Cspt. Daggett, of Shelby who ha- recently ncide a tour through the north western portion of lh< front!) r settlements, rave ns information that a small party of Toukaways consisting of five warriors and one Caddo who w as an out lay frmu his -w a tribe, had 1 fight with a party of Wa< *.*, i.i the Vici’.uty of Alton Deaton county, a'-.ut ;.... 20th of April last. Toat some seven of the Wa coes were k lied—that the Tonkawuyj, come ia’o the settlements, in a warlike attitude, causing great excitement aiuoag the citizens. The Dis trict court being in session immediately adjourned, and a matter was seat to Maj. Arnold, who is 111 command at Fort Worth ; that Maj. Arnold came immediately and capture! li e Indians and con veyed them to F -ft Worth. iThal soon thereafter lfit 1 warriors of th. Waco tribej edmt- ' the F rt. painted, with their bows slung and <!■ manded the Tonka was ; the Wacoes said that the Tonkawavs had been subsisting on the flesh of their warr. rs, w ho had been killed, and they wanted s.r ifac tion. The Wacoes were desperately enraged and hostile. The Tonkawavs were not delivered and the Wacoes left reluctantly, much dussatified.— firm Harney on hearing this new.,, .«s nd an rder, to kill ait Indians who were found below the line indiscriminately, if such bo the fact a general out break is anticipated. XV h>»;>e that sU to will betoken immediately to gi*e p: iect ml 0 t frontier -'•"’.■■rx. Thev are .-r-afly ox;> sid T • I .divut must and *h-» ill *► subdued; the so n.-r the better for our citizens. S-fiS rhi* Mf« 'Itm.” The Arkansas 'V ft,e wait • some0:m to run fat Congress, who wnil " sacr.tkc «_• ; h on the aitar of the oana m westi” and iut, mates that R VV. Jouo >\ does i jusstso : .at requisite. If that paper UH a i* ti.of t« 'V Mi aou Will Mt S H'tiftn- rt> attMSPI .if Its to MS \ . \ we aft | the matter b v .varinj that he doe* not p.Mesa that '■ req Baste.’’ It iSnes appear sane*hat strange to us, however, to see a Souther*'pa per., term tac pecaiiai ittsntauorx of the South a mere “aec tiouat ’ matte*, that may be las) aside, so ap;«ue the wrath of the abolition portion of out Nor ‘ rn brethren. Tue South shouid send '»snail . t ->n ess, *h-> is so w.itia* to " ascr.nee her rights. \V. Jsuaaos ;s the sateptia u for Arkansas. Hrirut lluiran. weeing a l.ight. A aailot the other day, in his first eJort to beeoese a “ wafer aia.” sail that jus: at the -ilnse of a dar. night he was seat aloft to see if he t .o-4 d»t a 14U. A: r a ■. . * "r *f- e a hail. fpeStii de. k With, “ Mist head, ahoy*’ “ Ay, sy, sir,” was the *:wwer. r .** IV' »~>u see a Ughf*’ r ** Yes, sir.” <* What light? . “Pay-light, sir!*' The look-out »• v adored down with a res C" rztsaii thrill Wi» TV Ci n,mi—I midm ia Uu» HtoWi tw* fat.dy ■ onrmrncrd and the inn* *9 •Hfpfl'We'cai *! present Titmc, will V chteffv made upon the old pasty jrosind of Democrat and Whir. Collateral questions ro»y arise in d -bale giving a.ldiuotw, . interest to th; *oaU'«. but the principle* which * cover(i th« Denauetafie party will tl# he wannly mKinUtmn^ »s>tl the Wkig* wil! he eraptoyad in i attacking them in the sbaence of their own to de fend. Capi. John Preston of HeVin, in a letter to the Southern Shiel!, accept* .1 the invit-mmi of !.-< friends to b-cotne 3 Candida? for C-mgr-ss, an ! the Shield states by a-jlto-i ty. that Cb< .'*UanJ , Captain will eudeayot to meet Johnson >1 tic places he has appoint*; l to all teas the )> *,-. Letters'fr'HO ihemtsiderato-friends hare fndiined , the* rash step upon Ute pait of Capu P>.-st.ou, au*! —bitter anti uacouipr -'Miring—as h* —we have too much kind feeling for the «m 11 i • r (tret the mortification th»? awaits bun. A viay politician might offset defeat with the privilege of I identifying himself with his party, or'ng cap dal for future use; hut 'he , nt '-man from Philip* has been too lone in the • art- ss an! :» ton well known to Uecoq acting with In* popularly at t? ■< late day. Whatever iudnectnt nts he may have thus top-nt h:< s reugth, an I ir is m h i-, t.-.-s ■ ours, we offt r him a fair fit id. .Major Stith of Ouachita. another Whie 'lived the wool," and equal in Ins pretension-, is also willing to experiment upon th*- public pulse, and measure hi* strength with Jdhasou. W* can a d~rs;aud why the Major d*v-s not <le line a i -m : in which the chanct* of winning are so greatly against him He is a brii. ant stmnp orator, he is fond of fun and excitement, a well informed poll lirian and do-* not feel that heeausc he is in the minority he should all h.j life be confined to the pleadings of a county court, or replying to the ar e intents of sene inferior e ■ .ns* i. II*- - w l..n; to take l it chair! - fur wider f;une, amt if beaten we b* . eve be would Saugh at any who offered him sympathy. But no'hwehstamdne the Ouachita H* raid of the Vh ant: >’tnce - that Major v;ti!h has r* t irm.-l ready to commence the canvas*, anil wil probably meet Mr. Johnson a’ Ins contemplat* : appoinUn*, yet we suppose he will give way tv the aspirant from the But. Room, Mo or, room, for the Little Rock and Helena . D -o’t mount Johnson two a! a lime. Kleetro-Magnetism versus i»tenm. The days of steam appear to be counii In power is raj« diy amt me to it- acme; am! , i certain as science continues, to progi *», ju»: ■ certain is 'team destined to decline, ami t ■ !> s;i larrseded t*y son <* ott er power. The rap-; j, i-tes* of steam has be* n such, that at the pr<' iDOfient there is not a navigable river on Ui globe wh <se wa’oR nr» no* naygat* 1 by steam- . an ! scarcely a sea whose waves are not plough ! by s'- arnships. The dominion of steam is so rapidly widening that in a few >•: art more the globe will be constantly circumnavigated by g-gantic steam iesscls. But though steam » so rapidly taking the phiz ■fall other means of locomotion, it it; if s* *, .. nr plut ultra of motive pow. r. Another half . :i turv will see steam rap.dlv declining as a motive j>- .w**r,' and i_~- tirm as rapidly taking i place. Of the truth of thts propheti- declaration, we have better evidence than that which Robert Pulton was able to ndvsn e nearly half a • ntury ago. Regarding the progress of steam navigation.— IlobenTulton thought he had almost perforate ! - * miracle, in propelling a boat by steam. - 11 th-. lludsou, at tin rate of tkrrr mile* an hour; and i upon such a wonderful a t. - vement he v* ntured to predict t!;at at! of oar rivers would soon b* navigated by oeamVvats. His antic :pat;ons hay long since been more I ban realiz»*d. What, then, may we not anticipate for the loco motive agency of electro-magnetism, when, tu a first i ssav of its locomotive pnw> ts. Professor P,-/- . at Washington, hassucieeb-d ;;i propelling a lo motive, ovvta railroad track at the rate of r nttem an hour’ Thi- rvitai-ity speaks ut »re fir > i**eess of efcetro-magnetism, a? a ioc >m t.v, agent, than Pulton** experiments -I d f-.r that' of steam. The practicability of the appl; ution of I this tv w agent, as a motive power, may now be considered as demonstrate-I. We have at las' found a cure for the evils of s'eam-pow. r—ad* - - deratnm tha* has been long sought. Steam is lix fire, a m-*s! p vv-rfu’s* rvant. when proper!) van aged, but a terrible agent of destruction whenever it ceases to be watched. A •*-am engine is ;i frui tful magazine *>f dea-,i and rum. which by no known means can be ren-' zed absolutely safe; f -r ui th-- first pi ice its management must be ustrus hst to m- n who are. even w ith the best intentions , liable to err m judgment, and wl * * aytiot ;n all cas~» ;*erceive defects -n the conipluaWsl niaehi n*. iv of a steam engin . J**very par: may aj-p -a'r rw-rf ct. win :i ill fac», there is some fa'al defect, either u the materials -r in the workmanship, which -hi eve coiitit di-'-.o t-r tint.! after an t alas :r -phi- had revealed it. All of th* si .<- newts and insurmountableoh'cc lions t" steam, ar*- entirely inapplicable to Electro mag ivt.vr, w* :<h exerts its mmense power i tide pen dent I v of fire, steam or smoke; an-1 an explosion is impossible, since there ,s nothing to explote.— Ei* *'ir-> magnetism -s a force ev -ry where pn-s-ut. nod .-Hi wbtei, nature reyi-ly v-.-Ms to man's con trol. It require* machinery of the greatest sim plicity of construct ion. compared with that of the -••nil engine, and occupies much less space. The V i» ace of Electro• magnetism s cr*'-a tnn of t)rnti?'f, in 1^19. His leading pr*ur.- pit s that a galvanic current flowing at »>»•! s •• iron renders it a magnet only so long as the curr* nt continues io flow, fcrftfe do* < frestvd rtmnnc that he ha*l discovered a prin- pie tha! n.irht be made to supersede »fce »et-ncv of steam: thus conferring upon tiMiHitn-l an inestimable -.-***, and rendering himself one of the greatest bent factors - f the h i’ man race. Congress, we believe, appropriated ?.’'i;fkX) to Prof.I’vgo:opriy:-r-u». hi* experiment*. T'.-* *p py results of h.; labors w be hailed vn h jov Lhnrttgtiout the civilised world, and he ' ttiseif wil. have acquired a mcht in t .e t* .pi of * --cnee, -n the midst of those of Franklin: Jr •t--r. Poitou and Walt.—Lou. Cturirr. I'.lplo«lon of SlP'im IJoiter-. I!he Paitwin explosion ease, <' - »;* Jury reader* *! « verhct that the *• cident, which resul ted in ktb*»i( livc men, *m ea>i***<t '»>■ the w-offi ciency of water in the boiler. It in trow well :m t derstood tha' tin* is the cause of n-.--ir!y every • e (iluston that occurs. It always arises from care" kasneat of the engineer, for he can a1 ways know the amount of water in the Voder. An-i it'istncrigtb ! <>r fiolness of he 1 toiler. «r rvi ton .it to flu ami int ol < , « i> on. will aval to protect against eiptos, in. ; 'h> will permit himself ' b< guilty of ’ ,i' :a ust emus it cli.-noe as to the s ipply of water, frit- V war* 1 >11:y A ir. . ■> I'.iaau up i this oas-’. — .V «'’«*.7 '' 1 -• ** But wli ,t is ho to <l-> if ke fm !s ! s' he wi or is dangerously low? H- let it x . *S 1 ■’ comes ifl cmi l t with the red hi of the '■ 1 lor, and it instantly Susie a tat«.- steara, who h pro : it jccs the expi-xston. By *>i»-nin ; ti “ il ’i vaivj. the water if im the relief iil vsSiire, rap 11* Im.n she* ri qua** tty, end the danxt r be, ■ ■ gy. a ef: for no iai-'iv laiv-e operitH? 4 to.nve • it 'to all the st* **o rurined try the refraining water s urniut■.••* ,< red-hot iron p at* i i - is . t-'htied • . ie- • U.i.v .• t i we »re aware if. and that is. to t ike o»t the f ,<-1 from tinder th*- boiler anl kt it r,v, «*} this is an • •>.»«*:eh k‘w live -ouract ♦ a"’ f„r the t>e. vt rr.a. explode V fore u be 'ten ; !• it it ’ not, thee try removing she .'ire, h •• n/ rhe !.■«>< oust, and stopping the engine a»i aii ’.he works. hiaigHilty eari-testles* bextuor.* avrwn, .V- i.Kely i i ise* to.4 employ meet, and certnifi y m, ,ir» a heavy i weight f hla.»'. Moreover, the rein ivai of a large nc "in : fuel. either K ,,r an r, i><>» a almost. if no* -jtiifav an wap risible thl n. Th r< ! c, thetekwe. no ••nxr reinedy for • ,m cause of ! tritse awful < a as’rophes than the eaapkvytnent «f eoid, attentive esgnteets.'* Halt. M n. It. King of ttabsm i. That distinguished g l Mna ■vhere he has met w.'.ti a reception m wt cordial.— , 1. j pleasing to lest a that arrangements are ta proiit'- is to tender him a public dia’er, where par v : ciTerences shall not mingle, in so expression. by h.s friends. o' theij ajrjK'iv.x! and oppreetsiioc of i his covr*** ex’* n »xd ox raarscen ;1' a wan f sr* Report ol the Kx.minxtioH of I hr krhaa* »n« Mllilnr* Institute. The l»q*i Lot »«• mMed -*n Monday IV Mh at May. Jlis H«»linK)' Gov. John Si. Umr** prc**dm< - On An- nr $rt W loe*irn'e#mfatn ed l^Rty-tw >.K; t!*M #».de;l mlgi yrepnr#»ry «i d eolleg *Ht ji;kn*Wri i-<, « il s the nded in » lie mcon t ami *>m.l ft e!«»c*, nod ir.'. > Ike first, sec *• 'ir-‘pymoT¥ cliaagT. The Uxr I take frca p < u ire t(Wl * '-areful and iroparG. exam naiion . making a f»v *r»bte report of the progr- s* >f i hr c t lets n inatlr 1U tic*, anient an I modern ! mgnages and English science. Tt, Institution :* stir itni is .1 Beautiful groi ns*! tUv ' iii-v- ol Tulip, in Ubilaa counu. The grouni* are h iu G im- ly laid off and Uk Barrack- are c*r« •••■»»«, h-iv. •.. - A ■ and air * 100ms lor the at -»nuia>Ua ..on ol uie cadcta. Tar parade ground .n front, is muimented with a •'■wHcnr ta!! flag c‘afT. from i!ir top rf wbirf floats ,mr nalinna? colors. Tin hoard wt- highly gratified an 1 deoirhvd at the skill d splayed hv th corps of rsd--" tn the infantry an l artdlerv tactics. accomplishing the various evolutions with the pre cdaion of regular troop*. On tie last day of the examination, the Viar.l wrr regaled hy original addretun < from the foluor,ng cadets af the insti tute, viz; t'adrt A:v,us K McNeill, saiutat >rv address. <• Wm. N. Smith, Arkansas, as she was and ought to be. •* Oro. J. Byrd, Iroprov of Time. << Joidcs K. Caldwell, Intellectuat improve nirnt. •• N. D. Flournoy. Na ir.ii s ..•••). •* UoU. Bethel, True Oteatn “ Wm. 0. Daniel, Gr> at men of America. The faculty of the Institution consists of Co!. Geo. f). Alexander, superintendent; Major Tim O. Benton, commandant of rad .s nn<! peofeasor matl.runities: Major Hen V Hordrn, professor of Throughout the exauun-livn, we found thesu jvprin'en tent r.i! Geo. |). V.-namler, a most emu - . jwvnt. kin 1 n-t courteous e^ntti-man, distinguish ■ - ! Veil for scientific n:.«l rarv attainments, amt try ilia enlhusiasli’ cn- ray wilt no rloubt in a few years, make the M uv tn<'-> i'e of Arkansas, t? ,■ most dt siraWe po.ut f-*r the edneation of the rising general.on ui the South. Major Tie s. O Renton, grad iated almut twelve months since, at the \ rginia .Military Institute at tea iigton, and by ace lama turn r>: ■••eived the h.jthcst te nor in mathematic/, aJit-.l from the proficiency i • vnlenc-d in thv srienrt* Tbronthoirt the exnmina tion, wt would in awarding to loin the .. - >!. *1 ke ’e jj-. • Major B- nj. J. Horddn. .professor of languages,, cav. the m* «t satisfaflfory .-Viden-e from the pmfi ■I V o'!,.- -('.If i 1,-ijuist, and his uMunct of tiisrjtr-ictinjg w would highly r- c emnend to the patr-ms of the srh-xil. The departm* a' of chemistry and natural phiio s phy, will he filled by Dr. Weldon E. Wr gilt, who has been selected by the boar-1 of guardians of the institute as a gentleman eminently qualified f r that station. The time in which we live is so remarkable for the ,;np irtanl - hanges produced rn almost all de partmeots of human activity; by the pow- r of science and general information, that in most civil * .used countries, has been clearly felt, and we hop* at no distant day,- measures wiil bei taken by Ar kansas to bring about this desirable object. 0 The changes which have taken place in science and id the whole condition of Modern nations, who am no longer dependant like those of the middle ages, for their means of intellectual culture on the remains of ancient civilization, necessarily iiiaketl,- character of si-h-sd instruction very <1,f feieut fioiu a *t it was formerly, when the whole . intellectual wealth of Europe was contained in two languages, and though these noble idiom., will always retain a high place in a complete system of education: yet, their importance is comparatively 1 loss, while that of the natural s< i-.-nc s, history, geography, p.-lf es and military taeurs has very much increased. The tmportanr of education in the (’nit,-! Sta*-.s is now set in strong relief by the .cneral convicti u entertained in ail free coun tries, that t!i-.t k-o*.-t»1 di'fusion of know 1 lee, ia • - n v true sccuri’y n-r-v.- ilj rog ited liberty which must, rest on a jus’ s- ns- of 'he of man, and few other results - an ' - attained by the student of history and of mankind, than the es si n'nl connexion of light and libertv, not that great 1-arn n§ tice. ssar: y leads to liberty, history affords many instance* who h d.sprove this; but that a general IdTusion if knowledge, always tends to prom •••• a general sense arid love of what is right and bid. as vn .1 at furnishing the means of securing We see t her-fore *n the- increase of our; lu-*is, th-. -mean* of securing end perp-tu a'lig - -nr liberty. Th-- Arkansas Mil.'arv luati tutc is the pi- neer of collegiate enterprise in this S ate, i; pr- seals itself t i|.i» with many cU.ius for our patron.ig- a-.-l support. The military feature in i*s '-.rvanieation, we -.vitiM part tilariy recnm na nd •- !erat,-in of the public—offering as it doe*, an aceompushmeut which every young min should be proud to possess—and at the same tan,- giving that e*ercis< to th- physical system w *ch sti>u!dever be connected .»;‘a mental ---.l tare. Besid-a those advantages, the higher one of baring tha in- ans of educating -nr young men among us. to takv charge of our militia, an! at a I tunes to defen 1 the on of o ir country, against all infraction of a pr unlive on*: ruction of that instrument. In Mcommending, as we do. the Arkansas ifary Institute. to the pTMtivr of this and th surrounding State*, we would say, that the location at Tulip is f-markable ?->r tue'sa-abrity of th- at in vspliere. Trie high mtvllec’ual moral tone of tie community is probably uruurpasa- i by any sectiouof country *-*tof ttc. \ g-.iy mountains; vie- in a , wind be.a? e-;ec 1; and -i-> .iuiueeiaenl_ offered to he twice, v .. '. w did ’-.a, * th-.* l/.-ast Icpu - an 1 riclest propriety, and th is v. * at- ois'ra n -d by a »• jf duty to call up -:i ■-! not-s'a i i i Stale pr •!* of ■ ir f-i - citizens, ' - ciiro irag- an I paltotuze this home in stitution. To th . *i lai . ins ,n lustil ate, w take p - k»t1-r jig o- r 1 inks for |ii ' - mi , - .-y a'id k-.tidm ,s -t> the board wfcib -n their vu ,n ity — and th in every success in the neenn pi. tin lent iA 11<- r wishes. We can-nt close this n tv,r with -it bearing ten tiuv-nv to the v/-r.« efficient exuntaation which w- Ua 1 t» pit-naur <-i att-.-u.J;ng at the Tui'p Fe male hemmary. In alt the brancries d a tom p etc Female education, we have nevei witnessed *o satisfactory and rigid an examination. Mr -: • i dutu-te iev- -1 *k 1. wmeh was displayed by th« young lad. -j aid -r bi.< ■ Vsrge; and a<dml l-v Mrs. Cook aul Maj. B->r u-ii th S a n.xry .flkrra aihrnn tages (skataii hetutofoto i» tne southwest, and nose espeeial.y in this St-re. The c-aaur.natton • of the yoang Is-ites con tinned thro days, a-vf cam el 1 I by a c.<u- ert tit the school room, m which Mua Mart- :i, tt.e -ea< h r -u m-u e, dupUyvd <ha t-.r.g ivshe-: si-. ■ er pleas*ng art. Tj-- -■ rep -d U Tespectfui’y s tbimtled to the pv ipie of Sta e of Arkansas JOHN' S. BftAJiE, /'!. Ue,. i < M. Ntiu, ffaarecSarj. y tr'cmr V /■* /«-(•«;•. T»l’p l)< ia* CO.: At., ISA. e*lpkill<« on on Improi'd w ilc. 1 N(‘w \ urt \ 1 'raW .* i(« i* "'"'♦pA i)»*nt sF Washm«*t*8 tea«B th* I. «, lg net* Com-rr, t ini: It ''ftt;' I. i cauila m*. it Mv< Th< • c >(• m iv- nty . u. the ««« '? i 0! tft 'at® IV*®: i d| C' ‘;tMA n -s on eis »» ate too* and sparkling: — I t. Ft .sftaied -hat Tlbxui’ Gitwin, at the ■ . <*f glutting the Senate amt tak-tu * . f .il.'iuct, sold out hat interest n t>.v. \., an ■ , .m, before the late txjar.l, to <*eoe,r t,«n. Kv, gnent steam wait mtllttma'r ?**•!•• sunt of -i Wore ,,t In**, upon the ja lament i>! i« • a i*w x-rs Mi w< 1>.si• i »■. .1 •. i \ : N * \|>1K—' t..» (in ornor l -u » a . . .;n' u.,* « t? that sum. 4- it i® stated that tr.e ataUattl Major Laily, a gk*rt'v«prit»i' of .! rent fettew. nm-eero* #711,1**' lea® or mure, a* fera tor hi* mnumi m pveaatn sundry claims !•. f .r th h<mnl for ail aliow-anrt Major is not# law vet by proft-Ssioi’. bit ho u> a rentli man ol * \, t :r. 1 1111 ( ami d:sr : turn He was a caorlHUte |..t t ommiss umtr ui run the M'tican UoiiB'Ury i'u>, a .! aught to have lain, appointed, but >x '* n !Uk f ••fc.St* n ,not- >>m»i hr. has done betfe r ns conns- ' ft. nrmau’ mis .Mexico. t. It 1* stati-'l tha! Oat 1 s March. Fan.. t):r . eua^Moiti i*u*l aatouaifdiahcd- luoarapfeor of Daniel Vj ' * pr*<t«« of a istiy; f. 1 .»• : 1 r<-f ^iTft<|(fct4.0<a> mote Of less, aa fees fat fe s 1, vir* ini'pushing -ipji; of the important Mnicau claim tti an honor able adjustment. And wfav not I 4. It is stated tha' Mr. Wehsier, like a man independent and also* board, and not afraid to t meet tl it glare id ti, ' sun t lrtith at mul day, has licit act'd not iksjHjsod ->| lux interest i the alert <ajd Mexican claims. ' it will hold on to it, as he l ' as the ryht ti do, ttnttf he is pant the p« r ecu' j ace hr is justly entitled to. A sensible man. •V Complaint is made that the ffeitelarv of tin fientay is paym* th fees of the ecu Me I iu the . awards of the aforexa.d Mexican eta ms, ai.d with holding the principal. » t>. Committees f investic.r >n with pow r to send for persons and papers, are to In called tor. loudiv, as soon as the house's of the m-xt i oiierexs net organised. I repeat 'he saying with which l I gan this epistle:—“The" is a co at ciuiorv, and some great thdirs are dome in it.” .Mr. Welsoer haa concluded, as his friends now here -»y, not ta leave tin labmet before autumn. Will not his friends, at that late day hav m oi siori to i rv, " Oil I -op tar l *" Is rr-n « O. Ik.tTwe Sum* of t): eri’-;cs d- i tioi lik<* to ihr ft n form disiii* in poeeeal inoti. ». I’ tern* • cmi. ■ ■ i: : uious to m ■ ;c> mum la i*.i v i vety evening * i painU Idem »cih throw her leg (terpen ■lie .thirty at the .nidim1'*, »r be lifted with a spring into the a.r. at the time playing tattoo with her heels." Now, far our pan. we .ike t > see t i* p " try of motion thus das. ..... pr s it. !. A w. turned leg—a gracefully tjarued', waist, and even a bustle of fa>r shape and tlimesioas—all these, an prop, r objects—the creations >.t Almighty Nature an 1 wr. made tike other exellouciey to be Jtasert at and admired—the) are not immodest aw adie u beis objects. The ridiculousness,-if anv. .a ir. at * aching immodest ideas to heaven's must peerless creatloru. Hut the managers of our theatres are caterers for the amusement of the “ million "— the pleasure « < ekers. and not for tie ... .ru! enter tainment of n few a>*'ete sticklers tor pious class i .. ibservsnces ia a play-house. To the pure hi heart—all things ar. pure. Ladies of the most un unshed reputation,!ity, wit ness the fascinating flights and of Ilia fair danseuses; aud it cannot be shown that they are less pure for ;■»!. ng <.ii their pleasing posit-.nas, • and graceful agilities. We say in the language of the hard. “On with .he dance Chemical Freezing agents. In that hot lujd of wonders, the chemist's labor atpry. great d.jrecj of coW are procurable by is ini highly volatile liquids for evaporation. A man may be frozen to death, it is said, tu the extreniest heat ;f summer, simply b> m epi nr him constantly drenched .pit:; ether. By the assistance of liquid sulphuric and, water may be frozen in a red-bot vessel. B it that remarkable substance, liquid carbonic acid, takes tin highest rank of all known frees, ng agents. In drawing it from the powerful reservoirs in which it is necessarily kept, it evapo rates so rapidly as to freeze itself, and is then a light, porous mass, like snow. If a small .|«»nti tv of this i.s drenched with ether, tl e degree of cold produced a> even m.ue intoleral le to * ue touch than boiling water—a drop or two of • .• mixture producing l.’i ■*••»», I'ist a- if the >k bad been burned. Mr. Adams states that in eight minutes he has frozen in this way a mass ot mercury weigh ing ten pounds. •criptnrnl xnlhoritv for the return of Fugitive slave. fi. “Bui Abram said unto Sara, behold Ihv maid is in thy hand ; do to her as it plea-seth thee.— And w hen Sara haddea.' hardly with her she lied from her face. 7. \nd the angel of the Lord found tier !>% a fountain of water in the wilderness, by th» foun tain in the Wav of Sh ir. s. And ho sa«l. Hagar. Sara's maid, whence C<meat tle.u ’ and w hitte r wbt thou go’ And .-.i d, I fled fro.0 t:c . i of ,.jy m., •. ■ <ara 9. An I tlie a ig.'l of t: •• Ic'd ■ cdpthbifiMr. r> twrntolhy mistress; and submit thyself tuiqgf h> r hand."—iOenesis, lb chap. oi Now <u ties ease, > inner and Cliddiu, t would have a c re ted Haga -liid advised resistance to the law. 'Indiana Sentinel. | _____- -- . A Oivgracclal Scene. Tic oi or dav a woinai, wno keeps a no'ono is ho tse of dl !v lie, pn'diciy cowhide.) a man hi the itreeta lo not kn - the quarrel, but understand the man (who lives a short distance down the river had gkr.-u some of fence m the house of the woman who mflietesl the ■ *.‘rstigation upon h in. Tie’ same female has proved brrsctf to be equally expert whips—for with rt the pa-, tew year- si ■ shot a man in V w t»r . trvs. and more recently si e «h<.» another in Natch-7. Net 11| the face of these outrages site has managed suffieietiily well to escape punish merit by the law. Important from Mrnro. Suhf Str bn; rmonrrf.—'Die New York P>*' learns hv a private teleenaphie despatch ’o an eminen: met anti! ■ ■, --no' of that < itv, which was revrsiced on Thursday forenoon :;om New Orleans, that .ihtrws )> >»•■ lea n 1 -re rt-i eiv«d. of the steatuer, “fjoiii Hunter. ’ xh h left San Francisco on the 22<lof Mar It Iasi, for Tehuante pec, to the effect • 'tat u>. On Id || inter had violated the maritime taws of Mexico, tty landing her pas M neers, m nun, Ur -r<xtv-fi*r, without the MflttaitV iferion* permission, and that the paiaraeers had been imprisoned l>y the Mexican authorities ami wen- confined at the date of the advice* receivs*!. No other parte:nlars »re g.ven. Tehuantepec .* not a port of entry. ■ The Lorndr Have <"ome. The event has justified Doctor .Nrntttf* predie tri.i 1 \t tie; Vealetilay moronic. May lHth, the i-ini . re c: >-,u eotwneo ■>. at.; w. , arnttiat -hei’j and fo(-;st are now rib wrtir ‘ . u 1 every '•ree on, fur ;n heard T--ru. Dr. Smith has • r. ? ns ', 1 te a considerable hot fttll of t|ie laree [>• rf. i t in*, ,-a. The rate ui*nn our earn rardr ri. '<ant- fi vt curia nttm . that aji** .iraacv w.‘ warm, confined situation*, several days ago, but ill- grand march out of Ktrypt <*miin>-nred vestef^ lav mr.ruine.—B>.-!to»»ro Patent. 1 If Mr, F<»a,e h» i amany * • • a* hr. ,« se* k :mr offices. h>- wo-if.l he p im-h-f fro polygamy— Slid yet. te- is - ntltje,! b, n* f-.i «s in a , .of in,, -one as Ur*- olii'-r. He 1, a tan lids'-. !,s t - foi- -w -ig off 1* - li. He U now Senator• He is s ra-ofidatc for Senator: H . a • audidatc for OortTaw; (lets s tsit-i-'-i’e far th- f'-mvr, tion -n Hind* county. dial he m a i-aad.dtw for a.i.-oatroc’«. by the -.-**>iear, to any -tfi-', e - -. w*- - and punct-i a!!y.— Won il l lie. R-tsuMaora. Id utity of Idea. A F I- -, i* .-itare r-pr-.-M, ts L , 1 .* N Ipoit J-* '»*-•«* oa a tow a, which hao si i.jwJ uv«i h,s (**- •■ ■-.’am which he Isaaarhs, Truly my untie WJ a ttmUtf iko* At a teceiit public meeting stene where m New K inland, » sr-tUiaei it was fiHO s,H-r»etb,ni( ,ikc D»,a: The V>w*r ah •. Mr A, the mantle of hey father car, fallen upon him. wuf tmalaert<l atm l XT The mode young lady wh-- refused to go into a ride factory Urea use some of the guns had nohh-eebe* on, ,t has b- -n aaocrtaiocd is distantly related !> th <-n..- t* »• wr-l-fi' -a -u in *h- *ar U raw ’he }e»t*'oei had r ye * ' *(•»« , * Ik« H *1* a»4 « lit, ft iw»» U- •' " t <•' ,’^V Wkn„ t sK< s against Mr. \V,l(», Utjr.-.htt Wn»> f lief halter: lit Ibt—a very ilt .tr fr'.f»i! ,, m* “> low *1 by *1! w'ttt Ittt.'T i, ., BO'tm fits Mill IOC If ctvl, Wi'V'H! t * A lUM ■ apsed Kis death —,,VfIh, - !iK‘ **$! t* **». »*:. I lath f» In»C a,V{ mum h*’,l WrB vi • n a vn-Hm »•> Wv v'» *f»« iv-' tit if. bul her Hoar: l.a.kt a jdiher •> rr’ w :l‘*' <**-w :!• U'*rt- Wit one >-.i ifkl-ttii : , side* ouiself; and wppf,t*w,;r : w i*< ” *«rn“«d»-rcertaink.;«» ,«” N, full. and It v n' * »iwed fVnul tV h»f»'Vt'motives. j| ’lilv WtiUrvxjd t» Ilf lit thr titf)! f.,,r 1 1 t'-l to. »• » • m . hour. Hf'jnw " h*! followed mot n it V. ndd, , i,. . . ‘ »*•* ai- ’W -l twenty four hours w sickr ,<f the letters ,u hw wet mi t . « , ’ ;. -f *•>* *• hue HW,;,;,,./.' »• tlw letter*, which «•»<•«:|,o i i.w< ' 1 prwfc out pnrWk*' i«i,h i, •tr, would have .'o*troyv<l 40 aoot, i, „„... * r,i,B ,f**‘ «*' •» «*•<*• **'« -uffoiod him I, 1 ''?• *ve" “*£,M! 0«r >w«. m ttt , m V woud 1 ho shame of hi* tit-* t nddened the bearkol our {(**). ht« tiv or- • , s rvi-. , . > | it!--.! trotiihs wo for m, ,1 hiiu to u>. ... I ‘It • .11". om !u\ IpM 11 \ it « •'* kw «s )„• « ,K’J 5^: ‘ ‘ if he had plu»j.-U r hi hu heart. r” *•'" l’+ ' C> -* •■W'-f -4 »f < l.h.1,^ „f% h CW , SoiUtr live •., ,,a >. or» ***, wlh „ | tH|i|. .. t .Uni) -■ fhi* 1 ity, i r«w«iVTHt Severn , « vottiu s- kwl virl. who m *.«- a mm , ^ lot' , olarnoit lady, t. sidm* with t,,.t ... iaidrt 11 at 0 „e>i{hla«nih$ .Vat. . She t>out » . , it .t .it diui id iu«uoii,ir irenma amt riVMur-" 11, ,.i cuduet, hut. “ itHal. never eee,„.,| 1(, 1 .tave ith*f ltie si. a or the eonanoumu M o' ,, im,e )■ ahf »'.uJu to u t,ere she (k.ti 1 nile-man “...tiuaiie c»red t„ ^ ‘ is .1 hnowU. When o.teud.-il,! uit.t,Ik-red ii^f* ,1 ux » servant *ir|a ,, •••' • »e»>g v«ey ta-auuful »hf wan ierv Buet ii miret!■ I'll! i hdve otleu ani.t ot Her aH,| », II, .W. that ! 11. vet klKWao a dd, W.i.-.aut „ IMte.iU) lawicM a «t. aiitto. am, 4 „ J, V’TSal :i roufid. tiro it, her Virtue. 1 ; , ' ' UntidN ralnmilHijur publtcalhtn I.f r : e “bieh thw is a reply. I never beard 0 V. V > Itue *ul had a pawimi (.,r |,»,.UI> ,t‘ • oil. it 1 mu. ,nli, 1 n:litlv, wrote ., C ' -« • Her Jrttewt in - lar ourpnitrinya of a heart and m.nd m. ami iM|Mtit>nt t:f alienee; hut however dy,, 1>t,r .' . .I and rba)wodiral, they seenu-d to iru ihaii was at all tnunnwn of the ,i,r...,e priurn o »f pm,us. What aentimeu; „ a, addr-as. d to myself, J never twice tin. us In if m aueh a ; ia mlHmsaed often to thoa, « ,, - ipp,«. d gat. keeper* to re ebfitv a„u “ , , timt. An editor's drawer is full of „ ” .' torv . ompttUHftifa, and ho -a itidr, ,1 , s aider them as any thing hut lit, *.,n ■„ way of fame. ' ** On her return fr.„u Europe, „ t,.,. Uk. heard that fhts lady was ahoiil to N inartiti a gontlunan wrote to uv for ah umrtV". courteously applied for her letters. I had , . .hem aside, thinking them interesting, »s t}„ iiregular ufterancta of what lthoughi * uk J-\. tube gemns, hut promptly returned theHi. no idea that iher, was anyllimg either llui.ta i"5 "r enustuil in the reijuesi, Coi. Witdias. pr-s, in when they were del. re red. but . o', no dissa*istae,ion with na- or with them I , , alter met hei father, who, 1 understod, ha ,al. powd me to fw an enCourager of t!„ ., <. ..tro , ot hts daughter, and had f. It uuknidlv' un' with a lew words of explanation, wc'shook I'M*, and parted, and df that matter i never :1k,t more. °f th’’ ' l ompleu- ruin" of this lady mg most r.*apertal)ly wuh her buitaud ami., dreu m the n- ightmnng State,) Col. Webb arcana me m language urn gross to copy. H< V-gia. saying that he was, himself, a wry . ai friual * her father! She has been marrud six years—.iw a. the first time she has ever'.* en aeeuseil ul . ; pri'-alely or publicly, to my knowledge—aad 1 Webb now accuses me of her rum, railing tattler a ** v.-ry i frie'u.l, ' wh.,s. “ unttin. . end he mourns.” Till* accusal ion is uinjualihei ly untrue; but, even if so cruel ami willful , falsehood w re true, 'vfin, human heart would >. thought e apalde of so agonising the living daughb o( a d.-ad friend as to r>- parade it to the » r after ii was forgotten! It was because he revenge fully thought that a fresh slander of tlni h.r. would l>e tin- ‘-drop too moeir' in my cup of xti - 1 rouble at tins tune; and :f the public nnnd ptv fe-r to takes anltrs against iiiii,r,. ui*e, without yin. or reason; p'-rhaps ;t will. S. 1*. Vtll.LI' Singular anil severe Sentence, A 111.111 ii.iun.i! Will. Fulton, WHO bad »in» undergone the prim Hum o1 in; ..cnlctHV in uro ■:» v ■. U>t p»<*ing tiMinti rlrti non i on the Bunk Delaware city,, ha« just been attain cotmcied New OnsUe. county, of Umi State, tin two mof indictments. The court paww-d sentence np..» it. prisoner, in earh case, as follows: Co pay a ftii< ot fAtblj be placed in Ibr jal.u for llir space of one hour; undergo an impne>' I ■ :■!■ • |i-r I •! 1 lli :1 mi.) ’ to best .i Rowan T. oft, an lor.' unit two utebes broad, on the outside »i fia . out b.-iw. .-n tin shooMri* for |wo years (nan date of tin expiration of hi* imprsomurnt, ami was <i«nrrittad *•» tbe eticMy of the Shcn# a* tin --c jotirmeiiH were complied with.'* Il appears that this i» the law of th< m; Delaware, and the court has no diyrretwuks js'Wrr: hot the people should eerlamly make h»” to rriuovr sueii irbaroai stal'itr*. Then ■' similar law- .n Delaware,, wtat-ri need ei ponging. They were the offprint1 of a aft1' ■ice than Dus. S.lopt-meui. Du sutuefoy afternoon, William Hath: . inanultn:turerl'jfbroiiw goods id New York, arm-1: in Ho ion in pursuit of his wile and child, wheh* absconded with tt fancy painter named Ctext Mcdrll. Tin: Missing two were found, ill-1 '»»*•" into custody on a eharge of adultery. Thev »•"' committed to ja;i. The principal utiyeet of 'll Ha- h'-'i h-l pursu.l WAS to Or I 11 p— '•'/! child, 3 jirl five years old. I/- There is a man whose hair w ‘ura..-, at-' briallea, art conatsjnence of his hac.ig p m * pot of hog’s lard; sold to hun for bear1* tc*’ Surely th. govi rnuacal, which ml rfm ,«a '’* of less moment, ought to look after this, <* venders of such Itubf)* ins v take il n!-. Wn to ael goose greas,, amt leathers nr '!• *» ion of the day. I f Hou. Jaini-a Hue ha nan has been non. > for the Pr»>elency by the Isie Democrat* ' i'onvcnlioii of 1’imnirhaaja. Mr Buchani everywhere gaming ground as tin ->ue fan! of the di lioera v n Ui-- e kt Presid* ill <>> ; H -0...O t«e. Caba. Mr. Ci .'- .s retained *o hair ■ ’ s Hi. *'in», who wa* explaining to I i 'b* * ‘ . igt - at Gov-.rntncn:, u.u’ : A 1 lull f:.’ ’ . •: P. ill. I power the l”fitted Siam could fr . r.r si, ,i*o—■ 1faw*/)A,« lpfc'i/ •reduction and abiudonmcH* Mr. Noiotous Johns- m a imic“f <» • N * Vo is, had U- u arrested • -asp vonui5 <•>!>. Mas A M. Sinclair, rer - * f-end* is Tenth strewt, who chari-o h-® ‘ having seduced tart safer th*. pr«n*i*c'»: w' ari l tuhw g ir.nly attuadcmiit* birr. 1 :- ’,s: ale of ugti srandiiur. Jobnaon waab- ; l.iol. Aaotbe* Prce«S«Ucr appointed b! f J ■wore. ’ fii4rUm Hake/. >f M<**■■>: . ’ - t- ’ l»y President Kifcimre, Ch.- J ■ S Ipreua- Cbi.n of tlm Unite-! State• !u: r.tory of X-w M- xico. It ,% »c 1 an ^ Grafton Baker in the canvass of 1'H *■* conWodcd ,tn U.e s' . np, that tv Ur v*1 M lie a n territory would pr • •• * incut w*» male w,tli ’.hat new of lie i v«lle» «'*w _i- 4 tf Jedlf Paul ssyt of authors. " laurel, like ake Vwan n the u»n h <« » * ^ y Is not put inio cum no4 we are ’ * " “P-"