OCR Interpretation

Arkansas democratic banner. [volume] (Little Rock [Ark.]) 1851-1852, July 29, 1851, Image 3

Image and text provided by Arkansas State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82007020/1851-07-29/ed-1/seq-3/

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ifKiuaro Ucwrwuicj. U»# <*■#«
^ iTith.in «««**» of tb«gtorl
,u poifl
if *,!,«««. at the Atifi* eiee,o
• ■*■ ,.vof V;.vv again* him.
! We 1.VA- »» aol-mi-ionil
l !. •* party are pleated with Uv
' II U. W. Johnson hat taken in ill
. and *;ii him an un',lV*Jc
T wh-g« *a«- nothin* again* him
J. rty fc« «1..v,<'“
More aanetalio. Hr..po«rd.
ylj(k rr.bune says that «en» of 111
nt have arrived in tint country
1 :;;.i the»mt«i «»>«tw
■' and Lower California, wit
' RiW,:wn. By this mean*, it is said
,to r emit h-r finances. The mot
' #.1;. '.ationwt* will p»uae, l.owevei
, , , a L-Uer. before renewing tb
' which the wisdom of Uit) las
to a,.m.- aid!
ar 1.1 prabiy connected with ever
on of avw territory
Whitstry anil ilif l uiea.
i observe the manor uverings <
tn time, m Arkansas.
0 as il bulletia, i hi u * ■<] i
on- »r.»uti imily «upi»i)se (if hi
" r w ■ was ■ uli hently developed) tits
. I „f Axkaa .as ware about to riset
... ;U> Stati;. mountains and a
iae Atlantic
J .. 11* ■
::i » ' mo
l jin (■'. .1.'xunzuir I / lllirKi .
least tint they w >uic
j, had thruwu himself mt
have bcfii marching It
tear up til.- American flap
.ip-! i with the balance of tii
. s., >d ' of dl tb-.' patriots t
■. . 1 in .‘k ■■.' ii Uauismul to Nova
o>-t:.i, o: at least to the fo atain heu
B it i> 1 >•• we take il.jwu the whoi
let u.s g!au'* at the con
„ i ms, and, . i doing SO, we shall tiav
,,x at. l’u i 1 luted States are each >tn
equally i«
Mi and inUcpcnd. nt, an
,u l; hut the powerdelegate
to legist*:' l it the geuert
a. g i vernal
at V CX31 O....>
the.'. ■ Jtares.
, ^ .*i v >>, dehnes. and halt
>vr> t ie ■ . r.«l < iiiM 'h and m thi
■ ,iari of >.e complete whole, withot
. ; mi. he regarded as a dea l led
p,> , my ii.irhtt . is a urtuty
iiut.ou ot sia;' ry . ill tt>
net,-a iv.t.1 by to iso Males in «rlucn slave
■_ it.- tie ,[i;.-. owing to ddferetu’
gate and tM
. we ast heij;
■ iveruiuv u
,‘|i11 Ot ■ i>i•
fc-iV.it ihtfif j»t*
:er.’ Never.
tii** iV'ii
i .rt c >Ut :y
illivation of the s-ul.
>i .s'. II. Siliei. Hhe foiiuatl'i
liie nee Suites had cans
i .is,.- S: lie' fur Wishing to intei
soar el ' an >us of any kind i
t>u tae other iinnd f.inaticisi
. . uey at tin; North, an: tl,
s. , .e J i Sinithism and K > i
,i 11 mre . .
islv, where the laws of m u
a-j . nr. >1 ■ . i I !. an I the rchsio
. .s scone'1 awl d.up >ed—where lamitie an
. are da.iy sending down their rtcfains loti;
-■ nt sect:.Ml of country esporls i < sympa
■ ne benefit of those who are better o
. Msem; and no; only that, there are hum
I aeii ss devoid of principle as to encoUTag
I i ,i is a i i are ready hi rou.se the lease par
h ■. •■ prop'- i hi:'-..Hli.in a-a ust those of er
■ tor ti.e.r own setl aggrandizement andpopu
., until tin leaven of ahoirion which eve
; n;r hs-oiiei tam. a id m that country wa
; w .-ii ■■ ouirnipt and ridicule has appa
in i- i me. ol th mass of the p.opu viot
• u'.' ready m vi_. ate the sacred rights i
l .ai'TS, an 1 imple the t' nis'i'ulioii und,
■ .y the hearth ,s ambition >*t a few deina
m l v,;i:ini iv.i i nad mein blindly on.
s hat at tirst hut swelled the folds t
> ni.i llie. have increased .steadily until
r i .1 ha.- hjr.si up >n ti*. bidding fair to re#
'n • bousiej banner of the free, into shreds
was a time when a steady, firm, tin
. . an 'e might have cheeked all this
. ,.';r nun imp-rcepiably,—one, rig tit
I ‘ ■ . '• has-be.,- i yielded until the remain
!i:i, ■ fhe love of the Union ha
■ >ir i i m irli,—they have thus fa
1 . convenience and a £ »( pirituu i
»i . tor ine advancement of the weifai
; rn breiheren, and yet their ounce!
it "■ i assurance to unblushing in
,r «e«d wol has t>een met with ttr
■ ' . • nee.—their kindness r,as been in,
i a ; i .-ii I'.inteinpt. At last the sout
. . • iM'iied by the petlmysof the pitille;
■ • « ■ • id Ii r• Mil has seen the threa:
i i: boldly and firmly, aod,
. • ; observation of one of the
‘I a.i it her session of Uo iyre.-u
1 > heard ol I n un; w here.’ m a slav
i ■ ■■ ; and the wings of thus stai
'-■ ■ i> ", to put down K.VV. John
"■i- me ol iha.se whose firmnncs
- ■■■... , it . from even new insult
‘ 1 itith a i l a Mr. I’rs'Slia
• " *ai: ■ ' he ii iililyuik. I uion ha
• in* ■. i.' But the Ma
.. i.ub.iggeflt, he isn't “cu
.a i sui.fk jfuIOcieiiUy pie
ise.—and the “Jumoiru
boat with brass button!
eagle and I lie motto of “
politely handed the sta
• ad. ,.i .sled to "wave'em
’•'* »t'iUeof “ Vankeedoodle,
■ ■ -<1*'- ■ ■ A®,—against wnat? thus
‘ ' 11 ' sacrifice their every right t
north, those who would in
ished linger the iron lie,
OV of a rs of it.
Mi'ta i stand su
•c * «l. to s.n.-.
■ tp hi shy-ln i
■ > w,t a a spread
■ e a a i H," and
nls i
> -sai and oppression.
: • nonsense will not uvai
■1! "I ' us »pin: ,ii, iha, the Union t
' a- arei, e ar, verytteaf'to them—tua
• ‘ ■ .••>,• WOUid sr.lt
' I. an Mr tile glorious b*aat
■ piihu'. v> ,i,' .s rs light is cleat an
■ ,'i'ise ti. ■'. \ i::i. md it; !>ut rather Ilia
■e i .■; i. e...io,; .r u aa>) dtscraeed I
pp ifi i i.t* Hoi
■ J ,,ei, an>l elect hnntu Conures*.
•i.’nattou ol Mr. Webster.
• ■ vvuji ! seem from till.' folio* ,n
• ,* Ir 'in VV jstimgton cannot han
• * ‘ cd .0 - i -hru apji irs united ..
-t at1. lr,»,i s,...sequent report
,i: 1 - us. I: is not to tie suppose
c-oreaud ins Secretary, can. whil
for the 1’resideucy, ge
* anity ,'f sentiment an,I lolling
1 i’».r.s a. the) har e - "uie to us.
U aairiv.TON', July 11.
■ 1 • ftdefed t,is resignation a
" 1 11 1 ■ ,'R lie ■ of his health
’ *IM, . shieuce. I‘reside n
to i.'.uii, lit ,
• , any a ;aa •■menu lie na,;h
‘‘ ^r- " ■ • iruai.<ly saii fo
1 ‘ ‘ 1 -1 -msI and reman
■■ nifitia* «.t i ..i, re .. Ami. n
V wuhorr.tv.nr.-ttt,'*.,,, i,laVt/u
he hands ..! th. IVcsi i.-nr, t, p,
. ■ rs heat judgment tuny d< sic.
U .ISH1.M.H.\, J uly iJ# p
■ I mdictory statements wij, r,.t,.r
inoa -.1 Mr. Webster, \enht
s ‘■•'' iostem r have am aii-vum l.
never, .ha: Air. VV ei. Her con
i. r.'(>!•. He leaves an-Anna
■ •> i ’ he HiUarks tor N, .. \'orl
‘ ■* ■ *'•1 *‘ks a: he, )'<une a
I• In « as „
• •. 't w sari tie- j.;aci
- ■ » r v .V. 1 r ,w.
• »s. Kr t iv July | j,
" res sued. and u..m. u-st mf,.rm
•st et .'.erctarv ..(Sute will 1.
1 • Mteiiden.
•• I >. U>at ti.|. !►,. si
' ' has ft.a in ail cams
riJl O') lo tin lor- i po ll
■ !- ^: s r. eat aepvratioi
> • . *«J ■■ ! i rk, aotl hi
■1* ‘‘like s|e-sc!,ev alter Uieohe
C-t-.-e, • lie. liov. muaetti had mm
■ i> ;i. ’l.d II increase the oonliaUi
• * 1 ’i‘h, Se arc softie of th
■ r';»»' '«• i., m. s.
Mr \\ ,
wile/ said Mr. Caudie. •• a,
i tolt as it 1 could i
•wo 1 r.a«.e t.etnsorry I didn't."
r first Dmulct Court-The late Deri.
' On the opening of the above Court, yesterday,
i' Judge Larue addreoaed the Grand Jury aj follows:
GtntUmm •/ thr Grand J<*ry:~It m a wine pro
C! vision in our law, that none ant to hnmble that it
does not recognize their lights, ami none too t ie*
11 va’ed to he exempt from its operation. When the
‘ | (aw baa been violated, it is my duty aa a judge,
■ ’ and yours as jurors, to inquire into tbat violation.
I We cannot shut onr cars to wbal we bear ouevety
corner and in every street. We cannot shut our
■ eyes to what we ace spread lx fore us in the da.ly
t pajiers.
! Gentlemen, a high crime has been eonmitted in
the parish of Orleans, and however respects hie the
i gentlemen may he who were engaged in it, how
ever high their position in society, however eraj
'' nent their personal reputation, howavrii ’much we
' j may respect them, however much we may admire
J i their private rharactere, and however much we
I mag sympathise' with them in their political fcd
! ings, it is our duty to invesUgate the matter, and
’ | 1 will not shrink I ruin it. it is well known, from
5 general report ami from the public press, that a
, I fatal duel took place yesterday, and we ail know
the names of the partita engaged it. It tis your
j j duty to inquire into the ease; to send for witnesses;
1 and if you find that a crime has been committed,
> I to brin • a bill accordingly. Let me read the law
f j to you, which is this:
j “ifany person shall voluntarily engage in a
j duel with rapier or »n»U-sword, back-sword, pis
| tol or other dangerous weapon, to the hazard of
life, and death should ensue, the survivor shall.
Upon conviction, suffer death; and alt and every
f person aiding .'.nd abetting us second, agent or abet
tor, and shall be duly convicted, shall be publtsii
t j ed as accessories before the fax tiw murder,
si “Ifany person shad volunuiiiy engage in a
t ! duel with rapier or small-sword; Lack sword, pi
i tol, or other dangerous weapon, to the hazard of
1 life, when in hotairide shaft ensue thereon; and
, if any person shall, by word, message, or any other
u manner, challenge another to light a due! as afore
said, when no duel shall be fought thereon; every
, such offender, nod every person who shall know
ingly be a second, agent or abettor in such duel
1 oi challenge, upon due conviction of either of said
offences, shall be puutsht d, as a felonious assaiil
1 tor, by Site not exceeding two hundred dollars,
and uaprismment no. esei.vding two y-jrs.”
I had hoped, gentlemen, that the barbarous prac
,- tire of duelling had been effectually exterminated
.1 Uylhewi r provisions of onr new constitution. It
j si mis-, however, that it is not the case. 1,'enlie
i iri. ii v. d a high [> •: itiou among us, who cau
j give i tone to » ■.■,iy and affect the opinions of
j Otaris, have va> a uni the law in tint.- respect, I;
., von p a U James i!rowu,or John .->1111111 tor an i f
t f-nci. am. permit wen who hold an eminent p..,<i
i : tion to .o unpunished, tt is a wrong and an op
•. ! pres . in. Al: should he treated alike.
i iiiiv, :"-■•iv informed, by lue pubic pnpc>x and
• .vnetal report, that a duel was yesterday fought
, h J >..n V;’. l'r.isl and l)i. Thomas Unlit,
win i r--i.’tin death of Mr. Fi -.t. 1 am
inlornieti 'il others who a,del and abetted, and also
i of the n.inn s of ,.ntiemtn who were present a.;
sp" '.(tors, and who may be tent fur a* witnesses,
i ivi i\ :i those names to the District Atttornvy.
i •> miff-past twelve oe.o, h, the jury verbally re
.i i m favor of the ariosi, and speedy trial ol ail
e ’ n par! u < couceriitid in the duel. Wilt; of capias
w o cordmcly issued on the motion of the Dis
tort > e.iey, and v. ime s < were summoned to
ii a;, ir la-fore the jury.
Destructive Dire.
V d -tructiv. fire ornirred at Cincinnati, on
• M iii-Jay morning. Broadweil’s building at the
* - iriler -f '-l aiil i an-i 1’tth snoots occup < d as a
r M i • mi au-l M- ream ie house, was entirely des
. iied. together with : fine cnl'ention of curiosi
ties. wav figures, and works of art. Mr. llrj.ui
s I i > -oi tie. bunding wol oe Si'.OtiO, over
11 a el above al, insurance.
’i stork m Hnzcn'* dry good, store
w ‘e.Toyed. Ie s #10,0- hi, witii a partial ins it
> to ice. • „
1 \\ ■ <oot; A Co., biHit ami sho-.'.dealers, estimae
r la ti lorn at .ktu, id f.
Mr. .Stockhouse's c
* wa, almost eulirelv
* heavy stock. Mr. S. was imiy insure-,.
1 The stoti adjoining, occupied by Mr. M«
* the sale of hats, was likewise destroyed
> i #3,000.
run a amt gists* eat.-,!
destroyed, togettr
was fully ins irt-J.
Ninnebar'-s clothing store and Filley’sshirt manu
■ factory on Walnut street, together with the prin
• cipal pirt of their stocks, were fold for the de
I voiiring dement.
Mr. fir t ml>. proprietor of the Mercantile College,
* i lost almost everything, while the beautiful and
' valuable collect ion of daguerreotypes in Hawkins’
'' rooms, were all destroyed.
' | Mr. Jos. Co*. Attorney at law. lost a valuable
law library, tog ••• her with other article* in (ns office.
Ill the w ardr d»ebelonging to the actors and ac
‘ tr in the Mu.-, urn, was burnt up.
/.'J i. Otmtrral, 17th inat.
Death of it Vetermt,
r G Ian.i Miiief, the first Governor of the fer
, rit'.ry of Arkan as, an 1 an officer who distinguished
himself in the last war with Grout Britain, died on
the I iinst. at hi* fvsi-h.-n.v near Salem Mussachu
, setts. 11- a. Miller was the courage is officer who
■s when asked by Hen. Scott, if he could drive the
1 British from a r.-rUin p uition, aline- a forlorn
hope, niade tuc a.-, bran.;,] reply "/'if ,ry" and
- aucct-eJed by val ir and daring.
, | . ~r~
W 4SI •! SO !-.)*, J lily If.
, Lieut. Colonel lie: v T, t'r.i, . of Penns vn nnia,
has been appenit- i h;.-r of the : Irdinance if areau.
*! in place «f Genet d O. Tnlcoft.'b-suissed from the
. service, by ;iie late ‘.--urt Martin .
’ j amnnatr ma~n» viimwii nil iimn n i u
“ i In this > on s.i urd.ty la , Mrs. C!uirlottr
1 U.inltn, widow "f tin ia> Mr. flilUrt Barden,
1 i 39 years—a r«:» > • of. tin* .-> ate of Georgia,
. Lull a resideulul Arkansas for more t•tans 30 years
• J past.
1 In tins city, on Fri lay , . m.m • the •J5t!i instant,
after a long ami pc ii i! illn-s*-, Rfrpkm II., iri
fant »,<n of Hubert A. an ! Martini otl, a. • <1 IS
1 Ih. .Mills.
1 ■ -n— -r ing ■ liwmn ■> m ■ , WWH _Jmm
New orl« ana Market.
Tfttic IW.TA, Jr.lv m, last.
1 —Tin unfavorable aceonii by tin Asia
appear to have produced little effect nonr mkrt.ct,
* 4M bale- was ici’iii n to-day i»y a few parties,
without any material decline. We ..junto:
*. Inferior.i a 5 | (id Middling_sja <j
f Ordinary.54a til | Mid. Fair ....nominal
■ .Mul tiin. Hat! [ Fair.nn nmal
s' Tobacco—We hear of tiio sale of 342. hhd , at
! firmer prices, of which Itidadmitted at 7, arm ill
low i> fused at 3J; '.’7 at 3J; 6 at id; IJ »t7: jo
' frosted at and 2fi and An at-.
t t'.ur—240 bt Is sour sold at S.I 16,
, | Cam—Sales twou sacks, of winch 1.149 inferior
, at ltd4; tOO mixed at -10; dolt white a*. 56, and 300
j yellow at 53c.
tt ..*4,y—hk) bbU rectified sold at 194, and230
t at Ate.
, Perl. —70 id Is mess sold at ft-I, arid 30 at £14
1 . 25.
linen*—Males V) casks sli mid. rsai 7 10 tierce*
i plain toons at .si; vo 11. ri ■ ■> canvass, 1 hams at
' 94, and '.’Oan ir cured at I Ic.
tl coatinues at its lowest stage
Kov alution cu ItnwinrNv,
Ur ****** -he view n| accommodating tuy ci is to
rn rs, and others woo may lie nl. d u
favor me with their busm- < , 1 hav - made arrange
■ ' pr.c ;r. , w;th go at dispatch, at c.ihci
■ *■ ' V.l . , M. ■ I XcjW Ulti.J.W.., oil IU
' .. .,m -l terms, > e i Braiis ah! t as! iron work n
’ ’ ed * y tli .m: who prefer their orders
- e ; ,a al.-iVc p as weil as all
'• • * ' itino*. f from uiy e.vab
mt o', five n! toy commission. or charges nl
’■ '1L'> e o ’i-t first cost, dray aye, freight, and
i insurance.
lies plan, it h-licved, wsi! greatly facilitate
’ V : ‘ '■ ' * 'ercctui t t'.i.tin (i nn,
, ' ■ -M-* “«*«, s*v Mul*. Com MUU,
1 ‘ * . I a i M : . or ,i„y alter ‘U t
■ i tin :nrrg, «r IJujint «cvi, in proeur
i “j"' • cC-rt nn y whatever thev rosy want from
x-,r *»•’ M the -am* till!, afford I hem aeon
"n‘ ■ ■ | . l;. • by .• n)p •
- - a f •' i rb , arid altera,
i. is tm! spem...ue u.m aij . niers should be ac.
jinpa.ue;, hv s drauaki »n4 apectficatum autfi
ciemij e -plic.t in detail, to serve as a guide te tti*
t.ic an c who tin . be called iip-m to eveeut,. the
V. :,S w.-H Mltiiii surm»krpr.ivi»ioa adtouid In
•na . ' u t he pajmi. nt.
V'i ciimo inications addreMed to me, will be
oinKTaUv received, and mcM w)th prompt alien
L-j -, , WtsH KI.l UKEilK,
J11'■' >>• Unit Rerk Fnautrv.
urn* mi
THE individual having charge ofth* Fontidr
part of OK esUbUrtltiwi.i, hating recent)
t< a»T w* nacv—those persons having triers in rti
bawl* iinfinish ), arer<s p e, fully r«-|U ■stCfl t >»»
tltUge in" ft»r a short tint*. u lyirnequei*of tha
unfortunate octturwnrr. iiOSV< EM. HE1.U8.
Julg 79, 1S5L 17 —
Little Rork TemnS*' icailrtiiy
MILS. UAH&ELL, P/ktipd.
fElHE patron* of this luiUtutiou at- hrteby no
_X tiled, I bat ttit Fail hessian of UHtlnllitlM
will couinri* nee on the fir < Mur.tiajrjn August.
Little Hack, July i > |, 17—7w.
And Military f iiftfitalion.
ruu.tc.mi' i.-M xrr.n.
1BKG to inform the rttizmsof Lit lie Rock, am
the public generally, tha: 1 .shall open Jto;
School, on lh«>V»< .Van Ary tit .t <>?«•! next, iu th«
House known as the Waatuiij.ionjJi.trt, now oc
copied by Mr. Champ'iiO where I; bail be pb-s.s*'*
to sec the children ol those persona who feel dis
posed to favor me w.t.i their patronage; and
aineerely hope, by dii'prr.t -ml /i i.' hil nHentioi
to lay duties, to mak ties Institution worthy o
the patronage of the generous and palrioti; par; rib
of Arkansas; where their childri n can rtaire *
go*/ E'tnratum, n ’id be . ’ ' /y yrvpart l for.nl
rmttance into any of the (‘ d, ees iu our country
It is a lamentable facllii.it we h ive t-<o lung slum
bered on the subject o! Ld ucal.on, al kmire, an<
it is now time that we .d uiJ arous.. in favor o
Southern.Institutions, a here child r. it can 1* />■.>
peril/ Educated, without feuding them off to tin
East., which low be n too frequently the case it
pus' veers. They can here t.e Edu< V.cd with Its;
expense to parents, and their mind* and moral
can b.- as w> 11 cultivated. Why not, then, givi
as a That i.> all wo ask. Competent Assis
tank* will be engaged whenever the number o
scholars require it. so that ample justire shall b<
done to all, at ail times.
As I am full)- persuaded that long vacations i<r<
injurious to the progress of children, my interims
sums will be short, and at such times as the itoari
of Visitors may think must advantageous to tin
interests of the Institution and the welfare of thi
As soon as the weather I>.-conics more pleasan
h large portion of the playtime will be devoted t<
the very beautiful and interesting exrroi.se of Mil
itar Tactics.
For i..e Lii.- isti branch* , .1 j*; monlh.
■ Pot the Classical **_3 “ “
/. ■ m «#, J uly till, 1 ■ I‘.
IJnitru t>I V iMlor*.
Cap . Alb* rt Pike, I!ev. Joshua F. Green,
Hob. T. \\ . N -wton, Mr. S. II. Tucker.
Hun. V>\ Ii. Sutton: Mr. W in. E. Woodruff.
Hon. F. W. Trap lull 4 lion. C. 1*. Bertrand,
Ho i. Haul. Rio ' , Hen. Absalom Fowler.
Littk Itm!. -h' . llffi July 1851.
W- . • ;c undersigned, having attended one or muri
of tin- examinations of the pupils of College Rom
Instil i*u , white under the control of Mr.J. K Lsm
er<;satisfied Uiat lie is a competent and faithfu
Tee r: and .u ho coo'emplaics opening aachoo
inji. s city, wo have no Hesitation in commendin
hiVto the ■ nifidence of parents and guardians, ii
general, whose patronage ho solicits; ami one ti
whom the education of their children, mental!;
and morally, may he safely intrusted.
Joshua F. Green, ^ Jar. Lawson,
F. VV. Trapuall, Hen. F. Daniey,
L). W. Carroll. L). J. Baldwin,
I’loclumutiou by the Governor.
N'ITHKitEAS, it has been madknown to in
t v tl it, on the lltii inst.. a ful murder w«
Coinm U«d in the county of Clark, upon the bod
of Semite! F. Gibbin*, by Jam-s C. Morgan am
lu< son Keul«n Morgan, who have fled from justice
and are now Tuning at large.
Now, therefore, 1, John R. Hampton, actin
Governor of the State of Arkansas, by virtue a
the authority in me vested, do hereby offer a re
ward of four hundred dollars for the appfoheTBioi
of tli said James C. and U< iben Morgan, (or tw
hundred dolla's for either of them and their de
livery to the Sheriff of Clark county, in order tha
justice in that]behalf may lie executed. “
In testimony whereof, 1 have hereto sc
., . . mv hand and caused Uie seal'ofsaid Sia
1 " *J to 1 • affixed, at Little Rock, on the Hit.
day of July A. D. 1851.
By the Governor,
I). B. GHr.Kit, Srr y of Stair,
I). - uptios—“ James C. Morgan is about fift
years of age, about 5 feet 1! inches high, ver
straight built, will weigh 180 lbs., round face
bald headed, grey * yes, light hair, his left leg an
foot shorter than the other, he speaks loud whe
in conversation.’’
“ lb-s n, Reuben Morgan is about 2J years <
age, about th- height of his father, an.! will weig
abo i‘ 1 *'"• : is., gray eyes, light hair, short un
dishe-l fared, speaks low and slow, the abov
, named Morgans came to t irk county las! sprin
,iuiu Giiachi' i county and have connections b,
im some where in that c einty, and they may b
i lurking about there.”
S r ATG Up A RHi t VS IS, <
Count) of Avijifc, y **'
•H. !i i'.r. t i our. .i While County mi th
Chancery side thereof, in vacation, July ill
; . A. Dm loo* .
Samui l CaruMiers, Gr. eu C. Caruthers, Jaun
Ji dins, and Jacmthu, his wife, and Jonu 1
Smalley and Mary Ann, his wife,
v.s. ‘ I’l tit im fur th.- it i sion of L imi,
Alien Caruthers, John Caro'iters. and Wiliiai
'pH l day come the complainants, by s ■ ,tt ,
| L MeCviiaUghey, their sieii-ilors. and lile the
petition herein, and an affidavit of the non resi
dene-- oi ihe defendants, the object and prayer t
! which petition islhe division'and partition (mrl
and • ,ually between all the parties interested a*
i cording to their ju>: proportions m and to the fol
lowilie lands, to »i.: Tne south-vast ijr. ol th
north-westqr. of section No. II — in acres; th
'■eith wester, td trie nofl h ■ wt-xt qf. of section N
! 11—10 acres: the north west qr. ot the south
wesi ijr. ot section No. -—to acres; and l a- ea
half -of ite- north east qr. of section. No. u>—8
acres, all in township No. nine ,‘J) uorlh ot th
base hue in range seven <; west of the tiff It prill
cipal meridian, containing in all two hundre
acres, and I >r the appointment of commissi ner>
to makesaul division, 4c. It is therefore otdere
that said defendants be notitied of the jtendenc
of this suit, by the publication of this order i
aitm*’ newspaper published in this Slate once
week for four weeks successively, the last inner
lion to be at least four weeks before the first da
of the next terra of pur said court, that unless th
said defendants be and appear here on or befor
the second day of the said nett terra, at a coni
to b- begun and holden at the court-house i
Searcy in the county of White aforesaid, ou.th
f.'irtli Monday in II)* ertbt i. iA. I). !s51, and
mur, plead :o, or answer sad c implaitiaots pet;
t; ci. Us- Min.- will lie taken a; confessed, and .
deer enteled aceordutgiv.
SAMI iil, MORGAN, Cirri-.
11 v R. S. Htu_, 1). C.
A 'nti cnpv irmo the r- .
Ai.Uf: SAMOA. MORfiAX, tier..
4*»—l>v. By K. :s. Belt, V. C.
Ll’ANTED. * j> rs hi (o ..n Cation ut ;an>
f f iw .‘ot'thrce Hit en l[*.:n l-inm.
J. lv 1H, l ' li—46—'iw. ut L. II. FuuaJiv.
ii.ir Broil.
I / I TON’S Bar, amt e rtreat ri*■ ty of other dt
lv' cup.uni* of Iran jart nrrmJ frr »,, ji«V
Hamburg, (now in the river below )
r sale at a redtfeed pric e from former, by
y I , ’61 IP'.-iW ELL M BEE
L. K. Foundry.
tV«. J. IVlLLOlMiin.
.1 it o r u t y and ('flunxriiar at Lav
HOT 8i*Ul.\GS, AUKtS.,
I S/ILL jpTt* puru.Sn.il attention to ail busines:
t » t iai usted |o his care, in any court of u*i.
or the auiooniiing cosin ties.
July 15, Ib.M.—45—ly.
Hal*! Slat*!! Hat*!!!
Caw« Paihioiiftkte Mlk Hal* ; (i IVoj. Wouldo.
-•mt :! f*..i Clolii Cap*. Krcrived »*r Fonltee am
for i>*i« by JOHN l). ADAMS.
i*S. II. fs tram boat L«Rcllu(.
T«li|* Female ffetniiiarjr.
' rrM!r ttmiMi Qf.tbe »<*xt sewikin of tins iprti
I tutiMl, irUJ conuncuse un fkejiraf MwitU'j tn
■ Ai’.'utt, fed clo«e am the l*rt Friday in Detottbef.
t' Having born elected to take charge of the Sen*
* amry, by a very (Uttering vole or the Board of
. Uua; bans, the Principal embark* m the cauao of
■ dd oration, with the determination to via taccess
> V ‘ir*rrc\ng it. Of its locality, it is only oeeesaa
i ry to sty thal, from the health and moral chart-f
iber of the neighborhood, as well as it* remoteness
. j fr: in *i-a» of dissipation, the Ridge teems des
tined by Nature lobe, what its intelligent and en
, letpii-Mitg citiieos are resolved to make it, fir “Rd
: ticafionat Nursery ” of Arkansas, for the youth of
both *tv«.
In p.i renting the claims of the Seminary, at this
! time, to the public roitsidcratiop, it affords the
Principal pleasure tit at . Ik u li a sum
M. K. lltiHtElL thy pf" it acx,Biip:,.si
I Teacher of Music, be has cngKgmt the nervirog of
a Lady Graduate of-U1* " Patapvco Ttraale 8ei.it
j miry,” s'. Ellicott's Mills, neat Baltimore, os Vice
Principal, who will endeavor to teach Tulip by
J the f o,n:uenPeuient of the session, without fail.—
' As the .Seminary increase*. addittonal Assistants
will hr- procured without delay, thus offering at
i all times a complete Faculty as an inducement to
a!, who wish to educate their daughters.
Kates of Tuition lor a Session ot 12 weeks.
Primary Department, BIO 00
j Academic “ IA W
1 Collegial “ Enrhsb Course. SO 00
“ Larin. French. Spanish and Italian, 2A On
j Musical—Piano; (lunar or Harp, SS 00
j 1 se of instrument for practising, - (Mi
! Ornamental work, Neecie work, plain or
fancy, 5 Oil
Drawing or Painting, i0 (m
Matriculation fee, t 00
Hoarding, including washing, fuel, lights. A c.,
r can be procured in the mo.it rpsjiectable families
j of the state, residing from i to 1 mile of the Senii
! nary buildings, at 9in per month.
B. J. BORDEN, Prmd/wl.
Tulip, July \f>, 1851. 4-V-.')w.
American and Foreign Agency.
City of Washisotom.
UNDER the direction of AARON HAIGHT
TALVF.R of New York, and WORTH
i IMGTOAi SNFTHFM of New Orleans, Attor
| ncyaand Counsellors of the Supreme Court of the
United States.
| This establishment is formed for the following
] objects:
t. For practicing law in the Supreme Court of
the United Statijs, and conducting professional
business lie fore Congress.
1. For the prosecution and recovery of all claims,
in law oi equity, against the United States be for,
! Congress or the Executive Departments, or against
; foreign Governments before Boards of Comrni.i
• sioners.
:i. For t^e settlement of accounts with the
| Stnt«vTreasury, War, Navy, Post Office, and in
! lerior Departments, and obLiiaing the remission of
fines, penalties, and forfeitures, fir alleged viola
tions of the revenue, post otfice, or other laws.
■1. For sc - nring letters patent for invention • from
I the United States or from foreign Government. , and
, j procuring land warrants and (tensions under tbei
various j, nsion laws of the United States.
,, 5. For c-dlections generally, embracing debts.
; | legacies, and inheritances, in the United Slat,
aud foreign countres.
: 'j. Fo- the purchase and sale of lands in any of
, the Status or Territories of the Union, and loaning
! moneys on mortgage of real estate lying therein.
7. For investment of funds in United States and
■hate storks an i loans, collection of the dividends
thereon, and, generally, for the transaction of all
business pertaining to a law, loan, and banking
All cnmmnnicati ns addressed, post paid, to
Messrs. Palmer A -in then, American and l1,,:. gn
• Ai uey, city of Washington, will receive prompt
I I and faithful attention.
Oifi ■ \ i. 5 Carroll Plact, Capitol Hill.
r( July 15—15—ly.
> MVrtOXIi:.
Western filar I.oiIy - No. 3 meets Act \I mdir niglit in
r ev-ry tteuilh I,. E. IINKIIEU, VV. M.
A. J. Hi tt, Her.
i Union I'.i.i.ui-r No. 3 aoeu non Mid Miodu nighi in
1 each month. K. 11. E X IK, IU H, ||. |‘.
• A. tV. \Va**,f*ne.
I. il. II. F.
Far IVeet le-d? ' Sn. 1 meet- rv -r AaturiJ.ii- niatit.
! R. Uta -Y, stec. J. A. IIEVKY, N. fi.
A r kit tom. EiicnnitHiiciii Vn. 3 nineti. ov-ry tir-l an : : .ird
\ Ttiurndav night in cadi month- IV. VV. ADAVIS, I’. 1'
f | li. V. 11 r\v, Sur tic.
. i l.ittl i ::- -k'Ti-mpI- if Honor \ •. A meets ever, Puc- tav
■ : ruiht WM. f. POPE, vV.i . T, '
J Jii. iHMUrs, W. R.
Tin-ig.-3r.-e T,-ui(»ie met-fct ,omi monthly.
ii ikk.v Mni.
11 The Great Wholemln Clothing House.
.Vo. I’i9 Wir’-el Street, tnr South-Hut earner of
Fourth Street, l,h'laJelphia.
’PilE proprietors of ties Oi.o Ritasusheii Fvxm
l iic.ni.E Clothiso Stouk, art- now maaufac
i tiring Lie largest, best asserted, anti most Fash
ioaabiy _•»; up stock of Sup- rior Clothing for the
Fa i and Winter trade, that has ever been ottered
'' to the notice of Wholesale buyers.
II irkoess & Sor. respectfully invite the atten
tion o: Merchants and Dealers, confident that their
stock ii Clot bin.' will be found expressly an ipietl
i to th ■ re juireinents of the Southern uini Western
uiiirkets, while their prices will convince intend
ing purchasers that their Estu 'lishtnent office rs cv
1 ! traoriiiuary inducements.
TAKE NOTICE!—Darkness A Sou’s Clothing
1 . Store is a large Five Story Hrirk Building, situated
‘ on the .South-East corner of Fourth ami Market
, ~>Ls . Philadelphia.
N. It. Loss o.u f>r the largest Dili Block Lct
' I ter Signs in the United States and read—
'! 41—iin. DARKNESS & SON.
I.itllt* Kort. foundry.
^*HEET Copper and Zm; ; tf.,< »rt- 1 Wire ; Pn
O ten L,nds. ass irte-1, a superior article, fir
: J ciicrs and Cabinet maker's use.
>j For sale by ROSWELL UEBEE.
CmH pu‘l ftpolletttingt, bruit, copper m i : nee.
- j July s, 1851—11.
tty J. VV. TAFPE,
Litti.k Km a, .Mats Sratvir m.i.nw Mimhiu.
I CsT received
♦ I CirontM a
: cn-rX;
per S. B.
fresh supply
of pun and selected Drugs,
Also fresh Congress IVu
ter, SrUt.tr Aperient, Fee
ftt tteriei, t{<'.
Constantly on hand all ^
pop liar Fuimt Mniirmn,
Vte uirait, (hit, i’u.ntt, ’jj_ W y '
Win nr (Hjtt, OurJrn v'si'‘;tat-u,e!\'
SetJt, tl tut >\ Jjujuw * for J ’ osyfg'V'
Medical use, tic., ail ol
which will l*e sold for cash, as low as they can be
!■ i :M,t in New Orleans.
Country Physicians and dealers will find it
Ir.eit interest alter having examined elsewhere t >
y.ve me also, a call. -
gj’Prescription* carefully put up.
Little Rock, July 1, 1851. 4 1—
■Sfliool Books!
1 HAVE just received a supply of School Book ,
among which are the following:
I «i *i. E< lecttc Spelling Book*;
2 “ Davis' Arithmetic;
1 “ Pike’*
2 " .Smiley’s “
1 “ English Readers;
, fl “ Goodrich's Readers No. I, 2 and 3;
5 “ Copy Uoo» ;
fi “ assorted Primers; ,
’dOOu Lite r Envelope.-.,
1 den. Missouri Harm .tests;
1 “ Southern “
A Ira—Paper, Pens, luk, At., Ac., all for **)*
cheap for cash, by A. J. HITT, ; Utu »tr. ,f.
• Mo* 14, IS5L 3H—
£*(\ HBLK. Whiskey;
\J\7 15 half bids. “
3 hhts. old Rye do. ;
' Rcc —.ved and for sale by
J.N'O. D. ADAMS, Struiubual ImtHtUng.
! .V..I/ ait, 1K01 — 39,
FftKft] iXnVH.kXVtolt
Itr on*«/ tJ»« (Aim and most M^ntU«
l.ompjmrs in the t'niteW Alains.
Tin: mmcTMX iistRorK mnn
or ii a a h'oku, ta%*.
Foil it* ttsuecl on the taest favorable tersts, Iff
VM. U. tVAlf1, tfr*t.
J«i» Mh, 1331.
Wtl ■‘-KiK V—*
Krw salt?
SO I; j.s, i. ii eQiwyrxnrati.
■;h, t£*l.
Xf.% 8. WAIT.
iToup! 3 lour!
liBL' 4 Ui< amtti Fionr. rtwe tnadt;
-<• " Lo.ii- ■• ••
Received t>.i» rJity and f-.r »»'«* bv
JNO. I). Al»AMS, ,Slrtuti. fan-tup.
JuTv 3. ;3St. ’ ' * 44—
I'ngtup f»?o;Spp.
\^J ANTED—A f -hi ! - - ' nn.! lire;. suits
Wo for a miinll ef>£*a.j .ii ah.ml .» ineji eylm
iii'r. <.**,!> with a •?an.', fir- frm .irvl '-rat«?-t.»K.
wilt l« (-«f. otikI. A|^>it to
Jh!t ■>. fattlf R-*r Foundry.
liMthcr! f .father! !
il4.Vi m w on ii-tnii a kandsocoein;of W iliitr,
«!-=>tss>«4:riji of
Sntr I’pper Leather. wl tiuck'kinr
lanni* '. For sale: !.) A. J. II>'TT,
July H, .V'lin «Vf,
VJ.L persons indebted to tin: uitderst^Bed,
whose notes and accounts arc now due, are
requested to call and FAY I P, irnmnLalrh); as 1
want to start to Sew York m a few days.
July 3th, 1353. /J4 —
luipui tdut tu rmuiers.
w w* > f «li the n?h*ft**nn
t»f Uh’ ,-?hW1ic In Ibe
tiUKV? of |t»*i<r
the r<“o*Vkahl*‘
and vtftHWofdtf
.4'iXw'Hf'C\ ERTONH
vtilii witicb «n. w
• >/H ar.. partita I ar
l~rfr* «.?*
14*4 i»» MU* ./Ml
* crv iih'mIi M
ekoutle. in from
Tin* is a iu*w k? *«t h» the \t iteri i M.-di- *, ami oil** whirl:
n pencot h.r.umiv with' tip* law-; **f l.fV-: pro/luriii; »n
.I’tih.i'im »t» the rireu! iu. u< of Ln*. wtlok? aevnqj
oi«vcti*> w «»n U«“»: rfit*
>1 \ I \s|*fi I sf; OF Lime,
Ifct'ru)) an i *ur- h : r. rtJarm* ;*n4 bprijin » »?rt t’Mrt h*r»n •
m*w»s» r rm^illoa • vhivfi efm?nt»w* fw*atib. whenever there ii
tin % >»'«* ' u^tiGi'.y »iUi r i or s*n rjd. it
SEtriJf.R VO Mils NOK I'l KGES
nor iin.T»r?tf - »*■•* »•»** »i fr *t ’«n- VV • t a,; s-vt
ro »» -y.>r . . o i?> - *;•'••t* p»4«* :.’m? *rr»l» vf by 15. l\ flv,
: :q . ;ft Ic»: r .‘Jh* l.t 1 i. f.n . Oft IT. I-V> fr» w
ti sav,. •
•*\ ,r K Im: »••!.*■* i> its.fi w .U W k'.J *riul
4'? !*' » t idfol t ~ L..t* r; v. i . ,iiiu,) il i.;u
t-ven uned. and in » ry <••*.->• it J*«- aeted I#k» a-m ir >*, a!
W4)a n f»“ t » |> *r- t h'*nhi-i »a from TWCJ
’* 1 • £Ti»H r ?!' >1 il>. As f*»‘ A* ifftv klwnvi. dre K*n»*, likTi'
u noth;;* i » tmijnro with it. IfrKts ->t» un? .siftAee,
Hie {♦‘0"*** •*: tin- ii*. «<j Mb'. tk« f rr^l of il»f
and l.V paiiiMjt tie* «J, »tVii ami g'lfs Iff he .vakr*, mtfl
14 watt, ariiJlj kiUWj ig wtlAi tmm; lti.ll. ii »x, tuapfiAlK1 ti
1> , Ui
iuMitn • *•: . t n irkaMf ntrtTif • pn.vuT-. h • tvifl i«l,i
n l'\t ... .-ti Ea Tift’iilUvr-iH '.ut-hT ihu-.’iv
*iUU; S.*rrt l^ kh • I
“i ’»tve imm ;i t it •■ 'i . 'rti JVtn: >j- I. a ; .t* it. i aM
i a VHn : oV V t- • t, i-% • I- |}« <. i|. .t.'-nj it
{K*rr>'*t ». —tM i in i'wmti Itvo t»* 1'tnr '?! iiys! I; thrr^lnr-?, tic
| «nt h' itan* m [n U;5uf it m» • v>* Ujc
Greitir-ni Usfovtries os t'.ie .ige.s
IV*• r’.ialii <■ «■ •.«»tU *•:' Ktit’J) . l » tKJ ;tn oc
lavo \ *ln:u- . 'mm ih • uitmifi tfe** Stk«m — •fOui (iIaaluin
pftjrsit :»»»*« %U‘i f'. If.. : ?/v*l ol'.Uir araclt »W :< t<* in.
i.«»i }»: »*»{, arwl ali «':** t •Htinmay we <ifrr*.
W* tjiiAi tnliu tt ill .til . ! - ; and «ti iul<t it fin I M au cuirt
nliMti nbal itt <?t l-^rtU iu !* >«-, tint couu wiii U; m
P*.- k—«il |fr nti'KV 1 .) cents por hnlf ounce;
ottneca for * hie ouol* nil- outain* etomiift lor from .
1 tn eight ca»f ', whk ii ren. t t:»c cheapest meUirine m tin
I world. It will save qun< i nijii to p«y |.>r itt»;|f tuor
tb.m tnrice ovt^r. w.tliotit f rardtnai ti*:; great taving of rtun
and sufft-xin
A li K-ral u. icuant will be mado to dealer*, aiui s.ties guur
\,;i • 2 rniuw*, wdlhont our /ac rinw/r . \v: h th
lik«*nens. aut'ioruy uA<l signature iaa^w Sj}**vd •*;* the on
v. Kip. with itxune ••blown” in U*«e Vtal.
i ’AIT rfi >N. — Wo wish ti»e {niahe to fie fwrik'u ir «-.<».• ?i*>it
n n to purchase fjjiy lljia^ |« i-{ *rting to b- Klertru ai K«bri
lu^e. nttle^s h^nria* tin; ahot marks of tiPimii.c"+■■*». \V.
ii in ihew? r uiatkr called lor. in < onsaqueftec of ^ r<oci
:pon by c«».intio:l‘it>., pr< tended i. ish .s
A. .. -vhiWi, if .. .1 are, fisay Oi - h?r .. iMireuit i
i tisutg -;oo^.
y >r .*di< u;.' Itrug^it? ' ami J^ider* ft*nerally thmu^hont th<
A. ivl.XIlAbb «k •* ’ f.j fchd-t i’l.io. i. t»if.
| ia lit: \\\u’.:r.\\ j <. .»>i»;> ;■■. .. (|Ua:,
til V , - ;»ro,.ri • 'b. r u ;r-.. i ,.-.. . .
- ; i • r i • >. V|;:ii:: *i.> l>, «iw-i s .»1» hrti, .. «!: .}*«
ssiV and ret ».i. at ©Uf depot. 1.! >1 rti^ei, \cw i »r
i k*.ui
|>’ .r sale, wa <! - ..•!•• or retail, in I.it; U ».*k, at tin* X«v
Dm* St‘re, bv
Tlk»S. BbTIUttWOBTH, A vnt
for tfu? ruate
4*ii —
i July I, lHa 1.
for Dyspepsia.
Prepared from ll»e fourth Aiotnuoh of iJ»p ox
THE tr.Hs k*in£h\i\i? Fini
or IJljU-ry pntpiw*
frt*u lit-uui*n or lire ±tan
twm inr?«i by Ld
toe gre-U j*ia
huI. fM r. H “ij-.iio*,
M. u.t ‘ U M NoaliEi* a
kJrAffi, I'riDiw! dftfis, rh<* >n
1.* jie fimf pet'.tKi
i. /ii r* !;. *' ! »■ | i j. '. <’*•» • (. » • i .1 . •• r«» ,J
r<l.! » '.Ml lie,*'! ! . v . i . t '. . .;v
tut Min'd* by \ \' ;r * •• ¥ a/-ut, the •m-im: J* •*•. (t t>,
ei rf iJM ;trex of »»D • <u «•?»«.N*r.t, n« it UK
:>••:.< . ill! ! «
** : •»*{.* • ' i* * t iT* I. .•!<«'( -\ v. •;*
*0,1. -
iT9*t or «.
o».ii i th« utoia'ie
S. lENTinr Hv
'vori< i >4 ^.;^i« ‘»
uua1^4*nil. *.»i i<- ii
the muiWi' him/i'm
\aniMi* arUri»,*ii ftT
*hr»*4, HMh
wiwil.i !. i-i!u». .
Dr. I* r in. iii ♦it- t 'tin -
,Ib. F.*vrti-t fit Will
3T«**t farr„ .mi
.* nr • fffw tuiflter uiOKtri
in !»:* Viflujld
r * be
nt au.*huur

» i.i U‘#or}.»»
ii, f»v r <*.DIy ,,
#f tii * »n wh
• t.»
irreiiie* w< »w food a i i D; »:,*
. \ w V or a , ji •£« »t>, r ti
K-ji o'* pre'iar.u. m
je< tow* Dr.
writing >>u U.»* v*
i (tiftuuurem of «ii? do- q jantit]
oi ti;' ti.wirir- Juic.5, w 4 pr*..iu,!«»•. ,»« 1 .tli pr.'V.viin^
u,’ ^42*;*’ H>ni he i*i» •• tf».»l J ,oy.»i
Oi* merliin l.artdoit. w « * e4*rtr|v .irtli.’t'M'wito
• ini tint, Aikiiog evr.:y tuing eiv t j ..ut. l»*.l r-roai >,* ♦ . t|»,
t.rtMrte Juiep. mOuow >1 »Vom the ¥t.vn v f>v an imng amui^D
pr*:%e<1 civ*»jj»rtiy »u
l»r. (.raiiaai, wtlNV Of the I^.huhix on *-V>f*-uit»h
I-’iet,’* AN*: “It >* !% r*unark%bK taci in . i/tJn
i«* »in;*«*h o; amnion. mneemUfi m wat i. im.wrt* !•> th* ftuu
tin* property of duen*lv .-ng v^uioj^ luuHe* to aini o. ei
tvri un .» kuait of i%rt:fic44l oi Ujeuu iw j.w vv*. .* 4u
lurrnf ir ».n the natural digewUW pi x
Dr Vinous ar^Ht ‘A’*»pk, ‘“ITw t’n mi^try <;f
X HUuvharrf. PhirttMpbi*, pp .UI v*. -av*.: -
eo* •*! v of IVjteou f,»r*u. a u• 'tr vra lie » ;«uval hisiocy *«
fro i» r>'cvilt exptift.OHiU-, We kuti.v UtuC. ImhJ t
ftn rapidhrbtfcA ertifirial . fUn
fr»-.» P «» it i-i m u.*v tulux.U li.i.-tiir -'ij.'
t*r * •>•<'»» of fa** Ji ii- r**M 1 41
■‘ii l O'.
piii?i, m h».. grr.r.S
more t‘rm fli^* fnjw t » vi -aiii . i ii
e\;« r.?TKi,j> wjiii Dr 8 iu •**
ft? IrOiil th .* I»X ii** tiU It ••. •!•» U,|
well «i!l’*V Ii “la nil (■
m I* -r:- r*v in th ■ v-r-eui m . ; -
For ftjrfher proof:• ‘ . • unrniS’.
ry, t *il a: .* 1 Ui\/.i\i: Hf ■ >
*h % : A. i\ £
l'i»> si-H-h!} . ' tie
’.-1 thh »tni» ec L. H<
tii <i i.-ira. oh
fr-Ml :»iUO*»jU,*r
*• i roc
or retail, in
ni.L .
*i a >.> ui
> w
BGLH KU' - HUE!.' WHJSKKY, (fC.ivr,
ll. i. .Uj- j-ri “0*11. »r.-- ,* Hull. I »jle by
JUU X ii. Ai-.V .VIS,
>.• -i, I'.l. >; . Ii tul J.ti’tUtHf'
laOWetln' I/tUclU!!
r> (t EiVkD th:* *1" ;>••: i ., r E> n/»-.
*• : ; II >'; I nil.. I - * t I l.r.
GttK>; fiuitcUj. firt t . >tu Il.'uii, ; J»aa S. Appi) h
J u uc 91 h, i ■
i. urrr.
Mm it nirrtt
JXilU : Vi i t!:
Rt.r *J p-! >•■ ! . f 1: 1 1j.,v:
*d(’ k* Nai!.
An ’ fur vi l«. A. J. HUTT.
JlXT.r- |n- . - -
J ii-i Steeeiv ed.
PEK slesm r - R. H. Lee,*' d rect froai Cin
riana i.
5 bar.irth oki M *ti:n>sf.iiH!.a W E iaki'y;
& do. U)*1 Wltii««rir;
5 do. oW BonrlxMi Whttkey.
For site i&Mp, by M. TA.NT1.
Steamboat I mJbug
Mtwu mti CM and Mr.oidvt*. i
THE autaertbcr ha* Jn»t received awl i
in now ofwmhe »« entire New MUWk »f »
Inaper***! IWI iW A Ml' tfSPtOMSSi
ari.tf'h Are warranted freahA'K* '
err. mm et waones. calomel, ««?,•
“ OiL, part-. BLUE PILL, Ac. Ac,
Lmlrvim; Jaynes' Paon’v Medic ue». y*flyr*rt*i.
Lee'* PiiRt: ftpettrei**'dn.i'WVwM’i <f&- P»r»' •
P*iri Killer; Steuben*1 As/iUgei!! Sytap: Wrrtar*'
Babterm Wild Cherry, Ar Ac.
Sm,’. 7V'(\ar»i:\:', anH HufTt Sw^eritie.
B. A. Fahnestock, IVadMat, ami America* Ver
Bine Lick W»lrr*~fVifttr»,aatyriir! va ster. j
Finds, <%t/g’-ftvf. Wix-hstGfto»». A " »VC
J Country Pfi*aiei*ns are retiuestsd toot am, IK the j
l qualrfy of my rVues, Ac., before piirrha-in-r rise- -
; where.
j t/’ P*e»eripti«ms *c: t« yrei.f compounded.
-Vrrr Drug Si irt, c-en-e of \I<I n j
an ! W n'khwt Hiroolf. ,
LrrT' r Ror*. June lift. 11*1.
Tobacco! Tobacco!!
R BCD per. Steamer Tmater 1531 in*. cheap
i Tobacco. Ami for rale bv,
| June i,',-ish1-51,
Slar Sforrt*.'
American M’. :
1CASK old Brandy : 3 ck*. Aran
2eks. Mader a Wine: 1 bbf. Cherry Bounce ;(
j ■ bids. old B i'bVV’.h'skrv: l " Rum:
11 " “five <• i >* oM Port Wme:!
1 •• “ Muscat Wine: I Malay*.
Uecrjyed and for sale bv
3un C5, ISM—il) Stnsmhmt limiting.
O BOXES Extra chewing Tobacco j
• # ti •• com. Pound Lump “
2 •* A,
Received Una day and hxr salt by
JNu. D. ADAM’,,
June iso 1—40. Sltiiui!mat Landing.
B 'i s-. amer Emily i have just received aildi
offer for sail- .
■VOBarrels Super Pine Flour;
2 *■ Rye WItiskcy:
Is Boms Assorted Toharro;
itt “ Lemon Syrup:
S *• Candy;
** 1 Haro ’ English Filberts;
10 “ Air-. M. TANTI.
Lower Ste nnboat Lauding.
April 7. li.il.—til—tl
!,i«int>rs ami Winfy,
I ,*r CASKS Bra- i•., Cl pr.Hil,
j *) - ** M t .**« d V> u»c;
! ** Pott Wen:*;
2H.»Fk*?ts t j IVmr, on ct>iis.£uii***wf
’ tg»*i lot t-iile »ov*.
I), 'whi r 17, 1*50. ] i>
Coffer, vnisac, Ac.
JUhT r*Hiv ivcii }>cr t*(-;uner IVtiuywit J
*!■> «<»ck^ K'i<> Cotfe*.* ;
l*U. da;
•I bla. MueiAdM;
ti bait bb!*» Molif^S;
SiJ NHfks Salt.
Aud for unit* by
March 2#—tf.
Light Draught Steamer
Ilavinx- be<»« tliorou.',;v repair,,I aryl .unji- -ted;!
bus ir.aai. : ‘u-r s i;, n in * be Itiv, H",i « ,|i ,-„n
- iiuue to run to and fans
Xnpalcm, h iHock, I a/i Hurtn and Furl Smith,
aSsending to Fori Oibsonas oflefTas the w ater will |
pennit. Shijif, rs arid travelers taav d, :>e:id on •
this Eiat for care, speed and aceorniBodai :ou.
Janas IIiismxu, Ks,j.. Nnpoieoo.
T. D. Mvrrick & Co.. Little Rock.
Bi.vm.tt \S Vt’xi.Tv',, Fort Smith.
May 20. ISftl.
V *• ii.i. Li’Vf't*, orit'uu*:
HAVE constantly on tuud a jf» nernl anti w«*H I
. selected u- MfiitirHi ol iiuti Kmiey
f«roc*rtt*'« ft c i.ujugrs ami Wines, Procitumt,
flic, file <
111 addition tu the article* usually found in u j

Drug*, imti Dyes. letter and »'up i'upcr, ih4)sngj
Care*, Aic. &c
rii«*ir «»"i \ii ; »* to *•*!! guod uiiti treah article#,
*ud niwuvs il f Ilf’ MHi A K'l' f tilL'LS 1 heir
facdiffe* ! *r with their «ii)i?ri«ue9 in th# !
Ark»«iiH;tp ir.iut*. ’*i»u tb»*»r kuowitidi’c <»l the want* i
of that section, they think w»:i au»!»ia them ut ait
times »u fill, «4ti*;.»etonly. *uch orders a* they mi »y
lye f vure.l with.
Jau. 1. 1 fcil. l-y.
Llifi OiS.
• Wiiwiufv ; il Bhi# t,*t*J}
BBLH. 0*4 Boar »»» a t ., i
tj Mouonj[*h*U VV ij.aiiay ; 20 tiuU. Bruno 014
W(ii»fc«y ; 2*) half do. do*
4 HbU. Fr*ucfti Broody ;
2 t’awk* O! : Cognac Braudy;
2 rio Madeira Wiu« ;
2 Cask* Mutcil W too;
2 do. .Malaga do.
1 ill; Kbl Cherry Bounce;
1 BbJ.Gin. Received per Trut
t **, auJ for •«!« by JOHN D ADAMS,
Fob IX. 1®$I Steamboat Lauding.
4m rdcvrki.
^ T Sack* Slit ; 1-3 Hack* Coffee; 15 Bbl«. Sugar;
i •) l BVil Bordered >ucr*r ; H» Bbt* m»d half
BbJa. Mofaege* ; 1 Tiere* Uie* Raiaiua, Cheeatt,
VermicUli, Macaroni, Swoel Choeai*t«, Lob*tera,
ton Btoiv
Mick* A ; , vV, . Htf€«*fv»d r^r Pontiac* and for
*a m by J DIN D. A DA j
Fei>. M, 1^)1* Steam boat Landing.
!. Hrirnxioue. I'igara, Sp'tii»«li Brown. It«i- j
nr* Whiling, Bri'GolJBxick. Emery, Letup .
i. fjttors untt t'tour.
•«•<?* t<v ■>*.■! by i.tuw Him. burg:
•t Half BW*. <1,.
■* BH’. Bart«,ii Whiskey.
%i libls, Flow.
Is* iitiis. Petal
F,>. sale cheap* b
jf. TA.VTI.
|TL<H !i
1> itm
B.U (tS
:r . ■ ■ r.: „ . , ’fauna*
Hist* Cleat
“ 5 *» U,at- <1 i:
•■ * T-.«•»* r-.:»a S’j.'t,! CmvsJ Hum*.
I’uUK—1" Hi ' !s Mry. :
Si < .'Vit—' Hftiis , -
I iibi, Wutc.
CA N .'LB-S—■ Quatu ■ S-1, ,
NAli-S—») Kv>> i. ■ ty s </.
ir : t.'i'x'U a,«tl tor ... \>y
-i. ~i* VVM. H. WAIT.
SlfBtH Gneinr.
0.\'i. 7 mci. cylinder and
Bi inOiattoke. Foj *»<* l>v
Jttl) 8, liftl—J4. at [jllte Hock Fmindry.
Tltile 1% anted.
\\r ANTED— A first i.tr Male, to matek one 1
▼ v havt —price not to excet^l $200.
July lil5i—44,
kj dtter daeni
aueh pvrp
u»H***rnt*t thl <^e ,
nwi antfwcli adapted Ur
p)e«ftW»Bt«#. 7 '
July A UNM.
riO^ffliTTiU u. Uvr Jau of IN0J*
V/ «W«tT. • i*tnbi1W<«inon, »»»**««»
mu**' is JACK. that he Hftoeyr* toThow**
Mock. of Mtwrecrill#, Ui*»fniRH, «Md b<y
« afcntt St yaw* «M. bd*»it aa»k>». *•*
in the edge of ht* iwtr. '■ »w«i by
'noks white. Mack f«*l
!. *h: had on stript-tl kmefj pOntaKdtn*
fist. " ■ ft >*. l**ri.lHN,
fRnrrif of I kii&a cmmtf.
■ <»-- . ooi. »*Am A .... --
iMf«: tint* i i
J’l>"T reer .red, a She lot of H»t*.
which «o* ♦ho "H*:
2 cane* fine f«*h. Silk
2 «• - - H»«;
2 •*.. >.< Caaumro "
f> " • •• Kvscp
a •< •• iw,
1 '• Pearl takm **
2 doc *’ Panama **.
2 •• •* fci#h<wn
1 •• boy*’ iw Litton. '*
i •• infanta’ Straw " 1
13 " Pclra Leaf "*
And for n\t i.y A- 3. Hl*TT.
M-v 1*. is.fi!.
RiRi wu iftirniis Aifia PioUi.
For Pirn* Bln If, tMWr Rock, Van Uni
Fort Himiii, Fori Oihsun. and all lal«r»
intdialo t. indmew. “•*
THE Staunch and litffif-drai.jW
JOHN BOX. IB will run, diiriiiffjhV jtWf
»« a regular Pnekrl firotrt N*W Ortfirna, I
the above landing*-.. Ariel a’tewriww rriW bo paid
to plmtatioB bn«iB»s«, amt all order* proinpHy at
tend'd to.
Lint Rock Jon. 3. WWI WMf. '
FRFSn [)fi(«s
■ir*T RF.CF.tVCD
fif fififr »is!>«crihor ia ecmrtwtjtly rowel
1 Tingef'.,Tr> New York, a gwnnina
aanortmont of Dmt«, Mrtfainn, ©Mmf
m.'i. l''T''"m-ry. Ramu, Dili. !*oo
Slofi'o, 6ft., fee Alan—Patent SCorfi
‘•ine* among which are. I)r 'J'ntrlorV Balaam of
! Irene art; .iayoes’ E*|»eol«r»ii|; Indian Ponaeakt
Dailey > Prill Extractor; Maya’suit Hewe*’Lltll
nn nt. Lmhi’« is trengt helling Planter; KmnatncfcV
Vermifuge; MelTait’a Phrron Bill rearut Vageto
tile Life rilla; Hartholome*’* Kx|»eetoianl; Snlioh’f
Vf.siloiae*; fMdrhlue’a Balm af Calninhia Car tfwa
Hair; Woleh'a MnUeameuInm. *
Alt of which will be aatrl tow lornaI
R I.. DDDGE.Afa.iAamat,
Lillie P.tt-k, M4H.
Proclamation of the Governor.
\\l iit.i.i-.AS* Ail .K-i Hi U«! IjrlK BI Asmilbly
t > of the state M Airiutmnis ratitied, ”An act
l x > irsetmn of hm KcfMMMi
to ili«-1 'oagrmul «d the United States, (ltd to
Ihu tune of Itoldra* at hot elM'ioon," ap
j>r<>Vr<l January 11th, 1*41. provaiea IM«| Um
liry; Mir to.- in A dcuat. embteen handled and fifty*
nr**, tti'Ov* vba l Wan ejuwmti opened and 4*14 in
< township .a ;tie m' vithi I'o iti'K-N in this Slate
no 11 - * ctcminn of one membt t of tin- Hons.* of Rep
*e • n’nttv*-« of ihc Tlnriv •*•*«<) t. umerews. «i ihc
I licit St.rtt.. met that «atd election shell be open
til. hefei. ft»:l fu all teauvdl* <■•» \i«h-! *• din law
provides fur holding and eonduetinr jf-mol eft*r
ih*n■«r amt wh ea-t, bv section one .if «n net rnti
lint " Au act liy repeal tfee ballot, imi revive the
I-ir» re.-r system of voting,'* approved NmemUrr
V9th. tS-Vi, it is provided, “That the mi«te of vot
m' at all neutral and other eiectmrtr-toUjoriaed
by the Constitution amt laws of this Mare, shall
hi- fimi nere; arid ttial So much of chapter stxiy-omt
ol the Digest of the Statutes; of Arkansas, under Uaa
title. *• elections,’* as app!n*a delusively to the
I*aib4 iuoiIc of voting U> aiul the sajnou> hwoby
ref* a fed.”
Now, 1 here fore I, John ftdden Roane, Governor
of Hit’ State of Arkansas, do hereby make known
that m accordance with law, ah election wilt he
held on the first Monday in August, 1891, ,betn*
the fourth day oi said m all at i-ardi amt every
place of voting ai yeneraf elections in ,-iR of the
fifty three coniines of tins State, Tot one member
of fie House of ft.firoacntatmw of *h* fhitty-sec
nrwl ('onirfes* of:lie 1 ruled States; and ttre ^Oiitriffii
oi the * •rerat counties of this SI*?" arc hereby re
quired to (rive d notice t|f thee1 retire) abirraat#,
end to cause -ame to neop ied, held and
coiHl’tered in ?< .rdanee nub la t ■ and the Sher
ifl* of the (• uitiea of I Im »i, Desha, .Vrkanaaa,
Jefferson, Drew, Atthiey, Bradley, CaUtonn, Dallaa
and Hot Spring, whi/ h C'Hrnt es compose the aee
ond judicial cirenlt of t V- Btate of Arkansas,' are
hereby required fn fa*>*i to be held In theft rea
jR-elive counties on tire Make day as that for Rep
ins' aletiv*. l ie jR-Hijn f ra jtrngedf sai l Circuit,
to 8111»,e . mry caused by the resignation of
Jo*iak Goald. ; e
la testuu; ic wbenwl', 1 have hetne
»nt" set my band and caused the
;l. i. si ai of tm hereof ATiradesstobeaf
facd in tie" epynf Utttc ltutlhir
‘ knusas, tU» J? nay of Wav i.». llldi.
By the G. ve.uer JOHN S. RUAN'B.
i'lvm B. 'latitK, m*frej4trn iij
May Zbji, 1 *50. jc-tflr
■ »arcm.'aml'** » •
A. * %K1\ »». 1). s.
Ain.. hM IUM)
I T pjftunneuU} iii tattle R^i k.
U ..xii in tbc practice **i
! «'«r ' r vjt yearn, ant! fvcin confident in the
»**?»*'• to ■’ ** enure tatudaeOun w »v&u of tfcift
• n;u:i iiity .g _inay_ii«i<l <.14 iarvic.*.
(•‘. --. ''I'; [ft ilag a 4 I’.wtaac*. *ri»! lx notified of
1 ab Irma u;.v' - wU-t&'iu 4i-«c« ;» iluoujj*
!(.*• n-MCia t( .1*4
‘I f>: ail t ■ #t .i -if Lviuaian* streut, bra
«U*>fa ho'jlh oi ihd laodcnce of Judge iiisjuah.
Lurie Hock, .May JT, l J-St. IS-it.
A otice ik Hereby tiiua.
rpo ali tho»i- who *re in arrears fbr interest dpe
.1 on ilieir purchase* of a por'on of Hut ifith
•cctMjn* in T 1 S'. 11 W. and T l. S. R. & W.,
io «iik.e payment* To the oounly Tr«ai»»infr on or
I« fate lire firat day of the July term of (lie County
of the certificate* of the wi«Mi amount*
will be placed ttt the hand* of the Attorney (Jen
era! fox collection.
». F. OWgJf, Jml,.' 4 c. C.
Oat. 4 Iie.uwrat publish two weeks and pre
'ta! their accounU \o the foamy Court far my*
toctif. ' 4Ww‘'rl'i
Little ftuak, June 17, laftj. 4Im8w.
We are |itii))*on Hand?
SHOE*, made order; fto.ooo split Lath* ttm
ready for sale;
. \ *'>“d Waxona;
C h \t *n nuule fix order}
Al«i ( V..net War,., and Bt j* oraiaj
Cafri.'i■ »•>; 8’nv.f lepwxcd am! trimmed,
o-' ' i f- »• my ?tor- win he attended ’a
l.rnmjiUy. H. B; ALLIS,
<'ottlrocTur itf Ark. Pen
Arkr. Penilentuury, June 17, 18-11.
tt>i^Vtt»onai*> and Ice t ream*
[ ■ ‘i' * o/ K<» . 6|. that
4. i h*.vv 4*-x a r. S MwiivMt v*k«£>
I *• 't and a r«! ,v. a of *>hrt,h
v. ‘11 !/•? a*t ih<’ lowest ,
Ice (I'raiu.
a H. . S o'oiuck la
II A.M. * * .
f! ki,< ami *J..»r to .>ir. Lincufn’* Booh Stole,
on Markham street.
Oi-j./.A-'*; Tt. KFXCHfc.
i n. *• Pi 1 > i. y,
l-’reuii Airrivnl*. . 44
| i-sr retailu>l. per C.t jue r •• 'i-.iBbsi*"
•J K* bayrci mui.:'.!.' t'LOLBf
-V “ I racket*f
20 ikit. LrPK.tr Syrup;
8 batch C«ady; : • -t «
H> Lane.s Brandy |
*0 uo. V, hwke>. *~ r- ti7 <* ,
For liale eheap, by
? s#t#
June ft, tftfti—w.
» TAUT;,
SH.-mim tmMg.-'

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