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THE BANNER. UTTLE rock: »iT MMIKh wm «* ****• ROBERT V. JOHNSON. gyW» M. Ta» tfuMiwm. w**w« I cMitr, to Hlkwlsto »• act m A|mi far tT The Banner to the authorised newspaper fur tae publication (to astray notices—price 31 eta. for each mhee. Mum Wtaii’ sctoal. We cell the aUeetioo of oar readers ta thn city aal vicinity, to the notice jive a in today's paper, e mceruing the eieaaaaUoa of Maa Woods' school. |, these lance when puff aad panegyric are lavished so freely hy the press, we hope aot to he understood as following in the tout me so common with Many of the editorial corps, of endorsing, ta fftoenmiaately, aay and every patron of their ad veftmmg coltuaaa. We can speak ram our own observation of the evidences of advancement *•* hthtlod by some of I» Woods’ pupils; and in tendering to the aeemapHhaed principal and amu uat, t»*» sckuow Wdgemeat, we dense additional satisfaction tn knowing that their labors have prosed ao aaceeaafal in placing their aehool ta the highest rank of excellence with a discerning public. The teachers are content to rest the claims of their school entirely on result of their labor* as evinced in the p-ogtess of thee pupils: and it ta for this reason that they are desirous of the prr sence of their patrons, sad all interested in the cams* of edncstma at their ciaauaatioas. Things. We would call the atteatioa o; our town friends t> the ndverftoemeni of tor. Reeche, who presents a>t only the usns! nxettiesof s OwfiCSkiaary tt tailin' oert. but offers that most napang iutury in this ho< weather; lee Cream. Call and see him IHWliM CMttlUSI TV Southern r^h’-s part* uxmblni id Coacen ton at MUWdgee-lle. on Wednesday, 2#th ult.' Htuv G. Laau was ptwieit Oae huadwi and delegate*. representing fifty-four count: *, warn pr-sest. Rcaoiaboaa ware drafted and car ried. with a new to taint with the Convention all thcae air) dal ad aj^rcre of the Coenprcmsse ’ntwant. fii-Gamaor Chat. J. McDonald re ceived the nomination for Governor 1 Bother he(tar«fhl Praretdlar A nun by the rtatae of H»r*en, and a negro naan ae'ned of a Mr. South, and cofcav.ttiag ••ther crimes. were huu at Miltoa. neat Pensacola. Ftor.ia. by of Lynch lav. Teasato kind. TV Detroit Tree Prew, taya that CoHccrnr Hyde, of that port, recently retained from the up per Lakes. haring added a few MR to the dee: of V Ban la raptured for taking umber ftorn “ Carle Sana's Farm.” The number now :n ht* possession i * ninety at. Area therm (hspMi. TV Snath Carolinian, of May 36th. informs ns that the necessary wnts of election for delegatee to the Southern Congress will be issued in a short tare. XJ- l'V uanaarfOMi of the death of the wid «ui ew of Alexander Hamilton » incorrect. The »en tfraMr lady a still living at Washington ta her 91th year, and in said to be to the ea^orsmeat of vxeeiient health. Death ef Gen. Arhnckle. We regret to learn the Fort Smith HeraH. the death of this veoecabie ami respectable officer of th« army. He died on Wedaeaeav last at fca H imQ" m the Garneen after an ill nets of fonr days, the Herald says; Gen. A. was about TS yean of age, and ha* spent upwards of 40 years in the army of the Cat ted Staten, and haa been on that fruitier M or 3U itw At the tune of ha death, he was coasasaa det of the TU military Vpxitmrat of the Catted SUM Army, and had batd that station for several yaw, and was pncnlmrty calculated for the office, being thorvmghly anjuaiated with the Indian*. and with Indus a character, he always had thru eonfi. ience, sad by that means, kept ap and aauiu'aia e 1 fheadiy relationa with them on behalf of the L* aifod States. As a asm Gem A. was sprig at, honest, sad ha uitse. losud and respected bpren person with wham V had latercoarae. Mo man pursued a an fewest and sSmttfarward course is aU of km Tiaaarliiiai with fes follow mm. As aa ofoccr, he waa honored, lowed aad nspec lad by the officers sod soldiers under fea r immaad He waa suietly e ■ aaaet! is all of hn itpailaws for the for era ant. Ha whole mntd appeared cngiomrl with the prvweut expeadowa. of the 1:1 lafanirr. to the Bum. aad on the fronuer of Texas, aad he gave oldest aad directions far eundac ting it. aa lo^ as ha waa ahlt to converse '* A Plata iMilr. Wr cut nothing for the tang winded aad frothy ebulWims the Editor of the Whig throws up ia reply to os; ami the scattering pwan'.ities which he duvet* at us ~4Te if pomtbie at01 less ef fect Bat assmall ss we may emanate those tings a publahed personality by the editor of what a not the fact damaads a notion Which we wtU brief I y expose a ad only each shall we data? it oar duty , to mace. We mid ieet week that we could find ao demo | erat to eadotae a statement to the following eflect, i amde by the Intelligencer at Van Boren and ibc Whig at this place : •• MmJt or rata, waa the rale of Mr. Johnson's friends in that CowreabM; acme of thrmcren be fore the Coamtioa had assembled, were bold ard reck!aw enough to tTow that, la the ereot of any aspirant getting the nomination, save the Hon K. W. Johnson, that they would not support tutu, but, on the contrary, use all the means and in flneocea they weae master of, to defeat him bef. re the people." We were to much struck with the imp.italtow thus east upon the fnrnd* ul Johneoa of * r*ols Uon of good faith sad honesty—that we at once enquired what “ friends” had ao declared them tclres. We aaked for the names of such demo era Is. The W tug icplira: «* In response to year enquiries, neighbors, we ran state, fee your information, one of the names at least, of tboae friends—"our seal oils' ’ friends who nude the declarations alluded to by you. In olden times, a* “Nathan said unto David," we say antoyou, '•Ttmolihnmf" liar-you no reccl leetiua of it, neighbor; you surely posse** a eery treacherous memory.” fa the absence of Mr. Wfutely, refferenre can only be had to oascii, and we toke pleasure in pronouncing this statement of the Whig uoquali fledly and ia the broadest sense of the t-rm— /afar. Wnether the editor bases this statement upon information dented from others or upon what he de«ma a more reliable source, me declare it ; equally untrue. We ask ao immunity upon the score of forgetfulness, for we neTrt thought, ncrer felt, nerer ga»e utterance to any such Sentiment, and no one can charge ns with it but ta violation of truth. If this was intended as a party ruar, the least we can say of it was that it was very much out of taste. g.” After the departure of the Junior Editor of j this paper for the East, the Whig thought pr per to make a puntless allusion to him. intended to be leery sarcastic. We have nothing to say is the , matter, but when the aforesaid junior editor re I turns we etpect to see him take his thumb nail i and with the weigh! of hts foreinger press down ! all annoyances to trifling. “Ill* ManMneer.*1 Tis.s is the title of • new Journal stared *t \ Huntsville, Madisua county. by oar friend W. E. j ttonib, formerly editor of (be Piae B! iff Jef fetsomau. The thriving and iaeressing popuia tioa of that portion of the State no doubt fee! the want of a good democratic paper and will support the enterprise poa which the editor sc letiocslr enters. We wish hint success moat heartily. He j take* the bold stand which every democratic paper j should, to insure the triumph of the party and that a to be guided »« a prefer* nee for urea by the ev ; pressed will of the detifxracv la convention. We : cuote with pleasure the following aoriee which ! hr pats fxth‘a ho first auraber ;a a ’Toeary ot | the d***w*ri!ic rwBsiaee. “ It will be e-ea by reference to another col traa, hat the Democratic state Coavenliua which as sembied at Little Rock, ta April last, has centered the nomination far a scat ■« Pa^ww. np-»> H a | Rnht. W. JUmos It is scarcely necessary for us to say that we ap j prove—heartily approve—of the nomination: or that we will be found, tf need be, contributing our ■ initc to the re-elec two to that position, of one who has so faithfully represented Arkaasas m the Con | mss of the L'mtevl Staten, as Mr. Johnson has.— ; Has he not been true sad faithful to the interest* I <f his constituents; and has he not been found the bold and fearless friend and advocate of the South and her interests and institatwas? Has he sot been found true and unfitachiug in his politics’ principles— to the last, true to the democratic faith ’ If he has sot bees all these, we have yet to icarn I he reverse: sad therefor-; we will giv* him our feeble sup pot In thus speaking, we do a-t intend to say that there were not other asses presented to the Coa i veutioa wi:a we would have becugiad had they - received the a-xataaboa. or upon whose shoa.d-rs i the honor might have fallen with as great assn - ranee of firmness and ability, as those of the preseat i candidate We know sarac of them, personalty Wei!, and are prepared to speak ft rn the boor to ajar Stith not n Candidate. The Osaeh.u Herald fives us tia informal ,.n aad we supp ne that ti. • usual amount of praises > will be sung to the (eisermity, aad tri/rterjietas p*t:»>ti»ia which induced the Magic to refuse the i honors tendered him by hs friends gene rally, a ad ; the Herald .a particular. Tae Mag>r o£oue among oar whig . ppoaeats, whom we have no dapoart. ,« to see vie: jessed. and ; we congrats late him upon haVracefui and unique way of declining the contest. We shall no i doubt bar# occasion to pay oar respects to the rnmglmmi gentleman who superseds him. upon na I t.ooa! Huer 1- ns of policy which we andentaod will Nr made thermae :u Achate. W take the ’ fistkrwmg paragraph irons Major foti i letter cov reci.rug ha annnnarwntcct an a candidate for Con gress " To serve the Ism Party at any bare, I would make aav personal tacr.dec. and I am of opinion that the beat service 1 can reader at ihm iwc ot to get out of the way! Then, au, 1 ass mrr a ea asdasv.- and ail that about the tint of sypymacvj, and mee.iag the Han. Robert W. Johnaoo. Ac. Ac., *o>i will do me the j native to take bock, for t never said rt. I might urgepevaatr afunt as a reason why ' I should nor run at this time, bat some eril miad ■ ed perroas aught think that I only wasted to be i •ee’-parroadrd.- I am too ynsug m politics to be * A Twa»Hra4*4 Lirii{ Martal. | TV Pniai »*s tit*’, "abitf a ku» droi utics ItiMB Ik*. w'.tkta tV prayuafe.-, tVfc. v - 0t> * £Aii*« ekvid, wiuck w*J Uxa s» e*> Jt# aart fccsi*.' TV- *ii!4 is a sm awfiuc a_nr «*>..; : tea km t>'4 H to* V* wn br ye goal mil' urn ia tka tity. uti :Vr *Utmnt: ia rrUtnm t the eatraoalianr* 3»* :onnt.oa u satkeatie. A I *rei! knai oar'fcca! <vn:irTo»a aa-t^-,*; will *ws.t tke eA'M for S' • pa-piae task a* a setts’.. &-r ct»*Si«atK»« ” Tkr Ur(*t« ta Ia4iaaa. TV laiaaap^ Jsarsai &i ta* 27 alt it« -We teara I'tua «ew»i prnNaikM*(ttai aoakn •t these taacets arc arc saw to be see* in IV cry sataa slat* in » trtovt parts ot lAa ooaaty One ; stair* an toils as that V saw roar stuck tod toreioped tato tb* yttfetl kraat sad think* ttot 1 ia a few tors (to tare to* and tr-ids will atoaad w«Uk tarn*.” Letter fre« the Hob. *■ W. We present our tender* to-day with an exposition oI the view* of this gentleman upon the great question i*ow agitating the country. Colonel .ohwno has been compelled to come forward and destroy the false plat forma which hare U-enmaJe furhiui by hiernames, and »n from the peo|de how nttcxly na-1 •■torlety, an true Um been the charge which placed him in the rank of the sec** stoas’s and dtsuaxoniats. The Whig and other papers minuet', to Col. Johnson hare constructed a form, a sort of Procrustian bed, upon which an aUriapt a nude to extend Colonel R. W. Johnson, ton ami aa he does not fit the bed in unscrupulous effort m made to stretch turn out to it b> • stiefchuu the blanket” or by adm sack poht’cal tor tare & might be invented by brains never too punc tilious. VTe doubt not Co!. Johnson will a that “ aa a ouu maketh hi* bed so let b oi lie,” tut he is not wi'-bng that his enemies should make th • bed and U loo. lie declines, in short bring pohti ! rally *■ buing, drawn and quartered” by the Whig or its trowblentMM ally, and plainly and forcibly pre seats to the people bus tiuo poaiticn. Pm Bl- rr, Jam tt. 1851. j p« the E h tor of lit .Iriswn Rnwrr Srr\:—To morrow I set out ftvrn this point to fulfill my appointments. A candidate i know u ptiblie property, and to be spoken of aa shall pleas. those who may ass ume to consider his care. That a candidate nominated by a Denocnti State CoavenUxi should be more presented, an-l efforts made by the whig party to place him in a false position is no more lhaa democrats might ex pect. To create /alar i*mr»--tind seek tUstcbv to delude unsuspecting d -mocrats into the support of federal whig candidates—seems to be a policy of the whig patty as settled and fixe-* as is the h"«s tility of that party to democratic pr.ociples.— , (Whilst such a course a being pursued against m f meet with Such expressions as these “ we shall be jus< to Mr. Juwwox, »< shall be. far. we shall i be awfUm ” Courtesy is a thing which I shall 1 refuse to exchange with no man who will allow it i by bis course, and a something for which I am thankful at the hands of others; but justice *n ! . truth are of far more importance to me now that , l have to meet not only tlie whig partv. bat a class ' of :jjrganueei who directly and md rectlr ms* : chorse “aid and comfort” to sr'ugrr?. If the whig party by a cloak of luiomsm seek t > hide form the people tne odious deformity of feder alism—mure presen tat.oos and round assertions in ^tended to prejudice the minds of the people a gams’, me will be resorted to and heralded forth; to divert their minis from the new device out arte name by which an l under which the enemies of dearxra- r seek to triumph. Such methods of po iitical warfare hare already been commenced m 'his canvass. In one of the organs of the whig party, 1 find the i of myself, to-wit: " Is he not an avowed dauaiouist, iu feeling, in {Win ciple f Can these facts be denied .a the face of his open avowal and unequivocal conduct for the iast two years* They cannot be deu ed—Mr. John son doe* not deny it. am! we honor him for hi* bold and manly t -no in speaking out h s real sento seats under any and all circumstances." If yot take this to be true, who would not suppose that l am against this Government la toto, without re ference to its justice or injustice, and without re ference to ii action within or without tile consti tution ? Accompanying this declaration and ail okhets that 1 have sees from the sa ne source there goes out not one word of the shameless and con - Uaued aggression of the northern States on the south, of their present succvaafal oigxaijatioa for fniarv sttwa »y-« w. mi a word of fan ami ade quate explanation with it. not one just word to show my true position, to-wit. that gross injustice tending rapidly and surely to our uiuma-e dcitruc ; two has been done the scuth a.->i must be made to cease, that the south should have restated msmi momsly ta Congress, to the bitter end. by every lawful and constitutional means, and that at ever* kaiari we should hare prevented in j ustice as the greatest calamity that coa.d befall tha Union — Thifc B what toe ' .iat twj years" wi.isiow—.iii had we thus acted that iakjSitou* batch called trie Cemst-vun would never have prevailed—a just settlement would have attained—the in.n-U axi hearts of >o many ot oar tvs; muaena woui i n. t nave been alienated, but alt would have been peace. Th-s a what ’be last two wars w.l. sh >w. And it has been allowed by a band of men in C -n gr-sa. who ksowing, feared to mv.a.aiu our rights, or who sought a nations! name and tvvr.hcrn sup port for Iheu ow t try is and future prxn > tion, by sacrificing tie tight! of the Son'll and with them the surest of her future hope*. ! spin k ta this of all members alike who hare bees eniitv of the unfortunate ani irremediable weikness a ad w its now la rough their bea-ghted f > lowers asaiu s l> inn,m s s, those wrv> stood steal «: to the last and w xiid have stood out t:!t doomsday f. r our . ronstita’uonai rights. I have been, I maintain. ’.)« truest and lues; frtetvi of this Uvases, tui »m yet; for l have hmghl to preserve it us we received it from our fathers, an l of elected. shall c it ti js the ssragrle sl fur as orv v <es an-i afy fc . nbfe voice ran aasikst m> wsil. But toe compromise measures are now -fie law of the iand 1 do ax pr -pjae disunion as tie remedy. I do ay pro pome a. wwiim, l know the divisions am ag vs thaoughoat the whole South and the foUy of suh pf X>wrtsj«s. But I an called upon to endorse and approve these measures. In my heart I can »< do it. and wiU &3t- VT hat do I want, s asked' I waat the rvoatn to expect cuatnicd aggressua, and expecting it I want her to unite and prepare herself in a spent of Union among oniseives to repel aid forever to arrest it, that the constitution ani oar rights guarantied by it avty be preserved. ' Who a there aatoog as that wiil advocate not owty riba.«ioa to th» wrongs already done us, but that ,* prepared suboiisaveiy to Sec the Conafiiu tiOQ set asaie and to be treated by a Congress w n-orthcra major.ties. as fbe British Par::»user»* treat ed her West ladio *ubjc*:i»’ Now if >hoae who have been true to the iwalb arc to iestroyc-j fix defeoaiiag the nr’sts of tbeir eonstituetra here feofx-e i nv of ved a rod Seat, those who •cs* a temp! >t hereafter have iiUJe to cxpact and sh ould lx Separate State ae! ->n I regard as wrwag and at (terly ,-stpraetieabie. Bj" a aaso* «/ *ct»n the Swath 1 at nwt <Jc*t»*..'of. when I kaow he! ;ate. :its;p and trr her <*« snterestaa: . Iiane '*tly ss >«{ainf«i. !t wit! gtre a !&*»■. :'u;<*te *o i ra&ita; kajw>r-Uf- uf our rights xed »r «j.— Uanoa will thaa W obu.ferd at tlx So»:b at; >ar »'iwn*—r!i» CeestitatMa will he peeaerred— ’>ar rights and property wv I be prw«»-r:»-d and k*. parted in thw laoa or they wit! hare to be mpart ed out of iL Tij ta the language I i>*l a*! shall i eoaliaae'te howl to the Fr-reaaier awl «rt, a ad all others, hr »ha trier aaaw, who hr | their acts opra or rerert. asay seek to rah >u of, I oc to surrender ajt asoCtUlwHi rights. Btcaue I hart* Ooni sternly iry awl pored tathfttl ha the nghta el the Swath aid ass the . twin at the dawocrabc party for Congress, the Twi*r%l wfog parry aader da ans% ■■■ id mux at ah w party, la hid their hapeli aa ea aae, hair! after me the epithets of Piaoaaid.1 Sceesaiowart * • dad awe of the pantia ef las party seeks te pey ■nkgaie m a died foot, what a raaurtad te as a party a*h te aid wbg-ry aadrr its eew mm—<t my% ~ As BtUe Mf«ct as ww have far tha tao ex»r* party at Arktm W we -asset beWn it i* so lost !» patnout duty, •!** to high tad i*>ly eomdetohona of the l*own. M to he wiUMff to occupy far ■ moment the dork and fcnrfnl |**>«*d of Dmirnttv" Those ft* wham and their pru» ciplei whether u dcm xt»’j or Southern" rs so “ Sttl* respectis esiciaisad oufht ifc be »ery thankful for ike whig *1' ice sad rounsul. cowts.n ?ed iu Urn sums aruc to. to wrt; that ike democratic party *• should repudiate the Convention which •ec u red hut the hoaar, sod baM tt as or imupm stole junto, organised m hod faith- at Ike soenftee of hmMmht principle, and in notation of whet hare ever been considered the time honored faith, usage and drsc.ptme of the democratic part* ”— Again tkts whig wnter remmstrates amt exhibits the measure of his respect for the democrat y ot forty sis eo’inrics whsee delegate* formed the Contention, by which I was nominated, and cats. •• will the people of Arkansas, a large majority of wh.ui are democratic, b.’s: with this eur-jg* ja silence, and not rise n mat*, and rebuke w.lh , becoming severity, the irresponsible aw! supcrcit inus junto that has placed them in this faise and treasonable' aUitud.- ? We believe they wilt.”— How man* conventions ha*e been ever held in Arkansas by either party, with which the ether was satisfied' How many should we hold, where we should unite at alt, before we should satiaf* the whig party with a democratic candidate ’ How I would we do if we held no conwation and had a half duxea caud.d.Vcs of evjuai merit and claims in the field* Tais w»u»d be spurt for the wings and that parly would no doubt be Wtirr tutwtit!, and could then unite and concentrate on a loan of their principles aad elect hun against the will of a deca de*! but divided majority ut the people. Now 1 beheve that the entire democratic y«arty of the State concurred in the propriety of bolding the convention, and so deep an interest was felt lhat every county but seven was actually represented in the convention—al! pronounced it the largest and fairest ever held in the Stale. I was no can didate for the nomination—eoutd not expect it— took no part tn getting up the convention—used none of tlie efforts availed of by many others and was the only one mentioned ic.Vi tau not pstttni at the convention. I was not in the State of Ar kansas at the rime. I do not ascribe my nomination so much to my own strength as to the difficulties of the demo cratic party, and the conflict between the clams* of other* with whom ! n- ver claused more thanan e*jual merit port me ia this contest, it will not be because l d> bef'jce the orators of Northers measures, or fail to disc barge my iluty {»the eitent of abilities which I hare, but hare nercr attempied to magnify. l! they do not elect ate by the large majorities 1 bare hitherto received, it ml! not be because I hare abandoned tbeir principles or neglected or betrayed any precedent trust, or have thrust myseif on them in this cieotKW, for the gratification of my own “ persona! ambition and aggrandizement,” Ami if I should be def-.ated in this election, which i am far T>>;u an ipa :ng. I shall meet it with pr voh ui equanimity; but t shall set it down to the success, abui'y and wan: of democratic principle on the parr of such as would violate the time hon ored of the part* pledged in conreshon.—to such as shall desert the democratic ranks and fly to the aid and support of the whig ca rse, by d 14 battle aga.ust a candidato regularly a,>m.u*tcl t the democratic party, whether for the innate but heretofore disguised love of whiggery, or for rear ns of persona! hostility, disappointment os other friv olous reasons, with which neither the party nor mjrvelf has >nr thing to rtx It will not be possible for me to canvass every part of the State- and aee 1 ij address the pe -pie in every county before the election, this commu nication I trust will be sufficient to correct mis representations, which have already teen made ; against me, and will apprize the democratic part* from what source the charges emanated to which I now reply. And as the candidate of party l have full ccufid uce that the true democracy wifi (defend me, sad sustain ine against noactupa lout •opponents whether of the ancient dnLed tanas ol federal wbigery, under toe .new; name of the L'mos party, or of such deserters from the democratic ranks as shall volunteer to swell the army of op;x> s.t., ; :■• . - > .'a:;-' pr. Kip es, aui ‘ camhdau of the party. 1 tr ist that aii democratic papers m this State will publish this communication, and that all thorn paper* which have m.srtpresented me, will alsc publish it. > Respectfully, I.V. JOHltBOK Ta’ip Dallas County. A fair correspondent we know she 0 fair gives us the following fsncifu1 description of this place From ail we have heard she has ant placed t>i .igh an estimate upon the citizens oc their heapi tatity. Mesial Enrroas :—I had occasion a few day. since to wander in the ne.ghborhood of Ttti.p— Tac weather was warn, the roads dusty, aad ^ very ured, I accepted the cardial invitation of i citjea to spend a few (lays. The scenery armin' town s varied, sloping LilU, yrte-ii meadows groves, chrystai streams, and thick deep forest The town is small, but beautifully atid reman’, rally situated. A few years ago the weary travel 1 '>. 1 • -a . - »• > spe,aging up as if by mite, are corn fields, cotton p.aatativsj. aid through the we!, trimmed laws peep eloquent mansions. Are yon th.rsty ’ Fron the bosom of our rancher earth g .she* a thou sand jpnag*, are yon weary aad tired ’ do sear where coot water ss offered you. Tse *• voice of home'’ spats to your heart, aad through a £eu horn stay, were you strangers you wui be sure to feel that you have fallen upon friends, arid par take frees of the us that crowd the bvard If you are food of guiae, tae w;id doer slats near »« w/' k . . m. u »>,iy l<><e to fas, a few n* p» will bong vow to tiw creek, a ad there setiitc; upon the pebbled bank, U ased by Us* tranche* ore* you: head, y „a ca; play with tie speckled irons. Ate yoa fo*U oi flowery and frail*, look throve — T*-;I ». -* wir. d rw, the gvcheat vane'j.** rejiU’e and c. ,;s’.cr ii the grac rfat cnrre of th> gardcits, an i the w e l_iwJ-rJ w,',a the fragraace. Ui y - j ».»*<* oc iSi'j the** ate acre bright eyed la sghters who ca-i thrill ».»1 lit* note*, act! rt-Vy on! r?j<.: pure *o-ag satska ta aeiiiag aa>i »a yoax ea,- an: oa ymu heart-io th: rare** atari At U tto» fern, i is aw of the pleasant task l have aadenaken. The snroiog after I */r:*ed thee .asa aa’i >a of the •■ A-'kii-M Hilary" la^^iafc.- c totm-u e-j, aim aatei the flag of oar befoved Lianna bene* . its auken folds, l witnessed the parade *»i evercise of »o feaitesaea, ’-be display i Sectod cada ipoa toe offe-eta of the C > icg* and aery f cat mm to the Cadet* The Governor of oar Stan eseortebv a b ta> Iwrofcituena. appeared os the parade gr>o.a4. aaa the cadet* greeted haaaad other <iartagoiah ed t*!ao, with the boosawg caen.a. The bar rack* *a«J College stand* fa* ba.k fro* the road, aad theta: aheiicred fuaw ue laa, we c heetfuU * and wvt.iagiy fait want the *«tag aiuJewa ta their • armna atudna*. Wefaaah* night, the e*tiaubte tarfses of the ridge presided over table*, tiled with Isuares, and g!«w«ag «aa toe a ad tasty articles. 1 mm m> afaocah fat Pam, bet «**rp aw, 1 at, mj, went away aatsScd with the liberal asd atnet 1/ fair snasacr <a wkxh it w*a coactueted. The neitmormag, under a bright tan and bound lew a**, we da w ap to the Female Academy, v*ry near the College. I do «■< know bat for two day*, my heart. o> tI and soil was o» a rhaoa, but l welt ro -mbet I hat it al: tb tan ruaget m which the f» r ato'teaw were c-aasnwed; nut one word incwttp spoken pi «l their <ipK Friday night in a perfect cant of ItgV we «.-am rented on it* (rrojnls. ant parry, t>vo ntnipwi lions, aal etquisit'' at is'c proetra'ei the iiate.itn; ear. Fathers ami mot hi :s. if jy i wish intelligent, refined and necowp ished sons an ' da tighten, send them UMM, M thtW gf M ■ . Mate, anl Set the brother and safer, thoir m ids twined itt knowledge and science; crow up together 'here, von will receive them again in a few years, io el ! -gent, r S i’d ant a?cwnplisheJ. anl what s bet Its* than *11 and list fear (if The Krai caaaty >14. Ma*d r». Hie* Sill of the 'idtti n>v.. eontaias ; the fo ,an; letter. dated Chests rtrwn, ;Md.) May 23th, giving *n account of the confession of ! one of ti e part,-* tinder aro st on susptooh of iw tnx omwon- I in the murder of the C «den famlv: • We have now a confession of one of the par i ties under arrest for the Coaden massacre, which | is thought to be worthy of credit. About the time 1 of the murder. a man by the name of Hand, living near Blackbird. sadden v. and without assigning • au» reason, let' (its home and went to New Jersey. A few days afiet his wife also left. The move ment* of these people were of course regard Oil as . suspicious, and efforts have fur some tune pas’, been made to ob a; i a knowledge of their whemabouts. A few days s not Mrs. Hau l was brought to Ches ; tertown. and made statements to the following i effecti That on the morning after Uie murder, at a : very i-ariy hoar, a ran it by the name of Stephen Shaw, who boarded in the house with horse f and -husband, came running into the house, with a musket in his hand, and very much under the n fluence of liquor—that he told tier the Gooden ' family were murdered. and that himself, Taylor, Shettoti and Murphy were the parties—that he had been solicited by Taylor to join the conspiracy, which he supposed was oniy for plunder, and not for murder—Unit he and Taylor proceeded, on the evening of the murder, to the ISwantown mill, about a half nine from Cosden’s:) and were there joined by Shelton and Murphy; that he had a double bwr ie>l gun; Taylor a musket. Sfct Aon i double barreled gun ami double barreled pistol, and Murphv a double barreled gun. He then pro ceeded to state that upon arming at the house, Taylor fic.-d ihrough ’lie window an! shot down Cosden. ami then, sua’rtiag away Shaw's gun, shot Mrs Coadoo. as she ran out. He also sta'cd that She.’on m irdefed Mss Cosden and Misa W. b sier. and Taylor shot the black woman, but that Murphy took no part in the murder. He asserts that he himself was drunk and took no part in the murder, and that he was afterwards so orerc-nne by liquor that he fell m the fence corner and lay there for several hours. “Sh»w whs arrested on Saturday, and this morn ing has mad-' a full confession, corroborating alt the statements made by Mrs Hand, sav ng ’that he knows that Mrs Hand’* testimony will convict him. and that he raav as well make a clean breast of if.’ He has heettcoufnated with the parties charred. and adheres, in their presence, to ail the particulars, as detailed by Mrs. Hand. ” Murphy, he says, he had never seer, before, but believes the man he sees in jail as Murphy, to have been at the murder There is little or no doubt entertained of the truth of this confession. “ The cause of the sudden flight of M> Hand was feat that, n riw jnons IS iw*a * might do her some bodily harm, to prevent her divulging it.” The ( oa<tiUtiaiiil Kicht of Seee-«io». We isi from our reliefs >u attentive perusal of the following • marks «w t*t.< : « >1m«, taken from the Norfolk, Va. Argos: *• Has a Statf a »;•)! u so ic from li.t Tu.-- i. or, m other words, ana ematUutuimt right — Tin* is an .mpor_in: question wka v.ewed la re latauk lo the responsible position likely to be taken „by South Carolina. +, “ We do oot design to discuss it at this time, but we Juupiy pi pom ;o give high authnrnv m support .J. the t aun. The p ;wer has always beea contended lor in Virginia since the meat Table re solutions or 1199. as is Clear trum the exposition or them by the celebrated re|nut drawn by Mr. Madison. In. defending the third of these resolu tion*. which assert* the doctrine of State inter position, the committee say “ that they have team sri it not merely with a strict, but a severe eye, and they fee! confidence in pronouncing, that in its just and fair construction, it is snexception ably true in its several position*, as well as Con st tut tons, and conclusive in its inference C— What were the positions of the third resolution ’ 1st. That t!«r powers of the federal government were limited lo a plain sense of the instrument constituting .v < uopact. 2d. That ,u '4*,: of a leii’iera'e, palpab'-.- and dangerous infraction of the cc-mp-v ’, State has the right to in»erpisc to artest the progress if '.he evil. by maintaining within its respective iinuts the author;:**, rights and i.beinc* appertaining W it. ‘Tins inference' sav* 'he reports i3|e»aWi/u:io»v.if arc!.' irtCliii.-.1' Mr. Jeffersou ma.ati soil the same doctrine* ih ’he famous resolutions drafted by hum, ami adopted by the Legislature p( Kentucky in iliN Mr Alex. Hamilton, m on. of hi* p iper* in the “ Kedeiai i*t," admits :„at if tbe federal government simuid ■ppres* the States, the State goverum*. uts would ne ready tochtek it by virtue of then own inner ent sovereign piwer*. * r. may safely be received 11 an xxioa m mrp-jat cal system says Mr. Hauu! - • -a, that the Nmr - gore.-«*<■*<» mil. m ait >«»*» he tmlisg'scti. aiford roari.irr* nut arnr again*; .ufas. -n ot' the pubiio liberty by the nativ.tal e« tx>rity— 1‘ftnrr■»/ uearpatiam cannot be mmke-j m>irr gntrvri so likely 10 escape the penetration of tc ret htJita if men, as if the people at larre— Tlie Lim»t-«rxaxs will have better means of ia , Umaa'iM- They cau discover the danger at a <1» -»mei and. par*e**titg uii Ur •irguntot util msti, and the confidence of the people, they can at omt a! -p: a at.uri.Aa no os orrosrwov, m which they can tamtme all Ihr maurcet uf the c urnttmUy." NahaaieS V 1 oit. for thirty yean a aK ubet 01 iv Se.ia'jr of up. l.'mhed from tv Sian.- ol N ; Cmtak a.i-rof Whim John Ksodi.ifpii ol th-W^aV- n;d taal he was the p nest xml wisv-.i :nau who b.v ever taken part in the counsel* ol the u*: no. .a a tetter ta reply eipfesuci the fol lowing '.'ptiiion : “ there can !>e an doubt that the I n ted States are u a dep. rabte situation, ami that the publication of the opinion vau desi/e would be use leva, it has never been a secret, and always stared to those sou waute>l to know it.— In the year 1924 the t'owutalKm was buried 111 the Senate—the Senators who were then preset;! will, it 1* believed, rtcol-cci the fact—and ne.ei afret wards su ited by am wfcu.e i continutil in the Senate. The op.n,'»ti» of Gen. Washington, Mr JcJ rson. ami Guv. Clinton, are kn-iw a, bul mil reaperte-i. I have never beiwvi.-d that a Slat*, could nuiitfy and remain in the Tama, but hme *1 owg* tar tiered that a Sb».> might tereair trim ih* pleat* i, taut 1 hr right l hate -vatiJc 11 the V»l guard In puhi t u ierty ml i 1 pahCc pertue orui 1 UK decided; a»d it -nigtit ur hate pretended what n w fetiK ui thr V >ufu*s.turn. W'hen coafeder {'stsrauM&t .s »>>a changed. A go*s'tnt«eat ol p:a.o«, -'-V * by *ox«r- e l S’ates, Or SJe.-tia. (i caawH be ioairiU :e.d * '.<>:• c.l 7! - uc of Kjf "e uavi 'U' Oj.- ,. arid x/iee.e* iraiM*/! lire in pea-'e wader tur.h i p>eef Marat." •‘To-* a.--.- t -v; >,c»i v. • • ab • v by ■ lb.: patn.jia *ad ^<.1 A by font; days—««a ■. 'rrad-r tree K itnu erf vur cueojre* uaielujxrfy ol $■»»• rata- .; iV.tH b. avi two ol a hotti assayed .n the (uuiilbJO <>f the CotWtituUo®.— Whp-r-tfc'-r K-Tifco'i will kad to eitil war be-'.weeu i (1 .'tiiiiatfot and Uta aecediiv I •oc5 <ratip: v w th . s:router p wtrr Then- s ao ikm-mi!) tji it na!<-•** the federal go*«run* a thall cl?ju»v to eoaat-craK- tu itjrjra’i"M by ' v Mood of thoar tt »bat! hare aUeo^M h.t o^pfetk. The aaeaa ttr a uot r-.sofled to by tin.- vetoing State with a »wrw U> te»>ft to force. At! ckr oil, >» the privilege to p- ac-tab » withdraw from * league, ■the eotspac ■ of which has Va t xriafed, arid »»/•. baa beo >rtK-1 ■ b-r a (paewaace to latoJerabk j t ■ be longef tonwr-" Mra Pariiogto* ■» a.way* ae.u.ti-.j, bit: ¥M Unart.ahe beeps a food look ostt ahead. Witaran; Th* I nm JWt.-»ho. ParuajUKi go tr*d Utat Mr K.tcb.e had mid •The Ctttoa, ei elauoei. “Ate! eat' 1 hated he would Jo wwoe truag awtvu waea 1 .beard that Cuhgnaa had de yseted the k. to edewtjy iua ! 1 w-mtet if hr ->id the paopic with ft, a ad J 1 ha*e f-M. to become a aitfCK aau If ah 1 *4ail aa>u.e«e to the mwt». o here they ««owr bow to vent Uk p.ew ettUeia.” -tad Mrs Par.utftoo ay bad deeplv. took up her itrLt-ia* and Mid so aaore ” ecologies’ View ol < -.lifam - The San Pranar*.:) Sjv.iUrd turius'ic; f... • lowing smtntuy of a W >.1% t‘" >, . d. * I bv Profess* Kurr -rt S>; n-j, m V • Oi . , Scants CklitVr, .>•» U* mti* r m’ - . i Stau He wen mio * <••*!»? r« rcv„« »f t ie m . res Hire- * ol t!>e conn «>. t .po -,.i ’ v « • enre to the gold q.iart*. H - treated at <u ,t a curious aui ia’rrcsbng sahjov*-:h* ,v which the gold has been farm'd in s p -<-*i *:.ce He considered that there wet a g.i v«n.-- *<*., m ' MMhmtMtl* gong r“ tr* the e*rt... hv <v>.... were jejnnstnl ih dvp >sN',j. .*••.; -,-t. • ; r«l to several very islerritmj a.*t» iu s.*pp if t .f his theory. Pot any on- may t*,,- aci nr. of lead end by »urr. lu.bui »; •.lit s ysivsn. c ’tit. in two hoars obtain pare le*4. | He tint m» doubt that stiver, ie#,i and ir<><i abounded i*y Oaivfom i A ,t-:i 1, i - is i.i , Stiv-’T v , ! . ■ ,s tit '. '. .|t Pass. The host harm for null s;.»:i * w •■■■it . ’ found rn oar foil*. He hsd. however, found a > indications of any i.tig- c>>a. U It; although north j of Souonn, he had «n * tine east tut th.- s il'oci j which was if good quality, utoagti :i >< m viv i quantity. In the «nr neighborhood wjrr ho: spring*. nearly of blood teal. A remarks .i i tun1 of the wet iieu Sonoma was the fog trmjy • atari'. Beginning at Vallejo and gu.n,; t-iaanS Sooj«aa, the water of the sprtrtgs re- s. .it t open tare from 7t> d-gfvs to lt»0 ifegrees. At .1. m ■1. hottest some* India as bad seal*!* i a pig. V ar No . pa, tans feet below the surface tfo temp-rot ort was 1 Hi dcgrct*. too h e f-«r the naked hand. The appearances of the Buy around San Pram arc lei bin, Prof. S. goat it tod.; to beta**** >t;e in :ra dilum correct, that the IroUleK wire ..e closed up. ami ttsa- there was aw iimucnst *a> wpt it* outlet a: Monterey. He had himself found on tfo1 wp of Uie Umes'.one ridges near Vallejo. quail titles id shark * teeth embed'led iu the stone and nearlv perfect. i If this theory wen* correct it was p-ws.bie liiat •'-a; m-<ht yet fo. found 1 he u.hg'.b.rbood ol Mnttincy. where tfie naptha springs ga>. fav.wa We uulua lions. I ml orauslf bitumen is found in great quantities, eacelient as a substitute ibrcsal. Pour nays’ journey northwest trout Napa, is a chasm over one t ho as a mi feet deep. Looking over into the chasm yt»u tiad every .1 pp. an nee of an mitn- nse manufaetarinti town; onhcea diachaiy inc steam and water, at til2 leg. r iieiilrti* belt, j accompanied bv a tremendous inasiiig noise. !h ! scendtag Ut'the foot ol the cfoes n saal Prof. S ‘ We found ourselves ut a perfect Tartarus, husi . iy with rn.s and minature videaitue.i. with b*i c hot springs roarotg maide; ami other Ikc spriues boiling under your feel, and vunbie thruugn » 1 nermis foanr *. Traces of sulphur abounded, amt crystal* iav about, enough to till .1 wbe* , row. He was told of pi lew ,uiph it 1 few n; >,es distant. There were sucpUtfr springs, magmsia and chalybeate springs of every temperature, fr ua icy cold t > boiling heal. With ail this there weft* no vole attic apisearaiu cs of any kind. Near sum* of .he largest sprotgs. which o' - rfl >w. or send up a jet, the heat is excessive, ami ti. crust of tfo- earth is so thin, tha* fh> re es dancer of breaking through into th fowling flood beneath This heal, which he wou d demumnale PiuUmfl, rather than volcanic, t* Uiought tua ! a powetf it a^. ..<•> mt proiliu'.ng ih* gj.d. These remarkable springs are about on* him dr-e. 1 m.ii s fr-xn San Pmnctsco, with a gmvl 1 ar nay road to wohm about eleven i ”Pr ois*. .r S. state*! that he knew that a company 1 of Sag tii 1 had men this country, carrying with the*m specimens of th. various soils, minerals, Ac. H* sav<, the gigantic bulrush peculiar *o ij.i font a, the tale had been analysed, anil th> : was no doubt tha; it contained an eycelleiit material for the manufacture of paper. south « aroliua '■ Modernles.*’ T ie Hon. A misread Bun, member uf the last Congress from South Carotin*, who is ais-ire el--. ted to !<• •■■st, ha* cnUrn a letter on t.,e subject of the [i « -i an<t •)uties of The Siatc. He sides wi:a Bute r, Chcrea, Barnwell, Hayne. Orr and eminent cituens. tu opposing the pr. sent temper of the State as rash, am) the police l mi mediate secession as proceeding from “ bund ami heedless counsels.' He draws a strong picture of the disasters and losses which will inevitably follow from proceeding to secede from the In ion alon**. He et|K-ssea the further opinion, veiy d cidediy, that the act of separate secession by South Car din* wu. not be sustained t>v the a- ' or the ptib-.ic opinion of any other State. Mr. Burt, however, is no Union man. He does not dissuade us fellow -citixcn* t. in disu n ai. from any ilesire that the Union shoaid be preserved.— He noiiU, -n (he contrary, that the Southern Slat- s cannot remain in the Union wit-nut degradation, ami, ultimately, the aboUton of slavery; that slavery ts of greater value to the South than the Union, and that secession ts th-- onlv remninirtc alternative. But he believes that it should only be resorted w as the means of eat? ■ i-shmg * South ern confederacy, in conjuetion wh other Sta e* He is for di.inoon m a form wh-ch will make r pvwi rful, and under circumstances which surely s-jccewfn1. An attempt now, by South Caroitna, would in h,s opinion, b* mcypedi ent aud unwise. and seriously hinder and endan ger the great object of jeer asmi. In enforcing this re*, Mr Burt takes the sT'Ki; ground that se-ession alone wi i!d denriv- r--uih Carolina of the great protection wiueh she now p-vunima her slave property. and w mid e\p<wc ' it to new aud fatal dangers. The pr-wpe-t of re covering fugitives wouM be tots y bed V.w hey are fee tuned w thrrol drffi. ulw from st • o ■ifteen of the hist--*. w ■ , d relinquish these right- As a foreign '•’ate. South Oar• ms would have no right of re- lams‘ion, etcept b» ,x . the i nrted Btetaa, which hey a never insae. Every adjoining would be an asvl itn for mnawavs, wrhoot the !•eai right to demand the re delivery, > -r to grant it, any more than exists now id Canada. Slav ry m Sou h Carolina would be circumscribed and without out let. Tti-; slave population ni-rosses tstrrtlsn the white, and there would be no power to diffuse ’hem over new temtorv - «1m t*on ntn |h Un ed ' l’es w ,u.:d 1 - j :.u. *w ,u vrdvmg the forfeiture of ever, stave There a a , port to which staves couru i-rcvr-- 1— earre-d — They m ist remain w thin the - snd ’h-is l-i caliicd, “slavery must merit*:-,, languish a id die.’’ Thus reawois Mr. Burt, ui p; no in- -js it "insanity" tor 'he State, alter bum# etc!uded from the t- rri' .-ies of the I'm led >'»<■- by act / Congress, to take revenge by deluding raell from the rest of the world Mr. Burt reasons that the v« . r.u States m ill and will sjou art together, that th- -• i,av- made condition* With the Sot’u wt.ich •» a it V f il filled, and that “soon, very smii," the-r finai hope will be flat liapiu.’ T - i. ue thunks. wdl be the time for weswot .a earnest—ilauiws by concord --f ihe whole South. These are the view* of one of Those who are 1 described *a the ijwalctate poiuUcian* of South Carolina ■ -t .-• »rr-»og- 7 advert* ■ • f - • moo.” We his opinions more at length. I,hot our r- al-’v may see w.nat m South Carolina a ’ ,'Beast by opposition to (Lsurwon now. The St-.w »ckuui Prcifeytrtiu C'kercb ami the rugitise st«*« Uv. , Tkf meaner in which the N* * Hr hod <«,**.'* A>.v uihly i> spaaed <if the ijueatwoi* v . | «hem o» the auhjert of eleriery atvi the fugitiv ■■ aiaae ia*\ Mi cndtUMc tu their pr*l *•:*?'■ aiU w radon, They d*i not a; w tbematf*** to he <ix iu*s w.SaCw V44 x :-j: The. v*.«o;u>+y refused lopeas r<*o: t’tviu a«vt ifte f Jiitjse ai*»t; !»w, ahd prohibit would nasi: refoeefl also V> p**s ! ■?**>> utiooa in •« f preraieot opt man V-rn^, that it »as wntially a matter of cu;’ gorernrneat, and called fot tio a< tioa, either adsefae or cvw urrent, o-j the part of eeaieatausUca• V/d*». A metutioii prouocnci. . the fe^utreir*. at* ».o. pjo* ,uooj of aa~d «at 't: UtK-ly opp j»ed to the upiU>- of h •> inanity, "■ v prim; p.r-s of jraatjce, aivf to the pfe■-■-pin of ’he Bit/te,' whs rejected, with only thus: 1 wtiiUng roicc*. A 'cwi'ution forth-- appurc iwmiI ' a <’■' :oJ;t>‘Ve t> cotieet aUiUaUca u* flwaohjattof aiavtry u the '.au re fits at the South Cdeeet'ard wdh ’h-s *■• ».;e ttaatKal body, and the iithgllcetsiai Bud mural tost f**soH of the slates he~>I ton ■' meait- *»s ^» 'Tej it R-1 Mr Dwsmwa, 'Josh. K 'o pa MOT, *t»; jcceaiuwest «».jeleraioie -i*a« ■»•■'* Saoj'-hetji 'ict,jpaas muted to a me..., t>> m stiaei-Md a Ootntmtlce m aaceuta.a • "■ rtp'tt Mae /number of lured aerraata employed oj tut-urter aof / the .Ss-f-aeta churchea comaarcted with ’-he A» I scadny, how anar.y of them can read, h«« ''(ten j and to what eiuaai Mwy aeter-e taittacutwa i» aUuChua. whether of wA they are i*s r**'-'d * tend fair>i!» worahjp, and v By attend chants rnpiJafy Thus was a ,> set - ■ -«■" * *»• a. oar, w it* tnaiiy aeaeil <«**• to withdrew he tea.,. utioO. to peraeu’ its soted m^a a, and ',ea»e waa <ram«l utotdivf,).* Tee ertmaerraf« CutW pursued 6< thsa aa»«a My «* »»cn-ooraguig sign ,)f ■'j* , , Mr iIhIv upyuv-xtcit. pt.r Old s, | riac. chureli fi*» livtvi be* a sutn-d ject. itwrlf firmly ag* .m ■,„» , fnioinutg * fatlhlii! otwerva in • r. . , . I rtwci nanter .t*H: *t»w .< . , ■ , v lam, and mther upon tv.- ;>(i l hr«rt.i«iiv for th*- sr*ila.» ev:.. Unit, than MUD any I reel etT . • - t has \» .ml the .utvn its.. .*• increase o! im-mlx r» au<1 u,1 i. a.. x \ , *f Cmmerte Ml*. Native Americanism »n (hr Kind. A* Itxr name id Oen. S<, u has , many journals as • c*t*iid#'. [ r t.e i’. ami as ;fcc Native A merman *, mi. ;, nomiiMtMtn aw a Wiump* m •:.»• ;x :n , loud >u ibftr praises of turn as an . then peculiar v e*\ . and'.** hi* iMn .•» ,|. be warmly eiqpnttard Sv ici.r • its a; ,.v,v,. . f* genera.iy we thought ti.c npnl.i, atH>m<i following te"« r. a.ldn'.v,. 4 In i-,„, \ ., 1S4 I, V* Waj.h1Hi,*,.j|| Rnrl a id Philadctpht*. might no*tw .> ••* . ,| pubi.. Altha’ tie Um sudsing of >l*,s clan verv Mill'll ot "the hasty p .Vo .f antin'' •• * Ifeiaturw, ** an- hay.pi u. «v it w,**,.* aj, other respects ; k« it w a uusui. e\p, ., ’ Clara, roll d opHUtot up."! the wi ll ■<( U, ,u . taut question autamtfcd in on ,i„, , Native Committee ,.i PI, ,i.i- .. , \ , T me iiritm, \\ i-Miv.lw Xm. ai.M.t ... lkr.aa Sia - I have tin. honor a, t R your teller at tin Sl.h am, wni tiv, « im ^ pleased .o add, in lieltull ol srvvrnt kaudrctl live Airmail Republican* ol Pouiiiiilpiua Ni•! confidently. Suit ti»r puldoain.n t ,. |. .w'y I. ple-d :o » Km fiv’u Ua>,.i \|' > . Kan . ol tour city, <n the same aub tvt. I» wrKe to yya u» the iihe maun ri ami m . is the mimiu wiieu the pnwsuieol n|li. mi , v.m is with ok* the Ueavien—i. av< si *n e.i .um • n « ceaaarv ateepaml exrreiw. 1 must not. !«*,(. whiiity neglect voui eomjnuui* alioit. Stioilel any coiuoiiraUe uutnbel ot :m trvnwn assign tue or iluatv to give Ur a pt l>o*uii'n tietore the public, I «baU tax um tbvaiisc my views on the great .|uus. on m pfop w I. Tlrwe views had their et.s.u m ,i siiMnnv i iimw in Uic >p»wa hi th.-'o. an.) «•• .amtuaied tu the wms ;nai hi Uarns.>n.,> were elHha.-u in New York. Outnlb . as, w .is Id aoti.wl everv gru ip ot toniguiTi as .ti, . na! for.rsllying and oaus*c. Fmrl with od; natH.ii, two trnnOsar dow n with up a mi p., at tie \IfoW, \ vetn.'Cr > v a< i ■ t,v in, ,i , add re. < -He o)i™> .. .i an Aim .can ;w The dav after the i j set mu South, and base never preeiurlv known apfe al w-s.s not pntd;*hi*<t. ProtmMi the t r. of Oeneral Harr »si> re>nfir>'it~rfe |iuM.e»m thn* tune trnneee.warv m th» np*hu>n of rm ■ friends I now Hesitate betw-i n evti niiiny the jutiie residence twtoie naturalirstxm and a tntat nM of at) arts of tVinerrsa on the subject no ■, inclines to the latter. COm' fnllv in rhe, „( ■(„. pi , delphisA.' Ac. I should'peeler cmmi. signatton of American Hcgpi!.!.,., o n \ York, or lie nine rstic AuAP a is. a, l wu> S|eetfully suggest. Itrong!.: up .the prim f the H A iiiun —ol J. it- w- e 'dadis-iri a under who in youth t pontmeneeI life. I h», ways M-eii elite.!. ! Have v p: . as.-) sim;dy a republican, or whir, whieli wnt a was the s.nnte thing Deuiorrstm Ameri. am « litclmle all gtmd nai ve eitin ita devoted in ■ eountry and its invtitutionl . would .ee iro. in ns naturalizr-d etfiren*. by lorn; rendcm. , Ice one' idetitified WilH ns ill frehn* a I am happv to see by the Philadephia \al ■ .Yuiericart. that redyi m is tube •• :t, , ,a element, staunch Protestant as I am birth a:id e n'irtnm,^ that nicer ■ i. • parv or Stare religion Petition u nsi «ac-—: he mtrnried up wuh either It should aiwa.i kept entirely betw.en eaett individual *ni - except m the way of mantt ind gentle petsuu-si as in families, chorehca and other orcaamru. volunfnrv lUcmfam’i after years r.f •! «. m«» rcciproea! eon.«uit. Wishing sneress to the great work wh - — mil otlit r patriots have hsppilv set ' main wh high respect, vour r.-dow tia n WINWRLD M tiTI To fcKoitas WssitoniTos Rrtin. Es»i . and >th' Uoo4. The Hostiiri Transcript, m noticmg a r- * M.amr Stevens, a ykitlfi.i and memtifii ch* the armv. who at all the futile* '«s* Vers Crus and Mexico, unmn U» publiah a »>■ entitle«l " l.'.nupaigiia of the Kmj tirande and >1 co," says: ' We •iiid.-rciaml umt i H.- book wdl - ail refiulsUona louudtn) on nag. and do i»> tlfe to '.tie real merits ot the officers m ttiunw it will tie publiatMni eiitlv in Jam-, aii-t f»r si, be th. aides, and unei jupnrual il ai, in- “ which have so far been wntteu on the aubjer |»<«*1—we like that strr|i(> iig ,d ■! o' plMMM i’ . I an iiiaii* new •;> writers • f . > d rcr » s who clt o. rTpu *■■■"■ whtcfi they have not a shadow of title wiuir i e*i merit g>«si unrewarded. Let justice lx* t.« Eltritarllorr Juvenile Krut. The following, wtni h wr ’aWr train Uv ‘ Louis * Jr*;mii ami KevciUe of Uie I'tt. anythimi evvr beard oi .ti Ui« w.i» of < ti. freak* of m, -ration : An 'itf urnitte of a very frightful i har»' - curreil on Thitr#d»y, in a fi» (tuan iaimly. tn m we understand, urn Hatn'rnnk itp*', n less hi tret, than a boy cutting of! tin- n>w surfer, a tittle girl five year* old. U* atteinii' • • nights before, an eutertai Utae lit of ">fi V»'‘ ter, l)n: Magsciaa now playing at St Lnuia’f. .1. * . line he WitlMMCii tin.' »' ’ li the nave of one >( live audience. The perf'it!'* made astonishing iin|a»iiun upon . mintTr tiie boy was about seven yt»r» since that, ire bad made the rwqii*-*' ‘<1 inari> «-u* to *ii«w him u> try the *aiut tin k theta Tina •« looked Upon ns a u» ’< • la-.* >, ami be rfa* nUm enrooraged m Ua e than o*herwtsc, nobody r»«ey conct-tv ug .’ * bur that it w i nd U ao (carluily.' am* d ■ (Jit i a a.».a f itfbcftu-sOh, u lire absent : .* 1 mntfiwr f**her hemy sfiil at hi* **mp ^' trie* boy induced tr.s niter to jet l»«fi play S‘ Catiuner nod to susiit her »■*»• !» the *p !<• wax at lint alarmed at the sight of tba and' oh lux urgent uireniy, and sas uraner Wit i ner. but to put it on directly. *' just Ilk* man. ” she eonseuw-i Imitating tm •' ’ ' pi*r»-i a rioflt around her neck, and wiie « ’ earvm^ knife- eul off 'he now cUmr to her The poor cttiid of course gave velit o he! Ming agony ;n loisd wrearas. which tax t> ,,w f the ,^'iytibora to the Louse. The g»ri wss : and w ruJinur on the doit with p**n, wtnie her Hands strove is va.n to atop ihe friirhtf ’ blood (torn the horibic diafcyuralioi. I '•< stood aghast for a inomeat with the b; " • atili in ms bawl, white the »* lay on faia ted. as it had dropped from h<s hami • cut it) a lew a>< mda before. AltO 'iiyb !he rmlentof the Ji.urv wa U«e people were {MMtysen for the w»h* ■ a hideous apeciaefo, aid am UBtii the **d into tears, Ibeu tin the htal Ume indersUitditK iy the reaslta of be- fotiy. did ibrry «'■* fm * taw’u. in U»e atrar ae< of oiodh a: uo none so p.a* ed ->i* Wilh 're lyii--.'* i" stoppunt the dreadful elfuaao i d hue el dm which <*••! rtalnefed aa n o« !he Owe red rftia, if indeed, their aw Status h«eu e*» r have effected it. On '.he a;ri«ai of a medical tnart focnue' a snort ‘i»ie, the nmw was washed aivi ;• a e. ■» proper pontoon, and art rural ■■ S tur« oi uaood was sa a treat awmoo’e : thrmyir wot until the t tnfo 'tinted s»»i ■' i.uuja fruat heirwo^oent weakneaa. Tie b ’ tasen away and uttcircwaied, and ra meat su'w'anisajty a* we n**e leiau f .: > 1 It was isyywaf at first Uu: ■ . u, u cou.d not live, frooi Use ’*• ie«,;ed inat Mtuiyis woa .i nut « > p>» ' hist tttb-ttuon, tint we base • oar ongtaaf informs at n. re a: earful irrmi»u»e»bh. sear. IfTheJfew Vorkhun has tm f 1 * " of the srr vai of f.'ahau*. ■■ Ihtrribf moMf «Jht» friot i aruosiy the u-.aicew .« C j>*. arttse and pot up at itswahi* Hot*.. » ' uawa ! h' • umr Tb*«r ufci* i* •./> wthend school sa r< - • " ' ' car sou. T *•» Wlii dsen «o hue* 1 ^ ' fti.-oed win j tier a. vtoaa aude'i erp- • w,unroll as psr^.ea' if 'hea attempt to »»'■«>' ►' «ut thee a e -earmwi '