Newspaper Page Text
I Ceairaaiai t'rlrbratiui. fir,t (T»U'nni«l eeUVetioB tf the fen«fci . Ve-rwvlr.f,,. occurred in the Mu* * .. prntidftpfci*'<ntTtte*d«y. tfe- M f,! F . iw^or «; **T B. Wood. Of I « J'f W*1 •war B. 1 hr the ocatw.i. "fee < 01 is theuie has elicttrJ til ftUited t *i of the Pot'a-hr V iftft Aiilrf- •«'*• i ^r-tv ^a-up., Pt*«i*.»r*vanis was a »[}»*« j,.r‘ish»p uf a Kti*;«; i««a* :oto:' Cel :1i3. :i:y s M i treft ri t rtir li a n: i nie ra-4M ' »■ and A ilk t PUiiadcljKii* ku cuy * tbe t*r •v/ ail lived on h?s estate ai &«» With the local assembly, three tboi '' ... , .Jis ml, itt letlffr. ab»«t money waiter **“ nt .i. • i ' ! •■ - M> '■*• *11'1 «*•»«»*< ... etc. .. i,., , -i; et« tvirrel. tii.- r<-tl tritx ni the edonuts far e'lcroacninj « r ,•< *s west of the f*u»qi»ehami nlii ,a | f 'ii. was Pennsjflrtnen—a* an ! :.e provincial authorities wei ,v 1* »• t tv a«res*o«.away, « tlK“ onl the form-. At the same m he French were buiMmf fort* on the Oh ijhan*; and <;• **« Washing on, with h <• r 'aty c ntn sum S# hi* pocket, was pri ; '..r,.,, l ai-'t am w.-mb was l ' , ,i.^ . i *. fr.ibten off the mru-ters, ar th.. en • Pr-uch an t Indian war whic I r hr. <• -Mi*.. deluging the bortlew ot I V; i ami V «:ma w.tb ! a al. " h*t a ...... . 7%, •(. IV,i, in I* nsv.vanmL \\ te-re a * Kf 'pnciifips, t!i»j in" a. the French ur |.a in,‘n w’ The wilderness has vanished; tl ■ ,s cultivated; :wc and a quarter Million* ■ ipy lit ' wh !e expanse of territory fr a t l>!a»a-.' ' the ilk-; a thousand towns at '. a a-* diveriif*' t.V * ne. which is a;.inn'ecl 1 s-eiai. tae \- .rapU. the railroad car. and tl s„ of f i-na-'s and the rattle of mills >1* ,K i .3(1.1.' seen and heard in evei ! i Kroner of the commonwealth, f,,\;S’ 1- is but a moment of time; y : i' meat-:it was msTs- 1 by the American revs j.,-.. r,y • s. i tu • hospital a nation wi I, 4.|J ..-pende ace ififen to a coalmen an i a gre.r. |> .pie. ten fold a> many as the pe> ;i y iniv.vantS, >»v- arisen, who have sprea • •:«.. v-s ft., ;• the Afiln'ic to the Pacific, ju. as Utt.-f have done from the Delaware to tl Lak no nook Mu-l Amusing scene. I few weeks smte, while tour: was sitting . ..i Lanur county, Teiav, and while the ui era A Mr. Tucker was •. ! with lsw»cfj, litigant ■ ics, Ac i r w is e - nta tted opon tfe premises. w::u most ludicrous circuit «t»n -u. Mr. fur ktr arid his numerous guests li 1 to their b- Is a: :.e usual hour, ami alter a.git >f profound «a<l mdisturbel slumber awok every son it the n, costless and pants lora.ess—»> n ‘ dating thief iia I entered their sieef mg a.iir.j/.a.j. an J - arri-.-d otf every rag of clod mg ii it to e- ry soil in the house. Tl At-., r.isv: intimates tuat when the fa was known, and the thing understood, a senes i tableaus vivants, ol die most ludicrously latere tiog ,. ire, w-.-re offer t by the garmentless lodi er< ,e sif-r.-ra themselves laughing long an h-.-atiily at ridiculous hgures each other ru wade saving and dodging about in search of the clothing. It was not Ion*, however, be f r- .. in,is ug garments wtre found stacked 1 the p .tdic snuar -. whither the burglar had cai n . them; and now came the serious feature t the business—every pocket had been rummages every red eem taken, aii were empty. Seven emigrants had lost ail their money, and the law y-.r> atten l -iv t • co trt were reduced ton pat wit Its .» 10 'had the day before lined the [• - sets for them. Some four hundred and <xl d ars was the net profit of that particular night' » i to the enterprising projector, who got entire iy jff undetected. To have Green Henna, Pens, and Corn i VA inter. \ t-nt-nan says that he saw m January grec peas as knee u ,t .it.- to ail appearances, as they wei i pi it I.- : from the vine hi e or *u months bt f T ie in'ie -if preparing them is, to picl w . n -it the proper *.*e for eating, saell mi l caie fully dry u k'li us in the shade. All the car necessary s i prevent them from mould ug; ttoi done, thei wii; be fine and sweet the foilowiu spr og. deans may be preserved in the same way and with perfect success. lireen i ,rn may be preserved in the follow in manor I’i ri the ears of green corn when tit fo !-'• strip offhusks, and throw the ears.ui a kefle of baling water: leave them in unti water bm. over them, when they must b a . n out: s.ieii off the corn by running the pron 1 ' ' amig the bus of the gra n, holding tji ** v l one eii 1 against the breast—this is tuor a--, cis. au-J save all the gram, including th vr >: germ, which is the sweetest part, dtter being th is prepared, it in ist be spread on ’ 1 o". cloths, in a shady; airy place to dry. I .viu.i lie stirred every day until dried thorough VV hen cooked, it should be put in cold wate j it h •! t about a.i hour or more, the water to b ' -veil buied off. H hen the water is near! » . ttie milk added will improve the tas'e. Mah»/n Tnbimt. Khmhj Done by Rale. some.young lady whom-practice has doubtle: c ;«r.. lay* down a rule for busing. VV g.w net own wards: T .-r .. u much difference iu kisses as in ind v.: ua.n. sad I am sure that I should not like to t ki- —i •' every on*. No, indeed, or some woul v • si a an overwhelming smack, it would .. li; Now kissing ran be reduced I r i s. one ir .v > if which 1 will give. The hea shii.l v.i s ie turned slightly to the right, a s lrh :i '■ i lives grace, and prevents the cot cusaiou ot tn it factory organ. The lips shoul ’ben lie pi > 1 ej.jsoly and sweetly together, t ' ' J !l*‘ » tar .f the long kiss, but no striae . a. i N. h-*r i. 1 speak particularly on this suf ;• , -icause 1 consider kissing a part of naturi ait " Cause lew people appear to understand th 'a . of a kiss, and the manner in which sue sa.ntation with tint lips should be rendered. 1 >ung gentle eu should post the above, in th wti ol their hats, so that when they visit the Hit arts, they may go through the motion b ■f improved rule. Horrible Dream. • beard n laughaule joke which a her i- - i husband got upon his Mrs. Caudle. II •: horn her railing for many a long year, till, on •hi while she was blustering away abou ' “*■ °f potatoes, tiour etc., he remnrke lvry pathetically: j r i.o, I had a dream last night—a very quet '-—a : .t givesi:c some uneasiness. 1 dreamt r.a; ( was taken sick and died.* Urii, if,; was no more than that.* said th 1 I w.sti it ha t been more than a dream.’ o l, this is rut a,),' sa.d the husband, ‘ 1 wen ■*. ’"* * wil> 0 I got there 1 enquired of one c mpii (or tac U..1 Devil utilise, f, and waasuow ■ s presence. The old fellow recognised me a ■ and said to ine: Have you come here t 1 I told him I had * ‘Veil, | e.m’t have you here,* said be. ‘for i ■IV, when J crush dit-s she’ll come—and be * he in tin uproar all the time:’ i • ‘ after the completion of the narrative >f th ■ in here rr.jv a shower of eullmarv ulema •Jout Ins head, which made him obliged to see .utters eisewb. re. ull hi» JerusVs w.ut.u subs: Mr. Webster's Habits of Life. 1' Webster vu sixty nine vea» old last F During the whcle active period of his 1 - ■-« r: 1C ) very eariv, and does so still—oftc fin‘ o’clock than after it—and get: ■ u’h more work before the majority of law • •talesmen have breakfasted, than most of * >r’of them do m the whole day. In • r season, when he is at Marshfield ot '* ■ t he is genera,|y outamoV his fin h -vs ire and health, bv four >’«!«,* m "r ’ ns- ’’’1 ,a the co irs.’ of it,e forenoon he o • «• -u-re miles, with b:s gun if i hia ! - more fish, than most young spot,si • . Wlc'’ 1 be time His spirits are gener . ?• (>rhl* ^*?’f»y.etceptwhenann •he business ol the country; fan cite •cs a- • unimpaired; h- is as quick of hea was—much more so than some i bare ... n: and he can read the finest’nr , “ apec’acles, a* he could at twenty • hu physical powers art prtfrvrif, a ,1. bis ag. , and a ... faculties, his marvellous mem V. 'laP,:,tis w»*h Which he can co-nmani ■' *5 «*»urces, his wiae judgment of aff at. ’ !2!!enP?ret~l**'re* 50 f ,nu‘daMe as w wondwli?1 wtbese are 0 »»“«*»«*. and fill , «« ail who approach him.--Ifware Com The' W'rfcfc ««4 Wiilw itim tiffin. e ; Th" New rorrcspondent of the Thiladelpbrn i- ; Bulletin. in his Irjtter of the 4th iruit , sarr b. " The WrWi and Will,* controversy, which we . I ho)*ed tvs* ail** need, has broken out m a nft *h*|>c wbifli v" afford rant fond for the gossiping appe i tue. ( Mrs. M.irr J. Onldringt i, wife of Smith Cod ; dringtoti. of Raharav. N J , and daughter of the • late Henrv Inman, is. or a ippoec* h-rself to be. f: the perano rotated w by <’*!. Webb, *• having tieen *r“iiteed by Wilfto. She ha*. with her hus ! " | hand, Sled a complaint in the Supreme Court, ! • | against W, bii, in which atw yceites 'he fart of her ■ I having corresponded with Willis. The eorr^spon j '• denefe, she says, began l>v her writing to Willia to disavow the authorship of a work which he had i ir! attributed to her; it was kept up for two months 3 without hor parents' kri nr lodge; but she aolemniy " 1 avers that Webb's •• barges of imputitv againxt ner * are wholly false. So far from her father belivmg iier guilty, and dying ot a broken heart, she aver* *■ that, to his last ho rr. he had th»- musl perfect r.,n ' fidenc in her integrity and virtue. '■ | “She says, however, that her father de«. ed the " , letters hu hid pass-? 1 be'w, en VViliis and herself, s ' should >_■ dive rod up, and deputed James Wa'son Web1’ I tieoTire Buckham. to receive them; a that Wehu rueived them carefully sealed up, to, ^ I deliver It to her father; that her father, during his II [ last illness, hid requested Webb to deliver them '■ ■ to b:iB. hut 'hat he ha I failed to d i so; that after • f* his decease, she had, through Mr. Buckham, re f i quested the delivery of the letters, but had no' re- j d reived them; she also adds that Webb, without c anv authority, had broken the seai of the package 1 and read the letters; that he had read them to n others, thus violating the confidence jeposed in ! d hnu by her father. v Tin plaintiff* further urge, that on the 21st of. e May last, a new application for the letter- was h , made, without sucoaas: t it they are fearful he y will make the letters public, and they therefore ^ ask that he may be required to deliver up the let • ters, and enjoined from ever making them, or any " portion of tuein, public, in any way. s *• Appended to this complaint, which is fully ; sworn to, are the affidavits of the mother. .Mrs. e Inman, tleo. Buckham. ai.J Il.Smale, confirming ^ the statements of the complainants, and on the •f strengta of these, J udge Standford, on the 2d inst., e granted the injunction prayed for, to its full ex tent. The Courier and Enquirer remain us vet silent on the subject, bet something may be ex i pected from it to morrow. Heretofore, Webb has • said that the lady suspected as the one referred to | was not the right one. Whether if will reiterate ! the assertion remains to be seen. If it does not, '• • tl>« result of the controversy may be considered a i triumph for Willis. The >1 irhisnn Conspirators Torpedoes, etc. The testimony against this mfirnal band, as to . the burning of the depot, was commenced at D« . tr t on the 29'h ult. The testimony was entered . into only in part, by stipulation with counsel, leav ,. ing an opening for fuller evidence hereafter, if it t | shall be necessary. f The Detroit Advertiser reports the case at great . length. The testimony for the prosecution has . been concluded, pro trm., and the court adjourned t f The arrest of another conspirator, Chas. Mason, i t | we have nodount is entertained that the rest of the . 1 gang will be taken, as a large force is after them, u The particulars of Ins arrest give further insight . into the description of the torpedo found in the f house where he was arrested: “ The torpedo found, in the harn of Robinson is [ novr in Detroit. It is a sort of trunk—some thirty . inches in length, fourteen inches wide, and eight , inches in height—filled with camphine, turpentine r it* bottles and covered with wax, me. potass, and t| interspersed with layers of cotton-batting, match s paper, and other combustibles, so managed as to . be ignited from the outside, and to explode imme | diately, or at such time as may be desired. Such | is the peculiar construction of this infernal ma chine, that after its explosion nothing but exer * lions almost superhuman can prevent the destruc 1 lion of any building selected as the theatre of its n operations.” The Costs of Xeuirality. The Savannah News, referring to the recent ’ chartering of vessels by the Governing _.t, &c., has , -a-' following sensible remarks: ; What with chartering steamboats, the outfitting ; and employing of the Government vessels, and the expenses of civil olficers, the maintenance of the ; r national neutrality, bills fair to cost the people of1 r the U nued States a han borne sum of money. This is all right, and in abetter cause would tie highly : 1 commendable. But when it is recollletted that ■ all this expense m incurred in projecting an unbe- I i cite and petty monarchy, in the exercise of a most e shameful and blighting tyranny over one of the1 ? fairest and most fertile countries on the globe, -• there is very little satisfaction in the reflection. j This state of things will not be permitted to last t much longer. If Spain cannot maintain her tv-rani t cal authority in Cuba, she will be forced ultimate ly, to surrender the Island to the people of Cuba f themselves, or to some power of thei. choice who | * can give them quiet, security, and good govern y m-iit. It would perhaps be quite as good policv. i ; and equally as economical for our Government to purchase the sovereignty of the Island, as to ex i l>end millions in protecting the Government by j which it is at present cursed. * Col. Johnson's Appointments. la another column will be seen a list of Col. . I Johnson’s appointments, in which it will be no e ! tired that he has filled up Ins time from the loth d mst. to toe 19th of July next, at which time he . will be able, he says, to observe in what, other portions of the State his presence may be deemed ; 1 necessary. We are happy to see that Col. John s son will be able to make his tour. He is a man who will gain friends wherever he goes, not only d in his ow n party, but among his political opponents, s who cannot but admire his quickness in grasping k a subject, and his energy in persevering in a right . ful cause; besides, his generous feelings and w arm , heart must always meet with an ardent response i- from every Arkansian who falls in his company. |i Democrats will ever find Bei Johxsos ever compe tent to maintain their principles ln whatever sit e , nation he may be placed. May he enjoy fine r weather m his tour, and we feel confident that he y will meet with a warm welcome wherever he is Allow n—Helrnu Builttm. t 1 r 1 t f i t a f 1 a < r < s t, ii j a .ij a i n < o! ii i i, i n b , A Unrrtoter fused. At the Limerick As«i*es, a witness of the ‘lower class’ w as cross examined by Mr. Beane!, Queens counsel, when the following curious dialogue look place: Counsel—‘Why do you hesitate to answer me' You look at me as if 1 were a rogue.* Witness—• To be sure 1 do.’ Laughter. * Upon your oath you think me a rogue?’ ‘ Bon my oath, l don't think you an honest man.’ Continued laughter. * Vou swear to that on your oath” 1 I do, to be sure, and what else could I think? 1 * Now, why do you think so? ‘ Why, because you are doing vour best to make me perjure myself.’ IT The receipts of cotton at Boston have fallen off nearly one-half in two years. The receipts from January 1 to May 15. in 1849. were 160 976 bales: during the same time in lSiuthey were 157 7 U hales, and in 185| 95,936 bales. Sorne would take ii (or granted tha’ this indicated greatdepres- j sum of the cotton manufacture, but it does not necessarily follow that such is the case. The pf mainlines are that the wide extension and in crease of cotton manufactor."s out of New Kog an i, espe, iaily a the South, where tjj.e cottur is gr .wn. k -*ps the raw article m ire nearly a: home. The manufacturing in'erest, in cotton as in every thing t ise, is becoming more enlarged and stoble m our country from year to year. The above sdatis tics only show that the is finding its own level—cotton being workenl up where it is pro '*• a.i the cheapest mode of procedure, of 1 mr' ■•. This must continue to go on, as facili-* 'a > :t. refor may be grad ulty found. Microscopic Writing. ! he Loudon Morning Chronicle says, in dev-nb :n,-th- attic >s exhibited in the Chrystal Palace; ’F w r’’ *h«*wn one specimen of oucnscopic «-r:tii e, which was certainly the most astonishing • a anything of the kmd we haveever seen. Upon a space n .t exceed,„g ljut of , s,nall he,d> and which, indeed, was almost nu.aiole to tae naked eye, was written the following words:— • tvnnen as a microscopic object for Mr Dent. lV* ' ,Hn 1 ,at a The inscription nccu pics six lines, hvc of which are written m a bold ’•xt band, the Snc and heavy strok-s arc clearly s’ ngmshal ,e, and are as even and perfect as cop>-rpl.v?c writing; the sixth line is in capital sues, printed and shaded and which appear when 1 • ••’ -'gh the small rmcroscope-attached to it, 0! rsl ’r more than an inch in length.” Carnw*! Contemporaries, Cutrin’i con'emporane* were rare fellows at speech. a duel, or a bottle. Curran himself fougl several duel*; and one of b« rivals, the ornti Toler, actually fought ha w»v to the chief aea on the 1 ench of the Court of 0>>«>n»>u Plea* i to a peerage. and to an enormous fot tune. H* wan the bully of the government; an he »ji rewarded for hn ready pistol in tha mar m-r. A curse. however. would see n to hanf ore Ins deseeadeat*. Hi* eldest son libe late Lor NOJbury) was shot at the door of la* own house and a member of bis family was cruelly and un justly pointed at by Mr. U'Counell, in eonneetio with ties crime. It was* clearly prosed, howevu that be was in England at the time; the fact iraas piMig in a trial lor the maintenance of an diced uiiate cbild, in which he was sued bv a female act vant. Lord Plunkett wo likewise a con tempers ry of Curtail, and much distinguished a* a rtsir barrister. Tne lapse of ages, however, will nevr tie abie to efface from the public tmmi the idea tha Plunkett volunteered to prosecute Kol>ert Etnme: albeit a friend' ( tlur prisoner s family; and thou* •thwceJebrated man has denied the fact of “ vo! iinte-ring" npm hi* oath, still he admits that h made siren an address to the jury as the cirettm stances of the times required: in other words, a address io obtain the youthful enthusiast's con vietion. And by was successful. The main faet< however, viz; that he was a friend of Emmet's fare uy. and that bis wrs the tongue which demande the forfeit of Emmet's life, have never yet bee qucatfcwud;- Qey are unquestionable. A not la important, fact is equally unquestionably, nan; li that Emmet only earned out \hto action the propo sition of Plunket’ himself. when, in the debate on the Union that t<xik place three years before that great orator aid, “ 1 will resist it to the las gasp of my existence and with the last drop of m blood; and when 1 feel the hour of my dissolution approaching, 1 will, like the father of Hannibal take me my children to the altar and swear the® to eternal hostilp v against the invaders of thei country's freedom." As Mr. Phillips truly remark of Plunkett, "tire only two of his sons that eve touched the altar, was, one of them, a bishop.” But patriotism is r relv lasting in a lawyer—it live just lone enough to "feather his nest," and the it dies. "Can anything good come out of Nazi retbf” Appropos of Emmet, his last or ro patio —he was condemned to death in the early room ing, and executed in the afternoon of the same da —was plaiting a tress of Sarah Curran’s hair which, when he w as cut down from the rude gal lows on which the authorities hung him, wa found m his bosom, next to his heart. It is of thi lady, whom her father literally turned “out r doors wheu Emmet was arrested, that Tlioma Moore wrote his Ireautiful song— "She is far from the land where here young her sleeps.” and that Washington Irving narrated the men touching tale in his Sketch Book. The last ac of Emmet was to write to her father and gpplai the history of ha love for his daughter in such manner ns to burden himself with all the blame and to leave her free of obloquy. Verily, the poe has, with no more than justice, designated hit “ a young hero." There is home tor the countr which perennially produces such sscrop-wf liuma virtue among her youth.—Ijomlm Observer. Ao tice of Phillips'* Curran. MARHIF.D, On the TTth May, by Rev. John Pryor; Col TuEonoatc F. of Dallas county, to Mis Rtncci M. daughter of John H. Marks, Esq., c Bradley county. OBITVAKV. Dinl—In this city, on Saturday evening last, i the odd year of her age. Roaina, wife of Mr. Lu ther Chase, and daughter of Mr. Edward Dunn Miss Dunn removed with her parents from th city of Albany to this place in the year IS35, sine that date site was married to Mr. Chase, to whor she has born six children, four of which are iioi living. Mrs. Chase had been for some months past violent sutb rer, yet her death was a most unexpec ted blow to her relatives and friends. They ha' begun to cherish the hope that she would soon re cover from her sickness, and be the same amma ting spirit to her household and acquaintances tha she had ever been—when, as in a moment, sin turned herself in h-r bed. and fell asleep in Jesus She endured he* illness throughout, with signa fortitude, patience and resignation; and exhitutei all those Divine graces which are peculiar to th Christian on the bed of death. Her communing were with God, and she delighted 10 acknowledg Him, as “ hand that made her bed m all her elk nrra.” , .She was a devout member of the Protestant Epis copal Church, during her season of health was i joyful and constant attendant at Prayers and sac raments. and jealous, in performing all her dutie as a member of Christ, a child of God, and an In neritor of ihe Kingdom of Heaven. Possessed of warm and gushing sympathies, c singular amiability and tenderness of spirit, Mr> Chase has left avoid as a wife and mother, tha can never be filled; while her other relations, an her friends cannot cease to rememla r her as en deared to them by no ordinary ties of affection an esteem. It is hard for a husband to part from such a wife it is p-table to see children bereft of snch a mother and it is a sore trial to friends, to give up for thi world, such a friend as this—yet our better judg ment teaches ua to say, “ The Lard gore and th Ijord hath taken airuy, Btegged be the name of th L>rd." and to find comfort in that sentence of Ho ly Writ, which the church pronounces when sh buries her dead out of her sight, “7 heard a roic tram Heaven. gaytng unto mt write: From hence 'orth Blegge l are the dead who die rr, the Lord: eve go gailh the ejarit . fir they reel from their htborg.' F. rOLITM'AIi AOTIC i:. R. VV. JOHNSON, Democratic Nominee fc Congress, will address the people, at the place and times indicated in' the following Schedule, » the hour of 10 A M. The Democratic papei throughout the Stale are respectfully requested t publish this notice until the 19tli July, 1851. Perryvillf, Perry county, Monday, 10th June. Lcwem-ao, Conway county, Tuesday 17th June Dove*, Poo: countv, Tiicarday, 19th June. Dan vile, Ysi.t. county, Saturday, 21st June. Clarksville. Johnson county, Ti k*day, 24th June Ozark, Franklin county, Wednesday. 25th June Van Hi ry.n, Crawford ct’y, Saturday, 28th June Fort Smith, Sebastian ct’y, Monday, 30th June FAYtnimu, Waswnutonct'y, Fridat, 4tb July Bfntonvii.ue, Benton county, Saturday 5th July Hi vtsville, Madison county, Monday 7th July. Oarrolton, Carrou county, Wed’day 9th July Jaster, Newton county, Thursday 10th Jiu.y. Lcbanon, Searcy county, Saturday 12th July. Clinton, Van lb ren county, Monday 14th July. Lirrij: K ci, Pulaski county, Saturday 19th July Unit Rork, May 26, .1851. Mettrt. Editor*:—I enclose you a scheduleof aj pnintments which please publish with a reqaei that it may also lie published by all other Join nals of the State.. I will en'leavor to fill these appointments, an address ntv fellow ci: sens at each place specifies at the hour of 10, A. M. if convenient for them. It woi be perceived that my appointments cu brace very nearly the w hole of the West an North west part of the State. It ;ji impossible i the tunc allowed me to visit the wlyoie Stale. AI ter tilling the last apjKhntmf nt now made, to wit at Little Hock on the 19th of July. 1 will set oc immediately and visit such part of the State as ma then be deemed necessary:. I am sirs respectfully yours. R. W. JOHNSON. TO HCIIOOL. COMM 188 ION KR* And Tnialce* and Principal OF ACADEMIES. rT'HE advertiser wants a situation in any part t A this State, as Teacher of a Common School ( as writing master in an Academy, Respectable re fetences will be given. Address J. D. Bos 37. Little Rock, 14th June, 1851—II. Wall ! *alt!! RECD per Steamer Dove, 100 large bleache sacks Salt, And for sale by, A. J. HUTT. June 16-1551-41. j/ NEW DRUG STORE: ITI« Ditto* AMD MEDICI* I :1 m THE subacnbrr has just received and fHBl i* *ow ooefti»? *« entire Sfo Stock of T^rf DRUCMHUCD WKHIC1NKS, «ra which are warranted fresh wad genuine, •B * TIE QUININE. IOD1VE. BEUEMHINF.. IOD POTASS, PKPPERINK, \ ELATERIUM, SALICKNK. O VBRATRINE, MORPHINE. STRYCHNINE. CIT KERRI ET M AGNES. TURKEY RHUBARB, Mi«w; COD LIVER OIL. pur,-. CALOMEL, Eng.,- BLUE PILL, Ac- Ac. PATENT MEDICINES, Embracing Jayne*’ Family Medicine*. MofTatt’s do. Lee's Pills; Spentefs do.; Wright's do.; Davis’ Pam Killer; Stephens’ Astringent Syrup; Wistar* Wild Cherry, Ac. Ac. S.mis', Tor-iifniU’ , and Balts SarzrpohUa. VKR Miri CES. B. A. Fahnestock, Dead Shot, and American Ver mifuge. Blue Dick \Vatf r-—f ongres*Spring Water. Pomin, (hit, Dge-ttuff, Windme Ola,,, itr- Ac. Country Physicians are requested to examine the quality of my Drags, Ac., before else where. Prescriptions *ccea*TKi.v compounded. TltOS. BITTER WORTH. Agt., AVie Drag Star,, earner of Ma n anti Markham Street*. Rorir, June 23. 1851. KiinanaYM in Jail. T HE following negroes have been corn mitted to the Jail of Dai's* county, as runaways, viz: on the 12th June, 1851: JOE. a negro men about »« vests old,, about 6 feet high, of dark copper color, wore rreeri pants, grey sack coat and sav* he belongs to Wnt. Jackson in Harrison county Texas. Also JOE, a negro man. about 40 years old. S feet 6 inches high, of dark copper color, wore verry ragged home ma te slrrt and cotton pants, and no coat. Savs he belonrs to John Coleman, Harrison county Texas. Commuted on 17th day Jane 1851. The owners are h reby notified to come forward, prove property, and pav the expenses incurred, or gjtrl ntgrues will lie deal' wi’h according to law. H. M. BOULDIN, Sfirry?and Jailor si O ula, Co. A ri,. June 19th, 1851—42-tf. ,'Voticr is Hereby Ciiven. O all those who are in arrears for interest doe on tbe.r purchases of a portion of the 16th T sections in T. 1 A\ 11 14. and T. I. A. R. 12 44.. to make payments to the county Treasurer on or before the first day of the Julv term of the County Court, or flie certificates of the several amounts will be placed in the hands of the Attorney Gen eral for collection. B. F. OWEN. Judge of C. C. G.iz. A Democrat publish two weeks and pre sent their account* to the County Court for pay ment. Little Rock, June 17, 1851. 41-2w. Tobacco! Tobacco!! RECU per. Steamer Trustee, 1551 lbs. cheap Tobacco. And for sale bv, June 10-1981-51, A. J. HUTT Confectionary and Ice C ream. rTMIE citizens of Little Rock are informed that I l have for sale a rich stock of candies, cakes, fruits and a general stock of Confectionary, which will be add at the lowest prices. Ice Cream. be furnished every day from 3 o’olock to 11 AM. Rooms next door to Mr. Lincoln’s Book Store, on Markham street. ORLANDO B. KEECHE. June 16th 1851. 41 Little Rock High School. THE annual Examination of the pupils of this Institution will take place iD. V.) on the 1st and 2nd of July, commencing at 9 o’clock A. M. Trustees and Gardians with the friends of Educa tion are respectfully invited to attend. At the’close of the examination, premi ums will be awarded for perforumg.ui the follow mg studies: Orthograthy, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, History of Rome, England and United States, Na tural and Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric. Chemistry, GeoJoey. Botany, Astronomy, Ethics, Evidences of Theology, Bible, Composition and French. IVe are Always on Hand ! 2 HOES, made to order; 50,000 split Laths noi .7 ready for sale; 3 good Wagons; Coopers’ Ware made to order; Also Cabinet Ware and Bedsteads: Carriages and Buggies repaired and trimmed Orders left at my store wnl be attended t promptly. H. B. ALLIS, Contractor of Ark. Pen. Arks. Penitentiary, June 17, 1851. 40-3w. PROTECT I O 1¥ INSURANCE COMPANY. r j OF HARTFORD, CONN. - This old arid reyponsile Company continues to . urant Fire and Marine Policies on lire most satisfac- j tory terms. June itth, 1881. WM. B. WAIT. Slar Nloret. t I CASK old Brandy ; 3 cks. American do. ; , | 1 2 cks. Maderta Vi'.ne; 1 trbl. Cherry Bounce ; , 2 Mils, old Bu’b Whiskey; 1 “ Rum ; 3 “ •• Rye “ 1 “ old Port Wine; 5 1 “ “ Muscat Wine; l “ Malaga. j ; Received and for sale bv JNO. D. ADAMS, Jnn 6, 1S51—40 Steamboat Landing. Tobacco. 3 BOXES Extra chewing Tobacco ; 2 “ com. Pound Lump “ 2 •* 5. Received this dav and for sale by JNO. D. ADAMS, June i(>, 1851—40, Steamboat landing. BY Steamer Emily 1 have just received and now offer for sale : 50Barrels Super Fine Flout: 2 “ Rye Whiskey; . I IS Boxes Assorted Tobacco; 10 “ Lemon Syrup; 8 •• Candy; 1 Barrel English Filberts; 10 “ Ale. M. TANTI. Lower Steamboat Landing. April i, 1861 —31—tl For Sale. VFINE LARGE HORSE, about seven years - old and seventeen hands in height. Apply to -1 March 25 L. A. WHITELEY. 5 .Vejcroes for Sale 'pWO LIKELY NEGRO WOMEN, one with ’ 1 two children, and the other with one. For sale lor cash, by J. D. ADAMS, at she steamboat Landing. I March 25, 1851. 2s) Liquor* and Wine*. “ TASKS Bundy, 4th proof, f) 3 Madena Wine; 1 1 *• Port Wine; i 2<> B.sket* Champagne Wine; on consignment i and lor sale low T D. MERRICK & CO. j December 17, 1850. 15 ■ Af| BBL8 KJSCTIFUED WHISKEY, WMtwtff V*' * tins day per •• Gen. 8-m,” and ini sale by JOHN D. ADAMS. * J’in. 21, 1851. Menaa Boat Landing. ( *ugar. Ac. Jl’ST received per steamer Penny wit : .Hi seeks Rie Coffee; ~ hhde. Sugar; It bie. do; 4 ble. Molasses; 6 half bbls. Molasses. 1 80 seeks Salt. Amt for sals by FATHERLY 4k CLEMENTS. March 3d- 28—tf. KAftllB * OTA IIPftOtKil UTTtl 611$. ONE of.®) Saw* m (tow and k» sale. Ail orders Inc Gin* of thr usual tine* five* to the I’ndersigncd will he forwarded, and receire prompt attention. WM. It. WAIT. Aren? for the Manufacturer*. Little R iclt, May 27,ISM. 38— Hats! JF«rf*!! Tt ST received, a Sue lot of Hat*, and among which are the followin, nx: 2 ease* fine fa*h. Silk Hat*; 2 ** « '• Moleskin HaU: 3 " ** Casting re *• -A._“ “ “ Russia 2 o Brush " 1 “ Peatl Cnion “ 2 do*. “ Panama “ 3 *• •* Leghorn " 1 “ hoys’ Sne Leghorn 1 M infants’ Straw 13 •« Palm Leaf And for sale by A. J. Hl'TT, Wam street. M-y 14,'WM. riHK IVSI'H % M K. Ry Ok; undersigned Agent fur the PROTECTION INSCRANCR, COMPANY. or tu*Tr*nr>, rossWTt; ct! Ponces issued tipou the most favorable terms by WM. B WAIT, Aemi. Mav fi. IMP.__Mdl I'amiIv Flour. Ac.. Ac. J l ST received, a lot of merchandise direct from Cincinnati, per steamers LcLa No. 2. and Trustee, Oft barrels Flour; fi < asks Bacon; 1 *• Canvassed Hates; .,1 leaves Star Candle*; 10 “ Painted Bucket*; 4 barrels Dried Apples; 4 boxes Tobacco; I bags Cotton Y am; And for sale by A. J. HI TT. Main *trrrt. May 8, 1861.__ 3.8— gniUwry. JL'ST received from New Orleans a large and wlet assorted stock of .Saddlery* consisting in part of the following, viz: 10 gent*' fine Columbian Saddles: 12 “ “ Spanish “ H ladies' " Hog skin “ 6 dog. Bridles, assorted qualities; 3 “ Martingales assorted qualities; 3 “ Bridle fi lings •' “ 3 “ Worsted Girt* “ 3 •* “ Circinglcs, ass'd qualities; .3 ** Com. Horse Collars; 3 “ Hog skin Horse Collars; 2 “ Wagon Whips; 2 “ Hide 1 " Plain and Pocketed Saddle Bags; 2 “ fine Polished SnalHe Bits: 2 “ “ Stirrup Irons: 3 “ very fine Buggy Whips: And for sale by A. J. Hl'TT, Mum stiver. May 14, 1851. »— ft Eli l L.Ill ARUSSAS RIVER PALfcET. For Pine Blurt, Little Rock, Van Boren, Port ttmith, Port Gibson, and all inter* mediate L indiugs. T; 3HE staunch teain»r and light-dranghi JOHN BOX. Master will ru», during ih* ensuing season, as a regular Packet Itatn N-w Orleans, to the above landing*. Strict attention will he pa|,l to plantation business, an<l all orders promptly at tended to. Liltl Hack Jan. 3. JS51. H-tf. JL'ST RECEIVED 1\D FOR SALE. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. r I MIE subscriber is constantly recei X Ting, from New York, a geuuiui assortment of Drugs, Mrdicmet, Chemi cals, Perfumery. Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Ire., Ife. Also-Patent Medi cines: among which are. Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort; Jaynes' Expectorant; Indian Panace;; Dailey’s Pain Extractor; Hays'and Hewes' Lini rneul; Linn's Strengthening Plaster; Koinstock's Vermifuge; Moffa't’s Phatnix Bitters and Vegela hle Life Pills; Bartholomew's Expectorant, Spnon's Medicines; Oldridge’s Balm of Colombia for the Hair; Welsh’s Medicnmentum All of which will be sold low foreash. R. L. DODGE, Markham st. Little Pork. 1849. 17_tf ESCOLRAGE HOSE l.NUI S. W '!! FASHIONABLE Boot anti Shoe Manufactory. fl^HE undersigned, lissing opened a Boot and X Shoe shop in the two story brick bouse on the east side of East Main street between Markain and Elm streets, inlands carrying ou the above busiuesa in all its branches. He uses noue but the best ma terials, and employs none but the very best work men. and gentlemen favoring him with their custom inav rely on having their work done in the N'eatfst anti most Fashionable style. By str.ct attention to hie business, and promptly filling ail orders to the satisfaction of hiscoeloni ers, he hopes to r. erlt and receive a liberal patron age from the cittizen* of Little Hock and viciuity. Terms t ash ou delivrv GEORGE JACOB LESCHER. Little Rock, June 11, 1850.—7—40 tfj (SA PJKNTU PH.KsT.IT OMNIBUS.) FEMALE COLLEGIATE SEMIXAItV, Tclit, Dallas Coostv, Arkansas. John rf. Garvin. Preai- | Weldou E Wright, M D., dent. Prof, of Colie | Prof, of Nat ricience Mrs M Cook,Govern. | M«j li.J burden. Prof ol and lostruciress | El ies and Beile Letters beuor F. Garcia, Prof, of Music and .Mod Lang Tt’tTION PER MONTH Collegiate Deparuneut (Auc. or Modern Langua ges ). 96 00 Colleginte Department, English Course.4 00 Academic Department,.. , 1 (HI Primary Department.’.3 tX) Ornamental Department, (Painting and Drawing,) . 3 «0 Musical Department, (Vocal and ln«irutneiiul,5 00 Coaruiug, including Washing fuel, lights &.C. 10 (mi Academic year embraces one session ol ten months, commencing tiie let Muuday in August and closing tiie last Thursday in June TuiUou and Board must be paid one-haif in advance, the remainder at I he close of the session No deduction will be made from the rates of Tui tion exerptin cases of sickness. Examinations.1 here will bean annual ex amination belure a Hoard of Visilura at the close of each term; and quarterly examinations belure the HiinrrA nf (siianiiaiit Diplomas will ba gives, oa the rKDimnawli' lion of the Hoard of Vwtioro, Is the |rtdult« of lh« Sermuary, aud certificates of Scholarship, to those who have taken a partial course. Discipline nud Police will be mild but firm; being rather one of moml restraint, than pun ishmenl (Quarter))' 'eporta ofeonuuct'aod >c oiar shtp will be transmitted In parents or guardia >. Course of Instruction If uivldvc into three iJepartnieuta . i’rirnary. Academic ana Collegiate Music. —It is believed that on Institution iu the South weal offers equal advantages to perf ct lie Pupils in this elegant acoompuahment. Senor Garcia, the accomplished head ol this Department, has taught with distinction In Washington City and Virginia, and Is not only a mu’ skillful per former. but the best Instructor in the Art, that we have over seen Jlerdle Work—Plain and fancy.—.Xo extra charge will ba mace in lliia Department, the pupils furnishing the materials t'he product* will be disposed of at an annual Fair and the pro ceeds placed in the Library Fuad Greta re a aad Composition.—Lectures will be delivered regularly by the heads of Departments to their respective Classes, and Compositions will be required every two weeks during tii course, from the members of the Academic aud Coilegiats l>epartmeat*. Vacation.—There will be a vacation or one week the last of December, and ona of two months at the cloaa of the Session By order of the Board of Guardians. 8—> Hath! Hats!! Hats!!! 9 Cases Fashionable Silk Hati ; 6 Doi Wool da.; •we i Dox Cloth Capa. Ree- lead oer Pontiac am. far sale by JOHN D/ADAMS. M>. II, 1851. Staamboat Landing Baron and Flour. ZJABBUh. ctwice St Wfhrj •J\f 4 tin** Can vanned Haras ; 4 casks Sides t firemH on oniwuproen? and for sals by ''■'“-'v, JNO. D. ADAMS. Strmmimt Uniting JK». 30. I Ml—». . ..*_ - - -... ... - TOBACCO. M’CA H, »KO»k» AND WIST. JUST received per S. B Pontiac: .1 Boxes Homy Dtrw Tobacco; 10,000 Best Havan«a Began; 3 4 1’ipts CUref Wine; 2 “ Maliens do.; 3 *' Frepch Brandy; 2 Mid* Pnatori Sugar; 4 Cases Cherry Bounce. 4 " French Cordial*: 4 Boxca Oranfe*. For sale cheap by. June 3d, .1»1, M. TANTI. Ornot or rmr Srrimir or Start, > Little Rock. 27th May. 1 Ml. < In coAxpliancc with s provision of the Constitu tion or the State of Arkansas, the following amend ments to said Constitution, proposed hy the last General Assembly. ar<‘ published. Karh ncw*p*per printed in this State, will pub lish the sam- three screen* times previous to the first Monday in August next.'and forward the pa pers containing the publication, alao the account tothiaoffice. DAVID B GREER. Su mm or Stvt*. RwW By Ike Genera! Aoormhlf of the Slot* of Arlwnjwr, That they do propose the following amendment to the Constitution of this State, to wit: That the 29th section of the 4th arm le of the Constitution oft he State of Arkansas, he <*> amend ed that Lafayette county reduced to 800 square miies, and that s new county may be form ed out of said county of like dimensions. T. B. FLOURNOY. Speaker of the llneoe of RepretenPHteet. J. R. HAMPTON. President of the Senate. Approved. Jan. 11th 1861. JOHN S. ROANE. Krtoh'-i By the Genera! Aaeembly of lie Slate of Arkanoae. That the following amendment be proposed to the Constitution of the State of Arkan sas. viz; That the 29th section of the 4th article of the Constitution be amended so as to allow the coun ties of Green. Poinsett, and Peoha^o be reduced to eight hundred square miles, and that a new county may be ormed outof the counties of Green and Poinsett of like dimensions. T. B. KLGl'RNOT, Speaker of the H-mee of Repreomtaticea. J. R. HAMPTON. Vreenient of the Senate. Approved, Jar 9th, lMl tons s. ROARS tiiulicl wmi hi shtum. Jloxvifll ‘Iffbf Tirol'LD respectfully cal! the attention of the V T public to the above establishment, which has recently undergone s thorough repair, and. hav mg the necessary facilities, is now fully prepared to furnish to order, with great promptness, every arlieie' in|lliat line of either wrought or cm! Iron, Brass or Copper, of as good material, proportion#, and workmanship, and upon at cheap terms, as any other Foundry in this country. Millr*phts and others, ordering wheels, will be pleased to give the No. of cogs and pilch, also the particular sire and shape 01 the eye. wanted in each wheel. The dl anieter of a wheel, wheu cast, will he t^ of an inch per foot less—(he same wljh length of a shaft.— <>r<Vrs shonld also be accompanied with a draught and foil description of what is wanted, and the postage paid. Little Rock, Dee H> 18110.—14— if m I'KUS I ft I W., DEALERS IN f* Boot*. Rro^an«./lb H ATS, CAPS. &C., ALSO PALM LEAF. MF.X1C A YAND CAMPEACHY HATS. No 10, Magaaine. between Canal and Common ■«. NEW ORLEANS. ;Q" From our House* at New York anil Boston we are constantly receiving ireeh supplies of the above Goode. ‘ Country Deal'ra are invited to call and examine I our eitenaive stock Arkansas Coffee House, (i.uwii imeiinT Lsssiso.l r|^HE Proprietor has on hand, and ia constantly , X receiving, the following— Foreign and domestic Liquors; Wines and cordials of every description; Cigars; Tobacco; Fruits, ic. j AH ot which are for sale at wholesale and retail j prices Persona from the country wshiug to pur chase, will please call and see inv stock before pur chasing elsewhere as 1 intend to sell as low as any : house in the city MICHAEL TANTI. Little Rock, Jan. 21, 1861. 20—ly f>The Arkadeiphia Sentinel will copy one year, and forward account to the subscriber. MIL F'LOUR—60 Bbls Illinois Superfine; 50 “ “ extra do. Ree’d ptr “Jefferson,” ami f >r sale by May 14th, WM. B WAIT. FNLOI R 71 Bii-s “O'Fallon Milia” K\tU $ perfine. 50 “ ” Quincy Mill's” Extra Su perfine. Received and for sale bv May 10. 1851. WM. B. WAIT. .VOl lli V. ^IIOKIIIK. I N order to ir'*t my goods early m the fall, I hav. I determined to start East earlier than usual, and iniw request ali indebted to Me to “ Crane up to the Trough,” and save me the disagreeable necesi ty of troubling them again. I urn IW t» kaei- tAr t/mry, as I am resolved to buy my next stock of Goods for Cash, for the purpose of selling them less than the same slock can be sold for m they State. 1 hope ail will hereadv ’o pay tip upon pre sentation of tjieil Bills. Lb C. FULTON. May 15. 1851. 3d—4w. JUSTICE. VfVU boen elected, and qualified « of th*> Peorr for Hie tl«»cK Towwihto, Putookt • < i UK tv. Artec, ta*. i ui* prepared attend. uHkioftr, lo any bmiAew intrusted u> me punctually. Oftc« at it** law niftcc ul L \ Wm!T*l*y, Esq , comei of Main anJ Elm *tr«#u, iMMterUie A/tefiftU Pannci ollVo JOHN J THOMPHUN. LttU# Rnrfc, Arte.. Nov. 5. lALOUR—200 bbls. Ohio superfine; P LARD OIL—5 bbls. winter strained; PLOUGH MOULDS—106 Diamond; BACON—1 hhds. harms and shoulders; PORK—10 bbls. clear; LARD—100 keys No 1; I COTTON YARN—2000 lbs. assorted, 5 to 10. Received pr ‘Hamburg,’ and tor sale by WM B. WAIT. March 11, 1851. Partridge liooh. 4 Caaaa Water Prool. iu.l receiveo and foi sale *• by bAlHKRLY A CLEMENTS. ' F«b ;:. 165]. .1 I ” U K. HUIIS, MTS it. I’bT received bv the .teanuer Pontiac No. 5i 20 Tons ot Boston Ice. 23 Bex*-* Raisons. 4 Ran els Chestnuts. 1 Bag ot A iimui.. , I B,g English Walnuts. 1 Barifl Coco.innt. 50 t an, Oyesters. 2 Bar,-la Ovestsrs in the shstl. 200o pick ted Gyraters. 3 B^xes Tobacco. 2 Hogshp*,!. Sugar. I Do*. Basket Anriiset 5 •' “ Cordials. I •* Demijohns. M.TANTL Match Jd 185!. 26-tt. 11 Btwf* and Shoe*. CASES Boots assorted; Kip Brogans; doe. Gent's fine Call Shoe., . Gaiters. “ Ladies Shoes a-saorted, “ Misses and childrens Sh^e* assorted; Case Boys Kip Brogans; “ •• Boots. Ac., Ac., Ac. Received per Phillip P> tinvwa. and for sale bv JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Landing. March 26. 2&—tf. i A. A. CARY, l». B. »• T'ROM Htiat»*0* Aid., has located X himself permanently in Little Roeh <*WBS£ H<* ha* been enraped m the practice at IVntistry for ten ream, and leels confident in th ability togiye entire antwfartinii to tuck of tk aummuMty u may need his imi«i. _ I’* residing ala distance will ha MtllM < his absence fnw> town, whcnerer it occursthreap t lie papers of this plane. Office on the smith side of Maikham b*t«M East Msin and LtMiiMM streets, three tloors wsi of L- R Lincoln's Book Stole. l.ittie Rook May 17. !»»• _M l( sale of Mate I sands. STATE LAND OFFICE. Lrrrut Hoes, May 20. IfltU. I N pursuance of an set of the General AraeinM I of Arkansas. approved the 00th Deeend a* IM4. 1 will off*r at public *ale an the 2Sth day r Jiin<' next, the following described trart* of lam* ,«<• rrt, » 1 rt ntirmed to this State as a part » the jtrant of .W.OOO acres, etc pt sack as has beet covered by n* ht of prr eruption. proof of whirl together with the necessary Kind, has been died o may be produced at tins office before the day t sale: HELENA DISTRICT, if Tract* Selected. South Went quarter Snunth Fast quarter South hull' South W ('1st quarter F hall (if S E quarter North West quartet K half ot‘ N E quarter S K quarter of 12 N K qr. S W quarter N W ;r anil S E quarter \ E fraetmnal quarter S \V quarter W half of N E quarter N W quarter W half of N K quarter N E frac quarter South half Nnrh frac half North half N K quarter LITTLE ROCK DISTRICT. West half V W quarter Ka*t half S E quarter 31, SW qtiar W half of S E quarter E half of N F. quarter \V half of N E quarter \ V quarter North half North W quarter I ota 2. :t, 4, ft, 6, 3, 0 A \\ half of S \V quarter K half of S F, quarter E half of N E uuarteT \V half of N W quarter S E quarter South half All of sect ion West half N* irth West quarter West halt of S W quarter 21 14 lft 32 ,32i 11 :i2 l* Hfe 33 131 2 1 S 8 S 8 S 3 W 3201 •• 3 W irOj.. 3 W 32tl( •• 9 S w 3 ■ 'ZH 4 8 4 S 9 S 1320: 8 #0. ' 80, 1601 7 W 3201 8 W 160 10 W 339 .32 •* 80 <• 10 W 33 I 8 18. |lfti 'll '!4 14' I 10 s 7 8 8 8 9 S SO 801 80 160 10 u 11 11 W3C0 wia-jo W 640 West half of N W quarter 23 West half of N W quarter-ft 26 26 14 I« 7 S 12 160 80 80 28 2.3 36 30 29 ! 3: 8 S 9 S 9 8 S 3 3 31 4 ft 10 11 14 23 !23 24 7 S 9 8 7 N S W quarter F half of 8 E quarter Weal half N Equarter N A' quarter East half W half of S W quarter E half of N E quarter W half of N w quarter E half of S E quarter N \\ quarter South half S F. quarter of N W quarter E half of S W quarter S W quarter of 8 W quar N W quarter of S E quarter North half of S W quarter N F quarter of S W quarter N W quarter N Eq. A K hf of N W qr S E quarter N E quarter W half of S W quarter South West quarter S W quarter of N E quarter '2fi *• “ \V half of S W quarter ‘2ft " ! “ CHAMPAGNOLLE DISTRICT. 180 ; .80 W 320 ' 160 ISOi 12 W 320 W \v 80 8f) •* I ” | 80 lft W irtfl 16 W SS0 6 W 40 f 84 23 10' 44 29 80 « 40 " 160 “ 240 “ ISO1** 320 “ 80 “ 160 to1 80 W half of S W quarter 36 16 S N W qr ft W hf of N E qr 3 17 S lft W 80 lft W I60 20 ,33 36 North half \V half of S E quarter E half of S W quarter N W quarter S W quarter N W quarter :S F. quarter 12 S E quarter I 3 N ball anti S W quarter 13 North half lft S E quarter 17 S E quarter 19 N E quarter;2fl S W quarter South half N<.:‘.b half Fast half S E quarter K half of S W quarter W half of N W quarter h? W quarter W half of E half N W quarter E half of N K quarter W half of N Vt quarter W half of S E quarter S VV quarter S W quartet W halt of N W quarter N E quarter S F quarter N K quarter N E quarter North halt \\ naif of N E quarter N W quarter K haif 01 S W quarter 8 10 ‘ 10 ■ lft • 3 18 10 * S 16 320 80 80 ICO W 160 7 17 8 20 “ 20 29 f51 ,31 11 , « ; 9 9 9 lit Itti ,11 'll I 2 10 1 ft ,1« IS 18 17 Vt HO 320 4801 320 ‘ 160 330 160! 320 3*20 320 160 80 SO 100 160 160 i 1 SOI i 80 . 801 160; 160! (T 104 02 i 1*301 q 2ft 1 2* 80; BATESVILLE DISTRICT no 30 29 ‘28 33 34 35 7 N ft W 17001 80! 8024 160: 480 320 O N W quarter West half of V E quarter N half of N W quarter S W quarter S half and N W quarter South half South half I'jr. N E qr (S of R River) 36j North half (S of River; 36| NOTICE TO PRE EMPTOK8 AND OTHERS. . All persona claiming the rq<ht of pre eruption, under a 11 act of the General Assembly of this State, approved December, 14th, 1846, are required to make proof arid Jilt tkr natasamry kamd before the :320j | 9618 267,89 if. a day or juu; next. Where locations ha ve been made upon l)»e aelec tifiit of iruliVidua)*, m accordance with the tlth section of the act approved 20th December, 1844, and the act approved December 18th, 1846, and said location* have been continued Ur the Slate, * bondsmiurt be furnished to this office for the pro per amount before the day of sale, otherwise they wdi be »■‘id to the highest bidder at such sale. The 7th section of an act approved December - ,s> 18lb, authorises that, “ m all eaae, «itre, un/.'tr the ,trill-,nimi of the :)! ft f)rt, JfM'J, ,,ttiar, hnrt rUiivinl the prr rmptum fronted ty that art, and hare „>,pr<rce,i land* not Uenji rated to the S'tan, until after (hr pa,taut of the act of \mh Oeenaher, 1844. the 9(4 tectum of the tuot name,l art that! he revived. A-'tcr the vale all lamia offered and remaining unsoid wilt be subject to private entry at the price of one dollar an 1 twenty- fiv© cents per acre. L J REARDON. Land Agent, for the State of Arbmaaa. May 20. 188!. S7—Uia School Hook«! HAVE iust received a supply of School Boohs, anions which are the following: 4 doz. Eclectic Spelling Boohs; Da via' Arithmetic; Pike’s “ Smiley’s ** English Headers; Goodrich’s Readers N». 1, a and 3: Copv Book:; assorted Primers; 2000 Letter Envelopes, 1 do*. Missouri Harmonists; 1 “ Southern “ AUo—Paper, Pens, Ink, Ac., Ac., all for _ cheap for cash by A. J. HL’TT, rimaotrrat, .Way 14, 1861. 1 2 1 « 6 « < I k