Newspaper Page Text
nu ummivcB, By Dn undersigned Agent for the PROTECTION msURAWCI COMPANY, o» lunou, eomamctrr. Police* Untied upon the moot favorable term by WM. B. WAIT, Agent May 6, IMP.»6-tf. nu» LITTLI R9FK T9 HTJPRfMS, ARIW8A8. From tbo lot of April to lit October, 1851, the sub •cribor will raa a DAILY LOE QW IT16M Prom Mule took I* Hot Spring*. for tbo accommo dation of iho (raveling public— To leap* every fiber «Uy, (eaeopt Sunday*, with the United State* Moil. IN rOUK HOUE POST COACHES, at 5 o’clock, A. M.,aea arrive at Hot Springs, same day, at 3 P. M. THE ACCOM MODATION LINE,'. Four Horae Peat Coaches. will leave Lillie Rock every iul^rvaalng day. at the fame hoar In the morning, and arrive at Hoi Spring* next day, a: 8, I n lli» evening. PARE: By either Uae, •&—Extra Ba«aje in Proportion. The an heart her to the cenlreetor for the convey ance of the United Slatee Malta on the rontee fro.* Little Keek *« Fort Smith, and from Little Hock to Washington. In Hempeteadcoonty. via Hot Springe —la Foot Coachea, three tlmee a week 87 Both thee* roolee interned with th» Steam boat United Stale* Mail Lin* from Memphia to Lit tle Rock. O" Stag* Office at the .4 nttony Hoiitt PETER HANGER. Feb. 11. _'_»3—1 y. Bacon and Flour. IIBL8. choice Si. Louie Fleur; 1 tierce Canvassed Hama; 4 casks Sides ; Received on consignment and for sale by JNO. D. ADAMS, Stramhoat Landing. May, 30, 18*1—39. TOBACCO, 8C9AR, IEGARR AND WINE. Jt’RT received per S. B. Pontiac: 6 Boxes Honey Dew Tobacco; 10,000 Beat Havanna Segars; 3 1 Pipes Claret Wine; 2 “ Maderia do.; 2 “ French Brandy; 2 hhds Powdered Sugar; 4 Cases Cherry Bounce. 4 “ French Cordials; 4 Boxes Oranges; For sale cheap by. -j June 3d, 1881._ M. TAXTL LITTLE ROCS FOUNDRY AND 8X1THERY. Aotiwrll Ifcehe WOULD reapaetfully eall the attention of thr public to the above establishment, which has recently undergone a thorough repair, and, hav ing the uecesaary facilities, is now fally prepared to furnish to order, with great promptness, every article^ i»|that line, of either wrought or cast Iron, Brass tr Copper, of as good material, proportions, and workmaushtp, and upon aa cheap terms, aa any other Foundry in this country. Millrights and ethers, ordering wheels, will be pleased to give the No. of cogs and pitch, also the particular size and ■hape of the eye, wanted In each wheel. The di ameter of a wheel, when cast, will lie U of an inch per foot less—the same with length of a shaft — Ordprii should also be accompanied with a draught and full deacriptlon of what Is wanted, and the postage paid. Little Rock. Dec. 10.1850.—14—If m FROST & CO., dealers in r» Boot*, Mhocs, BropnN,j4L HATS, CAPS, &C., AltO PALM LEAF, MEXICAN AND CAMPEACHY HATS. No. 10, Mansis., between Canal and Common at. NEW ORLEANS. O* From oor Houeea at New York aod Boston we are cou.tautly receiving ireeh supplies of the above Good*. Country Dealer* are invited to call and examine our extensive stock. Arkansas Coffee House, ILowaa eraanbuat l*ndixu.) THE Proprietor baa on hand, and is constantly receiving, the following— Foreign and domestic Liquor*; Wine* and cordials ol' every description; Cigars; Tobacco; Fruits. Ac. All ot which gr» for sale at wholesale and retail price*. F terms from the country walling io pur chare, plsaae call and see my atock before pur chasing eieewhera, aa I Intend to sell a* low as any house in the city. MICHAEL TANTI. Little Rock, Jan. 21, ISM. 20—ly OTrTlie Arkndelphie Sentinel will copy oue year, and forward account to the subscriber. M.T. t'LOUR—80 Bbla Illinois Superfine; 50 “ " extra do. Rec’d per ‘‘Jefferson,** and for sale by May Hth, 1880._WM. B. WAIT. FLOCR 70 Bbis “O’Fallon Mills” F.xtra Su perfine. 50 “ “ Quincy Mill’s” Extra Su perfine. Received and for sale by May 10,1851. WM. B. WAIT. .mUklU SHORTER. IN order to get my goods early in the fall, I have determined to start East earlier than usual, and now request all indebted to Me to “ Coine up to the Trough,” and save me the disagreeable necesi ty of troubling them again, / am bound to have the lilmiey, as 1 am rexolved to buy my next stock of Goods Jot Cash, for the purpose of sidling them leas than the same stock can be sold for in this State, I hope all will he ready to pay up upon pre sentation of their Bills. D. C. PULTON. May 15, 1851. _ 4w. JUSTICE. ssryAVfNG bern sleeted. i-ommiasioned end qualified a* * _JL, Justice of the l’eece for Big Bock TuwiwhiD, Puluaki ciuiety, Arkansas, I eoi prepared to allend, orttnally, to nny buom aa intrusted to me punctually. (Util e at the lew otlice of L. A., Enq., comet of Mai II and Elm tweets, under the Arkansas II amor ofll-e. JOHN J. THOMPSON, l.ittle Rock, Arks., Nov. 5, 1S4C. XT'LOUR—200 bbls. Ohio superfine; ' LARD OIL—6 bbls. winter strained; PLOUGH MOULDS—106 Diamond; BACON—1 hbdx. hama and shoulders; PORK—10 bbls. clear; LARD—100 kegs No 1; COTTON YARN—2000 lbs. aaaorted, 5 to 10. Received pr ‘Hamburg,’ and for sale by WM. U. WAIT. March 11. 1851. A Cum Wstar Proof, jiut received and foi tala by PATHERLY 4. CLEMENTS. K-b 11. 1WI. UK, FRUITS, .MTS it. fUST received by fhe runner Pontiac No. 3. 20 Tone ol Burton Icy. 25 Bt m Rairom. ' 4 Bairata Cheat nutr. 1 Bag ol Almona. 1 Bag Eaglieil Walnuts I Barrel Cocoaout. 50 Cana Oy velars. 2 Barrels Ojreatera in (be rival!. 2000 Pickled threaten. 3 Bones Taka ere. 2 Hojebnnde Ssgar. 1 Dot. Basket A nniaet. 5 •• Cordials. I •• Demijohns. M. TANTI. March 3d, 1851. 8fr-tf. 11 Boot* and Shoe*. CASES Boots assorted; Kip Brogans; do*. Gent's fine Calf Shoes; •* *» •• Gaiters; •• Ladies Shoes assorted; Misses and childless Shoes assorted; Case Boys Kip Brogans; Boots, fits., hr., die. Received p« Phillip P™^;*** b* JOHN D. ADAMS, MORTINORVI tlnawtlc CMMUi I ■■4 Mm4 Ptrlltr; A crrtmn Cart for •itktr Inflammatory (Acuta) or Chrome Rkttrmatiam Tha valuable remedy standi without a rival in the hartory of dwcoveriee, in this or may other1 country, ta curing this painful and paralysing dis ease, in all ita various forms. The vast number that have been cured by the use of this compound, during the past year, de monstrates this fact Not only recent acute or! inflammatory oases, but old chronic eases, of ten, twenty, thirty and even forty years standing; where t they had not only tried every other external and ! internal remedy of which they could hear, but at | j groat expense, had traveled, and passed under the treatment of a number of the tint medical men of j Europe, as well as of our own country, visited the j various watering places, taken voyages at sea, and | dwell in the most salubrious climes, without ob taining relief. Some, who were reduced to a mere skeleton, their flesh had withered away, their limbs were paralysed, and many that had scarcely been able to walk for ten, fifteen and twenty years. These hive been cured sound and well, regained their flesh and the use of their linihs, and now en joy excellent health from the use of this compound. These facts are fully substantiated by published testimony, from the highest possible source* ; tes timony that cannot be gainsaid, but which can be > vouched for by ten tkauaanl witnesses. Retail price, $5 pet 1 Kittle, 3 bottles for $12, or: 8 fur *22. To be had of R. L. DODGE and THOMAS j BUTTERWORTH. „r Little Rock, June 3, 1851. lv. MORTIMORE’S BITTER CORDIAL, AND! BLOOD PURIFIER ; a Vegetable Spirit,] i and the most scientific preparation ever produced; ! one bottle of which, is warranted to possess more real medicinal virtues than ten times that amount of Sarsaparilla, or any other preparation put up for similar purposes. Its unequal virtues are soon : made manifest in diseases having their origin in | impurities of the blood, such as—Neuralgia, Scrof i ula or King’s Evil, Erysipelas, Cutaneous Erup tions, Salt-Hhem, Tetter ot Ringworm, Pimples : on ti.e face or surface of the skin, soreness or j misery in the breast or region of the heart, general ! debility or nervous affections, and all irregular habits of the system, (especially with females,) I and the many derangements of the nervous sys tem, and diseases arising from the injudicious use of calomel and other poisonous drugs. This is a fine cordial, pleasant aud agreeable to take, and perfectly safe to be used in any state of health, even by tbe most delicate female or child. Audit is *n article that every one should use, at least once a year, to punfy and enrich their blood, and thus prevent all manner of diseases. Retail price; $1 per bottle, 6 bottles for $6. To be had of K. L. DODGE and THOMAS BUTTERWORTH. June 3, 1851. iy. I ■ .-c.:-——- ] DK. CLARKE’S Componud Syrup of Wild Cherry and Tar, ! Which is considered by Physicians and others the Gkeat Remedy for coughs, colds, ednsumption, i liver compliant, bronchitis, asthma, soreness in the chest, spitting of blood, pain or misery in the side, difficult or profuse expectoration, night sweats, Ac. This being the prescription of a regular physi cian, graduate of the Medical University, Phila delphia, and having been thoroughly tested, is properly esteemed one of the most valuable and efficient remedies for these and similar complaints ever offered to the public. Price, $1 per bottlg. ti bottles $■'. To be had of K. L. DODGE & THOMAS BL T TERWORTH. Little Rock, June 3d, 1851. ly. r7STEPHEN’S ASTRINGENT SYRUP — This has now become a celebrated remedy for Dysentery aud Bowel Complaints, Cholera Mor bus, Diarrhoea or Summer Complaints, pain or cramping in the stomach or bowels, adapted to per sons of al’ ages, but undoubtedly the most supe rior prepa-ation for children ever produced. Price, 25 cts for small bottles, and 50 cts for large ones. To be had of R. L. DODGE and THOMAS Rl'T TEKWORTH. Li *'i Rock, "tie, 3d, 1851. Iy. I rcsh Hour, arc. RECEIVED by last arrival, the following arti cles, to wit: SO bbis. St. Louis Flour ; 100 “ Cincinnati “ 20 kegs No. 1. Lard ; 60 bbls. and half bbls. Whiskey ; 1080 lbs. Tobacco ; 750 “ Bar Lead: For sale by A. J. HL'TT, June 4th, 1861—80._Mail) itrect. THE subachber, agent for II. llaberman, will continue the former’s business at his old stand on Main, near Markham street, and keep con stantly on hand a full and well assorted stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Castings, <Stc., &c., all of which will be sold low for cash. The highest, market prices will be paid for country produce, as beef hides, peltries, bees wax, iSrc. JOHN KKAL’SE. Little Rock, March 28, 1851. 30—tf. Iron and C'n»ting*. A AA/ | Lbs. Bar »rou, assorted ; tUUv/ 4 Bundle* Nail Rods; 6 Bundles Kztra Horae Shoe; 100 pieces Plow Wings; 75 Skillet-* and lid*; 30 Ovenn and I'da ; 15 itsaorted Rnglish Pot*; 15 Sugar Kettles; 12 («nd Irons; 30 odd ImJm. Received jjer 1 rustee, and forsake by JOHN L). ADAMS, Feb 11. Steamboat Lauding. Cincinnati Hoods OO Kegs Buckwheat flour ; 3<MI pounds 1 wu Bologna Sausages; 1 bbl; Hominey; 1 t,bl While Brana! 2(1 Boxes Star Candle,; 10 Boxes t allow do. 2 Bbls. Lard Oil; 1 Bbl. Saluratus; 300 Jugs; 15 Demijohita, 15 lion Bound Kegs. Received per Trustee, and for sale by JOHN D. ADA MS. > Feb. 11, 1851, Steamboat Lauding. Star Candle* A’c. 'WW k Lba. Star Candies ; 25 Bags Buckwheat O' l\J Flour; 6 Bbl. While Beans; 4o0 Lbs ’lasting,' Just received per Pontiac, and for aale by FATHERLY &. CLEMENTS. Feb. 11, 1851. laiiitrrr'ti Stctioual lap of Arkansas. A FEW conies ol the above Map—the only com plete and coriect one ever published—tor sale a: the OaztUt and Dtmoeral olhee— priee $5, on rollers, and handsomely varnished ind colored. Jan. 7, 1851. 18— Stationary. 4 LARGE and beautiful assortment of sta tionary, received per Phillip Pennywit, and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Landing. March 25. 2»—tf. JOHN D.AimiV COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, BRICK CORNER, LOWER STEAMBOAT I.ANKIM., LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. KEEPS constantly ou hand a large »n<I Reurral assortment of Dry Goods, clolhinr, llmd i ware, Uuirnswnrr, lints nnd Caps. Boots mol shoe*, Nuddlery, stationary, (irucei ies, I'rndure, Ac., Ac.; all of which will ba sold | rery cheap for CASH. 0«». 1. IS50.—8—4— tf arwht Gi’Rin erNMtn JUST RECEIVED, and for aale cheap for cash, line Doabia and Single barrallad Shot Gutia, ! Rifle*, flint and percuaaion gnn Locks, kc., <*c, si 1 the Gunsmith Shop, ou Main street where repair ; Iur Is done up blue, by H. GRIFFITHS, j Nor« 9— LIQUOR. ON hand and for aula. I bbl 4 th proof French Brandy; 1 *' Spanish •• 1 *• Mala*nWina; I '• Muscat *• (a choice article I. JOHN D. ADAMS, Dae 10, ISM — 14 tf /.oiorr Leedtao. IRON—VKXJ lbs. su'd flat, sq’r and round Iron ; j 1000 •' best charcoal horse-shoe ; SOAP—10 boxes No. 1 brown ; PAPER—10 reams Envelope: - PORK—20 bbls. henry Mess ; BACON—1800 lbs. clear sides ; BAGGING—26 pieces heary Kentucky ; " 40 half •• “ ROPE—46 cotla; TIWNE—10 bales; Rac'd pat “Hamburg,” sod for sale, by WM B WAIT COMMISSION MERCHANTS. iMniniiu. «tat* r. mumwi. •»«»** »> H’wtai. SIDDALL. GREENE & C0., COTTOjy FACTORY, ooinjiiiesaoM AWi» *«jawAji.a38i® MERCHANTS, XO. M CAMP ITAKKT, NEW ORLEANS. lOHIOIlIKWOVU J.M HIALD T. t AI'AM. «REF.lTW(H>n, x CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MIftOMAWTS- . , Vo. 66 Magazine Street, opposite the Mouth of Hank Alley, NEW ORLEANS, LA. *y Particular attention t.aial to the sale of C(» 1 - ro.W TOBACCO, A NO OTHER PRODUCE— h» collection anil remittance of Fund*—and the purchase and shipment nt Merchnndizi -generally. THOMAS L. WHITE, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, XO. 33 CAXAIj STREET, NEW ORLEANS. LAW. MEDICAL, MISCELLANEOUS, AND SCHOOL BOOKS. WRaTSNQ PAP&n, Vu • Cap, fatter and Note If ’tapping paper of eariou* qualities SPILLS, 8TKKI. PENS, INK. A ml a grarral aiMrtinrut of Blank Hooka. Country Merchants and Teachers are requested to call and examine the Stock. fell.13 23-Iv JAMES MATTHEW*. WM. row ELI.. .1 ATI KM MATTHEWS A CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Mannfnctnrer's Agent* FOR THE SALE Or NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, COTTON YARNS Stc., No. &3 WALNUT STREET, HoMth of Columbia, Cincinnati, Ohio. RirER to— T. D. Merrick If Co, H'm. R. ijjpit, Walter Mittkell, H. Brogan, D. Bender It Co., and Jacob Hawkins, Little Rock. Feb 3, 1850.—7—98— ly bojahii ( Au,i:\m:i{, (Successorto Win. T. Eu*ti»& Co.) No. 42 and 44. Pearl Street, Horton Marrackuretti,' IMPORTER AND DEALER IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC HAltDW UtK, HAS a constant supply of Hardware and Cut lery adapted to the trade of the Southwest From an experience of twenty years in the trade of that section, he is confident that he can supply merchants, either In person or by order, with the styles and qualities of goods desirable, and on terms that shall be satisfactory. %* B. C. gives particular attention to consign ments of Cotton, Peltries and other produce of the country that mav be consigned to him for sale. Sept. 25. 1849'—7—3—1 v JOSEPH It. PA IMS R. JAMES H MASSEY JOSEPH H. PilriKRft C O.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOME^TOO OHY QOO0®. ■47 CAMP-NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 10, 1950. S-l —lv A. F. COCHHAiN X t O.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS AND Dealers in Foreign and Domestic FRUITS, NUTS, WINES &.C. POWDER! POWDER!! AGENCY ol the celebrated “ Chryslal Powder Company,” in Kegs, Halves and Quarters,and Cans of one and five pounds. Guarantied Superior to any manufactured. No. 27 Tchoupitoulas Street. New Orleans. January 15, 1850.-7—19—ly N E W W H A It F B OAT. A . GOAD & CO., GENERAL AGENTS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. NAPOLEON, ARK. THE PROPRIETORS have purchased au en tirely nrrrboat, with splendidaccornmodations. It will afford ample and secure storage room for eight hundred tons, and is capable ol accomtnoda ting fifty passengers. They are prepared, as heretofore, to do business as General Agents, to Receive, Forward, and Pay Charges. They promise to give their particular at tention to all business entrusted to them. The Proprietors will guarantee that this boat will stand tile inspection of any Insurance Office iit the United States. Napoleon, Ark. REFERENCES! A. B. Shaw IS. Co., Mtmphit, Term. James Hibbard,! C. A Stewart, $ Jas Timms &. Co., J S. H. Tucker, > Little Rack T. l>. Merrick ft Co., N Moses Greenwood St Co Walton. Sanford Sl Co. Sept 10, 1850. CO-Gax. k Dem copy. Ark N Orlrant. I -ly W. MITCHELL, & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Dcnlrr* In «ooil« llry > (Srnrrrlra, itc. NAPOLEON', AKK’S. Marrh 30. 1851. 30—tf. Sugar ami (OII'it. pld \ Bttgn twst Kio CoflW, t/\/ 4 Hhd*. Prirai Hrowu Sugar, in Morn and for aale by T. D. MKKKICK iV CO. Nov. 5* 1850.—8—9—If Partridge Hoots. 4 CASES Slout Calf Boot*. 2 Cam Wutirproof Booots, lust received nnd forsaia by Dec. IT. FATHERLY & CLEMENTS QOLDIERS’ LAND WARRANTS, for Ido acre* each, for sale by March 3d \VM. B. WAIT. 2«— if Kec'd per wteamer Hamburgh, 8 B8LS Ale; 10.000 Cauone Cigars; 8,000 cominott la Spanish do ; lOL, bbls. Crackers; 10 do Braudy; 20 do IVhiakov; 20 '3' do do; 20 bbls Floor; 5 do Gin, ftc. Jan 21. M TANTL Received per Mteamer liup ire. /tf JA CASES fresii Oysters; f Jv/ 8 bbls do do iu shell, very fine) 4 do Oiauges, fine; 2 dnz boxes Prunes. 20 do fresh Raisin*, 25 000 Havana Cigars, assorted. For aale by Jan 21, 1831 bast quality; M TANTL 2o— l'ren(i Provision*. QAAA LBS. sugar cured cant’d Hams; tJviUW 2700 lbs. cleat Sales, 11 kegs leaf Lard ; 10 bbls. Pilot Bread ; 20 half bbls. Butter and Water Crackers ; I bbls. dried Apples ; 4 ** “ Peaches; Received this 'ay and for sale, by JON D. ADAMS, June 6, 2851—40. Suamhuat LcnUmg. ACON 4000 lb* Extra Sugar Cui* I Hams; 7000 lbs Clear Sides; 4000 lbs Bone do.; 2,500 lbs Shoulders; DRIED BEEP—300 lbs Extra Suirsr Cured; FLOUR—10(1 Bbls Ohio, Superfine; VINEGAR—5 bbls Cider; Received per steamer R H. Uf. by Jane M WM B WAIT n q . q q q q q q MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT in To the Halt, the Lome, the Sort, and th* Shf-JouUed, " We bring glad tidings of great (The Volcaaic Oil Iron Mexico 11m long been known to possess within itself wonderfully soothing, healing and curative properties, i and lias been extensively used by the Alters for Rheumatism. Stiffness ol Joints or Limbs, and for all kinds of Sores, Ulcers. Burns, Wounds, Hard Lumps or Tumors, and for all kinds of Pams or I Inflammations in Man or Beast. The happy combination of thi* wonderful production of nature with other powerful remedies in Die * Mexican Muslim* Liniment Renders it one of the most perfect remedies ever offered to the afflicted. Its action upon the organi sation is truly wonderful. lt< volatile, penet*iting. soothing and healing propertiesdiffuse themselves to the very bones, ltenters into the nrculsiionof the blood—gives a new impulse to the whole ner vous system to the very extremities of the finger* and toes—stimulates the atisorbenta and secretions, and thus assists nature to throw off and rid herself of any diseased s> ti*u> of nerves, muscles, chords or ligaments, making it equally applicable to sore* of any kind, rheumatism, pams in any part of the body, from a diseased action of any of th*' structural portion* of the ■system. Pusvwnr these peculiar powers is the reason why it is equally ethcanous m so many different roraplaintis. We will give a few of the thousands of cures that have be-m effected by this Liniment with>n the j last year. A lady in Columbus, Ohio, had her hand slightly bruised, took cold in it and •? spread to A Frightful I leer All over the back of her hand. Doctors had prescribed -ah • «. ointments, washes, and alteratives, i ' without doing it any good. It had been in this condition more than a year, when she got a bottle of | the Mustang Liniment, by the recommendation of her physician, a id applied it as directed. The re • suit was, that in four weeks the ulcer was healed and the hand was well! That doctor now buys the ; ' Liniment by the dozen to use in his practice. A little girl, fourteen milts from Columbus, had a severe attack of Rheumatism. The chords of one leg contracted so that the foot was drawn up at a right angle with tie thigh, arid the knee joint i stiff, so that she was obliged to walk with crutches. Three bottle* of the Mustang Liniment relaxed the chords, loosened the knee joint, relieved all pains, strengthened the muscles, and shecan skip the rope, leap and jump without crutches and without limping. A man m Pittsburgh had a red hot iron accidentally run into his foot, making a very severe Wound and Burn At the same time. The pain was intense and excruciating, threatening lock-jaw. The foot swelled very rapidly, and m two hours he was unable to bear any weight on it, or set it to the ground. In this condition the Mustang Liniment was applied. Immediate relief from pain was the consequence, and in two days lie went about his business and hqd no farther trouble with it. Capt. Wm. Alter, one of the oldest citizens of Cincinnati, and long and popularly known on all ■ the western and southern rivers as a steamboat captain, had a very severe attack of luflummatory Rheumatism in his right arm. After suffering the most excruciating pain for some days without a moment's relief, lie obtained a bottle of the Mustang Liniment, and applied it. Jn less than twenty-four hours, lie was entirely relieved from pain, the soreness and stiffness perfectly eradicated. Let any douhtthis in j Ins presence, and he may give them a specimen of its muscular strength and (Usability of his “good j right arm.” A man in Covington, Ky., had not been aide to walk without crutches for near two years, from the ; effects of | . — Chronic Rheumatism. He heard of the Mustang Liniment, bought it, and ised i! as directed, and now he is well, and can dance a horn pipe equal to any jolly Tar 1 A man near Louisville, Ky., had a negro man who had running sores on both his legs. They were nearly rotten, and feared they would be the cause of Ins death. He procured half a dozen bottles of the Mustang Liniment, and used it all according to the directions. In one month the sores wore healed. John Bennett, of Petersburg!!, 111., had a daughter twelve years old who had Tenia Capitis or Scald Head. The entire scalp was a runtung sore and had been for more than a year—doctors could do it no good. They were persuaded to try the Mustang Liniment, and to their treat joy, it has eu ; tirely healed all the sores, and a beautiful head of hair now covers the | Once Frightful Scalp! !, A lady in St. Louis had a sore on the top of her head that threatened to spread all over the scalp. The hair came out and left a bare spot the size of a dollar, that was a running sore. .She used tha Mustang Liniment on and it not only healed the sore, but brought out i beautiful now crop of hu.r' .Stc is now using it to drew bet 'hair, ami says it is the bead Hair rente she ever saw, while !l gives i beautifully glossy-like appearance to the hair, that she had never succeeded in obtaining before. These are but a few of the thousands of cures we arc daily bearing of from all parts of the i country. Fur Horse* and other Animals. There is nothing can be compared to the Mustang Liniment, in this speedy and permanent cure of i Strains, Bruises. Cuts, fluids. Chafes. Scratches, Sweeny, Poll Evil, Fistula, Big Head. Spavin RjtJK Bone, Splint, Wind Gall, Cracked heels or any wound, stiffness, or unnatural enlargement of hone or 1 muscle. A livery stable keeper of thiscity had a match horse that he prized verv highly, that had a j large Ring-bone on both ledgs. The horse was completely cured, and lus limbs left perfectly smooth by the use of the Liniment. To Country Merchants. Every store should be supplied with tins valuable Liniment, as it pays a good profit and sells rapidly. Cautioii F.rtra. IT Many will try to induce you tobny Nerve and Bone Liniment or some other equally worthless 1 trash, by saying it is just as good as the Mustang Liniment. Hut do not be deceived! Ask fur this \ Liniment, and buy none other, and yon will not be disappointed. The name is blown on the bottle * Prices of the Liniment. In consequence of the increased demand, we an nowputtini- up 25 cent, 50 rent, and dollar bot- ' lies. The 50 cent bottles contain three limes asraurh as the 2 > ••••m siz. . and th. dollar bottles four I limes as much as the 50 cent size—so that mou y will be saved m buying the large buttles. JT Principal Depot at BRAGG A McLEANS'S Drug Store, corner Third and Market streets, St. j Louis, Missouri. jj- Druggists and Country Merchants supplied on liberal terms. J. \V. TAPI’E, Wholesale Agentfat Little Rock, Ark. April S, 1S51. 31— ly. I/HflNK III imn’ * »«*» Sate UPON accommodating terms, the following tracts of lands situated upon Bayou Bartho I lomew, in Drew county, Arkansas : S. E. fraction qr. sec. 7; West half sec. 7; \V. > half of N. E. qr. sec. 7: W. half sec. <i; W. half of S. E. qr. sec. 6; all hr township U south range! ■ west. | These lands are among the best in the State of ] I Arkansas, well situated, in a thriving neighbor j hood and convenient for shipping produce. For terms, apply to , L. A. WHITELEY. I Little Rock, March 22d. 38— 3m. OIJVKR & CO., WINE 3* 'SPIRIT MERC HA IS, ! CORNER OF MAIN AXD MARKHAM ST. I Old Pott Office Comer. JUST Received a fine assortment of choice articles for Bar Stores, and Family use, con- ; | sisting of 1 Fine Old Port Wine; Madeira Wine; Brown 'Sherry Wine; Pale Sherry Wine; Catauba Wine ■ | Lungworth Ohio; Claret Wine, Supr. Juice; Bran- j ! dy, Cognac; Brandy Cherries: London OinfMo- \ j nongahela Whisky; Scotch Ale: Brown Stout; i Anisette; Natural Syrup; Muscat, de Frontignau; j Marischano; Curacao; Mushroom Catsup; Wor cestershire Sauce; Sardines; Fresh Salmon; Ab sinthe: Preserves Ac., Ac. Little Rock, April 22. 33-tf. NEW FAMILY STORE. TiOiiiii X ( VltTI U. On East tide of Eatl Morn tt., lirtt briek star abate the comer of .Markham tt., W1IOI.EK4U: A NO KKTAIL UKAIJCHS IN FAMILY, STAPLE A SO FASCY Urerrrics, Provisions, fonntry Prodnrr. kt. HAVE just opened, in the store heretofore oc- j copied as a Tin Shop, a general asxortrmnt of every thing in tin ir hue, comprising a larger variety of FAMILY SUPPLIES than eve* before offered in this market. Their friends, and citizens ■ generally, are invited to call and examine their stork before purchasing elsewhere, as they arc de termined to sell as low as the lowest, for cash or country produce. Little Rock, April 9, 1831. 32—tf. I mm■■■« » TYPE FOUNDERY. GUILFORD A JONES, NO. 41, Columbia Street, Hqpwftt'ti Sycamore am) Broadway, CrS< I\N*1TL OHIO. Would respecTfutty inform their old Patrons and j Printers generally, that they have removed their Founder)', to the buildings formerly occupied as Ihe Stereotype Fouudery and Printing Establish-1 ment of SHKPAKD. Where they are Prewired to Furnish Anythinp in their lane. FOSTERS' PRESSES! Tusy Aie also Aotvrs voa Fosnut’s HAND, CARD, it P« W E R P R E S S E S; And In Fla,, will Kill any Order fur PRINTING MATERIALS, At thi Shorteit Motiee, and at the Isnrttt Eastern, PRICES. 20 Hats! Hath !! I)oz. Palm Leaf Hats. a “ Panama “ 2 •“ “Jenny Lind” Hals. 6 “ Tampico / 4 “ Campeachy “ Received per P. Pemrywit and for sale by JOHN 1). ADAMS. March 25 1847 ' Steamboat Isending Whiskey. BBLS. Whiskey; UU 1* half bbls. “ . 3 bblv. old Rye do. ; Received and for sale by JNO. D. ADAMS. Steamboat Landing May 90. 1861—39 ■ niru-K * .Hiue « oiie^iatr Institute, LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. THIS establishment is now opened on Louisiana street for the admission of day pupils—and it is expected attor some time to afford accomodation for boarders. The Course of Educntiou will Embrace, 1st- The Primary; 2d. The Mercantile, and 3rd The Classical and Philosophical Departments. TERMS—Per quarter of twelve weeks, payable hi advance for the Primary Departments which in clude 8p' Ring Reading and Writing J5 00. Kor the Mercantile, which includes Arithmetic, Hell, s Letters, Llocution, Geography, History and Mensuration 38 ijo. For thet lassie aland Philosophical department, which includes together with what is mentioned in the Mercantile couise ; the Latin, Greek, French and Italian languages ; the science of Al t', bra, Geometry, Trigonometry; with Natural and Experimental Philosophy #12 00. director* and professor*. Rev. PATRICK. REILLY, Rev. PATRIC K MKHAN, Rev. PATRICK MARTIN, Little Rock, March 18, 1852. 28-1 lw. Spring Clothing. V LARGE and beautiful assortment of SPRING . CLOTHING, received per Phillip Penny* it, and for sale by JOHN D. ADAMS, Steamboat Lauding. March 25. 29—tf. Robekt Abmbthusu. Geo. C. Lawksbo.n. Akmii.u 1 1a n Rin. ARMSTRONG, I.AWRASON eV CO. < oiuniis*ion tlercliaut*. hi i Magasme street, A E W O H I. E A .V S . March 25, Jb51. 29—ty Vw *|>rini; Ciooil*. i “ late style Silks. Biol i* assorted Calicoes. 30 “ '* Ginghams. 20 “ “ Oottonades. 8 “ Brown Linen. 20 “ Demina. 2 Bales 3-4, 7-3, & 4 1, Brown A Blch’d Domestics. 5-4, fi-4, 10*4 and 12-4, Brown and Blch’d •Sheetings-. 3 pieces 12 4 Linen Sheeting. 22 “ Irish Linen. Gloves. Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs,Shawls Apron Ci. -cks, Oanabt rgs, Umbrellas, ParasoLi, Negrc goods, Ac., Ac., Ac. Received per P. Pemiywitt. and for sale Cheap /or ( <*» imhj by JOHN D. ADAMS. March ‘25, 1851. Alcorn iepei CVtPKEI.—50 I; ,, prime I 1 y J Received ami for sale >v May 16th, 1361. , WM, B. JVA1T. niHiiw; tiTTi.\u! Tomb*, Mvtaarul* Urnvc - Muu, ,, Ac., Tniniihed to order. IOSEI'JI Cl, A UK, Slone-CuUtr,, (late ol .Vr, Oyrfans,) begi leave to iiiloim the iltlien, of Lirtte- Ri>, k an.I I lie vicinity, that h- has opened an t^abu-hmetit on Water Street, (adjoining William George's -tore.) tor the purpose ol eKrCuling all kind, ol MARBLE WORK, and invitra tfie at'en iinn ol all these uanti-'g any thing ol Ihia kind done lit * neat and work man-like manner and at a mode rate price. He will keep on band a slock of the best material, and is ready to execute all work in his line at the shorter notice. Little Rock. Aug. •>, 1S5M. 48— tf Cirocrrirti. JOHN D. ADAMS has on hand, and olferato bis Inends anil customers,lor aale, No 1 Mackerel, in kits, Hallibul in k# hols. Sugar, Entire, Spice, Pepper, Ginger. Nutmegs, Cloves, reixnltii Molas ses, Indigo and Madder, Powder, Sl ot and Lead, Rice, Ac , Ac. Alto—TEAS, Pnuchong, Young Hyson, Black, and a very superior article ol “ Imperial ”—* together with, Preseived Cun ml r, Gooseberries', 0*£<-a, Khenharb, Ike , lor family use. Ore 24, I*50. ...i, 18— PROFESSIONAL CAR D S. J. «!. JOI«^M»\. ATTORNEY AT LAW. UTT1.K ROCK, ARK. Oft. i, ly.Yfl. *• I- HK4\IH \bir<;. ATTORNEY AT LAW. LAW RF.NCEVU.LE. ARK’S >ii the »p ititifx nt pt ih[ ■ sr. » P Francii and Monroe, in r*tp first J„ tin* I i'u. tnit; he mantis- nl lV.ti» md ArUn«»«. in thf armnit Judicial Ciifriit, at d tjm rninty ol prairie, in thf SON Indiei*| Cnruit, and wjtl pay strict at tention to tl.f coltetrtieii o! rfeMi in »ny par! if Hr StHf, mil mil »t»o net a* igrnt for the .al* of Unit* •tut paving 'axes, fce. Rfji ence in I.iMr'iiffviltf Monroe m , Aik« Srp» 17 ISVt —S—2—|y iOlIK T. TRKiifii, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HFN’TON, ARKANSAS May 31, ls.Mr. HIAKV n. KEttun, ATT«R>E 1 1> ronSELLIR iT LAW. jOAti f nt Hntnn. Halim- Comity.) W^u At riCK in thr Conn tin oi Saline " P Hot Spring.. Perry, Montgomery, and thr court* at Little Rock. Any hunim-** entrusted to hi* farr will receive prompt attention K. « I TIP||\S, Attornrv and-fonimllor at Law. a yo solici roh iy ch a y ck k y LITTLE ROCK. AUK JAMES T. BROWN, * .ITT OR.YE y jit L .1 W, Arkan.a* Pont, Ark., W ill practice hi* profession iu Ihr Second Judicial C ireuit, and will attend to the rollection of debt, ami thr in real igallon of laud claim* i n every part of Arkansan ,lg W. I . IM \ A L. moR\EvoBioi;muoR miw. AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Fort smith, Arkansas R. H. JOHNSON, Attorney at Law, IiIttlk Rock, .Ark. JOHN K. IIOHIMvV. Attorney at Law. Rrsidrx in Lfwinille, LnfnyfUr County, irk VNP will practice in the court,<>| the fith Juiii cial district. All binHaconfUed to In, miin. igemeat, wiM rcecolve prompt aadfaithfalatUmtion. LAMBERT A. WHITELEY, tTTOHNEY AT LAW. OFFICE ON M.1RKIUM STREET Lrm.r. Rock. Arrarias JAMES A WILSON ATTORNEY AM) COt NSELLOR AT LAW _ nSt-LVILLE,>. DAVIl) W CARROLL, Little Rot L. ma30|y ] Arkansas. [noS» JOHN QI ILLLV ATTORAEV ii COOKSELLOR AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR IX CUiN( KRI, )rncE—LI dorado. Union county. Arkati***. K m. WBMjtwr&kM ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON MARKHAM STKEU I LfLTLS BOCK *»*’». 1 ft J. V. TEBBETTS, ITTORilE V k COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Fay ettev ille, ArkauaaN. iiEO . C . WATKINS. A 9. M. (CURAS AVATKIXS A CURRAN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, little rock Arkansas LLIA* N. C'ONWAV, ITTCilKEV ITLlW.iGEMMtULlM) AGENT, LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS, IVTILL ATTEND to the collection of debt* iu f T any part of the State, to hnyiiig and veiling land*, paying !nxm, redeeming lami* forfeited for taie*, Nlc He if authorized to sell lands enough for thr*c or four thousand yooti plantations, and ut cheap rates, for cash. l'o insuredltentioii.communication* mustbepoat paid. Little Rock, Jan. 16, 1850. lM-ly LABAN M STROUD Attorney and roiiwller at Law, Ur I LI. practice in the Courts of Newton, Sear' f y, Marion. and Carroll counties. Residence n> ar Crooked Crttk,Carroll > <>., Ark. April 23—33—ly. S. G. S MI T H ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT ,W, CrIN' ET>>\. to., Ark«. 3S-II. .10*111 t v noittci*. ittounkv no ronsellsii at law. BOCK POET, HOT SPRING co., ARK. A |itU 2u. :a5o. .« f. \A;\V n.UTUIAK.!/ JUST received, dir* cl from New Orleans, a large and welt selected assortment«.f new ami fash ionable Clothing: Particular attention is called to a fine stock of Summer Clothing. For sale low for cash, and for cash only ! K. MAlters. Little Rock, tf'iy 20^1851. Hamitmt. Truitefk Male. T) V virtue of a Deed of Trust, executed by Silas 11 Poke, on the 'Jtb day of May, I860, to John Matlock, tv secure the payment of a certain sum of money in said Deed of Trust named, 1 will, on the fitst Monday m August next, in the city ot Cam den, offer for sale to the highest and last bidder, that well knuwu and valuable projwrty, situated in said city,known as the “ OUACHITA HOUSE,’* said premises embracing the lollow.iig Lota, to w it; Lot Nodi m block No. 11, fronting cast 4b feet on Adams street, and running back west sixty feit, tin wiii'ii of its front; and Lot No. 68 ,i, block No. 11, fronting 60 feet on th Northerly side of Jefferson street, and running back there from westward!)!, the width of its front, 120 let. The buildings uprut the premises are all new. and the •' Ouacbtta House ’ one of the largest and most convemeul buddings for a first class Hotel m the State, and the location offers the strongest in duceiisenls to persons wishing to engage m that business. The whole premises will be sold on a credit un til the first .fay of Hatch next, the pun fiasergiv mg his note with two approved securities. L. L. CASE, Trunin. Camden, May 22, Ii5t—10—vis. (•rwcrieh! J UST received from New Orleans the following articles, viz 12 boxes Kaunas; 1 “ Ground (linger; 6 " Maccarom; 8 “ Ventffelli; 61! “ Table (salt; 1 “ Tomato Ketchup; l “ Chocolate; 1 basket Sweet Oil; 1 box Lemon Svrup; 4’ “ linperial Tea; 10 * Soap 10 “ Sacks Coffee; 12 doz. C. S. Hoe*; , 1 “ Kifie Locks with ff»; And for sale cheap by A. J. HUTT. Little Rock. June 8, 1861. .Ham rtrte* \nv <Joo»s I last 11*1.;, »,» , , 1 ««4 fauly. « .,r*, J #f* * w •ouitmn to pn-viou* aimal*. w.,Kr, r«m v and Ktaplr MrwjMi.rf^ | Uxr k the mo*.ra«p|*t, 1 ,ur fcav |«.h <c. and rvspcrtfuHy m, lW p, try amt town, to rai! am; examine ,h« Littie I.ITTLK ROCK HH;){ SCHOOJ Bn.rdiut B*j Vine! K»r )*«>' L.d,„ THt h«M»»» .1 lh„ b,„ ,i„y „ , ■*. .... • , . * r-*‘< »a» a’tei 'Mfitr ol tlia Ptaf.ia I* eat,.catty r,,p,„i, ; Hu* In.litMitn unde, |h» rate ol y , " *”* V'^X>1*. ».h A Teache'ra education. PoMr-asii k w|it,m „,.m„ ,v . qn»l.l,cation* (in >,•« lane, * , ,ai rt,., „|,,. . *•**' I”*>•'»»**•! »ri, per ter• xlm. , • . •» k, . r,llf'0 '* " f'nifcm, n « hose nan,. * .to ^ ’ L Ml* f'unw ol ;h, B i,■* S.biv.l, b,„ g •taMly »*»or„u.i »nh th,„ Tea.f,»,.. ,**, *r .. ... •” r ^'«M,v to tinm ami t-fir. tbr .... ‘n'! cl nrilcr and retul„p»‘ the import,,.„ (Kto,,^ km>wfcN, education,,he T >n.ctj oto !(, „ t, !fj| lb* language, ol the .u,hi„hww, . rrr *, ,n'',|,'c tho pi,,r$ld, „ Umlly. to attend it* Kr. net, nw,r,, *,thou ,» cnaigr. Th*-;i(*ation of the city of l,.tf|. (fork i. heapf, i and .iryr»*,No a, an to,,, ., by tU»mu„ amt »iago • wm** T o -vv.-m „f oitnralien, a«t.t ...,.!y pn,„.,rt aim. at aperloe, apprariation ofwl al, vor ia al,rmi.t' a,I in <1avatoi,injtha mo,a| ana inltll.rtiiamrnt'Mn —-ambrafing a tt,oioush an t »y atrmaiic «iw, f, ibo oloniontary to lha h.*ha.'l brif rhr. MiWtln raaord. of achotarahip »n.t dapoHmant ara tian-n ,■ tad to Paratita, wh.Ut avnv judn m... iniin,w •tnrly m atford^d. I ha .rhool i. rensianUv nr,fa, 'ha .,,nar.i.i,>«, the Board ol Vtailor., who, from i,ma i„ nma, ,, anilna tha variou* cla>aa., and report thru pr. gr,.. Tram, of Tuition nn.l RaarO p.r ....Ion fl»p mnniht. Day lenolin, 4th DepattnirM, 4|»J •• H,„ *» " It, ,W f,t •« |, M !• ranch, Italian, Bpaniah and (»arma«, afrh, |.y ,* S,i,Ring in Choir, l„—Piano,Uinl.r, ai d Organ, each, •> Harp, ^ D,awing amt Painting, ((| t1 A <•■',ii*a Irin Onanlai |>an ling, Ja,ao Work, inlay me ot K<h,i,v and Ivory, Ha i hnif \K „ra, and w ax Howar./parh, |o . No charga lor ernluonlaiy and ornamantal nf^ille work Board, wa.lmif, liffila, fuel, ,<M ol bedding, ,V., par unotiih. r ,0 1^ Pj- -lrnta qoailatly, in advanra, no dadurti, , for ahwncr. .S^fttion* roininrnt f |p{ aS#*pt. Mmi lit Ptb p... P'l* racaivad at any pcrirM, xt.4 rhar-ad Iron nr, ol etilrar.ra to cb «e ol Ihe a< e.ion HO til <! ol Rt fifv, Di»h. FftrrjMA*, Hon Judff* Kiiifio, A I'ltK, Hwi T. V* Nkwton, L. CtiMOfi, M I). J. H < rkamk, L E H\hh»h, Esq » LitTii* Rock, Amt \ I'ltwri. H«n 1- W. TTAf^iLi. Hon. Jmtf** Field, ,:io. C U mini, th,, E II I MiiLiRN, E?q , .M«| J 1.a wm>«, *»*■'• B H. H> mi*m n H« * W. U. >i | fv 22, l«W. 5 l-tf. W‘SBiM)Tfl\ HUE KlIIMY, Ilempstcnd County, Ark». f I'llK second St'*e...ii ol thin 1 iisltlutiau, opv A thia morning. February lllh, IK>0 •*»». 1’. I' Timt>NTi*r, Superintendent inti pt*. fes*or of Moral and Intellectual Ptnlusofitn Belte-Letters, iitin Spanish Literature Rev H. C- Thwvstt, A. M.. Prolesaorof t.recun Roman, h reach and Italian Literature. James I aocs ss. A. M . Piolessor of Mathematic, Students received in the Primary Iisparinteul »u< instructed TEB Mt»: Primary Uepartinenl. per session of 21 sreeb. payable quarterly iu advance, jli '• Preparatory Department, lb = | C-eiiegiate Courae, Vit> ■ Vocal and instrumental M usic. Elements of Muaical Composition, (Extra; . .141 Initiation 1 ae, 1 W No deduction for nbeeuce unless in cases oi pr* traded illnesa All atudenta charged from the time of tier entry to the end of the session N B.—The sons of all miuislera who are »»• i gaged in the regular work of the tniniatry. or/ those who are superanuated or have died in tin , ministry: will be educated free of charge Bosaotvo can he obtained in the heel fami’its, at from $ii to *jft |>er month. Particular attention will he paid both to tin moral and intellectual training of all stttdest committed to our charge. 8. T SANDERS, Secretary BOARD OK TRUSTEES lion. D. T WITTER, ParrinxKT, Hon H f Poindexter. Rev Wm Moores, Rev. L. P Lived Rev B P. Box, I N. Joyes. M. D , Mr. J H S* | defur. Mr. T. Williamson, Hou J D TrlB>t>" Rev J, Custer, M. I)., Rev J. J Roberts, C I Mltchol, M. D , Mr W W' Andrews, Mr Si Saudere, Mr H. W Smith. 7—23—If OK. LK1DVS MRsmiilLIt BI.OIID PIU* Ahrrtd ol nil Other*!! THr Khtjt of Mil 1*111 HECAU8K they aie toiler, be"*t amt more *i caciotja than any other*; ami became th* pv it Ui*> Ur will Utk<- n«» nub- • other* tl Ui* j, • an • t*(;«»* ih* !SO\ KS havt- ln*«*n K>lit NiiHimiU for ' VUI Nti WIMU.Ii. mM.K KKM \LK,rafi *•+ Ukf tt.riii Mill) equal •afety, and without it-tr IF FILLS ML \K( RSS.1H Y lor purgm* aud rletnw the Stuxuai h and B**'***l*, and j*uri?>H»« its** Blood and «T the I* dv. U*k< mi (Mbmrth Ior l»« r (nil* partite '*•* comhuted • (foe!*, or < onUi)n >■;»»■*/» |«nl in in tin m K»l. l)rink«H«l Live a* I • •••!. and puir*w 1 u*tiai whiter Iwhin* them, without lew <4 cold, (iurutJ! *11 kinds '»i \t.-nUii-i ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS «r« w 114. n ti that iui*e * «r fiimx? 'Wnh A»< . ,rr*»m Plr?‘ *•»*»!-. ( iruiui n, no Tuber* *»t 4'imgfl'**, uimJ r« /.I Mr tn ?* ,J ,I Un-ir rtfs .»«■ than «»l :tf»i »dh*i M twu, witll dll ' I • j - i;»«J - «M «*dtfps nying lw h U:*. TUrv Imvr: ttu l»r1t iff Ri.' ‘<*»i it, l‘‘r*-r I'rtfu liu-l H f*iVU|e» C»t .;») *■ (• !, i*0 iiah gnff tin- >»t l, pMdttci ti" »«• kiu »*», V'Nniliim 'nr iwd 1 III,V \KKOU«U AT AlJ. 11*11.-. aAl.Aj ■ to tu*»M**l So >me hating («<•'■ **kt-«i tin m will k» willrai utensve tO ti*X* ,ifl > .IM TA, hrc U.l*. Um H iii imajoi.' *1* th*> 4o not, then nu outer** »til l>» V B I.» Ill V . t !l* ..j-I .. NT «... '(Ml ■ ‘ *' !'"• * * ,r** tar ilru*jp»i. ' bc-vmri .11..I (tdoiran, *d t'* yew* rtj« o< ?• • i'lolad* qdu* . 4i«tntMf> ot iu>- l r« . m ' York, tt«>«ton{ Balniuore. kr . and »*•““ tan *n« • < itr+y**+ n»u tnemlier *>t eeveral m iHktttution* 'H **& •* mir—be*** u the r» awm of rto* greut* ' <*«'Mtddeiie« **• *« « |mIU, mmI tiieax tn iikg IU tl*e iuim iti'r -4 m* :r taniv f4ivAtA’i^n* thrvtkghoot W*« I ’nited Pr»M iimI liepi/t, !>r l.vwij *» l»i*j«er.*w>, V> *1» K«»«nli .-»f , Philiui* ^tHiiiA and MdiJ * faideiite tuni •f J W I.itih ki-k; u Mtw-iiiN'R, V* B'«m vaI k. Mi-ad. .iu«i v\ ri|hl Jl t. . \ew * irk an*. <*ini I^aU* *uuJ utiiXf-keepA'r* *s« the ( Twted •"itAte*. tkt^iO I ii«|Mtrtiiflrsi»ip. Ilr«. WalLiiuA «*rr w 1 f I /.*•' • Muir u/ the info a ro»|id '1 elite l n« promptly. pHflM-* are of her c mi * E. Woodr 8et»M ettee LllUr U ,li ten peel i»iily iolortn fhefrtt-1 of Little Rorfc, »#*«t f9ptcu country, »hi* they have emered Mtftefihip »ti the Prnrltre ol . In c*>i‘* oi eiurffeM >, am) either * •bMkt, the o’tie# * til 4 'ef.ij. 0« Iwavihe at /A#u ('^re in tf'* OuiiAlinj{, »he trc-iiief ol * la, <xk. Or! 15, 15—»' 15 PKOVlMO.AH Oil.jn Dec JARii »*»>• BMtet •> K--S< Rtg* Fee*, t bui* nlti’e Be**», t bP.» -liied A|‘t le», * *■ lo tt f»W« Onwu, I bM. wit:!*. p.eeM'i Ft*' .! reteieed at..i Ini »4i<l he FA I HKKLY * CLLMF'T** r»i{.ef IT, 1»5S> Iron, Aail* and € a •tins'* LBS »*M>.*e<! lion; OUU Mi K*e. N»il»; |t»»0 C'utM'gt, ioi »»!• Sv T. D MKKKICK • CO Decern* IT, 1*50. *» For vale. _ Vn*(l UtBGE HOMS, iboui seem ulU and acvtntrcn band* ta btljht. ApfcT March25 L. A »'HITEL*> A