Newspaper Page Text
ia all itt nma bno. The vast e amber that have beea cured by the ne of this compwanfl. during the pa* year, de moostrates this tan. Mot only raeeat acute at inflammatory cases, bat oid chronic eases. af tea. twenty, thirty sad eves forty yean standing; where they had a* ealy load en-ry ether ester eel end internal remedy at which they eeaid hear, bat at peat etpewe. had traveled, a ad passed under the treatment of a a a saber of the first medical mea of Sasap* asmattssof our earn country, rimliil the ▼arioa* wacmng places, tahaa voyages at see. and dwelt ia the moat salubrious clime*, without ob taining relief. Some, who were reduced to a mere sketeton. their doth bed withered sway, their limbs were paralysed, and many that lu* scarcely been able to walk for ten, fifteen and tw&ty years. These bare beea cured sound and well, regained their flash and the use of their limba, aad now en joy excellent health from the use of this compound. Toese facts are fully substantiated t>y published testimony, from the highest possible sources ; tes timony that cannot be gams a d, but which can be roue bed for by In tkmwnui witnesses. Retail price, fid per bottle, 3 bottles for S12, or fifortfH. . To be bad of R. L. DODGE and THOMAS BUTTERWORTH. little Rock. June 3, 1M1._ ly. MOHTLMORB’S BITTER CORDIAL, AND BLOOD PURIFIER; a Vegetable Spirit, and the most scientific preparation ever produced; one bottle of which, is warnuted to possess more real medicinal virtues tbsa ten times that amount of dataapatilla. or any other preparation put up for similar purposes. Its unequal virtues are soon made manifest ia diseases haring their origin in impurities of the blood, such as—Neuralgia, Scrof ula or King's Eril, Erysipelas, Cutaneous Erup tions, Salt-Rhem, Totter or Ringworm, Pimples on ti e face or surface of the skin, soreness or misery in the breast or region of the heart, general debility or nervous affections, and all irregular haUls of the system, (especially with females,) and the many derangements of the nervous sys tem, and diseases arising from the injudicious use of calomel and other poisonous drags. This ia u fine cordial, pleasant and agreeable to take, and perfectly safe to be used in any state of health, even by the most delicate female or child. And it is an article that every one should use, at least once a year, to purify and enrich their blood, and thus prevent all manner of diseases. Retail price, fit per bottle, 6 bottles for $5. To be had of A. L. DODGE and THOMAS BUTTERWORTH. JuneS, 1841. ly. Dr. clarkr* irnp of WIM Cherry u4 Tar, WInch it considered by Physicians and other* the Oiut Rum for coughs, colds, consumption, liref compliant, bronchitis, asthma, soreness in the cheat, spitting of blood, pain or misery in the side, difficult or profuse expectoration, night sweats, Ac. This being the preseriphun of a regular physi cian, graduate of the Medical University, Phila delphia, and having been thoroughly tested, is properly esteemed one of the moat valuable and efficient remedies for these and similar complaints ever offered to the public. Price. 91 per bottle, 6 bottles 95. To be had of R. L. DODGE A THOMAS BUT TERWORTiL Little Rock, June 3d, 1851.__ ly. DR. STEPHEN’S ASTRINGENT SYRUpT— This has now become a celebrated remedy for Dysentery and Bowel Complaints, Cholera Mor bus, Diarrhoea or Summer Complaints, pain or cramping in the stomach or bowels, adapted to per sons of all ages, but undoubtedly the most supe rior preparation for children ever produced. Price, 35 cts for small bottles, and 50 cts for large ones. To be had of R. L. DODGE and THOMAS BUT TEit WORTH. Li *'* Rock • no, 3d, 1861. ly. Frenh Flour* Jtc. RECEIVED by last arrival, the following arti cles, to wit : SO bbl*. St. Louis Flour; 100 “ Cincinnati " 30 kegs No. 1. Lard ; 50 bbls. and half bbls. Whiskey ; 1050 lbs. Tobacco ; 7M) “ Bar Lead: For sale by A. J. HITT, June 4th, 1851—30. _Mam atrert. THE subscriber, agent for H. Habennan, will continue the former's business at his old stand on Main, near Markham street, and keep con stantly on hand a full and well assorted stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shires, Hardware, Castings, Ac., Ac., all of which will be sold low for cash. The highest market prices will be paid for country produce, as beef hides, peltries, bees wax, Ac. JOHN KRAUSE. Little Rock, March 28, 1861. 30—tf. Iron and Canting*. A ft/Ul Lbs. Bar iron, assorted ; rlJvrVrvf 4 Bundles Nail Rod*; 6 Bundles Eatra Horae Shoe; 100 pieces Plow Wlag* ; 75 SkilteU sad lida; 30 Oveaa and lids ; 15 assorted English Pots; 15 Sogtr Kettles ; 13 Grid Irons; 3t> odd lid*. Received per 1 rustee, and for salo by JOHN D. ADAMS, Feb. II. Steamboat Landing. 20 CiAdNNfffi Goo*fa Kegs Fresh Buckwheat Flour ; 300 pound* Bologna Sausages ; 1 bbl; Homlney; I bbl. Whits Beans! 30 Boise Star Caudles; 10 Boxes Tullsw ds. S Bbls. Lard Oil; 1 Bbl. Saiarataa; 900 Jags; 15 Domljohne, IS Iron Bound Kegs. Received nor True too, and for solo by JOHN D. ADAMS. Fob. 11, 1851. Steamboat Landing. Stour Candle• ttr. Lbs. Star Caadioa ; 25 Bags Backwhoal Flour; 6 Bid White Brent; 400 Lbs '.'anting*- Just received per Pontiac, and for ante by FATHERLY A CLEMENTS. Fab. 11,1851. 300 UBgtm'i ImUobbI lop of Arkanai. FEW copies of tbc above Map—the onl v com plete and correct one seer published—lor sale at tbs Gazette and Democrat once—price $5, on rollers, sad handsomely varnished and colored. Jan. 7, 1861. 18— A_ for sale by Stationary. LARGE and beautiful i toe ary, received pci PI— i- JOHN Steamboat March 36. JOU* D. AD4IIN, CMX1SMU 1XB P8RW1RPI46 1ERCHHT, BUCK COBJtKB, LOWE1 HTKAWBOAT LANDING, LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. KEEPS eeasUatly ea bead a large tad general Mottaul ef Dry Gowda, clMlitf, Hurd* Warp, %aern«WMrP, Hats nad Capa, Boot* ud ikMi, Mddlerr, ataiioaarr, Braetrien, PradMA) Ac., Ac.; all of which will bo eoU tory cheap far CASH. Oat. i, lW.-»-l if •cxbt U'nti ai'sim TUST RECEIVED, aad for tala cheap for each, al Abo Doable aad Slagle barrelled Shot Giu, RlAra, flat aad poreaaoioa gaa Lock a, he, kc. a) the Gaaaarith Shop, oa Mala atreet. where repair *%! la dcae ap blue, by GRIFFITHS » LIQUOR. ON bead aad for tale, I bbt dth proof Preach Bready; 1 “ Spaa lab « 1 •• Malaga Wlao; 1 " Maoaal ** (a chetco article}. JOHN D. ADAMS, Doc. VUHR-Htf _ Lower Umdm9. IRON—WOO lba. at’d Rat aq’r and round Iron ; 1000 " beat charcoal borae-ahoe ; SOAP—10 boat* No. 1 brown ; PAPER—10 reaaaa Earalope: PORK—30 bbk. baary Man , B ACON—1 BOO lba. dear ndea, BAGGING—M peace* heavy Keatucbv j w 40 half •* “ “ HOPS—46 cotis; TWINE—10 bales; Ras'd pet "Hamburg,” aad for sale, by WM- B WAIT CHANTS. COTTOJT FACTORY, soaiiMtON am r©iiwA«iJja» MERCHANTS, MO. M CAMP ITRKK.T, NEW ORLEANS. IMItAHmA*. J.H. «U» T.I.AHW. HOKIN (iRKKVWOOD, Sc CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING UltftOMAWV*- . y«. AS Magazine Street opposite the Mouth oC Rank Alley, SEW ORLEANS, LA. try- Particolai Attention paid to the tele of CO f roN. TOBACCO, AND OTHER PRODUCE— hr rottertion and remittance of Fend*—and the potcii&t* stid shipment of THOM AS L. WHITE, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, ii . ntrcr. SO. *3 CANAL street, NEW ORLEANS. LAW. MEDICAL, MISCELLANEOUS. AND SCHOOL BOOKS. WSUTiN® PAPSR, Pi*- Cep, Lean and Sate HVepptey peper •/ eerie*, qmalillet Bl ILU, STEEL, PENS, INK, AMi penl .ewta»l «f Bluk Bwlu. Country Merchant, and Teacher, are requested to call and examine the Stock. feh.13 23-tv jam* narmmna. wn. f»wiu. JAJIEM RATTHEWSft CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COXSJttlM IERCI1NTS, Maeafaclerer*. Agent* roaTKiaaLX or NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, COTTON TARNS Ac., No. S3 W'ALNUT STREET, Sonth of Colombia, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rxrxa to— T. D. Merrick h tY. iVm.B. Wait. Walter MUetuil, H Brw/aa. D. Bender A Ca.,and Jaeak HateUat Little Rock. Fib. 3, IS50 —7—23—ly ni;\jvni\ ialle^der, (titceiMr to Wo. T. Eu«tia A Co.) i A'i 49 ood 44. Pearl Stntt, Bootoa. Mattatkuoettr, I1P0RTER i.\D DEALER IS PORKICN A DOHHTIC HtKDH tRK. AS a constant (apply of Hakuwiu and Cot UIT adapted to the trade of the Seothwod. | From ao experience of twenty year* in the trait ’ of that aeetion, he iaconfident that he can supply 1 merchant!, either in perooa or by order, with the > ityloaand qualities of foods desirable, sod on terms j that shall be satisfactory *.* B. C. ft»es particular at,<ntion to consign roeots of Cottoa, Peltries and other prodnee of the eoantry that may be consigned to him for dole. Sept. 25. 1849—7—3—1 y H joscra b palm an. jamb* h masskt. JOSEPH O. PAMER it CO., IIPORTERS ASD WHOLESALE DEALERS IS PORMfltl AND ©OMiESTIO DRY QOOD^t 47 CAMP-NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 10, 1850. 8-1—ly A. F. COCHKAA it CO., COMMISSION lERt'lASTS, IIPORTERS AMD Detlrn to Foreign nod Domestic FRUITS, NUTS, WINES AC. U I To* N U I 9) VV I IN to POWDER! lOWDER!! AGENCY ot the celebrated “Chrystal Powder Company,” ia Kef;,, Halses and Quarters, and Cans ot one and five pound,. Guarantied Superior to any mttwufaeturtd No. 27 Tchoupitoulai Street. New Orleans. January 13, lsSD.-J—19—ly NEW WHARF BOAT. A. GOAD it CO., GENERAL AGENTS, C8111&SIM AND KOKWlRDISti IERIHASTS. NAPOLEON, ARK. tllHK PROPRIETORS base purchased an en A tirely new boot, with splendid accommodations. ! It will afford ample and secure no rage room for eight handled tons, and is capable of seeommoda ' ting fifty pasoongers. They are prepared, as heretofore, to do booinees I a, General Agent*. to Receive, Forward, and Pay | Charges. They promise to giro their particular at tention to all basiness entrusted to them. The Proprietors wilt guarantee that this boat will stand the inspection of any Insaraac* Office in the I United State* A. B. references: Shaw fc Co., MrnpJut, Tf* iTViSSSSl Jas Tiltits A Co., 1 ». n. Tockib. V Liltlt Rock; Ark. T. D. Mtiitci A- Co , y Moses Gaittswoon A Co., ^ y W altos*. Sanroan 5c Co. Sept 10, 185*) OOGaz. It Dem. copy. Orlrant. W, MITCHELL, A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Dealers la fl*wb Dry ■ Groeerte*. At. NAPOLEON, ARK’S. Marrk 30, 1851. * 30—tf. Kngar and Coffee. 50 fii; beat Rio Coffo*. hda. Prim Brown Sugar, In store sad for sale by Nos. 5* 1S50.-8-S— tf T. D MERRICK A CO. Partridgr Booh. 4 CASES Stout Calf Boots. 2 Cases Watarproof r Boools, last received and for sale by Doc. 17. FATHERLY A CLEMENTS I OOLDIERS’ LAND WARRANTS, lor 160 I O acres each, (or sale by WM. B. WAIT March 3d Jfc-If Kre'd per it 8BBLS Ale; 10.000 Ceoone Cigar*; S.OiHI common V, Spaniith do 101* bbl« Crocker*; 10 do Brands; 20 do Whuk'ey; 20 Vg do do; 00 bbl* Floor;- ; 5 do Gin, hie. Jen 21. cr Hamburgh, M. TANTI »|»lrr. Rrrrivrd pcrMIrainrr t i CTh CASES fr«*h Oytaro; 0\J 8 bbU do do ia shell, (r*ry fin*} 4 do 01*0(0*. fioo; 1 dot boxes Pruues. 30 do fr*ah Raisins, boat qualify; 35 MH) Hmu Cigars, assorted. For *t* by M. TANTI. Jat, 31. 1951 90— Freak ProvhioiH. ‘lriAA LBS. sugar cured canv'd Ham* , OUUU 3700 lb*, clear Side*. U kegs leaf Lard ; 10 bh«a Pilot Bread : 90 half bbl*. Butter and Water Crackers; 4 bbla. dried Applet; 4 “ " Peaches; Received this day and for sale, by JON. D. ADAMS. June ft, 2851—40. Stnusk—t La»*mg. BACON 4000 Iba Extra Sugar Cured Han*; 7000 Iba Clear Sides; 4000 lbs Bone do.; 2.800 Iba Shoulders; DRIED REEF—300 Iba Extra Sugar Cared; FLOUR—100 Bbls Ohio, Superfine; VINEGAR—5 bbla Cider; Becstved per steamer R. li. Lee, and for sale by Jane 94 WM ». WAIT q a a. a a a a MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT m r. tb mu, tb •IT. •f gn*jf* Rat loot bees known to ' and bet beei within rtaelf wcwfctfat.'y sootknmg, beabng and curative properties, _n extensively' used by tbe Astoct far ftkenaanlam, Stiffness M Joints or Limb*. and for all ktwk of Son*. Uieeis, Ban*. Wounds, Hard Lumps or Turners, and for all kind* of Pain* or latmmtMM in Man or Bead. _ The bappy eomUnation of tbit wooderfal protection of nature with other powerful remedies in th* Mfitraa Marian» Ualnswnt Render* it one of the most perfeei remedies ever Cdfared to tke afflicted. It* aetacn upon the orgam ration la truly wonderful, ft* volatile, penetralia*. aantlte and heal mg properties diffuse thenwe! res to the vert bone*, Itsatemmto tke ortatetaonoftlir blood—ghfes a new impulse to the whoie ner : vous system to the very extremities of the finger* and tom-cUmulates the sbeorbews and secretions, and thus momU nature to throw off and rid beiaaif of any diseased setxm of nerve*, miracles, chord* or body, ligaments, making it equally applicable to *oaa* of any kind, rheumatism, paint in any part of the dy, from a diseased action of any of the structural portions of the system. Poaaeaang theaa paenimr power* it the reason why it a equally affleaciou* m *o many different complaint*. We will give a few of the thousands of cure* that have been effected by this Liniment *** ?A *iady in Colombo*, Ohio, had bet hand slightly browed, took cold in it and it spread to A Frightful Ulcer within the All over the back of her hand. Doctor* had prescribed salves, ointment*, washes, and alteratives, without doing it any good. It had been in Una condition more than a year, when she cot a bottle of the Mustang Liniment, by the retommendauna of her physician, and applied it a* directed. The re ault was, that in four week* the ulcer wa» healed and the hand wa» well’ That doctor now buy* the Liniment by the dnaen to use m hw practice. A little girl, fourteen wiles fromColumbus, had a severe attack of Rheumatism. The chord* of one leg contacted so that the foot wa* drawn up at a right angle with the thigh, and the knee joint stiff *o that she was obliged to walk with crutches Three bottle* of the Mustang Lmimcnt relaxed the chords, k>QMaed the knee joint, relieved all paint, strengthened the muscles, and she can skip the rope, leap and jump without crutches ami without isnpng A man in Pittsburgh had a red bot iron sccideatally rua into hi* foot, making a very severe Wound and Burn At the same time. The pain was intense and excruciating, thr — og lock-jaw. The foot swelled very rapidly, and in two hour* he wa* unable to bear any weigui oa it, or set it to the ground. In this condition th-t Mustang Liniment wa* applied. Immediate relief from pain was the consequence, and in two day* he went about his business and had no farther Mfoble with it. Capt. Wm. Alter, one of the oldest ciUscna of Cincinnati, and long and popularly known on all the western and southern rivers as a steamboat captain, had a very severe attack of Inflammatory Rheumatism in his right arm. After suffering the mnat-axcrneiating pare for some days without a moment's relief, be obtained a bottle of the Mustang Liniment, and applied it. lu lea* than twenty-four hours, he was entirely relieved from pain, the sosenem and stiffness perfectly eradicated, l^t any doubt this tn bis presence, and he may give them a specimen of H» muscular strength and (taxability of his "good "* Amn in Covington, Kv., had not been able to walk without crutches for near two years, from the effect* of . . .. Chronic Rheumatism. He heard of the Mustang Liniment, bought it, and used it as directed, sod now he is well, and can dance a horn-pipe equal to any jolly Tar ! A man near Louisville, Ky., had a negro man who had running sores on both his leg*. They were nearly rotten, and feared they would be the cause of hi* death. He procured half a dosen bottles of ihe Mustang Liniment, and utol it all according to the directions. la one month the sores were belled. John Bennett, of Petersburg!!, 11L, had a daughter twelve years old who had Tenia Capitis or Scald Head. The entire scalp was a running sore and had been tor more than a year—doctor* could do <t no good. They were persuaded to try the Mustang Liniment, and to their great joy, it has en tirely healed all the sores, and a beautiful head of hair now covers the Once Frightful Scaly! !, A lady in St. Louis had a sore on the top of her head that threatened to spread all over the scalp. The bait came out and lefts bare spot the »i*e of a dollar, that was a running sore. She used the Mustang Liniment on it, and it not only healed the sore, but Drought out a beautiful new rropol luur* She is now u*mg it to drew her hair, and says it is the host Hsir Tonic the ever saw, while it give* a beautifully giossy-like appearance to the hair, that sue bad never succeeded in obtaining before. These are but a few of the thousand* of cures we are daily hearing of from all part* of the country. For Homes ui other Aoimals. There is nothing can be compared Vo the Mustang Liniment, in this speedy and permanent cure of Strains, Bruises, Cuts, tialda, Chafes, Scratches, Sweeny, Poll Evil, Fistula, Big Head, Spavin, Ring 'Bone. Spiint, Wind Gall. Cracked heels or any wound, stiffness, or unnatural enlargement of bone or muscle. A livery stable keeper of Uuscity had a match horse that he prised very highly, that had a large Kmg-bonc on both ledgs. The horse was completely cared, and his limbs left perfectly smooth by the use of th« Liniment. To Coootry Merchants. RieTV store should be supplied with this valuable Luument, rapidly. castles Extra. u « pays a good profit and sells IT Many will try to induce you tobny Nerve and Bone Liniment or some other equally worthless trash, by saving it is just as good as the Mustang Liniment. But do oot be deceived! Ask for this Liniment, and buy none other, and you will a-g be disappointed. The name m blown on the bottle. Prices of tke Liuimeut. In consequence of the increased demand, we are now putting up 25 cent, 50 cent, and dollar bot lies. The 50 cent bottle* contain three tunes as much a* the 25 cent sute, and the dollar bottles four times as ranch as the50 cent site—so that money will be saved in buying the large bottles. IT Principal Depot at BRAGG A McLEAN’S S Drug Store, corner Third and Market streets, St. 1 Louis, Missouri. ST Druggists and Country Merchants supplied on liberal terms. J. W. TAPPE, Wholesale Agent, at Little Rock, Ark. April 8, 1881. __ 31—ly. Land* in tPrew Count t, far Sate UPON accommodating term*, the following tract* of land* situated upon Bayou Bartho lomew, in Drew county, Arkansas : S. B. fraction qr. »ec. 7; West half »ee. 7; W. half of N. E. qr. aec. 7; W. half sec. 6; W. half i of 8. E. qr. sec. 6; aU in township U south range i west. These lands are among the best in the State of Arkansas, weU situated, ta a thriving nwghbor i nood and convenient for *hipping produce. For teiu*. apply to _ __ L. A. WHITELEY. Little Rock, March 22d. 38—3m. OLIVER & CO., WINE 4* SPIRIT MERCHA’IS, CORNER Or MAIM AND MARKHAM ST. (OU Foot O^fcr Comer. JUST Received a fine assortment of choice articles for Bar Stores, and Family use, con sisting of Fine Old Port Wine; Madeira Wine: Brown Sherry Wine; Pale Sherrv Wise: Catsuba Wine Longworth Ohio; Claret Wine, Supr. Juice; Bran dy, Cognac: Brandy Cherries; London Gin; Mo nongaheia Whisky;' SeoU'h Ale; Brown Stout; Anisette; Nataral Syrup; .Muscat de Frontignaa; ; Manscbano; Curacao; Mushroom Catsup; Wor cestershire Sauce: Sardines; Fresh ialinon; Ab sinthe; Prcerve* Ac.. Ac. Little Ruck. April 23. 33-tf. SEW PHIL! STORE. n0RRI*0\ A. CARTER. On Awl tide «/ Eaat Min, at., fr*t hrtfi ttor aim* tie earner »{ Mttrkkmm at., vauauLE ska arrsn. ocaiaas » j FAMILY, STAPLE AMD FANCY Grattrift, Pramitis, lonntry rrodirr. 4c. HAVE just opened, in the store heretofore oc cupied as s Tin Shop, a general assortment • of every thing ia their line, comprising a larger vane ty of FAMILY SUPPLIES than ever before ! offered in this market. Their friends, and citizens generally, are invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they are de termined to sell as low as the lowest, for Cana or country produce. Little Rock, April 9, 1S51. 33—tf. TYPE FOUNDERY. GllLFORD A JONES, NO. 41, lUiiulu Street, Between Cjrcaman and Anwtfwajr, ctMCix.wan, onto. Would respectfully inform their old Patron* and Pnntess generally, that they have removed then Foundery, to the buildings formerly occupied a* the Stereotype Foundery and Printing Establish. j ment of E. SHEPARD. Where they art Prepared ta Fanuwb Anftknp m them loot, FOSTERS1 PRESSES! Tar m um Aosvrs rat Forrta’s I4)B. I'UI, 4 POWER PRESSES; to* la Ha., will Mil nap Onlw Star PRINTING MATERIALS, 1 At the Sharteat Settee, emd at the loereat Eastern PRICES. 20 f Hat* l Hat* Doe. Palm Leaf Hats. t« 2 “ " Jenny Lind ” Hat*. 6 “ Tampico *• t “ Campese hy « Received per P. Pennvwrt and for sale bv JOHN D. ADAMS. March 2S1847 60 nuqr BBLS. Whiskey ; 14 half bbla. ** 3 bbls, oid Rye do. j Received and for sale by JOfO. D Why JO. 1S51-W fit. Patrick* Male Ctlkfiatr IiMtitute, LITTLE ROCK, laiiRlil. THIS establishment is now gpeged on Louixiann street for the admission of day pupil*— an.) it is expected after some tune to afford accomodata.--! for boarders. The Coarse of Adoration will Bahrare, 1st. The Primary; 2d. The Mercantile, and 3rd The Classical and Tulosophical Departments. TERMS—Pet quarter of twelve weeks, payable in advance for the Primary Departments which in clude Spelling Reading and Writing #4 00. For the Mercantile, which includes Arithmetic. Belles Letters, Elocution, Geography, History and Mensuration $8 00. For the Classical and Philosophical department, which includes together with what is mentioned Mercantile course; the Latin, Greek, French and Italian languages ; the science of Al gebra, Geometry. Trigonometry: with Natural and KtpenmenUl Pkilowphy *12 00. DIRECTOR* AND PBOPBISOKS. Rsv. PATRICK REILLY, Rrr. PATRICK BEHAN. Rst. PATRICK MARTIN, Little Rock, March 18,1852. 28-1Iw. Spring tithing. A LARGE and beautiful assortment of SPRING CLOTHING, receded per Phillip Penuvwit, and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Landing. March 25. 29—tf. Hssrix Axaunowi. Geo. C. Liwusn. Amold Hius. ARMSTRONG, LAWRASON A CO. Commimion ImliantK, l06 Magazine street, NJfW OHLBANS. Match 36, 18*1. 29—ly Mew Spring Hoods. OA Pieces latest style Baiagt-s. ■ 20 “ printed Muslins. ! 7 “ late style Silks. 300 “ assorted Calicoes. » *• •• Ginghams. 20 “ “ Cotlonades. 8 *' Brown Linen. 20 “ Demins. 2 Bales 3-4, 7-8, A 4-4, Brown A Blcb’d Domestics. 6-4, 6-4, 10-4 and 12-4, Brown and Blch’d Sheetings. 3 pieces 12-4 Linen Sheeting. 22 “ Irish Linen. Gloves, Cravats, Pocket Handkerchief's, Shawls, Apron Cheeks, Osaabergs. Umbrellas, Parasals, Negrc goods, Ac., Ac., Ac. Received per P. Pennvwrtt, and for sale Cheap for Cue* <mhf by JOHN D. ADAMS. March 36, 18*1. Steomhma Umhag. ttOFFER-—40 Hag* prune Kio; ' Received and for sale by May 16th, 1861. WM. B. WAIT. M\ KBliE U TTIIH! Twnahs, Msswtsts, Srsrr - liases, Ac., VNtrniabed to Older. JOSEPH CLARK. Slain-Catttr, (late of New Oilcan*,) begs leave to inform tti* citizen* of Little Rock and the vicinity,that he has opened an 1 establishment on Wen Street, (adjoining William George’s store.) lor the purpose si executing ail kinds of MARBLE WORK, and invite, the at ten. ; tins of alt those wanting eay thing of this kind dons in a nest sod arvktoes-Hke manner and at a wode emt* price. He will keep an hand a stock of Ilia ; best material, and is ready to execute ail work in ; hie line at the vioiteet notice j Little Rock, Aug. 8, 18#*. 48—tf JOHN D. ADAM* has « hand, end offers to hi* lisenda and rastomeit, (or sale. No 1 Maaknel, I in kits, Haiti but in 3£ hois. »«g*r, Coffee. Spier, Peppei, Gutter. Katanga. Cloves, retailed Molas ses. indigo and Madder, Powder, tUtof sad lee*4, Ike, Ac . Ac. 4I»-TEAS, Psuchvng, Young Hyson, Black, and a very superior article*!*- Imperial"—together with. Preset ved Qwrwafi, Csesebeltit*. (<ages, Kbrnhaih, Ac., lor laaail) use. Dr.* 24. IW l« t PROFESSIONAL CARDS. /• B ATTORNEY AT LAW,|i I.ITTLR ROCK, ARK. f \ Oet. 11*50. *• I. RRAVOORIM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAWRENCEVILLE. ARE'S. ILL pttttie* hi th. connti., of pfctfcp,, st W! Franca. Ml Iftimv, ra th. ini JikIkiiI Cn eml; No rmwtw. M D..h, and Arhanaa., in th. wend Judicial and th. county at P„m, ! in lb. hflh Judicial Cm-nil, am) will u> atnetat* i tontinn ta ih* toHrrurm M richr* in any pan of It, Star*, and mil aim art » .font for th. m!> of l.nda and paying ta*e*, Ac Rwienr. in, Monro, to.. Aik*. _S.pt_17, IS5C,—tt—f— |y T. TR|««. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEXTON, ARKANSAS. Miyii.iMn, 37 uLkuy ii. rector, attbrsii tctmmsR it in. (Often at Benton, online cnnnty,) \\riLL PRACTICE In th* Coaatiea of Kalian, Hat Spring*, Parry, Montgomery, and th. coart. at Little Rock. Any baaiiwea raindm ta ktecam will weafr. prompt attention. B. UlllMi, ItUney mi foiuriUr it Liw, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY _1 U1 TLE ROCE. ARE JAMES T. BKOWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Arkansas Pant, Ark., wlll praetlea his profmnton In th. iCwond Judicial Cireait, and will attend ta lb. collection of debt. *k**n,*,*Hf**in® oflnnd claimt ] a awry part of Arkaaaaa ,* B. T. BUY A E, attirjii m fonsEireR miw. AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Bnrt tnltki Arfcanana. R. H. JOHNSON, Attsrnfy at Law* Lrrru Roca, Ana. JOH.Y B. BORDEN, Attorney at Law. Reiidei ia Lewfirille, Ufiyritr Cantj. Ark A ND will practice ia the caartaof th<> 6th Jodi Af At.A_ • * * district. All bintAen coufidfd to bit won agmi.nt. wi llrcrreivc prompt aadfaithf a latteulion LAMBERT JL WHITELEY. ATTORNEY IT LAW, opr ICE ON M.IRK HAM STREET. Lima Roc*, Auuiu. JAMES A WILSON attiiliii in cicsaiwt it law _rmraiA arkanbar. DAVID W. CARROLL, Little Rock, m*SOIy] ABKAMSAI [00291 JOB1 (tllLLn, ATTORIKT k CimiUIR AT LAW. Ad* SOLICITOR IS ClilCIKIi Omen—Eldorado. Union county. Arkansas ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON MARKHAM STREET. uiTUMa au'i. I tf J. I. TEBBETTM, ATTBRNBT * CIL.1SILLIR AT LAW, PlfHItrill*, irtUMU. * 0«0. C. WATKINS AsTm. COBBAN I WATKIW8 4k ilBRAA, !ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS EL1AM 1V.IOAWAY, ATTtRSlT AT LAV, k SEVERAL LAM A8IIIT, LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS. WILL ATTEND lo the collection of delta in any part of tue State, to baying; and Bailing ! loads, paying laxaa, redeeming loads forfoltsd far Uses, tc H* ie authorised to anil fanda ana»yA ! hr Arm or four Ikonaand ysod pUntmlton*, and a/ i cktap rot**, for cook. To itasarealtoaUoa.cosaasnaieatioae must be peat ’"Lula Hock, Jan 1C, 1850. 19-ly LABAN~M STROUD Attwaty and CtwiwUnr ml U«, VKTILL practice is the Court* of Newton, Sear' t * cy, Marion, and Carroll counties. Residence near Crooked Creek, Carroll co.. Ark. April '23—33—l y. S.G.SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Punesrox, Dau.a* co., Abbs. JONHI A S. lORHW, ATT8RM1 AM lOHSELLIR AT LAV, ROCKPORT, HOT SPHXNG co., ARK. April J», IWti. / 34-it. 1EW CLOTHlWti!/ Jl'ST received, direct from New (Means, a large and well selected assortment cf new and fasti tenable Ckithiug: Particular attention i* called to a fine stock of Mummer Clothing. For sale low for cash, and for cash only ! g M A Ml*t "K Little Rock, .Hoy 20, IM1. Mmnotnrt. NKi [)Y virtue of • Deed of Trust, executed by Site* | ) Poke, on the Pth day of Mar, la*tt, to John Matlock, to ucure the payment of a certain turn ofi money ia aaid Deed of Trust named, 1 wdl, on the! Ant Monday id August next, tn the city of Cam ' den. offer tor sale to the highest ami last bidder, that well known and valuable property, situated m saui city, knots a as the “ OUACHITA HOtSjf," said premises embracing the following Lots, to wit: , Lot No 64 m block No. 14, fronting east 40 feet on Adams street, and running back west sixty feet, the width of its front: and Lot No. 66 in block No. 14. fronting 60 feet on the Northerly: side of Jefferson street, aod running back there from westward) y, the width of its front, 120 feet. The bunding* upon the preum** are ail new. and the “ Ouachita House" one of the lsrgestsnd must convenient bailthngs for a fest class Hotel in the State, sad the location offers the strongest w ducemenu to persons wishing to mgage m that busmens. The whole premises will he sold oa s credit an b! the kntilay of March next, the purchaser giving his note with two approved securities. L. B. CASK, Trustee. Camder, May 22, IH61—40—ids. JUST received from New Orleans the folio articles, vii: 13 boxes Kaisnt*; wmg 1 S s 60 1 1 1 1 4 10 ie 13 , X Ground Ginger; “ Msec atom, u Vermicelli; ~ * Tabic Sait. “ Tomato Ketchup; “ CboeoUte; basket Sweet Oil; box Lemon Syrup; “ Imperial Tea; * Soap; “ Sacks Coffee; do*. C. S. Hues; Kiffe Locks with ty; And for sale cheap by Little Rock, Jane t. 1661. A. J. HCTT. t Mm _,. STES*. ****** t* ***.» mi n^, rzt?h£ !£•£* .u»£l£££rU£7» ^I'KSTLiJ ■ ry and town, u> c«H and exam,*. tt*. ,no^! Little R«rt. l*«,iasA‘ii||l!trr’ * * LiTTLE ROCK HIGH SCHOOL iMrttN mnI D*y Sf k«#i P*r T«1U i ad I*, rue »*.«**.,W a***— 1 *** *1’*« • |»»b*hr*l «n»r el I be Fupila w earaeetly retje^T*^ Tb«» tartdwtaci), under (be care u> iM .. ■»*-? WOOD- Wjfb A—*»"r Te.7hem tr tmE>ffi,,« *«!«•••» *i«. c», Mtbiv (Uthffcattor. Mr lb. ..rtou* hranche,. «hKk ../' •.e p**c'*«ed *rth perfect they b.* I efcr to .t. Xeallrm.a whoa* „r The pMy.le «l tSe Boarorng Schorl. here* cor.. rt.MIr MMCta'rd «.th ik,,, Teacher*, rece,., ,k>. ,i entwx, to aeeeM.., to tor*, a*! **,*, Ifc, •er* an,! pej*!,,c* hah,., ot order a*.! regatortH fffffrfiij in tonTHtjon oi cliirtflrr Feeltnf the importance of * through knowlolre |f the Frenchlattguage,now ...drepen.J*.m «duc*i»oa, the Pnnrinat* wrah to render if ,, }*, „ w«hl* I he language of Ike eataM -hment The, »ropo*e admitting ,he Pupil*, who reatde ,nl amiljf. to attend the French rlaeree, without extra HMMBffr. Theloearton of the city ef Littl- ft«k „ hrtt,hiui ileatoni, and arrettible at afi tinier, by atfambo.,' mil atage. Til* ejalem of education, amiduouelv punned lira* *1 a perfect appreciation »f whatever i* rttemrt -* » deeetoping the mo,at *nd m'elleetuai f*ral»e* —embracing a thorough amt *y e,a„K ronree. he elementary fe the high**' tranche*. M<toihl. tchoUnblp and deportment are tMaamit edto Parent, wbtiat a eery jud.cou. me,lament to rtudy le afforded. The Khool i. ronetantly under the egpeniaion ol he Bowl ol Vraiton, who. Iron, time tn time. unlae tfca variant ctane*. ami report then pIOfre*. •.idea ef |I3 (Ml 14 t» H> IMi 15 15 no l« uti *5 tm 40 dt» 16 (Ml rirau of Taltlea and _ ftr* aMntJu. Bay (chotara, 4lh Department. •• 3d •• •• M •• •• 1st “ French, Italian. Spanirtl and German, each, tinging in Choir, Muric- - Piano, Guitar, and Organ, earh. Harp, l>.awing and Paiminy. * f«nr*e of ie**,<ui in (4rien»*l painting, Japan Werk, iniavtng ol Ebony and Irorj , H«” burg Work, and wax ftowa.., etch, HI (hi No charge lot rnibroidery and ornamental nee lie work. Board, waehmg, light*, fuel, nae of bedding, He., per month. |() on Paymeni* quarterly, in advance; no deduction, [or aheene*' Heaeiona commence t#t Bept. and let Feb. Pu pil. received at any peuod. ar.d charged from n*., of entrance to ft«*e at the are*ion Heard of V iaitor*. Rt Rev. Bi«|< Ficcmas. Hon F W. Truman.. Hon. Judge Hi>1.0, L'apt. A riu, H«*n. T- H Ntwron, L (rtiHM. M 0. I H. ( imki, Kh) , L. E. Dtun, Eaq., Lmi. Rorlt, Amt 13,13sn Holt. J Mtl|v F iKj jt( Gao. C Wmni, E»q.. B* H Enun, Erq., Moj J.«im, Gen. 3. H. Hnnriin. Hon. * .B. Sirrion 51—if. W4MIIWM 11LK 1111.1111, Ilempatead r«»ly, Arhs. THE aecaad mwoii af (ht» luatilotloa, opened thin marniag, Fehraary Uth, IS54I K*r C. P Tonaanrm*, Superintendent and Pre faaaor of Monti and latrlleelaai Philoenphv Bell*-Letter*, and Spanuti Literature R«» H. C. Twwbatt, A. M . Frofrmor of Greeint) Roman, h ranch and Italian Llteroturu. I Anna ('rook at, A. M . Profrmur of Mutbotnailfr Student* received in tha Primary Department and iaatrnetad Primary Depart annul par aaaaion af 81 wank*, payable qaartorty in advance, $11 IMI Preparatory Dapartmaut. Id oo Cat inflate Co area, » oo Vocal and I oat r a mental Maaie, Elamaataaf Meaieal Compeaitien, (Batra) 5 On laitiatioa Fan, I 0# Ho deduction far aboaaaa aalaaa la eaaaa of pr» tracted itlneaa. All atadaata charged from the time of their entry to the and of the oration N R—Tha aoaa of all miniatara who are ra gafad ia the rafalar work of the ministry or of tkoaa who are aaparanaatad er have died ia tin miniatry: trill he ed ace lad free of charge. Boabdim aaa he ohmiaed la tke beet Ihmiilta, at from H to H par month. Partieatar atiantioo will ho paid balk la thr moral aad intellectual training af all etadean committed to ear charge. 8. T. SANDERS, Saeretory. BOARD OF TRUSTERS. Hen. D. T.nWITTER, Paannaar. Hon H P Peiadaitar. Rev Wa. Meoree, Ree. L. P Lireir. Rer. B. P. Ban, I N. Jaam, M. D , Mr J. H haa defer, Mr. T. Wiillamaoa, Haa. J. D. Trimhir Ree J, Canter, M. D . Ret J. J. Roberto, C B Mitchel, M. D, Mr W W Andrews, Mr. S i. Seadere, Mr. H. W Smith. T— 35?— tf »K. LKIBI’S MRMPiRIlLI BL##B PIUS Ahead ef nil other* 1! Thr Envy afall Fill --«"• BECAUSE they are ufn, bettei and more «*• caciirtte then any other*; aad beceuee the ptib He or lit take no eoAu-* of other* If they '-ub tdmta the*.. M«,MW kUIU bam keen odd aammlt; f<« U» loe rm'MV AMI, MAi>: AJIO KM ALE, nm alwav take them »itt equal mien, suit wtihooi few IT FILL* a* ItKCtSMM t n« pom.i* <u«i . )< m tSebim. the StaCEarti'kad Rowel*, rad purifying tee aim'd led (tied, of the hnUy, lake ao Mtr-m—let w <dB*i mil* prodarr ihae •—ailen.-d edet'le, eu .ewjuu HaiMlaliito la Ikria kal. Drink lad Ufa am Canal, and perm* S'"* nmud m-eupatioa »bUW mkm* Itw, without lew m lak.i - cold, dnttnc *11 kind* of weather. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ar* watered Wat nan * genuine rerunral**'* . fo*. Sim eiefvraiea, mea<bem at I'wcieu. aad fipe. t: — «tu r ari aaa t* ai.*tuod <4 Uwur > e*orj titan ui *u) <uaw f 'ttTV FULLS ARK H A »<>X. aad *t *• t*al» ■ *»a. with dirm-nona aad aueeh «h>«.adrir* an.-uotp* nrir.i eorh hn*. Tin ; ha>e oo taw* at uapjewaal uueil, IV iron Ink « powUcr uf an) kind, I*, uw wipe thr Muameh nr kowela. frmluee no awhaeaa, wwuniw <w >wd tmliem. JUJfi AMt WOOB AT .AM. TIMKP. Aa«! Wirpted k. cart dwemea .•*»«•» «. waaaiad So m l.sfing «hoe taken tlua. *tfl •*■ willio* a»h«w»’'> thry will alwajv *i *m»t. ami ■> ad rnwnuaentfet » a r«sr* t, of 11. yearn aopwiew» .» __ wearaity of Peaha|i*»« « _<M diAraaM awdleW .aautauuo m Phaadetph.*. A, > Turk, Ruwua. Ralauofe, k*., aad im*«P aad rorr~i.*M uaj oMUidMr m «feral wedn *1 .aetaanauie <d LmdMi vwi K> n*-Jwaee die teawm of thr- ireamr .■.«hd>wre phn • * a they ao not, then no other* III, R. ti- Letup, W* proprwoo and •» far droop*!, cbeaual and phyaaraa, af U ] WJtaUHidBa gnindatr of the I '.iremit; ■P PnmoJl'ijepI*, In l.eidr** llwpeame), km IH N"m Fourth dT muhulet|du*. And hU wledaMle and frtwl m J W Tappr. I.MH E*-k; 8- dtereawak. Van Bur* m **" nl a Mead aad ttrrapu h Cm, N*w tutran*, aad an «•< a—a a«4 »o’i«h*.-p*«» w dw Caitad Utate,. . M-rJP'V I «-p»/taer»bip. I)n. WatklB* It *i*er ft i ail nroCLO "**p*tifwilT inform ib'titi V t trtit of Littte Rock, Md trpttiallf thou of Ik* country, *haf •!*»> ha*» mh*mh1 is,u»*cu-paiu*»i*hi|i in' Hi' Prattler- of Mc^Kilt, aad in prepared lt> alttnd uTl promptly. In ea«» of warranty, .nd eilh.f of ">« u«r<ur> art xboeat. the ortier wiH »>i*r.d. On w *>>« other ran il»»v»b» found »i tkeir ope* la Mr. wa E Woodruff*!* «warr«l Mnikbnis and Stoll LUiU Rix*. OH ty I‘'V> is-»f PKOVHIV1S 1 JARS Er«b *«'*«». it) « F»*‘. % Box'* •Mi-ro dairy 3 b*>i» ahrta B'lii, a bnli (It lad A pi In, 3 - do Foothe*, « bbt* 0«WMk I bbl. wiifl'f I*'"'*** L*'" Oil, lull rewired and for «s>d b« FATHERLY 4 CLKMfc>T> Oecaatber 17, WM Iron, *all« an4 tMtlw LBS atatitlrd Iron, S* K*«. »«»*-, 600 MW Cardiac*. for Mb tear, by T. D. XUJ4CK Onrai 17, IBM. 4 CO IS For **Ir. A PINS LARGE HORSE, about atwa ><-*” \ oM and tmmtmm haad* fa Mawk** l 4. WHITW.SV