Newspaper Page Text
umi tficf From AP»* J# 1M October, 1BI, ft* *M> _acrita wlH m» * •AILT UM W »TABES Fr#ei Littl* Reck to II *t •»*»*§•. tarth* •*c***»°' datte* *f »h« trwBtof fmUm— _ T* loa*# wtf **•* *J. •“• Dm L otted SUM* Moll, •t 5 o’eloek, A. «- aao*rt1**M HetBprlof#,**"* diy, at S P. M. THE ACCOMMODATION LINE, ir;,!r.xwwe'*‘2:-®K morning, o»4 writ* »« &* *7. »•• • la (be evening FAST: By u*t**>~ Nb» *■ rro*“«T The *ub*e»ib*t to tbteeatraeK* far tbe c#*v*y aa«af the U at ted State# Malta ha the reale* Tnj uS* Rock to Fort Smith, tad from Lwk Rock • Waoblnf too. to H#mp*te*d<,*<»«J.»MH« Spring —la Fota Coacb##. thro* «»*• a w**k tr Both UmnjmIm Iataraacl with tbr Steam boot Cailed Slate* Mail Lia^ffem Mamphto to Lit “\5-tu,. '?SflfTr»»OER F*b. II. 23-* V Saodrien Urom Xew Orion# RECEIVED per Stoamer* Phillip Peony ail «» Poattee, lb# foHowiag food*, to-wil; 100 Mooched Seek* Sail: 10 half BW* M*l*aee# ; 1 Bbl. Rie* ; MSS lb*. Swead Iron ; *0 lb# do. Plow Mould*; 30 Stool MUt*. aaeorted aiac* ; l Damn Gram Bod Canto; 2 Cotta do Hop. 3 Coil* Cott** Ropa ; 10 Bright Os Chain# ; 9 Doi. watar-proof Rifle Lock* ; 9 do. Palm l#*af Hate; 19 do. Wabator’# Spoiler# ; ion ael# Cop* and saucer* ; 10*1 do. Edged Plate* ; 3 Doi. Horua Cottar*; 3 do. B. B. B. Hate ; 4s pair .Hep’* thick Bool*; JO bbl#. Prtiao Sugar. For aato ^ Feb. 10, 1?'51. Mala Street. LiqtOH. 5HBI.S Old Bourbon Wbiakey ; 2 Bbla 01 Moaongahoia Whtobey ; *> Bbi# Prim* Ol Wbtekey ; 20 half do do. 4 HW». French Brandy ; 2 Caak# Old Cognac Brandy; 2 do Had#*** term* ; X Caaka Muacat Wine; 2 do. Malay* do 1 Hf. Bbl Cherry Boo Bee; 1 BU. Gin. Received perTru# tee. and for #ale by JOHN D ADAMS, Feb 11, ISM Steamboat Landing. Groceries. rye' Sick. Salt; IS Sacks Coffee; IS BW*. Sogar / O 1 Bbl Powdered;' ugar ; 10 Bb}» and b»i Bbta. Molasae* ; 1 Tierce Rice Raislua, Chee» Verruietlli, Macarnoi, Sweet Chocolate. Lobsters Sardines, Brimttoae, Clgsra. Spanish Brown. Kol ton Stotts, Whiting. Bristol,Brick. Emery, I .am Slick* ic , Ac. Received per Pontiac, and fo aale by JOHN D ADAMs, Feb'. It, 1851. Steamboat Lacci.,g. WALTON, SANFORD & CO. GENERAL GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ii, Slew Leree, Jf Orleans: Jfo. HAVE constantly on huud a general and we, aelected awortinent of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Ftnt /.ignore and Irian, Procirusi, Etr. Etc In addiliou to the articles usually fonad in a Grocer's Stock, they keep a supply of Nail*. Glass. Drags, sud Dyes, Letter snd Cap Paper. Playing Caros, ic. Jkc. Their aim will be to sell good and fresh articles, and nlwsys at PAIR MARKET PRICES. Their facilities for boying("with their experience in (he Arkancw trade.’anu'lheir knowledge of the want, of that section, they think will enafle Ihem »t *li times to nil, satisfactorily, Mich order* as they may be favored with. Jan. 1. 1851. 1-y. Saddlrry. i LARGE lot of Saddlery, consisting of gentle* j\, men's and .aiiicaSaddica, Bridles, Martingales, Saddle-Bags,, Girths, Cimnelea Col lars. Hanm-s. Bndle-PtUings. Sulky. Wagon an I riding Whips, Strnp Irons. Bridle Bits, Ac., Ac.. Ai . reei ived per Phillip Pennvwit. and for sale for CASH by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Landing. March 23. 29—tf. MILL S \WS—Rowlauti's ami J feel; FRENCH LOCKS—&. 9 and T inches; AXES—Collins and Hunt-, Oil S—Lard, linseed, tanners aud ueatsfool Receive.! and for sabs by KM. B. WAIT. March 3d. 2«—if. Liquor* and Hour. JUST received bv steamer Hamburg; 2* Bids Whiskey. 20 Half Bids. do. 8 Bbis. Rirbon Whisker. 08 Bids Flour. 18 Bbis. Potatoes. For sale cheap, by M. TANTI. T^LOl’R—30 Bbls •* O' Fallon Mi1 s’’ Extra Su .K periine, BACON—8 Hhds Clear Sides: “ 5 “ bone) do; “ 3 Tierces extra S«*ar Cured Hams. PORK—10 BbMsMess; SUGAR—3 Hhds clarified; “ t Bbls Powdered White. CANDLFS—30 Quarter bote* Star. NAILS—50 Kegs 1, B A 8 d. Received and for sale bv Aprinth. W.M. R. WAIT. CA HOCTA W LAND SCRIP m pinrna of 80, lb'1 J and 320 acres, for sale bv W.M. B. WAIT. March 23. 29—»f \ Steamer Ktruly 1 ba\ e just rectived and n<w off. r fui saU-: *0 Barrels Super Pine Flour; 2 •* Rye Wh »kry; 1* Bates Assorted Tobacco; 10 •* Lemon Syrup; 8 *• Candy; l Barrt l English Filberts; If* " Ale. M. TANT!. Lower Stetnfooat I.trhdrng. April 7, 1851.—31— tf For *al«*. 4 FINE LARGE HORSE, abcrit sry.-n yan old and s* eenteen hands m ficirM. Apply t March 25 L A. WHITE!.FY. .»frw* tor Sitle TWO LIKELY NEGRO WOMEN, cue with two Children, an.l the other with one. For sale for cash, by J. 0. ADAMS, at the fteamboa! Lauding March 25. 18*1. 29 Liquors and Wines. K CASKb Bandy, 4th proot, *) 2 « Madina Wine; 1 •* Port Wine; 30 Baskets Champagne Wist; on ccu.igncar..i and for sal* low. T. D. MERRICK A CO. December 17. ISM. 17 60 BBL.S RECTIFIED WHISKEY, .21. 1*51. Straw goal Lixdutt v Ac. Pannywlt: P-' I Ik TV»T mrind per ■ J >5 seek* Rio CoOse; r hhdo. Safer; 0<bto. do; 4 Me Miltsm 6 half bbie. Malawi; 80 aaeka Sait. And far Oth by FATHERLY A CLEMENTS Moral. U >•—If. FWI TfcXWG LMWES, uitft l«tt( arkwntn*. THIS Institution, und-r the nwpceinl p*troo*gi of Right In*m4 Ur. Hrm, i* now open to the n*>n««dh wf kwa ufws. SilMh t in • par of lb* cifv of L»nt* Rock, it pea****** every ndvan 1 Hjf which «»n cotifiibele '» Ih* h**fih a i«< happi **•4 4t\\U Pwprt*. The »d4f!*o*» Do* b*i«( HM4< to th» iknff rpkmw o«iMiog»—4of*lbei with if rXt*M*ir* and 5**0 14*1 *.'*01*1*, wilt render it i*» of lit* wnit ct jtmu'ixMit tiul oelightful iMlitulwt j of th* Wes*. The Scholastic frit r< Mineime* th* fcist Moo<l»! ! Ill September—the sruvial vacation the 15th July I Pop’ll receivrd *t auy ti n*, hot not fur a short* j paritol 'ban thr>* months. *nd no deduction, if with : .frown b»liw» the eXforaiioi* of theses** n, e*cep ; m t*«e ot piotractwl sicktie**. IV fiwii* ot rtttdir* mtuicn ail the biai.che ; -.«tf*tfy might hi the bent School! lot Y'u.ig Ladies | h* *imi constant atteidu a will be pant totbe mat *1 ** well •» to the mental edwcanen ot the pupilt (Dating the boor* of lecreatioa the young l*'he are atway* iimlri the cm* of one of the teachers—ii *ho<t, everything promoting the wtifateof the pupil writ be awoti^ecl of the wort Conorleotiou* atteaiio* Each young tody mast be pi or hied with a kaifr icek, spoon. gobble*, six table napkins,oia chang • of Uaen, work and dressing boa, tombs, btnal towel*, fee., fee. A* the end of each quartet the young tody wot i distinguished for genera! good conduct and prof ciency in studies w ill he rewai ted by the hotioar ' ‘ decoration of * medal, and eveiy proper mean etwnlnxn) to inspire a laudable emulation among! I the pnpdr. Pupil* ol erety r-ligiou* denomination are admit i led into the ii.stilulbui and no improper induenc ever used to bias the icligicu* piinciplcs ol tb youug ladle*_but for ‘be sake of order, all board*! at* required to conform to the general trguiaUon I of the Academy. All Correspondence ot the pupils, 'ic-pt that < parent*, writ he subject to the inspection ol th Principal. Th* parent* or guardian* of the yourn ladies ar i*quired to deposit* u ith ihe Principal or some re •ponaibir pei ton mi Ihe city a sum of money suttciet | to meet all contingent expense*. The French department wiil be undei the tirec tion of one who I as resided seveil years in Francr and i« laminar with the Parisian accent. In the musical department ’he Piincipat will b aided by Mrs. Ouvxe, til* Organist nt the Cathedra * lady well known to be eminently qualified to tin ! part * Thorough practical knowing- of the scienci i*he will also give private lessons on the Piano « ryrgkn */those wishing to fake them. Term* for alonrder* persodon of 5 Month' Board and Tuition, in di ihebrauchei pertaining t a iborough English education,.SJ6 0 Washieg, use ot be*! ai*d bedding,..15 ft Extrw Churges. Music—Piano, with use of instrument,! q carte try.......< $12 0* Guitar,,....’...,. I if it* 1 Organ..... 12 ft Use »i Organ,.. 2 ft ( Dialing and Pending,.. *» ft Fiuurh,............. 5 Ui Puyaioan'e. lets pet annum,... 5 0* I Vocal M,arc to those not lairing instrumen t I ui, quarterly...> t IH Term* for l>njr sebolar* per quarter. ' Bl-trefif*r\ ft rs«,...Jt# ror tpe more advanced. .b <h ' i Plain and Om’twerifai Needle Work. Embroidery Bead and I..»e» work, Knitting amt Netting Flow * rs. will he taught free ot ehgrge—the pupils fur * ishir g the materials. Bo -rder* pas the current expense'- scrot annuaill in advance. Day scholars quarterly. There will be an extra charge oi $13 0*1 forlhost spending!!** ar.t uat vacation at the institution. J r further p*r*!eo*»rs, apply by later or person, ailv to M ss VicTox. Principal ot the Institute. REFERENCES: R -ht Rev Dr. Bvxxe, Hon. S. C. Roast, G-b. S. H. HrwrsTxan, S . . ... Col. 1„ J. Kr.atoox, i l*tlr to*. J oh s Bxowx. Esq , ■ \ -V. Orleans. t.*d , D. IV. C*xa:i l, Esq. Rev. J. Mouoh*.x. Re* J Fvmxoax, J Oi vrajucx, E-q , N Dxvucacx. F.sq . Ba»T;i')U>urw Mcims, J. laifie B Coww st K'q. \ Ju ge it ..M.r, H'Unt Jm ge 'least, Cttlnmifa. Agen* f i the (nstittttic- . ill Gil BROGAN. July 16. IdjO—7-43-lr. rr'HE subsuribor, agent (or li. Uabtruian, wtil X continue the former's liumnemssc ba» oidsuind on Main, near Mwtkhrun street, an J keep con stantly on hand a full and well assorted stock ol Groceries, I?• y Goods. P --s. Sh -> Hardware. Car -- *<• . Ate .(nSi ■ j:,.w) - w . bs sold •» for ras.. Ti.c highest rear® prices wtU be j*a;' for counuy prsKltsce, as Uvf k*d'*u jieltr:*.*. b-v* wax, Ac. JOHN Kit u >t. HaUtc R.iCk, March 2S, 1 >■'»!. »i—:f. Iron and (.'awtingw. I I d/d/ \ Etw. Bar I re u, assorted ; x"V/v/x_r 4 KunJles Nail Ileus, 6 Bunnies Extra Horse Si»«, 100 piece* Plow Wjo«; *5 Skifiel* auiiliiia, 3d Ovens and bds ; 13 assort'd EogUsh Pols ; 15 Sugar Kellies; 12 Geo irons. 'M oadinl*. per 1 ru.teo, ami fora, e i»y JuliN D. ADAMS, Sieauiboat Landing. f'eb U. t.niritinan tmoons »)l \ Keg# Fre»ii Buck» !i- Flour ; 3‘>h posedt -»* * Bologna 8an<ag»s ; 1 t>i»lj fit niuey; I bbl W (the Beatrsi 2f Roar** Mar Candie*; n> We«o» Fallow da 2 Bbt* Lara Oil; 1 Bit Sularatu*; 3>'0 Jug», 15 Demi^olu*#, 13 lieu Round Keg*. Received per Tro*lee, and fur sole bv JOHN D ADAMS. Feb. 11, Idol. Stearr ’ >«t Lan 'log. Star CantitcH Xr. ')jW\ Li*. Star Candle* ; 23 It.j* Buckwheat *J*MJ Ftoar ; t> Bbl While Beau*, 4 <0 IJ» "ss’.ing*- Just received per Pontiac, ana fur ease by FATHERLY A CLEMENTS. - Feb 11, 1851, 2 lilacLvinilliS Tool*?. 4 8*1 and 2S inch B‘llow«: 4 M nut Hole Anvil*: 4 Colter'* Key Vice*. 1 ,*’< Ilimntp: I{*cei»» 1 an>l lot sale, by J. 1> ADA Ms, Jr*. 21, 1851 li it L. a rf nq. L«nflrft‘i Stflional lap of irkaasai. VFEW copies of the above Map—the oitiv com plete a7^ correct one ever published—for sal» af 'h* (i izettt and Prm cral oifcre- price $5, of tollers, aril h*"dsr«r.»ly varnish**! and colored is:. 7, 1*31. 1« — Stationary. \LAHliE a«l bc.votrful assortr&rn’ t.f $• . tioniiv, r eeircd ;»r Phillip Ptoavwil, at bt h JOHN D UH'I\ feieainlKml Landing. Man. JV ' 2b—(f. J O II ,\ u. A |> A u A, C0MiSSI0\ I Ml F0KWIRM.16 I«aCHl>T. BRICK CORNER. LuW£B = nt-VW>AT *. VVDlMi, LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, KEEPS ceaauutj >u lu*4 a at|e and general aeaorlmeuiaf Dry Good*, clolbmy, llmd H iiie. teoreaMiaie, lint* and Cape. Bout* and »hors haddlerr- Mntiowwry, Groceries, Produce, Ac., Ac.; ail of which will be sold »s ry cheap for t ASH. Ocl I, 1-51.-S—4-if GtNbI Gt >»!! GI NS!!! JL’sT RECEIVED, and fur tala cheap far cash fine D lUhie aoJ Single Uurdie Shot (inn* Rifle*, duit and parcuaeiaa gnu Lock*, kr.,He.. al ■ba Quuaiuith Suop, ui .VLtou a treat wiiere repair iar is J 'a* jp blue, by H. GRIFFITHS. fiovk. 3— MQIOH*. O.V hand and for mate. 1 bbl dlbpeaafl'rwanii Brwody; 1 “ Spanish “ I " Malaga Wina; 1 " Maaaat •• (aehatea artiala . JOHN D. ADAMS, Dec lit, 1450.— 14 If Lower Li<%. Tea*. A FIRST rate article<if Graan and B>«eli Tes* for *ala at FATHERLY A CLEMEMS - Augaat. 40 iOOMKMSION ME80HAHTO. ■ sen*"CKaUL** Ml. »• Mit<l »»•* * • snraiti, fOTTO.Y FACTOR 0 Ad£ Jt9*WA*33W® MERC II A N T S . NO. H I'iMC (TIBET. NEW ORLEANS. IMMOIIUWMt f. II R1AK T E A PAM* women LRti;\woou, * c ©., COMMISSION ANP FORWARDING WSSOHANTS \o. 66 Magazine Street, opposite the Mouth nf Bank Alley, NEW ORLEANS. LA. »*• P»rtiruf*r ittention ptid to the sale ot O' f ION. TOBACCO. AND OTHER PRODUCE— he collection and remittnnce of Fund*— and the purchase md ib^pmeitt of Metthindiif generally. THOMAS L WHITE, BOOKSELLER & ST1TI0XF.R, NO. 33 CiYAL SHEET, NEW ORLEANS. LAW, MEDICAL. MISCELLANEOUS, AND SCHOOL BOOKS writing ?A?£n, Ft*- t'mf, Letter mnd Note Wrfpimf f*fer •/ MhMi qua tit tv Rl'lLU, STEEL PEAS, INK, And a general inertnrul of Blank Kook,. Country Merchant! ami Teacher* are reducated to call and examine the Slock. feh.H 23 lv rants ain-iiri. »« rowtu.. ! .linns iurriiF.WK& ro., WHOLESALE ■* ■ GROfKRS 1XD mussm MFRrHIATN. Mannfnclarer’s ifent* rotTHtmt or NAILS. WINDOW GLASS, COTTON YARNS fee . No. 53 WALNUTS 1 REKT. ’ South of Columbia, t iucinuuti, Ohio, r Rarer to—T. D. Merrtrk tr C* , Wm I}. Wait, Welter Mitrkell, H Broken. D. Bender 4r t 'o .aad Jtrr.r, I In trims. Lillie Keck. Feb 5, 1*50 —7—89—ly ISI./l'l l Till l AliliKIDliK, .Successor to \Vm. T. Et«(i» A Co.) •V®. 42 and 44. Pearl Stretl, Horten Manach-nelit, | IMPORTER AM DEALER IX EOnEICS .ti UONESTIC HARDWARE. HAS a constant supply of Mudvau asd Cot Lkay adapted to the trade of the Southwest 1 From an experience of twenty years in the trade 1 of that section, he i* confident that he can supply ' merchants, either in person or by order, with tiro 1 styles and qualities of foods desirable, and on terms ' that shall be satisfactory *«* B. C. fires nnrlicarar attention to ronsijrn ' inents o'-Colton, Peltries aud oilier produce of the conutry that may be Consigned to hint for saio. Sept 25. 1949 —T—3—1 y , Dura u ntJiu. Mats ■ atanr. jo«iEPHii. pii.ill;R\roM ! IMPORTERS AND WMIESALB DEALERS IS POREI65 .t\D D0MSST20 Dnr QOQm, 47 CAMP—NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 1 o, 19.50. 8-1—ly A. F. COC1* ft IM 4 C O.. (OMMISSHIA ItRLfllATS, IXFURlLKr AAR Dealen tu Foreign and Uvunlic FRUITS, NUTS, WINES &.C. I’OWDKR! POWDER!! 4 GENCY ol the celebrated •*Chrynal Powder .'L Company," in Kegs, Halves and Quarters,and , Cans ol or.e and five pound], Guarantied Superior to any m mufactkrtd. No. 27 Tchouptlonla* Street. New Orleans. January 15. l'jo.—7—19—ly NEW WHARF BOAT. I — A . KOI 19 A CO.. G E X EKAL AGE X T S, COMMISSION \ND FOItWLRDI.M8 MERCHANTS, \APOl.KOV, ark. rf5|4E PRtiPRIE l'OKh hare purchased au en 1 lire*y nnriKMi, with epleodijaccommodation.. It * i.l afford ample aud secure storage room for eight hundred too., aud is expabl* of sccotnraoda i f fifty passengers 1 ney are prepared, as heretofore, to do bu- nos. as General A gents, to Receive, Forward, auo Pay Charges They promise to give their particular al teirUou to ail business entrusted to them. The Proprietors will guarantee that this boat wiil *taud the tuapecUou cf any iusurance Office in the Failed State*. R K r E l K K l,'E8: A. B Shaw St Co.. Memphii, 7>».. James H!bba«I'.> > , , C A Srtvr.t«T, y •' !’v'e- *<* Jas Timms &. Co , i S. H. Tccai*. b Little Ret . T. 1). Mtaaic* dc Co., y Moss* G»EE»»oea i. C*., ) VS'xi.tox Saaejsij A Co. > s« .t 10, le.vj Gaa. St Drm. copy. Ark. iV Orleanr. I -ll W. MITCHELL, &, CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Drnlrr* to tiwl« 4>ry , l.roctri**, dw. NAPOLEON, AKK S. Martk 30, IS6!. 30—if. Kiisar and C'ollVe. XA Bar* be*t Kio Coffee. ' 4 Hilda. Pru.s Hrovra Sneer, in *tere a:,d for .ale bv T. U. MSB KICK (i CO Not. ,v V Partridge Hoot*.. 4 CASES Stout Calf Boot*. 2 C»«s Wnterproof ‘ r BoooU, juit ree»t*ed rind for nale by Dec. 17. FATHERLY & CLEMENTS. OOLDIEKS’ LAND WARRANTS, Ur J«o ■ere* each, for nle by March 3d WM B. WAIT 28 —tf Kff’il per Mriiinrr Kanihnr^h. 8 BBLS Ale; J0,f)d Car-one Cigars; s,Ot>0 common !t Sjijo!-i> do ; lu‘. bb.». Cracker*, I'l do Bratldv; 20 da Wi unite); 20 •» do do; ?u biks Flour; 5 da Cm, Me Jan 21. M. TASTE Hcceitcd per Steamer l aspire. 50 CASES fxa.r Oys er*; 3 bait do do ia shell, rary fine! 4 do Oiaagd*, fine; 2 do* boxes Prune*. 2*1 do fresh Raima*, bait quality; 25 USra Havaaa Ctgats, **>or»ed. Fur tala by M. TANTI. Jan 21, 1331 20 — Yew Cooita! \ t* w ilooda. f I^HL ouderatgued have jutl rode,red their Fell X e*u Mr taler Alack. eoaetomg la pare of Biowaand Bleached D.,mrstkl, Freach. English aa« American Prtal*; Black Alpaca Hoaery; Ladle** l>re*e and Mourning Collar*; Lum M lute Hitch Mippr'*; Ladtea* and Children** towed Brels; French Artiticlal Fa*era A general ■ aeon meat of B>o*a, Shore. Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery and Mur-Htwarr, which they *>U •ell cheap for CASH or Country Produce. FATHERL1 A CLEMENTS. Dec 17, 1350. Coraer Mala and Markham Sta. ORI.WLS V\D LLJIO.VV JWT receirej per steamer Phillip P#nay*lt — Jo bove* orange*; 5 do. !r««u; Fee sale cheap Fed 94 25-If. M. TANTI. "ft ' tj Cj *5 ^ ^ ^ MEXICAN Ml'tMTANO LINIMENT M! , and tki Snjf JomteJ, •■ We firng ptad ndenge at' great jag! To tSe Huh, tk lame, the The Volcanic Oil frofefe Mmc« lias low bees known to (wanes* wjJhrn itself wonderfully wolhm?, healing awl ewatiu properties, { arid bas been eatcnsivcly used by the Ama far RheumsUsru, bliUness ofjomt* « Limb*, and for all kinds (dinar*. Ulcer*. Burns, W vends, Hard ££Mp> »f Tarmff*. ..tiff for all kinds of Pain* <o Inflanimations in Man or Besst. . The happy ermbamtk-n &S this womicrfal production of nature with rthif powerful remedies in Ibe Mnlraa Mlretnag l.iainrnt Renders it one of the icon: pkl remedies ever offired to the .v<Htr'cd ft* spc.jn upon the ergsni zaltuB i» truly wondrrftiL fu volnuie, penetrating. *>■'.. .g ■ > .= p- •,»— < diffuse thcttwlvi’s to the veTy brines. It enter* into the circulation of:tye binod—u't* a u- w itup i« to the whole n<r vous system to the very eCreiuitie* of the fingers amt toe*—stimulates the absorbents^snd secretions, and tk«i aasism nature to throw off and rid herself of anv diseased action of nerves, ir. iseks. chore Is or ligaments, making .t equally applicable to sores of any kind, rheumatism, pains in any part of the body, from a diseased action of any of the structural portress of thi vstern. Possessing these pee altar powers is the reason why « is reiually efftcat urns tnsoraany UnTereut complaint*. We will give ». fe w of the thousand* of cures that have been effected by this Liniment wiUu i the last year. A lady in Cqlumbu*. Ohio, had her hand sligh’lv bruised, took redd in it and it spread to A frightful l leer 1 All over the back of her hand. Doctors had prescribed sslres, tuntcien:*. washes, and alteratives, without doing it any good. It had been in th« condition more than a year, when she got a bottle of the Mustang Luumeut, by ifa- rttunuatndatioa of her physio ran. and applied it as directed suit was, that in Hint week* the ulcer was healed and the hind was well! 'i hat doe tor no Liniment by the dewen to use in ft* practice. A little girl, fourteen miles fromColtitnbk**. had a severe alt*> k of Rhe ure <ru. The chords of one leg contracted an that the foot was drawn up at a right angle with the ’high, and the knee joint Stiff, SO that she was obliged to walk with crutches. Three bottle* of the Mustang Liniment relaxed the chords, loosened ihekne, joint, relieved all pains. strengthened the muscitw. and shecan skip the rope. leap ami jump without crotches snd without lumping. A man in Pittsburgh had a red hot iron «■ ctdentaUj run tuto tm lout, making a very se vere W ound and limn \l the same tins’. The pain was intense and excruciating, threatening lock jaw The foot swelled very rapidly, aad in two hours he was unable to beat any weight on it, or seta » the ground. In i this condition the Must an*. LiRbmmt was applied, Immediate relief from pain was the consequence, and iu two days he went about his business and had no farther trouble with it. Capt. Wm. Alter, one of the oldest citiaen*. of Cincinnati. and fang ami popularly know n on all i he western and soul Lera rivers as a steamboat captain, had a very severe altsck of laflamiwntory Itheom*li*m Tbe re now bays the hi his right .vrin. After suffering the most excruciating psm far some days w ithout a moment's r» lief, he obtained a bottle of the Mustang Liniment, and applied it. In less than twenty-four hours, he was entirely relieved front pain, the soreness and stiffness perfectly eradicated, la’’ any donbt this in his ptost r.< e, and he inay give them a specimen of its muscular strength and flarabilsty of Ins "good right arte.'’ A man -n Coving An, Ky., had not been able to walk without crutches'for near two years, from the effects of Chronic Rheumatism. He heard of the Mustang Luumcat, bought it, and used it as directed, and new he is wv.U, and can dance a horn-pipe equal to auy jolly Tar ! A man near Louisville, Ky., bad a negro man who had running sores on both his legs. They were nearly rotten, and feared they would be the cause of his death, lie procured half a doten bottles of the Mustang Liniment, and used it ail according to the directions. Iu •>u> month the sores were healed. Ji John Dennett, of Petersburg!!, UL, had a daughter twelve years old who had Tenia Capita* or S'aid Head. The entire scalp was a ruining sore uul had been for more than a year—doctors could ilo it no good. They were persuaded to try the Mustang Liniment, and to their great joy, it has en tirely healed all the sores, and a beautiful Lead of hair now covers the Once frightful Scnipl! A lady .n St. Louis had a sore on the top of •». r head that threatened to spread all over the scalp. The hair came out and left a hare spot the sire of a dollar, that was a r inning sore. She used the Mustang Limm-nt on it, and it not only healed the sac, but broneht out a beautiful new crop of hair! She is now using it to dress her hair, and says «t is the best Hair Tonic sheerer saw.'while it gives a beautifully glossy like apptarvncc to the her, that she had never succeed id in obtaining before. These are butt few of Uw thousands of cures we are daily hearing of from all parts of the country. for llur>i> unit other A:nuinl*. There is nothing can bo compared to the Mustang Liniment, >n thi.- speedy and permanent cure of Strains. Br uses. Cuts. Oalds, Chafes. S rate he*, Sweeny, Poll Evil, Fistula, Big Head, Spavin, King Bone, Splint, Wind Hail, Cracked heels or any won ad, stiffness, or unnatural enlargement of bone or muscle. A livery stable keeper of this city had a match horse tnat he prised very highly, that had a large Ring-bon- on both lelgs. The horse was completely cured, and his limbs left perfectly smooth by the use f the Liniment. To Couutrv Merchants. Every store should be supplied with this valua'. !e Liniment. as it pays a r axl profit and sells rapidly. t'nnlion Extra. Li* Marry will try to reduce ton re bay Nerve and B me Liniment or some other equally worthless trash, bv saying it is just as good as the Mustang Liniment. But do not be deceived' Ask for this Linmie' ■■. aad buy a M iXhst, and vou will not ire d.vappomted. The a am* 0 bhrvm < ■ life • b "V Prices of the Liniment. In consejueuce >f the increased demand, wo are now putting up 34 cent, 50 cent, and dollar bot tles. The VJceot bottles contain three times as much as the 34 rent sire, and the dollar bottles four times as much as the 50 cent size—so that money will Ik vrrei ia b,i yiug the large bottles. IPrincipal Depot at BRAGG 4 MeLEANS’S Dreg Store, corner Thin! arul Market streets, St. Louis, Mtssouit. L Druggists and Country Merc:- mts supplies! on liberal terms. J. \V. TAPPE, M ho'csnlc Agent, al Little Rock, Ark. _-__ 31—ly. April 8, fS5t. Land* in Oreir County for Sale LtPOX accommodating terms. the follo'-M ) tract* of lands situated upon Bayou Bartho lomew. in Drew county, Arkansas : S. K. frac;:>I1 qr. s*-c. 7: West half see. 7: A1' half of N. E. qr. see. 7; W. half sec. 6 : W. half of>S. F,. qr. sec. 6; ail in township 14 south range « est. These lamia are ain-.cig the beat :il the| S:an of Arkansas, well situated, in a thriving neighbor hood and convenient for stopping produce. sr-r For terms, apply to L. A. WHITELEY. Little Rock, March 2Cd. >S—3in. OLIVER <fc CO., IfAYU vV SPIRIT MERCHMS, CORMEH Ob' M.tlti i.M> MARKIIA >1 ST. OU Pm I Offer* Owner. JUST Received a fine assortment of choice articles for Bar Stores, and Family use, con sisting of Fine Old Port Wine; Madeira Wine; Brown S.icrry Wine: Pale Sbeir> W.ue; Catauha Wine Lomr worth Ohio: Clarvt Wine, Sipr. J nice: Bran dy, Cognac; Brandy Cherries. London Oin; Mo noagahela Whisky: Scotch Ale; Brown Stout, An is ne; Natural Syrup. Muscat dr Front,rnan: Marisehano; Curacao; Mushroom Catsup; Wor ci stendure Sa ice: Sardines: Freah Salmon; Ab iiiii . Preserves Ac., Ac. Little R « k, April Zi. 33-tf. MW Film SHI ill. .X HORRIMM cV (IKl'CR, On Em! eidt of Emt Mtin at., firet bnei tlor chore the eomrr of .VjrlMH tt., WIU1IASALA «V0 SET AIL OLAlAaS Hi FAMILY, STAPLE AXD FA VCV tirarcritk. ProTisioa*. Country Frodarr. it. HAVE just opened, in the store h-retefore oc eupied as a Tin Shop, a general assortment of every thmg in their line, comprising a larger variety of FAMILY SUPPLIES than ever before offered in this market. Their friends, and elti*ens generally, are invited to call and etamlne their stock before purchasing els- where, as they are de u-fcin-d to sell as low as the lowest, for cash or country product . ’Little Rock, April 9. 1*41. 73—tf. T V P E F O l N I) E K V GUILFORD A JUNES, VO. *x, Coiu.iettA covec, Itiwns Ttftamtm »otl Biwfsij, i t.sen, \.i rt. uhio. AVould mpMtfullr itifoni theitnld Patrons an t Pr,liters e- • -ally. that the* have f. 1 t ■.-ir rnuniterv to the builuift- s I ■: ». Ifee Sltveatype Poundery and ’’olIiov Esubliah inent of L\ M1CPAUU. H'kerf lAcg jrt Prepared to /'c»ui .U|iksg in ibttr L n* FOSTERS’ PRESSES ! Tart axe um Aavts rox FoWTLx'a II m>. r I R t;k MWER PRESSES: Audi lx Fine, alU Fill any Older fur PRINTING MATERIALS .41 the SkerUet Softer, suit at lAe Invert Earfern PRICES. ,*». j» Hut*'. Hat*!! ,)A Dew Pairs Leaf Hat ■wv 1 “ Panama ** •Jenny L.nd" Hat.. T Afljpico *• Oampgachy ** Receiv' d per P Peauywil and for ;.i!e hv JOHN D. ADAMS Match 241347 St, an boat /anting. Dec I “ •2 “ e “ 4 *< 60 Whiwkcy. 8BL.S. W hiakey ; li half bblm, •• 3 bbla. Add M ye du. : Received and for M.e by JNO. D. ADAMS. Sit .May 3U, nbcat La Jtng M. PalrirkN flair Collegiate Institute, UrrLE RUCK, ARKAXtEkS. TH Li establishment in now opened on Louistsirn street for the admission of day pupils—ami i! is expected after some tune to Jlf »fl accomodation : for boarders. The C ourse of educatioa will Kmbrarr, Is*. The Primary,- 2d. The Mercantile, a ad 3rd The Classical and Philosophical Departments. | TfSfiMS—Per quarter of twirls. wet Sis, payable la Mvance for th-- Primary D*.partihents which in I dude Rpellun’ Reading and Mi riling W 00. For the Mercantile. which includes Arithm* tic. Belles Letters. Elocution, Geography, H story and Mensuration As 00. P'.r the Classical and Philosophical department, whir h includes together with what is mentioned iu the Mercantile course ; the Larin, Greek, French and Italian languages ; the science of Al gebra, Ge-ai.r try. Trtgon. u. try; w:th Natural anti Etpenmentai Ph»i>op :> $; j {jo. OIKKlTORs AXIS HKlirElWORS. Kkv . PATRICK REILLY, Rev. PATRICK BEHAN. Hit. PATKH K MARTIN, Little Rock. March 1*. 1*82. 28-11w. '•/iriiu 4'luthiusr. V LARGE aid *••• .< . .{•■' usortrnetil of SPRING . CLOTHING, received per Phillip Peonywil, and f.rsale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Landing. March 2a. 2'J—tf. Koussi Aauautos,.. Gao. C. Lawaiw s. g« ' Arms H>«*is. ARMSTRONG, LAWRASON A: CO. <'oimni««ion flcrchanK lOtj Magazine street, v t: w OKI. i: .1 N s . March r>, >151. ^ ■.’11—iy lieu Spring (Wood*. P -ices later* style Baraevs ilJ t2*> •• printer; M’o-iins. 7 •* late style Silk*. 300 “ assorted Calicoes. .50 “ “ Ginghams. ■JO “ “ Goilonadrs 8 “ Brown Linen. B0 •* Demin.-. 2 Bales 3 1. 7-8, A 1 I, Brown 4 Blch’d I»*>!!i‘ -die*. 20 8-4. ft-4, i>>-4 and 12 1, Brown and filch'd Sheetings. —• 3 pie* * s 12-4 Liie-n Sheeting. 22 Iran Limn. Gloves Cravats. p,,< ket HandkerclPs. Shawls. Apr**n t ks, Of * ■ • -ft I lohretla.', par»..os, Negrc goods. A* . Ac. Ac. Roe v,-d p r P. Pennvwitt, and for aate Ckrap for Cask on > by JOHN l). ADAMS. Man 1* ! 1. Sltnmtjval Ismefing. STATE OF ARKANSAS. } Coes nr or Sr.viza, \ *' T In f ■ XVn. • C ’T 1 Court, l ■ hru.ry Term, 2"G l- kruary, 18 81. William Kitus, 1'fHnkrr, i tt > Petition for Divorce. Rachael R.ggs Dtftndeml, \ VND NOW. on ;h<» day came the M*ii peu •.loner b' ha solicitor, and it appearing to the iaiafWcth.ii ■ T the Court here, U*at by re»-:*>a of the Absence of the said del* udant process can not he served ou bet in this cause. It a therefore or dered by the Court here, that the sa d defendant be notified of the pendency of this suit, by pubb Cation in the Arkansas Banner, a rv-w ..paper print ed ns this Bute, and that unless the defendant be and appta on or before the 6m day -,f the nest Term of this Court, at a court to be ho Id--a at the 1 court ho--*" m the county of Sevier, on the third Monday in August n-it, ai.-1 pl*-ad, answer or de wnr to the petitioner", raid petition, the same will be taken as confess*?' and a decree rendered ac , ccrdingly; and it is further ordered by the Court, that a copy of this ;*der be pub .shed in said [taper far two we»-ks by two successive weekly i.-iatruons, ! the last insert aw. thereof to he at least four week.* ; before the ccarflienctroeut of the neat ter*c of this ! Court, until which tune this ea.use >j continued A true ccpy from the record Teste R H KINSWORTHY CM ; May 20, 1881 ff—2w CtOFF££—M Bag- prime Rk>; * Roc*.isd and fo; ru* by May 16th. 1*81. Vrf 1 wm b wait PROFESSION ALCAR D S J. R. ATTORNEV AT I,AW, LITTLE ROCK, AHK Oc» I ,!«•». N. I. RR HOORl Rti, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lawrenckvn.LK. arks 11,T1LL pcaetrce in ft-r 'MMtKs nt Philip*. S* ▼ * Tr«nc>« aad Manor,m the hist JodtcMl Cir ■ ruil ; he romlin ot Deeha and Artanaaa, m the Judicial Citetii, and (hr co-nty of Piaiiie, in he fif'h J’ldictol Omu', and nil! pay MMI at. tentinn to ’ho collection nl i!i*Wi mi a.-iv pail s it.o State, and taiil alec ,wl at a^eat lot !tie.«h o( lan,i* and paytnj taxes, &e Returnee in [^artiKrtilio, Monro* co., Aik*. Sept 17, 1*™ — tt— S— |y JOH\ T. TRHdfd. ATTORNEY AT LA W, LITTLE ROCK, .ARK. May 81.1S.W. 37— MKKRV n. Kl < TOR. 4TTURRET l CIFSSgltlR AT LUI iORer At Benton. saline County,! YAT ^4»L PRACTICE 'B the Counties of Saliue » ¥ Hot Spring*. Perry. Montgomery, and the eon rip. at Little Rock. Any buei'ieae entrusted tv tile rare will receive prompt attention b. n nm\K, literary »nd ioantrlUr it Law. .4 .VI) SOLICITOR IK CHAU CUR T LITTLE ROCK, AHK JAMES T. BROWN. A T T O R .V £ Y AT LAW. Arkaneite Post, Ark., Will practice hie profession iu the Second Judicla Circuit, and will attend to the collodion of debt! ami the investigation of laud claims to every par' of Arkaoaaa. l4«t **. t. in v 1l. ATTORNEY AND(0!NSELIflR AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Tort smlili, .irknn-ao. R. H JOHNSON, Attorney at Lan, Ljtti.* Rocs, As*. JOHA II. RORUEA, Attorney at Law. Resides in Lewisville. Lafayette i oanty, Irh VND vriil practice in the court, of th» 'ith Jiiiti eh .. i*i .iwtrict. All burnnnw confided to h'* mm». apcn.cut, will r eceive prompt a»dftitthfti!a!friition LAMBERT A. ATTORNEY WHITELEY AT LAW. LAW OFFICE ON M.iKKfUM STREET Lrm.s Rocs, Abxansa*. JAMES A WILSON ITTORNEY A AD (IHNSELI.OR AT VEU.VIU.K, AIWA—AS. DAVID W. CARROLL. Aaj«»8ll2 JL’X SA'iL Little Hock, ma30ly] tminM. fn JOHN <|I ILLI.V ATTORNEY & nCRSBLLIR AT L1AI, AX D SOLICITOR I -V CHANCER*. Orrics—Eldorado, Union county. Arkansas *. u. HEtimni), ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON MARKHAM STREE I L1LTLK SOCK SSS'l. I It J. If. TERRETTK, A T TO R Mi I k 10 l V S E L I. 0 R IT LAW, Fayetteville* Arkansas. <;g». I . W A T at MS . AS M l C H H A > WATKINS X. ( t RKU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS KI.IAs \.4 0>U U. ATTORNEY IT LAW. 4 tiENERU LAND WENT, UTILE ROCK, ARKAN,'A Ur ILL ATTEND to th« «oll#ctien o( it* any • art ot the State, to buying sn.i aytiiug .atain, paying taxee, redeeming lamia forfeited for taiea, $tc lie u> autitarixed to wil Unda eiitavyk for thrre or four tUauaand jr>od plantations, and at ckrap rales, Jor cu+h. To m«ur** atteu lion, com fnuuicatioutf iiiuetb** poat paid. Little Rock, Jan 16,1950. 19-1y LABAN M. SIROl'l) ttturiK') huiI I'oiiiKclIur at Taw, w ILI. practice m tin; » • • iirts • ( Newton cv. Marion and Carroll cmintie*. Ririd* nrt m ar Crooked Creek, Carroll <o., Ark Apni 22—S3—Iv. S. G. S M I T H, ATTORNEY AND t ot NSF.LLOK AT LAW. Paivirmi, D*M.t« <o, Ark*. .TM-tf. JOkHI A s. KOKKls, ATTUI15E1 AAD lOt.VSHLiJR AT Li#. ROCKPOIT, HOT SPflINQ C9., ARK April 29. "M5o 34-If. A KU ( LOTHI Aii ! J UST received, iLrent frmnNew Orlcaua, a large and wt liaeieeti 1 jmsurtuiciil of new and faun looable Cl (thing: Particular alteaUuu m nailed U> a fine stock of S iaimer Clothing. Vim sale low for cash, anil for cash oulv ! E. MARCUS. Liltlc Hock, .May 20, ISM. Hum afreet, aicisiii; mux,! Tunis Monument*. (IrstfUtmu's Ac., furni'hed. to Order."' I OSEPH CL \KK. Sttat-Culter, ;la*e of New af Orleans.; beg* lest to iiiloim t ' Ci’iicna o( Little Rock ami the vicinity,(hat Ur li»« oj■■bed si, establishment on ll jli, SlrtHt (adjoining William George’s store,) lor the purpose of ek-eulihg all kinds of MARBLE WORK, sod iii*n-, the attrn lioit of all those wanting ant thing oi this kind done in a heat and workman-ike manner and st a mod*. rule fjme. He will keep on hand « ,t**( k of the beat material, and ta leant to execute all work In hit fine at the shortest untie*. Little Rock, A',g. 4, 1 *30 to 'j (jirBfmra. JOHN !) ADAMS ha* on har.iJ. a- << od**<* ■ t.» fri' fiL’1 *;■ 1 f'lilv/Mn *<*•*-, S i 'J • a--,,.-. in luff, H«!! bijt »n Vfc (Vpp#r, r. N■** CIo^n /rV Ued >1 ,U* M t, M W:, FovArltt% is c 4...: Lui., Rice. St*' . Sue. ^ms—TKAS, Pouthftftg, \ tug Hy* , Bl#f k, • f 0 4 Vfry t’iytn j wirjt* ol “ A<iij»«-r#*» t«jjf ‘her tt«M G c**«b rtief, Khe»st»afh, &c., ter Umiij '**+> />. 24, 1*50. !& Iron, Asila anil (aaliiiK*. CAA LBS a**:,; led Iron; III 11/ M» K"4 - Nails, 1 n.'io Canting,. tor »al« low t >• r. D. MESUllC.K i. c<< rucimb IT, 1»3* 1> XOTIIK. I HAVE, at same trouble and coat, geared my Mill, so that It will grind and ww at lire •*!«* lime Peraoua who may wish c«ra ground, can have it doae at any lime Ifcejr will aend Heresftei 1 ahull bare no particular day for grinding That there may he no (P, .a ude rats ret i n g, rhw rslea of toll charged is otte-thiri; or t wen tv -6' e eeuts per boahel July ia. SroO -45 if . b H BINGHAM. (Dmi C*n ) it 1KW MH»iN | nhi lUVKO, la»l >HghV by xtaatunn j, . ad i prrvmus arrixata. mil, Ran* v ami Siapte M rs bimbo.- I this (;J). (V the mraW cmplete 1 rr*r have ■ ■ (Whin', and reapwifully m\ •■■■• all p*;, . Ir. and loan . to e*ti amt namiw t,. <-> A J ttl TT «k-. , Li Mr Ruck, Vsylt, r«.Sl. LITTLE ROCK. HIGH SCHOOL Bt*nr4»«« •*<! Ht ttfcml For Wnns ia ;f» rPHF. known iH thu Seminary „ ,, 1 rbe Pth ^eyt. (0 V.). wt.a’a por a, tii’ff M the Pipits i* *e*ne*«lv req \r«*-‘ Tint la*tit't*ioa.1»iHla« the eye m M ■ tt , „ Mtsse. WOtMV, with A**t*iai,t T''r-« . *rrm faeidty fneimparfioRthe advao'.gr. finished uluftliMi I’... sewing n i)>,|t, it*. tp. ,, „ qn*!i hr slices (it ts* various hutlwt, >> . have prsi tiaed «ilh perteet aslwfaetioe,'be, refer to the gentlemen whose nam.f »t' ot,. v t he Pupil* ol tti*. Boot h!,g fteb.ud, brn y r,„ atantty a*»t>ciale<l wdb then T. nthcs .'|Wr,„ , attentl-m <o nece.-in to loll. rfi).t |*||*» ft,, „ a._ nerv, ami [on, I nr* habits o| order amt ,»s, Him'nl in Ihe lottnsltoi nl cbsrsrtrr Feeling the import sate of a thiough h*„» . ,, ol Hip Frenrh language,how i«u)-.»prn.*t>i« in », edtjrs’ton. t he Principal* wish ■*> i-> ndrr n ». ,, possible the language ol the otshii.hmer' T>-, propose admitting tbs Pupil*, ut.o restdp , family, to attend the French \ai*t, ot ,, charge. I Th»‘k.c*tlori nl the riiy ol LilHe Kotk u hpolho pleasant, Mid accessible at ail ime«, by siren.;,, anti stage. The sveten. of educa'inn, o»iy p,, I »:m» at aprrlvr I appreciation < I w‘ ab-vri it , . nt in developing Ike moial and intellectual lact bi.. !--amhiacing a thorough and systematic rout,. „ ’he elemental \ to ti-.* htgheal bran* hey .14.,, records of at to Urai-ip ami .>porimen| are lit .,, ted to, whilst oiery judicious ttMtlewM,: study is alfotdrii. l i.e school is rontlanlly untie, the the Both) of V ISltoi >, w ho, ftotn Line lain. amine !t»e vaiiou* claaaes, and repoal then pi.ytria Tows *f r.illlaii "o.l Kurd per fire naiitht, thy teholar*. ith LVp^unrnt, ^ 3d ** 14 tie *•> •• It. 0* " ** Id «i r renrn, Italian, Pjiameh and, each, 15 ttl Sit gnig in Choir. j,i Wl Musit- Piatt<>, Uuitoi, and Otgan, eacti, * . t*, H»rr. ki at, ing and pain ing (. ,, A C'liise nl leawn*,. m Oiieplal pan hi.g, Japan Work, inlay mg of p.linny and |,mv, Han burg Work, and waa Boweit, each. No charge l<» ruihroideij and oiliaineiital nee de work. Hoartt, washing, lights, fuel, use td (tedding, Ike., per momh, Paymenta quailerly, in adyanee. no detluHnm, ; lor absence Sessions comnieiice 1st Sept, and Is' Feb p [■ila rereived al any petit at, and rhaiged Ir. n, ot eiilianre to dose ol the session IA to « Hoard of Visitors. Hi Krv. Bish. KacKHas. Hon. K W Trtrs.u Hon. Judge H is mi . (fapt. A Piaa, H«h T. VI ,N*wtos I. l.iasos M U. J 11.1 aaaaa:, Lat| , L. K liaaara, f'sq.. Id'tle Hock, list 22. 13.50 Hon. Judge Kirin, f-lo. * W'tTams. ! • K >1 Fsoi.ish, K*>). Maj. J I tutos. Gen. S, H. Htsisuti Hon. \V H. Scries 5I*U. WiSIIMTO.1 SALE SEIIMR1. HempsteHd t ouniv. Arks. rJ tflK aectimi aeaamn ol this lualllatlnn open.-. JL this morning, KebrnaKy i 1th, lk.r»t R*» C. P TlnarSTing, SuperiuieieVni ami f fessor of Moral and Intellectual Phllwepio Il .le-Loiters, anti Spnniaii Literature Rev H. C. Tnwnarr, A M., Profaaaor of Greets a Kuman, I-reach and Itatiau Lilarnlure. • aaa* lawk aa. A. M . Profeasor of Mat hemal in Sludenu n reived m the Prliiinry I>eparlmenl sad matructeti TK.R Ms ; Primary Department, per session ol 21 w«*»> payable quarterly in advance, gI; * Preparatory Departuiaat, la •* Coliegiata Coarse, ‘Jn ne Vocal and lualrumental Music. Elementenl MHanoi Compoattion, (Extra) 1 i initiation Frs, I ne No deduction for absence unless in eases ot pr* true leu iilueaa All studeuta charged from the time of tut i entry lo the end ol Uie aaaaion N B.—The sous of ail ministers who »r» «t gaged lit the regular work of the ministry, or those who are aaperauuatad or have died id i’k ministry: will be educated fr*-e of charge. Bo.t*niSd can be oiil iiuee m the beat fain,... at from $b to #3 per month Particular attention will be paid hmh to do moral aud intallecluai training ol ail stutisi.:* commiUj.l to our charge. S. T. JSANDKHM, Secretary. BOARD OF IRISTEE» Hou. D. 1 . Will ER, Paannas-r, Hon H f Poindexter. Rev Wm. Moores, Rev 1,. P Uv»P Rev. B. P Box, i N. Jones. M. D , Mr J H baa delnr. Mr. T. \V iitiumson, Hou J. D Trunk* Key J, Custer, M. l> . Rev J. J. Roberts, ( Mitchoi, M. D , Mr W W Andrews, Mi b Sanders, Mr. H. W smith 7—22— if DR. I.KillY S MR.VIPIRILL.1 HI (MU) PI! r AhiM4i nl All Other*!? The K«»y t»f Ull Plil Manufacture*»!! I 2 I* C*At Hk\ ih*y *r* 04far. ballet and mote t11 ■ # canons than any other*. «ft>l beci»u*e 'h** ; lif Will Uke no ttiHi- v of oitM-r* il in* run ufttioit them .tHJ uiHx) «U\Kv im* t*i:n iMtid un<nmH> Im Y«H'M; \Nh * dT», M VI.K ^IIKMIM.F mi* • U'i ih* *»» » ith < . iitd without '*»r //• IILL% ht. Sb.LK>sjiU \ foi purging and « tii ^1'iaitM ii >iiMi Bim» in, mitl imniyin^ ui«i lw.«.o *■ •ti th*‘ N*d%, Ink** no other*- to# no otiiRf »•r>«ln< • ti> ■ HNiiliun d ■tfi.f U, «JI omtMtl KaOMtllila 111 theot kal. Drink and Uvr m I »*•«!- «u*.I po">' **»« ai inu »i(Niu<ot whilst taking th* I#. « tthuu* h *1 •* l**J*S. I :*rr; .'hit* r,f we«th< r " ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS .if; » ,14.' red ’fl#! more • - titling r* rtilo n JT* ■ • • iAiir. Hermtwn, m loh. r* of f*o»*r^*i*. and rr»p»> «l> • «*•»•} * be WNliK Ot 'if Ihe«l HIihh:) Ui«.0 •«» Ull V* >HT\ rU.f.rt AUK i\ \ IMiX, -an! •**! * Jto * hot, Wifi. 4lfW'li(KUI *1*4 Mil* h wh-*l «4»RH 4*l»M r *»«••*■*** w* »«z * ff h !*♦«. I 'Tie y fr**» tu> (Ante or nwll, Pi«* (f>«i u**>i **r p**wd* * vi tmy kind, 1 •<# n*i n*«- the »t* mi** ft »f l*m »rl*, Ff'*dti* » no «* knr*., v^rmting •* had feeling*, THK\ \Rl <.«*»»* %T M.I. TIMI - \t>.4 a „>\n»u • «»» ( ■» V m having <*<*' < uiii n Uu;w< aid o. * ••»«,« u» wk«* »njr uOif-t*. b**Ch*»*e ttKj w ill «Jw;n <3** they ||«. 4, lien r*u Other* w*D. f*r N B Itfetf ptf*'Mt<rW«rattMj MMMofie Un^t • Ui ir»igjp.«t, < Ju aaiM and ph).*h an *4 lr> y»’«ir# **j« »>* I'tu^uii-ipt'ig cmtMlht*- «it the I uvrml) »* » 'tti'tlli‘11 4wr«h .Mil* »i ui«4«imu>w *4 Pt»u*4h-ii«h Yod^ BhiMt IhWMMt h tQ4i MjiSM ia;* . DNi fieri; v u - r- ^^«#u -.1 «m fr*-ata«f • ‘^n'l* f • »f ‘in, Itari ihr tf it* i.t|T #* <t o l}>* juartn : ’«• J*1 *!► • Uhl*- i*o- uifmft. Hfi the i m»4 <•****■« prmc>|iaJ l*r J«*o2y*t Ao • v fudriti .’4t , «4^lr*hfA- awCeoi# * nob-**]. ^ J V\ . Tupp*. ! o.i. K \ ah H*i#‘ vil 9k >•» »*1 uef VK'ruchl h t'o , %* « * »rJ* <ot», od > BWU 41*< At.H H« - r - */i iio l utter! fMiU< » VY Or-. UatLirui k se*j*ecli»iMy tnJcrMTi l»er*ii Mot »i L»’ilr Hock. *rw! fifUtuUly fio**6f&tC4o..ifry,lh$t ll’s*v have "M wrd fD’i-bt ’ e’sh;* til Hi ^*rhr•lic«, of >!» «J t« isr. i'i;i if** ptafau ' Hit* > 4 promf-ltL. lit fnt* vl M»irifrM>, *«*l pmir If e.thrf lb# oilier mW 4i*rn4. Oi»« Mfi .ifw • v it luUf* ' ki hiei# jf'** >h M K Woodme-bui^ii-f. ‘l’» 1 n-Mif M»'kl fkltl fTreefr. h>tth Rori. Ort i *. I■•*•50 I ■ Pvlator* and Onion*. KLCfc.VfcD , *i •!* **o«i liantburg, «u - 30 hb.4 ir»eb |»i ** o.i»«iut, Jatt -iO, |bo«, io-tY J><J D. AD AX’ PK0>|N|0\N I ,“T J ARv’i Kre#h I 6 Pk*» fet f. h Buivt anhiu at'y t'Kehhi, 2 uo * w u»’ ■? B1 L hbU it: ie-* A| •-#, 2 '♦« pefcrhff, ii bfcij Ofii^r #, I bbl. thiolrf r*^*i-* *-' r*cr»»e«i »h<t f*** uU bv FA1 fIKKLY A. CLEMFM^ Orrroibrr 17, I9&U Cottnm Seed, }'«'ST re'e.*«4 59 U-’.Sd c.f Dr J r' brated C«!'.>: a »a<3 tor *»!e ebeap"-* A J HLTT LiiLc Rock. March 11, 19Ai