Newspaper Page Text
urns tia n it? *huim. iumu. Frwa to W rf Af*® to Ut UWito, 1*1. to -k •crttor .IHtwaa with MILT U»* ®* ,,A< Fna LMtfc R«ak to Hat Bp tot tk* • 4*1 e« »< tha traT»B«t F«Wto— Tk ktrarntj ttoi <toj. <®»to| tha U«tol8toMltol.r ix roc* nom ro«T coachc*, at J a**U«k. A. H,i**«rtoHlta«|tofL*to T*fl k' AVCO M WODATtOlf LilfK, reorpUf. arora >1 H<X **»»“«• ■•!» toj, at 8, t a th» _ r.\*E ■> ratov Lut*. to-tow* T5.p ,»s«nW it the e#atiae*a» *w «*• e*a**y 3t.t~ ^Mto —to* fto* Unto K«k to Fact S»B*- *••***"*• WmHmm*. i* Hfiftowj—toy. Ha Hat SPHa*a —in Fo*» Cnacto*. ihf** if»». • »tok IT Both tha** roalea iateraato «Wi ******•"** boai l'»i»rJ Slat** Mat; Li a* fraa* Mto»pLI*to Ut 12* Kick. _ ... IT* >ttr« Oftt« til the .iifiwf u- M»r* Wtoto peter hanger. FpL ii. *~l y‘ Sundries from V* Orlr*n*. Received p»r to-a*™ ***aup ?•••»•» Paatiac, «h* folia* >ag |P*to. to-»U: |bSaactoo Saeka Salt ; It* half DM* Mai— ; 1 ‘ „ *S^!» .ba. 3w**4 Iroa ; SO I ha 4a Eto* SO Star! Mitt*. •**•*•< •*»*■» 4 l>»a** Gtaa* B»4 C*»4*; 1 Caiki 4a Ear*; 3 Cotta Cotta* Rap* ; 10 Bright Om Ckaiaa; 8 l>*a. ntM>pn*f Rita Ltocka; 8 8». Palm U*f Hat*; 18 J«. Wakato**# Spall***; ID* art* Capa »d aaaeat. > l(*rt j*. Ehg*4 Plata* ; 3 l*et. Haraa Caliar* ; 3 4». B. B. B. Hal* ; 48 ,air Mea*a thick Boot*; IB Stoa. Print* Sagar >-*f&rrr Frt> IS, 1951. MaiaStrwt. ItlQI’OR. ,T BBLS t*W Bawrtoa WMakax ; O M**""**-*™1* WhtotoT * *> Print* t*W Whtokap ! * tolf to 4* 4 Hbto- Frr«*h Bratoy . * C ark* Oto C**— Br**JJ • l i. to . MT* » ia* ; tC«ki Mateat Wiaa; 2 4o Malaga 4a. I Hf. Bfci CWrrj Beat**; 1 BW. Ilia Racairad par Traa taa. » 1«! far aato by JOHN D ADAMS, iofc u. l«ol Stoaattoal Laaitng 75 Cirtcrrin. r*a ^**s*lt; tJSackrC*J.a.l5BhU-Sagar: ^ 1 ey Partcami '*g»r ; *• Bto* aaJ half Hto*. Ntiuw; l Tlerea Raitoaa, CW*^ Tiiiato " dacaroai, Swaat Choealata. Wrrtara. ^artiaa-. bnoaatoaa. Ciga*». Spaawk Brawa, Rat toa Stas* WMUag, Brtata!,Brack. E—ry. Laotp Sirck. Ac , A«- Hacaira ;>#» Pa*uac, mac far ^\x JOHN D ADAMS. F«K I*. 1851- Staa*koto U#*ag WALTON, SANFORD * CO. general grocers. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ui Srw Utf^ * Orle« H AVE roaataeiiy aa fc-os! a fa*aral aa4 wail aaaarlawal a f staple an 4 ratty Fn. i-rjaara jaa ti tan Prnuicai, SrJ et<4 Srarritot. Es*. J'l*- _ , la ti tht tftidif ••••Hr fee«4 ia * Grpecr't Stoat itor k«ap • rapplr « Nail*. Ghwa. Lt»s*. * to Oya*. Lrtt.1 a»4 Cap ltopar, Ptartag Caf«r. A«. At _ ._ riw:r r.oi wtii to l» *aU gawi to »r«^ *rt5W, aa 1 •!«.« it f JM if-iKSFT PKICBS. Ttoir tfe- ill toy lag .-witli ttoir aapanaae* ta tto Art a— ;r«a. aa^'ttoir k**wi*4f* to tka rah o4 i <4kt iliy tiink *Kr» at tn tutu* «a 8... iaUatict*r>iy. taiaruara »» licj iway Si ftiorni »ilT J»« 1. l*f. VttMlery. VI Vtv-'-E V't of Sa&lVry. eoanatiag of ten tie* > i«i Mm SaAdlw. Bndw*., ■■■ --Bo**. Car?*-: B-ro. Gmh*. CwrtaflM, Coi »», Bnk F. «*. Saiky, W*r* ,Wi jkv S'. • p Inar BnAie Fbt-v *»., A T"« . ;'i pot Pb: p Pe-auT-arn, a ad fce Mk ^CASriM JOHN P ADAMS. SteaarboBt LaraLr. March JJ 3»—<f M ILL i \ WS-l«*t«a*^H| lakl M i l liKM H LOCKS—4, « aad T A \r.>— »Ji H»«l*. I'll S—Law, ..jJmI, tuiinia **i f»f **i* *>y 1 WM 8 WAIT— Mawi. 34, i* -«< Ijiquor* ttmH Fl< | .r «tr vj ■«, jnrrr Hr*N«n{; 24 B>4» Whsste*. 20 ILif B .* 4a > b U. B-*S.»a W <b'. 2» RbL Fkwar. •a Bais Pets’ ees E a r»!e e rt-ap, by M TAXTI. IN LOCK—3» M* ■ «:> FsLan Mi.'!*" Ultra S<t BAO >\—S JHmB C«nu- Bakes ■’ 3 b>w «So; *' J T eree* \-.r» Sojar Cuitd Hataa. P>RK -1 • BVbkMess; SCALAR—4 H.' ** rtar.Sed: 4 R s Pv«4m4 White CANDLES—*> Quartet Sna Star. S UL-—■» K'^y 4. <> it r A Rtten » ed'and far ale b» AprWTrL WM B WAIT. ry hoctaw land scrip >* p**-** vfm<,i*e L.' ate-". - JO acre*. Jar b» WM 8. WAIT Msrtk ■». JJY S’.araor Bsa,» l !sa»e juatTeertTeil a ad •ii- •>.* »■■ 3v Banesa Super Fnae Haar; 2 •■* R;r Whiskey: 1* Bna .UmM T ataroae K '■* Lnaatt Syrup; S - Candy; ! Parrel Esgbsk P. bera, ;* **. Ak. M. TAim Loafer Steaaaboat Laa&mg April ~ 1S51.V-41—tf For half. VFINE LARGE H^RSE. about «t<» yean aid sad e’tatw* kaada sahrwht. Aped* «c March 24 L A. W HITTLE Y .Ykfms /or M« TWO LIKELY NEGRO WOMEN. Me wiO twa chtkte*, aai the <Mh*f — “ Mirumth S>> J- «• atiheneeate Maaet S4, th*S » with owe. F-x ADAMS, K CASKk MS * , «h proef. hits; t * peel War, M hukrti CkMfMP* a.«4 tor s*k W*. T. D Aferahr IT, IN*. * oo. 18 Oi\ BRLS RECTIFIED WHISKEY, ««M( 60fc*!-"‘NS?JA'’ ti. tttl ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, FOR YOUNG LADIES, Liitle Beck. IHraaite. This ii»e **p*c<*i p*tr«mag* ot Right Rfwnni Dr. Bran, abow tfaa m Ik* reception of board*#*. 8staa**d ia a retired pan of ih* «dy of latlle Rack, it p wee me* *e*ry .'ijte which caa CMlnhiti >« I ho health «4 bappt wn of I ho Pupilt- Tb* aow hrinr »«♦* »„ »h» thrift •pwi ms baihhag*—logetbri »>tb it* ritmaie* and besiillNt ground'. wilt rotator It rare I of the most cotnwo-f-oa# tod .•ott^hlfal Mttita'ioas of th* Writ. The StMalK JFror (taamen thr 4r#t 'loo-lay n September—ibe aanwal oiration the 15th Jot;. Papal* r*e*iT*d at »«t Ittao. hat not for a shorter nernxt than the-emonth*.»<at ia» liodao'ron, it with draw* hotor# tho expiration of th* aan, ie cat* of protracted tic know. Th* con-to of rtiHi't embrace* »H the breaches u*>intly taught in the brsl behoofs lor Yao.ig Ea-fie*. fhe «o»t c«'n*t»at attentk n a ill bo pawl Toth* mo* •i at well *» t* tho m*»tal rfnciixMi ot the pwpU' Oaring th* hoar* of lecrea'ioe th* Toons la-*.ot | vo titan aadot I ho f» roof oneol tb* teacher*—in ! drort. rmrlkitt rtwadin tho welfare of tho papil« 1 wilt ho an object ol th* wo*l eor-sciention» atton'ioo j;«h yming lady «a*t bo procided w ith a bi-no, Irak, spoon. gobble*, w* table napkins, si* cha-ige* I of line*. work and dressing bo*, combs, baath, ! towels, kt, kt. . At th* • n t ot **eh <j«*rtor tho vo-ing Indy *«*l (firtinsainfeoit for Conor.I good coaJacI an.) pruh 1 rieacy ia ttadio* wiH b* rewarded by th* boonari decoration of a medal. arxi oooty proper means employed to iarpar* a laudable cranial ion among*' the pepill. Papal* ol oeery religious denomination are sdmit I »*d ant* tho limitation an.l no improper tnlbtoar* 0*00 u*od to hr** the religions principle* ol :be roonc *ad»o*—bat far th* aak* *f or.tor. all baant*rs are repaired >* coo form to lb* general regulations of the Academy. i — AH cofTO-pwndcaoe ol th* papab, except that ot pa roe**, will he Subject to the inspection of the ^TheTparanta or gnardiaa* of tb* Town; tarfio* are retired tn depend# with tb* Principal or acme te tponaiM* person hi the city a *am of money iidcir to moot all contingent expenae*. Th* French drpeitmeat wilt he under th* dire* lion of on* who he* resided sereuJ yesrs in Franc* aad is familiar with the Penman accent. |n ib* at nr real department tb* Pnncipai wid tx i anted by Mr*, ihjex*. th* Organist of th* Cathedral a t*dy well fcaowr. to he emaneatly qualtfed to i« part a tboreog* practical knowledge of th* science She will also fir pma»* l-sssws on the Ttarva ei Off an to I tint* winbing ta take th« ta. Terms r«r Boarder, per aexsio* of 5 Month.: Board aa-t Taitmn. is alt the brioche.- pertaining 1. a tboroagb English educarion.. #v> on IVuhtf, me ot bed and bedding.15 » Extra Charge*. M ;<ie—Piano, with »** *f laatroment.i quartelry,.\ »I2 M Guitar. t.’ •*: t>g»a. '2 •* . Use *1 Organ... t * Drawing atcl Piiatir*. f M Fn-rt. 5 • * flTwiwb lee? |*r annum, — . .- 5 0* Vocal M*rtC to t’-o** rot taking ir.s'unen-i | tat. quarterly...X * ** Ttras for Day deholai. per tfaartrr. Chamtni etnas.. .$5 Or j t oe tb* more wjraneed.. .# A< Ptaiaa- : Onumeni.Oie- i* W.'is. Embroidery, Bead and Lnr week, knit-iag at-i Nellmg Flow era. Wills* aught Ire* w cua.'ec—the pupil? fur eashsag 'be matcataf*. _ Bo-riir * ) it Ui« carnent rxpeaaer seiaa aanualW ia ndssa*. ' Day scholars ij a-’ociy. There *■ . o* sa ta'iactirgr u. $15 8d Sssthme spending";* icmi< ikiIsm at be IratiSitiMi. For f-i'""*» p4rti<-,(i»rs. apply by fetter or p*- ;on *1-1 to M ss VtcTO*. Principal of the |ssrV#;», R K F E R E S C K B : Right Rex Dr. Rrawa. ) Hon. 5 C. Ruu, Gee. S. H. Hntrrne. ^ C*L L. J. Rtawsii | Jew* Raws. Esq . D W. Caaaou. Esq S Rot.J. .Mosasaa*. ) Hex J. Fusmix, * J Dinauu, E»q . ' X DrxgaiLaex. Esq , i Burfl-Kjoaiw Mrixaa. J J sacs 5. CoawxT. Eq. S Judge Utxif, Biirw J»,t»e Max**, (fcinlrs. I t: •in Krti. X. r"VJe**a Ageat far tbe lnstitutinx', HUGH BR'XiAX. July Id. 1S30 —7—15—ly. THE s-iNscnher. agent Sg H. Habe-*r-an. wfl! c»oUB'>ethe facraifr’s ba*t<aetag at kss oid stami : «>a Misa. near Markhaoi! greet, and keep con sta-it'v >n hand a fail aad » iwen* s*.- ok ■>' : tiix'i-eiics. l)rv (Vxxis. B-s ‘< > - >■?. Mariwarc. I'as'.-ags, du--. Ac., ai! of whsrS will K s.-.i t;» ; foe cask. TV highest anwicr prices will Nr paid ! foe c»aatr»' aolac*. o Nscf bales, pcitres. bees wax. Ac. JOHN KRAUSE unic Rivk. Marck •». >s—tf. m anti I Aj"U V U* Bar .rsa, wsuftt^ ; 4UUU 4 But^H Jl*tl Km*; f Bas-ttna Ein Hof» >!i«. l«tiyM«*»* FI-i» W;»p ; 7j >ki;Vt- ate ,ii»; T* *»i . ■i» . !J tmc'.'il Ea*.tsh Pv t* . 13 S«f *r Sett!** ; It Grio iraa»: 3k* a-il i Kictit^i p*r i twtw, »o<l f«t «’* JOHN D A PAMS, Fefc. ll L***i.‘f •20 Cimrimmmti timod* KeO Frrots Baefcoboat Fl«f , t“ )««M> $><»{«; 1 frsi’: Umbiwi. I W VV bit* 9rt»; 4st 4hm Star C««V; 10 Bun !»*!•»« -1* 3 Stria, Low Ori; I R*i. Salorata*; W Jap; 15 IVaiaVaa, 15 hta kiM Kip. Ranim par T oari f*r mW tv JOHN V. A&AMS. FvV. It, l?JI. StranaMoat l*a taf 300 Stmr fmirffr* Jtr. Lta Star Caaaaa ; 35 Dip Back wS»« Tmv nap- Jaat Fob a. Isil. BU » t.;, Baaaa; «•*> Lb* i met r»alac. ite far *aii FATHERLY L CLEMENTS. BUck«Milk’» TMh. 4M tori as lack Bellow*; < Yww Halo Aarib 4 Callwa Kay Tim, 4 >»n Bawaaart. Roce.vte awl lor uta. tv J D ADAMS. ;« 31. BH. Straa 5wi Uaftnr't kttiaaa) las af irk taut. 4 FRW copin *4 Itr atom Map—It* aala t >a A plala aM (bum! aate «v« piMaM —tor til * Goaeft* «.ari DrawntaBra—pxt $5, oi at ta> Jaw- 7. t»»l. IS— A W«fiMMry. LARGE akt teaatifai mmnt* uar-wt «» su tioatry, n.-ouaont jet PkaUty IVattvit, »•. Cat u r try Mastb » .OWN b. ADAMS. SSc«»V«t Laati.r. JOB D. A DAWS, CtlllMitl ill FMBIIWU IIKCIIIT muck raau. to«u vTtviaitr Ltnnc, LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, KEEPS maun.y •• taa4 a arp aari pam aaaarvaa at »(Dll fcaorii, Oottiag, Har4 ware, Ranatwarr, Mate mm4 Caps Boat •aal »baoa, MMleri, Mauaaary,t«o«iiM Prariarr, 4r„ Ac.; all ari arWth oW tt Hi aaryr (Map far CASH. Oet I, taaL—A—4-tf ci sm crnR erssm JUST RECEIVED, aari for afo (Maa for eaat Baa PaaWi lot kafir tanafoi Sbot Gaaa Rrilra. Rial aari patcwaaoaa fa a Data Me .Me a tfca Goaai it S»op. aa Rua ariaat. auaarr np r ■a^SWw ap Woo. by U GRIFFITHS UflOKK. FIRST rate aattoM af Cm. oori Black T« at FATHERLY A CLEMENTS COMMISSION HERCHANT& M» MtUU. lUL r. MUM IM* SIDDALL, GflEENE A C0, coTTOJTWJicT #r sjtfanetjaa am »u3n*A*r>ia» MERCHANTS. NO. »• CAMP STRKKT. new Orleans ^UlSdMWJM IM HUlf T «1HI> KRKEM WOOD* & CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING W£30HAWTS- . a Vo. f»6 yf'tsoziM Strut, ojvpotilt tht Mnutk r>f Homk 4lint, NEW ORLEANS. I.A. rf- PartKnlai 'Mention paid to the sale «f C< ► 1" rON TOBACCO. AND OTHER PRODUCE— he c.dlecfK»p * v remitta-ee ef Fned»- the ■>arch*i>* aim! «bipi»er» of Merel»in«lue •renefaHy. THOMAS I.. WHITE, B00HSF.LLBR & STATIONER, VO. U t AVAl> »TRPETf, NEW ORLEANS. LAW. MEDICAL, MISCELLANEOUS. AND SCHOOL. BOOKS M3TIMO ?A?£H, 111 Ctp. LttStr and !fttr IfVappt*? paprr af Mmti f Hl»e» QriLUt, STEEL EKXS INN, A Ml a ceaeral inHIwai »f Blank Inki. Country Merchant* and Teaeher* at, ie<jue*leo t« call and examine the Stock. feh.13 43 It JAKE* HATIHEHK4 CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS All r01IISSI« SERCirmS, MuirulmrY i(f*U torn m aaut or NAILS, WINDOW CLASS. COTTON Y ARNS ice.. No- S3 WALNUT STREET. Soath of (Ylrakia, Ciociaaoti, Ohio. Rerr* to—T. /> . Mtrrkk A O. **Ao. R. »««*. Wottrr MlcJbril, H hwn. D. G**4rr (t Cr anW /•«4 Hawkins I i»t!e Rock. Eei» S. 1*50 —?—H—ly ni;\j>ni\ (4U,e\di:k, swtnrtt to W at. T. Caatta A C'o. ) .V* ti i>f 44. Fc*ri Stm‘. S**n» .VuMriwfn, HPORTER OP PEilER IS FORKIGS A DOMISTIr HARDWIRE. H AS a contract aaop'y of Hiuam a*» Crr t.E»T to the traje of the Soothe e*t. fn>M aa n peraroe. of !»*atj yeare in the tra.'o of tbit WHTt.oa. bo i* cetsfi«!eBt that bo coo »ai>piy merchant*. cither ia porso* or bv eilh trio ttyS-c* iao ^aattUo* of free* J-ornblo, sb-c on term* tbit fhiT! bo otkAelsTT *,* P C p.irt ptlictUr attention M cauifa •oeat* o' Cottoo. PtiiriO aei other oroistt of I bo cooatnrtbat mav be ce naif net! to hint for ah'e. Soot 'Si IS49—7—T—It iMtni h nun. Jtiia a linn JOSEPH n. PIMIER A CO., I1P0RTERS 1M YMLIS1LE PEUERS N FORK1UA AID DOMSSYIO DTIT acoss. 41 CAMP—NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 1*. ISSO. S-1—It A. f. COCI1KAA A IOh lOIimiOS JfcllilMS, IKIVRIIR& IM Dralrn ta Fore me a aa4 Hoot.ik FRUITS, NUTS, WINES AC. iVWDEK! 1‘OWDKR!! 4 GENCY of Ao ftirtn'nl **CA»T*:»I PuaJer am. Contra*,*' is Kep Hal*** an-i Quart ere. aati CaM «4 eoe aiO 6<o p-inM. {rWaa/wf Snptna.' I* an*, H a arirtwW No 17 TcboopatonUA Stmt, Now Orieaa*. January »S, ISj*. —7—IS—1» NEW WHARF BOAT. A . GOAD A CO., G E X E R A L A GENT S. COXIISSIOS IXPFfRffIRinG lERCEim 54APOLKOX, ARK. THE PROPRIETORS Wee *arehaao<! aa «a> Itrriy are; boat, with apfeadM accoana.Hiatiou*. It etli »ffra amp4o and reeare etertfe room for *ifM ha > :ret! Us*, at»i la cayaate of aceotniooca l l|y ^n«»of»t« Tb-y an prepared, aa iuRtafara, to uo aaaiiro ** A(riH>. t* Rtoniff, Fare ir >. sod Pay I'haryn Tbey anew t* r'.if I portae eiar at teaton la all ire moos* eotreetod le ineoa. TU» IVoivrietore ani. faaiaM tail li o boat «r»il <ttM lie tiaprciaoa ef aay toaaraoce usbee in Abe i’aited Siataa itrttticts: A 8 Sh aw St Co , ffrejiii. fm. Ji*t» Hnat»i>.< ft C A Mta »at.\ ' }.» Tumi A Co , > S H. Trvmra > Li! t Rori-. Art. T. I>. 44 r aairr St Co , 4 M .Si GltAiaoab A C»., » y r, W atrere SaaKOa.It Co. ) ‘ Soot 1«. 1'5# I -It ip-Cm. b D<». e»py. W. MITCHELL, 4b CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Dnlm tm C—*» l>r> , Gra«rti> Ac. NAPOLEON. AKK S. .Mere* *» ISS?. 30— «f. *«gar and t'®H>e. Xi ) &ijT* SwM S:9 Csffee t/l’ I Hai*. Pnr^ rJt *fo»a ?•*»*. ■■ ctar* rad « - ky T. l> MEKEiCK A CO. No. y I«3«!.-$— »-U Partridge Book 4 CASES SiMt CkH Bcete. i Cun W'o«frw)l ±* Homo, jm itctmi »4 f« m*t ty fWc IT FATHERLY & CLEMENTS. ^OLDJKRs' LAND WARRANTS, it* HW O Kr*i ~*ch. It! mi« by Muck U WM- R. WAIT 3R-lf Krr'd per vi 8 PS LA AW; W* C» Clpn; «,*» nm« >4 Spamdi W ; IS jRi Cryckes*; W BnaH; j to *t Waak.c; SO V, $» <W, S) MW Ftrer-, S W Gi», Re JrrSl M TANT1. Received perSHeai 1hi pi re, CASES M I’jd'en; t/U 9 Mt* da k ti *fa«R, -rtrj *m> I <t* 0<e»j**, tar; j a.» Ww PvaM*. so iW f—*k Cuk^i. Vm; . ii «• Hr**&i t' ju*. mmhM F.-ueM M TANTI. J«« SI. J*'>t so— J Sew < km jtM reeeWea their Fat! .Hew THE aa Uwl WWte* Sock, m«W'm » pan. tf Mrvmm era BtcaeAed P»»i»lci, Frerek. Eagfiwh *mi Awricas PHak*. IWet Aiyaee Hwtri, Uto' tWa »4 Nwrti*| CV.r*, UiM- Wkio BUek Shppce*. Ukn' tH CUotH’ Unc Ech. r*M«k Anifetal F*«*n A pwnl awwnt srf Be Or. St in. Hrrierrr*. C«u*ry, SaiikUry utttunaw*. erhseh tWy «R all ekat b( CASH aC«t»tn P*oJae» fatherly a. cLEMEjrra. Dae I7.1S$0 Cure/ Hair tW M»kLa Sir OKiliiEY (YB LEIBYY, [CST I S* W*H J da r*kti tk-u With* fo»j »it M.TANTt q q q q q q q MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT m r* «*r Melt. the W. Or Sore. oad the »*/Jhimttd, ‘ We irmg glaJ titmr* *f gr><* Tkr Veltiair Oil fna Mciir* ||m Song been know* to p-wes* within ttoelf wonderfully soothing, healing and ematiw pr-opi rtirs, ■ ad hasbccw gli wtrfr **sed by the Aatee* Car Hheumaiwni. Suffixes* <4 Joints nr and 6-r •I! kinds ofSnre*. ITcer*. Burn*. Wound*, Hand Lump* ,w Tumors, six} for all km.fc I I'ams or liiAammatoaf m Man or Beast. The happy erwubmatron of thw wonderful p»od action , f nature with other powerful term dies in the Write** Mi*las| l.iaimrat Render* it one of the owwt perfect remedies ever offi-eed to the afflicted. Its actum upm the orgam jutton a truly wonderful. It* volatile, penetrating. acothm# ami beating propertiesdiiluse .iirmn lvo to the very benca. It eaten into tha car illation of the bn»*i—gives a new uiipuisr to the whole ivr viMtsaretem to the v«ry extremities of the tafrtt and toes—atiasu Infos the ahaorbent* am! seer>f.>«s. and thus assists tut me to throw off am) rid herte-.f of anv difoased m-tir.n of nerves, muse tea. eh-'Ms or iigaiaeot*. making it equal!' applicable to sores o* any k iid. neuuw: -in. uaius tu auy part of the '.sal*, from a diseased aetsoit «f any of the stMCtura! portion^ of the sysf •■»>. Possessing these pee-innr (siwers is the reason why it a equally e(Sc ir«>oj in - i tn.i’iy ■: :: rrt nlcuuipUin**. We will give a few of the thousand* of cares’ it h*'- fo- n rff. .-fo : by si. • •i.ti .e last »-ar. A lady in Oduiabw*. Ohm. had her hand alight!) lirnssvd, took cold m rt and it aprv »d to A Frightful tlrer All over the back of her hand. Dsrtoi had prescribed salves. oiqIhh ms, washes, am.! alterative*, without doing it any good. It had been in this condition omtc than a year, when si» got » bottle of the Maa'ang Liniment, bvthe we—atodatloaof her plus., tan, and »pp. •! it as direr red. The re sult id, that m four week* the ulcer *a* healed and the hand » is well' That dorW « w buys the luiiiment by the ebsea to use m hi* practiee. A tittle girl fourteen miles freniCol ambus. had a *• vere alUi k or Ri.c unatisic. The chords of one W contracted so that the foot was drawn up a! a tight angie wuh the thick, aud the knee joint that she was obliged to walk with crutches. Three lento* of tte M.-s'ang L uuutrnt relate.! the chords, foosenod the knee joint, relieved all pains, strengthened tl:e t 'orele*, and she. in skip the rope, leap and hasp without crutch** ami without Umpiac. A man la Pituhutgh had a red bo* iron seadcaulljr run n’n ?,i* foot, ntakiiu- a very severe Waaad and Barn At the sank' tame. The pain was intense ami excruciating, threatening lock-jaw. The foot swelled very raputly, and in iwo hours be was unable to U ar any we ght on >.*, or ret it to the ground. In this condition the Mnstaug Liniment was apple d. Immediate re1 o f from jam was tne coareijurence, and in two days he went about his business ami had no farther trouble w itt it. Capt. Wm. Alter, owe of the oldest ciua'ns of Cincinnati, and long and popularly known on alt the western and southern rivers as a steamboat captain, had a'. * of' Inflammatory Kkciaatoa in h» right ana. After suffering the mewt eicractatnig pam foe s-'iue day* without a moment’s relief, he obtained a bottle of the Mustang Lrauneat, am! appiic-l it In lea* than twenty-four hours, he was entirely relieved from pai»w the son-new and stiffness perfectly eradicated. Let any doubt this in his presence, and he may give them a specimen of its muscular strength and flavabiiily ot his ••g-wid njht ann.” A man in Coviagto*, Ky., hail not been able to walk withoat Crutches for near two wan. from the efRrets of Chronic Rheamati«m. ■< He bear-! of the Mustang Liniment, bought it, and used it as directed, and n«w he is vreli, and can dance a horn-pipe equal to any jolly Tar ’ A man near Louisville, Ky , had a negro man who had canning *'*es on both his burs They were nearly rotten, and feared they would be the cause of his death. He procured half a doy- n l»>rtes of lie Mustang L. oment, and used it all according to the dire." no*. In one month til- sore* were ticaieii. John Beane it. of Petersbutgh. lit., had a daughter twelve year* oM who had Tcuta t’apttu rr Scaid Hen I The enure scalp wa* a raamog sore and hr ■ -more than > vear—dnckuMannW .!o too good. They were persaadid to trv the Mustang Liium< u'. and to their great joy, it ha* en i ttreiy healed all lie sores, and a beautiful head of hair now covers ’he bare Frightful Scal|!l Aladv in St. Louis had * soreoit the topof her h- a.1 that threatened t » spread all over the scalp. The hair came out and lefts bare spot the *<*e of * .foliar, tha- was a running aura. Sfc, used me Mustang Liniment on «k and it not only h-aled the wire. Put brought out a beauUfui nep on-pot' hair1 >!i- is »w uaiag it t • tress her hair, and »n i* is the !«■»; Hair T»tuc she c - r saw. w;t.„ it iiives a lieautifulhy *Wvs*v 1-he a^warane-- tothe hair, that she had never s i ceedol a obtaiaiug before. Them are but a re w of the Uujusaiids of e .... s w a,--, da. L-s.- ., . .. m *; j^r-^ l0 rrmtr*. For Itarves and other iiumil.. There is nothing ran be ontpared to the Maitaag Liniment, in thts speedv ami permanent rnre-<f Strain*. Brawl Out*, tkal to, Cnafc*. Scralrhes, Sweeny, Pwt Evii. Pistu.a. Hu’ Head. Spavin, ii ng B»ae Splmt. Wind Gail. Cracked herb oe any wound. «■ ffnes*. or unnatumi eii'.nrgetneot of !-in. nr uiunci- A livery stable keeper nf thweity iia lv isatei h ere ;nh,- prized Ten ntghiy. that had a large Rmc-boee .m both lede*. The horac was tnpie-eiycured, and his limbs left perin-tiv smooth by -.he use of tba Liniment. To Country Merehnnt*. Eitiy »»«' ahoai i be supplied with tha valaab e Lirnmen-. t? t pny* a red prefit and s- 'Is rapidly. , > Canlion Extra. \ CrMaav wdi try to mdace yon to bur Nerve and Brute Liuuuea; -rs ue ■ >t ^r equit ■ «r >r .. s •rash, by saying it a ;-ist is gmi as the M eaag Ljusi-.r B : : > out be >. . Te,i: v ,v • f ■ . .. Luanmeat, and buy o ne xaer. a»i you will no* he duappo ttieil The name a b’own oo-.a- ’**: ... Price* of Ihe Limarat, I:ic vise.;o■-n-e.>f the increaseddemaad, we are -upr ng ip Z5 eenf, cent, aid .irl - Hen. The t .eat bottles contain three bore* ayntneh as the cent size, and th. ,ir 1 * f r.aseg as touch as the S’? cent sue—m that money will he »vy! inbflyi-.g he large bottTc*. J. ’ Pnacipad Ifopiit at BRAGG 4 M LKAN'o Lh c At. re, own. r Third m*j >U-ket streets. Si. Lous, Msai-ir.. TT Drugyvsta awl Country Mercia tit* suppi, ! <>a bberal terms. J. W. TAPPE. Whole*mle ,<oa[ Little Ro^k, Ark. ' _\__ _ _ 9; —! y. April *. iS5i. Lands in MPretc loanty for Sale I^PON •cC',orao>I*'jnf terras, tit- f>;Vnrme tracts of istt-ii 5:' :Vr-l npoo Hsyca la— w, m Dtew O'uu v, Arkansas :' S. E- fraction qr. sec. 7. Wnt Hall arc. 7: M half wf X. E qr. sec 7. 'V. i f sec. h: W. ha!' ,i'S_ E. qr. see. $: ail .1 *• ■»»:. p 14 south ranee treat. T ■• se lai'Is are *in fv 'he N*$t ,n the State , Arkansas; well rtiiW. .n « titrwri*< neifhb*'! hood aftd o»av< »,«-nt tor sa pptn^ prodace. For terns*, »«m to L. A. VUrrCLEY. Little Rock. March 22ti. 3'—3m. OLIVER \ CO., HJXE .v SPIRIT MERCUAlS, rOR^KtOr WhlX *>D NtIKBtN ST. Oil Put Ofitt (V»»r. It’ST Received a fine a.** trtwe "it of choice ati-tles for Bar Scox-ei. a-i Fnnu.y >se, ••n -:suss£ of F ne O ’ P Id ffjt; Ma<5- W ae. Br wn < rrv H ;~e: Par- Sheer. W oe: CaUuba W.-„ Lmsnsotth Ohio; Claret W-.oe, Supr Ju.» : Bras :v. Cognac: Brandy Ch-roes: Loudon Gib: Mo iiVU Wli ,<H: S 1 Aiej Brown St :*e: Natural Strip: Muscat de Fr 'nrwnan: Mar*, haso: Cataca.'. Maahr**— Catsup; Wnr . asters tire Sare.nes; Fresh A »;nt• * : Pres> ret* Ac.. Ac. Little Kick, A pan 22- »-tf UI F1VILI STORE. nORKIMI* A. CIKTCR. 0» Kut nil if Eiit it., int hrt*i - rrwr «y .Vrri-Vm ri . *wius.nt t\» aeraiL las FAMILY. STAPLE AVD PASCY SrKtrif*. FwmtMV r»a«try Pradtre. it HAVE just opened, um the since heteioiuce oe e spied as a Tin Shop, a ietieral assorta&a of esert lh:»/ ta th*- r h*e. comprising a a'ret variety of FAMILY SUPPLIES than ever twite offered in the* market. T&e r frveada, aa«t cstsmas teat rail a. ace n»it*d to call aat auciae them stuck before pmtamag else where, u they are de ter— -.etl to sell at low 11 the lowest, ht c*-n >t oaatrv produce. Little Rock, April 9. Itfft. 3*3—U. TYPE FOUNDERY. GUILFORD A JOJfES, WO. 1, - fair -— —I I. Swcm* isr—wr w4 hi»*w. »», CIXCIXXJTI. OiOO. WemM respecuiiilv tafom th*«©VI P«':oi» —<. Pr alecs inattUy, that they have (ewovtd the. Po jsAerv. to the ha,. ju me* formerly ®cc«p*e*i ai the Stereotype F- iwicry awl Pr atiar btaSiah Kara!M K. SHITtRU. Where «Ary «rv P~t/mr*4 •» FarawA .LyUsj a the*' Lear FOSTERS’ PRESSES! Tail iu *t*» A-sawcs. pml F—Tta’* mss, citi, h r»viR frei.aka Awd la Hw, will PM way IM.r h, PPJVTIXO MATERIALS, it tic Akrtcst \Va> W a the limit E irt? -1 PRICES. Hat si Hat* ll . )i \ IS*. Palm Leaf Ilia. »U I “ Pmsn 2 - Jr«»« L a*" Hvls * “ T aaapo-o ** 4 “ C«n,-p«aehy Received wc P. Peamit and fnr sale hr JOHN D ADAMS Maaeh }S 1M1 Stenaafaar lady W U»kejf. DA 88LS. »>.^h«y l>0 J half hftla. •• y fctLj. <mA Rye dn Reeeived a»J i*x Mh Vy JMO- a May 30, 18AI—». M. Patrick’* Hair Collegiate Institute. LITTLE ROCK. THIS establishment » bow opened on L-mwao-i sautt l*‘( lb-:- I'fnitssMn of day pupils—ami ij 13 expeevd after Kate time n afford accomodatum to z bovto. The C»uw of education will embrace. 1 : p.'imw- 2-L Tic Mcrtaaftfe, ami Ini The Class,rat ami tVpartmcnts. TERMS—Per -|y*rter of *«b, paya'-k a adr«nce for the Primary Dr^uutmetita which .n cfide 8fw tii. Reading and Mi rr n • feh 00. Pur the Mercantile. which include* A-;t hic. 'ic. Belle* Lettra. Ehretitiou, Go e? i| ■> s ilwt/.r *«<; M aira'on ft i»>. For the C assicai oaT P!,: Ca! : ; ar'nit wh,< ti -i ;«•* w«*c‘L*;r »'.*h what u> wt ir..’.>:*d in the M-.-f. ic ic course ; site Lati? . Greek, Prvnchaad Italian a-ic , a.•a ; the sernceoi A : iclrt, *»e«t».;ry, Ttve-arsni- :> with Natural and Experimental Pf.iloe>-pj-y #12 (*>, DIRKCTUKh tun fROVE^OKV Rtr. PATRICK REILLY, Kite PATRICK BEHAN Rrr PATRICK MARTIN. Lcie R,«ek. Mirth |S. ;*.V2. 2*-!lw Spring i'loihtHje. VLARGE i.nd beaatifol assortment of SPRING CLOTHING, rree.-red pwr Phillip PvnavwR, awl for sale bv JOHN IX ADAMS, Steam'* at Laclm/. March i>. 2‘J—tf. iL.-4C.aT AtKCTUMO. Gko. C. La W tuul At.lOLB ! !l»C. ARMSTRONG. iTvSVRASOX A CO. Commission Herehant*. .’*» Mwii-ar street, M£W OR LE A H S . March 2C 1*51. 25*—i> 1 *20 \rw hpnns ko«N<«. Pieces latest r> W Bara,--;*. 30 •*. printed Muslins. 7 “ late sty le Sfi’ks. 3*A> “ aworted Calicoe*. 30 “ '• Gingham*. 2'J “ Cottemadrs. 3 ** Bt->wu L a- re 20 “ OttiaRa. 2 Bale* 3 1, 7-3, Alt, Br--w» A Bleh'ii DwBfc-J’KS. •5-4. w-4. if-* ami 12-4, Brows aa-i B.<..' ! She--: nr*. 3 jwee-e* 12-4 Liftek Sheeting. 22 “ I rah Linen. G lores Cravats. Poe art Hand here h:eP*. S .law Is. Apma Cheek*. Osuafe-t**, i TnfeveLas, Par**«i!s Nrrr r-M.-d*. Re Ac., Ac. KeCei*-d per P. PenavWitt, and fcr »a!e { »•*; in: t-mk s* JOHN U ADAMS. M arc a 2A. i s\ *. ffu^rtarttu I.n-B v. sTATE OP ARKANSAS, , r. _ . I WT. Lot \*t or >».*ijta. > h tit Staler t -wwtf t'umrt. faiewarf Tm HKi Ftkntmry. IS*1. W .i:ii K ee», Rtt litmtr, i r*. > ?• ;&;» f*r D- .-of*, Ra< bar' K OtjrodnU S VNO \«>W. on this -lay came the -m-i pet: Lootr h- hw *->bci«»-r. and ft appearr-tf 1« the *rti*fcei>A,, of the Coert here, Mb’ b y r-ra-ton M the ahw-v.e >4 th- ,atd dr?e»ti»trt jw can mt V tt.-s-d ■ -, hr >. *f. * -a- ~e I* 3 ‘f'-r-f-.r-. ,* - hv •»...■*•, • .,• *.•< dch-.danr i he i-.-uSe-T of 'aep u.- nc* -if lAjsto.d, h* p-ibh ttlw* >« <*e Vrttmi.- Banner, a newspaper prn;i ■rd ia 'hi* Siwtc c»-*. that UJle-m* the •lef- wdnat I* sab apfaea. an at beLwe the hr*' oar of the unit Term or ttvia C-w*rt, at a court to t-e Holden at the court- hn -.te in 1st count* of Set i t. on the imrd M ia \n?.o#t heat, are) plea), answer or .Je •«r latte petiGuBet’a nd pe"’*c.i tiu> same wut se to a m as owfeaaed * el a 4wa e r». r. ler-j) ae (»edirw:<: *ad a « (arher a»>f. red hr the Court, that a c»p? of tauMWder he |»ah. anted » *aad paper for two weehj by two »utcwwi*e »eek,r -.otertenta, the last iraaer:*** thereof <a by at feast Swii waeka 4 b-rhwc the c-.«u»:occiuetrt of the treat tcroi of U.« CV. -sr% a-dii wb-e.S tawe tha cause a c-u>t:!t -red. A tr-se eopr fr-uu the o--orrf Ttstc. B. H. KINSMGRTHV. Cfee* Mo- 20, isai- n-2» C** 'PTEt—V* Bar* p*-nw R^ - / Be*cued and few j»te *■* I Kay !••? WM H W ATT PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEY A T L A VV, mtti.f. ruck \rk Oct 1, i_ «. I. BR AN BEN ltl K(.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAWRKNCBV1 l.I.K. ARK’S L f'Oftifi' »n ft*' H St. I ▼ p'nnr»« amt ¥ ’hi* Umi fir* rui? ; h* rf !V«K» »**<♦ \»\*r«M«. »n ?N«* •rr^H C*hr,»»*, »m| ■' *■ utj **» »>>» £♦>* ('iu ai*. t«of Mitt par «?nrt at* ? * *K** ><*r> of M« in p#i? »Ln ;»*•? t» i»t nf> a* ***•♦♦* tVif ihn *»*V r»f Ni ^i»f tl»M, Af R**«t tn V *n?vw» ro , !*‘~l 17. I5M JOHN T. TRH.^, ATTORNEY AT LAW*. lli:NKV *1. Hl ( TOR, ITT# R X E Y 4 m*SEU#R AT LAW. Ottfcr hi Bcntnii, nnlim* ruu>t),i Il.L PK Al'TICK ia tide ConAiim at' SaJiur I T Ifot Spritt**, Perry. Moat|«m«ry, and thr court* at Lillie Rock. Any hnat’ina entrtwted to t»«i* «riU r»eri»» promp' attention J. It. JOHNSON. bfifTON. AKKAXVVS. May 21, !SoO. 3? E. 4 1 11 VIIN*. Itfamry aid fonavller at Law. A\n SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY LITTLE KOOK. AKK JAMF.S T. BROWN. A TTOR.VE Y .IT LAW, Arkan«n« p^t, irk., Will practice hi* profession in tha Second Judicial Circait, *»d w!l attend to the roilectiou of debt* and the tnvoetlgatiou of iaud claim* ia every part of Arkansan t-lti B. T. BI VUm 1TT9R1IT i.MtfOl%SEUAtt IT LAW, ANO SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, fort smith, trkHnaaa. K. H JOHNSON, A I lorn# jr at |.» h , Lnrut Race. Am. JOHN R. ROKI>i:\, Attorney at Law. Rfsidri ia Lfwitvillf. LafarMlf f onim ftrk 4 ND will procure in the rou-Uof the fith Jmfl TA eiat district. AH basinew ronlt.leil to hie man Jf-meot, will receive prompt • ndfaittifiila'tenlion. LAMBERT A. WHITELEY, LTT9R\SY tT UV. OFF ICC ns y.fRKH.fV STREET Lrm.K Roc*, A aa asses. JAMES A WILSON 1TT8RUT 00 COlYSELLOIl tT U\Y vn.M ii.i.r:. taa tms. DAVII) W. CARROLL A2’i Disarm Alt Ml tic Rock. maJRly} txtsttl JOHN 4tllM.IV trruHvet a rimibkiK it lid. iu solicitor n runriii. OrrtcR—, Union cotinty. Arkansas £ i«. 111:111^11:11), ATTORNEY AT LAW, fruit OR MARKHAM S VHKK 1 lUTii tuck tan s. I tl J. H. TGHRKTTM. ITTIRIEY k COimiLtlil IT L1 W, F»f«lti’Ti!|pa A rK nnoiti. •;*0. c . W ATK! AVM L'kJlA* W ATkIYh Jk ( I RRA Y. YTTORNEYS AT LAW, LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS I MA* A. (OWY1V. ITTORUY IT l ltY.httnKRU LIYit UiliYT. LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS, ATTEND td tii« '.ullwUttO of debt* iu T f -iy : art of iU« ^Uk, to r>u j iu$ auu ***-*Hh*j; a30e, paying Uiw, ruomiiiikf Uoo* forfeit*?.* for l*X9*, S.<: il-* ip authort£«*Aj to »i*il tnum^k 'tr tkrrt or four "tutunii y»>od yi. and ai riunp rain, tar tank. To o»are «UguU«m,comiftBoicitioBi iuubI S .»•-»*( and. little uuc.ii, lb. "— Iy LABAN M S ROl'D tltoruer and Cunx-ltor at l.a». II’ ILL prari-w'«" m the ;rl. -i N< Star' II K, >*jt». i»' Carrol --nrir*. Kes»>n<’e near Crooked Creek, Carroll en.. Ark S. G. S ffl IT H; ATTORNEY AND COLNMLLOK AT Paixt cree, Dium « , A as*. LAM' »-lL JltMII A S. TIOBKIv mt/awi tw »«i well** ir itv, IOCKPO*T. HOTSPAXNG co.. ARK Apr fJ, 54-sf. MW fl.OTUlYli.' MMf ■ i few N- » Ok.-,u*. a larr< •3(1 vr* <*••• «j*3TUb ' *.• w ao^t I a* ft unable Ckittou^ Particj-at aMarnsjoa .* caaiMssi t< a SW st-a*k of Slower ClriThiii«. For sale «/w for cash, *a-i for earth oa ir ! E. XAKCLK. Li'lie R'« k, M»» iO, 1WI. Mum ttr^rt. n iKBi.e urmu: Tomb*, vfwmifliFuis traie-Moies Ac. I'«r«i!ikc4 to order* JOSEPH C LA Kk, Sim**-CmH*rt (i*t« .%«* O»l**nt., J*‘X* «a»t te (RlMWt ci um u LlHU IUf k M't tfc* Up k%» <*f*r it**i «j «*l/.biiw«ri>’ un Streei, \ * ijount-g Wiiii*u G(Of(tV ctofC,} Uw ‘b# «l p*rc ftflitjj li **c<3a o* M ARBLE WORE, Mvttr*t«** Mir* toft <4 lii ik<*M wtwiifrg ituftjg «l * tit* kiipi <iom mi * tea m»> #AfkMm«»Hkt fi**fu»er *i • m*nu r#U pru* H« «ttU k^<p u* iuipt % »t*fk <4 **•< 4«ri‘ obB-^iia , *»3 l» rp*4y U» ettU « i bit iitt »t th* iSof>-*t notice LiUJt Ruck, Ate ** 40—lT timerir*. J OHN l>. ADAM* ’ u a* her*!. *<* ad*..’o Itirrst't aeu.Kwrtere, fm »*!. , Nv f V:*c*rif m »!’•, H.lfW •*> 6**-. S«x*». t'..<i— . '■(►•re tVppe, > Ct***», rtmn e<i Mat* *<-», lou.40 *ii.i Ma^irt, t-iu Ufee« *-li Le*,. Rice ke , kf Afav_TEAS, fv.ehne.* t .oite tl.M.lak •i.4 * »*«, maa »tImperial "'*•*•*•*♦** CkrwK frWtmAl> '<*«*< Rheebaih, kr . for **«. th ■ tf, I’•AO. !*— Irou, .\ail« ami < aoUug*. i’/Uj LS> ***>!’• ' Don, Out/ K-C> N* t*wt«a* for «*. be* fct l If. k CD. Vtrtu\b 1?, i *%rv. I * turner. IH%*E. tl MW •»- *o*f, feared at; kill w tnai u «til ,rta*> -«vi at» al '<•■* ’ ate Pwmu »k» BWJf »aft core Mt it*.* A d»M *1 »», iiu» the. *1*1 ututi I ak»>1 ha*, uo ^•rsieokr 4»t far ft-aftaf Tv» I -teee a.f be ** ohm»>*«*.•**•* rbe rare* ef fol * Weed. ti> •» or I* *•». *A» ««*•• P*r *•■*** t»lf Li, Hi) —ti if D- U- W.VJH.IM. f Due Cvw 1 HE1V GOOD* IKEi RJVKIX last a-fiii. b» Heanurs j,«y,, »ml Krailv. a law h* of grants; »h*.h, „ xitluian f»i pmvnma tmxli, mutes the »• . i Fancy sad SUpu Mmhams o| m Hair ,, . '■tf m< rt iv«ipi 1 i;ve» h* put* ic, arm nwpivH'ui v ,n< ■ „ sti gicnsut* m .. . try amt :*«n, to call anti even nr the mm, A J III TT. U. o . laltk Rock, Unyi-V is LITTLF* RiH'K HH'.II SCHOOL B-artiiM «»4 Cut Sr In: < I Kjr Tanns U^ja T'llK t>-<*the** . t this >. n ins.jr ait. h» 1,. „ ,j | Ike 5Nh Sepl. (I) \ .), »t en « punctual »it,, . •tsure ol the t“u|il« W Hltwi l) ’, ir.‘ Tt*i» In*nt»itirtn» oncer |b» tsrt xt Mm *t.i 1 f Mi*- * « iMH), wpli A sets,-t T-ut-m, jy,, ewrl Urttitv 1 ..,1 n»!»i ir g ■!, rlfcfs ,• < g^, tic i - . » c .u n F- ... "*i . j h ; . j , •ptslihcst-eu, I lie tti.g; him,, hr., u I.s.r pi A. user * r h p».Vtl -ion, ih*v h» j ,, >• In to 't.r a. ntirtn. n »l.o»f hmsii sir wt, , • ' • P • ... : t Sk : mu, w,, . n , „ ***s,t;S nS'cctale nrih th. it {Vschert, rtcw it.,i iftiMitirh • nr; r«nn to law ah.i ret. * II.. u-, . fff, »'Hi !'( .(fire hsM's ot order »>nl r»<>. i e-sen'iitl in tfcr lor mstinu or dwinln F**l'«g file importance vd a through Itrowledg, of the French language, bow thdi.j,. n-<ldr tn sp. education, the tVi~C!{ si* .1 i*h to >. m{. t 4 as hr ... po«»hle the iji\|u>£r «i 'Sr e»<aMiehaarnt. Tlt\ rtf’pW' ».;« i»f,< ti e r i ite «'•> reside in !, Ni-liv. V all*? , fhr French cl*.**., wiltn u! n , chArge. TlwJ« cation ■>'■ the c !y of Grpi* Keck it heat'hfi, pleasant, am! access.Me at at! times, t#y straurtv-st and stage. Tt>e system ot education, s-si-.Uic.usty ptiramif • mu at a I'etfcel appreciation <4 what. vei t« »ttrn.j.;' r.t in t!f\ iopinftUe innrat and inlellhctuai fami'irt —erobiacii.jj a thoron-h and jj strtnatu coins#- !f:; In the element. > to the hi()ieal htai rhr* M reetriits »f *cholaryht|> amt depoitmeul are Itatiritn! led to Faientr, srhii.f e.eii judicious ihettemeut to stmty is »rfor !nil rfie school i« eor.stanlty umlet the super, isina of the Roanl ot Visitors, who, ft.,in funr to time, #■» smine the various classes, and report then pro(te«s Terms of Tnltton and Hoarst psr session of five MlHItk.. D»r scholars. Ith IVpartaierd, ^ }|f ngi “ -«d •• ' u „„ " M •• In mt " 1st «• )s mi French, Italian, Spanish «nd German, each, 1* . Sit-jtng in Choir, -- toil \l line — Fra no, Guitar, amt Organ, each. ti mi H»*p. SO rm Oiaw ti g and Pamtine. It. n» Aeoni'c ol lessonsm Oriental psiminf, Japan Work, minsmrt ol Ebony and Ivory. Ha i burij Vkork, and suit tkmrrt, eseto, ]0 on No charge lor emhionlery and ornamental needle work lloard, wasioeg, ligh's, ! . I, use ol bed 'll g, Ac., per month. ’ pi n,i Payments ipurletiy, in advance; no dethrr'iti. lor ahsenc Sess i iraronuncscv 1st Sept, and 1*1 Fi b. Ph. pits receive<l at any period, ai.d charjfi d iron foe* el entrance Mo ch sc 4 the s«»sion. tlnnrci ol Visitors. I* 1 Ic.lid Kbsiim 1 m Hon t , w Praiaaj (Ion Judge SiMo, Cap'. PlBK, Ho*. T- W Xisiri’r L tiirson M U. J 11. ( ska.r, F.srj , L. F. Haasrra, Eu|, Lr'tl* Hock, Abc 22, I did, lion. Judge Fuun, Cko. C VV trains E«|., K. II Ksct.oi, F-q . Stnj J Lawiws. lev **. II llaurs-ritn. Hen. W il. him ns 51-H. W \SBI>0ril> 1|lLB SEHIMHK VVrmpwtffitl Couily, irkw* H K iNfi uau miiott ot thie 1 u«tiiuti»u, opp&(«j 1 itiiw morainf, February Uih, C. ,P Ti'hhk^tiw r, St*|»«t«nt«*vt<i«'nc anu Pr*. faaaor of Mom! aoU t Kl^lU'rltiHl Phiio«<>ph« atiai s'^Mugfiti Lil**n»iur»* Rt-v li C I hhbatt, \ ,M Profawaot of Grpcma. KoffiaOs f rrurli am: luiiati Liftaralttia. Jahkh I'n-irui, A. M . Pr«»i***»« r Mudf rtw in th«* P/imury I *u< iaitrvftdd TKRV**: Primary Df*]Mrtm«oi. |H*r ••••aiou of 2! payable quarirrly fti advatie<», $ IJ 9i> Preparatory IVpartmvut, in w , C'oliafiate Coim, ‘Jit «“* VWnl attfl foatMimantal Mane, K!rm«*nt«oi Compomiion, 5 * luiiiatfoa 1 Nn iMuftion for abarncr onlraa in e*ai»ii of pro tra**fp^i itlnaat All at«u**nta rharf^d from tba time of their entry to th* end of the *eaoujii N B —-The *onn of ail miuiffters who »r*« eu in thr r^fnlar work of the m>n»etry or "f thoeo who are *uttenttit«at<*<j or hare died m the munetry: will ha nim ated free of charfo. Boamimhu ran he obtained in the beet fermii**. J! at from $t> to $9 per month. Parlfenlar atfenrion will he fwtd both to *i<« J m»>rai mi H.nitif of ail •tn(2tu<» | committed to oar ♦'barf©. B. T s^ANDERB, »a«feta-y. BO A R D O► T HVHTKEH flon I-'. I' V4 I 1 I KR. riiriMNT, Hon. H I1 Poindejfer K»r H*m Moorea, Rea. L. P Lirelv. Her B P Hoi, i N Jonea, M D . Mr J H >•» llftr Mr 1 WWlMHia, Hon J. I> TfM f Rea J, Cueter, 1M. I> . Kea ). J. Robert*. C t M»tdial, M. l> , Mr. W W .Andrew*, Mr Si Sandera, Mr. H. W Smith. 7—5fcf—If UK. IKIftVS MRSIttRILLl HLIMIII NIL' nf.all Ofhrr*!! Thr Kwvy of all Pill Hamf** lartr*!! B ICC'At bK fhrjr arr t^r, ►>•*»»#* and mo'c ran* u» fhifl *r?v oth**n>, niui b*ra>;»« • l#r pub <4» •*»!{ i*«Jt n*> ••* »ih« »♦ *| ahrt i an *»»:** n *iw»«. mH) tHM'M HOXMttir* m.*4 («r i*h ' Y'Vvi. WDOIJJ.M H.K \Hb Ff’MAl.F,« w» d*»>* nk*- w ■ rt) ><mI ttlttioit fHr /# PtUJi A/5 %/i/ KSH+1H Y i>*f *»*«»« **«t fc***i« Ut* it i«4 «>< [Hinfyuic (ip- Bl***«4 «*»4 ^ ■n it** *a<4>. u* no >Ui*rs—n*t U'1 i * item «■mrtlttH ip. <*r in thnm K*l. 1/• tnli and Llvt m V»nal. and pt***if* l—' <*■* upar>>>> w*»♦!*! taluMc f**t ial.h * uiftJ, iunn. Ail kuwfat <4 ■* •.«ii»cf - ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS VC W4^t irti iiMtf UH‘1*- ,ICMHM* CPrfiArHk*" a.J*'tsy i i-n« <«^ «*h» r* n* **n4 r»T|^ • • Jt* »t* rStr *»• !». *»• *‘<hr-«-N fftlajt ‘ *f ip* *«•** ' W>KT! HI. Li* Aftft I* A »**A «** -44 *1 I2» « tkw«, »* .*?i ium uvti» rtinfk Wtrufc««aM** WikH' *CCOMf* as i »*f rap* ft b< . Th*-« »4*'y n«» ttu-tr nr «r«r.: «***tl, Itw ffaa <tup| <w |p.«4ri «if •*»* k*<*4, !•« fcu ffipa Us* iifAtuM ii WT i'5.. n- • * /xit4.fia * **«4 Iwlit * •. Tiff Y ABE & MM ST UXTIMK*, A ml ad>*s|4«k4 »n ww«*t Aitm**-* • omapm m «« * i* ’ *<» «** ftmvm* wr** *akri» »wm - «M '*r **•■'» **^ Ut LAkr lnj Uib* IP, W*«r*u*«- lW> ttuLl *iw *,« 4*< (pW*, *** !lw * 4if» «»*, tj»/-n fK* **ftt-r* s*ifl fW * B L'»4> . tt** pr««fw>» n« %n<4 tt. tHuf* tur~t « • ,r<^ kW /If.aHffiil, :»*• JMWi «f lii »r«P « ah»*'“*" i'luIiK. iimm , §nto4mU • { in* ( mWHl) *4 ¥**"*■• -*'*' •* n^iuhaf '4” 4»fl* w*I iMUPi^'A* af fiwla*i''JfR* * * V-ttR, B*-I*.*.. Baiucrp **•. Ilt . ujkd AM***ufr Afc«f • i* ■ >* IWf *k nasrPPM fp Ir'mAtrr -<«i • ’ 1 f tfc- ee«ro«i "#» Hk (pMrl <—it * }4** - ■* |A*U, u**/ f* .. w«At«*. *4*4 nnU** ♦ *■-• »**•■*• : t tut* 'Ip ! nUe.l iNal#• Prf«ri|M} I«« l*«4y*» fNiyywar- \ s ^ • I ■ rwfh -*i . Plulaii'l>ii>a -»4 «*44 » ia4*^w* I J . LiMl* B*p n, ft W4»-rr**».i«, % aa **•- • * M a Ml N H il^i gs*t» iu»4 -v*«’ *■» ;*-t- a tf» • 1 ImtAP-4# - ro«part«pr*)iif. Or*. Watkins & siwr 11’ Ji LV i«*prrtf4U> »t ft* <»li f ? *pf.* «l Lt l4 K4H 4. **»<J *904CW*lS tM'+i i*j lAt sv++irf, »’#*► « *♦•**«*$ »t. «> a c«>•;»•*‘<r #!a4*#» *<» *?*/ oi M«4»f 4*pd kft fpff'inK -i* +m*A dl ^ ftfvmplil,. I** CWM Sd C|Mf(*<49( t#**1*1 ui {WlMI |(* 0l> c^oaccaA aiA«>»tw Unimmu a? .A**/ '.JU* if* K. 4 t utJ<' /T'* r ot U* ' srl M* &toli lift*1’*, « Mi w* *** L /ut UmM, (Mi. t j. IsJu li PitUkNr* and Onion-. RKCF.iVED f*t AaMKi *»-• “ 2» . !>.ii f'ltA fuUfon. I<* " OlWM, J»„ p». >Hj*o. Vutf ;SM> S). ADAM* PKOV |S|»>S I ? J AIH f'**h Bt'tw, 1 # h*g* Pip K—, h Br/ie* :*in C>- • 2 •«*» «M« SrtM, 2 Ub»* A pi >*, 2 *• (So P»»eh*,. C Stria Otjioe*, I Stri. *it -: P'”*' OH,;«•) »«w4 f"f l v M i UKHLV A CLEMr > D*t *»>»» 17. la*U i’mtton Heed, JTVT imf— Vi »'V*V1 of Dr Pr»s».<l CtA 'Hi «ca—. *»*! Se» —• « *■ ' . A i TT L Oi* B.-rk, J:, 1'V P- •