Newspaper Page Text
A TtacMtf furj. Th* following affecting nM«ti»e g«rport» to JUS V«■ *>’ * f*U^tO^«-^ '«£ E2TP,£ «* ««*“f * >— *• *^Th»-. at o' «< oo my w^***«2* «yi ikent that all »b**»i'UtH « i»>ve me She wo* •'»<• &o«e, ,!T^ ^ at » durtaoee. She *P->m 1,0 **• » ■* ***» •* "!|fSJStT^ne n^r.’ »«* »*• •«•■*«*. kt me Mt marc beseech r»* think upon and — — what i b»’« *•“• . , , , , ‘ I ihu tfitt school, said » Sae looked aatoaiahe** at ay boldnesa, hot re ^Cenaialt »•>« wsl1 S°r A!fr««l. I cawaaitd yon. • I will *>i r *ud I. »<tk » tone of deSance. • One of two thing* you m ust do. Alfred—cither - to school tm* ronmcot, or 1 will lock ytmim »->ur r-«m. aril Me? you there tall you are re*ly to proms* impiicit obedwnee to my wishes in fa tUMdare you do iC said I, * you «■» P* »* «P rboa* now.* sad my mother who laid h. .r m. arm. She tumbled violently a»i was deadly pole. .. _ • If V, , toYch me. t will yaw.* aaid I. in a i, r <•- rage. Ood know* I knew aot what C said. ■ Will you *0. Alfred? • No • l r- plied. but quailed beneath her eye. • Then fohuw me/ saul she, as *he grasped my ,-m &rafy. I raised mv foot—oh. my soa heir m. t raised me toot an l ki-ked her-mv sainted m .tber. How my head reel*, as the torment of memory r ubes orer me! I kicked my motner—a feeble woman—me mother. She staggered back a f. w «vp* and leaned against tke waU. She did „nt look at me I ”» her heart beat agmioat her breast * Oh ' hearcnly father.’ she cried, •forgive him he knows not what he does!’ The firdner just then passed the' door and see ing mv mother pa« and almost unable to support teneif, he stopped, she beckoned him in. • Take ths bos ap stair* and lock him m his own room, said she, and tarned from me. Looking back a* was entering her room, the rase me inch a 1,10k—it wnl forever follow me—it was a look of 4,„iv.!-*d with the intensest lose—it was the !jjt, nnutterabie pang of a heart that was broken. In a moment I found myself a prisoner in my own room. I though: for a moment, I would fling nmetf from the open window and ‘lash my brains out. but 1 fait afraid to die. I was not penitent. At times mr heart was subdued, but my stubborn rose ta aa instant, and bade not y.eid. The pale face of my mother haunted me. i flung nay seif oa the bed and fell asleep. J ist at twilight 1 beard a foot step approach the door. It was my sister. ‘ What may 1 tea mother from you T she asked. • Nothing,' l replied. ' • Oh. Alfred, for my sake, for aU our sake*. say that you are sorry—let me tell mother that yoa are j sorry. She longs to forgive you. 1 would aot answer. 1 beard her footstep* slow ly recreating, and again 1 flung myself on the bed ! to pass another wretched and fearful light. Anu her footstep, slower and feebler than my sister s disturbed me. A route called me by name. It was my mother s. ■ Alfred, my son. shall f come in’ .Are yon sor- j rr (or what you have done ” I cannot led what influence, operating at that! moment, nude me speak adverse to my feelings. j Tae gentle r ace of mv motner that thrilled through j me. melted the ice from my obdurate heart, and 1 ; longed to throw mvsetr on her neck but 1 did not. i Bui ay words gave the lie to my bean, when 1 su.J 1 was not sorry. I beard her withdraw. I heard her groan, i lunged to cal1 her back, but 1 ltd not. 1 was awakened from my uneasy slumber, by hearing my name called loudly, and my uster stood by my bedside. | * Get up, Alfred. Oh, don't wait a minute.— j Oet up. anil come with me. Mother is dying.’ 1 thought 1 was yet dreaming, 1 got up nielan- j chity and followed my sister. On the bed, pale and cold au maw e, lay nr mother. She had not I undressed. She had thrown herself on the bed to 1 rest; srjing to go again to me, she was seised with a palpitation of the heart; and borne senseless to her room. I cannot tell you my agony as I looked on her; ; my remorse was tenfold more bitter from the 1 tn light she wauld never know it. I bwlieved my- j self to be her murderer. 1 fell on the bed beside her 1 could not weep. My heart bunted in my bottom; my brain was au oa tire. My sister threw her arms arouad me and wept :a silence. Sud denly we saw a slight motion of mother’s hand— her eyes unclosed. She nad recovered conscious- : ness but not speech. She looked at me, and moved tier ,,p». [ could not understand her words,— 'Mother, mother,' I shrieked, ‘say only that you forgive me.. She could aot say it with her lips, but aer hand pressed mine. She smiled upon ms, aad lifting her thin, white hands, she clasped my o*s wiuun them, and cast her eyes upwards. .Shy moved her ;ips .a prayer, aad thus she died. I re- j mained still kneeling by that dear form, till me ! gentle staler removed me. The joy of my youth had left me forever. B uys who spurn a mother’s control, who are ashamed to own that they are wrdhg, who think it mu iiy to resist bir authority, or defy her mttut nee, beware! • Lay uot up tor yourselves bitter memo- i ties for your future years.' Tie Lawrenceburg Press tells the following good '’se. The old w imaa, who anew the cow would , eat tp the gnnestoae, has been travelling : r»'»ar three years ago, if our memiry serves us ' ruptiv. the aid nan was appointed chaiain of the su e Praon, and a very proper appointment it waa. At the time when the announcement of this fact i *** * member of the Methodist Church, re- . siuku within '.v- range of one of the circuits where ! he had p rescued for years, having some business to ; tmnaaei «jth one of his neighbors, got on his hone, : ml to pass by the house of uother P. oo aJ : *1- concluded to " pees a joke oC" Now brher p. had been all the days of his manhood a *'i. nr, active, spirited member, prompt in his re-! •;> .ie-1 amen ' and such like, and always * heil peculiarly delighted with father Jones’ preacn,.lg, t„r ae would *U m Uie of comer the _aa.t co operate with great satisfaction to; b ins--.: i,i'! that minister. Seeing this worthy; r>' -r ■standing before the door, the good-humor -i iisctpie rode up to the fence, and, afier the' ism. i.i nation, accosted him thus; * "her P., have you heard the news J” ■’ why what news, brother S., anything mange'" A'iiv, they iay old father Jones has been sent 'be penitentiary for one year !*• >n hearing this, brother P., with unaffected as adaigwl house If m such remarks as," Mf&v, 1 ‘ **“ 1 *** *•>.It is passibleT' - Is itrea'l- i iy»fattr ‘ 'Vby says brother S„ *• I guess there's no! a about it: 1 heard it from brother C„ and ! "V? 1 ‘a papers, so 1 rerken it must be so’*’ j •*SU. sayi or.t:i<.-r P., setting himself down . ‘ n* irata j( th.ti rifD >c, *4 now, arotta* 3., I * : **% :ti*11 *‘*tr.iri>ruedat!*i«, but. between u soil me, 1 a,wsvs thought old nun Jones, vumuie right kind „ a man. The fact is he's! - '‘ZrilJ'r, anentiary man out if, and I told - »i,e that i« d ra there »o:ne dav." •• ,-V,s ,f?dvtred himself of hu) opinion. .... L . 5* ,fo* *“°lUr comments, brother si., left , . <r V ex*>‘1 **u 354 mished and amused vheehtetof ms intomutioa. ’w .other P. wnea he learned the truth thc^l. Thu IS a laughable an- I «- ' • L^!ro U!UVe* f4C! lt,%‘ people j . to kick any body downahdl who has xir ipiaion got a start that way. ■ ' i-'ors of newijiaperj ire bound to publish 3' ug once a year, and we believe that our ifa ajg *mt*: J 9*a'M WM know Whether her ' .'r'v vnll" ™ Hmtk Carolina, , „ -1* V to* that she was a rew , i . * f;r!n-'r said she, "I am v. i Lcaly W- C4mluw: h W“ t Brisk of Ucer Forever. M-nii, in me of hu lectures, tolls a stor 4# ****! the stab Uty of things E,KUn, 2 ^ y of bread to ever, One who „W CSg ~ VL32; u> ■*#t *** good man’s credit, aad rt 't»L t'-'5 a*eMllra beer and bis lustiium ( *'*• 1,1 W tad been dead TO) y”„ t~1V' pop nation of rjlasgos iUM* Me females. « 3K„M1, ENGLAND'S WELCOME TO THE WORLD. wr rm MfmaK & 'norniuL huumofwt.’ Ac. A Voire of happy greeting H the Nklkma of -hr World! A Flag of Peace far every shore. on every sea un furl'd ! | A Word of brotherhood and lore to each who hewn the call.— A VelooMa to the WoeM of Men, a Weleuae aae and alt! O children of a eunarm itoei O brothers all around, -if ’ la kiadlinem and rrmpathv receive the joyful sound; Old England bail roa welcrwoe all. aad wine you la her siaae. To aee how men of every clime may help each otber more f Old England greet* you lovingly, as friend ahould greet a friend, And only prays that peaceful days may never have an end, And only hopes, by doing good, the good of all to f*in. And so Good will from brethren still, right gladly to attain! Come on then to Uu* Tournament, of Peace and skillful Art, Come on. fair Europe’s chivalry, and play the Bay ard's part ! For honor, Austria, spar away! for honor gentle Prance! For honor. Russ, and swede, and Turk,—come on with ieveUe*d lance! Come os, amain, high-hearted Spain ! industrious Holland, cocue ! Italy, Persia, Greece, and Ind,—fill flp the Na tron's sum! And chiefly with us, heart to bean, come on and tilt far fame, Columbia,—thou that Englaad an in every thi iw but name! Not, as long truce, for deeds of death—but deeds to gladden life; Provoking each for other's good to join the gener ous strife; .As in those games at Pytbo, or in old Nemm’s grove. Where Grsecta's best sad worthiest for honor only strove. Come, wrestle thus in peace with us,—and vie for glory’s prize. Bring out your wares of rarest work, aad wealthi est merchandize, Let every craft of every clime prodace its brilliant best. The dazzling zone of Venus and Minerva’* starry crest! Let Science add the miracles that human reason works When tracking out the Mind of God that in all Nature lurks,— The Wonderful, that HE bath made Beneficent to man. And gives os wit to fathom it, and use it as »e i can! O there are secrets, choice and strange, that mm have not found out. Though up and down the earth we range and for age round about. The hidden things of Msrcy’s heart, the Beautiful ’ Sublime, That God hath meant to cheer us on ailown the stream of Time; A down the stream of T one, until we reach I happier shore. Where sin and pain come not again, and grief is gnef no more; For that, O, nations, wisely strive to do all gtKd you can. And. gratefully as unto God, live brotherly with Man! Oh MUUm m Tear. This is about the amount of the profits of nine months' staging of Jenny Lind in the Cm ted state". Her first concert was given ta New York, in Sep tember last, and since then she has appear! m a doaen different cities and towns. Tne contract with Bar sum haring concluded, he ha* published to the world that his receipts from the enterprise are over *800,000, whilst Mas Lind has received »lOO.CkW. The benefits will swell this sum to *t least *1,000,000, There is no parallel to this ia the history of public exhibitions. Previous to ht r arrival in this country, Mias Lind's success had far lurpassed that of any person who ever displayed in public his or her skid or natural excellence in «nv art. But even these triumphs dwindle into m itgnificance compared with her extraordinary ca reer under the direction of the Yakec gmpressario. she could only be tempted across the A tissue by iffers which were deemed by many persons ruinous •ml insane. The price of admission to all entertainments in this country having ^een long fixed at one dollar, it was be Hired to be guile a hazardous move to nt lempt to raise the rates. Baruum knew what h_ was about, and did not hesitate to mortgage hu whole property, to carry out his design. He then •el his extensive end complicated machinery to work, in order to prepare the minds of our people, and get the enthusiasm up to fever point, to give the illustrious songstress a worthy reception. It mu in all these arrangements that Barnum's great skill and mangement were display. He was suc cessful, from the very commencement. There was no abatement of energgy on ha part through out the whole engagement. It was one continual triumphal march through the Union. At a dis tance. people talked defvingiy of the “ Monster Humbug." as it was called; but when the divim Jenny and the sagacious Barnum came along, they too—the scoffers and reviiers,—were forced to fall into the trait, and shout as loud as the loudest.— Aud now the two have quietly dissolved their eon tract, and divide the handsome sums mentioned between them. The Empreasorio pocket* a hall a million. The man, who, eight nr tea years ago, came here as the manager and out-door worker of a dancer oi negro ,.gs, who had to pawn ms watch in this city for a lew weeks' board, realises a half a million oi toUars by one venture, one single transaction This, added to his other property, makes bun more than a millionaire. But be is not satisfied; his mrpius energies, more than any love of acquisi ttoos. fie has even now some half dozen other show" enterprises on foot. There is his great elephant procession which cost him *40,000 to pro tore the animals alone; there, too, ate the Bale-: nan children whom he has sent to England to as tonish the Britishers; Tom Thumb, who is still turning money under Barnum's auspices; his grand nuaeuin and theatre in New York, a vast design if a congress of nations, embracing repreaentati vea if every in be on the face of the earth; the estab ishment of a theatre in the city of London, Ac. kc. These, besides a large attention to and ser nce in the eauae of Temperance, occupy the uine 1 u ims reiuantauur man. There are two other demine which we have an j dea Barn urn will yet attempt; and. with him. to' -Humph. The contract with Jenny Lind has been wtcanted, ao doubt, with a view of* her unite rent and recreation. But we espect to ace .he engagement renewed in the fail. There are mportaat heids m which Mis* Lind haa yet to ry her powers,—they are California aad Trance. Jarn.un haa been itrongly tempted towards our r*aitihe £1 Uorada by an offer of i&OH,lW) fat ten lonceru. Thta would certainly be the Corinthian upitai of Barnum'j truraphal arch, and believe , hat be in not insensible to the glory, if not to the MO tit, of such a venture. Im B»tU> Fnmet, too, I tai been paaaed over by i he Xightingaie. The en :iu*i astir, art-aud melody-loving people of that tountry, have sighed ao long for a chance to hear | ler, that they have determined to console them- , Mvea with the policy of the fo*. who thought the [rapes he could not gat were aour. Harn ira feeta far the Trench, and we have no I ioubt that when he haa rested a week on a dusen . emperance rpeechoa, sod refreshed bu mind by j writing 370 letters, to every part of the world, he ! will turn his attention to this philanthropic move- j mem. Some desperate admirer of the very reined | people of Trance, sneering insinuate that Baouim san’l carry out “his humbug*' there, but in this they dp great injustice in Barn urn's skill and the Frenchman's sucepii&ility. Barn urn will yet “ beard the lion m hia dan.” and eitnrt the ap piame and fm-fmt of the complacent Hauls. fmk Arriral*. JUST received, per steamer •• Hamburg,' 40 barrels superfine TLOCR ; JO “ Crackers: # do*. Lemon Syrup ; d botes Candy* 10 barrels Brandy; *0 do. Whiskey. T»r tale cheap, by June h, IASI—39. M. TANTI. i St-cmrmt Li*<L*f. * EITHER VOMIT* VO* rCRtbK*, ■or area nauaratr* ttv mm detaret* iMMrt. We r*a p‘ no better Mira of im 'flVt-M ikan that daaenhrd kr I. f. 11 Tag.. ui a loner JaJMl, Coha uMo, La., Ort. 17. l*W,la who he aare: "Your Eebrii'ag* haa tm «M with wonderful awm Ik M fcaat In haaeiud ram aa dun lirn, (Utaarbna.) it fc ncMcur roH pbver*.^ la wnama ml m marliMc earhare power*. an* will ad a few hoca front Eli NhMa, o< Caldwall pariah, under ifot* . tn !*»,-*. iim* “I haw art the FJeemral fihihin ia a great aur u a ranatr •* eaara o« hrwr—alwaya reaaneiag Hie patient t prri*r-t health ua fiwat two w four hour*! L Urnlira, d hot heaitnte ia prouoa.arihg it oa« at' Ha Cmilnl Dlwatnin of Ike Age-** W a muld pendne* enough of aarh tmunony aMaa un rnlawi, from thr km anhOa w«.i—froia planter Cywctans and inheres hat a mat at' lha arartr iteelf ■ u •t proof, arid all air tnwtamny w* dear* Wr guarantee h in all oa»e», and ahouM it ftil to arroo plaab what ia ait noth ia directiona, the atoary will ha at ruci-ft prr ‘Klara bottle; Si renei per ball' ouaee; n nunrea for go. <>ni* oume trade euncun* -noogh lor from In eight raaaa, whirh retadeca a thr ehanpret anliniM a th world. It wtil mar (|tiiuBr enough to pay for'ihrell mor than lair* ewer, ivitoum regarding the great earing of tun at raft-ring. A Itberni dtnrtmnt wtfl hr male to dealer*, tag tain guaa None gram or. without oar fm weuie ugrutrarr, with th Ithenwn, authority ami aigbauwe m Joint-* Speed oa dw mm eelnp, with umr “Mown” ,» th* rial. CAUTION.—We wwh thr puMir to or partiruiar ramtoa ant to purrhaar any thin* purporting So Sr Kln-tmal Febri luge, aairw hearing the thm manta at guituaeni-ae. W dr at there mnarhe '-allrti lor, in rnawatarorr n perron haunt b*—n impound upon by rottlrtorfrit*. iKrlrnrh-d rempei hi-., wbteh, if not wnitliraa, are, loan; me Iran,rxlr-ni' t danger-at.*. For sai* by iirogpatt ami Dealer* generally Uiroughooi th South. A. KENDALL h CO- Sol* Proprietor. THE MEXICAN ML STANti LINIMENT, la anytyuan her. at proprietor * pure*, together with a Utrfe 1* •unmeet o auprrtor FAMILY MEIlil.'LNES, alwaya on band. winds nh and retail, at oar depot, I'd Hagan ne Manet, New or lean* For ad*-, whoteanle at null, ia Little Bock, at the Met Drug Store, by THOS. BUTTE*WORTH. Agent for the state of Araanaar. July 1,1*51. For Dyspepsia. Prepared from ike faarth Mtaaek of the Oi THE trac D*§pr>»tive FIir •» <• wtrv Juice. pr^purv trim itr nsifU or uie *Unu aoh of" tap Ox, jtftpr dup< boo* give* by Bamn L« btf, Uac gr»-ai ph> motoficf chftui*t, by J. a* H«MUiitor M D-, Ho. 11 tforth Etifht *«****(, Ffiuadelpfia, m* oa 1 immediate aati p*tio4 o*nt rplicf for Iadigpwtion. J>y*pepmR- Jaafubr**, Laver Com plaint. < *KK«nmptiou *nd deidiity, curutf ailer \ unrr'<* owi method, by Nature*• own wpini, Uae f«a*tnc Juice. It M , a^rtjun preventative of cholera, a* tt keep* (he stomach .*«, bowct* w * perfectly Healthy condition. Hair a tcaopoonrui of thu (laid, u*ftt***d ia water, wtft di iWflr dimoive live poumi* of rwwt beef 10 about (vro b«»u« TWi^i life <toMdi. dciumric Evtaaacs.—Baron Leibtg, in hi* celebrate* wort on aiunial etfejiuntry, «ay«: “Aaaruifriaiiiigevtive dim •autagoo* to the Gmatrie Juicp, may be readily pr.*p»r'*d irou the umicou* a^aabrufe of tftr st...n*h of uw calf, in wind varum* article* ot food, *uct» a* meat and •-■**». wall be *»« pfkaaced aad <toij***«ed j*»*t m (he mom uianacr a* idei wtmM be taihe human ntnmacu.“ ihr. Permra, oi hi* ramou* treatjc* “Ob (bod amt Diet,' putoiiahed by Poodvt h WdU, Wear Vork, jMft 3i, *tat,r* uu mom great fart, and dencnfeee the method of’ preparation There are f*w amber authorUM* than l>r. Pereira. Dr Combe, m hi* valuable writing on the “ Ptijr*kdflgy <> Digeatiua,^ observe* that “a dnmamuMi ot ti»* doe quanot) of the Oaetnr Jtik«, a a prominent aad all prevailing caos« ot I>v«prp** i,~ And be *thte* tarn -a 4toMgm«fcwl prof**** of mediruie in London, who va ***vvrt> aribeted with u«« compimat, Hading every uim* etm to fad, aad lecourae to (it* Gamnc Jt»k*. obtained frotn the aomacb* of livmz amiaaU wbvn proved romplefty ■mceeWhl.” Ur. 4Graham, author <d the raiwxu work on “V>f*eibl« Diet,’* uy».« -It i* a remarkable fact m pfiywolugy. mat tin stomach of animal*. macerated in water, on part* to (he dun *he property <X d>*«dvtnf v.irtoun article* of food, aod of et r«dui| i kmd of aftidcud digMua of (hem in an wt*e dif ferant (him the natural <lige*uve poem. Dr. asm’• mu work, - rhe i tk-.unu-y of «»,•’ ft«i k Burbvl, AitnMplua, 1H«. po 1*1 i, «yj: “Tn« o»*«ry of Phiu t«ra» a aerr an u. lb* oavoHoai hutnrv .> . rram racial .ipmauu, are know Uiat u D^aactn,. _______ lirafrrf aa rapirli, in aa aruacut Ji^aauve lUui, prepare, from Papaia, aa it M ia Hi* aaiurk tiaatne Jtu -e uartf. Praleaa.* Dimftliuoa, of Uw fHTeraoa Cellar, m.l ul.-t i Burnt arork on “Haawa orrme Iftjr patea n> aa a taia. iau»n or' uua .uofe.-u M> eaperuaeatt *iui Dr. tteaunamL, on ifto Uaarrie Juice, ,mi uum4 irou tke tavun, luuiun mMaark, aa.) frrwi animal.', in well knows. -vln all ekaea,” hr '.||loraCJ.UI .a-curret aa perteetly ui the an.fW*uil o ta ike ......... ui£e.u oi. rot rurtttar proof oi* the remariuMe inertia of Una lUacove ry, call at 7-1 MAGAZINE rTRfKT, anil act a (levripUe. A. KE.VDALL fc CO., otalea. UK N'e. General a«eai for Aoauwni For rale, arholeaale or retail, >u LiOle Rceit at ■mt( more, bjr THOR. BITTERW‘ «TH, A«e« lar the ritsie of Ar*ati.«e, July 1, lull. O-iy WHOLESALE A RETAII DH.U8 STORB. BV J. W. TAPPK. Lim* Ron, Main Stbkzt iuav Mikiiuo J'. ST retired per S. B. Clnmu a fresh suppiy uf pure and selected Dr,us, ‘ ~ -tm Wn PfT Also fresh Congr». ier Hfllzrr, Antnrm fumrrirt, JfC. Coostairtly on hand all |H>pular Patent Me,t,anet, Chemical*. OiU, Pu>*u, WmJutr Ota* a. Gar Jen Secdt, W ne* .y Liquor* for medical use, Ac., ail of which will he sold for cash, a* low an they can In lioujht in New Orleans. Country Physicians and dealers will Sad it ti (heir interest to give me also, a call. Jjf Prescriptions carefully put up. Little Rock, Juia 1, 1851. 4.1— Lowrim: Mweiin!! RECEIVED this day per Ilrmci Exchange. 90" yards Heavy Twilied Lowells, or Osna burgs; Suitable for stout summit pan:*. Apply t A. J. HCTT. June 9th. 1831.__ Mam ttrrrt TO SCHOOL COHWIHHIO>ERh And Trustees and Principal) OP ACADEMIES. THE advertiser wants a situation in any pan «j this State, as Teacher of a Conan.,n School o as writing master iu an Academy, Respectable re ferenee* will be given. Address J. D Box J* Little Rock, l itb J une, 1851—i 1. Wall! Wall!! RKOD per Steamer Dove, 100 large blear he sacks Salt, And f«»r tale by, A. J. HI TT. June 18-18.M—41._ Wchoai Books! r H.1VE just received a supply of School Book; X nmuag which are the following: 4 Jos. JSetirctic Spelling Books: 2 “ Davis' Arithmetic; 1 “ Pike’s « i “ Smiley's 1 “ English Readers; 8 “ Goodrich'! Readers Mo. I, J and 3; 4 " Copy Hook:: S “ aaaorted Prune!*; 2000 Letter Envelopes, l dot. Missouri Ilanaonista: l •• Southern •• Afos—Paper, Pens, tnli, Ac., Ac., all for sat cheap for cast,, by A. J. HI TT, /Am am*. Hip 14, 1851. M_ Cu F» steamer "R. H. Lea.” direct eianati, • barrels «M Monnngahela Whiskey ; 8 do. Rye Whiskey; 8 do. old Bonrboa WhAkay. Foe sale ehaep, by Bf, TAMTt, £ twiiks NEW DRUG STORE £ MSB DBt-Oft i»0 Ml THE subset; bar ku jest received and is mn» opewiag am entire Mew Stock of AND MEDICINES, freak aadgr-nuuw. opening sk» 4 Inspr.-ed DRl 08 wbiek we iodine, IOD-POTAW. QUININE. BEBEERINE. . PEPPER! XE, RLATBUtUM. BA LI CRN E. VERA TRINE, MORPHINE, STRYCHNINE. CUT FERR1KT XAONES. TURRET RHUBARB. «*,»>•; COD LIVER OIL. pan; CALOMEL. Jhf.t BLUE PILL, A*. Ac. PATENT MEDICINES, Embracing Jayne*' family Medicines, Moffett's do. Lee1* PilU; Spencer* do.; Wright's do.; Daria" Pain Killer; Stephens’ Astringent Syrup; Wwtars Balsam WiM Cherry, Ae. Ac. Sana&, TaraunuU’, amd Hutta Saraafmnlla. TER Min CW. B. A. Fahnestock, Dead Shot, and American Ver mifuge. Mae Lick w aire—CaarrrwSgriag Water. Pamtt, Oils, Dft-atmf, Winrhw Oka*, Aft. Aft. Country Pbymciaaa are requested to examine the | quality of my Drugs, Ac., before purchasing .eiae i where. fjT Preacriptiona tmuitu compounded. THOR. BI TTER WORTH, Agt.. flaw Drag Start, earner af Main and Markkam StrtrU. Lrrrut Rocc. June '23. 183!. Runaway* in Jail. THE following negroes have been eom i nutted to the Jail of Da lias county, as runaways, t«; on the 12th Jane. 1831; JOE, a negro man about *0 year* old,, , about 3 feet hssh. of dark copper color, wore green 1 Jants, grey sack coat and says he belongs to Wm. ac - • * “ ackaon in Harrison county Texas. Also JOE. a negro man. about 40 yeast old, 3 feet * inches high, of dark copper color, wore rerry ragged home made shirt and cotton pants, and no coaL Says he belongs to Jofcn Coleman, Harrison county Texas. Committed on nth day June 1841. ... The owners are hereby notified to eome forward, prove property, and pay the expenses incurred, or said negroes will he dealt with according to law. H. M. BOL LDPf. Stariff m4 Jnlor af Dalian Ca. Aria June 19th, 1831—42—tf. Notice i* Herrby (siren. TTO all thnae who are in arrears for interest due A on their purchases of a portion of fhe Ifith sections in T. 1 N. il W. and T. 1. .V. ft 12 W., to make payments to the county Treasurer on or before the first day of the July terra of the County Court, or the certificates of the several amounts will be placed in the hands of the Attorney Gen eral for collection. B P. OWEN. Jwlgr af €. C. Gax. A Democrat publish two weeks and pre sent their accounts to the County Court for pay ment. Little Rock, June 17, 1841. 41-2 w. 1 Tobacco ! Tobacco ! ! RBCD per. Steamer Trustee. 1534 lbs. cheap Tobacco. And for sale by, i June 16-1851-51. A. J. HUTT Confectionary and Ice Cream. THE citigena of Liltle Rock are informed that I hare for sale a nch stork of candies, cake*. ! fruits and a general stock of Confectionary, which i will be sold at the lowest prices. Ice Cream. 'I Will be furnished every day from 3 o'olock to i 11 A.M. 1; Room* nest door to Mr. Lincoln’s Book Store, ! on Markham street. ORLANDO B. KEECHE. June 16th 1351. 41 Little Rock Kish School. | r¥3HE annual Examination of the pupils of tb» JL Institution will take place (D. V.) on the 1st 1 and tad of July, ■ oramencmg at 9 o’clock A. AI : Trustees srvd Gardiaas with the trends of Edaca ! Uon are respectfully invited to attend. At the cioae of the esarmna'ion, premiums will ' he awarded for performing in the following studies: j Orthograthy, Anthmetie, Grammar, Geography, History of Rome, England and United States, Na tural and dental Phvloaophy, Rhetoric. Chemistry. ' Geology, Botany, Astronomy, Ethic*, Evidences of Theology, Bible, Composition and Preneh. We are Always an Hand! ! HOES, made to order; 50,000 split Laths now j -J ready for sale: 3 good W agous; Coopers’ Ware made to order; Also Cabinet Ware and Bedsteads; Carnages and B iggies repaired and trimmed. Orders left at my store will be attended to promptly. H. B. ALLIS, Contractor of Ark. Pm. Arks. Penitentiary, June IT, 1851. 40-3w. PROTECT IO V INSURANCE COMPANY. ! OF HARTFORD, CONN. I This old and responsile Company continues to i grant Pin* and Manne Policies on the most satiafac i iory terms. I June 9th, 1861. WM. B. WAIT. Bar Meres. ICA.SK old Brandy ; 3 cks. Aroencan do. ; 2cks. Maderta Wine; l bbl. Cherry Bounce ; j 2 bbis. old Bu’b Whiskey; 1 " Rum ; | 1 “ “ Rve '• 1 “ old Port Wine 1 " “ Muscat Wine; 1 Malaga. Received and for sale by JNO. D. ADAMS. Jun S, 1351—10 lemiin-g Tobacco. 3 BOXES Extra chewing Tobacco; i “ com. Pound Lump “ 2 *' 5, ** Received this dav and for sale by JNO. D. ADAMS, June fi, 1351—40. Steamboat [eroding. j 1* » steamer fcmUy I have just received and now JLJ offer tor sale : 50 Barrels Super Fine Flour; - “ Rye Whiskey; IS Boxes Assorted Tobacco: 10 ** Lemon Syrup; ' 8 *• Candy-, 1 Barrel English Filberts; 10 " Ale. M. T.AVTI. Lower Steamboat April 7, 1SS1.—31—If far Sale f rpWO LIKELY NEGRO WOVEN, one wiih r A two children, and the other with one. For ■ sale for cash, by J. D. ADAMS, at the steamboat Landing March 28, 1881. 29 Liquors and H ints. * X CASKS Brandy, 4th pruol; tJ 2 “ Mw let la Wins; l •• Port Wine; 30 Baskets CEempsgns Wine; an consignment i and for salt low. T D. MERRICK A CO. QtrrmMr IT, ISM. 1J BBLS RECTIFIED WHISKEY, received this day per “ Gen. B* n ” anil lor sale by JOHN D. ADAMS. J»a. It, 1851. Strum Boat LawHag. (ottVt, RMBjgar, Ac. JUsT received per aleaaaar Faaaywit ; 35 uu-ke Rto Coffee, - hhds. Safer; b hie. do; , 4 Me. Mohmaaa; < halt hhla. Mahnsaa; A ad fat aale hv FATHERLY A CLEMENTS. March 3d Id—tf. ■ata! Hat*!! ■at*!!! 2Cwee FaahioaaMo 911k Mala ; C Dos Waal da.; 3 Dot Cloth Caps. Kawdead oar Peotlas asm faraaieby JOHN D. ADAMS. Fah.ll, 1851 * Steamboat Laadlag KcitTiR k cri tml norm tm. ONE of to Saw* m store am* far i All erten far Otaa *f the tn M* *dl to f WILE WAIT. . Amt far tie lUsnfKtmmm. Ltttl* Rock. Mij 27,14*1. »— Mi.1 TUST wt'H a toe fat«f tf «J which an U« failowta, via: 3 cam fine fa»k Silk Hafar 1 " " « S*oIc*ktn Hat*. h « « Bn 2 “ “ Bra*h I « “ Pearl U; I'itm. '• Panama I " " Leyhom l « tor*' *»e Leghorn '< 1 " infant*' Straw •• 1» *' Palm L**f And for rale by A. J. BI T1, Main ttrrrt. Map 14, ttoi. __ 34— laicitiCA ntc By the andewirn** Am* far the PROTECTION INSHUNC* COMPANY, nr cow—ctscct. Police* unaed upon the moat faroraWe terms Vy WM. B. WAIT, Amt May A. 1*80,_3A-tf. Family Flour. Ace., 4c. TOST woerr**, a lot of merchandise direct firrw* Cincinnati, per itranrn Lain No- 2, and ft* barrel* Plow; 6 caakj Bacon; 1 *• CanraaBcd Hama. If) botes Star Candle*; 10 “ Paiated Bucket*; 4 barrel* Dried Apples; 4 boxes Tobacco; •l bap Cotton Yam; _ And for »ale by A. J. HI TT, Mam Mae t, i»»r.__ 38— itaMIcry. ffST wee, red from New Orleam a large *_W mWl w ww* k •/» IB pert of it* following, »ii 10 gents’ fine Colaatbtan Saddles; 13 •' " Spanish g ladi-ut’ *• H«v sksn “ 6 ites. Bridies. assorted quxhtiea; 3 “ Marunxa.c.1 awusied qualities, 3 " Bridie S t.nfs " 3 " Worded Giro " 3 “ “ Cireutgies, ass’d q no,.tin; 3 •• Cota. Horse Coilarx; 3 " Ho? skin Horse Collar*: 2 ** Wsgpn Whips: 3 ~ Hide “ 1 “ plats and Pnckeusd Saddle Bogs. 3 •* Sue Polished .Hruufte Bus; 2 •* “ SUrmp Iron*; 3 " very fine Buggy Whips; And foe sale bv A. J HuTT. tfa»a ttrrrl. 3d— REGIL1R ARUJSU RIVER PICKET. Per Pise Staff, I.tttle Hark, TBares, * Port Ssitk. Port Gibson. tad sit inter mediate Litdists. JOH.V BOX. M»**er. wit! run. Airing >h» ernstting season, a* » regirlar Pocket fr.un N-w Orleans, In the above Issdr'gv Iprief attention will be pah) to plantation business, and all orders promptly at leivled in. LUtl R*k Jmn. 3, 1851. 18-tf. FRPSB DRIES & IFJICIXES. Jt *T RKtKIVFD 1.11 FOR RILE. WHOLESALE 111 RETAIL. ^F'HE sahsenber i* constantly recei J. ring, from New York, a g*an me assortment of Drus«. Jfrdwmee. Cheat* talt. Per/msery Pamla. OU*. Dy« sttrffg, tte., *e. Also—Patent Moui claea: among which are, Dr Taylor’s Balaam of Liverwort; iwyaieo’ Expectorant; Indian Panacea; Dailey’s Pain Extractor; Haya’and Heweo' Lini ment: loan's Strengthening Ptaater. Koiaetoek's Vermifuge; Molfstt’s Phoenix Bittersand Vegeta ble Life PUIa; Bartholomew a Expectniant; Spbou's Medicine*; Oldridae's Balm of Columbia for the Hair; Welsh’s Medieamentum All of which will be sold low tbreaoh. R. L. DODGE, .MaHcSsm tt. little Pock, 1«4!» 17_tf EiciCRisTiiiT iieiftfRi TIT FASHIONABLE ^ Boot and Shoe Msiifselsry.fw THE undemigned, having opened a Boot and Shoe shop in the two-story bnch howaooa the rant aide of Eoat Mai a street between Markam ano Elm streets, taiende carry log on the above business la all iu branehee. He naaa none bnt the heat me leriaio, and employs none but the very beat work men. and gentlemen favoring him with their eastern may rely oo haring their work dune in the geaiest and moat Fashionable Style. By strict alteutiou to his basiosso. end promptly lilting all orders to the aatiofaction of kla eaetom era, he hopes to Merit and receive a liberal patron age from the eiftixens of Little Hack ami vicinity Terms X ask on delirry. GEORGE JACOB LEACHER. Little Rock. Jone 11. H38.—7—40 tfj rrociamauon oi me governor. W'HF.RRAS. An *c( of the Genera! Assembly of the Suite of Arkansas entitled, “ An set to provide for holding •» election of one Kepresrn Utive to the Congress of the Cm ted States, arid to change the time of holding other elections," ap proved January tlth. !«•*!. provide* That on the first Monday in Anrust eighteen hundred amt fifty - one, there aha!! bean election optned am! ne$d m each township in the several counties in this State f r the t ieetninof on- member of the House of Rep resentatives of the thirty-second Congiesi of th« Called States, ami that said election shall he open ed, heid, and fn an2 respects conducted as the law provides fur Raiding and conducting general elec tions. and whereas, by section one of an act enti tled " A i act to repeal the ballot, and revive the nr* cnee system Of voting," approval November '19th. ISfiO, it a provided, "That the mode of vot ing at all genera! and other elections authorized by the Constitution and laws of this State, shall be tux race; and that so much of chapter sixty one of the Digest of the Star utes of Arkansas, under the title, •• election*." as applies exclusively so the ballot mode of voting bo and the same is hereby repealed." Now,'therefore I, John Seblen Roane. Govemot of the State of Arkansas, do hereby make kaewti that in accordance with law, an eiectiua will be iic',1 on the rigt Monday in August, iMl, .being the fourth -lay of said mouth at etch ami every place of voting at ceneral election* a alt of the fifty-three counties of this State, for one member of tbe House of Representatives of the thuty-aec und Congress of the i'nitri! States; and the Sheriffs of the several couuties of this State ace hereby re '<ti»ired to give due notice of the election aforesaid, aud h> cause the same to be opened, held and conducted in accordance with law; and the Sher iffs of the oou.ttl.ea «f Cfticov Deaha, Araansaa. Jefferson, Drew, .Ashley, Bradley. Calhoun, Dallas and Hot Sprung, : which counties compose ihs see onff judicial circuit of the Stale of Arkansas, ate hereby requited to cause to be h«W in their res counties on the name dav as that lor Rep resentative, the election fbr a judge of said Circuit, to fill the vaeaney caused by the resignation ef Josiah Goa Id. In teaumony whereof. ! have here unto set my hand and caused ih« sea! of tbe State of A rtansav to be af fixed in the city of Little Kee,fc, Ar kansaa, this it day -u Msv » u. U-i t. Bv tbe Governor JOHN «. SOANE. Divio B. (Hanoi, Aservtsrp a/ 3f %u. May nth, Ihfitt. **-uie [t_ a] A. A. (tRl. Bkt.ll. FROM Hu smile Ala., has located . himself permanently in Little Rock.; Ha has heeu engaged ia the practice of Dentistry for tea yearn, and feels sonfident in tl ability to giv« entire satufactP*- to such of th cuntmunity as may need his services. Persons residing at a diets new wJJ 'hs notified , his abaenco Aon town, whenever it oociua ihroig the papers of this place. Often ms the went ads of Louunua street, te Anew Qiiieth ef fhejeeSleaee of Judge Rmtlkh. Little Rock, May 27. IM1. 'YU-tf. fMataMtevMei pteftpejahMh wi* ■ fha* it mj ata ha published by »2 oiln lm»r Mk of the State.. atUNaa wt Wkw eifiM at eaek plat 1. at the knur of JO, A. X. tfeoBTCKiaat far them. braaa vary warty MM *Mt af tka Weak and J North-wear part of 0* State. It ia Japaaaihte m the taw aSewad me lataa the arkaia State. Af teeSfow tha laat apt Ottawa* aa*» awda. tatrvt: at Write Rae*«oth#tMktf Ja*. iMialN aoBwtiatety sari rort **elt part at the State aa amy limn be deemed aacaaaary. 1 an aa wapaeiftUiy yo>am, ; ; * x w. jokjwoj* P#IJTIfA LffTICR. X. W. JOHNSON, IVtamatie NaBMaee for Cotapeaa. will addreaa the peepta, as tha piaree tad liowa iiMt>eat»d m tha futVwuHT Schedule. *t the hoar of tft A.I. The Drmneratir paper* throaehont the State at* yerpectfnlly requested to pobltah thia nabee aati! the iHh JaW, IMi Waamsaro* cf*y, Tamar, ft! Ja!r. Br.irmr-m.uf. Barro* const*. Sarrahar htk July. Hnrrrmu, Mamawo rtmnfy, XiwapH'Plb July CaaeoTTor, Ctaamt. eouaty, Wta'anr Pth Jalv lum, Xawroa couaty. Taraaaar iOtia Jaa*. Lni*m. teaact nutty. Saramat* 13th Jaly. Ci-new*. V*« Ream rmi ate, *<**»»* IPtfc Jaly. Lira* Rocs, Ptiaan fousty. Saturday 19th July. Baron and Floor. X/\BBLa, chotce At. Lmtm rw; •Af a tierce Canraatcl Hama , 4 caaka Side* ; Received on '..uttiauinen* aod ?w «a> by J:i0. D. AO.-UiS. Aiwitut Lmmiing. Jht. XI. iSSl—03. TOS t(TO, »l GAR, «M it •* AMD WI.VR. JUST receded per S. B. P'mtue. 5 Botca Honey Dew Tobacco; tBsOOO Beyt tUranna 3e*awt 3 I Pipe* Cat ret; 2 " Madcria do., 2 * French Brandy; 2 Hilda Powdered Sonar; * Cases Cherry Ron nee. 4 V French Cordials. 4 Boxes Oraiyt*.: Por sale cheap by. Jnwttt, ia*»- M. T1XTL LITTLE RMI FftHORT ill SlIHIRf. Jfo«WflI Hfekf 'XXTOtfLD r*»p*e<f«liy eall the attention ad the r T public to m.' abuse sataldishntesit, wWh Iim race ally undergone a thorough repair, tad. has. mg the neeeaaary facilities, ta now (ally |K*pare.t to fantian ta ora»r. with great pdniuplitee* avarv article. tultaat Una. of otihar wrought as cast iron. Brass or Copper, of ao food material, properties*, aad warkawaahip.aad apoa aa cheap terms, aa aas other Fowadry ia Utia ran a try Mil otfcors, or.1»rinj wheat*, wilt hs | lilinghta aad No. of cogs aad pitch, alao tha pirtical.r ataa aad shape of Iho oye, wanted ta each wheat. The dt a meter of a wheel, when east. Witt be Vg of aa tacn per foot Irea the same with length of a shaft — Ori^rra should also ha aesnatpaaied with a droafht aad fall dearriotioa of what la waatad, aad the AAaUFh Mtii LMtUURock. Desi. 1*. —14—tf FROST At CO. |||| DEAIJfch* tJ» fPjBootn. Kkofh, HATS, CAPS.&C , *r.*o i PALM LEAF, MEXICAN AND CA.WPEACH Y HATS. Na. 10, .Vtaraxioe, hotwoaa Coast aad Coaaaoa at. NEW ORLEANS. tjT f rom oar Hoaae* at Naw York aad Boatoa we are constantly roeowiag Iraah supplies of tha shore Goods. Coaatry Dealers are loritad ta call aad axamtsa •tar etteaatre eteek Arkansas Coffee House, ;b««it rrssaaosT LAsaino.) TH E Proprister haa aa ha ad. aad ta constant! j rroeiriu*. tha f'otlawiog— Foreign aad domestic Ltqaorss W iaoa aad cardiaia of aaary description, Clears, Tobacco; Fruita. ite. All at which are for sale at wholeaale aad retail price# Person* from iho country w siting to par chaee, wit1 please eall and see my stuck hefor* pur chasing ataawhera aa 1 satoad la mil aa law as any noose ia tha otv. wicuarltanti Little Sock, Jaa. 21, l$4t. 2<i—ly ;Jt>The Arkadeiphia Sentinel will sapy ows year, ao.; forward aer.oeat to tha soheerth#* M T Rcc'd p« r “ Jcifrrson,'’ and fo* aoic by Mav 14th, ls.VX WM. B. WAIT. L^LOI-R V, BMn L per6 ac. ‘O'Pallbn Mills ” E*;.ra Su V> *■ - tfntTK-v MiJI’V Extra Su perSnt*. Receired and t»>r sale bv Mav 10. id»l. WX. B. WAIT .VUTHiK. %hok ii;k. IN order uj ifrt m* f»*l» *«;* sa -.v !i .1, I have de:ermmr4 to star: Rust ewthertnan as<i uow req*e*t *11 wttobtod to Me- So "Ow* up to tuc Ttouyh.' *nJ ***« me Use < r-eaSto access ty of troubling them jga.n, / « 4muut to *a». dte bk-v. .« I *m rtsu!v«ij to buy Oil :wtt stark of •i-xnij for ft* the- purpose of ad;tag them tess i**a toe music stock can be suLi for ut this SUte. I w>pw wit be te*<!y to pay up a post ftv - scuta lion of Useu HtiiS. i>. U Ft Li'OH. Mar 14. tbfll. 36—4«r. JUSTICE* «fr»AV|SfG brno -leeuai, roauHUMiyavU tad t « i ,1 1A« Ikiaro s*> Pug !i«*i r W#r« euuatv Arkmn* t un isnsparM u> utn»i iiftnaji.. ta hi towing* iBiri»owta. me pme-tuany tHIue *i m- law odav of L A. Oi > nui to. i .1/ Maui amt Faw wnwta, «ak«niw Arkuiw )wmi aWe» i'4l\ J. TB<rtU>a«i>« Little lock, Ark* , tw A, trial. lA LOI. ft—W b*it* Wiro enprtdae Jl LArtU UlL—4 boat. wmtrr itnuawii RLul GH MOl LUr>—HJ6 D juaotKl. BA CO N—-4 biuU. bams ami afcosuaim; PORK—1»> bbJui, etear; LARD—tOU keys No l; COTTON yarn—®oo a*. iwMed. »t» to. Rrcnv-d pr * Hamburg/ atui for »*i* by W«. B. WATT. XawS tl. !*Sl. Partridge Bmu. f C*a*w W atar Preal tout nwnwt **4 fa, UK ‘ b by b A t LV A CLSM L.NT* Fab It. I6&*. _ . ia r»fiu jits m. ~ Jt’ST r»«rt»rd by :h* * tracer Pmi’ m St* a. 3tt Ton* <u Baton i<«. It B in Rtitetu 4 But ret* CbfWBuN. I B ig of AhuoM. t Bag Kr><b»h W »tn*M I Bat t»t CoeiMHtttt M C*lta t"tye«l*r» 2 Batfts l»*»«vu ta the HteiL 2tb>< Pstk>».‘ !>>r»t«r«. i Hose* Toi*r« o. 2 H>*»h*ait« 9u(*r. t Dot. Basket Attamef. 1 “ •’ CiirJial*. I ” Deonyohor. M TANTL SfnscItW. |6*». I-’ H CASES (bust* aMoruKi; 4 - Kip Dkmm; 4 doc. Graf* lav Calf Skoew; i " " “ Oauan; 14. '• Ladies SBo«a aaagftedi 8 “ Stuwes *ai etuUtre k» Blli.w aaw>rcl. 1 Csa* Boy* Krp Pw*»iw. I « " Boot*. Be., ho., h*. Ree«v«| per PkUhp Peaaywit *ad far sale bp JOHN JD ADAStS. ! 'ftlfrb 3. * Strwa*o»lJLapdtaf.